
subaHas anyone tried to get compiz working on ltsp and gotten the error "No whitelisted driver found"?   I'm using the Intel driver, which is whitelisted in /usr/bin/compiz.02:34
alvin```What is good authentication with timer for ubuntu?07:46
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
ampexjust setup ubuntu 8.04 from the alternate installer and added the edubuntu content via the extra cd14:29
ampexI have a pc attached to the second nic of this edubuntu box and it's booting via PXE, but I can't seem to get a resolution that my LCD likes14:29
ampexI've tried multiple PCs and two different LCDs with different native resolutions14:29
ampexI've also tried editing the /etc/ltsp.conf in the chroot for the thin client image and added an X_MODE_0 = "1440x900"14:30
ampexstill doesn't seem to work properly14:30
ampexif I add a user to the thin client image and login via ctrl+alt+f1 I can then run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and get ldm to start up with an 800x600 resolution, but it seems that there is no way to change that after the fact14:30
ampexI don't fully understand xrandr or how ubuntu 8.04 handles desktop resolutions, so I'm a bit stumped14:31
ampexany ideas?14:31
ograwrong place :) lts.conf needs to sit under /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/14:34
ampexok, let met go try that14:38
ampexogra: do I need a [default] at the top of the .conf ? the X_MODE_0 is my only line right now14:40
ograyes, you need default14:40
ampexso the documentation is wrong?14:41
ampexSo, LTSP.org devised a way of specifying the configuration of each thin client. The configuration file is called lts.conf and it lives in the  /opt/ltsp/i386/etc  directory.15:35
ampexnvm, it is explained later in the document15:35
cberl1Hi folks.  Can anyone help me decipher what's going on with my edubuntu server?  It's 6.06 based, and it's been running about two years now.  I have one subnet running from it without a hitch (let's call it 10.1.x.x) and I'm trying to get another connected from 10.2.x.x.  I have my switches configured to point back to the server (which uses Windows to get it's DHCP, but the TFTP file settings are correct to point back to the LTSP server).  Instead of logg15:40
cberl1I think it might help our network guy here if anyone can decipher what the "My IP Address seems to be...ip=x.x.x.x:x.x.x.x" stuff means.15:42
fsgastonDoes anybody know why the Thin Client manager crashes in 8.04 64 bit, is their something Iḿ missing?16:45
stgraberfsgaston: tcm is no longer used in 8.0416:50
stgrabernot sure why it breaks, but nobody tested it afaik16:51
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
fsgastonstgraber, do you have a replacement option, just curious18:10
stgraberfsgaston: italc18:35
stgraberit's the new default classroom management software in Edubuntu18:35
ampexis it possible to access the classroom server from an attached PC without booting the image?18:47
ampexfrom windows or linux?18:47
ampexlike a remote desktop connection of some sort?18:47
NiceNerdhi all18:47
stgraberampex: you probably can use VNC for that, gnome has an integrated VNC server18:48
stgraberampex: but you'll need to keep a user session opened18:49
ampexfair enough, thanks18:49
ampexis it possible to keep user sessions open, but then log on as someone else from a thin client?18:50
ampexcan users jump between thin clients and keep their work/programs open?18:50
fsgastonIn LTSP - students can access their USB drive, but they see all of the USB drives mounted, how do I fix this so they only see theirs?18:51
ografsgaston, i posted an answer to that in #ltsp to you half an hour ago18:52
fsgastonogra, my apologizes, I should have seen that, child distractions.   Thanks again, will look into it.18:54
NiceNerdI am looking at putting edubuntu in our schools but wanted to know how much of a hassle to get a novell client to work18:55
NiceNerdanyone try this?18:55
NiceNerdI have been reading that it is a little tricky to get it to work18:55
fsgaston<NiceNerd> --If the novell client is very important, I would go with SLED 10 SP1 or Opensuse 10.218:59
NiceNerdyeah I was hoping you wouldnt say that18:59
fsgaston<NiceNerd> I work with 150 schools in Indiana, many Novell, so I have tried hacking the client a few times.19:00
NiceNerdno luck with it?19:00
fsgaston<NiceNerd> You don´t have to buy SLED, you can download it do 30 days of update and download again if you need it.19:00
fsgaston<Nice Nerd> With which version?19:00
NiceNerdoh that wasnt with Ubuntu19:01
NiceNerdyou said you tried hacking it I figured it was for Ubuntu19:01
fsgaston<Nice Nerd> The Novell client with SP1 is broken, download the latest version or wait for SP2, which will be out soon.19:01
fsgaston<I tried hacking with Opensuse 10.319:02
NiceNerdoh ok19:02
fsgaston<Novell keeps their products as reasonable closed as possible19:02
NiceNerdWell it might be a good excuse to get rid of this Novell 5 server then19:03
NiceNerdthanks for the info19:03
fsgaston<NiceNerd> A lot of schools are migrating to Novell Open Enterprise or SLES?19:03
NiceNerdmight be something to look  into19:04
ograreally ?19:04
ograwhere is that documented ?19:04
* ogra only sees people migrating to debian based o ubuntu setups everywhere19:04
fsgastonThis is in reference to schools using Netware currently and wanting to stick with Novell19:04
ograo thoght toward SLES from something19:05
NiceNerd so does the open source work with Ubuntu then19:05
fsgastonNo  no, I try to promote as open as possible, but with 30,000 plus linux desktops in the state you have to be flexible.19:05
ogra"the open source" ?19:05
fsgastonNone commercial versions.19:06
ograah, no idea19:06
ograi only have ubuntu around19:06
fsgaston<NiceNerd> does the Novell Client work on Ubuntu, I don´t think so from what I hear19:07
ograis that only for accessing files or for login19:08
ograyou can easily mount ncpfs volumes afaik19:08
fsgaston<ogra> for access files and Novell Maped drives from their Netware LDAP context.19:09
NiceNerdhmmm I havent created login scripts for Ubuntu or any linux distro19:09
NiceNerdis that possible19:09
fsgastonMost schools I work with authenticate against AD19:09
NiceNerdI consult for 2 schools19:09
NiceNerdone is AD the other Linux19:10
NiceNerdI mean Novell19:10
fsgaston<NiceNeard> I would recommend LIkewise for Ubuntu19:10
NiceNerdYeah I was just reading about that19:10
fsgastonNovell does make the AD very easy with Opensuse and SLED19:10
NiceNerdWell of course they do19:10
NiceNerdits big bad MS19:11
fsgastonI agree, but you can´t change things overnight.19:11
NiceNerdWell I agree19:12
ograwell, bets is to set it up free from the beginning19:13
ograif you look at spain i.e. guadalinex maintains 500 000 desktops in andalucia on an ubuntu derived distro19:14
fsgastonTough battle, when some schools depend 100% on a vendor, what the vendor says goes!19:14
ograextremadura just added a 150000 user ltsp setup19:14
ograthe canary islands build their own ubuntu derived distro managing 200000 installs19:15
ograall centrally magaged19:15
ogra(school stups indeed)19:15
fsgaston<ogra> Do they use the Ubuntu managment product on the commercial side?19:15
ograno, ldap and friends19:16
fsgaston<ogra> That is awesom, how many servers, do you know?19:17
ograno special tools or anything they have some huge ldap clusters19:17
fsgaston<ogra> Do you run LTSP at your location?19:18
ograwhen we were shown the setup a year ago it were 160 server (andalucia) but back then they only had 360000 desktops19:18
ografsgaston, i wrote most of it and yes i run it at my house but have no bigger setup myself :)19:18
stgraberogra: btw, if you happen to know some networks deploying Ubuntu 8.04 with italc, can you point them to : http://italc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=Success_stories19:19
stgraberToby would like some stats, currently it's almost 100% Windows users ...19:19
ograi've put it in my bookmarks :)19:19
fsgaston<ogra>  The crazy thing is many schools in Indiana use ITALC, but Iḿ trying to encourage them to donate.19:20
fsgaston<ogra> Do you have a good way to manage printers in LTSP, ie printer by hostname etc19:21
* LaserJock is intrigued and somewhat disturbed to find that he can "read" his data when written as a binary file19:21
ograLaserJock, what data ? chem stuff ?19:22
LaserJockI just switched from writting my data out as ASCII to binary19:22
LaserJockand so I thought I'd less it to see what it looks like19:22
ografsgaston, sadly not yet, i was planning to have something that sets the default to automatically point to the client if a printer is detected but never came around to write it19:23
fsgaston<ogra> Okay, do you do any consulting?  If so how much?19:23
ogracurrently you need to use the printer manager and add every printer once19:23
stgraberogra: Millexterm has the cups-printer-filter which hooks the libc to show a different list of printers depending on some filters19:24
ograno, i work for canonical which hogs about 14h a day on six days of the week19:24
stgraberbut not working with Hardy for some weird reason19:24
ograso there is not really time left to do consuling :)19:25
fsgaston<ogra> okay19:25
fsgaston<stgraber> Thanks for the tip, will take a look.19:25
juliuxogra, good luck on the grill;)19:26
stgraberyou'd have to fix it and adapt for your environment, but the idea is there and code is clean enough to easily understand it19:26
ograjuliux, at linuxtag you mean ?19:26
juliuxogra, yes19:26
juliuxogra, i am reading the offical program atm19:26
ograwe'll probably do it in german this time19:26
ogradepending how any german speaking devs we get together, last year it was a slight english speaker overhead19:27
juliuxogra, only you and torsten? ;)19:27
stgraberfsgaston: https://svn.revolutionlinux.com/MILLE/XTERM/branches/ltsp-cluster/cups-client-filter/19:27
ograjuliux, only me19:28
juliuxogra, cool19:28
ogratorsten doesnt come19:28
juliuxogra, i will grill you;919:28
ograwell, that ony means i'm leading, like last year we'll collect all available dev on stage :)19:28
juliuxtorsten said the whole distro team will be in berlin;)19:29
ograliar :)19:29
ograit wont19:29
juliuxohh he only said the distro team will be there;919:29
juliuxhe didn't said the whole,)19:29
ograi think asac, dholbach, MacSlow, doko and me come from the distro team19:31
juliuxand pitti?19:31
ogralikely jono as well19:31
ograoh and pitti19:31
juliuxmcslow is cool, i met him at cebit19:31
ogranot sure about mvo19:31
stgraberogra: italc's 1.0.9 candidate built successfully with Intrepid on i386 but not amd64 ... one more amd64 specific bug it seems (usual with iTalc :))19:33
ograstgraber, release is far out, no hurry :)19:33
stgraberchecking for DSA_new in -leay32... no19:34
stgraberconfigure: error: *** you do not have installed the OpenSSL-library and/or development-files are missing!19:34
stgrabermake: *** [config.status] Error 119:34
ograstgraber, built in ppa or pbuilder ?19:34
ograyeah, openssl isnt merged i think thats even on my merge list19:34
stgraberbuilt fine on i386 though, weird ...19:35
ogra(which doesnt mean i'll do it now, i had a long day and will stop soon :) )19:35
stgraberbah, that was just to test gcc/configure on Intrepid, I'll start building real packages once the auto-syncs stuff have finished19:35
ograyeah, the archive being happered like never during the last days slowed all tools down19:36
ogramom is days behind19:36
stgraberstgraber@castiana:~/data/dev/python$ python getlpstatus.py | grep -v XEN | grep -E "^(i386|amd64)"19:39
stgraberamd64:1144 packages19:39
stgraberi386:1739 packages19:39
stgraberhmm, yeah build servers are busy :)19:39
ograhttp://merges.ubuntu.com is a week old19:40
ograshould run daily19:40
ogra well, archive.u.c was never hammered like that, i guess our userbase made a quantum jump or something19:41
stgraberyeah, downloading from archive.u.c at 150kB/s (when you are lucky) is really boring those last days ...19:42
ograi think mark has to at least add 50% to his always estimated userbase of 8mio (which is surely way to low anyway, but the safest value he can tell to newspapers)19:43
stgraberfortunately I have a transparent PROXY at home helping a bit with that19:43
stgrabersome people suggested doing stats on ntp.ubuntu.com, then taking unique IPs. Considering that some users are behind firewall and some others have dynamic IPs, that should give you a good indication of the user base :)19:44
=== bimberi_ is now known as bimberi
LaserJockstgraber: still up?21:47
rcs_compI have xubuntu and want to install the games/child apps from edubuntu but keep xubuntu desktop for system resources sake.  Can someone point me in the right direction of how I would do this?23:13
LaserJockrcs_comp: get the Addon CD23:16
rcs_compLaserJock: thanks for the suggestion.  Would I really need to use a CD?  Can't I download the packages from somewhere using ubuntu's installer?23:18
LaserJockoh sure23:18
rcs_compLaserJock: I guess, I have two main questions.  1) is there a list of packages that would be on that CD?  2) What does ubuntu use for package management?  I am used to slackware.23:19
LaserJockrcs_comp: ok, let's tackle those one at a time :-)23:20
LaserJock1) installing the edubuntu-desktop package will pull in all the packages23:20
rcs_compLaserJock: :)  Thank you!23:20
LaserJockthere is also a set of edubuntu-addon-* packages23:21
LaserJockfor a bit more fine-grained selection23:21
LaserJockok, now for 2)23:21
rcs_compso, if I was to install the main "edubuntu-desktop" package, is that just a way of bulk installing all the edubuntu-addon-* packages?23:21
LaserJockwell, actually I think there are some small difference23:22
LaserJockbut basically something like that23:22
LaserJockedubuntu-desktop is going to pull in quite a bit of Gnome libraries23:22
rcs_compwhich I would be happy to do without23:23
rcs_compunless of course the kid apps need htem23:23
LaserJockalthough you can still use the xubuntu desktop23:23
LaserJockroughly what age range are we talking about?23:23
rcs_compMy kids: 3-1123:24
rcs_compReally though, I am happy to pull them all in.  My main emphasis is to get the apps without the KDE desktop.  I am not going to be that picky about which apps I want to install.23:24
LaserJockactually we do pull in a number of KDE apps generally23:25
LaserJockas KDE Edu is pretty much the cream of the education apps crop23:25
rcs_compor maybe its Gnome Edubuntu installs by default for a desktop, I am not 100% sure.  Yes, I realize I will want to pull in KDE apps but not the KDE desktop.  Or, maybe I can't do that?23:26
LaserJockEdubuntu uses Gnome but with KDE Edu added on23:26
LaserJockI think I'd suggest first to install the edubuntu-addon-legacy package23:27
LaserJockit's just the educational apps without the extras23:27
LaserJockok, so back to how to install this stuff23:28
LaserJockwould you like to use a terminal or a simple GUI or a powerful GUI?23:29
rcs_compterminal would be great23:29
LaserJockso, to get it all just run: sudo apt-get install edubuntu-addon-legacy23:31
LaserJockto search for edubuntu related packages you can run: apt-cache search edubuntu23:31
LaserJockand to look at a package in more detail: apt-cache show <packagename>23:32
LaserJockrcs_comp: sorry if you already know all that stuff, not sure if you've used apt much23:32
rcs_compactually, never used it at all.  Don't be sorry, that is EXACTLY what I wanted.  I am going to go try it.23:33
LaserJockit will probably download quite a bit23:35
LaserJocksome of the education games have a lot of graphics/sound23:35
rcs_compdoes ubuntu run SSH by default?23:37
rcs_compI can't seem to login from afar :(23:37
LaserJockyou want to install openssh-server23:45
LaserJockrcs_comp: Ubuntu doesn't open ports to the outside world by default so the ssh client is installed by default but not the ssh server23:46
rcs_compLaserJock: ok, got that working too.  Thanks again.23:47

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