bryce | erf | 00:49 |
bryce | $ git push | 00:49 |
bryce | Password: | 00:49 |
bryce | To ssh:// | 00:49 |
bryce | ! [rejected] debian-unstable -> debian-unstable (non-fast forward) | 00:49 |
bryce | error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://' | 00:49 |
ubottu | bryce: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:49 |
bryce | ubottu: don't worry I'd never think that | 00:50 |
ubottu | bryce: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:50 |
pwnguin | heh | 03:36 |
tjaalton | bryce: git push origin ubuntu doesn't work? | 05:51 |
tjaalton | sigh | 05:54 |
tjaalton | I wonder how many lrm bugs are due to people booting the old kernel | 05:54 |
tjaalton | bug 226993 surely was | 05:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226993 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Low res 800x600 NVIDIA 7300 LE" [Undecided,Invalid] | 05:54 |
bryce | tjaalton: hmm $ git push origin ubuntu | 07:40 |
bryce | Password: | 07:40 |
bryce | Everything up-to-date | 07:40 |
tjaalton | you are on the ubuntu branch? | 07:44 |
bryce | well it looks like it... there are ubuntu changes in the debian/changelog file | 07:44 |
tjaalton | git status | 07:45 |
bryce | $ git status | 07:45 |
bryce | # On branch ubuntu | 07:45 |
bryce | nothing to commit (working directory clean) | 07:45 |
tjaalton | hmh | 07:46 |
bryce | anyway, I think it's ok | 07:48 |
tjaalton | you have changes to push? | 07:48 |
bryce | no, I was just doublechecking that my last commit (a few weeks ago) actually made it | 07:49 |
tjaalton | ah | 07:49 |
tjaalton | shows it | 07:49 |
tjaalton |;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ubuntu | 07:49 |
munckfish | bryce: I'm just about to test the patch you pointed me to, but one of the existing patches (166_fix_lpl_monitors.diff) is failing to apply in the git ubuntu branch | 14:22 |
munckfish | Is it ok for you? | 14:22 |
munckfish | it affects hw/xfree86/modes/xf86EdidModes.c so I don't think it's clashing with the closedir() fix we added last | 14:23 |
munckfish | hah, it's way too early in his timezone for him to be around yet! :D | 14:25 |
jcristau | yeah, that patch doesn't apply | 14:30 |
munckfish | jcristau: hi, yes it's just a different comment | 14:31 |
munckfish | an extra line of commnt | 14:31 |
munckfish | nope I'm wrong there's more to it than that :( | 14:44 |
jcristau | yes, upstream commit 08afc70513e5496cc5cd8b76c8658c4292119e4b | 14:45 |
munckfish | by upstream you mean debian, or x? | 14:46 |
jcristau | x | 14:46 |
munckfish | ok | 14:46 |
munckfish | jcristau: what should I really be working against here? I followed the X/GitUsage tut, but should I be working on debian-unstable branch? should I have pulled from debian-unstable into my ubuntu branch? | 14:47 |
jcristau | i don't know. what are you trying to do? | 14:49 |
munckfish | I'm trying to test out your non_pci_autoconfig.diff for ubuntu hardy xorg | 14:49 |
jcristau | if you're just trying to test the ubuntu package, you're doing the right thing, but you got unlucky because of that broken patch | 14:49 |
munckfish | LP 217647 | 14:50 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 217647 in ubuntu-ps3-port "Crash at startup on PS3 (hardy)" [Critical,In progress] | 14:50 |
munckfish | jcristau: ok. I'll cont as is. I presume best course of action is to pull that upstream change into a patch under debian/patches | 14:51 |
jcristau | munckfish: remove patch 166 from debian/patches/series and you should be able to build the package | 14:51 |
munckfish | but if I do that, I may as well ... | 14:51 |
munckfish | yeah | 14:51 |
munckfish | good point | 14:51 |
munckfish | thx | 14:51 |
jcristau | np | 14:51 |
munckfish | :) | 14:51 |
munckfish | BTW do you happen to know if it's possible to cross-compile as I build the xorg-server package? | 14:54 |
jcristau | no idea | 14:56 |
munckfish | is it common practice to cherry pick patches and then integrate them a little later? | 15:08 |
jcristau | integrate how? | 15:08 |
munckfish | well | 15:08 |
munckfish | if they don't apply successfully, but they've been committed | 15:09 |
munckfish | then at some point | 15:09 |
munckfish | someone has to go thru and fix them so they do | 15:09 |
munckfish | so that a release can be made | 15:09 |
munckfish | that's what I mean | 15:09 |
jcristau | well. i usually try not to do that :) | 15:09 |
munckfish | ok | 15:09 |
munckfish | so, in my case this non_pci .... patch, | 15:10 |
munckfish | it's against a newer version of the codebase from upstream | 15:10 |
munckfish | even with the patches cherrypicked back into debian and ubuntu | 15:11 |
munckfish | it doesn't apply | 15:11 |
munckfish | (matchDriverFromFiles appears to be from a later refactoring) | 15:11 |
jcristau | ah, right. | 15:11 |
munckfish | should I be looking to modify the patch so it works against our code | 15:12 |
munckfish | or | 15:12 |
munckfish | should I look to pull down more patches from above | 15:12 |
munckfish | or should I ... do something else :) | 15:12 |
jcristau | let me have a look | 15:12 |
munckfish | ok | 15:12 |
munckfish | thx, I'll try to speed you on your way ... | 15:13 |
munckfish | patch | 15:13 |
munckfish | I hope to get up to speed with how things work round here then I will cause minimum fuss | 15:15 |
jcristau | doesn't seem applicable | 15:15 |
munckfish | Bit too different? right | 15:15 |
munckfish | so, now I will consider creating my own patch against our customised code, maybe with same intent as this upstream one | 15:17 |
munckfish | thx for looking | 15:17 |
jcristau | the bug that patch fixes doesn't exist in the version in hardy | 15:17 |
munckfish | yes | 15:17 |
jcristau | as far as i can tell | 15:17 |
munckfish | ok | 15:18 |
munckfish | actually there's two issues here really | 15:19 |
munckfish | first is | 15:19 |
munckfish | the crash I reported in that bug | 15:19 |
munckfish | originally I think that was cause NOT havig PCI info was an untested path through this code | 15:19 |
munckfish | PS3 doesn't appear to have PCI info | 15:19 |
munckfish | so it brought out this crash | 15:20 |
munckfish | 2nd issue is | 15:20 |
munckfish | once the crash is resolved X then goes on to choose the vesa driver instead of fbdev | 15:20 |
munckfish | which is wrong | 15:20 |
jcristau | yeah. do you have a log for that? | 15:21 |
munckfish | I presumed that non_pci patch may do something to help | 15:21 |
jcristau | nah. it doesn't. | 15:21 |
jcristau | it fixes another crash :) | 15:21 |
munckfish | LP 217647 has logs for both with an xorg and without. Both times it chooses the wrong driver | 15:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 217647 in ubuntu-ps3-port "Crash at startup on PS3 (hardy)" [Critical,In progress] | 15:22 |
munckfish | I think Bryce suggested it as an alternative for the closedir patch | 15:22 |
munckfish | So ... I tell you what I'm going to just dig into this and understand the code a bit better. I'm sure I can come up with a fix, it'll be simple I'm sure. | 15:24 |
jcristau | yeah, the code in chooseVideoDriver() is supposed to fall back to fbdev on ppc, but that part is probably not much tested | 15:26 |
jcristau | so if you can step through what's going on in there, you should be able to come up with a fix | 15:26 |
munckfish | I seem to remember seeing some codes further up the stack using preprocessor defines to decide on a default fallback | 15:27 |
munckfish | it must be doing the wrong thing somehow | 15:27 |
munckfish | thx! | 15:27 |
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