
clin1hello, anyone here who can help me with a Ubuntu upgrade question? or is there a better place (n00b)01:56
tmmoyeris there any way to easily ensure that all packages have dependencies satisfied with a given repository? I am trying to add a bunch of packages to the server install cd and I want to make sure that for each package I add, the dependencies are satisfied by the rest of the packages on the CD.16:06
cjwatsonwell, we use germinate for that, though it might be a bit complicated to set up16:06
tmmoyerwhere might I get that?16:06
cjwatsonapt-get install germinate16:06
tmmoyercool I'll take a look16:07
cjwatsonits job is to expand dependencies, so you could definitely build something based on it16:07
cjwatsonebel: shame you wrote a program rather than asking whether there was one already, really ;-)16:07
tmmoyerI think that is exactly what I am looking for.  I can pass it my list of packages to add and then compare that to the list of packages already present on the CD thanks16:08
cjwatsonBTW, the two of you appeared last night, had a brief conversation on this subject, and then left. If you'd stuck around I'd have been able to answer your question last night16:08
tmmoyersorry end of the day and needed to get my daughter16:08
* cjwatson just leaves his client running all the time16:08
tmmoyerproblem is, I wasn't coming back to that machine anytime before monday, and I use colloquy for Mac OS X while at work16:09
cjwatsonanyway - you can use the --seed-packages option if it's just a few items, otherwise you'll need to create a new seed for it16:09
tmmoyerokay thanks16:09
cjwatsonperhaps bzr branching the Ubuntu server seeds (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.hardy) and fiddling with them locally16:10
tmmoyerokay cool16:10
tmmoyerusing that method, is it easy to include packages that I have rebuilt with custom patches to override what is already available?16:11
tmmoyerif not, it shouldn't be too bad to do since there are only a few of those type16:12
cjwatsonif you're using germinate >= 0.44, you can point it at multiple archives16:13
cjwatsonso you'd say -m http://your.custom.archive/path/ -m http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:13
cjwatsongerminate just gives you the dependencies though - it's not its job to actually copy the package files in16:14
cjwatsonso you'll need to take care of that separately16:14
tmmoyerokay one last question (hopefully). If I rebuilt a package with custom patches and I want to make sure that it would be selected over the ubuntu provided packages, can I use dch -n to change the version number and apt will view that as a newer package?16:15
* ebel was in work and had to leave.16:15
ebelProbably woulda been best to use an existing tool.16:16
ebelI was writing a bunch of scripts to assemble a custom cd and just kept going.16:16
=== ebel_ is now known as ebel
tmmoyercjwatson: I have run the germinate command after adding my packages to the server-ship file, and it output the mass number of files.  is there any program I can use to download and correctly structure the files for the installer cd?20:47

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