=== Susana_ is now known as Susana [16:25] Hello. In a short while I'll be adding a new member to the Ubuntu Contributing Developers group, which also grants Ubuntu Membership. What is the best way to report this so that the new member will appear in UWN? [16:26] persia, You can add a note to the current UWN WIP (Work in Progress) [16:27] Just edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue90 ? [16:27] Yes. === cody-somerville changed the topic of #ubuntu-marketing to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | UWN #89 is out! UWN #90 in progress! [16:28] Thanks. I'll do that. [16:28] No, thank you! :) [17:01] juliux: pong [20:48] hey boredandblogging can i just add something to the uwn wikipage? === juliux_ is now known as ichwillvoice === ichwillvoice is now known as juliux