
bdizzleis there an easier way to make files? I've had maybe 1 out of 10 packages actually work with /.configure, make, and make install00:00
hi#kubuntu-es for clickability00:00
fitoriai in there :P00:00
bleakedI just want to share with everyone that after the last week of updates from the hardy-proposed and hardy-backports repos, my installation of kubuntu 8.04 works with no visible flaws, bugs, or problems.  (and this is an older custom-built pc, with a troublesome ATI card, and running full desktop effects) -- So I just want to sincerely thank everyone for all of their efforts, be it large or small, on this project.00:01
v6lurbleaked: then pray that following updates don't break anything ;)00:03
bleakedindeed :D00:03
v6luras happened on my old (and crappy) laptop00:03
hibleaked: expect regressions :P no seriously, that's very gracious of you and i'm sure it's appreciated by anyone reading that who's helped out.00:04
bdizzlehow often do updates come out?00:05
jussi01does anyone know where I could get an equivalent of obsidian coast kde4 colour scheme, but for kde3 ?00:05
bleakedbdizzle: depends.. i have the above mentioned repositories enabled, which both tend to have daily updates..00:06
bdizzlegah, wrong thing00:06
bdizzleat least the good thing is that Ubuntu doesn't nag and force you to update your computer00:07
bdizzleits just a nice little icon in the corner00:07
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:07
grouthow do i enable wobbly windows and stuff in kubuntu kde4?00:08
bdizzledon't know how in KDE4, but wouldn't it be the same in KDE3?00:09
bdizzleof selecting advance desktop effects and go from there?00:09
groutis it in system settings?00:09
bdizzleif you have the advanced desktop effects in, it would be under K-Menu -> Settings00:10
bdizzleand then make sure that under desktop effects - K-menu -> System, that it is set to custom00:10
bdizzleoh, and does anyone know an equivalent program to Dev C++ and Origin?00:13
higrout: install desktop-effects-kde00:20
hiit has one-click setup options that rock my world00:20
hiadvanced desktop effects is pretty buggy imho still00:21
bdizzleI still can't figure out how to get the cube to work00:21
hithough needed for settings, it's just a tad overwhelming for new folks00:21
hibdizzle: install the above, but also simple-ccsm00:22
=== vellakd is now known as redshadowhero
* hi is a compiz fiend00:22
redshadowheroOkay, I'm having trouble installing a program.. can someone help me?00:23
hiredshadowhero: maybe, details?00:23
redshadowheroIts a cisco VPN client for the user of this computer.00:23
redshadowheroIt has a shell script that comes with it called "vpn_install", but it gives errors when I execute it.00:24
bdizzleso to get the cube, I want 4 desktop columns and 1 row, or 4 rows and 1 column?00:25
hi1 row, 4 columns00:25
higood question00:25
hifor the panel mode, i had to set 2row, 2 columns before it would work which through me for a loop at first. i hope that bug is fixed soon... deters folks00:26
redshadowheroOh, and here is the errors that come with the installation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11034/00:26
bdizzlewhat is error SIGSERV?00:27
bdizzlesorry, SIGSEGV00:28
hiah, SIGSEGV is a segmentation fault.00:28
bdizzlei get those frequently00:28
hithat shouldn't ever happen00:28
hithat said, it does :)00:28
redshadowheroSo... nobody has any ideas here?00:30
hiit's not really a kubuntu issue, and i personally dislike cisco's vpn so i'm not inclined to google those errors for you since i have no clue. maybe someone else will see that, but you'd have better luck approaching cisco support00:34
hithey'd (hopefullly) know why their product is segfaulting on you00:34
bdizzleusually I get SIGSEGV on Kicker somehow00:35
hidbizzle: ditto00:35
redshadowheroI know it isn't a kubuntu issue, but I was hoping that someone could help me.00:36
stdinredshadowhero: tell them to update their software? it's out of date00:36
bdizzlewhich is frustrating, since it won't reload my icons next to the clock, which is kinda needed for laptop battery and such00:36
redshadowheroLike it or not, its what NASA gives us for the linux VPN client00:36
hiredshadowhero: yeah, i know you know that, i'm just sorry i can't help and was advising other avenues00:36
hilol, seriously!?00:36
redshadowheroYup. Its the nasa client. As to the version.. we rarely pick up the client updates for linux.00:37
hiwhat's with every large organization using this thing!? an uname insurance company i did work for a few weeks ago has this on everyone's computers... it's always been buggy00:37
redshadowheroI suppose I could ask my boss to check on that.00:37
redshadowheroEh.. I don't care as long as it works for me.00:37
bdizzledoes anyone else know of a program to replace and or be compatible with Origin? I've tried LabPlot, but the files for the newest version aren't in the repositories at all, which surprises me00:38
stdinredshadowhero: try "sudo touch /use/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/config.h" and edit /home/vellakd/Desktop/VPN/vpnclient/GenDefs.h to remove the struct uintptr_t00:38
hiwow, where did that come from stdin? lol00:39
stdinhi: from looking at the error message, where else ;)00:39
stdinredshadowhero: line 40, add /* before and */ after00:40
stdinor just remove the line00:40
stdinerm, line 113 actually00:40
redshadowherostdin: the touch command fails. The directory doesn't exist.00:40
stdinthen install linux-headers-$(uname -r)00:41
stdinyou'll need it00:41
redshadowherowith apt-get, right?00:41
redshadowheroGive me a sec.00:41
stdinredshadowhero: ahh, wait, typo00:42
stdinredshadowhero: /usr00:42
redshadowherousr, right?00:42
redshadowheroI saw that.00:42
redshadowheroBut I'll get the headers just in case.00:42
stdinit's 00:42, I'm aloud a typo :)00:42
redshadowheroI have the latest headers already, and changing it to usr fixed that.00:43
monkeybritchesAt 2:30 we're cutting you off. No more typos for you.00:43
histdin: from uk i take it?00:44
stdinseeing as I'm typing at night, in the dark, I'm doing well00:44
stdinhi: yep00:44
redshadowherodoes anyone remember the vi command for 'go to line'?00:45
* redshadowhero has forgotten00:46
* hi finds the GUI in kwrite more intuitive00:46
mike-kubuntuhey, during boot up it keeps taking me to tty1 after the initial section of a bouncing back and forth blue bar instead of a bootup bar, then it takes me into kdm and there are no warnings printed, only tips i've found in the forums is that someone else claimed it started when they installed kde4, but removing kde4 didn't make it go away00:46
bdizzleI just use Kate instead to edit files as root00:46
redshadowheroEh.. nevermind then. I'll just search for the struct in question.00:47
stdinredshadowhero: may also be a typedef00:47
stdinbdizzle: vi or vim is pure evil, that's all you need to know ;P00:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228432 in ubuntu "kde 4.0.4 got conflicts with Qt 4.4" [Undecided,New]00:48
histdin: vivivi = 666?00:48
wesleystdin kde 4.0.3 got the same problems with Qt 4.4 installed00:49
hisounds like the talk of someone using a tool Generally Not Used, Except by Middle-Aged Computer Scientists00:49
hi(GNU EMACS to spell it out)00:50
Jes___Wy__i had an emac00:50
stdinif I'm in the cli I'll use nano, else I'll use kate/kdevelop00:51
redshadowherostdin: uh.. what do I comment out there?00:51
hii find nano a tad more intuitive00:51
Jes___Wy__i have a question00:51
stdinredshadowhero: change "typedef uint32 uintptr_t;" to "/* typedef uint32 uintptr_t; */"00:52
redshadowheroEmacs is an ecellent operating system, lacking only a decent text editor.00:52
hiah, red is highly initiated then :)00:52
Jes___Wy__do people that create linux versions rewire other linux versions?00:52
Jes___Wy__if i were to create a substandardgameco linux version00:53
redshadowherostdin: I did the changes.. and it didn't work =_=00:54
stdinredshadowhero: same error or different?00:54
redshadowherolemme pastebin it.00:54
stdinJes___Wy__: huh?00:54
Jes___Wy__do i have your permission to look at that page?00:56
stdinJes___Wy__: public channel, click where ever you like :)00:57
Jes___Wy__ehnahe ha00:57
stdinredshadowhero: that's just down to it being out of date, unless you know C and are willing to rewrite the app, you're stuck00:57
redshadowherostdin: I kinda figured as much when it started popping out errors. I'll just request to my boss that we get the latest version, because he has access to the cisco site for this sort of thing, not me.00:58
redshadowherostdin: but, thank you anyway for your time.00:59
stdinredshadowhero: no problem, I practically live here anyway :)00:59
redshadowherostdin: I noticed :P You've helped me with my last 3 kubuntu-related problems01:00
stdin!helpersnack | stdin01:00
hiis there a set of larger cursor icons available for kubuntu?01:02
hii have a 1920x1200x17" laptop and the defaults are microscopic01:02
redshadowheroOh, and another question (more for me than anything else)01:03
redshadowheroHow hard is it to make an active directory server that allows windows xp, kubuntu 8.04 and macs to join it?01:03
redshadowheroOh, and the AD server would be running ubuntu server.01:03
stdinhi: check the repos, or try kde-look.org01:05
stdinredshadowhero: honestly, no clue. I've managed to steer clear of active directory so far and I plan on keeping it that way ;)01:06
hiah, so i'd just download larger images then basically it sounds like. just wanted to make sure i wasn't re-inventing the wheel if there was a setting i missed.01:06
* hi checks repos01:06
redshadowheroOh.. well, I want to put a server in the house here that would allow those types of computers (each person prefers a different OS in this house) to be connected to it, and have the printer managed by that server... what do your reccommend?01:07
hinot sure i follow, but all the operatings systems support IP printing01:09
hiand if by server, you mean ftp, smb or ssh / fish then... i don't see an AD need01:09
DFlamespam guide! http://two.xthost.info/DFUGTIRC/DFSUGTIRC.pdf01:10
hii'm in the same boat as stdin on AD experience01:10
stdinI use cups to share my printer will the systems in my house01:10
hiditto here01:10
hios-x uses that fine01:10
redshadowheroI wanted to do AD because it would give me more in-depth experience with AD to demonstrate that they can trust me more with the AD server at work.01:10
hiwindows is banned in my house though :)01:10
stdinDFlame: what?01:10
redshadowherohi: I would have it that way, but people are stubborn :/01:11
stdinwindows works with cups too, just uses http instead of ipp01:11
DFlamesorry folks, didnt mean it to hit hte ubuntu servers01:12
stdinamsg == Fail01:12
heathanyone know the php irc?01:12
frederickanyone had anyluck setting up elisa with samba files sharing??01:13
histdin: about cursors, the kde cursors aren't scalable ala gnome. the repos show things like "This package contains the DMZ cursor themes, which are derived from the Industrial theme developed for the Ximian GNOME desktop. Black and white cursors are provided, in scalable formats."01:13
hiis this right, or am i missing something?01:13
redshadowheroOh, well.. darn. I have to go take someone to the hospital now.. >,>01:13
fredericktried the config files like smb://mybookworld/medias/ but elisa keeps getting stalled01:13
stdinhi: I've never tried to scale the cursor, so not sure. but there are specific "large" themes available so maybe, maybe not :p01:15
hiyeah, at 14mb i had to pause. then i realised, for instance, the oxygen-cursor-theme-extra is actually just  different colors. amazingly they aren't svg or something01:16
hithat's kind of ridiculous01:16
frederickanyone had anyluck setting up elisa with samba files sharing??01:18
=== sacha_ is now known as xsacha
BluesKajfrederick, between linux machines or mixed OSs ?01:21
fredericknas hard disk01:21
fredericknetwork hard disk (mybookworld) created a public folder with all privileges, so there is no needs for username or password01:23
ErtainHello everyone.  I'm using Hardy and after my computer boots my numlock isn't set right; it's set to the opposite.  Any ideas why this is?01:23
stdinErtain: if it's set to the opposite, set it to be off, and it'll be on01:24
BluesKajErtain, same here, I just live with it01:25
ErtainI could add "numlockx on" to one of my start up scripts.  I just don't know which one.01:26
BluesKajit may not work tho01:26
MimiI just reformatted my usb drive as ext3 and now my normal user acct doesnt have permissions to do anything in it... what gives?01:27
stdinbecause root owns it01:27
o0Chris0otry sudo before you do anything01:27
MimiI figured as much, but what do i have to do to fix it....01:27
o0Chris0oor su01:27
stdinsudo chown user: /where/it's/mounted01:28
stdinthat'll make "user" own it01:28
Mimiok, and then say  my brother logs in and he needs to use the drive, can he write to it too?01:28
stdinnope, not unless you "sudo chmod 777" too, then anyone can write01:29
MimiIs that ok to do ?01:29
MimiThanks btw01:30
stdindepends what you mean by "ok"01:30
Mimisecurity risk, etc01:30
stdinwhat security risk are you thinking of?01:30
stdinit's not like you're chmod'ing the root partition, it's just external storage01:31
MimiAlright :)01:31
MimiThank you :-)01:32
stdinthe only alternative would be to create a new group and add all the users you want to be able to write to that group and then set the group of the device to that group01:32
* Mimi reboots01:32
stdinbut that can be overkill for most people01:32
MimiMeh, I think 777 will be okay :D01:32
MimiThanks /bai bai!01:32
Mimihey  mmm so i changed the drive's permissions to 777, then cd to lost+found to test:    bash: cd: /media/USB Drive/lost+found/: Permission denied01:37
stdinit's not good to have lost+found 777 or owned by anyone but root01:38
stdinit can mess with fsck01:38
stdinjust try creating a file/dir01:38
MimiAH Ok, I just tried creating a folder and it works fine *faints* lol01:38
MimiTime to move all my junk over there :P01:39
v6lurwhat's that lost+found for anyway?01:41
MimiShort explanation here http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/lostfound.html01:41
nano_They say the best weapon is the one you don't have to fire.  I respectfully disagree.01:43
MimiThere should be one for each ext partition01:43
MimiHow come nano_ ?01:43
nano_lol.  idk.  i saw it on an Iron Man commercial01:43
nano_anyway, i have to go.01:44
nano_i'll cya guys later01:44
MimiBye bye01:44
MimiI like that in linux when you are moving files, it says , example, 15 seconds, it actually IS 15 seconds! In Windows you'd see... "15 seconds left... no wait... 18... noooo! its 29 now!!" .... -_-;01:45
MimiHi hi01:46
Kr|ptiXany1 kno of a good problem like photoshop or dreamweaver to make website with01:46
Mimiphotoshop is not to make websites.. anyway i recomend cinepaint       as for dreamweaver... eh.... *ponder* do you code from scratch or do you use WYSIWYG?01:47
v6lurquanta+ maybe?01:48
Kr|ptiXyou can design sites with photoshop01:49
Mimiyou can spit out a random jumble muble with photoshop, but dont go telling me that is a website :p01:49
Mimiyou can design, but you shoudlnt use it to build the actual website01:49
zeeonevening folks01:51
fildowell morning this way01:52
fildobut gday01:52
* hi really needs to change his nick01:52
nosrednaekimuhh yeah duh01:52
=== hi is now known as hidamm
nosrednaekimchange it to hello or something...01:53
stdin!hi | hi01:53
ubottuhi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:53
=== hidamm is now known as hi
zeeondoes anyone have an up todate guide for dual monitor on kubuntu?01:53
zeeonor does http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1773584 still apply?01:53
BluesKajfunny , haven't seen anyone choose the "lowlife" nick yet01:54
Haemogoblin2hi there01:54
Haemogoblin2is this the kubuntu channel01:54
=== hi is now known as hi2
=== hi2 is now known as hi5
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin2: yes! it is01:55
Haemogoblin2i'm a new user...01:55
BluesKajtv time01:55
Haemogoblin2i've just run away from winblow xp01:55
Mimihow do you like it so far? ^^01:55
nosrednaekimwelcome to the bright side:)01:56
Haemogoblin2well i've been using it for all of an hr01:56
Mimiawww be nice windows isnt that bad *gag*01:56
Haemogoblin2it's overwhelming01:56
Mimiso whats on your mind?01:56
Haemogoblin2could it trouble some with a few noobie questions01:57
MimiGo right ahead ^^01:57
frank_why isn't libdvdcss being hosted at kubuntu.org anymore? the kaffeine auto installation failed01:59
MimiHey guys... what the bunny is this?! gvfs-fuse-daemon       10G  4.4G  5.1G  47% /home/luisa/.gvfs   (show's when I type    df -h  )02:00
Haemogoblin2first..i'm using a compaq armada m700 laptop as my test machine...02:00
Haemogoblin2it's running super!02:00
Haemogoblin2i was also really impressed that this os comes with it's of irc chat client built in02:00
Haemogoblin2i'm having issues configuring my wireless card..02:00
v6lurfrank_: libdvdcss should be in medibuntu...02:00
Haemogoblin2but i have no idea how you set them up on this operating system...i'm used to using OSX and XP..02:01
frank_v6lur: yeah it's there. but the kaffeine auto install of libdvdcss gets it from kubuntu.org. it used to be there02:01
v6lurhmm, don't know then. those great US intellectual property laws mayhaps?02:02
Haemogoblin2hey sorry about that my network cable came out02:02
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:02
stdinMimi: something to do with gnome and fuse02:02
zeeonquestion does twinview come with nvidia-glx-new and is it better then xinerama?02:03
Haemogoblin2does anyone here happen to use a officconnect 3com wireless card ?02:04
frank_v6lur: maybe02:05
Haemogoblin2i'm trying to follow the guides, but a human voice of input/guidance would sure help a great deal :)02:05
MimiMmm I don't02:07
* Dr_willis totally missed the problem02:08
Haemogoblin2kubuntu seems to have found my wifi card and says it's enabled..however in setting i've noticed there are no options for WEP/WEP2 ect02:08
Haemogoblin2i've been unable to successfully connect to the router..02:08
Haemogoblin2soo i'm using the very hap hazard internal ethernet port..which the cable keeps slipping out of :S02:09
Dr_willisbreak that little tab off the end eh?02:09
Haemogoblin2hehe how did you guess02:09
Dr_willisRubberbands and one of those stick on hooks. does wonders. :)02:10
Haemogoblin2Stop looking through my window02:10
* Mimi does it all the time >.< I R BE CLUMSY02:10
Dr_willisI alwyas have some of those plastick sticky hook/cable holders on the back of all my pc's to help route the cables.02:11
Haemogoblin2i was hoping i could trouble someone to just give me a quick run through the process of setting wifi up and kubuntu..02:11
Haemogoblin2i'm pretty good under XP and osx02:11
Dr_willisAll i did was install the proper driver for my wireless ard. clicked on the icon in the system tray and entered my ssid and password.02:11
Dr_willisSome drivers/cards may not have all the different encryption types availiable  perhaps?02:12
Haemogoblin2but there's no WEP security feature in the setup window02:12
Dr_williswep? isent that like the MOST insecure one?02:12
Haemogoblin2we use WEP202:12
Dr_willisperthaps the wireless guide will have some info02:13
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:13
Haemogoblin2the reason i came on here..was i researched my card02:13
Haemogoblin2it took me to linuxquestions.org02:13
Haemogoblin2i found the above info on the site..02:14
Dr_willisa lot of those guides may be out of date. Now that Hardy is released. Its using some newer drivers/features for wireless.02:14
Haemogoblin2but...they are talking about having trouble with drivers and using commands i have no clue about02:14
Dr_willisIt would be best to stick with the ubuntu/kubuntu specific guides.02:14
Haemogoblin2i should point out i've no linux knowledge...but i'm really wanting to give it a try..02:15
Haemogoblin2it looks really good02:15
OmnipotentEntityHey guys, I was wondering if anyone had any experience using Super Flasher under wine.02:15
Mimiyeah he's only been using linux for ONE hour... :D give him some tips (unfortunately i dont use kde, i use gnome so... )02:15
Haemogoblin2hey any tips would be very much appreciated02:15
OmnipotentEntityHaemogoblin2, what issues are you facing?02:16
[B5C]wallabeeanyone using a acer travelmate 4000 ?02:16
OmnipotentEntityNone thus far?02:16
Haemogoblin2just the wireless02:16
Haemogoblin2thats it02:16
Mimi<Haemogoblin2> but there's no WEP security feature in the setup window02:16
Haemogoblin2soo i'm doing pretty good02:16
OmnipotentEntityx86 or x64?02:16
OmnipotentEntityDo you have kwifimanager installed?02:16
OmnipotentEntityI'll take that as an iunno.02:17
MimiJust run that in a terminal window to find out ^_^02:17
OmnipotentEntityAlt+F2 will bring up your run box.02:17
OmnipotentEntityYou can try there as well.02:17
Haemogoblin2nope it's not installed02:18
OmnipotentEntityTry knetworkmanager02:18
v6lurknetworkmanager should be installed & running by default02:18
OmnipotentEntityI know.02:18
jmichaelxis anyone else having firefox/swiftfox continually jamming up or locking up on them in hardy?02:18
v6lurbut that linuxquestions thingy mentions ndiswrapper02:19
Haemogoblin2it did something02:19
Haemogoblin2but nothings popped up02:19
v6lurwhich is not installed by default, agaik02:19
Haemogoblin2but it definately loaded something02:19
OmnipotentEntitycheck by your clock in your systemtray02:19
OmnipotentEntityThere should be an icon that you can right-click on.02:19
v6lurjmichaelx, no (Fx beta 5)02:19
Haemogoblin2i mean yep02:19
OmnipotentEntityLooks like a white popsicle kinda.02:19
Haemogoblin2a little usbpen icon02:19
Haemogoblin2it's there02:20
OmnipotentEntityRight click and see what you can do in there. ;)02:20
Haemogoblin2presently showing my internal ethernet connection02:20
jmichaelxv6lur: i am using the most recent firefox3, and it is locking up on 2 different PCs02:20
OmnipotentEntityok, so chances are it just didn't detect and use your wireless card.02:21
Haemogoblin2before i look silly i'll point out the wifi card isn't in..i took it out just incase you guys might have needed model number info ect02:21
Haemogoblin2its going in now02:21
OmnipotentEntityok, I figured you had one built in.02:21
OmnipotentEntity:) No worries.02:21
Haemogoblin2i'll install it now02:21
Haemogoblin2ok we're plugged in02:21
OmnipotentEntityGive it a second and then check in knetworkmanager again.02:22
v6lurnow give networkmanager some 30 seconds to "find" it02:22
Haemogoblin2somethings working02:23
Haemogoblin2i just right clicked the icon02:23
mneptok!enter > Haemogoblin202:23
Mimiyaaay :D02:23
Haemogoblin2and i'm finding our network02:23
Haemogoblin2and next doors02:23
Haemogoblin2ok give me a second and i shall have a go at getting it connected using it..if i vanish you'll know where i've gone02:24
Haemogoblin2and also...thanks muchly!02:24
v6lurjmichaelx: fx isn't my primary browser, so i don't use it very often, but i haven't noticed any crashes...02:25
OmnipotentEntityAnyway, my problem was I have an obscure program that I'm trying to run under wine, it's a ROM dumping/flashing program called superflasher.  It's just acting buggy.02:25
OmnipotentEntityI had been trying to get VirtualBox working, but none of my drivers work under the VirtualBox kernel.02:25
OmnipotentEntityOr at least, none of the ones I care about, like video driver and wifi.02:25
jmichaelxv6lur: i doesn't exactly crash... it just stops working for several seconds off an on.... over and over02:26
OmnipotentEntityjmichaelx are you going to flash heavy sites?02:26
OmnipotentEntityAnd do you have the free version of flash installed?02:26
jmichaelxOmnipotentEntity: it behaves this way whether or not flash is being used02:27
OmnipotentEntitys/flash/java/g ?02:27
jmichaelxOmnipotentEntity: i am using adobe's flash02:27
[B5C]wallabeei really really hate ati ;)02:27
OmnipotentEntityWhat about Java?  Are you using Sun's version of Java.02:27
jmichaelxOmnipotentEntity: yes, i am... but this is happening with FF without (obvious) connection to flash or java02:28
jmichaelx...i think02:28
OmnipotentEntityDoes it appear in top?02:28
OmnipotentEntityIs it dragging the rest of the system or is it isolated of FF?02:29
jmichaelxOmnipotentEntity: i have no addons on this FF.... on my laptop i have only stumbleupon... i don't think that is the issue02:29
OmnipotentEntityIs it's CPU usage spiking?02:29
Haemogoblin3Well thank you very much :D i'm online using the wireless card..that was amazingly painless02:29
OmnipotentEntityits rather.02:29
OmnipotentEntityHaemogoblin3, congrats!02:30
jmichaelxOmnipotentEntity: that is a good question... i am also trying to narrow this down... it may be more system-wide than i thought02:30
* jmichaelx wonders what ever happened to intellikey02:30
OmnipotentEntityjmichaelx, I meant is Firefox's CPU usage spiking, but if you think something else may be the issue you can monitor your CPU usage using top or ksysguard02:30
Haemogoblin3can you guys recommend a good place to big up noobie tips/hints for kubuntu? i dont want to be annoying you chaps to much with questions02:30
NickPrestajmichaelx, does this happen on websites like Facebook and such? JavaScript intensive site, especially ones that like to send HTTP requests, can lock up your browser temporarily.02:31
MimiYeah I get that a lot on icanhazcheeseburger... they have soooo many widgets on their page!02:31
jmichaelxNickPresta: it has been happening to me even doing google searches02:31
NickPrestaHaemogoblin3, the docs http://help.ubuntu.com02:31
NickPrestajmichaelx, processor specs?02:31
jmichaelxnick, on this machine i have a 2.5Ghz celeron w/ 11GB RAM02:32
OmnipotentEntityHaemogoblin3, the great thing about kubuntu and ubuntu is everyone uses it, so if you run across a problem someone has probably already stumbled on the same problem. ;)02:32
Haemogoblin3whats the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu?02:32
jmichaelxvery touchy number keys02:32
OmnipotentEntityThe kubuntu uses KDE, and ubuntu uses gnome.02:32
MimiOh yeah  Haemogoblin2    ubuntuforums.com  very very busy... make sure you search when you have a trouble, but it seems you are good about that :)02:32
Haemogoblin3cheers dude..i'll check that out02:33
Mimikde and gnome are just two different... desktop environments02:33
heathanyone know where I can reverse lookup a cell number?02:33
NickPrestajmichaelx, I don't know what the problem would be. I would probably open up a terminal with top/htop running and watch for firefox spikes and see what is going on.02:33
MimiThis is #kubuntu not #csi   :P02:33
Haemogoblin3what is kde? i've seen that on several sites02:33
Mimikde is your desktop02:34
NickPresta!kde > Haemogoblin302:34
OmnipotentEntityI constantly have npviewer.bin running at 100% whenever I run youtube.02:34
jmichaelxnick, thanks. i'll keep investigating.02:34
OmnipotentEntityIt's just my machine is a beast so I don't notice it. >_>02:34
jmichaelxmost of my hardware is old junk, i like it that way02:34
Haemogoblin3right..see i'm slowly wrapping my head around it..i might make my main pc dual boot xp and kubuntu02:35
OmnipotentEntityHaemogoblin3, a desktop environment is just your UI.  Have you ever hacked Windows XP with a different explorer.exe?02:35
Haemogoblin3i've used stardock02:36
MimiYou might like Avant Window Manager then :D02:36
OmnipotentEntityThat's kinda the difference between gnome and KDE.  It's just a different version of "explorer.exe"... sorta.02:36
Haemogoblin3cool, thus far it looks really really good and on a P3 750 its nippy02:37
OmnipotentEntityThere's more to it than that, but it's an easy to understand way of describing it02:37
jmichaelxdo people use avant in KDE?02:37
NickPrestajmichaelx, some do02:37
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: yeah..but it generally sucks02:37
jmichaelxlol ok, i sort of figured it was cut out more for gnome02:37
Haemogoblin3i've not got around to costomizing the system...i just got it installed and go into getting my hardware working02:37
MimiSucks? Really? It runs with 0 problems under gnome, for me02:37
jmichaelxMimi: we were talking about avant being used in KDE...02:38
wirechief-intelnosrednaekim: got that shutdown bug fixed now..had to patch that script02:38
Haemogoblin3i have a belkin bluetooth adaptor which i'm hoping i'll get workign at some point02:38
nosrednaekimwirechief-intel: yeah me too....02:38
Daisuke_IdoMimi: a lot of avant's applets are dependent on gnome and gtk, it's not a good kde solution, yet02:38
MimiYes I know, but that comment struck me as odd that it doesnt run ok in kde... i was surprised, since its flawless in gnome, thats all... sheesh relax xF02:38
nosrednaekim!hardware | Haemogoblin this is invaluable for hardware problems02:39
ubottuHaemogoblin this is invaluable for hardware problems: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:39
jmichaelxthe thing that really has me worked up is that weather.com changed  their page layout, and no liquid weather is not working02:39
jmichaelxi think i'll write them a nasty email02:39
NickPrestajmichaelx, you could write a new python script :)02:39
jmichaelxNickPresta: i was hoping to avoid that02:40
NickPrestajmichaelx, it shouldn't be too tough. a little BS and you're good to go02:40
jmichaelxlol, probably so02:40
MimiDaisuke_Ido,  thanks i had no idea02:40
jmichaelxwriting the scathing email would be fun, too... but probably less productive02:40
Haemogoblin3right i've bookmarked that page thanks :D02:41
Daisuke_IdoMimi: no worries02:41
Daisuke_Idoi've been following awn pretty closely lately, the devs are trying to degnomify the applets02:41
Haemogoblin3so far this looks like a pretty sweet OS02:41
wirechief-intelnosrednaekim: cool thanks for the links02:42
jmichaelxi hope that by KDE4.1 we will be able to make the panel transparent again....02:42
rignesHello all, where is the default run level in Hardy set?  In other distros I would just edit inittab but that file doesn't appear to exist in Kubuntu.02:42
nosrednaekimjmichaelx: you can do that now... install the slim-glow plasma theme02:42
OmnipotentEntityHey guys, I was wondering if anyone had any experience using Super Flasher under wine.  It a bit of an obscure program, used for dumping and flashing ROMs to an SNES cart/programmable SNES cart.02:43
nosrednaekim!upstart | rignes02:43
ubotturignes: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:43
wirechief-intelnosrednaekim: i had to get rid of firefox3 it was just too buggy, would not save bookmarks or homepage02:43
jmichaelxnosrednaekim: ty, i didn't know there was such a thing. i am going to do that right now02:43
jmichaelxwirechief-intel: i have been having FF3 issues , too... all was well with FF3 until the most recent updates came down the line a few weeks ago02:44
wirechief-inteljmichaelx: hmm well till they sortem out im using ff202:44
Haemogoblin3what is compiz?02:45
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion02:45
MimiOops :)02:45
jmichaelxcompiz will eat your CPU02:45
Haemogoblin3i just tried to enable it and it wont02:45
MimiWell Haemogoblin3  search youtube for compiz     :) :) :)02:45
hi5*compiz will eat your GPU02:45
jmichaelxthat, too02:45
OmnipotentEntityI haven't had terrible amounts of CPU usage w/compiz.02:45
Haemogoblin3i just wondered how i alter...background colour ect ect02:46
v6lurHaemogoblin3, you need to logoff and logon again to use compiz-fusion02:46
hi5my cpu is currently at 3% at 798Mhz, and little use of my GPU even so?02:46
jmichaelxno, i was kidding. it isn't that bad02:46
hi5compiz pwnz all02:46
* hi5 is compiz fiend02:46
Mimicompiz helps with my ADD ;p02:46
jmichaelxi don't use compiz much02:46
OmnipotentEntityHaemogoblin3, right click the desktop, Configure Desktop.02:46
jmichaelxLOL @ Mimi02:46
Mimictrl + p   and all the windows im not using become semi transparent :D02:46
Haemogoblin3well i just clicked on install desktop effect and it failed02:46
v6lurcompiz-fusion is really cool, but kopete keeps crashing the system with emerald as window manager :/02:47
OmnipotentEntitycompiz is useful.  But I don't like running with while running WoW.02:47
MimiHaemogoblin3,  probably havent installed resttricted drivers yet02:47
hi5lol, seriously compiz helps with mine too!02:47
jmichaelxsweet, my slackware 12.1 CDs have finished downloading02:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:47
hi5the window darkening rocks!02:47
Haemogoblin3so how do i install it02:47
Mimihi5,   i just make the windows look almost like they arent there (so that they blend in with the wallpaper ;) )02:47
hi5compiz (when it's not busy crashing) is like os-x on speed02:47
Mimi!compiz | Haemogoblin302:47
ubottuHaemogoblin3: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion02:47
hi5Mimi: ditto :)02:48
v6lurhi5, well said02:48
tuanphammorning every !02:48
[B5C]wallabeehow can i find out which video driver kde4 is using (without starting kde4)02:48
Haemogoblin3is it worth having installed?02:48
MimiHi  tua :)02:48
MimiHaemogoblin3,  depends on your needs and how good your computer is. still, its worth a try me thinks02:48
tuanphamhi Mimi02:48
OmnipotentEntityHaemogoblin3, do you like eyecandy?  Is your computer's GPU fast?02:48
OmnipotentEntityIf you answered yes to both, compiz is right for you.02:49
Haemogoblin3thanks i thought i'd just ask..you guys have been using this os alot longer then me02:49
Haemogoblin3it's a 16mb ATI 12802:49
MimiYou dont want compiz then02:49
OmnipotentEntityDon't install compiz.  You won't like it.02:49
Haemogoblin3750 P302:49
Haemogoblin3a basic compaq laptop02:49
MimiShould probably be using xubuntu uh?02:50
OmnipotentEntity(from 2002. :)02:50
OmnipotentEntityI agree, you'll like xubuntu better.02:50
v6lurif kde runs fine, why change it?02:50
jmichaelxgeesh, konqueror is not working correctly either02:50
Haemogoblin3it's running very sweet right now02:50
OmnipotentEntity:) Good, don't fix what's not broken.02:51
jmichaelxi may have to do a fresh install... initially i thought my upgrade to hardy had gone smoothely02:51
jmichaelxAn error occurred while loading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion:02:51
* Dr_willis waits for ServicePack1 for hardy.02:51
OmnipotentEntityOuch Dr_willis, harsh.02:51
OmnipotentEntityHaemogoblin3, open up a terminal and run glxgears02:52
Haemogoblin3i'm just getting firefox..good and faithful02:52
Haemogoblin3what is that?02:52
v6lurit's a program to benchmark your graphics card02:52
Haemogoblin3can't run specified command02:52
OmnipotentEntityIt's not really a benchmark, I just wanted to see if he had glx extensions installed.02:53
Haemogoblin3apparently i dont02:53
OmnipotentEntityBut then again, ati open source drivers have 3d acceleration already.02:53
OmnipotentEntityI forgot that.02:53
v6lurwell, that's how people round here ar using it :)02:53
OmnipotentEntityYou mean like this:02:54
OmnipotentEntity(1)omnipotententity@oberus% glxgears                                                                                                                                             ~02:54
OmnipotentEntity82994 frames in 5.0 seconds = 16594.297 FPS02:54
OmnipotentEntity104067 frames in 5.0 seconds = 20813.357 FPS02:54
OmnipotentEntity105443 frames in 5.0 seconds = 21088.562 FPS02:54
jmichaelxsick the ops on OmnipotentEntity!02:54
jmichaelxoh well, nevermind02:54
OmnipotentEntityYeah, not a benchmark, I preferred it when you had to pass the option --iunderstandthatthisisnotabenchmark02:54
Dr_willisI think who ever came up with that --iunderstand. bs should be shot.02:55
Haemogoblin3i take it kubuntu comes bundled with those ati drivers02:55
Dr_willisits as close to a bench mark as anything else ive seen. :)02:55
OmnipotentEntityHe was.  The option isn't there anymore and it prints the FPS by default now.02:56
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: no... not really02:56
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: you can get them from the hardware deveices manager02:56
Haemogoblin3i might need a little, guidance :P02:56
jmichaelxthis shooting devs for stupid config flags could catch on02:57
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: system->hardware devicemanager02:57
Haemogoblin3okies loaded it up02:57
OmnipotentEntitybe back later. :)02:58
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: anything about the ati driver there?02:58
Haemogoblin3no proprietary drivers are in use on this system02:58
jmichaelxfor some of the older ati video adaptors, the OS drivers are fairly awesome02:59
jmichaelxi have a machine with compiz enabled, and working well.. using a radeon 9000, and OS drivers03:00
Haemogoblin3i dont think this little laptops GFX card would compare to even a 900003:00
jmichaelxahh, yeah, probably not03:00
Haemogoblin3i've just noticed a problem03:01
Haemogoblin3i followed a link off the wiki for compiz to a youtube video..it's not playing the vid03:02
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: run "sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree"03:02
v6lurrather: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras03:03
Haemogoblin3should something pop up when i put that in the run command window03:04
MimiHaemogoblin3,  oops, you want to run that from terminal window, not  from alt + f2 ^^03:04
Haemogoblin3ok how does one do that03:05
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: run it from a terminal.. a konsole03:05
nosrednaekimv6lur: that has the flash player?ok03:05
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: system->konsole03:05
Haemogoblin3could not find kubuntu- ect ect ect03:06
Haemogoblin3do i need the CD in03:06
Haemogoblin3haemogoblin@Compaq:~$  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras[sudo] password for haemogoblin:Reading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DoneE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-restricted-extrashaemogoblin@Compaq:~$03:07
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: ok, run " sudo apt-get update" to update your package lists03:07
Miminot only that, doesnt he have to enable the extra repos, since restricted is non free?03:08
MimiWhere do you Kubuntians go to change the software sources? (In gnome I have Administration>Software Sources03:08
Haemogoblin3Ohh now something IS happening :D03:08
nosrednaekimprobably already enabled03:08
MimiIt comes enabled by default? non free?03:08
Haemogoblin3ok done03:09
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: try the previous command03:09
Haemogoblin3sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree?03:10
[B5C]wallabeehm my panel disappeared how can i get it back? already tried a restart03:10
Haemogoblin3just to confirm03:10
nosrednaekim[B5C]wallabee: kde4?03:10
nosrednaekimMimi: adept_manger03:10
Haemogoblin3haemogoblin@Compaq:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfreeReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DoneE: Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfreehaemogoblin@Compaq:~$03:11
nosrednaekim[B5C]wallabee: "killall plasma && rm .kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc && plasma"03:11
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: go into adept manager->adept->manage repositories and check them all on03:12
MimiExcept CDs03:13
[B5C]wallabeenosrednaekim, thank you ;)03:13
nosrednaekim[B5C]wallabee: you don't know how many times I've had to type that for people :)03:13
sledgeanybody know how i can install an older (<2.6.24-16) kernel image without rolling my own?03:14
nosrednaekimsledge: you don't want to :P03:14
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubottu stages03:14
Haemogoblin3so anything beginning with CD is a no no03:14
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: right... it would require you to have your CD all the time, which is a pain when you have a net connection03:14
MimiHaemogoblin3,  don;'t want to use CD packages unless you have bad bad bad internet connection03:14
Haemogoblin3ok ticking them off now03:15
Haemogoblin3there are alot of them..03:15
nosrednaekimlike 6 right?03:16
Mimi<Mimi> Haemogoblin3,03:16
sledgenosrednaekim: I want to. Everything above -11 breaks my broadcom wireless adapter.03:16
Mimihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu      here you go03:16
Haemogoblin3there are ALOT03:16
Mimiactually Haemogoblin3  please ignore that link. try this one instead https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:17
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: just in the "kubuntu software tab:03:17
Haemogoblin3904 installed , 15 upgradable, 24798 availible03:17
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: oh... don't check all those packages! go into the adept menu->manage repositories03:18
Haemogoblin3going there now03:18
nosrednaekimmake sure "restricted" is checked off03:19
MimiWhy have it checked off?03:19
Haemogoblin3i dont even see it :S03:20
nosrednaekimwell... checked :)03:20
Haemogoblin3ooh i do now03:20
nosrednaekimmultiverse and restricted03:21
Haemogoblin3drivers for devices ( restricted)03:21
Haemogoblin3and then the one below it? yes03:21
nosrednaekimok... were they both checked before?03:21
nosrednaekimoh.... what version of kubuntu do you have?03:22
Haemogoblin3the latest03:22
Haemogoblin3what evers on the site03:22
nosrednaekimhmm ok..... well, why you are in adept_manager... search for "flash"03:22
Haemogoblin3wooo progress bars03:23
nosrednaekimah! the package name is now "flashplugin-nonfree"03:23
nosrednaekimsorry about that03:23
Haemogoblin3its dwnloading stuff03:23
Haemogoblin3i dont see it on the list03:25
Haemogoblin3but there's alot of flash related findings in the search03:25
nosrednaekimnot that though?03:25
[B5C]wallabee:( kde4 is too buggy03:26
nosrednaekimthats very odd... do you have the "kubuntu-restricted-extras" package?03:26
Mimi*sigh* isn't it called...   yes that,   ^03:27
Haemogoblin3how would i determine if i had?03:27
Mimitheres a search bar there03:27
Mimisearch for:   restricted03:27
Haemogoblin3one sex03:28
Haemogoblin3sec even03:28
Haemogoblin3nothing by that name03:29
ubottuFactoid openaim not found03:31
MimiHaemogoblin3,  i think i found out what the problem is :) stay tuned03:32
Haemogoblin3okies :)03:32
Mimiunder the search bar, do you see SHOW: not installed, installed, etc etc?03:32
Mimiare they all checked?03:33
Mimiwhy do kubuntunians use adept manager >.> its so difficult to use, while gnome's  add/remove is so simple >.>03:33
Mimimmmm thats odd xD03:33
Mimimatch package name and description?03:33
twoshadetodis there a graph program? something that just gives you a graph and you can click a box and have it selected, preferably with other features but doesn'thave to03:34
MimiHaemogoblin3,  you've already tried i think, sincce you've updates the repositories now, can you try this?   open a konsole from the system menu,  then run   sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras03:35
nosrednaekimtwoshadetod: maybe kmplot03:35
twoshadetodthanks ill check that out03:35
Haemogoblin3ok doing it now03:36
Mimi*cough* me sugests installing gnome-app-install *cough* *cough!*03:37
Haemogoblin3not found03:37
MimiOhMy Ubuntu even comes with Flickr Updates on it's repos!! Neat!03:37
Mimithe package blah blah was not found?03:37
Haemogoblin3it seems to be a running theme03:38
Haemogoblin3would firefox be flash enabled out of the box?03:38
MimixD  You must have not selected all the repositories / sources... :/03:38
MimiHaemogoblin3,  I could swear mine was, but you know, I installed ubuntu soooo long ago i dont remmebr03:38
MimiWould anyone be against him installing gnome-app-install..> ? lol its so easy to use compared to adept...03:39
nosrednaekimthats fine :)03:39
Haemogoblin3under third party software..those need ticking right?03:40
Haemogoblin3now i know where i went wrong...human error03:40
MimiLike the repository list in adept... what the bunny is that mess!03:40
Haemogoblin3ook its once more updating03:41
MimiYeah it has to download the list of available applications and updates :)03:41
MimiHas anyone told him to do update & upgrade yet?03:41
andresjhello. i am currently using gutsy. I wanna upgrade to hardy but I don't know if I'll need to reinstall the O.S. like I had to do last distro upgrade... any comments?03:42
Mimiandresj,  no, you dont have to do a fresh install03:42
andresjbut does it work correctly? I mean, I also thought I didn't have to do a fresh install from feisty->gutsy03:43
MimiI personally prefer to do a fresh install since it doesnt take too long.  If you  have a separate ./home partition I recomend you do a fresh install03:43
Haemogoblin3thus far what i did, i checked the two files under the CD part of the third party packages03:43
Haemogoblin3i searched for flash but i didn't see the plugin, so i've run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras in the terminal and still nothing03:44
andresjmmm... I dont have a separate /home partition :(03:44
andresjI used to, but I got lazy the last two installs :D03:45
MimiWe told you not to enable Restricted, didn't we? .... *shakes head* ..... Who did that?! :P    hae, you need Restrict repositories too >.> Im sorry for the mess03:45
heinkel_111hello..is it possible to upgrade 7.10 --> 8.04 using the DVD?03:45
Mimiandresj,  maybe this time you could make up for your lazyness? *wink* *lets you borrow her usb drive for backup ^^03:45
MimiYeah it is heinkel_11103:45
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:45
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:46
heinkel_111Mimi ...I looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu and it only mentions the alternate CD, that is why I asked03:46
Haemogoblin3 Restrict repositories ??03:46
MimiYes, enable those, hae03:46
Haemogoblin3i ran a search again03:47
Haemogoblin3for restricted and it didn't find it still03:48
nosrednaekimHaemogoblin3: :(03:48
nosrednaekimsorry, I'm outa ideas... something is messed up there03:48
Haemogoblin3well i've not had time to mess it up myself03:48
MimiYou're right lol03:48
matiiiany body can help me, i cant install nvidia drivers03:48
* Mimi googles for a clean sources file03:49
Haemogoblin3i'll install firefox and get back to you03:49
Haemogoblin3it might solve it03:49
* Mimi loves having firefox launch in 1 sec when I have 20 tabs and just booted ;p03:50
Haemogoblin3ooook, how do i install firefox lol...03:50
Mimidid you search it for firefox?03:51
Mimiadept manager03:51
Haemogoblin3i only just downloaded the firefox zip03:51
Mimilol :)03:51
Mimiwelcome to ubuntu, where you usually never need to download stuff from websites :)03:52
Haemogoblin3having just unzipped it....i'm looking for the EXE or the installer03:52
Mimijust type sudo apt-get install firefox :) Why work when ubuntu does it for you :)03:52
Haemogoblin3in ther terminal i guess03:52
Mimiits faster :)03:52
Haemogoblin3what about when i need to install stuff manuall03:53
MimiYou will rarely have to03:53
Mimivery very rarely03:53
nosrednaekimyou PROBABLY won't ever have to03:53
Haemogoblin3then can some explain to me this sudo apt thingy03:54
MimiYeah, one sec03:54
Mimiguys what text editor does kubuntu use, is it kate?03:54
Haemogoblin3hehe...my OS is doing things for me that simply is not meant to happen03:54
andresjMimi, I think kwrite is the default03:55
Haemogoblin3simple laws of microsoft state that your os is supposed to STOP you from doing things..not help you!03:55
andresj(at least it is for KDE4--been disconnected from the kde3 world for over 5 months now :D)03:55
Mimihae, can you do me a big favor? could you  type in that konsole:           sudo kwrite /etc/fstab    (DONT make any changes, just copy, paste it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com  )03:55
andresjHaemogoblin3: and they are very good at it :D03:55
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:56
MimiI <3 not needing a firewall and antivirus :D03:56
andresjyeah I can't remember the last time i did anything even related to an antivirus03:57
Mimiomg hae, ignore waht i said. LOL03:57
heinkel_111where di I find the MD5 checksum for the AMD64 DVD version of kubuntu 8.04?03:58
Haemogoblin3ignore what?03:58
MimiGuys where is the apt lists saved at? /etc/apt/.....03:58
nosrednaekimsources.list in that dir, yes03:58
Haemogoblin3dude i have this fstab window full of text03:59
MimiOk thanks *rubs sweat off forehead with  her sleeve* lol03:59
Mimilol sorry i gave you the wrong file *blush*  just close that *blush*03:59
wirechief-intelheinkel_1 fc43f665ba51c4be0d95c011aefef45d *ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso03:59
Mimiinstead do               sudo  kwrite  /etc/apt/sources.list          please copy everything and paste it at http://paste.ubuntu.com   and  give us the link when you're done ^^   (What Im trying to do is set up the lists correctly for you ^^;;;04:00
MimiIf you don't mind :)04:00
Haemogoblin3it's fine i'm a PC user i'm used to my os doing random things without my knowledge04:00
heinkel_111wirechief-intel: you sure that is for the DVD?04:00
heinkel_111wirechief-intel: that is the cd file04:01
wirechief-intelheinkel_111: its what i got from www.distrowatch.com but for dvd ?? dont know04:01
heinkel_111the dvd is named kubuntu-8.04-dvd-amd64.iso04:01
Haemogoblin3haemogoblin@Compaq:~$ sudo  kwrite  /etc/apt/sources.listsudo:  kwrite: command not foundhaemogoblin@Compaq:~$04:01
nosrednaekimuhh kate :)04:01
wirechief-intelheinkel_111: i just checked my list it is not given  oh well04:01
Mimigah you guys hate me or what :D04:02
nosrednaekimoh.. and make that kdesudo04:02
Mimireplace kwrite with kate   ....    you guys hate me !!  lol i love this channel04:02
andresjoh that made me remember: now that I'm doing a fresh install, should I use amd64 or i386? I currently use i386 because of all the compatibility problems (flash, blender3d--which is fixed now, etc), but I used to have amd64 before.04:02
andresjso that's ``kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list`` :D04:02
MimiThis would never happen at #ubuntu... they're so stern04:03
MimiYes that will do * as andresj  said04:03
nosrednaekimMimi: way more traffic, yes :)04:03
heinkel_111wirechief-intel & others, I solved the checksum problem, have some coffee!04:04
Haemogoblin3there you go04:04
Haemogoblin3i should mention04:04
Haemogoblin3that when i inserted that command into the terminal is error'd04:04
MimiOk gimme a sec *editing*04:04
MimiWhat did it say?04:04
Haemogoblin3Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-haemogoblin" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.Error: "/tmp/kde-haemogoblin" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.Error: "/tmp/ksocket-haemogoblin" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.04:04
nosrednaekimyeah... thats cause you ran it with sudo04:05
nosrednaekimdon't EVER run graphical programs with sudo04:05
Haemogoblin3i'm not savvy on what the heck i'm doing just yet04:05
MimiIts my fault ;)04:05
MimiI always run stuff with sudo (havent had problems with it)04:05
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:05
andresjI just use nano when doing admin stuff to avoid this :D04:06
nosrednaekimMimi: its different in GNOME04:06
nosrednaekimlaterz guys04:06
nosrednaekimgood luck04:06
nosrednaekimand gals :)04:06
Haemogoblin3and thank you for your help04:06
nosrednaekimyeah.. NP :)04:06
Mimiok Haemogoblin3     http://paste.ubuntu.com/11054/plain/     all i did is enable multiverse04:07
Mimimultiverse: non free (usually non open source) software.04:07
Mimilike flash me thinks04:07
andresjMimi: wouldn't it have been simpler to use Adept Manager for that?04:07
Haemogoblin3now..i think you will know my next question....what do i do with this nice..very lovely look stream of text04:08
Mimiandresj,   yea but but but...   we were having trouble picking the right ones. I dont blame it, the interface is rusty and  he's new to it so04:08
Mimikdesudo  kate /etc/apt/sources.list          replace everything by that new link04:09
Haemogoblin3ok so i type that into the terminal04:09
Mimiand no, you dont have to do stuff on the konsole all the time in case youre wondering!    i just want to  set  you up with that real quick so you can get going and learning more / quicker ;)04:10
Haemogoblin3ok.....*sigh* i really dont know what the heck i'm doing04:10
MimiAsk if you have a doubt04:10
Haemogoblin3i fear at the moment my brains might melt04:10
* Mimi wonders why her cat is sitting on the stove staring at the wall. i think HER brain has melted.04:11
Haemogoblin3erm it says command not found04:11
Haemogoblin3haemogoblin@Compaq:~$ kdesudo  kate /etc/apt/sources.listsudo: Â: command not found04:11
twoshadetodwhere is a good linux games website?04:11
Mimidid you copy and paste?  it seems it copied a unicode (?) character ^^ try typing it manually04:12
andresjHaemogoblin3: APT is like a database of programs: it includes links to the installers, description and what other programs should be downloaded with it (like you have to install the .NET Framework before using some programs in Windows). This database is constantly updated from repositories. What you just did was a repository, thus enabling you to install more programs using APT.04:13
Haemogoblin3kdesudo  kate /etc/apt/sources.list04:13
Haemogoblin3thats the right command yes?04:13
MimiYeah except when you install something that requires .net, you have to do download it and install it yourself. in Ubuntu, if an app needs something, APT does it itself ;)04:13
MimiYes that's right Haemogoblin304:13
Haemogoblin3haemogoblin@Compaq:~$ kdesudo kate/etc/apt/sources.listsudo: kate/etc/apt/sources.list: command not found04:14
Haemogoblin3thats with me typing it out04:14
Mimiguys, its kdesudo right?!04:14
andresj#Haemogoblin3: did you j04:15
wirechief-inteltwoshadtod http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.filefront.com%2FZero%2BBallistics%2Bv110%2BBeta%2Bfor%2BLinux%2F%3B10070204%3B%2Ffileinfo.html&ei=r8EjSPXiFoHUpgT9wuC_Cw&usg=AFQjCNFlIHsJLCNcRMmyInoXLdDPSmyFhw&sig2=phqji5hWGvMpsOe7sFILcA04:15
andresjI forgot this is not the command line, that you can comment out a line by adding # :D04:15
Mimiandresj,  its kdesudo? or kdesu ?04:15
andresjkdesudo I think04:15
andresjbut try kdesu04:16
andresjbecause that also exists here04:16
Mimilol I feel bad for this mess :)04:16
wirechief-inteltwoshadtod thats a great tank game04:16
Haemogoblin3i just tried kdesu04:17
Haemogoblin3same error04:17
Mimiholy bunny04:17
andresjtype `sudo -i`, type the password, and then `curl http://paste.ubuntu.com/11054/plain/ > /etc/apt/sources.list` and then `exit`04:18
MimiWwwooooowww that's so cool :)04:18
Mimibut curl is on a fresh install? lol i doubt it  *rolf!*04:18
andresjactually, do this then, instead of the curl thing: `wget -O - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11054/plain/ > /etc/apt/sources.list`04:18
wirechief-inteljust apt-get install curl04:19
MimiNah, dont make him install anything yet, lets just get this thing clear....04:19
Haemogoblin3haemogoblin@Compaq:~$ sudo -i[sudo] password for haemogoblin:root@Compaq:~# curl http://paste.ubuntu.com/11054/plain/ > /etc/apt/sources.listThe program 'curl' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:apt-get install curlYou will have to enable the component called 'main'-bash: curl: command not foundroot@Compaq:~#04:19
andresjHaemogoblin3: yeah use "wget -O -" instead of "curl" :D04:20
Mimiwget -O - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11054/plain/ > /etc/apt/sources.list04:20
Mimi^ that04:20
andresjI forgot it wasn't installed by default04:20
MimiPoor Haemogoblin3 , he must be thinking we're / I am a bunch of ... bunnies... or something... ;p04:20
Haemogoblin3well something happened04:20
andresjthen its done04:21
Haemogoblin3root@Compaq:~# curl http://paste.ubuntu.com/11054/plain/ > /etc/apt/sources.listThe program 'curl' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:apt-get install curlYou will have to enable the component called 'main'-bash: curl: command not foundroot@Compaq:~# sudo -iroot@Compaq:~# wget -O - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11054/plain/ > /etc/apt/sources.list--04:20:41--  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11054/plain/     04:21
Haemogoblin3te.ubuntu.com||:80... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OKLength: unspecified [text/plain]    [ <=>                                 ] 2,639         --.--K/s04:20:41 (48.17 MB/s) - `-' saved [2639]04:21
MimiThat's a green light for GO, right? andresj  ?04:22
andresjyes I'm guessing yeah04:22
Haemogoblin3erm so am i flash enabled now04:22
Mimior should he      more /etc/apt/sources.list | grep multiverse04:22
MimiAlright, I guess that's a GO   xD04:22
andresjI tihnk that wont be necessary04:22
MimiOk, yes. Open adept manager     again  (someone remind him where it is)04:22
Haemogoblin3i know04:23
andresjwait, won't it be easier to let firefox install it for you?04:23
MimiSure? Let's give it a go04:23
andresjcuz now it can install it when a page with flash is opened04:23
MimiOh RLY. Alright :) Install Firefox first then  :)04:23
MimiCool beans04:23
Haemogoblin3i'll go find firefox04:24
Haemogoblin3hey mimi thats my saying04:24
Mimibe careful, it burns to the touch04:24
Haemogoblin3and its with a z at the end04:24
Haemogoblin3Kewl beanz!04:24
Mimik00l b3anz?04:24
Haemogoblin3you have to like an os that comes packed with a torrent client04:24
Mimi FIrefox: Contents are hot. Handle carefully.04:25
Mimilol yea!04:25
MimiI made my final move to Linux today : I finally formatted my backup drive from ntfs to ext :D04:25
Daisuke_IdoMimi: congrats :D04:26
andresjlol I did that about one year ago04:26
Daisuke_Idoyour soul is ours now.04:26
Haemogoblin3firefox is having me download the flash plugin04:26
Mimi:-) My soul was Ubuntu's ever since I started using it *heart beats fast* : )04:26
MimiUbuntu is 99% of everything I could ask from an OS :)04:26
Haemogoblin3ok that didnt go to plan04:27
MimiWhat happened04:27
andresjwhat happened04:27
Haemogoblin3i was directed tot eh adobe website to download the player04:27
MimiEh. Plan B :)04:27
Daisuke_IdoMimi: just out of curiosity, what's the other 1%04:27
andresjthat isnt what I expected wither04:27
Haemogoblin3i downloaded the tar.gz file04:27
MimiGo back to adept  and search for that  flash nonfree thingie04:27
andresjno need to do that, Haemogoblin3.04:27
MimiNah dont get the tar file *wink*04:28
MimiAdobe hates us.04:28
andresjsudo apt-get install flash-nonfree04:28
andresjsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:28
MimiDaisuke_Ido,    random minor bugs here and there04:28
MimiHey andresj  I thought you didn't want me to encourage him to use konsole!! :P04:28
andresj:D lol04:29
Daisuke_IdoMimi: perfectly understandable04:29
andresjwell in any case I gave him the package name :)04:29
MimiYeah :)04:29
Daisuke_Idoi'm still running into little things like that almost two years after switching04:29
Mimidoes konsole have the TAB auto completion thingie?04:29
MimiMy best friends are Ubuntu + terminal  + TAB completition  thingy04:30
andresjI never noticed I could do "sudo apt-get install fire" + TAB and have firefox04:30
Haemogoblin3Reading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DonePackage flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, oris only available from another sourceE: Package flashplugin-nonfree has no installation candidatehaemogoblin@Compaq:~$04:30
andresjDo update04:31
andresjUpdate Package list I think its called04:31
MimiWhat andresj  means is do    sudo apt-get update04:31
Mimior that....04:31
Haemogoblin3thanks mimi04:31
andresjwhich do you feel more comfortable doing, Haemogoblin3? the terminal or the gui?04:31
MimiAFTER update, do             sudo apt-get upgrade                   and AFTER that's done, do the sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:32
Mimiandresj,  eek, he's only been using kubuntu for about a hour and a half ;) might be too early for him to know ^^04:32
adf585alguien de mexico04:32
andresjtrue, true04:32
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.04:32
andresjadf585: yo soy de peru, pero si hablo espanol :D04:32
adf585al fin04:32
adf585q  roio04:33
MimiAaah spanish sounds soooo nice :)04:33
adf585como estan04:33
andresjbien bien04:33
adf585cual es su bussines04:33
Mimimuy bien, y tu ? (my espanol es malo ;) )04:33
Mimiusted? tu?04:33
dbgltkde 4.04. Whenever I change fonts in systemsettings, they do not persist, and do not apply in other applications. Any ideas what is up?04:33
andresjestamso ayudando a un noob de uan hora y media :D04:33
neogmxis this spanish or english channel?04:34
Mimienglish :P04:34
Haemogoblin3to be honest...if i was up on the commands for the terminal i'd be ok with it04:34
neogmxam a spanish speaker but i was like "whoops wrong channel" then i saw 2 spanish ones04:34
neogmxi was like what happen to the english one04:34
andresjyeah probablemente deveriamos hablar en espanol en #kubuntu-es04:34
Haemogoblin3it reminds me pretty much of dos...04:34
andresjporque nos van a empezar a botar :)04:34
MimiHaemogoblin3,  yeah in that case.... :)  remember if you're not sure what a command is called, you can usually start typing a few letters then press TAB to have konsole provide you with sugestions04:35
andresjbut write two letters or more04:35
andresjcuz if not you'll get 100 commands :D04:35
Haemogoblin3i might actually read up on kubutu first04:36
MimiSo what's going on Haemogoblin3    ....  did you do the update upgrade thingy?04:36
Haemogoblin3it's doing it now04:36
Haemogoblin3and razzing my hdd like a nutter04:36
K`zan_emcrestarting into kde!  Thanks stdin !04:36
Mimibrb im gonna log in to kde (im on gnome)04:37
andresjyeah you should probably enable automatic upgrades so that you don't have to go through this everyday04:37
Mimiarent they enabled by default in kde?!?! O.o04:37
andresjI dont know04:37
Haemogoblin3its done it again04:37
andresjHaemogoblin3: what did it do?04:37
Haemogoblin3the file is missing our obsolete04:37
Haemogoblin3i performed the last bit of your instructions04:37
andresjsudo apt-get install firefoxplugin-nonfree ?04:38
MimiBack. I'm on KDE now :D04:38
Haemogoblin3AFTER update, do             sudo apt-get upgrade                   and AFTER that's done, do the sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:38
andresjMimi, you using kde3 or kde4?04:38
Haemogoblin3is what i just did04:39
andresjwhat did it say exactly?04:39
Haemogoblin3ldconfig deferred processing now taking placehaemogoblin@Compaq:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfreeReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DonePackage flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, oris only available from another sourceE: Package flashplugin-nonfree has no ins04:39
MimiO-o they might have changed it since last time.  install kubuntu-restricted-extras?04:39
Mimiandresj,  im running 3.5.9 ---- is 4   worth updating to yet?04:40
andresjMimi, the effects are good, although I play so many 3d games its just not worth it to enable and disable it every time04:41
andresjthe style is pretty good04:41
Haemogoblin3How do i do that mimi04:41
Mimithe effects are kde effects, not compiz effects?04:41
andresjkde effects04:41
nasanyone knows of a good keylogger program for gutsy?04:41
andresjHaemogoblin3: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras :D04:41
MimiWithout the smiley!04:41
Haemogoblin3are you sure :P04:42
Mimi*shakes head*  I hate kde its too much like windows :P04:42
andresjno, actually the smiley is required by the program04:42
andresjMimi, kde4 is less like windows04:42
Haemogoblin3haemogoblin@Compaq:~$ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extrasReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DoneE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-restricted-extras04:42
andresjspecially because of the plasma thing04:42
andresjMimi, are you using hardy?04:43
Mimiandresj,  everything is so complicated looking in kde, for me that is. i like the simplicity of gnome.  like that adept manager, its a eye sore!! you try the gnome add remove... its so clean and easy to use!04:43
Mimiyes i am andresj04:43
andresjyeah adept manager is seriously bad04:43
Mimisudo apt-get install gnome-app-install    *snickers*04:43
MimiI have no idea nas04:43
Haemogoblin3well getting flash to work seem nutz04:43
andresji didnt like to use it before, but when i upgraded to kde4 I switched to aptitude04:44
MimiHaemogoblin3,  nah its not, we messed it up for you ^^04:44
andresjHaemogoblin3: it actually is one of the easist things to do04:44
Haemogoblin3well it doesnt seem it04:44
andresjI mean it should be04:44
MimiIts just been a while for us Haemogoblin3  so we dont remember all the little details, a few things have changed since we last had to do this :P04:44
o0Chris0ohello guys, anyone familiar with ubottu bot and its functions plz PM me or join me in #ubuntu-irc, I have some questions. Thanks04:44
Haemogoblin3i'm just reading the adobe guide04:44
=== neogmx is now known as Pirar
Haemogoblin3# Click the "Download .tar.gz" link. A dialog box will appear asking you where to save the file.# Save the .tar.gz file to your desktop and wait for the file to download completely.# Unpackage the file. A directory called install_flash_player_9_linux will be created.# In terminal, navigate to this directory and type ./flashplayer-installer to run the installer. Click Enter. The installer will instruct you to shut dow04:45
Haemogoblin3be installed in your Mozilla browser. To verify, launch Mozilla and choose Help > About Plug-ins from the browser men04:45
MimiHaemogoblin3,  noooooo :)04:45
andresjI know whats wrong04:46
andresjthere are two lines missing in the sources.list04:46
=== Pirar is now known as Piragoras
MimiThere are? we enabled multiverse04:47
andresjenabled multiverse for the backports04:47
andresjbut not for the main04:47
andresjhere http://paste.ubuntu.com/11059/plain/04:48
=== Piragoras is now known as Pirachu
[B5C]wallabeekde is always freezing or i get a white or black screen. is there another way then adding vesa to the xorg to get kubuntu 8.04 working with 9700 mobility?04:48
[B5C]wallabeei tried kde 3 and kde4 same prob04:48
Haemogoblin3ok i followed that link04:48
Haemogoblin3and it's opened up a new window04:48
andresj`sudo -i` Enter pasword. `wget -O - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11059/plain/ > /etc/apt/sources.list` Enter. `exit`04:48
Haemogoblin3plain - kate04:48
andresjyes that's what should be in your sources.list04:49
andresjjust update it like we did before04:49
andresjand then update, upgrade and install04:49
Mimiandresj, you might want to clear that thing , it looks confusing to read....  the sudo thing04:49
MimiIn other words.04:49
MimiType      sudo -i           press enter and enter password04:50
Mimitype             wget -O - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11059/plain/ > /etc/apt/sources.list                 then enter04:50
Mimilet it do its thing.04:50
Mimithen  type              exit04:50
andresjand Enter :D04:51
Mimiofcourse =^..^=04:51
o0Chris0oj/ #supybot04:51
Mimiandresj,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash     *.... blush*04:52
Haemogoblin3my machines gone silly04:52
andresjactually, I just thought of a simpler command: `sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/11059/plain/`04:52
andresjHaemogoblin3: how did it go silly?04:53
Haemogoblin3that last command worked04:53
Haemogoblin3my video is slow and laggt04:54
andresjwhat video?04:54
andresjflash video?04:54
Haemogoblin3and i have a random A inside a box in the middle of the chat window04:54
andresjthat is wierd.04:54
andresjyou should finish upgrading04:54
andresjand then restart the X server or computer04:55
Haemogoblin3haemogoblin@Compaq:~$ sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/11059/plain/--04:53:29--  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11059/plain/           => `/etc/apt/sources.list'Resolving paste.ubuntu.com... to paste.ubuntu.com||:80... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OKLength: unspecified [text/plain]    [ <=>                                 ] 2,899        04:55
andresj(to restart the X server, logout, click on the menu, and click on "restart X server")04:55
andresjthat means it worked04:55
andresjMimi, you still there?04:55
Haemogoblin3i'm falling asleep almost04:56
andresjwhat step are you in?04:56
andresj`sudo apt-get update`, `sudo apt-get upgrade`, `sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree`04:57
MimiSorry I was putting my boyfriend to bed :)05:00
Haemogoblin3Sweet beans its working05:00
MimiYAY! :D05:00
MimiSo it was the non backports multiverse andresj ?05:01
andresjit most definiely is :D05:01
MimiDid you see that link I sent though?05:01
andresjI have it open right now05:01
MimiIt says adobe provides the installer now? :/ so the flashplugin-nonfree still works eh05:01
andresjit says adobe provides flash, it doesnt say it provides the installer05:02
Kr|ptiXcan somone help me install a amarok theme05:02
andresjKr|ptiX: what is the problem?05:02
Haemogoblin3right i'm going to bed...05:03
Kr|ptiXandresj: im tryn to install a theme but its not applying on restart05:03
andresjhow did you install it?05:03
MimiAlready? well goodnight Haemogoblin3   ... come back tomorrow :)05:04
andresjHaemogoblin3: :D see you then05:04
Haemogoblin3dudes and dudet...if you could drop me an email at manic_nutter@hotmail.com....just incase i can't find my way back here after a nights sleep05:04
MimiYoull be fine :P05:04
Kr|ptiXandresj: i just clicked on download new style05:05
Haemogoblin3i actually dont recall how i found this forum..05:05
andresjmmm... this might be ovbious but are you using File->Quit to restart it? :P05:05
MimiHaemogoblin3,  whats the name of the program youre using to chat with us?05:05
andresjkonversation, probably im guessing05:05
Haemogoblin3soo if you dont see me tomorrow..give me a shout....i might be lost in cyber space05:05
Mimioooh kopete .. *adds email*05:06
Kr|ptiXandresj: yeah i am05:06
Haemogoblin3its gng slower then a 48605:06
andresjKr|ptiX: is it in ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/themes/ ?05:07
Haemogoblin3i best shut down05:07
Kr|ptiXandresj: yelp05:07
Mimibye ^_^05:07
andresjKr|ptiX: wierd05:08
andresjwhat files are in its folder?05:08
Kr|ptiXandresj: yeah i kno05:08
Kr|ptiXa style sheet an a image fodler05:08
[B5C]wallabeei really hate it kde freezes with vesa gr05:09
andresjKr|ptiX: no idea :(05:09
* Mimi promptly searches for Apple styles05:10
andresjApply styles?05:10
Mimiaqua, leopard, etc etc05:10
andresjah.. ohhh!05:10
andresjgot it05:10
MimiI heard kde styles are very difficult to install compared to gnome's  (drag file to Appearance box)05:11
andresjmmmm... make; sudo make install05:11
andresjalthough some come with ubuntu debs already05:11
Mimieek :O :O  *hair raises in terror*05:11
andresjI wonder how that works05:12
andresjthe gnome drag file thing05:12
andresjare gnome styles just images or sth?05:12
MimiWell you can open Appearance properties, you can drag the tar file to it, or click the Install button (where you locate the tar file) and it takes a sec, then it asks if you want to keep your current setup or if you want to apply the new theme.05:13
MimiI hate when windows people use kde at first... its so complicated.05:13
andresjwell yeah it is complicated in many aspects05:13
MimiLike, how can you except a new user to do the whole make, make install  deal?!05:13
andresjthe hardest part of that is installing the -dev packages manually05:14
Mimioh yeah05:14
MimiThat's a lot to  ask from a newbie05:14
andresjtrue, true05:15
MimiLike, right now, I downloaded the kde Daurora style... no instructions.. so I think "ok it must be easy then"..... so I open the tar, and it has 2 pictures and 2  kcsrc files..... so I think "... mmmk..." .... then ....05:16
[B5C]wallabeemy battery status stays at 11% is there anything i can do?05:16
Mimithen i go to Configure > Apearance > Style  ....  THere's nothing there regarding installing a new style05:16
MimiAnd I'm not even new to kde, ive used it on and off since ....1997?05:17
andresjyeah I really think stuff like that should be automated05:17
Mimiseriously... im looking aorund in the control center and I still dont see the option to install a style lol05:18
andresji just asked in ##gnome how do their system work05:18
andresjto see if it is viable to use it in kde, too05:18
Mimidefinately not05:19
andresjdefinetly not what?05:19
Mimiit applies styles to gnome apps only.05:19
andresjI know.05:19
andresjI mean a similar system05:19
Mimioh ok05:19
ubottuFactoid wm-manager not found05:20
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox05:20
andresjMimi: ok so GNOME styles are a group of images and conf files. KDE styles are libraries.05:23
Mimi*shrug* I don't care what it is, I just want it to work without me having to spend a whole afternoon making it work *wink* ^^05:24
andresjwell yeah I mean it should compile it automatically, or the people should provide compiled packages already05:24
Mimiwell see this Daurora, it doesnt even look complicated, its just 2 files ;p05:25
andresjI think it will be easier now that cmake is being used05:26
Mimilol... i dbl click the file and its just a text file... what in the name of god do i do with it? i bet god himself doenst even know ^^05:27
leo_rockwgreetings #kubuntu05:27
andresj#kubuntu says hi :P05:27
leo_rockwaloh speme05:28
MimiDoes anyone know how to install a theme... lol seriously.... so I got .. ummm i managed to get to Theme manager... but when I pick Install it doesnt  list the thing i downloaded  xD05:29
leo_rockwi'm bored... nobody with broken grubs or amarok-don't-play-mp3s?05:29
[B5C]wallabeemy batterystatus is wrong05:29
leo_rockw[B5C]wallabee: what does it say?05:30
leo_rockwsetuid_w00t: hello05:30
andresjMimi: what files are in the tar?05:30
[B5C]wallabeeit says 2 batterys and 11%05:30
[B5C]wallabeei have 1 battery and 100%05:31
Mimiandresj,  2 screenshots      1 daurora-look.kcsrc        1 domino_daurora-lookrc05:31
[B5C]wallabeeacer travelmate 4000 with kde305:31
andresjoohhh... THAT kind of style... lol05:31
Mimi.. that kinda style? lol05:31
leo_rockw[B5C]wallabee: where do you get the readings from?05:31
andresjit would be called a theme I think05:32
[B5C]wallabee?battery 2. what do u mean?05:32
Mimimmm i could swear I clicked /styles/ in kde-look ;p05:32
leo_rockw[B5C]wallabee: what app05:32
[B5C]wallabeethe small battery icon in the panel05:32
dennisterhey channel, any recommendations for an accounting/inventory program to install on my kubuntu database server?05:32
andresjMimi, what is the page in kde-look?05:33
leo_rockw[B5C]wallabee: the green one w/ the yellow thingy?05:33
leo_rockw[B5C]wallabee: there's another monitor, that's why i'm asking05:33
andresjMimi, that's a Domino style05:33
andresjso you have to install Domino first05:33
dennisterno way will i ever trust sql-ledger again, tinyerp and egroupware seem way too huge for just me, i'm looking at postbooks now...any other ideas/recommendations?05:34
leo_rockw[B5C]wallabee: i believe it's called klaptopdaemon... idk if it will give you the same readings, tho. idk how that other app gets its readings.05:34
setuid_w00tAre there any serious issues that I should be aware of before I try to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy?05:34
andresjMimi: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4280405:35
leo_rockwsetuid_w00t: do you have a broadcom wireless card?05:35
setuid_w00tleo_rockw: Nope, this is a desktop05:35
andresjjust untar this one, ./configure; make; sudo make install05:35
[B5C]wallabeekloptopdaemon shows the real status ;)05:36
leo_rockw[B5C]wallabee: yay!05:36
Mimitheres a wiki page with a list of issues... cant find it..05:36
andresjand then select it as your style in system settings, go into configure and put "import"05:36
leo_rockwsetuid_w00t: that was about the only "problem" i had w/ hardy05:36
leo_rockwsetuid_w00t: and it was easy to solve, just get the proper drivers05:36
setuid_w00tcool, thanks05:38
leo_rockwsetuid_w00t: and the media key didn't bind to amarok... easy to solve, just do it manually05:38
leo_rockwsetuid_w00t: there's nothing else i recall having problems with. but different things might happen w/ different hardware05:39
MimiAaaaah Gnome... :) *sits back and enjoys the show*05:41
leo_rockwMimi: gnome > /dev/null05:41
Mimipffftt   kde>/dev/null05:41
MimiI just can't make myself use kde... i've tried. I've tried lots.05:42
* leo_rockw shakes his arm: you shall pay for this Mimi, you hear me? you shall pay!05:42
leo_rockwto each his own, i don't like gnome.05:42
andresjMimi: I can say the same thing about gnome05:43
MimiIf I wanted to spend a whole week trying to make my desktop look half decent, I would go back to Windoz  ^^;;05:43
andresjits not that it is not good, but I just cant get used to it05:43
leo_rockwMimi: you can change absolutely everything in kde05:43
rakethey people, why there are extensions for firefox in the add/remove programs?05:43
andresjraket: why not?05:43
Mimileo_rockw,  yeah i know but theres soooooo many options with no details of what thye do that its just too overwhelming05:43
raketare they somehow modified to work under linux?05:44
leo_rockwMimi: exactly :-)05:44
leo_rockwMimi: i likey...05:44
leo_rockwMimi: just stay with the DE that you feel comfortable with05:44
Mimileo_rockw,  it shoudlnt take me a week to make my desktop look good... it took me a few minutes in gnome....05:44
andresjraket: a couple of them are specific to ubuntu05:45
leo_rockwMimi: i really don't care about looks05:45
andresjthe rest are just there for convenience05:45
raketI was only wondering where should I install them from05:45
leo_rockwMimi: my wallpapers were randomly chosen from kde-look05:45
MimiI see your point, but for me, leo_rockw  ,  the gnome looks i have make me work better.  much much better... i dont know05:46
andresjIntrepid is the name for the next release :D05:46
Mimileo_rockw,  I only have 1 wallpaper at a time, something soft, not distracting *cough* its actually the mac/aqua wallpaper but in a soft gray-blue05:46
leo_rockwMimi: yeah, you would have 1 wallpaper in gnome. i have 10 lol05:47
raketalright. So I installed 7zip in Kubuntu (ofcourse) but I don't see the program's shortcut anywhere. what's the deal, does anyone know?05:47
Mimileo_rockw,  theres a lil app in the repos that makes it so you can do that too, i just choose not to. having a internet connection is distraction enough05:47
leo_rockwraket: 7zip is for console05:48
MimiMOAR isnt always better05:48
raketleo_rockw: what? there's no GUI?!05:48
andresjraket: you can use ark05:48
leo_rockwraket: you might be able to make ark and 7zip play along... i never did it but it's probably possible05:48
raketandresj: I know, I just prefer 7zip05:48
andresjArk uses the 7zip console program05:48
andresj*I think05:48
andresjthe 7zip gui program for linux just doesnt exist05:49
* Mimi is tired... goes see some lolcats05:49
leo_rockwwikipedia uses 7zip... just letting you know :-P05:50
* andresj impatiently waits for Kubuntu Hardy KDE 4 Remix to download and being able to install KDE 4.0.4 and the "Toogle Composite" plasmoid05:50
leo_rockw404 is out?05:50
leo_rockwnot found...05:50
leo_rockw(pfft, bad joke)05:51
andresjdidn't get it lol :D05:51
leo_rockw404 not found05:51
leo_rockwyou never got that from your browser?05:51
andresjyes I have05:51
andresjI thought you were asking for help lol05:51
leo_rockwhaha, nah.05:51
leo_rockwwhen's 4.1 coming out? july?05:52
leo_rockwsweet... i might install it again then05:52
andresjthe alpha is already out, though but there is no package05:52
leo_rockwandresj: did you try the neon packages of amarok?05:52
Dad_My CD drive isn't working. In KDE control panel it is set as Type: devfs  Mount Point: /media/cdrom0 Device (by name): /dev/scd0  Options: utf8.  Is that right?05:52
andresjleo_rockw: that's what I was about to talk about lol05:52
andresjI have, in gutsy05:53
andresjbut they don't work05:53
raketis there a way to change the three left-right, and up-down arrows, in each window, to only two?05:53
andresjit says that it can't find the deb files05:53
leo_rockwi installed the alpha. it was ok, but way too buggy05:53
andresjleo_rockw: the alpha of amarok or kde?05:53
leo_rockwandresj: amarok05:53
andresjraket: yes. go to system settings, window decoration05:53
leo_rockwraket: you're talking about the buttons on top?05:54
andresjsystem settings->appearence->windows->buttons05:54
leo_rockwraket: what andresj said, haha05:54
fildoandresj: that polish05:54
fildo ?05:54
MimiHeya, what can I use to record audio that is playing on my computer? (not streams, just all sounds that are being played)05:54
fildoor russian ?05:54
leo_rockwDad_: what happens when you put a cd in?05:54
andresjfildo: no, that's short for Andres J.05:54
fildocause my brothers name is andrezej05:55
fildobut thats polska spelling05:55
andresjreally? where are yo ufrom?05:55
fildoim aussie as vegimite05:55
fildobut i have polish origin05:55
andresjthat's cool05:55
fildoyeah i guess05:55
andresj:D I want to go there05:56
fildo:) we p.o.w.s .. @ end of day05:56
fildoive been there, its fukn awesome05:56
Dad_leo_rockw, nothing. And Dolphin does see it.05:56
fildosorry for language05:56
fildoim kinda blind from the pub05:56
andresjlol no problem by me05:57
raketandresj: that wasn't it. I am talking about the buttons that appear between the sliders05:57
andresjraket: what sliders?05:57
Dad_leo-rockw, Typo. That should be Dolphin does NOT see it.05:57
raketthe ones you use to go up and down on a certain page05:57
raketor left right05:57
raketso between them, there's three buttons instead of two05:58
tuanphamhave lunch now :D05:58
andresjthat should be in systemsettings->appearence->style->configure...05:58
andresjbut only some styles have the option to change it05:58
=== pascalFR is now known as PascalFR
raketand sometimes the lower one doesn't work05:58
tuanphambye all05:58
raketandresj: lemme see05:58
* andresj notices that his download goes 1% per minute05:59
leo_rockwDad_: put a cd on the drive and see if dmesg tail says anything06:00
raketandresj: hell yeah! that was it! I guess now I'll have to restart the programs06:01
andresjit shouldn't be necessary06:01
raketor kde?06:01
andresjput apply06:01
andresji mean, click apply :D06:01
raketI saw the change happen in the preview, but not anywhere else06:01
raketlemme restart kde, and I'll brb..06:02
leo_rockwhe didn't have to restart kde... lol06:03
andresjyeah he didnt06:03
andresj83% at 10:0306:03
andresjand 80% at 10:0006:03
leo_rockwandresj: did you try kde4 before?06:03
andresjI am using it right now06:03
andresjI have since christmas :D06:03
andresjwell actually since new year06:04
leo_rockwi couldn't let go of my 3.5.906:04
leo_rockwi couldn't do all the modifications i wanted. all those lil things i was telling Mimi about...06:04
andresjoh yeah yeah06:05
leo_rockwi couldn't change the "kicker" size, or hide it, or put it on top...06:05
Dad_leo_rockw, What is dmesg tail?06:05
andresjmany things were disabled by 4.0.006:05
leo_rockwi see a lot of potential, but i'll stay with 3.5.9 for now06:05
andresjleo_rockw: although that specific thing was fixed on 4.0.306:05
raketandresj: I reloaded the programs, and that was it06:05
leo_rockwandresj: yeah, i had kde 4 until the .0.3, then did a fresh install of hardy and didn't install it again06:05
leo_rockwDad_: in konsole (or yakuake ;-) ) input that command06:06
raketleo_rockw: what did you think of it?06:06
Mimiheya any of you  know how to record sound you hear on your computer.... yes I know there's audacity/ardour blah blah blah, im not asking about app names, but how to do it :/06:06
hi5Is anyone here familiar with incremental updating for apt etc?06:07
leo_rockwraket: i think it will be the best DE out there (and i'm including vi$ta's and os x's) but it is still buggy06:07
andresjyeah it will06:07
andresji cant wait for amarok and koffice 206:07
andresjthey will be the killer apps06:07
leo_rockwandresj: there are like 40 SoC projects for KDE06:07
raketSoC ?06:08
hi5summer of code06:08
leo_rockwandresj: i tried koffice 2 as well06:08
hi5or silicon on insulator06:08
andresjSummer Of C-- what he said06:08
andresjleo_rockw: what did you tihnk of it?06:08
raket(01:07:20 AM) leo_rockw: raket: i think it will be the best DE out there (and i'm including vi$ta's and os x's) but it is still buggy06:09
leo_rockwandresj: looks really good. way different than OO.o06:09
andresjyeah i don't like OO.o cuz it doesn't use styles06:09
raketis it any better?06:09
leo_rockwi installed OO.o 3beta yesterday too06:09
andresjnor gtk nor kde's06:10
andresjleo_rockw: how is it? i haven't seen that one06:10
leo_rockwandresj: yeah, that's what i don't like about it06:10
leo_rockwandresj: well, i can't really compare it with 2.4, since i barely use it. it looks pretty much the same, maybe a lil faster.06:10
K`zanHi all, got a qx5 webcam (microscope) and linux knows what it is and loads a module and seems to be well.  Tried xawtv to watch it but it keeps barfing out.  Anyone know a good app to look at a webcam?06:11
K`zannever heard of it, but will check it out - THANKS!06:12
andresjit came automatically with my isntallation :D06:12
hi5isn't that gnome?06:12
morticiwhy aren't my packages upgrading, it keeps stating 102 held back, why?06:12
K`zanGnome isn't *all* bad :-)06:12
hi5well.. no, i rather like it myself for it's high usability06:13
andresjmortici: maybe upgrade them manually, using aptitude?06:13
hi5still, i could have sworn there was a kde webcam app06:13
hi5i can't find it in repos tho06:13
hi5gqcam maybe?06:13
morticidependencie issues06:13
morticii just upgraded from feisty to hardy06:13
morticii just changed my sources to hardy is there anything else i might need to do?06:14
leo_rockwmortici: you can't upgrade from feisty to hardy06:14
morticiwow i fail06:14
morticithen do i have to upgrade to gutsy06:14
morticithen hardy06:14
morticior do a fresh install?06:15
leo_rockwmortici: yeah06:15
morticileo_rockw: yeah?06:15
leo_rockwmortici: you can only upgrade to hardy from gutsy or from the previous lts (was it dapper?)06:15
leo_rockwmortici: either upgrade to gutsy and then hardy or do a fresh install06:15
morticiok cool ill try to upgrade to gutsy first06:15
andresjwhat is the last lst using?06:15
andresjwhat kde i mean06:15
leo_rockwandresj: idk, i started w/ feisty06:16
andresji did too :D06:16
Dad_leo_rockw, no, dmesg tail is not giving any information. To make sure, I inserted a bluetooth receiver. Ran dmesg tail. Then inserted a CD. Then ran dmesg tail again.06:16
leo_rockwwas it 3.5.7?06:16
=== fildo is now known as flaccid
flaccidhi im flaccid06:16
flaccid f u06:16
andresjo. k.06:16
hi5why, sometimes, when i hit ctrl+t for a new tab, it splits my screen into two windows? how do i close the other window pane w/o closing the whole tab?06:16
hi5*it == konquror sorry06:17
andresjhi5, in what ap--oh06:17
leo_rockwDad_: what kind of drive is it?06:17
leo_rockwhi5: ctrl + shift + r06:17
leo_rockwhi5: you're hitting ctrl+shift+t that's why it splits06:18
leo_rockwhi5: take a look at view>split view06:18
morticiok im trying to upgrade to gutsy but now i have 157 not being upgraded :/06:19
leo_rockwhi5: np06:19
leo_rockwmortici: was your feisty fully upgraded?06:19
andresjhardy is downloaded! :D06:19
leo_rockwandresj: are you going to do a fresh install?06:20
hi5i think my keyboard has issues... it must be thinking i'm hitting T. good to know how to undo it since i'm not replacing my laptop kb anytime soon06:20
andresjleo_rockw: yes06:20
leo_rockwhi5: switch to colemak :-P06:20
Dad_leo_rockw, says Super multi LG SecurDisc on the front of the drive.06:21
raketis the Kubuntu search tool (ksearch) any good? I've been testing it and sometimes it doesn't return results that I know are there06:21
morticileo_rockw: should have been i can set the sources back to fiesty try to upgrade it06:21
morticiand then try gutsy again06:21
leo_rockwhi5: different keyboard layout06:21
raketis there anything better?06:21
leo_rockwraket: locate06:21
hi5lol, i just found colemak.com06:21
hi5yeah, may as well switch do dvorak06:21
leo_rockwhi5: colemak is easier when switching from qwerty06:22
raketleo_rockw: I found 2 programs. one is "Tracker search tool" and the other "Search for files"06:23
leo_rockwraket: locate is from console06:23
leo_rockwraket: then there's strigi06:23
raketI'm not a console guy, yet06:23
hi5why would switching to http://colemak.com/wiki/images/8/80/Colemak_layout_2.png alleviate a problem with the shift, ctrl, alt circuits being screwy!? lol06:23
hi5oh well, your esoteric joke has at least versed me in yet another new keyboard layout :P06:24
morticifeisty is fully upgraded06:24
morticitrying gutsy upgrade again06:24
leo_rockwraket: locate is superb06:25
morticiok gutsy is going06:25
leo_rockwraket: locate file06:25
leo_rockwhi5: you can use capslock as control in kde06:25
leo_rockwhi5: you don't need capslock anyway06:26
raketsomebody just reminded me about beagle, so I'll try that before strigi. maybe I'll use locate soon, but right now I don't wanna waste too much time on the console. I wanna move to it gradually06:27
leo_rockwraket: locate is the simplest command there is, lol. strigi is for kde06:27
leo_rockwraket: those are indexers, they make your comp goes slower too...06:28
leo_rockwgrupohalis: . indeed06:28
leo_rockwraket: with locate you update the database when you feel like it06:29
leo_rockwraket: ooo, there's kerry for beagle06:29
raketleo_rockw: well I know that windows has an index option that is easily disable-able :) so isn't there an option like that in beagle/strigi ?06:30
leo_rockwraket: mmhhh... there might be. i haven't used them.06:30
morticiholy chit, i shoud of upgraded to gutsy a while ago 1038 files need to be upgrade :(06:30
raketthat would be a service anyway, so I should be able to turn it off06:30
leo_rockwraket: true06:30
raketwhat's kerry though?06:30
leo_rockwraket: kde frontend to beagle06:31
raketbeagle that's integrated to kde?06:31
raketi don't get what's you're saying06:31
leo_rockwraket: beagle is only the service, you need smth to make it work. kerri is the app you use in kde to make beagle work06:32
raketahhh, cool06:32
t3hwiz0rdwhat is the name of KDE's power manager?06:33
t3hwiz0rdlike, whats the actual command?06:33
leo_rockwt3hwiz0rd: guidance-power-manager06:33
o0Chris0ohello guys, anyone familiar with ubottu bot and its functions plz PM me or join me in #ubuntu-irc, I have some questions. Thanks06:35
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ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)06:36
noaXessgood morning..06:47
noaXessis it better to remove kde-guidance-powermanagement if i use kpowersave?06:47
morticiis there a way to pass an automatic YES to apt-get install?06:59
morticii RTFM'd07:01
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o0Chris0oalright this is getting really annoying, each time I try to open up an text document I get an error saying "The Desktop Entry File /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop has an invalid menu entry  addAsPodcast" any ideas how to stop this I have no idea why this error is happening07:14
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875
eagles0513875how do i get flash to work in firefox3 beta 507:18
dennisterhi everyone...have some questions regarding hardy's users and groups...07:18
noaXessare ther some variables that i can use in shel programming.. lik eg. ${internal_ip} or like this?07:18
rakethey people, how can I mount my flash drive? I am in recovery mode (in xubuntu) and the thing won't mount itself automatically07:18
raketfor some reason07:18
raketsorry for asking here, but nobody is responding in #xubuntu07:18
noaXessraket: sudo mount device07:19
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:19
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/07:19
noaXessjust unplug it.. the do a tail -f /var/log/messages07:19
dennisterfor instance, there's a group1001 that is new to hardy, and sambashare, a new system group...what is their relationship?07:19
noaXessthen plugin the flash to see what /dev it is07:20
raketnoaXess: It says "can't find device in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"07:20
raketafter sudo mount device07:20
raketshall I try the other one?07:20
noaXessraket: my exampla was only to show how.. normaly you need the device part like /dev/sdb07:20
noaXessfirst.. unplug the flash..07:21
raketand plug it back?07:21
noaXessthen do: tail -f /var/log/messages07:21
raketlemme see here07:22
dennisteranyone know the relationship of group1001 to the system group sambashare? (only in hardy)07:22
noaXessraket:  if the aboce tail command runs.. plugin the flash07:22
noaXessthen you will see, what devices it will have.. eg. /dev/sdb.. or something like tis07:22
raketnoaXess: I did that, but it only show some activity that the pc was doing on some dates07:23
noaXessno plugin the flash07:23
noaXessraket: now you should see what device it becomes07:23
noaXess.. /dev/xxx07:23
raketI don't see any changes07:24
noaXessstop the tail command07:24
raketis the file system important?07:24
raketI think it's fat or fat3207:24
raketand how do I stop ctrl+c ?07:25
noaXessno.. run dmesg and check the latest entries07:25
eagles0513875the fs would be important cuz now in vista u can format flash devices as ntfs07:25
raketI see07:25
raketnow what!?07:25
noaXesspastbin the last dmesg lines.. www.pastebin.com07:25
noaXessor the last /var/log/messages lines07:26
raketoh jeez, I can't I am not using that machine, since it's messed up07:26
raketbut the last activity that it shows is dated Mar 2907:26
noaXess.. now.. your problem.. why you are in recovery mode and try to access to a flash drive?07:27
raketXubuntu freezes on the loading screen07:27
raketI think the motherboard is screwed up07:27
raketI only speculate though07:27
eagles0513875something is uberly wrong07:28
eagles0513875raket: u might have a bad install07:28
eagles0513875raket: i would try a clean install from scratch07:28
raketnah, I tried other distros, they all froze07:29
eagles0513875see if u encounter the same problem and also07:29
eagles0513875raket: how olds the hard drive07:29
noaXessraket: what about running a live-cd?07:29
raketI just wanna back up some stuff07:29
noaXessthen run a live-cd and backit up there07:29
raketthe CD-ROM isn't recognized, even though BIOS finds it07:29
raketit's weird07:29
leo_awayraket: do you get internets on the xubuntu recovery mode?07:30
leo_awayraket: did you try getting internets manually?07:30
noaXessboot from a live-cd and backup there07:30
o0Chris0oalright this is getting really annoying, each time I try to open up an text document I get an error saying "The Desktop Entry File /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop has an invalid menu entry  addAsPodcast" any ideas how to stop this I have no idea why this error is happening07:30
raketlet me try that, noaXess07:30
noaXessraket: in the live-cd you should see your local drive07:30
raketyou mean, after I restart?07:31
leo_awayo0Chris0o: edit the file?07:31
raketsince, the thing won't boot07:31
noaXessraket: .. hm.. bad cd/dvd drive..07:31
raketand it's not a problematic CD, since I just finished using it on this laptop07:31
raketI am not so sure about that, I still think it's the motherboard07:32
noaXessraket: but the drive.. replace it.. or..07:32
leo_awayraket: try dhclient on the terminal. that might give you internets. then you can pastebin your dmesg and we can make your flash drive work07:32
raketlemme try07:32
raketi think I got it07:33
raketyes! I got internet!07:33
raketleo_away I love you!07:33
leo_awayok, do dmesg tail > file07:33
leo_awayand then sudo apt-get install pastebinit07:33
leo_awayand... you know the rest07:33
raketfile? like file.txt ?07:34
raketI haven't used that before, sorry07:34
leo_awayraket: extensions are useless in gnu/linux, but that works07:34
leo_awayraket: the > means that it sends the output to a file07:34
raketbut is it a normal txt file?07:35
leo_awayraket: yup07:35
leo_awayraket: then install pastebinit so you can pastebin the file (since you can't copy paste)07:35
raketI can't ? why not? I can just go on the website07:36
leo_awayraket: aren't you in terminal?07:36
raketoh, i started x07:36
leo_awayraket: ooo, ok07:36
leo_awayraket: yeah, then go to the website07:36
raketshould I pick a syntax ?07:37
leo_awayraket: nah07:37
leo_awayraket: do this in console07:39
leo_awayraket: cd /media && mkdir flash && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/flash -o loop07:39
raketYES! that worked, AWESOME!07:42
leo_awayraket: :-)07:42
leo_awayme! :-P07:43
leo_awayraket: did you understand what i did? do you want me to explain it?07:43
rakethaha, you! let me see07:44
level1Hi, I created a new user and now whenever I run a command as root it doesnt do anything07:44
raketok, so how did you know what to mount leo_away?07:45
raketyou saw that in the pastebin text?07:45
leo_awayraket: [ 1532.937655]  sdb: sdb107:45
leo_awayraket: the pastebin text shows that when you plugged in the drive. the command i gave you created a mount point, and then mounted /dev/sdb1 in the mount point created ( /media/flash)07:46
raketwhat is that anyway, sdb?07:46
raketyes yes07:46
leo_awayraket: sdb is the second drive. sda is the first one.07:46
leo_awayraket: sdb1 is the second drive, first partition07:47
raketI see07:47
raketand what is that -o loop?07:47
leo_awayraket: it could also have been hda, or hdb07:47
raketoh, so that's how they're organized07:48
raketvery nice07:48
leo_awayraket: i actually don't really know what the -o loop does. when i tried mounting my external drive it told me that it couldn't mount and suggested those flags07:48
raketyes, I guess it's one of *those* things07:49
leo_awayraket: ooo, i found and explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_device07:50
jarnosHello. I can not uninstal kio-umountwrapper. How do you uninstall it?07:50
raketso in linux every device behaves kinda like a iso file, or am I mistaken?07:51
leo_awayraket: maybe every non native filesystem does07:52
leo_awayraket: well, now that you can back up your stuff, i return to the shadows...07:52
raketthanks thanks...07:53
CopterHello. I have ubuntu 7.10 running. If I want to install kubuntu 8 should I do a fresh installation (like winxp) or its just ok to upgrade it from within ubuntu 7.10?08:12
leo_awayCopter: you can just upgrade08:14
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
=== sacha_ is now known as xsacha
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »08:32
E_mEdoes anyknow know why the borders and window title of my KDE windows have all disappeared08:39
E_mEi log into my account and i just get content with no borders08:39
E_mEim using 8.0408:39
E_mEwith KDE 308:39
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875
ubottuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>08:42
XbehaveE_mE: kwin may have crashed08:45
Xbehavetry alt+f2 kwin --replace08:46
E_mEthank you.. i shall try it08:46
jarnosI could remove kio-umountwrapper only after "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/kio-umountwrapper.postrm". Why is that?08:52
E_mEokay.. i attempted to write alt+f2 and kwin --replace08:54
E_mEbut the windows won't gain focus08:54
E_mEand so i cant type into the edit fields :/08:54
squeeSomeone save me from insanity: How do I stop kde4 from making a noise every time i change workspaces?08:54
=== pramod is now known as PmDematagoda
XbehaveE_mE, im not sure ive not got 8.04, try login in out perhaps it should just be kwin instead of kwin replace, perhaps move your /.kde/kwinrc to /.kde/kiwnrc~ and loose all your WM settings08:59
o0Chris0oalright this is getting really annoying, each time I try to open up an text document I get an error saying "The Desktop Entry File /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop has an invalid menu entry  addAsPodcast" any ideas how to stop this I have no idea why this error is happening09:00
Xbehavesquee: last time i played with kde4 i think it was under the composting effects to trigger sounds09:00
eagles0513875!version | Xbehave09:00
ubottuXbehave: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell09:00
squeeXbehave: Thanks, I'll try looking there09:01
Xbehavetry getting rid of the file? sudo mv /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop /home/<your name>09:02
thomidoes anyone know where I can get kubuntu packages for the Qt4.4 release?09:06
o0Chris0oalright this is getting really annoying, each time I try to open up an text document I get an error saying "The Desktop Entry File /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop has an invalid menu entry  addAsPodcast" any ideas how to stop this I have no idea why this error is happening09:09
Xbehaveo0Chris0o:  try getting rid of the file? sudo mv /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop /home/<your name>09:17
o0Chris0oXbehave: thanks, I'll try that, its just been annoying, not sure whay its been doing it09:20
Xbehavedolphin isnt really ment for kde3 IMO so probably something thats come from copying Konq stuff for it, if you have the time file a bug report see if theyll fix it09:21
o0Chris0othanks Xbehave it worked much abliged!09:22
o0Chris0oyeah not a problem09:22
o0Chris0oI don't care for dolphin09:22
o0Chris0oshould stick qith Konq as main file browser09:23
kos_tomI just installed Kubuntu, but I have troubles configuring the sound. I play to play on device hw:0,1 as recognized by ALSA.09:24
ct529hi there09:24
ct529anyone using rosegarden on kubuntu 804?09:25
kos_tomif I configure this in the KDE control center, all KDE notification sounds work properly. But not Kaffeine or Amarok.09:25
kos_tomit seems that Kaffeine and Amarok are using the Xine engine, trying to use ALSA directly instead of Arts.09:25
kos_tomwhy is the default configuration so broken ?09:25
ghi've tried to use rosegarden, even compiled it myself, a host of errors prevent me however, ct52909:25
ghsame box different distro works fine09:25
ct529gh: :(09:26
ghnot sure why and haven't given it much time09:26
ct529gh: the only problem I have is the jack server09:26
kos_tom(and same goes for amarok)09:26
ghsame host of problems for me, reinstall jack a million times and rosegarden can never seem to link09:26
ghhowever, have you tried ubuntustudio?09:27
ct529gh: nope, I need kubuntu for work09:27
ghseems to run on that09:27
ghalso had problems with the proc sync rate. had to keep it above 1000 or rose just sorted froze09:28
leo_awayd3lphin is meant for kde309:29
leo_awayi was answering something said a long time ago, lol09:29
sebbarhi, will there be a kde3 version of the next kubuntu or was hardy the last one?09:30
ghct529: you mind find this useful however, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60617509:30
leo_awaysebbar: that's a good question... now you make me wonder too09:30
ghgoogle "rosegarden jack server errors" for a host of fixes.09:30
ghhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=711391 "getting jack server to run in rosegarden"09:31
ghthe latest is from a studio user so it looks to be non *buntu specific?09:32
ct529thanks gh09:32
ct529it seems very complicated will have to postpone it ....09:32
ct529thanks nonetheless!09:32
ghct529: oh here is a simple fix! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation09:32
sebbarleo_away: let me ask in kubuntu-devel...09:33
ghtalks about the packages you need to get things running smoothly09:33
ct529https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation that is very useful :) thanks ....09:33
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
ghat the bottom of that page it shows how to get everything running with some more jack specific links, np09:34
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories09:48
nixninjaJust installed the kde4 remix and I'm seeing alot of problems I didn't have in older version sound is very soft, laptop buttons dont work, and bluetooth doesn't work or so kbluetooth says09:49
nixninjaany one have any ideas09:49
drepanI have no libdc6-dev packages, how can I go about finding them, running hardy09:49
nixninjadoes anyone else see alot of kde3 apps crashing in kde4?09:53
llutzdrepan: you mean "libc6-dev"?09:53
drepanllutz: yes, been it is not avail09:53
drepanbut libc6-dev is not avail09:54
drepansorry new from Slack and giving Kubuntu a try09:54
ct529anyone using eclipse on kubuntu, the very last version (3.3.2), installed manually?09:54
llutzhehe, i'm just giving slack a try.09:55
drepanllutz: welcome to my world09:55
drepanllutz: do i need to change the sources.list09:56
llutzdrepan: i'm on gutsy here, libc6-dev is in main-repo. no idea about hardy09:56
drepananyone knwo how I can ghet hold of libc6-dev on Hardy?09:57
=== mattb is now known as alphaophiuchi2
ct529drepan: it is in the repository .... just sudo apt-get install libc6-dev09:58
HeliosHello friends...09:59
drepantells me package no avail, what repos shoudl I use09:59
ct529drepan: it is in the main rep10:00
ere4sidrepan: try  apt-cache search libc610:01
Heliosbetter use aptitude10:01
drepanno libc6-dev10:01
ct529drepan: that is weird10:01
ct529drepan: what repositories a=have you enbaled?10:02
HeliosEnable all the Repositories in ur package manager...10:02
=== nixninja is now known as nixninja-away
Heliosand then u try10:03
=== nixninja-away is now known as nixninja
ct529drepan: sudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get install libc6-dev10:03
=== nixninja is now known as nixninja-away
=== nixninja-away is now known as nixninja
ct529drepan: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libc6-dev here it is10:06
nixninjaanyone have a list of any additional repos for the kde4 remix that would be good to add?10:06
Helioslol... i have installed KDE4... but now i plan to reinstall the KDE3.5.9 version.. :S10:08
wirechiefkde4 is experimental at best10:09
nixninjayeah but I love the look and feel of it10:11
ct529wirechief: but the menu is 20 times better than the old .... on mandriva they have adopted it for the 3.5.9 as well .... very successfull ....10:11
nixninjaI think suse was first10:11
xsachawhich menu?10:11
xsachahttp://raptor-menu.org ?10:11
xsachayou guys talkin about kickoff right?10:11
wirechiefthere are some nice things about it but im gonna wait for it to get a little more polish ;)10:12
wirechieflike ff3 man that   is a work in progress too10:12
xsachaff3 is pretty much finished10:13
wirechiefwell got all my updates finished now back to sleep lol10:13
ct529xsacha: I think so .... it works really well on the company laptop where we use mandriva10:13
xsachaits almost finished in its release schedule too10:13
xsachathey finished all the beta a while ago10:14
ct529xsacha:  wirechief: unfortunately on kubuntu we are a bit "back" .... :(10:14
ct529xsacha: wirechief: we have been using it on mandriva for around 6 months very stable10:14
wirechiefxsacha: well there are still lots of updates going on so it really wont be that long10:15
nixninjaany ideas why my bluetooth adapter would work in 7.10 but not in the new version10:15
wirechiefdoesnt use bluetooth but there was something on it last night will have to check notes10:16
naught102anyone know of any simple reminder software? I want something to beep at me after every two hours of non-idle-time10:17
xsachayou know what i need? something to remind me of when battery is low10:17
xsachamy battery keeps dying and i dunno why.. 0% battery10:18
cstringhi, I have upgraded kubuntu 8.04 kde 4.0.3 release with kde 4.0.4, but when I click about kde it says kde 4.0.3? Do anyone else have the same problem?10:22
wirechief-intelthose are some good information links for checking hardware10:23
eagles0513875jhutchins_wk: figured out why repos so slow10:25
ct529xsacha: wirechief: is the rapro10:26
ct529xsacha: wirechief: sorry, is the raptor thing available for kde 3.5.9 in kubunt 804?10:26
xsachact529: it works on kde3, kde4, gnome, windows, macosx and linux10:26
xsachact529: but it isnt finished yet10:26
ct529xsacha: the website says it works only if you have kde4 installed10:27
xsachawell it's outdated10:27
xsachakde4 was removed as dependancy10:27
ct529xsacha: http://raptor-menu.org/download10:28
xsachact529: yeah thats outdated list of dependancies10:28
wirechiefback to sleep for now10:28
xsachact529: dependancies are: Qt4.410:28
ct529xsacha: where do I get the very last version, maybe compiled for ubuntu?10:29
xsachayou dont want it right now... :P10:29
xsachajust recently got broke up in to small plugins and theres no interface10:29
ct529xsacha: grrrr .... any old version? I got so used to it on the company laptop than we I move to the university laptop that does not have it is very difficult10:30
xsachai dunno where you get older version10:30
xsachact529: anyway, working on the plugins stuff right now. any help would be appreciated10:31
xsachai just added 'background' plugin today which display the background of the interface10:31
* ct529 wonders if xsacha is one of the devlopers10:32
xsachayeah i started developing on it yesterday10:32
ct529xsacha: :)10:33
djdarkmanis it me or the qt4 designer starts up with a nice segfault?10:37
ct529what is the tastymenu?10:37
jussi01!info tastymenu10:37
ubottutastymenu (source: tastymenu): KMenu replacement. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6repack1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 226 kB, installed size 724 kB10:37
ct529jussi01: oh thanks .... I could read that myself .... :D10:38
ct529jussi01: what does it do that is so specil10:38
jussi01ct529: Ive no idea, Ive never used it. you could install it and have a look?10:39
ct529jussi01: this is what I did but it does not make any apparent difference ....10:40
jussi01ct529: I assume its an applet you need to add to your panel, try right click on the panel - add applet to panel - tastymenu10:40
ct529!info raptor10:41
ubottuPackage raptor does not exist in hardy10:41
SlimeyPetetastymenu is the default menu in hardy10:41
SlimeyPeteif you have hardy, you're already running tastymenu10:41
jussi01SlimeyPete: hehe, didnt know that :)10:41
ct529SlimeyPete: it is not installed on my laptop10:42
ct529SlimeyPete: I did fresh install yesterday10:42
ct529SlimeyPete: thanks to your help :)10:42
robysono nuovo10:43
robyc'è nessuno?10:43
SlimeyPetect529: your laptop is running hardy?10:43
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:43
ubottuFactoid portguese not found10:43
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:43
_julianhi all10:43
SlimeyPeteflippin latin languages all look the same ;)10:43
robyok ciao ciao10:43
SlimeyPetehi _julian10:43
* ct529 hits SlimeyPete with a mallet10:44
ct529SlimeyPete: your should study harder10:44
SlimeyPeteI'm English. We don't do foreign languages.10:45
ct529SlimeyPete: bad for you ....10:46
ct529!reverse engineering10:49
ubottuct529: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:49
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)10:49
hellowhas anyone here ever used osx before?10:52
haemogoblinhi there10:52
hellowI have a quick question only someone that has could answer.10:52
hellowhaemogoblin, you have?10:52
haemogoblinerm sorry no10:53
hellowoh, nm :O)10:53
haemogoblini've been using kubuntu for all of 5 hours...sadly i dont think i could help you :S10:53
hellowwell, if you want to vnc to one some day, lmk :)10:53
hellowseriously, it's weird but nobody has evr replicated the zoom window function in os-x10:54
K|is there a way to disable that annoying kwallet password?10:54
v6lurK|: in kcontrol, tick off "enable kwallet subsystem"10:54
haemogoblinhow do you increase the desktop res?10:54
v6lurdon't remember exact location though10:54
hellowthe maximize window philosophy of auld still plauges the non os-x world.10:54
K|v6lur: thanks, but i guess then all passwords are stored decentrally10:59
v6lurguess so, yes...10:59
K|still probably better, as long as all te apps can do so10:59
leo_awayhellow: both compiz-fusion and kwin-kde4 have zooming11:02
hellowleo_away, have you used osx before?11:03
leo_awayhellow: yup, it didn't have zooming when i used it11:03
leo_awayhellow: i used cheetah11:03
hellowit did then11:04
hellowSo, there's 3 buttons prominently featured in most every os x window.11:04
leo_awayhellow: i hated every second of my os X esperience11:04
K|ah, meanwhile it's possible to have no password ("") in kwallet11:04
hellowit's hard to explain, but do you know the functions of the red, yellow and green buttons?11:04
K|gotta try11:04
hellowleo_away: then you can't help me and have no idea what i'm on about :)11:04
hellowthanks tho11:04
leo_awayhellow: i thought they were like maximize, minimize and close11:04
leo_awayhellow: it wasn't my comp, so i really didn't use it much.11:05
hellowah, you'd assume that but that third (zoom) button is way different11:05
hellowthere is no maximize in osx11:05
hellowit seems odd for someone that's never used it i know11:05
leo_awayhellow: oh, it's like one of those "right mouse button" things then...11:05
hellowas i say, hard to explain. maybe i should open up a mac i have lying around on vnc to you folks to know what i'm on about... :)11:05
hellowleo, no...11:06
leo_awayhellow: :-P11:06
hellowit dynamically resizes the window based on it's contents11:06
leo_awayhellow: ooo11:06
hellowanyway, hard to explain11:06
hellowbut if you have a 342x128 image11:06
leo_awayhellow: maybe w/ a youtube video?11:06
hellowmaximizing to 1920x1200 sucks11:06
hellowyeah, i might do that11:06
hellowtrust me, it kicks ass.. and, oddly even most mac heads don't notice it's different than maximize lol11:07
leo_awayhellow: i'm going to sleep now, but i'm interested in that. if you find an example pm it and i'll see it when i wake up11:07
hellowit "justworks" (god i'm tired of that phrase) lol11:07
leo_awayhellow: it's "just works (TM)" lol11:07
hellowleo_away: yeah, i'll post something if i find helpful info11:07
hellowit'd help us all if we had it :)11:07
leo_awayhellow: yeah, i really didn't notice it wasn't like maximize11:07
leo_awayhellow: but basically all i did was chat on that comp. i didn't buy it, didn't set it up, didn't own it...11:08
leo_awaywell... gnite (it's actually 7am... but gnite anyways)11:09
K|good night then11:09
hellowgnight (ten past three here) :O)11:09
haemogoblinhow does one...increase his screen resolution in kubuntu11:12
v6lurhaemogoblin, look for "system settings" in k-menu, open it, go to "monitor & display"11:13
haemogoblinthanks mate11:13
v6lurif you can't change the resolution there, then there are, well, other ways...11:16
holyguyver_Now I know that it came presetup with a cups/as pdf printer driver, but it doesn't allow me to choose a different name or location for the file. Is there any way for me to configure it to let me, or does anyone know of a different pdf diver that does?11:19
sigma_im in kde4 but sys monitor says im running kwin and not kwin-kde4, how do i switch over?11:31
sigma_i think thats the reason that no desktop effects are working for me11:31
uhriventisI just got done installing Linux from a windows box. No dual boot just Linux... I'm SICK of windows. I got 7 viruses tonight and desided, "Fuck this"... Exuce the language11:33
sigma_lol join the club11:33
uhriventisI'm really good with windows too. But, just to delete some viruses... Safe mode... reg... uhg11:33
uhriventisTired of doing it11:33
sigma_try kde4, its very similar to vista, way faster though11:34
eagles0513875uhriventis: join the club i was getting bsod issues yesterday on my new laptop and i want to get rid of vista but kubuntu just wont install11:34
uhriventisI got Kubuntu 7.10 right now I'm moving to Kubuntu 8.04 with the new kde 411:34
eagles0513875turned out drivers were causing the bsod11:34
uhriventisWhat happens when you try to install?11:34
IppatsuMansigma_, kwin is still called kwin in KDE4. You can check which kwin you are using by executing: ls -l /proc/$(ps aux | grep kwin | grep session | awk '{print $2}')/exe11:35
emilsedghsigma_: man! its not similiar to vista!11:35
uhriventisIt's similiar to the new look that all three Window, Linux, and Mac put it11:35
uhriventisAll do basically the same thing just linux is fater.11:36
eagles0513875uhriventis: nightmare this laptop is 3 yrs old my new one is 5 months and its a headache install hangs use alt cd it installs but x doesnt work11:36
eagles0513875with gutsy i get a pnp bios bug11:36
eagles0513875uhriventis: u running 32bit or 6411:36
uhriventisVideo card problem? Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?11:36
sigma_IppatsuMan: ah i see, well i am running the kde4 one, just dont get why the desktop effects dont work for me on a nvidia 6600gt with repo drivers11:37
sigma_IppatsuMan: do i have to be using kdm-kde4 for them to work?11:37
uhriventisI had that problem you are describeing eagles and it was a conflict with my video card11:37
eagles0513875i dont have it install on the new machine its a duel core turion and im not sure if there are bugs support issues with my proc11:37
eagles0513875uhriventis: im not goign to switch to kubuntu just yet i need a windows machine for my games11:37
uhriventisI hear you11:38
eagles0513875tried wine on this old thing and my gpu isnt good enough to run world of warcraft11:38
eagles0513875at least not until i can bring my desktop ovr from usa11:38
uhriventisamega or whatever program it is... Have you tried that?11:38
eagles0513875which has a 6600gt and im able to play wow on it11:38
eagles0513875no i have used wine on here11:38
uhriventisI used to play wow.11:38
eagles0513875on my desktop it works fine11:38
uhriventisThe games I have been into are so old that wine runs them. Civ 2/Medal of Honor11:39
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:39
eagles0513875DexterF: thing is im not sure if its a bug relating to my hardware or just the video card11:39
eagles0513875uhriventis:  my video card and chipset is an nvidia chipset a go 615011:39
DexterFeagles0513875: uh, nono, *I* need to report one. but since you're about video card, too, what is your problem?11:40
=== sacha_ is now known as xsacha
eagles0513875DexterF: i have a new laptop 5 months old and when i install with normal cd it hangs when trying to start installation and with alternate cd it works but no x11:41
uhriventisI have two vid cards. I had to switch to my onboard one. I used a old ati radeon 9250 256k. I read about a hundred forums with people having the same problem but no resolution. I once got it to boot fine but things were extremely slow. No 3d at all11:41
eagles0513875and with gutsy i get a pnp bios bug11:41
eagles0513875this is an hp tx1308nr table11:41
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
flotishufirestarter problem since i removed it , then instaled kmyfirewall. removed it. and reinstalled firestarter. http://pastebin.com/m723ea818      help?11:41
DexterFeagles0513875: odd, but different issue11:41
uhriventisI think your problem is Vid card11:41
eagles0513875im just going to f*** it for now i have this old thing which is my dev and testing machine11:42
DexterFeagles0513875: tried any other live cds? grml or kanotix?11:42
_julianare there qt 4.4 packages for (k)ubuntu 7.10 already?11:43
eagles0513875DexterF: its funny since i have an amd and amd seems to be supporting open suse it installs and x works11:43
eagles0513875thing is i have weird issues with my audio and getting open gl working11:43
uhriventisYou might have it looking for the wrong port too. I could get past the boot screen then I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and I noticed that it was looking for my PCI card in the wrong slot 1:0:0 when it should have been 2:9:011:43
DexterFeagles0513875: that's nothing to do with suse. probably they have X patched up someplace where kub doesn't11:43
uhriventisBy the way I'm extremely new at this so my advice might now be as good as the others.11:44
eagles0513875DexterF: im not worried bout this11:44
uhriventisBut, it just seems by how you describe you problem I've had the same crap happen to me11:45
eagles0513875uhriventis: take a look at my site and sign up its for people who r new to linux11:45
eagles0513875uhriventis: http://howtokubuntu.x10hosting.com im going to work on it once i finish my exam on thursday11:45
eagles0513875taking complexly worded how to's and make them easy for new users such as urself11:45
eagles0513875worth siging up i have a forum and some links as well11:45
flotishu firestarter problem since i removed it , then instaled kmyfirewall. removed it. and reinstalled firestarter. http://pastebin.com/m723ea818     some apps like firefox or etherape are not runing too.  help?11:46
uhriventisMake me a mod ;^) hahaha11:46
uhriventisYup I'll be checking it out11:47
eagles0513875dude i dont have that many people or that many posts on the forum where i need a mod11:47
uhriventis Should promote it11:47
eagles0513875im trying to dude11:48
eagles0513875uhriventis: you would be a big help if would spread the word as well11:48
uhriventisHave a myspace? I've a bunch of linux users- new at that that would more than likally join11:48
eagles0513875and im going to put up flyers at my school11:48
eagles0513875uhriventis: ya i do11:48
eagles0513875!register | uhriventis11:48
ubottuuhriventis: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.11:49
uhriventisI've got to reg this un?11:49
eagles0513875!register | uhriventis11:50
ubottuuhriventis: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.11:50
eagles0513875uhriventis:  u register if u want to be able to talk ot people in private11:50
uhriventisYeah I have no Idea how to though. :^)11:52
bemeso i'm going to go for it, upgrading from 606 to 804 , /me scared11:52
eagles0513875uhriventis:  y default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.11:52
haemogoblinare there and good web developing tools like dreamweaver for linux?11:52
ubottuFactoid ide not found11:52
eagles0513875haemogoblin: i know u can dev websites with netbeans11:52
haemogoblinooh okies11:53
eagles0513875then there is eclipse11:53
haemogoblini'm after something thats not all coding11:53
uhriventisI don't know some bot jsut keeps telling me to reg11:53
haemogoblinbecause i'm not a great coder11:53
bemehaemogoblin, i don't think we consider dreamweaver a good wedeveloping tool.. you might want to  check what asalt.Com says11:53
uhriventisAlright it's registered11:54
haemogoblinwell i'm willing to work outside the box11:54
haemogoblini'm not rigid to using dreamweaver11:54
bemehaemogoblin, check quanta plus then11:54
bemeor check if you can get dreamweaver to run under wine11:55
bemehmz update-manager in kubuntu 606 doesn't show 804?11:57
=== heron is now known as baba
luc_anybody syncing egroupware with KDE Kontact without problems ?11:59
=== baba is now known as hardyboy
v6lurbeme, i'm not sure, but i think you have to upgrade to 6.10 first, then 7.04, 7.10, and then 8.0412:03
v6lurnot sure though, maybe you can skim some step(s)12:03
bemeyeah no offence but i'm not that crazy it might work12:03
bemebut i'm not going to waste the download on that, i'd sooner just build gentoo from source then12:03
ActionParsnipbeme: id do a clean install. much more graceful12:04
bemei am reluctant to do that12:05
bemeupgrading from lts to lts should work .. i'm going to get there   i'm sure:)12:09
eagles0513875!ndiswrapper | uhriventis12:11
ubottuuhriventis: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:11
ActionParsnipbeme: Ive seen a lot of people upgade then something that previouslyworked does not.12:11
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: hey12:12
ActionParsniphey eagles051387512:12
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: thats me lol i used to do that by changing sources when u could do that12:12
v6lurkubuntu 8.04 isn't lts, is it?12:12
v6lurubuntu is, but not kubuntu12:12
v6lurbecause of the inclusion of kde412:12
beme8.04 has kde4? is it the only option? or can i use kde3.5 too?12:13
nohelpherewhat is the name of the mysql php package?12:13
v6luryes you can12:13
nohelphere8.04 comes with 3.5 or 412:13
v6lurkde3.5 is the default12:13
ActionParsnipv6lur: no if you download the kde4 iso12:14
eagles0513875v6lur: there is a kde4 remix12:14
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: whats the functionality like has it been getting better cuz last time i used kde4 wasnt able to right click and delete stuff off the desktop12:14
v6lurah, yes, forgot to mention that :)12:14
bemeyeah i'm not going kde4 for a long while it already crashed on me enough  in testing12:14
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: no idea, i use kde3.512:15
eagles0513875i only have kde4 to try amarok 212:15
eagles0513875which i still have no sound12:15
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: the apps I use run fine in it so I'm not changing just yet12:15
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: kde4 will auto install in its own sweet time. im in no rush12:15
nohelpheredoe sanyone know the name of the php mysql package?>?12:16
bemebah i'm convinced then downloading iso   :(12:17
ActionParsnipnohelphere: Ubuntu LAMP :)12:17
NickPresta!info php5-mysql12:17
ubottuphp5-mysql (source: php5): MySQL module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.4-2ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 63 kB, installed size 236 kB12:17
BluesKajhowdy folks12:24
NickPrestahey BluesKaj12:24
eagles0513875hey BluesKaj12:25
n0thhi guys.12:26
ActionParsnip!hi | BluesKaj12:26
ubottuBluesKaj: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:26
n0th i did not quite get till when the new kubuntu LTS supports kde3...12:27
n0thhi uhriventis12:27
DragnslcrKubuntu 8.04 isn't LTS12:27
n0thdo they supportehm12:27
DragnslcrExactly because of what you're saying12:27
DragnslcrThe KDE team won't be supporting KDE3 for 3 years, and KDE4 isn't ready yet12:27
eagles0513875i read an article that hardy is lts12:28
ubottuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents12:28
n0thehym so 8.04 is not LTS?12:28
uhriventisI'm going giong to try the new KDE12:28
Dr_willisUbuntu is.. Kubuntu is not.12:28
BluesKajhiya NickPresta. eagles0513875, ActionParsnip ...was reading the news12:28
n0thach ok so now i get it... so no long-term support for kde3 in ubuntu?12:28
neville_Okay I was able to connect to my router, and ping it successfully, but I can't connect to the internet. What could be the problem there?12:29
eagles0513875BluesKaj: is it lts or not12:29
ActionParsnipneville_: can you connect to the www from other pcs12:30
ActionParsnipneville_: can you ping websites from the box that will not browse the www?12:30
neville_Yes, this one for instance (it's using wired though)12:30
neville_Nope, just ping the router and other computers12:30
BluesKajeagles0513875, Dragnslcr is correct from whay i"ve heard about LTS, ubuntu is LTS , kubuntu isn't12:31
uhriventisWhat the hell is LTS?12:31
BluesKajLong term Support12:31
wirechief-intelgood morning BluesKaj12:32
uhriventisWell, the small kubuntu group supports themselves by what I've experienced. really nice peeps.12:32
BluesKajif you want LTS on 8.04 , then it's ubuntu12:32
BluesKajmorning wirechief12:32
nanothiefwhen running kubuntu hardy kde3, from ProcessTable, Xorg is reported as having a VmSize of 957,752. Is this normal? (it seems very high to me)12:32
bemeuhriventis, yeah who else is going to do it12:32
ActionParsnipneville_: can you tracert to www.google.com12:33
ActionParsnipneville_: if you get the ip of google, try pinging that instead of the name12:34
uhriventisI just pinged them their ip address is if that was needed12:35
neville_thanks, will check in a second12:35
neville_Okay, it just says "connect: network is unreachable" but pinging the gateway works12:38
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:38
ActionParsnipneville_: can we have a pastebin of your ifconfig please12:38
ActionParsnip!paste | neville_12:38
ubottuneville_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:38
neville_Knetworkmanager isn't registering any active devices, either, but the hardware shows up in restricted drivers manager and kwifi detects the network just fine12:39
ActionParsnipneville_: cool, ok how is it supposed to connect. Wired or wireless?12:41
ActionParsnipneville_:ok, can we have a pastebin of /etc/network/interfaces12:42
neville_Sure, just give me a second, have to take the garbage out -_-v12:43
Dr_willisack! its garbage day here also!12:43
uhriventisThurdays here12:44
* beme double checks, ah friday no stress for garbage then12:44
* ActionParsnip has his bin on the street 24/7 so doesnt worry12:44
neville_ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11097/12:47
Dr_williswe have new 'robotic' trash trucks - we have to use the special city trash cans now.12:48
ActionParsnipneville_: you dont have the essid specified in interfaces but network manager should let you scan, i'd move the auto  ath0 to above iface ath0 inet static12:50
ActionParsnipneville_:  this may help too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68449512:50
ActionParsnipneville_:  you could also rename interfaces to something like interfaces.old and reboot. you will get a skeleton file which you can configure using network manager12:50
ActionParsnipneville_: if the file still isnt cool, rename the file back after removing the new one12:51
neville_Okay, i'll give that guide a quick run through for starters, then if push comes to shove I'll try it the latter way you mentioned12:54
neville_Thanks for the help12:54
* ScorpKing forgot to place the carbage outside today..12:56
ActionParsnipneville_: np bro12:57
haemogoblinhey guys i've just downloaded quanta plus13:02
haemogoblinhow do i install the application13:03
prateekhey guyz...good evening(or whatever)13:03
prateeki have a big prob13:03
prateekwhenevr i boot into my Kubuntu 7.10  my internet doesnt seem to work13:03
prateekthen i type13:04
prateeksudo dhclient eth013:04
prateeksudo dpkg --configure -a13:04
ScorpKinghaemogoblin: sudo aptitude install quanta13:04
ScorpKing!info quanta13:05
ubottuquanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2346 kB, installed size 5704 kB13:05
prateekin this sequence for many a times and i get interenet going....everytime13:05
ScorpKingprateek: do you have dialup?13:05
ScorpKinga router or usb modem?13:06
prateekrouter...that is a 256 kbps thing13:06
ScorpKingand it plug in on eth0 right?13:07
ScorpKingheh.. silly question13:07
prateekfunniest part...net works quite a breeze in Live CD but in Installed thing..it doesnt start automatically13:07
prateekthats not silly13:07
ScorpKingprateek: can you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces ?13:07
prateekWhen i click on knetwork Manger...i get Device: NO active device...yes i am pasting it13:08
* ScorpKing waits..13:08
prateekauto lo13:08
prateekiface lo inet loopback13:08
prateekiface eth0 inet dhcp13:08
prateekauto eth013:08
prateekiface eth0 inet dhcp13:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:08
ScorpKingprateek: in future plz don't paste here13:09
ScorpKingprateek: kdesudo kate /etc/network/interfaces13:09
ScorpKingremove line 713:10
prateekits the same13:10
ScorpKingsave and close13:10
prateekerror: you dont have permission13:11
ScorpKingprateek: could you save it?13:11
prateekWhy! its my pc...i dont hv permission!13:11
ScorpKingprateek: kdesudo kate /etc/network/interfaces13:11
ScorpKing!sudo | prateek13:11
ubottuprateek: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.13:11
prateekno...its saying u cant13:12
prateeksudo su?13:12
flotishufirestarter problem since i removed it , then instaled kmyfirewall. removed it. and reinstalled firestarter. http://pastebin.com/m723ea818     some apps like firefox or etherape are not runing too.  help?13:12
ScorpKingprateek: then you'll have to use vim13:12
ASUS-tekyoo to all13:12
prateekwhat if i browse it and EDIT AS root?13:12
ScorpKinganything that can edit it as root13:13
ScorpKinghiya ASUS-tek13:13
nanothiefprateek: there is a right click action in konqueror to edit a file as root Actions->edit as root13:14
prateeki did it!13:14
ScorpKingprateek: line 7 removed and saved?13:15
prateeksee scorpking..now there is a intresting thing13:15
uhriventishow do I sign on to my account13:15
ScorpKingprateek: before you restart the networking look in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if eth0 is mentioned there13:15
prateekWhenever i do such things (open as root >>edit as root)13:15
prateekerror: unknown host etc13:16
prateeksorry its correct13:17
prateeketh0 is der13:17
ScorpKingah nice13:17
ScorpKingthen run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart to see if it works13:17
prateekbefore i restart it13:17
prateekplz tell me one thing13:17
prateeki do such opertaions such as open as root13:17
prateeki get errors while closing the window of dolphin13:18
prateekThe error is Unable to save bookmarks...13:18
prateekPermmission Dinied13:19
ScorpKingprateek: if you start applications from konsole it will show the errors in there. just ask here and someone will help if they know13:19
ScorpKingprateek: sudo chown 1000:1000 -R /home/<yourname>/13:19
prateekok...tell me how can i IM them?13:19
prateekthat will make me root?13:19
ScorpKingno that will fix that error13:20
prateekcommand not found13:20
prateekcommand not found13:20
ScorpKingprateek: what did you type?13:20
prateeksame thing...prateek: sudo chown 1000:1000 -R /home/<yourname>/13:20
ScorpKingreplace <yourname> with your username13:21
prateekya...i know that13:21
prateekcommand not found error13:21
prateekis there no GUI method?13:22
ScorpKing!register | uhriventis13:22
ubottuuhriventis: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.13:22
prateeksee this13:22
ScorpKingprateek: i use konsole for almost everything so i'm not sure. i think there is an option if you right-click on your home folder in konqueror13:23
ScorpKingprateek: hehe. don't put prateek: in there13:23
ScorpKingsudo chown 1000:1000 -R /home/prateek/13:24
prateekyes..i have tried that many a times before for folders on my ntfs partitions...i open them as rot change their owners and come back to see nothing changed and this bookmarks error13:24
ScorpKingjust like that ^13:24
prateek-R for no errors?13:24
prateekNo error this time13:25
ScorpKing-R = recursive13:25
prateekman u rock13:25
prateekdid it right13:25
prateekno error13:25
ScorpKingprateek: it should work now :)13:25
prateekcan i do it for those NTFS partitions?13:25
ScorpKingprateek: you can mount it with your uuid13:26
prateekhow how?13:26
ScorpKingprateek: for egsample - sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/hdb1 /media/windows13:26
Dr_willisHmmm.. Who do i smack for the idea of  a device showing up as  ' system:/media/sdf1 ' when in fact its actually been mounted to /media/disk  :)13:27
prateekenglish is funny languae13:27
* ScorpKing can't spell13:27
ScorpKingDr_willis: you have to set a label for that disk13:28
haemogoblinHi there13:28
haemogoblini crashed13:28
haemogoblinsomeone on here was giving me install tips13:28
prateekfuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/Window: No such file or directory13:28
prateekFUSE mount point creation failed13:28
prateekUnmounting /dev/sda1 (Windows xp)13:28
haemogoblinAre they still around?13:28
prateekHey it unmounted it :(13:29
Dr_willisScorpKing,  it shouldent matter..  It would make MUCh more sence for it to be  using system:/media/disk   in both cases.. or  /media/sdf1 in both cases.13:29
ScorpKingDr_willis: i'd look in /etc/udev/rules.d/<something> for other options13:29
ScorpKingDr_willis: i agree13:29
eagles0513875haemogoblin: install tips for what13:29
Dr_willisI normally do make labels. :) but i just formated this one.13:29
prateekeagles0513875: i didnt work13:29
Dr_willisNow to see if it boots. :) bb in a few13:29
eagles0513875prateek: :( the ntfs-3g didnt work13:30
prateekeagles0513875: no the internet thing.13:30
eagles0513875prateek: O_o13:30
eagles0513875refresh my memory dude13:30
prateekbut scorpion helped me13:30
prateekhe deleted some lines from Interfaces13:30
haemogoblininstalling Quanta13:30
eagles0513875ur wifi issue13:30
prateekactually 1 line13:30
ScorpKingeagles0513875: he had duplicate eth0 entries in interfaces13:30
eagles0513875haemogoblin: it should be in repo13:31
eagles0513875!info quanta13:31
ubottuquanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2346 kB, installed size 5704 kB13:31
eagles0513875speaking of im going to do the same thing13:31
ScorpKinghaemogoblin: sudo aptitude install quanta13:31
haemogoblinthank you13:31
prateekScorpKing: is 521 MB ram too low for Compiz?13:31
prateekand screenlets13:31
prateekand wine13:31
uhriventisI've a gig. but, I think 512 should be fine for some stuff13:32
haemogoblinwhere do i learn how this suda think works?13:32
ScorpKingprateek: i'm not sure. you'll have to test it13:32
uhriventisMaybe not all the bells and whistles but, just enough13:32
prateeki tested on Ubuntu 7.1013:32
ScorpKing!sudo | uhriventis13:32
haemogoblinsudo even13:32
prateekslowly its performance decresed exponentially13:32
violinapprenhi all, any body knows how to make USB disks get mount with utf8 option? i'm running kubuntu-kde4-desktop on gutsy13:33
eagles0513875prateek: do u have open gl enabled13:33
ScorpKinghaemogoblin: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.13:33
prateekand i got sluggish mouse and a sluggish pc and i got shifted to Bill Gates xp13:33
haemogoblini can thank you scorp13:33
prateekhw do i check?13:33
ScorpKinghaemogoblin: you're welcome13:33
ScorpKingi have to get back to work. have fun guys13:33
eagles0513875prateek: run glxinfo in konsole13:34
uhriventisooo, 91 percent done till kde4 is ready13:34
prateektherez a matrix13:34
eagles0513875prateek: near the top it should say direct rendering yes13:35
eagles0513875prateek: u should be fine13:36
prateekopenGl...is it counterpart of directX as in xp13:36
spine55I can't seem to get the proprietary NVIDIA graphics driver to stay setup.  Everytime I reboot and have to resinstall it.13:36
prateekcan i play my NFS MW in it?13:36
eagles0513875? really13:36
prateekwith it..13:36
eagles0513875prateek: u would have to install wine13:36
prateekyes..i know that13:37
prateekbut it needs DirectX 9c13:37
prateekthat is not with wine13:37
prateekcan openGL do it13:37
xsachawine has directx913:37
xsachawine can play crysis..13:37
xsachaalbeit with some graphical glitches13:37
prateekNFS Prostreet13:37
xsachaif you wanna know if wine plays your app, check the app database.. appdb.winehq.org13:38
prateekand ya is my pc a lowend just bcoz i have 512 MB ram (128 Graphics onboard) and a core 2 duo @ 213:38
prateek.00 Hhz13:38
eagles0513875prateek: ull need wine to play any windows game13:39
eagles0513875except unreal series which is also coded for linux13:39
xsachaprateek: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=985413:39
eagles0513875its in hardy repos13:39
xsachathats prostreet... note that the entry is over 2 months old. so that bug may be fixed13:39
prateekxsacha: well thanks..but the graphics in pc are too bad13:40
prateekthey resemble Midtown Madness13:41
prateekeagles0513875: i have a slow internet connection so i cant download things...is there any command which i can type in terminal and the packages ("SETUP") is downloaded on another pc and i can bring to my pc and install them13:42
eagles0513875not that i know of prateek13:43
eagles0513875u wired or wireless13:43
prateeki mean i will go to that pc and type it13:43
prateekand then get it my poor pc13:44
prateekhow can i send private messages?13:45
IppatsuManprateek: you may find this project interesting: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/13:45
prateeksee this i know13:46
prateeki knew this thing13:46
prateeksuppose i want to get JUST WINE13:47
prateekon a non interent PC how will i get it!13:47
prateekany ideas?13:47
prateeksuppose i want to get JUST WINE13:48
prateek[18:17] <prateek> on a non interent PC how will i get it!13:48
xsachayou can add a cd rom as a source13:49
xsachai think there's also some instructions on how to get it from another computer but i dont remember13:50
xsachayou could always just d/l the wine.deb file and then send it to your computer13:50
xsachahowever you send files.. flash drive or whatever13:50
suzehello i have alc861 vd realtek and i have this issue when i record with audacity i have nice volume when i try to record with recordmydesktop i get low volume13:53
ASUS-teksuze is a nice nick13:54
suzeany idea?13:54
suzewhat boring problem13:55
flotishu_ firestarter problem since i removed it , then instaled kmyfirewall. removed it. and reinstalled firestarter. http://pastebin.com/m723ea818     some apps like firefox or etherape are not runing too.  help?14:00
ASUS-tekthere are 355 users but no one for the rescue or help sick ppl14:01
prateekxsacha: i have a penfrive thats no prob...bt for most of things we dont get DEB, click on it..it starts downloading it and then it installes it...i dont see "setup" anytime14:02
ASUS-tekprateek u Indian14:03
prateekASUS-tek: Yes.....u14:04
ASUS-teklol me to14:05
ASUS-tekwehre u located in Indian14:05
ASUS-teklol me at Mumbai14:05
ASUS-tekvery nice to see ya dude14:05
prateekSame here...felt alone14:05
ASUS-tekhumm.. waht do u do by the way u student14:06
prateeki am an engineering guy...DCE14:06
prateekheard name?14:06
prateekIst Yr14:06
ASUS-tekdo u feel ubuntu if marketed with computer manufacture will be sucessful14:06
ASUS-tekin India14:06
ASUS-tekwhat do u feel14:07
ASUS-tekwhat y no justify naan also14:07
ASUS-tekdont jsut say no14:07
prateekSee the problem is Ubuntu always needs you to have a interenet connection14:07
ASUS-teky it will not be sucessful14:07
ASUS-tekya man ur ight14:07
prateekand internet is not so accesible as in America14:07
ASUS-tekand what else u can say14:07
ASUS-tektya ur right14:08
prateekthere is no EXE thing here14:08
ASUS-teku have tryed using other distro14:08
prateeki used Kubuntu14:08
ASUS-tekwhat do u feel aobut them14:08
prateekI use Kubuntu14:08
neville_What do you mean EXE thing prateek14:08
ASUS-tekbesides derbian14:08
prateekneville_: if i dont use wine..ubuntu doesnt know what Setup.exe means14:09
ASUS-tekhere they are used to say software like exe and all here in ubuntu u just need a net connectoing and u downlad the software14:09
prateekASUS-tek: i cant!14:09
flotishu_how to send a message on a windows client machine ?14:09
prateeki have 400 MB only a month14:09
ASUS-tekparteek what do u feel about pclinuxos14:09
prateeki cant download stuff!14:09
ASUS-tekhave u tryed that distro14:09
ASUS-tekwell how come prateek14:10
psycodadflotishu_: you smb win popups ?14:10
ASUS-tekprateek i am pm ing ya14:10
psycodadsorry, you mean was meant to say14:10
prateekmtnl gives me 400 MB only14:10
prateekASUS-tek: r u on orkut14:10
flotishu_psycodad ya. like net send in windows14:10
ASUS-tekya add me my email add14:11
ASUS-teku all can add me14:11
ASUS-tekmy email address14:11
xsacha400MB a month? sounds like a 3rd world country14:11
prateekASUS-tek: it says i cant send private message14:11
ASUS-tekya man ur right14:11
xsachaive had this 10mbit downstream for over 10 years now14:11
psycodadflotishu_: smbclient should iirc be able to do this14:11
prateekxsacha: ya india...third world14:11
ASUS-tekjust add me i ahve given ya my email address14:11
xsacha400MB takes a few mins14:11
prateekxsacha: u all are developed14:11
ASUS-tekbut me on 256 kbps connection14:11
prateekxsacha: we are developing14:11
flotishu_psycodad what is it?14:12
xsachaoh yeah, sorry14:12
ASUS-tekya man ur very true14:12
psycodadflotishu_: and there is the specialized linpopup14:12
prateekASUS-tek: i cant send private messages14:12
xsachathought you said you were in US prateek14:12
ASUS-tekit all rightu dont have to sorry if we were not we wont be here14:12
flotishu_psycodad what is smbcleint14:12
prateekxsacha: India..i said India..i love India14:12
ASUS-tekme to lots14:13
psycodadflotishu_: smbclient is a samba client, go do an 'aptitude search smbclient'14:13
ASUS-tekparteek add me14:13
ASUS-tekme haveing my pic with the Indian flag and ubuntu logo14:13
prateekASUS-tek: funny...when i click on Add in Konquere browseer nothin happens14:13
prateekHA HA HA14:13
xsachaim from australia :)14:13
ASUS-tekkool man14:13
prateekxsacha: oh14:13
ASUS-tekhow is like in australia14:13
prateekRacial Discrimination against indians there?14:14
psycodadflotishu_: linpopup is also in the ubuntu repositories, i just never used it, smbclient works fine for that purpose14:14
prateeki heard it14:14
xsachanot that i know of14:14
prateekxsacha: yup14:14
flotishu_psycodad linpop will send msng to linux from linux machines?14:14
xsachaheaps of indians here. a lot of the guys at uni are indian14:14
ASUS-tekok tell me how is the night life in it oz contry14:14
prateekxsacha: man in indian newspapers it came everyday about those raxi drivers14:14
=== LukeL is now known as a
ASUS-tekya man ur right prateek14:14
xsachaohh yeah i saw taxi drivers.. a taxi driver got killed, so they had big protest14:15
prateekASUS-tek: u add me smartygoldenfish@yahoo.co.in14:15
ASUS-teki als o heard about it i had also heard about Pak14:15
psycodadflotishu_: oh, i think you're right it seems like linpopup mimics the windows behaviour on linux, as i said never used it, smbclient is fine to send winpopups to win32 clients14:15
prateekASUS-tek: send invite friend14:15
ASUS-teku ther14:15
psycodadflotishu_: go for smbclient, that works and is a nice tool for other tasks too14:16
ASUS-tekok wiat14:16
mohihi :)14:16
uhriventisMy KDE4 bar is gone. How can I launch it?14:16
xsachauhriventis: run plasma ?14:16
ASUS-tekhave added ya14:16
uhriventishow would I do that14:16
ASUS-tekxsacha how is life in oz14:16
ASUS-teklike u also studying14:16
ASUS-tekor student14:17
=== LukeL is now known as e
prateekASUS-tek: yaar kucch nahi aaya...tujhe hindi to aati hai naa14:17
flotishu_psycodad i have it. how to use it?14:17
ASUS-tekhow is oz university different from uni at the USA14:17
mohiI have problem with my disks in Hardy. I cant write on them in Kubuntu14:17
xsachai dunno what uni is like in US14:17
hypernewbie_mohi: are those disks ntfs?14:17
ASUS-tekPrateek Jain14:18
ASUS-teki have add ya now14:18
xsachabut it's pretty good here14:18
mohihypernewbie_: no. fat32 and ext314:18
prateekASUS-tek: kk\14:18
hypernewbie_oh :X14:18
ASUS-tekRohini Sec 8, New Delhi, India14:18
uhriventisPlasma is running it's still not up14:18
prateekha ha14:18
prateekthats GPS14:18
ASUS-tekxsacha ok tell me more about the life in austrilia14:18
ASUS-tekaustralia *14:19
ASUS-tektell naa14:19
xsachai dunno, it's just normal to me. nothing to compare it with14:19
ASUS-tekpromote ur country14:19
prateekASUS-tek: how did u send me a private message...did u register somewhere!14:19
ASUS-tekya man14:19
prateekASUS-tek: how14:19
xsachawhy do i need to promote it? :P14:19
ASUS-tekam also new at this irc client14:19
psycodadflotishu_: echo "message" | smbclient -M MACHINE14:19
prateekASUS-tek; ye xsacha sahi mood mein nahi lagat14:20
prateeksala bhow khaa raha hai14:20
ASUS-teklike i also asked the same on the mains u jsut have to type soem command14:20
ASUS-teki dont rememberthat14:20
ASUS-tekam using opea browser14:20
eagles0513875prateek: mmm english plz lol14:20
prateekeagles0513875: can u tell me how i can send private messages14:21
ASUS-tektell him how to register to this irc client14:21
prateekeagles0513875: u r ma saviour!14:21
ASUS-tekhahah nice14:21
prateekASUS-tek:where in mumbai?14:21
eagles0513875!register | prateek14:21
ubottuprateek: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.14:21
ASUS-tekwell i ahve add ya orkut u can now chat with me on gtalk14:21
IppatsuMan#ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatting, please join there14:22
ASUS-tek« /nick <nickname>14:22
=== e is now known as a
ASUS-tekdo this prateek14:22
ASUS-tek« /nick <nickname>14:22
prateek« /nick prateekjain14:22
prateeklike this?14:22
ASUS-tekin the <>14:23
prateekbt where?14:23
ASUS-tekin the mains14:23
gsaHi all how do i invite someone to private chat?14:23
ASUS-tektell him naan14:23
ASUS-teklike me using opera i did it on the mains14:23
prateekbada confusing hai14:23
ASUS-tekya man ur right14:23
prateeki cant see any mains!14:23
ajust /nick prateekjain14:23
ASUS-tekthis is the mains14:24
astarting with /14:24
xsachaprateek: just type it here in chat14:24
xsachaprateek: /nick prateekjain14:24
ASUS-teklol nice to see ya14:24
prateeksome spoonfeeding!14:24
prateeki need14:24
ASUS-tekxsacha which softwaer u sing for cahting14:24
uhriventisI'll wait a little while untill KDE4 gets their act together14:24
=== prateek is now known as prateekjain
xsachaASUS-tek: konversation14:24
ASUS-tekok nice but me on win xp14:25
prateekjainbt i cant still send private msg to ASUS-tek14:25
ASUS-teku know any good softewer on win xp14:25
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:25
prateekjainASUS-tek: i am a master of WIndows Xp14:25
ASUS-tekbut i wana promote linux in INdia :(14:26
ASUS-teklike puppy linux14:26
ASUS-tekor pclinusos and14:26
prateekjainASUS-tek: well we shaare intrests14:26
prateekjainsee ubuntu is a good Linux14:26
prateekjainand alos i saw gOS14:26
prateekjainor google OS14:26
ASUS-tekya man but i guess it has lots of bold ware i gues14:26
prateekjainit rocks14:26
prateekjainbold ware?14:26
ASUS-tekya man i also ryed rocket or now space Gos14:26
ASUS-tekok i only tryed it onh live mode14:27
prateekjainyes...its too facebook oriented14:27
ASUS-tekya man14:27
prateekjainthough google owns Orkut14:27
ASUS-tekbut me not quite active on face book14:27
prateekjaingoogle gone nuts14:27
ASUS-teki am wondering when they will introduce orkut14:27
prateekjaini dont hv account14:27
ASUS-tekaccount wehre14:27
ASUS-tekon facebook14:27
mohihow should we change the owner of a partition in linux?14:28
ASUS-tekI AM pRaTeEk Jain14:28
ASUS-tek1. I am a good boy14:28
ASUS-tek2. I want to know why you want to know what you want to know.14:28
prateekjainalso i biggest prob in Ubuntu is people who ALWAYS overrate it just because its A free OS14:28
ASUS-tek3. Hee hee.14:28
ASUS-tek4. A mosquito in search of false love. Become my friend. But introduce yourself before adding me.14:28
prateekjainha ha14:28
ASUS-tekhaha humm.. kind of14:28
prateekjaini wrote it myself14:28
ASUS-tek7. Who let the dogs out.14:28
ASUS-tek8. I'm a fun loving guy who predicts the past.14:28
ASUS-tekhaha very nice14:29
prateekjainwot r u..a student?14:29
ASUS-tekme was at the last yr of enginering14:29
ASUS-tekme now ding time pass14:29
ASUS-tekme on vactions14:29
ASUS-tekpak raha hai14:29
prateekjainwhich colg?14:29
prateekjainwhich colg?14:29
ASUS-tekme some study center in mumbai14:29
prateekjainok...heard DCE14:29
ASUS-tekmaray ko girl friends bee nahee hai aabi14:29
ASUS-tekdce is dont know man14:30
prateekjainkoi ni14:30
ASUS-tekam more fo mumbai centric i dont know bout the work aobut side it14:30
prateekjainaamchi mumbai14:30
ASUS-tekwow u in IIT14:30
IppatsuManprateekjain, ASUS-tek: this tries to be a technical support channel, please join #ubuntu-offtopic for random chatting. Enjoy you stay ^_^14:30
ASUS-teksuper kool man14:30
Picior #kubuntu-offtopic14:30
ASUS-teknope i wont14:30
ASUS-tekpici u also student14:31
prateekjainIppatsuMan: i was waiting for just this warning...when we ask questions noone replies14:31
mohihow should I change the owner of a partition in linux? (exept home and / )14:31
ASUS-tekya man14:31
PiciASUS-tek: I am, but this is not a place to discuss that, this is a support channel.14:31
prateekjainand when we go off the topic..every114:31
ASUS-tekall sick ppl here they just never help ppl14:31
prateekjainASUS-tek: inko gali deni ho to hindi likh14:31
ASUS-tekpici is also dont that14:31
ASUS-tekchuu salay14:32
flotishu_psycodad echo "hello putt muzammal" | smbclient -M
flotishu_[sudo] password for user1:14:32
flotishu_timeout connecting to
flotishu_Error connecting to (Operation already in progress)14:32
flotishu_Connection to failed. Error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED14:32
prateekjainhindi hamari rashtrabhasha hia..in goro ko kya pata14:32
ASUS-tekprateek jain how u doing in iit14:32
ASUS-teknice man14:32
Pici!ops | prateekjain ASUS-tek14:32
ubottuprateekjain ASUS-tek: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!14:32
prateekjaini am not in iit14:32
ubottuFactoid in not found14:32
ASUS-teklol hope they can read hindi14:32
prateekjainnop: inko english nahi aati hindi kya bolnge14:33
prateekjainubottu: whot is this14:33
psycodadflotishu_: your linux box probably needs to join the windows domain, also the remote machine must be listening for those messages, a lot of windows boxes have this turned of nowadays. Check if it works from another windows machine first14:33
IppatsuManASUS-tek: help is community driven. Just be polite and wait. When someone who knows and has time will read your question, he/she will answer. Flooding the channel with random chat won't help anyone in finding your question.14:34
PiciPriceChild, jdavies: Thanks14:34
mohity guyz14:34
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jdaviesPici: no problem14:34
flotishu_psycodad its listening14:35
flotishu_psycodad works for other windows clients14:36
psycodadflotishu_: maybe check whats in the windows clients log, maybe as said you need to join the machine into the windows domain with 'net join', but I am not 100% sure14:38
gsaHi all, i have no sound in my laptop Lenovo 3000 N200 i have Realtek ALC861VD sound card can any one help me pls?14:39
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navetzcan someone help me fix my cd/dvd rom drive14:41
navetzI don't think it is mounted14:41
navetzbut it detects that I have a blank cd in it.14:41
moolingwell i am a new be be here with the linux stuff but so far so good ;)14:42
moolinganyone here at all?14:43
injhgfjkhdhello, I am now using the newest version of Kubuntu, 8.10 , all is OK, but there is not working sound - when I run alsamixer, it writes alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory14:43
navetzwhat type should a dvd burner be mounted as?14:43
moolingis there a working DC++ for kubuntu ?14:44
cinexk3b would mount it ?14:44
cinexmooling: there is something althoguh i forget its name14:44
cinexand it was not as nice14:44
moolingok that is kewl14:44
tinininjhgfjkhd 8.10?14:44
tininis that released yet?14:44
cinexyoud have to google round for it14:44
moolingam used to apex on the old xp14:44
moolingok yeah i will try to constarin myself with too many questions in the beginning and use the good friend of google14:45
Hobbseetinin: is it october, 2008 yet?14:45
injhgfjkhd tinin: I dont know -14:45
tininHobbsee I don't think so, but maybe was using injhgfjkhd it :P14:46
geniiinjhgfjkhd: If you're in fact using the development version of 8.10 ask in #ubuntu+1 about problems please14:46
Hobbseetinin: same answer :)14:46
injhgfjkhdgenii: I downloaded kubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso14:46
Hobbseegenii: it's unlikely he'd be on irc if he was.. :)14:46
tinininjhgfjkhd and wich sound card do you have?14:46
geniiinjhgfjkhd: Then you have Hardy Heron 8.0414:47
gsaI have the same problem with realteks sound card14:47
injhgfjkhdgenii:I have a realtek sound card ..14:47
gsaRealtek ALC861VD14:48
injhgfjkhdgsa:have you velved it?14:48
injhgfjkhdgsa:have you solved it?14:48
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gsaIM sorry but whats is "velvet"14:48
tininrealtek sould just work, just google a bit to see if there are any problems (ALC861VD+ubuntu)14:48
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tinininjhgfjkhd do you know your exact model?14:49
gsai have and i tryed some of the solutions i finded on google but it dont work14:49
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=== thehavenprojectd is now known as godlyserver
Tw|sTah... gotta love client updates14:50
injhgfjkhdtinin:I dont know, but in previous Kubuntu it worked fine ...14:50
Tw|sTg'mornin' everyone14:50
tinininjhgfjkhd so it will work in this edition too14:51
tinininjhgfjkhd have you installed alsa packages?14:51
tininalsa-base alsa-utils libasound2 linux-sound-base14:52
injhgfjkhdtinin: no, I am going to install it14:52
injhgfjkhdtinin:it is already installed14:53
godlyserveranyone here know about the internet setup in burma? as in are they filtering all traffic?14:56
tinininjhgfjkhd test it, and check out if the volume is on14:57
tinininjhgfjkhd I can't help you more14:57
tinindon't know14:57
injhgfjkhdalsa-base is already the newest version.alsa-utils is already the newest version.libasound2 is already the newest version.linux-sound-base is already the newest version.14:58
ASUS-tekprateekjain mar gaya kya14:59
Pramodwat's alsa?15:04
prateekjain56] <prateekjain> i have a dual boot box15:04
prateekjain[Fri May 9 2008] [19:32:06] <prateekjain> kubuntu 7.10 and xpsp215:04
prateekjain[Fri May 9 2008] [19:32:34] <prateekjain> my NTFS partitions' have owner as ROOt15:04
prateekjain[Fri May 9 2008] [19:32:41] <prateekjain> i want to change ot15:04
prateekjain[Fri May 9 2008] [19:32:43] <prateekjain> it15:04
prateekjain[Fri May 9 2008] [19:32:47] <prateekjain> how can i do so?15:04
jabba!paste | prateekjain15:05
ubottuprateekjain: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:05
prateekjainubottu: thanku my bot15:05
ubottuFactoid thanku my bot not found15:05
jabba!also | Pramod15:06
ubottuFactoid also not found15:06
jabba!alsa | Pramod15:06
ubottuPramod: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:06
tininprateekjain try installing and using ntfs-config15:06
prateekjainhow can i do so15:06
jhutchins_wkWhy are we still using Arts?  Will we still have arts, and alsa, and pulseaudio?15:07
tininprateekjain do in a konsole: sudo aptitude install ntfs-config15:07
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!15:07
tininand then do: ntfs-config15:07
tininor sudo ntfs-config if it complains15:08
tinininjhgfjkhd try kinfoccenter to guess wich is your sound card, it should tell you something in a line that says audio device15:09
prateekjaintintin: then15:09
prateekjaini have a dialog box15:09
tininprateekjain use it15:09
prateekjainnop: i have to tick both15:09
tinini don't have it on my screen15:09
Pramod!ntfs | Pramod15:09
prateekjaini did it now15:10
tininprateekjain I don't use ntfs, it is buggish, delete your windows and use ext3 as filesystem :P15:10
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE15:11
prateekjainubottu: thanks bot15:11
ubottuFactoid thanks bot not found15:11
tininprateekjainbit should work if you ticked15:13
prateekjainno no15:14
prateekjaini wish to know how can i change ownership15:14
tininprateekjain so then use the wonderful configuration tools avaliable in kde15:14
tinincontrol ccenter15:14
tininhard drives15:15
tininand then you should check if that partition is marked as writeable15:15
geniiThe ownership of partitions is assigned to root every boot by the udev subsystem. You can't easily (permanantly) change the ownership of them without messing with udev. Better to make a folder on it and assign that to whichever user is supposed to write there15:15
tininprateekjain genii is right15:16
prateekjaingenii: but whatif i allraedy have a folder15:16
tininmake a folder there and do what you want with it15:16
tininchange the permissions to the folder15:16
geniiprateekjain: Then use chown there to make it owned by who is supposed to write there15:17
tininnot to the harddrive15:17
prateekjaingenii: i didnt get it15:18
tininprateekjain first try the system configuration pannel15:19
tininand check if that partition is marked as writeable15:19
tininthen you could just open konqueror as root (do: sudo konqueror) and modify the permissions of the folder (right click) to your user15:20
tininis should be easy15:21
prateekjainlemme give it a try15:21
Dr_WillisIts 'best' to learn to do some things from the shell. :)15:22
Dr_WillisI cheat and use 'mc' as root as a happy in-be-tween15:22
prateekjainsee there are two boxes in bottom...Owner And group15:22
prateekjaini should set both prateek...right?15:22
tininit should work well if you do that15:23
prateekjaintinin: its not!15:23
tininsorry, I don't know more15:24
prateekjainwhen i click OK and then see props again...the values are chaged to root15:24
tinintry to rebbot maybe15:24
tininor use ext3 if you can, so you won't have headaches or need to defragment15:25
prateekjaintinin: thats wrong..a problem is to be "solved" not "changed"15:25
prateekjainok..thank u guyz15:25
hydrogenDon't be annoying./15:25
* Dr_Willis has totally missed the problem.15:25
tininthere are several ways to do things, if you are not able one way...15:26
=== comawill is now known as comawill2
tininread more about it or just wait for some help15:26
prateekjaintinin: As in quantum physics..we are bound to slove under some constraints...15:27
wesleyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/228432  why wont they fix kde 4.0415:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228432 in ubuntu "kde 4.0.4 got conflicts with Qt 4.4" [Undecided,New]15:33
PramodKDE 4 is not yet stable...15:35
wesleyPramod that doesnt mean kubuntu does not have top fix there faults they made ( kde 4 is stable )15:36
tininKDE 4.1 svn seems more stable and usable thatn kde4.0415:36
Pramodand yet got some things missing... :D15:37
wesleykde 4.1 will be better i know15:37
BonesolTeraDyneThus the name KDE "4.0.4"15:37
wesleyyeah kubuntu screwed kde 4.0.415:37
tininIt would be great to have test packages for kde4.1 svn the same way amarok2 svn (neon) has15:38
wesleytinin i know but kde 4.1 is not useable for produvity right now its still in heavy deb15:39
wesleyabout 2 month and a half kde 4.1 will be there15:41
tininopensuse has kde 4.1 svn packages avaliable15:42
tininthey are nice15:42
BizMan2008hey i just installed a fresh kubuntu 8.04 w/ kde4 ... now a few things are missing that i had before, volume keys dont work.... and no battery meter :(15:42
BizMan2008any ideas?15:42
tininuse kde 315:43
tininfor ther moment15:43
BizMan2008the volume keys is not a distro issue15:43
Pramodit's just a driver issue...15:44
wesleyhttp://dot.kde.org/1210150521/  they recommend to upgrade to 4.0.4 so kubuntu did mess up with wanting to update Qt 4.315:44
BizMan2008it worked in 7.10 w/ kde315:44
BizMan2008even when i had kde4 side by side it worked15:44
BizMan2008same thing with the battery daemon15:44
wesleyKDE 4.0.4 is still based on Qt 4.3 as is the case with the whole KDE 4.0 series. So put on your update shoes and install 4.0.4 today.15:45
BizMan2008i have 4.0.4 already15:45
BizMan2008no difference15:45
obvio171i ran a full-upgrade on kubuntu-kde4-amd64 and now kwin won't start on its own. does anybody know what could be wrong?15:45
wesleywich distro15:45
BizMan2008kubuntu 8.0415:46
BizMan2008i dont mind it not being as usable as kde 3.5, but these other things i dont see why they dont work, and again it worked when i had kde 4 side by side with kde 315:48
wesleyBizMan did you upgrade Qt 4.315:49
jabbais there a reason resize2fs was broken out of e2fsadm?15:49
BizMan2008didnt it do it automatically with the 4.0.4 update?15:49
godlyserverhmm my mouse keeps frezzing every 5 minutes and cant figure out what causes it ...15:49
Tw|sThey, how do you disable the Kubuntu (& Ubuntu) load screens?  I'd like to see all my services, devices and so on as they load.15:49
wesleyyeah and that causing qiut some problems BizMan15:50
BizMan2008so what do i do15:50
* Tw|sT hits google in search of the answer15:53
godlyservercolour test one15:53
stdinTw|sT: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove all the instances of "splash"15:54
wesleystdin when are they going to fix kde 4.0.4 i am sure of i Qt 4.4 is causing those problems15:55
stdinwesley: maybe if you assigned the bug to the right package then the relevant people would see it, and file a bug upstream15:56
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wesleystdin where should i assigned it to ?15:56
stdinif you think Qt is the problem, to qt4-x1115:56
stdinif you think kdelibs is the problem, kde4libs15:57
wesleyits related to kde 4.0.415:57
wesleyso kde4base or what ?15:57
stdinI told you the options15:58
stdin<stdin> if you think Qt is the problem, to qt4-x1115:58
stdin<stdin> if you think kdelibs is the problem, kde4libs15:58
wesleystdin okay15:58
wesleyso do i need to fil that by project or psckage ?15:59
stdinthey are the packages15:59
wesleyokay i fil it there16:01
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eidolonwas requested to move this quesiton over to here, i'll re-paste:16:04
eidolonso, i ahve a problem / question about adept updater.  I frequently see updates come over - which is just fine.  I click on one of hte packages, select 'details' and click on 'developer changelog' - and most of the time it's empty.  So how do i find out why this update is being installed?  example is today i have an update to foomatic-filters - i don't know what this update is, why i'm installing it, or what changed.16:04
wesleyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/228710  stdin here you have the bug report16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228710 in qt4-x11 "kde 4.0.4 got conflicts with Qt 4.4" [Undecided,New]16:04
stdinyou don't have to post it twice16:04
wesleythats what you said stdin post it in right16:05
wesleypart of lauchpad16:05
eidolonwell, different channel.  it's always tricky to figure out if a repost is necessary.  i dont know how much crossover ther eis between channels (and, honestly, it' snot my problem if someone is monitoring both channels, and they get 2 copies)16:05
stdinyou created another report, you could have just changed the source package from the original16:05
stdinbut I've marked the other as a dup now16:06
eidolonanyway - the 'changelog' issue is a Known Issue [tm]?16:06
wesleyi dint know i just could change it16:06
stdinweedar: see the little arrow by the source package name, you can click that16:06
stdinwesley: ^16:07
wesleybut i believe thats the problem and it realy needs to fix doesnt look good on kde4 a update with is not as good as 4.0.316:08
bleakedhow does one configure firefox to associate mimetypes with kde applications?  i don't mind doing it by hand, i just want to be able to open files from the download dialog.  (i really wish gnome and kde could standardize things like this and file pickers..but oh well..)16:10
Tw|sTstdin: Thanks!16:11
eagles0513875any java programmers in here16:12
Tw|sTyeah, that's mucho better16:12
geniiHehe "This might void your warranty!" new Firefox warning when you do about:config16:19
geniioops wrong channel sorry16:19
BluesKajwell, i already dumped FF :)16:20
BonesolTeraDyneAs did I.16:20
BluesKajaltho the auto-skip cursor in the google searchbar is still an annoyance16:21
BluesKajin konq16:21
navetzis there a remount command to remount my cdrom drive?16:21
jabba!mount | navetz16:22
ubottunavetz: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter16:22
jabbanavetz: see also mount(8)16:22
BluesKajI have to state the obvious, navetz , it shows the cdrom as unmounted when there's no media in it16:23
jabbawell then.16:23
BluesKajno patience16:24
jabbaBluesKaj: it took longer to start konversation, join, and ask than it did to do "man 8 mount" and then "/remount"16:24
BluesKajsometimes jabba , one has to assume that some visitors are newbs , hence telling them to use man pages means nothing to them16:26
jabbaBluesKaj: which is why i pulled the factoid.16:26
BluesKajfactoids are bit too technical sometimes16:27
jabbaBluesKaj: googling for remount+cdrom+kubuntu also provides meaninful data.16:27
jabbai do understand benefit-of-the-doubt, but at some point users do have to help themselves, too.16:28
BluesKajmeaningful data is what to a newb :)16:28
TheFuzzballHi, I am looking for Qt 4.4 packages for Kubuntu, does anyone know a source?16:30
JucatoTheFuzzball: enable hardy-backports16:32
TheFuzzballJucato, I have hardy backports16:33
Jucatojust update then? it should be there according to http://www.kdedevelopers.org/blog/5716:34
TheFuzzballJucato, that says Neon has them, but that is of no use to me16:35
JucatoTheFuzzball: see first sentence16:35
TheFuzzballJucato, "entering" they are not there16:35
TheFuzzballand I need to compile KDE 4.1 trunk16:36
Jucatomaybe wait for a bit? (or you can always compile)16:36
TheFuzzballI am using an old computer and It takes ages to compile Qt16:38
Jucatoaccording to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz it should already be in hardy-backports. did you apt-get update first before checking?16:39
TheFuzzballI'll doublecheck16:39
TheFuzzballI think I know what my problem is...16:40
Jucatoif you're using a mirror, maybe it hasn't hit yet16:40
TheFuzzball...I installed Qt 4.4 RC and that is stopping me from getting 4.4 from backports16:41
TheFuzzballI would have thought it would detect a newer version though16:41
heirrookwhen I start kde I get an error "KDEinit could not launch x" x = any application. it seems to be when switching between plugged in power and battery power is when this occurs.  any help appreciated16:43
heirrookthis error is when I try to start any application by the way16:43
m0nkfishi have a pretty simple question i think16:44
m0nkfishhow do i change the type of indentation in kate?16:44
m0nkfishcause it uses tabs at the moment (afaik) and i would prefer just a doublespace16:45
fkeazhow do i tell firefox to use kmail rather than 'evolution' ?16:45
heirrookfkeaz: Do you mean when you start a new email or open one that it opens with evolution?16:46
fkeazheirrook: for mailto: links16:46
Jucatom0nkfish: Settings -> Configure Kate -> Editing and Indentation options16:47
heirrookfkeaz:  I believe that is going to be to just set your default email client in kde16:48
Wise-Guycan i ask for help enabling my DVD drive, resetting my screen resolution, and changing my keyboard configuration setupÉ16:48
m0nkfishawesome thanks jucato16:48
berkesI am evaluating kdevelop as an IDE; Always used Kate and/or quanta for my ruby on rails and PHP work, but....16:48
Wise-GuyÉ is a question mark16:49
berkes..somehow kdevelop get extremely slow, eating 100% CPU at times. I have a feeling that it is trying to update the structure-view or so. Is this a known issue?16:49
Jucatoberkes: the good news is that kdevelop uses katepart, so you still have almost everything you love about kate in it16:49
Jucatothere's a #kdevelop channel too16:50
guilhermeblancozubin: you there?16:50
berkesand if so, how can i fix this? Should I disable some plugin?16:50
heirrookwise-guy:  either edit xorg.conf or go to control settings from kmenu16:50
Wise-Guyheirrook, i dont know how to edit or what xorg.conf is16:50
berkesJucato: thans, will look there. And yea, I know it uses katepart. Its what I luuuuve about KDE: anything you use feels familiar :)16:50
Wise-Guywhen i go to the control settings and see the DVD drive, it says disabled16:50
Wise-Guyone of the settings is wrong, i don know what to change it to16:51
heirrookfor the keyboard conf and display you should probably use control center from kmenu16:51
guilhermeblancoFor the interested of video mantainers... The current pre-release video packages update fixed the DVD playback in my environment.16:51
Wise-Guyi dont see a control center, i see system settings tho16:52
heirrookoh, sorry I believe it is their then for the keyboard and resolution.  what is the problem with your dvd drive?16:53
Wise-Guyheirrook, it says in the system settings that it disabled16:54
heirrookdo you have the right driver for it?16:54
Wise-Guyi dont know how to enable it16:54
Wise-Guyheirrook, i used it to install the burned DVD of Hardy Heron16:54
Wise-Guybut now it wont read anything16:54
Wise-Guyi suspect i screwed something up in the settings16:54
Wise-Guyi picked that version because it advertized itself as easy for people who dont know what theyre doing16:55
Wise-Guythat me in spade16:56
khaije1is there an ekiga equivalent for kde?16:57
khaije1looking for a good webcam app16:57
heirrookwise-guy:  what brand of drive is it?17:00
Wise-Guyit says in the system page that its BurnerDVDRAM_GSA=H10N17:03
Wise-Guyif that helps17:03
Wise-Guythat =should be a -17:04
heirrookhave you used dmesg before?17:05
Wise-Guyheirrook, no, i dont know what it is17:05
yurimxpxmank9copy keeps crashing when I try to add a video file to create a DVD. Any ideas?17:05
heirrooktype the command and look through it for errors with dvd device17:05
The_ManU_212bug in audacity hardy heron 8.0417:06
Wise-Guyok, that made it say a whole lot of things, none of which i understand17:07
The_ManU_212disabled selection of input devices, this is becasue of a wrong compilation with portaudio v19 i read17:07
The_ManU_212some one has experience17:07
The_ManU_212i use a perfectly recognized realtek ac 97 soundchip older audacity versions work17:07
The_ManU_212and why uses ubuntu beta versions?17:07
heirrookwhat is your drive labeled?  type dmesg | grep "drive label here" or type dmesg | grep dvd17:08
heirrooksee if that has anything17:08
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Wise-Guyheirrook, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11137/17:09
Wise-Guythat what it said to the last dmesg thing17:09
p_quarlesanyone recall which file the KDE file associations are stored in?17:09
weswh-you know what is disappointing...after all these years and all of these new fancy graphics cards etc...i've still never seen a better visualization for an audio player than "Milkdrop" for Winamp back in like 98/9917:10
weswh-the stuff that comes with amarok is so cheesey. maybe even worse than windows media player...the one thing i like in amarok is the little bouncing "balls" you can get in the small window17:11
weswh-but, not full screen17:11
weswh-i want something that does 1680x1050 and looks freakin smooth and awesome17:11
Wise-Guyheirrook, that gave a much shorter answer, should i post it here or at the other place like the long answerÉ17:11
haemogoblinhey there can any tell if there are better drivers for the ATI rage 12817:13
heirrookno I got the full one that is fine.  do you have just one drive other than your harddrive?17:13
haemogoblini'm currently just using what kubuntu came with17:13
Wise-Guyheirrook, yes17:13
yurimxpxmank9copy keeps crashing in DVD Author mode. Any ideas?17:14
heirrookit looks like you have a newer computer right?  what version of kubuntu are you using?17:14
heirrooksorry wise-guy:17:14
BluesKajyurimxpxman, libdvdcss2 installed17:14
Wise-Guyi have a semi new Lenovo computer, and Hardy Heron 8.0417:14
Wise-Guyi think17:15
yurimxpxmanBluesKaj: yes, it is. I'm not trying to rip a DVD.. I'm trying to create one with the new version17:15
heirrookhave you tried any other version where is works?17:16
Wise-Guyi was using dapper drake for years, but not on this comp17:16
BluesKajyes yurimxpxman, but k9copy is just a different way of setting up authoring and burning, it still uses the K3B burner engine17:19
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yurimxpxmanBluesKaj: It doesn't give me any error messages. The stdout just says it crashed. Any ideas? :(17:21
heirrookwise-guy: where does it show that the drive is disabled?  I am not running kubuntu on this computer so I am having trouble remembering where that would be17:21
yurimxpxmanBluesKaj: the only info I get is that it caused signal 1117:21
Wise-Guysystem controls, advanced , disk and file systems17:22
tzangergood afternoon17:23
BluesKajok yurimxpxman, do you have all the medibuntu repository codecs installed , just in case the codec is breaking k9copy17:23
Wise-Guythen advanced, and administrator mode17:23
tzangerI'm fighting with the session manager...  Every time I log in to kdm, kmail starts.  I don't have anything in .kde/Autostart, and apparently my session is empty.. where else may this be hinding?17:24
BluesKajyurimxpxman, and k9copy isn't the most stable of apps in my experience17:24
Wise-Guyok, i got another idea17:24
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: imgburn works nice for burning17:24
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: it checks md5 on the fly17:25
BluesKajwirechief-intel, imgburn in linux ? ..I have it on the xp partition ..had no idea there was a linux version17:27
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: it runs under wine17:28
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:28
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: i found out about 2 months ago, kano the developer of kanotix told me about it.17:28
BluesKajI'm not having trouble wirechief-intel , it's yurimxpxman ...his K9copy is buggy , keeps crashing with signal11 .not good17:29
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: oh, well missed that in the conversation, just was making noise17:29
BluesKajK3B works fine for me17:29
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: K3B does not work fine for me, its verify fails17:30
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: K3B verify gives me a track 1 error but if i check the media there is nothing wrong.17:31
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: I sent them a bug report.17:31
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: it mess's up on all three computers of different brands.17:32
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: but with the imgburn you have to make a setting in devices otherwise your writer is not recognized.17:33
wirechief-intelyurimxpmxman have you ever tried imgburn ? it runs in windows and with wine in linux17:34
BluesKajhmm, I wonder if it has to do with libk3b2..there were some bugs17:35
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: well i would have to check but i think the oldversion of k3b worked fine17:36
BluesKajstrange tho wirechief-intel , i haven't heard of many probs with k3b , usually it's due to missing codecs etc17:38
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: may have to try that, put a old version of sidux or even knoppix on the desktop and see if i can burn kbuntu 8.04 on it.17:38
guilhermeblancoBluesKaj: do you remember my DVD playback issue of 3 days ago?17:38
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: well when it comes to media checking i watch very close.17:38
BluesKaja lot of ppl are missing ffmpeg17:39
guilhermeblancoBluesKaj: I reinstalled the OS, updated everything and it continued the same bug. Around 12h ago were released some pre-release packages that fixed my issue17:39
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: easy enough to get though.17:39
BluesKajguilhermeblanco, uhhm sort of ..did you solve it ?17:39
guilhermeblancoBluesKaj: I reinstalled the OS, updated everything and it continued the same bug. Around 12h ago were released some pre-release packages that fixed my issue17:40
BluesKajyes i got that17:40
BluesKajpre-release packages ?17:40
BluesKajor updates ?17:41
guilhermeblancoyes... pre-released updates17:41
wirechief-intelif i ever reinstall i will have to make a copy of the ati script that was hanging me up17:41
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BluesKajalmost a contradiction in terms ..pre-released updates :)17:49
BluesKajpost release updates I can understand17:50
Neo_The_UserWill there be Kubuntu 8.10? if so, will it have LTS?17:50
JucatoBluesKaj: updates from the pre-release (ubuntu+1) base17:50
guilhermeblancoBluesKaj: yeah... but I do not care... as long as it works... =P17:50
Jucatoit's not pre-released (past tense) though17:50
BluesKajright guilhermeblanco , exactly :)17:50
talavisi am unable to compile qt4 applications since i updated to the 4.4 packages, any ideas what to do?17:51
Neo_The_UserI am thinking about witching from Ubuntu 8.04 (gnome) to Kubuntu only if there will be a Kubuntu version 917:51
Jucatotalavis: what errors are you receiving? check if you're using the correct version of Qt (qmake -v)17:51
JucatoNeo_The_User: why wouldn't there be?17:52
Neo_The_UserUntil Kubuntu 9.04 I am staying with Ubuntu 8.0417:52
Jucatothat's still next year though17:52
Jucato8.10 comes first17:52
Neo_The_UserJucato, is kubuntu popular?17:52
JucatoOne of the most popular KDE-centric distros, I'd say17:52
talavisjucato:thanks, gotta change that symlink17:52
Neo_The_Useris Kubuntu made up of highly eperianced developors?17:53
Jucatotalavis: I think /etc/alternatives would take care of that17:53
Tw|sTI second that.  Locally, it's the most popular distro (Little Rock, AR)17:53
* Jucato is not really sure what Neo_The_User is trying to say17:53
Neo_The_Userim trying to find out if there will be Kubuntu 9.0417:53
Neo_The_Userlike next year17:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:54
JucatoNeo_The_User: of course there will be. why wouldn't it?17:54
BonesolTeraDyneNeo_The_User: 8.10 is next, then 9.04, 9.10, and so on17:54
Neo_The_Userare you sure?17:54
BonesolTeraDyneyes. why?17:54
Tw|sTyeah... based on their history so far, that would make sense17:54
Neo_The_Useroh thank god! KUBUNTU 9.04!17:54
Neo_The_UserI want KDE 4 remix fully stable. thats why17:55
talavisjucato: thanks again, works fine now17:55
Neo_The_Userotherwise i am staying with ubuntu 8.04 because it is stable17:55
Jucatotalavis: no problem. it's a common error :)17:55
guilhermeblancoNeo_The_User: afaik, 8.10 will have KDE4 by defult17:55
Tw|sTI see.  Yeah, by next year KDE4 should be stable17:55
Neo_The_UserI want stable yet highly attractive graphics17:55
JucatoNeo_The_User: that doesn't depend on Kubuntu at all, but on KDE17:55
Tw|sTyeah, totally17:55
Neo_The_UserI just want Kubuntu to be highly attractive while very stable17:56
Neo_The_Userthats why I am waiting17:56
Jucatowhat Kubuntu will be able to ship totally depends on what KDE releases. but by 9.04, KDE 4.2 would have been out anyway17:56
Neo_The_UserJucato, do you use Kubuntu 8.04?17:56
fghI'm booted into a Kubuntu LiveCD right now, and I'm trying to use amarok to play music on the network and it's not working. "No suitable input plugin. This often means that the url's protocol is not supported." Is something setup wrong by default or is http, ftp actually not supported?17:56
Jucatoon my laptop17:56
Tw|sTI think I see where your going with this... so that the whole distro is simply solid... solid enough to start pushing it onto formerly Windows only users.17:56
Neo_The_UserDo the majority of people in this channel use the remix or hardy or dapper????????????????????17:57
PennycookNeo_The_User: If attractiveness is all you're looking for, couldn't you install Kubuntu 8.04 (with KDE 3.5.9), install Compiz (for desktop effects) and then skin it?17:57
* Tw|sT uses 8.04 on 1 system, and 7.10-x64 on another17:57
JucatoNeo_The_User: Kubuntu 8.04 comes with both KDE 3.5.9 and KDE 4.0.3. if you need stability, you can use KDE 3.5.917:57
Neo_The_UserPennycook, doesn't KDE 4.0 have more graphics than  3.5?17:57
CrunchyFerrettwhats the command to release a locked package database?17:57
PennycookWhat do you mean by "more graphics"? o_O17:57
Neo_The_UserI know Jucato.17:58
Neo_The_UserPennyCook, i mean more desktop effects.17:58
Jucato!aptfix | CrunchyFerrett17:58
ubottuCrunchyFerrett: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:58
Neo_The_Userlike colors and shit17:58
PennycookActually, no. Compiz has far more.17:58
Neo_The_Userdoes Ubuntu 8.04 have compiz?17:58
fghNeo, with all due respect, are you just lonely?17:58
PennycookAfaik you can install it on whatever.17:58
Neo_The_Usercan i install it via synaptic?17:58
Neo_The_Usercool. i'll go download it17:59
Tw|sTdo a synaptic search for compiz17:59
Neo_The_Userthats guys17:59
* Tw|sT bows, humbly17:59
Neo_The_Userinstalling now18:00
Neo_The_Userhey guys, is KDE 4.0 stable at all?18:00
Jucatostable? yes. complete? no. finished? absolutely not.18:01
Neo_The_Userwhen is the next LTS Kubuntu version?18:01
Jucatono one except Canonical knows18:01
PennycookThe only criticism I have of KDE4 is that some things aren't as simple as they should be (yet). The sudo path is a bit funny, for example.18:01
Neo_The_UserCan i speak with him?18:01
CrunchyFerrettwell lets find him and beat the answer out of him18:01
Tw|sTI'd have to agree with Jucato there.  It's stable, but it needs a lot of work to really make it seem complete.18:01
JucatoNeo_The_User: Canonical is a company18:01
Tw|sTI've used it here, and personally, I still prefer KDE 3.518:02
Jucato!canonical | Neo_The_User18:02
ubottuNeo_The_User: Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/18:02
Neo_The_Userhow can i contact them?18:02
Tw|sTbut then again, I prefer stability over flashy18:02
Neo_The_Useri love flashy and stability. what should i do?18:02
jdaviesNeo_The_User: see the website18:02
Jucatowhat do you need to contact them for?18:03
Neo_The_UserI need to ask when the next LTS IS18:03
Tw|sTIt'll probably be like last around, and be a 10.x build.  The last LTS before 8.04 was dapper.18:04
fildon while ur there ask them to hurry up cause u need it personally to be stable18:04
PennycookNeo_The_User: Kubuntu 8.04 is supported until October 2009, which is exactly when Dapper is supported until. So I'd imagine... then?18:04
fildon see what reply u get18:04
Neo_The_User9.04 i hope will be LTS18:04
Neo_The_Userthere is no contact us18:04
Tw|sTI doubt it will be since 7.04 wasn't18:04
fghI'm booted into a Kubuntu LiveCD right now, and I'm trying to use amarok to play music on the network and it's not working. "No suitable input plugin. This often means that the url's protocol is not supported." Is something setup wrong by default or is http, ftp actually not supported? I've asked in #amarok and it appears nobody's active there.18:05
fghI'm having difficulty getting information online except "might be bugs in xine" which, c'mon... kubuntu ships with this? Seems it would be something a work-around exists for but I guess anything's possible.18:05
Jucatothey will announce it when they've decided.18:05
Neo_The_User9.10 be LTS?18:05
Jucato!lts | Neo_The_User18:05
ubottuNeo_The_User: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.18:05
Neo_The_Useri know ubottu! STFU18:05
stdin!stfu | Neo_The_User18:05
ubottuNeo_The_User: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.18:05
Jucato!language | Neo_The_User18:05
ubottuNeo_The_User: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:05
Neo_The_Userubottu shut up18:05
ubottuFactoid shut up not found18:05
fildoi find that fiesty is the most reliable and stable version in kubuntu for me18:05
* fgh sets ignore Neo_The_User a while ago18:06
stdinas I like to say, if you can't say anything nice, get muted :)18:06
Tw|sTwhat a jerk!  What was with those questions?  Is he just retarded?18:06
fghAs I said earlier, "Neo, with all due respect, are you just lonely?"18:07
Tw|sTI mean, I like to be helpful... by man!18:07
fildosome people ask the mod ridiclous questions18:07
fildomod = most18:07
stdinso, back on topic....18:08
Tw|sTfor real18:08
fghseriously, does amarok work for others?18:08
fildofgh: yes18:08
Tw|sTthat d00d just needs to go hit google for a while, and ask his questions to it18:08
fgh(consider glancing at my above posts)18:08
fghlol, twist, tw|st, that visual gives new meaning to "google is your friend"18:08
Tw|sTI've never used it, personally.  I guess I'm kinda ole' skool about that though... I still prefer xmms18:09
fghwell, it's prominently featured on the kubuntu livecd all over18:09
fghand, it seems highly unstable or misconfigured.. i don't know which18:09
fghso i'm partially looking for a sanity check that others have issues, and partially (mostly) looking if solutions exist18:10
fildofgh what media u trying to play ? . also dose sound work in gerneal ?18:10
fghI'm booted into a Kubuntu LiveCD right now, and I'm trying to use amarok to play music on the network and it's not working. "No suitable input plugin. This often means that the url's protocol is not supported." Is something setup wrong by default or is http, ftp actually not supported? I've asked in #amarok and it appears nobody's active there.18:10
fghI'm having difficulty getting information online except "might be bugs in xine" which, c'mon... kubuntu ships with this? Seems it would be something a work-around exists for but I guess anything's possible.18:10
fghalso, audio has crashed and started soundy odd a few times, but rebooting the livecd gets it to work (listening to Kohina [Computer Music] atm)18:11
fghbut that's probably another issue.. just seems things are really ultra half baked so i'm a tad worried about kubuntu's state18:11
fghso looking if solutions exist prior to install etc18:12
fildoyeah there would be18:13
fildoi have no issues with amarok18:13
tzangerI'm fighting with the session manager...  Every time I log in to kdm, kmail starts.  I don't have anything in .kde/Autostart, and apparently my session is empty.. where else may this be hinding?18:13
Jucatotzanger: how are you checking that your session is empty?18:14
tzangerin kcontrol, login is set to "start with an empty session"18:14
Jucatothis is KDE 3?18:14
tzangerJucato: yes 3.5.9 I think18:14
Jucatosome places for you to double check if there are any kmail related files: /usr/share/autostart/, ~/.kde/share/config/session/, ~/.config/autostart/18:15
tzangernothing in ~/.kde/share/config/session, ~/.config/autostart does not exist, and nothing kontact/kmail related in /usr/share/autostart (but there are things in there)18:17
tzangerJucato: my thoughts exactly :-)18:19
* Jucato is unfortunately out of ideas18:20
Jucatohm.. how about ~/.kde/env/ ?18:20
Jucatoand when did this start happening?18:20
tzangerJucato: you don't happen to know where KDE "resets" the display parameters (gamma, multiscreen placement, etc.)  do you?18:20
tzangerJucato: this has been going on forever, I just am finally determined enough to stop it :-)18:20
Jucatoweird... really weird...18:20
tzangernothing in .kde/env either18:21
Jucatore: display, not sure. Kubuntu uses kde-guidance so I don't know what it does18:21
tzangerJucato: I'm grepping for kontact right now18:21
peter_for those who are intrested here's a kubuntu avatar I made, http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x235/PETER_BZFlag/145389961448238f1c9b4a4.png18:21
tzangerahh okay kde-guidance I'll look for then.  I am trying to get my montiros to be one above the other (I can do it with xrandr easily) but kdm and my kde login keep putting it back to clone mode18:22
axelHello! I got a question about HDD-usage. The /home-directories are on a separate partition with about 55GB. Analyzing the disk usage with the graphical disk map it sais that 22 GB are in use. but wehn consulting Konqueror it sais that there are about 3 gb free. How to explain this?18:23
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
fghtzanger, i had teh same problem18:23
tzangerfgh: did you resolve it?18:23
tzangerI'm just about ot put a damned xrandr line in one of the startup files :-)18:23
araizenafter having downloaded a source package with apt-get, where can i find the source files?18:24
fghtzanger: no, i gave up18:24
wirechief-intelBluesKaj: well i just tried the imgburn and it doesnt detect a aspi.dll the setting is in under tools>settings>io but none seemed to work, darn, it worked before.18:26
Jucatoaraizen: in the directory where you ran apt-get source18:26
araizenJucato: thanks18:28
BluesKajwirechief-intel, try k3B , see what happens18:29
tzangerJucato: hmm, I don't see anything with kdeguidance in the name on my system.  there is a guidance-power-manager but that's it18:29
Jucatohow about displayconfig?18:29
Jucatowell maybe it edits some other file that's not named after the program. sorry I don't know what :)18:30
tzangerooh there are a few of those :-)18:30
tzangeryes, I think that's it18:30
tzangerI don't know the file format just yet but this is it, thank you18:31
* NibiruET is away: Gone away for now.18:33
igor__hey folks18:34
igor__I have problem with Kradio18:34
igor__can you help me?18:35
The_ManU_212i isnatlled a new system on a partition and now fsck fails with error code 818:37
The_ManU_212what to do?18:37
tzangerhmm I can't find what *parses* displayconfigrc so I can tell how to tell it to put one monitor on top of the other :-)18:39
DarkShinigamiHow do I create a PDF from images?18:39
axelDarkShinigami: What's the format of the image?18:40
nosrednaekimhello ronan18:42
ronanim having problems with kubuntu wireless networking18:42
DarkShinigamiaxel: I want to put 3 jpg images into 3 pages of a PDF18:42
ronanim currently using ethernet to talk18:42
ronanmy card was picked up with ordinary ubuntu18:43
axelDarkShinigami: I don't know the direct way, but perhaps you could try this: Open it with Gwenview and print it after you adjusted the paper format.18:43
ronanthe gnome 118:43
axelDarkShinigami: Or open it with OO.o Draw, adjust the page size and export it to PDF.18:44
axelDarkShinigami: I Know, it's not the best way but a way that works.18:44
DarkShinigamiThanks axel. I will try now18:45
=== nanothief_ is now known as nanothief
DarkShinigamiThank you axel. It worked. :)18:49
DarkShinigamiFYI: OO.o Drawing --> PDF18:49
axelDarkShinigami: Your're welcome.18:50
tzanger/etc/X11/Xsession.d/ has a link to /usr/bin/displayconfig-restore18:55
tzangerand displayconfig-restore tells me how to parse the file, although unfortunately there does not appear to be a way to position screens with it!18:55
NyadHi. has anyone else here had sever performance issues with kaffeine on hardy? like when I open a movie it takes literally a whole second or more to open it for the first time, but if kaffeine is already open its a bit faster but still _much_ slower than gutsy18:56
ansieHi, colleagues!18:56
nosrednaekimhello ansie18:57
NyadDesktop edition18:58
ansieI'm tryoing to make dial-up gprs connection, and I cannot understand why list of dial-up connections in knetworkmanager is empty. kubuntu 8.04 x8618:58
ansieI found two ways to add ppp. But anyway it's empt.18:58
=== antonio_ is now known as antonio__
ansie1. I added from knetworkmanager -> properties -> configure18:59
ansie2. I added from Alt+F2 kppp19:00
NyadHi. has anyone else here had sever performance issues with kaffeine on hardy? like when I open a movie it takes literally a whole second or more to open it for the first time, but if kaffeine is already open its a bit faster but still _much_ slower than gutsy19:00
L0stadm1nhey everyone19:01
scrubb2000HALP!  I upgraded to 8.04 and networking and compiz somehow got broken.19:01
ansieAll settings was stored in the same file. But any way list is empty. It'll be more suitable to check connection from the list.19:01
L0stadm1nIm trying to install a driver for my video card but it only comes in .rpm soo i downloaded rpm with apt and it is telling me i am missing dependencies.19:02
scrubb2000Could someone please help me restore networking?19:02
antonio__alguien de mèxico?19:05
CrunchyFerrettGod I love my job.19:06
Mimi!es | antonio__19:07
ubottuantonio__: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:07
scrubb2000Anybody out there who wouldn't mind helping me with networking in hardy?19:08
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: wat appears to be the problem?19:09
scrubb2000joshovki: I upgraded to hardy and networking somehow got broken.  I'm in XP ATM because I can't access the network in linux.19:09
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: wireless or wired?19:09
scrubb2000netgear router, DHCP19:10
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: ok, you using knetworkmanager to connect?19:10
scrubb2000It's running when KDE comes up.19:11
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: or was it more of a case you plugged it in and it just worked?19:11
scrubb2000I haven't tried unplugging the cable yet.19:11
BizMan2008hey guys i just installed kubuntu 8.04 w kde4 clean.... i have a few issues, one being i do not have a battery monitor/indicator in the panel... i know there is a widget, but i dont like it? any ideas why its missing19:11
BizMan2008came standard in 3.5, and when i had 4.0 running along side it, it was there as well19:11
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: ok, the first thing i would do is identify the name of the interface will be something like eth0  and run   sudo ifconfig eth0 up   if that doesnt work, i would run ifconfig and see what details are shown19:12
scrubb2000joshovki: is there anything else I should do while I'm at it?  I have to reboot in order to try anything...19:12
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: write down what the output of ifconfig is. Ummm otherthing to try is to empty out /etc/network/interfaces19:13
scrubb2000joshovki: any log files or whatnot I should save so I can pastebin them here if I don't understand the output?19:14
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: and when you have a wired connection, you can right click on the knetworkmanager and select it19:14
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: just the output on ifconfig   and possibly the content of /etc/network/interfaces  if you are unsure what to delete19:14
scrubb2000joshovki: are you going to be around for a little while so I can try this and come back if necessary?19:15
BizMan2008also, my internal and external wireless cards, work (once restricted drivers came into play), but they do not have devices names, they say Unknown wlan1, Unknown wlan2? it used to detect them? Any ideas?19:15
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: yeh i should be here for a bit19:15
JoshOvkino plans on going out tonight19:16
scrubb2000joshovki: k thanks.  I'll be back soon.19:16
JoshOvkiBizMan2008: the power guidance manager hasnt been ported to kde4 yet19:17
CrunchyFerrettI get to tell this woman that her kid dumped 2oz of maple syrup directly onto her the power block of the mainboard.19:17
CrunchyFerrettShe will be most displeases19:17
BizMan2008JoshOvki: so the one that showed before when i had both kde's, was most liekly the one from kde 3, in kde4?19:18
BizMan2008JoshOvki: when it does get ported, will it automatically install if i have kde4-utilities installed?19:18
alaskanGreets, everyone...19:18
JoshOvkiBizMan2008: im not sure what the time scale is for it, when asking stdin (the guy with all the kde4 answers) it sounded like it was going to be a while19:19
JoshOvkiBizMan2008: you can install it manualy but will have problems getting it to start automagicaly19:19
CrunchyFerrettstdin is the greatest19:19
alaskanAnyone know how to open a GUI app on a remote host's display so it will stay open after the ssh session's been closed?19:20
JoshOvkiCrunchyFerrett: i had a teacher once saw off the corner of there motherboard to fit inside there computer case19:20
BizMan2008can i instlal the kde3 one?, if so what is it kalled, batterydaemon or something to that effect?19:20
CrunchyFerrettJoshOvki: I.. um... he did WHAT?19:21
alaskanDoesn't look like kpowersave's been ported yet.19:21
JoshOvkiBizMan2008: kde-guidance-powermanager19:22
alaskanOh, the kde3 one. Yeah, kpowersave... Just waking up19:22
alaskanguidance sucks :-\19:22
CrunchyFerrettis ubuntu ever planning to get a pipe upgrade? This 76k/s stuff is killing me19:22
JoshOvkiCrunchyFerrett: hack sawed off the corner of there MOBO, kinda stupid of them, needless to say it didnt work19:22
alaskanCrunchyFerrett: ++119:22
JoshOvkialaskan: works great here19:22
BizMan2008JoshOvki: ok great, now how will the package upgrading work when kde4 instances are released? will the old kde3 ones be automatically uninstalled?19:22
alaskanJoshOvki: not enough options for me. :-)19:23
CrunchyFerrettalaskan: I dont understand.19:23
CrunchyFerrettJoshOvki: I assume you immediately thwacked him on the head.19:23
alaskanCrunchyFerrett: about the 76k/s stuff19:23
JoshOvkiBizMan2008: yeh it will be upgraded. you can try alaskan idea of kpowersave also if you like19:23
CrunchyFerrettalaskan: I dont think I understand the ++1 reference19:23
JoshOvkiCrunchyFerrett: it was very very tempting19:23
alaskanCrunchyFerrett: nevermind19:23
BizMan2008will do thanks19:24
BizMan2008JoshOvki:  any idea about my other question about my wifi cards19:24
BizMan2008and the device names not being picked up by knetwork manager, not  a big deal, just a little annoying19:24
CrunchyFerrettwhat card is it?19:24
=== ubuntu_ is now known as gastam
BizMan2008ones  a external linksys card, the most common one19:25
BizMan2008and one is either a dell or intell wireless internal card19:25
BizMan2008but both are working after the restricted drivers kicked in, and it seemed to use the broadcom firmware/driver for both?19:26
BizMan2008both are workign t hough19:26
CrunchyFerrettIf they are both working, what is the question?19:26
JoshOvkiCrunchyFerrett: naming issues19:27
BizMan2008i knetworkmanager, the device names are both UNKNOWN19:27
CrunchyFerrettoh! I had that problem for a while.19:27
BizMan2008i remeber with kde3 and kubuntu 7.10, they both showed the seperatenames19:27
CrunchyFerrettdo an  lsmod and pastebin it19:27
BizMan2008so i dont know if its a distro issue or kde issue19:28
BizMan2008and whats really funny is that my internal card, had a crappy connection with 7.10, so i had to use the external card, now its the opposite!19:28
JoshOvkiif scrubb2000 can you tell them im just going 2 grab a bite to eat and will b back in 5ish mins19:30
JoshOvki*comes back19:30
BizMan2008my last issue guys, is that my volume keys do nothing, had no problem previously with older kde and kubuntu19:31
CrunchyFerrettin return, I demand a peanut19:31
CrunchyFerrettBizMan2008: Are you going to pastebin the results of your lsmod?19:32
* JoshOvki hands CrunchyFerrett a pack of peanuts. Future payment too ;)19:32
JoshOvkibrb all19:32
BizMan2008well when i get home i guess :)19:32
alaskanBizMan2008: Konsole -> xev -> Press the keys in question and see if they're registering properly19:32
* CrunchyFerrett begins flinging peanuts at random passerby19:32
BizMan2008alaskan: i did that yesterday, did not look like they were19:32
L0stadm1nhey sup everyone.  im trying to install a driver for my ati radeon 9200 video card.  but its only  availible through rpm  so i coudnt have apt download dependenciese for me.19:32
BizMan2008alaskan: but what do i know, im decent with linux, but not good enough to decipher outputs too much19:33
CrunchyFerrettL0stadm1n: tried adept?19:33
BizMan2008L0stadm1n: use envyng19:33
BizMan2008download from adept19:33
BizMan2008will detect, download, install and confiugre ur xorg for you19:34
nosrednaekimL0stadm1n: where are you downloading from?19:34
L0stadm1nnosrednaekim i downloaded package from ati website19:34
nosrednaekimL0stadm1n: I see, thats not neccesary in Kubuntu :)19:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:34
alaskanBizMan2008: They should be saying something like XF86AudioRaiseVolume19:34
BizMan2008alaskan: hmm im pretty sure i did not see that19:35
alaskanBizMan2008: If they're just registering a random event, you could use xmodmap.19:36
BizMan2008that a command, or something i download from adept?19:36
nosrednaekimBizMan2008: try using xev to se what the keycode is19:36
nosrednaekimhello scarygary19:36
alaskanIt's installed with X... man xmodmap ;-)19:37
BizMan2008ok great i will look into, also, if and when i get this working will it show the volume indicator on screen?19:37
scarygaryThey really screwed kde 4.0.4 up didn't they?19:38
JoshOvkiscarygary: why do you say that?19:38
* fgh sees no regressions19:38
alaskanBizMan2008: It didn't when I was using it, but I imagine that was distro-specific (wasn't on Kubuntu).19:38
scarygaryThe login background for instance?19:38
fghnothing for me changed19:38
* JoshOvki hasnt noticed any difference19:39
BizMan2008alaskan: just wondering because again, i never had a problem with this ever in kubuntu, up until yesterday :)19:39
nosrednaekimscarygary: just use kdm kde319:39
scarygaryWeird.. I've seen a lot of stuff on difference forums.19:39
scarygarynosrednaekim: I'm thinking of going back to 4.0.119:39
alaskanBizMan2008: After upgrading to Hardy?19:39
nosrednaekimscarygary: you can't.19:39
BizMan2008yeah, but not an upgrade, more like a clean install19:39
scarygarynosrednaekim: Sure i can.. With a lot of work.19:40
fghnaw, for my use it was a waste of 60mb in downloads.. no changes. Though there was one konqueror segfault bug fixed i think since i don't notice it anymore (khtml.so i think)19:40
nosrednaekimscarygary: :)19:40
alaskanBizMan2008: With xmodmap though, in short, you'll just want to add the commands you want to execute to ~/.xmodmaprc then add "xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprc" to the beginning of /usr/bin/startkde, or if you want to be extra sure not to screw up the startkde script...19:42
BizMan2008alaskan: oh..... any easier way?19:43
BizMan2008i dont want to screw things up19:43
alaskanBizMan2008: Just make a script (something like /usr/bin/xmodstartkde) with these lines: #!/bin/bash | xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmap | startkde19:43
scrubb2000Joshovki: I'm back...19:44
CrunchyFerretthe went for food19:44
CrunchyFerrettexpected back in 5 min or so19:44
alaskanBizMan2008: then you just need to point the xsession file to that script (so change startkde to xmodstartkde in Exec= and TryExec= in /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop)19:45
alaskanBizMan2008: Sorry, gotta go. good luck19:45
alaskanpeace y'all19:45
scrubb2000crunchyferret: ok, thanks.19:45
BizMan2008thanks for your help19:46
nosrednaekimI think he's back...19:46
MimiDo you guys know of a way I can record the sound my computer is playing, without me having to go back to school for a multimedia degree?19:46
* CrunchyFerrett flicks a peanut at JoshOvki's head19:46
nosrednaekimMimi: yeah.... try a cable coming from the out port, into the line-in port :)19:47
CrunchyFerrettMimi: plug a cable into from your speaker jack into your line in19:47
* JoshOvki catches peanut in mouth19:48
JoshOvkiok, miss me?19:48
scrubb2000joshovki: yup19:48
JoshOvkihey scrubb2000, what happened?19:48
scrubb2000eth0 goes up and down upon command, but still doesn't work.19:48
Miminosrednaekim,  i have a laptop, i dont have linein lineout just  mic and headphones19:49
scrubb2000see this pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11157/19:49
CrunchyFerrettmimi: use the headphone jack then19:49
CrunchyFerrettfeed the head phone jack into your microphone jack?19:49
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: you have two network cards?19:49
scrubb2000joshovki:  yeah.  Two on-board adaptors on the MB19:50
scrubb2000I only use the first one though.19:50
=== ricardo_ is now known as mocamoca
MimiCrunchyFerrett,  I dont have a cable i wouldnt even know what to get at the store and i probably cant afford it anyway....? O.o ..... can't i just tell the problem to grab whatervers playing ... ?19:51
mocamocahow to switch from KDE 3.5 to KDE 4.0 running Kubuntu19:51
scrubb2000mimi: you can get the cable at radio shack for about $3.19:51
MimiCrunchyFerrett,  ive used Skype Recorder before, and I didnt have to do all that, why do I have to do all that ? ;/19:51
mocamocaI did the download yesterday but without the remix of KDE 419:51
shaffycan someone tell me how (or refer to a tutorial) to install python modules?19:51
cucohi all, i want to know how much packages there are in ubuntu. can anyone type "apt-get install" and press twise "tab", it will show the number of available packages in ubuntu19:52
MimiUuuummm  shaffy  ... its on *whispers* the website.19:52
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: dynamic IP correct?19:52
shaffycuco: 198319:52
cucomocamoca: "apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop" or similar19:52
scrubb2000joshovki: yes.  The router is configured as a DHCP server.19:52
cucoshaffy: that low? something is wrong. universe? multiverse etc?19:52
mocamocacuco: I already have the packages19:52
shaffyMimi: can you *whisper* be a little more specific.  i've already tried my best looking on the website19:53
Mimior similar?   /me does   apt-get install kubuntu-kde.4.desktop19:53
cucomocamoca: so? whats the question?19:53
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: ok, only the 1 computer on the network?19:53
scrubb2000joshovki: atm, yes.19:53
mocamocacuco: the gaphic enviroment is still the same...19:53
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: running ifconfig up  worked without any errors?19:54
cucomocamoca: since in kdm you choose to run kde3. log out, and choose to login using kde419:54
Exilanthm, anyone experienced with cpu freq scaling here? i used to use some centrino module some years ago, with gutsy or so that stopped to load. now i just tried modprobe p4-clockmod, and it reports frequencies as low as 75 MHz19:54
mocamocacuco: you're right19:54
mocamocacuco: I didn't have the package ywt19:54
cucomocamoca: i totally kick ass, i know19:55
Mimiapologies shaffy i meant to speak with  cuco:   https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+allpackages19:55
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: did you try plugging the cable into the other port?19:55
mocamocacuco: Do you think that it solves the problem?19:55
cucoMimi: that's sad! in theory mandriva2008.1 has more packages :(19:56
MimiGood for mandriva?19:56
cucomocamoca: no, you need to install "kde4" and even run it from "kdm"19:56
MimiMandriva's epeen is bigger, we should all be sad now *sad*19:56
cucoMimi: well, I was expecting ubuntu to win, as it has "debian" + "many goodies not in debian"19:56
scrubb2000joshovki: yes, but it still didn't work.19:57
Mimicuco  more isnt better, but if you really feel that way feel free to move to mandriva19:57
shaffycan someone tell me how (or refer me to a tutorial) to install python modules?19:57
mocamocacuco: how do i do that?19:57
Mimishaffy,   i imagine you've seen this page http://docs.python.org/inst/inst.html19:57
scrubb2000joshovki: No.19:57
mocamocacuco what do you mean with 'kdm' (is the first time i'm running kde... :( )19:57
cucowell, # of packages is not really a way to measure, since in mandriva every package is splitted into 17 sub-packages... even more then debian IMHO19:57
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: no to trying to plug it into the other port?19:57
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: might sound silly, but can you try plug into that for me see if it makes any difference19:58
cucomocamoca: the thingie which asks for password. instead of just pressing enter, look for a place which says "session" and choose "kde4" instead of "last"19:58
* CrunchyFerrett goes afk for a bit to deal with a customer. 19:58
JoshOvkii understand its a pain because you have to restart to give it a go19:58
cucomocamoca: or something very similar, as you may guess :)19:58
mocamocaok :)19:58
scrubb2000joshovki: I'm certain that eth0 was the one I used before, though.  It was working fine in Gutsy.19:59
scrubb2000joshovki: would un- and re-plugging the cable force linux to re-establish the connection?20:00
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: the problem is it might have changed names in the last build. Also did you try to use knetworkmanager to take a look?20:00
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: unlikaly really20:00
mocamocacuco: thanks ;)20:01
cucomocamoca: is it working?20:01
scrubb2000joshovki: what would I be looking for in knetworkmanager?  Doesn't it display the same info as ifconfig?20:01
JoshOvkino, if you right click it from the taskbar you will see a heading called  Wired Connections20:02
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: make sure the correct one of them is selected20:03
fghis there a way to actually sort by various fields in adept ala synaptic?20:03
fghalso, a way to show file /download size field ala synaptic?20:03
Mimishaffy,  was that link helpful?20:04
scrubb2000joshovki: alright, I'll be back in a few...20:04
fghso, i click update  and it says 91M download. I have to just click details anywhere from 1-53x here (53 updates) and hope I find it shortly. why can't adept just display a Size field?20:06
fghthe usability here seems very poorly thought out20:06
shaffyMimi: i've made a mistake.  i meant Perl modules :(20:06
fghcarpal tunnel sucks!20:06
Mimishaffy,  you mean like this? http://www.yinfor.com/blog/archives/2007/04/perl_module_install_under_ubun.html20:08
luigi_Bciao a tutti..20:11
fghanyone use adept here?20:11
shaffyMimi: thank you for the link.  however, that method only works with particular perl modules (found in the repositories), not all perl modules.  i need the basic installation method for any perl module.20:12
Exilantfrom time to time, fgh20:12
Mactaylorwhat program is good for making a btree?20:12
Mimi    /j #perl   ?20:13
fghexilant: is there something better than adept? seems nobody uses it much lol20:13
fghand it has problems20:13
spiraljust installed KDE 4.0.4 on 8.04 kde 4 edition & rebooted, but it still says 4.0.3 in all about boxes20:14
Exilantfgh: dunno, there's synaptic, and of course good old apt-get and aptitude20:14
spiraldoes anyone here know what I could have done wrong ?20:14
Mimithere's   gnome-app-install which works beautifully and it's easy20:14
Mactaylorspiral: kde 4.0.3 is kde420:14
Mactayloro nm20:14
spiralMactaylor: yeayh, but not 4.0.420:14
Exilantfgh: yes, i know, they all have problems, maybe kde4 will have something20:15
ghitait easy kde 4?20:15
fghhmm, seems a shame kde doesn't have it's own package manager that's not so rough around the edges. i like certain things about it... it requires gnome libs, but i guess i'll just use synaptic / aptitude again20:15
Mactaylorspiral: did you enable backports?20:15
luigi_Bun aiuto per compilare..  mi dà un errore20:15
spiralMactaylor: yes, & through apt I got a lot of updates saying 4.0.4...20:15
spiralMactaylor: when I query aptitude for versions of konqueror for example, it tells me 4.0.420:16
Mactaylordid you update them?20:16
spiralMactaylor: but when I look at the about box of konqueror, it says 4.0.320:16
spiralMactaylor: yes, everything updated20:16
Mactaylormy konqueror says 4.0.3 too20:16
spiralMactaylor: ahah ;-)20:17
spiralMactaylor: & have you upgraded to 4.0.4 as well ?20:17
Mactaylori have kde4 installed but i am on 3.5.9 right now20:17
spiralMactaylor: everything is still reported as 4.0.3 in the about boxes, this is quite strange20:17
Mactaylorthat is wierd my kde4 says that too20:18
spiralMactaylor: well, at least I'm not alone with this problem ;-)20:19
fitoriaI have an issue with ktorrent20:19
fitoriaIt doesnt download anything20:19
Mactaylorfitora: wat are you trying to download?20:19
fitoriaa torrent20:19
Mactaylorwat torrent?20:19
Mactaylorare there any seeders?20:20
fitoriaa lot20:20
fitoriay even tried with the ubuntu's torrents20:20
fitoriaand nothing20:20
Mactaylorare you behind a firewall or something?20:20
fitoriaktorrent doesnt find the seeders20:20
fitoriaMactaylor: no that i know20:20
fitorialook 6881/tcp open  bittorent-tracker20:21
fitoriathe port is open20:21
fitoriaIt worked :D20:22
nohelpherecan I get the GD library in kubuntu without recompiling php?20:27
nohelphereis there a package for it?20:27
JoshOvkihey scrubb2000, any luck?20:33
scrubb2000joshovki: nope.  I did notice something though.20:33
scrubb2000The network settings manager doesn't save my settings.20:34
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: wat u try changinh?20:34
scrubb2000joshovki: I set eth0 to DHCP, set the gateway to my router's gateway address, and applied the settings.20:35
goshawkis there an official desktop kernel pachage with PAE support?20:35
scrubb2000joshovki: If I close the settings manager and reopen it, my changes are gone.20:35
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: ive never managed to get that to work20:36
CrunchyFerrettwhy is he specifying a gateway if he's config'd for dhcp20:36
neville_goshawk I think you would need to rebuild your kernel. I'vee heard of people using the server kernel though20:36
scrubb2000crunchyferret: doesn't the computer need to know where to look for the dhcp server?20:36
goshawkneville_: yep, i'm using the server image right now20:37
goshawkneville_: but it's very different20:37
scrubb2000you know, now that I think about it, I had problems getting DHCP to work in gutsy too.20:37
goshawkneville_: from the desktop one20:37
neville_Okay so just rebuild the desktop one with PAE enabled?20:37
goshawki'm thinking of doing it and share with others...20:37
goshawkif there is not an official one20:38
scrubb2000It wasn't that networking was broken, it was that linux wasn't finding the DHCP server or something like that...20:38
scrubb2000I wonder if this is the same problem, but I don't remember what I did to fix it back then.20:38
Kr|ptiXwhat is a good program like photoshop for kubuntu20:40
JackWinter_anyone know a good alsa mixer, am getting tired of mkix ;)  would like something a little bit more intuitive if possible with metering20:40
SlimeyPeteKr|ptiX: gimp's closest20:40
Kr|ptiXk tyvm20:41
JoshOvkiscrubb2000:  might be worth reading this   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=105510720:41
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
BluesKajJackWinter_, there is the OSS , but I wasn't successful with getting it to install properly ..there are some who have done so because it was discussed here previously (a few weeks ago) , seems to need some tricks to make it work.20:44
JackWinter_BluesKaj: OSS is that a mixer ?  i thought it was a sound backend ?20:45
BluesKajI thought it came with a GUI and that it replaced kmix and alsa20:45
BluesKajI think Daisuke_Ido knows more about it20:46
Daisuke_Idoyeah, it's not a mixer, it's a newer version of the OSS backend20:47
BluesKajdoes it replace alsa , Daisuke_Ido ?20:48
Daisuke_Idothat's the only other mixer i've seen20:48
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: nope20:48
JackWinter_BluesKaj: afaik oss is the oldest sound support for linux, mostly replaced by alsa now, even though there are some older apps that only outputs to oss, thus there is an oss to alsa layer.  i think some people still run oss for soundcards that have oss support and no alsa support.  don't think i wanna go there because i have alsa and jack working great for different applications on different hardware.  just want a better mixer ;)20:49
BluesKajyeah, that looks like the gnome GUI20:49
BluesKajok JackWinter_  , understood ... I learn something new every day :)20:49
JackWinter_BluesKaj: then you are a fortunate fella, i try to do the same ;)20:50
BluesKajbut Daisuke_Ido claims that OSS has better sound quality than alsa20:50
Daisuke_Idono, just the newer version20:51
Daisuke_IdoOSS 4.whatever it is20:51
Daisuke_Idoprior to that, OSS was at the bottom for me.  the new version did improve output in amarok for me, but it's not a spectacular change20:51
BluesKajok, so that explains the lack of support on my setup ...I obviously need a driver20:51
scrubb2000joshovki: I'll try playing around with dhclient later.  That name rings bells.  But for now I need lunch.20:52
Daisuke_Idoi have yet to install it in a new hardy install, and i'm content enough with alsa that i completely forget i wanted to in the first place :)20:52
scrubb2000joshovki: I just wish that installing/upgrading linux didn't always break something critical.20:52
BluesKajhehe, ok duly noted , Daisuke_Ido :)20:52
JoshOvkiscrubb2000: you and the rest of the world ;) catch ya after lunch20:53
scrubb2000joshovki: Well, after I fix the network, I still have to fix compiz and timidity. *sigh*20:53
=== SSJ is now known as SSJ_GZ
JoshOvkithat sucks20:54
heroicwisdomHi can anybody help me with a problem im having with kdesu?21:01
Jurgentjeask ahead21:02
hoens`rZI managed to bork my nvidia driver install21:02
hoens`rZcan someone help me :E21:02
heroicwisdomok i have Kubuntu 8.04 installed on my laptop. when veiwing the system guard, i see that kdesu is using around 80% of my cpu time21:03
heroicwisdomis thier a way to get this number down21:03
nosrednaekimheroicwisdom: are you running any programs as root?21:04
heroicwisdomor at least i dont think so21:04
nosrednaekimheroicwisdom: run "ps ax | grep kdesu" and see what the exact command for the command which is running is21:05
heroicwisdomok hang on21:05
hoens`rZanyone? :E21:05
heroicwisdom 7628 ?        R    114:45 kdesu -session 1012113c12d140000121020801600000065220039_1210217314_72820821:05
heroicwisdomthat is my result21:06
nosrednaekimheroicwisdom: run "sudo kill -9 7628" (and see if anything you were doing disappears)21:06
heroicwisdomok i just ran it and it seems nothing changed21:07
heroicwisdomkdesu is not in the process list anymore21:08
heroicwisdomif i run somthing as root do you think is will happen again?21:09
heroicwisdomwait nevermind, i jsut ran a apps as root and the cpu is not being taxed21:11
nosrednaekimjust a hung process21:11
heroicwisdomthank you for the help21:11
CrunchyFerrettwireless cards should be shown  in both ifconfig AND iwconfig, yes?21:11
nosrednaekimCrunchyFerrett: not in ifconfig if they are not "up"21:11
CrunchyFerrettnosrednaekim: they wont even list themselves?21:12
heroicwisdomone last question, where/how can i veiw/add/remove process that start on boot up?21:12
rickestheroicwisdom: my preference is sysv-rc-conf21:12
nosrednaekimCrunchyFerrett: I don't think so21:12
heroicwisdomok is that a command or a app with a GUI?21:13
rickestheroicwisdom: curses gui21:13
CrunchyFerrettso... sudo ifconfig eth1 up ?21:13
heroicwisdomok let me take a look21:13
hoens`rZdoes anyone have any idea as to why kubuntu now doesn't show anything onscreen anymore/how i can make it now show things to the monitor :/21:13
CrunchyFerretthoens`rZ: is the monitor black (as in, NO display) or is it just a blank kubuntu desktop21:14
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: boot into recovery mode21:15
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: or go to ctrl+alt+f221:15
heroicwisdomim installing that app u recomended rickest. thanks for the help. is their anything in particular that i should know before running it?21:15
hoens`rZCrunchyFerrett: black as in no display21:15
hoens`rZit posts on boot, and i see kubuntu starting up21:16
rickestheroicwisdom: no, it's pretty straight-forward.  the only problem might be that there's no 'undo'. if tha'ts a real problem take screenshots of the current config before you change anything21:16
hoens`rZbut (i think) when kdm starts up it goes blackd21:16
CrunchyFerretthoens`rZ: ok. do what nos said, then.21:16
rickestheroicwisdom: apparently 'r' can restore21:16
heroicwisdomrickest: ok how do i run it? i dont see a shortcut in the k menu. do i just type sysv-rc-conf in a treminal21:17
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: how to boot into recovery mode?21:18
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: its on the boot loader where you select windows or linux...21:19
rickestheroicwisdom: yes, from a terminal 'sudo sysv-rc-conf'.  you might want to 'sysv-rc-conf > sysv-rc.conf.config' to save the original config21:19
hoens`rZoh i have to go into grub to do it?21:19
heroicwisdomrickest: ok i see it know, the numbers at the top, is that the init level?21:19
rickestheroicwisdom: yes21:20
rickestheroicwisdom: seriously, be sure to 'sysv-rc-conf --list > some_backup_file.txt' first so you can know what the settings were originally and in case you goof it up21:21
ubuntusalut à tous !21:21
heroicwisdomrickest: now the $ at the end of some processes, is that a hidden process?21:21
=== ubuntu is now known as Vermooot
Vermoootquelqu'un est français?21:21
rickestheroicwisdom: I think it just means the name was truncated21:21
heroicwisdomrickest: ok21:21
BluesKaj!fr | Vermooot21:21
ubottuVermooot: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:21
=== Vermooot is now known as Vermoot
hoens`rZwhy does grub say hit esc to enter setup, but it doesn't enter setup when i hit esc?21:23
nosrednaekimit enters the menu.,.. no?21:23
gianlucahi everyboby21:23
JoshOvkihoens`rZ: usb keyboard?21:23
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: no, it jsut keeps booting into kubuntu21:24
hoens`rZJoshOvki: let me check :E21:24
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: do you have a USB keyboard?21:24
hoens`rZi can never remember if the mouse is usb or the keyboard is21:24
hoens`rZit is21:25
JoshOvkinosrednaekim: i just asked that ;)21:25
hoens`rZstupid wireless stuff using 2 different plugs21:25
JoshOvkihoens`rZ: in your bios turn on USB keyboard support21:25
hoens`rZas opposed to just using one usb connection :/21:25
heroicwisdomok thanks for the help everybody!21:26
kaminixIs there no way at all to view .sub-files with xine?21:26
nosrednaekimJoshOvki: but he didn't answer you :)21:27
hoens`rZok i'm in recovery mode21:28
hoens`rZnow what :E21:28
JoshOvkinosrednaekim: true21:28
Nescorehello all .. quick question ... does anyone know is the 8.04 remix a live cd21:29
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: run "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"21:29
nosrednaekimNescore: yes, it is21:29
Nescorevery cool ... thanks21:29
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: ok21:30
hoens`rZwhy couldn't i jsut do this through ssh? :E21:30
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: oh.. you could have :)21:30
hoens`rZnow i can't cause i'm in recovery mode lol21:31
hoens`rZthat's annoying21:31
hoens`rZok nosrednaekim what next ?:E21:31
nosrednaekimright right... anyway, find where that file says "Driver" nvidia" and change it to "nv"21:31
nosrednaekimas in " Driver "nv" "21:31
nosrednaekimsave, exit, and reboot.21:32
hoens`rZso nosrednaekim, it tried really hard to open kdm or something21:35
hoens`rZbut now it's just sitting there at a (non-graphical) prompt21:35
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: ok, login and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"21:36
nosrednaekimand then "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"21:36
hoens`rZnv as driver?21:36
hoens`rZor nvidia21:36
hoens`rZi assum env21:36
fghare the kubuntu repos as slow for everyone else as for me or do i have something setup wrong?21:36
fghI'm on an 8mbps line, and i'm downloading at 18.3kB/s atm21:37
fghthat's 40mins for updates21:37
Exilanthm, try a different mirror21:37
Exilanthad no problems today so far21:37
Exilant(.ch mirror)21:37
fghhmm, i'm just using the default mirror / in the US21:37
fghhow might i choose / find another mirror?21:38
fghSeems something of a guess as to which ones are overloaded from my POV.21:38
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: improvement, but now i just get a blinking cursor in the upper left hand corner21:38
Exilantsth like sed -i -e 's/http:\/\/us./http:\/\/ca./' /etc/apt/sources.list21:39
Exilantor just select it in adept21:39
fghhmm, i have no idea what the first line told me, but the second line tells me theres a list i can find in adept :)21:40
* fgh starts poking around again21:40
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: try vesa...21:40
hoens`rZi'm fairly certain it worked with nv before21:40
hoens`rZbut ok21:40
Exilantthe first replaces the us mirror with the canadian mirror in the sources.list directly21:41
fghaah, i see what you mean now. that's clever :)21:41
Exilanthaven't tested it now, did something like that before, though21:41
Daisuke_Idoamarok seems a little slow to respond when you choose to edit 600+ tags at a time21:42
fghi'm not too quick on the draw with CLI stuff like that (yet, naturally) so nice to have both at my disposal for sure21:42
ubuntuhello, i want to ask in which package can i find libxine1-ffmpeg ?21:42
Exilantubuntu: huh?21:43
Exilantin package libxine1-ffmpeg?21:43
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: lol :)21:43
JoshOvkilibxine1-ffmpeg is a package21:43
Daisuke_Idonosrednaekim: the other day i accidentally went to edit the tags for my entire collection rather than get properties for it...21:44
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: that worked, but is really suboptimal21:44
hoens`rZis there anyway to get an nvidia driver working?21:44
Daisuke_Idoit locked amarok up pretty quick.21:44
JoshOvkiubuntu: your question is not very clear. libxine1-ffmpeg is a package21:44
ubuntuPackage libxine1-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:45
ubuntuThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or21:45
ubuntuis only available from another source21:45
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: do you have a video card on your motherboard? is it an nvidia?21:45
ubuntui get this from terminal21:45
ubuntudo i need to enable some repos?21:45
hoens`rZ nosrednaekim: yes and yes21:45
Daisuke_Idoubuntu: make sure you have the universe and multiverse repos enabled21:45
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: and are you currently trying to use a pci-e nvidia card?21:45
hoens`rZnForce 630a21:45
hoens`rZuh well i dunno? lol21:45
Exilantubuntu: Section: universe/libs21:45
hoens`rZhow do i check :E21:45
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: do you have a video card other than the one on your motherboard.21:46
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: no21:46
nosrednaekimoh.. ok21:46
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: which nvidia driver did you install? nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new?21:46
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: the point of the box is to be mainly a file server, so while i don't NEED a head, sometimes it's helpful as x through ssh is down right aweful21:46
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: nvidia-glx21:46
hoens`rZhow do i determine my video card's bus identifier?21:47
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: lspci21:47
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: yeah.. thats exactly what I was thinking :)21:47
hoens`rZi'm looking and i don't see anything about a bus identifier21:48
ubuntuExilant: Daisuke_Ido JoshOvki thx21:48
fghwholly crap.. thanks to the sudo sed -i -e 's/http:\/\/us./http:\/\/ca./' /etc/apt/sources.list my speed bounces around 75-83k and spikes at 140k on new, small files at first. Many thanks, Exilant!21:48
hoens`rZit could be this21:48
hoens`rZ00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7025 (rev a2)21:48
hoens`rZso 00:12.0?21:48
fghI guess US servers are overloaded then21:48
Exilantfgh, you're welcome21:49
nosrednaekimyeah.... 0.1221:49
hoens`rZstill noghting21:49
hoens`rZis it 12.021:49
hoens`rZor 12:021:49
hoens`rZor does it not matter21:49
nosrednaekimwhere are you putting that?in the xorg.conf?21:49
hoens`rZwhen i run dpkg-reconfigure xorg-config21:50
nosrednaekimah... well, it should be the one which is automatically deteted21:50
hoens`rZit asks for video card's bus identifier:21:50
hoens`rZwell that was different21:50
hoens`rZthat was 18:021:50
hoens`rZwhich lspci says is the amd hyper transport technology configuartion21:50
amrushis there anyway possible to retreive stuff that is deleted from the trash can ?21:51
nosrednaekimah... thats interesting.21:51
nosrednaekimhello mr anders...21:51
hoens`rZbut in any event, neither work :E21:51
sredna2what is the package i have to install to get c++ development tools?21:51
nosrednaekimlike the compiler?21:51
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: with the nv driver?21:52
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: aye21:52
sredna2nosrednaekim: i appear to have gcc, but not c++ for example21:52
NickPrestasredna2, 'g++', 'build-essential'?21:52
sredna2NickPresta: thanks :-)21:52
sredna2build-essential is it21:52
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: should i install nvidia-glx-legacy or nvidia-glx-new?21:53
ubuntuany way i can speed up .wmv movies on 64bit ubuntu? =/21:53
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: give -new a shot21:53
amrushanyone can help me in retreiving what has been deleted from my trash can ?21:53
NickPrestaamrush, what filesystem are you using?21:53
amrushnickpresta .. ext221:55
hoens`rZnosrednaekim: still nothing :E21:55
NickPrestaamrush, first google result is this: http://www.stud.tu-ilmenau.de/~mojo/undelete.html21:55
NickPrestaamrush, check out the 'e2undel' package too. It allows you to interactively undelete files21:56
NickPrestaalthough none of this is promised to work, AFAIK21:56
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: if its a server.... just use Vesa....21:56
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: you can probably get vesa up to 1025x76821:56
fghamrush: use photorec21:56
fghamrush: it's part of testdisk suite21:57
amrushnickpresta, fgh .. thanks .. but one by one ..21:57
Exilantubuntu, well, what player are you using?21:57
ubuntuExilant: kaffeine21:58
fghahh, yeah.. photorec is annoying like that.. no limitation on files it picks up (like only X file size, or X name).21:58
Exilanthm, never found out the options with kaffeine. you could try another player, mplayer or the like, but i guess kaffeine should be alright21:59
hoens`rZlol nosrednaekim, now vesa doesn't work o_O22:00
ubuntuExilant: any ideas?22:00
Exilantdon't have any wmv files, so i never had problems22:01
nosrednaekimhoens`rZ: heh.,..... set it to vesa and try rebooting22:04
nosrednaekimyou probably got it all confused22:04
ubuntuhow can i install restricted driver for my GPU? it aint automatically detected, i supposed it will be =/22:05
nosrednaekimubuntu: what graphics card?22:05
Exilantubuntu: i really don't know, i once learned a bit of mplayer tuning, but that was on a 233MHz machine, an x64 shouldn't have any problems even with full hd22:05
Exilantmaybe xoverlay doesn't work for you? or is it just wmv, and avi works or so?22:06
ubuntunosrednaekim: gf 8600 gt22:06
ubuntuExilant: avi plays even better that on windows22:06
ubuntubut only wmv is crap, i guess it will be codec-related stuff22:07
Exilantrestricted-manager doesn't offer you sth. for your gpu?22:07
nosrednaekimubuntu: install the "nvidia-glx-new" package as well as "nvidia-settings"22:07
fghYou know, looking at apt-list now, is enabling the deb and deb-src redundant for multiverse, universe, main, main restricted et al. ?22:08
nosrednaekimfgh: no22:08
ubuntui got em enabled22:08
ubuntudling stuff now, restrcted manager doesnt offer me22:08
ubuntubut mayb cause i am live cd :>22:08
fghI can't figure why i'd need them though nosrednaekim, since it doesn't seem those install as anything?22:09
fghi realise if i was a developer but... for my avg use i mean, is it redundant / needed?22:09
fghwill bad nanny boo bo happen to me if i disable them? :)22:10
nosrednaekimyou don't need deb-src22:10
nosrednaekimthats only for course debs, and generally only developers need them22:10
fghgotcha, saves ubuntu some bw / me a lot of time probably to disable those so thanks.22:11
amrushfgh, recovering stuff .. thanks ..22:12
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Exilantubuntu: you might have some problems on the livecd getting them to load, though22:14
fghnp, what tool did you wind up using?22:15
fghi'm always on the lookout for those things amrush22:15
fghoh, nm.. gone pff22:15
ubuntucrap, i need to reboot machine =/ so  i guess i will install kubuntu and try compiz there22:15
Exilantubuntu: well, i guess in theory you just need to restart X22:16
ubuntuExilant: i did, it didnt appeared22:17
Exilantbut i don't know how feasible it's with the livecd22:17
ubuntuyeah that is the prob i guess22:17
Exilantyou also changed xorg.conf?22:17
ubuntusudo nvidia-xconfig did22:17
Exilantah, ok22:17
Exilantyeah, probably all that auto-stuff prevents it22:18
ubuntuExilant: r u using compiz personally?22:18
Exilantno, i have it installed22:19
Exilantbut it doesn't work well with google earth or other opengl apps22:19
ubuntuah, u using 32 or 64bit ?22:22
dwidmann_laptop64-bit ftw22:23
viperserv2how do i setup proftp to fxp on ubunto?22:28
ubuntuExilant: one more thing plz, do u know how to make apt downloads faster?22:29
dwidmann_laptopviperserv2: if you're looking for something quick and don't want to mess around with setup, you might also want to consider sftp (openssh-server package) or pure-ftpd22:29
dwidmann_laptopubuntu: pick a faster mirror :P22:29
ubuntudwidmann_laptop: uh22:30
Exilantubuntu: dunno, i think they are lightning fast22:30
ubuntudwidmann_laptop: any how to on that plz? :>22:30
Exilantlook into /etc/apt/sources.list22:31
Exilantdunno what mirrors the livecd uses22:31
Exilantmaybe you can replace them with sk mirrors22:32
dwidmann_laptophttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors would be a good place to start ubuntu22:32
ubuntudwidmann_laptop: thx22:32
ubuntuExilant: just did that22:32
ubuntuExilant: working :P22:32
dwidmann_laptopubuntu: basically it involves editing your /etc/apt/sources.list (frontends like adept and synaptic work too) and changing the site22:32
ubuntui did it22:33
ubuntui prefer shell that some gui22:33
xomphey folks, does the standard Ubuntu Hardy CD come with KDE4? Or will I have to download all the packages for KDE4 once I install Hardy?22:33
ubuntuxomp: there r 2 versions of kubuntu22:34
BluesKaji tmakes no difference apt and adept DL the pkges fromn the same sources22:34
ubuntuone with kde4 and one with kde322:34
xompubuntu, well I already have a Hardy Ubuntu CD and I'm all out of blank CD's, just curious if the standard version came with KDE4 or not.22:34
BluesKajxiomp there's a mix DL that has hardy+kede422:35
ubuntuxomp: nop standard version of kubuntu is using kde 3.5.922:35
xompI thought I saw an option for kde4 when I installed this22:35
ubuntukde4 is another cd22:36
BluesKajubuntu hardy+kde4 is here http://www.kubuntu.org/22:39
dwidmann_laptopxomp: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop22:40
xompso if I want a copy of ubuntu with kde4 as the wm then I'll need to download kubuntu, I'd prefer not to have gnome loaded as I find the menu to be a bit busy with two wm's.22:40
dwidmann_laptopxomp: be sure to have updates and backports *universe* turned on.22:40
xompdwidmann_laptop, I have it installed now, just don't want gnome anymore. Wasn't sure if there was a way to remove gnome or not.22:41
dwidmann_laptopxomp: google for "purekde" and you'll surely find what you're looking for22:42
BluesKajsudo apt-get remove gnome desktop22:42
xompdwidmann_laptop, so I'm more apt to just redoing everything again as not to bother anybody with "How do I do this? I'm a linux noob"22:42
BluesKajerr gnome-desktop22:42
xompBluesKaj, ah, cool :) Thanks!22:42
dwidmann_laptopxomp: that will only remove the gnome-desktop metapackage ... it won't get rid of the gnome packages ...22:43
xompdwidmann_laptop, ok, so look for purekde? Is that a ubuntu version perchance?22:43
ubottupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »22:43
BluesKajxomp, then , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , (for kde3.5.9)22:43
dwidmann_laptopit's the number one hit on google, it also happens to be the link the bot just gave you.22:44
BonesolTeraDyneIt took the silent one to bring out a simple fix in the form of a link... XD22:44
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BluesKajgnome still has some useful apps22:45
BonesolTeraDyneBluesKaj: GTK, or GNOME itself?22:45
BluesKajsynaptic for one22:45
MilitantPotatoI have a logitech MX518, I have the side buttons working in firefox and other browsers, how do I get them to work in Konqueror?22:45
dwidmann_laptopBluesKaj: I'll give you that, synaptic is pretty good.22:46
dwidmann_laptopBut given a bit more time I think adept will catch up.22:46
* BonesolTeraDyne hopes that was sarcasam22:46
BluesKajI think gnome apps are fine , just care for the desktop look and feel22:47
BluesKajerr don't22:47
dwidmann_laptopI can't stand most gnome apps .... they are weak....22:47
BonesolTeraDyneXD Nor do I. I like Exaile, SeaMonkey, and Logjam, but perfer KDE22:48
introubleeeHey people. I have a kubuntu machine and X doesn't seem to start. I get as far as the end of the progress bar but then the screen just goes blank. Anyone seen this before?22:48
dwidmann_laptopBonesolTeraDyne: seamonkey isn't a gnome app so you can cross that one out ... GTK != Gnome22:48
MilitantPotatointroubleee: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg     use ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a terminal, and "sudo shutdown -r now"  to restart22:49
dwidmann_laptopUnless those apps started picking up heavy gnome dependencies o.O .... I haven't paid much attention to Mozilla in a long time.22:49
BonesolTeraDyneI was listing non-KDE\QT apps, not just GNOME ones.22:50
dwidmann_laptopBonesolTeraDyne: there are plenty of good GTK apps, they don't have to conform to the GNOME interface guidelines afterall.22:50
CrunchyFerrettAre the openssl-devel libraries no longer available through Adept?22:50
CrunchyFerretthowdy dwidmann (its that annoying "crash_" guy, btw)22:51
dwidmann_laptopCrunchyFerrett: I don't think I see it either ...22:51
dwidmann_laptop!info openssl-devel22:51
ubottuPackage openssl-devel does not exist in hardy22:51
introubleeeMilitantPotato: ok, I'll try that. Should I just take the default options22:51
ubottuFactoid libssl-dev not found22:51
BonesolTeraDyne!info libssl-dev22:51
ubottulibssl-dev (source: openssl): SSL development libraries, header files and documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8g-4ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1896 kB, installed size 5532 kB22:51
dwidmann_laptopThat would explain why apt-cache found nothing22:52
BonesolTeraDyneI keep forgetting to put the 'info' part22:52
CrunchyFerrettlibssl then. Lets see about it!22:52
BluesKajCrunchyFerrett, libcurl (OpenSSL) is available in adept22:52
MilitantPotatointroubleee: yea, try the defaults, the settings can be fixed later, hopefully it works after that.22:52
CrunchyFerrettlibcurl? Who the heck thinks up these naming conventions?22:53
crimsunit's pretty standard practice22:54
MilitantPotatoin CCSM under General Options, Display settings tab, what format does the Outputs use?22:54
BlakStoneHello eFriends22:54
MilitantPotato1680x1050 ?22:54
MilitantPotatoi remember it having a +0 or two somewhere, but can't remember it exactly22:55
MilitantPotatoWrong room, sorry22:55
MilitantPotatoIs it possible for konq to register side mouse buttons for forward and back?22:56
uhriventisMy kde4 bar is gone how do I get it back?22:57
BluesKajuhriventis, ask in #kubuntu-kde422:58
matt___anyone know anything about a qt toolkit package?22:58
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: the easiest way would be to move your ~/.kde4 folder ... of course that would lose your app settings ... then log back in22:59
dwidmann_laptopmatt___: probably something like qt3-dev-tools perhaps?22:59
uhriventisHow would I move it23:00
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: the mv command works well if you're familiar with the shell, otherwise, you could do it in konqueror or dolphin if you tell it to show hidden files23:01
matt___dwidmann_laptop: checking for Qt4 version of qmake... configure: error: ophcrack requires Qt toolkit version 4.3 or later. Please disable the GUI via '--disable-gui', or see http://www.trolltech.com/ to obtain it.23:01
matt___dwidmann_laptop: any the package you suggested didn't work23:01
dwidmann_laptopmatt___: libqt4-dev23:02
uhriventisWhere would I move it to?23:02
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: anywhere you want.23:03
matt___dwidmann_laptop: now that...sounds promising. Downloading now.23:03
uhriventisWhere is the file located?23:03
dwidmann_laptopmatt___: I was trying to guess you what you might want before, if you had jumped straight to that I would have gotten it right the first time :)23:03
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: in you home folder23:04
uhriventisI don't see kde in there23:04
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: it's a folder called ".kde4"23:04
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: Like I had said, you need to enable showing of hidden files first23:04
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matt___dwidmann_laptop: no problem, that was my fault, and besides, i spent thirty minutes in #ubuntu before i realized that qt was used by kde. It ALL makes sense now :)23:05
uhriventisOkay I see the file so moving it to deskttop would work?23:05
dwidmann_laptopmatt___: it seriously took thirty minutes in there? and you still walked away without a response? Wow, that's pretty sad :P23:06
matt___dwidmann_laptop: yep, noone said a thing, so i googled some more, and found someone explaining qt and gtk.23:07
reagleBRKLNhi, using inspiron 530 and my CD audio access is *very* slow: 2.3X at best. It's a HL-DT-ST DVD+/-RW GSA-H73N. Any idea how to speed up for this SATA interface?23:09
reagleBRKLNusing kubuntu 8.0423:10
dwidmann_laptopreagleBRKLN: do you have any sort of CD drive acoustics options available in your BIOS?23:10
dwidmann_laptopreagleBRKLN: if so, you might want to set it to Performance.23:10
reagleBRKLNnot sure, will check23:11
ziunw kubuntu23:11
adudei need a program to record audio23:14
sequethinaudacity rocks adude23:15
sequethinfor recording and editing23:15
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adudei want to record sound that the computer plays23:16
dwidmann_laptopadude: krecord is extremely simple and works23:16
dwidmann_laptopmight have meant krec, not sure :s23:17
adudeit is krec not krecord.23:20
dwidmann_laptopah, yeah.23:21
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Itakuif i burn a cd in linux would it work on windows23:28
sequethinItaku: it depends on what you mean by "work" but in many cases yes it will23:29
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Shrekrunning RutilT and wondering how to get rid of the nm-applet23:30
andragoI am trying to install xine extra  plugins, but is greyed out. Not sure what repositorie should I add to get it installable. Any help?23:30
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dwidmann_laptop!info libxine1-extra-plugins23:34
ubottuPackage libxine1-extra-plugins does not exist in hardy23:34
andragoand why it appears?23:35
draikEver since the upgrade to 8.04, I am unable to use VirtualBox and VMware Workstation23:35
dwidmann_laptopandrago: not sure23:36
dwidmann_laptopbut it apparently doesn't exist in the main reps ... which things in particular did you need?23:36
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:37
andragoplay dvd, m3 etc...23:37
dwidmann_laptopandrago: for dvd see23:37
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ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:37
dwidmann_laptopandrago for mp3 get the libxine1-ffmpeg package23:37
dwidmann_laptopfor etc you might want the libxine1-misc-plugins package23:38
andragowell, just updated it and looking around the things23:38
andragothanks, all these are installed23:38
andragonot tried to play mp3, only wondering why it is grey23:38
andragoand, you know, it is greyed out, I can't install it, I want to install it!23:39
dwidmann_laptopandrago: do "apt-cache policy libxine1-extra-plugins"23:39
andragonot found23:40
dwidmann_laptopandrago: well that would be why it's uninstallable, why it shows up in the list is beyond me.23:40
andragothanks, I think I will be able to play anything23:40
dwidmann_laptopandrago: how about "dpkg --list libxine1-extra-plugins23:40
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draikVMware Workstation will not start and VirtualBox keeps asking for the modules, but I have already installed them. Am I missing something?23:41
andragothanks dwidmann_laptop23:41
andragoshould be some restriction in some hide file....23:42
jerememan I just have to rant that Firefox 3b5 should _not_ be the default browser for Hardy23:42
jeremeI run into bugs every stinkin day23:42
jeremeits form rendering is a little busted up23:43
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andragouninstall it and install firefox-223:43
jeremeandrago: yeah, I'm going to... I just have to bitch and moan first23:43
andragoah, ok. The standard procedure23:43
andragofine, fine23:43
andragocontinue, please23:43
jeremeSOP from an SOB ;)23:43
jeremeI'm done actually23:44
dwidmann_laptopdraik: this might be of interest to you : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server23:44
jeremeI mean I could rant for hours, but Hardy is pretty awesome otherwise23:44
andragowell, I just upgraded it and moved to KDE4 and it looks really good23:44
jeremeyeah I got kde4 running on a virtualbox installation and I am impressed23:45
andragonever tryied an automatic version upgrade and it was awesome23:45
jeremeI'm running the kde3 version on my workstation though23:45
sponixwhat is this crap where apps hang, and it dims the window, is that just Ubuntu, or does kubuntu and xubuntu do that also ?23:45
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jeremeandrago: have you seen the new installer?23:45
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andragonot yet23:45
andragonot really sure how get the new apps yet23:45
dwidmann_laptopjereme: what's new about it?23:45
jeremeandrago: it's awesome... really knocks out folks main complaints about linux23:45
andragoI am doing the standar procedure fo installing a lo tof new stuff until something will be broken23:46
andragowhat is the name of the package?23:46
jeremedwidmann_laptop: it's just a legitimate installer... I _thought_ it was new for hardy... when I installed Feisty I had to boot a live CD and click an icon23:46
sponixAny stability problems with kde4 ?23:46
andragonot yet23:46
andragosponix:  runs fine, a bit different23:47
jeremeandrago: I don't know... you see it when you install ubuntu from CD23:47
andragooh, it will appear23:47
dwidmann_laptopjereme: can't do lvm/encryption/raid installs by any chance can it?23:47
jeremedwidmann_laptop: I'm not sure... my install was very basic23:48
jeremeI've heard of SATA issues, but I just don't know23:48
dwidmann_laptopjereme: livecd never has before, but I would like for it to, even though I presently can't use any livecds anyway ...23:48
sponixandrago, hear it feels faster and lighter than both kde3 and gnome, you feel that is true ?23:48
jeremedwidmann_laptop: ah...  well the livecd part of the install is no longer needed23:48
temoto_alt40Hello. How do i make system run "pon corbina" from root at the very startup?23:49
jeremesponix: well it has very thin application support at this point, so it sure looks lighter23:49
andragoyes, not used it more than few ours but I agree23:49
dwidmann_laptopsponix: certainly loads slower, but when it's loaded it is fairly snappy ....probably not as snappy as kde3 or fluxbox though, at least not yet.23:49
dwidmann_laptopsponix: some of the apps like konqueror&dolphin seem much faster, gwenview too.23:49
andragoyou should try it sponix23:49
jeremeI personally think... KDE4 for fun... KDE3 for work23:49
jeremebut when 4.1 hits... I'm there23:50
kerncoQt 4 is faster than Qt 3, so it has the potential to be faster.23:50
andragojereme: so KD4 all time :-)23:50
dwidmann_laptopkernco: yeah, but kde4 hasn't had time to be optimzed yet .... first you finish it, then you fix the bugs, then you optimize it, so that's still probably a ways off.23:50
jeremeI just wish I had a gfx card that could do desktop effects at 3200 wide23:51
jeremestupid fglrx23:51
dwidmann_laptopjereme: 3200 wide resolution? That's INSANE23:51
jeremestupid ATI in general23:51
jeremedwidmann_laptop: dual 20" 1600x120023:51
andragowell, the ati drivers are far better in this new release23:51
dwidmann_laptopjereme: pick up a decent NVIDIA card for $100 or something23:51
andragoin fact, they work23:52
jeremedwidmann_laptop: I'm stuck on old AGP... and AGP nvidia cards with dual-dvi are 'spensive23:52
jeremedwidmann_laptop: I just need to request a new system from the company with pci express23:52
dwidmann_laptopandrago: hit ctrl + alt + f1 then ctrl + alt + f7 and see how spiffy the drivers are then .... I hear that problem still frequents ati users23:52
dwidmann_laptopthat and freezing on log out, etc23:53
jeremedwidmann_laptop: I just fixed that on my box23:53
jeremedwidmann_laptop: it was pretty easy..  I'll dig through my browser history and see if I can find the page that helped23:53
andragoyes, with the last drivers that crashed X's23:53
jeremethe fix isn't even to the drivers23:53
andragoyou can't use the console or init 323:53
dwidmann_laptopjereme: feel free to dig it up for me, I'll bookmark it and pass it on as neeeded.23:53
jeremegimme a second, I gotta file a bug here23:54
jeremedwidmann_laptop: k23:54
andragoI will try it tomorrow ;-)23:54
andragobut the new drivers woorks fine with X23:54
jeremeandrago: fglrx?23:55
dwidmann_laptopWow, external hard drive performance is nice, I'm glad I bought that enclosure :)23:55
jeremeandrago: or the open source ones?23:55
andragofglrx are the closed ones?23:55
BluesKajdwidmann_laptop, jereme , do you mean this ati shutdown hang fix; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/118605/comments/3223:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [Undecided,In progress]23:56
sponixAWN  Anyone used it ?23:56
dwidmann_laptopBluesKaj: does that also affect the inability to switch to a VT?23:56
jeremeBluesKaj: I think that was it23:56
andragoI am using the ATI drivers, not the open source23:56
andragojereme: this one works fine23:57
andragodo you use the open source?23:57
BluesKajdwidmann_laptop, dunno23:57
jeremeandrago: I use the binary installer for fglrx from ati's web site23:57
jeremebecause, as best as I could tell, the restricted-modules pkg that shipped with hardy was missing the fglrx kernel driver23:58
andragoIt not worked for me in the previous kubuntu release23:58
dwidmann_laptopBluesKaj: After my experience with my radeon 9700 in linux I haven't touched an ATI card since ... and years later that problem still isn't 100% fixed :( jeeze23:58
jeremeI think the bug that Blues posted is the proper fix23:58
BluesKajthis fix works for the lower end fglrx desfault restricted driver suggested by kubuntu upon reboot immediately after Hardy was installed23:58
jeremeit worked for me on the binary install too23:59
jeremeI can't find any other fixes in my browser history23:59
BluesKajjereme, my card is the very common X200 used in a lotta laptops and MOR HP pcs23:59

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