
mcisbackukHi I've just installed Xubuntu Hardy, it seems it hasn't picked up my ATI Radeon 9200 drivers, although Ubuntu 8.04 does...any suggestions??02:07
mcisbackukHow do I install them anyone?02:09
ere4si!ati | mcisbackuk02:10
ubottumcisbackuk: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:10
mcisbackukere4si: That might be fine for me, but what about the other users hunting for the same thing, when Ubuntu manages to find it fine? I've reported it as a bug anyway02:13
ere4sigood idea02:13
mcisbackukThanks anyay, I'll have a look :)#02:14
Chrysalisive been trying to mount 2 partitions, but sudo fdisk -l is not listing them, not is sudo mount -a mounting anything03:11
Chrysalisnot is*03:12
Chrysalisnor* damn it03:12
Chrysalisam i missing something?03:13
Chrysalisnm, got it, guess it doesnt show till i mount03:30
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rakethey folks07:16
rakethow can I mount a flash drive in xubuntu?07:16
raketI am in recovery mode, and the thing won't mount automatically07:17
jarnosHello. I want to remove kubuntu-desktop, but I can not remove kio-umountwrapper due to an error. How do you remove it?07:54
zoredachewhat is the error?07:57
jarnoszoredache: I used apt-get to remove, it gives much text, but I guess this is the error: "dpkg: error processing kio-umountwrapper (--remove): subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2"08:00
birohi all, is it possible to reorder the applications on the taskbar?08:02
jarnosbiro: I don't know but I recommend using "Always group tasks" in the properties. BTW it may be hard to get in editing of task list properties, if there are a lot of apps open.08:12
zoredachejarnos: that would indicate there is a bug in the post removal script.  Depending on how advanced you feel you could go look at the script and try figuring out what is broke08:14
jarnoszoredache: I don't even know where the script is.08:15
zoredachetry running sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/kio-umountwrapper.postrm purge  pastebin the results or post here if they are short08:15
zoredache"sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/kio-umountwrapper.postrm purge"08:16
jarnoszoredache: /var/lib/dpkg/info/kio-umountwrapper.postrm: didn't understand being called with `purge'08:17
zoredachewhat was the error you got?08:18
jarnoszoredache: that was the only output the command gave.08:20
jarnoszoredache: or do you mean the apt-get command?08:20
zoredacheso this is the exact error message copy&pasted?   'didn't understand being called with `purge'08:21
zoredachebtw what release/architecure?  hardy & i386?08:22
Assidim trying to use the xbox xubuntu iso, however, i had a question08:23
Assiddoes vnc start up by default?08:24
Assidcause i dont have a keyboard/mouse on that08:24
jarnoszoredache: yes.08:26
zoredacheah... the script is being stupid08:27
zoredachetry running it like this -- "sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/kio-umountwrapper.postrm remove"08:28
zoredacheor if you are completely getting rid of kde you could do something hackish08:30
jarnoszoredache: http://pastebin.ca/101250208:32
zoredacheusing a command like this would overwrite the postrm script and force it to return report that it has been removed properly  -- sudo sh -c 'echo "exit 0" > /var/lib/dpkg/info/kio-umountwrapper.postrm'08:33
zoredachethe postrm script doesn't look like it is doing anything important so getting rid of it is probably safe08:33
jarnoszoredache: now the apt-get command gives "dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-removal script: Exec format error"08:38
zoredachehrm.. just delete it maybe08:42
zoredachesudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/kio-umountwrapper.postrm08:42
jarnoszoredache: That did it! I suppose there is bug somewhere.08:45
daftpun1good morinig08:50
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larsensenhi guys09:59
larsensenehiehi someone there?10:08
larsenseni need a little help10:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:09
Iskr_is there a way to remove update notifier from system tray?10:09
jbur2Got disconnected.  Sorry.10:09
TheSheepIskr_: yes, go to settings->setting manager->autostarted applications10:10
jbur2repost:  How does one enable compiz as the default window manager for Xubunut?10:10
jbur2For all the users10:10
TheSheepjbur2: you'd make a session file in /usr/share/xsessions/10:10
TheSheepjbur2: one that starts compiz instead of xfwm410:11
jbur2thanks I'll try doing that10:13
larsensenok, yesterday i've installed 8.04 to a friend, no problema at all. after downloaded the updates, i putted a second hd expecting that disk manager appear, but nothing append and i haven't found it nor via apt...10:17
larsensenhow can i find disk manager in xubuntu? is in by default like i think?10:19
TheSheeplarsensen: settings->setting manager->file manager->advanced->volume management10:21
larsensenah thank you, i will check it10:21
larsensenbye guys10:24
GryzorXHello, has anyone installed xubuntu-desktop with apt-get? My Xfce4 session is not starting. I get a cyan background. Under Gnome everything works (thunar, xfce4-panels, etc.) I've thrashed user/.Xfce4-* with no success. I've removed (sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop) and reinstalled it using aptitude but nothing changed. This is 8.04LTS. Thanks.10:53
suriroGryzorX: did you solve it?11:13
GryzorXsuriro: nope :(11:13
surirowhen the login screen appears, switch to console ctrl-alt-f1, login11:14
GryzorXsuriro: i just get this "blank" (well, it's cyan) screen. The same i get with gnome, only that gnome loads a few secs later.11:14
GryzorXLet me try that, i've got the box right beside me.11:14
suriroGryzorX: is this not like xfce hangs and never starts thing?11:15
GryzorXok, I'm on text login.11:15
GryzorXI'd love to see a log or something11:15
GryzorXIf i start gnome, and then run thunar, or even xfce4-panel it works.11:15
GryzorXIn fact, yesterday, it started once! (without me touching anything afaicr)11:16
suriroGryzorX: so the issue is xfce session hangs mostly with a blank backgeound, right?11:17
GryzorXbut the thing is, i login, select Xfce4 session and Xfce4 doesn't start. (I have to ctrl-alt-backspace )11:17
surirook, issue the following on console11:17
surirokillall screensaver11:18
GryzorXsuriro: as far as I understand, yes. It hangs and the background is the "standard" background (which I changed from brown to blue)11:18
GryzorXno proc killed. :S11:18
surirops ax|grep screensaver11:18
suriroany output?11:18
GryzorXaye, i've got pid 11653 with gnome-screensaver11:19
GryzorXshall I kill that one?11:19
GryzorXjust a sec11:19
GryzorXkill -15... it's gone11:19
surirook, ctrl-alt-f7, retry login11:19
holyguyver_Now I know that it came presetup with a cups/as pdf printer driver, but it doesn't allow me to choose a different name or location for the file. Is there any way for me to configure it to let me, or does anyone know of a different pdf diver that does?11:20
GryzorXsuriro: hmm not working either; however, I switched to text again and gnome-ssaver was there again...11:21
suriroGryzorX: sudo apt-get remove gnome-screensaver11:22
GryzorX(I made sure that it got killed, but it reapeared)11:22
GryzorXsuriro: now that's what I call a : "get the heck outta here darn ssaver" ;)11:22
GryzorXsuriro: hang on a sec, will do just that.11:22
suriroGryzorX: you can reinstall later11:22
GryzorXsuriro: yeah, not that I really care 'bout those ssavers.11:22
GryzorXsuriro: ok, gone. Now trying to login again11:23
GryzorXsuriro: you're a genius :)11:24
GryzorXsuriro: is this a bug or a "my system only" thing?11:24
GryzorXsuriro: thank you very much :)11:24
suriroGryzorX: gnome stuff is causing deadlock on some configurations, I'm not entirely sure this is repeatable everywhere11:25
GryzorXsuriro: multithreading is a killer thing :S11:26
surirono, in this case gnome-screensaver is grabbing DISPLAY and  not releasing it for xfce11:26
surirobut I managed to recover after pressing ctrl-alt-bkspc and retrying login on my laptop11:27
GryzorXsuriro: ops. Bad ssaver. I had a gnome ssaver, that's true. I'll just leave it at "black screen"11:27
GryzorXsuriro: yes, in fact, yesterday while I was trying stuff, it logged in once and i was.. WTF?11:27
GryzorXsuriro: because the moment I logged off, it stoped working. (by the way, will try that right now) ;)11:28
GryzorXsuriro: now works fine :)11:29
GryzorXi like xfce4 :))))11:29
suriroi suppose this is like a timing issue, gnome-screensaver should not start before xfwm11:29
GryzorXsuriro: true, it has nothing to do there until a window manager is alive and well.11:30
suriroon some boxes it always does, and the only way to recvoer is to remove gnome-screensaver.11:30
GryzorXi won't install it again, i really don't need it. (ssaver i mean)11:31
suriroxscreensaver plays nice with xfce AFAIK11:31
GryzorXyeah, will configure that one.11:33
s_artsGryzorX: i like xfce4 too.11:43
TheSheepxfce has an important role of keeping the gtk apps cross-desktop11:44
holyguyver_Well I will try asking again: Now I know that it came presetup with a cups/as pdf printer driver, but it doesn't allow me to choose a different name or location for the file. Is there any way for me to configure it to let me, or does anyone know of a different pdf diver that does?11:45
flotishu firestarter problem since i removed it , then instaled kmyfirewall. removed it. and reinstalled firestarter. http://pastebin.com/m723ea818     some apps like firefox or etherape are not runing too.  help?11:46
GryzorXs_arts: yeah, it's nice. Tho I liked the old style CDE like panel that old versions had. :)11:47
s_artsWell, in theory you could make it look like that again.11:47
holyguyver_yeah just tell it to not extend it11:49
GryzorXthat's true11:57
GryzorXstupid question, is it possible to drag an item from the menu to the panel (like in gnome)?12:00
holyguyver_I don't think so12:01
GryzorXwhat would be the best way to add a program then? Just adding a launcher and finding the binary file in the filesystem?12:02
holyguyver_That is what I do12:03
GryzorXholyguyver_: :S that's ugly, but I can live with it. :)12:04
holyguyver_Sorry that I couldn't be of more help, I am relatively new at all this myself12:06
GryzorXholyguyver_:  :) no problem. THanks anyway.12:07
holyguyver_Now perhaps you can help me with my problem, it is : Now I know that it came presetup with a cups/as pdf printer driver, but it doesn't allow me to choose a different name or location for the file. Is there any way for me to configure it to let me, or does anyone know of a different pdf diver that does?12:08
TheSheephmm... I can select the location of the file in the print dialog12:08
holyguyver_I am on Gutsy12:09
TheSheepI don't htink it changed recently12:09
s_artsGryzorX: the answer is, holyguyver_ is correct and please submit a feature-request for xfce.12:09
holyguyver_O thank you s_arts, where do I go to submit that? :)12:10
GryzorXs_arts: could you please provide me with a link to that? (if you have it handy, otherwise google is my friend)12:10
holyguyver_GryzorX yes if you could submit that for me I would be greatful, because I do not feel that I would be very adaquit at submitting a feature request12:11
GryzorXi'll do it. :)12:11
TheSheepholyguyver_: http://atos.wmid.amu.edu.pl/~sheep/shot.png <-- like this12:11
holyguyver_thesheep yes12:13
TheSheepholyguyver_: there are fileds for selecting the file name and location, under the printer list12:14
holyguyver_TheSheep I see that you have it set up slightly different so let me try configuring it to the way you have it12:14
holyguyver_TheSheep, well on xfce (not sure what you are running it looks very different when I try to do that12:16
TheSheephmm... I might have installed something additional :/12:17
holyguyver_TheSheep if you're running xfce then your xfce is vista to my xfce's win9512:18
GryzorXholyguyver_: quite a metaphor you threw there… :)12:20
TheSheepholyguyver_: what do you mean? it's just a style and some icons12:20
holyguyver_No it looks completely different, is there any way I can show you a screenshot?12:21
GryzorXholyguyver_: i just went to my print dialog, and I've got two options (as I've no real printer): Print to File (which looks much like TheSheep's dialog) and PDF. If I use Print To File, i can put the pdf wherever I want.12:22
holyguyver_TheSheep I just offered to send you a screenshot of mine, did you get the request?12:24
TheSheepholyguyver_: yes12:24
holyguyver_GryzorX Yes it does allow me to, but it looks nothing at all like his12:24
TheSheepholyguyver_: let me see12:25
holyguyver_TheSheep I sent it, so you did not get the send request?12:25
TheSheepholyguyver_: I did, I'm copying it to my desktop now12:25
holyguyver_See TheSheep my print to file thing looks nothing like yours :p12:27
TheSheepholyguyver_: argh, I forgot to accept the connection :)12:27
holyguyver_there I am sending it again12:28
TheSheepholyguyver_: that's a file selection dialog12:29
TheSheepholyguyver_: you can navigate with it and you can enter the file name in the field at the top12:29
holyguyver_TheSheep well that is what comes up when I click "print to file"12:29
TheSheepholyguyver_: in what application?12:29
holyguyver_firefox when I click on print12:30
TheSheepholyguyver_: the dialog I showed you comes when you click on print12:30
holyguyver_mine does too12:30
holyguyver_the one I showed you came from when I click print12:30
holyguyver_See yours is the vista to my win95 but linux & xfceifided :p12:31
TheSheepholyguyver_: you forgot to install xubuntu's default gtk theme12:32
holyguyver_O that might have done it :p12:32
holyguyver_but I installed it from a xubuntu install CD12:32
TheSheepand you didn't change anything?12:32
holyguyver_I changed the theme12:32
holyguyver_I changed it to Redmond12:33
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GryzorXthat ought to explain why your's look like Win9X12:33
holyguyver_:p LoL12:33
TheSheepRedmond = Microsoft HQ12:34
holyguyver_GryzorX but I am right now on a 1998 Gateway with a 4GB harddrive & 90MB ram.12:35
GryzorXThat also explains why you had that "strange" (if anything) taste :)12:35
TheSheepholyguyver_: murrine, the default gtk theme, is actually pretty fast12:35
GryzorXDoes (x)ubuntu has anything like System Profiler in OS X? (to see the hardware)12:36
TheSheepGryzorX: lshw12:36
holyguyver_Yes it does12:36
holyguyver_Yeah I was going to say that12:36
holyguyver_GryzorX & that is a terminal cammand12:37
GryzorXi'm on a Pentium M 1700Mhz with 512Mb Ram12:37
GryzorXyeah, I figured that out12:38
holyguyver_I am on a PentiumIII12:38
GryzorXPentium® power :)12:38
holyguyver_Yeah I know what you mean my PC before this was a 1995 PentiumI12:39
holyguyver_One day I wish to have enough money to buy a new computer & one of those new fangled flat monitars, mine is like a foot deep/thick.12:40
holyguyver_(foot as in USA messurments)12:40
GryzorXIf it works, don't fix it :)12:40
holyguyver_well lots of my hardware is on the linux driver remove because old & obsolete list, so perhaps I should upgrade.12:41
holyguyver_My sound card is on the remove for obsolete list, & my bios are marked as "past cutoff date"12:42
GryzorXmy linux box is this Toshiba notebook that a friend of mine discarded.12:42
GryzorXbut works like a charm with linux12:42
GryzorXMy main box is a Macbook pro, so I use both OSes :)12:43
holyguyver_Well so far this 1998 is the newest computer I have ever owned12:43
GryzorXat least you have one holyguyver_ ;)12:43
whileimhereI was wondering about the autostarted appliations. Is that like the GNOME services dialog?12:43
GryzorXI don't know much 'about xfce4 but it looks like the same stuff.12:44
holyguyver_I don't know, I have never used it12:44
holyguyver_I pronounce it x-face is that currect?12:44
whileimhereCan I uncheck the print Queue Applet and Restricted Drivers Manager if I dont use a printer and well I dont have any restricted drivers other than the old style 56K modem.12:45
GryzorXi'd say x-f c e. (spelling out letters)12:45
GryzorXbut I'm not a native english speaker.12:45
holyguyver_Well I know I pronounce gnome wrong, I pronunce it nome, but I don't care :p12:46
Ben_Csfor some reason on hardy, vlc doesn't show subtitles. anyone knows how to fix it?12:46
GryzorXwhileimhere: i think that you can safetely uncheck those if you don't use them.12:46
holyguyver_yeah use smplayer instead :p12:46
Ben_Csholyguyver_: vlc is light and supports almost all formats12:48
Ben_Csholyguyver_: but i'll give your player a try12:48
whileimhereThis is not really a poll okay. I was used to using Sound Juicer to make my ogg files from my CDs. I would like to switch to something lighter on here. Is there anything out there?12:48
holyguyver_smplayer is heavy, but also supports almost all formats :p12:48
holyguyver_this heavy advise coming from someone using a 98 :p12:49
holyguyver_my computer freezed up well playing mp3s :p12:49
whileimhereWell I have to run right now. BBL12:50
holyguyver_yes my computer even freezes well playing mp3s in xmms :p12:50
holyguyver_So maybe my advise on playing movies is not the best :p12:51
Ben_Csholyguyver_: this player is really bloated. still vlc is the best one. and anyway i would use mplayer instead of smplayer cause ther's no need in that bloated coat12:59
holyguyver_I agree, it is a bit bloated, well which every one works for you :)13:01
holyguyver_Ben is complaining about bloat...hmm he must be on a 93 computer :p13:03
flotishufirestarter problem since i removed it , then instaled kmyfirewall. removed it. and reinstalled firestarter. http://pastebin.com/m723ea818     some apps like firefox or etherape are not runing too.  help?13:12
TheSheepflotishu: try uninstalling it with --purge and installing back13:15
flotishuwith --purge or with -purge ?13:15
flotishuTheSheep i did that already13:15
TheSheepand there was no /etc/firestarter after you did?13:16
flotishuwhen i --purged ?13:17
flotishui reinstalled it now. and its $ cd /etc/firestarter13:18
flotishuuser1@computer1:/etc/firestarter$ ls13:18
flotishuwhat does non-routables mean any way?13:20
TheSheepno idea13:20
TheSheepnever used firestarter13:20
flotishu_ firestarter problem since i removed it , then instaled kmyfirewall. removed it. and reinstalled firestarter. http://pastebin.com/m723ea818     some apps like firefox or etherape are not runing too.  help?13:26
suriroflotishu_: you have to configure firestarter, it displays a GUI dialog after those no such file errors..13:35
flotishu_no. it doesnt13:36
surirotry starting it from menus, under apps>internet I suppose13:37
flotishu_ firestarter problem since i removed it , then instaled kmyfirewall. removed it. and reinstalled firestarter. http://pastebin.com/m723ea818     some apps like firefox or etherape are not runing too.  help?14:00
flotishu_how to send a message on a windows client machine ?14:09
Stroganoffwhat kind of message?14:12
benny__hello. for some reason ntfs-config doesn't ask me for password and doesn't give access to make changes. please help14:15
=== benny__ is now known as Ben_Cs
daftpun1Could some1 tell me where can I find startup script?15:16
daftpun1there is one applet that is asking for access to default keyring and I have to enter the password everytime i turn my comp on15:17
daftpun1is it possible just to add it there on startup?15:17
daftpun1hi anybody here?15:34
TheSheepdaftpun1: no15:36
Stroganoffdaftpun1 you could add the applet to sudoers15:37
B1gT1meDoes xubuntu generally recognize 2gig RAM?15:48
TheSheepbdude99999_: it does recognize my 2 gigs15:49
TheSheepbdude99999_: sorry15:49
TheSheepB1gT1me: it does for me15:49
B1gT1meTheSheep: Thanks--I'm getting one of those ASUS eee micro-notebooks and want to switch out the OS and upgrade the RAM15:50
bdude99999_I am looking for someone to create an xubuntu or ubuntu liveCD for me.  i need it customized.  willing to pay for itś development15:51
TheSheepbdude99999_: ubuntu has paid support, you can check the canonical.com website for details15:52
TheSheepbdude99999_: there is also a really nice graphical tool for doing it, so maybe you'd manage to do it yourself15:53
bdude99999_ive tried many times to do it myself, and the cds never work.  so i am looking for someone to create it for me15:53
daftpun1Stroganoff are you still here? sorry, add it where?15:56
daftpun1Stroganoff i am useless with linux , i used it for 3 days for the mo. Where can I find sudoers?15:57
TheSheepB1gT1me: I'm not entirely sure, but the Asus EEE bios might have some kind of a lock on the memory15:58
B1gT1meTheSheep:  Apparently the default Xandros OS only recognizes 1GB RAM (the machine ships with 512)--but other Debian distros recognize 2gig16:00
daftpun1Does anybody know how to set password for default keyring so i'ts not asking for it every time I log in?16:30
daftpun1Or can I just change it to blank?16:30
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=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
jburdHow does one completely remove xubuntu?17:58
jburdI have ubuntu installed already.17:58
jburdRemoving xubuntu-desktop will remove only the meta package.17:58
jburdOr reconfigure xfce417:59
jburdI have no window decorator.18:00
jburdAnd while compiz --replace in a session works, editing /etc/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc to use compiz instead of xfwm4 didn't work.  Restoring it back to xfwm4 doesn't restore the decorator back now either.18:02
lucife1hello. Last night I was watching a Veoh movie from A website and the browser got stuck. when I restarted the pc the top and bottom panel was missing. even when I restarted again and again the top and bottom panel didn't appear. so I had to install Xubuntu again. What shall I do if something like this happens again?18:04
daftpun1hi everyone18:20
daftpun1i wanted to remove default keyring so it doesn't ask me for a password everytime I login, and I've done quite a lot of damage to my system18:21
daftpun1I had to delete both files involved in this gdm and gdm-autologin18:22
daftpun1does any1 know how to recover them?18:22
daftpun1can I just reinstall keyring package?18:22
gnomefreaktry xubuntu-desktop18:29
daftpun1do you mean reinstall it?18:31
gnomefreakdaftpun1: yes18:36
gnomefreakdeci: it should bring all depends back in18:36
gnomefreakif its installed use apt-get to remove it and aptitude or apt-get to install it18:37
gnomefreakdaftpun1: sorry that is for you18:37
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=== Roy is now known as Roy_Mustang
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser19:14
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:14
Roy_Mustanghow should i do to get Flash Player to work on Opera? i've done: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree , afeter download and install, Opera can't play any flash element ..19:24
chi11yhmm, where is restricted-manager in xubuntu 8.04?20:07
chi11yjockey-gtk isn't helping me getting my nvidia geforce 2 card running :(20:08
Genesisyo guys, im running xubuntu with fluxbox, and i somehow loading into my xfdesktop, and i was wanting to know how i would lock the screen through the terminal?20:37
Genesisim running 8.04 if it matters?20:38
Genesiscan any1 help me?20:44
h4mx0rhow can I use xfdesktop with fluxbox?20:48
Stroganofftry my script if you want to combine different lightweight desktop parts:20:49
h4mx0rwhen I try to put "exec xfdesktop &" it won't let me reach fluxbox menu, some things are "locked". and I got lot of extra things like mcs manager, xinit, bashes20:50
h4mx0rStroganoff: nice, what are sharp fonts?20:52
Stroganoffusing the same fonts as in winxp-classic20:53
h4mx0rStroganoff: looking very good, have you ever thought of writing a book?20:53
Stroganoffi'm planning to write some pages of illustrated manual, yes20:54
h4mx0rthey look good but is there some sort of font rendering speed or advantage?20:54
Stroganoffif yes then minor20:56
h4mx0rare they proprietary or something?20:56
Stroganoffgrey zone20:57
Stroganoffthey are released as freeware20:57
h4mx0rStroganoff: ah crap how do I go back a menu I forgot to check something21:04
Stroganoffpress ctrl+c rapidly21:05
Stroganoffand begin anew21:05
Stroganoffsry :D21:05
h4mx0rlol np21:06
h4mx0rit lists network manager, does it do anything new with network manager because I'm not happy with default one21:07
h4mx0rhow come you put swiftfox instead of swiftweasel?21:07
Stroganoffno it doesnt21:07
Stroganoffwas the first one that caught my attention21:08
Stroganoffi dont recommend swiftfox though21:08
Stroganoffuntil fx3 is mature21:08
h4mx0roh k21:08
thinkmassiveI just setup NFS on my server and I my client is failing with "RPC Error: Program not registered"21:09
thinkmassivefrom what I've read, this could be due to not having permission in /etc/hosts.allow but I listed my entire subnet there, and I don't see any related messages in /var/log/messages21:10
Stroganoffthinkmassive i'd ask in #linux21:11
h4mx0rlmao! "Default applications: Instant messenger Which file manager do you prefer Pidgin Multi-protocol IM aMSN MSN client"21:11
h4mx0rStroganoff: microsoft network for file managing, darn windows what will they think of next :/21:13
h4mx0rwhat does klogd do?21:14
thinkmassivearrghghghg joining #linux is crashing my irc client, what an excellent friday afternoon21:15
blust66hi , have download last iso image ..but nero refuse to burn on dvd ..there workaround?21:15
blust66..last cd img21:15
thinkmassiveh4mx0r: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/405821:15
h4mx0rblust66: if your on windows right now use isorecorder21:15
h4mx0rStroganoff: does this "script" have an uninstall and/or can it be upgraded past 8.04 when time comes?21:17
Stroganoffit can be upgraded21:17
h4mx0rI just don't want to go all unstable and break something21:18
stevethefiddleIs this the place to seek help with Xubuntu problems?21:18
Stroganoffyes stevethefiddle21:18
stevethefiddle1st time using IRC, so sorry if I do things wrong here21:18
Stroganoffh4mx0r i wouldn't expect it to go unstable21:18
h4mx0rstevethefiddle: no prob, what client you using?21:19
thinkmassivewhy does that matter?21:20
stevethefiddleI've upgraded to 8.10 and have lost desktop icons for other partitions21:20
h4mx0rme too :)21:21
h4mx0rit pisses me off how pidgin doesn't support the up arrow history function when on irc21:21
stevethefiddleFAT32 and NTFS partitions are mounted and I can read/write21:21
stevethefiddlejust no desktop icons21:21
h4mx0rumm there is no 8.1021:22
stevethefiddlenot i "Places" either21:22
Stroganoffstevethefiddle that problems seems to be common in hardy21:22
stevethefiddleoops 8.0421:22
h4mx0rstevethefiddle: umm common problem open settings and choose desktop then uncheck and recheck allow xfdesktop to control desktop hope it works21:22
Stroganofflook up fstab arguments for write support. add the mountpoints to your thunar bookmarks. apart than that, i dont know21:22
h4mx0rStroganoff: your scripts skype download is slow as mud :(21:23
Stroganoffh4mx0r thats the medibuntu repo21:23
Stroganoffbtw that script was supposed to be run on a bare command line installation (using the alternate ubuntu iso)21:24
h4mx0rtoo late now muahaha21:24
stevethefiddleWill try that h4mx0r - looks like I need to log out and back in again?21:27
h4mx0rwell I stopped it, was just downloading stuff. Do I need to finish it?21:27
h4mx0rstevethefiddle: why would you do that?21:27
stevethefiddleJust checking/unchecking that box does nothing21:27
stevethefiddlemessage says that changes will be when i next log in21:28
h4mx0rwell that's incorrect message21:28
h4mx0rwhich box you checking?21:28
h4mx0rAllow xfce to manage the desktop one?21:29
stevethefiddle"Allow Xfce to manage the desktop"21:29
h4mx0rstrange it never said that to me21:30
h4mx0rwell goodluck21:30
h4mx0rI'm going to go mess with my system21:30
stevethefiddleWell i know how to get here now - I'll be back :D21:30
stevethefiddleI'm trying to get my desktop icons for hdd partitions - they disappeared after upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 - Disks are mounted ok, but not showing on desktop or in "Places" - I hear this is a common problem, but has anyone solved it?21:37
thinkmassivedeja vu21:38
stevethefiddledeja who?21:40
thinkmassiveall over again :-P21:41
stevethefiddleI'm new to this IRC thing - 64 people in room, but only me and thinkmassive showing up in conversation - is that 'cos everyone else is busy elsewhere or what?21:43
thinkmassiveyeah people mostly idle in here... mostly21:43
thinkmassivetry #ubuntu also, a lot more activity there21:43
thinkmassiveyou can join multiple chan's at one21:43
thinkmassiveat once21:43
stevethefiddleoh - so people have their irc client open, are logged in, but not looking?21:44
stevethefiddlek :)21:44
stevethefiddlewill try logging into ubuntu21:44
thinkmassive /j #ubuntu21:45
stevethefiddlecheers - got it21:46
stevethefiddleIt was suggested that I run gconf-config, but that's for gnome isn't it?22:00
stevethefiddleany point installing it for this problem in Xubuntu?22:00
stevethefiddlei read that gconf-config is not recommended way to change settings22:02
stevethefiddletried Google - nothing. tried the ubuntu forum - nothing, tried #Xubuntu irc - nothing so far22:04
stevethefiddleanywhere else to look for help?22:04
thinkmassiveyou can always post on a forum and be patient22:05
stevethefiddle3 days so far22:06
stevethefiddlefound similar posts from weeks ago with no replies22:06
thinkmassivewell 8.04 was just released a week or two ago22:07
thinkmassiveI guess two, since it was April22:07
stevethefiddleyes, 2 weeks - i guess i exagerated a bit :)22:08
stevethefiddlestill can't find any info about it though22:09
stevethefiddlewas hoping someone here might have some ideas22:09
stevethefiddlelet's try another one:22:12
stevethefiddleError message from Browse C:/Drive (Wine) "Failed to open URL "~/.wine/drive_c".22:13
stevethefiddleThe URL "~/.wine/drive_c" is not supported. "22:13
thinkmassivewhat browser are you using?22:13
thinkmassivewhere does that error appear?22:14
stevethefiddleGot WINE installed - Applications menu > Browse C:/Drive22:14
stevethefiddleThunar should open but get error message instead22:15
stevethefiddleseems to be a problem with "xdg-open"22:15
stevethefiddleIf I run "xdg-open ~/.wine/drive_c" in a terminal window, the directory opens fine22:16
stevethefiddleIf I type "xdg-open ~/.wine/drive_c" in a command line (Alt+F2) I get the error22:17
thinkmassivereplace ~ with /home/<username>22:18
thinkmassivewhere <username> is your username22:18
stevethefiddleThe desktop configuration file "Browse C: Drive" has the line "Exec=xdg-open ~/.wine/drive_c"22:19
stevethefiddleK - I'll try that22:19
stevethefiddleNo - just the same22:20
thinkmassivedo you have ~/.wine ?22:21
stevethefiddleIf I tick "Run in terminal" I also get the line "Error showing url: The location or file could not be found." come up in the terminal window22:21
thinkmassivesounds like something is missing22:21
stevethefiddlethe folder ~/.wine is present22:22
stevethefiddleit opens if i type xdg-open ~/.wine/drive_c directly into a terminal window22:23
thinkmassiveoh, xdg-open "opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application" so maybe you haven't defined your preferred app in 8.0422:24
thinkmassiveoh I see, but it doesn't work from console (ctrl+alt+F2)?22:24
stevethefiddleAlt+F2 - no that's correct22:25
thinkmassiveoh alt+f2 is "run program"22:25
stevethefiddleJust tried "xdg-open /home/user/.wine/drive_c" and that works22:26
thinkmassivethat's what I told you to try a while ago22:26
stevethefiddle(my user name of course022:26
thinkmassivewhy can't you just use that?22:26
stevethefiddleI guess i must have made a typo the first time22:27
stevethefiddleYes I can use that22:27
stevethefiddleI'll try editing the desktop configuration file22:28
OlgemWill xubuntu run on my non-i686 compatible CPU? Its a VIA C3 Samual 2, which is missing some opcodes such as CMOV, and is only i586 compatible. I thought that since xubuntu is made to run on older hardware the devs might compile it as flat i386.22:29
thinkmassivethe iso I got is for i38622:30
braxquestion for anoyone listening... I do not see a build of Xubuntu 8.04 for PPC... is there any way to run it on a PPC?  or do I need to use 6.01?  I am running Ubuntu 8.04 on my ppc, but would like to switch to Xubuntu.  Any thoughts?22:30
Olgemthinkmassive, many distributions like i386 but when they actually are compiled for newer i686 CPUs.22:30
OlgemBrax, why don't you just install xfce-desktop or whatever metapackage provides xfce? That would be easier, I dont think they provide PPC ISOs anymore.22:31
thinkmassivebrax: http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=42771422:31
thinkmassivewhy would they list an incompatible architecture?22:32
Olgemthinkmassive, i686 is backwards compatible with i386, but i386 CPUs are not forwards compatible with i686 software.22:32
stevethefiddleback again22:32
OlgemWhen I try and boot a i686 ISO on my computer, it does a hard reboot.22:32
stevethefiddlethanks thinkmassive - that worked22:33
thinkmassiveexactly, why would they mislabel something i386 when, in fact, it is i686?22:33
OlgemI think I heard that ubuntu uses a i386 compiled userland but an i686 kernel. Something along those lines.22:33
OlgemI don't really know, this is why I'm asking. :X22:34
thinkmassiveOlgem: I would just try it22:34
thinkmassiveI see no reason to label something wrong22:34
thinkmassiveI finally got NFS working, stupid firewall issue22:35
OlgemWell, I've tried it with xubuntu 7.04, and it does a hard reboot for that reason, as with ubuntu and kubuntu. I was hoping possibly maybe a new release might have brought about some changes as xubuntu seems to be targetted at older hardware.22:35
thinkmassivedid you try a release labeled i386 or i686?22:36
OlgemIts been a while, but do they really have seperate ISOs for i386 *and* i686?22:36
thinkmassiveI haven't seen any for i38622:36
thinkmassivei686, sorry22:36
braxI will check that stuff out guys.... Thank you!22:37
thinkmassiveOlgem: you might need to use the alternate install cd if you have less than 128mb of ram22:38
OlgemI have 512mb of ram, I use the alternative install anyway to set up encrypted LVM22:38
Olgemhere is an interesting thread about it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36766522:38
OlgemWell, I guess thats not the right one.22:39
thinkmassivehave you tried booting xubuntu?22:39
OlgemOn an old release, and it had failed to boot.22:40
thinkmassiveI dunno, try the new one and see if there's an issue22:40
thinkmassiveif there is, then start troubleshooting22:40
thinkmassiveno point in trying to solve a problem that doesn't yet exist22:40
thinkmassivesorry I'm not more help now, but until you try there's nowhere to go22:41
thinkmassiveand I'm getting out of the office, later on!22:41
OlgemThe only way I can trouble shoot would be to master my own ISO and recompile the entire base distro as <i585 :(22:41
braxanyone off hand remember the fix to that funky graphics issue with Xubuntu 8.04... the display is all jittery?22:55
C|-|R15any know why windows (minimised) do not show on the workspaces? kind of fustrating and makes forget windows open but minimised.....ideas any one?22:56
C|-|R15is it just a workspace panel resolution issue?22:58
C|-|R15guess no one about today23:02
braxIs Xubuntu meerly just a absolute copy of the Ubuntu build with a slipstreamed Xfce windowmanager, or has some of the kernel been tweaked etc?23:06
Odd-rationalebrax: the former...23:08
Odd-rationalei believe the kernels are identical23:08
braxjust figured it would be a bit faster on a PPC laptop23:11
C|-|R15its a little faster than normal ubuntu on an old laptop....im using xubuntu on 533mhz laptop23:15
C|-|R15brax....ubuntu seems better if you then use lxde23:16
C|-|R15sorry xubuntu installed then with lxde23:17
braxwhat is lxde?23:19
Odd-rationalebrax: Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment23:20
Odd-rationaleI like it!23:20
C|-|R15lightweight X11 Destop environment23:20
C|-|R15kind of like gnome on crack....23:21
C|-|R15makes things smoother and faster on my old 533mhz machine im using now23:21
C|-|R15probably gnome on speed....not crack.....LOL23:22
braxis there anything that needs to be configed to fire that up?  Or is it launched by default?23:22
C|-|R15you just need to add to the sources.list then apt-get23:22
C|-|R15install then when you go to log in choose that from option23:23
C|-|R15I have then written on paper here....I can type them in if you want23:24
C|-|R15but i'm using gutsy.....8.04 would not seem to install23:25
C|-|R15(L)ubuntu would be very nice! if and when it gets round to that23:25
Genesisyo guys, how can i lock my screen through terminal?23:27
C|-|R15combined I used PCManFM another lightweight file manager which again can install from apt-get once you add address to sources.list23:28
C|-|R15but at the moment i'm using xubuntu as normal..so depends on your laptop as if you can get away without lxde23:29
C|-|R15it did it this way as could not really get into DamnSmallLinux23:29
C|-|R15after using ubuntu for years23:30
C|-|R15my current specs that I'm using at this very moment are: laptop 533mhz - 192MB ram - 6gig HD, and guessing 16MB or maybe 32MB graphics (if lucky) and xubuntu running fine...slow....but fine for resurrecting old laptop from M$ 95 devil23:33
Genesiscan any1 help me?23:33
C|-|R15so that help you Brax?23:33
C|-|R15whats problem genesis23:37
Genesishow can i lock my screen through terminal23:37
Genesiscause im running fluxbox, and im in a xfdesktop23:37
Genesisso i dont have the poweroff button to lock it, and Control Alt L doesnt work23:37
braxC|-|R15, yes.. than k you so much!23:38
braxI will check it out23:38
Odd-rationaleGenesis: you need either gnome-screensaver, or xscreensaver.23:38
Genesisi downloaded x screensaver23:39
Genesisbut how do i lock it using that?23:39
Odd-rationaleGenesis: for xscreensaver, it is "xscreensaver-command -l"23:39
Genesisacorn@DeNub:~$ xscreensaver-command -l23:39
Genesisxscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.023:39
C|-|R15cannot go wrong with (x)ubuntu brax...best distro23:39
Odd-rationaleGenesis: start screensaver first23:40
Odd-rationalexscreensaver &23:40
Genesiso ok23:40
braxwell... I am more used to running the Core's or Gentoo... this is the first time I am playing with a *buntu23:40
Odd-rationaleGenesis: you can start screensaver in your ~/.fluxbox start up file.23:41
Odd-rationalei think the line was "xscreensaver --no-splash &23:41
Odd-rationaledon't quite remember...23:41
Odd-rationalebeen a while since i used fluxbox...23:42
braxI wanted to run Fluxbuntu... but I there was nothing pre-built for the ppc... so I decided to try xubuntu23:42
C|-|R15once you convert there's no going back...lol....I was mandrake, then suse for a little..all the while with ubuntu at side.,...and stuck with it now...gets better and better23:42
Odd-rationaleI found Arch. Been liking it so far...23:42
C|-|R15xubuntu has never gave me any problems...and like i said im on a piece of crap machine....lol23:43
Genesisi used slackware for a while, then got a more powerful pc23:43
Odd-rationalefirefox took forever to load up on my xubuntu machine...23:43
C|-|R15yeah is slow to boot, but once up seems fine23:44
Genesislol, that sounded like wen i tried ubuntu for a whole day <_>23:44
C|-|R15but having 533mhz hard to compare23:44
Odd-rationalegot to go eat...23:44
C|-|R15Puppy was nice on my even older machine23:44
C|-|R15but would not install properly onto hard drive and so has to boot from cd each time....perhaps newer version is improved23:45
sponixwhat is AWN, and has anyone tried it ?23:56
jamiejackson<jamiejackson> after upgrading to ubuntu hardy, some user profiles hang just after login. how do I kill/troubleshoot?23:56
jamiejackson(xubuntu that is)23:57
jamiejacksonhmm, quit's same as gnome ctrl-alt-bs23:59
jamiejacksonbut why might the profiles be hanging?23:59

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