[00:04] Seeker`: where are you getting "Canonical won't host it?" [00:04] emma: Whats up? [00:06] mneptok: look at the word before canonical - "if" [00:06] mneptok will host it on his work computer [00:06] Seeker`: mighty big if, especially from my chair. 'nuff said. [00:07] mneptok: I was just trying to get a better idea of the situation, not making any statements about how likely each outcome would be [00:07] Pici: the only personal machine i have with a 24/7 connection to Canonical infrastructure is a Mac Quadra 605 (68K) running OpenBSD :P [00:07] Seeker`: and i'm trying to give you one. without losing my job. [00:07] ;) [00:07] :P [00:07] Emma said she was confused, no need for alarm of her idling or whatnot. [00:08] i'm still male. [00:08] mneptok, so you keep telling us [00:08] mneptok: likely story [00:08] I want that heart too! [00:09] grrrr ... stupid sabdfl. [00:09] "no, kurt, you may not eat our customers." [00:09] wtf? [00:09] hahahaha [00:09] * mneptok is having a tough day [00:09] mneptok, fried easy over :) [00:12] mwahahaha [00:12] /completion -auto <3 ♥ [00:12] what in the... [00:12] kekekekkekek [00:12] but that doesn't look like an icecream cone [00:12] ♥ [00:13] I think I could fill up ~/ubuntu_quotes pretty quickly if I just wrote a script to add every other line mneptok says [00:15] i ♥ my IRC [00:16] i ♠ my dog [00:16] i ♣ my wife [00:18] awww, what a cute name [00:19] you club your wife? [00:19] any clue how much bandwidth ubotu uses? [00:19] ☣ === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [00:21] gnomefreak: only when she's been good. [00:21] but i have probably said too much [00:21] ;) [01:03] Yay for cleanly reconnecting irssi. [01:08] lo PriceChild [01:12] Allo Seeker` [01:13] how are you? coping well with the hot weather? [01:13] I'm good, just had a bbq. [01:13] Today was a little cloudier here. [01:13] oooh, sounds good. I need to have one of them [01:13] same here - we had thunder and lightning [01:14] It got close enough that I disconnected the phone / tv aerial / non-surge protected power [01:14] I would never think to do that. [01:15] all of my computer equipment uses wired networking, and my mythtv box is also connected to the aerial [01:15] so if the tv aerial got hit, it is (theoretically) connected to all of my other computers [01:15] same goes for the phone lone [01:15] *line [01:28] I need to fix my theme to put the clock on a different line to the status. [01:30] PriceChild: why? [01:31] because the list of active windows covers up the clock [01:32] :/ [03:29] omg! OMG! ETHIOPIAN RESTO NEXT DOOR TO THE OFFICE! [03:29] * mneptok swoons [03:53] Hi. My understanding is that the preferred place to disagree with someone is here. [03:53] go ahead [03:53] depends on "someone" and the subject of the disagreement [03:53] i asked him to run "ps aux" [03:53] I was not typoing what you said. Several other people had been giving him the command ps ax | grep wine [03:53] you kept telling him "ps ax" [03:54] emma: do they work for Canonical earning a living supporting Ubuntu? [03:54] since i don;t know them, no, they don't. [03:54] Is that relevant to whether I was typoing you or not? [03:54] emma: just want seems to be the issue? [03:54] please do not give Ubuntu users instructions that contradict the instructions from Canonical employees [03:54] I did not do that. [03:55] you just dsaid you did! [03:55] do i need to paste it? [03:55] mneptok: a moment please? [03:55] 'course [03:56] I request that another op please take a look at their scroll back to see for themselves that I have been helping Ubuntu users for hours and was only repeating what other people had been saying, when mneptok started something with me for no apparent reason. [03:56] mneptok: your logic is faulty. I don't believe i would want the Canonical janitor to be giving me OS instructions [03:56] O:) [03:56] emma: you were repeating some other users wrong commands [03:57] emma: they were given two different times with the wrong format, and you picked up on the more repeated one [03:57] it happens. [03:58] emma: the important thing is that when an op tells you to do/not do something, you stop. [03:58] and again, you didn't, and began arguing with me on-channel [03:58] emma: was Mark not clear about this? [03:58] I did not do that. I came in here exactly in order to handle it the right way. Why are you being like this? [03:59] 22:50 < mneptok> emma: please stop repeating commands i have given and typo'ing them [03:59] 22:50 < emma> I'm not. [03:59] 22:50 < mneptok> emma: i suggest you look again [03:59] 22:50 < emma> No. [04:00] I learned about the ps ax | grep wine command from two other informed Ubuntu helpers in there. I thought it was cool so I was repeating it. It worked for me on my own computer. And when I saw that matthew was pasteing ps ax - grep wine (not using the pipe) I was trying to be helpful since I thought perhaps he was using the - instead of the | [04:00] mneptok: emma: can we drop this? it was a mistake by a well meaning emma [04:00] * nalioth headdesks [04:00] Then you *jumped* on me and said I was typoing you. But I was not typoing you. [04:00] Yes I can drop it. [04:00] nalioth: the mistake, IMO, was that i asked her to stop, to read backscroll, and the answer was "no." [04:00] *that's* what i object to [04:01] Mark specifically asked that the ops requests be respected. [04:01] the biggest point he tried to make, out the window. [04:01] emma: please do as the ops request :) we are only trying to keep the channel running smoothly [04:02] I have been very respectful. Why do you over look the other things that Mark asked for? [04:02] such as> [04:02] Such as the ops being respectful to users. [04:02] excuse me? [04:02] You are excused. [04:02] [04:02] i rest my case. [04:03] and *that* little logfile gem will be under sabdfl's nose at UDS. [04:21] I can't help but laugh at the end there [04:28] this should just go away [04:32] bazhang: Your best bet is probably to just gouge out your eyes, I'm afraid :( [04:32] * elkbuntu raises an eyebrow [04:34] so 'being respectful' now means acting refusing reasonable requests, and acting like a $non-insulting-word-for-spoiled-child. [04:34] s/acting// [04:35] both sides are wrong [04:35] how pray tell [04:35] there should only be one side [04:36] there is never only one side, ever. [04:36] and you're a fool if you think you can form one. [04:36] mc44: afaik it's more an issue of memory & processor than bandwidth. However, if you want an estimate, set up an irssi instance joined to every Ubuntu channel and measure that - I'd imagine that'd be about the same, no? [04:38] that I am a fool is well-established [04:39] i dont know you well enough to make such assumptions. [04:39] naturally there will never be a borg-like hive mind [04:39] windows has that cornered :) [04:42] if the only comments you can make are 'it should go away' and 'both sides are wrong because there should only be one', then you're not going to last. [04:44] I shall comment no further on this then [04:47] bazhang: if you close your eyes hard enough, stick your finders in your ears and scream LALALALALLALA, "it should go away." ;) [04:47] *fingers [04:49] but be warned, whilst you're doing that, the trolls and spammers have a field day. [04:50] sorry, $non_accusatory_descriptor_for_troll and $non_accusatory_word_for_spammer [04:50] *patpat* [04:50] :) [04:52] From this point on, there is a system of renaming in effect, where all instances of words that sound accusatory / offensive are replaced with $non_(accustatory | offensive)_word_for_ [04:52] or GNU/Troll [04:53] seeing as if someone has all the properties of X, they are an "instance" of X, therefore you are not accusing anyone of anything, you are meerly stating fact [04:56] Hello [04:57] mneptok - I thought it would be best if I took a break from the conversation we were having. Some of the things you were saying were upsetting. [04:57] mneptok - I came into -ops however because I'm certain that it is the only appropriate place to have a difference of opinion with you. I certainly would not criticize you in #ubuntu or any other of your channels. [04:58] they are not "mine" [04:58] just as they are not "yours" [04:58] they are "ours" [04:59] mneptok -- In any event, and I mean this quite sincerely, I feel that a little different approach could have prevented your stress level from rising and mine as well. [04:59] some people have spent years of their life honing skills and learning tricks. some of them have invested a huge amount of time and effort, often without pay, to create something for everybody. [04:59] elkbuntu, haha [04:59] have to add that to my chanserv.py [04:59] when people like that ask you to read backscroll before continuing a conversation, the correct answer is not "no." [04:59] is that perfectly clear? [04:59] Yes it certainly is. [05:00] wonderful. enjoy your weekend. [05:01] Is there anything else we can help you with emma? [05:01] Yes I wasn't quite finished. Thank you for asking. [05:02] Well, nalio th asked that this conversation was dropped, and mneptok's comment certainly looks like he is no longer interested in this conversation [05:02] i do not know what more needs be said. [05:02] mneptok, is a *he*? [05:03] Seeker`: nalio who? [05:03] emma is aware of the ops wishes, anything further is a matter for the IRC Council. [05:03] and i hardly think this rises to the level of a Council issue. [05:03] nalioth: was trying not to highlight you [05:03] bazhang: I dont know, but statistically, he is more likely to be correct than she [05:03] mneptok - Well the part I came in here for was to ask you to consider that the way you speak to people can make a huge difference in how effective you are as a communicator and as a leader of this community. [05:03] Seeker`, ;] [05:04] emma: please consider that i always consider my audience. [05:04] emma, you do not know mneptok, so you dont know how altered his discussion with you was. [05:04] i however do know mneptok, and i do know that his discussion was altered. [05:05] now, if that is all, i request that you respect our 'no idling' rules for this channel. [05:06] Certainly, thanks for giving me a moment to say what I had to say there. [05:06] any time [05:06] * elkbuntu waits [05:07] One more thing.. [05:07] of course there is. [05:07] You can be sure that no matter how I am treated I will respect your wishes and do as you say. Thank you. [05:07] I will just have to come in here when I feel hurt so that I can articulate what just happened and give you my perspective and a bit of input on how it could have been done better. That way we might all learn. [05:08] given your behaviour in #ubuntu this morning, i am not convinced. [05:08] Goodnight. Thanks again. [05:08] * Seeker` wonders if elkbuntu is holding their breath [05:08] not any more [05:08] there's more than one of her? [05:08] Well elkbuntu I have been in Ubuntu for hours and have helped many many people. And you can scroll up to see where nalioth says I was being well meaning. [05:09] I think that's significant. Goodnight friends. [05:09] emma, that's not the behaviour i was referring to [05:09] bazhang: Quite possibly. I was trying to use a gender neutral phrase until I could /whois :P [05:09] Seeker`, hehe [05:09] i obviously need to shower less, i'm gathering friends i dont want. [05:09] * mneptok perks up [05:10] bazhang: Its 5am here, I'm not totally awake :P [05:10] no, you're wanted compared to others. [05:10] less showering? yoo-mon fee-males? [05:10] heh [05:11] actually, I think it may be bedtime. Goodnight. [05:11] ;] [05:12] UNBATHED YOO-MON FEE-MALE BEDTIME?!??! [05:12] * mneptok hisses [05:13] no [05:13] :( [05:13] you ruin EVERYTHING! I HATE YOU! [05:13] hahaha [05:13] *ahem* [05:14] indeed [05:15] well, that hissy fit didn't help. maybe nictotine and a violent video game is the recipe. [05:16] GTA4 is the answer to everything [05:22] hehe [05:35] Screw it, I'm just going to ignore people that don't put my nick in their line in #ubuntu [05:36] If they don't want to take the effort to make it easier for me to help them then I won't [05:37] fair enough [05:37] however do remember that many of the people in there are new to irc [05:38] Right, which is why I told them what to do [05:38] But if they can't follow that simple direction I don't expect them to be able to use any other help I could give either [05:38] right, so you're going to ignore people that dont put your nick in their line... even after being asked. [05:39] new to computers even [05:39] i was just clarifying [05:50] Yeah, most days I don't look too hard for my lines either. [06:09] Hi, posted a link in #ubuntu that I'm sure no one likes. Thought you may want a heads up. [06:09] Funny how she knows how to use !ops incorrectly to annoy us all but can't manage to use it for its purpose. [06:10] not really opworthy [06:10] shes been abusing !ops? [06:10] if he becomes a problem will mute him [06:11] bazhang, what was the link he posted? [06:11] nothing especially bad elkbuntu that I could see [06:11] didnt watch it all the way though [06:12] i was askign for the link [06:12] http://ustream.tv/channel/sleep-time [06:12] elkbuntu, see above [06:12] he's being generally offtopic that i can see, asking for the name of squirting toilets.. etc [06:12] kick him? [06:12] bazhang: catalyse [06:13] bazhang, spend an hour or two in PM with him [06:13] he seems to have reigned it in after being warned [06:13] elkbuntu, you serious? [06:13] lots of folks are not aware that #ubuntu is a strict support channel [06:13] bazhang, certain someone bumped up te 'average time' [06:14] um, this isnt a video, it's someone's webcam, they're trying to get people to 'join' [06:15] the guy just started bitching about how it wasnt working and nobody had joined [06:16] (read, it was $non_offensive_word_for_the_guy_is_a_spammer) [06:17] so /cs o kb rgravener ? :) [06:17] see if he does anything else [06:17] will do thanks Amaranth :) [06:18] he will when he feels like we've given up [06:18] though I do have to go to lunch soon.. [08:01] bazhang, ? [08:05] LjL, are you here this time of day? [08:10] nalioth: good morning [08:13] nalioth: If you could loak ubottu that would be great, something like @unaffiliated/ubottu would be nice [08:13] jussi01, loaking is forbidden [08:14] haha [08:14] oops [08:14] cloak then :P [08:14] stupid typos [08:14] stpidu ingfers [08:23] ompaul: funny how that works so well sometimes... [08:23] yeap [08:41] okay I am out of here think food :-) [08:42] I'm really getting bored with that ASUS-tek fellow [08:43] Myrtti: still being annoying? [08:43] he has pm'd me 5am [08:44] heh... [08:44] not that early where he's from [08:44] but still [08:44] [05:19] hi dude [08:44] [05:19] *** ASUS-tek [n=iamjerk@] [08:44] [05:19] *** ircname : Super star [08:44] re:ident "you think so?" [08:45] notice the PC attitude I'm having [08:45] * jussi01 huggles Myrtti [08:55] hehe [08:55] * ompaul pours tea for Myrtti [09:44] PriceChild: you here/awake ? [09:51] he's been odd before and informed of the offtopic rules [09:51] i'm not here [10:10] Just FYI I have parted ubottu form #ubuntu-bots, as it only gets abused in there. [10:26] fde called the ops in #ubuntu (pa) [10:27] taking care of it [10:39] !staff | [12:39:41] m's'n de bekliyorum seni yeIda_tonya [10:40] !staff [10:40] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw or Gary I could use a bit of your time :) [11:29] * Hobbsee glances at the previous log, and is amused. [11:29] ahhh, it helps to give packages back in the right release. I'm really seeing the merits of a sid-type thing, now. [11:36] [20:31] --> Xtreme_Great has joined this channel (n=xtreme@ [11:36] [20:32] I wanted some help regarding kernel module programming [11:37] [20:32] The compiler can't find module.h [11:37] [20:32] can anyone help? [11:37] [20:32] --> mok0 has joined this channel (n=mok@563413c5.rev.stofanet.dk). [11:37] huh [11:37] [20:32] I wanted some help regarding kernel module programming [11:37] [20:32] anyone? [11:37] [20:33] <-- alex-weej has left this server ("Ex-Chat"). [11:37] [20:35] <-- Xtreme_Great has left this channel ("I thout ubuntu means the spirit to help"). [11:37] fail. on multiple accounts. [11:37] has he been doing this elsewhere? [11:37] a) he doesn't read the topic, so doesn't think it's a support channel, or b) doesn't think that it applies to him, and c) doesn't understand the concept of a weekend. [11:38] d) doesn't understand the concept of waiting patiently for more than five minutes [11:38] ah, he's back now, asking exactly the same thing. [11:38] where? [11:38] -devel [11:39] ahh, I see [11:39] of course, logic might have suggested to him that the linux kernel headers would have been a good place to start, if he was looking into kernel programming, but there you go. [11:55] /me is too tired to check /who [11:55] who is M. Spruell? [11:55] nalioth: [11:56] oops, sorry for the hilight [12:18] jussi01, I think he highlights on "n" [12:18] ;-) [12:18] Hobbsee, kernel newbies would be the best place for someone would it not? [12:19] ompaul: probably. [12:19] I have to go again argh [12:19] ompaul: it is a distro level question, to some degree - involves using the distro tools [12:19] back in an hour or so [12:25] how come intresting people don't use del.icio.us?? [12:25] why would htey? [12:26] *shrug* to let other people leach on their intresting links? :-P [13:13] someone hilight me please? [13:13] jussi01: no [13:14] jussi01: no highlights for you. not yours! [13:14] noone should say jussi01 in case it highlights him [13:15] Seeker`: you can't discuss anything involving jussi01, no. [13:15] Seeker`: sheesh, that sounds like emma logic :( [13:15] hahah [13:16] one more time? [13:16] jussi01: you don't deserve it [13:16] jussi01: ok, if you insist [13:16] * Hobbsee recalls emma telling her off for responding to the meeting, as it involved highlighting her. [13:16] heh [13:17] * Hobbsee ponders. [13:17] s/emma/$she_who_proclaims_she_doesn't_spam/ ? doesn't trigger highlights [13:18] ah well. must be sleep time [13:20] /me buys Hobbsee a punching bag for venting out frustrations [13:21] Myrtti: now, i could have used that earlier. [13:21] Hobbsee: unfortunately I vented out my frustrations with /part [13:22] wasn't here to buy you one when you needed it the most [13:23] awww [13:24] I think I'll go now to my moms to a) act carnivore with grilled sausages b) see my guinea pig c) eat mint chocolate ice cream d) sleep [13:26] enjoy [15:12] !whoami [15:12] Factoid whoami not found [15:12] hm.. [15:13] @whoami [15:13] jussi01: jussi01 [15:13] yep. I jsut realized that :) [15:13] hehe [15:17] just updated !qt [15:43] @howami [15:43] full of fun :) [17:01] ban list in -offtopic about to be attacked please check out your own stuff I am getting some from ballard and so forth and other ones that don't make some [17:01] *sense [17:17] jussi01, can I have the bot in #ubuntu-ie [17:17] please [17:17] pretty please [17:17] !codecs [17:17] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [17:20] ubottu: join #ubuntu-ie [17:20] Factoid join #ubuntu-ie not found [17:20] ompaul: there you are ;) [17:22] jussi01, thanks [18:14] someone banned from ubuntu-pl would go where to get that adjudicated? [18:14] bazhang: #ubuntu-irc [18:14] #ubuntu-irc [18:14] thanks jdavies jussi01 :) [18:18] bazhang: elektronik123456 is now in -irc [18:19] jdavies, that is the right place yes? [18:19] yes [18:19] thanks :) [18:19] just noticed you weren't there ;-) [18:20] I should be? [18:20] oopps my bad [18:41] there is now #ubuntu-ircbots-team for everyone who is running or hosting an Ubuntu irc bot to collaborate in [18:42] * ompaul thinks about lurking there [18:43] and pici needs to to be there to link the factories of factoids [18:50] ehh did someone op that person? [18:50] just pm me [18:50] or else I am concerned [18:58] * ompaul is not concerned [18:58] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to pmcg_ worst foulup in irc history [18:58] no [18:58] I have seen worse ;-) [18:59] that has to rank top three though [18:59] na [18:59] * jdong has joined #ubuntu-ops [18:59] there's your worst [18:59] now that is number 4 [18:59] haha [18:59] !jdong [18:59] jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK! [19:00] that is number 15 and bazhang that one was number 22 [19:00] :P [19:00] bazhang, you learned a lot in 5 minutes today [19:00] still monumentally bone-headed though [19:00] what channel was that in? [19:00] maybe it was just as well I was standing [19:00] #ubuntu [19:01] there [19:01] anyway now it is all sorted and you a huge education in 5 mins [19:01] you will _never_ make that mistake again [19:01] and that is life [19:01] indeed not [19:02] bazhang, the person who never made a mistake never made anything [19:02] thanks for saving my bacon ompaul [19:03] bazhang, np [19:05] hmm, bacon [19:06] * Seeker` gnaws on bazhang, "mmm....bacony" [19:06] Seeker`, :) [19:08] Seeker`, not chicken ? [19:34] !amaranth [19:34] Stabbity stab [19:35] Amaranth, what you think - don't act just what you think about that party in -offtopic [19:35] the one whos ident I was looking at [19:35] eh [19:35] maybe he _is_ a jerk :P [19:35] that wavine person [19:36] Amaranth, perhaps [20:25] hellooo [20:25] anything I should be worried about happened? [20:25] I've not taken my meds in two days and I feel like hell [20:37] Myrtti: :( Thats not good [20:38] I feel dizzy and I start to cry from the littlest reasons [20:38] *sigh* [20:38] I know the feeling, I feel ill just thinking about it. [20:39] then again, I did know this was coming [20:39] I feel like an idiot forgetting my meds at home [20:41] Better than me letting them run out and then the pharmacy being out [20:45] In ubottu, erUSUL said: flashsound is To get sound out of the flash plugin in ubuntu hardy heron 8.04 you have to install libflashsupport package («sudo apt-get install libflashsupport») [20:45] as of now the symptoms are about exactly the same as when I started taking these pills + all the symptoms of the condition cured came back. If this goes on as it did in the start, tomorrow will be nausea day. [20:45] which is not cool since it's mothers day and I should be functional [20:49] I find it helpful to keep myself distracted, but thats just me. [20:51] yeah, I'll have to think something [21:03] haha *snork* [21:03] I don't know how to respond to juliux in -irc :-D [21:04] haha, got it [22:41] !xmms [22:41] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [22:42] ubottu: no, xmms is For the reason why xmms is no longer in the hardy repositories see: http://bugs.debian.org/461309 [22:42] I'll remember that jrib [22:56] ubot3`: info xmms hardy [22:56] xmms: Versatile X audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2.10+20070601-1build2 (hardy), package size 2194 kB, installed size 6412 kB [22:56] * nalioth is confuzzled [22:56] nalioth: why so? [22:57] well, xmms isn't in hardy, for one ;p [22:58] wonder why the bot says it is? [23:08] Hi nalioth. I will attempt to be at the meeting on Wed., depending on how my work schedule works out. [23:08] tritium: there will be logs [23:08] nalioth: yep [23:09] I'll still try. That's close to lunch, so hopefully I can support it. [23:09] does anyone know what "europium.canoncial.com" is? [23:11] canoncial? [23:12] scary [23:12] modulo typos :P [23:12] canonical [23:12] don't do that [23:12] I almost managed to coax myself into panic considering what evil stuff that kind of url would ... [23:13] :-o [23:13] I wont dwell into details [23:13] because of you know what [23:13] O.o [23:13] mneptok: ^ [23:14] I really need my medication [23:14] *sigh* [23:14] Myrtti: take it then? [23:15] Seeker`: I forgot them at home on Thursday when I left to housesit my sisters place [23:15] :/