
secretlondonshould anything that crashes with a segfault give a core dump in /var/crash? All I can find is a mention in syslog00:01
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hggdhsecretlondon: if apport is active, it should -- see /etc/default/apport00:05
secretlondonhggdh: apport has been disabled on hardy afaik00:06
hggdhsecretlondon: yes, but if you want/need it, you can re-activate it by editing /etc/default/apport00:06
secretlondonhggdh, ah thanks! So I need that to get core dumps?00:07
hggdhsecretlondon: that would help, yes ;-) the good part of using apport is that it will try hard to give you a meaningful bt00:07
hggdh(by a selective use of apport-gtk and apport-retrace)00:08
secretlondonhggdh, thanks, I've re-enabled00:09
hggdhsecretlondon: welcome00:09
secretlondonI think a segfault bug without a trace at all is pretty useless00:10
hggdhwell, er, yes I would say. Kind of difficult to zero in the failure... :-)00:10
* secretlondon is almost tempted to close her own bug with Please Try Harder00:11
hggdhnoelferreira: if you have not done so, please open a bug in launchpad (https://bugs.launchpad.net)00:11
secretlondonhggdh, we've tried talking to him, he doesn't respond, he's been posting the same thing repeatedly for several days00:12
hggdhnoelferreira: Falas Portugues?00:12
noelferreirai tried but my message from register won't come. :( hggdh00:12
noelferreiraestou à espera do email do registo hggdh00:13
noelferreirahggdh, mas este bug está a dar.me cabo do juizo00:13
noelferreirajá desactivei o acpi mas acho que não é isso00:13
noelferreirahggdh, às vezes estou a escrever e quando vou a ver metade das letras não estão lá.00:14
noelferreiraoutras parece que as teclas ficam presas00:14
noelferreiranão sei se é do pgdown pgup ou do shift00:14
noelferreiraé estranho00:14
noelferreiraagora só acontece as vezes, por exemplo00:14
hggdhnoelferreira: hum. está o teclado limpo?00:15
noelferreiraportatil, amd64 com compiz e ati00:15
noelferreiramas metacity é o mesmo, nada a ver com compiz00:15
noelferreiratb já andei a mexher no xorg.conf mas nada00:16
noelferreiraaté já alterei os locales00:16
noelferreirajá fiz 1001 coisas00:16
hggdhnoelferreira: vosso pastebin não me mostra muito... qual tecla é a tal de keycode 240?00:16
noelferreiraparece que fica bom mas derepente o problema volta :)00:16
noelferreirahggdh, não sei, como vejo isso?00:16
hggdhhah... talvez melhor se voltarmos ao Ingles -- não me recordo de como verificar a maldita tecla00:17
hggdhI should know, but I forgot -- anyone: what programme we should use to return the keycodes?00:18
hggdhMy memory has gone south, I am afraid00:18
secretlondonits on the wiki00:19
hggdhsecretlondon: as usual IOU00:20
secretlondonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch is better00:20
hggdhnoelferreira: please look at the above link ^^00:21
noelferreiraok thanks00:21
hggdhand noelferreira: por favor, assim que possivel (e se necessario for)... https://bugs.launchpad.net :-)00:22
noelferreiraé agora hggdh já recebi o email00:22
secretlondonhggdh, you rock!00:23
hggdhthanks, noelferreira. With a bug opened thinks will be much more easier00:23
* hggdh blushes 00:23
noelferreirahggdh, done00:31
noelferreiramaybe i put there to much paste :)00:31
noelferreirahggdh, i used to have other bug bigger than this one. and i think they are related. that's why i thought it was a acpi issue hggdh.00:33
hggdhnoelferreira: noprob. just remember, one bug per report, one report per bug. Your pastebin showns a keypress in the beginning, and no keyrelease. It might be a stuck key indeed00:34
noelferreirahggdh, didn't analyse the output deeply. you are right00:36
noelferreirabut it is related so....00:36
secretlondonhggdh, this desktop doesn't get the e-d-s bug btw00:48
secretlondonmy laptop gets it 90% of the time..00:48
hggdhsecretlondon: this is the bloody hell of it! What is the difference?00:48
secretlondonhggdh, this doesn't have my google calendar set up in it00:48
* secretlondon shrugs00:49
secretlondonboth 1 cpu00:49
secretlondon32 bit i38600:49
hggdhsecretlondon: I set up a google calendar for me. No problems so far...00:49
mrooneysecretlondon: any reason you marked bug 229105 as a duplicate, instead of leaving it Invalid?00:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229105 in update-manager "Updating to 8.04 from 7.04 and it said "The upgrade aborts now" (dup-of: 229106)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22910500:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229106 in update-manager "Updating to 8.04 from 7.10 and it said "The upgrade aborts now"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22910600:49
hggdhOK. out for dinner now. I will be back.00:50
secretlondonmrooney, because I didn't see that it had been set as invalid00:52
mrooneysecretlondon: is one more appropriate than the other? I have seen cases where it is obvious the person made a typo and refiled the bug, should the first be Invalid of marked as Dup?00:53
secretlondonI generally set them as duplicates00:53
secretlondonso that they are linked together00:54
* sectech takes today off for bug triaging00:54
mrooneyit seems to me Invalid is more appropriate as there is no need to make the bug appear more prominent by essentially marking it a duplicate of itself00:54
sectechfrom rather00:54
mrooneybut if dup'ing is the accepted thing I can start doing that I guess00:55
secretlondonI don't know what the policy is00:55
secretlondonI think by settingas invalid you lose the connection to the master bug00:55
mrooneywell yeah I put in the comments that it appears to be the same as #x00:56
mrooneyby the way I am not intending to argue with you, just discussing :)00:56
secretlondonI don't know tbh00:57
secretlondonI'm not strongly fighting my side, that's just how I do them00:57
hggdhif 229105 was filed in error, and the reporter then filed in 229106, then indeed there is no need of marking it as a duplicate01:01
hggdhnot that it will make much of a difference, anyway01:01
zyx386what is happning with firefox02:19
secretlondonyou got problems with firefox?02:19
zyx386with ff3 is clear type active?02:19
secretlondonI don't actually know what clear type is02:20
zyx386that is exampe with ff2 http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/3976/ff2yy7.png02:21
zyx386and this with ff3 http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/1408/ff3zg5.png02:21
zyx386that is deference02:23
secretlondonit's a problem with our arabic support?02:33
zyx386is cleartype von ie702:34
secretlondonI honestly don't know02:35
secretlondonzyx386, asac is the expert on firefox02:35
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zyx386why you removed unixtime format uunder Hardy?11:33
zyx386you help say right click  clock aplet 12,24,unixformat11:33
zyx386but is't so11:33
zyx386is just 12 and 2411:34
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LaneyDo I need some kind of permission to set bugs to "Won't Fix"?13:26
affluxLaney: this is restricted to members of ubuntu-bugcontrol. You still can ask here if you need to set this status, someone else may do it for you.13:30
Laneyafflux: Right, thanks. I was just wondering why it wasn't coming up, that's all13:30
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affluxsudo currently takes the hostname from /etc/hostname and searches for an IP for it in /etc/hosts13:53
affluxif someone now sets a "domain" in networkmanager, the hostname stays the same but the entry in /etc/hosts gets adjusted so sudo won't find an entry13:53
affluxis this a known bug (or feature?)13:53
persiaafflux: Are you sure it only looks in /etc/hosts, and doesn't use /etc/nsswitch.conf to determine how to get the hostname?13:56
affluxhum, not sure13:56
affluxbut I have a user in #ubuntu-de complaining about having a $hostname and a $domain set, and sudo not working in hardy because it can't determine the $hostname13:57
persiaMy first guess would be that they set a domain, but that their host wasn't registered to that IP address in that domain according to the nameservice from which they collect information (likely global DNS, but there are other options, including /etc/hosts)13:58
affluxhm, I'll be back in 30 mins ;)13:59
persiaAlternately, I could misunderstand, and they could just not have a "search" entry in /etc/resolv.conf.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure where that would need to be added to be automatically included in that file.14:00
affluxpersia: I don't really know how sudo works and where it gets hostnames/ips/whatever from, but the thing is that a user changed his "domain" field in NM after an installation and now sudo complains about not being able to resolve the host14:32
affluxpersia: I just checked and I can confirm that14:33
affluxI put "foo" as hostname and "bar" as domain, running "hostname" prints "foo", and /etc/hosts contains " foo.bar" (but no entry for "foo" alone)14:33
persiaafflux: Right.  That's a bug.  What I'm not sure about is whether the issue is that NM isn't altering the resolver configuration, or sudo isn't checking the domain.14:33
persiaAlternately, it could be that sudo isn't actually using the standard resolver, and looking in /etc/hosts, but I'd find that least likely.14:34
affluxshould I file a bug?14:35
persiaIn summary, while I agree it's a bug, I don't know whether it ought be assigned to NM or to sudo.14:35
affluxhm okay14:35
persiaIt makes sense to file a bug.  If you can track down which is the right package, you'd get extra points.14:35
albert23persia, afflux: the sudo bug has been fixed14:38
albert23the fix is in sudo (1.6.9p10-1ubuntu3.1) hardy-proposed14:38
persiaalbert23: Ah.  Excellent.  Thanks.14:38
affluxalbert23: you mean it's bug 32906?14:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 32906 in sudo "sudo fails if it cannot resolve the local hostname and no MTA is installed" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3290614:38
albert23afflux: right14:39
affluxI'm running exactly that version14:39
affluxalbert23: If I read that one correctly, it's not about the domain field of the fqdn but rather only the hostname14:40
albert23afflux: At  least sudo should not fail anymore if the hostname cannot be found14:41
affluxI'm gettint the impression it's an NM bug14:41
affluxbecause "hostname --long" currently fails with: hostname: Unknown host14:42
affluxnot entirely sure if that's related, though14:42
affluxalbert23: ah, right, sudo does not fail, but it still prints the message. It failed for the user I spoke with, because he had a clean install14:43
persiaafflux: Reading the the 32906 traffic, I'm inclined to agree with you.  There appear to be two bugs: sudo was failing when trying to send the admin a note about being unable to resolve the hostname due to the NM bug.14:43
affluxjust noticed that I don't use the NM but the network-admin for setting the domain14:48
affluxthats gnome-system-tools, right?14:48
persiaafflux: In which case, it might be network-admin rather than NM.  Whatever is setting the domain isn't also telling the resolver to search the domain, which is confusing, at best.14:49
elmargolHI I can not find this window http://www.ubuntugeek.com/images/au/6.png is this a regression?14:52
affluxelmargol: that's in nautilus, somehow14:52
affluxat least I know that I saw it there14:52
affluxjust check the nautilus options14:53
elmargolafflux, found it...14:53
elmargolstupid change!14:53
affluxpersia: reported as bug 22925614:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229256 in gnome-system-tools "setting the domain in network-admin breaks sudo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22925614:57
persiaafflux: Well, except that, as albert23 pointed out, it doesn't break sudo any more.14:57
affluxright, forgot to mention this14:58
persiaafflux: For best likelihood of getting someone to fit it, I'd recommend retitiling/redescribing the bug to complain about the resolver specifically.  For best results, find a small utility that calls gethostbyname(), and fails after you've changed the domain.  Describe this as a test case.15:00
persiaHaving the test case also makes it easy for someone else to confirm the issue.15:01
affluxpersia: added a testcase, but I'm not sure how exactly the new title should look like15:03
persiaafflux: I'd suggest something like "Adding a domain name with network-admin prevents local lookup of the hostname".15:05
persiaInterestingly, it appears I get different results from `hostname` (matching /etc/hostname), and `hostname -s`.  Something fairly low level is behaving oddly.15:08
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rudybeeI would like to file a bug regarding kernel modules when installing Hardy using the installer in hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/16:13
rudybeeBut I cannot find a bugzilla or a similar system. How do I file a bug?16:14
rudybeeIt looks like the kernel version of hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/vmlinuz is different than the one in the installation ISO images.16:16
rudybeeThe kernel modules fail to load when using hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/16:17
rudybeeAll forks fine with 7.1016:17
rudybeeCan someone look into it?16:17
affluxrudybee: not sure about your bug, but generally, the ubuntu bugtracker is at bugs.launchpad.net, make sure to target the bug against the ubuntu project16:18
rudybeeI appreciate it16:19
rudybeeBye bye16:19
jarlathA bug reporter has had his issue fixed by an update. Do I mark the report as invalid / fix released or let someone from bug-control take care of it?17:27
affluxif you know which specific version fixed it, set it to fix released and make sure that it is set to the correct package17:28
affluxotherwise use invalid17:28
jarlathThanks afflux.17:30
greg-ganyone available who is running the DE locale? can you install "stellarium" and run it from the command line and tell me if it segfaults?17:38
* afflux <-17:40
affluxlooking, wait a minute17:40
affluxdownloading half of qt4 now :)17:41
affluxgreg-g: my screen goes white (I can alt+tab to my desktop though), but it does not segfault17:44
greg-gafflux: thanks17:52
affluxyou're welcome17:52
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emgentMy membership in ubuntu-bugcontrol is about to expire19:42
emgentsomeone can review it? :)19:42
hggdhemgent: bdmurray, ogasawara, or pedro_ can do it19:53
emgenthggdh: ok thanks :)19:53
hggdhemgent: bad news is they are probably enjoying the weekend somewhere else ;-)19:54
ogasawaraemgent: I'll fix it19:55
emgentthanks ogasawara ;)19:56
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