[00:07] how do I start fluxbox from a terminal? [00:26] New bug: #229119 in samba (main) "package samba 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229119 [02:15] In the perfect Server tutorial they use server1.example.com, can i use my domain name like abc.navop.com and hostname will be abc [02:22] not sure i get your question [02:24] what i'm asking is that i can use any hostname with my registered domain name like hostname= egor, domaine = navop.com [02:25] yes [02:25] In this example, my system is called server1.example.com, so I enter server1, this is from the howtoforge "the perfect Server" [02:25] k thanks [02:25] that doesnt ensure you can see it from the net, its just a naming thing [02:26] k [03:54] hello, I just upgrade my server to hardy (using update-manager on icewm) and X server freezed so I hit the magic sysrq reboot then found that /var /home is not mounted [03:54] so I mounted and dpkg --configure -a [03:54] after that, I cannot start apache2 [03:54] and the error is . ..? [03:54] it said ok but I cannot lynx localhost and /var/log/apache2/error.log says nothing [03:55] Kamping_Kaiser: don't know. the initscript said ok and /var/log/apache2/error.log says nothing [03:55] willwill, what about syslog? [03:56] Kamping_Kaiser: /var/log/messages? [03:56] the last line said localhost exiting on signal 15 [03:56] willwill, /var/log/syslog [03:56] and 5 above lines is tcp packet incoming [03:57] Kamping_Kaiser: I got the same results [03:57] willwill, restart apache then pastebin the last 40 lines of syslog please. [04:00] Kamping_Kaiser: http://pastebin.com/d23ccfef4 [04:01] hi {Roger-BBIAB} [04:02] oh sorry, my script [04:02] i suspect this is related. [warn] The Alias directive in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf at line 240 will probably never match because it [04:03] Kamping_Kaiser: I can start apache2 with that message in Gutsy [04:03] and it is up for many days [04:03] I also cannot ssh to my server [04:04] willwill, are you using vhost based hosting? perhaps your dns is mia [04:04] Kamping_Kaiser: I don't install dns server. I use dyndns with inadyn. [04:04] Kamping_Kaiser: I use some virtualhosts. [04:05] hm. [04:06] i'm not sure, hang around and hopefully someone else will be able to lend a hand [04:06] thanks. === {Roger-BBIAB} is now known as {Roger} === YoungProGuru is now known as Mackes [07:18] * delcoyote hi [09:18] ubottu, hi [09:18] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-server! [09:18] info vrms [09:36] info cups === vv111vv111 is now known as willwill [10:39] I just upgrade my server to hardy (using update-manager on icewm) and X server freezed so I hit the magic sysrq reboot then found that /var /home is not mounted [10:39] so I mounted and dpkg --configure -a [10:39] after that, I cannot start apache2 [10:39] it said ok but I cannot lynx localhost and /var/log/apache2/error.log says nothing [10:40] Here is last 40 lines of /var/log/syslog after start apache2 http://pastebin.com/d23ccfef4 [17:42] how do I tell ubuntu to get the data from my dhcp server? I have an ubuntu dhcp server on a vm and I can't restart my host to get the data :| [17:42] how do I restart the dhclient on my ubuntu desktop? [17:46] sudo dhclient [17:59] Nagios, Zabbix, Monit, or Hyperic? [17:59] * cody-somerville ponders. [18:00] Does anyone here have experience with those products? === `6og is now known as Kamping_Kaiser [18:33] in gnome software sources there is an options to ping and select the fastest repository, what's the command line to get the same result on ubuntu-server [19:59] Hey, I'm new to administration and I've got a new network of 5-9 PCs with my housemates. We're planning on doing a fair bit of shared foldering and being remotely accessible and generally creating a lot of contact back and forth between our PC's. I would particularly like to be able to use host names or run something like a DNS server internally so that, behind our router, we can resolve names to internal IPs, s [19:59] Way long winded. [20:02] avahi can do that automagically [20:07] I just checked Avahi out, and it looks like it does neat things, but not precisely what I want. I want to make it so that I can type "ssh carss" when I log into our central server, and it'll go straight to my PC, or so that I can type "ssh carss-laptop" from my PC and it'll go straight to my laptop, and always work [20:08] hosts could do this actually, I guess I don't need to use a DNS server - but I don't know how it would work with DHCP. I can ask that elsewhere. [20:10] i always have to type these commands (when reboot, or firestarter is started or network connection is reconnected) in order to make my network share internet. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE tc qdisc add dev eth1 root tbf rate 80kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000 dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq any way to do it for good, for ever? [20:15] flotishtu: sudo vim /etc/rc.local [20:15] and then put those commands in it. [20:15] firest requires a sudo password. 2. the settings are undo at eth reconnection. 3. how do auto reconfigure ipmasq? [20:16] flotishtu: rc.local is executed each time the machine starts. and it runs as "root" [20:17] yes. but the commands are undo at eth reconnections too. [20:17] how to i stop that [20:17] and how to auto reconfigure ipmasq. it ruquires a human to press yes. no. [20:34] Hi I'm looking for some advice for what I should run on a home server [20:35] would Ebox not be a good idea on a home based server? I was reading the site and it says its aimed more at corporate use. [20:38] dougie_: what are you trying to accomplish? [20:38] dougie_: one you have that outlined, does ebox accomplish those things? [20:39] well file server and possibly print server and what not [20:39] for now anyways [20:39] later on may get further use [20:39] and I take it you are not comfortable with the CLI [20:40] command line [20:40] umm...... I don't know that I'd call it comfortable but its not like cryptonite for me :) [20:40] yeah I know lol [20:40] ok [20:41] ebox just gives you a method of interacting with the services / config files [20:41] eBox just looked nice and simple and wouldn't have to worry about SSH or anything I could just load it up in a browser but if its really not aimed for home use and is a bit beyond what I actually need then could probably just do something else [20:41] yeah I see they have a lot of modules nad what not [20:42] if you are at all comfortable with commandline / editing files by hand, I would suggest that [20:42] ebox should work for you [20:42] who cares what it is 'aimed' for [20:42] ok [20:43] so what would be better about just doing it CLI then using something like ebox? [20:44] other then the obvious which is understanding and manipulation of linux instead of using some sort of gui [20:48] dougie_: you would (also obviously) have more options [20:50] yeah thats true [20:50] Although not sure I need anymore then whats there [20:51] it's rare we do. [20:51] Basically what I'm going to use it for is a media server to serve my HTPC which runs Media Portal and the other computers to use for music and what not [20:51] so music, pictures, videos [20:51] possibly some personal storage folders to save files to and what not [20:54] ebox is probably your best friend. Unless you want to take the opportunity to spend some time learning more configfiles possibilities [22:13] hey guys, does anyone knows what this error means in bind9 on hardy ? [22:13] unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL) resolving '': [22:20] SERVAIL generally means that the remove DNS server is reporting it's broken. [22:27] ScottK: you mean ? [22:27] I meant RCODE (SERVFAIL) [22:27] remove/remote btw [22:28] yes what i meant to ask is, you meant is reporting it's broken ? [22:28] well i can still use dig with that server [22:29] Or that it got that reply from wherever it queried. [22:34] ScottK: do you have any suggestion for a reliable public dns server ? [22:35] ScottK: to use as forwarders for my caching dns server ? [22:35] yell0w: I use dyndns and have had little to no problems with them [22:35] No. Sorry. [22:35] yell0w: [22:37] mralphabet: i didn't know they have public dns servers [22:37] Nafallo: thanks [22:42] yell0w: don't you get dns from your ISP? [22:43] * Nafallo trust opendns more then his ISP :-) [22:43] heh [22:43] mralphabet: ditto Nafallo's [22:43] s/then/than/ [22:44] mralphabet: my isp's dns is very flaky [22:44] on my server I just use my own DNS network though :-) [22:46] Nafallo: but you'd still need a forwarder from somewhere right ? [22:46] yell0w: why? [22:47] Nafallo: erhh don't you need that for a dns server ? [22:48] yell0w: why would you? [22:48] uhm where do you get the records then ? [22:49] yell0w: the usual way. [22:49] Nafallo: which is ? [22:50] yell0w: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:An_example_of_theoretical_DNS_recursion.svg [22:51] Nafallo: so you query the root servers directly ? [22:51] yell0w: ask the root where the TLD is, ask the TLD where the domain is. [22:52] Nafallo: i followed this guys here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto [22:52] guide* [22:52] Nafallo: i gotcha [22:52] so really the forwarders aren't needed in that case then [22:53] yell0w: forwarders is good for reducing the load of servers quering upstream as well as it makes things faster if you have a commonly used one. [22:54] since the forwarder will cache results as well. [22:57] Nafallo: ahh so it's a convenience istead of neccessity [22:57] yea [22:58] i thought the root servers aren't to be querried by just any server [22:59] this is better news then :) [22:59] In theory they aren't supposed to be, but they certainly are. [23:01] ScottK: i'm sticking to opendns for now, and if that still gives me error i'll do what you [23:01] are doing [23:01] :) [23:16] infinity: around?