karlec | majoridiot, are you signed on? | 00:55 |
majoridiot | no | 00:55 |
karlec | :) | 00:55 |
karlec | I'll set up ssh | 00:56 |
majoridiot | karlec, did you get my pm? | 00:56 |
karlec | yes | 00:56 |
majoridiot | hm. i got no reply. | 00:56 |
karlec | I just got it now, So I figured I'd try this to answer | 00:57 |
majoridiot | k | 00:57 |
karlec | ssh is now set up. What do you need? | 00:58 |
majoridiot | pm | 00:58 |
majoridiot | me | 00:58 |
majoridiot | no pm? | 01:00 |
karlec | I just did | 01:00 |
majoridiot | hm. i got nothing here. | 01:00 |
majoridiot | you registered your nick? | 01:00 |
karlec | yes | 01:00 |
majoridiot | i replied to your ubuntu message | 01:01 |
majoridiot | i'm not getting your irc pms | 01:01 |
majoridiot | karlec, do you have another messenger application? | 01:02 |
majoridiot | karlec, ^^^ | 01:06 |
tgm4883_laptop | majoridiot, it would appear that karlec is not identified to services | 01:09 |
majoridiot | tgm4883, looks that way. | 01:09 |
slestak | oh, the us repos are slow today | 01:24 |
slestak | top | 01:30 |
slestak | sorry backspace appears to not be working | 01:30 |
linuxvacuum | hi anyone there? | 02:23 |
linuxvacuum | I have no sound in MythTV on Mythbuntu 8.04 :( | 02:23 |
tgelter | hey all, I've just installed mythbuntu 8.04. when I go to configure the backend, I am told that there are "No UPnP backends found", then when I go try to configure settings and connect, I'm told that it "cannot login to database" | 02:33 |
linuxvacuum | :( | 02:34 |
linuxvacuum | I have no sound in MythTV after upgrade | 02:34 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | I've tried to install mythbuntu on my pc (only hdd is SATA) but when I reboot all I get is "GRUB Loading stage1.5." and then it stops | 02:49 |
linuxvacuum | yeah 8.04 changed the hard drive names :( | 02:50 |
linuxvacuum | hda becomes sda | 02:50 |
linuxvacuum | oh | 02:50 |
linuxvacuum | is the drive bootable? | 02:50 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | I've tried installing grub at "(hd0)" (the default), "/dev/sda" and "/dev/sda0" | 02:50 |
linuxvacuum | reinstall grub | 02:50 |
linuxvacuum | root (hd0) | 02:51 |
linuxvacuum | setup (hd0) | 02:51 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | It's a brand new drive. ...it doesn't actually come up in the BIOS "auto scan IDE" or whatever | 02:51 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | is "hd0" == "/dev/sda" == "/dev/sda0"? | 02:52 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | (single partition) | 02:52 |
linuxvacuum | how did you install mythubuntu | 02:52 |
linuxvacuum | with the mythbuntu live cd or ubuntu live cd? | 02:52 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | mythbuntu live cd | 02:53 |
linuxvacuum | try fdisk /dev/sda | 02:53 |
linuxvacuum | to see if your partition | 02:53 |
linuxvacuum | is bootable | 02:53 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | how do you make it bootable if it's not? | 02:54 |
linuxvacuum | oops my mistake, try | 02:56 |
linuxvacuum | cfdisk /dev/sda | 02:56 |
linuxvacuum | cfdisk is more intuitive than fdisk | 02:56 |
linuxvacuum | or gparted if you have it | 02:56 |
linuxvacuum | yeah gparted | 02:56 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | perhaps I should not have chosen the "guided partition" option in the installation process? | 02:59 |
linuxvacuum | do you have one partition that fills your entire hard drive | 03:00 |
linuxvacuum | or you have a / and /boot partitions? | 03:00 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | I should be able to boot off a Ubuntu 7 live cd to get a shell and fix MythBuntu 8.04? | 03:01 |
linuxvacuum | yeah | 03:01 |
linuxvacuum | fix grub with a live cd | 03:01 |
tgelter | so, I run UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('mythtv') WHERE user='mythtv'; then FLUSH PRIVILEGES; and then try to log in to mysql w/ username mythtv and password mythtv, and it doesn't let me... | 03:02 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | Whatever "guided partitioning" did for me - when I go back through the install process I think it's trying to show a small (orange) boot partition - perhaps | 03:02 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | I selected the "Advanced" option at the confirmation stage and it asks where to install the boot loader - having gone through the guided partioning process I | 03:09 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | I am not sure which option to select | 03:09 |
MythbuntuGuest17 | is "root (hd0)" a grub command? | 03:09 |
tgelter | root (hd0,0) | 03:11 |
kirkland | tgelter: yes | 03:12 |
tgelter | http://pastebin.com/m50b3e658 | 03:12 |
sabhain | anyone know how to delete a storage group? where's that text file? | 03:26 |
sabhain | hmmm .. setting it back to the default seems to let me exit | 03:27 |
MythbuntuGuest70 | Any one else using the RF FireFly Remote with 8.04? | 04:41 |
MythbuntuGuest53 | hello | 05:03 |
MythbuntuGuest53 | anyone in here? | 05:05 |
tgm4883_laptop | yep | 05:11 |
linuxvacuum | I have no sound in MythTV after upgrade | 05:22 |
linuxvacuum | alsamixer is broken :( | 05:22 |
=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop | ||
rockhound | hi everyone ... I am fighting with a mythfronted which refuses to start upon login on 8.04 ... a manual start via run dialog works ... any idea on what I forgot to do? is there an autostart entry for xfce that I missed? | 07:50 |
rockhound | I guess just dumping it into .xsession would help | 07:53 |
superm1 | well the way it normally happens | 07:55 |
superm1 | is a symlink in ~/.config/autostart | 07:55 |
rockhound | superm1: will check this | 08:04 |
rockhound | don't have autostart ... tnx for the correct solution | 08:05 |
superm1 | rockhound, it's what mcc does for you when you setup the automatic login | 08:06 |
superm1 | it fixes the gdm conf and sets that symlink up | 08:06 |
rockhound | hmm ... tried using this option in mcc but it never happend | 08:07 |
superm1 | interesting | 08:09 |
superm1 | well that's something to file a bug on :) | 08:09 |
superm1 | there are lots of circumstances that can cause odd behaviors like that | 08:09 |
adc | hello, i would like to use my laptop as a mythtv frontend, but when i start mythfrontend i get connection timed out how can i solve this | 11:56 |
psicobra | hi all i was getting pretty bad performance when playing hd on my mythbuntu box so i brought what should have been a better card it gets higher frams in glxgears but video playback is much worse | 13:00 |
psicobra | any one hot core avc working yet? | 14:26 |
=== sabhain is now known as sabhain_ | ||
=== sabhain_ is now known as sabhain | ||
wilberfan | Hmmm...I just noticed I can no longer watch tv nor record tv... | 15:07 |
wilberfan | working great a couple of days ago (pre update?) | 15:08 |
wilberfan | tried a mythfilldatabase and reboot--but that didn't help | 15:09 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, do you happen to have phpmyadmin installed? | 15:21 |
mib_m0d340 | Hello all, I've got a question; I've got a PVR500 from hauppage. I love it and am trying to get its remote working. I use the mythbuntu control center to set it up and it doesn't seem to take. I even rebooted. | 15:25 |
wilberfan | foxbuntu, how do i confirm that's installed? | 15:27 |
mib_m0d340 | The 500 is a really great card all told, I recommend it. | 15:28 |
wilberfan | I have a -350, meself... | 15:28 |
wilberfan | the remote works--but now I can't watch or record tv! | 15:29 |
mib_m0d340 | Hooray! Well one out of two ain't bad! | 15:29 |
wilberfan | :P | 15:29 |
mib_m0d340 | Seriously though, have you tried to record with it outside of mythtv? | 15:30 |
mib_m0d340 | There is a test you can do to see if the tuner is working (configuring a tuner in mythtv can be confusing, the card might be working and just not set up) | 15:30 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, quickest way would be: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin | 15:30 |
wilberfan | mib_m0d340, everything worked great until a day or two ago? | 15:31 |
mib_m0d340 | cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test.mpg | 15:31 |
wilberfan | haven't changed anything--cept ran an update | 15:31 |
wilberfan | foxbuntu, let me do that now... | 15:31 |
mib_m0d340 | Run that, then ctrl-c to stop the output. | 15:31 |
mib_m0d340 | then open play the test.mpg | 15:31 |
wilberfan | ok standby... | 15:31 |
wilberfan | i'm installing phpmyadmin now.... | 15:33 |
wilberfan | should i be seeing output from that cat command? | 15:33 |
wilberfan | (the cursor is just sitting on the next line...) | 15:33 |
mib_m0d340 | hit ctrl-c | 15:33 |
mib_m0d340 | That stops it. | 15:34 |
mib_m0d340 | then play the /tmp/test.mpg in whatever media player you have handy. | 15:34 |
wilberfan | "contains no data" (which is what happened this morning when I tried to play back a recording I made last night...) | 15:35 |
mib_m0d340 | verify that you have a /dev/video0? | 15:36 |
wilberfan | i see one using nautilus, yeah... | 15:37 |
wilberfan | are the repos slow today? 10 more minutes to install phpmyadmin?? | 15:37 |
mib_m0d340 | and test.mpg is 0 bytes? | 15:37 |
wilberfan | mib_m0d340, yep | 15:37 |
wilberfan | could the card have unseated itself or something....?? | 15:38 |
wilberfan | :\ | 15:38 |
mib_m0d340 | It would be unlikely to show up on the file system if it unseated itself. | 15:39 |
mib_m0d340 | Did you update anything? | 15:39 |
wilberfan | good point | 15:39 |
mib_m0d340 | is it possible some ivtv driver version was replaced? | 15:39 |
wilberfan | yes, I did... a buttload of stuff that the update mgr said was avail... | 15:40 |
mib_m0d340 | Ah okay, and you've rebooted since I assume. | 15:40 |
wilberfan | yep...just before i came in here | 15:40 |
wilberfan | my phpmyadmin is asking me which web server to reconfigure automatically... | 15:40 |
mib_m0d340 | It's got to be related to the update. | 15:41 |
wilberfan | apache2? apache? apache-ssl -perl lighttpd? | 15:41 |
wilberfan | mib_m0d340, the timing would be right for that explanation... | 15:41 |
mib_m0d340 | I'd just go with apache2 | 15:41 |
wilberfan | foxbuntu, that php thing is installed now... | 15:42 |
wilberfan | mib_m0d340, how do you tell what it was in the update that borked things? and how do you fix it?? | 15:43 |
mib_m0d340 | That's the question | 15:48 |
mib_m0d340 | My suspicion is the ivtv driver isn't working for you. | 15:48 |
mib_m0d340 | If you want, you could supo apt-get install build-essential | 15:48 |
mib_m0d340 | And then build the latest ivtv drivers from source. | 15:49 |
wilberfan | yikes... | 15:49 |
wilberfan | would there be any log files anywhere that might point to...something illuminating (that might confirm the driver issue)? | 15:51 |
mib_m0d340 | Well, I think the 0byte video file is pretty damning. | 15:53 |
wilberfan | i notice that ivtv doesn't have a hardy repo listed yet... | 15:54 |
wilberfan | http://dl.ivtvdriver.org/ubuntu/ | 15:55 |
wilberfan | think the feisty one would work...? | 15:55 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, pretty sure the ivtv drivers are in the ubuntu main repos for hardy | 15:55 |
wilberfan | foxbuntu, isn't that where i would have gotten the update that borked things? | 15:56 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, open the phpmyadmin console in a browser http://your-backend/phpmyadmin | 15:56 |
wilberfan | k | 15:56 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, I run the ivtv drivers as well and haven't had any issues | 15:57 |
wilberfan | username, password? | 15:57 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, should be root and your MYSQL root password, if you didn't set one yet its blank | 15:58 |
wilberfan | yeah, that worked.... | 15:58 |
mib_m0d340 | if this cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test.mpg didn't give you a video file, I don't think any database work is going to resolve anything. | 15:59 |
foxbuntu | now on the left click on mythconverg | 15:59 |
foxbuntu | mib_m0d340, I didn't see that | 15:59 |
wilberfan | d'oh! | 15:59 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, pastebin your dmesg | grep ivtv | 16:00 |
wilberfan | what's the pastebin url again...? | 16:01 |
wilberfan | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10940/ | 16:01 |
wilberfan | "i2c hardware not found"? | 16:02 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, were you using 710 and upgraded to 8.04? or fresh build on 8.04? | 16:05 |
wilberfan | foxbuntu, fresh install of hardy last weekend... | 16:05 |
wilberfan | foxbuntu, did you see the part where I said everything was fine until an update yesterday or the day before? | 16:06 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, was there an ivtv update? | 16:06 |
foxbuntu | I havent looked in a couple of weeks | 16:06 |
wilberfan | no idea... there were 2 or 3 dozen things listed! | 16:06 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, I am researching...but in the mean time you could try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ivtv | 16:07 |
wilberfan | cool ('preciate the help!) | 16:07 |
wilberfan | "couldn't find package ivtv" | 16:08 |
wilberfan | :O | 16:08 |
mib_m0d340 | There you go | 16:09 |
mib_m0d340 | sudo apt-get update | 16:09 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, ^^ | 16:10 |
wilberfan | still can't find that package... | 16:10 |
wilberfan | did my sources list get screwed up?? | 16:10 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, I am researching...but in the mean time you could try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ivtv* | 16:11 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, that should do it, sorry I forgot that they are meta packages | 16:11 |
wilberfan | aaaaaaaaahhhh! | 16:11 |
wilberfan | ;) | 16:12 |
wilberfan | ok...about 16-dozen things are being installed... (50MB worth) | 16:12 |
wilberfan | only, us.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to be responding... | 16:13 |
wilberfan | (damn) | 16:13 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, just wait, sometimes that repo is slow to respond | 16:14 |
wilberfan | [pant-pant!] | 16:14 |
wilberfan | I've gotta leave in about 20 mins...and it's retreived 0 bytes so far! | 16:17 |
sabhain | us.archive.ubuntu.com is pretty bad IMHO .. times out too much. I used mx.archive.ubuntu.com for a CLI install and it pulled things in pretty quickly | 16:19 |
wilberfan | yeah...i'm looking for a good mirror right now... | 16:20 |
wilberfan | yeah...i'm looking for a good mirror right now... | 16:21 |
wilberfan | OK...NOW we're cookin'..... | 16:21 |
wilberfan | foxbuntu, ok, i've reinstalled all those ivtv packages... | 16:23 |
wilberfan | time for a reboot, or...? | 16:24 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, yeah, try a reboot | 16:24 |
wilberfan | ok....brb | 16:24 |
wilberfan | drat. still no live tv.... | 16:28 |
mib_m0d340 | try it: cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test.mpg | 16:28 |
wilberfan | nope. still a 0 byte file... | 16:30 |
mib_m0d340 | Yeah, that's the crucial problem. | 16:30 |
mib_m0d340 | That video card isn't working on it's most basic level. | 16:30 |
wilberfan | what does those "i2c hardware not found..." messages mean? | 16:32 |
wilberfan | ("do those") | 16:32 |
mib_m0d340 | I think it's trying to tell you it doesn't know what hardware it has. | 16:39 |
mib_m0d340 | lscpi | 16:39 |
mib_m0d340 | find out what the readout of that says for your TV card? | 16:39 |
mib_m0d340 | trying lspci | grep uner might give you what you want. | 16:45 |
wilberfan | that command doesn't display anything in the terminal.... | 16:46 |
mib_m0d340 | try lspci | 16:47 |
wilberfan | it shows a "multimedia video controller" or is that just the video card? | 16:48 |
mib_m0d340 | I think so | 16:48 |
mib_m0d340 | I think it's your video card. | 16:49 |
wilberfan | i wanna try something....brb | 16:49 |
mib_m0d340 | I'm not at my tivo box or I'd compare with you. | 16:49 |
wilberfan | ok, boys.... I fixed it.... | 16:54 |
mib_m0d340 | what was it? | 16:54 |
wilberfan | * I re-seated the hauupage card! * | 16:54 |
wilberfan | D ' O H !! | 16:54 |
wilberfan | [smacks forehead] | 16:55 |
wilberfan | [smacks mib_m0d340 's forehead] | 16:55 |
wilberfan | (lol) | 16:55 |
wilberfan | But i'm late for work....gotta rush... | 16:55 |
wilberfan | I seriously appreciate the hand-holding, though.... | 16:55 |
wilberfan | laters...! | 16:56 |
wilberfan | [bows to room] | 16:56 |
psicobra | hi all does any one know why disabling double buffer makes HD run better | 17:01 |
wilberfan | hey, mib_m0d340 in retrospect, what would have been a clue that my card needed to be reseated? | 17:17 |
wilberfan | (other than it not working!) | 17:17 |
mib_m0d340 | the lspci not listing it was the big one. | 17:19 |
wilberfan | mib_m0d340: yeah, now that i think about it...that's probably what made me want to try th at... | 17:19 |
mib_m0d340 | I suspected that might be it. | 17:19 |
wilberfan | do i get any points for thinking of it myself? ;) | 17:20 |
mib_m0d340 | unfortunetely on any given desktop, there will always be a /dev/video0 | 17:20 |
mib_m0d340 | yes you do. | 17:20 |
wilberfan | did you get your remote working yet? | 17:20 |
mib_m0d340 | And you win a working PVR! | 17:20 |
mib_m0d340 | Congratulations. | 17:20 |
wilberfan | yaaay! | 17:20 |
wilberfan | mib_m0d340: no working remote yet? | 17:24 |
mib_m0d340 | Nope, I was wondering if someone had experience with the 500 | 17:33 |
mib_m0d340 | I'm at work so I can't test anything live; but I was thinking it had to be something simple. | 17:34 |
mib_m0d340 | Everything else works so damn well. | 17:34 |
wilberfan | i've had a LITTLE trouble with my 350 remote...but it's always been fairly easy to get working... | 17:36 |
wilberfan | i remember once there was a box i needed to check in the control center... (i'm at work, too...can't remember exactly what it said...) | 17:37 |
mib_m0d340 | I did that, it was a box to check for if you "have a hauppage TV Card remote" | 17:38 |
wilberfan | no, it was something else... something about a...jeez what was it...? | 17:40 |
wilberfan | are there screenshots of those config screens anywhere? | 17:40 |
wilberfan | mib_m0d340: I found a screencapture of that box i was thinking of... | 17:54 |
wilberfan | (uploading now) | 17:55 |
wilberfan | mib_m0d340: http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/2484/mccremotexc2.png | 17:56 |
tgm4883_ | anyone know where I can switch the guide and OK keys for use while in the live tv guide only | 17:56 |
=== tgm4883_ is now known as tgm4883 | ||
tgm4883 | where are the key remote key assignments that are context sensitive kept? I want to change what happens when I press the ok button in the live tv guide not change the ok button to a different keyboard key. I've installed mythcontrols and dug through there, but nothing in there seems to be what I'm looking for | 18:02 |
sabhain | tgm4883, I'm looking for that too .. just got to the remote stage with my 2 front ends. They function .. but there's so much more that can be done if the context can be tweaked to our own liking | 18:19 |
tgm4883 | sabhain, yes. Seems like there should be a file somewhere where this is kept. | 18:21 |
sabhain | tgm4883, it's on my list for tonight I think .. I'll report back if I get it sorted out. | 18:22 |
wilberfan | i have a LOT of buttons on my 350 remote that don't do anything... it would be very cool to assign some useful functions to them... | 18:25 |
tgm4883 | sabhain, it would appear that the context settings are kept in the db, but it only shows what I can change in mythcontrols, nothing more | 18:25 |
tgm4883 | wilberfan, if each remote button is mapped to a keyboard key, then you should be able to use mythcontrols to do what you want to do | 18:26 |
wilberfan | tgm4883: hmmm. i don't usually use the keyboard (the tower/keyboard/mouse are in the next room), so i'd have to lookup what keys do what... | 18:28 |
tgm4883 | wilberfan, just install mythcontrols, then go into the frontend, general settings and there should be a menu for edit keys | 18:29 |
wilberfan | tgm4883: really? cool. is 'mythcontrols' different than the mythcontrol center? | 18:30 |
tgm4883 | yes | 18:30 |
wilberfan | wow. i need to hang out in here more often... | 18:31 |
wilberfan | :) | 18:31 |
tgm4883 | then just go in there, find what you want to edit hit ok (twice I think) then press the button you want it mapped to | 18:31 |
tgm4883 | if nothing shows up when you hit that button, that means the button isn't mapped to a keyboard key | 18:31 |
tgm4883 | in which case we can fix that | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | but not right now, as I have to leave ;) | 18:32 |
wilberfan | (oh. tgm4883 I remember you now. you've been REALLY helpful in the past!) | 18:32 |
wilberfan | i'm not home anyway... later tonight! :) | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | i try to be | 18:32 |
wilberfan | you've helped with a couple of problemos i've had in the past. good on ya. | 18:33 |
tgm4883 | wilberfan, thats cause superm1 keeps a short leash on us ;) | 18:35 |
tgm4883 | anyway, have to run now. School time | 18:35 |
wilberfan | laters, dude... | 18:35 |
wilberfan | ("superm" must stand for "supermom") | 18:36 |
wilberfan | :P | 18:36 |
tgm4883_laptop | actually, superm1 is the mythbuntu project leader | 18:36 |
tgm4883_laptop | really have to run now | 18:37 |
tgm4883_laptop | ciao | 18:37 |
wilberfan | :) | 18:41 |
=== MythbuntuGuest55 is now known as fubz | ||
fubz | Hello, is anyone availble to help me get my diskless server working? | 19:06 |
foxbuntu | fubz, I know alittle about it, I can try to help | 19:09 |
fubz | heyfoxbuntu, I have a thread started here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=774719 | 19:16 |
fubz | I installed it all correctly to my knowledge but the clients still refuse to boot | 19:16 |
wilberfan | i'm curious: how does a diskless server work?? | 19:23 |
wilberfan | :-\ | 19:23 |
foxbuntu | fubz, did you create the USB drive? | 19:24 |
foxbuntu | or are you using dhcpd + pxe | 19:24 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, black magic ;) | 19:24 |
wilberfan | :P | 19:24 |
wilberfan | c'mon, seriously... where do the recordings, go, etc... | 19:25 |
fubz | im using pxe but my router is running DD-WRT so i am letting that be the dhcp server | 19:27 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, its all self contained in the server that hosts the Mythbuntu Diskless Server | 19:28 |
foxbuntu | fubz, well in the firewall dhcp config did you setup a pxe image? | 19:28 |
fubz | yes | 19:28 |
foxbuntu | what error do you get when trying to boot to pxe on your diskless clients? | 19:29 |
foxbuntu | or what happens there of | 19:29 |
wilberfan | hmm. i'm having trouble picturing that in my head...i'll have to do some research... | 19:29 |
fubz | there is no error it just sits there for a bit... not sure what it does... then procceeeds to boot to hard disk | 19:29 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, think of it as a frontend only client | 19:29 |
foxbuntu | all the storeage remains on the BE server but in this case there is an image that the client connects to rather than having the O/S on the client frontend machine | 19:30 |
foxbuntu | fubz, strange, I guess I am probably not familiar enough to ask the right questions, the man in the know about it is laga, he wrote most of it | 19:31 |
laga | re | 19:32 |
foxbuntu | fubz, and I have delivered him to you | 19:32 |
foxbuntu | :) | 19:32 |
laga | ah, i bookmarked your posting :) | 19:33 |
laga | was going to look at it tonight | 19:33 |
foxbuntu | laga, fubz can't get his diskless client to boot, he has a pxe env using dd-wrt for dhcp and the image on his be | 19:33 |
foxbuntu | well there ya go | 19:33 |
wilberfan | wow. i understood almost NONE of that! :D | 19:33 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, sorry, irc doesn't have crayons for me to draw it out on construction paper for you ;) | 19:35 |
foxbuntu | lol | 19:35 |
laga | heh | 19:35 |
foxbuntu | sorry, just had to take a poke at ya | 19:35 |
* foxbuntu has the least patience of all core devs | 19:36 | |
laga | no | 19:36 |
laga | i do | 19:36 |
foxbuntu | lol | 19:36 |
laga | ;) | 19:36 |
laga | fubz: so, what do you think is the problem? | 19:36 |
wilberfan | [obviously 'pick on the new guy' day!] | 19:37 |
wilberfan | ;) | 19:37 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, naw... I have just been sick the last few days so my fuse is slightly shorter than most days | 19:38 |
wilberfan | i'm only joshin' ya back... | 19:38 |
foxbuntu | sooo... the lesson is, don't take anything I say personally | 19:39 |
wilberfan | i'll just put on a helmet and pads before i come in...that'll help... | 19:40 |
foxbuntu | lol | 19:40 |
wilberfan | did you hear what my "no live tv'" problem turned out to be this morning? | 19:40 |
* foxbuntu kicks wilberfan in the groined to test his pads | 19:40 | |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, yeah I saw it in passing | 19:40 |
foxbuntu | I was actually going to say to try that but stupid work pulled me away from my desk | 19:41 |
wilberfan | [catches breath from 'nad kick] | 19:41 |
wilberfan | class over already, tgm? | 19:42 |
wilberfan | we absolutely were NOT talking about you while you were gone, so don't worry... | 19:42 |
foxbuntu | wilberfan, tgm4883_laptop knows I don't talk about him behind his back...i always make fun of him to his face | 19:43 |
foxbuntu | lol | 19:43 |
wilberfan | lol | 19:47 |
MythbuntuGuest57 | i want to install mythbuntu on my ubuntu installation at home, but i have no internet acces there, how can i do it? | 20:01 |
mib_m0d340 | I suspect you could burn a mythbuntu CD and it could do the rest; though without internet you won't get TV-schedules. | 20:03 |
laga | the alternate disk might work for you. | 20:04 |
MythbuntuGuest57 | well i have already installe ubuntu, with the mythbuntu install cd i could only get the nvidia drivers | 20:05 |
laga | or just burn the needed packages on a disk, i'm sure there are scripts which will do that. | 20:05 |
ille_ | is the translation package named mythbuntu-desktop ? | 20:06 |
MythbuntuGuest57 | would the alternate cd have what i need? | 20:06 |
laga | MythbuntuGuest57: it has all the packages | 20:06 |
laga | for mythbuntu ;) | 20:06 |
laga | so it should work | 20:06 |
laga | let us know if it works ;) | 20:06 |
laga | the alternate disk is somewhat new, not all options have been tested | 20:06 |
MythbuntuGuest57 | well, i will try that. | 20:07 |
MythbuntuGuest57 | thanks | 20:07 |
ille_ | I would guess adding the mythbuntu dvd as a source in sources.list and installing mythbuntu-desktop will do what you want. | 20:08 |
MythbuntuGuest57 | i tried adding the cd to sources but only got a couple of things, and asked form some perlthing that couldn't find | 20:12 |
laga | MythbuntuGuest57: did you try the desktop cd or the alternate cd? | 20:12 |
MythbuntuGuest57 | the desktop cd, i'm downloading de alternate cd to give it a try | 20:12 |
mike_ | hello | 21:04 |
mike_ | I have a weird error i'm hoping you can help with | 21:04 |
mike_ | I just put mythbuntu on dual-boot with my windows media center box (trying it out) | 21:04 |
mike_ | three drives... one partitioned with ntfs, ext2, and then a swap partition | 21:05 |
mike_ | the other two pure ntfs | 21:05 |
mike_ | every time i reboot, the machine seems to decide a different drive is /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, or /dev/sda3 and so the drive mappings for mythbuntu get all screwed up | 21:06 |
mike_ | is it possible to define them by drive ID instead of the /dev/sda stuff? | 21:11 |
Hub441 | hi! | 22:15 |
Hub441 | i'd like to use a pc as backend for 3 clients(dvb-s). do i need a fullfeatured dvb-s card? (cpu power?) | 22:15 |
Hub441 | or better dvb-s cards. | 22:16 |
roge1 | Hi all - I have Mythbuntu 8.04 with a Hauppauge Nova-T 500 using the remote control that comes with the tuner. The remote control appears to work perfectly, however no repeat events are generated when I hold down a button. Running 'irw' shows only one event is generated no matter how long I hold down the button. Any ideas what the problem might be? | 23:03 |
roge1 | my .lircrc includes 'repeat 3' for all buttons | 23:04 |
roge1 | posted here, any suggestions appreciated | 23:22 |
roge1 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=787218 | 23:22 |
roge1 | thanks | 23:22 |
dinger1986 | hello | 23:49 |
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