[00:45] tonyyarusso: thanks i think it worked [00:59] mneptok: that's fine with me [02:13] gnomefreak: what is bzr doing to/at/adjoining you? [03:20] irssi does not handle /away well with bip when you connect multiple clients... [03:55] In ubottu, bbyever said: !foo is foo [04:00] The quizbuntu bot has a glitch... if an anser has 5 letters, and you type !hint, !hint has 5 letters so it counts it [04:01] ryanakca: ^^ (that's still yours, no?) [04:02] as in 'so it counts it' is displayed by the bot? [04:03] elkbuntu: No, as in it thinks you've made your guess, and you're therefore prevented from making another. [04:03] elkbuntu: it counts as an aswer [04:03] oh [04:03] Duh!! You really want me to ignore yah eboyjr? [04:04] is what is says after !hint and the right answer [04:04] :( === eboyjr is now known as eboyjr` === eboyjr` is now known as eboyjr [04:35] um, doesnt ubottu need voice in -proxy-users? for the factoids the channel tells people to check? [04:37] yes [04:39] he's set [04:39] i only just noticed [04:57] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [04:57] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [04:57] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [05:06] notice user jose there.. [05:07] uh, what was that? [05:07] ah, I see. Neglected to give the full nick. [05:08] (quit) [06:17] wth [08:33] Morning all [08:35] jussi01: you're wanted at -irc :-> [08:37] Myrtti: I saw... havent got time to deal with it now [08:38] okies [08:54] i'm trying to figure if this guy in -offtopic is a $non_accusatory_thing_that_means_the_same_as_troll [08:55] could use someone in #ubuntu please [08:55] student is trying to break password / cracking help [08:55] totally fibbing [08:55] looking [08:55] ta [08:56] may want to do a quick last [08:57] just to get perspective as it looks quite innocent as a simple question [08:57] i dont use irssi [08:59] gone anyway [08:59] well handled [08:59] yeah [08:59] i would have gotten in trouble for removing him, no doubt. [08:59] hehe === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [09:42] "Hello, Unregistered you are browsing the ARCHIVE section at Ubuntu Forums. You are able to reply/post to threads that are ALREADY created, however you cannot create NEW threads in the archive." [09:42] cute... [09:43] elkbuntu: I like the LOVELY caps which aren't even on CONSISTENT parts of SPEECH. [09:43] it's just great ISNT it [09:44] at least it's on whOLE WORds [09:45] heHe [09:54] wicks quit message is less than family friendly [09:56] where? [09:56] main channel [09:57] finally found it. i need to tweak my colours [09:57] * wgrant paints elkbuntu purple. [09:57] that one is better than the 'by queer' one that bitchx iirc has [09:57] urg [09:57] yep [09:57] but bitchx is urg anyway [09:58] Can we convince Freenode to use the vulnerability in BitchX to remove BitchX? Probably not. [10:03] * gnomefreak was sad to see it go from archives [10:05] gnomefreak: Why?? [10:05] It's an insecure piece of $non_offense. [10:05] i used to use it and still did sometime if i didnt feel like using irssi [10:06] i didnt know about the insecurities at the time [10:30] !dvd [10:30] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [10:58] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [10:58] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [10:58] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [11:43] tonyyarusso: yes, thanks, I'll look into it [11:44] tonyyarusso: not entirely sure what he means, but I'm sure it can be figured out :) [12:07] jussi01: your forums permissions should be fixed, can you check for me? [12:29] @login [12:29] Myrtti: The operation succeeded. [12:29] !pulse is foo [12:29] But pulse already means something else! [12:29] !pulse [12:29] pulse is foo [12:29] ehr [12:29] LOL [12:30] !no pulse is pulseaudio [12:30] I'll remember that Myrtti [12:30] !pulse [12:30] PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [12:31] !-pulse [12:31] pulse has no aliases - added by stdin on 2008-05-09 14:30:01 - last edited by stdin on 2008-05-09 14:31:22 [12:31] !-pulseaudio [12:31] pulseaudio has no aliases - added by LjL on 2008-02-19 03:58:10 [12:31] WTH [12:31] couldn't add the for some reason, so gave up [12:32] !no pulse is pulseaudio [12:32] I'll remember that stdin [12:32] stdin: there's something wwwwwwrong with ubotu, you have to give it foo first [12:32] then it can add an alias [12:32] Myrtti: I know, I'm trying to fix it, but it's an odd one [12:33] well, atleast we know how to circumvent it [12:34] do you like the - last edited by ... part? ;) [12:34] stdin: Could it be part of the tweaks? I've not seen it do that in other Encyclopedia configs [12:34] Pici: I haven't really toughed that part of the plugin, and it was happening before I started changing the code with ubottu [12:35] stdin: weird [12:35] yep [12:35] !-pulseaudio [12:35] pulseaudio aliases: pulse - added by LjL on 2008-02-19 03:58:10 [12:35] !-pulse [12:35] pulse is pulseaudio - added by stdin on 2008-05-09 14:30:01 - last edited by stdin on 2008-05-09 14:33:05 [12:35] this goes weirder by the minute [12:36] * stdin grabs a mallet and heads in ubottu's direction [12:36] time to whack [12:36] er, hack ;) [12:43] * Hobbsee rofl's. [12:43] [21:37] 19:05:31> It's an insecure piece of $non_offense. [12:43] so this is how we now refer to things. got it. [12:45] lollercoaster [12:47] adding before alias was a bug on the original ubotu too [12:47] Yeesh, trying to replicate Chanserv.py's ban searching is going to be tougher than I thought. [12:49] to irssi? [12:49] Yes [12:49] Pici: I LOVE YOU [12:49] Let's get married [12:49] \o\ [12:49] /o/ [12:51] \o\ [12:52] xchat.EAT_ALL [12:52] I dont know what that is [12:52] It makes me kinda hungry and confused [13:20] I think that just tells xchat to process it, when it's not a chanserv.py command [13:20] * stdin thinks anyway [13:20] Ah [13:24] PriceChild: yes, its fine :) [13:24] * stdin thinks he's fixed too [13:26] jussi01: reload :) [13:27] @reload Encyclopedia [13:27] jussi01: The operation succeeded. [13:27] stdin: how do I give you access to do that? [13:27] !myrtti [13:27] Factoid myrtti not found [13:27] jussi01: I'd have to have owner capabilities [13:28] !women [13:28] aaaaannnnd it does... [13:28] nothing [13:28] !women [13:28] hm [13:28] /me kicks ubottu [13:28] ok, hold on... [13:28] It told me in pm a moment ago [13:29] !myrtti [13:29] Factoid myrtti not found [13:29] !pulse [13:29] !bot [13:29] YOUVE BROKEN IT [13:29] /me kicks stdin [13:32] !test [13:32] !test [13:32] !test [13:32] hmm [13:33] !test [13:33] Failed [13:33] backups ftw! [13:36] !myrtti [13:36] Factoid myrtti not found [13:36] :( [13:36] !elkbuntu [13:36] elkbuntu is cute [13:36] :D [13:36] now, I just need to find out why it worked for my but bot not for ubottu :/ [13:37] whut [13:38] with my bot, '!something is something else' works, but ubottu does the python equivalent of segfault [13:39] Hrm, were we not eliminating all the personal factoids? [13:41] no? [13:41] Some of them are restricted to -offtopic [13:41] !wurst [13:41] Factoid wurst not found [13:42] !wurst-#ubuntu-offtopic [13:42] Pici: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:42] !worst-#ubuntu-offtopic [13:42] This factoid is supposed to be pretty terrible. Please contact rodserling if you find a factoid worse than this, in order to improve, I mean pejorate, this useless conglomerate of words, thank you, well not really. Worst is also the dutch word for sausage. [13:42] !-worst [13:42] Factoid worst not found [13:44] !-rtfm [13:44] rtfm is noob - added by Seveas on 2006-06-17 23:26:59 [13:45] !-noob [13:45] noob aliases: stfu, jfgi, rtfm, newb, acronym, n00b - added by Seveas on 2006-06-17 23:26:47 - last edited by PriceChild on 2007-09-08 21:32:31 [13:45] !myrtti is noob [13:45] I know nothing about myrtti is noo yet, Myrtti [13:45] !myrtti [13:45] Factoid myrtti not found [13:45] noo [13:45] !noob [13:45] Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. [13:46] !myrtti is honored that I'm reading her blog [13:46] I'll remember that, Pici [13:46] !myrtti is noob [13:46] I know nothing about myrtti is noo yet, Myrtti [13:46] !myrtti [13:46] myrtti is honored that I'm reading her blog [13:46] Myrtti: its !no Myrtti is something else [13:46] !no myrtti is noob [13:46] I'll remember that Myrtti [13:47] !myrtti [13:47] Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. [13:47] just as you said it, I remembered it [13:53] EXCUSE ME WHILE I CURSE [13:53] FUCK [13:53] my laptop just fell on the floor [13:53] gave me a good scary experience [13:57] Myrtti: is it ok? [13:57] since I'm using it to type this... [13:58] Myrtti: you cannot curse like that in channel. You must use a non-offensive form. It would be suggested that you use something like lorium ipsum text, and change the cases of things to show your mnood. [13:58] -n [13:58] I know [13:58] LOREM IPSUM!>!? [13:58] :P [13:59] 'xactly. [13:59] I'll lorem your ipsum [13:59] :O [13:59] Myrtti: you could also (ab)use the CoC for that, or something. after all, it's just text. [13:59] * Hobbsee hides her ipsum [13:59] then again, IRL there was three 13-y-o's present and I said the v-word (the finnish f-word) multiple times over than I said it here [14:00] Myrtti: this is a channel where you must be perfect, though. NO EXCUSES! [14:00] I just got this laptop at hardy release party >___< [14:00] Hobbsee: I'm sowwy [14:00] (ö_____ö) [14:00] Myrtti: you'll need to say that somewhere where it sticks around forever, publically, otherwise multiple people may hold it against you, forever, indefinetly. [14:00] Why the long face? [14:01] Myrtti: tis the ubuntu way, apparently. [14:01] Hobbsee: Isn't that here, in the logs? [14:01] * Pici pats Seeker` [14:01] Pici: it's not a long face, it's an ascii "big eyes with long lashes, face trying to look cute" [14:02] puppy eyes, if you will [14:02] Seeker`: only if people actually look at it. [14:03] Seeker`: and you can be sure that those who will use it against people won't look up the logs, nor will they quote the apology. [14:32] Pici called the ops in #kubuntu (prateekjain ASUS-tek) [14:33] jeez, no need for everyone to come running [14:33] I don't have the op powah :-( [14:33] In #kubuntu, prateekjain said: ubottu: whot is this [14:33] Aye, neither do I [14:34] I could come in and lart them to kingdom come though? [14:36] may we help you prateekjain [14:36] bazhang: #kubuntu just [14:37] bazhang: what happened to kubuntu channel [14:37] yes [14:37] see i have a nTFS parttion [14:38] and there are some folders whose owner is ROOT..i wanna chage it to prateek [14:38] how? [14:38] actually all folders are root [14:38] woner [14:38] prateekjain: This channel is not for support. [14:38] I wish I had #kubuntu logs [14:38] PriceChild: ok [14:39] Myrtti: bt is up [14:39] prateekjain: so what's "< ~prateekjain> hindi hamari rashtrabhasha hia..in goro ko kya pata"? [14:39] it is? [14:39] jolly good [14:39] Myrtti: has been for a couple days now [14:39] jdavies: i means i love my mothertounge [14:39] prateekjain: Tell me about offtopic conversations in #kubuntu [14:39] !english | prateekjain [14:39] prateekjain: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [14:39] ok [14:40] see i want to tell one thing to all u friends [14:40] see as soon as i break a law [14:40] i get warnings from all over the place [14:40] but when i ask a query,,i am shown the door [14:41] http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ prateekjain please read this thanks [14:41] i mean i dont get answer..though i should thank eagles and scorpoin [14:41] i dont think i have broken any conduct [14:41] bazhang: plz help me [14:42] let me explain why all the main channels are english only [14:42] for one, if we'd all speak our native languages there, there would be too much traffic. That's why there's channel for each loco and each language [14:43] and you can freely use hindi, arabic, finnish, you name it, in a one dedicated to it [14:43] Myrtti: i dont have any prob with eng [14:43] i ahve a prob WITH MY kubuntu [14:43] HELP [14:43] prateekjain: Answers are not always available, you need to be patient. [14:43] prateekjain: if the topic is in english, and other people speak in english in the channel, then you should probably speak english. If you can't, or prefer not to, the suggested alternative is to find a support place in your language of choice - not to try to change the language of an existing channel. [14:43] prateekjain, you need to read that coc and take it to heart; please become a valued member of this community thanks [14:43] for the second, we've got strict rules about the conduct that we expect every user to have [14:44] * Pici quiets up, thinks too many people are talking [14:44] bazhang: do you honestly think he'd undersatnd that, if he seems not to understand that this is a support channel? [14:44] bazhang: hey [14:44] i got it [14:44] if you speak a language we don't understand, we assume the wors [14:44] sorry [14:44] t [14:44] my fault [14:44] okay Hobbsee [14:45] bazhang: i'm sure there's a better way of putting it, but the point still stands :) [14:45] you were asked, I believe, not to speak hindi in #kubuntu, n'est pas, prateekjain? [14:45] bazhang: the #kubuntu channel is not working and this channel opened so i came here...i a am sorry [14:45] Myrtti: The first issue was offtopic conversation actually. [14:45] Myrtti; so i stopped it [14:45] so, here we are then [14:45] Pici: how do i gain access there [14:46] oh i cant ask questions here since its not as support channel.. [14:46] prateekjain: You were muted because you insisted on continuing an offtopic (and non english) conversation even after multiple warnings. [14:46] Pici: oh. [14:46] well [14:46] how can i be unmuted [14:46] so you need to show us that you understand the rules [14:47] that there's a place for offtopic discussion, and a place for discussion in hindi [14:47] Myrtti: and how can i show you i understand and respect the rules [14:47] and neither is #kubuntu [14:47] OK! [14:47] i wont speak hindi or offtopic again [14:48] Myrtti: thats not cool..seriously [14:48] goaah, I hate these brightlite whatever laptop screen [14:49] I'm typing blindly, can't see a thing [14:49] prateekjain: Well, those are the rules, so you can either respect them, or go elsewhere for support, its your choice. [14:49] prateekjain, your tone will only prolong this [14:49] Pici: i said before...i respect them [14:50] !guidelines | prateekjain [14:50] prateekjain: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [14:50] what should i do to be unmuted [14:50] please read that [14:50] i read them [14:50] ok [14:50] /me thinks we need a quiz module with pop quiz about the irc guidelines [14:51] :-> [14:51] ok [14:51] i read them thanks [14:51] red [14:51] ubottu: u r a bot? [14:51] Factoid u r a bot? not found [14:51] ubottu: u are alive? [14:51] Factoid u are alive? not found [14:52] prateekjain: yes, she is a bot [14:52] prateekjain: it is a bot [14:52] ok [14:52] sorry, she [14:52] wow [14:52] how how do they make it [14:52] hamsters [14:52] magic [14:52] magic hamsters [14:52] very [14:52] how..java [14:52] or c [14:52] python [14:52] and pixie dust [14:53] eggdrops are tcl [14:53] they add thousands of IF THEN ELSE [14:53] if query='how to install ubuntu' [14:53] then {'get a cd') [14:53] like this [14:53] so, if someone with an oppage at #kubuntu would say the final word [14:54] since I'm still typing blindly and i don't have oppage there [14:54] Myrtti: i dont understand the meaning of oppage [14:54] Myrtti: u cant see! [14:54] prateekjain: you don't need to [14:54] jdavies: still around? [14:54] prateekjain: very badly [14:54] prateekjain: It means that she cannot remove the mute [14:55] Pici: but why [14:55] prateekjain: I'm not sure it was mentioned before, but #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic are the general chatter channels. Please keep the others primarily on support. :) [14:55] i have read the guidlines [14:55] prateekjain: Because she was is not as all powerful as we all think she is [14:55] prateekjain: the mute is removed [14:55] i am not chatting offtopic or non-english now [14:55] PriceChild: yeah [14:55] oh thanks [14:56] [14:56] jdavies: I removed the mute, thought you'd disappeared and hope its ok :) [14:56] I'm not omnipotent ;___; [14:56] PriceChild: sure thing :) [14:56] after all this can you tel me how can i PM ppl here [14:56] prateekjain: /msg nickname message [14:56] so that others are never disturbed [14:56] !register [14:56] By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [14:57] ubottu: I like you bot [14:57] Factoid i like you bot not found [14:57] prateekjain: anything else we can help you with? [14:57] /msg prateekjain test [14:57] PriceChild: i typed it...but it doesnt seem to work [14:59] /msg prateekjain test [15:00] Myrtti: thanks [15:01] Myrtti: i have a query can u help? [15:01] n=ei04090@aulas-i-p2.fe.up.pt raca in main channel (now gone) [15:02] bazhang: jrib took care of it? [15:02] DJones called the ops in #ubuntu (kompi03) [15:03] woo [15:03] Pici, j davies did [15:12] anyone else used chanserv.py? what is the abbrev for mute? m is whois [15:14] bazhang: m should be mute according to the source. [15:14] if comm in ['m','mute']: [15:15] Pici, so /cs m nick? [15:15] bazhang: That should work [15:15] thanks Pici :) === gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak [17:24] n=nospam@pontiacil-244.illinois.prairieinet.net quasarrichter [17:26] jdavies: had a comment a week or 2 back that the spanish factoid was slightly wrong (grammatically) - did you see that? [17:27] jussi01: L.L last changed it, will check later [17:27] ok [17:27] !-es [17:27] es aliases: spanish, espanol - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 01:16:12 - last edited by LjL on 2008-03-26 15:54:26 [17:35] yay it shows last edit now [17:35] !-love [17:35] love has no aliases - added by Amaranth on 2006-10-14 07:45:34 [17:35] guess that never got changed [17:39] !love [17:39] Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. [17:40] Amaranth: because its one of the best factoids we have... [17:40] hehe [17:40] not better than the because....satan one though ;] [17:41] hmm, 07:45 UTC [17:41] i may have been drinking [17:41] bazhang: which one? [17:41] ubottu why you do this to me? [17:41] * ubottu because...............................Satan. [17:41] bazhang: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:42] haha [17:42] heh [17:42] yay broken english [17:42] !why do you do this to me? [17:42] jussi01: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:42] !why you do this to me? [17:42] Amaranth: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:42] hrm... [17:42] weird [17:43] might be a plugin... Joejaxx fault I guess... [17:43] anything with why and ? [17:43] @why [17:43] * ubottu because...............................Satan. [17:43] @why bazhang [17:43] * ubottu because...............................Satan. [17:43] haha [17:44] I might have to do somerthing about that one... [17:44] oh noes! [17:44] .... [17:44] @why [17:44] * ubottu because...............................Satan. [17:44] ok... [17:44] @why | jdong [17:44] * ubottu because...............................Satan. [17:44] aww. [17:44] ubottu: why? [17:44] Factoid why? not found [17:44] @when [17:45] @list alias [17:45] Pici: add, lock, newcouch, remove, satan, slap, unlock, and why [17:45] @newcouch jdavies [17:45] because jdavies can buy another one [17:45] @satan [17:45] * ubottu invokes.............Satan. [17:46] hehehe [17:46] @slap [17:46] * ubottu slaps with Joe Jaxx's Large Swedish Fish Candy [17:46] well that tells you who did it :P [17:46] @unlock a door [17:46] jdavies: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [17:47] @whoami [17:47] bazhang: bazhang [17:47] ;] [17:48] @slap Amaranth [17:48] * ubottu slaps Amaranth with Joe Jaxx's Large Swedish Fish Candy [17:49] @42 [17:49] @jeffk [ newcouch [ why ] ] [17:49] * ubottu becuase becuase...............................Satan. can buy anothar one [17:49] hahaha [17:49] we once crashed ubotu with these things [17:49] Yes [17:49] ok, youve had your fun... [17:49] we were making combos of like 20 commands [17:49] @unload Alias [17:49] jussi01: The operation succeeded. [17:49] jussi01: filter too [17:50] @list filter [17:50] Amaranth: Error: 'filter' is not a valid plugin. [17:50] @list Filter [17:50] Amaranth: Error: 'Filter' is not a valid plugin. [17:50] @filter [17:50] i unloaded it already [17:50] * Amaranth confused [17:50] Amaranth: filter is rainbow, gnu, jeffk, etc [17:51] oh [17:51] what is jeffk? [17:53] Amaranth: Something Awful editor, makes the text pretty much unintelligible [17:54] oh, neat [17:54] Hello Amaranth I like cheese and crackers returns Hellllo Amaratnh, I lliek cheese adn crackesr [17:54] and gnu? [17:54] Gnu/Hello Gnu/Amaranth Gnu/I etc [17:54] hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [17:54] * Amaranth Gnu/Shuts Gnu/Up [17:55] god that humor stinks. someone open the GNU/Windows. [17:56] In #ubuntu, soundray said: ubottu, no, burn is CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), brasero, gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [17:57] burn [17:57] !burn [17:57] CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [17:58] !burners =~ s/gnomebaker/gnomebaker, brasero/ [17:58] I'll remember that Pici [18:08] xcdroast is not GNOME :P [18:08] oh, it seems to use gtk2 now instead of tk [18:11] same stupid app though [18:15] In #ubuntu, bigtimer121 said: ubottu: how is it going [20:15] In #ubuntu, llll said: !Myrtti here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/11162/ [20:15] lol [20:15] Always causing trouble.... [20:19] In ubottu, Some_Person said: fps is To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal. [20:19] .... [20:20] To run irssi, run irssi in a terminal. [20:20] In ubottu, Some_Person said: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [20:21] In ubottu, Some_Person said: glxgears is To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal. [20:23] In #ubuntu-irc, o0Chris0o said: !foo is bar or @foo is bar [20:23] In ubottu, Some_Person said: foo is bar [20:24] Whats the difference between ccsm and simple-ccsm? [20:24] I've go no idea [20:24] other than they apparently come in different packages? [20:25] Some_Person: ^ [20:25] !info compizconfig-manager [20:25] Package compizconfig-manager does not exist in hardy [20:25] !info compizconfig-settings-manager [20:25] compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.4-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 594 kB, installed size 3928 kB [20:25] simple-ccsm is the package that allows the "Custom" desktop effects in the Appearance manager in Hardy [20:25] The other no longer does that [20:25] oh? [20:26] !no ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [20:26] I'll remember that Pici [20:27] ^ [20:27] !no ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [20:27] I'll remember that Pici [20:27] stdin: Thanks [20:28] Some_Person: I dont really see the point of !glxgears [20:28] glxgears -printfps is an invalid command [20:30] glxgears is often used to make sure that the video card is properly set up because it tells you the FPS in a terminal [20:30] Some_Person: ah [20:30] I didnt even realize we already had that factoid. [20:30] !glxgears =~ s/ -printfps// [20:30] Nothing changed there [20:30] !glxgears =~ s/ \-printfps// [20:31] !glxgears [20:31] To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal. [20:31] !fps =~ s/ -printfps// [20:31] I'll remember that Pici [20:31] !-glxgears [20:31] glxgears is fps - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 21:55:05 [20:31] !fps [20:31] To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal. [20:32] stdin: Heres a good feature the bot should have: if you try to apply a regex to an alias, have it edit the original factoid [20:33] maybe, but that's harder than it sounds ;) but possible I guess [20:33] stdin: I dont know if you're going to be doing new features, or only fixing the bugs so it 'works' [20:34] Pici: I plan on doing both [20:35] !helpersnack | stdin [20:35] stdin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [20:35] I've already added @sync for the lazy and cron-impaired :p [20:35] @hug jussi01 [20:36] but that was just to see if I could [20:37] and lost of @help stuff [20:37] and where is my cookie? [20:37] and the last edited [20:37] jdavies: you dont deserve one :P [20:38] :-( [20:38] ok.. [20:38] I think I fixed the addressing thing too [20:39] ubottu: foo [20:39] bar [20:39] yep [20:39] :D [20:40] the code to do that assumed the bots nick was always 5 chars, so it wasn't too hard to fix [20:42] * jussi01 sighs at the holyhandgrenade botabuse in -bots [20:48] long live Monty Python [20:48] In ubottu, Some_Person said: ufw is Uncomplicated Firewall is included, but by default disabled, in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy). To enable, type 'sudo ufw enable'. For more information, see 'man ufw'. [20:50] !ufw [20:50] Factoid ufw not found [20:50] !firewall [20:50] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [20:50] !search ufw [20:50] ufw is a frontend for iptables [20:50] Found: [20:50] isn't ufw a frontend to iptables? [20:50] indeed [20:51] as is firestarter and so on [20:51] but ufw is included in ubuntu [20:51] yes... [20:57] I think it at least deserves mention, as it's purpose is to make iptables easier to manage, which it accomplishes in my opinion, and it is included in ubuntu, which is why I submitted it. [21:00] Pici: ^ [21:37] !info ufw [21:37] ufw (source: ufw): program for managing a netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.16.2 (hardy), package size 22 kB, installed size 204 kB [22:05] can we get ubottu in -uk? [22:22] jussi01: ^ [23:04] ubottu: join #ubuntu-uk [23:04] Factoid join #ubuntu-uk not found [23:04] stdin: ^ [23:09] jussi01: yeah, it still does it though [23:10] ubottu: whoami [23:10] stdin: stdin [23:10] Factoid whoami not found [23:10] jussi01: like that [23:10] does ubottu not have a cloak? [23:11] nope [23:11] :( [23:11] it must be cold without one [23:13] stdin: there is much going on now with bots and such ( and some other ubot* don't have Ubuntu cloaks, either ) [23:14] nalioth: I was thinking more of a @unaffiliated/jussi01/bot/ubottu cloak for now [23:15] but that's up to jussi [23:17] stdin: such as ubot3 has? [23:17] yeah [23:25] Myrtti: What am I, the official factoid editor? [23:27] Why can't it just get an ubuntu/bot/ubottu cloak? [23:28] Pici, yes [23:32] Pici: a) you do it so magnificently, dear, b) we love you, I love you, let's get married? c) please \(ö_ö)/ [23:34] Amaranth: because we don't want it to be official bot, dear [23:34] Myrtti: Err [23:34] Amaranth: yes, I know [23:34] What one _do_ we want to be an official bot? [23:34] it is de facto official [23:35] we are working on the bot situation [23:35] Amaranth: the one $higher_power_with_better_resources runs [23:36] nalioth is going to setup a bot? [23:36] Myrtti: Fine ;) [23:36] Amaranth: i've had ubot3 running for a long time now [23:36] At this point any 'official' bot is going to have to use ubottu's database [23:36] as they should [23:38] Amaranth, it is not official until it is official - let's sit back and watch the floor show [23:39] Amaranth, there are comments during the last while about not having an official bot in the hands of a person - it has to be on "common hardware" [23:40] perhaps from the ultimate answer, in some canonical format [23:40] or some such [23:40] - is it obvious I am a little tired ;-) [23:40] ompaul: hush, you said the magic word [23:41] s/canonical/$higher_power_with_better_resources/ [23:42] though, of course, the default value for that variable is the beforementioned one ;-) [23:43] the truth lies here [23:43] hehehe [23:45] the problem with the default value is that although now it basically rolls in money, I'd like to see the bot on Ubuntu space, not C space [23:46] it could [23:46] companies come and go, people with passions for a certain thing forming a community don't [23:46] they last forevah! [23:46] Myrtti, a bit of both tbh [23:47] Myrtti, when you hear someone say "rebranding" say "I got three letters for ya, IBM" [23:47] +1 [23:48] well, the bot is oss, anyone can host it, but it'd be more reliable if it was hosted on some uber-computer somewhere [23:50] * mneptok would strongly suggest not doing any bot movement planning anytime soon [23:52] Myrtti: the problem is that communites never run anything. motivated individuals inside that community do. which means another Seveas situation. [23:52] /me looks around, doesn't see any boxes or u-hauls around [23:53] Myrtti: look above my neck. there's yer box. [23:57] so if canonical wont host it, you need hosting that is paid for by the group, with multiple people with access [23:57] Seeker`, or a nominated group of more than one [23:58] such as... can you guess? [23:58] tadah [23:58] irc council [23:58] or irc team [23:58] /me rolls [23:58] Myrtti, no no beware of the rick [23:59] /me drops on the floor, whinces