
o0Chris0ohey guys/gals anyone know where I can get the latest code/plugin for the supybot aka "ubottu"01:40
stdinyou can just do "bzr co http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak", but you'll want to setup  the bot first01:42
o0Chris0oalright, doing that now01:42
stdinwhich reminds me, I'm supposed to make a howto for it sometime01:42
o0Chris0oahh I take it, its your bot?01:42
o0Chris0oyour code01:42
stdinwell, I help run the bot, and I've added/changed some of the code after ubotu went away01:43
o0Chris0oahh I see what happen to him01:43
stdinit was originally made by seveas01:43
PiciSeveas wrote the initial plugins01:43
stdinso make a dir for the bot and run "supybot-wizard" in it01:44
RoAkSoAxPici, how about the factoids database ? where can i find it?01:44
stdinthat should guide you through most of it01:44
o0Chris0oalright I used the adept installer in kubuntu just have to find where it installed it too01:45
stdinRoAkSoAx: http://jussi01.com/web/ last link01:45
PiciRoAkSoAx: I'm actually not sure where the most recent one is01:45
RoAkSoAxi'm planning in translating it since botijo is not around...01:45
RoAkSoAxthanks stdin Pici =)01:45
PiciRoAkSoAx: Who ran botijo?01:45
RoAkSoAxPici, jpatrick = jdavies01:45
stdino0Chris0o: you make a dir for it, just and run the command I mentioned01:46
PiciRoAkSoAx: Have you pinged him about it?01:46
o0Chris0oin consoel?01:46
stdino0Chris0o: yep01:46
RoAkSoAxPici, i think he asked canonical (rt ticket) to host it... but haven't seen him online in a while01:46
RoAkSoAxand besides, not all of the factoids in ubottu are/were in botijo01:47
o0Chris0ohave to isntall PsySQlite01:54
stdinyep, pythin-sqlite01:55
o0Chris0othe latest one?01:55
o0Chris0othey have 2 diff versions01:55
stdinthe one called "python-sqlite"01:55
stdinand you'll want python-tz01:56
stdininstall these from adept/apt01:56
o0Chris0ohmm, I installed pysqlite, the wizard is still saying that it encounterd a problem01:59
stdinwhat does it say?01:59
o0Chris0owell I am looking at the avaialbe plugins02:00
stdinyou don't need the "Factoids" plugin02:00
o0Chris0ooh ok02:00
stdinbut you do need the python-sqlite package02:00
stdinthe bot uses another factoid plugin called Encyclopedia02:01
o0Chris0othat was the easiest bot I ever set up02:08
o0Chris0overy informative02:08
o0Chris0onow that the bot is installed02:08
stdindid you make tell it to create a separate plugin dir too?02:09
stdinit would have created it for you if you did02:09
o0Chris0oit didnt' ask me02:12
o0Chris0oor do I start it up02:13
o0Chris0oand do a command02:13
stdinis there a "plugins" dir there?02:13
stdinthen it did it by default then :)02:13
stdinnow you need to grab the plugins form launchpad, do "bzr co http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak" somewhere (probably best not to do it in the bot dir)02:14
o0Chris0ooh really alright, If igured the bot dir would be fine02:15
o0Chris0oI can do it on my home directory02:15
stdini tend not to, but it may not matter02:15
stdinjust copy everything in the new "tweak" dir to the plugins dir of the bot02:16
o0Chris0oin console correct?02:17
o0Chris0oor in the webpage02:17
stdinfrom a console02:18
o0Chris0owhat is bzr anyways? had to install it first02:18
stdinit's a revision control system02:19
o0Chris0oI see02:19
stdinlike cvs or svn02:19
o0Chris0ohah the bot took my op privy away02:19
stdinthen you need to install the "sqlite" package and create the base database for factoids, or use the ubuntu one02:20
* stdin wonders what license the ubuntu.db is under02:20
o0Chris0ois there an kubuntu one or is thjat ubuntu02:21
o0Chris0ohow do I set the bot to identify?02:21
stdinmost servers will take the nickserv pass from the server pass02:22
stdinthe ubuntu.db has all the factoids from all the ubuntu channels02:23
stdinyou set supybot.networks.<the network you told it>.password to the password02:24
stdinif you're editing the .conf file, you'll need to shut the bot down first, because it'll overwrite on exit02:25
o0Chris0ohow do I shut him down lol I closed out of the console02:30
stdinuse @quit in the channel if you're identified02:31
stdinyou'll have to /msg bot identify <username> <password> first if not02:31
o0Chris0ohrmm not working02:33
stdinwhich bit?02:33
o0Chris0oI identified but it doesn't say anything02:34
o0Chris0oand I tried @quit02:34
o0Chris0ostill nothing02:34
stdindoes it say anything with bot: ping02:34
stdinit probably died when you closed the term then02:36
stdinnow it's just a ghost02:36
o0Chris0omakes sense02:36
stdinyou use "supybot -d file.conf" to get it to background02:36
stdinbut you can edit the conf file now02:36
o0Chris0owhere do I find the file02:38
stdinit's the <bot>.conf file02:38
stdinin the bot dir02:38
o0Chris0oI am looking in the tweak folder duh me02:39
stdinmost of the setting you can keep the same, just make sure it's set the way you want02:39
stdinand see if it says anything about "Encyclopedia" yet02:40
o0Chris0onot yet, I am rading through the list02:45
stdinok, when you have the setting there to what you want, start the bot and when it joins you channel do @load Encyclopedia then @quit, that should write a load of new config options in that you can edit02:47
stdinyou can edit them via the bot too, but for the fist time it's easier to edit the file02:47
o0Chris0ohow can I make myself immune02:51
stdinimmune from what?02:52
o0Chris0oumm it makes me a regular user02:56
o0Chris0onot an op02:56
stdinthe bot?02:56
stdinI've never seen it do that02:57
stdindoes it get op access in your channel?02:58
o0Chris0oyeah I gave it op, then it deopped me02:58
PriceChildwhy do you need it doing these things, when we have chanserv?02:59
o0Chris0oits for another network :) he is helping me set it up03:00
stdinlook for AutoMode in the config03:04
o0Chris0oweird, the bot is still in the channel, so it might not be a ghost03:05
stdinsee if pgrep supybot shows anythign03:06
o0Chris0ocame back with 745003:06
stdinthen it's running and that's the PID03:06
o0Chris0ohmm wonder why I couldn't authenticate03:07
stdinmaybe the network block unidentified messages or something03:07
o0Chris0ohow do I shut it down then if I can't seem to do it for some odd reason03:15
stdinkill $(pgrep supybot)03:15
o0Chris0onow I wonder where my info is to log on03:18
stdinit should have asked you for a username and password when running supybot-wizard03:18
o0Chris0onow I wonder where my info is to log on to the bot, and make sure its assigned to me03:25
o0Chris0oit did, thats what I don't understand03:25
o0Chris0o I use /msg identify user pass03:26
o0Chris0omsg bot03:26
stdino0Chris0o: we're going to have to either carry on tomorrow or maybe someone else can help, it's too late and I need sleep ;)03:35
o0Chris0onp, I'm sure I can try to figure out on my own :)03:36
o0Chris0othanks for the help03:36
o0Chris0oappreciate it03:36
stdinyou can ask jussi too when he's awake, he knows about ubottu's config03:37
stdinanyway /me sleeps03:37
o0Chris0oalright thanks agian stdin03:38
o0Chris0ohave a good night03:38
o0Chris0ohey guys/gals anyone else here familiar with ubottu's functions and setting up?03:59
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
o0Chris0ohello Myrtti06:00
o0Chris0owhat you hum? about06:00
o0Chris0omy quuestion?06:00
o0Chris0oanyone around? I need some help setting up my supybot using ubuntu factoids06:18
o0Chris0ohey jussi01, stdin said you will be up sometime soon :-p hopefully you can help me setup the files for ubottu that you helped tweak so I can run on another bot on a diff network :)07:20
o0Chris0owhats up08:21
* o0Chris0o needs help setting up suppybot using ubuntu factoids08:21
jussi01o0Chris0o: Im here, but $work is interrupting, I may be able to help you later. you could also ask in #supybot08:50
o0Chris0oalright np jussi01 no one isn't around in there now :) I will be idling08:50
o0Chris0ohave fun at work :)09:00
ubuntero-ar(13:11:35) modo (+b *!*n=ivan@190.18.104.* ) por pedro_17:26
ubuntero-ar(13:11:47) Ha sido expulsado por pedro_: (a jugar a otro lado.)17:26
pedro_ubuntero-ar: this is why i kicked you from the ubuntu-cl channel: http://www.gnome.org/~pvillavi/insultos.txt17:26
pedro_I don't know why you and your friends joined there to insulting us in the first place17:27
ubuntero-arentre a cambiarme el nick, de que insulto hablas?17:27
pedro_ubuntero-ar: read the log if you can't remember what you did.17:28
jdaviestambien: "ubuntero-ar (n=ivan@190-57-235-201.fibertel.com.ar) has joined #ubuntu-cl"17:29
Myrttithat log looks intresting17:33
RoAkSoAxPienso que ellos están infringiendo el CoC y creo que no solo atacan a #ubuntu-cl sino a toma la comunidad...17:33
mruizthey were insulting without reasons17:34
jdaviesubuntero-ar: por favor, leese: http://doc.ubuntu-es.org/LoCo:Lineamientos_de_conducta_para_canales_de_IRC - para leer de como se deberia comportar en un canal de IRC de Ubuntu17:35
jdaviesubuntero-ar: y tambien: http://doc.ubuntu-es.org/C%C3%B3digo_de_Conducta17:35
RoAkSoAxi believe they have did that on purpose... because they are aware of how they need to behave, they are just attacking the -cl channel...17:38
jdaviesappears to have gone quite17:41
o0Chris0oanyone around? I need some help setting up my supybot using ubuntu factoids18:06
stdino0Chris0o: boo18:51
stdinhow far have you gotten?19:04
o0Chris0oI'm in a empy apt folder19:05
o0Chris0oI made a sources.list file19:05
stdinthere are 2 script in the Encyclopedia dir, update_apt and update_apt_file19:06
stdinyou need to edit those to point to that dir and then run them19:06
o0Chris0oyes the both point to this dir19:07
o0Chris0ohow do I run them? cuz their not runnign for me19:07
stdinjust cd to Encyclopedia and do "./update_apt", then "./update_apt_file"19:07
o0Chris0obash: update_apt: command not found19:08
stdindid you put the ./ in?19:08
o0Chris0oI get this error http://rafb.net/p/zYWni313.html19:11
stdinyou sure it's /home/Documents not /home/<your username>/Documents ?19:12
o0Chris0odang it19:12
o0Chris0ook this one didn't work ..19:14
o0Chris0ochris@chris-desktop:~/Documents/Bot/plugins/Encyclopedia$ ./update_apt19:14
o0Chris0oE: Archive directory /home/chris/Documents/Bot/plugins/Encyclopedia/apt/cache/archives/partial is missing.19:14
stdinthen just "mkdir-p /home/chris/Documents/Bot/plugins/Encyclopedia/apt/cache/archives/partial"19:14
stdin* "mkdir -p /home/chris/Documents/Bot/plugins/Encyclopedia/apt/cache/archives/partial"19:14
o0Chris0ook done, and it worked19:15
o0Chris0owhat do I exactly put in or name the sources.list to?19:16
stdinyou need to name it <release>.list19:16
stdinso, dapper.list, edgy.list. feisty.list, hardy.list etc19:17
o0Chris0ofiesty is 7.0 right? hardy is 8.04?19:17
stdinyeah, you'll want to make sure there are deb-src lines too19:18
o0Chris0ohmm ok19:18
o0Chris0ohow would I do the deb-src lines in the hardy.list file19:19
stdinthey are the same as the "deb http://...." lines, but replace "deb" with "deb-src"19:21
o0Chris0oin the .list file? its blank19:22
stdinyou have to create the .list files19:22
o0Chris0oI guess thats where I am stuck on how to create them19:23
stdinthey are the same as the /etc/apt/sources.list file19:23
stdinjust replace the release name with the one you want19:23
o0Chris0oyeah I made the sources.list file, it is blank19:24
o0Chris0oI renamed it to hardy.list19:24
o0Chris0oand hardy.status19:24
stdinhow did you make it?19:24
o0Chris0ocreate a new file19:24
o0Chris0odidn't say exactly how to create it in the read me19:25
stdinthen you should probably open it and insert some text ;)19:25
o0Chris0oahh ok19:25
stdincopy/paste from /etc/apt/sources.list and then edit19:25
o0Chris0ogot that file copied over19:30
stdinthen you'll need to rerun the update_apt and update_apt_file scripts again19:31
o0Chris0ok done19:32
stdinhave you got the factoid database yet?19:33
o0Chris0oyah I copied the info from the read me into myfactoids.db in data folder19:34
o0Chris0oI think that is what I was supose to do19:34
stdinyou don't copy the text, you need to input that into sqlite19:34
o0Chris0oyeah I did but it didn't do anything19:34
stdindefine "didn't do anything"19:35
o0Chris0owait nvm, thats what I did, I did sqlite myfactoids.db and it made it to a binary file19:35
stdinok, good :)19:35
stdinhave you set your config to point to that yet?19:35
o0Chris0obot config?19:36
stdinthe .conf file19:36
o0Chris0othe bot.conf? or another file?19:37
stdinyes, the bot.conf19:37
o0Chris0oI don't think so19:38
stdinhave you loaded the plugins yet with the bot?19:38
o0Chris0oI think I did19:38
o0Chris0olet me see19:38
stdinie: @load Encyclopedia19:38
o0Chris0oyeah I did earlier, I thought I did it right19:38
o0Chris0ogonna start the bot up19:38
o0Chris0ohow do I start it in konsole and have it run in background?19:39
stdinhave you told the bot where to find the database yet?19:39
o0Chris0oI don't think I did this properly its not working o.o19:40
o0Chris0oso Id on't think I loaded the plugin correctly19:40
stdinyou need to make sure supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.datadir, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.aptdir and supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database19:40
stdin*are set to the right thing19:41
o0Chris0o@config on the bot or through console?19:42
ubottuo0Chris0o: Error: 'supybot.on' is not a valid configuration variable.19:42
o0Chris0othis is where I got confused last night and thought I messed something up doing this on the bot lol I dunno19:44
stdinyou set supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database to myfactoids19:45
stdinsupybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.datadir to where ever the database is located19:45
stdinsupybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.aptdir to the apt dir you made19:45
stdinand then @reload Encyclopedia should apply the settings19:46
o0Chris0oyeah,  I know how to get to the path, but how do set it per say, sorry for all the questions, I am new at this and not really that sohphisticated lol19:47
stdinyou do @config <variable> <value>19:47
stdinlike: @config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database myfactoids19:47
o0Chris0oalright lets see if this worked19:56
* o0Chris0o crosses fingers19:57
o0Chris0onot working...I am testing it by typing "!wifi" as it should bring info about setting up wifi, but it comes back with "o0Chris0o: Error: "wifi" is not a valid command."19:59
stdinis supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar set to !20:01
o0Chris0oyeah I made that change in the bot.conf20:01
stdinbefore or after you started the bot?20:02
o0Chris0oI'll dbl check to make sure20:02
stdindo @config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar20:02
o0Chris0oand reload?20:03
^Tech-Help^hi where can i get a bot like Ubottu? Specifically im looking for the factoid thing so i can do <nick> | <factoid>20:03
* stdin is going to have a busy day20:03
o0Chris0o!google supybot20:03
ubottuFactoid google supybot not found20:03
Pici^Tech-Help^: The code is available here: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots you'll need to be running supybot20:03
^Tech-Help^ok thanks :D20:04
stdino0Chris0o: did you edit the config file before or after starting the bot?20:04
o0Chris0oI just changed it useing the bot config20:04
o0Chris0oshould I reload it to make sure?20:04
stdino0Chris0o: then try doing !foo is bar20:04
Myrttiwell, he was fast20:05
o0Chris0onope,, not valid command20:05
o0Chris0ounlike me :-p20:05
PiciMyrtti: He'll be back20:06
Myrttihe will20:06
stdino0Chris0o: does @list show Encyclopedia ?20:07
o0Chris0oyes it does20:07
PiciMyrtti: see20:08
^Tech-Help^Pici  i went to that site but im not seeing a download link or anything20:08
o0Chris0o^Tech-Help^: first you should download the supybot20:08
^Tech-Help^i have20:08
stdino0Chris0o: what does @config supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars show?20:08
Picistdin: Would the tweak branch be the best to give out now?20:09
^Tech-Help^i need the module that ubottu uses so i can do !<factoid> | <nick>  but i cant find it20:09
stdinPici: it's the most up-to-date, and the one ubottu is running from20:09
stdino0Chris0o: set it to just @20:09
MyrttiPici: lol20:09
Pici^Tech-Help^: Download the branch from https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak20:10
stdinyou'll need to install bzr to grab it20:10
^Tech-Help^omg isnt there a direct link Pici?20:10
Pici^Tech-Help^: omg there isnt20:11
stdinbzr co http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak /path/to/my/bot/plugins20:11
stdinsetup your supybot first20:11
Myrtti^Tech-Help^: the development is ongoing process20:12
^Tech-Help^im so lost, what do i need to get !<Factoid> | <nick>  ?   all i see is a huge list of files not sure what im supposed to be looking for here20:13
o0Chris0oI get this erro while starting up the bot http://nopaste.com/p/aCaS8IFc920:13
Pici^Tech-Help^: You need the encyclopedia plugin20:14
stdino0Chris0o: you can ignore that probably20:14
o0Chris0oI changed it to just @20:14
stdintry !foo is bar20:14
^Tech-Help^Pici  from this? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak/files20:14
* o0Chris0o sighs20:14
o0Chris0ono go20:15
o0Chris0onot a valid command20:15
stdin^Tech-Help^: bzr co http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak /path/to/my/bot/plugins20:15
Pici^Tech-Help^: Preferably using what stdin has been saying20:15
stdino0Chris0o: did you set it with @config ?20:15
stdinyou need a working supybot first though20:15
stdin^Tech-Help^: ↑20:15
^Tech-Help^yep i got that far stdin20:16
o0Chris0oset the !foo is bar command with @config?20:16
stdino0Chris0o: no, I mean did you set the supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars variable with @config20:16
o0Chris0ooh yah20:17
^Tech-Help^oh man im still not seeing a DIRECT link for Encyclopedia plugin20:17
o0Chris0oI changed it to @ like you said20:17
^Tech-Help^how hard can this be? LOL20:17
o0Chris0oso it should be @foo is bar20:17
o0Chris0oit gets fun ^Tech-Help^20:17
Pici^Tech-Help^: If you are doing that command in a terminal, you will have downloaded the plugins20:17
^Tech-Help^ok now we're getting somewhere lmao at first i thought that was a URL i didnt see the "bzr co" sorry guys ;)20:20
o0Chris0ofoo is not working20:22
o0Chris0o!foo is bar or @foo is bar20:23
^Tech-Help^Ok i got the encyclopedia plugin how do i load it? i tried @Load Encyclopedia but it returns : <LinuxFan> @load Encyclopedia21:11
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> Error: "@load" is not a valid command.21:11
stdinwhat does InfoBOT: config supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars  show?21:12
^Tech-Help^show !21:13
^Tech-Help^ok someone told me to use @21:13
stdinif it shows !, then do !config supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars @21:14
stdinthen it'll change to @21:14
^Tech-Help^now i get <InfoBOT> LinuxFan: Error: No module named sqlite21:14
stdininstall the packages "python-sqlite"21:14
^Tech-Help^ok thanks, brb21:14
stdinand you'll need the package "sqlite" if you want to create your own database21:14
^Tech-Help^ok i installed python-sqlite21:15
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> LinuxFan: The operation succeeded.21:16
^Tech-Help^woot were getting somewhere now :)21:16
stdinhave you set the database yet?21:16
^Tech-Help^no lol21:16
stdindo you want to use your own, or the one ubottu uses?21:16
^Tech-Help^i can add to the ubottu one later?21:17
^Tech-Help^add factoids i meant21:17
stdinyeah, it'll be hosted on your machine, you can do what you want with it21:17
^Tech-Help^yeah i'd like to use ubottu's then21:18
stdinthen download http://jussi01.com/ubuntu.db and save to the data subdirectory of the bot21:18
^Tech-Help^ok brb21:19
jussi01damn, that hilights me all the time...21:19
stdinthen make sure supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database is set to "ubuntu" and supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.datadir is set to the dir you downloaded it to21:19
stdinthen @reload Encyclopedia and it should work21:20
stdinjussi01: serves you right for having a website with you nick in it :p21:20
^Tech-Help^ok i downloaded it....and put it in /home/linuxfan/Supybot-0.83.2/data     you lost me on those other two steps though21:22
stdinto set the variables you do @config <variable> <value>21:23
stdinso @config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database ubuntu21:24
stdinand @config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.datadir /home/linuxfan/Supybot-0.83.2/data21:24
stdinthen @reload Encyclopedia21:24
stdinand should be done21:24
^Tech-Help^they said succeeded but when i do21:26
^Tech-Help^<LinuxFan> !offtopic  | LinuxFan21:26
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> LinuxFan: Error: "offtopic" is not a valid command.21:26
stdindid you change config supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars to @ yet?21:27
^Tech-Help^no but i replaced it with ! and it kept saying "operations succeeded"21:27
^Tech-Help^<LinuxFan> @config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database ubuntu21:28
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> Error: "@config" is not a valid command.21:28
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:28
stdinit won't reply with the factoid if supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars and supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar are the same21:28
^Tech-Help^i have to use @<factoid> | <nick>  ?21:29
stdinif ! is the bot command char, then you need to use ! instead of @ and change supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar to something other than !21:29
^Tech-Help^im still getting errors21:30
stdinwhat errors?21:30
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> LinuxFan: Error: "elaborate" is not a valid command.21:31
^Tech-Help^<LinuxFan> !offtopic  | LinuxFan21:31
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> LinuxFan: Error: "offtopic" is not a valid command.21:31
^Tech-Help^<LinuxFan> @config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database ubuntu21:31
^Tech-Help^<LinuxFan> !offtopic  | LinuxFan21:31
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> LinuxFan: Error: "offtopic" is not a valid command.21:31
^Tech-Help^<LinuxFan> @offtopic | LinuxFan21:31
^Tech-Help^im trying eveything lol21:31
nalioth   /msg ubottu paste21:31
^Tech-Help^sorry for the flood21:31
stdinwhat is supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar set to?21:31
stdinand supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars21:31
^Tech-Help^first one you asked is @21:32
^Tech-Help^second is !21:32
stdinthen you use ! to give commands to the bot, and @ to get factoids21:32
stdinso instead of @config, use !config21:33
^Tech-Help^i think i did that21:33
^Tech-Help^infact i know i did21:33
stdinso what's supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database set to?21:33
stdinlast time you just said it gave the error "@config is not a valid command."21:34
^Tech-Help^its set to ubuntu21:34
^Tech-Help^<LinuxFan> !config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database21:34
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> LinuxFan: ubuntu21:34
stdinand have you reloaded the Encyclopedia pugin?21:34
^Tech-Help^yes ill try it again though21:34
stdinthen just try @hi, if you try to use | with your own nick, it'll try to /msg you, and I'm guessing you haven't registered the nick and set the bot to identify21:35
jussi01may I humbly suggest that #ubuntu-bots would be a better place for this discussion?21:36
^Tech-Help^yeah i identified already21:36
^Tech-Help^its just not working21:36
^Tech-Help^<LinuxFan> !screenlets | LinuxFan21:36
^Tech-Help^<InfoBOT> LinuxFan: Error: "screenlets" is not a valid command.21:36
stdinyou're using ! still21:36
stdinuse @21:36
^Tech-Help^tried @ as well21:37
stdinwhat channel is it in?21:37
^Tech-Help^ok if i do @ i get a PM from that bot yelling at me to <InfoBOT> (In the future, please use a private message to investigate) Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/21:37
stdinyep, that's it21:37
^Tech-Help^i dont want it to pm me21:38
stdinyou told it to tell you, so it told you in pl21:38
stdintry @screenlets | anything21:38
^Tech-Help^noo if you do that on the official #Ubuntu it says it to the channel21:38
stdinno, it doesn't21:39
stdin!help | stdin21:39
stdinjust got a /msg from ubottu :)21:39
^Tech-Help^ok so some commands will go to pm21:39
^Tech-Help^is there a way to cahnge the @ to !?21:39
^Tech-Help^@ is so ugly21:39
stdindo !config supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars @21:40
stdinthen @config supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar !21:40
^Tech-Help^ok hmmm if i do !resetpanel | LinuxFan  it once again shoots me a PM :/   but if you do that in the official #Ubuntu it tells you right in the channel21:42
stdinit checks your nick21:42
stdinyou aren't LinuxFan in #ubuntu21:42
^Tech-Help^LinuxFan is taken :(21:42
stdinthat's why it's /msg'ing you when you try to give yourself a factoid21:43
stdinjust try "!hi | person"21:43
stdinexactly like that21:44
stdindones't have to be a real nick21:44
^Tech-Help^Ok guys its working great now thanks to all of you, and sorry for causing you guys any Migraines ;)21:44
* stdin scores 2/221:45
^Tech-Help^bye guys :D  one noob down.......millions more to go :P21:46
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx

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