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vlowtheranyone here willing to help me debug a kernel-related suspend/resume problem on 2.6.24-17 on Hardy?  It appears to be scheduler-related, but debugging it beyond what I can see in the log is a bit tricky.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/212660 has details -- the short version is that suspend/resume last worked properly on 2.6.24-12 for me.01:43
vlowtherfrom what I can tell, something broke in the way the scheduler freezes processes between 2.6.24-12 and 2.6.24-1401:50
vlowtherbecause (and this is in the bug report if you read the suspend-failed.log attachments), the first suspend on kernels later than 2.6.24-12 work, but the second and subsequent attempts fail and spew loads of scheduler debugging information into the logs.01:53
vlowthermy read of them is that it fails to freeze pm-suspend01:53
vlowtherwhich is rather silly, because pm-suspend is the shell script that at that instant told the kernel to suspend by echo'ing "mem" to /sys/power/state01:56
pwnguinthe traditional solution to regressions is a bisection01:58
pwnguinyou nab the kernel git tree and use git-bisect to binary search for the commit that broke it01:58
pwnguinthis requires a number of rebuilds and general "able to build a kernel"-itude01:59
pwnguinim also not sure that's the right team to assign a bug to02:00
vlowtherwho would be a better team?02:01
pwnguinI don't do much triaging myself =/02:01
pwnguini think the wiki has a guide on that02:02
pwnguinapparently the kernel team is too good to use the process the rest of ubuntu uses ;)02:02
vlowtherwell, as far as triaging goes, my process went something like this:02:03
vlowtherboot to $latest-kernel02:03
vlowthertry to suspend/resume more than once.02:03
vlowtherobserve failure02:03
vlowtherboot back to 2.6.24-1202:03
vlowthersuspend/resume goes back to working reliably.02:04
vlowtherwait the next apt-get dist-upgrade introduces a new kernel02:05
vlowtherlather, rinse, repeat.02:05
pwnguingit-bisect will find the change that "broke" it. possibly in the straw that broke the camel's back sense, though02:06
pwnguinunfortunately, that nvidia module is bad news02:06
vlowtherthat would be unfortunate02:08
vlowtherseeing as how suspend does not work at all without it, and the module version has not changed at all since 2.6.24-12.02:09
vlowther(nv driver is not smart enough to do The Right Thing when reinitializing the video card on this system)02:09
pwnguina) i have yet to figure out how to rebuild linux-restricted-modules in conjunction with a kernel b) if it turns out to be nvidia, we can't even report it, let alone fix it02:11
pwnguinon a related note, is iwl in linux-restricted drivers?02:11
vlowthernah, it appears to be in linux-ubuntu modules02:13
vlowther(or whatever the name of that package is)02:13
vlowtherbased on a quick once-over of the /lib/modules/2.6.24-12 dir02:13
pwnguinwell, perhaps i just screwed up the config of upstream .25 then. no matter, as I accomplished what i needed to accomplish to report a bug to upstream02:15
vlowtheriirc, iwl is native on .2502:19
vlowtheranyways, off to clone the ubuntu git repo02:23
vlowthersee if vgrep can find anything suspicious before trying to git-bisect.02:24
vlowtherif mdomsch is paying attention, mabye he could also help a brother out.02:26
mdomschvlowther, how can I help?02:26
vlowtherwoah, didn;t expect a response that fast.02:27
pwnguingit bisect suspend / resume bug?02:27
vlowther(or at least pointers on how to read sched-debug logs more accurately)02:28
pwnguinvlowther: perhaps you should repeat the question for him02:28
vlowtherlp bug 212660 for backstory02:28
vlowthershort version is that every hardy kernel since 2.6.24-12 suspens and resumes properly once, second and subsequent attempts spew scheduler info instead fo freezing processes02:29
vlowtherde sched-debug info appears to say that pm-suspend refused to freeze, which is rather odd02:30
vlowtheras that is just a bash script that kicked off the kernel suspend process with 'echo "mem" >/sys/power/state'02:31
mdomschlaptop suspend/resume is a mystery even to me02:31
vlowtherno kidding02:31
mdomschif it's a Dell, poke rez kabir02:31
vlowtherit is.02:31
vlowtherhe on irc/02:31
vlowtherer, ?02:31
mdomschuh, no02:31
mdomschhe'll be in PS2 in the morning though02:32
vlowtherheck, if the git-bisect gods are smiling I might even have a patch by then.02:33
pwnguin"the morning" is of course, a relative term ;)02:34
pwnguinis ps2 an acpi term for awake?02:34
vlowther(or is that the git-clone gods?  Hard to tell with how fast this is going)02:34
pwnguinif not, i have no idea what that meant =(02:34
vlowthernot in this instance.02:34
vlowtherseekrit code.02:34
pwnguinah, you're both in austin02:35
mdomschpwnguin, "Parmer South 2" is one of the Dell buildings02:36
mdomschwas mine until 6 months ago02:36
mdomsch4 years 50 hours/week, yeah, "mine"02:37
mdomschit saw more of me than my wife02:37
mdomschvlowther, I added the Dell team to the bug in LP02:39
mdomschrez should be familiar with the D82002:39
mdomschhe did a boatload of work on it about a year ago02:40
vlowtherit has always worked nicely for me02:40
* vlowther makes a note for tomorrow.02:44
vlowthercompile compile compile03:34
vlowtherdamn -- 45 mins to compile the ubuntu kernel.04:17
vlowtherwhiskey tango foxtrot!04:17
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BenCGood morning everyone13:59
aboganiBenC: Good morning, Sir.14:06
rtg_BenC: are you working on the Gutsy security update for kees ?14:14
BenCrtg: Yeah14:22
rtg_BenC: I was just noticing the state of the git tree is a little weird. the changelog was updated awhile ago by smb, but it never got uploaded.14:24
rtg_I also pushed an SRU late yesterday that I wanted to make sure you picked up.14:24
BenCrtg: Ok14:50
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psufan] <psufan> ugh19:31
psufan[14:31] <psufan> I think git did something to the kernel source19:31
psufan[14:31] <psufan> it never took 4+ hrs to make a kerne;19:31
psufanit's almost like it's looping a build19:33
psufan< ivoks> psufan: cd /tmp ; wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8736376/linux-source-2.6.15_nfsv4client.patch ; sudo apt-get install git-core ; git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-dapper.git ubuntu-dapper ; cd ubuntu-dapper ; patch -p1 -i ../linux-source-2.6.15_nfsv4client.patch ; sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-`uname -r` ; sudo apt-get install fakeroot build-essential ; fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage # at this point, you19:43
Mactaylorwhy is reiser4progs provided but reiser4 is not in the kernel?20:51
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