
jerememine is a sweeeeeeeeet 9600 from 199800:00
jeremeor 2002 more likely00:00
andragogood night guys00:00
jeremecya andrago00:00
andragoI am going to crash Xs00:00
draikdwidmann_laptop: Thank you. It worked out for me. :) Much thanks00:01
dwidmann_laptopdraik: no problem :)00:01
andragohey, it works00:01
andragoI can change to console and come back to the X00:02
dwidmann_laptopbrb, restarting X00:02
jeremethanks to fglrx locking up on exit, I learned about Alt+SysReq SUB00:02
jeremeI wonder how many people who just quit typed Alt+SysReq SUB after I typed it :)00:05
dwidmann_laptopThere we go, touchpad is so much more responsive now ... and my video device is now my 22" LCD :)00:05
norman_xHi out there! Does anybody know, why a UMAX S-12 SCSI Scanner is not recognized by xsane 0995? Under Ubuntu and Sidux it runs without any problem. Sorry for my bad english!00:06
=== kewark is now known as krawek
norman_xsorry, I forgot, I use Kubuntu 8.04 with kde3.5.900:07
dwidmann_laptopnorman_x: is it listed on here? http://www.sane-project.org/sane-supported-devices.html00:11
norman_xdwidmann_laptop: yes, it is listed. It runs under Linux since years, with Ubuntu/Kubuntu 7.10 no problems, also no problems with sidux and opensuse00:12
dwidmann_laptopnorman_x: I'd say check around on  bugs.launchpad.net and see if you can find anything about it. Hardy has brought in quite a few new problems. I've got a couple computers that won't be upgrading to Hardy anytime soon seeing as KDE's printer support is messed up :\00:14
dwidmann_laptoperm, yeah and/or maybe, I'll compile a vanilla kde 3.5.9 and find out maybe.00:17
norman_xdwidmann_laptop: thanx. where can I find bugs.luanchpad.net? Sorry, I never was there00:17
dwidmann_laptopnorman_x: http://00:18
norman_xdwidmann_laptop: ok, thanx00:18
norman_xCrunchyFerrett: test too ;-)00:18
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
WalzmynOk, if i try to login with any user other than primary, I get a screen full of pretty colored numbers and letters and have to hold down the power key to get out - any thoughts?00:25
norman_xdwidmann_laptop: have a solution for my scanner problem: when I start xsane as root, it reconizes my scanner. Wich group my user must join or with port I have to chown for solving that?00:26
avihaybHowdy folks. can any of ya all tell me if ya know what to do if the taskbar dissapears on ya in that fancy whatchamcallit KDE4(.0.3 I belive) that you get with the new distribution? the darn thing just dosn't appear when I try to log in...00:28
BluesKajavihayb, ask the folks at #kubuntu-kde400:30
Walzmynavihayb, it was my understanding that panel hidding was not yet implimented in kde4 - sounds like you have a larger issue00:30
avihaybI'ts not a hideing issue, I've seen some unanswerd posts on da web. at first I thought I messed too much with em fancy indirect renderers/compositor framework thiingamajig, but I think it's somth else00:32
ForzaPalermohey guys, i just did a fresh install of kubuntu 8.04 w/ kde4 but my volume keys wont work on my laptop? any ideas00:32
ForzaPalermoi ran xev, and do show that they keys have an output when pressed  eg  XF86AudioLowerVolume00:33
BluesKajForzaPalermo, try in #kubuntu-kde400:33
Makuserui have a device hooked up to my computer, the device is serial, and i have a serial to usb adapter comming from it, so its plugging into a usb port, and the program im using this device with wont autofind the device, it asks me what port its on, how can i find this out to enter it in?00:34
sacha_Makuseru: lsusb00:35
=== josivan is now known as josivan__
ForzaPalermoanyone know how to install the mplayer plugin without installing firefox3 in adept00:43
ForzaPalermoi have it installed manually a lready, it wants the ones in the repos as a requirement?00:43
temoto_alt40How do i view VLC on secondary display?00:43
temoto_alt40Perfectly i want to show one virtual KDE desktop on primary monitor and another v.desktop on secondary.00:44
naught102anyone using ff3 in hardy and notice that check boxes and radio buttons don't show when active?00:51
CrunchyFerrettnaught102: I've noticed that.00:52
CrunchyFerrettI just ignore it and keep moving00:52
naught102yeah... it gets a bit annoying though.. surely there's some fix...00:52
* siofwolves went back to ff200:52
=== kewark is now known as krawek
jeremenaught102: select boxes too00:58
WalzmynForzaPalermo, mplayer plugin for what?01:01
ForzaPalermoi have 3 installed already manually01:02
ForzaPalermobut it wants to install the one from the repos when i want to install the plugin01:02
WalzmynForzaPalermo, ah. hmm, I don't think you'll be able to do that01:02
WalzmynForzaPalermo, the plug-in package is going to require the F3 package and you can't tell the database it's already there01:03
ForzaPalermoWalzmyn, i used to be able to01:03
Walzmynf3 = ff301:03
ForzaPalermoive always done it this way01:03
Walzmynreally? huh. I would not have thought it was possible01:04
ForzaPalermoyeah it used to just put the plugin in a directory, and that would flow through a simlink where i needed it01:05
Walzmynsee if you can just download the plugin and install it without apt-get01:07
Walzmynsorry, yer outta my league here, i just installed FF3 with apt01:07
naught102CrunchyFerrett:, jereme: either of you using tabmix plus?01:10
temoto_alt40How to make KDE3 taskbar show only icons of active tasks, not titles?01:11
temoto_alt40I want big icons like in MacOSX or like BlackBox option.01:12
CrunchyFerettnaught102: If I am, I dont know about it.01:12
ForzaPalermowhere can i get just the plugin?01:12
WalzmynForzaPalermo, google is your friend01:12
Walzmyntemoto_alt40, just so you're not being ignored, i've no idea01:13
temoto_alt40Walzmyn, if you have ideas on forcing two rows of icons in tray bar?01:13
avihaybtemoto_alt40: I have a way that sometimes works...01:14
temoto_alt40avihayb, what is it?01:15
Walzmyntemoto_alt40, you using kde 3 or 4?01:15
temoto_alt40Walzmyn, 3.01:15
avihaybIn configure punnle, I choose a costume size, put the old value+ 1 and apply untill the icons fit into two lines, then i decrease the size untill it's what I want or the icons merge into one line01:16
avihayb*panel *until01:16
avihaybworks in bouth k3andk401:16
temoto_alt40Walzmyn, i tried to install XGL and compiz and it was really slow, something with ATI drivers i guess, but i didn't manage to run it normal. And i tried KDE4 at the very that time so it was slow too, i don't know if it will run fast enough now and didn't try yet. But eventually i will try to upgrade to KDE4.01:16
temoto_alt40avihayb, thanks.01:17
avihaybtemoto_alt40:  did it work?01:17
temoto_alt40avihayb, yes, thanks again.01:18
matt123hi! does anyone know which files to delete to reset plasma?01:19
avihaybbtw, with old ATI cards (and I mean ol'e) what's the best driver to run?01:20
avihaybspecificly ATI RADEON ALL-IN-WONDER 7100 or 720001:23
jeremethe legacy driver01:23
jeremeI think it's just called ati01:23
jeremea radeon card might just use the fglrx driver01:24
jeremeeven if it's old01:24
GhittsumI lost my desktop when I boot up my linux box.  How do I get it back?  I get something to the effect of kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot...; then I get a login prompt01:24
jeremesounds bad01:24
MimiThats not an error01:24
jeremeyou don't have a disc in the drive or anything do you?01:24
GhittsumI know it isn't01:24
avihayba day or so after upgrading kubuntu , it decided I (on it's own I might add) that it's time to switch from ATI to FGLRX...01:25
GhittsumI wish I knew what to ask to go and look for answers, but I dont01:25
jeremeavihayb: well fglrx is the preferred driver if your card supports it01:25
MimiGhittsum,      when you login on that black screen, type      sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start    (if you have ubuntu, not kubuntu)01:26
GhittsumI have kubuntu gusty gimp or whatever01:26
jeremesudo /etc/init.d/kdm start for kubuntu01:26
jeremesince this is a kubuntu channel01:26
Mimithen kdm, like jereme01:26
jeremegutsy gibbon?01:26
MimiOOPS!!! i forgot I left #ubuntu xd! sorry!01:26
Ghittsumthanks, I will try01:27
mocoxkalguien q sepa perl y expresiones regulares q me pueda ayudar por favor =D01:27
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:27
Ghittsumit says kdm is already running, but it isn't in my process list01:28
avihaybjereme: how would I know if my card support it? save the it dosn't work at all?01:28
jeremehere's what once was a list of supported cards01:30
jeremeah, here's a maintained list01:31
jeremeI don't see your card on it01:31
jeremeit looks like support for your card was suspended01:31
jeremeyou either need to run the 'ati' driver01:31
jeremeor find an old copy of the fglrx driver, pre 8.40.401:32
Ghittsumwell, I guess I could just reformat and start over again01:32
avihaybnither do I, but I rememberd I have torcs installd by taking to ya, and I get a 10 FPS boost, so I guess it's better? old fps was 20ish...01:33
GhittsumI almost have a routine for everything I need to put a webserver together...I've done it a couple times now.01:33
jeremethere is an open source driver for radeon cards, not sure what it supports01:33
nosrednaekimit supports 3d accel on most older cards01:34
Ghittsumis there somewhere I can go and pay for help?01:35
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org01:35
jeremeGhittsum if you can't start kdm, I imagine your xorg.conf is blown somehow01:36
jeremethat's a wild shot in the dark though01:36
GhittsumI just left it sitting a couple days, came back and no more desktop01:36
jeremethat's odd01:36
jeremeif you didn't change anything01:36
jeremeyou _might_ have a hardware issue... another shot in the dark though01:36
Ghittsumcan i sudo dkpg-reconfigure xorg.conf?01:36
GhittsumI replaced the hard drive with another one, my old seagate from my xp box01:37
BluesKajGhittsum, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:38
Ghittsumok, I'll try that01:38
Ghittsumxserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed01:40
HermanChessis kubuntu 8.04 as it is, stable?01:41
Odd-rationaleHermanChess: the kde3 version? is rock solid01:41
temoto_alt40Can i speed up adept GUI?01:41
BluesKajwith kde3 yes01:41
HermanChessand how bad is it with kde 4?01:41
Odd-rationaleHermanChess: somewhat incomplete...01:41
temoto_alt40Select new package to install in adept and i wait 2-6 sec before it actually sets the flag.01:42
HermanChessoh, I'm downloading kubuntu right now, it's not good to hear that01:42
NickPrestaHermanChess, Kubuntu comes with 3.5.9 as the default, unless you're downloading the KDE4 remix01:42
HermanChessso I'll get the same old interface?01:43
NickPrestaHermanChess, you will be presented with KDE 3.5.9. You can choose to install KDE4 if you wish01:44
ubottuKubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 3 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported01:44
Covenax0rhola que tal01:44
NickPrestathanks Jucato01:44
HermanChessI see01:44
NickPresta!es | Covenax0r01:44
ubottuCovenax0r: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:44
temoto_alt40Anybody can watch IPTV?01:48
Ghittsumwell, here goes reformatting01:50
Ghittsumwhat doesn't make any sense to me is that I can start kubuntu from the cd01:52
GhittsumI have to install it again to get anywhere....but it loads01:52
FenixReignwhat does it do without booting live?01:52
Ghittsumcommand prompt01:52
Ghittsumit does normal boot01:53
jeremeghittsum: what if you login and just type01:53
jeremedo you get a blank X windows screen?01:53
GhittsumI haven't got that far, I restarted with the install disc in the dvdrom01:54
jeremeGhittsum: oh, I'm trying to help you avoid a reinstall01:54
jeremebut if you're on the way...01:54
GhittsumI really don't want to start over again01:55
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GhittsumI get tired of reinstalling everything01:55
FenixReignanyone help me try and get a creative card working??01:55
Ghittsumtyping 'X' or 'x' doesn't do anything01:55
Ghittsumwell, it returns error01:55
jeremewhat error?01:55
jeremeif it's long, put it in a pastebin01:55
Ghittsumwith 'X' it says /etc/X11/X is not executable01:56
Ghittsumwith 'x': -bash: x: command not found01:56
jeremetype ls -al /etc/X11X01:56
jeremeshould be uppercase only01:56
jeremeI'm sorry01:56
jeremels -al /etc/X11/X01:56
Ghittsumyeah, I got that01:57
jeremepaste what it returns01:57
GhittsumI did the last above01:57
Ghittsumls -al /etc/X11/X01:57
GhittsumI got a listing01:58
jeremeI need to see the lsisting01:58
jeremeerr listing01:58
jeremeGhittsum: I need you to paste what that command returned... you might be very close to a solution01:59
Ghittsumlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2008-04-21 23:07 /etc/X11/X -> /usr/bin/Xorg01:59
Ghittsumsorry, it02:00
Ghittsumit's on my other box02:00
jereme /usr/bin/Xorg02:00
nosrednaekimyou want "startx"02:00
jeremenosrednaekim: he should be able to just run X02:00
jeremenosrednaekim: startx calls X02:00
nosrednaekimyes... and sets a ton of stuff previous to that....02:00
nosrednaekimsome of which I am sure is essential.02:01
Odd-rationalejereme: if he is using konversation, he could just do: /exec cmd ls /etc/X11/02:01
jeremeOdd-rationale: he's working on another box02:01
Odd-rationaleoh. i see...02:01
Ghittsumusing xchat on my winders box02:01
jeremenosrednaekim: you can simply start X...  you'll just get a blank screen02:01
* Mimi licks the persons on the channel as a "Hello"02:02
jeremeGhittsum: if you 'ls -al /usr/bin/Xorg'02:02
jeremeGhittsum: what are the permissions?02:02
GhittsumI will try02:02
nosrednaekimhello Mimi :)02:03
Ghittsumumm....no such file or directory02:03
jeremethere's your problem02:04
Ghittsumcan I sudo apt-get Xorg?02:04
GhittsumI dunno where it went02:04
jeremesudo apt-get install xserver-xorg02:04
Ghittsumwhat could cause it to go away?02:04
jeremesometimes an apt-get upgrade will do the damndest things and remove things you needed02:05
nosrednaekimbetter would be "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"02:05
nosrednaekimdo get everything02:05
jeremethis may not be a simple solution, if you have a package conflict that caused this02:05
jeremeGhittsum: actually yes, try what nosrednaekim said first, then try what I said if the kubuntu-desktop package is already installed02:06
GhittsumI went ahead and jumped the gun on what you said, jereme02:06
Ghittsumsorry, I got up and went to do it02:06
jeremeGhittsum: then do what nosrednaekim said next :)02:06
Ghittsumthanks guys, I appreciate the troubleshooting02:07
jeremehey I hope it works02:07
Miminosrednaekim,  when I read your name, it sounds like random letters to me, but I always read it as Red Nose Skin lol02:07
jeremeI hate to see someone reinstall linux to make it work02:07
jeremethat's a windows tactic02:07
jeremeMimi: Mike Anderson02:07
jeremeMimi: nosrednaekim is Mike Anderson in reverse02:08
MimiIm bad at simple word puzzles ;p02:08
GhittsumI'm glad you guys are passionate about linux02:08
nosrednaekimpeople call me "red nose" and "redneck"02:09
MimiYeah sorry you're having troubles with it :(02:09
Ghittsumit's ok, I'm very green stepping into this different type of computing environment02:09
GhittsumI presume when it's done getting apts, I can just shutdown and reboot?02:10
jeremelinux, when used right is more stable and more sexy than windows... I get much greater productivity out of my kubuntu box than any windows machine I've ever used02:10
jeremeGhittsum: it'd be worth typing X again to see if does anything02:10
MimiGhittsum,  yes but you shoudlnt need to reboot ,  i think,02:10
nosrednaekimGhittsum: hum, question, I haven't been flowing really, but you aren't on the liveCD are you?02:10
jeremeyou could just do02:11
jeremesudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart02:11
jeremeanother linux versus windows trick02:11
jereme99% of the stuff done in linux doesn't require a reboot02:11
jeremeunlike windows02:11
Ghittsumnosred, no, I'm not using the liveCD02:11
nosrednaekimok.. good :)02:12
jeremehey Ghittsum, I gotta jet... but I think you're on the right path02:12
GhittsumI'm on the screen with a patterned background and an 'X' cursor....I presume its loading02:12
Ghittsumthanks jereme02:12
* Mimi watches as jereme takes flight02:12
GhittsumI appreciate the help02:12
jeremeGhittsum: what did you type to get ont he screen you're on?02:13
nosrednaekimGhittsum: thats good enough.... hit ctrl+alt+backspace02:13
nosrednaekimthen "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"02:13
jeremeand what nosrednaekim said02:13
jeremeand you should be in business02:13
* jereme crosses fingers02:13
nosrednaekimjereme: that jet winding up still ? :P02:13
* Mimi tries hard to untangle jereme's fingers02:14
jeremeI'm taxying the tarmac02:14
Mimilol im sorry im so bored and i love this channel >.<02:14
jeremehow in the crap do you spell taxying02:14
nosrednaekimone i I think02:14
jeremethat's something else02:14
nosrednaekimhrm.. no02:14
jerememust be taxiing02:14
nosrednaekimtaxiing then02:14
Mimiwell its not actually a word, its one of those made up verbs from works, so i think youre ok02:14
jeremeoh true Mimi02:15
jeremewell if it's made up02:15
Mimiwhy not taxyizing02:15
jeremethen I'm spelling it taxeeying02:15
jeremebecause I can02:15
jeremeGhittsum don't forget to tell us if it worked when you're up and running :)02:15
GhittsumYAY!  it's logging me in.  :D02:16
MimiI hope it doenst look ugly lol02:16
billydI gots to try to get half Gutsy/ half Hardy system to all Hardy when I get my CD's.  Think I might want to be here whne I try to pull my pokers out of the fire02:16
Ghittsumthanks guys and possibly any gals for your help02:16
MimiHow come his  kde wasnt working in the first place?02:16
jeremeMimi: some of his packages were somehow gone02:17
nosrednaekimMimi: X had been removed02:17
jeremeincluing xserver-xorg-core02:17
Mimiafter a hardy upgrade eh? nasty...02:17
jeremenah, I think he's on Gutsy02:17
jeremeI'm outta here... have a good weekend all02:17
nosrednaekimwe have lift off of jereme!02:18
Mimihave a good weekend02:18
NewBernerhi all02:20
NewBerneranyone know samba?02:21
NewBerneroic a samba channel02:21
Mimi have you tried #samba   ??02:22
MimiThere's 120 something people there02:22
MimiWhere are the pink unicorns?02:28
CrunchyFerettwhere does kubuntu store drivers?02:28
nosrednaekimCrunchyFerett: as kernel modules02:29
CrunchyFerettyeah, but where?02:29
CrunchyFerettin the fs02:29
nosrednaekim /usr/src/linux/modules maybe?not sure02:30
CrunchyFerettperhaps I should rephrase02:30
CrunchyFerettI made a new b43.ko file.02:31
CrunchyFerettI want to replace the existing b43 with my new one.02:31
wirechief-intellook at .so files in /usr/lib/packagename02:31
CrunchyFerettwhere would I find the existing one, so that I can delete it, replace it, and reboot02:31
wirechief-intelCrunchyFerett: just do updatedb then locate *.ko02:32
wirechief-intelif the name is b43.ko just do a locate after you do the updatedb02:33
ubottuFactoid updatedb not found02:33
wirechief-intelok so its sudo updatedb02:33
CrunchyFerettits /lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/02:34
leo_rockwhola #kubuntu what's up?02:35
nosrednaekimhey leo_rockw02:35
wirechief-intelCrunchyFerett: if you use locate you can find anything.02:35
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: just remember to updatedb02:36
leo_rockw(idk what are you guys talking about anyway... lol)02:36
wirechief-intelwell not needed if you havent made any changes02:36
CrunchyFerettwirechief: awesome tip man02:36
leo_rockwi think there's a cron job for that anyway02:36
CrunchyFerettso to unload the module, I use modprobe -r b4302:36
wirechief-intelCrunchyFerett: your on your way to really learning linux now.02:37
CrunchyFerettIma tryin02:37
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: why are you unloading b43?02:37
wirechief-intelthat one command will be a big assest02:37
CrunchyFerettleo_rockw: I made a new one with a patch. so Im swapping it02:37
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: ooo, ok. what's in the patch?02:37
leo_rockwand... is there any difference between modprobe -r and rmmod?02:38
wirechief-intelCrunchyFerett: best rename it before you overwrite save as a .bak so you can recover if needed02:38
CrunchyFerettpacket injection. (and no, not for the reasons that Im sure immediately spring to your mind)02:38
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: i don't know what packet injection is... so nothing comes to my mind lol02:38
nosrednaekimleo_rockw: they are the same I think02:38
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: i was just wondering because i'm using b4302:38
leo_rockwnosrednaekim: oh, ok. thanks02:38
CrunchyFerettits a wep attack method for breaking wep keys02:38
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: oh, nice. if it works maybe it would be nice to make the code available so security improves02:39
* wirechief-intel puts wep key under the door mat02:39
* leo_rockw uses mac filtering and wep key02:40
CrunchyFerettleo_rockw: not my work. www.latinsud.com/bcm02:40
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: thanks for the url, i'm going to take a look and see if i understand what it does.02:41
adudeanybody here have experience with amarok?02:41
p_quarlesadude, lots of people here02:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:41
CrunchyFerettoh dear02:42
CrunchyFerettI seem to have missed a critical step somewhere02:42
billydNo - y biggest learning thing in Amarok was each statio had ot be clicked AND LOADED02:42
adudei'm trying to access my mp3 player from amarok how do i do it?02:43
CrunchyFerettHow do I compile a single kernel module without have to compile all of them?02:43
ubottuFactoid modutils not found02:44
nosrednaekimsomethngs like that command ^^02:44
leo_rockw!info modutils02:44
ubottuPackage modutils does not exist in hardy02:44
p_quarlesadude, what kind of MP3 player?02:44
wirechief-inteladude how are you connecting  the mp3 player through the trs jacks ?02:44
leo_rockw!info module-init-tools02:44
ubottumodule-init-tools (source: module-init-tools): tools for managing Linux kernel modules. In component main, is important. Version 3.3-pre11-4ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 73 kB, installed size 324 kB02:44
adudea samsung YP-Z502:44
p_quarlesadude, does it support MTP, mass storage, both or neither?02:45
CrunchyFerettty leo02:45
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: yup... i might take a look into that too. i'm working on a custom kernel.02:45
p_quarlesadude, have you tried hitting "autodetect" from the Amarok configuration >> devices menu?02:45
CrunchyFerettnifty! n02:46
CrunchyFerettThats even installed already02:46
CrunchyFerettmust discover how to use it02:46
adudenot yet02:46
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: all my linux does so far is panic (it's a linux from scratch)02:46
CrunchyFerettlol leo02:46
p_quarlesadude, well that's the first step -- try that; if it doesn't work it's relatively easy to configure it manually02:46
CrunchyFerettleo_rockw: I dont see module-init-tools in my GUI, so I assume its command line?02:47
CrunchyFeretthow do I access it"?02:47
nosrednaekimCrunchyFerett: I think you need to google up a tutorial sir :)02:48
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: i was just repeating what nosrednaekim said... apparently that package has lsmod, modprobe, rmmod et al02:49
CrunchyFerettoh, I have all that02:49
CrunchyFerettI need to know how to compile the module02:49
CrunchyFerettwithout have to compile ALL of them (it'll take hours)02:50
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: modprobing should do the trick02:50
nosrednaekimCrunchyFerett: you should only need "make" and "make install"02:51
matieeHello everybody. I need some help about how to hide files and folder "à la Edgy", that is how to hide files without renaming them02:51
matieecould someone please give help?02:52
leo_rockwmatiee: er... you do need to rename them. just put a "." before the name of the file02:52
wirechief-intelmatiee why not move them to a usb stick and put it in a safe ?02:53
leo_rockwor encrypt them w/ gpg...02:53
wirechief-intelmatiee then only you will be able to access02:53
matieewiredchief: I know that the standard for unix systems is to put a dot before the name of the file or folder,02:53
matieebut I also know02:53
matieethat a in Ubuntu Edgy it was possible to specify02:54
matieewhich files and folders to hide02:54
leo_rockwmatiee: may i ask why is that you don't want to add the dot?02:54
CrunchyFerettnosrednaekim: take a look at that, if you dont mind. http://pastebin.org/3500502:54
matieefrom inside a file called02:54
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: don't use sudo for make02:54
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: and you need to ./configure firt02:54
wirechief-intelmatiee you can do this gpg -c filename02:55
wirechief-intelthat will encrypt02:55
CrunchyFerettbash: ./configure: No such file or directory02:55
matieeleo_rockw: I simply can't rename the files and folders because they are important files and folders.02:55
matieeI want to hide /boot, /var, /sbin and so on.02:56
leo_rockwmatiee: put them in a folder... change the permissions02:56
leo_rockwmatiee: just change the permissions02:56
leo_rockwmatiee: make the user not able to leave $HOME02:56
matieethe user could be myself, and I'm the administrator.02:57
leo_rockwCrunchyFerett: is there a README or INSTALL file?02:57
leo_rockwmatiee: no, you're not02:57
leo_rockwmatiee: sudo su that's your root02:57
CrunchyFerettleo: there is not. Its been a 4 day research project for me02:58
matieesorry: I don't get the point... :S02:58
leo_rockwmatiee: you are a normal user. root is the superuser.02:58
matieeleo: I just want to treat some defined folders and files02:58
* wirechief-intel i think the safe is much faster ;)02:58
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: then you can't access /boot lol02:58
matieeas they where dotted files and folders, without having to renaming or moving that02:58
Daisuke_Idomatiee: ubuntu actually attempted to do the "hide system files" thing with edgy... it didn't last02:59
wirechief-intelwell i guess he could use the livecd to boot ;)02:59
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: haha02:59
* wirechief-intel put that in a safe too02:59
leo_rockwmatiee: leave the security by obfuscation to M$02:59
matieeDaisuke: that's exactly what I'm talking about: I find that was a great Idea and I regret that it was dropped with Feisty.02:59
CrunchyFerettnosrednaekim: still with me?02:59
nosrednaekimCrunchyFerett: googlin03:00
matieeAnyway: it's still possible to do the trick of the .hidden file with Hardy, but it works with nautilus only.03:00
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: ok, heres what he does, take HD out of his computer and put it in the safe03:00
CrunchyFerettnosrednaekim: lol me too. Maybe you can make more sense out of it03:00
wirechief-intelcompletely hidden now.03:01
matieeIt no longer works with konqueror or dolphin. I'd like to know how to make it work again.03:01
CrunchyFerettwhere is stdin when I need him? He always knows this obscure stuff03:01
nosrednaekimCrunchyFerett: unfortunately..I need to go03:02
wirechief-intelmatiee, if you remove the HD you can always use the livecd and a usb stick03:02
baudthiefIs it possible to disable the dimming of inactive windows?03:02
CrunchyFerettrighto. thanks for the help so far man03:02
baudthief* unresponsive rather03:02
matieewirechief: how smart... :D03:02
wirechief-intelmatiee it works ;)03:02
leo_rockwbaudthief: are you using compiz?03:03
matieewired: I'm sure about it...03:03
wirechief-intelmatiee that is exactly what my grand-daughter does.03:03
wirechief-intelshes 1303:03
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: my friend's HD died and he's using slax off a pendrive :-)03:03
baudthiefleo_rockw: yup03:03
matieewired: is she happy with it?03:03
leo_rockwbaudthief: then it is possible03:03
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: cool03:03
stdinCrunchyFerett: pastebin the Makefile03:04
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: but lots of computers still cant use USB so the livecd is a great tool03:04
leo_rockwbaudthief: Kmenu > system... then somewhere there (maybe emerald... idk i don't use compiz)03:04
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: actually i can remove my desktops HD in less than 30 seconds after i turn  it off.03:05
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: i still carry slax and qemmuDSL with me at all times on a USB pendrive :-P03:05
CrunchyFerettstdin: http://pastebin.com/d529fdac1 and hello :)03:06
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: i have a laptop... the desktop still has windoze until i stop being lazy and format the HD03:06
Deiwoser hey everyone, i have an.. installation problem, of sorts03:07
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: nice well ive tried usb booting with my emachine and it still needs the livecd, i used mandriva to make the boot coding.03:07
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: no point in removing the HD of the laptop...03:07
CrunchyFeretttell us all about it Deiwos03:07
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: well thats a different thing just put laptop in safe ;)03:07
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: hahaha03:07
morticiis there a way for me to streach my splash screen image?03:08
morticirather tahn having it small and in the corner?03:08
leo_rockwmortici: define splash screen image03:08
Deiwoswhen i start up my computer with the kubuntu installer cd, it gets to the menu asking if i want to try it or install it, however both of those options just lead to a loading screen looking thing, and then it drops to a command prompt03:08
leo_rockwmortici: kde's one?03:08
morticileo_rockw: kdm login splash image03:08
baudthiefleo_rockw: I cant find it anywhere in ccsm, even using search - google also yielded no (useful) results03:09
stdinCrunchyFerett: looks like it needs to be compiled from the kernel, so try running "make modules" from /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.24/03:09
morticileo_rockw: it was streched before, but it seems to have shrunk and cornered itself after the upgrade to hardy :(03:09
stdinCrunchyFerett: you could try using module-assistant too03:09
leo_rockwmortici: kcontrol > system administration > login manager > background03:10
CrunchyFerettstdin: Im trying to avoid compiling ALL the kernels tho.03:10
Deiwosand it doesn't appear that i'm able to do anything from this command prompt03:10
leo_rockwbaudthief: i only used compiz for like 5 minutes last year. i know it's there, i just don't remember where03:10
CrunchyFerettand what is module-assistant03:10
leo_rockwDeiwos: try the startx command03:11
leo_rockwDeiwos: it should spit out and error...03:11
stdinCrunchyFerett: module-assistant is a tool used to compile kernel modules03:11
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: just use locate03:11
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: for what? lol03:11
Deiwoshm, i'll try that03:11
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: hmm to find compiz (if thats what you meant)03:12
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: ooo, no... baudthief wants to disable the dimming thing... i don't have compiz installed but i know you can do it from one of the menus, i just don't remember where03:12
wirechief-intelleo_rockw: well i guess if you located it and choked its neck that would do it but renaming might do the same.03:13
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: choking might be more fun03:14
baudthiefleo_rockw: fading windows is disabled, I read somehwere it's firefox nor responding to compiz's pings - I increased the ping delay, hopefully that'03:14
wirechief-intelas compiz to compiz_old03:14
baudthief*d solve it03:14
CrunchyFerettstdin: I once again bask in your awesomeness03:14
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: but i don't have compiz lol03:14
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: and he still wants his compiz, except for the dim thing03:15
* wirechief-intel maybe its in the safe03:15
morticileo_rockw: that doesn't help its the splash screen thats borked :/03:15
morticilemme check something03:15
leo_rockwwirechief-intel: $ man safe No manual entry for safe03:15
leo_rockwbaudthief: i don't use FF either :S03:16
baudthiefleo_rockw: gasp!?03:16
leo_rockwbaudthief: konq :-)03:16
baudthiefleo_rockw: *phew*03:16
baudthiefthought you reverted to IE or something :p03:17
leo_rockwbaudthief: i was an opera user before that... but it's not free03:17
leo_rockwbaudthief: the last IE i used was 5.503:17
Deiwosit did come up with an error, indeed03:18
Deiwos /bin/sh: startx not found.03:18
leo_rockwDeiwos: err... i was expecting and error more like "screen not found" or "your video card drivers suck" that's weird...03:18
Deiwosi know03:18
Deiwosbut this ram virtual drive whatever you want to call it seems to have pretty limited functionality03:19
leo_rockwDeiwos: when you select "test the live cd" hit ctrl+alt+f1 and see if there's any error03:19
adudehow do i format a usb device?03:19
Deiwosafter i press enter on it, or before?03:19
=== leo_rockw is now known as leo_away
sujithhow to check the kde version03:19
dennisterhey channel, is anyone else having difficulty downloading from sourceforge? I can't get anywhere...download never starts, get stuck on advertiser's page...also tried wget, and it, too, gets stuck03:20
CrunchyFerettstdin: still around?03:23
stdinCrunchyFerett: for a few mins03:23
BluesKajdennister, yep, same prob 2 days ago03:23
VousDeuxdoes anyone know how I might go about creating a virtual nic that would serve as an ssh tunnel03:23
CrunchyFerettstdin: module-assistant doesnt have my drivers source in its list.03:24
dennisterBluesKaj: ok, so I'm not the only one; have you tried it since?03:24
dennisterso it could have started 2 days ago, and not been fixed yet :(03:25
BluesKajI found a diff mirror03:25
stdinCrunchyFerett: you can try copying the driver dir to /usr/src/modules/03:25
CrunchyFerettgood idea03:25
BluesKajactually dennister , the site seemed to freeze03:25
CrunchyFerettexcept I dont have that03:26
stdincreate it ;)03:26
dennisterhmm...tried the 3 mirrors that were available for that package03:26
stdinso it should be /usr/src/modules/b43/03:26
=== leo_away is now known as leo_rockw
leo_rockwback :-03:27
leo_rockwsujith: help > about kde03:28
BluesKajdennister, which pkg03:28
stdinleo_rockw: now you're back I can tell you, nick change on away is really annoying...03:28
leo_rockwstdin: they can be filtered03:28
stdinleo_rockw: not the point03:29
dennisterBluesKaj: i'm gonna try postbooks, seeing as how sql-ledger proved so dangerous, and the fork (ledgersmb) isn't impressing me much in my attempts to install it either03:29
leo_rockwstdin: then i fail to see the point03:29
stdin!away | is the point03:29
ubottuis the point: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»03:29
leo_rockwstdin: if it annoys you... then filter it03:29
stdinleo_rockw: channel policy03:29
leo_rockwstdin: right, #ubuntu's03:29
stdinleo_rockw: no #*ubuntu03:29
leo_rockw"You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu"03:30
leo_rockwi must be going blind...03:30
stdinall except loco channels03:30
leo_rockw#kubuntu is not as busy as #ubuntu03:30
_2ouch! something just ate an 80G hd... error is > 0 [root@/] mount /dev/hda /media03:30
_2mount: you must specify the filesystem type03:30
dennisterBluesKaj: I'm afraid the xtuple.org site (OpenMFG) only offers downloads of their bigger, commercial package (referring u to sourceforge for postbooks) and softpedia only offers windows version of postbooks03:31
ubottuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»03:31
stdinleo_rockw: read it again then03:31
BluesKajdennister, bummer :(03:31
_2oh crap, this is really ugly.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d17baebd803:31
CrunchyFerettstdin: still not listing it. Should I be passing options to the command line at all?03:32
_2how much data am i going to lose here ?03:32
leo_rockwstdin: it says "busy channels like #ubuntu or other ubuntu channels" #kubuntu doesn't fall in that category... it is ubuntu channel, but not busy03:32
stdinleo_rockw: #kubuntu is an Ubuntu channel03:32
leo_rockwstdin: but not busy03:32
* BluesKaj begins to nod off...loooong day .Nite all03:32
stdinleo_rockw: just don't03:33
_2stdin actually cannonical doesn't own #kubuntu03:33
dennisterI don't understand...if the linux community wants to make inroads into the business community, it needs to ofer things like accounting packages...only stuff in repos is either sql-ledger, tinyerp (huge, for enterprises) and egroupware (also huge)03:33
stdin_2: didn't say it did03:33
leo_rockwstdin: either kick me when i do it... or filter it03:33
stdinok, I will03:33
_2leo_rockw he will.  :)03:33
leo_rockwstdin: ok03:33
adudewhat program can i use to convert wma files to mp3?03:33
leo_rockw_2: ok... i come here to help anyway03:33
Odd-rationaleadude: did you try soundkonverter?03:34
_2leo_rockw alright.  so tell me how much data i'm going to lose here  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d17baebd803:34
Odd-rationaleadude: there are also online utilities like www.zamzar.com if the file is not too big...03:34
adudewill try soundkonverter03:35
leo_rockw_2: what happened there? power outage?03:35
Odd-rationaleadude: last time i tried soundkonverter, it didn't work... but that was in feisty...03:35
_2nope.   unknown cause.03:35
stdinCrunchyFerett: if module-assistant isn't working, then you're just try "make modules" from the kernel, I can't see another way03:36
_2installed a bootloadre on hdb and rebooted a few times testing tweeks on that.   then   bamb no hda no mo.03:36
leo_rockw_2: there was a guy in my loco that had a problem recovering stuff from his broken partition... lemme look for that thread03:36
leo_rockw_2: see if this helps you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery03:38
leo_rockwDeiwos: what happened?03:39
DeiwosBuffer I/O error on fd0, Buffer I/O error on sr0, Buffer I/O error on loop003:40
_2update on the fsck  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5168553503:40
_2ok.  looks like no data loose      i can't believe it really.03:42
leo_rockw_2: congrats :-)03:43
leo_rockw_2: i'm still worried it happened for no good reason03:43
leo_rockwDeiwos: that sounds like not enough space03:43
_2backing up everything important right now.  so we'll see...03:44
Deiwoseh, doesn't the livecd 'try kubuntu' not use any actual HD space?03:45
Deiwos1gb of ram should be enough surely03:47
_2Deiwos how much ram avalable there ?03:47
leo_rockwDeiwos: it should... do a memtest maybe03:47
* _2 wonders why they make live CD's such ram hogs anyway. you should be able to boot a live CD in 16m of ram... the data is on disk it doesn't really need to all be writen to ram.03:50
Dr_willisthere are non-gui live cd's that can boot with very little ram.03:50
leo_rockw_2: it goes faster from ram03:51
Dr_willisof course i recall 1 floppy Linux disrtos also. :)03:51
Deiwosis there much difference between the kubuntu installer and the ubuntu installer?03:51
Dr_willisDeiwos,  not  that i have seen. I was thinking they ere identical.03:51
leo_rockwDeiwos: try an alternate03:51
Deiwosok, i'm confused now, i tried googling the problem and came up with people saying that the errors i'm getting are a problem with Wubi having problems accessing an NTFS partition O_o03:55
CrunchyFerettwhat do I if make modules doesnt work either?03:56
_2<leo_rockw> _2: it goes faster from ram <<< not if it doesn't boot   ;/03:56
Dr_willisI dont use wubi. so cant help with it.03:56
leo_rockw_2: haha, you're right03:57
Deiwosi'm not using wubi either Dr03:57
_2Deiwos ummm last i knew.  ubiquity == ubiquity == ubiquity03:57
_2what's the differance between a duck ?03:58
_2one leg is both the same !03:58
Deiwosi'm just desperately hoping this doesn't mean my ram is dying :P03:58
uhriventisAnyone here run their comp with an older model ATI card?03:58
leo_rockwDeiwos: it sounds like it, that's why i recommended a memtest03:59
Dr_willisdefine old... :)03:59
Dr_willis9700 ATI card. is about as old as ive used recently03:59
Dr_willisI thinkit was a 9700 agp card. i used to use ages ago.03:59
_2uhriventis heh you mean a newer one then  :)))03:59
Deiwosi hate memtest, i seem to have problems with memory that 12 hours straight of memtests won't find :P04:00
uhriventisUhg I have to use my onboard one. Kubuntu does not like my old ATI Radeon 9250 Pro04:00
uhriventisAnd it's 256k04:00
uhriventisCompared to my 64... That I'm using now04:00
Deiwosif an older version of ubuntu works, might that be a sign that it's not the ram?04:01
_2Deiwos it might be a sign that it is     actually04:01
uhriventisUpdating to 8.04 right now04:01
leo_rockwDeiwos: even the same version might work depending of what part of the ram is being used04:01
_2Deiwos but that would depend on several other things.04:01
* Deiwos goes to try things04:02
Deiwosthanks for the help, you guys04:02
=== evalles_ is now known as keffie_jayx
_2now i'm wondering why moving files from one disk to another isn't making more free space on the one....04:06
uhriventisCopying them?04:06
_2no move them04:07
_2cp + rm04:07
_2oh my.  the wrong disk is gaining free space  o.O04:08
_2files being moved to hda    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5441bf2504:09
_2note that some same files already exist there04:10
_2strange.  after all processes compleeted it did change the free space.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d59950f5a04:15
_2/ping #kubuntu04:17
=== kuadrosx__ is now known as kuadrosx
ForzaPalermohey guys how do u get guidance power manager to boot at startup?04:17
ubottuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html04:17
ForzaPalermo_2 is that the same for kde4?04:18
level1hi, how can i bring up an ethernet network?04:18
_2   idk    </shrugs>04:18
leo_rockwForzaPalermo: it might be ~/.kde4/Autostart04:19
_2level1     sudo ifup eth004:19
level1_2: Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.04:19
_2level1   ifconfig -a    see what it's listed as04:19
_2level1 you may need to modprobe a driver04:20
level1eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:15:c5:45:07:ec04:20
level1_2: it worked before hardy04:20
_2venella   ifconfig     see if it's already up04:20
level1venella is not a command04:21
_2something like    sudo ifconfig eth0 up      would bring it up with a static ip of x.x.x.x04:22
level1192.168.0.44: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device04:22
_2venella is a referance to not adding other flavours     means just run the command without switches or agruments.04:22
_2no such device ???04:23
level1I ran sudo ifconfig eth0 up04:23
level1and thats what I got04:23
_2lshw -C network04:24
_2don't flood the channel.04:24
stdinor ifconfig -a04:24
level1it says it should be run as root, but theres still some output04:24
level1it lists the ethernet device04:25
_2stdin we did that.  but that doesn't show what driver he might need.   i was going to have him lsmod | grep dtiver_here04:25
stdin_2: ooh, right04:25
_2level1 what breed is it.04:25
level14404 I think04:25
* _2 points at stdin and ducks out the back door.04:26
leo_rockwlevel1: you on hardy?04:26
ubottuBroadcom 43xx driver info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:26
level1its not a wifi card04:26
stdinmay, or may not be it04:26
level1its a NIC04:26
level1my wifi card is ipw 3945, it works fine04:27
leo_rockwbcm43xx is for wifi04:27
leo_rockwand it's deprecated04:27
level1and the ethernet used to work fine, but now it isn't04:27
level1       product: BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX04:27
_2lsmod | grep 404:28
_2do you also have a wireless there ?04:28
stdinfilename:       /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/drivers/net/b44.ko04:29
stdindescription:    Broadcom 44xx/47xx 10/100 PCI ethernet driver04:29
_2there ya go.    sudo modprobe b4404:29
=== administrator is now known as administrator_
CrunchyFerettstdin: when running "sudo make modules" from /usr/src/ I get "Nothing to be done for modules."04:35
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
ForzaPalermohey guys i have a manual installation of firefox, anyway to install the mplayer mozilla plugin without installing firefox from the repos becvause it "depends" on it?04:35
=== js__ is now known as Sk0rP
=== Agent_bob is now known as intelikey
ixnayonthehombrewhat is the package that i need to install so amarok can play mp3's?04:41
ForzaPalermoit should install it for u automatically04:42
ixnayonthehombreya it freezes everytime i try to04:42
ixnayonthehombreso i'm just gonna install it manually04:42
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:42
leo_rockwixnayonthehombre: you may want to report that as a bug04:43
=== bibekshrestha is now known as bibstha
ubottuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:43
ForzaPalermohey guys i have a manual installation of firefox, anyway to install the mplayer mozilla plugin without installing firefox from the repos becvause it "depends" on it?04:44
intelikeyForzaPalermo sure.  the same way you installed ff04:47
intelikeyif you turn your linux into a more gentoo'ish linux then you have a more gentoo'ish way of installing things....      </thought>04:48
ForzaPalermointelikey, where can i get the plugin04:48
ForzaPalermooutside of the erpos04:48
ForzaPalermoi looked on google, but i cant find it04:48
intelikeysorceforge.net   i would think04:48
ForzaPalermoand i dont have another machine i can just copy it from04:48
intelikeyor wait.  if it's not FOSS then you are SOL04:49
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing04:50
intelikeysorry bad bot call.04:51
intelikeythe first url there is good04:51
intelikeyFOSS = Free Open Source Software04:51
ForzaPalermoheh i guess i got to use vlc player unless there is a better alternative04:52
intelikeyForzaPalermo you could; sudo apt-get -d install your_package_name_here       that will only download the .deb file/s   then use something like mc or ark to look inside the .deb and pull out only the wanted file/s.   (/me didn't say that though)04:54
eternicodeI have the main repos and just added a third-party repo.  Is there a way to tell which repo an apt package is coming from?  "sudo aptitude show <package>" doesn't give anything useful other than the package  maintainer (which isn't all that useful).04:54
ForzaPalermointelikey, i already downladed it from ubuntu packages, but when i try to open it with ark, nothin in there04:55
intelikeyeternicode example;   apt-cache policy package_name04:56
intelikeyForzaPalermo nothing?04:56
eternicodeintelikey, ah, ok, thanks :)04:57
ForzaPalermosays no archinve loaded04:57
intelikeyhim say you follow wrong track.   him say you follow empty camel.   ugg  </enjun_talk>04:57
intelikeymaybe ark can't handle it.    mc can.04:58
eternicodeI've opened .deb files before with ark, should work fine.  Just like a .zip file.04:59
ForzaPalermomaybe cause im on kde404:59
intelikeyeternicode or may be a propritary thang!04:59
eternicodeForzaPalermo, yeah, ark-kde4 might not be able to handle it XD  I hate all the new -kde4 progs installed with kde4-desktop.  All eyecandy and no functionality, the lot of em.05:00
ForzaPalermolol i agree... ok well thanks anyway... im off ot bed05:01
* intelikey waits for the "eyecandy == evil" bit again... 05:01
eternicodeintelikey, eyecandy is not evil.  Eyecandy without functionality is evil.  <3 Compiz05:01
intelikeyseems if you say anything against "eyecandy" in here you start a scat fiTe05:01
eternicodeTake kopete for instance.  kopete KDE3.x has IRC chat...kopete-kde4 does not.  Couldn't stand it.05:02
Jucatoeternicode: maybe the fact that kde4 is currently at 4.0 and is largely incomplete answers the "all eyecandy and no functionality" question05:03
intelikeyshouldn't have been released incomplete05:03
leo_rockweternicode: kde4 was released for developers.05:03
eternicodeKDE4 being at 4.0 doesn't excuse the individual package maintainers for dropping features in their "upgraded" progs.05:03
=== _krawek_ is now known as krawek
Jucatotake over KDE release management and do it as you please05:03
intelikey"take over" ???    there's a thought....05:04
eternicodeBut at any rate, I can always aptitude purge the new versions.05:04
leo_rockwthe .0 means that can be used daily w/o it crashing every 5 minutes05:04
Jucato4.0 is largely a technology preview anyway. as for Ark, you'll have to take it up with the maintainer for that app05:05
Jucatobut to immediately conclude that KDE 4 is "all eyecandy and no functionality" is unfair to some apps that have really been absolutely good even at 4.005:05
JucatoDolphin, Okular, Gwenview, KDE Edu and Games just to name a few05:06
eternicodeJucato: >_< I never said that about KDE4.05:06
Jucato<eternicode> ForzaPalermo, yeah, ark-kde4 might not be able to handle it XD  I hate all the new -kde4 progs installed with kde4-desktop.  All eyecandy and no functionality, the lot of em.05:06
=== CrunchyFerett is now known as _crash_
Jucatoas for "eyecandy", it's another "buzz" word I've learned to ignore, along with "bloat" and "web 2.0" :)05:07
intelikeytechnecly he didn't05:07
eternicodeReferring mainly to the upgraded apps.  Excluding Plasma desktop, etc.  Sorry for the confusion.05:07
eternicodeI love the widgets idea.  Have ever since I started using Konfabulator.05:07
leo_rockwJucato: "web 2.0" lol05:07
intelikeyJucato if you read carefully he said that about the "progs installed with kde4"  not kde4   but anyway   ...05:08
intelikeyerr kde4-desktop  that is.05:08
* Jucato wonders if the "all new -kde4 progs installed with kde4-desktop" are not, in fact, KDE4 progs then05:08
* intelikey notes that "he" might just love kde4 and hate the "progs" that came with it....05:09
intelikeyas for me.  i just hate eyecandy in general.   doesn't matter what you call it.05:10
eternicodeJucato: the apps have package names like "ark-kde4" and "kopete-kde4" and are programmed to use the new Qt4 widgets.   They're KDE4 apps.05:11
intelikeybells whistles and flashing lights,  are useful for one thing, and one thing only.   "marketing"05:11
=== francisco is now known as francisco_
sirmike1970mddoes anybody know of a prog like peergaurdain for kubuntu05:20
intelikey ! i05:21
ubottuFactoid i not found05:21
Feijo_BRwhat mysql tool can I use to access my tables?05:30
bibsthamysql cli?05:30
bibsthabtw can apt download multiple debs at once? at the moment its only downloading one deb at a time05:31
Xbehaveintelikey: 4.0 has done some major groundwork  for supporting apps, so its not just bells and wistles05:32
intelikeyand yes05:32
Feijo_BRoodb? to mysql?05:32
intelikeyXbehave eyecandy is bells and wistles.05:34
flaccidany of you guys got checkered grey background in kdm-kde4 bug ?05:34
Xbehaveyeah i said its NOT just bells and wistles, theres some really clever stuff going on with kpim & kopete sharing a backend05:35
intelikeyerr actually more the "flashing lights" part of that post really  :)05:36
intelikeykpim something like the mozilla-psm  ?05:37
Xbehaveerm i ment PersnalInformationManager the backend for stuff like kontact,kmail,kmobiletools, etc05:42
intelikeyyeah  kpim is "something like mozilla-psm == personal security manager"05:44
intelikeyat least two words in common   :)))05:45
flaccidanyone here familiar with manual config of kdm files for background/wallpaper configuration?05:45
o0Chris0ohaving a problem starting up Adept Manager, when I start it up says it couldn't load and could only load in read only, there is no other adept running or apt get here is the error log http://paste.ubuntu.com/11225/05:45
Jucato!aptfix | o0Chris0o05:47
ubottuo0Chris0o: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »05:47
=== kewark is now known as krawek
o0Chris0onow I am getthing this error...while running adept There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.05:53
o0Chris0oand adept just closed right out05:53
intelikeysudo apt-get install -f05:55
o0Chris0owhts that do05:55
siva How to change the default dispaly manager?05:55
intelikeysiva sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm05:56
TFrogsudo dpkg --configure -a05:56
Lardarsedoes kde have a way to open each folder in its own window?05:56
sivaintelikey: thanks05:56
o0Chris0osudo apt-get install -f this for me?05:57
o0Chris0oand what does it do exactly05:57
intelikeyprobably gets us information on what the problem is on your system05:57
intelikeyalternatively fixes it without reporting an error05:58
intelikeywe would prefer the later05:58
o0Chris0owishfully thinking :)05:58
TFroganyone here got the compiz cube working in Hardy?  i'm having problems with it05:59
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »05:59
TFrogthat helps a bunch06:00
SilentDisni hao :)06:00
flaccidni hao ma?06:01
SilentDissorry, i've watched the "Ni Hao a gold farmers story" music vid on youtube too much lol06:01
flaccidoh thats hello in mandarin heh06:02
SilentDisi figured that much :)06:02
flaccidhen hao!06:03
Ashexany hardy users had luck with pulseaudio?06:03
flaccid!english | flaccid06:03
AshexAs soon as I got it to connect to the server06:03
Ashexartsd starting crashing every few seconds06:03
Ashexand it still is06:03
intelikeyis that where they get mandarin orenges ?06:03
Ashexgetting kinda annoying06:03
intelikeyand do mandrakes come from there to ?06:03
o0Chris0ohow do I check my system for erros and such maek sure everything is running correctly. I am having a few errors some things have been deleted, and having lil errors popping up06:03
SilentDisis there a good 'video lab' type app for kde?  I'm thinking something that'll take vid files from any source and convert to another, I.E. mpegs/avis to dvd VOBs, DVDs to avis, etc etc.  I know most all of this can be done with ffmpeg, but I'm just not up on the commands for it as i should be.  alternately, a good 'howto' on ffmpeg cmd line works would help a lot :)06:04
intelikeyo0Chris0o deleted ???06:04
flaccido0Chris0o: the system log is /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog plus there are separate logs /var/log06:04
intelikeyo0Chris0o check  /var/log/*   error messages that you don't see generally go there.06:05
SilentDiso0Chris0o: what happened to spawn this issue?06:05
o0Chris0oyes I tried uninstalling libsqlite3.0 and it uninstalled some things I did sudo apt-get kde-desktop got most back, but having some other issues06:05
o0Chris0oI selected the wrong one06:05
drifDriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }06:05
drifMay  9 22:35:56 Chief kernel: [1518822.730499] ide: failed opcode was: unknown06:05
drifMay  9 22:35:56 Chief kernel: [1518822.730502] hda: drive not ready for command06:05
flaccido0Chris0o: which issues06:05
drifgetting these about four times every second06:05
drifany other way than reboot to possibly resolve this?06:06
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flacciddrif: any luck on google with the errors?06:06
SilentDisdrif: sounds like the drive is dying slowly :(06:06
drifit's my dvdrw06:06
o0Chris0olil errrors with adept quiting on me...couldn't start couldn't commit changes etc06:06
intelikeydrif hdpram   but unless you know what your doing,  i'd sujest the reboot.06:06
o0Chris0oI am going to paste my log06:06
SilentDisdrif: i just had that myself!  I upgraded the firmware (had to boot to windows to do it, blah) but it solved the situation06:07
drifintelikey: well, I usually do - when I know what I should be doing :D06:07
drifintelikey: so what about hdparm exactly06:07
intelikeydrif you could shut the drive down, and then wake it back up     might work.   no promices06:07
drifSilentDis: and yours appeared from nowhere as well?06:08
intelikeydrif it the kernel module didn't load correctly   rmmod it and modprobe it again.   dmesg might reviel that06:08
drifSilentDis: I had just burned dvd with k3b and got succesfull write+verify when the drive led just stayed lit06:08
SilentDisdrif: right after i tried to run some old game, yes.  I think it was The Longest Journey, in fact, under wine.  Totally buggered me what happened, but i do know a quick firmware update solved me06:09
drifintelikey: I did remove/add cdrom module, but that didn't help06:09
drifwell it was busy06:09
intelikeyide-generic most likely06:09
drifbut I'll have another try06:10
drifintelikey: just cdrom ide_cd06:10
intelikeywell the time escapes me.    have to go soon...06:11
SilentDisdrif: i'd tried everything from cold boots to fscking with the various ide drivers, to even switching where i'd plugged the drive in, no help anywhere.  on a whim, i hit sony's website, grabbed the firmware update, rebooted to windows, applied the update, booted back to linux and it worked great06:11
drifintelikey: rmmod -f ide_cd doesn't complain but doesn't remove module either - still on list06:12
flaccidslightly off-topic: anyone here use firefox 3 themes. im having trouble finding one that works with f306:12
intelikeymodprobe -r cdrom ;modprobe -r ide-cd06:12
drifintelikey: module cdrom is in use06:13
driftried other way around - no avail06:13
intelikeydrif then looks like shutdown is all that's left.06:14
drifintelikey: yeah, just wanted to learn a way to deal without reboot06:15
drifintelikey: how could I see which process is using the module?06:15
drifif it's stalled06:15
intelikeyyeah.   one "might" find a way in hdparm but i'm not going to send you there.06:15
drifintelikey: how come?06:15
intelikeydrif "how could i..."  wouldn't matter  you couldn't even kill it while it waits on kernel side io06:16
intelikeydrif and it is possable that this error will cause a shutdown hang because of not being able to kill the process.06:16
drifI issued rmmod -f -w so it could resolve that way - atleast it won't try to use it anymore06:17
intelikeybut it may still be waiting on it...06:18
intelikey...>add infintum>...06:18
intelikeyerr one d  but who's counting...06:19
drifinfinitum perhaps?06:21
intelikeymight try.   hdparm -L 0 -f device/node        "the -U and -R options in the man page were what i had in mind actually,  but you probably don't want that."06:26
drifintelikey: thanks.06:26
intelikey-z even ...06:27
drifintelikey: I always try those on my own expense, so to speak06:28
SilentDishelp me ubotu-nobi, you're my only hope...06:28
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:28
intelikeymeh  drives are cheep06:28
flaccidanyone have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/22790406:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227904 in qt4-x11 "KDE4 login screen is missing background (regression: 4.0.4)" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:28
drifintelikey: true, but I meant in general06:29
intelikeywell i have to went.   drif tov 'uwlay      good luck06:31
drifintelikey: actually, the drive isn't locked - tray works fine but just the drive isn't responsive06:31
drifintelikey: but I'll probably just reboot :D than man page got me discouraged..06:32
drifah, he left :D06:33
connor#conky wont respond to my problemc06:35
connorcould someone help me out?06:35
drifconnor: and your problem is?06:38
connori cant navigate to the correct folder to create my conky configuration06:40
connorirc is slow today, conky STILL hasnt responded06:40
Daisuke_Laptop5 minutes isn't slow06:43
connorcould someone help me out?06:43
Daisuke_Laptopi'm in channels where people have 4 line conversations over the span of a week.06:43
connorare you serious?06:44
connorgood god06:44
Daisuke_Laptopsome people aren't on very often, and just reply when they're around06:44
connoroh ok06:44
SilentDisreal life > irc :)06:44
Daisuke_Laptopso what's the problem?06:44
connori need to navigate to $HOME/.conkyrc06:44
connorhow can i?06:44
connorim trying to configurate conky06:45
connorhow can i navigate to $HOME/.conkyrc06:45
connori havent used ubuntu in forever06:45
Daisuke_Laptop.conkyrc is a config file i would imaging06:45
SilentDisconnor: type this into a prompt:  cd ~/.conkyrc06:45
SilentDisif it's a file, you can edit it with nano ~/.conkyrc06:45
Daisuke_Laptopif that doesn't work, try this: kate ~/.conkyrc06:45
connorcd ~/06:46
connorgot me bash: cd: /home/connor/.conkyrc: Not a directory06:46
Daisuke_Laptopor nano.  or vi if you're the antichrist.  or emacs if you have 23 fingers available06:46
Daisuke_Laptopthen it's just a config file06:46
SilentDisDaisuke_Laptop: roflmao at vi/emacs comments :)06:46
connori dont get it06:46
Daisuke_Laptopconnor: vi is notorious for having the most unfriendly user interface (for new users) of any program ever06:47
Daisuke_Laptoponly satan himself would know how everything works first try06:47
connorwhats emacs06:47
SilentDisconnor: you're trying to edit the file ~/.conkyrc.  open your favorite text editor (be it kate, gedit, nano, emacs, vi, whatever) and open ~/.conkyrc06:47
Daisuke_Laptopand emacs is notorious for extensive keyboard shortcuts06:47
connorkate got me to it06:47
Jucatolet's try not to get into some text editor war in here06:47
drifSilentDis: not sure but reboot might have done the trick - fortunately :)06:47
connori cant highlight shit in firefox06:47
SilentDisdrif: lucky you lol06:48
Daisuke_LaptopJucato: nah, just pointing out differences - whatever works for a user, they're more than welcome to use :)06:48
connorso uh06:48
connorwhats fluxbox06:48
Daisuke_LaptopJucato: besides, tell me i'm wrong :D06:48
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox06:48
* Jucato points connor to Google as well06:48
JucatoDaisuke_Laptop: you're wrong :)06:49
Daisuke_Laptopyou're no fun, Jucato :D06:50
connori have saved my conkyrc06:50
connornow what06:50
Jucatowell, you told me to tell you you're wrong. just doing what you wanted :)06:50
SilentDisconnor: restart conky, i guess.06:51
connorits not running06:51
connorhow do i run it?06:51
connorsh conky is not correct is it06:51
SilentDisconnor: no idea really.  i've not used the app... what does it do?06:52
SilentDis!info conky06:52
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 170 kB, installed size 524 kB06:52
connorit does cool shit like monitor system resources, tells you your upload/download stuff06:52
connorall that cool stuff06:52
connorwhats the terminal command for running a program?06:53
SilentDisconnor: just type the app name.06:53
connorhow can i type the error log?06:53
SilentDisconnor: i'd assume for conky it would be easiest to run from within kde.  alt-F2, then type conky into the box06:53
SilentDis!pastebin | connor06:53
ubottuconnor: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:53
connorpastebin isnt working06:54
connori dont go directly to the pastebin06:54
connorim installing fluxbox06:55
connorso uh06:55
connorwhy is conky not wanting to work?06:55
SilentDisconnor: i've never used the app.  i have no way to tell you.06:56
connoroh ok06:56
connoryou should install it06:56
connorits cool06:56
connorsudo apt-get install conky06:57
connordarn it06:57
connorreinstalling conky didnt help v_v06:57
connorill do a complete removal06:57
connorthen reinstall06:57
connordarn it07:01
connorconky just WILL NOT WORKO07:01
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:02
jonfhancockconnor: what is it that conky is doing?07:04
connorits a system monitoring program07:04
jonfhancocksry, I came to the conversation late07:04
connorill give you a screenshot07:04
connorhold on'07:04
jonfhancockI know what it is07:04
jonfhancockI've installed it07:04
jonfhancockwhat is the error message you get?07:04
calcmandananyone knowledgeable in gpg?07:04
connorim getting ready to restart my comptuer hopefully it will work :)07:05
jonfhancockconnor: ah.  good luck07:05
connorheres the conky setup i used that will hopefully work'07:05
connorcool huh?!07:05
connorbrb everyone07:06
connorwish me luck with conky07:06
connorIT WORKS!!07:08
connorCONKY IS WORKING ON MY SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:08
SilentDisconnor: calm down... half some dip. :D07:09
SilentDisconnor: grats though :)07:09
connorconky is awesome!07:10
=== pramod is now known as Pramod
* flaccid goes to give conky a try on hardy07:12
PramodI got a problem using Adept Package Manager... I am Using the Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 Remix Version.... when i click on "Manage Repositories" it "Fetches Updates" :s07:12
flaccidPramod: did you check bugs or submit one?07:12
connorim on 8.0407:12
Pramodhow i do tha?07:12
flaccid!bugs | Pramod07:13
ubottuPramod: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:13
Pramodhow i do that?07:13
Deepthoughtconnor: that screenshot doezzzz look sorta cool...   Xcept for the eye-candy though, what sorta stuff can it do that the sensor-tray or system-monitor can't ?07:13
Pramodok thanks lemme try that one...07:13
connori am now in possession of knowledge for installing conky!07:14
connoryou can make it sijmple07:14
Pramodis there other way to enable the ubuntu backports repository?07:14
connoryou dont have to have all the eye cand07:14
connoralthough it DOES look cool :D07:14
connorwhich conky setup to use!?07:15
flaccid!enter | connor07:15
ubottuconnor: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:15
connoroh ok07:16
Deepthoughtconnor:  man, that DOES look cool; how on earth everdid they get it in theair head to call it light weight ?07:16
connorim testing a new conkyrc brb07:17
connorMAN IS THIS COOL!?07:17
PramodThe bug has already been reported and it says "Problem is solved for today version of Adept."07:18
connorso, you gonna install CoNkY?07:18
flaccidPramod: 'today' ?07:19
Pramodbut how will i be able to upgrade to today's version of Adept??? :S07:19
flaccidURL to the bug please Pramod07:19
Pramod" Kamba  wrote on 2008-02-12:  (permalink) "07:19
connortesting another conky setpu T_T07:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 178689 in adept "adept manager fetch updates instead of managing repositories" [Undecided,Fix released]07:20
flaccidPramod: what is your uname -a ? and also lsb_release -a ?07:21
flaccidi guess pastebin uname -a; lsb_release -a07:22
Pramoduname -a?07:22
Pramodwat's that?07:22
flaccidits a command to run in konsole07:22
Pramodok wait07:22
Pramodhow i use pastebin?07:23
flaccid!pastebin | Pramod07:24
ubottuPramod: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:24
connorok, i have my conky setup all beautiful now07:24
connornow i just need a cool background :)07:25
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:25
PramodThe link sends me to: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/07:26
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:26
Pramodflaccid: u got the link to the pastebin?07:28
flaccidPramod: please paste the link to the paste07:28
flaccidPramod: ah please use http://pastebin.ca07:28
connorwhat did i miss?07:30
connoranyone else wanting to try conky?07:30
Pramodflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11229/07:30
flaccidconnor: this is kubuntu support channel07:31
connoroh whoops07:32
flaccidPramod: please now pastebin output of: dpkg -l | grep -i adept07:32
Dr_willisA kde specific Conky could be called Kinky :)07:32
Dr_willisConky is a neat program. you can spend weeks twiddling with it.07:33
=== sebbar is now known as burg
connori use ubuntu, why am i in #kubuntu?07:33
Dr_willis You tell us... :)07:33
Pramodflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11230/07:35
PramodWat's Conky meant for?07:36
ubottuFactoid conky not found07:36
flaccid!info conky07:37
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 170 kB, installed size 524 kB07:37
flaccidPramod: im on the same without the bug. i'll get a command to reinstall adept07:37
Pramodok flaccid07:37
PramodWell in the mean time... can anyone tell me how i install a debian package in The Remix version of Kubuntu? :S07:38
flaccid!apt | Pramod07:38
ubottuPramod: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:38
Dr_willissame as you install any other debian package.. but its best to use the package maanger to download/install things.07:38
flaccidhis adept is broke. Pramod read the above guide - its basically sudo apt-get install package_name07:39
flaccidPramod: please run this command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install --reinstall adept adept-batch adept-common adept-installer adept-manager adept-notifier adept-updater07:39
flaccidPramod: if you don't see any errors, then try starting adept manager with: kdesudo adept_manager07:41
Pramodam installing the adpet now...07:43
Pramodok i installed them...07:44
Pramodnow i try to run?07:44
jonfhancockflaccid: thanks for the little tip.  I didn't know about --reinstall07:44
flaccidjonfhancock: cool np07:44
jonfhancockyou learn something new everyday07:45
Pramodstill the same problem... :(07:45
Kr|ptiXany kno why i keep gettn errorimport gtk.glade07:45
Pramodanyway... how can i change the theme in KDE4???07:46
Dr_willisIm not sure that kde4 even has that feature yet.07:46
Pramodoops... u mean changing the theme?07:46
flaccidPramod: make a comment on the bug and advise you are still having the problem with the lastest adept and provide your adept version which is 2.1.3ubuntu2507:47
flaccidPramod: not sure if that is available in the gui yet. try #kubuntu-kde4 and #kde07:47
Pramodhow u came to know the version of my adept?07:47
flaccidyou pastebinned it07:48
Pramodok thanks07:48
=== pramod is now known as Pramod
PramodQuite weird, when i restarted my Computer, now the adept works fine... :S08:09
kgxwhats the best way to backup my entire linux partition?08:17
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:18
Roeykgx:  also see dirvish if you're looking for snapshot capability08:25
JackWinterwow, weird.  i have added the wine binary depositories to my kubuntu 8.04.  before i could just update the package.  now when i go to look for wine in my package manager it says not installed, but shows rc1 in there...08:26
=== siva is now known as siva__
=== siva is now known as shan
shanhow can I install window manager08:33
JoshOvkishan: window manager? is that a package?08:36
JoshOvkishan: : or do you mean KDE?08:36
JoshOvkihi leonid08:37
leonidI updated from 3.3.x to 3.5.1 what happened to RUN OPTIONS?08:37
shanjosh0vki: am using kdm08:37
hellhounddoes anyone know how to reset the system tray?  for some reason all the icons in it disappeared and I have to log out and back in to get them back... new ones will appear but my older ones will not08:37
JoshOvkileonid: kde 3 is not up to 3.5.908:39
JoshOvkishan: i dont quite understand what you are trying to install08:39
JoshOvkihellhound: kde3 or 4?08:39
JoshOvkihellhound: not sure sorry, i use kde4 and never had to do it with kde308:41
hellhoundJoshOvki: yeah it seems to do it when i quit compiz and go to kwin to play a game08:42
Admiral_ChicagoI have an Iso of a DVD movie, iirc, I can just mount the iso and play the movie right?  Can i do that?08:42
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:42
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:43
hellhoundJoshOvki: I am sure that is the problem... but I cannot figure out how to reload my apps such as kopete , kontact, apt manager, etc... if I run those applications it still will not load the icons08:43
hellhoundJoshOvki: even if I remove teh applet and then reinstall it.. it is still the same08:44
o0Chris0ohellhound: have you tried sudo apt-get kde-desktop08:44
o0Chris0othat seems to work sometimes08:45
hellhoundo0Chris0o: i get "invalid operation kde-desktop08:45
o0Chris0oI think thats the right name08:46
o0Chris0olet me check08:46
flaccidthe package is named kubuntu-desktop08:46
su-hoens`rZis anyone ever going to fix the libboost dependencies?08:48
hellhoundi have the dektop package08:48
o0Chris0oyah what flaccid said08:49
jussi01su-hoens`rZ: have you made a bug report?08:50
jussi01su-hoens`rZ: if you dont report the bug, it will never get fixed...08:50
o0Chris0ohellhound: after it installs, it probably wouldn't hurt to restart your system and see if that helps08:51
hellhoundo0Chris0o: i have tried that... i mean it always comes back even when I just logg off and then back on... but I do not want to have to do that each time.  I can also kill kopete and kontact and then restart them and the icons will come back... but i wish there was a way to restart it... killing kicker and restarting it does not help08:52
o0Chris0otry deleting the toolbar08:53
o0Chris0oand making a new one08:54
hellhoundo0Chris0o: and do that each time this happens?08:54
crazy_bussince the edubuntu addon installer works on regular ubuntu. Can it also work on regular kubuntu. Or do you also have to download the normal ubuntu install cd08:54
o0Chris0ono, try it to see if it works08:54
hellhoundo0Chris0o: it would be easier to just log off and then log back in.08:54
o0Chris0ohave you checked launchpad for bug reports?08:54
o0Chris0ohellhound: what version of kde do you use?08:55
dhqmy ctrl+w doesnt work in konqueror08:56
o0Chris0otry resetting the default settings?08:56
dhqi did that no use08:57
hellhoundo0Chris0o:  kde 308:57
hellhoundo0Chris0o: 3.5.9 to be exact08:58
o0Chris0ohellhound: I would try searching http://bugs.kde.org/ I just googled kde system tray bugs and a few sound similar09:01
o0Chris0ocould be bug fixes09:01
o0Chris0odo you have compiz installed and enabled?09:01
su-hoens`rZcan someone explain to me how to install libboost-signals-dev09:04
o0Chris0osudo apt-get libboost-signals-dev09:04
su-hoens`rZyes if it were that simple09:05
su-hoens`rZThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:05
su-hoens`rZlibboost-signals-dev: Depends: libboost-dev (= 1.33.1-9ubuntu3.1) but 1.34.1-4ubuntu3 is to be installed09:05
su-hoens`rZand that's for aLL of the dev libboost packages, except for libboost-dev09:05
su-hoens`rZwhich is really starting to get irritating09:05
o0Chris0oso you got the latest?09:05
su-hoens`rZi guess09:05
o0Chris0owhy do you want the other then09:05
su-hoens`rZbecause another program depends upon the dev packages?09:06
su-hoens`rZand i can't install them09:06
su-hoens`rZand i'm getting super frustrated09:06
o0Chris0oI don't think you can install both09:06
o0Chris0oI could be wrong09:06
su-hoens`rZthis is ridiculous09:08
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suzewho has iphone?09:23
suzeiphone encoding settings ?09:23
o0Chris0owrong place for that09:24
ubottuFactoid iphone not found09:24
suzewell using kubuntu ... i want know about iphone and kubuntu of course09:26
JoshOvkisuze: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone09:28
suzethat explain only how can i set up09:30
suzei can set up09:30
suzei would know how i could encode for iphone09:31
JoshOvkiencode for iphone.... ?09:32
llutzencode what?09:32
llutzsuze: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/04/22/encode-video-for-the-ipod-touch-or-iphone/09:34
* JoshOvki claps to llutz09:37
llutzgoogle needed 0.07 seconds :)09:38
JoshOvkillutz: often the way, i just couldnt work out what they wanted09:38
llutzthat's the problem09:38
JoshOvkigoogle has the answer to most problems, just people are often to lazy to look09:39
Giant_SpeckJFGI.  Amirite?09:39
JoshOvkilol yeh09:40
JoshOvkimorning scarygary09:44
scarygaryHow do i allow passwordless logins in kde4?09:44
JoshOvkiscarygary: i dont think you can yet09:45
JoshOvkiscarygary: unless you edit the config file09:46
scarygaryNp.. Which file? I tried kdmrc, but that didn't work.09:46
JoshOvkiscarygary: clearly not the file i thought it was then09:47
scarygaryDoesn't kde4 have a user management tool? Like guidance for kde3?09:51
JoshOvkiyes, but the auto login section doesnt have an admin button09:52
JoshOvkiSystem Settings > Adcanced > Login Manager09:52
Jucatoscarygary: kuser09:53
JoshOvkiscarygary: or you can run   sudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings    advanced > login manager09:54
JucatoJohnFlux_: user management isn't login management though.. unless he meant the same too09:55
usamaI have installed Openoffice 3 beta but I can not find it, where I can locate it?09:55
Jucatoer sorry JohnFlux_ :P09:55
JucatoJoshOvki: user management isn't login management though.. unless he meant the same too09:55
Dekansin /opt09:55
prateekhello everybody09:55
JoshOvkiJucato: but on the last tab of the management is Convinience where there is a nice button that says autologin09:56
JucatoJoshOvki, scarygary: in KDE 4, you'll have to run "kdesu systemsettings" (or it's kde4 equivalent) to get admin rights09:56
prateeki have to type xrandr -s 1024X960 everytime on a boot to get resolution correct...Help!09:56
JoshOvkiJucato: for kde4 you have to put the full path, otherwise it says command not found. it is a bug (unless they fixed it in 4.0.4)09:56
JucatoJoshOvki: yeah. but that's separate from user management like the one in kde-guidance for KDE 309:56
prateekhow do i avoid this09:56
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JucatoJoshOvki: maybe kdesu kde4-systemsettings or something like that09:56
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* Jucato doesn't have kde4 in kubuntu09:57
JoshOvkiJucato:  its   kdesu /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings09:57
prateek i have to type xrandr -s 1024X960 everytime on a boot to get resolution correct...Help!09:57
JoshOvkii think we have lost scarygary along the way09:57
JucatoJoshOvki: yes, but Kubuntu has these convenience scripts in /usr/bin with -kde4 or kde4- that runs the kde4 app with the correct environment variables09:58
JoshOvkiJucato: tryed it both way round and i get command not found. i think its an on going bug in kde409:59
Jucatoor bug in Kubuntu :)09:59
JoshOvkiJucato: yeh or that10:00
jussi01!fixre | prateek10:03
ubottuFactoid fixre not found10:03
jussi01!fixres | prateek10:03
ubottuprateek: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:03
prateekjussi01: my prob is i get my display reverted to 800x600 resolution everytime after boot..i want it to stay to 1024x960...how do i do it..do i have to add a line sumwhere10:05
jussi01prateek: yes, did you read the link from the bot?10:05
TimSI have Java installed, but it does not seem to show up on any webpage. How can I link it into firefox?10:06
Jucatoyou need the -plugin package (unless you're on 64-bit)...10:07
TimSRight, lets open adept10:07
TimSJucato: What package is that?10:09
Jucatosun-java6-plugin (presuming you installed java6)10:09
prateekjussi01:as soon as i open orkut.com in konqurer, and click on a user's profile konqurer hangs..how can i solve it out?10:10
TimS!info sun-java6-plugin10:10
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB10:10
TimSI cant see it in my reppos10:10
prateekubottu: Konqurer=hang10:10
ubottuFactoid konqurer=hang not found10:10
TimSI have bin and jre10:10
Jucatoare you using 64-bit?10:11
prateekubottu: konqurer10:11
ubottuFactoid konqurer not found10:11
TimSNo 3210:11
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.10:11
Jucatoweird.. it should be there10:11
jussi01TimS: have you got multiverse enabled?10:11
jussi01sure you dont have a typo?10:12
Giant_SpeckPrateek, you're spelling it wrong.10:12
prateekGiant_Speck: Oh! i am sorry...gr8 mistake10:12
prateekGiant_Speck: but the problem persists10:12
TimSjussi01: Dont think so10:12
prateekGiant_Speck: is this a bug in Konqurere10:13
jussi01TimS: curious, its certainly here.10:13
Giant_Speckprateek:  I don't know anything about Konqueror. I was simply correcting your spelling mistake so that you could get the factoid from ubottu10:13
jussi01TimS: it doesnt have jre in the name...10:14
TimSthat was stupid :P10:14
prateekGiant_Speck: ok..thanks10:14
TimSBut, next issue, its installecd10:14
prateekGiant_Speck: but can u recommend any1 else to help me out...10:14
jussi01TimS: is it in konq or ff that you have issues?10:14
Giant_SpeckSorry, no.  I'm not a regular in here.10:14
Giant_SpeckI don't know anyone in here.10:15
TimSWell, i haven't looked in konq10:15
jussi01TimS: I assume you have restarted ff after installing it?10:15
prateekGiant_Speck: do u use Kubuntu or Konqureor?10:15
TimSYeah, it was already installed10:15
Giant_SpeckI use Kubuntu, but I use Firefox for internet and Dolphin for file browsing.10:15
JoshOvkiprateek: kubntu is an operating system  -  konqueror is a user agent (web browser)10:15
prateekJoshOvki: i know that10:16
JoshOvkiprateek: you question asked if they use  kubuntu or konqueror  tho, makes no sence as they are different things10:16
prateekJoshOvki: just wanted to know if this problem of mine is experinced by other users too10:16
TimSjussi01: Nothing in konq either10:16
prateekJoshOvki: do u use it?10:16
JoshOvkiprateek: at times10:17
JoshOvkihave it open now as it happens10:17
burgit's like asking if you're using a bicycle or a toaster :)10:17
jussi01TimS: very weird.10:17
prateekJoshOvki: plz do one thing..open Orkut.com and try to view anybody's profile10:17
prateeki wanna chk if u get a freezed browser10:17
prateeklike me10:17
TimSjussi01: I had OpenJDK that came with hardy, but I removed it and I think this may have caused the problem10:18
prateekJoshOvki: well10:18
jussi01TimS: try this: sudo update-alternatives --config java10:19
JoshOvkiprateek: ok i shalll take a look now10:19
prateekJoshOvki: those ppl who have APPS feature turned on10:19
JoshOvkiprateek: what is this site? im rather reluctant to put in my gmail details10:19
TimSNope, about:plugins does not list java10:20
Giant_SpeckJoshOvki: I think it's like Yahoo! Groups, only for Google10:20
prateekplz wait10:21
jussi01TimS: try purgin the plugin and reinstalling it10:21
JoshOvkiprateek: hasnt crashed for me10:21
prateekJoshOvki: open this thing..it will do safely..but then click10:21
TimSI tried a reinstall, what does purge do?10:21
prateekto view Profile of the person10:22
tuanphamthere is any one know how to play .3gp file in kubuntu ?10:22
JoshOvkiprateek: it opened fine10:22
prateekthis thing10:22
JoshOvkituanpham: try vlc10:22
Giant_SpeckIt does lock up Konqueror.10:23
Giant_SpeckJust tried it.10:23
JoshOvkiprateek: doesnt lock up mine either10:23
prateekGiant_Speck: freezed!10:23
jussi01TimS: completely removes10:23
prateekJoshOvki: Kubuntu 7.10 Beta?10:23
prateekGiant_Speck: ur browser freezed..is it responding10:24
TimSI've purged, now I reinstall10:24
JoshOvkiprateek: kubuntu hardy with kde410:24
Giant_SpeckThe site freezes in Konqueror, but loads perfectly in Firefox.10:24
jussi01Does anyone know how to disable the system speaker?10:24
prateekGiant_Speck: yup! dats a BUG!10:24
jussi01TimS: correct10:24
Jucatojussi01: system beep in Konsole?10:24
TimSNope :(10:24
prateekJoshOvki: urs has bugs removed...i need to update..10:25
Giant_SpeckI think it's because Flash doesn't work too well in Konqueror, IMO.10:25
prateekGiant_Speck: its no flash...10:25
prateekits something far more complex..orkut takes data from other servers10:25
jussi01Jucato: no, the sytem speaker keeps being used for random stuff - ie startup sounds, a really annoying beep when playing pioneers etc10:25
Giant_SpeckAnd maybe Konqueror can't handle the complexity of it.10:26
Jucatostartup sounds? :O10:26
Giant_SpeckIt doesn't support it yet.10:26
prateekDont open it10:26
prateekGiant_Speck: thanks man...now i have lesser regrets for shifting to Kubuntu10:26
Jucatoit's not like we can open it w/o an orkut account :)10:27
prateekJucato: :)10:27
Giant_SpeckYeah.  If you plan on using that website frequently, you may want to install Firefox instead.10:27
prateekGiant_Speck: but see i have heard that to install firefox i need to get lot of dependencies too so my system will clutter up and may become slow and unstable10:28
Jucatonot true10:28
Giant_Specksudo apt-get install firefox10:29
Giant_SpeckThat's it.10:29
Giant_SpeckNothing else to it, really.10:29
prateekdont we have to get Gnome for it...10:29
prateekor GTK10:29
Giant_SpeckThough, if you are using Kubuntu, shouldn't Firefox already be installed?10:29
scarygaryI'm back..10:29
prateekor something starting from G10:29
scarygaryWhat did i miss..10:29
Jucatoprateek: you won't get GNOME for it10:29
Jucatoprateek: and GTK is not that much10:29
prateekJucato: GTK is equivalent to .NET?10:30
Giant_SpeckFirefox is a GTK program, but will definitely run in KDE.10:30
Jucatoprateek: um.. no10:30
Jucato(wherever did you get that idea?)10:30
prateekis it as enviroment itself?10:30
prateekthen is it like JAVA?10:31
neozscuse me,i'm a italian newb.10:31
Jucatoit's a toolkit/library, like Qt, which KDE uses10:31
Giant_SpeckCorrect me if I am wrong, please, but GTK programs are designed for the GNOME desktop environment and KDE programs are designed for the KDE desktop environment.10:31
Jucatoit's not like Java or .NET10:31
JucatoGiant_Speck: not necessarily10:31
prateekGiant_Speck: Yes thats less confusing10:31
Jucatothere are GTK apps that are not designed for GNOME10:31
prateekJucato: then what it can it be compared too10:31
prateeki think PidGin uses GTK too10:32
JucatoGNOME uses the GTK+ toolkit. KDE uses the Qt toolkit10:32
JucatoPidgin, GIMP, Inkscape10:32
scarygaryI didn't mean login management btw..10:32
Jucatothey all use GTK+10:32
scarygaryI meant user management.10:32
Giant_SpeckAnd they will run on Kubuntu.10:32
Jucatoscarygary: just as I thought. kuser-kde4 then10:32
scarygaryI don't have that on my system?!10:33
Jucatothen install it :)10:33
Jucato!info kuser-kde410:33
ubottukuser-kde4 (source: kdeadmin-kde4): KDE 4 user/group administration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 195 kB, installed size 668 kB10:33
prateekGiant_Speck: just tell me if i want to just get the package downloded and not install it, what command am i gonna type...for firefox10:33
JoshOvkineoz: you may want to try  #kubuntu-it10:33
Giant_Speckprateek: to install Firefox?10:33
Giant_SpeckOh, wait.10:34
scarygaryAhh.. I figured it was part of kde4, but ok. I'll install it .10:34
Giant_SpeckYou just want the package, but you don't want to install it?10:34
prateekGiant_Speck: so that i can install it on a Internet-Less PC too10:34
Giant_SpeckYou'd have to check the Mozilla website for a downloadable version of Firefox.10:34
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers10:35
The_ManU_212arecord: pcm_read:1347: Lesefehler: Input/output error10:36
The_ManU_212i cant record from mic10:36
The_ManU_212i use hardy heron10:36
The_ManU_212it seems to be a bug becasue audacity also doesnt work?!10:36
scarygarykuser worked great, but i still can't enable passwordless logins in kdm10:37
Giant_SpeckJucato: So basically, that program takes the packages you already have on your computer and allows you to put them on a CD or DVD so that you can install the programs on another computer with Ubuntu (or Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.) without needing the internet to get the packages?10:37
scarygaryI checked the enable password-less logins in the Login manager, but no go.10:37
jussi01Giant_Speck: yep10:37
Giant_SpeckThat's rather nifty.10:37
jussi01Giant_Speck: it basically create a repository on the cd10:38
Giant_SpeckTherefore you can install a program on a computer that does not have internet access, given that you have all the dependencies required for the intsallation of that program.10:39
harolddongis there a reason why, since updating to 4.04, that some qt4 apps seem to use my my qt3 color theme and others dont?10:40
jussi01Giant_Speck: correct, and apt on cd should help get the deps also10:41
KanashimiHello there, I'm trying out the 8.04 KDE4 Mix version. I accidentally ended up removing the taskbar widget from the bottom panel and now all the others are on the wrong side. Is there a way to just move them? Right clicking, dragging or what not doesn't seem to work.10:50
jussi01Kanashimi: no there isnt atm. if you join #kubuntu-kde4 Ill give you some more info10:50
KanashimiHum, alright.10:52
jussi01ch3ch3: can we help you?10:56
The_ManU_212arecord: pcm_read:1347: Lesefehler: Input/output error11:03
The_ManU_212it seems to be a bug becasue audacity also doesnt work?!11:03
The_ManU_212i use hardy heron11:03
godlyservermooma ling ling11:10
=== StasV is now known as LegolasV
PolitikerNEUhi everyone, I got the following problem: Even though compiz works, I haven't got any direct rendering (glxinfo | grep direct) and some games don't work (using nvidia proprietary driver)11:25
TheFuzzballdoes anyone know if I can use an Apple Remote with a Thinkpad's IR reciever?11:34
giloeveryone's dead around here man11:36
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ubottuIt's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.11:38
giloi guess im going to get drunk then11:39
Dr_willisHmm.., its almost 7 am here. :)11:42
sacha_gah updated krita and now it crashes11:42
ch3ch3je comprends pas tout à linux11:54
ch3ch3est ce que j'ai KDE ou bien GNOME sous kubuntu11:55
=== sacha__ is now known as xsacha
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr11:55
godlyserveris it normal rfor a comp to run a lot hotter on linux than XP ?12:06
JoshOvkigodlyserver: my pc usualy runs cooler12:06
godlyserverits a acer aspire notebook aaall seems to run ok but really hot near the cd/ram12:06
JoshOvkii switch to XPfor the winter to help heat the place12:06
xsachagodlyserver: that would probably mean that it is using more electricity12:07
xsachatry running intel's PowerTop to see what is sucking up all your power12:07
xsachait can give really good suggestions12:07
xsachait's a program made by intel, works on all computers godlyserver12:07
godlyserversubmerge in cooking oil12:07
godlyserverok great than you12:08
=== doom_ is now known as DOOM_NX
xsachathey just released a latencytop as well12:08
xsachanice little linux programs with very good suggestions :)12:08
godlyserveroki doki12:08
xsachado the suggestions it tells you and your notebook should be running cool and battery life going way up12:09
xsachasomeone on here before said they went from 3 hour battery life to 8 hour or something12:09
xsachathey had to recompile kernel too though12:09
mandjewhere can i find kubuntu 7.10 cd images?12:10
xsachayou want to downgrade to 7.10?12:10
xsacha7.10 will still be on every mirrors http and ftp12:10
JoshOvkimandje: why do you want to downgrade?12:11
mandjeits for use with linuxmce 7.1012:12
JoshOvkimandje: what country are you in?12:13
xsachaUS for example: http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/kubuntu/7.10/12:13
JoshOvkiUK is  http://ubuntu.virginmedia.com/releases/kubuntu/gutsy/12:13
mandjeJoshOvki: holland  but tnx  i got it already..12:13
mandjeyeah nl.releases. etc.12:13
xsachai think every mirror has all releases back to 6.0612:14
JoshOvkijust support will stop for it12:14
mandjeit's just the download pages on the kubuntu site don't give you all the version options.12:14
mandjejust 8.04 and 6.0612:15
JoshOvkimandje: http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/7.10/   still has it but you need to change the URL12:15
neozscuse me12:15
JoshOvkihi neoz12:16
godlyserverthank you xsacha i will give it a go as everything is way cooler apart from one section i guess its the ram12:16
neozdon't speak engl.12:16
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:16
mandjeJoshOvki: the url which starts the download coz the page is ok12:16
xsachagodlyserver: hot ram? :\.. more likely the cpu, videocard or harddrive.. something using a lot of electricity anyway12:17
neozin the italian channel can't       help12:17
neozcan i ask the quest?12:18
helowoThis sounds dumb, but via a GUI, how does one create a new user?12:18
JoshOvkineoz: ask in the best english you can12:18
helowoI swear, there's something broken about kuser12:18
JoshOvkihelowo: kde3 or 4?12:19
helowoeither, actually12:19
godlyserverok just installing the powertop lets find out12:19
JoshOvkii will let you know in kde3 (once ive booted my desktop)12:19
JoshOvkibecause im not 100% sure in kde412:19
* JoshOvki is worried about his HD12:20
helowoas in HDD? something RW heads sticking to platters?12:21
JoshOvkihelowo:  doesnt sound like that, sounds like a bearing going12:21
neozcould tell me how I install my terratec phase 24 firewire on ubuntu ? only you can help me12:21
helowohaha, i have a laptop to my left I just got done doing data recovery on so that's funny12:21
xsacha<-- has never had or seen a computer with firewire before except macs12:22
helowobad hdd, corrupted data.. carved out some jpg files... all that fun12:22
* helowo is on a laptop with a firewire port12:22
helowoit's a dell inspiron 930012:22
helowomost laptops have then that i see.. except ultra business class dell's etc12:23
JoshOvkihelowo: do you have Users and Groupd in System?12:23
helowoI hit ctrl+f2 and found kusers.. but tha's cumbersom to use (and apparently broken)12:24
JoshOvkialways make one by command line12:24
xsachait takes about 5 seconds max by commandline12:25
xsachai mean there's not even any options you need to set12:25
xsachajust user and pass12:25
helowo... i swear, it's like nothing works in kde. I've been trying to get stuff going for 3 weeks now lol12:25
JoshOvkiplenty works for me12:26
xsachano probs here12:26
xsachakopete is crashing in my kde4 but other than that all good12:26
JoshOvkijust need to be flexiable12:26
xsachausing different im12:26
helowodo me a favour, run kuser-kde412:26
helowodoes that work?12:27
xsachano such file12:27
neozmine is a personal computer and I need know how the card is installed.12:27
xsachahelowo: i need to install kuser-kde4, hang on12:28
JoshOvkiworks here12:28
xsachajust a note: having a gui for creating a username & password is probably the last thing on everyones todo list12:28
xsachaits just one commandline12:28
helowosee, after a few weeks at this, i've found that nobody actually uses the GUI at all.12:28
JoshOvkii use the GUI a fair bit, just i can go over to command line when i need to12:29
xsachaadduser sacha    <-- in a terminal, is that too hard?12:29
xsachayou need a GUI for this? please12:29
helowoxsacha, not sure how to take that12:29
xsachathats it.. adduser then the name12:29
JoshOvkixsacha: sudo first correct?12:30
helowosee, this appears to be the problem with linux atm.12:30
helowonobody actually sees a need for a gui12:30
helowogui is intuitive12:30
xsachahelowo: well the thing is that the GUI actually exists12:30
xsachabut anyone with a clue knows they dont need it12:30
xsachabut the gui is there and it works fine12:30
xsachaill screenshot it for you12:30
JoshOvkihelowo: open terminal and run  sudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kuser   see if it works12:31
xsachayeah works fine12:31
helowo*sigh*... i don't know why i get such hostility about stuff that doesn't work12:31
xsachait does work :P12:31
helowosudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kuser is what i'm running12:31
xsachawell you have done something weird im guessin?12:31
JoshOvkihow was i ment to know that?  no error messages in terminal12:31
xsachado you get an error?12:31
helowono, i create a user12:32
helowoi click apply12:32
neozthank you bye12:32
xsachahelowo: http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/6397/userra0.png12:32
helowoi look at what's created, and it has a.) no groups selected b.) no UID c.) the password is blank d.) no home dir is created... etc12:32
helowosomething's wonkey12:32
xsachahelowo: sounds fine to me12:33
neozxsacha i can ask  you?12:33
xsachahelowo: no groups by default, uid it does have, just next in line, home dir is associated but not created, password can be created by the user12:33
xsachaneoz: i dont know answer sorry, i dont know any machines with firewire :(12:34
helowono, password is set12:34
helowothen it goes blank12:34
helowoit's a god damned bug12:34
JoshOvkihelowo: if you press reload does it show up?12:34
neozxsacha another channel for this?12:34
xsachahelowo: are you sure you are running it as sudo?12:34
helowono, good q josh12:34
JoshOvkihelowo: post a god dab bug report then12:34
xsachaneoz: #linux12:34
helowowell, see as xsacha said, nobody cares12:34
helowoi'm just some stupid user for wanting a gui12:34
helowothis seems futile12:35
helowoif there's a hostile, anti-social dick faced attitude about a good user experience then f* it then12:35
xsachahelowo: the end aim is to have a GUI for everything but there are more important things right now12:35
JoshOvkidid hitting reload make it show up?12:35
helowo3 weeks of effort for vaporware12:35
xsachahelowo: the GUI works for me12:35
xsachahelowo: you just have to submit a bug report if it doesnt work for you and wait for fix12:35
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xsachahelowo: either that, or fix yourself if you can code12:35
xsachahelowo: at the moment there is a very simple workaround, so thats why it wont be fixed instantly (you can just type `adduser name')12:36
xsachaim not sure if there even is a bug or maybe you just didnt type sudo12:36
helowoxsacha, you can't read12:36
helowoi'm setting you to ignore12:37
helowoyou have issues tonight or something12:37
helowoyou've been helpful in the past, and friendly12:37
helowoand right now, idk wtheck12:37
xsachai read it12:37
JoshOvkihelowo: being rude is not a way to get help12:37
helowoxsacha is being rude, not me12:37
heloworead back12:37
xsachaim using the same distro as you. it works here. its not a random app, it should work the same everywhere. it's a very simple role that the app fills (one line in console).12:38
JoshOvkihelowo: i dont see how he is being rude by suggesting a very simple work around that is using terminal12:38
helowoif your mentality is "[04:28] <xsacha> just a note: having a gui for creating a username & password is probably the last thing on everyones todo list" and "[04:29] <xsacha> you need a GUI for this? please" then just leave me alone. i don't need to be bullied, i need some advise12:38
xsachawhile the aim is to have every role filled by a GUI. if there is a bug, it wont be fixed instantly as there are more important ones. just warning you about this12:39
heloworight, well your attitude was very clear 6 minutes ago12:39
helowoi don't appreciate it12:39
helowothis isn't my own selfish want12:39
helowoi'm trying to get things working for avg end users12:39
JoshOvkihelowo: but helowo he is right, you dont need a gui to do that. If there is a bug, post a bug report12:39
helowoyour presumptuousness is astounding12:39
xsachawhat im saying is you can wait til this is fixed. you dont NEED the GUI. theres a very simple workaround in the meanwhile12:40
helowoyeah, i've already done the bug report thing12:40
helowothe mentality appears, as you say, that it's low priority12:40
helowoi only mentioned it here because using kuser seemed wrong annd i wanted to double check12:40
xsachaim not the one who fixes bugs. im just explaining to you that it will be low priority12:40
helowo(ie there might be some wizard i missed etc)12:40
xsachayeah we installed and tested the app and it worked as expected here. asked if you used sudo or not12:41
helowowell, ya'll could read "How to win friends and influence people" by dale carnegie or something.. dang.12:41
JoshOvkiok, lets just chill here12:41
helowoi really, sincerely am trying to12:41
helowoand xsacha, weren't we talking rather cordially in compiz-fusion just yesterday?12:42
JoshOvkihelowo: what happens when you press reload, does the user showup? what i noticed when i created on with it it made a dupilcate ID, that needs to be changed to a uniqe one12:42
xsachayeah, i had the same attitude then as i do now too12:42
* helowo added xsacha!* to your ignore list.12:43
helowogood q josh0vki, i did try manually  changing it afterward12:43
helowo /refresh12:43
helowono go12:43
xsachalol, you asked that question 3 times josh. he decided to read what we were responding now. *sigh* wonder why he went off at me12:44
helowoit appears a bit broken and so long as ther's not an alternative (i could have sworn i'd used something else a bit ago... might be thinking of a different DE) then I guess I'll need to set these things up ahead or train others about using a command line...12:44
xsachaJoshOvki: tell him he doesnt need to use a commandline for one-liners, you can run them in application launcher like krunner (alt+f2)12:45
xsachaif it really is a barrier for staff12:46
helowojosh0vki: can I pm you rather briefly?12:47
JoshOvkihelowo: aslong as it is not to complain about xsacha12:48
JoshOvkixsacha: its an option, i can just see him agreeing to using it12:49
wirechief-intelhelowo see item 5 http://www.linux.com/articles/5494512:49
helowothat's a nify article wirechief-intel12:52
helowoit's probably not 100% germane to the issue i'm facing, but handy nonetheless12:53
JoshOvkianyway i gotta head off12:54
helowoalright, josh0vki, i tried pm you then realised i wasn't logged in so nm12:54
JoshOvkilol ok12:55
helowoit was a longwinded apology of sorts, not worth repeating12:55
helowothanks for the effort to help just the same12:55
JoshOvkihelowo: sorry we couldnt come to the bottom of the problem12:55
JoshOvkicatch ya all later12:55
helowoyeah, cya12:55
Tm_Thi kids13:15
jussi01afternoon daddy13:16
MatieeHi to all.13:24
MatieeI've got a question about KDE and hidden files.13:24
Matieeis someone there that can help me with this?13:24
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:29
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pjfloydwith kubuntu 8.0413:43
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pjfloydmy shell is ksh13:44
pjfloydif I run 'top', it doesn't respond correctly to 'q'13:44
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pjfloydand not even to ctrl-z or ctrl-d13:44
pjfloydboth in xterm abd konsole13:44
pjfloydman top says13:44
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pjfloydman: command exited with status 256: pager -s13:45
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:46
pjfloydWhen I had the default bash as my shell, command line completion was broken - M-Esc did not complete until after I typed another letter (e.g. space)13:46
pjfloydctrl-v doesn't show ksh's version13:49
brazhhi. could anyone help me about icq-clients? i tried Kopete, sim and licq. licq seems to be best choice for me of these, but i haven't seen clients, which will have the same functionality as qip13:51
pjfloydis the console in kubuntu simply broken?13:52
xsachabrazh: i dont use ICQ. what functionality is it you want?13:52
xsachapjfloyd: dont think so.. im using kde4 version so i cant say for sure. but you'd hear a roar of complaints if console didnt work :\13:53
pjfloydthis is with kde413:53
pjfloydI'm not saying it doesn't work13:53
pjfloydjust that it doesn't work _right_13:54
xsachaoh ok, well kde4 comes with 2 konsoles..13:54
xsachaone based on qt3 and another based on qt4.. which one isnt working properly?13:54
pjfloydnothing! not even xterm13:54
xsachaso "echo hi" doesnt work?13:54
brazhxsacha: i need a program, which will allow me to edit my contact list without bugs, has notifications like licq (qip), has plugins13:54
pjfloydctrl-z doesn't work13:55
xsachabrazh: have you tried licq on kubuntu?13:55
xsachapjfloyd: they are all working here :\13:56
pjfloydnor ctrl-d not ctrl-c13:56
xsachapjfloyd: is this just straight after install, none of the konsoles working? or have you done some stuff?13:56
brazhxsacha: i've already said that i'd tried Kopete, sim and licq. now i'm using licq, but it is terrible action to edit contact list because of bugs!13:57
xsachaoh ok13:57
pjfloydInstalled 7.10, upgraded to 8.04, added a few packages, but otherwise, haven't done much13:57
xsachapjfloyd: ahh, the upgrade path might have done it13:57
xsachaunexpected things can happen in upgrades13:57
xsachabrazh: ow ok. what version are you using?   licq --version i think13:58
GTSCould some1 help me13:58
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xsachabrazh: are you on KDE4 because there is a Qt4 version of licq now that isnt in kubuntu  by default13:58
xsachaits a different GUI, so it might not have the contact list bug?13:59
brazhxsacha: last version - 1.3.5. no, i use kubuntu 8.04 with kde 3.5.913:59
nathanmarckCould someone help me: ive downloaded kubuntu and im getting this weird thing on the screen its like all weird screen is messed up almost impossible to see what im doing14:00
xsachabrazh: have you tried psi?14:00
nathanmarckPSI? isnt that a type of energy14:00
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brazhxsacha: psi? what is it?14:01
Xanatosare 3.5 and 4 KDE able to be installed at the same time, and if so how do you choose between?14:01
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xsachaactualyl nvm, i think it only does jabber sorry14:01
xsachaXanatos: you can run kde3 applications on kde414:01
Dr_willisXanatos,  the kdm login screen has a session for each one.14:02
xsachaalternatively, you can have a kde3 and a kde4 environment installed and alternate between them using a session manager14:02
Xanatosah alright, thats what i'm after, thanks14:02
Dr_williskde4 is still very much a work in progress14:02
Xanatosyeah, but it has some nice features, just want to give it a test run14:03
xsachabrazh: i think anything that runs jabber can connect to icq14:03
brazhxsacha: really?14:04
xsachausing XMPP14:04
xsachabrazh: read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabber#Connecting_to_other_protocols14:04
xsachabrazh: also, pidgin can do icq14:04
brazhxsacha: thanks14:05
xsachabrazh: basically, create jabber account, connect to a jabber->icq gateway and provide it with your ICQ login and then you have ICQ.14:07
xsacha(if you cant find a good icq client)14:08
brazhxsacha: ok. but it seems like running on crutches :)14:09
xsachaa lot of new IMs are doing this thing with supporting Jabber only14:10
xsachasince jabber can communicate to other protocols using a gateway. they give an example of each protocol on their website. here's the ICQ one:14:11
xsachaFor ICQ, the format is 'UIN@icq.gateway'. For example, if your UIN of your friend is '1277851', then his translated Jabber � ID is: '1277851@icq.gateway'14:11
xsachaim guessing that means you'd have to add ALL of your friends to your jabber account though :(14:11
brazhxsacha: mmm... :(14:12
splodger15hello , I would like to install this theme: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Die+Hard+4.0+-+Matthew+Farrel's+theme+(E?content=66714  but I am not sure on how to do it has anyone got any advice on how to do it thanks in advance14:13
xsachabrazh: does pidgin work for you?14:13
xsachasplodger15: that is an emerald theme. it only works with compiz-fusion14:14
xsachasplodger15: if you use compiz-fusion, open up emerald-theme-manager and then click Import and then open that file14:14
brazhxsacha: i haven't try pidgin yet14:15
xsachabrazh: just a note that gmail is a jabber-enabled service14:21
xsachaso if you have a  whatever@gmail.com, you have a jabber account14:21
brazhxsacha: oh! i have gmail-account :)14:23
xsachawell thats a jabber account :)14:23
brazhxsacha: thanks14:32
BluesKajhmm , I have the new version of google-earth and it rocks , but I have to run it as root. It seems a lot of beta apps have to be run that way. What's the best way set it up to run as user ?14:45
Dr_willisOdd that it needs to be ran as root.14:51
Dr_willisI normally get the google earth stuff from google  and install them as a user, for my single user. that way the user can update it easier.14:52
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NyadHi. I just installed slackware and I didn't install a LILO for it. How do I make my grub on kubuntu pick up slack?14:55
xsachaedit the menu.lst in /boot/grub/14:56
xsachaor run the autoupdate14:57
Nyadwhat is this autoupdate? where?14:57
Nyadsounds interesting14:57
xsachaNyad: sudo update-grub14:58
Nyadxsacha: my menu.lst file doesn't have any evidence slack anywhere. Did I need to install LILO on the slack partition?15:01
Nyador make it bootable?15:01
xsachawont need lilo. if it is installed, it should already be bootable15:02
xsachaupdate-grub didnt pick up slack?15:02
xsachait wont call it slack, but maybe Other Linux Distribution?15:02
crazy_bushow exactly do I get more than one desktop in compiz.  Selecting more than 1 in the kicker pager does nothing.  And compizconfig won't let me select more than one15:02
Nyadnothing, just ubuntu and windows. also the kernel for my slack is 2.6.21 so I would easily notice it but no luck15:03
Nyadperhaps I should do it manually15:03
Odd-rationalecrazy_bus: in the compizconfig, go to general options and in the desktop size tab, set the horizontal=4, vertical=1, and No. of desktops=115:03
xsachaNyad: menu.lst is easy enough to edit manually15:04
darkwolfhey everyone, I have Vmware Server Console Version 1.0.5; is this the latest version available for Kubuntu?15:04
crazy_busOdd-rationale: I did that and now I have two wide desktops on kicker.  But they don't work when I click on them15:05
Odd-rationalecrazy_bus: you set hor=4, ver=1 and no.or desktops =1 ?15:06
Dr_willissome times the ccsm tool settings dont always get read/used for me under  kde.15:06
crazy_busOdd-rationale: yes15:07
Odd-rationalecrazy_bus: if you use ctrl+alt+left-mouse-button-hold-and-move-mouse-around do you have a cube?15:08
Nyadxsacha: my partition is sdb5, what would I put in menu.lst for that?15:08
Dr_willisa 2 sided cube :)15:08
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crazy_busOdd-rationale: I just got that then by choosing the rotate cube plugin.  However I still only have two desktops on the pager while I have four sides to the cube15:09
sigma_1234where can i learn how to write programs in qt?15:09
Odd-rationalecrazy_bus: yes, exactly what i thought...the kde pager doesn't intergrate well with compiz...15:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:10
ubottuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications15:10
Jucatosigma_1234: doc.trolltech.com has some pretty good tutorials. and there's a #qt channel too15:11
Jucatosigma_1234: oh, and you might want to start off with Qt 4 instead (install libqt4-dev I thnk)15:11
Jucato!info libqt4-dev15:12
ubottulibqt4-dev (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 development files. In component main, is optional. Version 4.3.4-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 4350 kB, installed size 22952 kB15:12
xsachasigma_1234: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.415:12
Jucato(Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports)15:12
crazy_busI selected cube-gears.  But I only have yellow on the top and buttom of the cube.  Is this normal (The cube caps is deselected)15:13
BluesKajJucato, I have an app that won't run as user even tho I did chmod +x during the install .. It's not a real big deal, but it would be nice just click the icon on the desktop rather than launch it as root from the konsole.15:13
xsachacrazy_bus: is that qtdemo?15:14
Sneedleyhello all, im new to this freedom of linux so im not sure about the rules yet, I'm attempting to install nvidia drivers, I type in terminal then it come up and says it must be run in Root.  What is this root and how do i run things in on or as it15:14
SlimeyPeteroot is the admin account. It's not enabled in kubuntu. Use sudo instead:15:14
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.15:14
Dr_willisSneedley,  you did try installing the nvidia drivers that are in the package manager?15:14
crazy_busxsacha: not sure what this is.  I selected it in compizconfig15:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:14
SlimeyPeteSneedley: it is best to use the Restricted Hardware Manager in System Settings for installing your nvidia driver15:15
xsachacrazy_bus: oh sorry nevermin15:15
SneedleyDr_willis: no  Where are they?15:15
JucatoBluesKaj: KDE 3? can you create a Link to Application and fill in the details?15:16
Dr_willisSneedley,  notice the !nvidia  :) notice the bot givbing some url info? :)  There is also a 'restricted driver tool' that is supposed to auto-download  and install them for you. Whats your exact video card?15:16
Dr_willis!nvidia | Sneedley15:16
ubottuSneedley: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:16
Odd-rationalecrazy_bus: yes, you need cube caps enabled...15:17
SneedleyDr_willis:  nice ill check that out15:17
Dr_willisSneedley,  i forget the exact location to the tool. its called like 'hardware driver maanger' or somthing in the menus15:18
BluesKajJucato, ok , I followed this tutorial , but the result wasn't as predicted, http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2008/05/install-google-earth-on-linux.html,15:18
crazy_busOdd-rationale: found it now15:18
JucatoSneedley, Dr_willis: K Menu -> System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Restricted Drivers/Manager?15:18
Odd-rationalecrazy_bus: ok15:18
Dr_willisJucato,  i thouhg it was called somthing other then 'restricted' under hardy15:19
Jucatolet me double check15:19
JucatoBluesKaj: no idea really... sorry..15:20
xsachaNyad: by the way, this is way easier than editing menu.lst: http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/QGRUBEditor?content=6039115:20
JucatoDr_willis, Sneedley: ah. K Menu -> System -> Hardware Drivers Manager15:21
BluesKajJucato, ok ..strange that the tutorial tells us that the desktop icon will work but clicking on it all gives is this error : file /home/kaj/Desktop/Google-googleearth.desktop has no Type=... entry.15:22
JucatoBluesKaj: in that case, the problem seems to be from Google's .dekstop file...15:22
crazy_busI used beryl a long time ago and there was an option to make closed menus and windows burn up.  Is that still there as I can't find it15:22
BluesKajok Jucato , I'll look at that15:22
SneedleyDr_willis: what is this k menu you speak of15:22
xsachacrazy_bus: Animation plugin15:23
JucatoSneedley: K Menu, KDE's "Start" menu15:23
Jucatothe icon with the K and gear at the lower left corner of the screen15:23
Dr_willisIsent there a big K on the button?15:24
crazy_busxsacha: do you have to do anything.  As I changed a item to burn but nothing is happening when I close things15:24
xsachacrazy_bus: which item did you change to burn?15:24
crazy_busxsacha: popupmenu, dropdown menu....15:25
jeroen-what is the name of the utitily I can change laptop settings, like hibernate when closing lid, etc...15:26
Jucato(or klaptop or kpowersave...)15:26
Dr_willisI wonder if the laptop-mode under hardy still uses the HD defaults. which  caused such a ruckus last year.15:26
jeroen-Jucato: thanks15:27
jeroen-Jucato: it gives a systray-icon, but no settings in there?15:28
jeroen-oh wait15:28
xsachacrazy_bus: it is Normal window15:28
jeroen-I had to cleft click15:28
crazy_busxsacha: I set the normal window one to burn as well.  But now I have no closing animations15:30
JucatoDr_willis: updated https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto with Kubuntu instructions just for you :)15:30
jeroen-what is saver; hibernate or sleep15:30
xsachacrazy_bus: im not completely sure but burn may use pixel shaders.. maybe you dont have the required pixel shaders15:30
xsachacrazy_bus: should ask in #compiz-fusion15:31
jeroen-suspend to disk is proberly saver, but slower?15:31
crazy_busxsacha: fire writing works... going there to ask now15:31
xsachaoh ok15:31
SneedleyDr_willis: ok i cant find that place, im on hardy heron, if it makes a difference, but i did find root terminal and got in it.  now im being told to close an "X server"15:32
flotishtu iam using ktorrent. my upload on knemo graph is more than my downloads. why so? iam not uploading any thing. not even in ktorrent.?15:33
biophysicsHi all, I was wondering what to change to in dpms settings to have the monitor slowly dim into sleep state (like in Ubuntu) instead of "instant off" behaviour in Kubuntu. (Sorry for making comparison - I am KDE user for last 5 years and love it.15:34
Dr_willisSneedley,  whats tellying you this? You really should look in the menus CLOSELY and fine that 'restricted/hardware  drivers manager' icon. and use that. NOT the ones you download from the nvidia web site15:34
sevenseekerupgrading to Hardy KDE4, is there a graphical mixer?  I doubt my wife wants to use the curses alsamixer interface?15:35
Jucato!info kmix-kde415:36
ubottukmix-kde4 (source: kdemultimedia-kde4): sound mixer applet for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 265 kB, installed size 880 kB15:36
Jucatosevenseeker: ^^^^15:36
Dr_willis Hmm.. wonder why that would be optional. I guess all of kde4 is optional?15:36
sevenseekerawesome, thank you very much! time to evangelize :)15:36
JucatoDr_willis: I'm thinking CD space limitations... since the KDE 4 remix needs to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 stuff15:37
crazy_buswill I lose all of the compiz effects when I switch to kde4.  Or will they slowly be ported over to kwin15:37
Jucatoor are you talking about the tagging?15:37
Jucatocrazy_bus: impossible to "port" to kwin15:37
Jucatosince compiz and kwin are completely different window managers15:37
Dr_williskde4 has its own alternatives to  the compiz eye candy.. of course Most of it is not there yet. :015:37
Jucato(and you can only use 1 at a time)15:37
crazy_busJucato: will code ever be shared for plugins.  Or are they just too different?15:38
=== luis is now known as luis__
sevenseekerhow does kde4 do with pluging in a laptop to a projector?15:38
Jucatocrazy_bus: at this point? there is no standard or common ground to share15:38
Dr_willistoo different from what i hear in the various forums.15:38
Dr_willissevenseeker,  that would be more X related. then window manager related. and a lot would depend on yoru video card/chipset15:39
Dr_willisand laptop. :)15:39
Jucatowell obviously one is GTK+ based and the other is Qt based :)15:39
sevenseekertrue, but does KDE4 use xrandr?15:39
=== ville_ is now known as Damenheth
sevenseekerhmmm, what does KDE4 use for multimedia keys like on a laptop (Inspiron 9300)15:43
=== scorpking is now known as ScorpKing
ScorpKingi just installed kubuntu on my dad's laptop but X is a bit messed up. there are hardly any settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. has it been changed in 8.04?15:46
jeroen-anyone knows about the problem that the power-manager says "lid is closed", but the laptop lid is actually not closed?15:46
crashhandleris there a thing like 'force-empty-trash-bin'??15:46
jeroen-ScorpKing: try to move xorg.conf away (like xorg.confBK) and trey it again15:47
jeroen-afterwards you can configure it easilt under systemsettings15:47
ScorpKingjeroen-: i did and it creates a faulty one again. funny but that same xorg.conf file works perfect on my laptop15:47
jeroen-ScorpKing: strange, it should start without making a new xorg.conf15:48
jeroen-ScorpKing: try to a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg15:48
ScorpKingjeroen-: gui settings is also disabled. could not load a module. i set the driver to vesa but the best i can get then is 800x60015:48
ScorpKingjeroen-: ok i'll run that15:49
jeroen-ScorpKing: ok so X starts?15:49
ScorpKingyes it does15:49
jeroen-try another driver15:49
ScorpKingi did. usually i'm quite happy to fiddle with X but this one beats me15:50
ScorpKingjeroen-: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg does nothing. is there a verbose option i can give it?15:51
linux66salut tout le monde15:51
ScorpKingjeroen-: here is xorg.conf - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11257/15:54
ScorpKinglooking at the logs X does use /etc/X11/xorg.conf but if i look at that file i tend to think different15:55
jeroen-ScorpKing: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:56
ScorpKingah ok. doing it now.15:57
jeroen-it should detect the right driver15:57
jeroen-just go with the defaults15:57
ScorpKingjeroen-: why would that xorg.conf ^ work?15:57
jeroen-ScorpKing: it genaretes a new xorg.conf15:58
jeroen-if that is not working maybe someone else knows the answer15:58
ScorpKingjeroen-: the one i pasted is perfect on my/this laptop. i'm confused why. is yours the same?15:58
jeroen-ScorpKing: no15:58
ScorpKingjeroen-: thanks for the help. i'll get it working ;)15:59
jeroen-good luck15:59
sevenseekerwhat do I use for multimedia keys in KDE4?15:59
ScorpKingty :)15:59
jeroen-sevenseeker: kmilo15:59
jeroen-again my question: anyone knows about the problem that the power-manager says "lid is closed", but the laptop lid is actually not closed?16:00
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:07
pulaskiI recently upgraded from gutsy 7.10 desktop to hardy heron 8.4.  Everything seemed to go fine however there is a package libgtk1.2 that Adept Updater grabs whose statuts is upgradable though its Requested field indicates no change.  The Adept Updater icon in the system tray remains.  When I use apt-get update/upgrade the same package is shown with the message "The following packages have been kept back: libgtk1.2.  Can anyone16:12
pulaskisuggest why this package has been kept back and how long will the adept-updater icon remain?  Is it worth worrying about?16:12
hizoka_je viens de faire une belle connerie... un bo petit rm sur un dossier (me suis planter en collant ladresse)16:17
hizoka_comment peut on annuler le rm ?16:17
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:17
jeroen-pulaski: try in terminal:  "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see if it works, if not try to find the error message16:18
hizoka_merde... thanks16:18
pulaskithank you jeroen, I will.16:19
sevenseekerit would appear that KDE4 desktop effects do not play nicely with pidgin and firefox, those become invisible16:19
nathananybody here?16:20
nathani just got Ubuntu16:20
nathanhow come the sound dosent work on firefox?16:21
SlimeyPeteno idea. I've not come across that problem... but then my sound doesn't work at all.16:22
nathanwell i thought it didnt work at all but some things do16:22
SlimeyPeteif you're running Ubuntu as opposed to Kubuntu, you'll be using Pulseaudio - it may be a problem with that?16:24
SlimeyPetethough in that case you're best off asking in #ubuntu16:24
nathani have no knowledge of IRC whatsoever, i opened my new IRC client and it put me here16:25
SlimeyPeteah. Konversation probably does that by default16:25
SlimeyPetetype "/join #ubuntu" without the quotes16:25
igor__hallo people16:32
igor__can somebody help me with radio16:32
igor__i have tv card16:32
ph3n0nwhich one?16:33
xsachaigor__: Kaffeine?16:33
igor__i hear nothing16:33
xsachakaffeine can play radio and tv from tv tuner16:33
sevenseekeranyone know how to configure multimedia keys (kmilo) in KDE4?16:34
igor__i did no try16:34
igor__i heard tht i must write radio=116:34
ph3n0noh yea, in fstab..16:34
igor__where ist that16:35
igor__and where is in kubuntu module.conf16:35
igor__i open kaffeine16:36
igor__but there is no option for radio16:37
igor__i have kubuntu 7.10 cd live16:38
NebularI am attepting to use the 8.04 live cd on my dell inspiron 8100. It has a 3Com 3c556 network card, but it doesn't seem work with the livecd. lspci show it, but when I load the module 3c556 it doesn't bring up eth0. I get no error from loading the module16:45
Nebularany ideas?16:45
pulaskijeroen, thanks 'sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2'  worked.  Evidently libgtk1.2 was missing some dependencies.  I wonder,  the install process removed a couple packages I had manually installed 'bcjfiltercups' and ' bjfilterpixus550i' under gutsty in an unsucessful effort to get my canon i550 printer to work under kubuntu.  I think I might try again to install the printer.  Have you or anyone else here successfully installed a16:47
pulaskicanon i550 printer for kubuntu?16:47
=== igor__ is now known as xigorx
heinkel_111hello..now I have upgraded to Hardy Heron, and precisely like when I upgraded to gutsy, that means nothing concerning x graphics work, i guess it is the nvidia driver installation problem in yet another appearance (sigh)...I am back to surfing the net with lynx and irssi, at least there is a chance I can find some howto solutions now16:53
heinkel_111long live the console login16:53
SlimeyPeteI'd edit your xorg.conf so that X uses the vesa driver16:53
SlimeyPetethen use the hardware manager in X.16:54
jasmin_i getting error cannot theme file /usr/share/apps/kdm/theme/kubuntu16:57
jasmin_SlimeyPete:  i getting error cannot theme file /usr/share/apps/kdm/theme/kubuntu16:57
jasmin_SlimeyPete: what i hav to do16:57
SlimeyPetesorry, I don't know anything about themes. Maybe someone else here can help.16:58
jasmin_plz any one knows this ple help me out16:58
geniijasmin_: I just arrived. Please re-state your problem16:59
jasmin_chodi nav bhosdi nav help karo16:59
SlimeyPete16:57 < jasmin_> i getting error cannot theme file /usr/share/apps/kdm/theme/kubuntu17:00
jasmin_genii:  i getting error cannot theme file /usr/share/apps/kdm/theme/kubuntu17:00
geniicannot FIND theme file?17:00
jasmin_genii: ya17:00
geniiPut an s on theme17:01
jasmin_genii: what ???17:01
jasmin_genii: i didnt understand what u said17:03
geniijasmin_:   /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu                <- note themes  not theme17:03
geniiThe directory themes exists. The directory theme does not exists17:03
jasmin_genii: so what i hav to do17:05
geniijasmin_: What were you attempting that gave you the original error?17:05
bitbytegood morning17:05
bitbyteafternoon/evening etc17:05
* genii slides bitbyte a coffee17:05
* bitbyte slurps17:06
jasmin_genii: i get this error ->>> cannot theme file /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu17:06
* wirechief__ looks at empty cup17:07
* genii makes wirechief__ a coffee also17:07
* wirechief__ sips ahhhh17:07
geniijasmin_: When the login screen tries to load?17:07
heinkel_111SlimeyPete: I got an x display with kde up and running now. I changed the xorg.conf to use "nv" driver instead of "nvidia" (not "vesa")17:07
jasmin_genii: yes17:08
* dhq wishes he also had a coffee17:08
heinkel_111SlimeyPete: I guess I now need to manually download and install nvidia driver?17:08
* genii fills a Kubuntu mug with more coffee and hands it to dhq17:08
SlimeyPeteheinkel_111: look in K -> System Settings17:08
SlimeyPetein Advanced there should be a restricted driver manager17:08
Jucatoheinkel_111: Hardy? K Menu -> System -> Hardware Drivers Manager17:09
SlimeyPetethat's the one17:09
* dhq feels ilated and sips the this smoking bru from the kubuntu mug17:09
bitbytei want to buy an nvidia video card that will do the 3d desktop stuff. as well as some very light gaming. nothing serious. but i don't want to break the bank, can anyone recommend a model with good linux support?17:09
JucatoGutsy? K Menu -> System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Restricted Manager17:09
SlimeyPetebitbyte: one of the 8600s, or else a 7-series is still fine for "light" gaming.17:09
SlimeyPetemy 7600s are well-supported17:10
jasmin_genii: hello finished ur coffff17:10
bitbytei know if you get one thats too new then you don't get support either, or that's what the case used to be17:10
bitbyteit's like walking a tightrope17:10
geniijasmin_: I'm investigationg your issue. Please be patient17:10
SlimeyPeteI should think 8600s will be fine... though you'll want to google first17:10
heinkel_111Jucato: SlimeyPete: I have just done the gutsy to HH upgrade, will try the new hardware driver manager... back later17:10
SlimeyPetethey're not bleeding-edge.17:10
SlimeyPeteheinkel_111: good luck :)17:10
erythrocytehi...has anyone here had any luck installing opera 9.5 beta 2 on hardy?17:11
jasmin_genii: ok17:11
heinkel_111SlimeyPete: the 8600 is the card causing me trouble at each upgrade, btw17:11
erythrocyteinstalling and getting it to work, i mean17:11
SlimeyPeteheinkel_111: if you used nvidia's own driver installer, then that's the problem, not the card17:11
geniijasmin_: Please issue from Konsole:      sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde-kdm-themes17:12
SlimeyPeteif you use the nvidia installer, every time the kernel gets upgraded your driver will stop working.17:12
heinkel_111SlimeyPete: Jucato: that hardware driver manager is useless to me, shows no info and nothing to edit in there...17:12
heinkel_111SlimeyPete:  I had to use the nvidia installer because gutsy didnt support the 860017:13
SlimeyPeteheinkel_111: ah.17:13
romulohi, how i change the default qmake to qt4?17:13
jasmin_genii: after i did that what i hav to do17:13
SlimeyPeteheinkel_111: next thing to do is try apt-get-ing the nvidia packages then17:13
geniijasmin_: Did it complete successfully?17:13
=== dhq is now known as dhq_
jasmin_genii: ok17:14
heinkel_111SlimeyPete: Jucato: will try ...17:14
=== dhq_ is now known as dhq
* heinkel_111 'd like a cup of that 'buntu brew as well btw17:14
geniijasmin_: After that command, logout of Kubuntu and see if the login screen works properly17:14
erythrocyteanyone here successfully installed and ran opera 9.5 beta 2?17:14
* genii gets out a new tray of Kubuntu mugs, tops them with coffee and hands them out17:15
jasmin_genii: ok17:15
* bitbyte sips one17:15
xsachaerythrocyte: im actually running the latest snapshot (may 9th) of opera 9.5 amd64 shared qt17:15
bitbyteactually i'm drinking a senseo right now17:15
* dhq gladly enjoying the brew prepared by genii17:16
geniiI wish the Ubuntu store sold Kubuntu stuff as well17:16
erythrocytexsacha: i tried installing the latest snapshot as well as the beta 2 release and i keep getting a segfault before the entire thing crashes :(17:16
xsachayeah id buy a dragon17:16
geniiThen we could actualy have Kubuntu mugs :)17:16
erythrocytemy platform is kubuntu hardy, intel, 32 bit17:16
xsachaerythrocyte: :(17:16
dhqyes and even the shits17:16
geniixsacha:  :)17:16
xsachaim kubuntu hardy, amd6417:16
dhqand the stickers17:17
xsachano idea ery, it works very well here and very fast. no crashes or bugs for me yet17:17
erythrocytexsacha:is there a way i can get it to work, or should i just forget it?17:17
xsachanot sure why it would segfault17:17
erythrocyteok xsacha17:17
wirechief__erythrocyte: did the media check ok ?17:18
heinkel_112now i got konversation as well :) bust still no nvidia driver17:18
dhqheinkel_112: what problem do u face17:18
jasmin_genii: hey its giving same prob17:19
erythrocytexsacha: i tried using all of the versions they have...the static ones as well as the shared ones17:19
erythrocytesame error everytime17:19
geniijasmin_: OK. After it gives this error, does it go to some default login screeen?17:19
xsachado other browsers work for you?17:19
xsachafirefox? konqueror?17:19
erythrocyteyea...they do17:19
erythrocyteff3b5 works fine...although it takes a ton of memory17:19
jasmin_genii: yes17:20
erythrocytei love konqueror...except that flash isn't working that well17:20
xsachayes :(17:20
heinkel_112dhq...same as heinkel_111 if yolu scroll a few screens back ;)17:20
geniijasmin_: Are you on kde3 or kde4?17:20
jasmin_genii: Kde317:20
erythrocytexsacha: i filed my comments on flash & konqueror at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/18414917:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 184149 in kdebase "[hardy]xembed and flash support patches doesn't work for konqueror" [Medium,Fix released]17:21
wirechief__i dont like the latest konqueror, i cant get split screens :(17:21
erythrocytexsacha: does youtube work with konqueror for you?17:21
geniijasmin_: OK. Give me some minutes for research17:21
jasmin_genii: ok17:21
xsachaerythrocyte: it works but not very well17:22
erythrocytewirechief: my konq splits just fine17:22
xsachavery slow and it has pauses17:22
CrunchyFerrettmornin  wirechief17:22
xsachaon opera its brilliant17:22
erythrocytexsacha: may i ask why the bug has been marked fixed, if it hasn't resolved the issue yet?17:22
xsachajust wished opera had a better interface17:23
erythrocytexsacha: too bad opera tanks for me :(17:23
xsachaerythrocyte: maybe they think they have or there was a regression. open it again?17:23
wirechief__erythrocyte: i didnt see a setting for it, will check again.17:23
wirechief__morning CrunchyFerrett17:23
dhqheinkel_112: i had the same problem my kubuntu was using vesa drivers and then when i changed it to nv i would get a black screen so i downloaded the beta drivers and it worked well17:24
erythrocytexsacha: i'm a total noob, and i'm always scared about messing with the tags on launchpad :)17:24
dhqjasmin_: i guess you will have to reinstall kdm17:24
dhqjasmin_: i dont know the size of it17:24
heinkel_112dhq..beta drivers from where? nvidia?17:24
erythrocytexsacha: did you need to install sun java for opera to work? or are you using openjdk?17:24
dhqheinkel_112: from nvidia site17:25
dhqheinkel_112: what is you graphic model17:25
heinkel_112dhq thanks for info17:25
xsachai think.. jre or something17:25
geniijasmin_: I found a bug report regarding your issue. Did you previously have a server install or minimal install and then install kubuntu-desktop?17:25
dhqjasmin_: just check and let me know the size of kdm17:25
heinkel_112dh01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600 GT (rev a1)q:17:25
dhqheinkel_112: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600M GT (rev a1)  this is mine17:26
dhqso it should work17:26
wirechieferythrocyte: my konqueror does not have a Window tab 3.5.917:26
heinkel_112dhq + that is what i had to do to get my computer to work with gutsy as well17:26
heinkel_112dhq just a tad disappointing they didnt manage to make it work in hardy17:27
=== fideas is now known as desination
erythrocytewirechief: what do you mean?17:27
dhqheinkel_112: it will be fixed by the devs at kubuntu soon17:27
wirechieferythrocyte: the older version 3.5.5 has a window tab but  3.5.9 does not have a window tab for split screen17:28
plut0nashhow do i install synaptic on kubuntu with apt-get?17:28
Jucatoplut0nash: sudo apt-get install synaptic17:28
dhqplut0nash: sugo apt-get install synaptics17:28
dhqplut0nash: sugo apt-get install synaptic17:28
dhqJucato: sorry for the push in17:28
jasmin_dhq: may know what is this sugo17:28
* Jucato doesn't mind17:28
plut0nashbase install is the best install method ever17:28
jasmin_Jucato: sugo ?? i think sudo17:29
Jucato!sudo | jasmin_17:29
ubottujasmin_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.17:29
erythrocytewirechief: i guess i don't know much about that...but when i goto View>Split Screen and select an option, it works for me...clicking in a split screen window makes it an 'active window'17:29
jasmin_lol lol  i know ok17:30
plut0nashsecond question17:30
plut0nashhow do i get kdm to start on boot?17:30
Jucatojasmin_: oh right.. sorry...17:30
* Jucato is sleepy17:30
dhqplut0nash: well doesnt it automatically start17:31
plut0nashlong day /night Jucato?17:31
plut0nashdhq: afraid not17:31
dhqplut0nash: else you will have to put it in the boot scripts17:31
plut0nashhad ot start it from init.d17:31
plut0nashis there a howto on that?17:31
erythrocytewirechief: good luck with your problem..i'm heading out :)17:31
plut0nashprefer to work on that17:31
erythrocytexsacha: thanks for your input...bye!17:31
wirechieferythrocyte: i just found the setting17:31
dhqit should be there maybe Jucato would be able to help you with that17:31
erythrocytewirechief: great :)17:32
plut0nashJucato is tired though17:32
ubottuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.17:32
wirechieferythrocyte: the older had it as default but not the newer17:32
geniijasmin_: Anyhow, the fix for you: in file /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc find the line: Theme=@@@ToBeReplacedByDesktopBase@@@              and replace with: Theme=                   You can open it with alt-f2 and: kdesudo kate /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc17:32
geniikdesudo or kdesu17:33
* genii sips his coffee17:34
mrkeishiiso why do you guys use kubuntu?17:34
afeijoits cool17:35
mrkeishiidoes kubuntu have more features than Ubuntu?17:35
afeijobut I cant make my epson scanner to work, lol17:35
dhqmrkeishii: its jazzy and smooth17:35
mrkeishiiis it better than ubuntu?17:35
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:35
BluesKajmrkeishii, it's a matter of taste , mostly17:35
genii"better" is subjective17:35
dhqmrkeishii: well the difference is gnome and kde some like gnome some like kde17:36
mrkeishiiwell which is a better desktop?17:36
xsachamrkeishii: another difference is kde apps use Qt and gnome apps use gtk generally17:36
mrkeishiiwhat is qt17:36
Jucato!better | mrkeishii17:36
ubottumrkeishii: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:36
Jucato!qt | mrkeishii17:37
ubottumrkeishii: Qt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports17:37
xsachaqt is a toolkit created by Trolltech (purchased by Nokia)17:37
Jucatoxsacha: still in the process of.. not yet complete17:37
xsachaits gonna go through..17:37
mrkeishiiso why do you guys prefer to use kde than ubuntu?17:37
Jucatoxsacha: sure. but they have to pass EU scrutiny first17:38
Jucatowhich is why it isn't complete yet17:38
richardI would like to set up my 2 hard drives (Xp on one Kubuntu on the other) for dual booting, It indicated to add some lines to this file: boot/grub/grub.conf, but when I open with kate, there is no line indicating timeout = 30 for me to add to17:38
Jucatomrkeishii: simple reason. because it works for them/us, because they/we like it.17:38
geniimrkeishii: kde IS ubuntu, with a different window manager. It's all a matter of which graphical interface you like to the system underneath17:38
xsachamrkeishii: maybe read this: http://polishlinux.org/kde/kde-4-rev-790000-better-stability-and-performance/ (its visual so not so much reading)17:39
geniimrkeishii: Some ppl prefer kde some prefer gnome, others prefer other types of interfaces. It all depends on how you like to work or so17:39
geniiHeh, drove him off :)17:40
Jucatonext time he comes back and asks the same questions...17:40
xsachaok, plan for next time: just say kubuntu is better, duh17:40
geniiRefer him to Ratpoison.....17:40
Jucatonah. I'll just kick... *if* he asks the same questions over and over again... it will be obvious that he's just trolling/baiting17:40
xsachatell him xubuntu is best17:40
geniijasmin_: Did you take the steps i recommended yet to fix your kdm issue?17:41
plut0nashhow do i change the root password?17:41
xsachawell there is no root password by default in *ubuntu17:42
plut0nashi changed mine17:42
plut0nashwant to set it to blank17:42
* genii is tempted to !root plut0nash17:42
xsachaa blank root password?17:42
plut0nashso i can run some apps17:42
plut0nashit seems to not allow adept to run17:43
* JoshOvki head hurts from all the possible security issues17:43
plut0nashand then tells me17:43
plut0nashno password supplied17:43
JoshOvkiplut0nash: have you entered your password?17:43
plut0nashi have17:44
plut0nashwhen i attempt to change teh root password17:44
plut0nashit doesn't allow me to blank it17:44
JoshOvkifor obvious reasons17:44
Jucatothere is no root password in the first place17:44
geniiplut0nash: If you for some reason for instance ran adept with something like: sudo adept             or went: sudo su     then ran it, it will not run again for normal user because the permissions in your home directory got messy.17:44
Jucato2nd, having a passwordless root account is extremely dangerous17:45
plut0nashat least i'm secured a little17:45
Jucatoyou're not secured at all...17:46
afeijowhat do you use for scanners?17:46
plut0nashJucato: sarcasm dude :P17:46
* JoshOvki didnt get the sarcasm17:46
dennisterhey channel...having a real mounting problems with cifs...not used to it, but smbfs is deprecated, so I might as well get this right17:46
dennisterhe first of a series of error messages in dmesg is: CIFS VFS: Error connecting to IPv4 socket. Aborting operation17:47
dennisterfollowed by: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -11117:47
dennisternone of my web searches is probing fruitful, and my fstab entry for my samba shares does result in the shares being fully browseable/writable by other machines on the network........anyone got any ideas?17:47
robert36how can i install programs on kubuntu 8.0417:49
heinkel_112doh...it seems like kubuntu does not recognize my kubuntu dvd? when installing things with apt-get install it keeps asking me to insert the CD and hit enter, and if I insert the _DVD_ and hit enter it just asks for the same once again17:49
will01is there an easy way of switching from kde to gnome?17:49
xsachainstall ubuntu-desktop i guess17:50
bitbyteyou have ot change your sources maybe?17:50
heinkel_112and I discovered that /cdrom points to media/cdrom17:50
xsachatheres guides on it on google17:50
robert36iff i go to add or remove software everything is gray17:50
heinkel_112but my cdrom mounts as media:scd017:50
will01xsacha: it gives me the error that it would break packages17:51
NyadHow do I delete this partition /dev/sdb8 while in kubuntu. I just want it to become unpartitioned space17:51
robert36can i install firefox on kubuntu 8.04?17:51
afeijorobert36: yes17:52
wirechief__Nyad try using gparted17:52
afeijothru adept17:52
robert36can you tell me how?17:52
xsachawill01: follow a guide on google, says how to do it cleanly17:52
geniidennister: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/20877017:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 208770 in sysvinit "Hardy beta boot sequence: Network mounts in fstab is done before network is ready." [Undecided,New]17:52
afeijodo you know how to activate adept?17:52
xsachawill01: its two lines in terminal i think17:52
ubuntu_alguien habla español17:52
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:52
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:53
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes17:53
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:53
robert36afeijo can you tell me how?17:53
geniidennister: Put noauto in fstab then try mounting after network is up17:53
afeijorobert36:  in your programs menu, do you have add/remove program?17:53
ubottuFactoid hindu not found17:54
ubottuFactoid indu not found17:54
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:54
afeijorobert36: thats it, there you have thounsands of progs! have fun17:54
afeijofilter for firefox17:54
robert36but there is everything gray i cant click on it17:54
afeijoand you can even install other languages there17:54
afeijoyou need sudo password17:55
dennisterok, checked network settings---> domain name system, and it seems i have no ipv4...only ip617:55
dennistergenii: i don't have auto in fstab17:55
robert36were can i find sudo password?17:55
afeijowho installed that machine?17:55
afeijooh boy17:56
afeijoyou should know that password17:56
xigorxpass is your17:56
serzhdoes anyone hav kde 4.0.4 installed in hardy?17:56
geniidennister: noauto will make it need manual mounting. auto is implicit if not specified17:56
xigorxthat is that17:56
NyadHow do I update fstab?17:56
robert36oke my normal password17:56
serzhabout KDE says it's still 4.0317:56
BluesKajrobert36, it's your login password17:56
dennistergenii: i can try the noauto in fstab, but isn't the lack of IPv4 more telling and important?17:56
afeijoprobably, hit administrator something on adept17:56
robert36were i must put this then?17:56
=== serzh is now known as serzholino
NyadHow do I update fstab?17:57
arkowhy firefox looks so ugly in KDE 4?17:57
geniidennister: There's no IPvanything yet because it's trying to mount a filesystem on a device which does not exist yet17:57
afeijoNyad: editinc /etc/fstab17:57
afeijoNyad: use kate17:57
dennisterah, ok17:57
NyadHow do I update fstab?17:58
Nyad I meant automatically, or do I have to do it by hand17:58
afeijoI do by hand, dont know if exists a app to that, probably17:58
geniiNyad: The gui mounting tool in KDE is not always reliable but you could try it first before hand-editing.17:58
afeijorobert36: well, if its all gray, some button has to be avaiable17:59
NyadI just used parted to delete a partition and it told me not to forget to update fstab17:59
geniiSystem Settings... Advanced tab... Disks and Filesystems17:59
genii^ Nyad17:59
=== ubuntu is now known as Nuck
jasmin_thanks dhq you dolved my problem18:00
jasmin_genii: thanks18:00
jasmin_thanks dhq you solved my problem18:01
robert36thanks i found something18:01
jo_is this the place to ask about kde4?18:01
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:01
xsacha4.0.4 is the latest18:02
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
jasmin_dhq: thanks a lot for help me18:03
jasmin_dhq: t18:03
jasmin_dhq: h18:03
jasmin_dhq: a18:03
scott25can someone help me with this error, I get it when I boot a fresh install: run_program :'/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit18:04
jasmin_dhq: n18:04
jasmin_dhq: thank18:04
jasmin_dhq: you18:04
jasmin_dhq: THANK YOU18:04
xigorxdoes somebody have radio in pc on kubuntu 7.1018:05
jasmin_dhq: thank you thank you  thank you  thank you  thank you  thank you  thank you  thank you  thank you  thank you thank you  thank you thank you thank you thank you  thank you  thank you18:05
genii!helpersnack | dhq18:05
ubottudhq: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:05
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:06
nate_does anybody know why i can't use chmod to change my permissions of a directory?  It is an ntfs partition i mounted to the root.18:06
xigorxdoes somebody have radio in pc on kubuntu 7.1018:06
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dennistergenii: i will do the noauto in fstab and reboot soon, just waiting on some ideas from another very helpful person, too18:07
geniidennister: I'll likely be around :)18:07
dennisterthx...rebooting now18:08
geniinate_: the permissions of mountpoints of a partition cannot be changed. Also the permisions of an actual partition can only be temporarily changed until next reboot, as the permissions are created each boot by the udev subsystem. You need instead mount options specifying read/write options18:09
xigorxdoes somebody have radio in pc on kubuntu 7.1018:09
nate_genii: sweet....could you help me through this?18:10
sigma_1234how do i learn how to write qt programs?18:15
geniinate_: I need to go AFK a few minutes. Perhaps see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:16
nate_genii:  thx18:17
jasmin_genii: thank you18:17
robinis there any one?18:20
jasmin_robin: :)18:20
heinkel_112how do I get  a list of loaded kernel modules associated with the nvidia graphics driver?18:21
meszarosvan itt valaki magyar?18:21
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál18:22
igor__can someone help me with with radio in pc18:23
igor__where can I correct radio=118:24
geniiigor__: Is it built in to your computer or a separate adapter?18:24
igor__in pc18:24
igor__tv card18:24
dennistergenii: ok, the noauto option in fstab, followed by manual mounting in terminal worked fine...although I still don't have any IPv4 entries in network connections-->domain name system18:25
igor__does someone have tv card on kubuntu 7.1018:26
geniidennister: ipv4 has nothing to do with anything18:27
dennisterok, so how do i fix it so these shares do mount automatically at boot?18:27
geniidennister: The system is doing it's fstab mounting chores before the network adapter has been initialised.18:27
dennisterahh, ok, so we should change the order?18:28
geniidennister: N0.18:28
dennisterthen what do you suggest?18:28
geniidennister: Need to add something like a mount line to rc.local18:28
dennisterok, the same line i used in terminal? that will ensure that the samba shares are mounted late in the process?18:29
geniidennister: Yes, same line as in terminal18:29
igor__does someone have tv card on kubuntu 7.1018:30
dennisterand comment out the fstab line, or remove them? not needed there if they're in rc.local18:30
geniiigor__: The radio=1 line you need to add is when the module for your card is loaded. So in /etc/modules   you need a line like: em2888 radio=118:31
geniiif em2888 is the module name18:31
igor__mybe saa713418:32
geniidennister: Leave fstab line and use short mount line in rc.local18:32
igor__only that?18:32
igor__what else18:32
geniiigor__: Yes only that18:32
igor__what about video18:33
dognewsWhat is the problem with my 3D configuration? http://dognews.do.funpic.de/3dproglems.png (additional information: google earth crashes, when going into flight simulator mode; I'm running it on hardy)18:33
geniidennister: Wehn fstab says eg: /dev/somewhere /mountpoint                 you can put only: mount /mountpoint                rc.local18:33
genii*in rc.local18:33
wirechief__dognewes what graphics card ?  driver ?18:34
wirechief__dognews: what graphics card ? driver ?18:34
geniiigor__: The options for specifying your adapter to use a specific tuner type depends on the module. In  my case I use em288 or so mosule which has option of tuner=XX   where XX is from 00 to 45   but your module may have different options18:35
dognewswirechief__: ati radeon 9600 (see window KInfoCenter in linked image); fglrx driver (see window KWrite)18:37
dennistergenii: i'm sorry, buti don't understand what you meant by that last line... i opened my /etc/init.d/rc.local file and think the /etc/rc.local file is the one i want to add the terminal mount line18:37
JackWinterhmm, something has gone wrong with my system.  yesterday i did a full updaaate of my system, and i've lost wine and amarok.  don't know what other systems are missing...18:37
wirechief__dognews do you see errors in cat /var/logs/Xorg.0.log |grep EE18:38
geniidennister: By the time the rc.local line is executed, it has already scanned the fstab. So you don't need to remove fstab line, which is an easier place to change mount options than in rc.local. The rc.local will use whatever mount options you had in fstab. So instead of a line like mount -t cifs somename@somewhere /mountpoint     in rc.local     just put mount /mountpoint               in rc.local which then will turn to fstab for the18:39
geniioptions to use18:39
wirechief__dognews egrep '^\((EE|WW)\)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if anything is relavant18:40
JackWinterthe system in question is a kubuntu 8.04 ;)18:40
heinkel_112wish me luck...trying to see if the nvidia works..bbl18:41
dennistergenii: ok, i think i understand that :-) here goes18:41
Armagguedesis there a Kubuntu KDE4 re-spin with 4.0.4?18:41
Armagguedesi wanna make a live cd with it (i updated from the betas)18:41
geniiigor__: Some saa7134 module options listed here for you http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_saa713418:42
wirechief__Armagguedes: its downloaded with the right options in apt but becommes a seperate desktop18:42
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:43
ubuntu_necesito ayuda18:44
ubuntu_necesito ayuda18:45
ubuntu_necesito ayuda18:45
=== dev_null is now known as braddoro
ubottuFactoid ve not found18:46
geniiHmm no Venezualan factoid18:47
Lardarse!krusader > Lardarse18:48
* genii hands out more coffees18:48
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:49
o0Chris0omy sound is scratchy, my sound is HDA Intel. I am using alsa any ideas or suggetions?18:51
geniiJackWinter: I would have thought !ve would link to that or !br for Brazil18:51
BonesolTeraDyneAnyone know if removing "language-support-en" will cause problems? Aptitude wants to remove it when it gets rid of OpenOffice18:51
BluesKajBonesolTeraDyne, don't remove it18:52
v6lurBonesolTeraDyne, language-support-en is a metapackage and can be safely removed18:52
v6lurBluesKaj, why not?18:52
BluesKajcuz of other app dependencies18:52
BonesolTeraDynesuch as?18:53
BluesKajcan screw up the KB in xorg for example18:53
BonesolTeraDyneAh. Then why the HECK are they tying it with OOo? That seems messed up.18:53
v6luryes, and it debends on thunderbird too18:54
BonesolTeraDyneGrr... I want to get rid of OOo without messing anything up. I want KOffice and only KOffice.18:55
JackWintergenii: brazil speaks portuguese ;)18:55
geniio0Chris0o: Perhaps see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=475228 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=367486918:55
geniiJackWinter: They likely speak many languages there18:55
JackWintergenii: true ;)18:55
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:56
v6luranyway, i still think language-support-en may be removed, and if it really does screw xorg.conf up, then fix that manually :/18:57
BonesolTeraDyneI'll give it a shot.18:57
* BonesolTeraDyne is thankful he installed irssi on his other machine18:57
richardi'm running kubuntu 8.04 and would like to set up my 2 hadr drives for dual booting, can anyone direct me to some help18:58
richardi am running xp on the other drive18:58
JackWintergenii: oh well they can understand one another especially when written, but they really are different.  most difficult are words that sound the same but really mean completely different things ;)18:58
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:58
v6luris anyone willing to make .deb from http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Lapsus?content=8064219:01
ubuntusalut je suis en live CD et j'aimerais installer compiz mais il me dit qu'il ne le trouve pas quand j'essaye de l'installer avec 'desktop effects' il me dit que la package ne peut pas être trouvé19:02
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr19:03
BonesolTeraDyneHere's aptitude's first resolution. Any opininons? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11283/19:03
ubuntusorry :p19:03
dognewswirechief__: (WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2319:04
dognewswirechief__: I've pasted the whole output in here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11284/19:06
=== ubuntu is now known as jordinateur
dennistergenii: ok, my line in rc.local didn't work, and now I can't mount the shares manually, either19:07
=== gunnar is now known as chosig
v6lurBonesolTeraDyne: remove, what aptitude suggests to remove19:08
=== gabriel is now known as knoppix
BonesolTeraDynedoing so now.19:08
geniidennister: Please pastebin rc.local and fstab then please for examination19:09
dennisterthis is totally wierd and a new development: in fstab i mount my shares on /media/samba_share, but when I tried to mount them manually just now, I was told that mount point didn't exist...so i tried to create it, and was told i couldn't because it already existed...talk about contradicting oneself...ok, will do19:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:10
dognewswirechief__: can it be, that my version of fglrx is too old and doesn't support this "texture_from_pixmap" thing?19:11
imaginativeonehow do I make Sunday the first day of the week in korganizer?19:14
imaginativeonethey sent me here...19:14
melkartimaginativeone: control center, regional settings19:14
melkartkcontrol, i mean19:14
imaginativeonehow do I get there?19:15
imaginativeoneto the control center, that is...19:15
dognewsmelkart: too much kde4, already ;)19:15
melkartoh sorry19:15
melkartthen i dont know19:15
wimpiesHi all, Just upgraded to 8.04 and now the resolution of my desktop is 640x480 but the loginmanager shows 1280x1024 which is what it should be.  Where can I change this ?19:16
imaginativeoneyou have to use gedit19:17
dennistergenii: i just did the 3 lines from fstab that are germain, but included entire rc.local here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11285/19:17
dognewsimaginativeone: press alt + f2; type "regio" into search field; klick on "country/..." in results area; klick on "Time and Dates" and set "First day of the week"19:17
wimpiesimaginativeone : i do not have such file ...19:17
kei-clonei'm having trouble mounting external devices after upgrading to hardy, like usbs, ipods, and external HDs, can anyone help me out?19:17
geniidennister: OK, reading19:18
imaginativeonedognews: you're awesome19:18
CrunchyFerrettls -a19:19
CrunchyFerrettDOH wrong window, sorry19:19
=== CrunchyFerrett is now known as _crash_
imaginativeonehow do I make an icon on my desktop for korganizer?19:20
dognewsimaginativeone: right klick on desktop?19:22
Bauldrickanyone know of gui for tftp19:23
dognewswirechief__: thanks for your help, so far. I just installed envy ( http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html ) and let it install the driver automatically - hopfully it works after a restart - brb19:27
dennistergenii: u still there? my new stove has just arrived, and the installers need my attention...i will leave this open in case you come up with a new line for my rc.local file, k?19:29
=== cecile is now known as Rama
geniidennister: Here. Writing a script for you19:32
dognewswirechief__: still the same problem after restart: (WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2319:35
penguin42I have a repeatable crash on konqueror on Hardy (64bit, KDE3) at a news.yahoo.com page - can anyone else see if it is repeatable for them ?19:37
geniidennister: Copy this into a file called mymount and put it in /usr/sbin     chmod +x the file. Also change all the "<usernamehere>" into the correct user name. Then: sudo cp /etc/init.d/skeleton /etc/init.d/mymount         open up /etc/init.d/mymount   and change line: NAME=daemonexecutablename   into: NAME=mymount        And remove the line that was added into rc.local19:38
geniidennister: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11286/   is that file to be called mymount19:39
=== felipe__ is now known as infoglard
chosigFYI: Opening an 8GB file in Kwrite takes time...19:41
penguin42http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Space-Shuttle-Columbia-Kroll-Ontrack-Inc-space-shuttle-Columbia/ss/events/sc/010605shuttlenasa/s:/ap/20080510/ap_on_hi_te/shuttle_recovered_data/im:/080509/480/7921c28576c34bc49f2848ca732d6e48/;_ylt=ArE3U2S.uEdt2CtEm5KNvBZk24cA#photoViewer=/080509/480/7921c28576c34bc49f2848ca732d6e48  is the page that crashes my konq; load it and click on teh 2nd photo in on the set of 4 thumbnails19:41
penguin42chosig: I suspect it loads it into RAM19:41
chosigpenguin42: not "all the way", but it wants to parse it before showing ;)19:41
penguin42chosig: Is it trying to syntax highlight it?19:42
chosigpenguin42: dunno, i'm not a kwrite dev... i just wanted to see what happens :)19:42
penguin42chosig: fancy trying that URL in konq? It crashes for me when I click on the thumbnail19:43
chosigpenguin42: sure, hang on19:43
chosigpenguin42: got a crash too19:44
penguin42chosig: OK, I'll file it in launchpad; it can't just be my machine setup - are you 32 or 64bit?19:44
chosigpenguin42: works in FF tho19:44
chosigpenguin42: 6419:45
penguin42same here19:45
chosigpenguin42: sometimes i really hate that i bought a 64 computer, but then... lots of memory is nice :)19:46
penguin42chosig: Hey there's nothing from stopping you running 32bit on your 64bit machine19:49
chosigpenguin42: yeah, but it's against priciples to do that... like just using 4 cylinders in your V8 engine... ;P19:50
penguin42hehe yes, me as well19:51
penguin42I don't suppose you've managed to get flash stable in FF have you? I've switched to konq because I can't get it even vaguely reliable in ff - gutsy used to be reasonably solid on it19:51
penguin42ok, that konq crash is #22906719:52
SignilHi what do you guyz use to crop videos?19:53
chosigpenguin42: my runs like a charm... stable and all, but ndiswrapper is making it a tad on the slow side (and cpu hungry)19:53
penguin42chosig: Interesting; flash in ff crashes randomly and then never comes back until I restart ff; in Konq it mostly works but occasionally crashes and I have to kill off the ndiswrapper19:54
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
v6lurSignil, define crop19:55
chosigpenguin42: try to move your .mozilla folder, and restart FF... thataway you get a fresh "unpolluted" FF with just flash (and perhaps java) in it...19:55
v6lurcut some portion off the top/bottom/left/right border?19:55
v6lurgenerally edit?19:55
montrealiswhich i smore stable: ubuntu or kubuntu19:55
penguin42chosig: Yeh I might19:56
penguin42montrealis: Each have their own bugs; but in each you can run programs from the other19:56
* chosig goes movie watching19:56
penguin42montrealis: So I'm running ubuntu but I'm running konqueror and ksirc19:56
osirisanyone else having problems with audio in flash /19:57
penguin42osiris: Are you on 32 or 64?19:58
montrealisis quanta stable in ubuntu?19:58
osirismontrealis, on my haredware i better luck with kubuntu19:58
osirispenguin42, 3219:58
montrealisoh ya? becuase of KDE?19:58
penguin42osiris: Have you got the libflashsupport package installed?19:58
montrealisshould i go to KDE 4 or with KDE 319:58
osirisi installed all the flash related packages already19:58
heinkel_111is compizconfig-settings-manager a package installed by default in kubuntu 8.04 hardu heron, or is this a relict from my previous gutsy installation? (i use the KDE3 version)19:59
montrealisosiris - Should they both work the same way?19:59
penguin42osiris: Ah hohum; the libflashsupport is a pulseaudio thing for it - there is a howto on the pulseaudio page I think19:59
dennistergenii:  with your script, to be called mymount, I'm entering my username...shouldn't the username be inside the quotes, or like "uid=name"?20:00
bin4ryhow together20:01
bin4ryi need to create a video dvd from divx. Tried tools like devede kmediafactory, qdvdauthor and none of em like divx as source20:02
montrealisshould i go to KDE 4 or with KDE 3?20:05
bin4rymontrealis: keep kde320:05
bin4rykde 4 is for developer and tester only. There are major bugs in it, yet.20:06
montrealisok more stable?20:06
montrealisi see20:06
o0Chris0ois there a java addon for firefox?20:06
geniidennister: No, outside the quotes. The command inside the quotes gets executed as the username which is outside the quotes20:06
dennisterand keep the '<>' around the name, or remove those marks20:07
heinkel_111what is the name of the kde windows decorator...i jsut crashed it and need to restart it20:07
dennisteri took them out, but I can put them back20:07
=== ubuntu is now known as aaroncampbell
aaroncampbellI used a command like this to sync a couple dirs on my system: "rsync --progress -av test testing/"  It seems to be working, but I was worried because it's continually saying stuff like: "(xfer#7500, to-check=8088/16823)" and I don't remember it doing that before.   Is the to-check part of the --progress switch, or is it a warning?20:08
geniidennister: to list /home/myname as user myname :     su -c "ls ~/" myname20:08
geniiSame principle applies20:08
dennisterk, do understand that, but do i leave the <> marks around my username in mymount? i take it no?20:09
NickPrestadennister, no20:10
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* penguin42 goes20:13
dennistergenii: all done following your directions, will not reboot20:13
NickPrestaDid he just reboot after `mount`ing something?20:14
geniiBeats me :)20:14
geniiNickPresta: Actually I just gave her an init.d method to do some cifs mounts, it will call a script in /usr/sbin which will execute the mounting as her username, thats what she was asking me particulars of syntax-wise20:16
NickPrestagenii, ah. :)20:17
dognewsflightgear startet grad20:28
dognewskeine Veränderung :(20:28
o0Chris0oanyone know how I can get magic jack to work for linux?20:28
jdavies!de | dognews20:29
ubottudognews: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:29
dognewsjdavies: oh, sorry, wrong channel - thanks ;)20:30
hawkeyexdoes anyone know how to fix /dev/dvd so it mounts properly - it says it can't mount20:31
hawkeyexanyone awake?20:35
* Rum-n-Coke is away: Gone away for now.20:41
=== Rum-n-Coke is now known as NibiruET
dwidmann_laptophawkeyex: that's a bit vague, can you give more detail?20:41
WalzmynMy video camera is plugged in via USB but is not showing up in the media folder, where do I find it?20:48
dwidmann_laptopWalzmyn: if you do "dmesg | tail" right after plugging it in, it might give you a clue of what is being done with it/what device it's being assigned to/etc20:49
Walzmyndwidmann_laptop, hvae to be right after plugging in?20:50
dwidmann_laptopWalzmyn: well, so long as nothing else is written to dmesg before you do dmesg | tail, no, but if you do it right away you'll be assured of seeing what you want.20:51
lukas_je tu niekto kto rozumie co pisem?20:51
WalzmynI'm not finding anything there that's helping me, what is dmesg?20:52
dwidmann_laptopWalzmyn: a system log file20:52
Walzmynwhat is addrconf?20:53
dwidmann_laptopI don't know, but that doesn't sound like it would have anything to do with your device20:53
dwidmann_laptop/msg Walzmyn20:54
dwidmann_laptop[90355.143981] usb 4-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 320:54
dwidmann_laptop[90355.278072] usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90355.281270] scsi6 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90355.281457] usb-storage: device found at 320:55
Walzmynit's telling me the addrconf link is not ready, was why i asked20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90355.281459] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.277142] usb-storage: device scan complete20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.277939] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ST340063 3AS                   PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 CCS20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.285539] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] 781422768 512-byte hardware sectors (400088 MB)20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.286292] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.286296] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 00 38 00 0020:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.286298] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.287405] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] 781422768 512-byte hardware sectors (400088 MB)20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.288163] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.288166] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 00 38 00 0020:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.288168] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.288171]  sdb: sdb120:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.307871] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk20:55
dwidmann_laptop[90360.307907] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 020:55
dwidmann_laptoppiece of crap :(20:55
dwidmann_laptopone sec, I'll see what google has to say about that.20:56
BluesKajdwidmann_laptop, what are you doing ?20:56
Walzmyndwidmann_laptop, what are you doing20:56
WalzmynI think he got a key stuck20:56
WalzmynI've got nothing in dmsg that mentions USB is there a way to make sure my USB is enabled?20:57
dwidmann_laptopWalzmyn: if you have it it's probably enabled, unless it's disabled in your BIOS20:58
dennistergenii: ok, we're getting there...but I still have to manually mount my shares after reboot, as su, give that password, then am asked for my samba password...then all three shares mount from the one terminal mounting command20:58
zetheroowhat new plugins are available for Gwenview?20:59
zetheroothe kipi-plugins package no longer works20:59
dennisteri tried, in system services, to get mymount to start at bootime, but starting or restarting it from there failed...now it shows that it is set to start at boot, but isn't running at the moment (not right after boot, or after manual mounting of shares)21:00
dwidmann_laptopIt doesn't??? Ouch, that sucks.... does kipi-plugins still work in digikam zetheroo?21:00
zetheroodwidmann_laptop: I don't know21:00
zetheroodwidmann_laptop: I am using Gwenview in Ubuntu ... and with the older version the kipi-plugins worked fine21:01
dwidmann_laptopzetheroo: hmm, have you filed a bug report yet?21:01
dwidmann_laptopzetheroo: http://bugs.launchpad.net21:01
zetherooI never have21:01
zetheroodon't knwo how to21:01
zetheroodunno if its even a bug21:02
zetheroomaybe its not meant to work21:02
dwidmann_laptopzetheroo: if things aren't working the way they're intended to, then it's a bug.21:02
dwidmann_laptopzetheroo: heck, if it's not working the way you WANT it to, you could file a bug report ... though that usually falls under wishlist, but if it isn't functional at all then that's definitely a bug.21:02
zetheroomaybe the kipi-plugins are only for the older version of Gwenview!?21:03
dwidmann_laptopzetheroo: That's not likely.21:03
geniidennister: I think when it asks for password at mount time and no user can input it, it skips over. So add as options in the /user/sbin/mymount user=myname,password=mypassword to the lines21:03
dwidmann_laptopzetheroo: click the link, create your account, and file a bug against the "kipi-plugins" package in the "ubuntu" project.21:04
dennisterk, thought of that as a solution...but really, this is in my credentials fle in fstab (/etc/samba/user)21:04
earthsoundi upgraded kubuntu from 7 to 8.04 & now flash isn't working inside firefox :(21:05
zetheroodwidmann_laptop: it will be my first.... what the heck..... but I would rather that someone here knew about it ... sigh21:05
ubottuFactoid rt61 not found21:05
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:05
earthsoundi tried taking the official adobe .rpm for 9.0.124 & used alien to convert it to a .deb & then installed it...& although the plugin is in firefox's plugins directory, it's not working (or showing up in about:plugins)21:06
dwidmann_laptopzetheroo: I'd check things out myself, except, my laptop's package cache is way out of date and I don't want to do a massive download right now ... my desktop is out of commission, think the motherboard went bad/was bad to begin with.21:06
dwidmann_laptophey _crash_21:07
=== ssj is now known as SSJ_GZ
_crash_Fix it!21:07
zetheroodwidmann_laptop: no worries... sorry for your troubles21:07
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: fix what?21:07
Kiry<headdesk> I've been chasing down leads and fixes and whatnot ever since I installed 8.04 on my thinkpad21:07
KiryI still can NOT get the sound to work21:08
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: I intend to get to the bottom of my desktop's troubles tomorrow, via warranty work or RMA ...21:08
_crash_dwidmann_laptop: Whats going on with it?21:08
araizenwhen I insert my USB disk it auto-mounts it, but with the owner as root so I can't write to it. Is there a way to fix that so that I automatically have write access when I insert it?21:08
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: it hard reboots once every few minutes.21:08
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: os independent21:09
_crash_dwidmann_laptop: checked the obvious stuff? (heating, loose connections, overclock settings, ram timing, etc?)21:10
zetheroodwidmann_laptop: I went to the KDE4 Kipi site and it looks like I need to try installing libkipi instead of kipi-plugins ... so I am giving that a shot21:11
_crash_dwidmann_laptop: Do you know anything about rt61 drivers?21:11
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: it was happening at random, but far less often, once every day or two, then I added in 2 gig of RAM (passes memtest fine how it doens't crash when I'm running memtest is beyond me ...which leads me to my next idea), I also added a second hard drive nad DVD drive. ...... Maybe the SATA controller is bad.  Processor isn't melting down or anything though it's not as coolas I'd like _crash_, and I'm not overclocking21:11
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: never heard of 'em, but maybe google will tell me21:11
_crash_dwidmann_laptop: Well, when all else fails, pull the new hardware and then add it piece by piece until it fails21:13
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: I think I'll test the drives in my old setup to see if they're the point of failure, but I'm doubting it, though they would be cheaper to replace if this comes down to having to come out of my pocket .... power supply I'd also love to swap for testing but I don't have a second one with the 8-pin plug for the motherboard :(21:15
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:17
andresjdoes kubuntu hardy kde4 use pulseaudio as phonon backend? or alsa directly?21:17
_crash_dwidmann_laptop: good idea, but consider that there may be nothing wrong with the drive OR the sata controller. There could just be a bug in the communication with your specific hardware.21:17
_crash_Happens all the time21:17
jussi01andresj: alsa directly iirc, but for more kde4 support go to #kubuntu-kde4 :)21:18
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: possible21:18
dwidmann_laptop_crash_: either way it's likely to take a lot of time for me to figure out during which I'll be without my desktop computer :(21:18
andresjjussi01: k thanks :D21:19
_crash_goin afk a minute21:19
bourdainderp derp21:21
dennistergenii: it's still not working; i still have to manually mount one (get 3 shares mounted for price of 1 command) and I'm still being asked for my samba password21:22
dennisterhowever, my back is killing me and I'm going to have to lie down for a couple of hours to rest it...its funny, i was able yesterday to see this pc and the others, and fully use the samba shares on this pc, even with the dmesg errors......just not in reverse21:24
dennisteroops...i should say i was able to see/use this pc and its shares FROM the other pc's...just not from this one21:25
jussi01does anyone know how to add a table of contents in open office? ie. one that takes the headings automatically?21:26
dennistergenii: be around in 2-3 hours?21:26
geniidennister: Probably21:26
dennisterok, i'll take another stab at this then...thank you21:27
v6luri'm trying to install official last.fm client, but it demands libgpod2 (hardy has libgpod3). any possible diversions/tricks/dark magik?21:27
jussi01v6lur: use the amarok plugin?21:27
v6luri need it for testing purposes :)21:28
=== ricardo_ is now known as Viriatus
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=== Yuggoth is now known as Yuggofffff
dmbkiwihey, just installed hardy, and got a couple of issues.21:31
dmbkiwifirst is that if I manually configure my ethernet interface through knetworkmanager, the network shows that there is no active device.  Flip back to dhcp, and all is good.  Problem is I want a fixed address on this machine.21:31
humboltokde4 has it's own compositing manager I heard. How do I disable compiz. It seems to be automatically started!21:34
maduserkwin --replace21:36
trident523k for the win.21:36
maduserhumbolto: thats for you ^21:37
wimpiesHI all, the screen resolution of my desktop is lower than that of the login manager.  I can change the resolution using krandtray but when I logout the resolution reverts back to a low resolution.  How can I persist that change ?21:37
humboltotnx, however, do you guys know, where I find the setting to prevent compiz from starting automatically the next time>21:37
humboltoThe weird thing is, that I don't even have compiz start automatically in gnome! But it does in kde4.21:38
humboltoWhy is KDE so fast and damn Gnome so freaking slow?!21:39
jussi01!fixres | wimpies21:39
ubottuwimpies: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:39
humboltoThe worst thing in gnome is nautilus. Not even Windows Explorer is so slow!21:40
TheGentlemanRecently upgraded to Kubuntu Hardy, I never tried Compiz before. Now I'm curious about it and I would like to give compiz a try.21:43
TheGentlemanMy concern is the following:21:43
TheGentlemanshould I don't like it, can I restore my system to previous without risks and not loosing anything in performance?21:44
TheGentlemanin other words... is uninstalling Compiz as smooth, fool and failproof as it should be installing it?21:46
harolddongcan I ask about flash stuff here?21:46
BonesolTeraDyne!ask | harolddong21:46
TheGentlemanbraulio:  valtellinese?21:46
ubottuharolddong: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:46
braulioSorry, I'm speak portuguese.21:48
TheGentlemanoh, ok.... sorry....21:48
jontecis there any way that I can download files from apt-get for my other computer??21:48
jontecTheGentleman: how would I know which urls to use?21:49
harolddongwhen I first upgraded to hardy flash played much than they ever had before on gutsy.  But since then the performance has degraded and I can't figure out what changed.  lower res vids play fine but higher res vids are just a slideshow now... even worse than they were on gutsy.  Is this something that's coming up for other people?21:50
TheGentlemanyou shall only know in which repository is the file you want, i guess21:50
zetheroook here is my bug:  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16192521:52
ubottuKDE bug 161925 in general "Gwenview and KIPI plugins -- not working together anymore!?" [Normal,Unconfirmed]21:52
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
kkerwinHi. Tried running a java application, but got this error from the console. Help, please? http://pastebin.com/m6f2de5fb22:02
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nielsslotkkerwin: you'll probably want sun java instead of stablevm22:05
kkerwinnielsslot: Cool. What's the name of that package?22:05
stdinsun-java6-jre for the runtime22:06
_crash_The Belkin f5d9010 Wireless G with Mimo (no h/w rev) with the rt2600 chipset works out of the box with Kubuntu 8.04 if anyone cares22:06
kkerwinHmm. sun-java6-jre appears to be installed. I wonder how come it's using stablevm instead?22:09
axelde donde sos22:13
Mimi!es |  does that help? ^_^;;22:13
ubottudoes that help? ^_^;;: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:13
Mimino hablo mucho espanol ;p22:13
josivanfree ubuntu22:14
wimpieshi all, Xawtv shows no image and no sound but KDETV does.  AFAIK the -debug2 option on xawtv does not show any error (perhaps the XVideo : video off message).  Suggestions ?22:15
scarygaryI can't get password-less logins to work with kdm-kde4.22:20
scarygaryI made all the changes to kdmrc, but no go.22:20
geniiin /usr/lib/kde4/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc ?22:21
scarygarygenii: yes22:22
stdinkdm-kde4 uses /etc/kde4/kdm/22:23
scarygaryReally?? How come they left /usr/lib/kde4/etc/kde4/kdm/ in there then?22:23
stdinwell, it should use it, not sure what it does use now22:23
stdingrep "KDMRC" /etc/init.d/kdm-kde422:24
stdinwhatever that says22:24
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.22:25
scarygaryIt's using the one in /usr/lib22:25
scarygaryI'm not on 4.0.4 btw.22:25
scarygaryThis is 4.0.322:26
scarygaryAllowNullPasswd=true, NoPassEnable=true and NoPassUsers=junior is in my kdmrc22:28
scarygaryI'm upgrading to 4.0.4. If it still doesn't work i'm crying wolf.22:35
scarygaryMajor regression..22:35
darkwolfwas somebody crying for me?22:42
scarygaryNot working in 4.0.4 either. Plus the login background is fubar.22:44
scarygaryThis is a brand new install..22:44
scarygaryI cant be the only one with that problem.22:45
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!22:52
=== ubuntu is now known as scott25
carli have a strange problem22:53
ubottuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.22:53
Josh0vkicarl: whats your problem?22:53
BonesolTeraDyneSomeone needs to update that "dolphin" trigger22:54
carlif i use my sound card (which works !), when i'll shutdown my computer, it won't turn off !22:54
scott25can someone help me with this error "run_program :'/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit" (i get it when i boot)22:55
Josh0vkicarl: your computer wont shutoff?22:55
carlyes, the hard disk makes the "shutoff sound" and my keyboard leds do the "shutoff blink" but i get stucked on the empty bar upslash screen22:56
carli've found that if i run "sudo alsa unload" before shutting down (and after using my soundcard), it will shut off22:57
carlit's a dirty workaround, and i'd like to find a resolution to the problem22:57
Josh0vkiodd error22:58
holyguyver_Hey guys, it is me the 1998 Gateway guy. I just bought a HP Pavilion Slimline s3120n PC, how well will Linux play with that?22:59
carlyes it is, ho i have this bug for gutsy and hardy22:59
scott25can someone help me with this error "run_program :'/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit" (i get it when i boot)23:00
Josh0vkicarl: its not a perfect solution but as a work around you could add   alsa unload   into the shutdown script23:01
carlJosh0vki: i think i'll try this, cuold rou remind me where is that file (i'm still a beginner)23:02
Josh0vkicarl: two seconds i will find it23:03
Josh0vkicarl: /etc/rc0.d   not 100 sure if it will work tho23:03
Josh0vkicarl: whats the make / model of your computer?23:04
Josh0vkior sound card23:05
carlIntel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller [8086:2668]23:06
carlit's in a dfi motherboard23:07
Josh0vkicarl: there are a few bug reports for this thing, but not solutions23:11
carlso the rc0 scrip may be the best solution23:12
Josh0vkiyeh, create a file in /etc/rc0.d   and put  #!/bin/sh       unload alsa        and then save the file, you must remember to chmod it twith      sudo chmod a+x /etc/rc0.d/filename23:14
carli'm getting better everyday ! that's exactly what i've done23:15
rakethey people, I installed another keyboard layout, and I picked a key combination so I can change it whenever I need it... but Alt-Shift in this case doesn't work. as in, it won't change the languages23:15
raketany ideas what could be the deal?23:16
carli test that now, i'm coming back for the results23:17
Josh0vkikk :)23:17
raketthanks carl23:18
raketone more thing23:23
=== Darkest is now known as DarkestHour
raketis Deluge having problems in Kubuntu? when I try to start it, it says "loading" in the taskbar, but after a little bit it disappears... what gives!?23:24
wimpies anybody here that can help me with xawtv ??23:26
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
HashCasperubuntu did no help it is big and too faster23:29
HashCasperi have need of two files23:29
HashCaspercan help mefind it?23:29
HashCasperi rquire kernel+ramdisk file of netinst installer, so i can boot them through grub23:30
HashCasperthat way i can start a very small netinst of kubuntu23:30
HashCasperit will download full installer + base system23:30
HashCaspercan you help me find the files for this install type23:31
HashCasperthis channel small23:31
HashCasperi can read it not fast like ubuntu23:31
HashCasperthank you23:31
carli'm back...and it didn't work, maybe a problem with the script ?23:32
raketis that for me, carl?23:32
carli don't think so (my sound card not shutting off problem)23:32
PovAddictI need help installing Flash23:46
PovAddictand #ubuntu is a mess23:46
PovAddictI installed mozilla-plugin-gnash and it gave this error:23:46
PovAddictupdate-alternatives: unable to make /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so.dpkg-tmp a symlink to /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin: No such file or directory23:47
bleakedPovAddict: doesn't flash just install the first time you go to a site that uses it?23:48
PovAddictyou mean the official adobe plugin?23:48
PovAddictI'm on 64-bit23:48
PovAddictso no23:49
david__remote contact est.23:49
bleakedPovAddict: not sure about that.. does installing flashplugin-nonfree help?23:49
david__weasels, hooooo!23:49
PovAddictbleaked: there is no nonfree for 64-bit23:49
PovAddictin fact I can't even find "flashplugin-nonfree" in the repos (apt-cache search flash doesn't show it)23:50
bleakedargh.. my bad..well, not sure then.. (personally i'm waiting a few years to adopt 64 bit for reasons like these)23:50
david__I swear to a God, got this cool friggin' super serve, gettin' tired of the master slam!23:50
david__Watch it pull...23:50
bleakedPovAddict: well, you have to have the medibuntu repo enabled..(or it might be in universe or multiverse as well..not sure though)23:50
PovAddictI don't have multiverse enabled23:51
PovAddictanyway I'd need a 32-bit browser to use adobe's plugin23:51
PovAddictalong with a shitload of 32-bit libraries for said browser to run23:51
PovAddicttoo much effort, and I don't even need Flash, I just want my mom to stop complaining about some websites not working (she complained enough about me putting Linux in here...)23:52
bleakedPovAddict: yea, honestly, 64-bit is really not tailored for the desktop at this point.. it's best used on servers23:52
PovAddictmy "desktop" is permanently at 100% CPU23:53
bleakedhave you searched the forums?23:53
PovAddict$ uptime23:53
PovAddict 19:53:20 up 17:39,  2 users,  load average: 2.17, 2.23, 2.2023:53
iceolateany idea why i can use torrent and irc clients but not web browsing and package manager installs?23:53
PovAddictand I do have stuff that actually goes 3x faster on 64-bit23:54
PovAddictanyway any idea why Gnash doesn't install?23:54
PovAddictit's one of the few times I have had a package actually fail to install23:54
PovAddictkinda impressive how quiet this channel is compared to #ubuntu mess23:55
carlmaybe there are less problems with kde ? (oops)23:55
carland i finally succeeded with my sound card workaround23:56
PovAddictmaybe most noobs go with the default: gnome23:56
SlimeyPeteconsiderably fewer users than Ubuntu, I imagine ;)23:56
heroicwisdomHi, can somebody help me with installing ralink drivers on my PC?23:57
heroicwisdomits a wireless driver23:58

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