terlmann | ☞ ⨀⨀ ☜ BOOBIES! | 02:29 |
terlmann | you havnt changed the topic in 4 months! | 02:29 |
DanaG | -þ | 02:29 |
DanaG | =þ | 02:29 |
terlmann | how did you like the release? | 02:29 |
terlmann | :-P | 02:29 |
DanaG | Actually, I'm going to have dinner soon. | 02:30 |
thorwil | nand: morning! the ascii art captcha is nice and easy. for me, at least :) | 12:00 |
nand | thorwil: hehe nice! | 12:05 |
nand | A few minor remaining bugs, and brainstorm should be back to normal :) | 12:05 |
nxvl | hi | 19:13 |
nxvl | does anyone knows where can i get the server team logo? | 19:13 |
troy_s | nxvl: link? | 19:20 |
nxvl | troy_s: that's what i want | 19:26 |
nxvl | :D | 19:26 |
troy_s | nxvl: What is the link to the logo that you are talking about (not the logo itself, but an image thereof) | 19:36 |
nxvl | oh ok | 19:38 |
nxvl | https://launchpadlibrarian.net/11124085/server.png | 19:38 |
troy_s | nxvl: I hope you are kidding | 19:47 |
troy_s | nxvl: You are looking for the SVG of a blob? | 19:48 |
troy_s | nxvl: I sincerely doubt an SVG exists for that... it is probably pix muddled. Which would loosely translate into 'you already have the source'. | 19:48 |
troy_s | nxvl: There _may_ be an SVG, but to be honest, the Ubuntu folks aren't that great at making sure that SVG sources exist for much of the work. Even the 'source' packages of some artwork don't have the sources. | 19:49 |
nxvl | heh | 19:50 |
nxvl | no, i have seen a bigger image of it | 19:50 |
nxvl | but i can't find it | 19:50 |
troy_s | nxvl: Hrm... you certain? | 19:51 |
troy_s | nxvl: If you can find a bigger one it would help tracking it down. | 19:51 |
nxvl | yup | 19:51 |
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