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rio | where can i find the maintainer of libgphoto2? | 00:44 |
rio | i fixed a problem with certain canon cameras | 00:44 |
LaserJock | rio: probably the best is to file/find a bug and attach a patch | 00:51 |
LaserJock | rio: we don't have specific maintainers | 00:51 |
mathrick | hi, sorry for dropping in out of the blue, however, upgrading to Hardy exposed me to the atrocity of freesans again... so is anyone familiar with fonts / fonts.conf situation enough to tell why exactly Free{Sans,Mono,Serif} aren't listed as absolutely last in the list, emergency fallback fonts if there's really nothing else? | 00:53 |
rio | LaserJock: i already did that | 00:53 |
LaserJock | rio: great, thanks for that | 00:53 |
mathrick | and where/whose buttons do I press to see them banished in Hardy+1? | 00:53 |
rio | LaserJock: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto2/+bug/228154 :) | 00:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228154 in libgphoto2 "Canon Digital IXUS 30 doesn't show up as PTP" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 00:54 |
LaserJock | rio: cool | 00:55 |
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rio | LaserJock: which status should i set? | 01:01 |
LaserJock | rio: hmm, I guess back to New | 01:03 |
LaserJock | as I don't see anybody confirming it | 01:03 |
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rio | okay | 01:04 |
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ted2 | So, where do I find "merge-genchanges"? | 03:45 |
LaserJock | ted2: it's created by grab-merge.sh | 03:54 |
LaserJock | and it's wherever you ran grab-merge.sh from | 03:55 |
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ted2 | LaserJock: Cool, thanks. I found it now :) | 04:08 |
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Auzy | hey.. I assume its known that brainstorm has run out of space again? | 08:05 |
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Riddell | pitti, doko, Mithrandir: could you give back strigi/0.5.9-1 | 11:04 |
Xtreme_Great | I wanted some help regarding kernel module programming | 11:31 |
Xtreme_Great | The compiler can't find module.h | 11:31 |
Xtreme_Great | can anyone help? | 11:31 |
Xtreme_Great | I wanted some help regarding kernel module programming | 11:32 |
Xtreme_Great | anyone? | 11:32 |
Hobbsee | ... | 11:36 |
Hobbsee | fail. on multiple criteria. | 11:36 |
Xtreme_Great | Is there anyone who can help me out with the module.h not found problem? | 11:37 |
Xtreme_Great | I can't understand where to get that | 11:37 |
Xtreme_Great | anyone of all 231 | 11:37 |
Hobbsee | Xtreme_Great: please read the /topic | 11:37 |
Hobbsee | !weekend | 11:38 |
ubottu | It's a weekend. Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week. | 11:38 |
Hobbsee | Xtreme_Great: dpkg -S module.h will give your answer. | 11:38 |
Hobbsee | Xtreme_Great: also, packages.ubuntu.com would have told you. | 11:39 |
mok0 | Xtreme_Great: there are 166 packages containing module.h | 11:43 |
mok0 | :( | 11:43 |
* Hobbsee suggests picking the most sane one. | 11:45 | |
* mok0 concurs | 11:46 | |
LucidFox | What's the point of having both cairo and libcairo? | 13:12 |
LucidFox | they provide the same binary packages, only cairo is newer | 13:12 |
geser | LucidFox: check if it was renamed in Debian and we simply forgot to remove the old source package | 13:20 |
LucidFox | it was indeed renamed in Debian, and then in Ubuntu | 13:21 |
geser | file a remove request for the old source package then | 13:22 |
LucidFox | maybe there was some reason? | 13:23 |
LucidFox | I imagine if libcairo was simply forgotten, it would stay in main - instead it was demoted to universe | 13:24 |
geser | LucidFox: there should be no reason to have two source packages building the same binary debs | 13:25 |
geser | as you can only have one version of the binary debs in the archive (the newer ones) | 13:26 |
Hobbsee | LucidFox: if nothing depends on it, it would get marked on teh 'drop' list | 13:26 |
geser | Hobbsee: libcairo is the old source package name of cairo (both produce the same binaries) | 13:28 |
Hobbsee | right | 13:28 |
Hobbsee | then file a bug, get it removed | 13:28 |
Hobbsee | as you said : | 13:29 |
Hobbsee | * :) | 13:29 |
cjwatson | LucidFox: demotion to universe is the sort of thing that might well happen semi-automatically | 13:31 |
cjwatson | without somebody thinking too much about it | 13:31 |
cjwatson | removals tend to require actual thought | 13:31 |
LucidFox | can it be removed from hardy now, or only from intrepid? | 13:34 |
cjwatson | can't remove packages from hardy now | 13:34 |
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cjwatson | or "won't" if you prefer, but the result is the same :) | 13:34 |
emgent | heya thesaltydog | 14:16 |
thesaltydog | mom | 14:16 |
emgent | dad? | 14:16 |
emgent | :) | 14:17 |
Lightkey | oO | 14:17 |
Lightkey | I know a salty-horse, are you two related? | 14:17 |
emgent | Lightkey: i think now :) | 14:18 |
emgent | s/now/no/ | 14:18 |
thesaltydog | eccomi, ma vado di corsa! | 14:18 |
emgent | thesaltydog: this is an english room, anyway no problem :P | 14:19 |
Lightkey | no, the other was from israel.. | 14:19 |
thesaltydog | oh, sorry. I have 5 tabs opened! | 14:19 |
Lightkey | that is not much | 14:19 |
thesaltydog | Hi oliver ogra! | 14:19 |
thesaltydog | Lightkey, for me is over my limit..:-( | 14:20 |
stgraber | I have something like 21 chans opened, not that hard to manage | 14:20 |
helowo | 8->7 here ;) | 14:21 |
Lightkey | no chance, I have the longest | 14:21 |
Chipzz | what's with this? http://bobthegnome.blogspot.com/2008/05/apportbug-buddy-disabled-in-ubuntu-804.html | 15:13 |
Chipzz | what is the intended behaviour for that? | 15:13 |
ssam | Chipzz, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/ the change log for 0.108 say "Disable Apport for the final Hardy release" | 15:26 |
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cjwatson | Chipzz: yeah, it's intentional | 15:47 |
cjwatson | bug-buddy should maybe have the same done to it | 15:47 |
cjwatson | (maaaaybe) | 15:48 |
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Chipzz | cjwatson: but the post mentions bug-buddy not being enabled either - is that a bug or intended behaviour? | 16:01 |
cjwatson | Chipzz: the subject line says that, but the post itself doesn't back it up; a comment indicates that bug-buddy probably is enabled | 16:04 |
cjwatson | though that comment is also odd because Ubuntu 8.04 does have bug-buddy 2.22 and there's no obvious reason why it shouldn't have been upgraded along with everything else; also it is still installed by default | 16:05 |
cjwatson | so it's unclear to me exactly what's going on there | 16:06 |
andrew___ | Can a package in main suggest or recommend a package outside of main? | 16:26 |
=== Shely_ is now known as Shely | ||
sistpoty | andrew___: suggest: definitely... it used to be that it can recommend a package outside main as well... not sure if this is still true though | 16:37 |
andrew___ | Okay, good. | 16:37 |
* andrew___ continues pondering | 16:37 | |
pochu | would an archive admin approve a package which just has 'BSD' in LICENSE? | 16:43 |
geser | pochu: just the word "BSD" or the complete BSD licence text? | 16:44 |
pochu | just the word | 16:44 |
andrew___ | Surely that's ambiguous? | 16:44 |
andrew___ | (How many clauses of BSD license do you mean) | 16:44 |
pochu | I see | 16:45 |
andrew___ | Why not include the whole thing? | 16:46 |
pochu | ask upstream :) | 16:46 |
andrew___ | Ah :) | 16:46 |
andrew___ | How about you started maintaining a very close fork? | 16:47 |
pochu | andrew___: I guess I can't fork it since I don't know what BSD license it has ;-) | 16:49 |
pochu | andrew___: anyway I'm reviewing it, not packaging it :) | 16:49 |
pochu | I'll ask the packager to ask upstream to fix this | 16:49 |
andrew___ | Good catch-22. | 16:49 |
pochu | also there's no single 'copyright' word in all the upstream code | 16:49 |
andrew___ | Yeah, I'm no lawyer, but it doesn't sound legally very useful. | 16:50 |
pochu | right | 16:50 |
andrew___ | Especially if there's no hint who it's attributed to or how you'd contact them. | 16:50 |
pochu | well, there's the AUTHORS file with their names and emails, but my problem is that the packager put 'Copyright 2008 ...' but I wonder if that's true, as I can't find that in the upstream code :) | 16:51 |
pochu | btw, how many BSD licenses there are? | 16:51 |
andrew___ | Wikipedia would know. | 16:52 |
andrew___ | (I'm upgrading to Hardy at last, so my browsers don't work :s) | 16:52 |
andrew___ | You can get templates for them all, just get them to change $NAME etc. to whoever owns the files. | 16:53 |
andrew___ | Anyway, speaking of upgrading, I have to reboot now - brb. | 16:53 |
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Xtreme_Great | I needed some help regarding building my ubuntu kernel's restricted drivers | 18:21 |
Xtreme_Great | can anyone help? | 18:21 |
Xtreme_Great | anyone??? | 18:24 |
Xtreme_Great | hello? | 18:24 |
Xtreme_Great | anyone home?' | 18:24 |
* jdavies sighs | 18:25 | |
jdong | jdavies: reading the topic is a lost art, isn't it. | 18:26 |
jdavies | jdong: that's the third time I've seen him do that in seperate channels | 18:26 |
ion_ | I’m still in favor of making ChanServ tell people joining to read the topic. | 18:27 |
jdong | ion_: still wouldn't work, based on experience. | 18:27 |
jdong | ion_: when Backports still took requests from the forums, I had a 1/2 page bold forum header describing the proper post format. Nobody listened. | 18:28 |
jdong | ion_: at one point I got pissed off and made it <font size="72"> | 18:28 |
jdong | still got people who, after scrolling down 5 pages to the New Post button, forgot the proper posting format. again. | 18:28 |
geser | jdong: it didn't help either, did it? | 18:28 |
jdong | :) | 18:28 |
jdong | I don't know what it would've taken. A strobing flash applet with sound? | 18:28 |
* jdavies still follows: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11280/ | 18:29 | |
ion_ | A magic word within the message one needs to type next to the submit button? :-) | 18:30 |
geser | a big captcha with the post format description? | 18:30 |
jdong | geser: ROFL | 18:30 |
jdong | "Type the following paragraph EXACTLY as you see it..." | 18:30 |
tseliot | jdong: would death threats help? :-P | 18:32 |
nxvl | is there something like an upload count? | 19:40 |
andrew___ | For uploading what? | 19:40 |
nxvl | packages into ubuntu | 19:40 |
laga | pitti: thanks for fixing apport | 19:42 |
andrew___ | The short answer is that I don't know, but I'd assume you could piece it together from new versions of packages. | 19:42 |
geser | nxvl: you mean how many uploads a person did? | 19:42 |
nxvl | geser: yup | 19:50 |
geser | nxvl: http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ but it gets updated irregularly | 19:50 |
nxvl | geser: thnx | 19:51 |
Amaranth | Riddell does more uploads than seb128? I find that hard to believe :P | 19:51 |
geser | Amaranth: kde language packs :) | 19:52 |
joejaxx | i need to change that for ibex | 19:52 |
Amaranth | hehe | 19:52 |
Amaranth | And I guess seb128 has a team of people doing GNOME updates now | 19:52 |
nxvl | Amaranth: kde4 comes in the middle of the development cicle | 19:53 |
nxvl | Amaranth: also there is kde3.5 and kde4, against only one version of gnome | 19:53 |
nxvl | it's understudable | 19:53 |
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emgent | heya dendrobates :) | 20:41 |
sistpoty | hi, what's the lp name for x developers? | 20:51 |
sistpoty | tjaalton: or should I subscribe you to bug 229079 instead? | 20:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229079 in libxfont "[intrepid]: broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229079 | 20:51 |
sistpoty | tjaalton: (just saw, you're not away... not that I want to blame anyone here *g*) | 20:52 |
sistpoty | oh, just saw that ubuntu-x is already subscribed, so nevermind :) | 20:55 |
* norsetto wonders who fujitsu is ... | 20:55 | |
sistpoty | heh, my brain still hasn't realized the fujitus -> wgrant change :) | 20:56 |
sistpoty | fujitsu even | 20:56 |
emgent | true :p | 20:56 |
emgent | hi norsetto | 20:56 |
norsetto | emgent: ./ | 20:58 |
sistpoty | tkamppeter: just saw your comment to bug #229016, thanks! however I guess you'll also want to conflict on system-config-printer-kde (at least versioned, for the versions shipping smburi.py) | 21:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229016 in system-config-printer-kde "missing conflicts" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229016 | 21:06 |
sistpoty | (otherwise the upgrade path might be broken) | 21:06 |
elmo | as a reminder: Launchpad will be offline from maintenance in 45 minutes time, for 2 hours (i.e. 21:00-23:00 UTC) | 21:15 |
sistpoty | anyone, who'd like to sponsor debdiff 1 from bug #229016 (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14432575/scpkde.debdiff)? | 21:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229016 in system-config-printer-kde "missing conflicts" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229016 | 21:53 |
sistpoty | (Riddell... ? as it will still need to get updated in bzr)? | 21:54 |
=== elmo changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad will be down from 21:00 UTC to 23:00 UTC to upgrade the DB server || Archive: Intrepid open, go wild! | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wi | ||
pwnguin | topic too long ;) | 22:11 |
jdavies | pwnguin: that happens ;-) | 22:12 |
=== elmo changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Intrepid open, go wild! | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | ||
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tmmoyer | if I apply a patch and rebuild a package to use on local machines, should I use dch -n to increment the version number and will that be seen as a version number greater than the unpatched version? | 23:09 |
sistpoty | tmmoyer: afaik, yes. the next ubuntu version would usually be taken from dch -i so I assume it's true | 23:18 |
tmmoyer | okay. also is there a way to force apt-get -d to only download the specified packages and not any unsatisfied dependencies? | 23:19 |
sistpoty | tmmoyer: no idea actually... maybe be both pinning packages and specifing what you want to upgrade? | 23:20 |
sistpoty | (or just pinning?) | 23:21 |
tmmoyer | so what I need to do is get some packages to put on the install CD (for customizing purposes) and I only need to get packages I specify | 23:23 |
tmmoyer | basically I have a list of all packages that I need on the CD, and I have removed any packages that are already on the CD leaving me a list of packages that I need to put on the CD. I would like to find a way to download only those packages I need not all of the depends as well | 23:24 |
sistpoty | tmmoyer: as in list of packages with dependencies or w.o.? | 23:25 |
tmmoyer | yes. I used the program germinate to generate a list of all packages needed, then removed any packages for which I already have the deb files | 23:26 |
andrew___ | Could you wget them with a shell script? | 23:26 |
andrew___ | for f in $(<package_list) ; do wget http://myarchive/dists/hardy/blah/blah/$f ; done | 23:27 |
tmmoyer | so right now the package list is something I could pass to apt-get directly (package names only) what would be the easiest way to convert these to full paths that I can pass to wget | 23:29 |
sistpoty | tmmoyer: should be easy then... iirc packages.gz contains a relative link to all (binary) packages locations (w.o. the name, you'd need to get this from version + package name in packgages.gz) to download | 23:29 |
sistpoty | tmmoyer: however I'm not entirely sure about this... and iirc there might be s.th. out there which does that for you | 23:29 |
sistpoty | tmmoyer: (maybe casper, but I guess you'll want to look at debimg as well) | 23:30 |
tmmoyer | I may just deal with the dependencies, since in my cases right now, it is only 3 files. I may just install the dependencies and then run the download | 23:38 |
sistpoty | tmmoyer: whatever you think fits best your need ;) | 23:39 |
andrew___ | I hope I'm not being rude, but did you guys hear my suggestion before? | 23:39 |
sistpoty | andrew___: I did at least. but I'm not the one with that endavour ;) | 23:40 |
tmmoyer | andrew___: yes I did, the only problem is that I need a way to convert the package list to a series of urls to pass to wget, | 23:40 |
andrew___ | If it's just three, you could do it manually. | 23:41 |
tmmoyer | the only way I know how to do that right now is through apt-get which resolves dependecies | 23:41 |
tmmoyer | yeah my end goal though is complete automation of the process | 23:41 |
tmmoyer | meaning I would like to find automatic methods of doing these things | 23:41 |
andrew___ | Ah, fair enough. | 23:41 |
andrew___ | I agree with sistpoty about checking the packages list then. | 23:42 |
tmmoyer | yeah may not be a bad idea | 23:42 |
sistpoty | (imho actually there should be some apt thingy to use for this... I'm not sure, but I guess there are python-bindings for apt, which could help you further) | 23:42 |
tmmoyer | other than the customization page on the wiki is there any place where alternate CD creation is documented from beginning to end? | 23:42 |
tmmoyer | yeah | 23:42 |
tmmoyer | thanks | 23:42 |
tmmoyer | hopefully things work out | 23:43 |
andrew___ | FIW, `grep "Package: $package" /var/lib/apt/lists/* -A15 -h | grep ^Filename:` gets you most of the way there. | 23:44 |
andrew___ | *FWIW | 23:44 |
ion_ | andrew: grep-dctrl(1) | 23:48 |
andrew___ | That's better :) | 23:50 |
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