=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23 | ||
alecs | hi there | 21:20 |
Flannel | Howdy alecs | 21:20 |
alecs | could you help me with some guide lines about this upgrade ? | 21:20 |
Flannel | alecs: You're sure you want to try it? | 21:20 |
alecs | yeah ... | 21:21 |
alecs | i want the server up and running until tommorow night | 21:21 |
Flannel | I thught I read something in #ubuntu about you already trying to go to feisty? is that true? | 21:21 |
alecs | because is devel server | 21:21 |
alecs | yea i have tried to go tu gutsy actually (7.10) | 21:22 |
Flannel | How far did you get? | 21:22 |
alecs | machine that i use to speak with you is a gutsy too | 21:22 |
alecs | well ... until i have downloaded the sources | 21:22 |
Flannel | Since, depending on what happened with that, we may not be able to go to breezy without a lot of anguish | 21:22 |
alecs | and then crashed a lot of things .... | 21:22 |
alecs | i am allready installing fresh linux (5.04) | 21:23 |
Flannel | Oh, you installed this fresh? | 21:23 |
Flannel | and can't install a newer version why again? | 21:24 |
alecs | i am doing this right now ... | 21:24 |
alecs | because ... i do not have the install CD with me ... | 21:24 |
alecs | i am 80 km from that CD | 21:24 |
Flannel | And you can't download an burn another? or netboot or something to get it? | 21:24 |
alecs | and is allready 11.34 here (PM) | 21:24 |
Flannel | right, but we're going to be doing quite a bit to upgrade you to dapper even, two upgrades. | 21:25 |
Flannel | Alright, well, we're following these guides, more or less: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 21:25 |
Flannel | This is a fresh install of Hoary? | 21:25 |
alecs | of ubuntu 5.04 | 21:26 |
Flannel | alecs: right. Alright, we'll want to change our sources.list to old-releases.ubuntu.com instead of whatever is in there. you can go ahead and do that now. | 21:27 |
alecs | w8 for a sec ... | 21:27 |
Flannel | And while you're there, go ahead and change hoary to breezy | 21:27 |
Flannel | on all the lines | 21:27 |
alecs | ok | 21:28 |
alecs | now booting ... | 21:29 |
alecs | i have to configure my network and after that we shall see | 21:29 |
alecs | by the way what is default root password? | 21:30 |
Flannel | There is no root password, the root account is locked | 21:30 |
alecs | well ... how do i unlock it ... | 21:31 |
alecs | ? | 21:31 |
Flannel | You don't need to, use sudo instead | 21:31 |
alecs | ok | 21:31 |
alecs | i know about that ;) | 21:31 |
alecs | ok | 21:32 |
alecs | what do i change in source list /// | 21:32 |
alecs | i will comment cd-rom line | 21:32 |
Flannel | change all the URLs to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 21:33 |
Flannel | and then change the hoarys to breezys | 21:33 |
alecs | ok | 21:36 |
alecs | i have changed to breezy | 21:37 |
alecs | now i should run | 21:37 |
alecs | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 21:37 |
Flannel | yeah | 21:37 |
alecs | hmmm | 21:38 |
alecs | i have some problems | 21:38 |
Flannel | Which ones? | 21:38 |
alecs | could not stat source package list http://old-releases.ubuntu.com breezy/main | 21:38 |
alecs | could not stat source package list http://old-releases.ubuntu.com breezy/ universe | 21:39 |
alecs | and all | 21:39 |
Flannel | alright, paste (here) a single line from your sources.list | 21:39 |
Flannel | (obviously, not one thats commented out) | 21:39 |
alecs | loool | 21:40 |
alecs | let me check something | 21:40 |
alecs | works now | 21:42 |
alecs | :D | 21:42 |
alecs | my stupid person has forgot to configure the ppp connection ... and rise up eth0 | 21:43 |
alecs | i will run this now | 21:43 |
alecs | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 21:43 |
alecs | now it works .. i will check those | 21:45 |
alecs | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 21:45 |
Flannel | alecs: Once you're upgraded to breezy, you can upgrade to dapper like that page says, you'll need to change your repo URLs again, as old-releases won't have the supported versions. You should switch to your local mirror for best performance | 21:46 |
alecs | hmmm .. | 21:47 |
alecs | located in romania ... | 21:47 |
alecs | if i recall | 21:47 |
alecs | ftp.iasi.roedu.net is the nearest | 21:48 |
alecs | BTW ... do you know if developers will include Qmail into the repository ? | 21:51 |
Flannel | !mirrors | 21:57 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 21:57 |
alecs | ok... | 21:57 |
alecs | still i will not pass to hardy yet ... | 21:58 |
alecs | what sould i change to bring up my eth0 at startup time ? | 22:26 |
Eharan_XW | can anyone point me at a good clear guide for deb packaging? -- i know rpm, and have tried to get my head around deb but it seems really messy | 22:39 |
nalioth | Eharan_XW: ask uncle google "debian new maintainers guide" | 23:00 |
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