=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
bluefoxx | err, help!!! my cursor refuses to respond[no it is not my mouse] i killed a program that hijacked it when the program froze[did it from ctrl-alt-f1] now my computer is free again but my cursor wont work! anything i can do from terminal is da-able[cant use firefox now though, pastbin is not an option now] | 00:48 |
bluefoxx | wait. wrong channle[what i get for splitting attention between three computers and the TV] | 00:49 |
siimo | intrepid is still mostly 8.04 aint it | 02:13 |
danbhfive | Ive heard that. I also heard there is going to be a dev conference soon. The probably arent going to start till after that conference | 02:19 |
danbhfive | *they. and Im guessing btw | 02:20 |
siimo | repos are alive | 02:20 |
danbhfive | I heard someone call that a toolchain upload | 02:20 |
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juice | anyone know how to install myth tv on my 8.04 installation? | 05:49 |
BHSPitLappy | juice, #ubuntu is the channel for 8.04 support | 05:50 |
juice | i have 8.04 | 05:51 |
juice | can u support me? | 05:52 |
DanaG | Ubuntu+1 is now Intrepid. | 05:53 |
DanaG | That will be in October. Hardy is now in the regular #ubuntu channel. | 05:53 |
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=== narcan_ is now known as narcan | ||
phoareau | i was told to come here. i have a question. will there be any major change to the Gnome UI in the future release of Ubuntu? | 12:11 |
twi_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/226156 was fun to spot | 12:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226156 in xorg "After update in intrepid branch Xorg " [High,Confirmed] | 12:57 |
twi_ | putting ErrorF() everywhere | 12:57 |
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK | ||
fhfu | hi 2 all | 13:33 |
fhfu | i just installed firestarter | 13:33 |
fhfu | to share my internet connection on my Lan but not working | 13:33 |
fhfu | is there other solution ??? | 13:33 |
fhfu | to make it work of course ??? | 13:33 |
linkmaster03 | intrepid ibex, NICE | 13:53 |
=== acuster is now known as ac_afk_too | ||
jgoo | hey guys - Error: Could not read from socket: Connection reset by peer << I get this error using gftp, trying to scp to a server. I've ran scp from command line and sent two files up no problems, but nautilus and gftp both fail with the same message - google finds a hint about killing the known hosts file, but I've tried this (and I wouldn't imagine it the problem) and same results | 15:10 |
jgoo | http://www.google.com/search?q=%22ssh+program+unexpectedly+exited%22 << google no help in the error message... (just find source code hits).... scp works though... and I get prompted for password... | 15:12 |
jgoo | perhaps, can someone else with access to a server goto 'places, connect to server' and just let me know that it is working in 8,04 ? | 15:18 |
danbhfive | I upgraded to intrepid ibex yesterday, and x was crashing | 15:30 |
danbhfive | :p | 15:31 |
zniavre | downgrade your libxfont1 | 15:31 |
danbhfive | hehe, dont worry about it. It was just in a VM. I just thought it was funny that people were asking "How do I get this working?" | 15:33 |
zniavre | i also run it in a wm | 15:34 |
zniavre | but it s nice to repair it anyway | 15:34 |
jgoo | hey zniavre, I don't suppose you have an sshd handy you can try and connect to via nautilus? (in 8.04) just to confirm something | 15:36 |
danbhfive | how would I even downgrade the package? Is there a way to drop to a terminal in a VM? or do I have to boot from an ISO? | 15:37 |
danbhfive | jgoo: try #ubuntu | 15:37 |
zniavre | jgoo: im not smart enough to understand your question sorry :o( | 15:37 |
zniavre | danbhfive: i downloaded it and install it via dpkg -i ......deb | 15:38 |
zniavre | and then hold it via synaptic | 15:38 |
danbhfive | did you use a live cd to do that? because once x was crashing for me, it didn't seem like I could do anything at all. It crashed, restart, crash, restart. ctrl+alt+f1 just switch to a terminal in my main install :) | 15:39 |
zniavre | yes i use the tty to do it | 15:39 |
zniavre | wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libx/libxfont/libxfont1_1.3.1-2_i386.deb | 15:55 |
zniavre | dpkg -i libxfont1_1.3.1-2_i386.deb | 15:55 |
fidelio | Hi. quick question for my printer. Test page goes through. But cannot print any doc | 16:33 |
fidelio | Hi. quick question for my printer. Test page goes through. But cannot print any doc | 16:39 |
RyanPrior | Intrepid Ibex focuses on mobility - does that mean somebody's going to buckle down and fix suspend/resume issues once and for all? | 17:36 |
aurel42 | Hi, I realize this isn't a support channel for the current release, yet I kinda hope someone here might dig "jockey". | 18:00 |
hydrogen | no. | 18:00 |
aurel42 | jockey doesn't recognize my (new) Nvidia card, is there a proper way to teach it about new PCI ids? | 18:01 |
aurel42 | Ah, well. | 18:01 |
sigmabetatooth | i am new to the world of irc and ubuntu... looking for a channel for newbies | 18:15 |
aurel42 | sigmabetatooth: probably #ubuntu, yet that is currently pretty busy. :) | 18:16 |
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sigmabetatooth | aurel: thanks... i'll give it a shot | 18:17 |
sigmabetatooth | aurel_: where would you suggest i post my question | 18:22 |
Seeker` | sigmabetatooth: Support questions belong in #ubuntu | 18:22 |
aurel42 | sigmabetatooth: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/webforums | 18:23 |
sigmabetatooth | seeker: i asked in #ubuntu and aurel suggested i post in the forum because my question was rather specefic | 18:23 |
sigmabetatooth | thanks aurel | 18:23 |
mohbana | hi | 18:44 |
Skiessi | !info libsamplerate0 | 21:12 |
ubottu | libsamplerate0 (source: libsamplerate): audio rate conversion library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.2-5ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 106 kB, installed size 172 kB | 21:12 |
Skiessi | it could be 0.1.3 | 21:13 |
RyanPrior | Any progress being made with Pulse Audio and Flash? | 22:02 |
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