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=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2 | ||
ScottK2 | Is somebody coordinating the libffi4 -> libffi5 transition? | 01:00 |
tmmoyer | has anyone worked with germinate and could tell me why when I list a metapackage as a seed it doesn't say I need the metapackage? | 02:14 |
tmmoyer | does anyone know of an easy way to take a list of packages, and ensure that all dependecies are satisfied by some archive, specifically the archive that is present on the install CD. what I am trying to do is starting from the server install cd for hardy, add a bunch of custom build packages to the cd, and ensure that I can install the system (including any packages on the CD) without a network connection | 02:19 |
pwnguin | i have an idea | 02:20 |
pwnguin | piuparts | 02:20 |
pwnguin | just make sure the piuparts chroot has identical packages to the server cd | 02:22 |
tmmoyer | that looks interesting, not sure it is exactly what I am looking for though. | 02:23 |
tmmoyer | i think from looking around, I may have to come up with my own script to verify this, which while not hard is just time consuming to get correct. I think I should be able to utilize things like apt-rdepends and such to retrieve all dependencies and also dpkg --info | 02:24 |
mgolisch | heya ppl | 02:54 |
DrivenMad | Has anyone installed linux on a E-Vectra system( terminal box) ?? I keep getting blank screens | 04:31 |
DrivenMad | I am trying to get ANY linux distro to run on these boxes to build a public wifi network :) | 04:32 |
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DrivenMad | not yet .. :) I am About to though :) | 05:17 |
dmb | is it me, or is http://packages.ubuntu.com not working very well right now? | 05:23 |
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LaserJock | dmb: perhaps not. The guy that runs it is looking for a new place to host it | 05:27 |
LaserJock | perhaps his server went down for a bit | 05:27 |
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* jdong reads arnieboy's comments about mjg59 a few times... sure that he is misreading it repeatedly. | 07:35 | |
pwnguin | jdong: link? | 07:52 |
jdong | http://www.getautomatix.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2424&view=findpost&p=6331 | 07:53 |
jdong | pwnguin: a bit disturbing.\ | 07:53 |
pwnguin | but par for course | 07:54 |
Amaranth | heh | 07:57 |
Amaranth | I just read that | 07:57 |
* pwnguin suggests that mvo offer the next "design review" ;) | 07:59 | |
pwnguin | kinda reminds me of that guy who came in a few days ago accusing apt-rsync detractors as unforward thinking, selfish and unempathetic | 08:02 |
Hobbsee | jdong: sounds like good crack! | 08:05 |
Hobbsee | jdavies: right, so he still didn't learn :( | 08:06 |
Hobbsee | jdong: then again, do you really expect any better from a 'kill -9 dpkg'er? | 08:08 |
Auzy | hey | 08:23 |
Hobbsee | hi | 08:29 |
Auzy | quiet day? | 08:41 |
Hobbsee | it's a sunday, so yes | 08:42 |
Hobbsee | and launchpad had been down | 08:42 |
Auzy | ah | 08:42 |
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wgrant | jdong: ... wow. | 09:08 |
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matty3269 | Hi all | 10:42 |
matty3269 | Please could somebody help me, I am looking for a system call or an API that I can use to get the model name of all the network cards inside a ubuntu box, does anybody know how i could do this? | 10:43 |
pwnguin | lspci? | 10:47 |
pwnguin | or perhaps lshw | 10:47 |
matty3269 | yeah I was thinking that. Although i would like to resolve it to an interface name so I could get the IP address etc for it. | 10:49 |
pwnguin | ifconfig | 10:49 |
matty3269 | yeah but that doesnt give the manufacturer and model does it? | 10:51 |
pwnguin | so glue them together | 10:52 |
pwnguin | or perhaps lshal | 10:53 |
matty3269 | Yeah i looked at hal and was looking at the API for it, looked rather complicated, so I may just use a g_spawn_command_line_sync instead | 10:54 |
matty3269 | does anybody know how i can get started on developing applications for ubuntu? | 11:15 |
TheInfinity | matty3269: like every other development for linux | 11:17 |
bimberi | !develop | matty3269 | 11:36 |
ubottu | matty3269: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | 11:36 |
matty3269 | bimberi, thanks | 11:38 |
bimberi | matty3269: yw | 11:38 |
mathrick | hi, it seems that packages.ubuntu.com is down | 11:39 |
bimberi | mathrick: #canonical-sysadmin might be a good place to report that | 11:42 |
mathrick | ok | 11:42 |
bimberi | mathrick: feel free to point at me if that's wrong :) | 11:42 |
mathrick | ok :) | 11:43 |
mathrick | also, what on earth happened to hal-device-manager in hardy? | 11:43 |
mathrick | it disappeared completely, not even the package is there | 11:43 |
cody-somerville | Germinate is still writing to germinate-output/$DISTRO.hardy | 12:09 |
Keybuk | mathrick: it's called gnome-device-manager now | 12:56 |
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=== Shely_ is now known as Shely | ||
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mjg59 | Anyone around with a laptop with a geforce 8000 or greater? (Not a Dell or Thinkpad) | 13:52 |
mathrick | Keybuk: oh' | 14:17 |
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jerry | hi, everyone! where could I get my first task ? | 15:12 |
cjwatson | cody-somerville: thanks, I'll fix that | 15:24 |
cody-somerville | :) | 15:24 |
cjwatson | cody-somerville: just hadn't changed it since the archive wasn't in place yet when I was last poking at that stuff | 15:25 |
* cody-somerville nods. | 15:25 | |
cjwatson | will be fixed next crontab run | 15:25 |
cjwatson | 2 */4 * * * update-germinate | 15:25 |
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ryanakca | doko: ping, mind if I attempt to merge john ? | 17:13 |
xhaker | mjg59: got a nvidia 8600 here. | 17:44 |
mjg59 | xhaker: What machine? | 17:50 |
andrew___ | Does anyone have any ideas how I could track down the cause of a weird issue with keyboard preferences being ignored? | 18:19 |
xhaker | mjg59: LG r500 | 18:33 |
xhaker | mjg59: sorry for the delay, want me to try something? having problems? | 18:34 |
mjg59 | xhaker: Can you do acpidump and stick the output somewhere? | 18:34 |
pochu | why isn't MoM being updated? | 19:00 |
LaserJock | maybe it got stuck | 19:01 |
juliux | hi doko | 19:02 |
* xhaker really needs to get notifications for irssi | 19:07 | |
t4g | xhaker: http://pthree.org/2007/03/21/irssi-gui-notify/ | 19:09 |
xhaker | mjg59: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11465/ | 19:11 |
xhaker | t4g: thanks for the link. I might try to setup that. | 19:14 |
mjg59 | xhaker: Ok, thanks for that | 19:15 |
t4g | xhaker: np | 19:16 |
emgent | heya people | 19:23 |
Keybuk | pochu: it's not MoM, it's the actual Ubuntu archive | 19:34 |
pochu | Keybuk: I guess Colin or somebody is aware of it? :) | 19:37 |
pochu | Keybuk: btw do you know when MoM will have comments support? It's being done, right? | 19:37 |
LaserJock | pochu: I was told it just needed to get merged in | 19:44 |
Keybuk | pochu: elmo is aware of it | 20:00 |
Keybuk | LaserJock: it also needs a bunch of support on the machine like mod_python | 20:00 |
Keybuk | and a security audit since it's running from the DC | 20:00 |
Keybuk | I've been monumentally busy, so haven't had a chance yet | 20:00 |
Keybuk | it's on my things to do during relaxed hours at UDS | 20:00 |
LaserJock | Keybuk: ah, makes sense | 20:02 |
Skiessi | why libsamplerate hasn't been updated? | 21:18 |
Skiessi | I mean I think it should | 21:20 |
norsetto | Skiessi: its a merge | 21:21 |
slangasek | ok, so what's changed in g-p-m/hal in hardy-proposed, that my laptop now suspends to ram when idle only when the lid is /open/? | 22:34 |
Nafallo | ehrm... | 22:35 |
pwnguin | heh | 22:35 |
ScottK | slangasek: Nothing AFAICT (No gpm package and HAL seems unrelated). It's seemed to me that suspend has gotten more problematic since release, but I'm not sure where to point. | 22:42 |
pwnguin | ScottK: i had a guy in #ubuntu-kernel git-bisect and he came up with a watchdog timer commit | 22:47 |
ScottK | pwnguin: You mean for hal? | 22:47 |
pwnguin | no =/ | 22:48 |
ScottK | OK. 'cause the hal change is a timer change. | 22:48 |
pwnguin | interesting | 22:48 |
ScottK | But it's a change for CD ROM detection. I can't see how that would affect suspend | 22:49 |
pwnguin | unfortunately, I lent out my laptop, and it suffered from a suspend bug | 22:50 |
pwnguin | for ages. ive never been able to suspend it | 22:50 |
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