sponix | jamiejackson: try this... backup users homedir, then remake the account blank, and just move the "data" back in, chances are the prefs have changed | 00:00 |
jamiejackson | k will do | 00:01 |
sponix | Still think xfce is just the best over all | 00:04 |
sponix | Not just for low end systems, not just for this or for that... Over all xfce is just best period | 00:04 |
sponix | Does what you need, and does it well | 00:04 |
ere4si | sponix: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avant_Window_Navigator | 00:05 |
jamiejackson | actually, lots (maybe all pri | 00:08 |
jamiejackson | ...all profiles might be messed up. might try an sys update | 00:09 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
pulseezar | how can i play mp3 files in xubuntu | 00:22 |
pulseezar | ? | 00:22 |
litlebuda | pulseezar, with audacious for example | 00:24 |
ere4si | !mp3 | pulseezar | 00:26 |
ubottu | pulseezar: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 00:26 |
pulseezar | cant find audacious inadd/remove | 00:27 |
ere4si | pulseezar: you may need to enable the repositories | 00:31 |
ere4si | !repos | pulseezar | 00:31 |
ubottu | pulseezar: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 00:31 |
sponix | know what pisses me off about xfce ? | 01:00 |
Odd-rationale | sponix: it's speed? | 01:02 |
sponix | .. Yeah, its speed, its stability, its ease of use, small footprint, the over all simplicity... Freaking hate that ! | 01:03 |
sponix | Beyond that, what really ticks me off is how people treat it as 2nd best... "If you have a low end system, you might try xfce" | 01:04 |
sponix | Why not, if you want something that just works, and doesn't suck ass... xfce is where its at ! | 01:05 |
Odd-rationale | sponix: yeah, the ubuntu guys kind of adverttise xubuntu for low-end machines. but it works even better on high end ones too | 01:17 |
standarshy | hi room | 01:40 |
Odd-rationale | hello, standarshy | 01:40 |
standarshy | Is this room open to n00b questions? | 01:40 |
Odd-rationale | NO | 01:41 |
Odd-rationale | jk | 01:41 |
standarshy | alright | 01:41 |
standarshy | So, i was wondering if xubuntu as compatible with programs as ubuntu. | 01:41 |
Odd-rationale | yes. | 01:42 |
Odd-rationale | you can run gnome apps and kde apps in xubuntu | 01:42 |
Odd-rationale | even windows apps for that matter (using special technology called WINE) | 01:42 |
standarshy | I am currently an opensuse user but am considering trying out a version of ubuntu, not sure which though | 01:42 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: what are your specs? | 01:42 |
standarshy | well, the comp I run opensuse on has a sempronrunning at 1.8 ghz, and 250mb of sd ram | 01:43 |
Odd-rationale | Ubuntu would run just fine on that. | 01:43 |
standarshy | oh, and an archiac tnt2 with 64 mb ram | 01:43 |
Odd-rationale | puppy linux would run just fine on that | 01:44 |
standarshy | I read that xubuntu is faster, is there any reason why I'd want ubuntu over xubuntu? | 01:44 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: what DE are you using in Suse? | 01:44 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: if you are a gnome lover, you could use ubuntu | 01:45 |
Odd-rationale | xubuntu is faster, no doubt... | 01:45 |
standarshy | I'm not sure what you mean by DE but I'm assuming you're asking version | 01:45 |
standarshy | which is currently 10.2, which I'm giong to upgrade to 10.3 | 01:45 |
Odd-rationale | DE == Desktop Environment | 01:45 |
Odd-rationale | Gnome or KDE | 01:46 |
standarshy | I'm using kde, I've actually only ever tried distro's with kde | 01:46 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: then you might like kubuntu. | 01:46 |
standarshy | I was thinking about that one too actually | 01:47 |
Odd-rationale | or download a live cd of them all and try them! | 01:47 |
Odd-rationale | thankfully it is only a 700mb cd not a 4 gb dvd in suse ;) | 01:47 |
standarshy | would a livecd really give me a good idea about what the OS is like? or is it totally dumbed down? | 01:48 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: really, only you can decide... | 01:48 |
standarshy | Well, god could decide. | 01:48 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: oh, it gives you a perfect image of what the actually install looks like | 01:49 |
standarshy | so, I guess you`re not god | 01:49 |
standarshy | lol | 01:49 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: only, you are limited to the speed of your cd drive, which is much slower than you hdd. | 01:49 |
Odd-rationale | kubuntu is my personal favorite version of ubuntu... | 01:50 |
standarshy | sry | 01:51 |
standarshy | suse or kde has been acting up lately | 01:51 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: as i was saying, you are only limited to the speed of your cd drive, which is much slower than you hdd. | 01:51 |
Odd-rationale | kubuntu is my personal favorite version of ubuntu... | 01:52 |
standarshy | yea | 01:52 |
standarshy | hmm | 01:53 |
standarshy | I think I'll take your advice on trying out the livecd's | 01:54 |
Odd-rationale | cool! | 01:54 |
standarshy | are you familiar with yast though? | 01:54 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: no, never tried Suse... | 01:54 |
standarshy | bummer | 01:54 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: I would advice getting the kde3 version of kubuntu. not the kubuntu-kde4 version. | 01:55 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: there is a opensuse chan... | 01:55 |
standarshy | i didn't get an answer inthe suse chan | 01:55 |
standarshy | I'll try the other | 01:55 |
standarshy | oh wait, there isn't another | 01:56 |
standarshy | Odd-rationale: where can i find the kubuntu livecd? | 02:04 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: try looking in the kubuntu home page: www.kubuntu.org | 02:06 |
standarshy | Do you happen to knwo the difference between the hardy and remix versions? | 02:07 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: the remix version has kde4 instead of kde3. I'd go with the standard kde3 version. | 02:08 |
standarshy | is the installatio cd also a livecd? | 02:08 |
Odd-rationale | standarshy: yup! | 02:08 |
standarshy | ok, sweet | 02:10 |
standarshy | i guess it the same with the others | 02:10 |
standarshy | I'll go download them now | 02:10 |
Odd-rationale | yes. all ubuntu livecd are also install cd's | 02:10 |
Odd-rationale | gtg | 02:10 |
standarshy | thank you very much for your help | 02:10 |
Odd-rationale | np | 02:10 |
Roy_Mustang | good evening!! | 02:38 |
Roy_Mustang | question: i'm looking for a light mp3 player for xubuntu, any suggestions? | 02:39 |
Odd-rationale | hi cody-somerville! | 02:53 |
cody-somerville | Hiya :) | 02:54 |
andronicus | when i tried installing compiz, the title bars all disappeared, what do I do??? | 03:30 |
Odd-rationale | andronicus: did you install emerald? | 03:31 |
andronicus | i believe so, but that would explain it if i didn't | 03:31 |
Odd-rationale | try installing emerald, and in the window decoration plugin in the advance settings manager, put in emerald | 03:32 |
andronicus | is the command line install any different in hardy from gutsy? | 03:32 |
Odd-rationale | andronicus: you mean the alternative cd? | 03:32 |
Odd-rationale | andronicus: not by much... | 03:32 |
andronicus | no | 03:33 |
andronicus | i installed by sudo apt-get install compiz-core compiz-plugins compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald compizconfig-settings-manager | 03:33 |
Odd-rationale | andronicus: oh that is completely the same | 03:33 |
andronicus | i will try that, odd-rationale, and be back | 03:34 |
Odd-rationale | ok | 03:34 |
andronicus | can i get xubuntu to remember window positions on my second monitor? | 04:12 |
Odd-rationale | hmm. i dunno about that... | 04:12 |
Odd-rationale | don't remember... | 04:12 |
andronicus | so far this has been my biggest gripe about ubuntu in all it's flavors and maybe linux in general, dual monitor support is subpar and window managers fail at MANAGING WINDOWS ARG | 04:13 |
SnakeyeS | I forgot my username and password...what are my options? | 04:32 |
SnakeyeS | Does xubuntu have any password reminder functionality? I'm locked out. | 04:34 |
Odd-rationale | SnakeyeS: you only option is to boot into recovery mode | 04:38 |
Odd-rationale | and do "passwd <yourusername> | 04:38 |
Odd-rationale | and change your password. | 04:38 |
SnakeyeS | Yep...just now found this...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375391 | 05:04 |
SnakeyeS | which is good because I think I've forgotten both | 05:05 |
SnakeyeS | lol | 05:05 |
nikolam | Hi. is there any way to use consoles (like pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1, F2..) On Xubuntu? | 05:35 |
Iskr | TheSheep, you know it didn't work | 07:05 |
Iskr | even if i unchecked the update notifier | 07:05 |
Iskr | from autostarted applications | 07:06 |
Iskr | still the orange applet with the star is in the system tray | 07:06 |
Chrysalis | anyone here using xfmedia? | 07:20 |
Chrysalis | well, it handles large playlists like nothing else ive seen in linux, but when you load a forder/directory it also loads none audio files (album art etc) and crashes when it tries to play none music lol | 07:26 |
Chrysalis | not sure how something like this could get overlooked | 07:28 |
PeterCartwright | Anybody awake? | 08:11 |
itai-michaelson | . | 08:49 |
C|-|R15 | anyone using LXDE able to help??? | 09:27 |
TheSheep | lxde? | 09:32 |
C|-|R15 | lightweight X desktop environment | 09:34 |
C|-|R15 | i installed it to use instead of xfce...but having problem with Logout | 09:35 |
TheSheep | xubuntu uses xfce | 09:35 |
TheSheep | have you tried #lxde? | 09:35 |
C|-|R15 | no one seems to be there....i know few people using xubuntu tried lxde to make it a little lighter | 09:37 |
C|-|R15 | and lxde is 'on-top' of xubuntu | 09:37 |
C|-|R15 | do you know how to logout / shutdown from terminal in xubuntu? | 09:42 |
C|-|R15 | anyone know how to logout and/or shut down using terminal? | 09:47 |
daftpun1 | sudo shutdown -h now | 09:50 |
Chrysalis | easy, pull the power plug | 09:53 |
zoredache | C|-|R15: one way to quickly kill a session is by pressing ctrl-alt-backspace | 10:08 |
whileimhere | When I log into Xubuntu each time it asks me for a password to start NM manager. Is there a way to get it to remember this password and stop asking? | 11:17 |
gabkdlly | whileimhere: did you try setting the password under Applications -> System -> Network ? | 11:46 |
whileimhere | What is a good ogg ripper for the XFCE desktop? | 13:04 |
kripz | is there suppose to be audio on error messages etc, on xubuntu? | 14:05 |
TheSheep | no | 14:05 |
kripz | ok thx | 14:05 |
MiKa^ | es | 14:50 |
flotishtu | iam using ktorrent. my upload on knemo graph is more than my downloads. why so? iam not uploading any thing. not even in ktorrent.? | 15:36 |
douglas | Hey | 15:47 |
flotishtu | TheSheep my case is solved. got to confiugure ipmasq | 15:47 |
douglas | I have a built in intel graphic media accelerator | 15:47 |
douglas | How do I install the drivers for it | 15:47 |
douglas | ah got it | 15:50 |
pimp^air | hi | 16:03 |
pimp^air | is there a way to change background-color for Terminal windows depending on which machine i'm currently logged in via ssh= | 16:04 |
pimp^air | like "alias ssh='changecolor; ssh'? | 16:04 |
wyz | hi | 16:05 |
douglas | hm | 16:09 |
douglas | Is it possible to change the bg color of xfce | 16:09 |
douglas | er the menus on xfce | 16:09 |
TheSheep | douglas: yes, with a gtk theme | 16:26 |
douglas | hm | 16:27 |
douglas | :s | 16:27 |
douglas | too bad its not right click like gnome :s | 16:27 |
* TheSheep doesn't mind | 16:32 | |
TheSheep | at least you cannot make it bright orange | 16:32 |
douglas | i'm hacking xfce to look like mac osxc :p | 16:35 |
douglas | osx* | 16:35 |
TheSheep | douglas: there are several ready themes on xfcelook.org | 16:40 |
douglas | :o | 16:51 |
douglas | no good ones though | 16:55 |
douglas | to make it look like mac osx | 16:55 |
douglas | i gotta get a dock made | 16:55 |
Akisora | Hopefully someone can help me with a question I have. Running Xubuntu 8.04 as Live CD...what username/pass do I use? | 17:03 |
douglas | No idea, why use a livecd | 17:04 |
douglas | arg | 17:04 |
douglas | wb. | 17:04 |
douglas | :s | 17:04 |
Natureshadow | hello there | 17:16 |
Natureshadow | I am running Xubuntu 8.04 with Firefox 3.0a (the current version from hardy/main) | 17:16 |
Natureshadow | Now when BOINC consumed too much CPU time, I couldnt get Firefox and X.org in general to react, and restarted gdm and removed the firefox lockfiles | 17:17 |
Natureshadow | Now I am experiencing that the statusbar does not show anything and the back- and forward navigation and the refresh button do not work anymore | 17:17 |
Natureshadow | Any ideas? | 17:17 |
Natureshadow | Oh yes, and I just notice that the Google search box lacks functionality | 17:26 |
daftpun1 | hi does anyone know wich package deals with keybord settings? | 17:29 |
daftpun1 | i believe i had to delete default configuration file and for some reason when i log in it ignores the settings for keyboard | 17:30 |
daftpun1 | I have to change it manually every time | 17:31 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: hold on a moment | 17:34 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: Which config file do you edit? | 17:34 |
daftpun1 | i had to delete file named default | 17:35 |
daftpun1 | but I don't remember in which folder | 17:36 |
Natureshadow | I think it might be a file in /etc/default ? | 17:36 |
Natureshadow | Rather than a file named default | 17:36 |
daftpun1 | i think that was the one | 17:36 |
daftpun1 | i'll have a look if its there | 17:37 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: And then it would be /etc/default/locale , I guess | 17:37 |
daftpun1 | etc/default is missing | 17:37 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: Or /etc/default/console-setup, depends on what you want to change about the keyboard | 17:38 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: You don't have a fodler called /etc/default ?????? | 17:38 |
daftpun1 | ah no sorry i got it | 17:38 |
daftpun1 | but i deleted file named default | 17:38 |
daftpun1 | it was some config for something | 17:39 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: I dont know of a file named default that has to do with keyboard settings | 17:39 |
daftpun1 | because i could not login I messed with autologin | 17:39 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: Is this about the console or X? | 17:39 |
daftpun1 | not sure now | 17:39 |
daftpun1 | I think X | 17:39 |
daftpun1 | sorry I am useless with linux this is my 3rd day with linux in my life | 17:40 |
daftpun1 | :D | 17:40 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: So why did you have to delete this file, whatever file it was? | 17:40 |
daftpun1 | And I tried to get rid of the default keyring password | 17:40 |
daftpun1 | and when I was loging in I just got a message authentication failed | 17:40 |
Natureshadow | Umm ... keyring ... keyboard ... whats the matter now? | 17:41 |
daftpun1 | when I clicked ok another one like that appeared | 17:41 |
daftpun1 | so I found in some forum that to fix it ishould delete it | 17:41 |
daftpun1 | lol thats how it started | 17:41 |
daftpun1 | I managed to fix it | 17:41 |
daftpun1 | its just the keyboard is set as US when the system starts | 17:42 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: Two questions ... | 17:42 |
Natureshadow | 1. Are you having a problem with your keyboard or with a keyring? | 17:42 |
Natureshadow | 2. Did you fix it or didn't you? | 17:42 |
daftpun1 | 1. keyboard is set as US when i boot up | 17:43 |
daftpun1 | 1. setting is set as UK keyboard | 17:43 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: 1. This is in /etc/default/locale for the console and in /etc/X11/xorg.conf for X | 17:43 |
daftpun1 | LANG="en_GB.UTF-8" | 17:43 |
daftpun1 | this is in that locale so it should be fine | 17:44 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: This is not the keyboard setting for X11 | 17:44 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf in a text editor, lokk for a section called "InputDevice" with identifier "Generic keyboard" and change the option "XkbLayout" to en | 17:45 |
daftpun1 | found it | 17:46 |
daftpun1 | thank you | 17:46 |
daftpun1 | it was set to us | 17:46 |
daftpun1 | but now i can't save it | 17:46 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: Are you root? Or did you use sudo? | 17:46 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: I am rebooting, hold on a minute ... | 17:47 |
daftpun1 | i just double clicked so no i have to do it through terminal | 17:47 |
daftpun1 | ok | 17:47 |
daftpun1 | problem is that I treat is as windows | 17:48 |
Natureshadow | re | 17:51 |
daftpun1 | i ticked a box in setting use X configuration | 17:51 |
daftpun1 | so it should be now ok I changed that layout to en | 17:52 |
daftpun1 | and saved it | 17:52 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: Then test it | 17:52 |
daftpun1 | ok I'll reboot then, just a sec. | 17:53 |
Natureshadow | OK, after a reboot, my firefox runs like normal | 17:55 |
daftpun1 | re | 17:55 |
Natureshadow | Seems to turn to Windows now ... | 17:55 |
daftpun1 | it's working fine | 17:56 |
Natureshadow | wb daftpun1 | 17:56 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: There certainly is another solution using the normal configuration tools, but I find things a lot easier on the console :) | 17:56 |
daftpun1 | the other questrion was how can I get rid of default keyring password safely? | 17:56 |
daftpun1 | ya they are just need to get used to it | 17:57 |
daftpun1 | I followed some procedures that I found on some forum and messed the whole system up | 17:57 |
daftpun1 | that I could not even log in | 17:57 |
daftpun1 | Natureshadow is there any way of getting rid of it | 17:58 |
daftpun1 | ? | 17:58 |
daftpun1 | network monitor applet is asking for it to login to wifi every time i log in | 17:59 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: I dont know about that, sorry | 17:59 |
daftpun1 | OK thanks very much | 17:59 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: np | 17:59 |
daftpun1 | I'll try to look on forums again :D | 17:59 |
daftpun1 | i'm sure it bugs more people | 18:00 |
daftpun1 | and are there any settings for keyring somewhere? | 18:00 |
daftpun1 | Natureshadow Do you know how to mount some ntfs drives on startup? | 18:01 |
daftpun1 | I got 2 other partitions with windows that I would like to mount every time I login | 18:02 |
daftpun1 | I know how to mount them manually | 18:02 |
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo | ||
daftpun1 | re | 18:28 |
Natureshadow | daftpun1: Look at one of the entries in /etc/fstab, then copy and modify it according to your needs | 18:30 |
Natureshadow | If you know how to mount your ntfs volume manually, then this should be quite easy | 18:30 |
* Natureshadow is leaving for dinner | 18:41 | |
Natureshadow | bye! | 18:41 |
bikerbaz | hi there, wondering if anyone could help, have recently switched to the xfce4 gui, all was good untill i enabled compisite, after that my desktop icons disapeared and the right click menu doesnt work anymore, only thing i can seem to get to work is alt f4 to allow me to log of or shutdown. Is there a config file somewhere that i can disable the compisite? | 18:59 |
nikolam | hi | 19:30 |
nikolam | how do i enable sound after coming back from hibernate? | 19:30 |
nikolam | I am using Xubuntu 8.04 64-bit and after coming back from hibernation, sound does not work. | 19:31 |
whileimhere | I would like to add thunar and a terminal to my taskbar as icons. | 19:33 |
whileimhere | What is the cli for thunar? | 19:33 |
whileimhere | and the same for the terminal | 19:33 |
nikolam | whileimhere, xfce4-terminal | 19:34 |
whileimhere | Okay got that working | 19:37 |
nikolam | Thunar is Thunar | 19:38 |
whileimhere | Got it. | 19:38 |
whileimhere | :) | 19:38 |
whileimhere | Now how do you add them to the desktop? | 19:39 |
nikolam | right click>create launcher | 19:43 |
whileimhere | Ahh no drag and drop then | 19:44 |
nikolam | you can also use quicklauncher Item on Xfce panel to make application-buttons always at hand | 19:44 |
nikolam | I found solution to missing sound after hibernate: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=768441&highlight=sound+hibernate | 19:45 |
nikolam | sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload | 19:45 |
whileimhere | Hmmm. Is there a way to manipulate images via the Thunar file manager? Things like Rotate and stuff? | 19:46 |
nikolam | you can use gqview to see images | 19:49 |
nikolam | you also have gimp for editing pictures | 19:51 |
wubrgamer | hey guys | 20:03 |
wubrgamer | can i upgrade 7.10 to 8.04 using the regular Ubuntu cd instead of the xubuntu cd ? | 20:03 |
whileimhere | How do I do a search and find in Thunar? | 20:03 |
Odd-rationale | wubrgamer: upgrade Xubuntu? no you need the xubuntu 8.04 alternative cd or good internet connection | 20:06 |
nikolam | wubrgamer, I suppose so. But why to change xubuntu? ;) | 20:06 |
wubrgamer | would the xubutu desktop cd work if it is placed into the computer? or just the alt. cd? | 20:07 |
Odd-rationale | wubrgamer: to upgrade, you need the alt cd. to install, either will do. | 20:11 |
wubrgamer | wubrgamer: thanks | 20:13 |
wubrgamer | Odd-rationale: is it better to do a fresh install? | 20:13 |
Odd-rationale | I like fresh installs... | 20:13 |
wubrgamer | Odd-rationale: *high-five* | 20:13 |
PeterCartwright | Is anyone here? | 20:15 |
Odd-rationale | no | 20:15 |
PeterCartwright | alright, cool | 20:15 |
S0210 | What should I do if I want to contribute to the Hungarian translation of xfce4-session? | 20:59 |
Chrysalis | S0210: try #ubuntu-doc, they might know | 21:15 |
totalwormage | S0210: you can add your translations to launchpad | 21:15 |
Chrysalis | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation | 21:16 |
S0210 | totalwormge: xfce2-session is not registered on launchpad. If you do it, I'll add my suggestion to it. | 21:18 |
S0210 | Chrysalis: thanks, I give a try | 21:18 |
totalwormage | S0210: oh, sorry :] | 21:19 |
Chrysalis | might not be relevant at all, was just browsing around myself since i think they could really need some help with in my language | 21:19 |
Kir | hey guys | 21:26 |
Kir | tell me please how to change keyboard layout? | 21:26 |
Kir | and hotkeys for this action | 21:26 |
Kir | can't find it... | 21:26 |
Chrysalis | settings manager/keyboard? | 21:31 |
magic_ninja | i got a serious problem, my proc fried and i replaced the proc and the power supply, still get the same problem, my hsf spins up for a second or two then won't work | 22:17 |
wubrgamer | hey guys | 22:19 |
wubrgamer | how do I add more than the default 2 workspaces in xkce? i like having 4 in gnome | 22:19 |
wubrgamer | and would like 4 in xfce as well | 22:19 |
chronitis | menu->settings->workspace settings | 22:25 |
chronitis | number of workspaces is then an option on the first page | 22:25 |
chronitis | (presumably by xkce you meant xfce rather than xkcd...) | 22:27 |
=== zen-afk is now known as zenrox | ||
Chrysalis | i like 3 myself, 2 is not enough and 4 is too much to manage | 22:29 |
chronitis | there's probably a monty python joke there | 22:30 |
biouser | xubuntu is still going strong, eh? | 22:37 |
biouser | how is hardy? | 22:37 |
biouser | I wish I didn't use all of my CDs messing around with the gnome counterpart | 22:38 |
holyguyver_ | Hey guys, it is me the 1998 Gateway guy. I just bought a HP Pavilion Slimline s3120n PC, how well will Linux play with that? | 23:02 |
magic_ninja | holyguyver_, it probably will play fine | 23:38 |
holyguyver_ | Thank you :) | 23:38 |
=== WildChild7 is now known as frojnd | ||
frojnd | I've just installed ekiga. I can't find any ekiga test call. Can someone who uses ekiga pvt me and tell me his or her ekigas acc name so I can test the quality ? pelase pvt me. | 23:59 |
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