Prefix | iceolate: Google it, and youll find list upon list. | 00:00 |
bloodrock | wy well i have had no trouble with hardy with my ati card | 00:00 |
Herazio | Evening again Question: I just deinstalled (with my stupidity) Network-Manager and I found a new wireless dongle which should work but it won't without Network-Manager. My question to you is. How do I reinstall it ? (It doesn't work v ia Synapsis) (PS:. I have no clue how to install programs on Linux O_O) | 00:00 |
ttmontoya | hi everybody, cant watch streaming, how do i fix it | 00:00 |
ttmontoya | hi everybody, cant watch streaming, how do i fix it | 00:00 |
evilbug | wy- desktop and laptop,doesn't matter. | 00:00 |
tetrisR | has anyone been getting really jerky online videos | 00:00 |
arooni-mobile | how can i install sqllite on ubuntu? | 00:00 |
Kirce | tt: go into your firefox addons and disable totem | 00:00 |
bouma | hey wy, i just tried suspend i dont have the configuration you mentioned, but my net irc has kept going :P | 00:00 |
PovAddict | ttmontoya: repeating your question every minute is not how | 00:00 |
evilbug | bloodrock- i want to upgrade to hardy on my macbook pro,you think it's safe as far as ati is concerned? | 00:00 |
Starnestommy | arooni-mobile: sudo apt-get install sqlite3 or sudo apt-get install sqlite | 00:00 |
PovAddict | arooni-mobile: there's a "sqlite" package, and a "sqlite3" one too | 00:00 |
iceolate | prefix i cant google it as i cant get on | 00:00 |
ttmontoya | sorry | 00:01 |
PovAddict | ttmontoya: plus your question is way too vague | 00:01 |
bloodrock | wy hardy automaticly has you even load a restricted driver for ati | 00:01 |
Starnestommy | the "sqlite" package is sqlite 2 | 00:01 |
wy | evilbug: desktops don't bother much because they don't move | 00:01 |
PovAddict | "streaming"? | 00:01 |
bouma | wy, i guess it just reconnected quickly, but still it was pretty transparent, :)) | 00:01 |
Prefix | iceolate: That restricted?! lol. Kay, ill find one for you now... | 00:01 |
evilbug | wy- i meant as far as driver support goes. | 00:01 |
iceolate | prefix cheers, much appreciated | 00:01 |
PovAddict | I installed mozilla-plugin-gnash and it gave this error: update-alternatives: unable to make /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/ a symlink to /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin: No such file or directory | 00:01 |
wy | bloodrock: I had problems with 7.10. Now I installed 8.04 | 00:01 |
Pie-rate | pulseaudio sucks and is buggy as all hell, how do i get rid of it? | 00:02 |
PovAddict | how do I make it install? or, help me get Flash some other way... | 00:02 |
evilbug | bloodrock- should i upgrade via update manager or should i do a clean install? | 00:02 |
wy | evilbug: thanks. Has ati improved the propriatary driver? | 00:02 |
Prefix | iceolate: | 00:02 |
evilbug | wy- i'm still on 7.10 on my macbook pro with ati.i don't have any video issues. | 00:02 |
iceolate | prefix trying... cheers | 00:02 |
ubuntu_ | Someone who has insight on raid in the live installer here? would be awesome | 00:02 |
PovAddict | Pie-rate: same way as you get rid of anything else? apt-get remove pulseaudio or do it from synaptic | 00:02 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
evilbug | wy- but i want to upgrade to 8.04. | 00:03 |
joseph | Hello everyone, I have (surprise) a problem. I stupidly updated with pre-release stuff, and now I'm having all sorts of issues, mostly with user settings. Is there any way to de-update, or am I stuck? | 00:03 |
Prefix | iceolate: np, highlight if it doesn't work. | 00:03 |
Herazio | no one ? | 00:03 |
danand | bouma - if you don't like evolution there should be no problem removing it... just sudo apt-get -s remove evolution .... that will simulate the removal ie just tell you what would be removed if you did that for real... check the list :) ... then if you want to go ahead run the command without the "-s". To see all the evolution packages on your system type dpkg -l | grep evolution. You may want to look at removing some of them too | 00:03 |
iceolate | prefix ok | 00:03 |
dbusch | serverlist | 00:03 |
genii | Pie-rate: asoundconf list will tell you the name of your soundcard. Then asoundconf unset-pulseaudio <cardname> | 00:03 |
wirechief__ | joseph cant you just install over it with the final ? | 00:04 |
evilbug | Herazio- i can't help but i know your frustration.just give it more time.also try #kubuntu | 00:04 |
larryIII | hello | 00:04 |
bloodrock | evilbug might be better to do a clean install | 00:04 |
evilbug | Herazio- or even #linux | 00:04 |
dare | what is main purpose of usr folder because it takes 2/3 size of my disk? Just a explanation if 2-3 words for /usr folder. | 00:04 |
evilbug | bloodrock- thanks. | 00:04 |
joseph | wirechief - I think its the 8.10 release, I'm using 8.04 | 00:04 |
PovAddict | dare: all programs are in there | 00:04 |
wy | evilbug: every upgrade with break something :P | 00:04 |
jrib | dare: a lot of the stuff you install ends up there | 00:04 |
ttmontoya | i can listen to streaming music but cant watch video streaming like in youtube, anime fever,etc | 00:04 |
Herazio | oh alright ^^" my apoligies very much evilbug ^^ | 00:04 |
ChaosTheory_ | How can I use xterm's font in Konsole? | 00:04 |
Starnestommy | dare: it contains most programs, libraries, config files, and a lot of other stuff | 00:04 |
Byron1 | evilbug I have had way to many problems with updating to 8.04 | 00:04 |
PovAddict | dare: it's C:\Windows and C:\Program files together :P | 00:04 |
dbusch | servlist | 00:04 |
dbusch | SERVLIST | 00:04 |
Pici | dbusch: What are you trying to do? | 00:05 |
Starnestommy | dbusch: ? | 00:05 |
dare | PovAddict. jrib, Starnestommy,PovAddict OK thanks :) what a fast reply :D | 00:05 |
SeaPhor | ChaosTheory_, are you able to play that on Ubuntu? | 00:05 |
PovAddict | I installed mozilla-plugin-gnash and it gave this error: update-alternatives: unable to make /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/ a symlink to /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin: No such file or directory | 00:05 |
ChaoticXSinZ | hey wassup | 00:05 |
dbusch | sorry my mistale I am new in terminal irc | 00:05 |
wirechief__ | joseph: well the 8.04 is final, you dont have room to test the 8.10 ? | 00:05 |
PovAddict | how do I make it install? or, help me get Flash some other way (not nonfree as I'm on amd64) | 00:05 |
ChaoticXSinZ | just got irc on my new ubuntu desktop w00t !! | 00:05 |
jrib | PovAddict: why not nonfree? works fine... | 00:05 |
ChaoticXSinZ | get regular flash | 00:06 |
PovAddict | jrib: no nonfree on amd64 | 00:06 |
larryIII | I try to disable "visual effects" but the system hangs up and won't go to that tab, it hangs up with pretty much every thing. Somebody know how to disable these visual effects with bash shell? | 00:06 |
ChaoticXSinZ | i use it and it works perfectly | 00:06 |
jrib | PovAddict: yes there is, install flashplugin-nonfree | 00:06 |
Gizmo_the_Great1 | any1 here have Atheros Wireless cards? If so, do you have problems with Hardy Heron automatically using it? I keep having to run "/etc/init.networking restart" to get it to connect | 00:06 |
PovAddict | jrib: I don't have that package | 00:06 |
wirechief__ | joseph: 8.04 would be much more stable that the 8.10 right now. | 00:06 |
Virtue | how to search for part of word ignoring case ? find, locate doesn't work :/ | 00:06 |
jrib | PovAddict: ubuntu version? | 00:06 |
PovAddict | 8.04 kubuntu | 00:06 |
PovAddict | maybe I need to add some repo? | 00:06 |
Pie-rate | why the hell was pulseaudio even put into 8.04? you'd think the "long term support" version would use something that isn't made of 100% FAIL | 00:06 |
jrib | PovAddict: pastebin your sources.list | 00:06 |
danbhfive | larryIII: you could try just removing compiz | 00:06 |
PovAddict | | 00:07 |
joseph | wirechief: I have room, but things were working properly with 8.04 and now I'm having issues, so how might I backtrack to a more stable version? Reinstall? | 00:07 |
antic | what is compiz btw? | 00:07 |
* PovAddict loves his | 00:07 | |
larryIII | danbhfive: thanks I'll try that | 00:07 |
jrib | PovAddict: you need multiverse | 00:07 |
theLichKing | what is a more decent chm viewer than xchm | 00:07 |
jrib | theLichKing: gnochm? | 00:08 |
Virtue | how do I search for part of word (ignoring letter case) in terminal ? find. locate don't work | 00:08 |
smallfoot- | .chm is ms proprietary hell tarp | 00:08 |
theLichKing | i don't know you.. you tell me | 00:08 |
PovAddict | Virtue: huh? | 00:08 |
dare | may I delete ~/home/user/.thumbnails folder? Am I loosing only thumbnails chace or and custom icons their sizes, etc? That folder takes too much space... so... I have to kwnow may I delete it? | 00:08 |
jrib | Virtue: search where? a file? | 00:08 |
Virtue | jrib, yea, file | 00:08 |
PovAddict | Virtue: inside the files or in the filenames? | 00:08 |
theLichKing | smallfoot-: but the viewers are free | 00:08 |
wirechief__ | joseph oh, you mean 7.04 or 7.10, well thats a users choice, 8.04 has some bugs with audio that users would prefer going back, thats understable. | 00:08 |
jrib | Virtue: grep -i some_word some_file | 00:09 |
smallfoot- | theLichKing, but the file format is not | 00:09 |
Virtue | PovAddict, filename | 00:09 |
PovAddict | find -name *word* | 00:09 |
Virtue | jrib, oh, thanks | 00:09 |
larryIII | danbhfive: I use ubuntu gname and it is not installe dby default cause it is kde?! | 00:09 |
jrib | Virtue: for filename: find -iname '*word*' | 00:09 |
genii | !info gnochm | theLichKing | 00:09 |
ubottu | thelichking: gnochm (source: gnochm): CHM file viewer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 139 kB, installed size 756 kB | 00:09 |
danbhfive | larryIII: jigga wha? you have kde or gnome? | 00:09 |
joseph | wirechief: no, I'm using 8.04, but I checked the option to use "pre-release" updates and am now having issues with firefox and some other programs | 00:09 |
Virtue | jrib, okay, thank you | 00:10 |
wirechief__ | joseph: i have all versions from 6.10 and am currently testing 8.04 but my main distro is kanotix as it is very stable and works with most things. | 00:10 |
wirechief__ | joseph: i actually use kanotix to install my graphics drivers on all versions of ubuntu, because they simply work. | 00:11 |
GaintSura | question: I installed virtualbox the other night, and when I did, after rebooting, I noticed that I now have 2 kernels on my system... a -16 and a -generic on my boot loader.. 1) Is there a way to remove one of them? 2) which one should be removed? | 00:11 |
joseph | wirechief: I see, I'll look into that. thanks for your help. | 00:11 |
wirechief__ | joseph: but for a ubuntu fan you might want to drop back to 7.04 it should be pretty good now | 00:11 |
dbusch | quit sleeping | 00:12 |
GaintSura | sleep is good | 00:12 |
Toaster` | !flash | 00:12 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 00:12 |
wirechief__ | joseph: ubuntu is always putting new stuff in each release some works but some have bugs, its a testing product mainly | 00:12 |
wirechief__ | joseph: not sure i answered your question. good luck. | 00:13 |
tadzhikaz | !atheros | 00:13 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 00:13 |
Toaster` | Question: has anyone had their flash plugin stop working in the past few hours? | 00:13 |
GaintSura | tadzhikaz: are you having problems with atheros cards? | 00:13 |
tadzhikaz | yes | 00:13 |
jotin | how can i get a creative x-fi soundblaster card working? | 00:13 |
GaintSura | whats the problem? | 00:14 |
wirechief__ | jotin check out #alsa channel i heard that x-fi was not supported by alsa but could be wrong. | 00:14 |
tadzhikaz | my card atheros ar5007eg | 00:14 |
tetrisR | so what linux 8.04 is not a good version to use? | 00:15 |
GaintSura | tadzhikaz: I've had problems with that same card on ubuntu, took me a couple of hours but I got it fixed, let me see if I can find the walk through I used... pm me | 00:15 |
jotin | thanks | 00:15 |
tadzhikaz | but it not work properly | 00:15 |
wirechief__ | tetrisR: depends on how you use it. | 00:15 |
uhriventis | Someone please read my post and if you have any ideas what might be wrong help | 00:15 |
tetrisR | a newbie | 00:15 |
ubunt1 | ф | 00:15 |
horndude77 | I'm having skipping audio with vlc in hardy (streaming video from hdhomerun (udp://@:1234)). If I use totem it works fine. Any thing I can check or try? | 00:15 |
theLichKing | what is the difference between installing gcc and build-essential? | 00:15 |
tetrisR | minimal stiff i,e watch movies online etc | 00:16 |
wirechief__ | tetrisR: some bugs have actually been fixed you should search launchpad for bugs | 00:16 |
wirechief__ | tetrisR: especially ones you think you might have. | 00:16 |
Baltazaar | theLichKing: check the contents | 00:16 |
Flannel | tetrisR: 8.04 is the most recent stable release, its stable but it was recently released, so there are still bumps that haven't been smoothed out yet. | 00:16 |
GaintSura | tadzhikaz: what version of ubuntu?? | 00:16 |
=== Ashfire908 is now known as Ash908 | ||
wirechief__ | so if users run into things that dont seem to work right check launchpad with a google search | 00:17 |
Virtue | can someone explain me this thing... I loaded existing torrents in Azureus, and instead of seeding them, it's downloading them in the same dir, although files itself are complete and there is not a trace from a copy, which is downliading atm... | 00:18 |
tadzhikaz | gaintsura, then i had ubuntu 7, i configued my card and it worked fine, but on ubuntu 8 work not so good... | 00:18 |
SeaPhor | ChaosTheory_, do you play Chaos Theory on Ubuntu? | 00:18 |
Ash908 | My system keeps freezing up and not responding to the mouse and stuff. (it goes away but it's still annoying) | 00:18 |
Ash908 | It's also been freezing all the way down to the kernel. | 00:19 |
ricanelite | i'm using Ubuntu Hardy and it has Firefox 3 Beta 5 installed by default. Is it possible I could go to the later version of Firefox that was on Ubuntu 7.10 Gusty? | 00:19 |
Flannel | ricanelite: install firefox-2 | 00:19 |
Byron1 | Is there a chat for discussing problems with updating to 8.04 | 00:19 |
RyanPrior | ricanelite: If you'd prefer to use Firefox 2 for now, install the firefox-2 package. | 00:19 |
Flannel | Byron1: you're in it | 00:19 |
Prefix | ricanelite: Down load it, its Firefox2 that was in gutsy | 00:19 |
ricanelite | download it from Firefox's website? | 00:19 |
matthew | A new version of Wine comes out every so often? Will my Wine auto update or can I go to Synaptic and uninstall and reinstall it or ? | 00:20 |
RyanPrior | ricanelite: Nope, it's in the repositories. | 00:20 |
GaintSura | tadzhikaz: hang on, let me find the walkthrough I used | 00:20 |
wirechief__ | Byron1: their are kubuntu-offtopic, users bat around problems there too. | 00:20 |
lukehasnoname | Anyone live in Houston, TX? | 00:20 |
RyanPrior | ricanelite: You use whichever package manager you are used to - apt-get, aptitude, Synaptic, or whatever. | 00:20 |
ricanelite | RyanPrior, do I need to remove Firefox 3? | 00:20 |
Byron1 | Yes but there is quite a bit of talk here hard for someone like me to follow | 00:20 |
Baltazaar | theLichKing: GCC is the GNU Compiler Collection, build-essentials is a list of commonly needed components to build software... | 00:20 |
RyanPrior | ricanelite: Nope, you can have both Firefox 2 and 3 installed at once. | 00:20 |
ricanelite | really | 00:20 |
ricanelite | nice | 00:20 |
wirechief__ | Byron1 join me there | 00:20 |
Flannel | lukehasnoname: try #ubuntu-texas | 00:20 |
tantradnya | matthew: if you enable updates in System-> Resources then it will ask you for update automatically | 00:21 |
theLichKing | ok.. i did a simple program and it didn't compile.. it says error: stdio.h: No such file or directory | 00:21 |
uhriventis | I live in houston | 00:21 |
theLichKing | this is a fresh install of ubuntu studio | 00:21 |
Flannel | matthew: The wine in the ubuntu repositories will not have major version updates (just bugfixes), however winehq has their own repository, which is fairly good, and stays up to date. | 00:21 |
^Tech-Help^ | Ive found with firefox 3 and 2 installed on 8.04, problems getting any extensions to install. so i had to uninstall 3, and go with firefox 2 | 00:21 |
theLichKing | should i install build-essential | 00:21 |
RyanPrior | theLichKing: You'll need to install build-essential | 00:21 |
theLichKing | ? | 00:21 |
GaintSura | tadzhikaz: <-- Let me reboot in to ubuntu so I can send you the needed files. | 00:21 |
lgc | Anyone familiar with GRUB? | 00:22 |
uhriventis | lukehasnoname: I live in Houston, TX what part are you in? | 00:22 |
Flannel | !anyone | lgc | 00:22 |
ubottu | lgc: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 00:22 |
RyanPrior | !anyone | lgc | 00:22 |
tadzhikaz | ok GaintSura | 00:22 |
theLichKing | ok.. but including gcc in the distribution without the most basic header files is too stupid | 00:22 |
tetrisR | actually thats an issue for me, when i uninstalled my firfox 3 i could not install addons and plungins on firefox 2 | 00:22 |
ricanelite | ^Tech-Help^, samething I'm going thru right now | 00:22 |
Baltazaar | theLichKing: you don't need to, but, it probobly is the easy way out. stdio.h is a basic part of the C library | 00:22 |
RyanPrior | !offtopic | uhriventis | 00:22 |
ubottu | uhriventis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 00:22 |
clee-saan | hi, how do i list processes in order to be able to kill them ? | 00:22 |
lgc | Flannel, RyanPrior, I wish everyone was as efficient to provide ANSWERS. | 00:22 |
^Tech-Help^ | ricanelite im pretty sure everyone will if they use 8.04 that is | 00:22 |
RyanPrior | clee-saan: ps | 00:22 |
Flannel | theLichKing: gcc is included for other languages, not C | 00:23 |
Flannel | lgc: We can't provide answers until you ask the questions. | 00:23 |
theLichKing | Flannel: good point | 00:23 |
Ash908 | clee-saan, top is a nice for monitoring and killing processes in a ternimal | 00:23 |
lgc | Flannel, for example, the day before yesterday you didn't even reply to my salute. | 00:23 |
RyanPrior | lgc: We hear those "anybody know..." questions all day, so we're good at typing !anybody :-) | 00:23 |
Flannel | lgc: If you'd prefer, I'll say: "Yes, I am familiar with grub, and I'm sure other people are too" | 00:23 |
mattgyver83 | Hi room. Has anyone setup a wiimote under linux before? | 00:23 |
Baltazaar | Flannel: now that's crapp | 00:23 |
RyanPrior | !anyone | mattgyver83 | 00:24 |
ubottu | mattgyver83: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 00:24 |
tantradnya | Does anybody has problem with Dell Insiron 6400, mic on Hardy Haron? | 00:24 |
tetrisR | lmao | 00:24 |
elwood | lol | 00:24 |
Flannel | Baltazaar: eh? An average user has no use for compiling, there's no reason to include it | 00:24 |
Ash908 | I'm sorry I'm being vague but I have no clue what | 00:24 |
Baltazaar | GCC compiles C, C++, Fortran, Ada, even Java via GCJ | 00:24 |
Ash908 | i hate you, enter key. | 00:24 |
randal | i have the avent windows avigator and whenever i log of or restar my computer it disapears | 00:25 |
clee-saan | thanks Ash908 | 00:25 |
ttmontoya | how do i config my video card through terminal | 00:25 |
randal | i have the avent windows navigator and whenever i log of or restart my computer it disapears | 00:25 |
RyanPrior | Like I said, lots of "anybody" questions. That's what, 5 in the last minute? :-) | 00:25 |
lgc | Flannel, since I migrated to a bigger disk, GRUB completely ignores my Windows install. | 00:25 |
Baltazaar | Flannel: he was trying to compile a program's source code... | 00:25 |
RyanPrior | randal: Easy to solve, luckily. Just add it as a Gnome "session". (System -> Preferences -> Sessions) | 00:26 |
Flannel | Baltazaar: right, and build-essential will do that for him, whats the issue? | 00:26 |
RyanPrior | !repeat | randal | 00:26 |
ubottu | randal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 00:26 |
Flannel | lgc: Alright, what do your partitions look like, and what does your menu.lst look like? | 00:26 |
randal | ok | 00:26 |
Ash908 | My system has been acting weird in that it will stop responding to input on the desktop and the entire system has been freezing, even the kernel, and I have to hold the power button. (I'm sorry I'm being vague but I have no clue what is wrong) | 00:26 |
Fritzel | how can I change my hostname? I've tried several times with the hostname command but it just doesn't want to stick | 00:26 |
randal | How do i remove one of my pannals | 00:26 |
lgc | !paste | 00:26 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 00:26 |
Baltazaar | just for PITA's sake | 00:27 |
arno | leave | 00:27 |
RyanPrior | Ash908: Does dmesg say anything funny? | 00:27 |
Flannel | !hostname | Fritzel | 00:27 |
=== kitche_ is now known as kitche | ||
ubottu | Fritzel: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 00:27 |
randal | How do i remove one of my pannals | 00:27 |
tetrisR | randal - usually a right click will do the trick | 00:27 |
BubbleTea | How Do i update wine ? | 00:27 |
randal | oh | 00:27 |
randal | lol | 00:27 |
Fritzel | thank you | 00:27 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, let me check... | 00:27 |
randal | tetrisR: how do i get it back if i want it back | 00:27 |
RyanPrior | randal: Right click it and choose "Delete this Panel" | 00:27 |
Myrtti | randal: you were already once told to be patient and not to repeat. | 00:28 |
Flannel | RyanPrior: right click near the top/bottom of the screen and "add panel" | 00:28 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, i can tell compiz is not running right... | 00:28 |
randal | Myrtti: im not repeating | 00:28 |
Flannel | randal, that was for you | 00:28 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, no. | 00:28 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, and i can't run dmesg when the kernel freezes. | 00:28 |
BubbleTea | How Do i update wine ?? | 00:28 |
BubbleTea | For newest version | 00:29 |
RyanPrior | Ash908: any pattern to when the freezes happen? | 00:29 |
MachinTrucChose | !rdp | 00:29 |
ubottu | Factoid rdp not found | 00:29 |
MachinTrucChose | !remotedesktop | 00:29 |
ubottu | Factoid remotedesktop not found | 00:29 |
RyanPrior | BubbleTea: Either compile it from source, or grab the latest debian package from their website. | 00:29 |
MachinTrucChose | anyone know how I can connect to a Windows machine, without installing VNC servers on Windows? | 00:29 |
MachinTrucChose | The machine has Remote Desktop incoming connections allowed | 00:29 |
Flannel | RyanPrior, BubbleTea, don't compile it from source. If you want a newer version, add the winehq repositories | 00:29 |
RyanPrior | MachinTrucChose: Samba ought to let you connect to Windows shares. | 00:29 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, ...for the kernel freeze, when changing workspaces with compiz on. | 00:30 |
MachinTrucChose | ryan: not Windows shares, I want to control the desktop | 00:30 |
MachinTrucChose | I've already got Samba up :) | 00:30 |
tetrisR | I have a new question how can I perform a terminal command like "shutdown +50" (a timer for pc shutdown that way i dont have to switch my pc off manually at night) but with 1 click, so that my father or someone who has no clue how to use a computer is able to just use the command | 00:30 |
RyanPrior | Flannel: compiling Wine from source is a perfectly legitimate way to acquire the software. | 00:30 |
=== iRRVi is now known as array[0] | ||
kitche | MachinTrucChose: use RDP protcol which the gnome desktop sharing program has in it I believe | 00:30 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, otherwise it might just be compiz. but the inital login (first login after boot) seems to hang for awhile before resizing the desktop. | 00:30 |
RyanPrior | Flannel: Many people prefer not to use the repository because it often slows down apt-get update. | 00:30 |
=== array[0] is now known as ]5[ | ||
barfman_ | in xchat, how do i have it put timestamps in the buffer area for the channel caht? | 00:30 |
RyanPrior | Ash908: Have you tried disabling compiz? | 00:31 |
MachinTrucChose | kitche: it only lets me select a port. I tried 3389, still doesn't connect. | 00:31 |
Flannel | RyanPrior: Please try and keep people from ruining their chances of successful upgrades | 00:31 |
randal | How can i move the avent window navigator to the top of my screen | 00:31 |
Emry | I am working on setting up quotas... I have quota installed, and quotas enabled for two file systems. However, the setquota command asks for the quota in terms of blocks and inodes. How do I find out the size of a block or inode? | 00:31 |
Sunx | which restricted driver to install 386 or x86 which type of computers are x86 | 00:31 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, ...i don't want to disable compiz... | 00:31 |
MachinTrucChose | barfman: it's in the Settings | 00:31 |
RyanPrior | randal: I don't think that is an option, as far as I know. | 00:31 |
randal | is there any program that aloows that | 00:32 |
barfman_ | MachinTrucChose, only for the logs, not the acutal program itself. | 00:32 |
Flannel | Sunx: intel compatable, not 64bit though | 00:32 |
lgc | Flannel, . | 00:32 |
randal | RyanPrior: is there a dif program thats similar | 00:32 |
RyanPrior | Ash908: It's still important to know for sure whether Compiz is causing the problem. If disabling Compiz stops the problem, then that gives us valuable information. | 00:32 |
RyanPrior | randal: There's Cairo-Dock. It's not quite as powerful, but I think it can go on top of the screen. | 00:32 |
MachinTrucChose | barfman: Settings > Preferences . Bottom option is "enable timestamps". It's how my Xchat looks as we speak. | 00:32 |
uhriventis | Where can I download older versions of Xserver? | 00:32 |
randal | RyanPrior: nvm | 00:32 |
RyanPrior | randal: I bet AWN can go on top too, but I just don't think it's a default option. | 00:32 |
Emry | Sunx:x86 is pretty much any computer that is based off of initel technology... If there is not an athlon specific driver then in a lot of cases it will work for amd chips also. 386 is probably not what you want. | 00:33 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, well the kernel freeze isn't something that i know how to trigger really... | 00:33 |
RyanPrior | randal: There's Cairo-Dock. It's not quite as powerful, but I think it can go on top of the screen. | 00:33 |
RyanPrior | oops | 00:33 |
barfman_ | MachinTrucChose mine is enabled as well, but i see nothing being timestamped, only my logs. | 00:33 |
Flannel | lgc: and the output of sudo fdisk -l? | 00:33 |
MachinTrucChose | weird | 00:33 |
Ash908 | RyanPrior, i turned off compiz. | 00:33 |
MachinTrucChose | that's the option, I just tried disabling/enabling it | 00:33 |
yowsh1 | alsa broke | 00:33 |
MachinTrucChose | it's supposed to show it on the left of the nicknames | 00:34 |
yowsh1 | i dont know how but does anyone have the time to help me try anf fix it? | 00:34 |
Sergeant_Pony | flannel: I have themed with face browser already activated. could it be something else | 00:34 |
GaintSura | tadzhikaz: I am not in ubuntu... something weird just happend | 00:34 |
barfman_ | in the Chatting/Logging area right? | 00:34 |
barfman_ | then i have a open data folder. | 00:34 |
BubbleTea | Flannel How i add add the winehq repositories? | 00:34 |
lgc | Flannel, | 00:34 |
Calvary | hello? | 00:34 |
GaintSura | Anyone know why my wireless suddenly went MIA for no reason... I did not change anything, just had wireless up 2 days ago with no probs | 00:34 |
RyanPrior | Ash908: If you still get the kernel freeze with Compiz disabled, then you can probably say it's nothing with Compiz. | 00:34 |
simonaG | hi | 00:34 |
RyanPrior | !hi | Calvary | 00:34 |
ubottu | Calvary: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 00:34 |
Calvary | hey! thanks | 00:34 |
=== rahul_ is now known as buize | ||
tadzhikaz | GaintSura, i tried to configure according to link | 00:35 |
Flannel | BubbleTea: you're on hardy? | 00:35 |
Wubi_Nubi | hi | 00:35 |
Sunx | emry: i have core 2 duo 4400 so i would use X86 if i use that restricted driver then i dont need the nvidia new driver right? | 00:35 |
Emry | Sunx: and like Flannel said, not 64 bit... (Of course if you are running the 32 bit version of the OS, then the 32 bit drivers will be needed even on a 64 bit chip) | 00:35 |
Emry | yowsh1: How is it broke? What is the error? | 00:35 |
tadzhikaz | GaintSura, i think, it is similarly | 00:35 |
lgc | Flannel, I actually just added the Windoze part a while ago. It didn't even have it after the 7.10 reinstall. | 00:35 |
Wubi_Nubi | I have a question about wubi | 00:35 |
Wubi_Nubi | is this the right place to ask? | 00:36 |
RyanPrior | !aswk | Wubi_Nubi | 00:36 |
ubottu | Factoid aswk not found | 00:36 |
RyanPrior | !ask | Wubi_Nubi | 00:36 |
ubottu | Wubi_Nubi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 00:36 |
salah_ | Hi. Is there any ways to make Linux (ubuntu/debian) run extern VGA / DVI / S-Video to be turned on or off without restarting X or the computer? It's really annoying with exiting all applications when switching to VGA/DVI port and restart computer when enabling S-Video | 00:36 |
Emry | Sunx: Which version of Ubuntu are you running? | 00:36 |
Wubi_Nubi | ok | 00:36 |
Emry | . | 00:36 |
BubbleTea | Flannel How i add add the winehq repositories? | 00:36 |
yowsh1 | emry i dont know i know that sound isnt working any more and that when i try to test alsa in sound preferences from system -> preferences it doesnt work | 00:36 |
Flannel | BubbleTea: Are you on Hardy? | 00:36 |
Wubi_Nubi | wubi goes through the ntfs driver? | 00:36 |
Sunx | emry: 8.04 | 00:36 |
Virtue | how do I assign all vide file types to VLC ? I couldn't find menu in VLC player, looked everywhere... But I remember doing that on win., | 00:37 |
Wubi_Nubi | how does wubi read the file it creates on an ntfs disk? | 00:37 |
Wubi_Nubi | does it now make it slow? | 00:37 |
Emry | Sunx: I mean, which platform. I should have worded it better. | 00:37 |
saandro | what's the simplest way to have ubuntu 8.04 mount on my xp drive on bootup? | 00:37 |
BubbleTea | Flannel yes | 00:37 |
vonkwink | I am trying to set up my linksys wusb300N wireless USB N router. i am trying to use ndiswrapper but i am having trouble finding a 64 bit driver, or somehow getting the 32 bit driver to work. Can anyone help me with this? | 00:37 |
barfman_ | just weird it puts the stamps in the logs but not in the chat window. | 00:37 |
Wubi_Nubi | does anyone know what wubi is? | 00:37 |
Stonuuq | wubi - windows ubuntu installer | 00:37 |
* lgc ponders how much bandwith could be spared if there just let people ask their questions without force-feeding them the etiquette... | 00:37 | |
GaintSura | tadzhikaz: undo what you did on that one.. then I tried about 15 different tutorials for that card and this was the only one I was able to get to work | 00:37 |
=== yowsh1 is now known as Yowshi | ||
MachinTrucChose | is there a way I can obtain the name of a machine on the LAN based on the IP? I know the IP, I can ping it, but I'd rather save the connection profile with the computer name (eg, "ping kitchenpc") rather than IP, in case it changes | 00:38 |
saandro | What should I add to my fstab file to have it give w/r to all accounts of my windows xp drie | 00:38 |
Flannel | BubbleTea: echo "deb hardy main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 8.04" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list | 00:38 |
Emry | yowsh1: Have you tried adjusting the volume? I am not being sarcastic, but once when I was trying to get also to work, I found out that it was just turned all the way down. No error, everything seemed to work, just no sound... I turned it up in the mixxer, and suddenly it worked. | 00:38 |
Stonuuq | @Wubi_Nubi - u can install ubuntu like any other win program | 00:38 |
emma | Anyone know of any Ubuntu books for Hardy out yet? | 00:38 |
vonkwink | emma: there couldn't be | 00:38 |
vonkwink | but older books should work just fine. | 00:38 |
emma | How long does it usually take after a release for the books to update? | 00:38 |
Smegzor | What do I need to do to be able to vnc into a desktop ubuntu box that hasn't been logged into yet? ATM I have to log in locally before I can VNC in remotely. | 00:39 |
Flannel | emma: -doc, -marketing, or -offtopic would be better places to ask | 00:39 |
Yowshi | it gives me audiotestsrc wave = sine freq = 512! some other things resource busy or not available when i try to test alsa | 00:39 |
MachinTrucChose | Wubi_Nubi: if you insert a Ubuntu CD while running Windows, and try to install it from there, Ubuntu gives you the option to install without touching your hard drive partitions or Windows configuration. Very, very good idea for newcomers. | 00:39 |
Yowshi | emry it gives me audiotestsrc wave = sine freq = 512! some other things resource busy or not available when i try to test alsa | 00:39 |
Virtue | how do I assign all vide file types to VLC ? I couldn't find this option in VLC player, looked everywhere... But I remember doing that on win., | 00:39 |
emma | Okay flannel | 00:40 |
emma | Flannel * | 00:40 |
vonkwink | emma: about 3-4 months | 00:40 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, have you tried arp ipaddress | 00:40 |
tadzhikaz | GaintSura, ok, i will try it | 00:40 |
* Calvary jumps | 00:40 | |
=== Calvary is now known as memmememe | ||
Flannel | lgc: What does it say when you try and boot windows? | 00:41 |
MachinTrucChose | SeaPhor: I just did, and it doesn't give me a name. I get the address, HWtype, HWaddress, Flags Mask, and Iface values, but no name. | 00:41 |
=== memmememe is now known as Calvary | ||
lgc | Flannel, nothing. Doesn't seem to see it. | 00:41 |
Flannel | lgc: if it doesn't see it, it'll give you errors | 00:41 |
RyanPrior | Wubi_Nubi: Ubuntu uses the NTFS-3G driver to mount the NTFS filesystem, then uses a loop-back mount to mount the contents of the Ubuntu embedded filesystem. | 00:41 |
GaintSura | Anyone know what would cause my wireless to completely stop functioning, ifconfig/iwconfig does not show wifi0 or ath0.. I installed virtualbox a few nights ago, when I installed it, a new kernal popped up, -16 instead of -generic, which was the original. the -16 does not boot it just sits, and the -generic does not startup my wireless.. any suggestions? | 00:41 |
Flannel | lgc: no errors? | 00:41 |
Sunx | emry: its 32 bits platform desktop | 00:41 |
Emry | Yowshi: Do you have another sound driver running? Do you get sound from anything? When the computer starts, does it play a sound when Gnome/KDE/XFCE/whatever you are runnning loads? | 00:42 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, yeah, i did too, hmmm looking,,, had to do reverse,,,, | 00:42 |
MachinTrucChose | RyanPrior: not to be condescending but I don't think he's going to know what that means | 00:42 |
Yowshi | yeah i get sound from things using esd | 00:42 |
Yowshi | asnd the esd test runs | 00:42 |
]5[ | can i partition a usb thumb drive to have mutliple partitions? | 00:42 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, rarp ipaddress | 00:42 |
]5[ | and if so can you still see all of them on linux and/or windows | 00:42 |
RyanPrior | MachinTrucChose: I tell the whole story, and I'm prefectly willing to clarify any terms he doesn't understand. I usually don't talk down to people - that doesn't help them learn. | 00:43 |
lgc | Flannel, no partition-related errors, at least not where I can see. Is there a 'boot log' somewhere? | 00:43 |
randal | how do i change your virtual vertical size in Beryl from 1 to 2 | 00:43 |
cinder | my wireless is really slow at the moment, and there was a command i typed that made it function normal, but i can't find it--any ideas? | 00:43 |
aalfa | Hey, excuse me. I've recently updated to 8.04, and I don't know why, but when I try to install the updates I'm provided, the application keeps thinking and does nothing. | 00:43 |
aalfa | Does anybody know what it may be? | 00:43 |
GaintSura | ]5[: yes you can | 00:43 |
Yowshi | emry yeah things that use esd give me sound and the esd test runs | 00:43 |
Flannel | lgc: So GRUB doesn't give you errors when you try and boot? it just... accepts it and continues? | 00:43 |
randal | how do i change the virtual vertical size in Beryl from 1 to 2 | 00:43 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, rarp -d ipaddress | 00:43 |
RyanPrior | aalfa: What do you do that causes the computer to start thinking? | 00:43 |
Wubi_Nubi | hi | 00:43 |
uhriventis | Does anyone know how to downgrade xorg from 7.3 to 7.1 | 00:43 |
Byron1 | aalfa is there any details? | 00:43 |
MachinTrucChose | seaphor: that deletes it from cache... | 00:43 |
Wubi_Nubi | Wubi creates a file on ntfs disk, which it then reads as a file system. This file exists on ntfs partition. Does wubi/ubuntu in that boot setup go through some sort of ntfs kernel driver? wouldn't that make it slow, since you have another driver layer in the middle? | 00:43 |
Outie | note the window title bars - any idea how I can fix this? | 00:44 |
aalfa | ryanprior i'm trying to install the updates | 00:44 |
randal | how do i change the virtual vertical size in Beryl from 1 to 2 | 00:44 |
aalfa | byron1 no, the application doesn't crash. it just keeps on thinking for ever. | 00:44 |
lgc | Flannel, Indeed. It acts as if there was no such Windoze entry (actually, the behavior didn't change at all when I added the corresponding lines). | 00:44 |
MachinTrucChose | RyanPrior: OK, I think you were right after all :P | 00:44 |
Flannel | Wubi_Nubi: this page might help: | 00:44 |
Byron1 | aalfa I had that issue when it was trying to upgrade mysql | 00:45 |
MachinTrucChose | Wubi_Nubi: there's a slight performance decrease, yes. However, the benefits outweigh the cons if it means getting a person to try Ubuntu riskfree when they wouldn't have otherwise. | 00:45 |
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]5[ | hmmmmmm...can i partition a thumbdrive with any filesystem i want? | 00:45 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, no, its reverse, with switches,, (options) see | 00:45 |
=== Calvary is now known as Calvary-Soldier | ||
GaintSura | ]5[: yes | 00:45 |
norbert_ | hi all, is there a /free/ Settlers (the one from 2007) like game for Linux? | 00:45 |
Flannel | lgc: What? You're not making any sense. There is an entry, and when you select it, it doesn't give you an error right? What does it do afterwards? just stops? | 00:45 |
aalfa | byron1 and could you solve it? | 00:45 |
norbert_ | (a fantasy game with beautiful graphics?) | 00:45 |
randal | #compos | 00:45 |
GaintSura | one of my thumb drives is FAT/ext3 | 00:45 |
cinder | my wireless is really slow at the moment, and there was a command i typed that made it function normal, but i can't find it--any ideas? | 00:45 |
]5[ | GaintSura: sweet...thanks...ima make a hidden partition that most windows pc's cant see | 00:45 |
GaintSura | ]5[: ^_^ | 00:46 |
randal | #compu | 00:46 |
MrSteve | outie -- are you using compiz? | 00:46 |
RyanPrior | Wubi_Nubi: the slight performance decrease associated with Wubi is because you aren't using a real bare-metal file system - you're using one filesystem inside another, so each filesystem operation takes extra memory and CPU. | 00:46 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, yes, -d does delete, sorry | 00:46 |
randal | how do i get to the beryl chat thing | 00:46 |
GaintSura | afk.... getting cancer | 00:46 |
lgc | Flannel, no. It doesn't even let me go to the entry menu. It boots directly to Linux. | 00:46 |
RyanPrior | Wubi_Nubi: For that reason, we suggest that you don't try to do any heavy video editing, etc in Wubi - however, in most cases you probably won't notice the slowdown. | 00:46 |
Flannel | lgc: Ah! a different issue entirely. Is this that whole file? | 00:46 |
Wubi_Nubi | RyanPrior, Flannel, [21:09] <xivulon> If you wish, you can think of Wubi as a virtual machine that only | 00:46 |
Wubi_Nubi | virtualises the hard disk, while keeping everything else native. | 00:46 |
Flannel | lgc: since, if it is, you're missing a good bit of stuff. | 00:46 |
Wubi_Nubi | so how slow does it make it? | 00:47 |
Wubi_Nubi | virtualization is slow | 00:47 |
R3Bo0t | has anyone setup red5 0.7 on ubuntu? | 00:47 |
randal | how do i get to the beryl chat thing | 00:47 |
Wubi_Nubi | it is indeed going through an ntfs driver layer | 00:47 |
randal | how do i get to the beryl chat thing | 00:47 |
randal | how do i get to the beryl chat thing | 00:47 |
Flannel | Wubi_Nubi: Its not very. Read further, its not virtualization. | 00:47 |
Wubi_Nubi | randal do not repeat please | 00:47 |
macondo | slash kick randal | 00:47 |
RyanPrior | Wubi_Nubi: that's a pretty good quote, I read that too. It is not nearly as slow as true virtualization - only disk operations are slowed. | 00:47 |
lgc | Flannel, now that you mention it... you're right. Yes, it's the whole file (plus commented example lines above the important stuff). | 00:47 |
aalfa | Does anybody know what may be causing my update manager to keep on thinking when i press install updates, instead of actually installing them | 00:47 |
aalfa | ? | 00:47 |
MachinTrucChose | Wubi_Nubi: I tried it at work, I didn't notice any speed difference between Native Ubuntu 7.10 and Wubi Ubuntu 8.04 . And the machine wasn't great either (Celeron). | 00:47 |
=== Nabiki is now known as Emry | ||
Flannel | lgc: Paste the entire file please | 00:47 |
aalfa | I have ubuntu 8.04 | 00:47 |
=== MrSteve is now known as drivetrax | ||
iXneonXi | help, I can't install libqt4-opengl-dev. Here's the output. I'm using 8.04 | 00:47 |
Emry | time outs are annoying... Did I miss anything? | 00:48 |
RyanPrior | Wubi_Nubi: And unless you're doing lots and lots of disk operations, such as compressing or decompressing archives, copying hundreds of files, or doing video editing, you won't notice the slowdown much. | 00:48 |
Wubi_Nubi | MachinTrucChose I have a Core 2 3.5GHz + 4GB Ram and I want amd64 | 00:48 |
Flannel | Wubi_Nubi: Also, you'd probably be best off asking the wubi people (details on contact are in that chat) for details, they know it best. Especially when you're dealing with those sorts of metrics | 00:48 |
Stonuuq | @Wubi_Nubi: is there a problem with running live cd? | 00:48 |
Ademan | if i run dpkg-query -S somefilepath and it says not found, that means that it was installed outside of apt/dpkg right? | 00:48 |
Wubi_Nubi | I have two x 15k rpm drives | 00:48 |
MachinTrucChose | Wubi_Nubi: what are you planning on using Ubuntu for? | 00:48 |
RyanPrior | Wubi_Nubi: with a dual-core processor and 4GB of RAM, the overhead will be very very tiny. | 00:48 |
Flannel | Ademan: try dpkg -S [somefile] | 00:49 |
gpb | hi | 00:49 |
randal | how do i get to the compuzion fusion discussion | 00:49 |
bluefoxx | err, help!!! my cursor refuses to respond[no it is not my mouse] i killed a program that hijacked it when the program froze[did it from ctrl-alt-f1] now my computer is free again but my cursor wont work! anything i can do from terminal is da-able[cant use firefox now though, pastbin is not an option now] | 00:49 |
x1250 | Is there anyway to prevent users of changing their passwords? I'm thinking about a system with ltsp thin clients where thin workstations publicly accesible by public usernames and passwords (one user account per thin client). I would need to prevent a logged user to change his password. Is this possible? | 00:49 |
Ademan | Flannel: is it a problem if i feed it an entire path rather than a file? | 00:49 |
gpb | i have to maintain (for the first time in my life) an ubuntu system | 00:49 |
Flannel | !compiz | randal | 00:49 |
ubottu | randal: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 00:49 |
gpb | so please forgive me dumb questions :) | 00:49 |
Flannel | Ademan: no, the full path should work fine | 00:49 |
randal | #compiz | 00:49 |
randal | whats the code to get there | 00:50 |
gpb | i want to play an embedded mp3 stream in firefox. what do i need to install? | 00:50 |
Flannel | randal: /join #compiz-fusion | 00:50 |
randal | #compiz | 00:50 |
iXneonXi | anyone know how to get my package to install? | 00:50 |
bluefoxx | not to mention rebooting is not an option[downloading a large file in firefox, i drop the connection i lose my download slot] | 00:50 |
drivetrax | type /j#channelname | 00:50 |
Ademan | Flannel: thanks, yeah, it appears not to be managed by dpkg, yay | 00:50 |
gpb | oh, and i want to use vlc. is it included in 8.04? | 00:50 |
drivetrax | er, /j #channelname | 00:50 |
MachinTrucChose | gpb: nope, you have to install it from the Add/Remove Programs | 00:50 |
RyanPrior | gpb: VLC is included, yes. You can install it in Add/Remove Programs. | 00:50 |
desucca | hello all, I've run in to an issue I can't find seem to put together the right search string to google for, and I appreciate any efforts to help after what is about to be a long-winded question. I have been running xp and ubuntu as dual boot for a while now on one pc without issue. I then lost my other pc due to mobo failure so I took the data hdd from the old pc and put it in to my dual boot machine. now when I boot I get grub erro | 00:51 |
gpb | ah, wehre to find THAT? | 00:51 |
MachinTrucChose | gpb: Applications > Add/Remove Programs | 00:51 |
RyanPrior | desucca: What is the error? | 00:51 |
iXneonXi | someone help me fix this: | 00:52 |
desucca | it simply says 'Error 22' on my screen.. a google for that number states "22 : "Must load Multiboot kernel before modules" | 00:52 |
desucca | This error is returned if the module load command is used before loading a Multiboot kernel. It only makes sense in this case anyway, as GRUB has no idea how to communicate the presence of location of such modules to a non-Multiboot-aware kernel. | 00:52 |
desucca | " | 00:52 |
gpb | is this in the menu for "ordinary" users? | 00:52 |
emma | gpb -- Perhaps this might be useful for you --- | 00:52 |
danbhfive | !fixgrub > desucca | 00:53 |
Flannel | lgc: From looking at that file, it looks like there's an extra root line (after the comment of other OSs). Apart from that, what I see without the comments at the top is good. Your issue is you're never seeing the grub menu, you can either hit escape while booting. To see the menu always, comment out the hiddenmenu line near the top of the file, which hides the menu at boot. | 00:53 |
gpb | i'll have a look | 00:53 |
Emry | desucca: How did you install the "new" drive? are they both the same kind of drive? Are they on the same channel? | 00:53 |
DonJuan_ | hy | 00:53 |
bluefoxx | anyone know how i can check what apps are controlling my mouse cursor? | 00:53 |
catalina | hola | 00:53 |
ChaoticXSinZ | anyone tried out Second Life for ubuntu | 00:53 |
DonJuan_ | ce afceti mai? | 00:54 |
DonJuan_ | faceti* | 00:54 |
Outie | MrSte: indeed I am | 00:54 |
catalina | alguien habla español? | 00:54 |
Starnestommy | !es | catalina | 00:54 |
ubottu | catalina: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 00:54 |
DonJuan_ | grek | 00:54 |
ChaoticXSinZ | ne parle pas anglais! | 00:54 |
cafuego | !info inkscape | 00:54 |
ubottu | inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.46-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 14070 kB, installed size 60876 kB | 00:54 |
desucca | Emry: the new drive is set to cable select and is on the primary ide channel (the dvd drive is cable select on the secondary).. xp is installed on one sata hdd and ubuntu on another sata hdd | 00:54 |
DonJuan_ | xeris elenika? | 00:54 |
Outie | MrSte: the artifacts don't always look the same, mind you - sometimes the titlebars become fully transparent, at other times they have fully-opaque "stripes", etc | 00:55 |
=== DonJuan_ is now known as lakiz | ||
lgc | Flannel, please wait, I can't clear the mess I made with cut & paste... | 00:55 |
Emry | Which drive does your bios try to boot from first? | 00:55 |
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=== talntidwrk is now known as talntid | ||
Emry | desucca; Which drive does your bios try to boot from first? | 00:55 |
Flannel | lgc: Which mess? The entries? As long as you didn't mess up the stuff at the top, just sudo update-grub, and it'll all be fine (except your windows entry) | 00:56 |
desucca | Emry: I have it set to boot from the xp hdd first, the ubuntu one 2nd, and the 'new' one third | 00:56 |
drivetrax | Outie, --- window settings.. and compix settings can do that | 00:56 |
drivetrax | compiz | 00:56 |
Outie | drivetrax: sorry? | 00:56 |
Outie | it's just the decoration that does stuff like that | 00:56 |
Outie | and the artifacts change when activating and deactivating the windows again | 00:56 |
bluefoxx | i need to get my mouse back, anyone know how i can find out what has grabbed control of it and how i can steal it back? | 00:56 |
lgc | Flannel, I mean the mess I made cutting and pasting the file to the paste window. | 00:56 |
gpb | in the link it says to install vlc | 00:57 |
Emry | desucca: Which drive is the boot sector on where you have grub? | 00:57 |
lgc | Flannel, (vi is kind of rebellious for that). | 00:57 |
gpb | but there's no vlc package visible in aptitude... | 00:57 |
Outie | drivetrax: I don't think this is any kind of intended behaviour ;) | 00:57 |
simNIX | I have setup pxe booted cli install - I wonder if I can automate the installing with some kind of answersfile ? | 00:57 |
MachinTrucChose | I found two smb.conf files: one in /etc/samba and one in /usr/share/samba ...which one should I be editing? | 00:57 |
drivetrax | Outie, -- ever install a theme? | 00:58 |
simNIX | - /etc/samba | 00:58 |
desucca | Emry: I believe it is on the xp drive (1st in sequence)? though I can't say that with 100% certainty | 00:58 |
MachinTrucChose | thx | 00:58 |
simNIX | np | 00:58 |
Outie | drivetrax: yeah, eg. the one I'm using right now | 00:58 |
Outie | I've not actually tried switching back to Human, let me try that | 00:58 |
drivetrax | Outie, go in thee and re-check it is set-up what you want | 00:58 |
drivetrax | there | 00:58 |
Outie | drivetrax: it's theme independent - I've used a custom theme pieced together from clearlooks and an icon set, now I'm using blubuntu | 00:59 |
desucca | Emry: grub at least attempts to load when I have the xp hdd 1st in sequence, just tried with the ubuntu hdd 1st and 'disk boot failure' | 00:59 |
Outie | both give me the same kind ofa rtifacts | 00:59 |
Flannel | lgc: ah, don't worry about it. If thats the issue, its no big deal, just comment out hidden menu, and delete that extra root line | 00:59 |
lgc | Flannel, | 00:59 |
Outie | and, as I said, the effect on the window decoration changes every time I activate and deactivate a window | 00:59 |
Outie | and only inactive windows have these artifacts | 00:59 |
Outie | switching to Human theme didn't help either | 01:00 |
drivetrax | Outie, right click the desktop .. change background .. then go to tab - visual effects | 01:00 |
lgc | Flannel, but maybe that 'hiddenmenu' is the clue. | 01:00 |
gpb | is vlc not anymore in 8.04? | 01:00 |
Flannel | lgc: thats what is doing it yes. | 01:00 |
drivetrax | Outie, what is that set to.. there | 01:00 |
Outie | drivetrax: nothing, since I've customized some plugins with ccsm | 01:00 |
Emry | desucca: Ok... What you may need to do, is boot in with a rescue disk and edit your grub configuration. Basically, whichever physical disk number you have listed for the two drives, increment them by 1. I have seen systems force ide drives to the beginning of the list, and the way grub does things is a bit odd. | 01:00 |
Outie | however, I've left my hands off the window decoration settings | 01:00 |
gpb | ah well, ubuntu seems to have two repos... :( | 01:01 |
lgc | Flannel, and what is supposed to happen when I do 'update grub'? | 01:01 |
Emry | desucca: Worst case scenerio, it doesn't work, and you change it back. | 01:01 |
Flannel | Emry, desucca, you don't need a rescue disk. At the grub menu hit 'e' and you can edit the lines | 01:01 |
gpb | aptitude repo != synaptic(?) repo | 01:01 |
Outie | I'm also getting the Pink Shadows Bug (ie. window shadows are discoloured - usually pink or green, sometimes white) as well | 01:01 |
drivetrax | Outie, -- so you customized your desktop.. and want to clean it up.. go back to the older compiz WM.. and use tha Window Plugin | 01:01 |
Flannel | gpb: they're one and the same | 01:01 |
Emry | Flannel: Will the edits become permanent?, or after he gets in, will he need to go in and edit them? :-) | 01:02 |
allbert | i'm sure whoever is using banshee would love it | 01:02 |
desucca | Flannel: it doesn't quite get to the menu :) | 01:02 |
drivetrax | Outie, -- yah, compiz ccsm.. sets all that | 01:02 |
gpb | then it's strange | 01:02 |
Flannel | lgc: Same thing that happens everyime you update a kernel, your menu.lst is recreated based on the comments at the top and the kernels that exist, and then the stuff after the end automagic kernels list line | 01:02 |
Outie | drivetrax: the issue persists if I set the effects to any of the standard presets, aside from "none" | 01:02 |
Emry | desucca: Try hitting the e when it gets the error. :) | 01:02 |
gpb | since the Apps->add remove apps finds vlc but aptitude does not | 01:02 |
gpb | ah, i see | 01:02 |
desucca | oddly enough, on a whim I set the 'new' hdd to 1st in sequence and xp boots without grub? :) | 01:02 |
Flannel | Emry: after he logs in, he'll need to make them permanent. But its good for searching for partitions if you have issues | 01:02 |
Outie | drivetrax: the shadow discolouration is not the colour it's set to, and occasionally changes when compiz restarts | 01:02 |
gpb | the graphical thingie lists it but says "not for i386" when clicking on it | 01:03 |
desucca | Emry, Flannel: thanks! I'll try it out | 01:03 |
Outie | as I said, I am quite sure that this is not any kind of intended behaviour | 01:03 |
Emry | desucca: That is probably your XP from the machine that died. hehehe | 01:03 |
MachinTrucChose | O_O Amarok and Rhythmbox....the difference is astounding. It's like Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger | 01:03 |
lgc | Flannel, how can I remove entries for old kernels? | 01:03 |
Emry | lgc: edit your grub.conf. :) | 01:03 |
danbhfive | lgc: remove the kernel images | 01:03 |
drivetrax | Outie - if you use Compiz manager - DCustom - preferences.. a window opens up, right | 01:03 |
desucca | Emry: ouch.. good point | 01:03 |
Flannel | Emry, lgc, no editing it wont work (and its menu.lst), remove the old kernel packages | 01:03 |
Outie | drivetrax: DCustom? | 01:04 |
drivetrax | custom | 01:04 |
lgc | Emry, it's not just that, but a more elegant procedure, an instructions that does away with all the old kernel stuff, which I can't remember. | 01:04 |
Outie | Compiz manager as in ccsm? | 01:04 |
drivetrax | yes | 01:04 |
Outie | I am in ccsm as we speak | 01:04 |
Krimpet | hmm, flashplugin-nonfree seems to crash at randomly for me in hardy so I tried uninstalling it and installing gnash, but gnash has horribly distorted sound... does anyone know what the problem with gnash could be? | 01:04 |
drivetrax | ok | 01:04 |
Flannel | lgc: sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-[oldversion]-generic | 01:04 |
Emry | lgc, Flannel: Understood. | 01:04 |
BubbleTea | I have a scanner canon and cannot scan with those programs | 01:04 |
drivetrax | Outie, what did you do to the - color setting | 01:05 |
lgc | Flannel, 'generic' or whatever, I suppose. | 01:05 |
Outie | drivetrax: in what, window decoration -> shadows? | 01:05 |
Outie | it's set to black. | 01:05 |
Flannel | lgc: what? You're not running the generic kernel? | 01:05 |
Emry | How do I find the size in kilobyts etc of a block or inode on a file system? | 01:05 |
drivetrax | Outie, no.. there is a check box that simply says color - one of the first at the top of that page | 01:05 |
Outie | in ccsm? | 01:06 |
lgc | Flannel, no, I mean that there are about 4 entries for each kernel version. I suppose one has to do 'apt-get remove --purge' for each entry. Right? | 01:06 |
desucca | Emry, Flannel: fyi, 'e' from the error doesn't work.. I'll boot with recovery disk and try editing there | 01:06 |
gpb | aqrgh, i HASTE the gnome desktop | 01:06 |
Jackault | I can't see my wireless network | 01:06 |
gpb | -S | 01:06 |
gpb | but what does one not endure for familys friends? | 01:07 |
lgc | Jackault, welcome to the club. | 01:07 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, found it! nmblookup -A | 01:07 |
drivetrax | Outie, - Super + F = filter on, Super + D = screen filtering on Super + S = Switch filter, try those | 01:07 |
Flannel | lgc: there should be two entries for each kernel, a regular one, and a recovery console one. You have to remove each kernel version, yes. Although you don't have to use apt-get, any package manager will do. | 01:07 |
gpb | i can use my wireless network -- on ym eee running debian ^^ | 01:07 |
gpb | *ducks* | 01:07 |
Outie | drivetrax: the colour filter plugin is disabled | 01:07 |
vonkwink | I am trying to set up my linksys wusb300N wireless USB N router. i am trying to use ndiswrapper but i am having trouble finding a 64 bit driver, or somehow getting the 32 bit driver to work. Can anyone help me with this? | 01:07 |
drivetrax | Outie, ah, enable it | 01:08 |
BubbleTea | I have a scanner canon and cannot scan with those programs | 01:08 |
lgc | Flannel, I count 4 entries for the version, not two. | 01:08 |
gpb | a wireless *router* is standalone, so it needs no driver | 01:08 |
Outie | drivetrax: doesn't change the glitchy window decoration or the shadow colours | 01:08 |
mikeg3 | Can I do anything if I have forgotten my ubuntu username/password? | 01:08 |
gpb | or ami completely wrong here? | 01:09 |
drivetrax | kk | 01:09 |
Krimpet | does anyone here use gnash, or know why its sound output would be garbled? | 01:09 |
gpb | mikeg: yes: crack it ^^ | 01:09 |
MachinTrucChose | SeaPhor: Thanks! That displays the computer name...but what's weird is that I can't ping it (even though I can ping the IP). | 01:09 |
Outie | brb, I've just seen that the window decoration plugin was not ENTIRELY at defaults because of the upgrade | 01:09 |
MachinTrucChose | but I'm saving that one in my notes wiki :P | 01:09 |
Outie | lemme see if setting all options to defaults in that fixed things | 01:09 |
Flannel | lgc: Oh! You have both -generic and -386 installed. So you have a -generic and -386, two of each. You should probably remove the -386 assuming -generic isn't giving you errors | 01:09 |
drivetrax | ahhhh, ok | 01:09 |
jrib | mikeg3: 1) reboot in recovery mode 2) 'ls /home' should reveal your username 3) 'passwd YOUR_USERNAME' will let you set a new password 4) reboot | 01:09 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, thats in name resolution,,, hmmm?? | 01:09 |
zeno__ | hi im on wireless but i keep getting "network timeout" on webpages, sometimes they load | 01:10 |
legend2440 | BubbleTea: which model of canon scanner? | 01:10 |
lgc | Flannel, I wonder how did the generic one got into my system! | 01:10 |
Outie | nope, that didn't help either | 01:10 |
Outie | and after an x restart, my shadows are suddenly not white anymore but pink :D | 01:10 |
MachinTrucChose | SeaPhor: I see the name, I recognize it, but I can't ping it...I think it might be a cache thing because it attempts to connect to an IP that is differenct, possibly one from my old network | 01:10 |
lgc | Flannel, the standard one in Ubuntu is the non-generic one, I gather. | 01:11 |
Flannel | lgc: Have you had issues with it? generic is what you should be running by default, 386 is only still around incase generic makes your processor barf | 01:11 |
gpb | is there a source for VLC in ubuntu? | 01:11 |
Flannel | lgc: no, the standard is generic | 01:11 |
MachinTrucChose | actually, yeah, the IP it's trying to ping is from my old network, before I changed routers. Mus have saved that name. | 01:11 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, looking for flush dns for linux,,, ,,,, | 01:11 |
drivetrax | Outie, -- window decorations.. there is a place to choose shadow color. mine is none. | 01:11 |
saminthemiddle | Hey guys: I need big help here. Is there a program that will create a list of all the possible matches for a regex statement? | 01:11 |
lgc | Flannel, doesn't it 'generic' mean plain-vanilla from | 01:11 |
Outie | drivetrax: mine is black | 01:11 |
Outie | the shadows mess up when *rendering* | 01:12 |
Outie | as do the window decorations | 01:12 |
Flannel | lgc: no, the generic kernel means its good for all the different arches (k7, 686, 386, etc) | 01:12 |
Emry | lgc: Generic means the kitchen sink. :P | 01:12 |
RyanPrior | saminthemiddle: Many regexes could have infinite matches, you'd have to support only a subset. | 01:12 |
BubbleTea | lide | 01:12 |
lgc | Flannel, at what price? Any tradeoff? | 01:12 |
RyanPrior | saminthemiddle: In any case, it probably wouldn't be too hard to write such a program. | 01:12 |
Flannel | lgc: and it optimizes based on what you're running, as opposed to having separate -k7, -686, etc | 01:12 |
saminthemiddle | RyanPrior: yes, but this one doesn't have rinfinate | 01:12 |
Flannel | lgc: not really, no. | 01:12 |
Flannel | !generic | lgc | 01:12 |
ubottu | lgc: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 01:12 |
drivetrax | Outie, uh.. besides xorg , the video may be affected by the setting of the gamma, or color of the monitor.. say look at those briefly | 01:13 |
Flannel | lgc: Especially considering that the other ones don't exist anymore ;) | 01:13 |
lgc | Oh, I see... let me check that. | 01:13 |
Outie | drivetrax: nope | 01:13 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
allbert | argh! that's cool too, i can play 2 different music streams simultaneaously just like windows | 01:13 |
Emry | Flannel: They exist, they are juswt no longer in common use. | 01:13 |
allbert | thanks a lot | 01:13 |
saminthemiddle | RyanPrior: it's really important as I have forgotten my password and it's a strong password. I know the general form (which is why I can write the regex) but a plain bruteforce wolud take far too long (as in years) | 01:13 |
allbert | :) | 01:13 |
Outie | drivetrax: there used to be a bug in the Hardy beta that caused shadows to be discoloured | 01:13 |
RyanPrior | saminthemiddle: Just tokenize the regex, and then do backtracking through all the possible combinations. | 01:13 |
Flannel | Emry: they don't exist in the ubuntu repositories. Which, for this channel, is existing. | 01:13 |
Outie | related to the nvidia driver package and the libwfb module being used | 01:13 |
saminthemiddle | thakns RyanPrior | 01:14 |
lgc | Flannel, what others? The AMD ones? | 01:14 |
Emry | Flannel: That is a slightly different statement.heheheheh :P | 01:14 |
Outie | trying the workarounds suggested by the various google hits makes my x crash on startup though :( | 01:14 |
drivetrax | Outie, is 'mipmap' set to On | 01:14 |
MachinTrucChose | thanks for all the help seaphor | 01:14 |
SeaPhor | MachinTrucChose, np | 01:14 |
Flannel | Emry: no, we were talking about the kernel flavors for ubuntu, used to hve -686, -k7, etc, now we just have -generic, the others don't exist. | 01:14 |
Outie | drivetrax: yup | 01:14 |
RyanPrior | saminthemiddle: If you write the program, will you host it somewhere and send me a link? | 01:14 |
Outie | turning it off made the shadows vanish entirely now | 01:14 |
Outie | :D | 01:14 |
Outie | lemme restart x once more | 01:14 |
Flannel | lgc: 64bit also runs the generic kernel (although its a different generic, they're obviously not identical binaries) | 01:15 |
saminthemiddle | RyanPrior: sure | 01:15 |
saminthemiddle | RyanPrior: I'm going to try to find one that already exists though | 01:15 |
RyanPrior | saminthemiddle: Good luck. Google search doesn't turn up much for me. | 01:15 |
saminthemiddle | RyanPrior: I'm not really in a position to do any development as I'm on a liveCD :-P | 01:15 |
patrickva | My Ubuntu installation won't recognize my 8800GT and it wont boot into the live cd | 01:15 |
Outie | shadows are back but pink again, and titlebars on inactive windows are still broken :( | 01:15 |
Emry | Flannel: I missread it as to say those architectures don't exist. hehehehe | 01:16 |
ricanelite | okay, why when i TRY to install add-ons or extensions onto Firefox 2 in ubuntu linux hardy i'm getting a Firefox could not install the file on every add-on theme or extension i'm getting | 01:16 |
patrickva | What's the problem? | 01:16 |
RyanPrior | saminthemiddle: gedit + python FTW? | 01:16 |
drivetrax | Outie, uncheck mipmap, and save a session.. then see if x-restart tha same | 01:17 |
Outie | drivetrax: have done :( | 01:17 |
RyanPrior | saminthemiddle: check out | 01:17 |
RyanPrior | saminthemiddle: the one a few items down, "Regex Expander", seems like it could be promising. | 01:17 |
drivetrax | Outie, wha nvidia card? again? | 01:18 |
Outie | drivetrax: 8800GTS | 01:18 |
BubbleTea | legend2440 lide | 01:18 |
Outie | I should note again that this popped up after I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy | 01:18 |
gpb | ARGH | 01:18 |
Outie | along with a few other problems | 01:18 |
kbrosnan | Emry: start with delteing the extensions.rdf file in a subfolder of ~/.mozilla/firefox/... while firefox is closed | 01:18 |
gpb | synaptic "sees" the 'universe' part of the repos, aptitude doesn't | 01:19 |
lgc | Flannel, I read that, but I wonder if the generic build is able to cope with SMP, for one. | 01:19 |
Emry | kbrosnan: I think you misdirected that. I haven't been talking about firefox. | 01:19 |
gpb | and the same for multiverse | 01:19 |
gpb | that's why i searchjed so long | 01:19 |
kbrosnan | ricanelite: start with delteing the extensions.rdf file in a subfolder of ~/.mozilla/firefox/... while firefox is closed | 01:19 |
demortes | Greetings all, I got an interesting issue... My configure script can't find Lua anywhere, and I installed everything I can think of to make it find it... checking for lua_newstate in -llua... no | 01:19 |
demortes | configure: error: can't find Lua | 01:19 |
legend2440 | BubbleTea: looks like lide is supported | 01:21 |
Flannel | lgc: they can, yes. | 01:21 |
zeno__ | ping 16 packets transmitted, 2 received, 87% packet loss, time 15049ms, what should i try to fix this? im on wireless. | 01:21 |
Flannel | lgc: In fact, we ditched -smp specific ones before we consolidated the arches | 01:21 |
ricanelite | where do i find the firefox folder under? | 01:21 |
^Tech-Help^ | its hidden | 01:22 |
^Tech-Help^ | cntl+H | 01:22 |
allbert | under /home | 01:22 |
drivetrax | Outie, -- this your driver? | 01:22 |
drivetrax | Version: 169.12 | 01:22 |
drivetrax | Operating System: Linux x86 | 01:22 |
ricanelite | kbrosnan, okay i deleted the extensions.rdf file in the firefox folder | 01:23 |
Outie | drivetrax: not sure, how do I find out? | 01:23 |
Outie | it's the most recent restricted one from the official repos, I know that much ;) | 01:23 |
lgc | Flannel, nice. | 01:23 |
drivetrax | Outie, Nvidia-Linux-x86-169.12.pkg1 | 01:24 |
lgc | Flannel, let me reboot and I'll get back to you. | 01:24 |
Outie | found it in nvidia-settings | 01:24 |
Outie | 169.12 indeed | 01:24 |
drivetrax | | 01:24 |
drivetrax | kk | 01:24 |
omer | how can i play mp3s in windows partiton with amarok from ubuntu | 01:25 |
Outie | omer: just add the files like any other music file | 01:25 |
Outie | omer: Ubuntu should automatically mount your Windows partition - check your desktop ;) | 01:25 |
drivetrax | Outie, - please check the linux discussion forum | 01:26 |
drivetrax | Outie, - if Launchpad did not show a bug.., mebe post it on Nvidia forum | 01:26 |
drivetrax | e-mail 'em | 01:27 |
Outie | drivetrax: I'm thinking this may be a related issue to - but the workaround there causes my xorg to crash and restart every time it tries to start ;) | 01:27 |
Outie | yeah, cheers - will do that | 01:27 |
Outie | well, by "related" I mean "similar" | 01:28 |
omer | Outie:i can not add files in amarok from windows partition, | 01:28 |
omer | windows partition looks like locked | 01:28 |
MachinTrucChose | when I share a folder through Nautilus, where are those settings written? They're not in smb.conf. | 01:29 |
gaintsura | anyone know why virtualbox would cause my wireless to 'vanish?' | 01:29 |
RyanPrior | gaintsura: You mean, when you start Virtualbox your wireless stops working? | 01:29 |
gaintsura | no | 01:29 |
croddy_ | what is the proper way to install virtualbox modules for kernel 2.6.24-17-386? i only see -16 in the repos | 01:29 |
gaintsura | I installed virtualbox the other day, and between then and now, I've lost all wireless | 01:29 |
gaintsura | no ath0/wifi0 in ifconfig/iwconfig | 01:30 |
=== lunchbox2_ is now known as lunchbox2 | ||
lgc | Flannel, same old s**t. GRUB boots Linux directly. | 01:30 |
jack-desktop | how can i resize a partition that im using in gparted? | 01:30 |
RyanPrior | croddy_: Nope, you should be able to install for -generic | 01:30 |
gaintsura | network manager says wired network only | 01:30 |
drivetrax | Outie, ya know, I have had to physically put .so files in the same directory as a program to get the program to use the file, and see it.. perhaps if you copy and put it in Nividia, or xorg.. it might see | 01:30 |
jack-desktop | gaintsura, i installed virtualbox and my wired internet wouldnt work | 01:30 |
RyanPrior | gaintsura: I don't have a ath0 or wifi0 and my wifi works fine. | 01:31 |
Krimpet | my wireless always shows up as eth1 on here | 01:31 |
gaintsura | RyanPrior: before, I had ath0 as my wireless card | 01:32 |
gaintsura | and now its gone | 01:32 |
RyanPrior | I don't know what my wireless device is called. | 01:32 |
smt | can i get some help with compiz here? (misssing window decoration) | 01:32 |
lgc | Flannel, you there? | 01:32 |
oldgrizz | Krimpet: are you running a broadcom 43xx wireless chip or card ? | 01:32 |
shachaf | How come gnome-volume-manager won't let me configure which program (if any) to use for playing DVDs? | 01:32 |
shachaf | It used to be in gnome-volume-properties, but it's not there anymore. | 01:32 |
Krimpet | oldgrizz: iwl3945 | 01:33 |
Arnos | how can I make Linux use my other monitor? | 01:33 |
shachaf | (And setting it manually in gconf-editor doesn't seem to work either.) | 01:33 |
gaintsura | quite literally, I'm sitting away from my charger because I can only get on ubuntu with a hardline | 01:33 |
oldgrizz | Krimpet: never mind | 01:34 |
oldgrizz | forget I asked. | 01:34 |
eongerth | Just installed xubuntu 8.04: yay! But although my wireless card and network SSID are detected, and I've supplied my WEP key (yes I know WEP is weak)... still no connection despite 87% signal. Hmm? | 01:35 |
ttmontoya | Im having trouble to watch video streaming how do i fix it | 01:35 |
gaintsura | jack-desktop: how did you get your wired network connection fixed? | 01:35 |
lgc | eongerth, did you try 'dhclient eth1'? | 01:36 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: You asked that earlier today and I already told you, we can't just give you a fix without know what the problem is or any information about your situation. | 01:36 |
quietFrank | hi all can someone tell me how to disable wireless ? I have a working ethernet connection but it does not show up on the little connections widget only the wireless | 01:36 |
jack-desktop | gaintsura, reinstalled ubuntu ;) | 01:36 |
eongerth | This is the first ubuntu that has been able to run on my 1999 Sony Vaio laptop (pentium III 733mhz.. oof) in full screen resolution so I'm stoked to save it from the landfill. | 01:36 |
hadees | is ipod-convenience a ubuntu specific package? does anyone know the website and where you can get releases? I am trying to write an ebuild for gentoo. | 01:36 |
gaintsura | I'd really rather not ^_^ | 01:36 |
eongerth | lgc: I wasn't aware of that one, I'll try it in terminal | 01:36 |
jack-desktop | gaintsura, i mainly reinstalled because i needed to | 01:36 |
hadees | i wasn't sure if the deb was the only way to get the files | 01:36 |
Chrysalis | trying to do a bunch of copy/pastes. . . ive already figured out everything is cap sensitive, what about 2 word files or folder. . do i leave empty space or underscore? | 01:36 |
ttmontoya | what do you need so you can help me | 01:36 |
lgc | eongerth, If it doesn't work, try sudoing it. | 01:36 |
gaintsura | I mean, I may be taking a delve into ubuntu... but if it requires that.. I'll just go back to windows | 01:36 |
eongerth | lgc: thanx. In my case it's not eth1, it's ath0 (atheros-powered card by D-Link) | 01:37 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: How are you trying to watch the video? What isn't working? Are there error messages? Have you done it successfully before? | 01:37 |
lgc | eongerth, OK. | 01:37 |
legend2440 | shachaf: in nautilus edit>preferences>media>dvd video choose program to use | 01:37 |
Gohalien | Help: How to minimize or alt-tab wine emulated program ? | 01:37 |
shachaf | legend2440: Oh, it moved? | 01:38 |
RyanPrior | quietFrank: You can disable wireless by right-clicking on the network manager applet and deselecting "Enable wireless" | 01:38 |
spanglesontoast | does anyone know how I can change the sound for download complete on firefox | 01:38 |
gaintsura | afk, putting another nail in my coffin | 01:38 |
Emry | Gohalien: If you have it in managed windows, then just like any other program. | 01:38 |
iceolate | could anyone be kind enough to give me a public proxy server address? i am having difficulty with my connection thanks | 01:38 |
quietFrank | RyanPrior, thats what I used to do on 7.10 but on 8.04 dont have that option | 01:38 |
shachaf | legend2440: Since the old settings were still in gconf (and had been changed slightly), I thought it'd just been disabled somehow. | 01:38 |
shachaf | legend2440: Thanks, I'll try that. | 01:38 |
RyanPrior | quietFrank: It works for me. | 01:38 |
Gohalien | Emry, how to set it up as managed window | 01:39 |
ttmontoya | I switch from suse to ubuntu and with suse i could watch video streaming but with this one i cant sorry im new to all of this | 01:39 |
quietFrank | hmm something seems to be broken | 01:39 |
eongerth | lgc: ok, I got "No DHCPOFFERS received." | 01:39 |
ttmontoya | sorry if im bothering you | 01:39 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: What program did you use in SuSE to watch the video? | 01:39 |
Emry | Gohalien: I don't remember. I haven't messed with wine in ages. ^^:: | 01:39 |
ttmontoya | vlc | 01:39 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: Not at all - we're here to help. It's just that we need info in order to be able to do so. :-) | 01:39 |
Emry | ^^;; | 01:39 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: Do you have vlc installed on Ubuntu? | 01:39 |
Arnos | How can I make unbuntu use both monitors, I have a nvida card and it only shows the one screen, please help! | 01:40 |
ttmontoya | yes | 01:40 |
drivetrax | Outie, in #compiz-fusion? | 01:40 |
Outie | drivetrax: nope | 01:40 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: And what happens when you try to start a stream? | 01:40 |
Outie | thanks for the pointer | 01:40 |
Slyboots | Hi | 01:40 |
meline | bonjour | 01:40 |
zeno__ | hi when i do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart i get alot of cryptic messages, (did cause pinging my router loses >50% packets), what could be wrong? | 01:40 |
RyanPrior | !fr | meline | 01:40 |
ubottu | meline: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 01:40 |
zeno__ | | 01:40 |
lgc | eongerth, hmm... welcome to the club. I'm surfing for "No DHCP offers received" but I still haven't got it clear. | 01:40 |
Outie | thanks for the help so far, too :) | 01:40 |
ttmontoya | some times i get sound but the screen stays blank | 01:40 |
Slyboots | Having a small issue with VLC and natulius, I keep most of my movie files hosted on another machine over SMB, but when I click on a file inside nautlius VLC cant read it (But totem) can | 01:40 |
Slyboots | I think its because its passing on the files location as smb://xxxxxxx and VLC does not understand that | 01:41 |
iceolate | anybody know a proxy server address? there are loads out there, i cant use http at the moment to find any myself | 01:41 |
eongerth | lgc: thanks - it was sending DHCPDISCOVER to, so I wonder if it's not aware of my router's IP? | 01:41 |
Fezzler | What's the command line command to see what is attached to my US port? dsmger? dsmr? | 01:41 |
RyanPrior | Slyboots: I think that's a known bug. I've heard it before, in any case. | 01:41 |
pyrak | i'm about to reformat and reinstall ubuntu from scratch | 01:41 |
pyrak | any advice? | 01:41 |
Slyboots | Aye but is there any fix? :P | 01:41 |
Gohalien | hehe no prob | 01:41 |
RyanPrior | pytrak: Back up your important data. | 01:42 |
genii | Fezzler: If you just plugged it in, dmesg should say something about it on the last few lines | 01:42 |
pyrak | RyanPrior, yeah, working on it. should backing up my home include most of my config files? | 01:42 |
RyanPrior | pytrak: I also suggest using the alternate CD so you can set up encrypted partitions with LVM. | 01:42 |
lgc | eongerth, I'll keep a vigilant eye if someone offers you a convincing answer that spares us the reading! | 01:42 |
RyanPrior | pyrak: Only the config files that matter - ones you've messed with a lot and so on. | 01:42 |
ttmontoya | some times i get sound but the screen stays blank | 01:42 |
eongerth | ;) | 01:43 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: I saw your response above. | 01:43 |
lgc | eongerth, hopefully noone RTFMs us. | 01:43 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: Have you tried it with Totem? | 01:43 |
Gohalien | Help: How do I kill a task ? | 01:43 |
RyanPrior | Gohalien: kill | 01:43 |
ttmontoya | yes, same thing | 01:43 |
eongerth | lgc: I'll be the first to welcome an RTFM... I used to be a BSD Unix user before 1992, lost my way, finally just getting back around this year | 01:44 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: Is it a video card problem, perhaps? Can you watch normal movies locally? | 01:44 |
lgc | Gohalien, 'pkill -KILL taskname'. | 01:44 |
MachinTrucChose | I'm reading up on Unix non-root users can't see the contents of /sbin? That means they can't run commands like ifconfig, kill, etc? | 01:44 |
Gohalien | heh I cant even open terminal, freezed | 01:44 |
ttmontoya | no | 01:44 |
Fezzler | genii: I've just plugged a USB-to-Serial cable into my USB port. I'm trying to see what Ubuntu sees it as. USB0 tty1? | 01:44 |
langley1 | i upgraded wine to version 1...when i click on test sound it locks up after playing sound...anyone know a fix pls? | 01:44 |
ttmontoya | how do i chck that | 01:44 |
RyanPrior | Gohalien: try hitting ctrl+alt+F2 and logging in at the TTY, if possible. | 01:45 |
lgc | eongerth, It won't hurt you, but it's impossible -or at least impractical- if you have to RTFM for every little doubt that comes to mind. | 01:45 |
iLogik | MachinTrucChose: you should look that up on the 'ls' command section, try ls -la | 01:45 |
RyanPrior | Gohalien: Otherwise, you might be able to SSH into your box from another machine and kill the needed processes. | 01:45 |
mrkeishii | how do i install desktop designer on ubuntu 8.04? I want to use the terminal to install. | 01:45 |
Arnos | could someone please tell me how to get my computer to show dual screens, I an using a a nvida card, before I installed the dirver it showed both screens clones, after I installed the driver it shows only the one screen, how do I make Ubuntu use both screens? | 01:45 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: Try opening the video in /usr/share/examples or whatever | 01:45 |
Gohalien | RyanPrior, how to read a list of processes ? | 01:46 |
RyanPrior | ttmontoya: /usr/share/example-content/Experience ubuntu.ogg | 01:46 |
RyanPrior | Gohalien: ps | 01:46 |
eongerth | lgc: true, that | 01:46 |
Gohalien | ty | 01:46 |
langley1 | anyone familiar with wine issues pls? | 01:46 |
RyanPrior | lgc: You *do* have to RTFM for every little thing if you want to be able to troubleshoot your system. That's what the fine manual is for. | 01:47 |
RyanPrior | !anyone | langley1 | 01:47 |
ubottu | langley1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:47 |
MachinTrucChose | is that what the f stands for... | 01:47 |
RyanPrior | !wine | langley1 | 01:47 |
ubottu | langley1: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 01:47 |
quietFrnk | RyanPrior, thanks reinstalled the network applet and right click works | 01:47 |
CShadowRun | how do i edit the applications menu? | 01:47 |
MachinTrucChose | !AppDB | 01:47 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: | 01:47 |
RyanPrior | quietFrank: Oh good. Strange that the applet got screwed up somehow. | 01:47 |
genii | Fezzler: Offhand I can't remember but i think something like ttyUSB0 or such | 01:47 |
lgc | RyanPrior, yes and no. That's what forums are for. (I hope I'm not breaching the etiquette for dissenting). | 01:48 |
MachinTrucChose | what the...judging by that list, people only seem to use Wine for videogames | 01:48 |
Fezzler | What command can I give in Terminal that will show how Ubuntu "sees" the USB-to-Serial cable plugged into my USB port? | 01:48 |
RyanPrior | lgc: Not at all! However, if you'd like to discuss it, we should take it to #ubuntu-offtopic - you game? | 01:48 |
CShadowRun | Anyone? how do i edit the application menu? | 01:48 |
pyrak | RyanPrior, can you tell me more about the encrypted partitions thing | 01:48 |
quietFrnk | RyanPrior, had been messing round with networking a bit and changed the network cards | 01:48 |
lgc | RyanPrior, pardon? | 01:48 |
danbhfive | CShadowRun: dude, right click | 01:48 |
lgc | RyanPrior, gaming? | 01:49 |
randomwalker | where are the wallpaper images stored in hardy? | 01:49 |
CShadowRun | doh. | 01:49 |
CShadowRun | danbhfive thanks :p | 01:49 |
bloodrock | CShadowRun, right click on menu bar applications | 01:49 |
danbhfive | CShadowRun: lol, np | 01:49 |
RyanPrior | pyrak: With unencrypted partitions, anybody who gets access to your box could just swipe your hard drive or boot a LiveCD or whatever and have access to all your data. The Alternate Install CD has a wizard to help you set up encrypted partitions, which will ask you for the encryption key at boot up and won't be accessible unless it's given. | 01:49 |
Krimpet | one thing I'd like to figure out sometime is if there's a way to install all the corresponding *-doc packages for everything I have installed, it's nice to have em available but most seem to not be installed by default | 01:49 |
Smegzor | I have a remote XDMC connection to a box on my lan (1 gigabit), but the refresh rate is very poor. I do have sound from the remote machine coming through my speakers which is very nice. I'm using Xnest. Is there any way to get better performance? | 01:49 |
RyanPrior | lgc: Not gaming. "Are you game?" is a phrase meaning, would you like to do that? | 01:49 |
pyrak | RyanPrior, so if my os breaks and i have to boot from a live CD, will i still be able to access my data? | 01:50 |
lgc | RyanPrior, thanks for the English class. Off I go... | 01:50 |
pyrak | RyanPrior, will i have less available space? will reading/writing be slower? | 01:50 |
ttmontoya | RyanPrior, TOTEM work with a video i already had on my laptop but how do i use it to watch streaming vids | 01:50 |
bloodrock | chaky, also you can edit it by system. prefrenences. menu editor | 01:50 |
legend2440 | randomwalker: usr/share/backgrounds | 01:51 |
eongerth | llgc: I got a connection! sudo ifup ath0 (or eth1 in your case) | 01:51 |
RyanPrior | pyrak: You will be able to read your data as long as you know the encryption key. The encryption does not decrease your amount of usable space I don't think, but it does increase the CPU overhead of read/write operations somewhat. | 01:51 |
randomwalker | legend2440, but what about the ones i manually add? i figure they are copied to ~/.wallpaper or something like that? | 01:51 |
RyanPrior | pyrak: There are some benchmarks available which show that disk performance is 1-5% worse for encrypted partitions. | 01:51 |
Ecclesiastes | Since I have upgraded to Hardy, my system won't recognize my main data drive and my performance has taken a huge hit. Is there a way to use Synaptic or Aptget to roll back to Gutsy? | 01:52 |
dgts123 | how can i assign hostnames to ip adresses, wasn't there specific filename like ".hosts" for that? | 01:52 |
pyrak | RyanPrior, hm, so there's a slight tradeoff byt not much | 01:52 |
pyrak | but* | 01:52 |
iRRVi | ubuntu 8.04 on dell xps 1st gen: when using bluetooth and connecting to my fone it freezes and blinks the caps and scroll lock LEDs | 01:52 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Ecclesiastes: nope | 01:52 |
dgts123 | i mean for other hosts in my network, not for the same machine | 01:52 |
lunchbox2 | I'm looking for a little help with permissions. Network drive crashed put the network drive in the PC and I don't have rights to move the files to a new harddrive so I can reformat the network drive. Any gurus want to help me out? | 01:52 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i would *love* to know why upgrading causes so many issues with hardy | 01:52 |
=== shree is now known as shree_ | ||
danbhfive | Ecclesiastes: thats an interesting question, I should get a virtual machine going, and figure out a way | 01:53 |
billisnice | I downloaded google earth update in a .bin file. How do i install it? ver 8.04 | 01:53 |
BubbleTea | what is the best encypt a pdf file | 01:53 |
Daisuke_Laptop | almost unanimously, the problems i'm seeing with hardy are from users who upgraded from gutsy | 01:53 |
iRRVi | lunchbox: sudo is key | 01:53 |
RyanPrior | Daisuke_Laptop: upgrades always tend to cause issues. Hardy has actually been remarkably issue-free for many upgraders. | 01:53 |
BubbleTea | what is the best encypt a pdf file | 01:53 |
RyanPrior | !repeat | BubbleTea | 01:53 |
ubottu | BubbleTea: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:53 |
RyanPrior | BubbleTea: if you install the SeaHorse encryption helper, it adds a "Encrypt file..." item to your right-click context menu, which is a very easy way to encrypt files such as PDFs. | 01:54 |
legend2440 | randomwalker: right click blank space on desktop>change desktop background>background hover over thumbnail of background should tell you where it is stored | 01:54 |
danbhfive | Daisuke_Laptop: I had several issues that were solved via a clean install | 01:54 |
thingfish | not issue-free for me - xorg doesn't detect my display hardware properly and I'm limited to 800x600 with the nv driver, and 640x480 with the nvidia driver. | 01:54 |
lunchbox2 | iRRvi , my experience in linux is extremely limited I need someone to hold my hand or point me in the right direction - sudo leaves me stranded i'm not knowledgeable enough | 01:54 |
thingfish | worked fine in gutsy | 01:54 |
Daisuke_Laptop | danbhfive: that's exactly what i'm talking about. | 01:54 |
iRRVi | ubuntu 8.04 on dell xps 1st gen: when using bluetooth and connecting to my fone it freezes and blinks the caps and scroll lock LEDs | 01:54 |
randomwalker | legend2440, thanks | 01:54 |
thingfish | my issues were with a clean install | 01:54 |
shree_ | Hi all, could anyone help me with this perl related error when configuring webmin | 01:54 |
RyanPrior | Daisuke_Laptop: There are many ways that upgrades can go wrong. This is to be expected. Look at how nasty the upgrade path from Windows XP to Windows Vista was! | 01:55 |
jason | ware does ubuntu install programs? | 01:55 |
RyanPrior | Daisuke_Laptop: We're much better at upgrades than they are, fortunately. On the whole, many people's upgrades go smoothly. (Mine did.) | 01:55 |
thingfish | and it's real nice now that dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg entirely bypasses display configuration | 01:55 |
BubbleTea | RyanPrior what is this SeaHorse do i have to dl | 01:55 |
iRRVi | lunchbox: i would help but i get frustrated with new users too easily and would get mad and tell you to do something stupid | 01:55 |
shree_ | it says insecure $env{path} in apaches' error log while trying to execute the .pl files | 01:55 |
lunchbox2 | :( | 01:56 |
RyanPrior | jason: All over the place. Use Synaptic (or dpkg) to find out where the files were individually installed. | 01:56 |
iRRVi | lunchbox2: sorry...but its for your own good | 01:56 |
RyanPrior | BubbleTea: You can install it via Add / Remove programs. | 01:56 |
jason | ok thanks RyanPrior | 01:56 |
iRRVi | ubuntu 8.04 on dell xps 1st gen: when using bluetooth and connecting to my fone it freezes and blinks the caps and scroll lock LEDs | 01:56 |
Ecclesiastes | If I use a knoppix LiveCD, what parts of Hardy do I have to destroy so that a Gutsy installer will do a repair? | 01:57 |
Daisuke_Laptop | RyanPrior: "better than xp to vista" isn't saying much, i would have said *much* better :) but it just seems there's a larger minority with upgrade related problems this time around. then again, that could also be due to the fact that there's a larger overall installed base than the release before, or the release before that, or... you see where i'm going. | 01:57 |
kindofabuzz | jason: you can use the whereis command also | 01:57 |
catron | I cannot have a call and music playing at the same time (Skype + RhythmBox) | 01:57 |
RyanPrior | iRRVi: That sounds bad! Flashing LEDs often indicate a Linux kernel panic. | 01:57 |
paulcross | iS anyebody here know how to use OPENBOX. | 01:57 |
catron | Anyone know a fix? | 01:57 |
shree_ | Hi all, has anyone installed webmin with apache | 01:57 |
lunchbox2 | Anyone else want to take a stab at helping me out? | 01:57 |
jason | hmm... ok | 01:57 |
osxdude|overhere | Anyone know a C compiler that can create executables? gcc isn't cutting it. | 01:57 |
iRRVi | RyanPrior: it didnt do this until recently | 01:57 |
Daisuke_Laptop | RyanPrior: nevermind, you did say much better :P | 01:57 |
BubbleTea | RyanPrior i don't see it | 01:57 |
jrib | osxdude|overhere: what are you compiling? | 01:58 |
RyanPrior | Daisuke_Laptop: One of the common causes of complaints has been sound, which has had a major overhaul in the latest upgrade. | 01:58 |
iRRVi | RyanPrior: possibly the installation of bitpim...but i dont have it running or anything | 01:58 |
Daisuke_Laptop | osxdude|overhere: it would help if you had gcc. install the build-essential package, and as always, check the !repos for prebuilt packages | 01:58 |
jason | btw RyanPrior i was looking for open arena | 01:58 |
catron | osxdude|overhere: mingw | 01:58 |
osxdude|overhere | okokok | 01:58 |
bloodrock | lunchbox do a google on sudo and read as much as you can | 01:58 |
eboyjr | Hey, guys... Is it possible to run two window systems at the same time? Ctrl+Alt+F7 and Ctrl+Alt+F6 | 01:58 |
billisnice | i downloaded google earth update in a .bin file. How do i install it? | 01:58 |
Daisuke_Laptop | RyanPrior: sound is a big one i've seen, and nvidia issues skyrocketed with hardy | 01:58 |
RyanPrior | jason: You're looking for the launcher, or the installation files? | 01:58 |
usser | osxdude|overhere, ehm, what? | 01:58 |
kindofabuzz | osxdude|overhere: if you create code in linux i don't think you can make an exe, because you don't have any of the windows stuff at all, and exe is windows, not sure though | 01:58 |
drivetrax | bash: cd: /opt/lost+found: Permission denied | 01:59 |
drivetrax | ( | 01:59 |
osxdude|overhere | jrib: It's the UnrealIRCd | Daisuke_Laptop: it says gcc will not create executables | 01:59 |
Daisuke_Laptop | osxdude|overhere: install build-essential | 01:59 |
jason | installation files im trying to add a pro mod somting or another | 01:59 |
usser | osxdude|overhere, you need to install build-essential | 01:59 |
jason | RyanPrior, | 01:59 |
Daisuke_Laptop | you need that to compile *anything* | 01:59 |
osxdude|overhere | OH | 01:59 |
osxdude|overhere | it's plural! | 01:59 |
osxdude|overhere | ok. | 01:59 |
RyanPrior | Daisuke_Laptop: Yeah, and would ya believe it, both have to do with non-free components: Adobe Flash for sound, and nVidia drivers for graphics. | 01:59 |
=== osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude | ||
osxdude | lol | 01:59 |
genii | shree_: Since webmin was removed from ubuntu, you're not likely to get much support for it here | 01:59 |
osxdude | i didin't know it was plural. | 01:59 |
eboyjr | Hey, guys... Is it possible to run two window systems at the same time? Ctrl+Alt+F7 and Ctrl+Alt+F6 | 02:00 |
jrib | osxdude: it's not plural :/ | 02:00 |
RyanPrior | Why do we have osxdude and osxdude|overhere? Confused. | 02:00 |
iRRVi | RyanPrior: any possiblity i need to install some things for bluetooth stuff? | 02:00 |
osxdude | oh | 02:00 |
osxdude | wait | 02:00 |
who_ | can someone instruct me on how to manually configure my sound card??? | 02:00 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | I got sound problems on hardy anyone know any easy fixes | 02:00 |
shree_ | genii: i didnt know that. anyone now i am pinging on #perl | 02:00 |
osxdude | gah, i'm a dumbass | 02:00 |
drivetrax | what is in the lost+found directory ? | 02:00 |
ectospasm | eboyjr: yes | 02:00 |
Y-Town | eboyjr: virtualbox or vmware | 02:00 |
osxdude | I meant it's NOT plural :P | 02:00 |
astro76 | eboyjr: F7 and up is normal, yes | 02:00 |
Ecclesiastes | osxdude: have you installed Leo4All? | 02:00 |
drivetrax | I cannot access it | 02:00 |
shree_ | genii: a sleepy looking community | 02:00 |
osxdude | hm, Ecclesiastes ? | 02:00 |
RyanPrior | iRRVi: I don't know much about that problem. I've never used Bluetooth, and I'm bad at diagnosing kernel panics, so I'm the wrong person to talk to all around. :-( | 02:00 |
Daisuke_Laptop | RyanPrior: most definitely, and while i would love to see everyone use completely free software, that's just not feasible with nvidia having majority marketshare | 02:00 |
iRRVi | RyanPrior: okie | 02:01 |
astro76 | eboyjr: there's a program in System Tools > New Login that does this easily, you might have to edit your menu to enable it | 02:01 |
who_ | can someone instruct me on how to manually configure my sound card??? | 02:01 |
jason | RyanPrior, i was looking for the install files im installeing a pro mod thingi but i found ware it is its in user/share/games | 02:01 |
Ecclesiastes | osxdude: the Leopard for PC x86 system | 02:01 |
RyanPrior | jason: cool. Did you check it in synaptic? | 02:01 |
osxdude | Oh | 02:01 |
osxdude | Ecclesiastes: i'm on a Mac Mini :) | 02:01 |
Smegzor | Is it possible to get near realtime response over an XDMC connection on a lan? | 02:02 |
jason | yeah RyanPrior | 02:02 |
osxdude | I have an old desktop (that actually was replaced by the Mac) that i'm going to use as a server) | 02:02 |
RyanPrior | jason: Alright. That's a neat little app. | 02:02 |
Ecclesiastes | osxdude: At least you know that works, eh? | 02:02 |
osxdude | Yep. Working great. | 02:02 |
who_ | so no | 02:03 |
jason | yeah i like it | 02:03 |
who_ | no one can help me??? | 02:03 |
danbhfive | how do I add a user to a group? | 02:03 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | ubuntu finds my sound card and acts like it works but I get no sound and it's not muted lol | 02:03 |
oddalot | hilarious | 02:03 |
bloodrock | who what soundcard is it? | 02:03 |
Ecclesiastes | osxdude: Hardy Heron is still expermental. I was runnin gutsy ( 7.10 ) and it was REAL nice. | 02:03 |
who_ | soundblaster live | 02:03 |
osxdude | Ecclesiastes: The desktop has 8.04. :) | 02:04 |
eboyjr | It says, "GDM (GNOME Display Manager) is not running" yet when I type "sudo gdm", it says, "GDM is already running" | 02:04 |
bloodrock | who, what isn't working | 02:04 |
RyanPrior | danbhfive: System -> Administration -> Users and Groups -> Unlock -> Groups | 02:04 |
Ecclesiastes | osxdude: it was so nice, I upgraded to Hardy without serious hesitation. | 02:04 |
eboyjr | astro76: ^ | 02:04 |
who_ | i can't hear any sound and it says it can't find the device | 02:04 |
astro76 | eboyjr: why did you do that? | 02:04 |
who_ | when i boot windows it works | 02:04 |
Y-Town | LiGhTMaGiCk: laptop or desktop? | 02:04 |
osxdude | Same, Ecclesiastes . Upgrade was easy too. (upgrade performed on laptop, desktop had it installed new) | 02:05 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | gateway laptop | 02:05 |
astro76 | eboyjr: oh the New Login gave the first error? | 02:05 |
who_ | it worked with 7.10 but when i upgraded to 8.04 it didnt work | 02:05 |
astro76 | eboyjr: never run gui stuff with sudo, btw | 02:05 |
Y-Town | LiGhTMaGiCk: is it in a docking station? | 02:05 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | no | 02:05 |
bloodrock | who, did ya c heck at alsa site to see if it is a supportrd carfd | 02:05 |
who_ | nope | 02:05 |
Y-Town | LiGhTMaGiCk: I know Dell has a docking station issue with sound for some systems Like mine :o) | 02:06 |
charlietoona | who, bring up the mixer, tab over to switches, uncheck the SoundBlaster Analog/Digital | 02:06 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | my sound card "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 02:06 |
iRRVi | if updating the bluez stuff doesnt fix my problems, ima be pissoff | 02:06 |
bloodrock | who maybe this will help | 02:06 |
who_ | when i try to open the mixer it says No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. | 02:07 |
Y-Town | LiGhTMaGiCk: no sound at all or in rythmbox or amarok? | 02:07 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | i've got no sound in anything | 02:07 |
Y-Town | LiGhTMaGiCk: I wouldnt be able to help you... sorry.... keep asking in here | 02:08 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | thx for trying | 02:08 |
Slyboots | Is there any paticluar reason that the media keys on my laptop not only change the volume of "Master" but "PCM" as well | 02:08 |
Y-Town | anytime | 02:08 |
bloodrock | heres another link for sound | 02:08 |
iRRVi | Slyboots: my guess would be because its configured that way...dont know how to configure it else though | 02:09 |
Frustation | -fr | 02:09 |
Ecclesiastes | Where could I find a list of packages that the Hardy upgrader typically installs? | 02:09 |
gar1 | where do i get device-access? | 02:11 |
RyanPrior | gar1: What is device-access? | 02:11 |
b1rd | lamers | 02:11 |
b1rd | rofl | 02:11 |
gar1 | probs with tvtime and webcam | 02:11 |
RyanPrior | !lol | b1rd | 02:11 |
ubottu | b1rd: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 02:11 |
iRRVi | anyone here able to help me diagnose my kernel panic? | 02:12 |
iRRVi | gar1: which 'device' do you want to 'access' 0.o | 02:13 |
gar1 | where do i get device-access? | 02:13 |
gar1 | probs with tvtime and webcam | 02:13 |
Ash908 | Why does Pidgin run on my system like crap/alpha/beta? | 02:13 |
Navop | In the perfect Server tutorial they use, can i use my domain name like and hostname will be abc | 02:13 |
RyanPrior | Ash908: You'll have to give more info before we can help. | 02:14 |
Ash908 | It turns white and sucks up all the cpu from one core, and stops responding. | 02:15 |
lzo | helo world | 02:15 |
lzo | lol | 02:15 |
gar1 | tvtime is trying to use my webcam | 02:15 |
m1r | hello | 02:16 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | anyone know anything about this sound card "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 02:16 |
m1r | i have problem with transmission on ubuntu 8.04 amd64. it seems that it eats 100%cpu when it runing | 02:17 |
RyanPrior | m1r: I don't like Transmission. I use Deluge. | 02:17 |
MannyL | I'm having problems joining an Ubuntu system to my 2003-R2 domain at home. I followed the instructions on Onnoot Wiki but I am getting an error what would be the best channel for help? | 02:17 |
legend2440 | in hardy i have update manager set to check fo updates daily but it hasn't popped up on its own since i did clean install of hardy. it used to work in gutsy. i can however do updates manually but sometimes i forget to check. how do i get it to work automatically like it used to with gutsy? | 02:18 |
m1r | RyanPrior: i dont like it too but is default application, and dont think it should use 100% cpu to dl, corect ? | 02:18 |
PlayX | can i open a dv cam over firewire with vlc an stream the video? | 02:18 |
matthew | I need some help, I can't get my screen resolution to go past 1024 by 768 though it works for 1280 x 1024..17inch screen..I'm sorta a n00b still..can someone help me, in plain english? forgive my silliness.. | 02:18 |
RyanPrior | m1r: Nope, it should probably not be CPU-bound. | 02:18 |
gar1 | tvtime is trying to use my webcam any help on this? | 02:18 |
RyanPrior | gar1: What is the problem, what is tvtime? | 02:18 |
gar1 | to watch tv | 02:19 |
m1r | RyanPrior: in my case when i start it, it eats up 100% without any problem | 02:19 |
balzac | hello | 02:19 |
RyanPrior | !hi | balzac | 02:19 |
ubottu | balzac: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:19 |
matthew | Just need to get it to 1280 x 1024...if there was a way could I just change it to that or would Ubuntu think It dont support it and mess up? | 02:19 |
NighTi^ | hello | 02:20 |
matthew | Any help would be greatly appreciated | 02:20 |
matthew | :-) | 02:20 |
oddalot | mathhew try sudo displayconfig-gtk | 02:20 |
m1r | transmission just take 100% cpu on start and while runing. anyone have similar problem ? | 02:21 |
morgan555 | hey guys, on 8.04 my login screen is all messed up, really huge, doesnt scroll and in the lower right corner is the text box, how can I correct this? | 02:21 |
iRRVi | i need help diagnosing my flashing caps lock and scroll lock LEDs | 02:21 |
RyanPrior | morgan555: I've heard of others having the same problem; you might be able to find an answer on Google or the Ubuntu forums. | 02:22 |
NighTi^ | mlr: i seemed to have that problem when downloading files over sftp | 02:22 |
RyanPrior | iRRVi: You might also try asking in ##linux | 02:22 |
morgan555 | RyanPrior thanks, will give it a look see | 02:22 |
matthew | oddalot: thanks I tryed that says I gotta log off first for it to take effect, My monitor isn't in there but I picked one close, is that okay? | 02:23 |
NighTi^ | i'd have a small question too :P i have a laptop with ATI Raden Xpress 1100 graphics card and when I run games, the screen blinks all like, every two seconds | 02:23 |
NighTi^ | anybody know how to fix that one? | 02:23 |
NighTi^ | i'm suing 8.04 | 02:23 |
NighTi^ | using* | 02:23 |
RyanPrior | NighTi^: Don't sue us! =P | 02:23 |
m1r | NighTi^: i have same problem with ati 1250 | 02:23 |
NighTi^ | :D | 02:24 |
oddalot | matthew yeah, go with lcd or crt depending on which one, and make sure you pick the right resolution and refresh rate | 02:24 |
RyanPrior | RyanPrior: are you using the proprietary driver? | 02:24 |
RyanPrior | I meant that to goto NighTi^ | 02:24 |
NighTi^ | yeah | 02:24 |
NighTi^ | "ATI accelerated graphics driver" | 02:24 |
matthew | oddalot: yeah I picked what I usually run at, I'll relogin like it says, and if I'm back ya know it worked lol...thanks a bunch 4 the help...:-) | 02:24 |
oddalot | np | 02:25 |
m1r | NighTi^: do your card gets listed with lspci as unknown device ? | 02:25 |
NighTi^ | nope | 02:25 |
m1r | ok | 02:25 |
NighTi^ | many many mentions of ati technologies | 02:25 |
m1r | only problems , nothing good from ati :) | 02:26 |
NighTi^ | heh | 02:26 |
fabian32 | i just copied all these files logged in as gksu and i need to change the permissions back | 02:26 |
fabian32 | is there like a chmod *.* under a folder command or something? | 02:26 |
danbhfive | fabian32: use chmod or chown | 02:26 |
fabian32 | i see | 02:26 |
NighTi^ | yeah, i actually just started using Ubuntu after getting fed up of Windows freezing all the time, rocky start... but installing 8.04 on clean HD got everything else working right away... except graphics | 02:26 |
fabian32 | i just want to change permissions to my username fabian instead of root | 02:27 |
fabian32 | so yeah thanks ill look into chown now | 02:27 |
danbhfive | fabian32: i think you actually want to change ownership | 02:27 |
goodtimes | is it possible to encrypt your partitions in ubuntu after you already have ubuntu installed? | 02:27 |
danbhfive | fabian32: sudo chown user:user -R folder | 02:27 |
fabian32 | mad thanks heaps dan | 02:28 |
fabian32 | will that do everything? | 02:28 |
fabian32 | liike *.* | 02:28 |
Gohalien | how to restart X ? | 02:28 |
danbhfive | fabian32: everything under that folder. chmod works similarly | 02:28 |
wy | I noticed that fonts:/// no longer works. How do I install new fonts? | 02:28 |
fabian32 | cool thanks :) | 02:28 |
NighTi^ | so, nobody has any ideas regarding my ATI problem? | 02:29 |
Gohalien | help, how to restart X ? got a wine windows that doesn't want to leave | 02:29 |
mindheavy | has anyone noticed their wireless connection only getting around 5Mb/s ? i have a broadcom, and using fwcutter on 8.04 | 02:30 |
danbhfive | Gohalien: ctrl+alt+backspace will kill x VERY bluntly | 02:30 |
fabian32 | NighTi^: whats the problem? | 02:30 |
fabian32 | i have an ati radeon hd under ubuntu | 02:30 |
fabian32 | it works great, doom 3 flies | 02:30 |
fabian32 | but yeah NighTi^ whats the prob? | 02:30 |
m1r | fabian32 , screen is flickering when playing games, same for NighTi^ and me | 02:30 |
NighTi^ | i have ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 graphics card that works fine on desktop environment but in games it blinks the screen | 02:30 |
NighTi^ | yeah, flickering is the word :P | 02:31 |
fabian32 | hace you installed the catalyst control centre and fiddled with the settings? | 02:31 |
fabian32 | like vsynch? | 02:31 |
matthew | My logon screen is totally off and it don't seem to keep the resolution once I log in...but I can put it to the higher resolution now | 02:31 |
Bidget | !paste | 02:31 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:31 |
m1r | fabian32: none of above | 02:31 |
fabian32 | go add remove | 02:32 |
NighTi^ | no, i haven't | 02:32 |
fabian32 | then type in catalyst with all avialable software | 02:32 |
fabian32 | then check the box for CCC | 02:32 |
NighTi^ | ah, i didn't know they had it on linux | 02:32 |
fabian32 | and got install | 02:32 |
fabian32 | then restart | 02:32 |
fabian32 | and go to other and click on the new ati icon next to Catalyst control centre | 02:32 |
NighTi^ | alright, i'll try that :) | 02:32 |
m1r | fabian32: ok 3 min, booting up lappy | 02:32 |
fabian32 | and yeah it has heaps of stuff | 02:33 |
drowner_ | Gday everyone | 02:33 |
fabian32 | hi | 02:33 |
NighTi^ | yep, i know it from WinXP | 02:33 |
matthew | How can I fix my logon screen so I can view the whole thing, and make sure my desktop resolution stays each time I login? | 02:33 |
NighTi^ | thanks, i'll go to reboot | 02:33 |
zeeeee | is there a way to test a cron job without editing the crontab and waiting for a minute to pass? | 02:33 |
fabian32 | this one isnt quit as insane or exploitive of dodgey 3d women | 02:33 |
oddalot | matthew are you on nvidia? | 02:33 |
fabian32 | but it works nonetheless | 02:33 |
matthew | oddalot: yeah | 02:33 |
_kevin_ | anybody play doom 3 and enemy territory in ubuntu, and upon closing the game have their x server left in whatever resolution they played in? | 02:33 |
SeaPhor | fabian32, nice work,,, glad you know ati | 02:33 |
mindheavy | has anyone noticed their wireless connection only getting around 5Mb/s ? i have a broadcom, and using fwcutter on 8.04 | 02:34 |
matthew | oddalot: I lost my compiz effects again also.... | 02:34 |
drowner_ | Does anyone know of a word processor that is good for typing mathematics/stats assignments? Like, that can easily do fractions, greek symbols etc without hunting for the symbols in a normal word processor? If that makes sense? | 02:34 |
oddalot | matthew: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings | 02:34 |
fabian32 | its pretty funny hey | 02:34 |
chris_ | my box has been falling apart lately x.x' | 02:34 |
u007 | hi, why isn't visor module automatically added to list of default module on startup when gnome palm applet is installed? it would be more user friendly for non-computer-geek like most of us | 02:34 |
fabian32 | before i found out about thier new mascot i got my mother an ati card | 02:34 |
Zaiden | Is it possible to control the amount of memory a program uses? | 02:34 |
oddalot | matthew then: sudo nvidia-settings | 02:34 |
fabian32 | im so glad she was at work when i installed her radeon | 02:34 |
oddalot | matthew: then make sure you save your settings to the xorg.conf it has a button | 02:34 |
fabian32 | cos like tits ++ | 02:34 |
thompa | i setup imap for gmail in evolution but not recieving messages? | 02:34 |
Xecuter88 | Hi! I lost sound in Totem all of the sudden. Was watching a video and suddenly the audio disappeared... And i can't find the problem. There isn't any sound when i log in either. But Amarok plays just fine! Help! | 02:34 |
fabian32 | anyways | 02:35 |
fabian32 | good cars hehe | 02:35 |
fabian32 | *cards | 02:35 |
matthew | oddalot: ok that first part is done...worked... | 02:35 |
m1r | fabian32: i am installing ccc | 02:35 |
fabian32 | cool m1r | 02:35 |
thompa | Xecuter88: quick fix is maybe shut down all other sound apps | 02:36 |
matthew | when I put sudo nvidia-settings it gives me a message 1 sec | 02:36 |
Xecuter88 | nope | 02:36 |
matthew | oddalot: .. | 02:36 |
Xecuter88 | thompa, nope... didn't work | 02:36 |
thompa | imap gmail + evolution anyone??? | 02:36 |
anteaya | how do i get a dvd to play? I have tried mplayer, totem, miro and vlc. I know the dvd drive is working because I can play dvds in the windows portion of the dual boot. What do I need to do to get dvds to play in ubuntu? | 02:36 |
oddalot | matthew: system->admin->hardware driver click enable drivers | 02:36 |
thompa | Xecuter88: re-x? | 02:36 |
fabian32 | danbhfive: THANK YOU SIR! | 02:36 |
Xecuter88 | thompa, restart? tried that too... | 02:37 |
drowner_ | can i repeat my question? | 02:37 |
drowner_ | Does anyone know of a word processor that is good for typing mathematics/stats assignments? Like, that can easily do fractions, greek symbols etc without hunting for the symbols in a normal word processor? If that makes sense? | 02:37 |
danbhfive | fabian32: que pasa? | 02:37 |
chris_ | I upgraded to ubuntu 8.04, everything has been working fine until 2 days ago, i noticed my audio is always on mute, and when i try to unmute it, it compains that GStreamer plugin was not found. Other than that, my usual user does not have sudo privilages anymore, i suspect Virtual Box, since i had to add this user to vboxuser to user vbox. Also when i restart my XServer (wether logging out... | 02:37 |
chris_ | ...or ctrl + alt + backspace) i try to relogin, and it hangs at a blank screen with a white box at the top left of the screen about 200x200px, i have to do a complete reboot in order to log in again. | 02:37 |
fabian32 | u told me the wonders of chown | 02:37 |
r00723r0 | Anyone know some good clients for GTK+/GNOME? | 02:38 |
thompa | !mediaubuntu | 02:38 |
ubottu | Factoid mediaubuntu not found | 02:38 |
Goldfisch | !tell anteaya about decss | 02:38 |
danbhfive | fabian32: ah, I remember, your welcome! | 02:38 |
m1r | fabian32: i installed it but i didnt get any shortcut to run it | 02:38 |
Calvary | hello all :) | 02:38 |
r00723r0 | Anyone know? | 02:38 |
anteaya | Goldfisch: thanks i will search | 02:38 |
matthew | oddalot: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X Driver. Please edit your X confiruation file and restart the X server | 02:38 |
thompa | anyone using gmail and evol???? | 02:38 |
chris_ | r007 | 02:38 |
Xecuter88 | r00723r0, amarok can play | 02:38 |
matthew | oddalot: says I need a restart now.. | 02:38 |
r00723r0 | Xecuter88, I mean things that directly accept lastfm:// streams. | 02:39 |
oddalot | maybe you should restart | 02:39 |
malsyned | anybody else having a problem where youtube videos stop playing after 5 seconds or so with 8.10/FF3/Official Adobe plugin? | 02:39 |
thompa | Xecuter88: i have problems with totem, does vlc work? | 02:39 |
matthew | oddalot: ok can u stick around i really appreciate ur help, i brb okay | 02:39 |
Xecuter88 | r00723r0, yes amarok will do that | 02:39 |
evilbug | is there some kind of problem between emerald and hardy? | 02:39 |
r00723r0 | Xecuter88, and Amarok is for GTK+/GNOME? | 02:39 |
oddalot | k | 02:39 |
Xecuter88 | r00723r0, no kde, but its still usable under gnome... and its the best musicplayer ever :P | 02:40 |
evilbug | r00723r0- no,it's for kde. | 02:40 |
r00723r0 | ... | 02:40 |
r00723r0 | Xecuter88, no, I refuse. | 02:40 |
Xecuter88 | r00723r0, why? | 02:40 |
thompa | im going to have to use kmail i guess | 02:40 |
evilbug | r00723r0- you have plenty of other choices. | 02:40 |
r00723r0 | That's such a dumb question that I might have to explode. | 02:40 |
r00723r0 | I just asked for GTK+/GNOME specifically. | 02:40 |
Xecuter88 | r00723r0, and why is that? | 02:40 |
evilbug | r00723r0- i personally like vlc. | 02:40 |
Ahadiel | r00723r0, Rhythmbox | 02:40 |
r00723r0 | Do these all accept lastfm:// streams? | 02:41 |
evilbug | r00723r0- Ahadiel is also correct.rythmbox looks/feels more like a music player. | 02:41 |
mindheavy | how would i get rid of fwcutter in order to use ndiswrapper? | 02:41 |
Xecuter88 | thompa, yes vlc plays... | 02:41 |
thompa | evilbug: well vlc works, | 02:41 |
thompa | ugly though | 02:41 |
evilbug | thompa- :) i's not that ugly.just simple. | 02:41 |
fabian32 | vlc is better than superman | 02:41 |
evilbug | thompa- want to help me with emerald? | 02:42 |
r00723r0 | So do these all accept lastfm:// streams? | 02:42 |
evilbug | r00723r0- they should. | 02:42 |
m1r | fabian32: where should i found catalyst icon ? | 02:42 |
r00723r0 | I have a plugin for Exaile and it doesn't seem to accept lastfm:// streams. | 02:42 |
matthew | oddalot: ok my resolution stayed but my logon screen is still missing the bottom, its off | 02:42 |
evilbug | r00723r0- i know vlc accepts almost might have to put in the link(s) yourself though. | 02:42 |
b1z4rr0 | hi | 02:42 |
fabian32 | hi | 02:43 |
b1z4rr0 | can any one help me wiyh the brasero program? | 02:43 |
digerati | hi | 02:43 |
evilbug | can anyone tell me if there's some kinds of compatibility issue between hardy and emerald? | 02:43 |
matthew | oddalot: is there a way to fix that? | 02:43 |
fabian32 | m1r: under other | 02:43 |
fiyawerx | r00723r0, might want to try #exaile for that | 02:43 |
fabian32 | in applications | 02:43 |
thompa | evilbug: the player mandriva uses is best my opinion, and installs in ubuntu | 02:43 |
r00723r0 | fiyawerx, alright. | 02:43 |
r00723r0 | Thanks all. | 02:43 |
legend2440 | drowner_: in synaptic there is a openoffice addon called never tried it myself but i think it makes it easier to insert equations and math symbols in documents | 02:43 |
thompa | evilbug: sory have not tried emerald yet | 02:44 |
evilbug | thompa- i'm a itunes and winamp fan myself. | 02:44 |
evilbug | thompa- no worries. | 02:44 |
fiyawerx | evilbug, im running emerald with no issues | 02:44 |
fabian32 | then get xmms2 | 02:44 |
fabian32 | or some frontend for it | 02:44 |
evilbug | fiyawerx- i just installed hardy on a macbook pro with compiz and everything but emerald just won't load. | 02:44 |
drowner_ | cheers legend | 02:44 |
fiyawerx | evilbug, do you get any errors when you start it from a console | 02:45 |
matthew | does anyone know why my screen resolution is fine now but my main logon screen where I could pick KDE or Gnome etc is off, how can I adjust it, I'm missing the bottom..? | 02:45 |
jrib | drowner_: if you are serious about typesetting math, you should take some time to learn LaTeX | 02:45 |
oddalot | matthew i don't know, who cares anyway, as long as you can login it doesn't matter, i would say just move on to better things.. | 02:45 |
b1z4rr0 | i don't know if copy the bin file, or the toc file... i'm workingo on in my laptop & only have one cdRw | 02:45 |
evilbug | fiyawerx- haven't tried.i open up the config and that works fine,the windows won't show up like it though. | 02:45 |
matthew | oddalot: what if I use example. KDE or something, I can't get my mouse down to select it lol | 02:45 |
evilbug | fiyawerx- it worked well with gutsy though. | 02:45 |
malsyned | anybody here successfully playing youtube movies on 8.04? | 02:45 |
thompa | imap + gmail + evolution anyone. its broke.. | 02:45 |
m1r | fabian32: what should i set to try fix screen flickering in control center ? | 02:46 |
fiyawerx | evilbug, you've imported some themes? | 02:46 |
drowner_ | jrib: I have to hand in one stats assignment.... the next part of my course will deal with sociology and medical sciences | 02:46 |
evilbug | fiyawerx- not yet. | 02:46 |
drowner_ | so i won't need it after today, for a while ;) | 02:46 |
thompa | evolution suks | 02:46 |
fabian32 | 3d games tip, set vsych to always off to boost fps at the expense of visual tearing | 02:46 |
evilbug | fiyawerx- it's still supposed to load the default theme. | 02:46 |
mrix_ | malsyned: in FF3? | 02:46 |
b1z4rr0 | any?? | 02:46 |
anteaya | Goldfisch: have you any more information to offer on the topic of decss or libdvdcss2? I just tried to follow the instructions for downloading libdvdcss2 prior to posting in chat, and despite what appeared to be error free command execution, I do not seem to have successfully aquired libdvdcss2. Any further suggestions? | 02:46 |
oddalot | matthew try making sure the settings are saved in nvidia-settings, and you save them to your xorg.conf | 02:46 |
malsyned | mrix_: yeah | 02:46 |
matthew | ok question..:D does anybody know a good graphical demanding game I can install using .deb file? | 02:47 |
matthew | oddalot: my screen resolution is staying now, wouldn't that mean they are saved? I'm not sure | 02:47 |
thompa | anteaya: search for ubuntu restricted and go to dvd section | 02:47 |
b1z4rr0 | do i copy the *.bin file?? or the *.toc file? | 02:47 |
anteaya | thompa: thank you i will attempt that | 02:47 |
m1r | fabian32: that i should set in games u mean ? | 02:47 |
thompa | anteaya: there is link to adding media ubuntu repos | 02:47 |
evilbug | fiyawerx- no clue? | 02:47 |
oddalot | matthew, no make sure it's saved to the xorg.conf | 02:47 |
mrix_ | malsyned: i do, but it's tricky as flash wants to obtain exclusive sound access therefore i have to exit any running sound players :( | 02:48 |
matthew | oddalot: Im still a n00b can u explain to me how to do that :-S sorry | 02:48 |
malsyned | mrix_: on mine, the video stops after two seconds until I manually seek the stream. | 02:48 |
Goldfisch | anteaya: I haven't had to deal with it for a while. Just a sec... | 02:48 |
anteaya | thompa: thank you I have already added the mediabuntu repos in my unsuccessful attempt in downloaded libdvdcss2, but i will look | 02:48 |
mrix_ | malsyned: seems like you have another issue... | 02:49 |
mrix_ | malsyned: video works fine for me | 02:49 |
anteaya | Goldfisch: thank you, your help is appreciated | 02:49 |
malsyned | mrix_: do you have libflashsupport installed? | 02:49 |
matthew | oddalot: my desktop effects are working fine again btw | 02:49 |
oddalot | matthew just make sure it's set in nvidia-settings to the correct resolution and hit the button save to xorg.conf if that doesn't work, i don't know what to tell you | 02:49 |
fabian32 | m1r: nah set it your siaplay manager | 02:49 |
fabian32 | like in catalyst control centre or nvidia-settings | 02:49 |
rainwalker | when I try to shut down or restart via System > Quit, the process hangs on killing either X or Nautilus because my wallpaper is still displayed (everything else is gone) until I Control+Alt+Backspace to kill X. Any ideas as to what's wrong? | 02:49 |
fabian32 | its a driver setting | 02:49 |
mrix_ | malsyned: not sure, how do i check that? | 02:49 |
b1z4rr0 | no one use brasero? | 02:49 |
rainwalker | b1z4rr0: I do, somewhat | 02:50 |
m1r | fabian32: i dont see that option (vsync) in catalyst | 02:50 |
fabian32 | ill look now | 02:50 |
fabian32 | other>CCC | 02:50 |
mrix_ | malsyned: i do watch youtube movies just fine | 02:50 |
m1r | yes | 02:50 |
malsyned | mrix_: with synaptec, or by running 'aptitude show libflashsupport' and looking for a line starting "State: " | 02:50 |
fabian32 | 3d>more settings | 02:50 |
b1z4rr0 | rainwalker: do i copy the bin file or the toc file? | 02:50 |
fabian32 | greg little box all the way to the left | 02:50 |
fabian32 | so it says always off | 02:50 |
malsyned | mrix_: the description for that package suggests that it will solve your audio issues with it. | 02:50 |
fabian32 | then reboot | 02:50 |
Zaiden | How do you change the directory the terminal is focusing on? | 02:51 |
fabian32 | then run your demanding 3d game in fullscreen | 02:51 |
rainwalker | b1z4rr0: sorry, I just came in the room, what problem are you having? | 02:51 |
matthew | oddalot: make sure my resolution is saved in there? I have NVIDIA X Server Settings window open and its set to 1280 x 1024 like I need, is that okay? | 02:51 |
malsyned | although it's possible that that's what's causing my troubles :/ | 02:51 |
anteaya | Goldfisch, and thompa: just so we are talking about the same thing, i already have the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, and I can not locate or find libdvdcss2 | 02:51 |
m1r | fabian32: tnx, i rebooting | 02:51 |
kitche | Zaiden: do you mean how to change directories same as in DOS cd | 02:51 |
fabian32 | cool | 02:51 |
MachinTrucChose | Hi...can anyone help me with Samba? I shared a folder through Nautilus, and I'd like to know where those share settings are saved. There is no mention of my shared folders in smb.conf. | 02:51 |
mrix_ | malsyned: oh, thanks! will try that now... | 02:52 |
arbir | can anybody tell me, how i can merge my menus ? | 02:52 |
Zaiden | To change it so the terminal can run files from the desktop | 02:52 |
arbir | in menu editor, if i drag the system menu into applications, it wont respond | 02:52 |
fabian32 | right click then click on edit menus | 02:52 |
Zaiden | Right now it says "mike@Mike" | 02:52 |
kitche | Zaiden: yes that's correct it will always say that | 02:53 |
oddalot | matthew click save to X configureation file | 02:53 |
kitche | Zaiden: just do cd ~/Desktop or any other directory | 02:53 |
arbir | fabian32: any ideas ? | 02:53 |
MachinTrucChose | anyone? No Samba fans around? | 02:53 |
b1z4rr0 | rainwalker: i'm trying to burn a disc... working in my lapot, so i have only one cdrw... don't know if burn th toc file or the bin file | 02:53 |
matthew | /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 02:53 |
m1r | fabian32: still flickering :/ | 02:53 |
fabian32 | arbir: ideas on what? | 02:53 |
rainwalker | b1z4rr0: what is it you're trying to burn? | 02:53 |
fabian32 | m1r: sorry i dont really know | 02:54 |
oddalot | matthew did you click the button? | 02:54 |
arbir | fabian32: i need to merge my menus, when i open menu editor and then drag the system folder into the applications folder, it wont work | 02:54 |
mrix_ | malsyned: it worked! Great thanks :) | 02:54 |
matthew | oddalot: yeah | 02:54 |
oddalot | then you are set | 02:54 |
oddalot | maybe | 02:54 |
oddalot | if not, i can't help you | 02:54 |
b1z4rr0 | a mp3 disc... | 02:54 |
Goldfisch | anteaya: I have been following a thread at See if that helps. | 02:54 |
mrix_ | malsyned: BTW do you have direct rendering enabled ? | 02:54 |
malsyned | mrix_: glad to hear it. Now I just have to figure out how to make it work for me! | 02:54 |
m1r | fabian32: no problem, tnx for help with ccc :) | 02:54 |
oddalot | i hate messing with the xorg.conf manually | 02:54 |
malsyned | mrix_: not sure. how would I check that? | 02:54 |
anteaya | Goldfisch: thank you i will look | 02:55 |
b1z4rr0 | rainwalker: trying to copy a disc, a mp3 disk | 02:55 |
rainwalker | b1z4rr0: hmm...sorry, I have no idea | 02:55 |
therion | Hi, someone know if is possible showing in vlc a vnc session? | 02:55 |
croddy | is there a way to prevent the "recovery" X server from ever running? | 02:56 |
fabian32 | cool | 02:56 |
fabian32 | im out cyas | 02:56 |
matthew | oddalot: seems alright, I'm gonna maybe restart once more to make sure nothing messes up upon booting up etc...really thanks very much for sticking with me | 02:56 |
mrix_ | malsyned: glxinfo |grep direct | 02:56 |
Goldfisch | anyeaya: FYI, I just executed that thread's procedure and it worked. (I only installed libdvdcss2). The DVD I couldn't play a moment ago now works. | 02:56 |
icelotu | =) | 02:56 |
malsyned | mrix_: direct rendering: Yes | 02:56 |
b1z4rr0 | rainwalker: thk anyway... should i use k3b or gnomebaker?? | 02:57 |
rainwalker | b1z4rr0: I | 02:57 |
rainwalker | b1z4rr0: sorry, I've only ever used brasero and k3b | 02:57 |
Mr_Sonoma | I have a xp box set up to be the home for my printer, my wife's vista machine found the printer without issue but on Hardy when i go to System Settings > Printers > Add > Add Printer > SMB Shared Printer then hit the "scan" button to scan the network I only see the Hardy machine. But if i go to Remote Places from the "System Menu" I can see all 3 machines (the xp box, vista box and this box) what am i doing wrong? tips on setting up a wind | 02:57 |
Mr_Sonoma | ows hosted printer using the graphical tool? | 02:57 |
mrix_ | malsyned: hm, then i have no ideas for you...sorry :( | 02:57 |
LabThug | I switched to the "Human List" Login window for the face browser, now after a week of hardy, no faces are showing up. What changed? | 02:57 |
malsyned | mrix_: found an ubuntu forum thread about it. hopefully there's a resolution there. | 02:58 |
malsyned | thanks | 02:58 |
matthew | Does anyone know a decent graphical demanding game I could install of off Synaptic or .deb files? | 02:58 |
b1z4rr0 | rainwalker: i have use k3b... i use to work with kubuntu... now i'm xubuntu, so...i was trying to use brasero... | 02:58 |
danbhfive | matthew: tremulous | 02:58 |
matthew | danbhfive: is it in Synaptic? | 02:59 |
b1z4rr0 | rainwlaker: i 'll install k3b | 02:59 |
outfile | test | 03:00 |
LabThug | anyone else got the blank "face browser" on hardy? | 03:00 |
binMonkey | how can i find out which process is a zombie process? top lists one and i want to kill it. | 03:01 |
matthew | Thanks, Gonna run for now...You all have a good one :-) PEACE | 03:01 |
LabThug | binMonkey, if top already lists it, you should already have the pid | 03:01 |
Itaku | with wubi how do you know that its done? | 03:02 |
binMonkey | LabThug: top has a listing for zombie, eg: "zombie: 1"; it doesn't list the pid. | 03:02 |
anteaya | Goldfisch has quit unfortunately. thompa, thank you for your help, I seem to have all of the extra codecs and libs that the various wikis and forums are suggesting but I can seem to find a libdvdcss2 repo that gives me the download. | 03:03 |
danbhfive | anteaya: medibuntu didnt work? | 03:03 |
LabThug | binMonkey, have you tried `ps ax` ? | 03:03 |
arbir | can anybody please help me to edit my menu ? | 03:03 |
naut | What's that command that cleans up old package dependencies after you uninstall a package | 03:04 |
anteaya | i had tried it before i posted to the channel in the first place danbhfive, and it didn't give me libdvdcss2 | 03:04 |
killemall | does acpi do anything for a 24/7 server? | 03:04 |
danbhfive | !medibuntu | 03:04 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 03:04 |
killemall | or is it just powersavings mode like sleep, etc | 03:04 |
naut | !acpi | 03:04 |
ubottu | Factoid acpi not found | 03:04 |
FelipeS | anyone know how to disable that "Feature" in which when desktop effects are enabled, windows that are not in focus have a semi-transparent window decoration? | 03:04 |
binMonkey | LabThug: i didn't know about that. thanks lab, i found it. | 03:05 |
Itaku | !wubi | 03:05 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 03:05 |
anteaya | danbhfive: here are the repos I added to sources.list: deb feisty free non-free | 03:05 |
anteaya | deb-src feisty free non-free | 03:05 |
danbhfive | er, Im actually having a different problem | 03:06 |
malsyned | mrix_: In your System -> Preferences -> Sound, what are your various devices set to? Auto-detect? PulseAudio? | 03:06 |
danbhfive | help! my sudo stopped working after install vbox, and adding my user to a group | 03:06 |
anteaya | danbhfive: ah, sorry, thought you were offering assistance | 03:07 |
malsyned | mrix_: (btw: I seem to have fixed it by setting all of mine to pulseaudio, based on some forum suggestions) | 03:07 |
danbhfive | anteaya: i was, till i realized my computer got messed up | 03:07 |
danbhfive | lol | 03:08 |
danbhfive | !sudo | 03:08 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 03:08 |
anteaya | danbhfive: i understand, hope you find the assistance you need | 03:08 |
NighTi^ | mlr/n | 03:08 |
FelipeS | anyone know how to disable that "Feature" in which when desktop effects are enabled, windows that are not in focus have a semi-transparent window decoration? | 03:08 |
malsyned | When I full-screen flash video (FF3, 8.04, flash-nonfree) it always fullscreens to my first display instead of the display the FF window is on. anybody know how to fix that? | 03:08 |
makario | Does anyone use Elisa? I can't get DVD playback to work. | 03:08 |
Itaku | with wubi how do you know that its done? because it downloaded i got a cookie and i came back and it was just closed. | 03:08 |
malsyned | FelipeS: best place to start looking would probably be in the compizconfig-settings-manager package, which creates an "Advanced Desktop Effects" option under System->Preferences | 03:09 |
Itaku | err and i ate the cookie for 2hrs | 03:09 |
workmaster2n | hey - does anybody know how to activate compiz in hardy? | 03:09 |
makario | workmaster2n: System > Preferences > Appearance; Visual Effects tab | 03:10 |
FelipeS | malsyned: I did. I think I've been through every option, however I cannot find somewhere to toggle that on or off | 03:10 |
workmaster2n | makario: I'm there | 03:10 |
will00 | how do i get emerald to work with compiz and gnome? | 03:10 |
makario | Set it to Normal, workmaster2n | 03:11 |
consumismo_owns | hello people, I installed the Ubuntu 8.0.4 in an new hd now, and after first restart my computer show this message: "Master Boot Record Error". Any suggestion? | 03:11 |
workmaster2n | makario: ok - it is set to normal | 03:11 |
makario | workmaster2n: So it's enabled? | 03:11 |
danbhfive | dan is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 03:11 |
danbhfive | How do I fix that? Im trying to sudo... | 03:11 |
barfman_ | anyone familair with fermats theory? | 03:11 |
LabThug | a^n + b^n = c^ for n < 3? | 03:12 |
workmaster2n | makario - I used compiz in ubuntu 7.10 and there was a place where I could turn features on and off (like the cube and wobbly windows) - how do i access those features? | 03:12 |
barfman_ | LabThug, yes, N is exponent? | 03:12 |
LabThug | aye | 03:12 |
consumismo_owns | hello? | 03:12 |
cellwind929 | Can anyone help me as to why samba isn't installing? Heres the terminal output | 03:13 |
barfman_ | exponential correct? | 03:13 |
makario | workmaster2n: Install compizconfig-settings-manager through Synaptic for more options. | 03:13 |
malsyned | FelipeS: I just ran 'gtk-window-decorator --opacity 1 --replace' and it got rid of what you're complaining about. I dunno how to make that permanent, though. | 03:13 |
arbir | how can i add a quit command to my menu ? | 03:13 |
LabThug | barfman_, yes but it only works when n < 3 | 03:13 |
workmaster2n | makario: i can't find that in the package manager | 03:13 |
barfman_ | that's fine.' | 03:13 |
makario | workmaster2n Perhaps I said the wrong name, then. Hold on. | 03:13 |
barfman_ | LabThug, tryign to write a python script to work the math and proove it. | 03:14 |
Sergeant_Pony | flannel you here? | 03:14 |
FelipeS | malsyned: maybe through some script to load every time at boot. However, I hate those types of hacks. | 03:14 |
zcat[1] | weird; I just installed 'mondo' -- a filesystem recovery tool, and amongst the suggested packages is 'petris' -- I think they're hinting that filesystem recovery takes a long time :) | 03:14 |
malsyned | FelipeS: me too | 03:14 |
arbir | fde: hi are you here today ? | 03:14 |
makario | workmaster2n: compizconfig-settings-manager is the right name. | 03:14 |
LabThug | barfman_, good luck. Lots of others have done the same. I believe it has to do with two cubes (or higher) exceeding the rate of another cube, but that's just me | 03:14 |
barfman_ | LabThug, cube? | 03:14 |
LabThug | s/have done/have tried to do/ | 03:14 |
makario | workmaster2n Just search for 'compiz settings' in Synaptic. | 03:14 |
LabThug | barfman_, cube == x^3 | 03:15 |
drivetrax | sdb11 says it is OPT, and I want to slice off 94GB .. and have a data ext3 directory | 03:15 |
witten | I've got a raid 1 array that shows as 100% full with df, even though it isn't. df -i does not show as full. any ideas? | 03:15 |
workmaster2n | do I need to enable something in the synaptic package manager - when I search for compizconfig-settings-manager it does not come up | 03:15 |
barfman_ | part of learning python, but, i'm failing miserably | 03:15 |
workmaster2n | makario: I searched for compiz settings in synaptic, there is no configuration manager listed for me | 03:16 |
FelipeS | malsyned: thanks anyway | 03:16 |
makario | workmaster2n: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 03:16 |
SeaPhor | barfman_, i've failed before i even started,,, i so lost | 03:16 |
workmaster2n | makario: 8.04 Hardy Heron | 03:17 |
barfman_ | i want to learn programming, but, i don't think it's for me. either that or i'm trying to learn too much too fast | 03:17 |
STSX | When I type in a command who's program is not all ready installed, Ubuntu is smart enough to sometimes tell me which package to download--how does it do this? Is it using auto-apt? | 03:17 |
Mr_Sonoma | I have a xp box set up to be the home for my printer, my wife's vista machine found the printer without issue but on Hardy when i go to System Settings > Printers > Add > Add Printer > SMB Shared Printer then hit the "scan" button to scan the network I only see the Hardy machine. But if i go to Remote Places from the "System Menu" I can see all 3 machines (the xp box, vista box and this box) what am i doing wrong? tips on setting up a wind | 03:17 |
Mr_Sonoma | ows hosted printer using the graphical tool? | 03:17 |
makario | workmaster2n: Is it a fresh install? Have you hit the Reload button in Synaptic yet? | 03:17 |
malsyned | aw. FelipeS quit and I just found an answer for him. | 03:17 |
Fritzel | what is ~/.gvfs? | 03:17 |
mono_james | workmaster2n it's this package; compizconfig-settings-manager | 03:18 |
workmaster2n | makario: I found my error - I had to hit reload in synaptic | 03:18 |
workmaster2n | makario: you were exactly right - thank you very much | 03:18 |
makario | workmaster2n: Install that package, and you'll be able to tweak your settings. (The "Extra" setting in the Visual Effects tab will give you wobbly windows, by the way.) | 03:18 |
greensky | does anyone have an issue where displayconfig-gtk doesnt save so your stuck with 800x600 resolution? any ideas how to fix that? | 03:19 |
malsyned | Fritzel: it lets you browse Gnome GVFS mounts from legacy programs like command line apps. | 03:19 |
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908 | ||
craigbass1976 | Anyone familiar with either the unexpand command or another way to convert multiple spaces in a text file to tabs? | 03:19 |
LabThug | Mr_Sonoma, is your hardy box on the same SAMBA workgroup as the windows ones? | 03:19 |
Mr_Sonoma | yes | 03:19 |
workmaster2n | makario: Thank you! | 03:20 |
LabThug | Mr_Sonoma, can you specify IP instead of name and get it to work that way? | 03:20 |
Fritzel | malsyned, when doing an lsof is this normal for everyone? lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/mhollisjr/.gvfs | 03:20 |
Mr_Sonoma | LabThug, i haven't tried that | 03:20 |
malsyned | Fritzel: dunno | 03:21 |
malsyned | Fritzel: doesn't seem to happen to me | 03:22 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | ubuntu recognizes my sound card but i have no sound "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 03:22 |
craigbass1976 | Is the volume up? | 03:22 |
Fritzel | malsyned, do you happen to have any clue what it means? I'm not sure where to begin trying to figure out what the problem is | 03:22 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | yeah not muted volume max | 03:22 |
STSX | Mr_Sonoma: Are you by chance from Sonoma County, CA? Just curious. | 03:23 |
craigbass1976 | LiGhTMaGiCk, because there are a couple of sliders that will screw you up | 03:23 |
malsyned | Fritzel: not really. but if I had to guess, I'd start by seeing if there was anything weird in that directory, like maybe one of your GVFS network mounts was having connection problems or something. | 03:23 |
Mr_Sonoma | STSX, no I am not | 03:23 |
craigbass1976 | LiGhTMaGiCk, PCM is the one that I forget to turn up sometimes | 03:23 |
STSX | Mr_Sonoma: OK, just wondering. :) | 03:24 |
pott1 | will wubi break my windows install? | 03:24 |
pott1 | or can it | 03:24 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | yeah checked pcm already | 03:24 |
Fritzel | malsyned, hang on I think I know what might be doing it, ipod | 03:24 |
Mr_Sonoma | alright short of hooking the monitor to the xp box how can i find its ip address? | 03:24 |
craigbass1976 | LiGhTMaGiCk, No idea then | 03:24 |
JDSBlueDevl | please, I need help. I can't get a scrollbar visible in some GNOME apps, yet my profile has them set to visible. I've been asking this question for a while, I've been posting this question on the forums for a while, and still no answer, not even an acknowledgment. PLEASE HELP!!!! | 03:25 |
wastrel | Mr_Sonoma: nmap your network | 03:25 |
craigbass1976 | Mr_Sonoma, you could do a packet capture. Windows networks are very chatty (what with their elections and all) and you'll find it eventually\ | 03:25 |
McRib | How would I go about removing the Java JRE installed by default and replacing it with Sun's Java JRE, Java 1.4? | 03:25 |
malsyned | JDSBlueDevl: I'm acknowledging you, but I have no idea how to fix your problem. | 03:25 |
Smegzo1 | I have a remote XDMC session working at full speed and desktop sounds work, but I get no sound when I play games. I have installed the Pulse Audio applet, and tinkered with that. Is it possible to get sound from games etc over XDMC? | 03:25 |
usser | McRib, why would u want to go an older version of java? | 03:26 |
McRib | usser: Frostwire apparently requires it. | 03:26 |
danbhfive | who was the person who needed medibuntu help? | 03:26 |
wastrel | McRib: you can install multiple versions of java side by side | 03:26 |
McRib | usser: I've been able to install Frostware on Gutsy and below by installing sun-java6-jre, but now Frostwire is complaining about not being able to find Java. | 03:26 |
usser | McRib, or better | 03:27 |
wastrel | McRib: then choose the one you want with sudo update-alternatives --config java | 03:27 |
usser | McRib, ^ | 03:27 |
LabThug | Mr_Sonoma, if you have one of those Linksys routers, they usually print out a list of machines and IPs on their status page | 03:27 |
Fritzel | regarding .gvfs how's this for wierd | 03:27 |
McRib | wastrel: Wow..that did it. I've never heard of update-alternatives. Thank you :) | 03:28 |
malsyned | Fritzel: looks like the process that was providing the data to the mount point has died. | 03:28 |
Mr_Sonoma | I have an Ativa | 03:28 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | ubuntu recognizes my sound card but i have no sound "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 03:28 |
Fritzel | malsyned, being that I have no idea why it's even there, a reboot could clear it up? | 03:29 |
STSX | bullgard1: Thanks for the clarification--but does it find programs within packages? That's what CASmith claims apt-file does. | 03:29 |
LabThug | Mr_Sonoma, never used that type. Does it have a web interface? | 03:29 |
malsyned | Fritzel: likely just a log out/log in would do it. | 03:29 |
LabThug | Mr_Sonoma, you could also try to list the name instead of the IP | 03:29 |
Mr_Sonoma | yes it does but not as detailed as a linksys/cisco | 03:29 |
Fritzel | malsyned, I've done that several times now | 03:29 |
judgepg | LiGhTMaGiCk, try this: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options | 03:29 |
judgepg | add these lines: | 03:29 |
judgepg | options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 model=3stack model=laptop | 03:29 |
judgepg | options snd-hda-intel index=0 probe_mask=3 position_fix=3 model=laptop | 03:29 |
airstrike | hello | 03:29 |
mono_james | <LiGhTMaGiCk> open up alsamixer and unmute pcm | 03:29 |
judgepg | mono_james, yup and then unmute pcm | 03:30 |
airstrike | how can i go about adding custom icons to ubuntu? like for the folders and all those system icons.. (preferably these: | 03:30 |
malsyned | Fritzel: That's weird. A reboot may do it. I thought that that mount point was created every time you logged in. | 03:31 |
Locke_Watts | Why is it that even though 8.04 ships with nVidia networking drivers my nForce adapter cannot connect to the internet? | 03:31 |
drivetrax | gparted is carving down my huge /opt file directory, and making a new partition to the end of disk | 03:31 |
Fritzel | malsyned, if I knew how to stop it from even showing up I would I have no network mounts except my ipod and it doesn't seem to be related | 03:32 |
Cyni1 | hello all, I'm wondering if anyone knows the actual package name for the "Add/Remove Programs" program in ubuntu? i'm currently running linux mint on my laptop here, and i want to add that functionality if possible | 03:32 |
Fritzel | er wait could virtualbox cause that sort of connection? | 03:32 |
Fritzel | malsyned, ^^ | 03:32 |
malsyned | Fritzel: not positive how to shut it down, but hopefully the Gnome guys have some docs on GVFS on their site. | 03:32 |
Fritzel | malsyned, -nod- | 03:33 |
matt____ | I am considering adding a "support" feature to my blog. First I want to see the quality of the service. would someone mind going into a private channel and helping me test it? If so, tell me now. | 03:33 |
malsyned | Fritzel: it's a fairly new subsystem, I'm not sure what it's being used for yet. Mostly, I think, for when you go to Places -> Connect to Server | 03:33 |
Helios | Hey guys, I'm running the newest version of ubuntu in a virtualbox on linux - I'm having a hard time accessing shares (namely I want to run apache on the virtualbox and use that as my test enviroment) - any ideas what could be causing the issue? I'm able to see the shares from my XP machine, but not my vista one - I hear updating samba helps but I'm unsure how to :S | 03:33 |
mgolisch | is it normal to have a itunes something plugin in ff3? | 03:33 |
Helios | on vista* | 03:34 |
f0rmat | hi i have been trying to make my system so that when i add a user through Users settings it will automatically be only able to access ~ | 03:34 |
Fritzel | malsyned, well I'll try the reboot then, thanks for the help | 03:34 |
malsyned | Fritzel: no problem. | 03:35 |
fabian32 | can you get around it by using an ftp server instead? | 03:35 |
wastrel | airstrike: that's not an icon set, those are just a bunch of images. | 03:35 |
thinman1189 | i went to check the integrity of an ubuntu dvd i burned to update to hardy and it's been well over 2 hours and the status bar hasn't filled up at all. do i just assume that it's corrupt? | 03:36 |
fabian32 | yo Helios | 03:36 |
chetnick | guys any tool for ubuntu to mount .cue .bin files? | 03:36 |
mgolisch | thinman1189: what does vt 4 say? | 03:36 |
fabian32 | does it have to be samba? | 03:36 |
fabian32 | also check the workgroup and firewall on the vista machine | 03:36 |
shambuku | I did an update for 8.04 it started removing all kde 4 | 03:36 |
thinman1189 | vt 4? | 03:37 |
mgolisch | yeah pres alt+f4 | 03:37 |
Helios | Well its running on loopback so I doubt its the firewall :S | 03:37 |
wastrel | Cyni1: synaptic | 03:37 |
mgolisch | and look what it displays on the log terminal | 03:37 |
shambuku | i was left with just a shell | 03:37 |
shambuku | this was useing adept so watchout | 03:37 |
Felip1 | olá | 03:37 |
thinman1189 | buffer i/o error on device sr), logical block 1652577 | 03:37 |
thinman1189 | and again for 2 more blocks | 03:37 |
mgolisch | yeah | 03:38 |
Felip1 | hello | 03:38 |
thinman1189 | so it's corrupt | 03:38 |
mgolisch | i had the same, my install just stoped ater half, but it worked all well with the second try | 03:38 |
Felip1 | i need some help. where can i find drivers for my realtek onboard soundcard? | 03:38 |
mgolisch | Felip1: what card is it? | 03:38 |
thinman1189 | damn, it's the image not the cd. this one passed nero's check but i had other two that failed and said the same error for bad sectors. | 03:38 |
Cyni1 | wastrel: synaptic is present, i'm wondering about the simple add/remove from the Applications menu in ubuntu | 03:38 |
Felip1 | the motherboard is a MSI 945gcm5 v2 | 03:39 |
f0rmat | i have been trying to make my system so that when i add a user through Users settings it will automatically be only able to access ~ | 03:39 |
chetnick | guys any tool for ubuntu to mount .cue .bin files? | 03:39 |
danbhfive | shambuku: i think you need to make sure that kubuntu-desktop is installed | 03:39 |
mgolisch | Felip1: i dont care, whats the sound chip? do lspci to find out | 03:39 |
ramiel77 | this is going to sound like a dumb question, i moved files using nautilus under root and now they are locked under normal nautilus, how do i unlock them for all users? | 03:39 |
Felip1 | ispci? | 03:39 |
thinman1189 | mgolischa: what should i do? retorrent the image? | 03:39 |
Mr_Sonoma | no joy that way either | 03:39 |
danbhfive | ramiel77: all users? or just your user? | 03:39 |
mgolisch | Felip1: no lspci its an l not an i | 03:40 |
ramiel77 | danbhfive, i am the only user so it doesn't matter | 03:40 |
wastrel | Cyni1: gnome-app-install | 03:40 |
mgolisch | thinman1189: ist it reaky broken? as i said i had the same while installing, starting the install a second time using the same cd worked | 03:40 |
danbhfive | ramiel77: sudo chown ramiel77:ramiel77 -R folder | 03:40 |
makario | Does anyone use Elisa? I can't get DVD playback to work. | 03:41 |
ramiel77 | danbhfive, it's a group of folders, do i need to do them one by one? | 03:41 |
mgolisch | makario: i use it but never tried dvds | 03:41 |
mgolisch | just use it watch my anime movies | 03:41 |
mgolisch | :9 | 03:41 |
Felip1 | in the motherboard manual, it says that my audio is realtek ALC883 OR ALC888 | 03:41 |
danbhfive | makario: have you install libdvdcss? | 03:41 |
Felip1 | but i dont know which one... | 03:41 |
Cyni1 | wastrel: thanks! i'm hoping to help out a buddy who is new to linux, and that's the easiest installer i've found. | 03:41 |
makario | danbhfive: Yes, DVD's play fine in Totem. (Sort of.) | 03:42 |
danbhfive | ramiel77: maybe? maybe you can type in the names of all the folders | 03:42 |
mgolisch | Felip1: why dont you just do the freaking lspci? | 03:42 |
Felip1 | i dont know what this is =( | 03:42 |
=== iRRVi is now known as UntitledDocument | ||
mgolisch | its a command what else | 03:42 |
Felip1 | oh...ok... | 03:43 |
Felip1 | hum... | 03:43 |
Felip1 | where do i write it? | 03:43 |
mgolisch | just look for the audio device there | 03:43 |
Felip1 | (im 100%noob ='( | 03:43 |
drivetrax | terminal | 03:43 |
mgolisch | yeah terminal | 03:43 |
mgolisch | start gnome-terminal or konsole when on kde | 03:43 |
Ashfire908 | Where would the appropriate place to put the auth password files for the main website at the default of /var/www (Ubuntu server of course.) | 03:43 |
drivetrax | it tell you your devices | 03:43 |
thinman1189 | mgolisch: well it didn't finish the internal check after 2 hrs, and when i burned other dvd's nero said it failed and referenced the same sectors. | 03:44 |
Felip1 | ok, i will try to find it...just one min | 03:44 |
=== UntitledDocument is now known as iRRVi | ||
mgolisch | thinman1189: maybe its broken, id try to do a md5sum check | 03:44 |
wastrel | applications > accessories > terminal | 03:44 |
wastrel | or alt-f2 and type "gnome-terminal" | 03:44 |
SeaPhor | thinman1189, try lowering the write speed | 03:45 |
chrislabeard | Hey guys is there a program that lets me see my NTFS drives? | 03:45 |
Felip1 | ok.found it. my ubuntu is in portuguese | 03:45 |
thinman1189 | ok, thanks | 03:45 |
Felip1 | im from brazil.....but i might consider changing it to english | 03:45 |
SeaPhor | thinman1189, try lowering the write speed to lowest | 03:45 |
billenium | Im thinking of starting an IRC server. Whats a good ircd? | 03:45 |
thinman1189 | SeaPhor: okay, thanks | 03:46 |
drivetrax | chrislabeard, do you have two drives? | 03:46 |
mgolisch | do you have that itunes something plugin in ff3 too? | 03:46 |
mgolisch | it confuses me that this thing is installed | 03:46 |
chrislabeard | drivetrax: yes one is ntfs and the other is fat32 | 03:46 |
mgolisch | whats is it for? theres no itunes for linux is it? | 03:46 |
heirrook | chrislabeard: ntfs-3g | 03:46 |
drivetrax | chrislabeard, I see my drive as 'local disk' | 03:46 |
chrislabeard | what is ntfs 3g | 03:47 |
drivetrax | ntsf 3g allows Ubuntu/Linux to write to ntfs | 03:47 |
chrislabeard | oh alright | 03:47 |
chrislabeard | im sorry the ntfs drive is an external | 03:47 |
chrislabeard | that shouldn't make a different should it | 03:48 |
chrislabeard | difference* | 03:48 |
drivetrax | chrislabeard, -- weird, cas.. I can drag and drop files from ubuntu into the first drive I have | 03:48 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | please help I have no sound its not muted or turned down and my card is recognized | 03:48 |
heirrook | chrislabeard: it will stil work, just make sure /etc/fstab mount type is ntfs-3g | 03:48 |
wastrel | are your speakers connected? | 03:48 |
Fezzler | Is there a command line command that I can redirect ttyUSB0 to COM1? | 03:48 |
Felip1 | Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) | 03:48 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | yes its a laptop | 03:48 |
eeboy | I am trying to automatically mount my NTFS share. I've added... '/dev/sda5/media/Shared ntfs defaults 0 0' to my /etc/fstab but it yields... NTFS signature is missing. | 03:49 |
eeboy | Failed to mount '/dev/sda5': Invalid argument | 03:49 |
eeboy | The device '/dev/sda5' doesn't have a valid NTFS. | 03:49 |
airstrike | wastrel: i assume they can be used for the system icons anyway, right? | 03:49 |
eeboy | Any suggestions? | 03:49 |
Fezzler | Or have Ubuntu trick ttyUSB0 to thinking it is COM1? | 03:49 |
Zigara | hey, I have a Dell XPS m1530 and i'm having issues with the internal microphone, i have it set to digital input,etc but you can just barely hear anything recorded from the microphone, i have the recording volume at max too | 03:49 |
Felip1 | so, where can i find the drivers for that? | 03:49 |
Zigara | any ideas? | 03:49 |
mgolisch | Felip1: and you sound doesnt work? | 03:49 |
Felip1 | nope =( | 03:49 |
SeaPhor | thinman1189, and do a md5sum check | 03:49 |
mgolisch | Felip1: what happens if you type alsamixer in a terminal? | 03:49 |
Fezzler | I'm using DOSBOX with an old DOS program that needs to access COM1. But I have the USB-to-Serial cable on ttyUSB0 | 03:50 |
Felip1 | we'll see | 03:50 |
wastrel | airstrike: afaik the only way to do that is to create a properly structured icon theme. | 03:50 |
StevenTyler | how do I install jre-1_5_0_15-linux-i586.bin? I did ./jre-1_5_0_15-linux-i586.bin, it just created a dir, not really installed it. | 03:50 |
chetnick | guys any tool for ubuntu to mount .cue .bin files? | 03:50 |
Fritzel | is there a program out there that lets me monitor incoming and outgoing bandwidth usage and includes program name | 03:50 |
Felip1 | is opens a window | 03:50 |
airstrike | got any how-to's on that? | 03:50 |
chrislabeard | heirrook: hey my friend is going to get in that is actually having the problem | 03:51 |
Felip1 | thats shows a volume bar | 03:51 |
drivetrax | Okay.. I just repartitioned/re-sized the /opt directory.. how do I tell it to get the name back /opt | 03:51 |
mike | im having a problem connecting my ntfs external drive to hardy | 03:51 |
Felip1 | and stuff like that | 03:51 |
wastrel | airstrike: check i dunno | 03:51 |
Felip1 | and chip realtek 888 | 03:51 |
drivetrax | and, I need to name the new partion | 03:51 |
mgolisch | Felip1: then you sound driver is loaded | 03:51 |
mike | and i already have ntfs-3g | 03:51 |
fabian32 | what does Syntax error: "(" unexpected typically mean? | 03:51 |
fabian32 | im trying to run a game, and badly it seems | 03:51 |
drivetrax | do i need to mount something | 03:51 |
mgolisch | Felip1: have a look at the channel volume bars, is there two green 00 under the main/pcm thing? or does it have MM ? | 03:51 |
mike | heirrook, im having a problem connecting my ntfs external drive to hardy | 03:52 |
Onyx | I've got a weird issue... for some reason, audio playback is consistently failing with smplayer (my preferred video playback option), but works just fine with mplayer. Does anyone know how I might be able to fix this? | 03:52 |
=== Carbonflux is now known as skin_job | ||
wastrel | fabian32: what command did you run? | 03:52 |
Felip1 | neither | 03:52 |
mgolisch | Onyx: it might not be set to use pulseaudio by default | 03:52 |
fabian32 | sh quake2max | 03:52 |
ripps | What's up y'all | 03:53 |
fabian32 | trying to make quake 2 work | 03:53 |
heirrook | mike: connect the drive, do sudo fdisk -l, check what the drive name is ex. /dev/sda1, then edit /etc/fstab | 03:53 |
Onyx | mgolisch: Where can I change that? | 03:53 |
mgolisch | Felip1: what does it show then? cann you make a screenshot? | 03:53 |
Felip1 | ok | 03:53 |
mrynit | I am using 8.04 on a Dell inspiron 1420n and my sound was not working. I followed this to get my sound back. Sound only working using LinDVD. NO other application i have can play audio back. | 03:53 |
mgolisch | Onyx: no idea, dont use that player | 03:53 |
=== skin_job is now known as Carbonflux | ||
Fezzler | can I redirect ttyUSB0 to COM1? | 03:53 |
StevenTyler | help help | 03:53 |
wastrel | fabian32: try bash quake2max instead maybe | 03:53 |
ashbringer | I just installed 8.04 on an old computer with a 28-bit BIOS limit (without realizing it had it) and now I'm getting grub error 18. If I move my /boot to the top of my disk, will I be able to boot into windows? | 03:54 |
Felip1 | how do i sent it to you? | 03:54 |
airstrike | thanks, wastrel | 03:54 |
Felip1 | send* | 03:54 |
DrivenMad | Maybe some will know, I check the FAQ adn dident find anything. I am trying to install ubuntu 8 Destop to a E-Vectra terminal box. it is doing something but all i get is a blank screen. Is there an install command taht i can add to fix this? | 03:54 |
mike | k | 03:54 |
mgolisch | Felip1: upload it somewhere, on somehting like imageshack | 03:54 |
evilmnky204 | Does anybody have any good ways to connect and modify songs on their iPod touch on 7.10? | 03:54 |
heirrook | have ntfs-3g installed first though, linux kernel support is poor for writing to ntfs | 03:55 |
thinman1189 | SeaPhor: i'm not sure how to | 03:55 |
heirrook | mike | 03:55 |
banana21 | I just installed hardy on a computer running an ATI X850XT and the GPU fan constantly revs up and down. The card seems to get really hot for just sitting at the desktop too. Is there a way of fixing this? I am using the drivers from the restricted driver manager. | 03:55 |
mike | yea | 03:55 |
mike | ? | 03:55 |
mike | k its /dev/sdc1 | 03:55 |
mike | how do i go about editing it so that it becomes that | 03:56 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | please help I have no sound on my gateway laptop its not muted or turned down and my card is recognized "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 03:56 |
Hagane | how do I extract certain file (one) from archive ? | 03:56 |
heirrook | mike: do you have ntfs-3g install "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g" | 03:56 |
mgolisch | Hagane: using what archiver? | 03:56 |
mike | yes | 03:57 |
ripps | banana21: Are you using Compiz? | 03:57 |
mike | but i have no folder labeled /etc/fstab | 03:57 |
Hagane | mgolisch, tar.gz | 03:57 |
banana21 | I did enable it, but it started before I even enabled it | 03:57 |
mgolisch | banana21: have alook at top, it will tell you whats hogging your cpu | 03:57 |
heirrook | mike: are you in terminal? | 03:57 |
mike | rgr | 03:57 |
Hagane | mgolisch, any archiver that handles tar.gz :] | 03:57 |
ashbringer | Would anyone be able to tell me if moving my /boot partition above where my windows partition is would "corrupt" or otherwise damage my ability to boot into windows? | 03:58 |
mgolisch | Hagane: using the default gnome gui file-roller should do it | 03:58 |
SeaPhor | thinman1189, you downloaded the image from ubuntu, right? | 03:58 |
mgolisch | Hagane: you can extrat single files | 03:58 |
mrynit | linDVD is the only aplication that can play sound for sound files and video files. How can i get my other programs to play back sound? | 03:58 |
Felip1 | i dont have an acc at imageshack...or at anything like it.. | 03:58 |
thinman1189 | seaphor: through ubuntu's torrent page | 03:58 |
Felip1 | can i send it to your e-mail? | 03:58 |
mgolisch | Myrtti: Felip1 rapidshare? | 03:58 |
mgolisch | ups | 03:58 |
SeaPhor | thinman1189, and you burned at slowest speed? | 03:58 |
kgx | is there any particular reason the hardy dvd goes into busybox on startup? only happens on my desktop, works fine on the laptop | 03:59 |
mike | heirrook, i just attempted installing ntfs-3g and i already have the latest version | 03:59 |
kgx | !busybox | 03:59 |
ubottu | Factoid busybox not found | 03:59 |
ripps | ashbringer: You shouldn't be moving your partitions around | 03:59 |
Hagane | mgolisch, oh no.. I meant any but using terminal :] | 03:59 |
Felip1 | if it needs an acc, i dont have it. does it? | 03:59 |
thinman1189 | SeaPhor: i haven't burned a new one yet, i'm about to. | 03:59 |
mike | and yes im in terminal | 03:59 |
mgolisch | mrynit: find out what it does different, mostlikely it uses a different output plugin | 03:59 |
SeaPhor | thinman1189, ok, try with that one, and we'll see | 03:59 |
heirrook | mike: so you don't have an fstab folder? | 03:59 |
seri | server | 03:59 |
ashbringer | ripps: I need to, grub is giving me error 18, so my /boot needs to be within a certain part of the drive. If I move it up past the windows partition, will that kill windows? | 04:00 |
heirrook | file I mean | 04:00 |
mrynit | mgolisch: how? | 04:00 |
CaptainPlanet | How do I share a folder as admin? | 04:00 |
CaptainPlanet | s/admin/root | 04:00 |
Felip1 | =) im uploading | 04:00 |
mike | heirrook: no i dont have it | 04:00 |
heirrook | type "locate fstab" | 04:00 |
Felip1 | | 04:00 |
wastrel | CaptainPlanet: never use root | 04:00 |
DrivenMad | Ok i have tryed the vga-711 and no acpi options.. but still no go | 04:01 |
Felip1 | there. i think... | 04:01 |
mgolisch | Hagane: read the manpage | 04:01 |
CaptainPlanet | How the hell do I share this folder then, wastrel? | 04:01 |
mrynit | Felip1: | 04:01 |
mike | heirrook: i am a moron, i was looking for a folder, and its a file...duh | 04:01 |
mgolisch | Myrtti: by looking at its settings? | 04:01 |
mike | i have it | 04:01 |
Lokii- | hrm | 04:01 |
ripps | ashbringer: I woudn't know, but it would probably change your partition names. Instead of Windows being sda1, it'll be sda2. Best to ask someone else about it though | 04:01 |
Lokii- | so whats new in 8.04 thats not in 7.10 ? | 04:01 |
Lokii- | i just did my dist upgrade | 04:01 |
mrynit | mgolisch: name is mrynit | 04:01 |
Hagane | mgolisch, ... why did you ask "using what manager" ? :/ | 04:01 |
SeaPhor | DrivenMad, have you deleted "quiet" and "splash"? | 04:01 |
ashbringer | Well, would anyone know if moving another parition above my windows parition would damage the windows bootloader? | 04:02 |
Felip1 | its here | 04:02 |
heirrook | mike: then edit as root the file and when you have it open let me know | 04:02 |
wastrel | CaptainPlanet: right click the folder > sharing options | 04:02 |
heirrook | mike: you said /dev/sdc1 right? | 04:02 |
CaptainPlanet | It says "Could not change permissions", wastrel | 04:02 |
Onyx | How can I set smplayer to use esd audio? | 04:03 |
SeaPhor | DrivenMad, and it should be " vga=771" not 711 | 04:03 |
mike | right | 04:03 |
usser | Lokii-, its mostly just updated packages and wubi | 04:03 |
wastrel | CaptainPlanet: this is not a folder in your home directory? | 04:03 |
heirrook | mike: then put this at the bottom: /dev/sda1 /media/external ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 04:03 |
heirrook | all in one line of course | 04:03 |
judgepg | folks, any ideas on how I can start apache at boot? | 04:03 |
Felip1 | u got it? | 04:03 |
CaptainPlanet | wastrel : No I want to share /opt/lampp/htdocs | 04:03 |
Zigara | anyone here with a dell xps m1530? | 04:03 |
mgolisch | Felip1: thats ok none of them is muted | 04:04 |
mgolisch | Felip1: and you dont get any sound? | 04:04 |
Felip1 | o.o' | 04:04 |
heirrook | mike: if you are not familiar with that line of stuff, then it will mount the external to /media/external | 04:04 |
Felip1 | well, i just tried at the starcraft 2 website.. | 04:04 |
frank_b | does anyone else has/had the problem of not being able to see the trash icon on the bottom panel bar? | 04:04 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | please help I have no sound on my gateway laptop its not muted or turned down and my card is recognized "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 04:04 |
mgolisch | starcraft website? | 04:04 |
wastrel | CaptainPlanet: do you have permission to view those files? | 04:04 |
heirrook | mike: so you can change mount location or make sure to mkdir /media/external | 04:04 |
Felip1 | is there some audio sample in my linux? | 04:05 |
CaptainPlanet | wastrel : Yes? I also have root access | 04:05 |
mike | heirrock: so actually how am i supposed to set my permissions to root when im in a file | 04:05 |
wastrel | never use root | 04:05 |
mgolisch | Felip1: yeah in /usr/share/sounds/ | 04:05 |
CaptainPlanet | You've said that | 04:05 |
mgolisch | use aplay to play one of them | 04:05 |
CaptainPlanet | But you're yet to help or convince me | 04:05 |
mgolisch | then use paplay and try that too | 04:05 |
wastrel | well i don't use shared folders. | 04:05 |
heirrook | mike: not permissions, type "sudo nano /etc/fstab" | 04:05 |
mike | oh | 04:06 |
mike | \ok | 04:06 |
Felip1 | hum...the music sample worked..... | 04:06 |
mgolisch | so you have sound | 04:06 |
CaptainPlanet | In others words you can't help me, wastrel? | 04:06 |
Felip1 | i wonder if i was doing something wrong...geez | 04:06 |
Felip1 | i will try the website again | 04:06 |
mgolisch | did you upgrade? | 04:06 |
mgolisch | did you install the flashplayer manualy? in your homedir? | 04:07 |
mgolisch | i think flash uses oss by default | 04:07 |
Felip1 | =) its working!! | 04:07 |
mgolisch | lol | 04:07 |
mgolisch | :) | 04:07 |
wastrel | CaptainPlanet: what are the ownership & permissions on the htdocs folder? | 04:07 |
PhilH | any ideas why partitions on an external usb drive would be inaccessible to non-root users when automounted? | 04:07 |
Felip1 | thx so much! im my windows i had to search for the driver and shit, and in was here already | 04:08 |
mike | heirrook: so if i am in terminal viewing this file, how do i write to it | 04:08 |
CaptainPlanet | Owner: nobody group: root | 04:08 |
mike | heirrook: or save it | 04:08 |
heirrook | mike: you press ctrl+x and then yes | 04:09 |
mgolisch | Felip1: sure | 04:09 |
Felip1 | well, thx, very very much.i will intall my video driver now. can u tell me if there is a cool and class A game for linux? | 04:09 |
Felip1 | install* | 04:09 |
PhilH | mike, Ctrl + o if you don't want to quit immediately | 04:09 |
mike | ok | 04:09 |
raphen | hello | 04:09 |
mgolisch | Felip1: i dont play games on my comp, for that i have various game consoles | 04:09 |
heirrook | mike: after you changed it. then when it asks if you want to write say yes | 04:09 |
mgolisch | but mostlikely any title from id software will work on linux | 04:09 |
mike | heirrook: is there anything else i need to do after i do that | 04:09 |
PhilH | Felip1, what do you consider to be class A? | 04:09 |
adante | has anybody installed wine rc1? how do you do it? | 04:10 |
Felip1 | hum....bioshock.... | 04:10 |
heirrook | mike: yes then type sudo mount -a | 04:10 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | please help I have no sound on my gateway laptop its not muted or turned down and my card is recognized "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 04:10 |
spork969 | how do i convert a mp4 video to a gif? | 04:10 |
Felip1 | games that win prizes in the megazines... | 04:10 |
SeaPhor | CaptainPlanet, the people here are here by choice, not paid, just trying to help others, be nice- EVEN WHEN they dont know all of the answers to YOUR problem. | 04:10 |
heirrook | mike: when you type sudo mount -a does it say nothing? | 04:10 |
PhilH | Felip1, there's doom3, UT2k4, but i tend to play Tremulous myself | 04:10 |
mike | it says i dont have a device | 04:11 |
mike | etc | 04:11 |
Dr_willis | I just finished bioshock. It was very well done. but after hrs + of 'creepiness' i got burnt out. :) | 04:11 |
Magus_X | Felip1: Wine | 04:11 |
Felip1 | hum....thx | 04:11 |
mike | wait | 04:11 |
iRRVi | bye bye | 04:11 |
Dr_willis | I hope valve ports all the Halflife games over soon. :) | 04:11 |
CaptainPlanet | I realise that, SeaPhor - and I appreciate help, but when someone tells you "dont use root" and doesn't offer any real help, it's rather frustrating >.< | 04:11 |
Magus_X | Dr_willis: that is only a rumor | 04:11 |
LaneLimited | please anyone, how can i install this file? | 04:11 |
heirrook | mike: you must have typed in etc in the file /etc/fstab | 04:11 |
Magus_X | no one knows if they are really porting them | 04:11 |
iRRVi | Dr_willis: dont get yer hopes up | 04:11 |
Dr_willis | Magus_X, yep. we will have to see. | 04:11 |
Zigara | btw | 04:11 |
raphen | i am trying to upgrade ubuntu 6.06 to the new 8.04 version. i am following directions from a website and when i do Press Alt-F2 and type gksu "update-manager -d" a message in the bottom bar says that an admin apllication is opening, it moves a little and then goes away and no application or window opens | 04:11 |
Magus_X | btw | 04:11 |
Zigara | the register on the forums is broken | 04:11 |
mike | heirrook: it says /dev/sda2 doesnt have a valid NTFS | 04:12 |
Magus_X | they work flawless in wine | 04:12 |
PhilH | LaneLimited, just install from the repository | 04:12 |
mike | i was way off | 04:12 |
Zigara | nvm works now | 04:12 |
LaneLimited | PhilH: thanks | 04:12 |
heirrook | mike: sorry replace sda2 with what your drive name was | 04:12 |
mgolisch | raphen: start in a terminal | 04:12 |
Dr_willis | Magus_X, given the # of people is ee in here ashing how to get them going in wine.. i wouldent say its flawless.. :) but they can work with wine. | 04:12 |
mike | yea | 04:12 |
mike | whoops | 04:12 |
SeaPhor | CaptainPlanet, theres a reson they say that and if you stick with this long enough you will know it too,,, there's no reason to use root, you have all you need | 04:13 |
Magus_X | Dr_willis: yeah but well, it works | 04:13 |
mgolisch | :( | 04:14 |
mike | heirrook: ok now it says failed to mount because NTFS is shown to be in use | 04:14 |
DrivenMad | That is true, some apps accually just use the regualr account.. adn some like kismet will use root access jsut for a second, then go back to regualr account | 04:14 |
raphen | i did the same command in the terminal and recieve sudo: unable to lookup raphen-laptop via gethostbyname() | 04:14 |
raphen | message | 04:14 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | please help I have no sound on my gateway laptop its not muted or turned down and my card is recognized "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 04:14 |
heirrook | mike: when you plugged in the drive did you show anything? | 04:15 |
wastrel | CaptainPlanet: the right way to do this would involve adding the share to /etc/samba/smb.conf i don't know why the gui tool is carping about permisisons since i don't know how it works. samba in general gives me a headache. | 04:15 |
mgolisch | raphen: ok then the problem is that you have raphen-laptop set as your hostname but didnt provide any mapping for that in your hosts files | 04:15 |
CaptainPlanet | Can anyone help me set up ubuntu networking? I'm running the latest ubuntu on a virtualBox inside Vista home. I can access the internet etc from the ubuntu 'state' but I can't share anything/access files from either. Anyone got any ideas/guides I can look at in regards to this issue? | 04:15 |
CaptainPlanet | Ok, thanks wastrel | 04:15 |
scotiobade2 | does anyone know how to get an ipod touch to sync up with linux? or if it even possible. | 04:16 |
mgolisch | CaptainPlanet: thats cause the std network config is nat | 04:16 |
wastrel | !ipod | scotiobade2 | 04:16 |
ubottu | scotiobade2: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 04:16 |
scotiobade2 | oh thanks | 04:16 |
Dr_willis | CaptainPlanet, i normally install samba and ssh in side the virtual os. then the 2 machines can access each other normally. | 04:16 |
heirrook | mike: did it have a popup window that said "view in new window"? | 04:16 |
raphen | ok that makes sense sins i just made the hosts file to not hit all those ad sites | 04:16 |
LaneLimited | PhilH: I already have the file, Synaptic manager is gonna download it.... can i install from my file or should i just let it download? | 04:16 |
Dr_willis | I do tend to use vmware, not sure how virtualbox differs in that area. | 04:16 |
mike | heirrook: ok i think ive made progress, now it's just saying im not privledged to mount the drive | 04:16 |
LaneLimited | PhilH: NVM, it's going fast..... i can wait 1 min for 100 mb's... =) | 04:16 |
heirrook | did you type sudo mount -a? | 04:17 |
Felip1 | oh nooooo | 04:17 |
mike | heirrook: i just followed some instructions it gave me in terminal, and when i click on it in computer it just tells me i dont have permissions to open it | 04:17 |
LabThug | ahhh, this caused my missing "face browser" problem: | 04:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228931 in bash "/bin/bash not in /etc/shells, causing login window/fast user switch applet hilarity" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 04:17 |
mike | heirrook: i mean privledged | 04:17 |
Felip1 | in the nvidia website, it seems that there is no video driver for me =( | 04:17 |
wastrel | what's a face browser? | 04:17 |
heirrook | mike: how are you trying to access it? | 04:17 |
mgolisch | Felip1: ?? just use the one from the restricted driver manager | 04:18 |
Felip1 | i have a geforce 9600 gt | 04:18 |
LabThug | wastrel, it shows each username with a pic so you can click it | 04:18 |
LabThug | wife and kids love it | 04:18 |
mike | heirrook: just through computer | 04:18 |
heirrook | mike: go to /media/external (if that is where you mounted it?) | 04:18 |
LabThug | I updated bash today. I guess that's what removed it | 04:18 |
Magus_X | Ok i have a small problem on my friend's computer | 04:18 |
mgolisch | Felip1: 9600gt? never heard of that | 04:18 |
wastrel | never heard of it. interesting. | 04:18 |
mgolisch | only know 8600 8800 | 04:18 |
Felip1 | restricted driver manager? | 04:18 |
Felip1 | 9600 gt...100% positive | 04:18 |
Felip1 | its new.....kind of | 04:19 |
Felip1 | what is the restricted driver manager? | 04:19 |
Magus_X | We tried to install the 8.04 through auto isntall but we are stuck on this image ttp:// , but it is only one hdd, and when we installed on the right one, it didn't boot | 04:19 |
Felip1 | where can i find it? | 04:19 |
SeaPhor | bazhang, if someone is not actually running Ubuntu, on a virtualBox inside Vista home, isn't that like not supported here? | 04:19 |
mike | heirrook: uh nah i erased what we had earlier bc ubuntu gave me some directions to put /dev/sdc1 /media/external ntfs-3g force 0 0 on there | 04:19 |
mgolisch | Felip1: it manages restricted(nonfree/notopensource) drivers | 04:19 |
Dr_willis | Felip1, normally thers an icon on the top right panel that has info on it. or its in the menus. | 04:19 |
mike | which still seems to have /media/external doesnt it | 04:19 |
dmatador | hello everyon i'm having a problem that (i think) is really easy to fix i'm just missing something. i followed a tutorial to share my internet connection and now it's not working at all | 04:19 |
mike | but theres no "external" in the media folder | 04:20 |
mgolisch | Felip1: you can find it under System-Administration somewhere | 04:20 |
Dr_willis | i wonder if there shouldent just be a First Time Startup-wizard to walk people through a lot of this stuff.. :() | 04:20 |
dmatador | the tutorial had me use netmasq and shit | 04:20 |
Felip1 | ok, i will check it out | 04:20 |
heirrook | mike: type sudo mkdir /media/external | 04:20 |
Dr_willis | !ics | 04:20 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 04:20 |
dmatador | i don't know but now i can't go to any sites at all. it doesn't even try to find one it just automatically says cannot be found | 04:20 |
mgolisch | dmatador: ?? | 04:20 |
mike | heirrook: and then do i need to go back and re-edit the file? | 04:21 |
dmatador | ok but i don't need to share the connection anymore, i just want the internet working on that computer again | 04:21 |
heirrook | mike: no after that just do sudo mount -a again | 04:21 |
dmatador | i fucked something up, now i have to fix it somehow and revert to how it was before | 04:21 |
Magus_X | Felip1: i got a 8600GT, 100% positive for it const | 04:21 |
Magus_X | *cost | 04:21 |
dmatador | i can show you the link for the exact codes i put in if that would help | 04:21 |
mike | heirrook: woohoo! it works thanks man! | 04:21 |
dmatador | i think that for some reason firefox might be trying to use a wired connection now, instead of the wifi like i want it to | 04:21 |
mgolisch | dmatador: do that | 04:22 |
mike | heirrook: i can read and write to this now? think i'll encounter any issues? | 04:22 |
dmatador | ok hang on | 04:22 |
mgolisch | mike: usualy not | 04:22 |
dmatador | i followed the directions in this thread: | 04:22 |
mgolisch | mike: it may have problems if the drive was ejected roughly before | 04:22 |
dmatador | and thank you for helping me, whether or not you can figure it out | 04:22 |
heirrook | mike: no problem. the only thing is if you disconnect the drive, put a # in front of that line in /etc/fstab if you don't use it often | 04:22 |
dmatador | wasn't sure if anybody woul in here or not, haven't been in the channel before | 04:22 |
mike | oh | 04:23 |
heirrook | mike: then just erase the # when you want to plug it in and do the sudo mount -a command | 04:23 |
mike | heirrook: can i eject it like another removable media then? | 04:23 |
heirrook | you may need to go into terminal and type sudo umount /media/external | 04:23 |
mgolisch | not realy as its a builtin drive you will allways need to give your passwd | 04:23 |
mgolisch | i think | 04:24 |
heirrook | mike: this will unmount it | 04:24 |
babolat | how do i make DNS changes in my network settings. having dynamic IP addressing, my DNS change every time i reboot. | 04:24 |
mgolisch | dmatador: but you connection works? | 04:24 |
SeaPhor | dmatador, hey, just if you want help, please watch the language, they'll boot ya. ;-) | 04:24 |
mike | heirrook: ok thanks! | 04:24 |
heirrook | yep | 04:24 |
mike | do i put # on the file before or after i unmount | 04:25 |
amenado | babolat-> thats dhcp for you, it can dole out a diff ip addr everytime | 04:25 |
Lycus | I'm trying to mount an HFS USB drive - not sure what it's /dev/ assignment is, how can I list all HDDs in /dev/ ? | 04:25 |
dmatador | mgolisch: no it doesn't work, i'm on another computer right now | 04:26 |
heirrook | mike: the # will just comment out the line in fstab. so if the # is there, it will act like the line is not. this is so you do not need to type that long line every time | 04:26 |
dmatador | SeaPhor sorry about that, just a habit | 04:26 |
babolat | amenado: didnt quite get you there. but i am looking at DNS clients from OpenDNS. Am I looking at the right stuff? | 04:26 |
mgolisch | dmatador: ok id get rid of ipmasq and dnsmasq first | 04:26 |
wastrel | Lycus: better is to check in your messages log - the device it's assigned will pop up when you plug it in | 04:26 |
dmatador | sudo apt-get remove ipmasq dnsmasq | 04:26 |
wastrel | Lycus: unplug the drive, tail -f /var/log/messages and plug it back in | 04:26 |
dmatador | right? | 04:26 |
mike | heirrook: i see. so that will essentially unmount the drive and then i can remove it | 04:26 |
amenado | babolat-> you have replaced your dhclient with one from opendns? | 04:27 |
mgolisch | dmatador: yeah | 04:27 |
mgolisch | remove it? | 04:27 |
SeaPhor | dmatador, it dont bother me,,, just a warning,,, they are strict here and i understand :-)) | 04:27 |
Lycus | wastrel: Ah, ok, it's sdb. | 04:27 |
mgolisch | mike: its a removable(usb) droive? | 04:27 |
heirrook | mike: not quite. if you want to remove it, do the sudo umount /media/external | 04:27 |
babolat | amenado: no. but im looking at i just want the OpenDNS nameservers to stay even after my ISP gives me new ones. | 04:27 |
mgolisch | why not use the automount foo? | 04:28 |
wastrel | babolat: check in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 04:28 |
mgolisch | if its a removable? | 04:28 |
wastrel | you can tell dhclient not to request new nameservers | 04:28 |
amenado | babolat-> once more, did you change your dhclient to use opendns client instead? | 04:28 |
dmatador | SeaPhor, yeah i'd understand if there were a lot of young children on here but i doubt there is many. other than the occasional kid who's like i was in middle school :) | 04:28 |
dmatador | mgolisch ok i did that, now what? | 04:28 |
babolat | wastrel: even changing them there still removes the OpenDNS nameservers after my ISP automatically assigns new nameservers | 04:28 |
mgolisch | dmatador: what did you use to setup the wifi? | 04:28 |
Lycus | wastrel: Would it be /dev/sdb, then? | 04:28 |
babolat | amenado: *no*. but im looking at i just want the OpenDNS nameservers to stay even after my ISP gives me new ones. | 04:29 |
erikb | Does anyone know what the md5 hash for the desktop i386 Hardy Heron ? I am having problems installing, it says that there is an i/o error and when I test the cd it says one file is bad, but k3b checked that it was consistent with the image file. BTW im in school dmatador | 04:29 |
wastrel | Lycus: if that's what you se when you plug it in, yeah | 04:29 |
amenado | babolat what exactly is the problem? | 04:29 |
dmatador | mgolisch: i used ndiswrapper and it worked fine. never could get bcm cutter or whatever to work | 04:29 |
babolat | how do i make DNS changes in my network settings. having dynamic IP addressing, my DNS change every time i reboot. | 04:29 |
Lycus | wastrel: To mount it would I modify my fstab? | 04:29 |
dmatador | mgolisch: haha well, that fixed it | 04:29 |
babolat | i want those changes to *stay* even after my ISP provides me with new nameservers | 04:29 |
dmatador | i guess i just had to remove those two packages | 04:29 |
dmatador | why do you think that is? | 04:29 |
Lycus | wastrel: it only says 'sdb' not '/dev/sdb' | 04:29 |
mgolisch | dmatador: glad it works now | 04:30 |
mgolisch | :) | 04:30 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | please help I have no sound on my gateway laptop its not muted or turned down and my card is recognized "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 04:30 |
amenado | babolat you have to look at your dhclient configs and for it to not request a new dnsserver | 04:30 |
wastrel | erikb: | 04:30 |
mgolisch | dmatador: those most likely set some weird firewall rules that where wrong or so | 04:30 |
mgolisch | no idea | 04:30 |
erikb | thanks | 04:30 |
babolat | amenado: and how pls? :) | 04:30 |
wastrel | Lycus: /dev/sdb would be it i think | 04:30 |
SeaPhor | dmatador, well sorry to contradict, but I am teaching my kids how to look for solutions and such and the watch my experience here,,, i am logged here almost every hour i am home,,, so,,,, | 04:30 |
mgolisch | irc junky! | 04:31 |
babolat | amenado: wastrel already gave me /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf .. one moment | 04:31 |
DrivenMad | Has anyone installed linux on a E-Vectra system( terminal box) ?? I keep getting blank screens | 04:31 |
amenado | babolat remove the request for domain-name-server from dhclient.conf | 04:31 |
SeaPhor | amenado, heya ya!!!! | 04:31 |
DrivenMad | I am trying to get ANY linux distro to run on these boxes to build a public wifi network :) | 04:32 |
I_N_I | ctcp [mg]-sep-037 xdcc send #6 | 04:32 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | if anyone can help me I will do an irish jig | 04:32 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> hi | 04:32 |
Lycus | damn, I get a wrong fs type | 04:32 |
babolat | amenado: a little help? which do i remove? | 04:32 |
amenado | babolat remove the request for domain-name-servers from dhclient.conf <--- look | 04:33 |
SeaPhor | amenado, thank you for your time | 04:33 |
babolat | amenado: that was from dhclient.conf | 04:34 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> you're welcome | 04:34 |
amenado | babolat affirmative | 04:34 |
=== Fam is now known as FamTung | ||
wastrel | my kid is learning how to eat with a spoon. | 04:34 |
Circuittsunami | How do I make Pcmanfm my default file manager? I'm using Xfce ubuntu 7.10 | 04:34 |
Ashfire908 | Where would the appropriate place to put the auth password files for the main website at the default of /var/www (for Ubuntu server of course.) | 04:34 |
mgolisch | Ashfire908: somewhere outside the docroot i guess | 04:35 |
Circuittsunami | How do I make Pcmanfm my default file manager? I'm using Xfce ubuntu 7.10 (P.S. I have deleted thunar so Im helpless) | 04:35 |
Ashfire908 | mgolisch, I already knew that. | 04:36 |
mgolisch | Ashfire908: why do you ask then? | 04:36 |
Circuittsunami | How do I make Pcmanfm my default file manager? I'm using Xfce ubuntu 7.10 (P.S. I have deleted thunar so Im helpless) | 04:37 |
Ashfire908 | mgolisch, because outside the docroot doesn't tell me where. It tells me where not, | 04:37 |
SeaPhor | amenado, have you heard of "adjusting the power input/output of a PCI device, namely a PCI Wireless NIC"? | 04:37 |
spork969 | how do i convert a mp4 video to a gif? | 04:37 |
Circuittsunami | How do I make Pcmanfm my default file manager? I'm using Xfce ubuntu 7.10 (P.S. I have deleted thunar so Im | 04:37 |
drivetrax | spork969, video are made of many frames, and each can be like a picture | 04:38 |
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid | ||
wastrel | Circuittsunami: don't flood | 04:38 |
Circuittsunami | sorry | 04:38 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> which power? the tx power of the transmitter? | 04:38 |
lfs-livecd | how do i boot from an iso? | 04:38 |
mgolisch | lfs-livecd: boot what? | 04:38 |
amenado | lfs-livecd-> where is your iso? | 04:38 |
lfs-livecd | its on the hard drive | 04:39 |
ranveer | I am trying to install 8.04 Ubuntu. I get stuck into initramfs console | 04:39 |
cirkit|lappy | hi ...I've got a Lenovo Y510 lappy but the subwoofer doesn't work on here. The only speakers that work are the 2 near the screen and it sounds very low ... has anyone come across this? | 04:39 |
mgolisch | you cant usualy, maybe using a ramdisk and pxe | 04:39 |
amenado | ranveer-> installing from a livecd? | 04:39 |
lfs-livecd | is there an easier way to do it? | 04:39 |
SeaPhor | amenado, i dont know, someone here told me i needed to adjust the power of my nic | 04:39 |
mgolisch | not that i know of | 04:39 |
CaptainPlanet | Does anyone have a decent guide on setting up ubuntu on virtualbox from vista (I've done that, easy) what I need to know is how to get the network running properly, I need to share stuff from the ubuntu to vista, namely public_html from apache - and allow the vista machine to access apache (read: connect to the ubuntu VM via port 80) | 04:40 |
drivetrax | unetbootin ? | 04:40 |
ranveer | amenado -> yes | 04:40 |
amenado | lfs-livecd-> which iso? the liveCD or the alternate? | 04:40 |
lfs-livecd | amenado: liveCD | 04:40 |
ranveer | amenado. livecd | 04:40 |
cappicard | hmm... I'm getting this error when attempting to reinstall hal: start-stop-daemon: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 04:40 |
Circuittsunami | Any guides to changing default file manager in Xfce? | 04:40 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> not aware of any to adjust in the digital side, but on the transmitter side its possible as long as the driver supports it, iwpriv to see what you can change or modify | 04:41 |
airstrike | hello. i'm using VLC media player to watch a video, but the audio seems kinda glitchy. every few seconds (say 20), i get slight glitches that are hardly a problem, but can get annoying when watching long videos. anyone knows how to fix that? can i increase the audio buffer in anyway? | 04:41 |
SeaPhor | amenado, Thanks | 04:41 |
spork969 | drivetrax: i understand that i just need the code to convert it | 04:41 |
amenado | lfs-livecd-> okay for livecd, you need to pull out or extract the vmlinuz and initrd from inside the liveiso | 04:41 |
lfs-livecd | how can i boot from an iso | 04:42 |
killemall | is there a quick and easy way to disable (turn off) services like ufw in 8.04 server | 04:42 |
schnauzer93 | @Circuittsunami: This might help: | 04:42 |
lfs-livecd | amenado: how do i do that? | 04:42 |
amenado | lfs-livecd-> then put an entry in your linux menu.lst to point to this new vmlinuz and initrd | 04:42 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | please help I have no sound on my gateway laptop its not muted or turned down and my card is recognized "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 04:42 |
amenado | lfs-livecd-> mount the iso first to lets say /mnt then pull out the two files i mentioned | 04:43 |
Circuittsunami | schnauzer93, Thank you very much | 04:43 |
drivetrax | I took the /opt directory, and resized it How do I give it back the directory name /opt | 04:43 |
schnauzer93 | not a problem | 04:43 |
SeaPhor | amenado, any switches to edit output? cause thats just a list,, how do i edit? | 04:43 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> that just list what you driver is possibly capable of, you have to play around with iwpriv and those settings | 04:44 |
amenado | ranveer-> you may have a bad burn of your livecd, try to re-burn at slowest speed possible like 1x | 04:45 |
DrivenMad | Bac9, I ahve tryed multiple noscpi and other on startup.. iti did get to the off orange screen adn hung eventually | 04:45 |
Dr_willis | drivetrax, one doesnt resize directories.. what did you do exactly? | 04:45 |
mgolisch | LiGhTMaGiCk: no sound works? | 04:45 |
Hagane | anyone knows if windows (when installing on VirtualBox) uses as much space as usual install ? | 04:45 |
ranveer | amenado: no my burn is fine, the problem is it hangs on scsi | 04:45 |
mgolisch | Hagane: sure, why wouldnt it? | 04:45 |
heirrook | hagane: yes | 04:46 |
Hagane | mgolisch, and which is ? :] | 04:46 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | no sound at all not even start up | 04:46 |
DrivenMad | Bac9, FYI , i am useing the latest desktop build of Ubuntu.. well tryint to install rather :) | 04:46 |
mgolisch | Hagane: depends on the windows version i guess | 04:46 |
gothicd3vil | hey how can i make 4 desktop in my ubuntu? | 04:46 |
Hagane | mgolisch, xp | 04:46 |
mgolisch | LiGhTMaGiCk: but alsamixer works? | 04:46 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | yup | 04:46 |
Hagane | mgolisch, 5gb or so ? I don't remember ^^ | 04:46 |
schnauzer93 | @goth right-click the desktop switcher, set horizontal to 4 | 04:46 |
zeeeee | help, i can import photos to f-spot from my camera fine (over usb), but how do i manage the photos (files) on the camera itself? in particular i'd like to delete photos... any hints? | 04:46 |
mgolisch | LiGhTMaGiCk: check your sound control panel thing | 04:47 |
mgolisch | Hagane: the install alone only takes some hundert megs i guess | 04:47 |
schnauzer93 | *columns, not horizontal | 04:47 |
Hagane | mgolisch, no wai o.o | 04:47 |
amenado | lfs-livecd-> i spoke too soon, you have to just extract the livecd on an ext2 partitions, then put an entry on your existing menu.lst, no need to extract the vmlinuz nor the initrd | 04:47 |
lfs-livecd | amenado: ok, i'll try that | 04:48 |
amenado | lfs-livecd-> the correcnt entry on menu.lst should be like kernel /casper/vmlinuz boot=casper | 04:48 |
McRib | Could someone recommend a good program to equalize the volume on a bunch of MP3 files? I'm creating a mix for a Mother's Day brunch at work and don't want to have to keep adjusting the volume... | 04:48 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | all my volumes are correct and not muted | 04:48 |
amenado | lfs-livecd-> and initrd /casper/initrd.gz | 04:48 |
mgolisch | LiGhTMaGiCk: yeah but whats set in the control panel? | 04:48 |
mgolisch | what does it use? alsa or pulse? | 04:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | McRib: mp3gain | 04:48 |
McRib | Daisuke_Laptop: Thank you... will look into it. Any others/ | 04:49 |
Daisuke_Laptop | McRib: that's really the quickest way | 04:49 |
McRib | Daisuke_Laptop: I appreciate it :) | 04:49 |
tokah_ | yo, where do i find the list of hardware components | 04:49 |
matt___ | I am considering a support thing on my blog, would someone mind testing this "service"? | 04:50 |
cirkit|lappy | hi ...I've got a Lenovo Y510 lappy but the subwoofer doesn't work on here. The only speakers that work are the 2 near the screen and it sounds very low ... has anyone come across this? | 04:50 |
Daisuke_Laptop | McRib: it is a command-line program though | 04:50 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | i've got master,master mono,headphone,pcm,line-in,cd,mic,phone,iec958 playback ac97-spsa,aux | 04:50 |
No1KnowsY | Guys where can i find out how to install a new Nvidia 8500GT card? | 04:50 |
McRib | Daisuke_Laptop: I am fairly comfortable with that. You know of a frontend for it? | 04:50 |
matt___ | No1KnowsY: look up envy | 04:51 |
mgolisch | LiGhTMaGiCk: i mean the gnome audio properties | 04:51 |
No1KnowsY | just google it? | 04:51 |
Daisuke_Laptop | McRib: not that i know of, but you might want to take a look at | 04:51 |
No1KnowsY | matt___: :)Thanks | 04:52 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | oh well i'm a dummy how do i get that | 04:52 |
mgolisch | System-Settings-Audio | 04:52 |
mgolisch | or so | 04:52 |
matt___ | No1KnowsY: now please, check out my support thing on my website and test it. | 04:52 |
mgolisch | or maybe its preferences | 04:52 |
mgolisch | no idea | 04:52 |
tokah_ | hey, there used to be a place where all your system hardware was stored, whre is that | 04:52 |
mgolisch | tokah_: ?? | 04:53 |
Daisuke_Laptop | McRib: <- java frontend | 04:53 |
mgolisch | what hardware? | 04:53 |
McRib | Daisuke_Laptop: Thanks | 04:53 |
cappicard | damn... I can't remove or reinstall hal... it's complaining about being missing | 04:53 |
SeaPhor | tokah_, lshw | 04:53 |
tokah_ | mgolisch, like there was a hardware components app under the system menu, that listed all the hardware your computer has | 04:53 |
JohnnyWells | I've got a bit of a silly question about Rhythmbox. Is there anyway I can change the order of the bars that say "Artist" "Genre" "Track" etc? | 04:54 |
zeeeee | help, i can import photos to f-spot from my camera fine (over usb), but how do i manage the photos (files) on the camera itself? in particular i'd like to delete photos... any hints? | 04:54 |
Daisuke_Laptop | pop the card and read it from the pc, or delete directly from the camera (directions on how to do that differ from model to model, so check your manual) | 04:54 |
tokah_ | SeaPhor thanks, i was looking fo the gui, there used to be one, this works | 04:54 |
patifa | Anyone any good with using gdb? It's not using debugging systems for a certain library, for whatever reason. | 04:54 |
schnauzer93 | zee, try directly deleting thew pics from the camera, if it shows up in Computer | 04:55 |
newbie | i need to decompile an exe file, which application can I use? anyone knows how ida pro works? | 04:56 |
zeeeee | Daisuke_Laptop, i don't have a card reader, and it's tedious to delet it from the camera | 04:56 |
mgolisch | newbie: do you realy want that? | 04:56 |
cappicard | where I can I find libssl-0.9.7 for 64-bit? | 04:57 |
mgolisch | i think if you ask something like that you dont | 04:57 |
amenado | patifa-> perhaps in #c channel, you may get support for it | 04:57 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | mgolisch: everything is set autodetect | 04:57 |
zeeeee | also i looked in Nautilus under /media and in 'Computer', but didn't see the camera | 04:57 |
mgolisch | LiGhTMaGiCk: and clicking the test button doesnt ahve any effect? | 04:57 |
JohnnyWells | I've got a bit of a silly question about Rhythmbox. Is there anyway I can change the order of the bars that say "Artist" "Genre" "Track" etc? | 04:57 |
Zigara | How can I make gstreamer use gstreamer-mad ? | 04:57 |
newbie | mgolisch, I have a file that I need to modify, but I lost the sourcecode and there is a bug :( | 04:57 |
mgolisch | cappicard: look in apt-file or use | 04:57 |
sooty | hey guys, can someone have a look at this error plz, i get it when logging in. the .dmrc file doesnt exist -- | 04:58 |
schnauzer93 | Zee, open up a terminal, type "sudo fdisk -l" and see if something resembling the camera shows up. | 04:58 |
mgolisch | newbie: if its native there wont be much tools that can go back to the c sourcecode or whatever it was | 04:58 |
mgolisch | the thing is different if its .net | 04:58 |
sooty | i lie, it does exist | 04:58 |
cappicard | argh... hal is preventing me from successfully completing apt-get | 04:59 |
cappicard | start-stop-daemon: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 04:59 |
x1250 | anyone uses sabayon package and have been able to lock panels? it doesn't save this setting. Any workaround? | 04:59 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | mgolisch: no just says testing pipeline | 04:59 |
=== chelz1 is now known as chelz | ||
mgolisch | cappicard: go to, search for the package, download it and use dpkg to install it | 04:59 |
newbie | mgolisch, it is a very tiny app, so if I could get the assembly code, I could remember how the code was structured, so it will be easier for me to have a guide rather than programming everything from scratch | 04:59 |
mgolisch | or just extract the shared library from the package | 04:59 |
cappicard | k | 05:00 |
=== sooty is now known as bod_ | ||
matt___ | I am considering a support thing on my blog, would someone mind testing this "service"? | 05:00 |
bod_ | bazhang, u about m8? | 05:00 |
langleyo | no sound when viewing online ubuntu screencasts....any ideas pls? | 05:00 |
matt___ | | 05:00 |
=== Perlboy_ is now known as Perlboy | ||
patifa | Better question: How can I use Force Version in Synaptic? | 05:01 |
Dr_willis | !pin | patifa | 05:01 |
ubottu | patifa: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 05:01 |
Onyx | what the hell? am i doing something wrong? i can't seem to say "OK" to Google Earth's EULA | 05:01 |
Dr_willis | Onyx, try the tab key? | 05:01 |
newbie | mgolisch, do you know which application could help me with this problem? | 05:01 |
Onyx | Dr_willis: damn I feel dumb | 05:01 |
langleyo | onyx: try allowing javascript | 05:02 |
Dr_willis | Onyx, :) java eula used to have same issue. | 05:02 |
schnauzer93 | heh... took me a few minutes to figure that out first time i saw one of those.. | 05:02 |
Onyx | I should have known that, but I could swear I tried tab... heh | 05:03 |
mgolisch | newbie: | 05:03 |
schnauzer93 | If all else fails, press every button... ;) | 05:03 |
newbie | mgolisch, thank you ;) | 05:03 |
langleyo | no sound when viewing online ubuntu screencasts using ogg files....any help for it pls? | 05:03 |
gaokai | The nvidia gforce 8400 64-bit driver has some problem | 05:04 |
mgolisch | night | 05:05 |
mgolisch | time to zZzZzZzZ | 05:05 |
mgolisch | :) | 05:05 |
mgolisch | cya | 05:05 |
langleyo | night dude | 05:06 |
Ashfire908 | I'm having trouble with my logon screen. It's making a 1240x 1024 login screen and showing it on a 1024x746 rez monitor, cilping the right and bottom. I was instructed to change the screen Virtual option in the xorg config to 1024x764 but it removes my abilty to use higher rezolutions. | 05:06 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | please help I have no sound on my gateway laptop its not muted or turned down and my card is recognized "Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)" | 05:06 |
langleyo | anyone know how to config an extra monitor on a toshiba satellite laptop to use a projector on it? | 05:06 |
=== constEeePC is now known as IrCYop-eee | ||
usser | Ashfire908, my fix didnt work eh? | 05:08 |
Ashfire908 | usser, it did, but it removed the ability to use higher resolutions. | 05:08 |
heirrook | lightmagick: what modules do you have loaded for sound? | 05:09 |
purpleposeidon | What init should really be is a glorified X. Then all the problems about flickering screens and usplash could be forgotten | 05:09 |
gaokai | please suggest one book of shell scripting(bash) | 05:10 |
langleyo | bash quick reference | 05:11 |
gaokai | thanks | 05:11 |
cypher227 | Hello, I'm having a specific issue with Wubi. It installed ubuntu, and I rebooted the computer. However, when I select Ubuntu on the boot menu, the computer kicks me to the ash shell. Is there anyone here who can help me? | 05:12 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
heirrook | cypher: type startx, what is the error? | 05:13 |
cypher227 | idk, give me a sec | 05:14 |
bpat1434 | If I have an HP Photosmart C7200 series network printer, and it's on my network (my windows computers see it) how can I add it in Ubuntu? | 05:14 |
heirrook | bpat1434: use hplip | 05:15 |
bpat1434 | heirrook: thanks | 05:15 |
gnomefreak | heirrook: does that work in the reverse? im hoping that i dont have to use samba | 05:15 |
cypher227 | heirrook: i'm getting the message "/bin/sh: startx: not found" | 05:16 |
barbguar | Hello everyone. I have recently installed HH and am havign difficulty with DVDs. I have installed the ubuntu-restricted-codecs and libdvdread3 is installed but I still get "could not read from the source" error messages. Can someone tell me if I'm missing something or direct me to a good/official guide to fix it. I have googled but don't seem to find anything useful. | 05:16 |
cypher227 | did Wubi somehow not install the x server? | 05:16 |
=== shenjing is now known as shj339 | ||
=== shj339 is now known as shenjing | ||
alecwh | I have roughly 300 mp3s that are tagged very poorly (artist, album, etc etc are empty). Is there an application that will go through and label them correctly? | 05:16 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: alright i am a supernewb how do i check which sound modules i am using | 05:17 |
kripz | Why is that when i copy something, say in firefox, close firefox, and try paste in another applicatoin, the clipboard is cleared??? | 05:17 |
heirrook | lightmagick: type lsmod | 05:17 |
heirrook | lightmagick: most will start with snd* | 05:17 |
matt___ | Anyone mind testing my support service on my linux blog? | 05:17 |
wastrel | kripz: that's annoying isn't it ? :] | 05:18 |
kripz | wastrel, is it fixable? | 05:18 |
barbguar | alecwh: easytag is in add/remove programs | 05:18 |
heirrook | gnomefreak: do you mean the printer is connect to a windows machine and you want to print to it through there | 05:18 |
wastrel | kripz: if you find out, let me know :] | 05:18 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | soundcore 8800 1 snd | 05:18 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | snd_page_alloc 11400 3 snd_intel8x0m,snd_intel8x0,snd_pcm | 05:18 |
gnomefreak | heirrook: its on one of my ubuntu pcs and would like to print from windows | 05:18 |
alecwh | barbguar: will that automatically do it, or will I have to go through and manually do them? | 05:18 |
apallo | join #helpme | 05:18 |
heirrook | gnomefreak: samba is your answer | 05:18 |
apallo | oops, sorry | 05:19 |
gnomefreak | alecwh: im looking for one there are many tagging apps in repos. | 05:19 |
Ashfire908 | I'm having trouble with my logon screen. It's making a 1240x 1024 login screen and showing it on a 1024x746 rez monitor, cilping the right and bottom. I was instructed to change the screen Virtual option in the xorg config to 1024x764 but it removes my ability to use higher resolutions. | 05:19 |
barbguar | alecwh: not sure sorry. Haven't used it ages. | 05:19 |
gnomefreak | heirrook: i was hping to not hav eto use samba thanks | 05:19 |
barbguar | ubotu dvd | 05:20 |
seared | Can someone help me with a kernel compile issue? I just installed Mythbuntu 8.04, and when I try make menuconfig, I get this: | 05:20 |
Ashfire908 | Also neuiz or whatever it's called crashed and i killed it, and now my mpise doesn't work | 05:20 |
gnomefreak | alecwh: easytag | 05:20 |
wastrel | !dvd | 05:20 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 05:20 |
barbguar | tahnks wastrel | 05:20 |
heirrook | seared: are you doing sudo make menuconfig | 05:21 |
doobe01 | hey i just installed 8.04 and my wireless stopped working. i have broadcom 4306. anyone know how to get it working again? | 05:21 |
wastrel | gl. i tried playing some dvd's the other week and had problems. others work fine. | 05:21 |
wastrel | dunno | 05:21 |
seared | heirrook: yep. Do I need to be root? | 05:21 |
Jinxed- | I am interested in setting up a media server where I can stream my music and compressed videos. I would like to be able to access these from remote sites. I also want to be able to watch the movies and play music in different rooms in my house. Is there a way to do this with Ubuntu? I had heard some people mention MythTv and Jinzora, has anyone had any experience with either of these? | 05:21 |
alecwh | gnomefreak: will easytag automatically label them, or will I have to go through each one manually? | 05:21 |
heirrook | seared: you need to sudo or root | 05:21 |
chetnick | do i have to reboot after adding nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf ? | 05:21 |
seared | OK. I am doing sudo. | 05:21 |
gnomefreak | alecwh: that i dont know its beena long time since i used one and it was in FC project and suse neither had easytag IIRC | 05:21 |
tritium | Jinxed-: yes, mythtv is great. Join #ubuntu-mythtv for more | 05:21 |
langleyo | doobe01:did you upgrade? or fresh install | 05:22 |
shenjing | REGISTER 19870712 | 05:22 |
cameron | anybody have a reason for why the nvidia driver for the 8800GTS keeps giving me a blank screen? i'm running on 64-bit ubuntu 8.04 | 05:22 |
releod | What command can I run to change my server to the Eastern Standard Timezone? | 05:22 |
bpat1434 | How can I change the "network" my laptop is connected to? | 05:22 |
doobe01 | langleyo: upgrade | 05:22 |
chetnick | cameron: x64 OS , thats why :) | 05:22 |
amenado | bpat1434-> explain more ..what kind of network do you have? | 05:22 |
langleyo | doobe01: i had no end of probs with upgrade from gutsy | 05:23 |
bpat1434 | amenado: I have a wireless network, and all my windows machines are a part of the workgroup "bPatNet", how can I get my laptop to be a part of that workgroup? | 05:23 |
langleyo | doobe01: i suggest burning a cd off and reinstalling | 05:23 |
Jinxed- | tritium would i be able to use mythtv to access remotly? | 05:23 |
doobe01 | ok | 05:23 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook:this is the only snd listing snd_page_alloc 11400 3 snd_intel8x0m,snd_intel8x0,snd_pcm | 05:23 |
cameron | chetnick: wtf :( are there any workarounds yet? | 05:23 |
heirrook | lightmagick: that is your problem I am guessing | 05:23 |
doobe01 | langleyo: that really sucks, it was working... | 05:23 |
langleyo | doobe01:sounds drastic but it was easier for me than debuggin | 05:24 |
Darth_Gimp | How do I get Ubuntu 8.04 to play java and flash ? | 05:24 |
schnauzer | Doobe: make sure you have /home on a separate partition, though | 05:24 |
amenado | bpat1434-> can you draw a layout ? would be easier for me to follow | 05:24 |
matt___ | Anyone mind testing my support service on my linux blog? | 05:24 |
bpat1434 | amenado: sure.... | 05:24 |
heirrook | lightmagick: type modprobe -l grep ac97 | 05:24 |
chetnick | cameron: i dont know ,i have 8800 gts on 8.04 32.bit and it works fine | 05:24 |
drivetrax | ehehe.. I chowned, and got the new partition permission etc | 05:24 |
doobe01 | ok, why did they take the restricted driver off hardy? | 05:24 |
chetnick | cameron: didnt even want to try x64 because drivers issues | 05:24 |
ikt_ | darth_gimp: check add remove programs for both | 05:25 |
Darth_Gimp | thanks | 05:25 |
No1KnowsY | guys im having problems with my graphics card, who can help? | 05:25 |
cameron | chetnick: hmm alright | 05:25 |
amenado | doobe01-> i would only guess, the keyword is restricted? | 05:25 |
Fezzler | Minicom just flashes and disappears? | 05:25 |
releod | How do I change the timezone on my Ubuntu 8 server? | 05:25 |
doobe01 | yeah, so fresh install may work? | 05:25 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: weird "FATAL: Can't have multiple wildcards" | 05:25 |
langleyo | doobe01:dunno, sorry, something is getting screwed up during upgrades...seen quite a few with various issues | 05:26 |
wastrel | releod: tzselect | 05:26 |
amenado | doobe01-> try, nothing to lose other than time? | 05:26 |
doobe01 | langleyo: did it work for ou on fresh install? | 05:26 |
=== nenolod is now known as happinessturtle | ||
Darth_Gimp | ikt_ | 05:26 |
langleyo | doobe01: it sorted out a shedload of issues | 05:26 |
LtCmdrWrf | ~ask | 05:26 |
Darth_Gimp | I need Java runtime environment | 05:26 |
heirrook | lightmagick: that is an a lowercase "L" | 05:27 |
doobe01 | time is of no issue, might as well try | 05:27 |
tritium | !java | Darth_Gimp | 05:27 |
ubottu | Darth_Gimp: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) | 05:27 |
wastrel | releod: sorry, dpkg-reconfigure tzdata | 05:27 |
heirrook | lightmagick: and the next is a bar | 05:27 |
langleyo | doobe01: good luck, we're rootin for ya | 05:27 |
releod | wastrel: cool, thanks | 05:27 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: i just copy and pasted | 05:27 |
doobe01 | langleyo: did yours work after reinstall of hardy? | 05:27 |
langleyo | doobe01: make a list of your fave apps first | 05:27 |
No1KnowsY | Im having trouble running | 05:28 |
doobe01 | langleyo: it was just an upgrade of a fresh gutsy install | 05:28 |
tritium | No1KnowsY: use ubuntu-packaged nvidia drivers instead | 05:28 |
joe2 | hi all, I need some help with wireless, running Hardy | 05:28 |
joe2 | II had it working | 05:28 |
No1KnowsY | tritium: Where do i get that? | 05:28 |
amenado | anyone ever used the abi kernel included in the livecd? virtualization? any insights you can share? | 05:28 |
joe2 | reinstalled about an hour or two ago | 05:28 |
joe2 | worked still | 05:28 |
releod | wastrel: what is the difference between those two commands? tzselect seems to have worked? | 05:28 |
tritium | !nvidia | No1KnowsY | 05:28 |
ubottu | No1KnowsY: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 05:28 |
joe2 | then just stopped | 05:28 |
doobe01 | me to joe2 | 05:28 |
langleyo | bite the bullet, dude :) | 05:28 |
wastrel | releod: tzselect man page says it's just for viewing time zone info | 05:29 |
doobe01 | will do | 05:29 |
joe2 | I have the broadcom chpset installed | 05:29 |
wastrel | releod: i didn't try it :] | 05:29 |
No1KnowsY | ubottu: thanks | 05:29 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 05:29 |
tritium | No1KnowsY: System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager | 05:29 |
doobe01 | joe2: have the same problem, doing a fresh install of hardy | 05:29 |
joe2 | didn't fix mine | 05:29 |
joe2 | already tried twice | 05:29 |
releod | wastrel: ahh.. looks like the man page might be out of date.. it brought me through a prompt to change it.. oh well. Thanks :) | 05:29 |
langleyo | ubottu...i dont believe're far too good looking | 05:29 |
ubottu | langleyo: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:29 |
doobe01 | joe2: damn | 05:29 |
joe2 | says it's installed and in use, but I can't roam or anything | 05:30 |
heirrook | lightmagick: you can just do modprobe -l then look for ac97 to see if it is built | 05:30 |
joe2 | can't manually connect either | 05:30 |
doobe01 | joe2: may just go back to gutsy.... | 05:30 |
wastrel | releod: might not survive reboot :] | 05:30 |
joe2 | I just want to figure out the problem | 05:30 |
joe2 | I'll go to ndiswrapper if I have to | 05:30 |
joe2 | that always works | 05:30 |
Jinxed- | Does ubuntu support .tar.gz files? | 05:30 |
heirrook | lightmagick: the | grep ac97 would do that for you but it must not copy right | 05:30 |
joe2 | but I want the native linux if possible | 05:30 |
No1KnowsY | Jinxed-: yes | 05:30 |
doobe01 | joe2: me too, yeah, ndiswrapper, might as well try, you find a tut anywhere for boradcom? | 05:30 |
No1KnowsY | Jinxed-: they are just like .rar files, but of a different format | 05:30 |
joe2 | doobe01: I've had ndiswrapper before, used it in Gutsy | 05:31 |
releod | wastrel: that is what I am thinking too, going to do it the other way to be safe | 05:31 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: wait i'm an idiot snd_seq_midi 9376 0 | 05:31 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | snd_rawmidi 25760 1 snd_seq_midi | 05:31 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | evdev 13056 7 | 05:31 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | snd_seq_midi_event 8320 2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi | 05:31 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | snd_seq 54224 6 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_mi | 05:31 |
FloodBot3 | LiGhTMaGiCk: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:31 |
joe2 | and I had the native drivers working in Hardy perfectly until about two hours ago | 05:31 |
Zigara | anyone here with a dell xps m1530? | 05:31 |
doobe01 | joe2: i just used the restricted driver and it worked great | 05:31 |
Darth_Gimp | tritium: how do I add !multiverse? | 05:31 |
joe2 | yeah me too | 05:31 |
joe2 | then just stopped..... | 05:31 |
RobHu | raphink: Hey :-) Could I privmsg you about libapache-mod-auth-mysql on Debian ? :-) | 05:31 |
doobe01 | joe2: stopped for me when i upgraded to hardy | 05:31 |
tritium | Darth_Gimp: System -> Administration -> Sotware Sources | 05:31 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | snd 56996 20 snd_intel8x0m,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device | 05:32 |
tritium | LiGhTMaGiCk: stop pasting | 05:32 |
joe2 | oh, I just started using it in Hardy and it worked flawlessly | 05:32 |
heirrook | lightmagick: try sudo modprobe snd-ac97-codec | 05:32 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | sorry | 05:32 |
joe2 | I've been running hardy since Alpha 4 | 05:32 |
doobe01 | joe2: where is the restrcited driver app in hardy? | 05:32 |
joe2 | system, admin, hardware drivers | 05:32 |
joe2 | they took out "restricted" to make it friendlier | 05:32 |
heirrook | lightmagick: sorry sudo modprobe snd_ac97_codec | 05:33 |
epicuro | hi... i need help with evolution... someone can help me? (i don't know well english) | 05:33 |
Darth_Gimp | tritium: sorry to be noobish.. I have that window open, are you able to walk me through it? | 05:33 |
doobe01 | joe2: no proprietary drivers used in this system...what the hell? | 05:33 |
heirrook | lightmagick: also sudo modprobe ac97_bus | 05:33 |
joe2 | enable them? | 05:33 |
doobe01 | lol | 05:33 |
JDSBlueDevl | hi, I'm having problems with running aptitude commands. It keeps hanging at "Building depenency tree... 50%" | 05:33 |
JDSBlueDevl | I know this has something to do with the gambas2 package, which I'm trying to purge | 05:34 |
JDSBlueDevl | can someone help? | 05:34 |
tritium | Darth_Gimp: just click the multiverse section to enable it | 05:34 |
doobe01 | joe2: HOW DO I DO THAT? | 05:34 |
joe2 | are there any listed? | 05:34 |
doobe01 | joe2: sorry for caps | 05:34 |
joe2 | lol no problem | 05:34 |
doobe01 | none | 05:34 |
heirrook | jdsbluebevl: look into dpkg | 05:34 |
doobe01 | none | 05:34 |
zvacet | JDSBlueDevl : does aptitude give you any message | 05:34 |
joe2 | it's not detecting your things at all then | 05:34 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: it gives me /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/ubuntu/sound/alsa-driver/pci/ac97/snd-ac97-codec.ko | 05:34 |
doobe01 | damnit | 05:34 |
joe2 | I'm not sure about that, mine detected | 05:34 |
JDSBlueDevl | aptitude freezes for a minute or two after I press enter, then hangs at that message | 05:35 |
joe2 | do sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:35 |
doobe01 | ok | 05:35 |
joe2 | uncomment the restricted stuff | 05:35 |
joe2 | and then do sudo apt-get update | 05:35 |
joe2 | then check again in the restricted | 05:35 |
joe2 | doubt that will work | 05:35 |
joe2 | but it might | 05:35 |
heirrook | lightmagick: scroll up and try the commands i listed earlier | 05:35 |
tritium | !enter | joe2 | 05:35 |
ubottu | joe2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:35 |
No1KnowsY | what should I do if my comp stops loading when it is still at the startup when i connect my new graphics card? | 05:35 |
joe2 | tritium: sorry bad habit | 05:35 |
tritium | no worries | 05:35 |
JDSBlueDevl | zvacet: what would I type after dpkg? | 05:36 |
joe2 | doobe01: I'm restarting to try something, I'll be back | 05:36 |
zvacet | JDSBlueDevl : sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq packagename | 05:36 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/ubuntu/sound/alsa-driver/misc/ac97_bus.ko | 05:37 |
JDSBlueDevl | ok, I just have to wait for my computer to unfreeze (which should be in a couple of minutes) before I Ctrl-C my command and do that | 05:37 |
keram | is there something that provides load balancing across multiple nic cards? | 05:37 |
JDSBlueDevl | funny thing is, apt-get doesn't freeze | 05:37 |
nassty | hello there, anyone know how to make work the bcm43xx drivers? | 05:37 |
heirrook | lightmagick: sorry, type "sudo modprobe ac97_bus" | 05:37 |
heirrook | lightmagick: then "sudo modprobe snd_ac97_codec" | 05:38 |
heirrook | lightmagick: no "-l" | 05:38 |
kripz | how do i open a file with scite in the same window? if i type "scite <file>&" in terminal it will open a new window, if i type it again with a different file name, a new window will pop up, iwant to open it in the original scite instance in a tab | 05:38 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: oh that doesn't do anything | 05:39 |
bpat1434 | amenado: you can view it here: | 05:39 |
nassty | anyone? wireless bcm4318 | 05:39 |
heirrook | lightmagick: do you mean it has no output? | 05:39 |
bpat1434 | amenado: I just want my laptop to be able to properly see my windows shares, and my printer. | 05:40 |
heirrook | lightmagick: then sudo update-modules | 05:40 |
heirrook | lightmagick: then try sound | 05:40 |
din | nassty: i've had better luck with ndiswrapper with mine | 05:40 |
killemall | how can i set my hdd to spindown when its idle? its ide @ sdb using 8.04 | 05:40 |
gaokai | how to create a shared space between host operating system and VMware virtual linux | 05:40 |
heirrook | nassty: I would also recommend ndiswrapper. I had no luck with fwcutter | 05:40 |
nassty | I had no luck with ndiswrapper | 05:41 |
din | nassty: | 05:41 |
din | that worked flawlessly for me | 05:41 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: weird "The update-modules command is deprecated and should not be used!" | 05:41 |
heirrook | nassty: you may have wrong drivers then | 05:41 |
din | nassty: use WMP54GS.inf | 05:42 |
nassty | din, link plz? | 05:42 |
mike | nassty: i would recommend this link | 05:42 |
din | nassty: i just posted it | 05:42 |
heirrook | lightmagick: does sound still not work? | 05:42 |
din | the link to the driver is on that page | 05:42 |
nassty | din, oh, i see | 05:42 |
nassty | din, mike, heirrook thanks guys | 05:43 |
din | np | 05:43 |
mike | np | 05:43 |
heirrook | yep | 05:43 |
killemall | can i use hdparm for ide drive @ sdb? | 05:43 |
nassty | i'll be there bothering you if doesn't werk, it's ok? | 05:43 |
juice | anyone know how to install myth tv on my 8.04 installation? | 05:43 |
din | killemall: sdparm for sd* drives | 05:43 |
killemall | ahh | 05:43 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: still no sound | 05:44 |
killemall | i dont know why my ide are showing as sdb anyways, first time i seen that | 05:44 |
heirrook | actually nassty I have a link that I always used | 05:44 |
heirrook | nassty: if no luck with the others try | 05:44 |
heirrook | lightmagick when you do lsmod | grep ac97 | 05:45 |
heirrook | do you see the last two modules i told you to load | 05:45 |
JDSBlueDevl | that did the job, thx | 05:45 |
nassty | heirrook, i tried the methods according my card and doesn't work, I've used the same drivers with feisty before and worked well but the signal was only 50% tops | 05:46 |
patifa | I have an ssh file system mounted, is there any way to tell without using nautilus, where it's mounted in the file system? | 05:46 |
zvacet | JDSBlueDevl : you fixed it | 05:46 |
Callipyginous | How would i go about resetting my password for | 05:46 |
din | nassty: pm :) | 05:46 |
Mr_Awesome | hi, i just upgraded to hardy heron, and suddenly all sound that plays is distorted and has a strange buzzing noise behind it. any have an idea of how to fix it? | 05:47 |
bpat1434 | amenado: any ideas? | 05:47 |
Chipsa964 | my music doesnt play in rhythmbox any more...can anyone tell me why? | 05:47 |
Mr_Awesome | *anyone | 05:47 |
mike | nassty: did you ever get your card to work, even at 60% on hardy, or does it just not work at all | 05:47 |
Callipyginous | How would i go about resetting my password for | 05:47 |
bullgard4 | What does stand 'sse' for in the use flag of Pentium processors? | 05:47 |
heirrook | nassty: I don't actually use ubuntu but if you could upgrad your kernel to 2.6.24 (if ubuntu does not use that version) they have better support | 05:47 |
patifa | bullgard1: | 05:48 |
wastrel | hardy is 2.6.24 | 05:48 |
heirrook | wastrel: thank you I didn't know | 05:48 |
Hagane | can someone tell me how can I make virtualbox windows recognize real partition ? so I can use existing files | 05:48 |
bullgard4 | patifa: Thank you very much. | 05:48 |
din | guys, i went from my wifi card (broadcom 4318) dropping a link every 10 seconds to 3Mb/s stable with ndiswrapper + WMP54GS.inf. | 05:49 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: they are both there | 05:49 |
google-bot | Hi, | 05:49 |
bpat1434 | Anyone have any idea why one minute I'd be able to ping an IP address on my local network, then 2 minutes later not? | 05:49 |
patifa | hagane: Yeah, set the hard drive to use a physical drive. No complaining if you damage your real file system, of course. :\ | 05:49 |
google-bot | I am getting Malformed URL system:/ dialgo | 05:49 |
google-bot | what to do? | 05:49 |
Hagane | patifa, is it possible ? :] | 05:49 |
chetnick | hey, i got caching name server on my home network, i want to add that name server to the list of name servers on my ubuntu, but its not so simple to do it in ubuntu. Can anyone guide how to do it. | 05:50 |
mike | nassty: that is kind of strange, i use the same transmitter, and i seem to have had no problem installing it, it just popped up with a restricted driver icon and let me install...might make sure all of your repositories are checked | 05:50 |
heirrook | lightmagick: what card do you have again? | 05:50 |
heirrook | nassty: use ndiswrapper from source by the way | 05:50 |
kripz | Any network guru's want to try solve my problem?: | 05:50 |
patifa | erm, maybe not hagane | 05:50 |
goodtimes | does the stock ubuntu kernel support reiser4? | 05:50 |
nassty | heirrook, also compiled ndiswrapper before | 05:50 |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: my sound card ->Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03) | 05:50 |
Hagane | patifa, but how do I do that ? fixed size or dynamic ? | 05:51 |
nassty | heirrook, deleted the /etc/ndiswrapper files, recompiled from tarball, | 05:51 |
Mr_Awesome | hi, i just upgraded to hardy heron, and suddenly all sound that plays is distorted and has a strange buzzing noise behind it. anyone have an idea of how to fix it? | 05:51 |
amenado | bpat1434-> hang on let me peek | 05:51 |
bpat1434 | amenado: okay | 05:51 |
patifa | hagane: scratch that, Not sure if you can in virtualbox | 05:51 |
sixforty | is there a way to install from hardy live cd without grub overwriting mbr? | 05:51 |
releod | Does anyone know how I can enabled tab-completion in the command-line? | 05:52 |
din | nassty: i accomplished what you are doing with ndiswrapper not 7 hours ago. | 05:52 |
releod | nvm | 05:52 |
amenado | bpat1434-> you have an ip address assigned to your laptop? | 05:52 |
din | nassty: i fought it for 2 days. | 05:52 |
bpat1434 | amenado: dynamically | 05:52 |
heirrook | lightmagick: i am guessing you also have oss sound modules? you will want alsa. look into auto-loading modules | 05:52 |
mike | lol yea ndiswrapper tends to work like a charm | 05:52 |
* bobbie4 Loooooooves UBUNTU | 05:52 | |
nassty | din, i knew I would had problems, so i did it in weekend, | 05:52 |
amenado | bpat1434-> okay, can you ping the other 3 devices? server, desktop and printer? | 05:52 |
heirrook | nassty what does ndiswrapper -l list? | 05:53 |
juice | anyone know how to install myth tv on my 8.04 installation? | 05:53 |
wastrel | juice: #ubuntu-mythtv | 05:53 |
juice | ty | 05:53 |
heirrook | nassty: if that is fine could you post your dmesg to the paste board | 05:53 |
goodtimes | does the stock ubuntu kernel support reiser4? | 05:53 |
bpat1434 | amenado: I can ping my router, my other wireless laptop, but not the printer or the desktop (desktop firewall my dsiable this) | 05:53 |
din | nassty: install ndiswrapper and download the driver i mentioned, then sudo ndiswrapper -i WMP54GS.inf. sudo rmmod b43, sudo rmmod ssb, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, and your card will work. | 05:54 |
Oleg | guess who got a server at work and decided to install ubuntu on it instead of some other OS | 05:54 |
Oleg | this guy :-) | 05:54 |
Oleg | sorry, I wanted to gloat | 05:54 |
heirrook | nassty: do you have the bc43 module blacklisted? | 05:54 |
amenado | bpat1434-> 1st thing is making sure you can ping those other 3 and similar they can ping your laptop, then get back to me | 05:54 |
nassty | din, heirrook, im checking out this link : | 05:54 |
zoidfar1 | Does anyone know how to get flash working in Opera? | 05:54 |
heirrook | nassty: sorry b43 i mean | 05:54 |
din | nassty: good. that's the one i used earlier today to get my broadcom 4318 working. | 05:55 |
heirrook | zoidfar1 make a link in the plugins folder to the | 05:55 |
nassty | heirrook, din, i'll reboot and back to tell you guys if werks | 05:55 |
nassty | cheers | 05:55 |
din | good luck. :) | 05:55 |
zcat[1] | btw; my wifi that's been broken since I did an 'upgrade' -- it's working now, and the lappy's running heaps faster. I gave up and did a fresh install. | 05:56 |
* emma *smiles* | 05:56 | |
LiGhTMaGiCk | heirhook: i'm starting to think this is just a bug thanks for the help by the way | 05:56 |
Takumidesh | i downloaded the hardy ISO from and when i try to install hardy a little box pops up saying loading kernal and my pc freezes at 100%, i let it sit for atleast half an hour to see and it just stays there, i cant hear the hard drive spinning or the disk drive spinning. Any help? | 05:56 |
zcat[1] | ubuntu really need to find a way to do upgrades that don't break so bad. | 05:56 |
zoidfar1 | heirrook, I did that, and the plugin shows up in the Opera settings menu. But when I go to a site, it just looks white and the tooltip says "Click here to activate and use this control" but clicking does nothing | 05:56 |
zoidfar1 | it works in firefox | 05:57 |
chetnick | heheheh | 05:57 |
zvacet | zoidfar1 : with opera 9.5 flash will work if you run 9.27 you have to find older flash | 05:57 |
Mr_Awesome | hi, i just upgraded to hardy heron, and suddenly all sound that plays is distorted and has a strange buzzing noise behind it. anyone have an idea of how to fix it? | 05:57 |
heirrook | lightmagick: I really don't think it is a bug. ubuntu probably just does not recognize that correctly you shoud really try to use alsa instead of oss. look into it. | 05:57 |
chetnick | my system broke down very bad after upgrading from feisty to gutsy, i dont even dare to go from gutsy to hardy until i find some room for backup of gutsy | 05:58 |
heirrook | lgithmagick: google your soundcard and find the modules it needs | 05:58 |
amenado | Takumidesh-> you have a good burn of cdrom? you checked and verified it? | 05:58 |
Flip2405 | Hello can some one help me fix error checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 05:58 |
Flip2405 | Yes i have gcc and build-essentials | 05:58 |
zvacet | zoidfar1 : #13 | 05:58 |
Takumidesh | amenado- good point i should probably try burning it again. thanks | 05:59 |
zoidfar1 | zvacet, that sounds great. How do I get opera 9.5? Is it in the repos? | 05:59 |
amenado | Flip2405-> what was your exact command to compile? | 05:59 |
matthias_N | anyone knows hot to connect and bluetooth heaset ? | 05:59 |
amenado | Takumidesh-> burn it the lowest speed possible | 05:59 |
Flip2405 | ./Config | 05:59 |
matthias_N | headset, foolowed the documetns in ubuntu but no success ... | 05:59 |
Flip2405 | i am loged in as su | 06:00 |
zvacet | zoidfar1 : | 06:00 |
nassty | hello again | 06:00 |
heirrook | flip2405: what does your makefile look like for the file? | 06:00 |
matthias_N | the bluetooth headset pairs up but the device is not visible ... | 06:00 |
din | nassty: wb | 06:00 |
Takumidesh | amenado- k, i'll try not to move my laptop either | 06:00 |
din | nassty: well? | 06:00 |
amenado | Flip2405-> ./Config? what should that be doing for you? or you meant ./configure ? | 06:00 |
chetnick | hey, i got caching name server on my home network, i want to add that name server to the list of name servers on my ubuntu, but its not so simple to do it in ubuntu. Can anyone guide me how to do it. | 06:00 |
nassty | din: doesnt scan | 06:00 |
Flip2405 | It is unrealircd i am suppose to ./Config before makeing | 06:00 |
Flip2405 | No amenado it says right on the page ./Config | 06:01 |
amenado | !who | Flip2405 | 06:01 |
ubottu | Flip2405: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 06:01 |
Flip2405 | It is unrealircd i am suppose to ./Config before makeing heirrook | 06:01 |
amenado | Flip2405-> check what that Config do ..i am not familiar with that command | 06:01 |
heirrook | flip2405: if it has a config file then you do | 06:02 |
heirrook | flip2405: are you using gcc or make? | 06:02 |
din | nassty: doesn't scan?? | 06:02 |
din | what do you mean? | 06:02 |
nassty | din, heirrook, | 06:02 |
Mr_Awesome | hi, i just upgraded to hardy heron, and suddenly all sound that plays is distorted and has a strange buzzing noise behind it. anyone have an idea of how to fix it? | 06:02 |
Flip2405 | I am useing ./Config and it is suppose to do that shit automaticly | 06:02 |
Flip2405 | I am useing ./Config and it is suppose to do that stuff automaticly heirrook* | 06:03 |
amenado | !ohmy | Flip2405 | 06:03 |
din | nassty: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan :) | 06:03 |
ubottu | Flip2405: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 06:03 |
Flip2405 | amenado i know i corrected my self :) | 06:03 |
kruik | hi ubuntuers | 06:03 |
nassty | din, yeap, i did it | 06:03 |
Takumidesh | hello | 06:03 |
matthias_N | Mr_Awesome: do you have genome ALSA MIXER installed ??? | 06:03 |
* zcat[1] suggests ./configure (whole word, no caps) might work better | 06:03 | |
nassty | dhello | 06:03 |
Flip2405 | heirrook would you like me to paste code the config.log | 06:04 |
chetnick | any help with those namservers | 06:04 |
chetnick | nope | 06:04 |
din | nassty: the fact that the card is showing up means that ndiswrapper is working. | 06:04 |
matthias_N | Mr_Awesome: why not choose a more normal name ? | 06:04 |
din | i gtg. baby is crying. | 06:04 |
wastrel | baby <3 | 06:04 |
wastrel | babies are cute | 06:04 |
nassty | din, yeap, but is weird that doesn't show my wireless, also the light blinked on, but now is off :( | 06:04 |
zvacet | Flip2405 : isn´t it ./configure | 06:04 |
heirrook | flip2405: yes, but sorry are you trying to compile with make or using a compiler | 06:05 |
din | nassty: well, you just have to configure the card at this point. :) | 06:05 |
din | nassty: iwconfig, etc.... | 06:05 |
din | lata guys! | 06:05 |
Flip2405 | No check out unrealircd zvacet | 06:05 |
kruik | how to install file.tar.gz in ubuntu? | 06:05 |
nassty | din, thanks! | 06:05 |
kruik | can i help me | 06:05 |
Takumidesh | kruik- extract then open up a terminal | 06:06 |
dassouki | is there any free architecture / interior design software ? | 06:06 |
heirrook | flip2405: ./config is not a make command, it is just running the script in the folder | 06:06 |
Flip2405 | heirrook it gives me the error before i type make it gives it to me when i type ./Config and finish the config | 06:06 |
matthias_N | how can i connecxt to my wireless printer from exmakr hat is an all in one printer, installd softare from lexmakr but still does not work ... | 06:06 |
garou | Hi. I'm working with a project that doesn't have .deb files but compiles from source. How involved is making a .deb from that if I don't really want to go into details ATM, just have a quick-and-dirty package? | 06:06 |
Takumidesh | kruik- | 06:06 |
znalo | does anyone know where one should install client certificates, private keys and CA root certs for the purpose of apt-transport-https ? | 06:06 |
juice | anyone know how to get the Soundgraph iMon UltraBay to work? | 06:06 |
juice | !soundgraph | 06:06 |
ubottu | Factoid soundgraph not found | 06:07 |
kruik | thx takudesh | 06:07 |
heirrook | flip2405: post the Config script then | 06:07 |
Takumidesh | np | 06:07 |
kruik | i will read b4 | 06:07 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | hello | 06:07 |
Takumidesh | hi | 06:07 |
Flip2405 | heirrook the config.log* | 06:07 |
heirrook | flip2405: yes that I mean | 06:07 |
heirrook | flip2405: then from there we might need the config executable | 06:08 |
nassty | heirrook, checked out my paste | 06:08 |
nassty | ? | 06:08 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | i need some help, my ubuntu won't load on startup, it says Starting up then [24.857889] crc error then Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0) | 06:08 |
Metox | Hi my attempts to install ubuntu fails - gets halfway and then hangs... | 06:08 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | so how do i fix it? | 06:08 |
Flip2405 | heirrok can we do it in another room so i can go to the bathroom and actualy see what you type ? | 06:08 |
matthias_N | anyone have got their wireless lexmark printer to work ??? | 06:08 |
Takumidesh | Metox-did you burn an iso | 06:09 |
heirrook | nassty: did you get it? | 06:09 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | anyone have any idea what happen to my ubuntu? | 06:09 |
nassty | heirrook, almost | 06:09 |
Flip2405 | heirrook can we do it in another room so i can go to the bathroom and actualy see what you type ? | 06:09 |
Metox | Nopoe - ordered the disks. Tried both 32 and 64 bit - AMD 3400+ CPU | 06:09 |
artenius | garou, "auto-apt" might be able to do that for you | 06:09 |
heirrook | nassty: what was the paste? | 06:09 |
Takumidesh | Dragon-try running a live cd and see if you find anything | 06:10 |
heirrook | flip2405: where? | 06:10 |
nassty | heirrook, | 06:10 |
Flip2405 | go to #flip | 06:10 |
bpat1434 | amenado: I'm sorry, what did you say? My computer failed to come back from the screensaver (another issue with Ubuntu) | 06:10 |
nassty | heirrook, doesn't show anything at scanning | 06:10 |
garou | Thank you. | 06:10 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | i get error just from trying to load the live cd | 06:10 |
Takumidesh | oh | 06:10 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | this is a first too | 06:10 |
amenado | bpat1434-> 1st thing is making sure you can ping those other 3 and similar they can ping your laptop, then get back to me | 06:10 |
Mr_Awesome | matthias_N: no, should i? | 06:10 |
Takumidesh | Metox-hmm | 06:10 |
Flip2405 | heirrook go to #flip | 06:10 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | i had an error b4 but it was a different error that i had to reinstall ubuntu | 06:10 |
matthias_N | Mr_Awesome: in my case with that program i adjusted the volumen and that was it ... | 06:11 |
Takumidesh | Dragon- so you do you have anythign on the hd | 06:11 |
bpat1434 | okay, well, I got my printer set up, and I can ping other items on the network, and my desktop can ping me ;) | 06:11 |
Metox | I checked the integrity of the CD's using the tool from the install menu. Checks out good. | 06:11 |
bazhang | Metox, this the live cd? | 06:11 |
heirrook | flip2405: i do not use irc much. how do I do that | 06:12 |
nassty | heirrook, sorry for the verbosity of the paste | 06:12 |
matthias_N | Mr_Awesome: i did that at least and the volume was not enabled for me try it and if not uninstall it again ... if you feel like, that is my suggestion ... | 06:12 |
Metox | Not live, boot straight from the CD drive | 06:12 |
Flip2405 | heirrook type /j #flip | 06:12 |
Mr_Awesome | matthias_N: you had the same problem as me? | 06:12 |
matthias_N | wireless printer anyone lexmark | 06:12 |
sixforty | heirrook: /join #flip will work if /j ... doesn't | 06:13 |
bazhang | metox does it boot to a desktop or an installer text window | 06:13 |
consumismo_owns | hi, anyone here can fix my fresh ubuntu install? I receive this error on start first time after install: "Master Boot Record Error" | 06:13 |
matthias_N | in my case i heard nothing but maybe in your case the volume is to high so it distorts ..., i am guessing here since it seems that your headset wired is workig but the level off sound might be to high ... | 06:13 |
kindofabuzz | wow that freeBSD installer is crazy | 06:14 |
Takumidesh | wow there seems to be a lot of problems with hardy | 06:14 |
heirrook | flip2405: is that in freenode? it doesn't seem to work for me | 06:14 |
consumismo_owns | I'm totally newbie in linux, I can activate the vnc | 06:14 |
Metox | Cant get to desktop. Get the initial install menu, I choose install, and after a while the horizontal ping pong just stops. | 06:14 |
Metox | No error messages | 06:14 |
Flip2405 | No No | 06:14 |
bazhang | !mbr | consumismo_owns | 06:14 |
ubottu | consumismo_owns: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 06:14 |
matthias_N | Mr_Awesome: In My case i heard nothing but when istalling this program and pop up the volume it worked and maybe you hqave the volume and everything turn too much up, i am guessing here ... | 06:14 |
Mr_Awesome | matthias_N: wow, that solved it. i did absolutely nothing but install the package, and now everything works perfectly. thanks a lot! :) | 06:15 |
Flip2405 | heirrook where you typed Flip2405: is that in freenode? type /join #flip | 06:15 |
matthias_N | Mr_Awesome: you are welcome ... | 06:15 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | @Takumidesh: yes i have windows on that HD as well | 06:15 |
consumismo_owns | ubottu, for some reason grub is not able to write in mbr | 06:15 |
ubottu | consumismo_owns: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:15 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | i can't seem to load the linux live cd as well | 06:15 |
kruik | can i say the herdy unstable? | 06:15 |
Metox | An old XP disk boots | 06:15 |
bazhang | metox get into grub menu and remove quiet and splash from the boot parameters to look for the exact errors-->you may also try the alternate cd (text based install only) | 06:15 |
consumismo_owns | bazhang, for some reason grub is not able to write in mbr | 06:15 |
jack-desktop | is there a program that'll allow partition editing after a reboot? | 06:15 |
Flip2405 | heirrook what irc client are you using? | 06:15 |
zvacet | Metox : is this O.K. | 06:15 |
nassty | heirrook, gtg, thanks for the halp anyway | 06:15 |
bazhang | consumismo_owns, where is mbr | 06:15 |
thorny_sun | anyone tell me how to get screenlets/desklets/whatever will show weather on my desktop setup? | 06:16 |
nassty | cia | 06:16 |
Takumidesh | dragon-anything important? if not try reformatting, are you trying to install over or make a partition? | 06:16 |
consumismo_owns | good question | 06:16 |
Metox | how do I get to GRUB | 06:16 |
RyanPrior | thorny_sun: in Hardy, the time applet also shows weather. :-) | 06:16 |
bazhang | kruik, please clarify your issue | 06:16 |
thorny_sun | RyanPrior: what time applet? | 06:16 |
bazhang | metox there should be a 3 second countdown to get into it | 06:16 |
RyanPrior | thorny_sun: The one in the top right corner by default. | 06:17 |
wastrel | RyanPrior: but you can't get a forecast out of it | 06:17 |
wastrel | weather applet is better | 06:17 |
zvacet | Metox : did you installed Ubuntu or you are trying to run it from live Cd | 06:17 |
RyanPrior | wastrel: Correct. Weather applet is much better suited to the job. | 06:17 |
Metox | zvacet - CD integrety checks out fine | 06:17 |
thorny_sun | RyanPrior: yeah-- I was hoping for forecast | 06:17 |
bazhang | zvacet, live | 06:17 |
kripz | anybody know of any simple apps that moniter how much ive downloaded/uploaded (similar to windows DU Meter), preferably one that sits in the task bar | 06:17 |
thorny_sun | wastrel: do you recommend a weather applet? | 06:17 |
Metox | Looks like I will have to install from command line | 06:17 |
consumismo_owns | linux is too hard for me, I just tried the wizard to install and no luck.. "Master Boot Record Error" | 06:18 |
wastrel | thorny_sun: i just use the gnome panel applet | 06:18 |
alex1 | hi guys, i installed a newer version of libasound2, but it's causing problems. I want to revert back to the one in the repositories, but don't know how | 06:18 |
bazhang | metox is this dual boot | 06:18 |
RyanPrior | consumismo_owns: What sort of wizard? | 06:18 |
Metox | The CD check tool from the main menu checks out fine | 06:18 |
thorny_sun | wastrel: how do you get to install it? | 06:18 |
Metox | this is not a dual boot | 06:18 |
consumismo_owns | RyanPrior, Install button in Ubuntu 8.0.4 Live CD | 06:18 |
wastrel | thorny_sun: in gnome, right-click the panel > add to panel > weather report | 06:19 |
bazhang | metox well you need the exact errors to fix; editing the boot params of that kernel is needed | 06:19 |
Metox | How can I check the messages | 06:19 |
kdc1956 | Ubuntu 8.04 is so easy to install | 06:19 |
bazhang | metox get into grub then choose a kernel and hit e to edit and remove quiet and splash | 06:19 |
Metox | I need to get some information to trouble shoot. | 06:19 |
Takumidesh | not for me | 06:19 |
consumismo_owns | RyanPrior, can you join my pc by vnc to try fix it? | 06:19 |
Metox | It is soo easy - did it before | 06:19 |
Veinor | Why is it that whenever I try to install firefox via apt, it always tries to use the CD? | 06:20 |
Metox | But this box is different | 06:20 |
bazhang | Veinor, remove cd from sortware sources | 06:20 |
RyanPrior | consumismo_owns: I'm not good at fixing anything MBR-related, unfortunately. | 06:20 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: what probs do you have that require VNC aid? | 06:20 |
alex1 | nm, figured it out. package -> force version | 06:20 |
Veinor | how do I do that? | 06:20 |
bazhang | Veinor, open synaptic and do it there or from software sources | 06:21 |
RyanPrior | bazhang: System -> Administration -> Software Sources | 06:21 |
zvacet | Veinor : system<admin>software sources | 06:21 |
thorny_sun | wastrel: thanks for the help! | 06:21 |
zChris | is there a way i can use cp to copy everything in stuff inluding its under directories EXCEPT the directory user2 that resides in stuff ? | 06:21 |
bazhang | RyanPrior, not me with the prob thanks ;] | 06:21 |
MikeCulver | I'm interested in setting up a very secure laptop with Ubuntu. How secure does LVM with encryption make the data on the filesystem? Also, would I still be able to have a 'guest' style account someone could use but not access encrypted data? | 06:21 |
RyanPrior | bazhang: Ah, was meant for Veinor. :-) | 06:21 |
Metox | does any body know how to get messages instead of the ping pong whilist loading? | 06:22 |
bazhang | metox aye I told you | 06:22 |
Metox | e edit? | 06:22 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: Yes you could create a guest account, and the encryption is only as secure as your encryption key. | 06:22 |
bazhang | metox get into grub and edit kernel boot parameters | 06:22 |
Takumidesh | that looks like its gonna be fun | 06:23 |
Rat409 | metox try hit esc or better to add splash=silent to kernel line | 06:23 |
Metox | Ok now I understand what you meant - sorry | 06:23 |
consumismo_owns | zChris, I never used any linux.. today I install one fresh new HD in my computer, run the ubuntu live cd 8.0.4, click in 'install' button from desktop, I just follow the steps of wizard to install, after done I restart the system and now I receive this message in black screen: "Master Boot Record Error". I'm not able to fix it, I never used Linux. | 06:23 |
bazhang | np ;] | 06:23 |
Rat409 | and verbose instead od quiet | 06:23 |
kripz | does anyone here use trickle? do you always have to execute "trickle <program>" to get it working? | 06:23 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: If you use a long passphrase with high entropy, it's probably pretty secure. However, security expert Bruce Schneier recommends using a loop-mounted encrypted volume within an encrypted partition, so you can unmount the parts that you don't need and thus protect them from possible attack. | 06:23 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: but how can you use VNC when it dosent boot u p? | 06:23 |
sol | hi | 06:24 |
consumismo_owns | zChris, with live cd | 06:24 |
bazhang | hi sol | 06:24 |
Dr_willis | You can run 'vncserver' and have a X desktop in a hidden vnc session. | 06:24 |
sol | hows it goin | 06:24 |
Flashy | has anyone had trouble with the DVD Burner thinking there's no disc in? | 06:24 |
bazhang | !ask | sol | 06:24 |
ubottu | sol: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 06:24 |
emergion | Hello, anyone had trouble with 8.04 LTS and flash? I have no sound | 06:24 |
MikeCulver | RyanPrior: So I'm assuming I would have to set up different home parts.. perhaps one encrypted and the other not for each account? | 06:24 |
Takumidesh | flashy-details | 06:24 |
bazhang | !flashsound | 06:24 |
Dr_willis | Flashy, ive had issues with DVD burners just vanishing fromthe system after i burn one disk | 06:24 |
ubottu | Factoid flashsound not found | 06:24 |
sol | i'm not really askin a question right now | 06:24 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: how are your hds ordered? | 06:24 |
jjt009 | hey guys, just downloaded and installed ubuntu 8.04, huge fatal errors, when i boot up system and enter username/passwrd blank black screen appears | 06:25 |
bazhang | emergion, install libflashsupport | 06:25 |
emergion | ok I will | 06:25 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: I would suggest having an encrypted partition for /tmp and /swap, an encrypted /home/MikeCulver, and an unencrypted root filesystem. | 06:25 |
jjt009 | i can only get the system to work in terminal mode | 06:25 |
bazhang | sol this is support channel-->chat in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 06:25 |
consumismo_owns | zChris, I'm on other HD now with windows... I will remove this hd, and put the other with linux.. run the live cd, activate the vnc and send ip for you access it | 06:25 |
drrohin | any one having audio probems with vlc on 8.04 | 06:25 |
zChris | jjt009: what happens when you press startx in terminal? | 06:25 |
jjt009 | haven't tried | 06:26 |
jjt009 | let me do so | 06:26 |
smacky | is there a program that i can use to rip 360 games using ubuntu 8 | 06:26 |
sol | ok well then... | 06:26 |
RyanPrior | smacky: dd | 06:26 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: so you only have one 1 hd connected at all time? | 06:26 |
bazhang | smacky, what reason | 06:26 |
RyanPrior | bazhang: Archival purposes, presumably. | 06:26 |
Flashy | everything I try to burn with whinges there's no disc | 06:26 |
matthias_N | anyone have sucessfully installed an lexmark pinter? | 06:26 |
sol | i have a slight problem with after a fresh install of ubuntu 8, sometimes it doesnt work, and soemtimes it does. all other system sound works.... any ideas | 06:26 |
matthias_N | printer | 06:26 |
smacky | reason bein to play on my modded 360 | 06:26 |
Flashy | and it seems now I can't even play an audio cd | 06:27 |
MikeCulver | RyanPrior: My thought was to have a password-less guest acct in case it gets stolen... so the silly criminal would log into that, hop on WiFi, and the laptop could ping back home until the cops knock on the door.... Would I be able to keep the password for the encrypted FS on my user keyring? Or would I have to unlock it separately each time? | 06:27 |
zChris | RyanPrior: fail :) | 06:27 |
kripz | what program can view/edit power point presentations? | 06:27 |
Fezzler | For some reason when I start Minicom from my menu, I see it flash on then go away?????? | 06:27 |
bazhang | matthias_N, connected to router presumably | 06:27 |
zChris | kripz: Openoffice suite i think | 06:27 |
Dr_willis | Fezzler, try it from a terminal. last i looked minicom was a console/text app. | 06:27 |
bazhang | open office kripz | 06:27 |
matthias_N | bazhang: yes wirelessly | 06:28 |
MikeCulver | RyanPrior: Also, I was looking into a feature on new ThinkPads that claims to offer full hardware-based disk encryption... would this interfere, or operate beyond the knowledge of the OS? | 06:28 |
amenado | bpat1434-> anything? | 06:28 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: You could certainly cache the login credential so you don't have to type in the passphrase every time you access an encrypted part. :-) | 06:28 |
consumismo_owns | zChris, yes two hd, but I want connect only one per time to install the SO, after this I will connect both hd'd and manage the boot with the "F8" feature of my motherboard | 06:28 |
zvacet | kripz : clicl/double click on file and Openoffice will open for you | 06:28 |
bazhang | matthias_N, you set in the router yet? | 06:28 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: hardware-based encryption is invisible to the OS. | 06:28 |
zcat[1] | MikeCulver: ahhh yes.. that would be hardware based 128-bit xor ;) | 06:28 |
consumismo_owns | hard to understand? try to imagine I have only 1 hd and I try to install Linux on it | 06:28 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: It's also more efficient, since no CPU overhead is required. | 06:28 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: ah okey, try to connect the linux hd by itself and boot | 06:28 |
Sidd | What sounds nicer, or .com? It's for a vegetable planting website | 06:29 |
matthias_N | bazhang: what do you mean set in the router ???, it have an ip adress if that is what you mean ... | 06:29 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: dont try to boot from linux with both hardrives connected | 06:29 |
jjt009 | zChris: doesn't work | 06:29 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: If I had the money, I'd buy into hardware disk encryption technology myself. | 06:29 |
bazhang | consumismo_owns, if mbr is on windows hd then that is the source of your prob | 06:29 |
jjt009 | zChrist: xServer is already running | 06:29 |
MikeCulver | RyanPrior: Does that type of system make use of the TCPM chip or what? | 06:29 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: I don't understand the technology behind it. | 06:29 |
zChris | jjt009: when you login on the failsafe kernel mode ? | 06:29 |
MikeCulver | RyanPrior: But full disk encryption would require unlocking to even boot the OS, correct? | 06:29 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: correct. | 06:30 |
jjt009 | zChris:how exactly do i do that | 06:30 |
consumismo_owns | zChris, yes, I use only one hd.. I plug this hd with windows now only to get help here, I always try boot the linux only with 1 hd | 06:30 |
MikeCulver | RyanPrior: then that kind of kills the idea I had | 06:30 |
zChris | jjt009: reboot, and choose that kernel at grub | 06:30 |
jjt009 | ok | 06:30 |
MikeCulver | RyanPrior: is the TCPM supported for key storage in Ubuntu? | 06:30 |
consumismo_owns | the, you can connect to my vnc? | 06:30 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: reinstall linux with both hds connected | 06:30 |
consumismo_owns | then | 06:30 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: I'm not sure. | 06:30 |
bazhang | MikeCulver, nay | 06:30 |
Fezzler | Dr_willis: nope | 06:30 |
sentry | you know anything about sound problems in ubuntu 8.04 ... what can i do? | 06:31 |
zvacet | jjt009 : ctrl+alt+F2 and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and see if that helps | 06:31 |
bazhang | sentry with youtube or what | 06:31 |
Fezzler | Dr_willis: not unless I give the command minicom -s | 06:31 |
RyanPrior | sentry: Does the sound problem have to do with Firefox and Flash, by chance? | 06:31 |
MikeCulver | RyanPrior: thanks for the info. Looks like I need to hit up some thinkpad junkie forums :) | 06:31 |
teethdood | I have no sound after selecting/deselecting Admin/Services/Audio Settings Management (alsa)). how do I get sound back? | 06:31 |
sentry | bazhang, nothing work | 06:31 |
RyanPrior | MikeCulver: Good luck. Security is a sticky thing - make sure you do your research. | 06:32 |
consumismo_owns | zChris, this is my second attempt, I can't intall with both hds connected because I dont want no one boot loader manage like grub or lilo to manage my windows hd (show menu to choose SO to start) | 06:32 |
sentry | when ubuntu start not sound the start wav's...nothing, mp3, etc... | 06:32 |
bpat1434 | amenado: sorry, computer crapped out again | 06:32 |
bpat1434 | amenado: what did you say? | 06:32 |
bazhang | sentry install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:32 |
sentry | yes i do that | 06:33 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: hmm, does you get that master boot record when you ONLY boot from your linux hardrive? And dont have windows hardrive connected ? | 06:33 |
zvacet | sentry : system>preferences>volume control | 06:34 |
bazhang | sentry need more info-->you using wine, what about youtube sound with firefox-->or just zero sound of any kind | 06:34 |
RyanPrior | bazhang: He says that even free formats wont' play. | 06:34 |
joetheodd | How can I force unzip to open a JAR file? | 06:34 |
sentry | bazhang, zero sound for any kind | 06:34 |
bazhang | sentry, you set to alsa in sound prefs yet? | 06:35 |
Enselic | joetheodd: have you tried opening with the normal Arhcive Manager? | 06:35 |
Xcell | bazhang: is there a way to get my logout sound back?, thx | 06:35 |
joetheodd | Enselic, I'm working with a ton of files that I'd rather do with wildcards. But I'm sure that'd work, of course. | 06:35 |
aspoor | I got ndiswrapper working tonight | 06:35 |
aspoor | woot me go go go | 06:35 |
bazhang | Xcell, you switch it off or what | 06:35 |
LtCmdrWrf | GJ | 06:35 |
sentry | bazhang, let me see | 06:35 |
paulcross | sentry, I just encountered the same situation and fixed by boot from the recovery mode. | 06:35 |
Rat409 | MikeCulver: one option perhaps | 06:36 |
matthias_N | anyone know how to get wireshark to run ... | 06:36 |
Enselic | joetheodd: Arhive Manager uses a plugin system I think; it does not use unzip for all of its files | 06:36 |
consumismo_owns | zChris, exactly | 06:36 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | Is there a way to reset the top toolbar to its original default, when i hit close on some of my program, it doesn't minimize to the top bar as an icon, it disappears instead | 06:36 |
Enselic | joetheodd: unzip only handles zipfiles afaik | 06:36 |
rafaelcosta | alguem do Tocantins? | 06:36 |
Xcell | no, i wonder...ever since i loaded compiz it quit, i loaded 7.10 + 8.04 several times, maybe its a hardware pblm? | 06:36 |
joetheodd | Enselic, the thing is, JAR files are ZIP files, but I can't seem to make it open a FILE.JAR style filename. | 06:36 |
rafaelcosta | como faço para configurar o mysql no UBUNTU? | 06:36 |
dudus | rafaelcosta: go to #ubuntu-br | 06:37 |
joetheodd | Is there a way I can mass rename s/jar/zip or something? | 06:37 |
joetheodd | !es | 06:37 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 06:37 |
Enselic | joetheodd: what happends if you just pass a .jar to unzip? | 06:37 |
rafaelcosta | já instalei-o por meio do sudo | 06:37 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: dont know really, sorry :/ | 06:37 |
patifa | [DS]DragonSlayer: The programs, by default, in GNOME, minimize to the bottom. | 06:37 |
joetheodd | Enselic, caution: filename not matched: file.jar | 06:37 |
Rat409 | xcel java -jar <name>.jar ? | 06:37 |
atrus | joetheodd: unzip just opens them successfully here | 06:37 |
berkelep | what are /bin/bash and /bin/sbin? | 06:37 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | @patifa, how do i reset it? | 06:37 |
Xcell | I couldnt tell ya Rat409 | 06:38 |
LtCmdrWrf | /bin/bash is the terminal | 06:38 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | @patifa - somehow instead of having icons at top, it has bars of my programs like my bottom toolbar | 06:38 |
Xcell | could be, so | 06:38 |
LtCmdrWrf | /bin/sbin is Sudo | 06:38 |
Enselic | joetheodd: right, it just warns you | 06:38 |
sentry | i have set the HDA ALSA Mixer | 06:38 |
Rat409 | its how you tun apps in dot jar files | 06:38 |
Rat409 | run | 06:38 |
consumismo_owns | zChris, not only have 5 minutes to check my grub via vnc? | 06:38 |
joetheodd | Enselic, the thing is it didn't open anything though | 06:38 |
stephan_ | hey all | 06:39 |
Starnestommy | LtCmdrWrf: /bin/sbinn does not exist. /usr/bin/sudo is sudo | 06:39 |
consumismo_owns | only five minutes and nothing more | 06:39 |
kruik | hi everybody can i help me | 06:39 |
Enselic | joetheodd: but doesn't it still extract them? if you don't want that output you could pass -q | 06:39 |
Xcell | ok, tx, ill check it out | 06:39 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | @ patifa so how do i reset it? | 06:39 |
Enselic | joetheodd: why should it open anytying? | 06:39 |
Xcell | nice | 06:39 |
goodtimes | does the stock ubuntu kernel support reiser4? | 06:39 |
Enselic | joetheodd: it's a command line program | 06:39 |
atrus | joetheodd: what does "unzip -v" say? | 06:39 |
berkelep | LtCmdrWrf: when i make a user does in /etc/passwd what difference does it make which is appended? | 06:39 |
LtCmdrWrf | Ah | 06:39 |
kruik | my keyboard cannt detect in grub ubuntu 7.10 | 06:39 |
LtCmdrWrf | Wrongnumber | 06:39 |
Enselic | joetheodd: oh you mean like that, nm | 06:39 |
sentry | paulcross, you say i have start whit the recovery mode ...? and i need do anything ? | 06:39 |
joetheodd | Enselic, it should extract them, i mean | 06:39 |
stephan_ | how can i do a live feed in ustream on ubuntu | 06:39 |
dudus | goodtimes: I think the kernel is not compiled with reiser4 since its still experimental | 06:40 |
zChris | consumismo_owns: ca ntry though | 06:40 |
joetheodd | atrus, Compiled with gcc 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu4) for Unix (Linux ELF) on Mar 21 2008. | 06:40 |
Xcell | ya, Rat409 thats prolly it, thanks guy | 06:40 |
joetheodd | atrus, hardy default, i believe | 06:40 |
kruik | cos i have 2 OS so a cant cus the other OS | 06:40 |
sentry | sorry for my bad english... i only speak spanish...but i try :P | 06:40 |
joetheodd | atrus, wrong line sorry -- UnZip 5.52 of 28 February 2005, by Ubuntu. Original by Info-ZIP. | 06:40 |
consumismo_owns | :x | 06:40 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | @patifa, normally when i click the X (close button) my Pidgin internet messenger would dock on top bar, but now it exit instead | 06:40 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | how do i fix that | 06:40 |
LtCmdrWrf | Berkelep... When you add a user... The Number on the /etc/passwd incrases | 06:40 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | well it's not just that program, but all other program as well | 06:40 |
kruik | hi | 06:40 |
LtCmdrWrf | for EG | 06:40 |
bazhang | sentry you want a spanish channel for ubuntu? | 06:40 |
paulcross | Sentry, I just choose the recovery mode from the grub menu list on the boot screen. | 06:40 |
LtCmdrWrf | you are 1001 | 06:41 |
joetheodd | sentry, #ubuntu-es es para espanol | 06:41 |
LtCmdrWrf | add a user | 06:41 |
atrus | joetheodd: seems fine here: | 06:41 |
Xcell | !es | 06:41 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 06:41 |
LtCmdrWrf | he joins at 1002 | 06:41 |
LtCmdrWrf | thats all! | 06:41 |
joetheodd | Xcell, that's what I told him :P | 06:41 |
Xcell | ok sry. me and my big mouth | 06:41 |
joetheodd | Xcell, no problem :P | 06:41 |
stephan_ | all help!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 06:41 |
sentry | i try whit the recovery mode.... if that not work i go to ubuntu-es ... thanks for all | 06:42 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | can anyone help me? how do i reset my top panel to original default? | 06:42 |
Xcell | lol halp! | 06:42 |
consumismo_owns | !pt | 06:42 |
ubottu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 06:42 |
stephan_ | any one pm i need help with usream | 06:42 |
rafaelcosta | alguém do brasil? | 06:42 |
bazhang | !helpme | stephan_ | 06:42 |
ubottu | stephan_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 06:42 |
bazhang | !br | rafaelcosta | 06:42 |
ubottu | rafaelcosta: please see above | 06:42 |
sentry | have a great time boys... see you | 06:42 |
berkelep | what does bin/bash at the end of this do? username:x:1002:1002::/home/username:/bin/bash | 06:42 |
Starnestommy | berkelep: it means that that user uses bash as their login shell | 06:42 |
paulcross | [DS]DragonSlayer, remove and add back. | 06:42 |
rafaelcosta | ALGUÉM DO BRASIL????? | 06:42 |
kindofabuzz | !es18xx | 06:43 |
ubottu | Factoid es18xx not found | 06:43 |
zChris | !br | 06:43 |
ubottu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 06:43 |
kindofabuzz | !es1869 | 06:43 |
ubottu | Factoid es1869 not found | 06:43 |
consumismo_owns | rafaelcosta, tem vnc ai? | 06:43 |
dudus | rafaelcosta: vai pro canal #ubuntu-br | 06:43 |
berkelep | Starnestommy: what would an ftp user need? | 06:43 |
kindofabuzz | filezilla baby | 06:43 |
Starnestommy | berkelep: maybe /bin/false if they'll just be logging into ftp | 06:43 |
berkelep | Starnestommy: thanks. | 06:44 |
paulcross | What is the format of Podcast feed? | 06:45 |
dudus | paulcross: rss in xml | 06:45 |
dudus | paulcross: or very similar | 06:45 |
jjt009 | zChris: when i run startx, a prompt pops up saying i shouldn't run it as root, and then i press continue, and the system returns to prompt | 06:46 |
kindofabuzz | paulcross: it can be anything, usually ogg or mp3 | 06:46 |
paulcross | dudus, oh, so mms:// wouldnt work. | 06:46 |
znalo | does anyone know where one should install client certificates, private keys and CA root certs for the purpose of apt-transport-https ? | 06:46 |
eeboy | The volume overlay doesn't match the actual volume level when I adjust it via the volume up/down buttons on my laptop. For example, I'll volume up and the graphic will indicate full volume when I still have a ways to go. Any suggestions on correcting this? | 06:46 |
zChris | jjt009: check your x log in /var/log | 06:46 |
jjt009 | ok | 06:47 |
ariqs | what's some dvd ripping software for ubuntu that's any good? k9copy will not work right for me | 06:47 |
paulcross | kindofabuzz, Could you give me one of yours as an example? | 06:47 |
Enselic | jjt009: why are you running as root? | 06:47 |
bazhang | ariqs, what is the issue with k9copy> | 06:47 |
Xcell | jjt009: do U have nvidia? | 06:47 |
jjt009 | Enselic: ubuntu gives me no other choice | 06:47 |
Enselic | ariqs: mencoder is very powerful | 06:47 |
jjt009 | Xcell: nope intel integrated | 06:47 |
paulcross | kindofabuzz, I never used this things before. | 06:47 |
Enselic | jjt009: how do you mean? why do you need to run startx in the first place? | 06:48 |
Xcell | oh,,ok | 06:48 |
jjt009 | Enselic: that's what zChris told me to do | 06:48 |
jjt009 | i have no clue wtf is going on | 06:48 |
bazhang | jjt009, a very unwise idea | 06:48 |
ariqs | bzhang: I open the cd, check the things i want copied , goto copy and it just stalls and does seemingly nothing. | 06:48 |
Xcell | jjt009: is it a dell lappy? | 06:48 |
jjt009 | Xcell: lenovo laptop | 06:48 |
bazhang | ariqs, you read the faq? | 06:48 |
Xcell | ah | 06:48 |
ariqs | bazhang: nope | 06:49 |
=== nenolod is now known as happinessturtle | ||
jjt009 | yeah, so everything is kind of screwed up | 06:49 |
Xcell | ya | 06:49 |
jjt009 | i don't know, maybe it was because i tried to restart the system before the update manager prompted me to | 06:49 |
ariqs | bazhang: I've had enough trying to figure out bugs with linux nonsense. It's a waste of a day. I'm all for giving up and trying a new prog at this point | 06:49 |
jjt009 | all the windows closed and stuff, but i was expecting a restart prompt | 06:49 |
bazhang | ariqs, the most powerful are command line only you know | 06:50 |
hurin | hello | 06:50 |
jjt009 | ayo | 06:50 |
RyanPrior | !hi | hurin | 06:50 |
ubottu | hurin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:50 |
hurin | any one knows how to default a theme in emerald? | 06:51 |
hurin | thanks | 06:51 |
jjt009 | !hi | me | 06:51 |
ubottu | me: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:51 |
ariqs | bazhang, if by most powerful you mean you have the most opotions because the process is broke into 10 steps, I'd argue that that sort of power is just waste of time ;P | 06:51 |
Xcell | jjt009: dont take this as protocol , but U may have to stres X many times getting it rite, one of them is sudo touch /forcefsck every time x is configured. | 06:51 |
LadyNikon | !emerald | 06:51 |
ubottu | Factoid emerald not found | 06:51 |
LadyNikon | hmm | 06:51 |
RyanPrior | !beryl | 06:51 |
ubottu | Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 06:51 |
LadyNikon | hurin: you install it yet? | 06:51 |
bazhang | emerald | 06:51 |
hurin | yes i have emerald installed | 06:51 |
hurin | and i downloaed ad theme | 06:51 |
jjt009 | but do any of you guys know why gnome would just suddently fail | 06:52 |
LadyNikon | hurin: sorry.. the theme is installed? | 06:52 |
LadyNikon | in emerald? | 06:52 |
Enselic | ariqs: it will be a one-liner in mencoder | 06:52 |
jjt009 | the gnome login windows load and everything | 06:52 |
Xcell | jjt009: its x | 06:52 |
ariqs | nice, enselic. I'll look into it then | 06:52 |
hurin | yes thetheme is installed | 06:52 |
Xcell | trust me | 06:52 |
Enselic | ariqs: to rip the contents on a DVD into an mpeg | 06:52 |
hurin | right now i am using it | 06:52 |
hurin | but i dont liket it | 06:52 |
LadyNikon | when i used it.. i had to go into the theme section and edit one of the themes | 06:52 |
zChris | Xcell: huh? i never heard about that | 06:52 |
hurin | so I wanted to go back to the normal gnome one | 06:52 |
Enselic | ariqs: btw, your IRC client probably have TAB-completion. Try typing Ens<TAB> | 06:52 |
LadyNikon | been awhile since I did it though | 06:52 |
BigZ | hey can someone help me out im tryen to run my xbox through my pc to my router and in windows i just made a network bridge and it worked but i cant in linux | 06:52 |
ariqs | I know it has tab completion, but then I have to get case right too :p | 06:53 |
Xcell | yep, fonts Nstuff relys on X | 06:53 |
jjt009 | any way i could restore my system to ubuntu 7.10 | 06:53 |
jjt009 | and revert changes i made | 06:53 |
xanni | I'm having printer problems in 8.04, worked OK in 6.06, anyone able to help debug? | 06:53 |
Xcell | wow jjt009 did U upgrde? | 06:53 |
RyanPrior | jjt009: There is no downgrade path, unfortunately. You'd have to reinstall from scratch. | 06:53 |
jjt009 | Xcell: yes | 06:54 |
jjt009 | RyanPrior: if i reinstalled, can i recover all my files | 06:54 |
RyanPrior | jjt009: Nope. You would have to back them up and restore them to the newly installed system. | 06:54 |
kindofabuzz | save your files first is always the best option | 06:54 |
Xcell | folks, upgrading is for xperimenters not for sys on line users | 06:54 |
jjt009 | Xcell: no but 8.04 was supposed to be stable | 06:55 |
xanni | I have a Samsung ML-1710 laser, printed OK under 6.06, just prints blank pages under 8.04 | 06:55 |
jjt009 | i didn't expect a failure | 06:55 |
Stupid^Kid | howto subscript a usenet group in thunderbird ? comp.os.linux.admin for instance | 06:55 |
Enselic` | Stupid^Kid: there's usually information on how to do on the usenet group page | 06:56 |
jjt009 | mIRC sucks | 06:56 |
Xcell | jjt009: its broke, but it will B fixed,,these cats know what is. go back to 7.10 or re-load 8.04 from scratch...I recomend 7.10. till jully 30th | 06:56 |
Enselic` | ariqs: this page might give you some hints: | 06:56 |
Enselic` | ariqs: note that's it for a different distro then Ubuntu, but the commands will be more or less the same | 06:56 |
Xcell | jjt009: runit 2wice | 06:57 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | can someone please help me, for some reason, when i dock programs on my top panel, it doesn't display icons anymore, & my programs disappears instead of docking | 06:57 |
Xcell | this will make ur hd buffers secure | 06:57 |
jjt009 | Xcell: there's got to be a way to salvage the system without reinstallation | 06:57 |
Xcell | jjt009: i wish i knew, renew your problem | 06:58 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | can someone help me fix my panel? | 06:58 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | i want the default top panel where my programs will be docked, but my panel for some reason doesn't dock the program | 06:58 |
Xcell | ah video | 06:58 |
RyanPrior | [DS]DragonSlayer: Are you referring to launcher applets? | 06:59 |
jjt009 | Xcell: when i login at the standard gnome window (usrname, passowrd), the standard ubuntu entrance music plays, but none of my icons load and nothing initializes | 06:59 |
doctor_thunde1 | I have no sound | 06:59 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | @Ryan let me take a screenshot of my desktop and you'll see | 06:59 |
doctor_thunde1 | after hardy heron update | 06:59 |
jjt009 | hardy heron overall sucks | 06:59 |
jjt009 | wow | 06:59 |
Xcell | thats x man, its an x issue | 07:00 |
bazhang | doctor_thunde1, please clarify-->no sound at all or youtube or other | 07:00 |
jjt009 | Xcell: how could i fix? | 07:00 |
bazhang | jjt009, please stay on topic | 07:00 |
kripz | jjt009, did you try reconfigure x? | 07:00 |
doctor_thunde1 | bazhang: no sound on youtube or rythmbox | 07:00 |
bazhang | doctor_thunde1, install libflashsupport | 07:00 |
RyanPrior | doctor_thunde1: That's a well-documented bug. It's being worked on. | 07:00 |
doctor_thunde1 | thanks | 07:00 |
RyanPrior | doctor_thunde1: You can install libflashsupport, but I don't recommend it. | 07:00 |
RyanPrior | doctor_thunde1: It may fix the sound problem, but it tends to crash Firefox. | 07:01 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | blah i can't upload stuff to photobucket using ubuntu | 07:01 |
Xcell | cant tell ya......unless you do this... sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg......and let X fix itself in recovery mode | 07:01 |
doctor_thunde1 | I should have waited before I installed hardy heron so soon | 07:01 |
doctor_thunde1 | but I like to be bleeding edge | 07:01 |
Stupid^Kid | Enselic`: can you find the web page for me? i can't find it | 07:02 |
RyanPrior | doctor_thunde1: Welcome to the dark side. We'll be bringing the light back momentarily, though. :-) | 07:02 |
Xcell | jjt009: follow the prompts and pay attention | 07:02 |
Enselic` | Stupid^Kid: no hits if you google on the group name? | 07:02 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | @RyanPrior if u launch pidgen (the chat program) it'll have an icon on top panel | 07:02 |
jjt009 | kripz: nup | 07:02 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | @Ryan for some reason mine doesn't do that anymore | 07:02 |
RyanPrior | doctor_thunde1: I've been using Hardy Heron for months while it's been in testing, and the sound problems have come and gone. I've been through lots of sound crap lately - but it'll be sorted out at some point. | 07:02 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | including all other programs | 07:02 |
kripz | jjt009, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:03 |
RyanPrior | [DS]DragonSlayer: perhaps you need to add a notification area applet? | 07:03 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | so if i minimize (dock it) i can't get the program back | 07:03 |
Xcell | jjt009: let it fix itself already | 07:03 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | iono, when i turned on my comp it messed up someohw, but if that works, how do i do that? | 07:03 |
doctor_thunde1 | Ryan: i'm glad i'm not the only one, just hope I don't screw my computer up more trying to fix it | 07:03 |
=== bod_ is now known as Bodsda | ||
[DS]DragonSlayer | @ryan how do i get the notification applet? | 07:03 |
Stupid^Kid | Enselic`: but i want to subscript in thunderbird | 07:03 |
joetheodd | I'm trying to install libglib2.0-dev, but it errors -- Depends: libglib2.0-0 (=2.16.3-1) but 2.16.3-1ubuntu1 is to be installed | 07:04 |
RyanPrior | [DS]DragonSlayer: right click on your Gnome panel, select Add to panel..., then select the Nofication Area applet and hit add. | 07:04 |
ubuntu5446 | hello, is it a good or bad idea to upgrade to hardy heron? | 07:04 |
Enselic` | [DS]DragonSlayer: do you have the Notification Area applet? | 07:04 |
bazhang | [DS]DragonSlayer, right click add to panel | 07:04 |
Xcell | jjt009: it may take 5 times. but itl get fixed | 07:04 |
RyanPrior | ubuntu5446: We can't recommend without knowing your situation. | 07:04 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | ah there we go | 07:04 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | thanks a lot! | 07:04 |
Enselic` | Stupid^Kid: sorry dunno what you mean | 07:04 |
Enselic` | joetheodd: how do you try to install it? | 07:04 |
bazhang | ubuntu5446, best run the livecd first | 07:04 |
RyanPrior | ubuntu5446: If you're on a business-critical machine, for example, I'd wait for the 8.04.1 release. | 07:05 |
joetheodd | Enselic`, marking it in synaptic | 07:05 |
ubuntu5446 | RyanPrior: i have an hp laptop, so far gutsy is working well enough | 07:05 |
MidgetSpy | has anybody heard of problems with the 2.6.25 and Gnome/xorg? I compiled 2.6.25 on 7.10 and X stops working, but if I boot the original default kernel again it works fine | 07:05 |
Enselic` | joetheodd: it should ask if you want to install of of its dependencies | 07:05 |
Enselic` | joetheodd: otherwise you could simply do sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev | 07:05 |
joetheodd | Enselic`, it doesn't offer, though. I'll try that | 07:05 |
Enselic` | joetheodd: I prefer the command line. Note that you have TAB completion on packages | 07:06 |
RyanPrior | ubuntu5446: If everything is working well and you've got no complaints, then there's probably not a whole lot for you to gain by upgrading to Hardy right now. At some point you'll probably want Firefox 3, PulseAudio, and all that - but right now it's in flux, so you're not losing out on much by waiting till later to upgrade. | 07:06 |
joetheodd | Enselic`, oh really? Nifty! | 07:06 |
Stupid^Kid | Enselic`: oh sorry , i want to subscribe the group in thunderbird client | 07:06 |
ubuntu5446 | RyanPrior: thank you | 07:06 |
Xcell | MidgetSpy: use the original 4 now | 07:06 |
joetheodd | ubuntu, nice nickgrab :) | 07:06 |
Dr_willis | Im not sure if tabcompletion on packjage names is enabled by default or not. | 07:06 |
RyanPrior | ubuntu5446: Gutsy Gibbon is still a great distro. :-) | 07:07 |
Xcell | Ryan yep | 07:07 |
ubuntu5446 | RyanPrior: yeah, but it was not so good for hp laptops for awhile, and i still cannot get my wireless to work, but i am fine with that; for some reason if wireless is enabled, it slows my computer down to a grinding halt, though the wireless seems to work | 07:08 |
ubuntu5446 | RyanPrior: but i have heard there are still problems with the broadcom wireless even with hardy heron, so nothing to gain there | 07:08 |
crc_ | Why does ubuntu list my IDE harddrives as if they were SCSI? | 07:09 |
ubuntu5446 | RyanPrior: again, thank you | 07:10 |
RyanPrior | ubuntu5446: Broadcom wireless support is notoriously bad in Linux. | 07:10 |
crc_ | whats normally /dev/hda is now /dev/sda | 07:10 |
Rat409 | ubuntu5446: my bcm94311 (rev02) works but only using nidswrapper | 07:10 |
RyanPrior | crc_: Mine are listed as sda as well - dunno why. | 07:10 |
rangef1nder | does anyone have any trouble gettign their optic drive to mount after inserting a cd? | 07:11 |
crc_ | rangeflnder if you mean a cdrom now. | 07:11 |
crc_ | no. | 07:11 |
Rat409 | RyanPrior: kernel version probly | 07:11 |
umop | what is the default ur;/port for Clutch? | 07:11 |
joetheodd | Enselic`: | 07:12 |
crc_ | How do I check if my IDE drive which is for what ever reason is being treated as SCSI(wtf?) is useing DMA? | 07:12 |
joetheodd | Enselic`: that's what I get when I try to install via command line | 07:12 |
Enselic` | joetheodd: that's weird, it shoulnd't happen. seems like you have a broken package system | 07:13 |
Xcell | have a good day folks! | 07:13 |
Enselic` | joetheodd: you could try installing the dependencies manually | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | crc_, the ide becomding scsi - is due to changes in the libata system in which all drives are going to be treated as scsi devices. | 07:14 |
joetheodd | Enselic`, it seems to be the ubuntu label that's causing the problem | 07:14 |
bazhang | joetheodd, what do you need that for | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | as for dma. Not sure on that. :) as part of the changes. i was thinking the not using dma issues have been fixed where the drives should allways be using dma if they can. | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | !libata | 07:14 |
ubottu | Factoid libata not found | 07:14 |
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joetheodd | bazhang, one of mono's compilers depends on it | 07:15 |
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Kerpal2 | I am trying to start a game, I get an error. The error is: Unable to initialize OpenGL (Error could not load the OpenGl library). Any suggestions? | 07:16 |
bazhang | Kerpal2, is this in wine or native to linux | 07:16 |
Kerpal2 | native | 07:16 |
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bazhang | what game kerpa | 07:16 |
newb | hi are there any good theft detection solutions for ubuntu? | 07:16 |
Kerpal2 | Legends | 07:16 |
newb | i have a laptop | 07:16 |
mosno | newb: theft DETECTION? your laptop goes missing. | 07:17 |
Kerpal2 | I was playing it earlier, now it doesn't work.. | 07:17 |
bazhang | Kerpal2, you have 3d drivers installed or no | 07:17 |
Kerpal2 | yes | 07:17 |
Kerpal2 | compiz is even working. | 07:17 |
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newb | mosno: yea like someone lifts it | 07:17 |
kruik | hi where room ubuntu indonesia? | 07:17 |
mosno | newb: aah movement detection | 07:17 |
bazhang | Kerpal2, you tried switching it off? | 07:17 |
Kerpal2 | yes i will try again here in a second, I don't play with it on anyhow. | 07:17 |
bazhang | !id | kruik | 07:17 |
ubottu | kruik: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 07:17 |
biouser | has anyone successfully gone from 6.06 to 8.04? | 07:18 |
kripz | Is it only xubuntu or is it ubuntu/linux that has this problem. When i copy something and close that window, i go to paste in another window and my clip board is cleared | 07:18 |
* delcoyote hi | 07:18 | |
mosno | newb: depends if you have a movement sensor. i remember reading something about certain models having a movement sensor to prevent HDD damage, and you can hack it for things like this. dunno which model, maybe Lenovo or HP but i'm not sure | 07:18 |
bazhang | Kerpal2, let me check the forums-->is this hardy | 07:18 |
Kerpal2 | feisty | 07:18 |
umop | what is the default ur;/port for Clutch (installed via apt/repo)? | 07:18 |
newb | mosno: i don't have an accelerometer in my laptop. there are software out there on the market which help you trace your stolen laptop. will they work with Ubuntu? is there any such solution? | 07:18 |
mosno | newb: you mean a homing beacon over IP? | 07:19 |
crc_ | Dr_willis: How can I tell what transfer mode my disk is useing then? PIO DMA? | 07:19 |
hawkeyex | ok. so I got the snapshot of vlc that I'd like to try, I already compileld it - but how do I run this thing? | 07:19 |
mosno | newb: maybe google for: linux phone home | 07:19 |
mosno | dunno | 07:19 |
newb | mosno: ok | 07:19 |
mosno | or ubuntu theft | 07:19 |
=== SuperMan is now known as The_JoKer | ||
biouser | what do you think of clicking upgrade from Dapper to Hardy? | 07:20 |
bazhang | Kerpal2, this is 64bit? what does glxgears show | 07:20 |
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=== Spider-Man is now known as SplinTer | ||
patifa | biouser: I'd throw in a Hardy LiveCD first and boot from it, to avoid 1 layer of surprises. | 07:20 |
Starnestommy | umop: it might be port 9091 | 07:20 |
Chipsa964 | how would i go about using a USB wireless adapter? simply plugging it in doesn't seem to work | 07:20 |
=== SplinTer is now known as SplinTer0616 | ||
patifa | biouser: Not that you couldn't... potentially have other problems post-upgrade. But you'd at least reduce the odds of terrible things from a LiveCD check. | 07:21 |
umop | Starnestommy, hmm tried that and it doesn't seem to be | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | crc_, not sure now a days. Ive not looked into it recently. | 07:21 |
Chipsa964 | err, USB wireless internet adapter | 07:21 |
Kerpal2 | bazhang, it is 32 bit, glxgears does work. | 07:21 |
rey | u know | 07:21 |
patifa | Chipsa964: Entirely depends on the maker. | 07:22 |
biouser | patifa: I have no CD (blank or otherwise) and was having a lot of problems with Hardy from CD (made two CDs that wouldn't consistently checksum themselves), I messed everything up and Dapper was the only good disk I had lying around | 07:22 |
joot | Chipsa964: I have the same prob but no answer sorry | 07:22 |
Chipsa964 | patifa, what do you mean? | 07:22 |
hawkeyex | ok. so I got the snapshot of vlc that I'd like to try, I already compileld it - but how do I run this thing? | 07:22 |
biouser | the two live CDs that I made were terribly buggy | 07:22 |
Starnestommy | hawkeyex: type "vlc" into the terminal | 07:23 |
Enselic` | hawkeyex: install it | 07:23 |
Enselic` | hawkeyex: then run it :) | 07:23 |
biouser | My OpenGL was all kind of messed up after I upgraded from 7.10 | 07:23 |
Enselic` | hawkeyex: sudo make install | 07:23 |
patifa | Chipsa964: Each manufacturer is different. Some document their hardware better than others. Broadcom, for example, stinks, and Cisco/Linksys does a reasonable job at it. As such, my linksys wireless card works out of the box, and my friend's broadcom wireless card doesn't. | 07:23 |
biouser | so, I have done upgrade and fresh install, and the upgrade was the only thing that cam close to working | 07:23 |
Enselic` | hawkeyex: (if it uses Makefiles) | 07:23 |
Kerpal2 | biouser, what did you do to fix it? | 07:24 |
Chipsa964 | patifa, this is a microsoft one, so im guessing it isnt going to cooperate | 07:24 |
biouser | Kerpal2: installed Dapper C:\ | 07:24 |
patifa | LOL, chances are much lower there Chipsa964. | 07:24 |
Chipsa964 | haha | 07:24 |
biouser | so that I would at least have A os | 07:24 |
Chipsa964 | im actually trying to get my brothers computer to run ubuntu | 07:24 |
thechris | since i'm online, anyone know why /dev/ram doesn't exist when booting the liveCD? | 07:24 |
Chipsa964 | but his internal wireless card is missing its antenna | 07:24 |
biouser | I was getting an IO error saying that my HD might be faulty/move the computer toi a cooler location | 07:24 |
Arky44 | Hello all. I am running both Ubuntu and Xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron B130 laptop. When I first turn my computer on, it is possible to log on under Xfce or GNOME. However, after closing out of either Xfce or GNOME and attempting to either switch to GNOME or go back to Xfce, Xfce will not load. Any ideas on how to get both DE's to play nice? | 07:25 |
Kerpal2 | I think I installed something in compviz that swapped out a library someplace. I'm going to uninstall compiz, the start criticisizing the opengl libs on my system | 07:25 |
Chipsa964 | so its not picking up our wireless signal, and this usb thing wont work | 07:25 |
Chipsa964 | so its not looking so great | 07:25 |
biouser | oh well, I'll let you know in a while how upgrading from a fresh Dapper install to Hardy works out | 07:26 |
bazhang | Kerpal2, that would seem likely legends seems to run very well--nothing on the forums about probs on 32 bit | 07:27 |
Kerpal2 | hmm ;/ | 07:27 |
Kerpal2 | well compiz is gone, but still issues.. do you know which libs I should need for legends? | 07:27 |
biouser | anyone have an idea how often ASUS bios updates come | 07:27 |
ljsoftnet | which is better "Alien Arena" or "Open Arena"? | 07:27 |
patifa | biouser: for mine, not anymroe | 07:27 |
patifa | oh | 07:28 |
patifa | wiat | 07:28 |
biouser | I have an Opteron that is about a year old and wondering if there might be an update | 07:28 |
bazhang | !best | ljsoftnet | 07:28 |
ubottu | ljsoftnet: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 07:28 |
patifa | biouser, what ASUS motherboard do you have? | 07:28 |
ljsoftnet | sorry, it won't happen again | 07:28 |
bazhang | Kerpal2, some were removed? | 07:28 |
Kerpal2 | I think I found the problem. | 07:29 |
biouser | patifa: that's the thing, I am without documentation... maybe it says when I boot though.. or I could go into the bios? | 07:29 |
Kerpal2 | ./LinLegends: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open .... | 07:29 |
Dr_willis | ljsoftnet, go install and play them both. :) not like they are costing you big $$ | 07:29 |
bazhang | ljsoftnet, there is forum section just for games and a ubuntu gamers arena (seperate website) | 07:29 |
patifa | biouser: Just find out what your southbridge is. | 07:29 |
thechris | !/dev/ram | 07:29 |
ubottu | Factoid dev/ram not found | 07:29 |
biouser | patifa: pardon? | 07:29 |
ljsoftnet | ok | 07:29 |
berkelep | is 'modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp' built into ubuntu 7.10 | 07:29 |
bazhang | ljsoftnet | 07:30 |
patifa | one sec biouser. | 07:30 |
Arky44 | Hello all. I am running both Ubuntu and Xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron B130 laptop. When I first turn my computer on, it is possible to log on under Xfce or GNOME. However, after closing out of either Xfce or GNOME and attempting to either switch to GNOME or go back to Xfce, Xfce will not load. Any ideas on how to get both DE's to play nice? | 07:30 |
bazhang | Arky44, you can choose in sessions in log in window | 07:31 |
w5lee | Hello all I am new. When I go to places and try and browse my workgroup none of my windows shares show up. Pointers please? | 07:31 |
newb | mosno: here is how u can set up a lojack system: | 07:31 |
newb | mosno: u think this is foolproof? | 07:32 |
biouser | "I'm getting 700kb/s from the 6.06->8.04 upgrade channel right now ! | 07:32 |
patifa | biouser do you know if you have a SATA hard drive or optical disc drive? | 07:33 |
RyanPrior | w5lee: is Samba installed? | 07:33 |
biouser | patifa: SATA | 07:33 |
biouser | bunch of VIA 82XXX or something | 07:33 |
w5lee | I think so | 07:34 |
patifa | :S | 07:34 |
thechris | without posting the !install, does anyone know how to install *buntu from a non-*bunutu distro and get around the /dev/ram does not exist issue? | 07:34 |
bazhang | thechris, unetbootin | 07:34 |
biouser | !install | 07:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 07:34 |
biouser | just curious | 07:34 |
patifa | biouser can you do sudo lspci -vvnn | grep "VT8251" | 07:35 |
bazhang | thechris, by bunutu guessing you mean ubuntu :) | 07:35 |
biouser | patifa: that did not return anything | 07:35 |
patifa | ok :) | 07:35 |
teethdood | is there any laptop theft recovery software? | 07:36 |
thechris | bazhang: ubuntu, kubuntu, or xubuntu. | 07:36 |
bazhang | thechris, unetbootin | 07:36 |
thechris | !unetbootin | 07:36 |
ubottu | Factoid unetbootin not found | 07:36 |
patifa | Just wanted to make sure you don't have my evil Southbridge chip, the VT8251. It requires an obscure boot parameter, pci=nomsi, in order to boot the kernal at all. | 07:36 |
Chris| | does anyone else have the bug when they change gtk-themes, firefox always crashes? | 07:36 |
bazhang | Chris|, which to which let me try | 07:37 |
biouser | patifa: I've been running this board with ubuntu since Dapper | 07:37 |
thechris | bazhang: any docs on unetbootin? | 07:37 |
Chris| | ff2, and gutsy | 07:37 |
biouser | (and this Hardy upgrade is the most painful yet C:\) | 07:37 |
bazhang | thechris, hang on a sec | 07:37 |
patifa | yeah that didn't matter, biouser, mine broke between gutsy and an alpha of hardy. | 07:37 |
joe2 | hi all, a wireless card that's detected but doesn't see any networks in Ubuntu or XP....sounds like hardware doesn't it? | 07:38 |
thechris | joe2: what does an ifconfig -a tell you? | 07:38 |
thechris | eg, if you get an IP address? | 07:38 |
joe2 | no, I can't see my network | 07:38 |
joe2 | at all | 07:38 |
biouser | joe2 that is does.. maybe try the same card with another computer... or try a different card into the computer in question | 07:38 |
biouser | !science | 07:38 |
ubottu | Factoid science not found | 07:39 |
joe2 | damn, thanks....I was afraid of that | 07:39 |
joe2 | just went down today | 07:39 |
joe2 | hoping it isn't my antenna, will be much harder to replace that :( out of warranty too :(:( | 07:39 |
biouser | joe2: you didn't upgrade to Hardy today did you ? C:\ | 07:39 |
bazhang | thechris | 07:39 |
joe2 | no have had hardy for a long time, reinstalled today, worked then stopped | 07:40 |
joe2 | but not working in XP is what convinces me it's hardware | 07:40 |
biouser | joe2 when in question, blame Hardy | 07:40 |
bazhang | Chris|, ah, got ff3 and hardy here | 07:40 |
joe2 | I don't blame Hardy ever, it's hardware I'm almost sure | 07:40 |
biouser | joe2: that is very ubuntu of you | 07:40 |
Chris| | any crashes? | 07:40 |
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joe2 | okay I'm going to go test out a few other things, thanks all | 07:41 |
bazhang | Chris|, not so far | 07:41 |
h4mx0r | how do I run firefox 2? | 07:41 |
Chris| | bazhang in gnome with ff2, on gutsy it would take forever to crash, but on openbox, its like heh, just gotta open it up real quick, ok </offtopic> | 07:42 |
bazhang | Chris|, hehe totally ontopic | 07:42 |
Chris| | :) | 07:42 |
sriramoman | could someone tell where to add shutdown scripts in ubuntu? | 07:43 |
Starnestommy | sriramoman: add the script to /etc/init.d/ and make a symlink to it in /etc/rc0.d/ | 07:43 |
sriramoman | ok | 07:44 |
=== Ur[a]nellus is now known as Uranellus | ||
w5lee | when I click on network servers then windows network it is not finding any of my windows shares. What do I need to do? | 07:45 |
Oldhare | keep clicking | 07:46 |
bazhang | w5lee, samba is installed and allowed on windows box | 07:46 |
w5lee | thats helpful | 07:46 |
arman | arman | 07:46 |
bazhang | Oldhare, that is not helpful | 07:46 |
w5lee | no samba isn't installed on windows box should it be | 07:47 |
Oldhare | that's what I did, because I didn't think it was working | 07:47 |
bazhang | w5lee, on ubuntu? and are windows shares enabled on windows box | 07:47 |
Oldhare | finally got me there | 07:47 |
w5lee | i can see the shares from my other windows boxes | 07:48 |
thechris | bazhang: seems sourceforge can't find the actual files for unetbootin anymore... | 07:48 |
w5lee | I can ping the windows boxes | 07:48 |
bazhang | w5lee, this is hardy gutsy or other and when did this start not working | 07:48 |
w5lee | install | 07:48 |
Ayabara | I'm looking for "the best" app to manage/edit my digital photos, and so far I think Digikam is the best I've seen. Anyone got other recommendations? | 07:48 |
TheFool | Not sure where to ask this but my googling is turning up nothing. There was an open source id3 tag editor that was available on linux as well as OS X and Windows that was able to analyze my music and figure out what song it was, and tag it accordingly. I can't recall the name and no amount of searching is turning up anything useful. | 07:49 |
bazhang | thechris, you need for gutsy hardy or other-->may also be referred to as Lubi | 07:49 |
TheFool | So anyone know what I am talking about? | 07:49 |
bazhang | easytag? TheFool | 07:49 |
joe_ | I'm trying to install Atheros WiFi drivers does someone know how to do this? | 07:49 |
mohamed_ | hello all, how to make mouse available inside virtualbox window, when i click on right CTRL nothing happen ? | 07:49 |
TheFool | really? I did not realize it did any analsis of the actual file | 07:49 |
bazhang | TheFool, that was just a guess; apt-cache search mp3 will show lots more | 07:50 |
thechris | bazhang: i'm really trying to move away from gentoo, but *buntu makes it very hard to do so. | 07:50 |
joe_ | mohmed, you can go to preferences and change the button to use if that helps | 07:50 |
thechris | i'd really love a linux-compatible stand alone installer | 07:50 |
Y-Town | mohamed_: I believe the top menus tell you the proper keys | 07:50 |
bazhang | thechris, really? how so-->please clarify | 07:50 |
joanki | can anyone tell me how i can get "talk" to run? | 07:51 |
joanki | is it still in existence? | 07:51 |
TheFool | someone else remembered it, Picard was what I was looking for. | 07:51 |
bazhang | !info picard | 07:51 |
ubottu | picard (source: picard): Next-Generation MusicBrainz audio files tagger. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0-2 (hardy), package size 170 kB, installed size 1336 kB | 07:51 |
thechris | bazhang: one of my requirements is that the OS should be linux friendly. eg, I can install from linux. *buntu can't. the docs explain how to do so, but fail when /dev/ram isn't created by the "liveCD" | 07:51 |
thechris | or rather image of the livecd | 07:51 |
joe_ | Can someone walk me though getting my Atheros WiFi driver installed I've searched everywhere | 07:52 |
mohamed_ | joe_: Y-Town already right CTRL enabled for this but i can't get mouse, it seem that something need to setting for this, when press CTRL coupture window appear and i click capture but mouse pointer can't work inside virtualbox | 07:52 |
Chrysalis | can i get links on software sources and recommended settings from whoever can work the bot pls, google is not cooperating | 07:52 |
bazhang | thechris, there are ways around that-->unetbootin is the easiest imo | 07:53 |
bazhang | joe_, which chipset ar5006 et al | 07:53 |
umop | does gnome use something different to /etc/X11/xorg.conf for settings? when i login to gnome i get a error message (generated by my monitor) "screen out of bounds" or something - I can log into xfce fine with the same xorg.conf | 07:53 |
thechris | bazhang: unetbootin no longer exists though. or at least I can't download it from SF... | 07:53 |
joe_ | bazhang I looked everywhere I can't find out | 07:53 |
Y-Town | mohamed_: I switched to vmware because virtual box seems clumsy... :o) | 07:54 |
joe_ | bazhang is there a way to get it from command line | 07:54 |
bazhang | Chrysalis, your sources.list has probs? please pastebin it and we can fix it | 07:54 |
mohamed_ | Y-Town: is there how to or something help to install vmware ? | 07:54 |
bazhang | joe_, this is usb or pci lspci for the latter lsusb for the former | 07:54 |
Chrysalis | bazhang: no problems that i know of, i just wanna be sure ive set it up right also i wanna read more on repository keys etc if i can have some links | 07:55 |
Y-Town | mohamed_: yes... hang on I will get it | 07:55 |
bazhang | mohamed_, enable the canonical repos and install from there | 07:55 |
joe_ | bazhang: thanks for helping, it's on a toshiba satilite laptop built in | 07:55 |
joe_ | bazhang: so pci i guess | 07:55 |
bazhang | joe_, best to try both commands and look for ar5006 for example | 07:55 |
Y-Town | mohamed_: | 07:56 |
joe_ | bazhang: thanks I'll try it | 07:56 |
bazhang | Chrysalis, a quick pastebin should allay your fears :) | 07:56 |
mohamed_ | thx, Y-Town, bazhang joe_ | 07:56 |
Y-Town | bazhang: did they get vmware working from the repos now? didnt work couple weeks ago | 07:56 |
bazhang | Y-Town, what issue did you have? the kernel not matching or other | 07:56 |
Y-Town | bazhang: It was a kernal issue... and there is a work around for it | 07:57 |
Chrysalis | bazhang: see, i dont even know what you mean by pastebin | 07:57 |
sriramoman | Starnestommy, the script dint run. | 07:57 |
Y-Town | pastebin | Chrysalis | 07:57 |
Y-Town | err | 07:57 |
Y-Town | !pastebin | Chrysalis | 07:57 |
ubottu | Chrysalis: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:57 |
Starnestommy | sriramoman: what was the nam of the wymlink to it in /etc/rc0.d/ ? | 07:58 |
Starnestommy | *symlink | 07:58 |
bazhang | Chrysalis, the easiest way is to install pastebinit then cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit | 07:58 |
sriramoman | Starnestommy, | 07:58 |
sriramoman | Starnestommy, [i made sure it started with S] | 07:58 |
babolat | in my separate installation of firefox (2.0 on hardy) firefox won't open. a windows pops out but immediately disappears. how can i run firefox 2? | 07:59 |
Chrysalis | bazhang: ok | 07:59 |
umop | does gnome use something different to /etc/X11/xorg.conf for settings? when i login to gnome i get a error message (generated by my monitor) "screen out of bounds" or something - I can log into xfce fine with the same xorg.conf | 07:59 |
Starnestommy | sriramoman: did it start with S then two numbers followed by the script name? | 07:59 |
vato | can someone tell me why xchat sucks | 07:59 |
vato | i join a network and it immediately starts listing all channels contained on that network | 07:59 |
bazhang | vato that is offtopic here thanks | 07:59 |
biouser | Dapper->Hardy... almost done getting new packages... | 07:59 |
sriramoman | Starnestommy, no. simply What no. am i supposed to give? or any two-digit no.? | 08:00 |
bazhang | vato change the settings then | 08:00 |
biouser | vato: xchat is pretty awesome? | 08:00 |
biouser | !ot | vato | 08:00 |
ubottu | vato: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:00 |
Bugfire | How do I set the permissions for a folder to allow a user, I have a folder created by root that I'd like to have editable/shareable by a non root user | 08:00 |
joot | vato: I have no such problem | 08:00 |
Starnestommy | sriramoman: something like | 08:00 |
Bodsda | Bugfire, man chmod | 08:00 |
vato | well when i go to preferences it wont list much | 08:00 |
bazhang | vato chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 08:00 |
vato | i'll figure it out, thanks | 08:00 |
GeorgeA | how can i change a hard disc's label? | 08:00 |
Bugfire | Oh my god, chmod? I'm a friggin idiot | 08:01 |
Bugfire | Thanks Bodsda | 08:01 |
=== eisenhower_ is now known as eisenhower | ||
biouser | there is a #xchat I do believe | 08:01 |
Bodsda | Bugfire, no probs -- ;~) | 08:01 |
bazhang | they may not like his opinions though | 08:01 |
Bodsda | hey bazhang ! ;~) | 08:01 |
Ayabara | is f-spot the default photo manager on ubuntu? | 08:01 |
bazhang | Bodsda, :) | 08:01 |
Chrysalis | bazhang: there | 08:01 |
biouser | bitchx is dead, eh? | 08:01 |
babolat | no Ayabara | 08:01 |
Bodsda | bazhang, im thinkin about comin back for some time -- ive been away from#ubuntu for a while now | 08:02 |
Bodsda | !ot | 08:02 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:02 |
mneptok | biouser: i just smells that way | 08:02 |
mneptok | *it | 08:02 |
mneptok | (well, i do, too) | 08:02 |
bazhang | Chrysalis, all your security repos need to be enabled | 08:02 |
bazhang | Chrysalis, or at least the deb ones | 08:03 |
Madpilot | Anyone know how to move Tomboy notes from one tomboy install to another? Just copying the files across doesn´t seem to work | 08:03 |
biouser | mneptok: I think that when I upgraded to Hardy (... the first time... ) it said that support had ended for bitchx... I wanted to use bitchx to impress all of my terminal-crazy friends... | 08:03 |
bazhang | Bodsda, hope you do--we really need the help :) | 08:03 |
Bodsda | bazhang, ok dude -- ive ot nothin better to do today -- so im all yours ;~) | 08:03 |
Chrysalis | bazhang: so check all under ubuntu updates? | 08:04 |
Bodsda | bazhang, oh, ive got to finish re-writing the wiki bash page -- but nothin aprt from that | 08:04 |
bazhang | Ayabara, there are others if you prefer | 08:04 |
Bodsda | Chrysalis, theres no harm in enabling all the repo's | 08:04 |
bazhang | Chrysalis, the security ones yes then refresh/reload and try to upgrade | 08:05 |
raket | hey people how can I make to machines, Xubuntu and Kubuntu network? I'd like to have one folder on each machine that will be accessible by the other, and also writable too. | 08:05 |
Ayabara | bazhang: yep. I like digikam so far, but want to make sure I don't miss any excellent alternatives :-) | 08:05 |
GeorgeA | My mounted hard disks show as: 750.2 GB Media (ext3, and that's what they show on desktop and in places, but in /media/ they have names) how can I change that name? | 08:05 |
Bodsda | !nfs | raket | 08:05 |
ubottu | raket: nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 08:05 |
bazhang | Ayabara, that is the choice of many though #ubuntu-bots is the best place to hold polls :) | 08:05 |
raket | Bodsda: yes I was looking at that, but the writing is little bit overly technical for me | 08:06 |
Bodsda | raket, tell me about it -- i think there might be a #nfs -- worth a look | 08:06 |
GeorgeA | most times when i right click on the bottom panel and click close, compiz crashes, how can I fix that? | 08:06 |
Y-Town | bazhang: when I log out of my system and try to do a shutdown, my system hangs until I do ctrl-alt-del....Any ideas? | 08:06 |
vegombrei | bazhang: you there ? | 08:06 |
* Bodsda thinks bazhang is gettin hammered | 08:07 | |
raket | Bodsda: nah, there's only 2 people there. :) | 08:07 |
Chrysalis | bazhang: 73 updates ;p | 08:07 |
=== harris is now known as Harriz | ||
Bodsda | raket, meh -- they might have something to say# | 08:07 |
Y-Town | Bodsda: I just got back from the bar :o) | 08:07 |
vegombrei | bazhang: i need help with the nintendo emulator .. | 08:07 |
raket | :) | 08:07 |
Bodsda | Y-Town, ok,.,. ;~) | 08:07 |
Bodsda | vegombrei, why not ask the channel? | 08:07 |
raket | Bodsda: is that for me? | 08:08 |
raket | :)' | 08:08 |
=== Harriz is now known as harris | ||
bazhang | Madpilot, not sure but you could export to html then re-import | 08:08 |
Ashkezar | i want to report a bug in ubuntu 8.04 | 08:08 |
vegombrei | Bodsda: sorry, can you help me ? | 08:08 |
Bodsda | raket, no, your not that loved -- lol -- i'd try googling look at the ubuntu wiki | 08:08 |
Madpilot | bazhang, the old notes are on a non-functional partition - old HDD that used to hold my old /home | 08:08 |
Y-Town | When I log out of my system and try to do a shutdown, my system hangs until I do ctrl-alt-del....Any ideas? | 08:08 |
Madpilot | Ashkezar, which bug? | 08:09 |
Starnestommy | vegombrei: just ask your question or questions to the channel | 08:09 |
Bodsda | vegombrei, not with the lack of information you have provided so far -- ask the channel not 1 specific person -- you will get better answers i promise | 08:09 |
Andycas | How to add new fonts to ubuntu? | 08:09 |
Madpilot | Ashkezar, please ask before PMing. | 08:09 |
Madpilot | ubottu, fonts | Andycas | 08:10 |
ubottu | Andycas: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 08:10 |
Ashkezar | ok | 08:10 |
Bodsda | Andycas, install them??? synaptic -- or download a .deb and build from source | 08:10 |
Ashkezar | i can not install any pakage | 08:10 |
biouser | one minute remaining gettingnew packages Dapper -> Hardy ! | 08:10 |
Bodsda | !elaborate | Ashkezar | 08:10 |
ubottu | Ashkezar: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 08:10 |
=== harris is now known as Harriz | ||
Ashkezar | when i click in add/remove in menu a error shown me | 08:11 |
Bodsda | what error? | 08:11 |
=== Harriz is now known as HRIZEST | ||
Ashkezar | a major failur | 08:12 |
sudobash | lmao | 08:12 |
Madpilot | Ashkezar, what is the exact text of the error message? | 08:12 |
Ashkezar | please wait | 08:12 |
biouser | sudo apt-get remove heartburn | 08:12 |
vegombrei | yesterday i downloaded znes .. and it wont work .. so i ran it thru terminal and it gave me an error i could paste it in the paste link so you can see | 08:12 |
Chrysalis | bazhang well, its taking awhile to download all the updates, anything else you see out of place that i should know? | 08:12 |
Bodsda | vegombrei, good idea | 08:13 |
Ashkezar | Failed to check for installed and available applications | 08:13 |
Ashkezar | This is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'. | 08:13 |
bazhang | Chrysalis, all was well once you fixed that :) | 08:13 |
vegombrei | Bodsda: could you tell me that paste link .. i forgot | 08:13 |
Bodsda | Ashkezar, have you done what it says to do?> | 08:13 |
Madpilot | Ashkezar, so, have you tried the solutions that error message suggests? | 08:13 |
sudobash | lmao | 08:13 |
Bodsda | !paste | 08:13 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:13 |
=== HRIZEST is now known as harris | ||
bazhang | Madpilot, you might consider ddrescue for that damaged partition | 08:13 |
=== harris is now known as harris6 | ||
Chrysalis | bazhang: ok, thank you! | 08:13 |
Ashkezar | yes | 08:13 |
Bodsda | Ashkezar, really? what did you do? | 08:14 |
=== harris6 is now known as harr | ||
=== harr is now known as harrist | ||
vegombrei | !paste | 08:14 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:14 |
Madpilot | bazhang, there´s nothing damaged about that partition. It just isn´t my /home partition anymore - I have a new HDD | 08:14 |
sudobash | Ashkezar i am skeptical..... | 08:14 |
Madpilot | bazhang, it´s currently just a media partition, with bits of my old /home in it. Like my Tomboy notes... | 08:14 |
harrist | sd | 08:15 |
Ashkezar | i want to add/remove a software , i click in add/remove in menu , and this messaqe shown me {Failed to check for installed and available applications | 08:15 |
Ashkezar | This is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'.} | 08:15 |
=== harrist is now known as harriz | ||
=== harriz is now known as harrizz | ||
biouser | stop !paste flooding lmao | 08:15 |
Bodsda | Ashkezar, thankyou -- we saw that the first time -- what have you done to try and fix it? | 08:15 |
Madpilot | harrizz, enough nickspamming. Stop now. | 08:15 |
sudobash | sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install -f | 08:15 |
sudobash | seperate | 08:15 |
MrBogus | hello | 08:16 |
Madpilot | Ashkezar, so,have you opened a terminal and tried the commands it suggests? | 08:16 |
sudobash | did you miss that? | 08:16 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: Pastebin your sources.list | 08:16 |
harrizz | waaaahhhhh sooorryyy im changing my nick | 08:16 |
Ashkezar | i dont know any thing for fix it | 08:16 |
vegombrei | this is the error i get .. can someone help me with the nintendo emulator ? | 08:16 |
Ashkezar | yes | 08:16 |
smmagic | Hi, does anyone know of any joy2key like things for ubuntu? | 08:16 |
Bodsda | Ashkezar, whats your native language? | 08:16 |
harrizz | HEY guys can Python can run in Windows even if I made it in Linux? | 08:16 |
Ashkezar | i open terminal and write | 08:16 |
MrBogus | why can't i compile my c++ code using gcc on a console? | 08:16 |
Ashkezar | my language is PERSIAN | 08:16 |
Flannel | MrBogus: do you have build-essential installed? | 08:16 |
Bodsda | harrizz, #python | 08:17 |
sudobash | Ashkezar open terminal: sudo apt-get update | 08:17 |
biouser | sudo vim \etc\apt\sources.list 'esc' :%y+ | 08:17 |
MrBogus | <Flannel> not yet i think. | 08:17 |
sudobash | Ashkezar open terminal: sudo apt-get install -f | 08:17 |
Bodsda | i dont think we have a persian channel | 08:17 |
navetz | is there a way to unmake a makefile? | 08:17 |
harrizz | Chicken Sandwich | 08:17 |
Ashkezar | ok | 08:17 |
Flannel | MrBogus: That's your problem, you don't have any libraries or anything | 08:17 |
sudobash | Ashkezar: after that try again | 08:17 |
joe_ | how do you send a message to a particular person in this I am using Xchat? | 08:17 |
Starnestommy | joe_: like this? | 08:17 |
joe_ | ya | 08:17 |
biouser | Ashkezar, PERSIAN is not a language | 08:17 |
Bodsda | sudobash, check perms on his sources.list | 08:17 |
Y-Town | When I log out of my system and try to do a shutdown, my system hangs until I do ctrl-alt-del....Any ideas? I got to a black screen that hangs, once I hit ctrl-alt-del it shuts down and goes into the ubuntu screen | 08:18 |
Kris07 | Hi, is there a way to stop my audio from going out? | 08:18 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: please pastebin your sources.list | 08:18 |
MrBogus | Flannel: thanks. i'll find it out. | 08:18 |
bazhang | Madpilot, so finding where tomboy stores data is the real issue then? | 08:18 |
Ashkezar | ok | 08:18 |
Bodsda | Kris07, oin out where? the pub? | 08:18 |
Bodsda | goin | 08:18 |
Starnestommy | joe_: say someone's nick in a message | 08:18 |
joe_ | Starnestommy did that work? | 08:18 |
navetz | if I install something through a make file | 08:18 |
navetz | can I uninstall it | 08:18 |
Starnestommy | joe_: yes | 08:18 |
Madpilot | bazhang, I know that too - they´re XML files in .tomboy. The issue is getting the new install of tomboy to recognize the old notes when they´re copied into the new .tomboy | 08:19 |
Flannel | navetz: does the makefile have a 'make uninstall'? | 08:19 |
Starnestommy | navetz: sudo make uninistall usually works | 08:19 |
Kris07 | Bodsda, I don't know where. I know it needs to stay on my computer though. | 08:19 |
joe_ | Starnestommy thanks | 08:19 |
navetz | Flannel: I will check, thanks | 08:19 |
Bodsda | Kris07, you should ive i a curfew then | 08:19 |
Bodsda | give | 08:19 |
Ashkezar | --23:38:44-- | 08:19 |
Ashkezar | => `eatch.list' | 08:19 |
Ashkezar | Resolving | 08:19 |
Ashkezar | Connecting to||:80... connected. | 08:19 |
Ashkezar | HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found | 08:19 |
Ashkezar | 23:38:45 ERROR 404: Not Found. | 08:19 |
FloodBot1 | Ashkezar: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:19 |
Bodsda | it | 08:19 |
Bodsda | !paste | Ashkezar | 08:19 |
ubottu | Ashkezar: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:19 |
biouser | about 33 minutes until I see how badly the upgrade 6.06->8.04 damaged my system! | 08:19 |
sudobash | goodness | 08:20 |
smmagic | does the hardy kernel have joystick support? | 08:20 |
Bodsda | biouser, are you skipping all the other distro's? | 08:20 |
Ashkezar | | 08:20 |
Kris07 | Bodsda, I did, but he's an unruly little bastard. | 08:20 |
Bodsda | !language | 08:20 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 08:20 |
patifa | biouser: How is Persian not a language? | 08:20 |
biouser | Bodsda: LTS -> LTS is supposed to werk | 08:20 |
Bodsda | Kris07, punish him | 08:20 |
biouser | Farsi? | 08:20 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: thats what is in /etc/apt/sources.list? | 08:20 |
Ashkezar | yes | 08:20 |
sudobash | wow | 08:20 |
Bodsda | biouser, oh,,.,. didnt know that -- cool -- have fun breaking it ,.,.hehe | 08:20 |
sudobash | you have screwed that completely up | 08:20 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: thats... totally broken. Of course you're having problems. | 08:20 |
patifa | Persian = Farsi | 08:21 |
sudobash | lmao | 08:21 |
bazhang | !ot | 08:21 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:21 |
Ashkezar | yes | 08:21 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: you're on Hardy? | 08:21 |
Chrysalis | bazhang: wow, "system restart required" i thought linux didnt need rebooting ;p | 08:21 |
Ashkezar | yes | 08:21 |
Harde_ | Anyone around who has success with openchrome-drivers/Via UniChrome? | 08:21 |
patifa | In which case, there's also a channel in which people in it speak Persian, #ubuntu-ir, if someone's looking for a persian ubuntu help channel. | 08:21 |
bazhang | Chrysalis, only for kernel updates usually :) | 08:21 |
Kris07 | Bodsda, How so? | 08:21 |
Ashkezar | i want to install wine to run windows program | 08:21 |
Madpilot | bazhang, problem solved - ¨killall tomboy¨ then restarting tomboy forced it to reindex itself. Yay. | 08:21 |
sudobash | there is no Farsi channel is there? | 08:21 |
Ashkezar | i go to this site to download this | 08:22 |
Bodsda | Kris07, dunno -- hit him with a stick-- whats the exact problem?? | 08:22 |
bazhang | Madpilot, sorry not help you there nice going :) | 08:22 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: You messed something up in adding that, but thats fine, we'll sort it out. | 08:22 |
Ashkezar | this site : | 08:22 |
Madpilot | bazhang, no problem. Just realized the one standard troubleshooting idea I hadn´t tried - restart the damn thing... | 08:22 |
biouser | !ot | | 08:22 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:22 |
Y-Town | where can I find errors for shutting down? | 08:22 |
Kris07 | Bodsda, Well my audio works fine for a while, then out of nowhere it disappears. | 08:23 |
Bodsda | biouser, how is a site offtopic -- enough with the langauge debate plz | 08:23 |
Bodsda | Kris07, pulseaudio or alsa? | 08:23 |
Ashkezar | i opened terminal and write "sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list" | 08:23 |
Kris07 | Bodsda, What are those? | 08:23 |
umop | does gnome use something different to /etc/X11/xorg.conf for settings? when i login to gnome i get a error message (generated by my monitor) "screen out of bounds" or something - I can log into xfce fine with the same xorg.conf | 08:23 |
Starnestommy | umop: no, it uses /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:23 |
=== lymeca_ is now known as lymeca | ||
Ashkezar | what work i can do? | 08:23 |
Bodsda | Kris07, those are sound drivers/devices thingies -- you using hardy? you meddled withsound? | 08:24 |
Kris07 | Bodsda, Yes and No | 08:24 |
Kris07 | Yes ; No | 08:24 |
r0b | hello, will a p3 450 mhz with 256mb ram run ubuntu good or should i go with xubuntu, id rather run gnome if possible | 08:24 |
sudobash | xubuntu | 08:24 |
Bodsda | Kris07, ok, try this killall pulseaudio | 08:24 |
Ashkezar | please help me | 08:25 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: put that in your sources.list | 08:25 |
sudobash | ubuntu will run but xubuntu or Debian will run much quicker | 08:25 |
umop | Starnestommy, what do you suggest might be the error then? it looks like gnomes is starting correctly but just overloading a refresh rate or something | 08:25 |
Ashkezar | thanks | 08:25 |
mshadle | why is PAM prompting me for "chsh" now when i am at root? i have the same pam config, same library versions, etc. as another box that has no issue | 08:25 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: And that includes winehq already, so no need to do that again | 08:25 |
bazhang | r0b, possible maybe but really fluxbuntu would be optimal | 08:25 |
Starnestommy | umop: you may need to remove any invalid modelines from /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:26 |
Bodsda | Flannel, you may want to stress -- 'replace' his with yours rather then add it | 08:26 |
r0b | sudobash: thanks xp on it now runs really slow would ubuntu run better you think | 08:26 |
sudobash | good call Flannel | 08:26 |
Andycas | what screenlet showed cpu/ram usage etc? | 08:26 |
Bodsda | r0b, yes | 08:26 |
Kris08 | Bodsda, Where do I run the killall? | 08:26 |
Ashkezar | i paste and i can not save file | 08:26 |
sudobash | windows 2000 or Debian is what i would use on a p3 | 08:26 |
Bodsda | Kris07, from a terminal | 08:26 |
Olgem | r0b, xubuntu comes with most of the ubuntu management utilities, it just uses a liter window manager and the like | 08:26 |
sudobash | or maybe TinyXP | 08:26 |
umop | Starnestommy, ok, is it weird that Xubuntu handles it fine? Can i please pastebin my xorg for you to check out? | 08:26 |
Kris08 | Bodsda, Nothing happened | 08:26 |
Olgem | gnome* | 08:26 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: alt-f2, then gksu "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" | 08:26 |
Olgem | r0b, I meant the GNOME management utilities | 08:26 |
Bodsda | Kris07, no errors? good should be sorted now | 08:27 |
Flannel | Ashkezar: and like Bodsda said, you're replacing that file, not adding to it. The paste should be the full contents | 08:27 |
Starnestommy | umop: that seems a bit strange. I'm not very good with xorg config files | 08:27 |
ceil420 | !nvidia | 08:27 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 08:27 |
r0b | ok will try xubuntu | 08:27 |
Bodsda | Flannel, he wont be able to save that unless he opened the file as root | 08:27 |
Flannel | Bodsda: See the line above my last | 08:27 |
sudobash | sudo nano | 08:27 |
sudobash | or sudo gedit | 08:28 |
Bodsda | Flannel, my bad ;~) | 08:28 |
Kris08 | Bodsda, Nope. My audio still doesn't work. | 08:28 |
magnetron | hi! my computer crashed during the install of VLC, and now dpkg complains about a "damaged package". "sudo dpkg --configure -a" could not configure this particular package. what should i do? | 08:28 |
Olgem | r0b, I'm running xubuntu on an 800mhz VIA C3 which is similar in performance to a 500mhz P3. It runs ok. | 08:28 |
Bodsda | Kris07, u said your audio was fine | 08:28 |
bazhang | Kris08, try setting from autodetect to alsa in sound prefs | 08:28 |
umop | Starnestommy, hmm ok, might ask again later on thanks | 08:28 |
Bodsda | bazhang, err -- dont mean to prove you wrong or anything but if pulseaudio isnt running then alsa is autodetected | 08:29 |
bazhang | Bodsda, prove me wrong please :) I know zero about sound | 08:29 |
Kris08 | Nevermind. It's working now. | 08:29 |
Yaitane1 | Hello, when i want to do a chroot, what do I am supposed to mount? /dev, /sys and /proc? | 08:29 |
vato | i installed ubuntu tonight for some reason it didnt ask for a root password.. how the hell am i supposed to su? | 08:29 |
bazhang | vato sudo | 08:29 |
magnetron | vato: use sudo | 08:29 |
Flannel | vato: you dont. Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, use sudo instead. | 08:29 |
r0b | Olgem: im comfortable with xfce but this would be going on my parents so i would think gnome would be easier | 08:29 |
sudobash | yes use me | 08:30 |
vato | thanks | 08:30 |
Bodsda | bazhang, hahaha -- a lesson on sound in hardy is what you ask for -- my lesson is sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio why did they ditch alsa -- it worked | 08:30 |
magnetron | vato: if you want a root shell, use sudo -s or sudo -i | 08:30 |
bazhang | sudobash, :) | 08:30 |
Andycas | what screenlet showed me cpu/ram usage? It was themed in white circles... | 08:30 |
magnetron | sudo bazhang | 08:30 |
magnetron | oops, wrong window | 08:30 |
Y-Town | Can anyone explain whats causing this "WARNING" and help correct it: | 08:30 |
magnetron | :D | 08:30 |
bazhang | haha | 08:30 |
Bodsda | Y-Town, i have no idea ,. but a suggestion ,. use the ubuntu pastebin -- its clearer -- ;~) | 08:31 |
CptnJuzzy | Hi guys, just had mplayer freeze up on me and caused system to stop responding, rebooted and now the panel won't show up | 08:31 |
kripz | how do i make a shortcut to open a terminal window at a specific folder? | 08:31 |
Bodsda | CptnJuzzy, reboot again | 08:31 |
Bodsda | kripz, that would need to be a bash script -- you can download them from gnome-look or write your own | 08:32 |
mshadle | when i do "chsh -s /bin/bash root" i get a password prompt. why is pam prompting me now? | 08:32 |
kripz | ok thanks | 08:32 |
sudobash | bash scripting is very simple | 08:32 |
Y-Town | Bodsda: you mean the -- after pastbinit? | 08:32 |
Andycas | what screenlet showed me cpu/ram usage? It was themed in white circles... | 08:32 |
sudobash | but powerful | 08:32 |
Bodsda | kripz, the simple script would use this command gnome-terminal pwd | 08:33 |
Olgem | r0b, yes, but xubuntu has been configured so it acts and looks just like gnome, and has all of the gnome utilities so that its basically identical in usage | 08:33 |
bazhang | Andycas, does not have any info? | 08:33 |
Kris08 | Bodsda, Thanks and good night. | 08:33 |
Bodsda | Y-Town, check the man page -- you can set default pastebin sites | 08:33 |
Andycas | bazhang: Cant find that one... | 08:33 |
Bodsda | Kris07, night | 08:33 |
Flannel | kripz: You want to do it through nautilus? like, right click and open a terminal here sort of thing? | 08:33 |
Yaitane1 | someone has an idea for the chroot? | 08:33 |
kripz | DW guys, figured it out | 08:33 |
Bodsda | !yay | 08:34 |
ubottu | Glad you made it! :-) | 08:34 |
Flannel | kripz: if that's the case, install nautilus-open-terminal | 08:34 |
sudobash | night yall | 08:34 |
calebH | I'm trying to get an application to run at boot time ( that needs to be run as root | 08:34 |
Flannel | !bum | calebH | 08:34 |
ubottu | calebH: Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 08:34 |
Bodsda | Flannel, theres no fun in that -- bash scripting is FUN!!! ;~) heheh | 08:34 |
hzy | fdsafd | 08:34 |
Juzzy` | Same thing, rebooted still no panel :( | 08:34 |
calebH | Flannel, thanks! | 08:34 |
bazhang | !hi | hzy | 08:35 |
ubottu | hzy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:35 |
Nietsnie | I have a 2TB Raid-5 array on a 3ware card and having an issue with the LiveCD rebooting. If I delete the array (and just have 4x750GB separate disks) everything boots up fine. Any suggestions? I'm pretty much just thinking of going with a mdadm software raid atm | 08:35 |
uncontrol | hey, im on the ubuntu live cd as was wondering how secure it is to do some e-shopping? :o | 08:35 |
hzy | hi | 08:35 |
hzy | i m newie | 08:35 |
Bodsda | uncontrol, perfectly secure | 08:35 |
hzy | i m newbie | 08:35 |
Bodsda | hzy, welcometo the ubuntu community | 08:35 |
rhsky | hello | 08:35 |
bazhang | !ask | hzy | 08:35 |
ubottu | hzy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:35 |
r0b | Olgem: great, thanks | 08:35 |
=== Yaitane1 is now known as Yaitanes | ||
rhsky | i'm a new user | 08:35 |
Flannel | uncontrol: What do you mean? | 08:35 |
hzy | 直接点 大家都会说中文吧? | 08:35 |
smmagic | o_o | 08:35 |
Bodsda | oh bazhang ,.,. he's a new guy that was harsh lol | 08:35 |
bazhang | !cn | hzy | 08:35 |
ubottu | hzy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 08:35 |
Madpilot | uncontrol, the LiveCD has a full install of Firefox on it, it´s as secure as any other install of Firefox - ie, very | 08:36 |
hzy | i dont think so | 08:36 |
drivetrax | bazhang, See where the cube will go cilyndar.. and get all round? | 08:36 |
uncontrol | i want to buy some stuff on amazon, and a couple of PC components and i'm on the live cd. just want to make sure it's not a bad idea to do some shopping | 08:36 |
uncontrol | ok then | 08:36 |
hzy | i could improve my english here | 08:36 |
User09 | hi | 08:36 |
raddy | Hello Everybody | 08:36 |
bazhang | drivetrax, you need to go into general and set vitrual horizontal desktops to 4 | 08:37 |
Flannel | hzy: You're welcome to stay, but this channel is english only | 08:37 |
User09 | i cant wait till it comes out | 08:37 |
raddy | I just install Ubuntu 8.04 | 08:37 |
drivetrax | vertical = 3 | 08:37 |
ompaul | hzy, na - you would be better off in #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:37 |
Bodsda | uncontrol, all stored data from a live session is deleted as soon as you shutdown -- and the web browser is just as secure as it would be on a fully installed/configured system -- nothing to worry about | 08:37 |
raddy | It remarkable, tremendous | 08:37 |
bazhang | drivetrax, that would be an odd cube :) | 08:37 |
hzy | got it thanks | 08:37 |
User09 | when is zday coming out? | 08:37 |
drivetrax | splits into 3 | 08:37 |
uncontrol | thanks | 08:37 |
raddy | I used Wubi and installed in from Windows | 08:37 |
Bodsda | np | 08:37 |
nzcoops | I'm not 100% sure which one I just installed :/ | 08:38 |
hzy | no i stay | 08:38 |
calebH | Flannel, quick question about editing /etc/rc.local - will this be executed as root? | 08:38 |
hzy | here | 08:38 |
nzcoops | pure linux n00b right here | 08:38 |
drivetrax | is still in gutsy.. too. | 08:38 |
Jambon | is there a way to run a music player and still get sound in firefox? | 08:38 |
Bodsda | hzy, then please ask your question or be quiet | 08:38 |
drivetrax | OMG, tornado sirens | 08:38 |
raddy | Installation didn't ask me a single question and detected all my hardware | 08:38 |
calebH | drivetrax, tornado sirens? wtf? | 08:39 |
drivetrax | yes, bad weather here | 08:39 |
drivetrax | sorry | 08:39 |
Juzzy` | Hi guys, just had mplayer freeze up on me during playback, so i've rebooted the machine, got back in logged in and I have no gnome panels, I rebooted again and same thing, anyone know how to get the panels back? | 08:39 |
* smmagic transforms into a tornado | 08:39 | |
Bodsda | !wtf | calebH | 08:39 |
ubottu | calebH: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 08:39 |
bazhang | Jambon, in youtube? | 08:39 |
raddy | Anybody listening? | 08:39 |
calebH | drivetrax, whoa - be careful | 08:39 |
bazhang | raddy yes but this is support not chat | 08:40 |
raddy | Yeah | 08:40 |
raddy | I need some support too | 08:40 |
bazhang | raddy then ask away | 08:40 |
Bodsda | raddy, then ask your question | 08:40 |
bazhang | take care drivetrax | 08:40 |
raddy | Even using Loop mount, it is working very well and very fast | 08:40 |
ompaul | raddy, so please ask the question on one line with all relevant data, then someone can see what you are asking not across 17 screens ;-) | 08:40 |
raddy | I want to transfer it to native | 08:41 |
Bodsda | hey ompaul, bet you dont remember me | 08:41 |
raddy | I installed LVPM | 08:41 |
lartza_ | I get thousands of errors on boot about networkmanager and eth0 | 08:41 |
Flannel | raddy: You need to reinstall, unfortunately | 08:41 |
ompaul | !enter | raddy | 08:41 |
ubottu | raddy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 08:41 |
raddy | Nope | 08:41 |
Jambon | bazhang: ya | 08:41 |
raddy | okk | 08:41 |
cylux | Hey, I want to switch my xsession from GDM to fluxbox, how do I do that? | 08:41 |
lartza_ | Something like eth0 deactivation and 3 of 5 scheulded failure | 08:41 |
bazhang | install libflashsupport Jambon | 08:41 |
ompaul | Bodsda, you win the bet | 08:41 |
Juzzy` | cylux, log out and hit session, then change to fluxbox and log in | 08:41 |
Jambon | bazhang: if I have rythmbox running i don't get sound | 08:41 |
bazhang | cylux, in sessions in login window | 08:42 |
cylux | Juzzy`: I want to totally not use GDM | 08:42 |
Lokii- | can i private chat with someone regarding an off topic linux matter ? that i need help with. | 08:42 |
cylux | I'm not talking about Gnome, i'm talking about GDM | 08:42 |
vegombrei | this is the error i get .. can someone help me with the nintendo emulator ? | 08:42 |
Bodsda | ompaul, you once gave me a 1 hour irc lesson then told me that you had a factoid -- woot!!! lol i'm bod_ | 08:42 |
bazhang | Lokii-, best to head to #ubuntu-offtopic for that | 08:42 |
lartza_ | bazhang: Is there a log for ubuntu boot? (What happens when you just see the splash) | 08:42 |
raddy | i wanted to transfer my installation from NTFS to Native, so i installed LVPM, when i loaded LVPM, it said Ubuntu is running in native partition, not on Loop mount :( | 08:42 |
Bodsda | native=ex3???? | 08:43 |
ompaul | Bodsda, :) | 08:43 |
bazhang | lartza_, what errors you getting regarding eth0 and nm? | 08:43 |
ubuntu | Hi.I have vista on a raid 1 system sda/sdb and just installed ubuntu on hda. Where do I find info how to boot menu this constallatin ? (sudo grub is running ...) | 08:43 |
raddy | Bodsda : yeah | 08:43 |
lartza_ | that's why i'm searching the log to give exact errors | 08:43 |
evilbug | is there a way to get a windows vista disc to boot and install on a partition? | 08:43 |
lartza_ | something about that eth0 failed | 08:43 |
bazhang | lartza_, this is ethernet? | 08:43 |
lartza_ | phase 3 of 5 | 08:44 |
Lokii- | !pastebin | 08:44 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:44 |
lartza_ | how i'm? connected? yes | 08:44 |
bazhang | lartza_, try booting without the cable attached | 08:44 |
Bodsda | !msgthebot | Lokii- | 08:44 |
ubottu | Lokii-: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 08:44 |
lartza_ | and ubuntu shows it uses eth0 as connection | 08:44 |
lartza_ | ok | 08:44 |
lartza_ | im trying it right now | 08:44 |
ubuntu | !grub | 08:44 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:44 |
Tobias92 | Hey, is it safe to remove ubuntu-desktop? It's for an old system I want to strip down of any graphical stuff so I can use it as a sandbox. | 08:45 |
Bodsda | !msgthebot | ubuntu | 08:45 |
ubottu | ubuntu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 08:45 |
bazhang | Tobias92, yes | 08:45 |
Tobias92 | And if so, how can I remove just about all graphical packages? | 08:45 |
Bodsda | Tobias92, yeah why not | 08:45 |
Bodsda | Tobias92, do a reinstall of the ubuntu minimal installation | 08:45 |
bazhang | Tobias92, but reinstall before version upgrades | 08:45 |
raddy | i wanted to transfer my installation from NTFS to Native, so i installed LVPM, when i loaded LVPM, it said Ubuntu is running in native partition, not on Loop mount | 08:45 |
joe_ | So I am trying to get my wifi working (toshiba satilite laptop) I think I have to install ndiswrapper and use the drivers from Atheros. But Atheros only has MS Vista drivers that are in a .exe file try, any suggestion? | 08:45 |
bazhang | raddy, well transferring did that | 08:46 |
Bodsda | raddy, you realise there is no question in that statement of yours yeah? | 08:46 |
Juzzy` | Hi guys, just had mplayer freeze up on me during playback, so i've rebooted the machine, got back in logged in and I have no gnome panels, I rebooted again and same thing, anyone know how to get the panels back? | 08:46 |
Tobias92 | Bodsda, bazhang, there is no way I can keep the current system, just removing all the graphical stuff? | 08:46 |
ubuntu | !grub | 08:46 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:46 |
bazhang | Juzzy`, try a different player | 08:46 |
Juzzy` | bazhang, its not the player i'm asking about | 08:46 |
bazhang | Tobias92, sure you could do that too | 08:46 |
vegombrei | bazhang: this is the error i get .. can someone help me with the nintendo emulator ? | 08:46 |
Juzzy` | bazhang, I want my panels back | 08:46 |
Bodsda | Tobias92, that would be very tedius and pointless -- why not just boot into sinle user mode -- no gui there | 08:47 |
bazhang | Juzzy`, no, but to eliminate other error vectors need to test | 08:47 |
Juzzy` | I can't test without the gnome panel to hit applications | 08:47 |
raddy | Bodsda : bazhang : How to make LVPM detect my loopmount? | 08:47 |
Juzzy` | IE I have no bar with applications, places, system on it | 08:47 |
bazhang | Juzzy`, you want them set to default? | 08:47 |
Juzzy` | I want them | 08:47 |
Bodsda | raddy, give it a map | 08:47 |
Juzzy` | They aren't displaying | 08:47 |
Tobias92 | I'll look a tad further than. Thanks bazhang and Bodsda | 08:48 |
Juzzy` | I have my desktop picture and my destkop icons, no panels | 08:48 |
keram | Juzzy`, then undo what you did to make them go away | 08:48 |
keram | :P | 08:48 |
Bodsda | Tobias92, lol,. good luck ;~) | 08:48 |
Juzzy` | I can't undo resetting my pc keram | 08:48 |
lartza_ | bazhang: No errors and the boot was faster, I might be imaging, but I connected cable after login and it seemed that login took a little longer. | 08:48 |
keram | Juzzy`, then try resetting it again | 08:48 |
Bodsda | Juzzy`, do you have a terminal? | 08:48 |
Juzzy` | keram, I have | 08:48 |
Juzzy` | Bodsda, I do | 08:48 |
bazhang | !resetpanels | Juzzy` | 08:48 |
ubottu | Juzzy`: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 08:48 |
Juzzy` | thank you bazhang | 08:48 |
bazhang | lartza_, so some error with nm it seems | 08:49 |
Ashkezar | please help me | 08:49 |
Bodsda | !helpme | 08:49 |
ubottu | Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 08:49 |
lartza_ | bazhang: Network still works | 08:49 |
Juzzy` | bazhang, gnome-panel: no process killed | 08:49 |
rhsky | my english is very poor!!! | 08:49 |
Ashkezar | my english is very poor!!! | 08:50 |
Juzzy` | bazhang, the problem is I don't have any panels running to reset, I just need them to start first | 08:50 |
Ashkezar | i have a problem | 08:50 |
Jamiesss | hey | 08:50 |
bazhang | Ashkezar, did you replace that sources list? | 08:50 |
lartza_ | Does bootlogd log messages ubuntu gives on splash? | 08:50 |
plt258 | ive been trying to find a video editor that works rite out of the box with avi and mpeg files. | 08:51 |
Y-Town | Juzzy`: what bazhang said then reload x, all should return for you | 08:51 |
Juzzy` | Y-Town, you mean a ctrl-alt-bkspc? | 08:51 |
Jamiesss | anyone got any ideas on how 2 setup an imap ldap cyrus horde server,n how 2 go about it | 08:51 |
Ashkezar | i paste but i can not save | 08:51 |
Jamiesss | ?? | 08:51 |
Y-Town | Juzzy`: yes... after the command bazhang gave you | 08:52 |
Juzzy` | Y-Town, bazhang thanks, trying now | 08:52 |
Starnestommy | Ashkezar: run "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" in a terminal then edit it | 08:52 |
Ashkezar | this error is shown when i click in synapic .... | 08:52 |
Jamiesss | anyone got any ideas on how 2 setup an postfix, imap, ldap, cyrus, horde server,n how 2 go about it ? | 08:53 |
bazhang | juzzy thank y town not me :) | 08:53 |
Ashkezar | i replace | 08:53 |
Juzzy` | bazhang, Y-Town I have restarted X and still get no panels | 08:54 |
Starnestommy | Juzzy`: what happens when you try to run gnome-panel? | 08:55 |
eisenhower | hurray to streamin gpron on ubuntu! | 08:55 |
Ashkezar | but this problem is and this error shown when i click in add/remove | 08:55 |
Juzzy` | Starnestommy, for some reason (maybe when i removed evolution earlier) something has removed gnome-panel :/ | 08:55 |
LILIS | /mode LILIS +x | 08:55 |
spanther | Is there something similiar to Vista's DreamScene for Ubuntu? | 08:56 |
Juzzy` | bazhang, Y-Town Starnestommy thank you all for your help, i have my panels back | 08:56 |
Bodsda | come home bazhang | 08:56 |
bazhang | Juzzy`, thank the other two not me :) | 08:57 |
cylux | Heya, how do I install artwiz fonts? | 08:57 |
Ashkezar | i have this errors : and | 08:57 |
Ashkezar | help me | 08:57 |
LILIS | eh.. does anyone here have XChat speed check addons? | 08:57 |
Y-Town | bazhang: I only wish I knew what youve forgot | 08:57 |
lartza_ | Bootlogd won't work | 08:57 |
Bodsda | Ashkezar, you have been helped -- you didnt listen/follow what you were told -- in return your problem was not ficed | 08:57 |
Bodsda | fixed | 08:58 |
bazhang | Ashkezar, close add/remove and synaptic | 08:58 |
Bodsda | bazhang, im gonna go grab a coffee brb | 08:58 |
Bodsda | bazhang, its his sources.list | 08:58 |
Becker_11 | Hi I've installed the boinc packages via apt-get in the terminal but now I have no idea how to get it running or enter my details etc | 08:58 |
bazhang | Ashkezar, you still need help? | 08:58 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: From menu check for boinc manager | 08:59 |
cylux | Is the ubuntu package repository website down? | 08:59 |
Ashkezar | yes | 08:59 |
Starnestommy | cylux: it's either down or very slow | 08:59 |
Ashkezar | u see my errors? | 08:59 |
cylux | Thanks. | 08:59 |
bazhang | Ashkezar, you need to use my nick in your answers type baz then hit tab and enter | 08:59 |
Becker_11 | lartza_: it's not there | 08:59 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: Applications > System Tools | 08:59 |
Becker_11 | lartza_: only got apt key manager there | 09:00 |
cvd-pr | ... | 09:00 |
Ashkezar | bazhang : ok | 09:00 |
bazhang | Ashkezar, close add/remove and synaptic | 09:00 |
Ashkezar | bazhang | 09:00 |
Ashkezar | bazhang : i close | 09:00 |
bazhang | Ashkezar, PM me | 09:01 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: sudo apt-get install boinc-manager boinc-client | 09:01 |
Ashkezar | #bazhang | 09:01 |
lartza_ | brb | 09:01 |
Y-Town | Ashkezar: that would be /msg bazhang | 09:02 |
lartza_ | back | 09:02 |
Becker_11 | lartza_: thanks doing it now | 09:02 |
Bodsda | Y-Town, dont complicate things ;~) | 09:02 |
Y-Town | #bodsda | 09:02 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: Np, do you have accounts for boinc projects? AAnd remember graphics don't wokr(atleast on seti) in linux | 09:02 |
Becker_11 | lartza_: yeah I do with Seti shame about graphics but thats life. | 09:03 |
Bodsda | i wonder why he left?? | 09:04 |
* Y-Town doesnt see joins or parts :o) | 09:04 | |
lartza_ | Becker_11: Atleast when I last time used the graphics didn't work. You can click the buton to the end of your life, but no graphics showed for me. | 09:04 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
* Bodsda screen is full with them | 09:05 | |
Becker_11 | lartza_: I'm a newly converted windoze user and very happy with it. | 09:05 |
Y-Town | I cant keep up with that | 09:05 |
vegombrei | this is the error i get .. can someone help me with the nintendo emulator ? | 09:05 |
Bodsda | Becker_11, haha -- good for you | 09:05 |
cylux | Which section of my xorg.conf does the FontPath argument go? | 09:05 |
cylux | in which section* | 09:05 |
Starnestommy | cylux: Files | 09:06 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: Glad you remembered me about BOINC :) I forgot I installed it. | 09:06 |
Becker_11 | Bodsda: thx | 09:06 |
Becker_11 | lartza_: np | 09:06 |
Bodsda | Becker_11, your welcome -- converted just intimefor the latest release ;~) | 09:07 |
nenorbot | Hi :) I am new to ubuntu... what's the best way to monitor memory usage/page faults? | 09:07 |
Becker_11 | Bodsda: yeah should have waited a tad longer. I downloaded 7.10 then 2 weeks later 8.04 ouch! | 09:07 |
sa125 | I've installed the official release of Hardy, and I keep getting a power manager error - I would appreciate any help: more info in this post - | 09:08 |
Bodsda | Becker_11, unlucky ;~) | 09:08 |
alex960 | hallo | 09:10 |
Y-Town | nenorbot: system/administration/system monitor for memory | 09:10 |
alex960 | kann mir jemand helfen habe Sound Problem bei Ubuntu | 09:10 |
Flannel | !de | alex960 | 09:12 |
ubottu | alex960: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:12 |
nenorbot | Sorry Y-Town... I'm not sure I'm following you.... is that a command I can use? | 09:12 |
Becker_11 | nenorbot: it's a menu click thru | 09:13 |
Y-Town | nenorbot: see your buttones on top menu... start there | 09:13 |
nenorbot | Oh okay.. unfortunately I only have a console to the machine | 09:14 |
Flannel | nenorbot: top | 09:14 |
Olgem | use the programs free and top | 09:14 |
Becker_11 | lartza_: yeah I think rsi would be more likely than graphics on seti lol ... I clicked several times | 09:16 |
nenorbot | Okay, great.. so the indication to see if a process is getting lots of page faults is if its VIRT field is higher than I think it should be? | 09:16 |
MrBogie | hello | 09:17 |
numpszi | Hello! | 09:17 |
numpszi | , an interesting online deb database service... | 09:17 |
MrBogie | how can i get gcc standard library? | 09:18 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: you may need to install build-essential | 09:18 |
numpszi | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 09:18 |
MrBogie | okay. i'll try it out. thanks | 09:18 |
cvd-pr | How force umount? | 09:19 |
Olgem | How can I transparently compress all the files on my system, or at least on my /home partition. | 09:20 |
DjViper | cvd-pr: umount --help | 09:20 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: You can get graphics | 09:21 |
philip_ | hello guys, question? in ubuntu 8.04 how can i manage to connect printers which is installed from win XP | 09:21 |
Becker_11 | do I need to leave the boinc manager open or will it run in the background ? | 09:21 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: But in my computer when other programs running same time as boinc ti's slow | 09:21 |
Becker_11 | lartza_: how? | 09:21 |
MightyTweek | philip_: what do you mean exactly, installed from win xp? is it shared from another computer running windows xp? | 09:21 |
philip_ | the Win XP holds the shared printer but when im trying to connect my ubuntu 8.04 linux seems like not working | 09:21 |
philip_ | yes | 09:22 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: run sudo xhost +si:localuser:boinc | 09:22 |
philip_ | my printer is shared from Win XP | 09:22 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: Then System-Preferences-Sessions-Startup Programs | 09:22 |
MightyTweek | philip_: how are you connecting to it from the computer running Ubuntu? | 09:22 |
philip_ | MightyTweek: yes my printer was shared in my windows XP box | 09:22 |
MrBogie | any links for ubuntu packages? i tried but page can not be displayed. | 09:23 |
Flannel | MrBogie: You don't need to download them individually, use package management | 09:23 |
cylux | What is the command to update the ~/.Xefaults for the terminals to actually change? | 09:23 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: Add sudo xhost +si:localuser:boinc there as command, not name | 09:23 |
lartza_ | Becker_11: That should do it. | 09:24 |
philip_ | MightyTweek: from System >> Administration >> Printing >> New Printer >> Windows Printer via Samba | 09:24 |
philip_ | i manage to put the computer name or even the IP add and the shared name of the printer but its not working | 09:25 |
MightyTweek | philip: what happens when you click the "verify" button? | 09:25 |
Milo | hello | 09:26 |
philip_ | it says not accessible | 09:26 |
Milo | i need a bit of help | 09:26 |
MightyTweek | philip: can you ping the machine? | 09:26 |
philip_ | yes i can ping the machine | 09:27 |
Flashy | is there a way to mount an ISO, my DVD drive is broken | 09:27 |
Flannel | !iso | Flashy | 09:27 |
ubottu | Flashy: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 09:27 |
philip_ | i already try this site | 09:27 |
Becker_11 | is there a way to get the join/part msgs out of the channel window using irssi? | 09:28 |
Flashy | thanks | 09:28 |
Starnestommy | Becker_11: /ignore #ubuntu joins quits parts | 09:28 |
Rajec | Sorry about ot but I am courious guys if you want to visit some foreign country which you know nothing about what would you type in google? | 09:28 |
Becker_11 | Starnestommy: thx | 09:28 |
Milo | :hi | 09:29 |
MrBogie | how to access files such as accessing drive d: e: f:, on terminal console? | 09:29 |
MightyTweek | philip_ can you access shared folders on the other computer? | 09:29 |
philip_ | no | 09:29 |
philip_ | i cant see any shared folder | 09:29 |
MightyTweek | philip_: are you able to access shared folders on the XP machine from another computer running XP? | 09:29 |
philip_ | yes i can | 09:30 |
Milo | is there anyone that can help me | 09:30 |
MightyTweek | philip_: go into the network settings on the XP machine, what protocols are installed? | 09:30 |
Starnestommy | Milo: what do you need help with? | 09:31 |
Jed | philip_ : Have you tried in typing in that field the IP address, then the name of the printer (i.e., and then pressing verify? | 09:31 |
vegombrei | hi .. can someone help me with zsnes ? | 09:31 |
Milo | well ubuntu will not install on my new pci just built | 09:31 |
Milo | it dose not detect my hdd | 09:31 |
napster | hey, my geforce 7100 not workin with ubuntu8.04. need help | 09:31 |
philip_ | ok wait i'll try to reboot my two machines | 09:31 |
philip_ | i'll be back to check it again | 09:31 |
MrBogie | i hope i will not be flamed for repeating my question. :) | 09:32 |
MrBogie | how to access files such as accessing drive d: e: f:, on terminal console? | 09:32 |
vegombrei | hi .. can someone help me with zsnes ? its a nintendo games emulator | 09:32 |
MightyTweek | vegombrei: i've only used zsnes on windows | 09:32 |
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MightyTweek | vegombrei: but go ahead and ask your question | 09:32 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: linux doesn't use drive letters like C: or D: | 09:32 |
napster | i've got this xfx 630i with onboard geforce7100. the resolution drops down to low wen i install the driver frm add/remove. can any1 help plz????? | 09:33 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: okay, thanks for the answer. but for example, i want to access my removable disk. what i'm going to type? | 09:33 |
Milo | nasper you will probly have to do what i did for my ivideo card to work i have to get the bionary soruce and compile it my self from | 09:34 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: you would need to find out where it's mounted. I think removable disks are usually mounted to /media/disk by default | 09:34 |
Milo | blah i mean | 09:34 |
vegombrei | i recently installed it and it just wouldnt run .. so i ran it thru the terminal window and it showed some errors there .. so i paste it in paste bin and here's the url please help me fix this issue as im new to unix and ubuntu and dont really know what to do | 09:34 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: i'll try it out. i'm running win xp for now. thanks for now. | 09:35 |
MightyTweek | MrBogie: when you plug in a removable drive, the icon will just show up on your desktop and in your Places menu | 09:36 |
Starnestommy | vegombrei: what happens when you run "sudo zsnes" ? | 09:36 |
vegombrei | Starnestommy: never tried that ... hold on a sec lemme try it | 09:36 |
napster | well i downloaded a driver from on running it gives the error that "gedit has not been able to detect the character coding. | 09:36 |
napster | Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file." | 09:36 |
Milo | you will probly have to edit the bionary to match your card :P | 09:37 |
vegombrei | Starnestommy: it says can't create mcop directory and then quits | 09:38 |
napster | aaarrrhhhh. new to linux. can any1 plz help . | 09:38 |
MightyTweek | napster: you shouldn't have to download the driver from nvidia's site, Ubuntu's hardware manager should prompt you about using a restricted driver | 09:38 |
MightyTweek | about the resolution, give me one sec | 09:38 |
jrib | !ask | napster | 09:38 |
ubottu | napster: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 09:38 |
vegombrei | Starnestommy: did you see the url ? | 09:39 |
sa125 | anyone up to a Power Manager question (Hardy)? | 09:39 |
MightyTweek | napster: | 09:40 |
jrib | !ask | sa125 | 09:40 |
ubottu | sa125: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 09:40 |
Becker_11 | woo hoo graphics in boinc/seti | 09:40 |
Starnestommy | vegombrei: I saw it, but the part about mcop is the only thing I'm confused about in that | 09:40 |
sa125 | sorry - my problem is in this post: | 09:40 |
sa125 | short and informative, I promise | 09:40 |
Tedius | DNS name resolution seem to be very slow in Ubuntu 8.04. Can any one help track down my problem? | 09:40 |
misc-- | hello, I want to install ubuntu 8.04 but the installer always crashes when scanning disks. Is there another method to install rather than using ubiquity? | 09:41 |
vegombrei | Starnestommy: yeah ive asked many to help but nobody could solve this problem | 09:41 |
Starnestommy | Tedius: it's probably due to your DNS servers being slow | 09:41 |
Starnestommy | vegombrei: does ~/.mcop exist? | 09:41 |
Tedius | But when I use Windows on the same network then all work at the speed I expect | 09:42 |
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vegombrei | Starnestommy: im new to unix .. how do i check if it exists ? | 09:42 |
Starnestommy | vegombrei: ls -A ~ | 09:42 |
Tedius | Starnestommy: It works at the expected speed on windows xp on the same network | 09:42 |
Becker_11 | has anyone installed neverwinter nights to linux? I have the win disks lic key etc | 09:42 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to use a proxy in KTorrent? | 09:43 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to use a proxy in KTorrent? | 09:43 |
MightyTweek | misc: you can try the alternate CD | 09:43 |
napster | ok. i have got xfx 630imobo with onbrd geforce7100. enabling display frm hrdware manager makes the resolution too low. installin downloaded driver gives error not able to detect character coding. | 09:43 |
Starnestommy | !repeat | tmapj | 09:43 |
ubottu | tmapj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 09:43 |
MightyTweek | napster: did you check my link? | 09:43 |
vegombrei | Starnestommy: no directory called mcop in there ? | 09:43 |
franzrebs | i need help with firefox 2. my toolbar disappeared | 09:43 |
Starnestommy | vegombrei: what about .mcop ? | 09:43 |
jrib | vegombrei, Starnestommy: to fix the mcop thing: mkdir /tmp/ksocket-$USER OR use lnusertemp | 09:43 |
Becker_11 | franzrebs: have you checked view >> toolbars | 09:44 |
napster | ya doin it | 09:44 |
Starnestommy | vegombrei: try what jrib said | 09:44 |
Jafet | "The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one." How many greeter applications are there anyway? | 09:44 |
MightyTweek | franzrebs: it might not be compatible with the new version | 09:44 |
arman | ty4r | 09:44 |
Starnestommy | Jafet: just one. You might need to run sudp aptitude reinstall gdm | 09:44 |
Starnestommy | Jafet: er, sudo aptitude reinstall gdm | 09:44 |
vegombrei | Starnestommy: should i just copy and paste that line ? | 09:44 |
Starnestommy | vegombrei: mkdir /tmp/ksocket-$USER | 09:45 |
Jafet | Starnestommy, alright. | 09:45 |
franzrebs | MightyTweek yes I did but the only toolbars mentioned there are navigation ang bookmarks | 09:45 |
enry | Hi folk i have a ploblem with torrent client, i don't know why but i cannot upload using linux, under window (same port etc..) it's all ok | 09:45 |
Becker_11 | franzrebs: that was me, have you checked add-ons and seen if it is still there | 09:45 |
Drakoi | Greets all! | 09:46 |
philip_ | hello i already connect my ubuntu with the shared printer | 09:46 |
franzrebs | but when i go to tools > addons i can see the extension. I tried to uninstall it and restart firefox but it's still there | 09:46 |
philip_ | but when i tried to print nothing comes out | 09:46 |
MightyTweek | franzrebs: are you trying to remove the extension? | 09:46 |
vegombrei | Starnestommy: it worked !! | 09:46 |
Becker_11 | franzrebs: I don't know what to suggest sorry. | 09:47 |
franzrebs | yes because i wanted to see if reinstalling it would do the job | 09:47 |
vegombrei | jrib: thank you ! | 09:47 |
Drakoi | Is anyone in here good with Xchat? | 09:47 |
philip_ | anyone | 09:47 |
franzrebs | okay thanks anyway :) | 09:47 |
MightyTweek | franzrebs: I've checked, the toolbar has not been updated for the new version of firefox. you'll have to wait. Sorry I can't be more help :) | 09:47 |
Almindor | hello | 09:47 |
jrib | vegombrei: no problem | 09:47 |
cylux | exit | 09:47 |
Starnestommy | Drakoi: I often use it, but there is a #xchat on this network that may know more about it than I do | 09:47 |
franzrebs | im actually using firefox 2 | 09:47 |
Almindor | will virtualbox-modules get updated for current kernel ? | 09:48 |
Becker_11 | MightyTweek: he claims he's on ff2 | 09:48 |
MightyTweek | philip_: what happens when you try to print? any error message? | 09:48 |
sa125 | From the time I press the shutdown button until I get the shutdown menu it takes over 2 minutes - any ideas why? | 09:48 |
sa125 | in Hrady | 09:48 |
philip_ | i checked my printer and it says Unable to connect to CIFS host, will retry in 60 seconds | 09:48 |
MightyTweek | franzrebs: sorry, missed that part. If you've tried to uninstall and it's not removing it, you might need to try creating a new Firefox profile | 09:48 |
franzrebs | the toolbar was still there last night.. | 09:48 |
franzrebs | okay how do i do that? | 09:48 |
Becker_11 | sa125: have you tried sudo shutdown -h now in a terminal? how long does that take? | 09:48 |
philip_ | MightyTweek: no error message | 09:48 |
Drakoi | Thanks Starnestommy, I'll check there since it's more topic specific. | 09:49 |
Almindor | the virtualbox-modules package still depends on linux-image..-16 | 09:49 |
sa125 | Becker_11: I haven't, just the shutdown icon. Is there a significant difference? | 09:49 |
MrBogie | when i try to install build-essential by using package management, do i need to have an internet connection? | 09:49 |
MightyTweek | franzrebs: | 09:49 |
philip_ | whats the next step that i should check? | 09:49 |
killemall | know a quick way to get my cpu to 100% im testing my temps | 09:49 |
franzrebs | ok i'll check it ouy | 09:50 |
franzrebs | *out | 09:50 |
napster | ya but i don think i shud work on xorg.conf. this is my first day on linux | 09:50 |
killemall | default install of 8.04 server | 09:50 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: yes, although you could download it and the packages that it requires onto a disc and load from that | 09:50 |
MightyTweek | philip_: can you check which protocols are installed in the network settings on the XP box? | 09:50 |
Becker_11 | sa125: it's just the commandline way of doing things. Thought it was worth a try | 09:50 |
philip_ | MightyTweek: i checked my printer and it says Unable to connect to CIFS host, will retry in 60 seconds | 09:50 |
Hagane | can somebody help plz? when launching revconnect 0674i on Ubuntu 8.04 AMD64 | wine 0.9.59 - get this error | 09:50 |
MightyTweek | killemall: Folding@Home | 09:50 |
sa125 | Becker_11: I see. I'll give it a shot later to day - thanks | 09:50 |
killemall | i just need 100% cpu for a few minutes thought maybe a program already installed | 09:50 |
killemall | testing a p3 cpu with no fan | 09:51 |
enry | heyy anibody here?? | 09:51 |
napster | @mightytweek. i don't think i shud edit xorg.conf. today is my first day on ubuntu | 09:51 |
franzrebs | another question, how do i go to ~/.mozilla/firefox ? | 09:51 |
tadzhikaz | !atheros | 09:51 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 09:51 |
Guraknugen | I have had a problem for some weeks now. When I click the PowerOff button (the one that takes you to the Logout/Hibernate/Shut down etc dialogue), I only get 5 options. If I then hit Cancel and then the PowerOff button again, all 7 buttons are there. My computer has 2 accounts. It works perfectly with my wife's account. I also have KDE and Xfce installed and it works perfectly with those too, it's only the combinat | 09:51 |
Guraknugen | doesn't work. | 09:51 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: i have no internet connection at home. is there any links for ubuntu packages? | 09:51 |
Guraknugen | I removed .gconf but still the same result, so I put it back again. | 09:52 |
Intrepid | Killemail, some heavy duty processing like rendering, defragging, and shit... even running spybot uses a good amount of CPU | 09:52 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: i'm just renting a computer here. :D | 09:52 |
franzrebs | how do i go to ~/.mozilla/firefox? | 09:52 |
killemall | im using ubuntu 8.04 server | 09:52 |
jrib | franzrebs: cd ~/.mozilla/firefox | 09:52 |
Intrepid | But spybot is for windows =P | 09:52 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie:, but it might be down | 09:52 |
franzrebs | thanks! | 09:52 |
mastranzio | hi @ll | 09:52 |
MightyTweek | napster: Unfortunately I don't know if there's any other way to fix your resolution problem if the other tips on that page didn't help | 09:52 |
gorex1 | hey | 09:53 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: yeah. is there any other site of which i can download ubuntu packages? | 09:53 |
mastranzio | what driver can I use for my audio card realtek AL660? | 09:53 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: that's the only one that I know of, but there may be more | 09:53 |
napster | @mightytweek............k i'll see.can u just look at the page n tell me which method shud i try, related to my problem??? | 09:54 |
stefg | !alsa | mastranzio | 09:54 |
ubottu | mastranzio: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:54 |
mastranzio | stefg: with alsa it loops | 09:54 |
epoxxy | nyominstallerad | 09:54 |
epoxxy | ska se om man slipper det man ställt till med tidigar e:P | 09:55 |
MightyTweek | Mrbogie: maybe check this out: | 09:55 |
stefg | mastranzio: you don't have any real alternative... maybe your prob is pulsaudio ? | 09:55 |
MrBogie | thanks MightyTweek. | 09:55 |
MrBogie | :) | 09:55 |
blame | Is there a "kudzu" for ubuntu? What happens when new hardware is added to the computer while wokring? In this case USB NIC dongle? | 09:55 |
mastranzio | stefg: what can I do? | 09:55 |
napster | MightyTweek: k i'll see.can u just look at the page n tell me which method shud i try, related to my problem??? | 09:55 |
Guraknugen | Well, I guess I'd better ask my question elsewhere then. | 09:56 |
MightyTweek | napster: I presume you tried the first two already? | 09:56 |
stefg | mastranzio: describe the problem as exact as possible and what you have tried so far to sole it | 09:56 |
Dvyjones | My cm43xx card stopped working and now I can see netowrks, but I can't connect to them. Tell me if you need some output from a terminal command / syslog | 09:56 |
napster | MightyTweek: ya | 09:57 |
philip_ | MightyTweek: ok its working its my printer is having a problem, thanks | 09:57 |
MightyTweek | napster: what resolution is it putting your monitor at, and what resolution are you wanting to set? what kind of monitor is it? | 09:58 |
mastranzio | stefg: simply the sound loops. I can't use ubuntu if I can't listen some music watch a film ecc..... I have done a fresh install of 8.04 but when I used the 7.10 all works great | 09:58 |
MightyTweek | blame: it should just work | 09:58 |
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stefg | mastranzio: what player? what hardware? (cpu/ram)? | 09:59 |
Dvyjones | My bcm43xx card stopped working and now I can see netowrks, but I can't connect to them. Tell me if you need some output from a terminal command / syslog | 09:59 |
Olgam | Dvyjones, you just posted that two minutes ago, wait for some help. | 10:00 |
napster | MightyTweek: its a ViewSonic PF77 17" CRT. It gives me 1024x768 and higher in windows (which is the resolution i want) but here its putting 800x600. | 10:00 |
mastranzio | stefg: usually I use rythmbox my audio card is 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller (rev 10) and I have a 32 bit system with 2 gbyte Ram | 10:01 |
stefg | mastranzio: quit rythmbox, issue 'killall pulseaudio' start rythmbox again and check | 10:01 |
MightyTweek | napster: what's the output of sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange? | 10:01 |
mastranzio | ok | 10:01 |
_Dbug_ | Hi. I'm having a problem when tryin to run sudo: "sudo: unable to resolve host" any idea ? | 10:02 |
JhonCooffee | hi | 10:03 |
Dr_willis | set the hostname in /etc/hosts perhaps. | 10:03 |
mastranzio | stefg: nothing | 10:03 |
stefg | _Dbug_: you changed the hostname, so /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname don't correspond. also check for correct name for | 10:03 |
Dr_willis | ~hostname | 10:03 |
stefg | mastranzio: nothing what? no sound or no problems ? | 10:03 |
Dr_willis | !hostname | 10:03 |
ubottu | Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 10:03 |
JhonCooffee | kann man hier auch deutsch schreiben? | 10:03 |
mastranzio | stefg: don't do nothing the sound is already looping | 10:04 |
_Dbug_ | stefg, I did not changed anything. It happenned after the big update with 33 new files to update on the update manager. I'm basically running unbuntu on a laptop where all I use is IRC and webbrowser. | 10:04 |
jussi01 | !de | JhonCooffee | 10:04 |
ubottu | JhonCooffee: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 10:04 |
[Lightning] | hi, anyone managed to install ubuntu on Phenom systems ? | 10:04 |
JhonCooffee | danke! | 10:04 |
stefg | _Dbug_: ok, might be a bug. But check the 2 mentioned files hold the excact same name for the box (case sensitive) | 10:05 |
Dvyjones | My bcm43xx card stopped working and now I can see netowrks, but I can't connect to them. Tell me if you need some output from a terminal command / syslog | 10:05 |
napster | MightyTweek: ddcprobe command not found. plz send only the command once again | 10:05 |
mastranzio | stefg: dont't worry. probably is a bug. for some times I continue to use xp and when it is solved I come back to ubuntu. I'm trying to solve this problem since two weeks | 10:06 |
stefg | mastranzio: try another player to double check, i.e. mplayer or vlc and set the output to alsa | 10:06 |
_Dbug_ | ubottu, in the general tab I see that 127.0.01 is on local host, and is on what I see when I use the console "mike@mike-laptop" | 10:06 |
ubottu | _Dbug_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:06 |
stefg | mastranzio: i think you got trouble with pulse | 10:06 |
MightyTweek | napster: run "ddcprobe" by itself, it will tell you to run "sudo apt-get" and the name of the package to install, sorry I can't remember it offhand | 10:06 |
ere4si | !bot | dbug | 10:07 |
ubottu | dbug: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 10:07 |
mastranzio | stefg: I have tried with another player it is the same | 10:07 |
mastranzio | stefg what can I do for pulse? | 10:07 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | is there a way to delete the grub loader 1.5 thing so it won't start up when i turn on my computer? I'm trying to delete ubuntu | 10:07 |
stefg | mastranzio: and made sure it does nou use the soundserver, but alsa directly ? | 10:07 |
_Dbug_ | mike@mike-laptop:~$ edit /etc/hostname Warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/hostname" -- using "application/*" Error: no write permission for file "/etc/hostname" | 10:07 |
stefg | mastranzio: you could just not use it, but use alsa's dmix feature | 10:08 |
tadzhikaz | can anyone help me? i have wifi card ATHEROS AR5007EG. on ubuntu 7 it worked, but on ubuntu it do not want to work. i installed driver madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007.tar.gz and i used this manual . now i can see wireless networks, but i can not connect to them... | 10:08 |
stefg | !dmix | mastranzio | 10:08 |
ubottu | mastranzio: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:08 |
mastranzio | stefg: for example the sound mixer s | 10:08 |
mastranzio | ops | 10:08 |
_Dbug_ | stefg: All the things I try to do tells me I have to be root, I can't edit the hostfile, I can't set the hostname either. (I'm really a newb when it's about unix) | 10:09 |
MightyTweek | DragonSlayer: run "fixmbr" from the windows cd | 10:09 |
mastranzio | stefg: ok thanks | 10:09 |
tadzhikaz | but on ubuntu 8 do not work* | 10:09 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | run fixmbr? | 10:09 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | what's that? | 10:09 |
Jafet | It, erm, "fixes" your MBR so that you can boot into Windows. | 10:10 |
MightyTweek | DS: If you boot off the windows CD it should give you the option to run a command prompt | 10:10 |
stefg | _Dbug_: a.) sudo is your friend b.) only check first if they are the same | 10:10 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | using windows installer disc? | 10:10 |
MightyTweek | DS: yes | 10:10 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | is there a way to do it w/out the disc? | 10:10 |
_Dbug_ | stefg, that's my problem, I cannot SUDO at all, it complains about it: "mike@mike-laptop:~$ sudo sudo: unable to resolve host mike-laptop" | 10:10 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | i'm currently running windows right now | 10:10 |
Dvyjones | My bcm43xx card stopped working and now I can see netowrks, but I can't connect to them. Tell me if you need some output from a terminal command / syslog | 10:10 |
[DS]DragonSlayer | i couldn't log into my ubuntu because there's some error it can't be boot up | 10:11 |
stefg | _Dbug_: ah, i understand... so you have to boot to recovery mode (which will take you to a root console) | 10:11 |
_Dbug_ | stefg, ok, and what should I do there ? | 10:11 |
napster | MightyTweek: ok i got the package xresprobe. now i didn't understand the monitorrange command. plz repeat it. | 10:11 |
lwizardl | can someone help me with getting my video capture cards working in ubuntu | 10:12 |
MightyTweek | napster: "sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange" | 10:12 |
MightyTweek | napster: just type that exactly as written (without the quotes) | 10:12 |
askand | Why can I only use WAV audio files as startupsounds?! (Developed by microsoft!) Why not OGG for example? | 10:12 |
sabgenton | if i want to make an iso i might go mkisofs -o /tmp/image.iso /tmp/somedirwithfiles | 10:12 |
MightyTweek | dragonslayer: if you have a dos boot disk that should work too | 10:12 |
napster | MightyTweek: k | 10:12 |
sabgenton | what if i want it to be udf | 10:12 |
stefg | _Dbug_: 'cat /etc/hosts' and 'cat /etc/hostname' check if it's the same. if not 'nano /etc/<wrongfile>' and correct the situation | 10:12 |
sabgenton | ? | 10:12 |
Jafet | [DS], fdisk /mbr may also work. | 10:13 |
sabgenton | is there suport for ud | 10:13 |
sabgenton | f | 10:13 |
sabgenton | ? | 10:13 |
hammerfall | c'est bien ubuntu je viens de l'installer !! | 10:13 |
stefg | !fr | 10:13 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 10:13 |
MrBogie | !mp3 | 10:13 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 10:13 |
_Dbug_ | stefg, thanks, will try that :) | 10:13 |
hammerfall | ok pardon | 10:13 |
Jafet | [DS], do that from a command prompt. | 10:14 |
tadzhikaz | !lt | 10:14 |
ubottu | Factoid lt not found | 10:14 |
napster | MightyTweek: no result. nothing | 10:14 |
tadzhikaz | !ltu | 10:14 |
ubottu | Factoid ltu not found | 10:14 |
MightyTweek | napster: that means that Ubuntu can't automatically detect your monitor's capabilities. The only way to get the higher frequencies is to check the owner's manual or search the web and find out what it's frequency ranges are and edit the xorg.conf file manually | 10:15 |
MightyTweek | napster: it's not that bad, I can walk you through it | 10:16 |
MrBogie | when I use APTonCD to install ubuntu packages, do i have to connect to the internet? | 10:17 |
MrBogie | i mean, does APTonCD requires an internet connection? | 10:17 |
=== Kit_ is now known as |Kit| | ||
MightyTweek | napster: I found the specs for your monitor, the horizontal range is 30-97, and the vertical is 50-180 | 10:18 |
napster | MightyTweek: ok | 10:18 |
MightyTweek | MrBogie: yes | 10:19 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: i have no internet connection at home. i'm only renting a computer. | 10:19 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: :) | 10:19 |
MightyTweek | MrBogie: I figured you would be able to dowload the packages on the computer you're renting, burn the cd and bring it home. No? | 10:20 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: is there any way to download ubuntu packages manually? | 10:20 |
napster | MightyTweek: so wat changes to make | 10:20 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: okay. that clears me. thanks... | 10:20 |
_0xf001 | Hey, i was wondering if anyone could help me, here is the situation... ive downloaded and burnt ubuntu hardy 3 times now and try to install and each time it hangs when installin packages, i dont think that the problem is with the isos but with my pos cdrom itself, is there another way i can go about install, ie copy to harddisk or somthing? | 10:20 |
rutgermasi | try the alternate cd | 10:21 |
baz_ | hey. i just installed ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop, which is my first experience with a non-windows os, and I am find it a little less snappy on my machine than xp was. It doesn't seem like it should be the case because linux is so much smaller and more efficient. what can i look into? | 10:21 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: by the way, i'm running winXP for now. APTonCD runs on linux right? | 10:21 |
napster | MightyTweek: what i have to do now | 10:22 |
MightyTweek | napster: you will add two lines between 'Section "Monitor"' and 'EndSection'. The first is "HorizSync 30-97" and the second is "VertRefresh 50-180" | 10:22 |
becker_11 | baz_: apart from gnome which is a lot better I think 7.10 was faster on my laptop than 8.04 is | 10:22 |
MightyTweek | MrBogie: I'm not sure | 10:23 |
_0xf001 | anyone have any suggestions? | 10:24 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: i've seen the tutorial, it runs on linux. hehe. | 10:24 |
clutchAbuse | how do i configure my mailserver to accept and deliver outgoing mails to other domains (ubuntu 7.10) ? | 10:24 |
MightyTweek | _0xf001: have you tried running the CD test from the initial screen that appears when you boot from the CD? | 10:25 |
_0xf001 | yeah | 10:25 |
_0xf001 | it says that its good | 10:25 |
_0xf001 | its weird | 10:25 |
rutgermasi | i think it's yur internet | 10:25 |
rutgermasi | do not select a network mirror | 10:25 |
_0xf001 | i also ran the isos with vmware | 10:25 |
_0xf001 | and they worked fine | 10:25 |
MightyTweek | _0xf001: and did that work? | 10:25 |
_0xf001 | but it wont install on my computer it sounds like the cdrom is spinning | 10:26 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: thanks anyway. i'll try to figure it out on my own. seems your busy. hahaha. | 10:26 |
MrBogie | lol | 10:26 |
MightyTweek | MrBogie: is there just a couple packages in particular you're wanting to download? | 10:26 |
MightyTweek | I should really go to bed, it's 2:30am :D | 10:26 |
_0xf001 | sorry to keep you, | 10:26 |
MightyTweek | haha, no worries | 10:26 |
MrBogie | MightyTwee build-essential | 10:27 |
MightyTweek | _0xf001: have you tried the memory test? | 10:27 |
napster | MightyTweek: do i need to give the " like "Horiz....??? | 10:27 |
baz_ | whats the best mail server on linux | 10:27 |
_0xf001 | no i tried it in rescue mode | 10:27 |
_0xf001 | and it froze | 10:27 |
MightyTweek | napster: no. Refer to the link I sent you, it's a bit clearer about how it should look. | 10:27 |
MrBogie | MightyTwee: i mean, i need this package.. build-essential | 10:27 |
_0xf001 | i wasd tryng | 10:28 |
_0xf001 | ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso | 10:28 |
_0xf001 | now im downlaoding | 10:28 |
_0xf001 | the desktop .iso | 10:28 |
_0xf001 | is there a diffrece? | 10:28 |
FloodBot3 | _0xf001: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:28 |
rutgermasi | alternate should work | 10:28 |
napster | MightyTweek: wat to type in identifier | 10:28 |
Starnestommy | _0xf001: the alternate is just an installer. The dekstop one is a live cd | 10:28 |
Starnestommy | *desktop | 10:28 |
_0xf001 | Sorry, alternate is hanging on 6% every time for me. | 10:28 |
Y-Town | anyone know why "knotify" is launched everytime I load "konversation" on ubuntu? | 10:28 |
MightyTweek | napster: just leave that line as it was | 10:29 |
Ayabara | Conky shows me Xorg at 50%. Anything clever I can do to debug this in more detail? | 10:29 |
_0xf001 | 3 times in a row hangs on 6%. | 10:29 |
znalo | does anyone know where one should install client certificates, private keys and CA root certs for the purpose of apt-transport-https ? | 10:29 |
MightyTweek | _0xf001: what kind of computer are you installing it on? | 10:29 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: do you know what is the latest version for build-essential? | 10:29 |
stefg | Y-Town: better ask #kubuntu. My guess is that it's a daemon needed fpr konversation to play , well, notify sounds | 10:29 |
Starnestommy | Y-Town: I think it might be the part of KDE that manages the tray/notification areas | 10:29 |
_0xf001 | compaq presario desktp | 10:30 |
_0xf001 | (CPU 1) AMD Sempron™ Processor 3200+ (256KB L2 Cache, Socket 939) @ 1800MHz (200MHz FSB), 16% load | 10:30 |
napster | MightyTweek: and nothing else???? | 10:30 |
MightyTweek | MrBogie: it should be 11.3ubuntu1 | 10:31 |
wathek | hello al | 10:31 |
wathek | all | 10:31 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: thanks for that info. :D | 10:31 |
MightyTweek | napster: yup, you should just need to add those two lines and that should do it | 10:31 |
Y-Town | stefg: Starnestommy: Thanks | 10:31 |
wathek | what's the default path of the system icons ? | 10:31 |
_0xf001 | i just wanna get ubuntu on this box :( | 10:31 |
MightyTweek | MrBogie: sorry I can't be more help in downloading the package manually, I've never had to do that, but it should be possible | 10:31 |
Dvyjones | My bcm43xx card stopped working and now I can see netowrks, but I can't connect to them. Tell me if you need some output from a terminal command / syslog | 10:31 |
napster | MightyTweek: so now save n exit??? does it need to restart the pc??? | 10:32 |
faileas | gah | 10:32 |
rutgermasi | Dvyjones: same problem here on 8.04 | 10:32 |
MightyTweek | _0xf001: I'm wondering if maybe you need to try a switch like noacpi or something | 10:32 |
faileas | i hate it when i get on IRC with a problem and it fixed itself ;p | 10:32 |
MrBogie | MightyTweek: okay, i understand it. haha. i'll have to try that on my own. thanks a lot... | 10:32 |
wathek | where are placed the icones that Ubuntu uses ? | 10:32 |
thiebaude | faileas:lol | 10:32 |
napster | MightyTweek: You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again. | 10:32 |
Starnestommy | wathek: /usr/share/pixmaps/ and /usr/share/icons/ contain most of them | 10:32 |
MightyTweek | napster: once you've saved the file, close all your open apps and press ctrl-alt-backspace, you'll be prompted to log in again, then try changing the screen resoltuion from the system menu | 10:33 |
wathek | ah ok Starnestommy thanx | 10:33 |
stefg | wathek: /usr/share/icons or ~/.icons | 10:33 |
_0xf001 | maybe its because im using nero to burn the .iso?s | 10:33 |
_0xf001 | is there a beter application? | 10:33 |
Zen-Dreamer | hi! | 10:33 |
rutgermasi | try burn the .iso slower | 10:33 |
napster | MightyTweek: its not saving | 10:33 |
thiebaude | 0xf001:braserio? | 10:33 |
Dvyjones | _0xf001: You can't use your burned Ubuntu DVD/CD? | 10:33 |
akatsuki | can someone recommend me a web browser? im sick of mozilla | 10:33 |
akatsuki | mediocre speed | 10:34 |
rutgermasi | opera | 10:34 |
thiebaude | akatsuki:opera | 10:34 |
Darkside | who should i talk to about ACPI issues | 10:34 |
faileas | akatsuki: opera is great | 10:34 |
Starnestommy | akatsuki: epiphany, opera, or konqueror | 10:34 |
MightyTweek | napster: you need to be super user to edit the file... use this command: "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (without the quotes) | 10:34 |
Darkside | theres a confurmed bug, but nothing has been done about it | 10:34 |
akatsuki | sorry i try konqueror and i dont like it | 10:34 |
livingdaylight | hallo Ubunteros | 10:34 |
_0xf001 | Dvyjones; 3 times in a row it has hung on 6% install and ive redownloaded the .iso same thing. | 10:34 |
stefg | Darkside: to the vendor of your bios c? | 10:34 |
akatsuki | opera then? | 10:34 |
akatsuki | its cool? | 10:34 |
Dvyjones | _0xf001: Burn them at slowst possble speed, that worked for me | 10:34 |
thiebaude | akatsuki:i dont either | 10:34 |
Darkside | stefg, you'd think so, wouldn't you, but it works fine in gutsy, but not in hardy | 10:34 |
nuno_nunes | HI PPL | 10:35 |
thiebaude | hi nuno | 10:35 |
livingdaylight | sound is kaput in Hardy... i put vlc on pause and when i came back there is no more sound... even after rebooting | 10:35 |
rutgermasi | livingdaylight: Try system->preferences->sound | 10:35 |
akatsuki | i will try it.. what about epiphany? | 10:35 |
Dr_willis | I dont suppose anyone has seen a 'flash downloader extension' that works with ? I cant seem to get the few i find to work with | 10:35 |
MightyTweek | _0xf001: if the CD test passed, chances are it's not a problem with the CD | 10:35 |
livingdaylight | rutgermasi, whaqt do i try there... i went there and hit 'test' but it didnt' work either | 10:35 |
root__ | i have only little question: what command can show me working programs etc, and id of them? | 10:35 |
Starnestommy | root__: ps aux | 10:36 |
root__ | i have only terminal now | 10:36 |
stefg | livingdaylight: select alsa output for vlc, not automatic. This will bypass this half broken pulse crap | 10:36 |
root__ | thx | 10:36 |
rutgermasi | root__: "top" will work also | 10:36 |
ljsoftnet | is there a way to start OpenArena with specified screen resolution? | 10:36 |
wathek | how can I change the icon for a specific file type ? | 10:36 |
kelvin911 | hi my icons is screw up | 10:36 |
rutgermasi | livingdaylight: Try others like ALSA | 10:36 |
MrBogie | how to run a .deb file on a console? | 10:36 |
Dr_willis | ljsoftnet, if it supports the command line like other id games - theres poberly 100000+ command line options you can set. or you could edit its config features | 10:36 |
rutgermasi | MrBogie: dpkg -i | 10:37 |
napster | MightyTweek: ok i m loggin off. i'll try | 10:37 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 10:37 |
stefg | !apt | MrBogie | 10:37 |
ubottu | MrBogie: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 10:37 |
MrBogie | thanks | 10:37 |
napster | MightyTweek: thanx | 10:37 |
kelvin911 | when i am in KDE app my mouse appears the one i pick in appearance but when it is in gnome app, it is white? | 10:37 |
hfswork | stefg, if he has a standalone deb file, he'll have to use dpkg, not apt. | 10:37 |
livingdaylight | stefg, | rutgermasi ok, i see everything was set to autodetect... this is pulse crap... i didn't know, so select alsa, yes? | 10:37 |
Darkside | ugh, is there a support channel for people who aren't n00bs? | 10:37 |
Darkside | :) | 10:38 |
ljsoftnet | Dr_willis i don't know what you mean by "or you could edit its config features"? | 10:38 |
stefg | hfswork: yup, but the link also mentions that | 10:38 |
Dvyjones | My bcm4306 card doesn't work anymore, it discovers all networks, but it can't connect to them. I am using Ubuntu 8.04. syslog often prints the message: "Old device 'wlan0' activating, won't change". Any idea how to fix it? | 10:38 |
bashca | Hello. I've recently installed Ubuntu 8.04, and can't get layout switching to work. | 10:38 |
wathek | for exemple for the flv files I want to have the icon of a video and not an application | 10:38 |
wathek | how could I set that ? | 10:38 |
elkbuntu | Darkside, if you have to ask, then it's not the place for you. | 10:38 |
stefg | livingdaylight: right.. then save and restrt vlc to take the change to effect | 10:38 |
_Dbug_ | stefg, worked fine thanks. Found out that the problem was that when I tried to get my linux in a network with my windows, I defined a "work group". It's strange that this makes SUDO break (without any warning). And the update manager froze because of that, could not get access to the sudo user, but not error message. | 10:38 |
Darkside | elkbuntu, hah... well the thing is, i know the problem i | 10:38 |
kane77 | Dvyjones, I have often the same problem... | 10:38 |
Darkside | argh | 10:38 |
Darkside | i know the problem i'm having, but i am prepared to work to fix it | 10:39 |
Dr_willis | ljsoftnet, all id games (and i am guessing the free vaiants, have text based config files in the users home with all the default settings) | 10:39 |
Darkside | i wouldn't mind talking to the ubuntu ACPI team | 10:39 |
thiebaude | darkside:if you have a problem we will try to help | 10:39 |
Dvyjones | kane77 Often? Does that mean it works sometimes? | 10:39 |
Darkside | i want to find out what changed in ubuntus ACPI support between gutsy and hardy | 10:39 |
faileas | Darkside: I think ACPI is kernel so... | 10:39 |
thiebaude | darkside:im a noob myself | 10:39 |
ljsoftnet | Dr_willis where can i find those files, can you give me an example? | 10:39 |
Darkside | yeah, im thinking of rolling a new kernel | 10:39 |
Darkside | using 2.6.25 | 10:40 |
faileas | its probably in the kernel changelogs between the versions they used | 10:40 |
Dr_willis | ljsoftnet, after running the game. Look in the users home dir for new .SOMTHING dirs | 10:40 |
faileas | Darkside: how do you do that anyway? | 10:40 |
stefg | Darkside: that only works by doing a bug report on launchpad... the ubuntu-dev's are to clever to show up in here :-) | 10:40 |
kane77 | Dvyjones, I have not yet found out when it works and when not, but for instance I am able to connect to open networks at school... | 10:40 |
livingdaylight | stefg, no joy | 10:40 |
Dvyjones | kane77: I can't conect to any networks, open or secured :( | 10:40 |
kane77 | Dvyjones, in my case that started happening after upgrading, before I was using ndiswrapper which now doesn't seem to work | 10:40 |
jimcooncat | Running gutsy, I can't set my box to a static IP. anyplace I can go for tips on this? | 10:41 |
stefg | livingdaylight: check alsamixer if all levels are set (not to 0) | 10:41 |
kelvin911 | but when i move the mouse over to the KDE app like k3b or opera i get the right black mouse pointer | 10:41 |
negge | jimcooncat right-click the network icon and click manual configuration | 10:42 |
nathan | I think i have a problem with Ubuntu. When i open it all up, the screen is HUGE and dosent fit on my screen. | 10:43 |
bashca | hi there | 10:43 |
MrBogie | omg, i really need unfortunately the site is down. :( | 10:43 |
bashca | Keyboard layout switching doesn't work after reboot | 10:44 |
livingdaylight | stefg, Default Mixer Tracks can be set to HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer) or Capture: Alsa bla bla bla... | 10:44 |
JM | Anyone know of a resolve with disabling the sata emulation over IDE? Bought a blade server with IDE drives (a little old) but so far OpenSuse and Ubunto are both locking up on boot when detecting the drives. | 10:44 |
stefg | !intelhda | livingdaylight | 10:44 |
ubottu | livingdaylight: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information | 10:44 |
jimcooncat | negge: yes, did that. I entered,,, restarted eth0, but then couldn't find the router (which is | 10:45 |
nathan | I need some help, how do i change the logon screen size? | 10:45 |
livingdaylight | stefg, what do you mean by alsamixer levels set not to 0 ? | 10:45 |
stefg | livingdaylight: just check that your sound is not muted | 10:45 |
livingdaylight | stefg, oh, no of course it isn't | 10:45 |
livingdaylight | all i did was put vlc on pause and its broken my sound in ubuntu, geez | 10:46 |
philip_ | MightyTweek: question? i tried to connect my ubuntu in the windows domain 2003 server but why i can't see the shared folders from my domain? | 10:46 |
jimcooncat | negge: should I try a full reboot after? | 10:46 |
negge | jimcooncat yeah I've never managed to set up a static IP either, seems like I'm not the only one | 10:46 |
philip_ | is there any settings that i need to configure im my ubuntu 8.04? | 10:46 |
negge | jimcooncat you could always try but in my case it didn't work. I'm not really sure what else you have to do, I think you have to configure your router too | 10:46 |
stefg | livingdaylight: check for zombie instances of vlc and kill them, they might still hog the soundcard | 10:46 |
grzyb | root@sextasy:~/pobrane# mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdd1 | 10:46 |
grzyb | mkfs.vfat: No such file or directory | 10:46 |
grzyb | :| | 10:47 |
MrBogie | what package to be installed to play mp3 files? | 10:47 |
Dr_willis | jm i think you want to search for the 'libata' stuff on the forums. I belive theres a kernel boot option to disable it. but ive never needed it. | 10:47 |
negge | philip_ depends on what you're trying to do | 10:47 |
philip_ | anyone can suggest? | 10:47 |
bashca | Keyboard layout switching doesn't work after reboot???!!! no one can help here ?? | 10:47 |
livingdaylight | stefg, even after a clean reboot? | 10:47 |
negge | MrBogie ubuntu-restricted-extras | 10:47 |
stefg | livingdaylight: err.... no | 10:47 |
livingdaylight | :/ | 10:47 |
philip_ | negge: im just browsing my domain to see the shared folders but its not showing up | 10:47 |
MrBogie | negge: thanks | 10:48 |
JM | I have tried hwprobe=-modules.pata and even done brokenmodules=ata_piix but it doesn't seem to ignore either. | 10:48 |
negge | philip_ do you use samba or nfs? | 10:48 |
Y-Town | anyone know why flash doesnt work in opera but does in firefox? | 10:48 |
jimcooncat | negge: it's strange, I don't have this problem with fiesty at work | 10:48 |
hackel | Is there any way to get a VPN (PPTP or other) connection through an HTTP/Socks proxy or SSH tunnel? | 10:48 |
morteng | is it a small risk for destroying my grub if I append ubuntu to solaris as a multiboot? | 10:48 |
negge | jimcooncat yeah it's weird indeed | 10:48 |
philip_ | in my ubuntu i manage to install samba | 10:48 |
negge | morteng even if grub gets messed up you can reconfigure it from a livecd in case anything goes wrong | 10:49 |
philip_ | does nfs required to install to see my shared folders in my domain controller> | 10:49 |
negge | philip_ okay I've only used NFS for filesharing so I don't think I can help you | 10:49 |
negge | philip_ are you trying to share between different linux machines or are there windows machines on the network toO? if so you'll have to use samba | 10:49 |
philip_ | negge: ic thanks | 10:49 |
Dr_willis | NFS is not related to samba at all.. except for that it does a similer task. | 10:50 |
matty3269 | Can anyone help me, I have Installed ubuntu onto a laptop with a USB stick in whilst it was installing. Now when I boot up I have to plug the USB stick in so that it boots, otherwise GRUB will throw up an error?? | 10:50 |
|Kit| | I heard NFS is less secure | 10:50 |
jdj | hi do all | 10:51 |
negge | |Kit| does security really matter when you're sharing files on a private network? | 10:51 |
jftsang | Hello, on Ubuntu (Gutsy) how do I disable "Roaming mode"? I've tried it, using a static IP instead, and it refuses to connect to the router. (IP, Subnet, Gateway failed to connect, but would on my Windows computer.) | 10:51 |
philip_ | negge: ok heres what im doing right now, my ubuntu was already joined in the windows 2003 domain controller and im browsing my network and my domain server name was there, i'm trying to access my domain to see my shared folders but i can't see it. | 10:51 |
negge | matty3269 check grubs boot commands, sounds like it's trying to boot from the wrong device or something | 10:51 |
Dr_willis | |Kit|, you would not want to have samba shares over the wild internet either. | 10:51 |
jdj | i m running on ubuntu gusty gisbon | 10:52 |
MrBogie | does anybody knows when will be up? | 10:52 |
raspouille | slt... | 10:52 |
philip_ | negge: i'm browsing my domain in my linus machine which is ubuntu but i can't see the shared folders that i created in my domain | 10:52 |
matty3269 | negge, yeah i was thinking that myself, however when i look at the boot.lst file it all looks fine. Is there a way to re-install grub without reinstalling ubuntu? | 10:53 |
jdj | hi raspouille | 10:53 |
negge | philip_ okay, like I said I've never used Samba | 10:53 |
MrBogie | negge: what is the latest version for ubuntu-restricted-extras? | 10:53 |
akatsuki | i will try it | 10:53 |
negge | matty3269 yeah there's a way to reconfigure it | 10:53 |
akatsuki | from a usb | 10:53 |
akatsuki | seems nice | 10:53 |
akatsuki | since the actual distro is very limited | 10:53 |
negge | I don't remember the command right now | 10:53 |
philip_ | ahh ok thanks negge... i'm just newbie here in linux | 10:53 |
Y-Town | anyone know why flash doesnt work in opera but does in firefox? Jave is enabled in opera | 10:53 |
jdj | i got this usb wifi dongle | 10:54 |
negge | MrBogie I don't know, the one in the repositories is new enough I guess | 10:54 |
akatsuki | i cant install shit.. there some trick to use the debian respositories but what need | 10:54 |
philip_ | anyone can give idea? | 10:54 |
akatsuki | i prefer to install debian then | 10:54 |
jdj | which working well on my windows | 10:54 |
jdj | but not working on ubuntu | 10:54 |
philip_ | anyone have encountered this scenario? | 10:54 |
jdj | what do i have to do to make it work ? | 10:54 |
negge | matty3269 try this: | 10:55 |
negge | worked for me when I restored grub after installing XP | 10:55 |
matty3269 | negge, thankyou :) | 10:55 |
MrBogie | negge: where is repositories located? | 10:55 |
negge | !repositories | MrBogie | 10:56 |
ubottu | MrBogie: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 10:56 |
jdj | nonone help | 10:56 |
MrBogie | thanks | 10:56 |
jftsang | can anybody help me? | 10:56 |
laeg | when i have vlc paused in the background and i launch wine i have no sound unless i come out and close vlc - installing libflashsupport fixed this issue when it prohibited sound ion youtube - is there something similar for wine? | 10:56 |
jdj | is it the official chatroom or not ??? | 10:56 |
Starnestommy | jdj: this is it | 10:56 |
jftsang | On Ubuntu (Gutsy) how do I disable "Roaming mode"? I've tried it, using a static IP instead, and it refuses to connect to the router. (IP, Subnet, Gateway failed to connect, but would on my Windows computer.) | 10:56 |
philip_ | MightyTweek: are you still there? | 10:56 |
Starnestommy | jdj: you might need to use ndiswrapper | 10:56 |
jdj | yeah | 10:57 |
jdj | i able to use it as a receiver | 10:57 |
jdj | the problem is i want to use it now as an access point | 10:57 |
jdj | how to do ? | 10:57 |
_0xf001 | ok so i rewrote the iso at slowest speed and i checked the check and it said it was good than i installed and it says | 10:57 |
negge | laeg run winecfg and setup wine to use the ALSA driver | 10:58 |
trzy_kropki | i want reinstall xserver, and i want download it from uubuntu server, but apt-get are installiang | 10:58 |
negge | if that doesn't fix it try OSS | 10:58 |
trzy_kropki | it from local packages | 10:58 |
jdj | becauze using this usb wifi key i can use as a receiver and AP | 10:58 |
DirtyDawg | guys does anyone know the name of the GUI that lets you change boot order etc for dual boot in 8.10, had it instaled once and forgot what it was called | 10:58 |
zyx386 | how to add Unixtimeon Hardy? | 10:58 |
jdj | on my widows platform | 10:58 |
trzy_kropki | what to do? | 10:58 |
jdj | how to do the same thing on my ubuntu ? | 10:58 |
Starnestommy | jdj: you may want to check | 10:58 |
negge | DirtyDawg it's really simple to do without a GUI you know... | 10:58 |
jdj | that's my question | 10:58 |
_0xf001 | !Install the base system Debootstrap warning warning file://cdrom/dists/hardy/restarted/finery-i369/pachages.gz was corrupt | 10:58 |
ubottu | _0xf001: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:58 |
DirtyDawg | orly? | 10:58 |
_0xf001 | and a ton of other corupt files | 10:59 |
_0xf001 | apparently , | 10:59 |
zyx386 | !Unixtime | 10:59 |
ubottu | Factoid unixtime not found | 10:59 |
zyx386 | and | 10:59 |
zyx386 | !unixtime | 10:59 |
negge | DirtyDawg edit /boot/grub/menu.lst , the boot options are at the bottom of the file, you just cut and paste them to different positions | 10:59 |
negge | if you have any that you don't want you can comment them out aswell with a # | 10:59 |
DirtyDawg | thank you mate, will try it :) | 10:59 |
zyx386 | !add unixtime | 11:00 |
ubottu | Factoid add unixtime not found | 11:00 |
negge | DirtyDawg make a copy of the file in case anything goes wrong | 11:00 |
ljsoftnet | where should i download OpenArena? or | 11:00 |
jdj | ok thx Starnestommy | 11:00 |
_0xf001 | anyone know why they would be corrupt filesi downloaded the iso | 11:00 |
DirtyDawg | lol yeah i learned that much already :p | 11:00 |
zyx386 | ubottu, your wiki is empty :) | 11:00 |
negge | DirtyDawg hehe okay:) | 11:00 |
|Kit| | OpenArena? isn't Warsow and Nexuiz better? | 11:01 |
_0xf001 | noone? | 11:01 |
smmagic | I wonder if the ubuntu store ships to australia | 11:01 |
_0xf001 | !Install the base system Debootstrap warning warning file://cdrom/dists/hardy/restarted/finery-i369/pachages.gz was corrupt | 11:01 |
ubottu | _0xf001: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:01 |
negge | smmagic I'm sure it does | 11:01 |
badp | Morning. I'm afraid I've asked this already. I want to "override" dhcp dns and have ubuntu only use (say) OpenDNS for DNS resolving. What's the config file I need to touch? | 11:02 |
Starnestommy | badp: probably /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 11:02 |
* badp sudo gedits | 11:02 | |
_0xf001 | noone knows what i shoudl do? | 11:02 |
_0xf001 | im the first one to get this type oferror on install? | 11:03 |
Starnestommy | _0xf001: you might need to burn the iso again more slowly | 11:03 |
_0xf001 | hmm | 11:03 |
badp | brb | 11:03 |
laeg | negge: it was already configured to use alsa, do i want to use alsa + oss or just oss? it's giving me the option | 11:03 |
negge | laeg try both options | 11:04 |
laeg | negge: what about removing pulseaudio? | 11:05 |
MrBogie | is there any links for ubuntu-restricted-extras? | 11:05 |
negge | MrBogie just open a terminal and write sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 11:05 |
negge | laeg you mean uninstall it? | 11:05 |
negge | I don't know if that's a good idea | 11:05 |
Dr_willis | MrBogie, you mean links to download it? | 11:05 |
Dr_willis | MrBogie, its a metapckage - it just grabs other packages | 11:05 |
MrBogie | i'm currently running winXP | 11:06 |
negge | aah I see | 11:06 |
MrBogie | Dr_willis: yes, links to download it | 11:06 |
Dr_willis | MrBogie, wont do any good. :) its just a meta package. you install it and it will depend on several other packages that will get installed with it. | 11:06 |
negge | MrBogie | 11:06 |
MrBogie | i have no internet connection at home | 11:07 |
jdj | hi | 11:07 |
_0xf001 | how | 11:07 |
negge | MrBogie but like Dr_willis said it's just a meta packe | 11:07 |
Dr_willis | If you have another ubuntu machinewith networking , you cando that apt-on-cd stuff | 11:07 |
=== Ahmad is now known as AhmadSherif | ||
jdj | what is the command to check running ip ??? | 11:07 |
_0xf001 | how do i check the md5 of the iso i downloaded from the ubuntu site? | 11:07 |
MrBogie | Dr_willis, negge: thanks | 11:07 |
negge | jdj ifconfig? | 11:07 |
jdj | ifconfig grep | 11:07 |
jdj | something ??? | 11:07 |
jdj | not ifconfig | 11:08 |
Starnestommy | jdj: ifconfig grep "inet addr" | 11:08 |
kelvin911 | when i move my mouse over to panel, desktop. it is the normal white mouse pointer, but when i move the mouse over to opera, k3b, those kde applications i got a black mouse pointer (which i choose in appearance) | 11:08 |
negge | _0xf001 md5sum isofile | 11:08 |
negge | then compare it to the sites sum | 11:08 |
MrBogie | does meta package requires to have an internet connection? | 11:09 |
jdj | not working Starnestommy | 11:09 |
negge | MrBogie yeah if you download the ubuntu-restricted-extras package and try to install it without an internet connection it won't work as it will download lots of other packages | 11:09 |
zyx386 | can every one answer me "Who is unixtime format in Hardy?" | 11:10 |
Dr_willis | MrBogie, yes. Itgs just a tiny package that depends on others.. It has no real data in it. other then what it 'brings in' when you install it. | 11:10 |
flemnos | jdj: ifconfig | grep "inet addr" | 11:10 |
MrBogie | ok, so is there any links for ubuntu packages? | 11:10 |
negge | MrBogie this article is a bit old but it explains which packages are included in the restricted extras: | 11:11 |
zyx386 | can every one answer me "Who is unixtime format in Hardy?" | 11:11 |
Dr_willis | zyx386, that question makes no sence... | 11:11 |
MrBogie | negge: thanks. ill be reading this article | 11:11 |
Starnestommy | zyx386: what do you mean by that? | 11:11 |
negge | MrBogie do you only need mp3 support? | 11:11 |
faileas | zyx386: who? | 11:12 |
MrBogie | negge: yes | 11:12 |
jdj | not working too flemnos | 11:12 |
zyx386 | Dr_willis, Starnestommy i will add unixtime format in Clock | 11:12 |
harrizz | Chicken Sandwich | 11:12 |
flemnos | jdj: does "ifconfig" by itself not give you anything? | 11:12 |
negge | MrBogie is the machine running 7.10 or 8.04? | 11:13 |
MrBogie | negge: 8.04 | 11:13 |
negge | okay | 11:13 |
jdj | yeah ifconfig list of device | 11:13 |
zyx386 | | 11:13 |
laeg | negge: neither solution worked | 11:13 |
laeg | !pulseaudio | 11:13 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 11:13 |
flemnos | jdj: okay. then just manually grep for the line that has "inet addr: <numbers>" | 11:13 |
negge | laeg damn | 11:13 |
kelvin911 | how to solve the problem of mouse pointer not displaying the right mouse pointer theme? | 11:14 |
zainerkin | how to a edit my ubuntu boot loader. Where is it located. I would like to have xp highlighted | 11:14 |
laeg | negge: i've read it's buggy and causes problems in wine and skype etc | 11:14 |
zainerkin | as the first os to load without naual selection | 11:14 |
zyx386 | Dr_willis, I? | 11:14 |
laeg | and flash | 11:14 |
negge | MrBogie to get mp3 support on hardy you have to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly | 11:14 |
Starnestommy | zainerkin: the configuration for grub is in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:14 |
zyx386 | Starnestommy, | 11:14 |
laeg | but there's a fix for flash which i already applied | 11:14 |
MrBogie | thanks negge | 11:14 |
negge | zainerkin /boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:14 |
zainerkin | Thankyou Starnestommy | 11:14 |
negge | oops too late | 11:15 |
negge | afk | 11:15 |
MrBogie | is down. too bad.. :( | 11:15 |
zyx386 | can everyone? :) | 11:15 |
_0xf001 | how do i check the md5 of the iso i downloaded from the ubuntu site? on windows | 11:16 |
smmagic | hi, does anyone know how to get my back soundcard working, sound only comes out of my internal speaker | 11:16 |
zainerkin | how would I modify this to have xp slected as first os to load | 11:16 |
zyx386 | you are linux user, and did't know, what is unixtime fiormat in Hardy? | 11:16 |
ere4si | !md5 | _0xf001 | 11:16 |
ubottu | _0xf001: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 11:16 |
Starnestommy | zyx386: like in the output of the "date" command? | 11:17 |
jdj | flemnos: sudo grep eth1 | 11:17 |
jdj | nothing happe n | 11:17 |
zainerkin | how would I modify this the boot loader to have xp slected as first os to load | 11:17 |
Vistauser | hi! I just installed xubuntu and it is my first linux install in some years, I am really impressed with the way it works.... but like before I am now online with my windows computer asking for support, the problem is: after I disconnect in xubuntu and try to reconnect by right clicking on the network icon a blue circle starts moving but the connection to the internet is not reestablished...... | 11:18 |
Vistauser | ...I have connected my xubuntu box to the internet through my adsl router... why can't I reconnect? | 11:18 |
Starnestommy | zainerkin: change the "default" setting that's around line 14 to the number of XP | 11:18 |
jdj | ok thx leave it | 11:19 |
jdj | bye | 11:19 |
zyx386 | Starnestommy, | 11:19 |
Vistauser | anybody got an idea?! | 11:20 |
rutgermasi | VIstauser: What is your problem? | 11:20 |
Starnestommy | zyx386: Day Month Year HH:MM:SS Time-Zone Year? | 11:20 |
zyx386 | yes | 11:21 |
Vistauser | my problem is that after I disconnect from the internet using xubunut I can't reconnect anymore | 11:21 |
Starnestommy | zyx386: is that what you wanted to know? | 11:21 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: Rebooted? | 11:21 |
Vistauser | the blue circle keeps turning on the network icon, but I can't read webpages anymore | 11:21 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: wireless lan? | 11:21 |
Vistauser | using a reboot solves the problem but I want to be able to reconnect without rebooting | 11:21 |
Vistauser | it's a cable connection | 11:22 |
zainerkin | still unsure Starnestomy | 11:22 |
laeg | i'm trying to removing pulse audio but the instructions on are out of date and/or bogus. i have selected alsa as the driver for all options in system preferences sound but when i try to launch a second application i still get no sound | 11:22 |
zainerkin | what value is set fox xp | 11:22 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: Try this in terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 11:22 |
Starnestommy | zainerkin: either 4 or 5 | 11:22 |
bonhoffer | what is the best way to zip a file in ubuntu tar or zip or what? | 11:22 |
zyx386 | Starnestommy, i think you dont know what is Unixtime format, also see this article | 11:22 |
MrBogie | which is good, redhat or ubuntu? | 11:22 |
rutgermasi | bonhoffer: .tar.gz | 11:22 |
moon | hello | 11:22 |
bonhoffer | rutgermasi: thanks | 11:22 |
rutgermasi | redhat is more corporate i think | 11:23 |
* Starnestommy is confused | 11:23 | |
Vistauser | still doesn't work | 11:23 |
Vistauser | even though it said the restart was ok | 11:23 |
MrBogie | is redhat also free? | 11:23 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: try: sudo ifdown eth0 | 11:23 |
Gimbli | and... : sudo ifup eth0 | 11:23 |
moon | How I setup my sound card ??? | 11:23 |
rutgermasi | MrBogie, i thought not, but fedora is free (also maintained by redhat) | 11:23 |
zainerkin | so where is says default0 I will change to default4 | 11:23 |
zainerkin | or 5 | 11:23 |
Starnestommy | zainerkin: default 5 | 11:24 |
Gimbli | visatuser: if eth0 is the networking card you are using | 11:24 |
Vistauser | no it is eth1 | 11:24 |
kelvin911 | does installing kcontrol in ubuntu causing gnome not working properly? | 11:24 |
zainerkin | okay I will give that a go thanks | 11:24 |
Starnestommy | zainerkin: if that doesn't work, use default 4 | 11:24 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: then just replace eth0 and eth1 ;) | 11:24 |
Gimbli | is it a normal lan connection? | 11:24 |
zyx386 | also Starnestommy | 11:24 |
Gimbli | or some kind of dialin with username and password? | 11:24 |
Vistauser | it says both are not configure | 11:24 |
Vistauser | it says both are not configured | 11:24 |
zainerkin | cool | 11:24 |
Vistauser | yes, normal lan over a dsl router | 11:25 |
moon | I need help How I can setup sound card | 11:25 |
Vistauser | my other boxes work fine using dhcp | 11:25 |
MrBogie | which is good, fedora or ubuntu? | 11:25 |
rutgermasi | MrBogie: | 11:25 |
antic | MrBogie: go with ubuntu | 11:25 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: asking in this channel will get pretty much just one response to that question | 11:25 |
Vistauser | I didn't configure my network at all, I just plugged it in and it worked, I was impressed, but now it doesn't reconnect. I skipped the network install part in the isntallation thougn. | 11:26 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: normally there should not be any problems with these... have you already tried to set a static ip for this computer | 11:26 |
laeg | i'm trying to remove pulse audio but the instructions on are out of date and/or bogus. i have selected alsa as the driver for all options in system preferences sound but when i try to launch a second application i still get no sound | 11:26 |
Wootie | is there anyway to activate my back/forward button with the new ubuntu? or its a crazy mess like before? :P | 11:26 |
Vistauser | I was hoping it would just work like under windows... | 11:26 |
_0xf001 | i thik it was the .iso itself so im downlaoding the torrent version | 11:26 |
Vistauser | :) | 11:26 |
root__ | hi | 11:26 |
kelvin911 | changing the mouse pointer in appearance doesnt take effect? why i can not change mouse pointer? | 11:26 |
Wootie | (on the mouse) | 11:26 |
zainerkin | If I do it through text editor it says I do not have permission to modify the file what should I open menu.lst with | 11:27 |
rutgermasi | zainerkin: sudo gedit /path/yto/file | 11:27 |
franzrebs | i have another firefox problem. :( everytime i try to open it, it says "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system." problem is, i have already restarted several times to no avail. HELP! | 11:27 |
IndyGunFreak | zainerkin: gksudo gedit /path/to | 11:27 |
ak5 | hello - can someone tell me how to get my volume keys on lappy to change PCM instead of master? | 11:27 |
Vistauser | how can I get an overview how my network is configured`` | 11:27 |
IndyGunFreak | !gksudo | rutgermasi | 11:27 |
ubottu | rutgermasi: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 11:27 |
Dr_willis | Wootie, i saw the tools here -> for doing a LOT of neat tricks with mice buttons.. not sure about the forward.back - i never use that feature. :) | 11:27 |
manoff | how do i mount an usb stick into my ubuntu server using the command line? | 11:27 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: I am only using the normal ubuntu. but i think the networking manager should also run on xubuntu. | 11:27 |
Dr_willis | manoff, sudo mount /dev/devicename /media/mountpoint | 11:28 |
Vistauser | so why doesn't it reconnect? | 11:28 |
=== root__ is now known as tara | ||
Dr_willis | !mount | manoff | 11:28 |
ubottu | manoff: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 11:28 |
=== tara is now known as united | ||
franzrebs | i have another firefox problem. :( everytime i try to open it, it says "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system." problem is, i have already restarted several times to no avail. HELP! please | 11:28 |
Vistauser | how can I configure the network devices after install? since I skipped it during install?! | 11:28 |
manoff | thanks | 11:28 |
rutgermasi | franzrebs: try this: sudo killall firefox | 11:28 |
Wootie | Dr_willis: thanks iw ill try | 11:28 |
Vistauser | or how can I get an overview how it is configured using the command prompt | 11:28 |
ak5 | hello - can someone tell me how to get my volume keys on lappy to change PCM instead of master? | 11:28 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: try to run "dhclient3" in the command prompt | 11:29 |
IndyGunFreak | franzrebs: system/admin/system monitor.. then go to the processes tab, find firefox, right click, and kill it | 11:29 |
IndyGunFreak | franzrebs: second, go back to FF-2.. FF3 is so freakin unstable, i had nothing but probs out ofi t on 3 different machines | 11:29 |
lowlux | how do i use AppArmor? | 11:29 |
ak5 | franzrebs, sudo killall firefox-bin | 11:29 |
manoff | Dr_willis: how do i found out the device name for this? | 11:29 |
franzrebs | @rutgermasi it says ' firefox: no process killed' | 11:29 |
lowlux | on 8.04? | 11:29 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: otherwise we can also try to set a static ip for your network. but i do not know, whether some configuration tool might overwrite it | 11:30 |
franzrebs | ak5 it says no process killed | 11:30 |
Vistauser | i am runngin the dhclient thing.. maybe it was not included in the install because I skipped the configuration of the network.. but there is unfortunately no way to configure it once xubuntu is installed | 11:30 |
rutgermasi | franzrebs: try reinstall firefox | 11:31 |
IndyGunFreak | franzrebs: there has tob e a firefox process running to ge3t that error... | 11:31 |
franzrebs | IndyGunFreak i see no firefox process | 11:31 |
ak5 | franzrebs, then it should start :/ | 11:31 |
Gimbli | do you get an ip, when you are running it? | 11:31 |
IndyGunFreak | franzrebs: thenn if there's no p;rocess, it should start | 11:31 |
Vistauser | it said no dhcpoffer received | 11:31 |
rutgermasi | franzrebs: what does "ps -ef | grep firefox" say? | 11:31 |
Vistauser | how can I get an overview how my network is configured`` | 11:31 |
Vistauser | ?! | 11:31 |
Vistauser | ipconfig does not work | 11:32 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: typ in "ifconfig" | 11:32 |
ak5 | ifconfig | 11:32 |
kelvin911 | did hardy change the path for default mouse pointer? | 11:32 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: ifconfig | 11:32 |
IndyGunFreak | vistakiller: log into your router? | 11:32 |
mathrick | hi, what happened to hal-device-manager in hardy? | 11:32 |
Vistauser | ah that was it ifconfig! | 11:32 |
IndyGunFreak | mathrick: i guess depending on your device, its there.. i have it. | 11:32 |
ak5 | Vistauser, for wireless: iwconfig | 11:32 |
franzrebs | it still wont start, and im using firefox 2 | 11:32 |
vistakiller | :P ehm? | 11:32 |
franzrebs | rutgermasi it says 'frances 6098 6063 0 11:32 pts/0 00:00:00 grep firefox' | 11:32 |
IndyGunFreak | franzrebs: i have a feelig you're jerking our chain. | 11:32 |
mathrick | IndyGunFreak: I don't, and there's not even a deb in the repo | 11:33 |
ak5 | hello - can someone tell me how to get my volume keys on lappy to change PCM instead of master? | 11:33 |
Dr_willis | manoff, fdisk -l, or look at dmesg output command. | 11:33 |
ak5 | :D | 11:33 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: does it only display localhost? | 11:33 |
IndyGunFreak | mathrick: you using hardy | 11:33 |
Vistauser | hmmm... using ifconfig does show me both eth1 and eth0 are configured.. but somehow nothing goes... | 11:33 |
rutgermasi | franzrebs: start up synaptic package manager and reinstall firefox | 11:33 |
mathrick | IndyGunFreak: yes | 11:33 |
Vistauser | maybe the routing is not configured correctly | 11:33 |
franzrebs | okay | 11:33 |
rutgermasi | ak5: system->prefs->sound? | 11:33 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: have you already tried to ping a public ip? | 11:33 |
manoff | Dr_willis: fdisk -l outputs nothing | 11:33 |
IndyGunFreak | mathrick: what wireless device | 11:33 |
franzrebs | inndygun what do you mean jerking your chain? | 11:33 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: might also be a dns problem | 11:34 |
mathrick | IndyGunFreak: how does that matter? | 11:34 |
mathrick | the binary isn't there | 11:34 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, I tried looking there - what do you mean? | 11:34 |
Vistauser | how do I configure this ip address where everything is sent ... | 11:34 |
eisenhower | Question: Help appreciated: is there anyway i can realtime mic input to play throgh my speakers? | 11:34 |
Vistauser | I forgot | 11:34 |
Dr_willis | manoff, try using a sudo for 'system' commands.. :) logical eh. | 11:34 |
IndyGunFreak | mathrick: lol, i don't know.. good luck | 11:34 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: try "ping" and "ping" | 11:34 |
ljsoftnet | i have openarena.deb and openarena-data.deb from, how do i install this two files? | 11:34 |
ak5 | or ping -c 3 | 11:34 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: you have to edit /etc/network/interfaces | 11:35 |
manoff | Dr_willis: ah yes sorry | 11:35 |
Vistauser | urneacable | 11:35 |
IndyGunFreak | ljsoftnet: double click them | 11:35 |
rutgermasi | ak5: Look for "Default mixer" | 11:35 |
Starnestommy | ljsoftnet: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 11:35 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, set to PCM | 11:35 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, doesn't work though :( | 11:35 |
laeg | i am having troulbe getting sound in wine when vlc is running in the background - i have tried to remove pulse audio by selecting alsa for all options in system > preferences > sound but i still have no success - how can i fix this? | 11:35 |
ljsoftnet | which one should i double click first? | 11:35 |
Starnestommy | ljsoftnet: probably openarena-data | 11:35 |
manoff | Dr_willis: okay now i think what the device name is (/dev/sdb1) | 11:35 |
IndyGunFreak | ljsoftnet: i can't remember.. if youd ouble clcikt he wrong one, you'll get an error telling yout o click the other | 11:36 |
ljsoftnet | ok | 11:36 |
rutgermasi | ak5: I haven't a solution, try the ubuntu forums | 11:36 |
franzrebs | so far in my one day of experience with xubuntu, firefox is the biggest headache | 11:36 |
IndyGunFreak | i believe it is data though, not 100% sure. | 11:36 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, I did, but thx! | 11:36 |
manoff | Dr_willis: yes it works, thank you for teaching me more linux | 11:36 |
IndyGunFreak | franzrebs: are you sure you're using FF2? | 11:36 |
franzrebs | yes i am | 11:37 |
IndyGunFreak | franzrebs: don't know, try seamonkey.. i have no issues w/ it.. | 11:37 |
franzrebs | okay, im done reinstalling it in synaptic, but i still get the same error | 11:37 |
Dr_willis | manoff, this is rather basic linux stuff.. :) you may want to go do some reading. be sure to UNMOUNT the device with umount /media/whatever befor removing it | 11:37 |
manoff | Dr_willis: could you also tell me that why might this device called sdb and not usb? | 11:37 |
manoff | Dr_willis: yes i will | 11:37 |
Ipkaf | hi | 11:37 |
SebastianMcK | Sorry to bother you guys but ive forgotten my username and password for ubuntu | 11:37 |
Ipkaf | hi | 11:37 |
Vistauser | the netowrk/interfaces file is empty.. it only says auto lo iface lo inet loopback | 11:37 |
franzrebs | does seamonkey have a addon? because that's the main reason i use firefox | 11:37 |
Ipkaf | how to cancel this command ??? | 11:37 |
rutgermasi | franzrebs: also try opera, have you completely removed firefox? and also try to install older/newer version of firefox | 11:37 |
FloodBot1 | Ipkaf: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:37 |
Starnestommy | Ipkaf: which command? | 11:38 |
Dr_willis | manoff, why would it be called usb at all? sdb = scsci drive b. :) sda = scsi drive a. | 11:38 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, lol it does work - it is just increasing/decreasing the volume by incredibly small increments | 11:38 |
Ipkaf | sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT | 11:38 |
rutgermasi | Ipkaf: ctrl+c | 11:38 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: For eth1 it shoudl be something like this: | 11:38 |
manoff | Dr_willis: aha ok i see | 11:38 |
Dr_willis | manoff, what if i plugged in all 10 of my USB thumbdrives at once? :) | 11:38 |
Gimbli | auto eth1 | 11:38 |
franzrebs | i chose the mark for reinstallation option. i'll try to completely remove it now | 11:38 |
Ipkaf | not ctrl c | 11:38 |
Gimbli | iface eth0 inet static | 11:38 |
Gimbli | (eth1 of course in your case ;) | 11:38 |
Starnestommy | Ipkaf: sudo iptables -D FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT | 11:38 |
Gimbli | address <local ip> | 11:38 |
Gimbli | subnet <local sub> | 11:39 |
IndyGunFreak | only problem w/ Opera, at least the non-beta one, is flash is kinda flaky.. | 11:39 |
tadzhikaz | can anyone help me? i have wifi card ATHEROS AR5007EG. on ubuntu 7 it worked, but on ubuntu 8.04, it do not want to work. i installed driver madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007.tar.gz and i used this manual . now i can see wireless networks, but i can not connect to them... | 11:39 |
SebastianMcK | Sorry to bother you guys but ive forgotten my username and password for ubuntu | 11:39 |
Gimbli | gateway <router ip> | 11:39 |
Vistauser | still it's weird that first it does work without problems!! only on reconnect there is a problem! | 11:39 |
Ipkaf | thx Starnestommy | 11:39 |
Gimbli | argh, and it is not subnet but "netmask" | 11:39 |
Ipkaf | merci | 11:39 |
faileas | both username and password? | 11:39 |
SebastianMcK | faileas yeah | 11:39 |
Starnestommy | SebastianMcK: go into recovery mode and check /etc/passwd for your username, then set the password with "passwd username" | 11:39 |
IndyGunFreak | tadzhikaz: i used a madwifi patch for that device under 8.04.., but if you can see networks, i dn't know why you couldn't log in to them | 11:40 |
ak5 | Does anyone know how to increase the increments my sound goes up/down by when I press my vol+ / vol- keyboard keys? | 11:40 |
SebastianMcK | iStarnestommy: dont really get what you mean? how do i check it and do i get into recovery mode by the grub menu? im really sorry to be a bother | 11:40 |
LazyAngel | there should be a dpkg-reconfig similar command to change from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1. But what is it? i cant remember :( | 11:41 |
mathrick | SebastianMcK: don't apologise so much, no-one minds | 11:41 |
tadzhikaz | IndyGunFreak, in site write, that madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007.tar.gz is patched... | 11:41 |
Vistauser | I'll just try to reinstall | 11:41 |
mathrick | SebastianMcK: recovery mode is accessed via grub, yes | 11:41 |
Starnestommy | SebastianMcK: there's a recovery mode option in the grub menu. To check /etc/passwd, run "nano /etc/passwd" | 11:41 |
Vistauser | somehow the dhcp server and configuration for the network cards cannot be added using a tool in xubuntu.. only during the install!!!! | 11:42 |
SebastianMcK | Starnestommy: alright ill go and see if it works | 11:42 |
IndyGunFreak | tadzhikaz: don't know, i patched it myself, and it works fine... on it now actually, in hardy | 11:42 |
justAsset_ | Hello guys | 11:42 |
justAsset_ | anyone knows how to get my webcam work | 11:43 |
IndyGunFreak | !webcam | justAsset_ | 11:43 |
ubottu | justAsset_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 11:43 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: normally there is also this nm-applet | 11:43 |
justAsset_ | thanks... | 11:43 |
Vistauser | allthough on powering down it does say networkmanager disconnectin eth0 and eth1 | 11:43 |
Gimbli | sorry, i did not find the name earlier. but that could also help | 11:43 |
MrBogie | if i install build-essential, does it require to have an internet connection? | 11:44 |
rutgermasi | VIstauser: did you take a look at the system log files? | 11:44 |
ak5 | Vistauser, pls explain your problem to me | 11:44 |
franzrebs | while my firefox install, i have another question: is there an option that automatically allows admin tasks? im always asked for my password when changing settings. | 11:44 |
franzrebs | *installs | 11:44 |
=== woland is now known as MesserWoland | ||
ak5 | franzrebs, nor recommended | 11:44 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: you'll need to download it and all the packages that it needs then install them | 11:44 |
ak5 | franzrebs, at all | 11:44 |
franzrebs | okay | 11:44 |
franzrebs | why not? im the only one using the computer | 11:45 |
rutgermasi | franzrebs: I think there isn't, it's a security feature | 11:45 |
franzrebs | oh, alright | 11:45 |
rutgermasi | franzrebs: Because virusses can take over your computer and install rootkits, .. | 11:45 |
Vistauser | ak5: I did not configure the network during install of xubuntu, then I just connected my xunbtu to my dsl router and it just worked.. but when I disconnect the internetconnection by clicking on the network icon and then try to reconnect the blue circle just keeps turning but I cannot use the internet anymore.. then I have to reboot... and it works again | 11:45 |
tadzhikaz | IndyGunFreak, thank you for answer | 11:45 |
rutgermasi | that is the problem of windows | 11:45 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: i have already dowonloaded it. what other packages it needs? | 11:45 |
ak5 | franzrebs, the thing is, if you run everything as root - you could do that ALL your programs run as root | 11:45 |
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=== JoKO is now known as JoKo | ||
IndyGunFreak | tadzhikaz: i;'ve got another link if you want to try it, hang on | 11:45 |
franzrebs | oh my | 11:46 |
tadzhikaz | IndyGunFreak, yes, i want | 11:46 |
=== JoKo is now known as J0Ko | ||
franzrebs | well thanks for your answers | 11:46 |
franzrebs | :) | 11:46 |
ak5 | franzrebs, that means any security flaw in irc programs will mean your system is 100% under control of attacker | 11:46 |
justAsset_ | anyone knows why ubuntu reserves username "admin"? | 11:46 |
=== J0Ko is now known as J0K0 | ||
Starnestommy | MrBogie: libc6-dev/libc-dev, gcc, g++, make, and dpkg-dev | 11:46 |
jussi01 | !root | franzrebs | 11:46 |
ubottu | franzrebs: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 11:46 |
Martinp23 | In pterm, how can I input "non-standard" characters? (é eg) My normal key combination doesn't work in pterm (with the meta key, ' then e). Any ideas? | 11:46 |
SebastianMcK | ive booted into recovery mode it says grub> i type "nano /etc/passwd" then it says unreconisged command. | 11:46 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: thanks | 11:46 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: is that all? | 11:47 |
Starnestommy | SebastianMcK: try "vim /etc/passwd" | 11:47 |
Starnestommy | MrBogie: I think so | 11:47 |
Vistauser | sebastianmck use passwd username | 11:47 |
ak5 | Vistauser, sry I cannot help you | 11:47 |
faileas | yay another nano user ;p | 11:47 |
rutgermasi | Or try "cat /etc/passwd" | 11:47 |
Vistauser | baah | 11:47 |
IndyGunFreak | tadzhikaz: here's where i downloaded hte patch file | 11:47 |
faileas | or just check /home? ;p | 11:47 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: i'm going to install it manually | 11:47 |
ak5 | hello - can someone tell me how to get my volume keys on lappy to change PCM instead of master? | 11:47 |
MrBogie | Starnestommy: i dont have internet connection at home. thanks for the advice | 11:48 |
SebastianMcK | vista user: i forgot my username as well, i know how to do that but i need my username | 11:48 |
ak5 | oops sry | 11:48 |
J0K0 | Hi... I want to upgrade my Feisty installation to Gutsy and then to Hardy. I am behind a proxy. If I try to start the upgrade progress, I get the following message: | 11:48 |
J0K0 | Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server. Can anyone help me? | 11:48 |
SebastianMcK | Starnestommy: Doesnt work | 11:48 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
Vistauser | sebastainmck try ls /home | 11:48 |
ak5 | can someone tell me how to increase the rate my sound goes up when I press volume keys? | 11:48 |
Virtue | someone help please, what can I do with this? newest ver of wine and revconnect, and still same error | 11:49 |
SebastianMcK | Vistauser: tried that | 11:49 |
franzrebs | okay, got it. hey does vlc have all the commonly used codecs? lol sorry if i ask too much. i just want to get the most out of my xubuntu | 11:49 |
battlesquid | how can i change the timezone of my ubuntu server - remotely ? i have ssh access | 11:49 |
Gimbli | ak5: did you already try: system->settings-> "something like keyboard combination" ? | 11:49 |
rutgermasi | J0K0: try google | 11:49 |
ak5 | Gimbli, hmm I think so yes | 11:49 |
Gimbli | ak5: sorry, i only have a german ubuntu ;) | 11:49 |
ak5 | Gimbli, sags mir auf deutsch ^^ | 11:49 |
SebastianMcK | I turned on my pc it came up with press esc for the grub meny went into it selected recovery mode then i pressed c = command line, is that how it works? | 11:49 |
Vistauser | sebastian: so what did it say?! | 11:50 |
SebastianMcK | unreconisged command | 11:50 |
Starnestommy | SebastianMcK: you'll need to select the "recover mode" option then press b | 11:50 |
franzrebs | does vlc have all the common codecs? | 11:50 |
SebastianMcK | Starnestommy: okay | 11:50 |
ak5 | franzrebs, yes | 11:50 |
J0K0 | rutgermasi, already tried. I have run gpg, try to modify my apt.conf, still nothing. That is why I ask here... :D | 11:50 |
Starnestommy | franzrebs: I think so | 11:50 |
ak5 | can someone tell me how to increase the rate my sound goes up when I press volume keys? | 11:51 |
kelvin911 | how come i can not apply new mouse pointer theme?? | 11:51 |
Vistauser | sebastian: on the bootup prompt just go into recovery mode, select the shell and then do ls | 11:51 |
Nikunj93 | anyone here? | 11:51 |
Nikunj93 | ?? | 11:51 |
ak5 | Nikunj93, many people are | 11:52 |
IndyGunFreak | franzrebs: i think so, not 100% sure though.. i've always installed libdvdcss, but I'm not sure if VLC works without it or not. | 11:52 |
tadzhikaz | IndyGunFreak, ok, i will try it. how can i remove my installed driver? | 11:52 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: abut 1300 people | 11:52 |
Starnestommy | *about | 11:52 |
Nikunj93 | ohk | 11:52 |
Nikunj93 | so anyone help me | 11:52 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: what do you need help with? | 11:52 |
ak5 | !ask | Nikunj93 | 11:52 |
ubottu | Nikunj93: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 11:52 |
franzrebs | okay thanks | 11:52 |
IndyGunFreak | tadzhikaz: cd to the directory, sudo make uninstall (i think) | 11:52 |
Nikunj93 | when ever i open any image in browser i see images very hazy | 11:52 |
battlesquid | how can i change the timezone of my ubuntu server - remotely ? i have ssh access. date says my timezone is CEST=GMT+2 ( i am in CST = GMT+1) and tzconfig says my timezone is Europe/Oslo=GMT+1 which is correct. however i need date to be correct as well as i have some scripts relying on it. | 11:53 |
Nikunj93 | the thing what happens to images when we enlarge them a lot | 11:53 |
rutgermasi | tzconfig | 11:53 |
Nikunj93 | ? | 11:53 |
Nikunj93 | hello | 11:53 |
Nikunj93 | 1300 people | 11:53 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: in firefox 3? | 11:54 |
rutgermasi | Nikunj93: try ctrl+0 | 11:54 |
ak5 | Nikunj93, if impatiant no one will help you | 11:54 |
battlesquid | rutgermasi that's not helping, i told you i tried that. it says i'm in CST - but date doesn't say that | 11:54 |
Nikunj93 | sorry | 11:54 |
Nikunj93 | first time on IRC | 11:54 |
Nikunj93 | no nothing about it | 11:54 |
SouseMouse | I connected a generic USB-to-serial adapter. Now several of my USB ports don't work. Rebooting doesn't help, once Gutsy boots my hub goes dead. Is there something saving USB config data? | 11:54 |
ak5 | Nikunj93, its like in real life - don't shout at the people who help you for free | 11:54 |
Nikunj93 | ok sir | 11:55 |
Nikunj93 | chill | 11:55 |
Vistauser | rutgermasi: I am now reinstalling and it says the network autoconfiguration failed, it suggets it is because some network hardware is not working properly which is bogus because my windows box connects fine using my dsl router | 11:55 |
Nikunj93 | and also please help me :) | 11:55 |
Gimbli | ak5: as you will understand it and i did not find anyhting else: | 11:55 |
ak5 | Nikunj93, if no one answers it means no one knows - I don't know | 11:55 |
kelvin911 | do i manually edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme ??? | 11:55 |
moon | How can i setup me sound card | 11:55 |
Starnestommy | moon: what kind of sound card is it? | 11:55 |
ak5 | Gimbli, thx a bunch! | 11:55 |
SebastianMcK | ive gotten my username which is "sebastian" i type in passwd sebastian type in a new passwoprd, it says must be authenticated | 11:56 |
Gimbli | ak5: perhaps then you can define a combination to increase the volume | 11:56 |
Nikunj93 | so what to do ak5 | 11:56 |
Nikunj93 | now? | 11:56 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: what about manually configuring the network? | 11:56 |
flemnos | battlesquid: is /etc/localtime linked to the right timezone? | 11:56 |
Nikunj93 | image is hazy in firefox | 11:56 |
Nikunj93 | anyone please help | 11:56 |
battlesquid | flemnos yes | 11:56 |
IndyGunFreak | Nikunj93: take a paxil, if someone can help, they will, constantly saying, "please help me", is annoying | 11:57 |
Nikunj93 | image dicide into smal box like structures | 11:57 |
Vistauser | rutgermasi: I don't know how... I did it a copule of years ago by typing in all soft of rooting command.. where can I find info on how to do it? | 11:57 |
rutgermasi | Nikunj93: Tru #firefox | 11:57 |
ak5 | Gimbli, ah sry, I think you might have misunderstood me My sound keys work (they increase/decrease sound) but by very, very little | 11:57 |
LazyAngel | there should be a dpkg-reconfig or similar command to change from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1. But what is it? | 11:57 |
apavlov | Hey all, my fast user switching applet has started showing only logged-in users since recently (after a system update?) Any clues? | 11:57 |
SebastianMcK | i hate ubuntu, its been a pain in the bum ever since i got it | 11:57 |
SebastianMcK | windows is easier | 11:57 |
ak5 | SebastianMcK, no one is forcing you | 11:57 |
rutgermasi | take windows :P | 11:57 |
IndyGunFreak | SebastianMcK: user malfunction most likely, i've got 3 boxes, no problems at all. | 11:57 |
Nikunj93 | ya | 11:57 |
battlesquid | SebastianMcK then give up, looser | 11:57 |
Nikunj93 | use paid things | 11:58 |
Nikunj93 | with piracy | 11:58 |
Starnestommy | !ot | 11:58 |
ak5 | PEBKAC | 11:58 |
Vistauser | rutgermasi: I did configure manually.. but now it asks me for a ip address. I want dhcp though!! | 11:58 |
SebastianMcK | wow real nice | 11:58 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:58 |
IndyGunFreak | SebastianMcK: nothing to do w/ nice or not nice, you made a foolish statement.., | 11:58 |
LazyAngel | SebastianMcK: thats what you get for mentioning windows ;) | 11:58 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: just fill in your gateway and ip address, you don't need to get an ip automatically from your dhcp server | 11:58 |
ak5 | We aren't paid to be nice? | 11:58 |
Vistauser | sebastian: did you reset your password? | 11:59 |
Snowball | hi | 11:59 |
Snowball | is there a software which saves everything typed? | 11:59 |
IndyGunFreak | you should go to #debian, and see how "nice" they are.. | 11:59 |
Nikunj93 | aks | 11:59 |
Snowball | I need to control a chat of my child | 11:59 |
Vistauser | rutgermasi: well if I have configured my dslr router as a dhcp server will it allow a static address to be used?! | 11:59 |
Nikunj93 | the images is only hazy in some places | 11:59 |
Nikunj93 | like orkut | 11:59 |
SouseMouse | Does Gutsy retain USB device configuration between reboots? My USB went haywire when I connected a cheap USB->serial adapter, and rebooting doesn't help. | 11:59 |
ak5 | Vistauser, most, yes | 11:59 |
kelvin911 | why i have to manually edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme in order the mouse pointer to change??? | 11:59 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: yes | 11:59 |
Nikunj93 | | 11:59 |
Gimbli | Vistauser: yes, it will. the router normally runs independent from the dhcp server | 11:59 |
Nikunj93 | and this linl | 11:59 |
kelvin911 | how come changing it in appearance dont work anymore??? | 12:00 |
Starnestommy | Snowball: I don't think so. | 12:00 |
battlesquid | vistakiller you need to select an IP outside of the DHCP interval | 12:00 |
Nikunj93 | ak5 u here? | 12:00 |
kelvin911 | anyone? | 12:00 |
ak5 | Snowball, I don't know, try to google keylogger+ubuntu | 12:00 |
Vistauser | battlesquid: so how do I find out the dhcp intervall?! | 12:00 |
ak5 | Nikunj93, yes | 12:00 |
jetscreamer | LazyAngel: i missed the full question, but dpkg-reconfigure locales or console-data ? (but ubuntu locales are different iirc) | 12:00 |
battlesquid | Vistauser see you router docs | 12:00 |
Snowball | ak5, thank you =) I did not know what word I need to search for =) | 12:00 |
Snowball | thank you ak5 | 12:01 |
rutgermasi | battlesquid, no, vistauser: choose ip within your dhcp ip range, | 12:01 |
battlesquid | Vistauser on my router there is a web config where i can select that interval | 12:01 |
Vistauser | HERE WE GO AGAIN! I am really beginning to wonder if linux has matured as much as I expected.... | 12:01 |
battlesquid | rutger that wont work | 12:01 |
ak5 | Snowball, no problem - I have that kind of question often too, as english isn't my native language :) | 12:01 |
Vistauser | some network manager is supposed to do that stuff for me!!! | 12:01 |
IndyGunFreak | Vistauser: your user name says it all, Linux has matured A LOT in 4-5yrs I've been using it... | 12:01 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: go to or or or (all with http://, open in firefox) | 12:01 |
ak5 | Vistauser, linux seems to work fine for me? | 12:01 |
Nikunj93 | ak5 | 12:02 |
Snowball | ak5, where are you from? | 12:02 |
Nikunj93 | u read | 12:02 |
Nikunj93 | what i wrote? | 12:02 |
battlesquid | Vistauser this isn't about ubuntu maturing. it's about users needing to understand networking | 12:02 |
ak5 | Nikunj93, nope, sry | 12:02 |
ak5 | Snowball, germany | 12:02 |
Vistauser | I can believe you guys when you say it works! | 12:02 |
Nikunj93 | i want to say | 12:02 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 12:02 |
Vistauser | but at the cost of how much hours of your spare time?! | 12:02 |
ak5 | haha xD | 12:02 |
Nikunj93 | the image is hazy only in orkut and | 12:02 |
Vistauser | I also have some actual work to do... | 12:02 |
ak5 | Vistauser, out of the box usually | 12:02 |
battlesquid | Vistauser sure we all do | 12:02 |
rutgermasi | Vistauser: give some of us an ssh connection with your pc and it will work :P | 12:03 |
ak5 | Nikunj93, I don't know, I said that already - I have never seen this problem - sry | 12:03 |
Vistauser | well I am using a very old computer... when I select the eth0 card for autoconfiguring the kernel panicks... | 12:03 |
Vistauser | and the install stalls | 12:03 |
digitalpsyko | will kubuntu 8.04 install my nvidia driver for me? | 12:03 |
Nikunj93 | ok | 12:03 |
ak5 | digitalpsyko, yes | 12:03 |
Vistauser | then only rebooting work | 12:03 |
digitalpsyko | im in the hardware drivers | 12:03 |
IndyGunFreak | digitalpsyko: most likely.. you just may need to enable it in restricted driver | 12:03 |
Snowball | ak5, Austria here =) | 12:03 |
kelvin911 | can i delete /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme ?? | 12:03 |
Vistauser | battlesquid: you all do what? invest a lot of spare time or have some work to do? | 12:04 |
ak5 | Snowball, heh nice :) | 12:04 |
digitalpsyko | it says proprietary drivers are being used to make this system work properly. | 12:04 |
ak5 | Snowball, my parents are thinking of moving to gratz | 12:04 |
Snowball | how comes? | 12:04 |
ak5 | digitalpsyko, yeah - unless you have moral complaints that'll be fine | 12:04 |
IndyGunFreak | digitalpsyko: does it show "Enabled" is checked, and status is in use? | 12:04 |
digitalpsyko | i enabled the restricted driver | 12:04 |
digitalpsyko | yeah | 12:04 |
ak5 | Snowball, job | 12:04 |
IndyGunFreak | digitalpsyko: ok, so whats the prob? | 12:04 |
Snowball | ak-, i c =) | 12:04 |
digitalpsyko | it pops up everytime i restart though | 12:04 |
IndyGunFreak | digitalpsyko: what does? | 12:05 |
Snowball | well, I need to leave for a moment, will be back soon | 12:05 |
Snowball | thx ak5 | 12:05 |
Snowball | bye =) | 12:05 |
ak5 | Snowball, I'm going to stay and finish the abitur here :) | 12:05 |
digitalpsyko | the restricted driver thing | 12:05 |
ak5 | Snowball, byebye | 12:05 |
Snowball | and then you are going to come over here? | 12:05 |
Snowball | ak5, gimme 10 mins *g* | 12:05 |
ak5 | Snowball, kk bye | 12:05 |
IndyGunFreak | ok,well, i don't know... that must be because kde sucks.. i've never had that issue w/ Ubuntu.; | 12:05 |
SebastianMcK | Enter your new UNIX password, i cannot enter anything | 12:05 |
pedervl | I have an archive which the archiver tells me is tar, but it can't extract it as .tar. I can use konqueror to browse through the archive, but how can I extract it? | 12:05 |
ak5 | IndyGunFreak, even if you speak the truth - don't start WM wars here pls | 12:06 |
as84 | Hello, I have an AMD 64 bit Asus laptop, do you guys recommend that I install the 32 bit version of ubuntu or the 64 bits ? | 12:06 |
digitalpsyko | will i be able to install compiz-fuzion with this restricted driver? | 12:06 |
IndyGunFreak | ak5: i'll start what i like | 12:06 |
ak5 | IndyGunFreak, we tolerate bashing windows users already :P | 12:06 |
rutgermasi | as84: if you have 4gb or more RAM/memory, you will need the 64bit version | 12:06 |
IndyGunFreak | digitalpsyko: you should be able to | 12:06 |
as84 | I only got 2gb | 12:06 |
Starnestommy | SebastianMcK: just type it in. Nothing will show up, though | 12:06 |
rutgermasi | as84: I recommend the 32-bit version | 12:07 |
IndyGunFreak | as84: i always recommend 32bit... less problems | 12:07 |
digitalpsyko | im converting from windows xppro and i must say i do like this kubuntu alot better | 12:07 |
ak5 | as84, unless you need the 64bit arch, use the 32bit | 12:07 |
as84 | rutgermasi, you mind telling me why? | 12:07 |
digitalpsyko | i like the kdesktop environment instead of the gnome | 12:07 |
as84 | but isn't less performant thje 32 bits, | 12:07 |
as84 | ? | 12:07 |
IndyGunFreak | i love that answer.. | 12:07 |
ak5 | as84, only in theory | 12:07 |
IndyGunFreak | install 64bit, then come back here with the constant problems you have. | 12:07 |
Starnestommy | as84: flash, java, and some other things are hard to get working on the 64-bit version | 12:07 |
digitalpsyko | thanks fellas | 12:08 |
rutgermasi | as84: you will get a grater performance of your ram if you install 64bit version, only if you have 4gb or more | 12:08 |
IndyGunFreak | Starnestommy: thats just the start of it.. many drivers do not have 64bit versions...., lots of programsdon't work under 64bit. | 12:08 |
as84 | but i heard with an dpkg -i --force | 12:09 |
IndyGunFreak | 64bit is just to much of a headache, at least right now... i'll use it when its actually ready | 12:09 |
as84 | it would force the install | 12:09 |
void^ | as84: nice way to break a system | 12:09 |
rutgermasi | as84: so don't use 64bit | 12:09 |
IndyGunFreak | yup. | 12:09 |
ak5 | IndyGunFreak, I use 64 bit archlinux on my desktop and everything works fine | 12:09 |
faileas | >_> | 12:09 |
phoareau | hi. will there be any major change the the gnome UI in the future release of Ubuntu? | 12:09 |
ak5 | IndyGunFreak, it just requires more tweaking is all | 12:09 |
faileas | digitalpsyko: what did i do? XD | 12:09 |
IndyGunFreak | ak5: arch and ubuntu is very different | 12:09 |
Starnestommy | phoareau: in 8.10? | 12:09 |
SebastianMcK | Starnestommy: THANK YOU SO MUCH! IT WORKS! | 12:10 |
phoareau | yes | 12:10 |
IndyGunFreak | arch is probably 64bit ready.., in my opinion, Ubuntu is not. | 12:10 |
Starnestommy | phoareau: I think you may want to try asking in #ubuntu+1 | 12:10 |
ak5 | IndyGunFreak, true, but you were talking about the 64bit in general no? | 12:10 |
IndyGunFreak | Suse is a great 64bit distro... although i hate it., it works quite well. | 12:10 |
IndyGunFreak | ak5: no i was not.. i was referring to ubuntu... | 12:10 |
digitalpsyko | XD my nutz | 12:10 |
ak5 | IndyGunFreak, AH OK THEN | 12:10 |
phoareau | Starnestommy, ok thenk you. | 12:10 |
whileimhere | I have an external SCSI USB CDRW. How do I find where its path is | 12:10 |
ak5 | lol capslock :/ | 12:10 |
IndyGunFreak | whileimhere: its probably /media/something | 12:11 |
as84 | you guys have an idea why ubuntu choose gnome as default DE ? | 12:11 |
ak5 | as84, why not? | 12:11 |
IndyGunFreak | as84: because kde sucks, and newbs didn't like xfce or flux | 12:11 |
as84 | KDE seems cooler | 12:11 |
ak5 | as84, grab kubuntu then | 12:11 |
Starnestommy | as84: I think the system utilities were easier to use and it used less space than kde | 12:11 |
ak5 | as84, choice is the keyword here | 12:11 |
as84 | i see | 12:11 |
IndyGunFreak | not to mention, gnome users don't get used to staring at an hourglass | 12:12 |
as84 | anyone ever tried arch here? | 12:12 |
faileas | lol | 12:12 |
faileas | what hourglass? | 12:12 |
as84 | is it worth trying over ubuntu ? | 12:12 |
ak5 | as84, archlinux? yes | 12:12 |
* faileas hasn't had much problems with KDE | 12:12 | |
=== IshinoSan_ is now known as IshinoSan | ||
as84 | ak5 and what did you think of it ? | 12:12 |
rutgermasi | as84: you can try it in vmware or virtualbox, or just install next to your ubuntu | 12:12 |
ak5 | as84, are you proficiant with the commandline? | 12:12 |
as84 | yeah | 12:12 |
* IndyGunFreak would rather get his face stomped by a golf cleat wearing Rosie O Donnell, than use KDE | 12:12 | |
ak5 | as84, go for it - its harder to setup | 12:13 |
IndyGunFreak | i'd go back to windows before i used KDE | 12:13 |
ak5 | as84, but way faster | 12:13 |
phoareau | gnome is good. i like gnome over kde or kde 4 | 12:13 |
ak5 | as84, I use it on my desktop | 12:13 |
as84 | drivers wise, does it support as much as hardwares as ubuntu ? | 12:13 |
faileas | IndyGunFreak: i use gnome too (on another system). cripes its a desktop envitonment, not a religion ;p | 12:13 |
phoareau | but the thing is, the gnome UI never chnage, it stays the same. i think it needs a facelift. | 12:13 |
IndyGunFreak | faileas: lol, for me, its almost religion, i despise kDE.. | 12:13 |
ak5 | as84, it supports a lot - I have never had any issues - but if you mean out of the box - I'd say no | 12:13 |
whileimhere | I still cannot get GRIP to find this external drive. | 12:14 |
StavFX | hello, can someone help me with Creox? it won't do any effects for my guitar | 12:14 |
ak5 | as84, arch is not supposed to work out of the box - after the install you don't even have X | 12:14 |
ak5 | as84, if you are comfortable with that - just try it | 12:14 |
faileas | IndyGunFreak: i'm platform agnostic ;p | 12:14 |
scoldog | How can i get Kubuntu Gutsy to play DVD's? | 12:14 |
IndyGunFreak | faileas: lol | 12:15 |
as84 | i probably should read their install guide | 12:15 |
faileas | IndyGunFreak: in more ways than one ;p | 12:15 |
IndyGunFreak | !medibuntu | scoldog | 12:15 |
ubottu | scoldog: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 12:15 |
faileas | my latest 'toy' runs irix ;p | 12:15 |
ak5 | as84, I prefer using ubuntu for desktops if you don't want to configure anything | 12:15 |
ak5 | as84, but servers are awesome in arch | 12:15 |
scoldog | Thanks, I thought it would automatically install the codecs like normal Ubuntu | 12:15 |
phoareau | scoldog, there is a guide for that, you just need to install two or three progs | 12:16 |
as84 | i would run centos on servers though | 12:16 |
as84 | i dont trust arch | 12:16 |
as84 | it is too new | 12:16 |
mohamed_ | is the first time deal with vmware and i can start it but i got this message " Cannot find a serial number to unlock this version of VMware Server " how to solve this ? | 12:16 |
IndyGunFreak | i've never used arch, but i've heard it has an incredible package manager once you learn to use it. | 12:16 |
ak5 | as84, well, ok - trust doesn't really have to do with it though - just take a look at the source :) | 12:16 |
as84 | so how come arch would theorically be faster than ubuntu | 12:17 |
as84 | lest bloated services? | 12:17 |
ak5 | as84, it is i686 optiized | 12:17 |
as84 | i mean they both run same kernel | 12:17 |
Starnestommy | as84: and less bloat | 12:17 |
IndyGunFreak | as84: this is way off topic.. if you want to try arch downloadi t and try it. | 12:17 |
as84 | well I do an amd 64 :-/ | 12:17 |
ak5 | as84, same kernelVERSION | 12:17 |
Starnestommy | and perhaps different kernel config options | 12:17 |
joe_nix | hey, is anyone availiable to possibly help me with some driver problems? | 12:17 |
as84 | I am sorry IndyGunFreak | 12:17 |
anabolix | does ubuntu have a defragmenting porgram? or that is not needed on ubuntu? | 12:17 |
cRyPt0E | hi guys - has anyone got a solution to this? lets say i have a file name called 'hello world.txt'. i wish to rename this to 'hello world.c'. this file is read only and i would like to use the sudo command. when i stary typing the command at the terminal using 'sudo mv "Hello world.txt" "hell... I find that in the 2nd parameter I cannot use the tab button to auto complete the file name (but this works if I don't have te sudo command. is th | 12:17 |
IndyGunFreak | !defrag | anabolix | 12:18 |
ak5 | !ask | joe_nix | 12:18 |
ubottu | anabolix: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed. | 12:18 |
ubottu | joe_nix: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 12:18 |
potty | can wubi break my windows xp install? | 12:18 |
IndyGunFreak | potty: probably.. | 12:18 |
StavFX | can no one help me with Creox? the Jack server seems to be working fine. i can't figure this thing out | 12:18 |
Vistauser | thanks for the help | 12:18 |
ak5 | potty, everything can brake winxp | 12:18 |
IndyGunFreak | potty: why don't you just use the CD like normal people | 12:19 |
potty | k i will run ubuntu in vbox then | 12:19 |
IndyGunFreak | potty: as long asyou have a backup, it shouldn't be an issue. | 12:19 |
rutgermasi | potty: you can always access your files on windows, but you could get the problem that you can't startup windows anymore (then search ubuntu forums) | 12:19 |
whileimhere | When I insert a Music CD in to my external USB CDRW to rip to OGG I get the following message when I try to mount it via the applet from the toolbar. "Unable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted. Mount: Block device /dev/scd1 is write protected, mounting read only Mount wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd1, missing codepage or helper program, or other err | 12:19 |
joe_nix | I'm fairly new to ubuntu and I have to install a Nvidia graphics driver for my gfx card so I can display high resolutions, However it works fine when i install it when i have shutdown the x server etc.. But every time i restart ubuntu it completely forgets about my configuration and goes into "safe graphics mode" , So every time i start up ubuntu I have to reinstall the driver. I can pastebin a log file if they exist if it will help. Does anyone know how to | 12:20 |
joe_nix | overcome this? | 12:20 |
msnbot | Hello | 12:20 |
rutgermasi | whileimhere: try install ogg codecs | 12:20 |
msnbot | how can I install kde4 in hardy heron? | 12:20 |
msnbot | I am running Kubuntu | 12:20 |
msnbot | I am running Kubuntu Hardy Heron. | 12:20 |
yusuo | hi, anyone know how to get ubuntu to remember an ssh address, and well basically shorten it | 12:20 |
void^ | whileimhere: audio cds have no filesystem. you don't mount them. | 12:20 |
yusuo | e.g. someone@ to someone | 12:20 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: do you have the driver enabled right now? | 12:21 |
ak5 | yusuo, isn't it /etc/hosts | 12:21 |
msnbot | whileimhere: you can rip them by cdparanoia | 12:21 |
DEadPuNk | msnbot: sudo apt-get install kde4 <====== then just reboot! and select session KDE4 | 12:21 |
sgi_netboot | I'm trying to set up a dhcp server using dhcp3-server (on hardy). is there a guide to editing /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf ? | 12:21 |
yusuo | ak5 i dont know how would i edit it | 12:21 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: Yes | 12:21 |
`Morpheus` | Salve A Tutti :) | 12:21 |
justAsset_ | I'm trying to configure GRUB, but get errors | 12:21 |
phoareau | is there any live cd of ubuntu enlightenment? | 12:21 |
ak5 | yusuo, sudo nano /etc/hosts | 12:21 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: open a terminal and run "gksudo nvidia-settings" no quotes | 12:21 |
msnbot | DEadPuNk" do I have to run the command after closing kdm ?? | 12:21 |
whileimhere | msnbot: The problem is that I cannot get GRIP to locate the External USB CDRW. | 12:21 |
msnbot | DEadPuNk: do I have to run the command after closing kdm ?? | 12:21 |
ak5 | phoareau, google that | 12:22 |
msnbot | whileimhere: Ooh, Never heard of it. | 12:22 |
msnbot | :( | 12:22 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: Right, thats opened the Nvidia X server settings | 12:22 |
msnbot | whileimhere: msnbot-- | 12:22 |
phoareau | ak5, ok | 12:22 |
ak5 | phoareau, tell me if u find one | 12:22 |
justAsset_ | anyone did what am doin' now? | 12:22 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: ok.. if you ran it w/ gksudo, that should open it with root priv. then set your resoltion, then apply, then click "Save to X COnfigurationi file". | 12:22 |
yusuo | ak5, but how do what is the command i need | 12:22 |
ak5 | yusuo, i just gave you the command | 12:23 |
yusuo | that made no sense | 12:23 |
phoareau | ak5, :) | 12:23 |
Punker | Hello, how can I get sound on my PC??? Is there any command like alsaconf ...? | 12:23 |
yusuo | i personally use gedit to edit conf files i just dont know the line i would add in there to create a well shorter name | 12:23 |
ak5 | yusuo, open a terminal, then type sudo nano /etc/hosts to edit that file | 12:23 |
ak5 | yusuo, ahh | 12:24 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: Done that, I'll restart and see if the problem still occurs, back in a minute | 12:24 |
axel | damn busy here :) | 12:24 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: ok | 12:24 |
yusuo | i opened gedit to edit it | 12:24 |
yusuo | i can do that | 12:24 |
ak5 | yusuo, ok you have the file infornt of you? | 12:24 |
yusuo | but i just dont know what line to add in the host file | 12:24 |
yusuo | #yup | 12:24 |
ak5 | yusuo, so you see something like localhost | 12:24 |
yusuo | yeah | 12:24 |
DEadPuNk | msnbot: i tried it on ubuntu8.04! well just open a terminal and type the commande! ill just just work after the installation completed | 12:24 |
ak5 | yusuo, add the ip of whatever you want to shorten then press <tab > | 12:25 |
ak5 | yusuo, then add the shortcut name | 12:25 |
DEadPuNk | msnbot: then u reboot and select session KDE4 on the login screen | 12:25 |
ak5 | yusuo, remember not to use dhcp when relying on this | 12:25 |
ak5 | yusuo, cause that might screw up | 12:25 |
=== ThatMole1 is now known as ThatMole | ||
yusuo | thats kinda cool, but its trying to log on with my username | 12:26 |
potty | how do i defrag? | 12:26 |
yusuo | how do i change the default name for that connection | 12:26 |
ak5 | yusuo, do root@shorcut | 12:26 |
IndyGunFreak | potty: in windows | 12:26 |
ak5 | yusuo, or whateverusername@shortcut | 12:26 |
potty | for reiserfs | 12:26 |
ak5 | potty, you dont really need to | 12:27 |
faileas | potty: you can't and shouldn't | 12:27 |
Ipkaf | hi | 12:27 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: Still getting the error message "Could not detect your graphics card and monitor" when i start up Ubuntu | 12:27 |
IndyGunFreak | !defrag | potty you don';t need to. | 12:27 |
ubottu | potty you don';t need to.: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed. | 12:27 |
Ipkaf | what mean this command ? | 12:27 |
Ipkaf | sudo ifconfig eth0 | 12:27 |
yusuo | thanks ak5 | 12:27 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: Now its in safe graphics mode | 12:27 |
yusuo | that sorted it out | 12:27 |
ak5 | yusuo, it works? | 12:27 |
ak5 | yusuo, I'm glad | 12:27 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: hmm... that doesn't make sense.. are you using the restricted driver, or a driver you dwonloaded annd compiled, or what? | 12:27 |
msnbot | DEadPuNk: Ok, Thanks. I'll try now | 12:27 |
yusuo | yeah now its just someone@someone | 12:27 |
yusuo | thatnk you | 12:27 |
ak5 | yusuo, np | 12:27 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: just the .bin from the nvidia website | 12:28 |
yusuo | i have two noob firneds who just installed linux so im helping them install what they need from my bedroom | 12:28 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: shell script, sorry | 12:28 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: go to system/admin/hardware drivers.. what does it say there | 12:28 |
ak5 | yusuo, hehe | 12:28 |
yusuo | anyway off now, thanks again ak5 | 12:28 |
ak5 | yusuo, cya around | 12:28 |
faileas | XD | 12:28 |
cjc | hello | 12:28 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: It says the Nvidia driver is there and enabled, But not in use | 12:28 |
cjc | what mean this command sudo ifconfig eth0 | 12:29 |
* faileas is trying to run kubuntu on a dual PII 350... its crawling ;p | 12:29 | |
wo7ke | hi there, is there some kind of patch list ubuntu uses in their kernel? | 12:29 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: try unchecking it to where it says its not enabled.. and restart.. see if that fixes it. | 12:29 |
wo7ke | its kernel | 12:29 |
faileas | i half suspect its the HDDs tho, the livecd is gaster | 12:29 |
faileas | *faster | 12:29 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: you shoulda used that rather than downloading the .bin file | 12:29 |
Starnestommy | cjc: that gives the IP to the internet interface eth0 | 12:29 |
cjc | ok | 12:30 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: no, the enabled box is ticked, but theres a red circle next to it that says not in use | 12:30 |
hab_ | irc:// | 12:30 |
Snowball | re | 12:30 |
Snowball | ak5, I found a keylogger | 12:30 |
ak5 | Snowball, works?\ | 12:30 |
* spass has a problem 'ifconfig rtap0 up --> SIOCSIFFLAGS: Invalid argument' (ipw2200) help any1? | 12:30 | |
ere4si | wo7ke: afaik they release a new kernel instead | 12:30 |
Snowball | question to everyone: Where are my keymaps? I need to set a keymap | 12:30 |
hab_ | komment on lance des dl XDCC ??? | 12:30 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: wel, i have no idea on that one.. why didn't you just use hardware drivers to set it up? | 12:30 |
Snowball | ak5, not yet =) | 12:31 |
wo7ke | er4si: but not a plain vanilla kernel, i suppose | 12:31 |
ak5 | Snowball, system - preferences - keyboard - layout | 12:31 |
ere4si | wo7ke: having an issue? | 12:31 |
cjc | if my internet is something like have i have to replace this "sudo ifconfig eth0" with this one " sudo ifconfig eth0 ??? | 12:31 |
hab_ | plz, how to dl XDCC ? | 12:31 |
cjc | if my internet IP is something like have i have to replace this "sudo ifconfig eth0" with this one " sudo ifconfig eth0 ??? | 12:31 |
Snowball | the name of the program is "lkl" (linux key logger) and it says as an Example: lkl -l -k keymaps/it_km -o log.file | 12:31 |
Starnestommy | hab_: you don't. | 12:31 |
wo7ke | ere4si: yeah , my acer extensa 5220 laptop has a problem with hibernation | 12:31 |
hab_ | lol, legal xdcc of course | 12:32 |
Snowball | ak5, I need to know the path =) and I run KDE *g* | 12:32 |
ak5 | Snowball, ah | 12:32 |
wo7ke | er4si: and i read, that a vanilla kernel might help | 12:32 |
ere4si | wo7ke: sorry - don't know about lappys - any google links help? | 12:32 |
cjc | right or wron Starnestommy ??? | 12:32 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: Didnt know there was one heh, Is there a way to uninstall the one ive installed then? | 12:32 |
Starnestommy | cjc: that is correct | 12:33 |
wo7ke | er4si: well, its more up to the ubuntu kernel "structure" | 12:33 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: i would hope.. but i'm really not sure. | 12:33 |
ere4si | wo7ke: e.g. acer extensa 5220 ubuntu | 12:33 |
cjc | thanx a lot | 12:33 |
cjc | ur really good | 12:33 |
cjc | bye | 12:33 |
ere4si | !tab | wo7ke | 12:33 |
ubottu | wo7ke: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 12:33 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: ah well, cheers for the help though, gonna do a bit of googling to find out :) | 12:34 |
wo7ke | !tab | 12:34 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 12:34 |
wo7ke | !tab er | 12:34 |
ubottu | Factoid tab er not found | 12:34 |
IndyGunFreak | joe_nix: if youdon' have a lot vested in your install, might be easier to just reinstalll. | 12:34 |
wo7ke | @ere4si how is that tab thing workin? | 12:34 |
Starnestommy | wo7ke: try typing the first few letters of someone's nick then press the tab key | 12:34 |
wo7ke | wow | 12:34 |
ak5 | wo7ke, type ere then press <tab> on your keyboard | 12:34 |
wo7ke | cool | 12:34 |
ere4si | wo7ke: hehe :) | 12:34 |
frojnd | hej guys. I've just got ipd shuffle. Is there a way so I can upload some music to it ? | 12:35 |
ere4si | wo7ke: using hardy ubuntu? | 12:35 |
joe_nix | IndyGunFreak: Yeah might consider that | 12:36 |
wo7ke | ere4si: back to topic, im curious in the differences between ubuntu and vanilla kernel | 12:36 |
wo7ke | ere4si: yeah , hardy | 12:36 |
wo7ke | ere4si: the hibernation problem is a common one with that laptop | 12:36 |
DJ | hello... | 12:37 |
ere4si | wo7ke: can't find a bug about it...? | 12:37 |
=== DJ is now known as DJ_P3nd1nG | ||
mosno | why can't amsn open /dev/dsp or /dev/audio? the user is in the 'audio' group since login | 12:37 |
mosno | since before login* | 12:37 |
DJ_P3nd1nG | who know anything about the atl2 lan driver implemention into the kernel? | 12:38 |
DJ_P3nd1nG | i only know the atl2 module... | 12:38 |
wo7ke | ere4si: theres only one hint on | 12:38 |
Lo_Pan | i did a lot of work on that | 12:39 |
Lo_Pan | bbk | 12:39 |
Lo_Pan | bbl | 12:39 |
richardG_ | salut est que quelqu'un peut me dire si la version 8 04 gére les pb de modem ZTE ZD | 12:39 |
richardG_ | sl 852 | 12:39 |
ere4si | wo7ke: that's an eeepc yep? | 12:39 |
=== Yhouse is now known as Yhouse[OFF] | ||
DJ_P3nd1nG | yes | 12:39 |
wo7ke | ere4si: nope, but cheap like one =) | 12:39 |
DJ_P3nd1nG | for the net boot option | 12:39 |
Starnestommy | !fr | 12:39 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 12:39 |
SnkBite | info chmod | 12:39 |
wo7ke | ere4si: its an average office 15.4 lappy, but quite a bargain in the EU | 12:40 |
ere4si | wo7ke: there's bugs about the sound but not hibernation that I can find | 12:41 |
ere4si | wo7ke: sorry | 12:41 |
richardG_ | thanks bye | 12:41 |
wo7ke | ere4si: yeah, the bug is already deprecated | 12:41 |
wo7ke | ere4si: but the hibernation thing remains | 12:42 |
ere4si | wo7ke: the kernel isn't vanilla - ubuntu sets it up for it's distro | 12:42 |
wo7ke | ere4si: have you read the link, i gave you | 12:42 |
nature | hi | 12:42 |
SliM1 | hello | 12:42 |
SliM1 | can groob boot from a bootable CD? | 12:42 |
SliM1 | grub* | 12:42 |
wo7ke | ere4si: yeah, but whats the precise difference? is there a list of all patches somewhere? | 12:43 |
ere4si | wo7ke: try this | 12:43 |
ere4si | !kernel | wo7ke | 12:43 |
ubottu | wo7ke: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 12:43 |
nature | can u pls help me how to install flash player in ubuntu | 12:43 |
nature | pls pls | 12:44 |
ak5 | nature, go to synaptic | 12:44 |
SliM1 | easy uninstall for hardy? | 12:44 |
SliM1 | how? | 12:44 |
ere4si | !flash | nature | 12:44 |
ubottu | nature: To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 12:44 |
bakarat | what kernel version does dapper use by default? | 12:45 |
nature | thx | 12:45 |
nature | hey how r u all | 12:46 |
nature | there is sunshine | 12:46 |
ere4si | SliM1: just format the disk partitions that ubuntu are on | 12:46 |
Ward1983 | can i set up a serial port of my desktop so i can connect to it with another comp with a hyperterminal clone, just like i connect to a router? | 12:46 |
nature | i love it | 12:46 |
knnaa | how can i enable speed step under xorg? | 12:46 |
stefan_ | ver quakenet | 12:46 |
ak5 | Ward1983, ofc you can - how is te question | 12:46 |
knnaa | is there any patch that i can download? | 12:46 |
SliM1 | ere4si: that's not what i want | 12:46 |
Ward1983 | ak5, indeed | 12:46 |
wo7ke | ere4si: oh, so they have their complete own branch | 12:46 |
ere4si | wo7ke: seems that way | 12:47 |
wo7ke | ere4si: well, thats a little pitty | 12:47 |
ere4si | SliM1: it will remove ubuntu - what do you want to do other then that? | 12:47 |
SliM1 | ere4si: on there is a "easy uninstall" heading, so i thought that it's easy to go back to gutsy | 12:47 |
Fabio_Como | hello i'm trying to download a csv file from http with wget, i think i have some probems with the "file encoding" of the downloaded file, how can i check in which charset is the file i have downloaded? thanks | 12:47 |
SliM1 | ere4si: to get gutsy back easily | 12:48 |
ere4si | SliM1: that's not uninstall - that's downgrade - very hard to do | 12:48 |
Fabio_Como | or my basic question is.. how can i check in which charset is a file i've on my filesystem? | 12:48 |
larson9999 | just install gutsy fresh | 12:48 |
* devilsadvocate needs a lot of help to help fix his graphics display resolution . Intel 82815 (worked fin with the i810 for years), native display resolution 1024x768 (LCD screen) does not go past 800x600. adding a custom mode using xrandr doesnt help (fails with unable to configure CRTC0 when setting the mode), trying to intall 915resolution (im desperate, here) fails with ´does not work with this graphics card, intell 800 / 900 series only supported). p | 12:49 | |
* emma *smiles* | 12:49 | |
ak5 | argh my xubuntu is taking forever to install xD | 12:49 |
SliM1 | i requested 10 CDs, they were approved (september 2007) and i received none (i've just noticed that); is there a place were i can send some feedback or something si,ilar? | 12:50 |
SliM1 | similar* | 12:50 |
Freshy | morning | 12:50 |
knnaa | how can i set m clockspeed down? | 12:50 |
devilsadvocate | SliM1, it usually takes a lot of time for them to come | 12:50 |
knnaa | i want to lower the clock on m notebook | 12:50 |
kelvin911 | how to solve the screen tearing while playing back movie??? | 12:50 |
kelvin911 | compiz is on | 12:51 |
SliM1 | devilsadvocate: it's been 8 months? | 12:51 |
blame | tearing? | 12:51 |
ere4si | kelvin911: ask in #compiz - type /j #compiz | 12:51 |
Tyrion | Hi, im using a cisco-based vpn ... connection with the cisco-vpnclient works, but not with kvpnc set to Cisco proprietary ? | 12:51 |
devilsadvocate | SliM1, you asked for hardy, right? | 12:51 |
Ward1983 | SliM1, they probably got lost in the post... | 12:51 |
SliM1 | devilsadvocate: no, feisty | 12:51 |
SliM1 | 8 months ago | 12:51 |
devilsadvocate | SliM1, oh. ouch | 12:51 |
Freshy | in 8.04 how do i set the root password. when i su i get a wrong password error. (but not for packages manager) | 12:52 |
Ward1983 | can i set up a serial port of my desktop so i can connect to it with another comp with a hyperterminal clone, just like i connect to a router? | 12:52 |
Starnestommy | Freshy: use sudo | 12:52 |
ere4si | Freshy: sudo passwd | 12:52 |
larson9999 | Freshy, use sudo instead of su in ubuntu. | 12:52 |
Ward1983 | if yes: how | 12:52 |
larson9999 | Freshy that's how to set it but i REALLY think you're better of using sudo | 12:52 |
Sp0tter | if i have 3g of ram on my laptop, is there any reason to have a swap partition other then for hibernation | 12:52 |
SliM1 | devilsadvocate: i just assumed that the 10 cds weren't approved | 12:53 |
SliM1 | devilsadvocate: do you know what i can do? | 12:53 |
Ward1983 | SliM1, they most probably got lost in the mail | 12:53 |
Starnestommy | Sp0tter: it's used as reserve space if you start runniing out of RAM | 12:53 |
larson9999 | i've bot the 'ubuntu locks up on me once or twice a day blues' | 12:53 |
devilsadvocate | Freshy, using root is generally not a good idea. sudo -i is recommended over that. if you still want to do it, then you sill have to run sudo passwd root | 12:53 |
Freshy | cool thanks | 12:53 |
Erosion | 12hi | 12:53 |
devilsadvocate | SliM1, no idea | 12:53 |
SliM1 | Ward1983: such a waste, they were customized CDs :( | 12:54 |
hypn0 | is cloned output only for dual monitors? in screen resolution prefs | 12:54 |
Sp0tter | Starnestommy, right, so with 3g i should never run out of ram so there is no need to have it? | 12:54 |
Ward1983 | SliM1, most probably the reason why they got lost? :p | 12:54 |
Starnestommy | Sp0tter: you might want to make a 1gb swap partition just in case | 12:55 |
Ward1983 | SliM1, but what does it mather, the content is the same as any other CD :) | 12:55 |
Ward1983 | just order the new one | 12:55 |
Ward1983 | SliM1, or even better go to a release party then you get a customised one too | 12:55 |
Sp0tter | That's why i'm here, to elimate the 'just in case' by finding the answer :) | 12:55 |
Starnestommy | Sp0tter: you can run without one for now and create one in the future if you think you'll need it | 12:56 |
Sp0tter | oky doky | 12:56 |
RootIC | helo | 12:56 |
SliM1 | Ward1983: well, i requested a few extra development tools pre-installed | 12:56 |
RootIC | anyone from serbia around there ? | 12:56 |
Freshy | do you have to be root to do the definition update for aegis virus scanner? | 12:56 |
SliM1 | Ward1983: that's what i mean by customised, not just pretty colours :P | 12:56 |
devilsadvocate | Freshy, probably not. sudo should be adequate | 12:57 |
Ward1983 | SliM1, lol ffs, they are not going to press you 10 custom CDs.... | 12:57 |
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Ward1983 | SliM1, im fairly sure they expect you to do that kindof stuff yourself and bake a CD | 12:58 |
SliM1 | Ward1983: maybe you're right, but i won't be able to find it out now, will i? | 12:58 |
SliM1 | :P | 12:58 |
Ward1983 | SliM1, you can be sure you wouldnt have received 10 custom pressed CDs | 12:58 |
Ward1983 | lol | 12:58 |
Rhodetrem | is there a way I can backup my windows partition while running ubuntu (i.e. not booting into a LiveCD for partimage?) | 12:58 |
SliM1 | Ward1983: no, i cannot :) | 12:58 |
Gfdking | . | 12:59 |
Ward1983 | "hello factory, this is canonical speaking, yes we need 10 custom CDs because someone requested them" | 12:59 |
Ward1983 | loool | 12:59 |
ere4si | !root | Freshy | 13:00 |
ubottu | Freshy: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 13:00 |
linxuz3r | anyone can help me with dual monitor display? | 13:03 |
daftykins | any news on a patched kernel making it into Ubuntu for Xen 3.2.0 functionality? | 13:03 |
daftykins | linxuz3r what gfx? | 13:03 |
Dimensions | Hiya .... I have a couple of Cranberry SC20 units ... i tried to install ubuntu latest version over it ... but it gives Kernel error ... saying the system is very old for it ... Which version of Ubuntu is the lightest and stable that i can install on these systems ... i wont mind 4.10 even though ... but it needs to be stable and lighter ... . | 13:04 |
daftykins | install debian if you want lightweight | 13:04 |
daftykins | :P | 13:04 |
linxuz3r | nvidia | 13:04 |
SliM1 | what's the difference between ubuntu CDs and ubuntu DVDs | 13:05 |
SliM1 | ? | 13:05 |
daftykins | running 8.04 linxuz3r ? | 13:05 |
daftykins | of ubuntu | 13:05 |
Starnestommy | SliM1: I think there's more stuff on the DVDs | 13:05 |
linxuz3r | yes | 13:05 |
daftykins | "sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings" in terminal | 13:05 |
devilsadvocate | linxuz3r, you can use xrandr (which is supposed to be for this sort of thing), but im afraid i dont know the details | 13:06 |
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ere4si | SliM1: the dvds have all the packages - the cds have the basics only for a working desktop | 13:06 |
daftykins | nvidia-settings is better. | 13:06 |
SliM1 | ok, thanks | 13:06 |
Dimensions | daftykins: i'm doing it for my office .... and we have ubuntu on other systems deployed around the world (which are not cranberries) and all of them are having ubuntu already ... so wouldn't want to change it from ubuntu ... | 13:06 |
TheFourthOne | Does anyone know if it's possible to split the large ubuntustudio iso into 2 smaller iso's that can be burned on CD-R's? I dont have a DVD burner | 13:07 |
Dimensions | TheFourthOne: why not download CD version... | 13:07 |
TheFourthOne | I couldnt find one | 13:07 |
devilsadvocate | Dimensions, for lightweight i say you could install ubuntu-server and then install some lightweight window manager. if you want xfce then you can go straight for xubuntu, or you could try something like fluxbox. i dont know about the kernel issue though | 13:08 |
TheFourthOne | Dimensions: Do you know where I can find one? | 13:08 |
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InterestedPanthe | In Sound Preferences, when I click on the Sounds, I can hear them play (log in and log out for example). However, when I log in and out I never hear them. Additionally, FireFox won't play any sounds, but every other application works. I've reinstalled the flash (directly from adobe) without success trying to fix FF. Any suggestions? Thanks! | 13:09 |
Dimensions | TheFourthOne: on ubuntu download page they have a download for cd ... its abt 700 MB | 13:09 |
=== Console is now known as e66 | ||
daftykins | you don't install flash from adobe in ubuntu, you go to a webpage in firefox that uses flash and use the installer that comes up to install either Flash or Gnash | 13:10 |
Dimensions | devilsadvocate: .... the main issue is kernel issue ... which version i can use with old kernels ... i have used 6.06 when it was released alot but dont know abt the previous ones ... were they good enough ??? | 13:10 |
InterestedPanthe | daftykins: I've done that, too. I'm 8.04 with the 3 beta. I've read the FF issue is widespread. :( | 13:11 |
daftykins | hmm maybe something to do with it containing firefox 3 beta 5 | 13:11 |
RainCT | Hi | 13:11 |
InterestedPanthe | Are you running 8.04? If so, does FF2 work with sound? I could go back until it's stable. (It is the default FF in 8.04) | 13:12 |
TheFourthOne | Dimensions: Thank you | 13:13 |
RainCT | How can I let the volume up/down shortcuts (from gnome-keybinding-properties) change the PCM volume instead of Master? | 13:13 |
Dimensions | yw TheFourthOne | 13:13 |
RainCT | (because for some reason only PCM and Headphone change the volume) | 13:14 |
blame | InterestedPanthe: my ff2 works w flash w/o probs | 13:14 |
ricanelite | Can anyone here help me with Virtualbox? | 13:14 |
erland | Hello, can anyone point me to a simple howto on migrating data & settings to a 2nd computer (ie. which files to copy...?) | 13:14 |
jigsawIV | #dd-wrt | 13:14 |
ricanelite | I downloaded and installed it on my Ubuntu Linux Hardy 8 machine | 13:14 |
RainCT | !ask > ricanelite | 13:15 |
fac3less | erland -- I've been using rsync -avz /home/* ;) | 13:15 |
fac3less | But it would be cool if there was a proper export function | 13:15 |
daftykins | what's up with it ricanelite ? | 13:15 |
fac3less | Because I love syncing my desktop to my laptop | 13:15 |
erland | fac3less: what's that? | 13:15 |
whileimhere | What is a good email client to use with Gmail? I know that there is the one made by mozilla but I really never liked it. | 13:15 |
fac3less | erland it's a command | 13:16 |
daftykins | thunderbird is great | 13:16 |
fac3less | whileimhere -- try evolution | 13:16 |
InterestedPanthe | daftykins: Thanks, let me give it a shot (FF2). | 13:16 |
InterestedPanthe | whileimhere: Evolution is nice if you don't like Thunderbird. | 13:16 |
whileimhere | okay. I see that one already installed. | 13:16 |
RainCT | whileimhere: thunderbird or evolution for Ubuntu, on Kubuntu there's kmail afaik | 13:16 |
flemnos | RainCT: system > preferences > sound, and select the one you want from the box at the bottom. | 13:16 |
Tyrion | Does anyone know how to get the properitery cisco client to run with the Network Manager ?? | 13:16 |
daftykins | not only installed already, but it's got an icon next to the apps menu, one of the first things you see in ubuntu | 13:17 |
ricanelite | I have virutalbox installed and the settings are fine as well. The thing is when I try to install the Windows Vista OS onto the Vbox. I enter the Vista Install CD in and it loads up but it It seems not to do anything it just stays on the windows that says Loading Files | 13:17 |
RainCT | flemnos: thanks | 13:17 |
daftykins | do you not get the progress bar at all? | 13:17 |
vega-- | what is the "right way" to disable a kernel module from loading at boot (in this case pcspkr) ? | 13:17 |
daftykins | have you given the VM enough RAM ricanelite ? | 13:17 |
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m1r | vega--: blacklist it | 13:18 |
ere4si | vega--: try sudo modprobe -r pcspkr | 13:18 |
vega-- | ere4si: that just unloads it | 13:19 |
vega-- | m1r: .. how to do that? i guess there's a file somewhere | 13:19 |
RainCT | vega--: you've to write "blacklist <module name>" into a file | 13:19 |
vega-- | m1r: i know there's /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist but is that the right place? | 13:19 |
RainCT | vega--: let me search what it's name was.. | 13:19 |
RainCT | vega--: yes, that's it | 13:19 |
m1r | vega--: yes | 13:19 |
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vega-- | RainCT: m1r: ok, thanks for confirming | 13:20 |
m1r | nps vega-- | 13:20 |
ere4si | vega--: from man modprobe - -r --remove This option causes modprobe to remove, rather than insert a module | 13:20 |
ricanelite | um 1000mb | 13:21 |
vega-- | ere4si: yes... but the question was how to prevent from loading at boot time | 13:21 |
RainCT | ere4si: that doesn't have any permanent effect, once you reboot it's loaded again | 13:21 |
ricanelite | and I have 2gigs of ram | 13:21 |
danbhfive | what is the IcedTea project? | 13:21 |
mnemo | danbhfive: something with java | 13:22 |
ere4si | vega--: RainCT it works here on this box - as does modprobe -i | 13:22 |
RainCT | ok, new question.. how can I let the eject key binding eject the disc from my DVD drive instead of from my CD drive? | 13:22 |
ricanelite | if anyone heads to this website <~~clicks on the listen now button does anything happen? | 13:23 |
daftykins | i think the real question is what's wrong with using the physical buttons and not retarded keyboard shortcuts :P | 13:23 |
vega-- | RainCT: man eject | 13:23 |
vega-- | ah, key shortcut, never mind | 13:23 |
siml1 | hi. i cant play a sound in firefox and rhythmbox at the same time. someone here who has a solution or a hint? | 13:23 |
RainCT | daftykins: heh. dunno.. they are cool :) | 13:24 |
daftykins | no they're really, really not | 13:24 |
daftykins | keyboard shortcuts are for cheap family package PCs from the early years of this century, marketed to stupid families who need buttons to run browsers and email clients 'cause "apparently" the windows start menu is too cryptic for them | 13:24 |
daftykins | ;) | 13:24 |
ere4si | siml1: that's a bug mozilla is working on afaik | 13:24 |
siml1 | ere4si k thx | 13:25 |
RainCT | siml1: I could get that working changing the sound server from Auto-Detect (which defaults to Pulse Audio) to ALSA in System -> Preferences -> Sound | 13:25 |
quentusrex | how do I add a line of text onto the end of a file? from the command line? | 13:26 |
quentusrex | I want to keep the whole file, just add a line of text onto the end. | 13:26 |
solexious | how can i run a virtual version of xp in ubuntu? | 13:26 |
RainCT | quentusrex: cat "line" >> file | 13:26 |
RainCT | quentusrex: the >> means append; > is (over)write | 13:26 |
RainCT | solexious: with VirtualBox or any other of the emulators around there.. Google should give you lots of tutorials on how to use them | 13:27 |
solexious | ty | 13:27 |
CShadowRun | Hey, i changed an applications command in the Main menu editor, and it's plain ignoring me | 13:27 |
quentusrex | and what's the newline character for that? | 13:28 |
zerodamage | Hello, does anyone have problems with the screen going blank after the ubuntu splash, when using nvidia drivers? Does anyone know how to fix this? | 13:28 |
quentusrex | if I want to add three lines, and have them on different lines? | 13:28 |
CShadowRun | zerodamage download the latest version of ubuntu, it's been fixed now | 13:28 |
RainCT | quentusrex: \n | 13:28 |
quentusrex | echo "line1\nline2\nline3">>output.txt | 13:28 |
zerodamage | I have 8.04 ? | 13:28 |
CShadowRun | zerodamage weird, that was fixed. I had that problem and now i don't. | 13:29 |
fhfu | hi | 13:29 |
fhfu | i use firestarter to connect to internet | 13:29 |
RainCT | quentusrex: uh.. thought that worked | 13:29 |
zerodamage | I dont know why, I have tried to install using Envy, using restricted drivers, using manual install | 13:29 |
fhfu | i use firestarter to share the internet connection | 13:29 |
fhfu | but not working ? | 13:30 |
fhfu | but not working | 13:30 |
LaneLimited | Does anyone here use Yahoo message with wine on Ubuntu? | 13:30 |
ricanelite | is there a IRC for virtualbox or vmware? | 13:30 |
RainCT | quentusrex: using real line breaks isn't the ideal solution, or? :P | 13:30 |
zerodamage | Tried, nvidia-glx-new, glx-legacy, glx | 13:30 |
CShadowRun | ricanelite | 13:30 |
faileas | vmware yes, virtualbox no idea ricanelite | 13:30 |
siml1 | RainCT thx this works | 13:30 |
fhfu | when i try to start the firewall | 13:30 |
faileas | hmm | 13:30 |
SDFEW | hey.. i have a question about hamachi. i've installed it using a script file i found, ghamachi, the gui is up and running, and i can see the list of nicks and ip adresses in gui or terminal... but i cant ping or connect to them... | 13:30 |
faileas | have they fixed the repo version on vmware server yet? | 13:30 |
ricanelite | faileas, do you use vmware? | 13:30 |
m1r | one question, can wine catch a virus ? :D | 13:30 |
fhfu | it display unable to start firestarter what to do ??? | 13:31 |
CShadowRun | I changed a programs command in the main menu editor (The applications menu), and the change will not take effect. | 13:31 |
zerodamage | Theres no errors, and I cant acces the terminal, no logs | 13:31 |
SDFEW | it says "opreation is not permitted" | 13:31 |
faileas | ricanelite: used to, i can't get it to work on hardy tho | 13:31 |
CShadowRun | I've even tried changing it to gedit and it launches completely the wrong application | 13:31 |
RainCT | siml1: np :) | 13:31 |
ricanelite | okay | 13:31 |
faileas | m1r: no | 13:31 |
quentusrex | that didn't work | 13:31 |
killaz | hiya there | 13:31 |
quentusrex | for some reason the \n aren't converted into line breaks | 13:31 |
ricanelite | faileas, that was going to be my next question | 13:31 |
erland | Hi, which files should I copy to migrate my settings from one ubuntu install to another (laptop to desktop) - without a network connection? | 13:31 |
m1r | faileas: that means it is safer to use wine then windows in matter of infections ? | 13:31 |
killaz | I'm trying to install a core gnome desktop | 13:31 |
RainCT | quentusrex: echo -e | 13:32 |
vega-- | i'm having a problem with the user switcher applet: one user doesn't show up in it for some reason, where should i start debugging? | 13:32 |
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killaz | So I started with an installation of the server CD | 13:32 |
vega-- | ie. does someone know on what basis it selects the users in it | 13:32 |
ricanelite | can someone head over to this website and click on the Listen Now button do you hear anything? | 13:32 |
RainCT | quentusrex: for ex. echo -e "a\nb\nc\n" >> /tmp/blah | 13:32 |
quentusrex | thanks | 13:32 |
MeRodent | Can anyone tell me the mount point for network drives? | 13:32 |
faileas | m1r: well at the end of the day, its a matter of using your head, but yeah, wine isn't *that* featurecomplete with windows ;p | 13:32 |
adante | is it possible for a zombie process to lock a port? | 13:32 |
killaz | I'm reading somwehere that I need to install the linux-386 is this correct? | 13:32 |
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DJ_P3nd1nG | RE | 13:33 |
RainCT | quentusrex: (note that you'll have to escape backslaches then if you want to use them. so, \ would be written as \\) | 13:33 |
RainCT | quentusrex: no problem :) | 13:33 |
m1r | faileas: :D | 13:33 |
erland | Help please: which files should I copy to migrate settings between 2 ubuntu machines? | 13:33 |
killaz | the reason why I'm installing the core is because it will be a pc connecte to my tv acting as a FileServer, MediaServer and Webserver | 13:33 |
zerodamage | Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix blank screens after splash, when using Nvidia drivers? (Ubuntu 8.04, tried Envy, Restricted-drivers, Manual install, Nvidia Geforce 8400 installed) | 13:34 |
RainCT | erland: depends on what settings you want to migrate, but basically copying your home directory should do | 13:34 |
devilsadvocate | erland, all the stuff in your home directory (all the hidden files and folders) and /etc for system wide settings | 13:34 |
killaz | but I want once in the while to be able to check the internet on my TV | 13:34 |
erland | RainCT & devilsadvocate: I tried that and it killed my 2nd machine - kept locking up & dying | 13:34 |
killaz | do I really need the linux-386 installation if I started from the server edition? | 13:35 |
vega-- | just copying /etc over to another machine might be a bit dangerous | 13:35 |
devilsadvocate | erland, /etc has a lot of hw dependent settings too | 13:35 |
devilsadvocate | erland, you have to sort of know which settings you want to migrate and move only those | 13:35 |
faileas | m1r: seriously. never ever got viruses on windows. i'm on ubuntu mainly cause i like some things better | 13:35 |
erland | devilsadvocate: as in I shouldn't copy /etc or I should? | 13:35 |
zerodamage | Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix blank screens after splash, when using Nvidia drivers? (Ubuntu 8.04, tried Envy, Restricted-drivers, Manual install, Nvidia Geforce 8400 installed) | 13:36 |
m1r | faileas: good for you, i am one of those with "advanced features" turned on in wondows :D | 13:36 |
RainCT | erland: yeh, /etc isn't a good idea. if you have changed a files there copy just those files that you have changes | 13:36 |
RainCT | s/a// | 13:36 |
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devilsadvocate | erland, dont copy /etc as it is. however, if you have, say, and ftp server that you want to have on the other machine too, you can copy just those specific files from one to the other (and of course, install the software on the other maching with apt | 13:36 |
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m1r | RainCT: what if u moving /etc to same machine ? then it should be ok ? | 13:37 |
solexious | Does any one know of a graphical irc client for ubuntu, similar to mirc, not bitchx | 13:37 |
solexious | ?* | 13:37 |
devilsadvocate | solexious, xchat | 13:37 |
RainCT | m1r: yes but if you have a different Ubuntu version there I still don't recommend it | 13:37 |
solexious | ty | 13:37 |
m1r | RainCT: , 2 same machines, both ubuntu 8.04 | 13:38 |
zerodamage | Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix blank screens after splash, when using Nvidia drivers? (Ubuntu 8.04, tried Envy, Restricted-drivers, Manual install, Nvidia Geforce 8400 installed) | 13:38 |
faileas | solid_liq: xchat? | 13:38 |
killaz | and th reason why I wan the gnome-core is I dont want to have apps installed which is not needed. | 13:38 |
faileas | erm | 13:38 |
RainCT | m1r: well, basically the first question you should ask you is: have I touched any file in /etc? | 13:38 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, i tries fixing it and sort of gave up. its not exactly a driver issue, and has something to do with the framebuffer. the driver comes into the picture later in the game (as i understand it) | 13:38 |
faileas | oops | 13:38 |
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RainCT | m1r: if the answer is not, then you don't need them. if the answer is yes, try to remember what files it where and copy them, or duplicate the changes you did | 13:39 |
maxwell888 | I keep getting this error in my Kern.log usb 1-6: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd hald-addon-usb- rqt 192 rq 9 len 8 ret -110 | 13:39 |
maxwell888 | My mouse tends to freeze after this. I shut off IRQ 11 because I read somewhere this helps. But the error is still coming up. I haven't had a mouse freeze yet though | 13:39 |
maxwell888 | Any ideas what this is? | 13:40 |
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zerodamage | Ok, it just **** because it gives no description of the ***** error | 13:40 |
laeg | i am having troulbe getting sound in wine when vlc is running in the background - i have tried to remove pulse audio by selecting alsa for all options in system > preferences > sound but i still have no success - how can i fix this? | 13:40 |
CShadowRun | Can anybody help me? I'm editing the applications menu with alacarte and my changes have no effect at all. | 13:41 |
Sarah | hi, do i need to install anything prior to installing x-sensors from that add/remove programs? | 13:41 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, i agree. and its not spoken about much online either | 13:41 |
m1r | RainCT: ok , think i got the idea:) tnx | 13:41 |
Starnestommy | Sarah: add/remove will automatically install anything that x-sensors needs when you install it | 13:41 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, to help reduce my blood pressure, i ended changing the boot arguments to just quiet from quiet splash | 13:41 |
speedexe | heloo | 13:41 |
RainCT | m1r: the really important stuff are the hidden files from your home directory, which contain the configuration and data (when applicable) of all your applications | 13:42 |
RainCT | m1r: yw | 13:42 |
Sarah | Starnestommy, ok i thought so, i just think it wont work because last time i tried it never worked, but this is a new install so i'll see what happens this time | 13:42 |
zerodamage | Its like its just something you have to live with, but if that is the case, I will just uninstall ubuntu (till I calm down) | 13:42 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, i not 100% sure, but i _think_ my problem was solved in hardy. that computer is about 1600 km away so i cant confirm, though | 13:42 |
zerodamage | Right | 13:42 |
RainCT | Sarah: iirc there's some problem with xsensors | 13:42 |
Sarah | oh | 13:42 |
kripz | is there alternatives to network-manager? i need something with more features that has a gui | 13:42 |
zerodamage | You do understand that I am unable to use this computer if nvidia drivers are installed? | 13:42 |
zerodamage | I cant log in | 13:43 |
m1r | RainCT: what about replicating all software from one machien to other? that is all hidden in /etc, right ? | 13:43 |
quentusrex | Anyone know how to use sqlite? I'm trying to dump permissions from one sqlite file, and import them into another file. The problem is that the new file already has some permissions in it | 13:43 |
Sarah | does gkrellm work alright on ubuntu? i noticed it isnt in that add/remove list, but i like it | 13:43 |
* RainCT got a possible fix for it ready but it didn't get into Hardy at time | 13:43 | |
Sarah | id probably like ti better than x sensors anyway | 13:43 |
binarycodes | kripz: did you try wicd? | 13:43 |
kripz | binarycodes, even less features | 13:43 |
Smegzor | A process is sending/recieving a very small amount of internet traffic constantly but I can't easily tell whats doing it. Is there a utility that details which process is responsible for the traffic? | 13:43 |
binarycodes | :O | 13:43 |
kripz | binarycodes, in terms of security | 13:43 |
binarycodes | oh | 13:43 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, not able to log in? | 13:43 |
binarycodes | well, then i surrender | 13:44 |
ganteng | | 13:44 |
kripz | =) | 13:44 |
RainCT | m1r: installing the same applications you mean? no, they are all around the filesystem (binaries in /bin, /sbin/, /usr/bin or /usr/games, data in /usr/share/, global configuration in /etc, etc.) | 13:44 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, the drivers kick in somewher down the line and gdm opens fine... | 13:44 |
RainCT | m1r: you can get a list of all installed packages and install them on the new PC if you wnat, though | 13:44 |
binarycodes | kripz: btw, you can always setup firewalls | 13:44 |
RainCT | m1r: (if you're interested I can tell you what the command for that would be) | 13:44 |
m1r | rainct, how can one do that * | 13:44 |
kripz | binarycodes, im actually trying to connect to a network, not create one | 13:44 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, which nvidia card do you have? | 13:44 |
Sarah | also, when i reboot or shutdown i see a bunch of dbus errors, is that anything major? i looked in the logs but i can't see the errors there though so i'm not sure what they say | 13:44 |
zerodamage | Yesterday, i waited 45 minutes, no drivers worked | 13:45 |
Starnestommy | m1r: the irc /me command? | 13:45 |
zerodamage | (Ubuntu 8.04, tried Envy, Restricted-drivers, Manual install, Nvidia Geforce 8400 installed) | 13:45 |
RainCT | m1r: also, if you don't want to download the packages again many of them should still be /var/cache/apt/archive; you can copy the files from there over to the other machine | 13:45 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, turn off the splash, and remove quiet. see how far the boot gets | 13:45 |
Pelo | I've been getting random lockups since a reboot yesterday I had a 5 day uptime before that, have we heard anytrhing ? | 13:45 |
ganteng | | 13:45 |
zerodamage | Ok | 13:45 |
zerodamage | Where do i do that? | 13:46 |
laeg | i am having troulbe getting sound in wine when vlc is running in the background - i have tried to remove pulse audio by selecting alsa for all options in system > preferences > sound but i still have no success - how can i fix this? | 13:46 |
ganteng | akses your | 13:46 |
georgeguitar | hi channel | 13:46 |
RainCT | m1r: one moment.. | 13:46 |
m1r | RainCT: so copy files from main machine /var/cache/apt/archive to 2nd machine , then install programs u mean ?* | 13:46 |
georgeguitar | I need help with the frequency scale applet | 13:46 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, when you look at the grub menu, press ´e´, then edit the first line, remove the last two words | 13:46 |
Pelo | georgeguitar, better ask the actual question | 13:46 |
Ward1983 | how do i set up a serial terminal in ubuntu? | 13:47 |
zerodamage | where is the grub menu?, is it where you choose between normal and recovery boot? | 13:47 |
RainCT | m1r: yes. I'm trying to think of a command to get a list of all installed programs, will tell you in a moment | 13:47 |
devilsadvocate | Ward1983, a serial terminal? | 13:47 |
Starnestommy | zerodamage: yes | 13:47 |
devilsadvocate | zerodamage, yeah | 13:47 |
m1r | RainCT: ok tnx | 13:47 |
zerodamage | Right, ill try that now | 13:47 |
devilsadvocate | Ward1983, do you mean something like hyperterminal in windows? | 13:47 |
Ward1983 | devilsadvocate, correct, just like for isntance professional routers and switches, etc use | 13:48 |
georgeguitar | ok, the CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor is working in my laptop but I can't change to any frequency | 13:48 |
ganteng | | 13:48 |
Ward1983 | devilsadvocate, just to test something, i know about ssh :) | 13:48 |
CShadowRun | Is anyone going to help me with alacarte being broken? | 13:48 |
CShadowRun | This is seriously annoying. | 13:48 |
Pelo | RainCT, m1r dpjkg --get-selections > mypackages | 13:48 |
jrib | CShadowRun: be more specific | 13:48 |
devilsadvocate | Ward1983, well, if you just want a terminal that can talk on serial port, there are a few good ones. The gtk one i use most often is gtkterm. the serial port is at /dev/ttyS0 | 13:49 |
RainCT | m1r: dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3 | grep -v '=' | grep -v '(' | xargs echo > filelist | 13:49 |
RainCT | m1r: ok, Pelo's is better | 13:49 |
Pelo | CShadowRun, what'S the issues ? | 13:49 |
CShadowRun | jrib i change menu items commands in alacarte, it has no effect. | 13:49 |
georgeguitar | and when I use the command cpufreq-info I got this: hi I need help with the frequency scale applet | 13:49 |
IndyGunFreak | CShadowRun: why is it broken and whats the prob? | 13:49 |
m1r | pelo , RainCT tnx :) | 13:49 |
georgeguitar | sorry I got this: current policy: frequency should be within 1.60 GHz and 1.60 GHz. | 13:49 |
CShadowRun | Litrally, i even tried changing an existing icon to run gedit, and it still runs portal -_- | 13:49 |
CShadowRun | It just completely ignores what i have set in there. | 13:49 |
jrib | CShadowRun: pastebin output of: find ~/.config ~/.local ! -user $USER | 13:50 |
IndyGunFreak | CShadowRun: lol, thst pretty unusual, i change stuff there all the time? | 13:50 |
Nikunj93 | hello | 13:50 |
Nikunj93 | everyone | 13:50 |
Pelo | georgeguitar, did you actualy install cpufreq or another cpu scaling app ? the applet is not the only thig needed | 13:50 |
CShadowRun | jrib kk | 13:50 |
CShadowRun | jrib it doesn't give any output | 13:50 |
linkmaster03 | is there an environment varible for the current date? | 13:50 |
jrib | CShadowRun: make a change manually to a .desktop file and verify the menu is updated | 13:51 |
Nikunj93 | theres some problem with me while opening some pages on orkut and some blogs | 13:51 |
Pelo | linkmaster03, did you try today ? | 13:51 |
Nikunj93 | the pic which are loading are hazy | 13:51 |
CShadowRun | jrib where is this file? | 13:51 |
Oli`` | It looks like my home volume is locked up. It's RAID1 (MDRAID) and read/write operations are taking forever and it's lagging everything. Any idea how I can find out what's going on? | 13:51 |
georgeguitar | yes I installed this program: cpufreqd | 13:51 |
m1r | Pelo , RainCT , now i got list of packages , how can i prepare them for transfer to dvd so i can install/replicate them on 2nd machine =? | 13:51 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: you would need to change some permission somewhere in the /proc area | 13:51 |
jrib | CShadowRun: you may have some in ~/.local/share/applications/ | 13:51 |
Nikunj93 | so any help? | 13:51 |
jrib | !helpme | Nikunj93 | 13:51 |
ubottu | Nikunj93: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 13:51 |
linkmaster03 | Pelo: how would I use that, i'm trying to save an image to [date].png | 13:51 |
binarycodes | Pelo: echo $TODAY doesn't work | 13:52 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: searching my brain for the correct file ..... | 13:52 |
Pelo | m1r, aptoncd might be a better fit for what you need to do | 13:52 |
zerodamage | Hello again, which install method would you surgest? Envy, restricted drivers? | 13:52 |
Nikunj93 | well | 13:52 |
Nikunj93 | anyone plz reply | 13:52 |
Nikunj93 | please | 13:52 |
jrib | zerodamage: restricted | 13:52 |
zerodamage | ok | 13:52 |
jrib | Nikunj93: you seem to be missing the point of what ubottu just said... | 13:52 |
Pelo | linkmaster03, it was just a thoought, look for a bash tutorial I expect , maybe there is some stuff on in in here | 13:53 |
Fogel1497 | !pastebin | 13:53 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:53 |
linkmaster03 | Pelo: thank you | 13:53 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: are they all just a specific image type that's having the problem? | 13:53 |
m1r | Pelo ! many tnx | 13:53 |
msnbot | after installing nvidia gfx dirver, my window frame just gone :o | 13:53 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy din get u | 13:53 |
CShadowRun | crdlb the .desktop file that contains the menu item i'm trying to change contains the correct command. (Exec=gedit) | 13:53 |
msnbot | no close button. | 13:53 |
msnbot | no title bar | 13:53 |
* Pelo gets 4 thanks in less the 5 min, he's back on top | 13:53 | |
CShadowRun | crdlb but when i click on it, it doesn't run gedit. | 13:54 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: are all the blutty images of the same type, like png or jpeg? | 13:54 |
msnbot | looks like my desktop manager is gone | 13:54 |
mohan341 | could anyone please help me!! my screen goes scrappy but all the applications are still running. I can hear the songs. I pressed ctrl+alt+backspace 3 times. and I hear the login screen sound. But I can't able to view login screen. please help me. I am using Compaq presario v6604au. Nvidia_glx_new. | 13:54 |
Nikunj93 | all images appear as if they are enlarged | 13:54 |
Nikunj93 | ya i think so | 13:54 |
Starnestommy | *blurry | 13:54 |
Nikunj93 | they are JPEG i thinl | 13:54 |
RainCT | CShadowRun: what does it do then? | 13:54 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: are you using compiz? | 13:54 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: try this $ sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector | 13:54 |
Pelo | !enter | Nikunj93 | 13:54 |
CShadowRun | RainCT it runs portal under wine | 13:54 |
ubottu | Nikunj93: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 13:54 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: you can set bashrc to export DATE=`date +"%d"`, or anything like that | 13:54 |
RainCT | mohan341: when does that happen? | 13:54 |
Nikunj93 | ok | 13:54 |
lassesandberg42 | possible simple question here : where do i see if i have 32 or 64bit ubuntu installz0red? cant see it in system > about ubuntu | 13:54 |
Nikunj93 | so any suggestion Starnestommy? | 13:54 |
mohan341 | I am in online.. | 13:54 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: are you using compiz? | 13:55 |
Nikunj93 | yes | 13:55 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: do the images work fine with compiz disabled? | 13:55 |
msnbot | I removed teh nvidia card driver, now i can see my titlebar. | 13:55 |
georgeguitar | ok | 13:55 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: where would I find bashrc? | 13:55 |
Starnestommy | lassesandberg42: try running "uname -m" | 13:55 |
Nikunj93 | well how to disable compiz can u tell Starnestommy | 13:55 |
msnbot | But I Need to install nvidia gfx card river | 13:55 |
RainCT | CShadowRun: uh.. where did you look for the .desktop file? if you've looked in /usr/share/applications check ~/.local/share/applications/ also | 13:55 |
binarycodes | lassesandberg42: try this command uname -m | 13:55 |
umop | How format a usb flash drive if its read only? or how do i remount it so its not read only? | 13:55 |
mohan341 | someone here to help me...? | 13:56 |
Sarah | in Administration > Network, under wired connection, the 'enable roaming mode' is checked, is that something to do with wireless though? | 13:56 |
CShadowRun | I looked in ~/.local/share/applications/, i'll try the other dir. | 13:56 |
lassesandberg42 | thank you starnestommy and binarycodes | 13:56 |
Nikunj93 | binarycodes are u my friend [matrix] ? | 13:56 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: to temporarily disable it, hit F2 then run "metacity --replace" in that box | 13:56 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: its in your home folder, ~/.bashrc | 13:56 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon, It didn't work | 13:56 |
Nikunj93 | f2 not working Starnestommy | 13:56 |
binarycodes | Nikunj93: i am not matric | 13:56 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: sorry, it was Alt+F2 | 13:57 |
Oli`` | If I go to a hard terminal, it's chucking out DRDY ERR messages, mentioning something about UNC and BMDMA2 - I'm scared | 13:57 |
CShadowRun | RainCT it appears that this location doesn't have the .desktop file i wish to edit | 13:57 |
Enselic | Oli``: "hard terminal" | 13:57 |
Enselic | ? | 13:57 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon, I still can't change the frequency | 13:57 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy : i have run that | 13:57 |
RainCT | Enselic: I guess he means a tty | 13:57 |
CShadowRun | maybe i'll move it and see what happens :P | 13:57 |
DarkRainbow | I need some help | 13:57 |
RainCT | !ask > DarkRainbow | 13:57 |
msnbot | is there any oway to move screen to the left without monitors control button | 13:57 |
Oli`` | as in control+alt+F6 - I forget the proper term | 13:57 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: do the images show up correctly now? | 13:57 |
raded | hi. | 13:57 |
Starnestommy | Oli``: console? | 13:57 |
mohan341 | any ubuntu developer here? please help me to solve the problem. My desktop hangs but applications are still running.. | 13:57 |
RainCT | Oli``: yes, Ctrl + Alt + F1 to Ctrl + Alt + F6 are tty's | 13:58 |
laeg | !compiz | 13:58 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 13:58 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy no | 13:58 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: i pasted that line in, now how would I refer to the date in a shell script? | 13:58 |
raded | yesterday stereo sound stopped working in ubuntu 8.04. only ac3/dts encoded sound worked. then i reinstalled ubuntu, and everything was working perfect. until now. it just stopped working again. | 13:58 |
juice | need some help please. my resolution is stuck on 640 x 350. | 13:58 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: is it firefox 3 beta 5 or firefox 2? | 13:58 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: could you try to re-add the gnome-cpufreq-applet to the panel? | 13:58 |
raded | only dts/ac3 encoded sound works. | 13:58 |
Enselic | Oli``: nothing to worry about | 13:58 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: 3 beta 5 | 13:58 |
georgeguitar | I tried with this but I didn't work: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets | 13:58 |
laeg | how do i disable compiz? it is breaking wine, or wine is breaking it | 13:58 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: now just run that .bashrc one | 13:58 |
RainCT | Nikunj93: if you want to switch often between compiz and metacity, there's a tray icon for that: fusion-icon | 13:59 |
binarycodes | like ./.bashrc | 13:59 |
umop | How can i format a usb flash drive if its read only? or how do i remount it so its not read only? | 13:59 |
binarycodes | and use it like $DATE | 13:59 |
hon | how can I change keyboard mappings, not just for X server? | 13:59 |
RainCT | laeg: Alt + F2, execute metacity --replace | 13:59 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: im not getting u what icon? | 13:59 |
RainCT | laeg: and see what I've just said to Nikunj93 | 13:59 |
legend2440 | CShadowRun: have you tried running alacarte as root to see if it makes a difference? gksudo alacarte | 13:59 |
DarkRainbow | I tried to install Ubuntu, and it loaded Partition manager. Then i choose manual and pressed next, just to see what "manual" was. Went eating when it was loading, and when i came back, i had an error manager. I first thought that Ubuntu haad deleted my windows partition, but every file/picture is here. Only problem is that the "Guided" alternative in partition manager is gone, its just | 13:59 |
georgeguitar | why this command tells me: current policy: frequency should be within 1.60 GHz and 1.60 GHz. | 13:59 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: there might be a bug related to firefox 3 and jpeg images. Let me check and mozilla's site for bugs | 13:59 |
jrib | legend2440: ugh, that's going to mess up permissions | 13:59 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: hangon while i test it out on another computer with cpufreq enabled | 13:59 |
DarkRainbow | its just "Guided: overwrite everything" or manual | 13:59 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: ok :) | 14:00 |
CShadowRun | legend2440 then it's running as the root user and won't edit my users menu :p | 14:00 |
georgeguitar | buiboon: ok | 14:00 |
RainCT | DarkRainbow: strange. have you tried re-starting the installer? | 14:00 |
* binarycodes goes to get some food, so hungry, lol :P | 14:00 | |
legend2440 | CShadowRun: ok right | 14:00 |
DarkRainbow | Yes | 14:00 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: how enable compiz again will ccsm in compiz do? | 14:00 |
CShadowRun | I think i'll have to manually remove every single menu item and then add new ones in to replace them | 14:00 |
CShadowRun | So annoying. | 14:00 |
DarkRainbow | Rebooted the computer, but the alternative is still gone | 14:00 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: I tried sudo ./.bashrc and this shows "sudo: ./.bashrc: command not found" | 14:00 |
Oli`` | Enselic: easy to say but what's going on? everything's lagging like a whore | 14:00 |
raded | yesterday stereo sound stopped working in ubuntu 8.04. only ac3/dts encoded sound worked. then i reinstalled ubuntu, and everything was working perfect. until now. it just stopped working again. | 14:00 |
raded | only dts/ac3 encoded sound works. | 14:00 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: try hitting Alt+F2 then runniing "compiz --replace" | 14:00 |
raded | I'm using spdif | 14:01 |
raded | only dts/ac3 sound works. | 14:01 |
raded | .mp3 and system sounds, etc. is not working at all | 14:01 |
laeg | RainCT: bear with me | 14:01 |
DarkRainbow | No-one with any idea? | 14:02 |
jrib | !helpme > DarkRainbow (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:02 |
DarkRainbow | What is the "Install in windows" alternative | 14:02 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: u were telling me about an icon | 14:02 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: I don't remember saying anything abouot an icon | 14:03 |
DarkRainbow | Same as usual? | 14:03 |
jrib | DarkRainbow: uses wubi | 14:03 |
Starnestommy | *about | 14:03 |
jrib | !wubi | DarkRainbow | 14:03 |
ubottu | DarkRainbow: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 14:03 |
laeg | RainCT: i installing fusion-icon but it's not in the list of applets i can add to my panael | 14:03 |
legend2440 | CShadowRun: have you run alacarte from terminal to check for any errors? | 14:03 |
laeg | *installed | 14:03 |
=== Helzibah_ is now known as Helzibah | ||
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: U told me about an icon to switch betweenn compiz and metacity | 14:03 |
=== |Aaron| is now known as [Aaron] | ||
laeg | RainCT: hold that thought | 14:03 |
DarkRainbow | How do i use the manual partition? | 14:03 |
raded | Nikunj93: compiz-fusion-icon | 14:03 |
RainCT | laeg: it's not an applet, but a tray icon | 14:04 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: There seems to be a bug with image rendering and nvidia cards: | 14:04 |
RainCT | laeg: you'll find it in Applications -> Utilities | 14:04 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: I tried sudo ./.bashrc and this shows "sudo: ./.bashrc: command not found" | 14:04 |
jrib | DarkRainbow: which part doesn't make sense? | 14:04 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 411831 in GFX: Thebes "Images (scaled, transparent) rendered incorrectly when XAA Offscreen Pixmaps is enabled in X" [Major,Resolved: invalid] | 14:04 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: no, you need to be in your home directory first to execute that command | 14:04 |
RainCT | laeg: (to have it start automatically, add it to System -> Pref. -> Sessions) | 14:04 |
DarkRainbow | I cant figure out how to make a new partition | 14:04 |
CShadowRun | legend2440 /home/cshadowrun/.themes/TerminalGreen/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:47: error: unexpected keyword `class', expected character `{' | 14:04 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: so what to do? | 14:04 |
CShadowRun | I get that error, once when it starts, once when i edit a menu item. | 14:04 |
Ishikawa | Visit us | 14:04 |
jrib | linkmaster03: you need a space after the first '.'. And don't sudo it.... | 14:04 |
raded | I'm having a sound problem. | 14:05 |
raded | yesterday stereo sound stopped working in ubuntu 8.04. only ac3/dts encoded sound worked. then i reinstalled ubuntu, and everything was working perfect. until now. it just stopped working again. | 14:05 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: try running with the nvidia drivers disabled | 14:05 |
raded | .mp3 and system sounds, etc. is not working at all | 14:05 |
Nikunj93 | ok | 14:05 |
raded | using spdif | 14:05 |
joe_nix | My nvidia driver is totally not working and screwing up a hell of a lot, Ive tried installing the shell script off the nvidia website, and the restricted drivers off the ubuntu package search, And every time i turn my computer on it asks for the monitor and graphics card settings, but It's clearly set in the xorg.conf file. | 14:05 |
jrib | linkmaster03: erm, you just want to do: . ~/.bashrc | 14:05 |
bazhang | Ishikawa, not here please | 14:05 |
DarkRainbow | But i will try again | 14:05 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: oh sorry, yes jrib is right | 14:05 |
laeg | RainCT: i don't have a utilities dir under applications | 14:05 |
linkmaster03 | jrib: thanks | 14:05 |
laeg | RainCT: i installed via synaptic package manager | 14:05 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: that weird. i got it running by answering yes for the $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets | 14:06 |
CShadowRun | legend2440 i changed my theme to the default theme, the error goes away, the actual issue remains. | 14:06 |
laeg | RainCT: it's under system tools. when i switch to metacity and load wine and then switch to another workspace wine is still following me | 14:06 |
Nikunj93 | raded: where to get that compiz fusion icon? | 14:06 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: I got it working now how would I refer to it in a parameter of a shell script | 14:06 |
legend2440 | CShadowRun: running compiz? | 14:07 |
binarycodes | just use $DATE | 14:07 |
RainCT | laeg: er.. Accessories? | 14:07 |
laeg | Nikunj93: synaptic package manager | 14:07 |
raded | look in ur menu | 14:07 |
CShadowRun | legend2440 yes | 14:07 |
RainCT | laeg: dunno how it's called in english | 14:07 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: after disabling NVIDIA drivers shall i reboot and try | 14:07 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: oh ok thank you | 14:07 |
laeg | RainCT: it's in system tools :) | 14:07 |
binarycodes | type echo $DATE and see if it works | 14:07 |
RainCT | laeg: ok | 14:07 |
raded | Can anyone help me with a sound problem? | 14:07 |
raded | yesterday stereo sound stopped working in ubuntu 8.04. only ac3/dts encoded sound worked. then i reinstalled ubuntu, and everything was working perfect. until now. it just stopped working again. | 14:07 |
legend2440 | CShadowRun: same thing with compiz off? | 14:07 |
raded | .mp3 and system sounds, etc. is not working at all | 14:07 |
laeg | RainCT: did you see my other question? i meant to keep it all on one line | 14:07 |
RainCT | Nikunj93: fusion-icon, not compiz-fusion-icon | 14:07 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: humm, but here it's not working, when I select a different frequency than 100% it doesn't change | 14:07 |
enry_ | | 14:07 |
jrib | CShadowRun: you never told me if what I asked you to do worked | 14:07 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: yes. If it works, then the problem was with the drivers. If it still doesn't work, switch back to the nvidia drivers | 14:07 |
Enselic | raded: is sound completely broken, or does some sound playback work? | 14:08 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: it continues 100% | 14:08 |
RainCT | laeg: I guess you haven't marked the 'always on the active workspace' option of the window? | 14:08 |
raded | Enselic: only dts and ac3 works. EVERYTHING else is broken | 14:08 |
CShadowRun | jrib editing the desktop? yea i did. It didn't work. | 14:08 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: could you post the result of $cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies into pastebin? | 14:08 |
jrib | CShadowRun: then it's not an alacarte issue right? | 14:08 |
ruiboon | !pastebin | georgeguitar | 14:08 |
ubottu | georgeguitar: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 14:08 |
CShadowRun | jrib i suppose not, it's a gnome menu issue then? | 14:09 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: is there a way to set the month name and time to $MONTH and $TIME | 14:09 |
CShadowRun | which i guess makes it even worse :p | 14:09 |
laeg | RainCT: no because i'm running it in full screen - it would be sweet if i could someone set it to not be always in active workspace | 14:09 |
jrib | CShadowRun: pastebin the .desktop you are referring to | 14:09 |
ak5 | omg my xubuntu install keeps on stoping (no error message) at 75% (storing language) | 14:09 |
ak5 | anyone had something like this happen? | 14:09 |
anders__ | ak-, yes, defect media | 14:09 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: yes offcourse what i wrote is just for date | 14:09 |
ak5 | anders__, I md5summed it | 14:09 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: see the man page for date,"man date" and just use the parameters you want | 14:10 |
kripz | any other wireless managers apart from wicd, wifi radar and network manager?? | 14:10 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: thank you | 14:10 |
RainCT | laeg: but you know that it's switching the desktop? (might be that the application intercepts the Ctrl+Right/Left, if it's fullscreen) | 14:10 |
CShadowRun | jrib | 14:10 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: for example export DATE=`date +"%d.%m.%Y"` | 14:11 |
kripz | any other wireless managers apart from wicd, wifi radar and network manager that has a gui?? | 14:11 |
Sarah | when i open this 'computertemp' package to install, i get the message saying there is a newer version in a software channel, what does that mean? it's not listed in the add/remove programs thing | 14:11 |
binarycodes | linkmaster03: welcome :) | 14:11 |
linkmaster03 | binarycodes: awesome thanks so much for your time | 14:11 |
RainCT | Sarah: look in System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager | 14:11 |
adam7 | kripz: I don't think so | 14:11 |
raded | Enselic: any clue? | 14:11 |
binarycodes | kripz: i dont know if it depends on network manager, but i use netapplet | 14:11 |
Jamiesss | hey , anyone got any idea wat way 2 setup horde with cyrus, ldap , imap , postfix server ? | 14:11 |
RainCT | Sarah: Add/Remove doesn't list all available programs, only those thatwill be shown in the menu after you install them | 14:11 |
laeg | RichiH: it's definitely switching workspace - because i see the new workspace for a second - and then wine jumps into it | 14:12 |
Sarah | oh righ | 14:12 |
Sarah | right* | 14:12 |
Enselic | raded: is wav broken? | 14:12 |
Sarah | thanks RainCT | 14:12 |
binarycodes | kripz: search in add/remove for network selector | 14:12 |
RainCT | np | 14:12 |
kripz | binarycodes, ok | 14:12 |
CShadowRun | jrib alacarte definatly edits that file, but it has no effect on the menu items in the list afaik | 14:12 |
* CShadowRun trys changing the applications name | 14:12 | |
RainCT | laeg: ok. I don't really know then, sorry :( | 14:12 |
raded | Enselic: yes. everything exept ac3 and dts | 14:12 |
laeg | :( | 14:12 |
ak5 | omg my xubuntu install keeps on stoping (no error message) at 75% (storing language) | 14:12 |
laeg | nps - ty for fusion-icon :) | 14:12 |
ak5 | :((( | 14:12 |
jrib | CShadowRun: run 'update-menus'? | 14:12 |
Enselic | raded: do you use the same program to playback ac3 and wav? | 14:12 |
raded | ak5: broken disk? | 14:13 |
CShadowRun | jrib command not found | 14:13 |
raded | Enselic: i've tried many programs running everything | 14:13 |
Jamiesss | hey , anyone got any idea wat way 2 setup horde with cyrus, ldap , imap , postfix server ? | 14:13 |
Enselic | raded: please answer the question | 14:13 |
raded | systemsounds, everything. exept ac3 and dts works | 14:13 |
ak5 | raded, not according to md5sum | 14:13 |
jrib | CShadowRun: k, pretty sure it does nothing in gnome anyway. Hmmm, you're file works fine here. I get a Portal item in my Applications -> Other menu that runs gedit. Tried logging out and back in? | 14:14 |
sean_ | how can I get my laptop to output to a monitor | 14:14 |
CShadowRun | jrib i even tried changing the name and comment in alacarte, thats no effect. | 14:14 |
raded | Enselic: i tried amarok for .wav and .mp3 | 14:14 |
Enselic | raded: and what do you use for ac3? | 14:14 |
sean_ | how can I get my laptop to or to a monitor I meant pro | 14:14 |
Enselic | raded: when it works | 14:14 |
raded | it was working fine. until i was watching a movie in ac3 | 14:14 |
CShadowRun | jrib just did a ctrl+alt+backspace, no effect. | 14:14 |
raded | Enselic: vlc | 14:15 |
Enselic | raded: can you play wavs in vlc? | 14:15 |
barfman_ | 3^9 is 19683, 19683/9 isn't 3, i'm missing somnething? | 14:15 |
jrib | CShadowRun: you are sure there are no more .desktop files in your local directory conflicting with this one? | 14:15 |
RainCT | barfman_: ^ is elevating, not multiplying | 14:15 |
bibstha | java applets aren't working :( | 14:15 |
bibstha | someone help | 14:15 |
raded | Enselic: i can. but i get no sound | 14:15 |
bibstha | i've installed what needs to beinstalled | 14:15 |
gidna | Hi | 14:16 |
barfman_ | RainCT, what's the proper way to reverse the math then? | 14:16 |
jrib | bibstha: tell us exactly what you installed. What was the package name? | 14:16 |
erUSUL | bibstha: sun-java6-plugin ?? | 14:16 |
bibstha | yep | 14:16 |
Enselic | raded: ok so let's see what we have so far: you can open a wav in VLC, but when you try to play it you get no sound. You can open an ac3 in VLC, and when you play it you _do_ get sound | 14:16 |
barfman_ | RainCT, that's what i'm trying to figure out. | 14:16 |
binarycodes | barfman_: 19683^(1/9) | 14:16 |
CShadowRun | jrib i don't think so | 14:16 |
bibstha | i sun-java6-plugin 6-06-0ubuntu1 The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6 | 14:16 |
bibstha | i means installed right? | 14:16 |
CShadowRun | jrib you wanna pm me for a minute since the channel is so busy? | 14:16 |
barfman_ | binarycodes, you live by your nick. :) | 14:16 |
jrib | CShadowRun: /join #ubuntu-classroom | 14:16 |
raded | Enselic: yep | 14:17 |
binarycodes | barfman_: lol :P | 14:17 |
Enselic | raded: do you get any error messages? | 14:17 |
RainCT | heh | 14:17 |
raded | this happend a few days ago, then i reinstalled ubuntu. and it was working fine again | 14:17 |
Enselic | raded: run vlc through the commandline so that stderr messages can be seen | 14:17 |
raded | Enselic: no, no error messages | 14:17 |
georgeguitar | ok | 14:17 |
raded | ok | 14:17 |
barfman_ | binarycodes, writing a python script to check the math of fermats theory | 14:17 |
simNIX | i there a buntu that can run on an imac 600 ? | 14:18 |
binarycodes | barfman_: nice, after you finish please share it, but along with it attach a note on fermats theory too | 14:18 |
kripz | simNIX, your best bet if anything would be xubuntu | 14:18 |
erUSUL | bibstha: about:plugins on the url bar shows the java plugin?? | 14:18 |
simNIX | okies - ty for recomend | 14:18 |
B|nTaRa | hello | 14:18 |
raded | Enselic: no errors running vlc in terminal | 14:19 |
bibstha | erUSUL: lemme try | 14:19 |
bazhang | !ppc | simNIX check here | 14:19 |
ubottu | simNIX check here: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see | 14:19 |
barfman_ | think so? how would it be helpful? | 14:19 |
B|nTaRa | does ubuntu / xubuntu support Atheros wifi card ? | 14:19 |
barfman_ | it's going to be kinda nice, user defined inputs and such. | 14:19 |
CO_CO_CO | j/#surabaya | 14:19 |
bibstha | erUSUL: sadly no | 14:19 |
simNIX | tnx | 14:19 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: it's done | 14:19 |
binarycodes | barfman_: because i know nothing about fermats | 14:19 |
CO_CO_CO | ? | 14:19 |
barfman_ | haha alright | 14:19 |
barfman_ | good point. | 14:20 |
bibstha | erUSUL: i tried symlinking the plugin from /etc/alternatives/ | 14:20 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: could you type in the link to the pastebin? | 14:20 |
bibstha | erUSUL: inside ~/.mozilla/plugins | 14:20 |
bazhang | binarycodes, what does fermats have to do with ubuntu support? | 14:20 |
Enselic | raded: are you 100% sure the wav contains sound? | 14:20 |
raded | Enselic: yes | 14:20 |
erUSUL | bibstha: o.O !!?? are you using the default firefox? or have you instaled ff3 on gutsy? | 14:20 |
arcimboldo_ | I've got an odd error with the Evolution Inbox ... when I click on an email the content is from a different email than the header in the Inbox ... | 14:20 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: is this: | 14:20 |
binarycodes | bazhang: nothing, or may be, i just like to know things | 14:20 |
bibstha | erUSUL: im on kubuntu and its ff2 | 14:21 |
Enselic | raded: if you open it in audacity, can you see the sound waves? | 14:21 |
raded | im not getting any signal into my surround receiver. | 14:21 |
douglas | Hey, is the Linksys WUSB54GS supported on 8.04? | 14:21 |
bazhang | binarycodes, offtopic here thanks | 14:21 |
bibstha | erUSUL: o.O :( | 14:21 |
binarycodes | bazhang: ok | 14:21 |
Enselic | raded: unplug the reciever please and use a headset or something | 14:21 |
erUSUL | bibstha: ff2 does not use xulrunner1.9 thats for ff3 you are on 8.04 | 14:21 |
Enselic | raded: we don't want to debug your reciever yet | 14:21 |
Enselic | raded: let's put it off the chain | 14:21 |
raded | im using the spdif output | 14:22 |
erUSUL | bibstha: so the plugin you linked wont work | 14:22 |
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bibstha | erUSUL: ohh | 14:22 |
raded | why should i use a headset? | 14:22 |
bibstha | erUSUL: u saved me a lot of headache | 14:22 |
linkmaster03 | How do I set a file to a keybinding? | 14:22 |
erUSUL | bibstha: why you do not use ff3 ?? | 14:22 |
bibstha | erUSUL: what to do for ff2? | 14:22 |
Enselic | raded: because we don't want to mess withyour reciever | 14:22 |
bibstha | erUSUL: firebug .. | 14:22 |
gidna | I've upgraded my ubuntu to 8.10 by the sound is different | 14:22 |
bibstha | erUSUL: extension ont working | 14:22 |
RainCT | what was the key combination to enable scrolling in screen (the command)? | 14:22 |
douglas | Hey, is the Linksys WUSB54GS supported on hardy? | 14:22 |
DarkRainbow | Hello, i can not install ubuntu. I had three partition options, Dontremember, "Guided: Use whole disk" and "Manual" | 14:22 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: try $sudo cpufreq-selector -f 1199997 | 14:22 |
erUSUL | bibstha: dunno really :-/ | 14:23 |
raded | Enselic: ok | 14:23 |
bibstha | :-) | 14:23 |
Mokaa | hi all ! | 14:23 |
gidna | How can I return to the sound of 7.10? | 14:23 |
DarkRainbow | Dontremember was the easy one, with Windows | Linux, and able to drag the "|" to make the partitions bigger | 14:23 |
DarkRainbow | Now the easiest is gone | 14:23 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: check if there is any change to the cpu speed after that command | 14:23 |
ben__ | Hi, I just changed the mount point of my USBHDD and now it will not mount. This means that i can't change the settings back | 14:23 |
DarkRainbow | And i dont wan tto delete windows | 14:23 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: ok | 14:23 |
ben__ | can anyone help? | 14:23 |
linkmaster03 | How do I set a file to a keybinding? | 14:23 |
laeg | RainCT: it works! :) i just have to run my wine apps in a window the size of my desktop under metacity. when i do the same using compiz it refuses to hide my top and bottom panels and also the 1280x1024 virtual desktop has a window status bar - ty for the help | 14:23 |
DarkRainbow | How do i make a new partition with Manual-option? | 14:23 |
raded | Enselic: i can see the soundwaves in audacity | 14:23 |
RainCT | laeg: great :) | 14:24 |
laeg | RainCT: :) | 14:24 |
DarkRainbow | I cant click the "New partition"button | 14:24 |
DarkRainbow | Its grey, unclickable-grey | 14:24 |
DarkRainbow | :S | 14:24 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: how can I see if it changed? | 14:24 |
Enselic | raded: have you made sure that the volume bars or whaever they are called are in the right position? (use gnome-alsamixer) | 14:24 |
laeg | RainCT: is there anyway to make it switch automagically? i know that's a stretch :) | 14:24 |
binarycodes | DarkRainbow: use fdisk | 14:24 |
arcimboldo_ | Is anybody aware of this error? Email title in the Evolution Inbox does not match the email contained when clicking on it. | 14:25 |
raded | Enselic: yep | 14:25 |
DarkRainbow | what is fdisk? | 14:25 |
raded | everything was working until i watched a movie in dolby digital | 14:25 |
raded | then the sound died | 14:25 |
=== amfontinha is now known as quest4 | ||
RainCT | DarkRainbow: best to use GParted (it's somewhere in System, as "PartitionEditor"). resize the windows partition and then you'll have to create at least a ext3 partition for the system and a swap partition for the SWAP space (size should be something between 1/2 and 4/2 of you're RAM) | 14:25 |
RainCT | DarkRainbow: (it's recommended to add a second ext3 partition for your home directory) | 14:26 |
Enselic | raded: if you create a new, clean account, does that account also have the same problem? (try opening a wav first) | 14:26 |
Wootie | :o | 14:26 |
raded | I'' try | 14:26 |
raded | I'll try | 14:26 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: $ sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq | 14:26 |
binarycodes | DarkRainbow: fdisk - Partition table manipulator for Linux | 14:26 |
RainCT | laeg: you can try with devil's pie | 14:27 |
* RainCT doesn't remember how to use it, though, so I can't tell you | 14:27 | |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: it says: 1599996 | 14:27 |
bibstha | erUSUL: great java works | 14:27 |
RainCT | binarycodes: he is asking how to use the manual partitioner in the installer and you tell him to use a command line tool? o_O | 14:27 |
laeg | RainCT: sweet i'll look into it. do you have any pulse audio problems? | 14:29 |
binarycodes | RainCT: i use that myself. | 14:29 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: that seems weird. that was a most direct way to change the cpufreq (though not that user friendly). | 14:29 |
ak5 | so nothing apart from failed cd integrity test that could be the cause for install hanging up at 75% ? | 14:29 |
RainCT | laeg: I've switched back to ALSA, with Pulse Audio I couldn't only have on application using the sound card at a time :S | 14:30 |
scribawf | Any suggestions for Linux equivelent to Airoboform? | 14:30 |
bazhang | ak5, you removed quiet and splash from boot parameters to see the exact errors yet? | 14:30 |
RainCT | scribawf: if you don't explain what it is you're reducing your changed to get an answer.. | 14:30 |
ruiboon | georgeguitar: sorry that i am not able to help. you could try others who are better in this channel (: | 14:30 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: hum then what is must be the problem? | 14:30 |
ak5 | bazhang, I am using alternate cd - and no | 14:31 |
newbie | is there any app in ubuntu such as toucan from portable apps to synchronize folders and delete repeated files? | 14:31 |
Bert_2 | hi, I've upgraded to 8.04 yesterday and I have a question, why does nautilus call all my partitions "Media of XXGB" thought they're mounted on specific places by me (/etc/fstab) ? | 14:31 |
bazhang | ak5 ah the alternate cd; then there is no splash--you check iso against md5 | 14:31 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: that's just the new behaviour in gnome now =( | 14:31 |
ak5 | bazhang, yes | 14:31 |
georgeguitar | ruiboon: thank you very much, I'll continue investigating | 14:31 |
scribawf | RainCT Basically for Firfox on ubuntu a password keeper/logger. | 14:31 |
Bert_2 | Oli```: is there a work-around, like a label or something ? | 14:32 |
RainCT | binarydigit: yes but if he's already confused with the GUI.. | 14:32 |
laeg | RainCT: ya that's my problem. if i have vlc paused in the background and i launch wine there is no sound. as per a ubotu guide in system > preferences > sound i set everything to alsa but there has been no change - is there another step to disabling pulse? | 14:32 |
linkmaster03 | How do I set a file to run on a keypress? | 14:32 |
RainCT | scribawf: and... Why would you want that? Firefox is already able to remember password by defualt | 14:32 |
bazhang | ak5 this a dual boot or only ubuntu | 14:32 |
ak5 | bazhang, only xubuntu | 14:33 |
newbie | is there any app in ubuntu such as toucan from portable apps to synchronize folders and delete repeated files? | 14:33 |
RainCT | laeg: I've only changed it there | 14:33 |
bazhang | ak5, what are the system specs | 14:33 |
RainCT | (didn't need restart nor anything) | 14:33 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: I've just put up with it - Thankfully all my volumes are different sizes but I'll have a look | 14:33 |
bazhang | newbie, what is toucan | 14:33 |
sudobash | newbie like an mp3 device? | 14:33 |
laeg | RainCT: how can i confirm pulse audio is still running? | 14:33 |
raded | Enselic: same problem with the other account | 14:33 |
ak5 | bazhang, pretty bad - 500mhz p3 and 64mb ram | 14:33 |
drmarwat | hello | 14:33 |
RainCT | newbie: there's rsync but it's a command line tool. there must be some GUI for that, though | 14:33 |
Enselic | raded: what program did you use when playing wavs failed? | 14:34 |
raded | computer crashed when logging out from the new account. | 14:34 |
bazhang | ak5, it is the ram most likely--you might try fluxbuntu | 14:34 |
Bert_2 | Oli```: I'm going to search the ubuntuforums and soem GNOME docs, perhaps I can find a way | 14:34 |
Enselic | raded: when playing wavs stopped to work, rather | 14:34 |
raded | failed? it doesnt fail. | 14:34 |
scribawf | RainCT; Hmmmm....well haven't discovered that feature yet, but still fumbling around with Firefox. Tnx anyways sorry asked ? B 4 I searched through, (didn't do my homework :)) | 14:34 |
drmarwat | i have problem with nvidia geforce fx 5600 driver problem on 8.04 | 14:34 |
Enselic | raded: there is no sound, right? | 14:34 |
newbie | bazhang, is a portable application for windows to synchronize folders | 14:34 |
raded | correct. | 14:34 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: if you do find a way, please drop me a PM =) | 14:34 |
Enselic | raded: then it fails I would say | 14:34 |
ak5 | bazhang, hmm, wouldn't that give me an error message before trying to install? | 14:34 |
RainCT | laeg: I don't know.. 'ps xa | grep pulse' will show you that's it's running, but I also still have the daemon running though I don't use it | 14:34 |
ak5 | bazhang, :/ | 14:34 |
raded | yep | 14:34 |
titusg | can anyone help me get the inbuilt mic working on my laptop (samsung q45)? It makes a noise if I tap it but skype and gnome-sound-recorder don't pick it up. | 14:35 |
Enselic | raded: so what program did you use when it stopped working? | 14:35 |
raded | the problem happend after i was watching a movie in vlc | 14:35 |
drmarwat | after i installed driver from synaptic the screen and all windows are distorted | 14:35 |
bazhang | ak5, no real idea; just a guess on my part; 64mb is pretty slim in the ram department | 14:35 |
laeg | RainCT: can i paste the output? | 14:35 |
laeg | RainCT: 3 lines | 14:35 |
Fabio_Como | hello i have a UTF16 file.. how can I convert it to UTF8 from commandline? thanks | 14:35 |
ak5 | bazhang, yeah | 14:35 |
sudobash | ak5 no it just will freeze | 14:35 |
ak5 | sudobash, ah thx | 14:35 |
RainCT | drmarwat: have you tried uninstalling them again? :P | 14:35 |
sudobash | if you are talking about ubuntu live cd | 14:35 |
Enselic | raded: sorry I'm out of ideas, you could try #alsa @ freenode perhaps | 14:35 |
raded | Enselic: after i watched the movie. i tried to play a .mp3 and i got no sound | 14:35 |
whileimhere | Is there a basic CD player for the GNOME taskbar? | 14:35 |
RainCT | laeg: sure.. | 14:35 |
ak5 | so how much ram does xubuntu require ? | 14:35 |
raded | Enselic: on this network? | 14:36 |
Enselic | raded: think so yes | 14:36 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: okay I've got something... apparently things need proper labels now - mountpoints won't do | 14:36 |
sudobash | i think is 384 now??? | 14:36 |
sudobash | whileimhere: just use vlc or xmms | 14:36 |
newbie | I am looking to synchronize two external hard drives to backup my data twice, but I have old and new data all mixed, and is almost impossible for me to synchronize them. I prefer to use a gui app | 14:36 |
ak5 | I want to give this system to someone with no prior computer experience | 14:36 |
sudobash | small and powerful | 14:36 |
Steve-O | Just installed ubunutu, when i go to login in gnome it just takes me back to the login screen again, the only way i can get on is to use the failsafe gnome session any help? | 14:36 |
whileimhere | When I am doing heavy work that needs all the ram I use FVWM | 14:36 |
linkmaster03 | How do I set a file to run on a keypress? | 14:36 |
ak5 | fluxbox isn't really an option bazhang | 14:36 |
sudobash | ak5 try xubuntu | 14:36 |
sudobash | or debian | 14:36 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: run "sudo blkid" to see if your drives have labels, if they don't, read: | 14:36 |
whileimhere | sudobash: I mean like an applet | 14:36 |
ak5 | sudobash, this is what I am trying | 14:36 |
bazhang | sudobash, already trying | 14:36 |
sudobash | then try debian is you cant xubuntu | 14:37 |
newbie | ubottu, synchronize | 14:37 |
ubottu | Factoid synchronize not found | 14:37 |
Bert_2 | Oli```: okey great, thanks :D | 14:37 |
sudobash | (flux) | 14:37 |
ak5 | hmm :/ | 14:37 |
sudobash | Ubuntu is Debian | 14:37 |
sudobash | looks the same almostr | 14:37 |
sudobash | feels the same | 14:37 |
Dr_willis | !ubuntu | 14:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 14:37 |
sudobash | but Debian is a little quicker | 14:37 |
Steve-O | Just installed ubunutu, when i go to login in gnome it just takes me back to the login screen again, the only way i can get on is to use the failsafe gnome session any help? | 14:37 |
ak5 | sudobash, see thing is - its to be a pure websurfing machine - fluxbox (or other minimal wms) aren't really an option as this is for a complete noob | 14:37 |
Dr_willis | how do you even benchmark such things? | 14:38 |
laeg | RainCT: | 14:38 |
sudobash | Steve-O you may have a Xorg problem | 14:38 |
sudobash | or gnome problem | 14:38 |
Steve-O | how do i fix that | 14:38 |
ompaul | ak5, they can be - web requires an icon on screen - you could do windowmaker and xubuntu has full metacity menus | 14:38 |
sudobash | try to restart and see what happens | 14:38 |
Steve-O | i have | 14:38 |
Dr_willis | Steve-O, what video card? | 14:38 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: or just go to computer:/// in nautilus, right click each volume and go to properties and rename it | 14:38 |
Steve-O | ati | 14:38 |
sudobash | ok... | 14:38 |
sudobash | ati hug? | 14:39 |
newbie | I just installed dream chess on my computer, but I received this error message: Failed to execute child process "dreamchess" (No such file or directory), any suggestion on how to fix this? | 14:39 |
sudobash | what version ubuntu? | 14:39 |
Dundee | Hi, I would like to use git (git-daemon) to synchronize data between two PCs, but I haven't found any info about how to do it on ubuntu... | 14:39 |
Dr_willis | Steve-O, did you install the fglrx restricted drivers? or are you usign the ati drivers? | 14:39 |
Bert_2 | Oli```: that last idea is better I guess, especially for new users | 14:39 |
ak5 | ompaul, I suspect xubuntu doesn't run on this machine 500mhz 64bit ram since the install hangs up at 75% | 14:39 |
ak5 | 64mb ram sry | 14:39 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: *grumbles* that doesn't appear to be implemented yet though for some unknown reason | 14:39 |
Steve-O | 64 it | 14:39 |
Steve-O | bit* | 14:39 |
ubuntu_firsttime | hi | 14:39 |
ompaul | ak5, you need to do them a favour and buy them something a little bit better than that | 14:39 |
ubuntu_firsttime | yes | 14:40 |
ubuntu_firsttime | anyone here | 14:40 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ? | 14:40 |
bazhang | !hi | ubuntu_firsttime | 14:40 |
ubottu | ubuntu_firsttime: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 14:40 |
Bert_2 | Oli```: apparently: they don't have a backend or something | 14:40 |
Steve-O | i have the 64 bit newest version | 14:40 |
ak5 | ompaul, heh, thats what he gave me :) he said your the linux guy - install linux on this - and I wanted to try the new ubuntu anyways | 14:40 |
ubuntu_firsttime | yeah | 14:40 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: indeed.. I'm trying it as root | 14:40 |
ubuntu_firsttime | thank you | 14:40 |
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sudobash | Yes Steve-0 go in to X the only way you can and go to system->administration->Restricted Drivers | 14:40 |
Dundee | in the documentation for git-daemon is something about /etc/inetd. is this same for ubuntu? | 14:40 |
linkmaster03 | How do I set a file to run on a key shortcut? | 14:40 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: Nope.. no love there | 14:40 |
bazhang | !enter | ubuntu_firsttime | 14:40 |
ubottu | ubuntu_firsttime: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:40 |
edgardosilvi | alguien habla español? | 14:40 |
sudobash | and see if there is anything you can install/check | 14:41 |
bazhang | !es | edgardosilvi | 14:41 |
ubottu | edgardosilvi: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 14:41 |
ompaul | ak5, tell them this: if you want to try it you have to be serious ;-) you could install the minimal ubuntu and give him a web server | 14:41 |
ubuntu_firsttime | well i dont know how to use it properly | 14:41 |
edgardosilvi | gracias | 14:41 |
ubuntu_firsttime | but hope i guess i will improve | 14:41 |
Steve-O | its not there | 14:41 |
Bert_2 | Oli```: lol, and I'm wearing a "computer+gnome=love" shirt :p | 14:41 |
Steve-O | theres hardware drivers... | 14:41 |
ak5 | ompaul, hmm, no he didn't want/need a server - I think I will install puppy or something - that ought to work | 14:41 |
ubuntu_firsttime | well anyone for assistance in ubuntu | 14:41 |
linkmaster03 | How do I set a file to run on a key shortcut? | 14:41 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ? | 14:41 |
Oli``` | rofl Bert_2 - might be time to shred it | 14:41 |
ubuntu_firsttime | im really in trouble | 14:41 |
ompaul | ak-, DSL trumps puppy | 14:41 |
bazhang | !ask | ubuntu_firsttime | 14:41 |
ubottu | ubuntu_firsttime: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 14:41 |
ubuntu_firsttime | anyone heere? | 14:41 |
linkmaster03 | How do I set a file to run on a key shortcut in GNOME? | 14:41 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ok thanks | 14:42 |
Bert_2 | Oli```: lol :p | 14:42 |
ubuntu_firsttime | well how do i lookup my ipconfiguration | 14:42 |
bazhang | ifconfig ubuntu_firsttime | 14:42 |
ak5 | ompaul, you think so? I think they haven't gotten with the time - don't they stil use a 2.4 kernel? | 14:42 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ok | 14:42 |
justAsset_ | how to delete software raid device while installing ubuntu? | 14:42 |
ubuntu_firsttime | well how do i save them from the terminal | 14:42 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ? | 14:42 |
ompaul | ak5, on a 500mhz and whatever | 14:42 |
Tyrion | is there a way to get the Network Manager to work with the properietary cisco vpn client ? | 14:42 |
ompaul | ak5, like it will matter | 14:42 |
bazhang | ubuntu_firsttime, what are you trying to do; use one line and stop with the enter key | 14:43 |
ak5 | ompaul, wont matter? | 14:43 |
ak5 | yeah guess so ^^ | 14:43 |
ubuntu_firsttime | how to do that? | 14:43 |
linkmaster03 | How do I set a file to run on a key shortcut in GNOME? | 14:43 |
ak5 | ompaul well thanks for the tipp - I'll go grab the iso then | 14:43 |
antic | oh hai, question: how safe is ubuntu desktop default install, static IP online 24/7. Any firewall enabled? | 14:43 |
ubuntu_firsttime | i dont know how to install ubuntu | 14:43 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: e2label looks like it's working... I'll need to restart before I know for sure | 14:43 |
Bert_2 | Oli```: this label command only works for ext2 and ext3 I think, cause it's not working for FAT32 | 14:43 |
Oli``` | aha | 14:43 |
Dr_willis | linkmaster03, explore the gnome settings menus perhaps. check the keyboard/shortcuts tools perhaps. | 14:43 |
ubuntu_firsttime | i mean how do i dual boot with windows xp | 14:43 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ? | 14:43 |
ak5 | antic, safer than windows with a firewall | 14:43 |
Sarah | does anyone know what program makes all that system info on the desktop like in this picture - | 14:43 |
bazhang | !dualboot | ubuntu_firsttime read this | 14:44 |
ubottu | ubuntu_firsttime read this: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 14:44 |
ubuntu_firsttime | thanks a lot man | 14:44 |
Oli``` | Bert_2: check out the FAT section of | 14:44 |
ubuntu_firsttime | and again another questions? | 14:44 |
Dr_willis | Sarah, that would be 'conky' | 14:44 |
ubuntu_firsttime | can you tell me again? | 14:44 |
Sarah | Dr_willis, thank you! | 14:44 |
bazhang | ubuntu_firsttime, scroll up | 14:44 |
m1r | how can i stop cdrom from using device so i can unmount it ? | 14:44 |
ubuntu_firsttime | how to install software from the terminal command line | 14:44 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ? | 14:44 |
newbie | I just installed dream chess on my computer, but I received this error message: Failed to execute child process "dreamchess" (No such file or directory), any suggestion on how to fix this? | 14:44 |
antic | ak5: Safe as a minimal debian ? | 14:45 |
bazhang | ubuntu_firsttime | 14:45 |
Dr_willis | ubuntu_firsttime, sudo apt-get install WHATEVERPROGRAMPACKAGENAME | 14:45 |
justAsset_ | ubuntu_firsttime, what kind of software? | 14:45 |
newbie | ubuntu_firsttime, sudo apt-get install nameofprogram | 14:45 |
ak5 | antic, look, the more apps you have installed, (and running) the less safe it is | 14:45 |
ubuntu_firsttime | flash plugins | 14:45 |
ubuntu_firsttime | i cant play youtube videos | 14:45 |
ak5 | antic, so if you were to stop daemons you don't need yeah sure | 14:45 |
Dr_willis | !flash | ubuntu_firsttime | 14:45 |
ubottu | ubuntu_firsttime: To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 14:45 |
rui | hello | 14:45 |
bazhang | !enter | ubuntu_firsttime | 14:45 |
ubottu | ubuntu_firsttime: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:45 |
ubuntu_firsttime | thanks again | 14:45 |
arvind | is there a way 2 increase video memory of my intel 915 mobo? | 14:46 |
RainCT | laeg: I get the same output | 14:46 |
bazhang | arvind, with what goal in mind | 14:46 |
ubuntu_firsttime | then can you please tell me again how to move from one drive to another in ubuntu | 14:46 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ? | 14:46 |
antic | ak5: ok. but is ubuntu server a better option? | 14:46 |
m1r | how to unmount cdrom when device is busy ? | 14:46 |
ak5 | antic, for what? | 14:46 |
RainCT | ubuntu_firsttime: what do you mean? | 14:46 |
RainCT | m1r: unbusy it :P:P | 14:46 |
Dr_willis | m1r, close all programs accessing the cdrom - or it wont unmount | 14:46 |
laeg | RainCT: let me run another test with vlc in the background while i launch wine | 14:47 |
arvind | bazhang,i have 2gb ram.i just want 2 utilise it more | 14:47 |
ubuntu_firsttime | i mean by using command in the terminal | 14:47 |
antic | ak5: basically running as a second desktop but also fileserver + ftp | 14:47 |
ubuntu_firsttime | to navigate from one directory to another | 14:47 |
bazhang | ubuntu_firsttime, read the links we gave you thanks | 14:47 |
m1r | Dr_willis: it is instalation in progres requesting cd2 :D | 14:47 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ok | 14:47 |
Dr_willis | ubuntu_firsttime, you proberly need to read a few bash beginner guides. | 14:47 |
ubuntu_firsttime | well can i ask one last thing again | 14:47 |
arvind | bazhang | 14:47 |
Dr_willis | m1r, let me guess.. some stupid game with wine? | 14:47 |
ak5 | antic, ubuntu server doesn't have x installed (from what I gather - I wouldn't use ubuntu for servers out of personal preference) | 14:47 |
bazhang | arvind, to what end | 14:48 |
m1r | Dr_willis: correct!:) | 14:48 |
ubuntu_firsttime | where can i get a tutorial on shell scripting? | 14:48 |
elmargol | rhythmbox drives me nuts! It starts everythime i plug my ipod in :( | 14:48 |
ak5 | antic, so If you want gfx - go with ubuntu/kubuntu/whateverfloatsyourboatbuntu | 14:48 |
Dr_willis | m1r, for wine/games/multi-cd i tend to copy ALL the files from both cd's (or more) to a single dir, then use wine and start the installer from that directory. | 14:48 |
bazhang | ubuntu_firsttime, #bash | 14:48 |
elmargol | somehow the checkbox to disable this is gone on hardy :( | 14:48 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ok its in ubuntu right? | 14:48 |
RainCT | elmargol: System -> Preferences -> Media (and something) | 14:48 |
Dr_willis | !bash | ubuntu_firsttime | 14:48 |
ubottu | ubuntu_firsttime: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 14:48 |
arvind | bazhang.presently i have only 128mb allocated.i want 2 increase it to 256mb | 14:48 |
ubuntu_firsttime | thanks | 14:49 |
m1r | Dr_willis: somehow game dont work if installing from hdd | 14:49 |
RainCT | elmargol: uhm.. ignore that | 14:49 |
Dr_willis | m1r, check the wine app database then - they may have a fix. | 14:49 |
ubuntu_firsttime | well is it possible to get source codes for ubuntu | 14:49 |
arvind | bazhang | 14:49 |
ubuntu_firsttime | ? | 14:49 |
bazhang | arvind, not sure how that is possible | 14:49 |
m1r | Dr_willis: it is ok, now, it unmounted after 5 min :) | 14:49 |
Dr_willis | m1r, what game is this anyway? | 14:49 |
manifest_ | how do i quit firefox from terminal completely | 14:49 |
justAsset_ | how to configure software RAID? | 14:49 |
m1r | Dr_willis: codemasters: operation flashpoint | 14:49 |
arvind | bazhang ,which is better? RAM or Graphics card? | 14:49 |
RainCT | manifest_: ps xa | grep firefox, and kill xxxx where xxxx is the PID you get | 14:50 |
elmargol | ./desktop/gnome/volume_manager/autoipod <- false does not help :( | 14:50 |
Dr_willis | m1r, that a first person shooter? military? I seem to recall that game. | 14:50 |
bpat1434 | Is there a way to add another expandable/contractible separator in the gnome panel? | 14:50 |
arvind | bazhang | 14:50 |
m1r | Dr_willis: yes , big battlefield :) check on | 14:50 |
ushimitsudoki | Does X not support differing X and Y mouse resolutions? | 14:50 |
antic | ak5: have debian running for web/ftp. Just need this one computer with like 4 NTFS drives that I need to access | 14:50 |
bazhang | arvind, graphics or ram for doing what | 14:51 |
Dr_willis | m1r, i seem to recall getting shot by the bad guys from 1000000000 miles away between buildings, while i was hiding in a bush.. in that game WAY too many times.. | 14:51 |
arvind | bazhang ,for games | 14:51 |
ak5 | antic, with graphics -> ubuntu no graphics --> ubuntu server | 14:51 |
saandro | Hello all, trying to install my brother mfc210c printer, but I don't have the ppd file, and its not in the drivers given from brother | 14:51 |
arvind | which is the best game in ubuntu (not a shooting game)? | 14:51 |
bazhang | arvind, that card will do only soso 3d games imo ( i have one and it lags a lot) | 14:52 |
ak5 | arvind, I like wesnoth a lot :) | 14:52 |
m1r | Dr_willis: yes, AI can be modified to be Rambo like there ;) one guy spot u , next kill you | 14:52 |
Dr_willis | m1r, I think my friend even gave up on it. heh | 14:52 |
elmargol | <- this window is missing | 14:52 |
RainCT | arvind: well, depends what sort of games you like | 14:52 |
ak5 | arvind, but then I don't play a lot of games | 14:52 |
laeg | RainCT: ya i get no sound in my games when vlc is on in the background and some of them crash too | 14:52 |
nibsa1242b | arvind: I highly suggest you look into Battle for Wesnoth its one of my faves | 14:52 |
arvind | k | 14:52 |
Enselic | arvind: wormux is great fun | 14:52 |
Dr_willis | m1r, the ai needed work just to even make it playable from what we thought. :) but i dont even know where my copy of the game is any ,ore | 14:52 |
bazhang | !games | arvind | 14:52 |
ubottu | arvind: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 14:52 |
ak5 | arvind, make sure to grab wesnoth-music - otherwise the game is only half as good!!! | 14:52 |
m1r | Dr_willis: yes is old game , not many ppl play. we play only one mod created by players, somthing like C/C renagde on battleffield | 14:53 |
arvind | ak5,is there a way 2 increase video memory of my intel 915 mobo? | 14:53 |
arvind | enselic,is there a way 2 increase video memory of my intel 915 mobo? | 14:53 |
Dr_willis | arvind, check the bios menus yet? | 14:53 |
ak5 | arvind, what you mean the hardware? | 14:53 |
arvind | dr,it shows the max as 128mb.i want more than that | 14:54 |
arvind | ak5, yes | 14:54 |
Steve-O | im having trouble logging in, when i try to log in in gnome it takes me to a blank white screen i can only get on in failsafe mode | 14:54 |
rockhound | hi everyone ... I would like to enable spdif and/or iec958 pcms ... they are missing in an aplay -L output ... | 14:54 |
ak5 | arvind, idk hardware at all ^^ I am software-type | 14:54 |
arvind | how to install battle for wesnoth? | 14:54 |
Dr_willis | arvind, with the package manager. | 14:55 |
Enselic | arvind: (your IRC client probably has Tab-completion, try typing Ens<Tab> | 14:55 |
ak5 | arvind, sudo apt-get install wesnoth-all wesnoth-music | 14:55 |
bazhang | arvind, that is the limit | 14:55 |
laeg | i have selected alsa in all options in system > preferences > sound but still when i have vlc player running in the background and i launch wine i get no sound but there is sound when i launch wine alone - how is it pulseaudio isn't disabling? | 14:55 |
[Aaron] | arvind, if you like WOW like games I suggest you look at this game I heard its pretty good. Im yet to try it myself | 14:55 |
Enselic | arvind: yes, man intel | 14:55 |
Dr_willis | savage 1 is nice.. savage2 just came out for linux recently. | 14:55 |
laeg | ak5: i saw it before, don't you think the gfx are a bit poor? | 14:55 |
Dr_willis | wesnoth graphics poor? They are suitable for the game. | 14:56 |
arvind | Enselic,can u tell how? | 14:56 |
Dr_willis | You expecting 3d animated things like in Warcraft4 ? | 14:56 |
ak5 | laeg, wesnoth? It has gotten so much better from when I tried it 1 year ago | 14:56 |
Steve-O | im having trouble logging in, when i try to log in in gnome it takes me to a blank white screen i can only get on in failsafe mode | 14:56 |
Dr_willis | Steve-O, you could try setting yoru Video drivers to the 'vesa' ones or 'ati' and see if that helps. | 14:56 |
laeg | ak5: woah hold that thought - | 14:57 |
laeg | Dr_willis: see above | 14:57 |
Steve-O | how do i do that Dr Willis? | 14:57 |
arvind | is flightgear a good game? | 14:57 |
ak5 | arvind, depending on your preferences | 14:57 |
Enselic | arvind: try | 14:57 |
Dr_willis | Steve-O, at one time.. edit your xorg.conf but not sure now a days how to do it in hardy properly | 14:57 |
[Aaron] | Anyone here play savage2? | 14:57 |
Dr_willis | There is a free demo of savage2 for linux also. Played that for a while | 14:57 |
arvind | Enselic: how 2 increase video memory | 14:58 |
ak5 | laeg, looks kinda alright - just I shouldn't start any mmorpgs - I'll get stuck and have less time for life ^^ | 14:58 |
bazhang | arvind, cant be done outside of a new card | 14:58 |
[Aaron] | Dr_willis, its not a demo, it is free but has limited characters | 14:58 |
arvind | k | 14:58 |
Dr_willis | [Aaron], the demo for savage 2 - was a time limited demo as of 3 weeks ago.. savage 1 is totally free. | 14:58 |
Dr_willis | [Aaron], unless they changed it recently. You could play for like 6 hrs. | 14:59 |
arvind | #sex | 14:59 |
ak5 | lol?\ | 14:59 |
ak5 | rofl | 14:59 |
[Aaron] | Dr_willis, hmm I thought it was free... ill have to check again | 14:59 |
Dr_willis | [Aaron], you get a 'demo account' the download is the full game. :) but the account is limited.. heh it seems | 15:00 |
ak5 | warcraft3 runs smoothly on wine - thats all anyone could ever want :) | 15:00 |
laeg | ak5: i can relate :) | 15:00 |
alado2 | how can i get the uuid of my usb stick? | 15:00 |
ak5 | :) | 15:00 |
=== mhz- is now known as achillles | ||
razel | hello anybody | 15:00 |
laeg | pulse audio problem > i have selected alsa in all options in system > preferences > sound but still when i have vlc player running in the background and i launch wine i get no sound but there is sound when i launch wine alone - how is it pulseaudio isn't disabling? | 15:00 |
razel | is there a messenger here that i can use my webcam? | 15:00 |
Dr_willis | !uuid | alado2 | 15:01 |
ubottu | alado2: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 15:01 |
bazhang | !webcams | razel | 15:01 |
ubottu | razel: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 15:01 |
darius12 | please, in which package is /usr/include/wireless.h in ubuntu ? | 15:01 |
[Aaron] | Dr_willis, do you have to pay monthly for the account? | 15:01 |
alado2 | Dr_willis: thnx | 15:01 |
razel | yes i downloaded kopete but still | 15:01 |
Dr_willis | [Aaron], not a monthly fee sort of thing.. just to get full acccess to the saved stats and stuff - you need to actually buy the game. | 15:01 |
darius12 | oh, it is inside linux/, I see | 15:02 |
razel | i can use my webcam but in kopete my friend cant view me.. thanks | 15:02 |
=== Joeb454 is now known as chickenFeed | ||
=== chickenFeed is now known as Joeb454 | ||
ak5 | hey sry for this OT but whats the command to list users in irssi ? | 15:03 |
Seeker` | ak5: /names | 15:03 |
ak5 | Seeker`, thx | 15:03 |
antic | /n | 15:03 |
razel | bazhang: i downloaded camorama but theres an error message.. pls help. thanks | 15:04 |
bazhang | razel did you read that link | 15:04 |
RainCT | Dr_willis: Is Savage 1 also limited? | 15:04 |
bazhang | oh he left | 15:04 |
bazhang | razel did you read that webcam link | 15:05 |
razel | sorry got disconnected | 15:05 |
=== aalex is now known as aalex___ | ||
=== aalex___ is now known as aalex | ||
Dr_willis | RainCT, savage 1 has been released and is totally FREE. :) well not GPL free i think.. but free | 15:05 |
razel | bazhang: not yet.. | 15:05 |
razel | i got disconnected | 15:05 |
bazhang | razel, best read that first | 15:05 |
nero | nero | 15:05 |
razel | sorry what is the link again.>? | 15:05 |
bazhang | !webcams | 15:05 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 15:05 |
bazhang | razel, there | 15:06 |
razel | yes | 15:06 |
razel | bazhang: yes? | 15:06 |
Lr5 | w 22 | 15:06 |
Lr5 | ... | 15:06 |
Lloydie-T | I have managed to break my ubuntu install by installing a new video board. Can I fix it by upgrading from CD? | 15:06 |
RainCT | Dr_willis: ok, thanks. will try it out then, if I ever get to download it (I think that's the slowest torrent I've ever seen).. | 15:06 |
gfxstyler | hello | 15:07 |
Dr_willis | RainCT, I normally get it from some ftp server. You may want to read up on it. I was thinking there was some User-mod/savage 1 that everyne was using. | 15:07 |
ak5 | ROFL - this pc doesn't have an ethernet port | 15:07 |
gfxstyler | my firefox always crashes when displaying flash content. do you know a fix? | 15:08 |
m1r | Lloydie-T: try reconfigure it ? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 15:08 |
RainCT | Lloydie-T: no need for that, just get into a tty (start the computer and press Ctrl + Alt + F1 when it's load) and re-configure the graphics.. iirc that's done with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg | 15:08 |
razel | bazhang: I did what it said but i have an error message.. what can i do? | 15:08 |
gfxstyler | it's pretty annoying | 15:08 |
bazhang | razel, is your webcam on that supported list | 15:08 |
ak5 | gfxstyler, what distro? | 15:08 |
RainCT | Dr_willis: oh, I followed the link from the website | 15:08 |
gfxstyler | ak5: ubuntu hardy heron | 15:08 |
ak5 | gfxstyler, did you try installing firefox 2? | 15:08 |
gfxstyler | ak5: it's not crashing all the time, sometimes flash stuff (like youtube) works, sometimes it doesn't | 15:09 |
razel | yes coz i can see myself through ekige and kopete | 15:09 |
gfxstyler | ak5: no, i'd prefer to use the firefox that shipped with ubuntu | 15:09 |
ak5 | gfxstyler, hmm, haven't had any problems with it | 15:09 |
jerry | hello, does anyone know if my x60kfc(945GM) is fully supported by ubuntu 8.04? how about the performance? | 15:09 |
gfxstyler | ak5: because it has some improvements like native gtk buttons and speed | 15:09 |
ak5 | gfxstyler, ubuntu ships with a beta version - which sucks in my opinion - try to use the stable - tested ff2 | 15:10 |
Enselic | jerry: 945GM will work just fine | 15:10 |
Enselic | jerry: I have 965GM which also works fine | 15:10 |
ak5 | gfxstyler, hmm you are right - but it is still a beta | 15:10 |
Enselic | jerry: I had 945GM before | 15:10 |
gfxstyler | ak5: you're right | 15:10 |
gfxstyler | ak5: okay i guess i'll have to use firefox 2 until firefox 3 is final | 15:11 |
razel | bazhang: ? | 15:11 |
jerry | thanks, Enselic :) | 15:11 |
ak5 | gfxstyler, they just crammed it in cause 8.04 is LTS and they didn't want to support ff2 for that long | 15:11 |
=== bluemooo__ is now known as bluemooo | ||
ak5 | gfxstyler, plus if you use firefox plugins you may be disappointed | 15:12 |
gfxstyler | ak5: do you know when firefox3 will be final? i heard that ubuntu will provide firefox updates later | 15:12 |
[Aaron] | ff3 works great for me | 15:12 |
ak5 | gfxstyler, sry not my area of expertise | 15:12 |
justAsset_ | how to install ubuntu-desktop without internet connection | 15:12 |
justAsset_ | i've got ubuntu desktop edition | 15:12 |
ak5 | [Aaron], for some it does, sure - thats why they could put it on 8.04 at all | 15:12 |
thiago_ | joao_grilo | 15:12 |
bloodrock | justAsset_, make a cd from iso | 15:13 |
gfxstyler | justAsset_: it's just a meta-package i think, so you don't really need it | 15:13 |
justAsset_ | already did | 15:13 |
thiago_ | hey, what? | 15:13 |
thiago_ | help me.. | 15:13 |
gfxstyler | but isn't ubuntu-desktop on the ubuntu-cd? you could use the cd as package source | 15:13 |
ak5 | ompaul, as expected of dsl - boots fine :) | 15:13 |
justAsset_ | bloodrock, you mean don't need cd? | 15:13 |
=== thiago_ is now known as joao_grilo | ||
ak5 | ompaul, haha they still have conky for that oldschool effect :) I like dsl - You were right | 15:14 |
bloodrock | justAsset_, you asked hot to install without internet make a cd | 15:14 |
bloodrock | *how | 15:14 |
abhinay__ | anybody installed Ubuntu on MacBook here ? i need some help | 15:15 |
thompa | hi, im having problems with evolution and gmail imap, so i installed kontact and it wont open | 15:15 |
ak5 | anyway to use the modem on this way old pc to connect to my router? | 15:15 |
erland | Hello, what do you do if you delete needed hidden files in /home by mistake? | 15:15 |
bazhang | !macbook | abhinay__ | 15:16 |
ubottu | abhinay__: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 15:16 |
bloodrock | erland, did ya check the trash bin | 15:16 |
amenado | justAsset_-> do you have an existing linux installed? you can boot from hard disk by copying your new expanded iso in a partition | 15:16 |
=== emgent_ is now known as emgent_Firenze | ||
rhade | howdy, need some help if anyones up :), compiled a new kernel and booted into it, had a problem with loading the root partition i think because i forgot ext2 suppor t * no idea how* | 15:16 |
rhade | however to fix this i tried loading my vmlinuz.old, but it gives the same error, which is odd because it worked fine before | 15:17 |
erland | bloodrock: no such luck, I was permanently deleting them - thought I was in a backup on an ext hdd | 15:17 |
rhade | anyway i tried every other kernel i have installed and it still gives the same error and now ive gone so far as to remove all vmlinuz files from /boot and yet it still loads a kernel and give same error | 15:17 |
ak5 | rhade, ahhh when screwing ith the kernel make a kernel backup! | 15:17 |
justAsset_ | amenado, i've installed ubuntu server, now i want it to have GUI | 15:17 |
rhade | lilo.conf has one entry pointing to /boot/vmlinuz and i have removed that file and it still loads a kernel | 15:17 |
ak5 | justAsset_, sudo apt-get install <desktop> | 15:18 |
rhade | im lost i dont understand where it can be loading a kernel from if i have removed all files from /boot | 15:18 |
Dr_willis | rhade, with lilo. you must rerun the lilo command for the config changes to take effect | 15:18 |
justAsset_ | ak5, it doesn't want to install desktop from CD | 15:18 |
Dr_willis | rhade, now thats just weird. :) | 15:18 |
ak5 | justAsset_, what cd | 15:18 |
rhade | agreed | 15:18 |
erland | If I have deleted config files from /home/user/.gconf/apps - will they just come back when I log in again? | 15:18 |
amenado | justAsset_-> is your cd in the sources.list ? | 15:18 |
bloodrock | erlan then prob a reinstall? or if there is a undelete prog for linux?? | 15:18 |
justAsset_ | ak5, ubuntu desktop edition | 15:18 |
justAsset_ | amenado, yes | 15:19 |
ak5 | justAsset_, just reinstall with that cd? | 15:19 |
thompa | gmail and evolution fixed: folders were hidden..very easy to miss, just spent half a day jhacking away | 15:19 |
Dr_willis | erland, gnome remake default config files. | 15:19 |
feli1 | hi!, can anybody help me with a webcam device, it worked on gutsy but not in hardy! | 15:19 |
justAsset_ | ak5, then i'll have a problem with software raid | 15:19 |
ak5 | justAsset_, ack | 15:20 |
ak5 | justAsset_, sry no experince with software raid | 15:21 |
bloodrock | rhade, prob reading a lio from mbr | 15:21 |
justAsset_ | ak5, never mind | 15:21 |
Lloydie-T | dpkg-reconfigure xorg did not work for me. I get an error 'device not found' | 15:21 |
rhade | lio? | 15:21 |
dealer | i'm trying to install ubuntu in my hp compaq v6120br but when i hit "enter" in boot screen, it freezes, how can i install that? | 15:21 |
DasJott | hi | 15:21 |
amenado | justAsset_-> you tried sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop | 15:22 |
bloodrock | *lilo sorry | 15:22 |
justAsset_ | amenado, no | 15:22 |
justAsset_ | amenado, what is it? | 15:22 |
will00 | how do i change the color scheme in gnome? | 15:22 |
DasJott | anyone else problems with package servers? | 15:22 |
rhade | hmm i think lilo is working fine, its just that its loading a kernel that doesnt exist | 15:22 |
DasJott | it always says it can't find web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file | 15:22 |
feli1 | hi!, can anybody help me with a webcam device, it worked on gutsy but not in hardy! | 15:23 |
amenado | justAsset_-> to install a desktop | 15:23 |
will00 | i had some problems with it last night, but htey resolved themsleves | 15:23 |
justAsset_ | amenado, will it install from CD? | 15:23 |
alessandro_ | can someone help me for installing the compat wireless drivers for my intel 4965 card? | 15:23 |
amenado | justAsset_-> i wud think it would if you have the correct entry in your sources.list | 15:23 |
DasJott | is there something strange with the ubuntu package servers? | 15:24 |
Dr_willis | DasJott, thers been some issues with them the last week or so | 15:24 |
DarkRainbow | Now i have opened Gparted, but i cant see how much is Used/unused | 15:24 |
DarkRainbow | It just says --- | 15:24 |
Starnestommy | DasJott: some of them aren't working correctly | 15:24 |
ushimitsudoki | What file keeps the information from Sessions > Startup Programs? | 15:24 |
DasJott | Dr_willis: it still has here for me, as it seems... | 15:24 |
=== feli1 is now known as FELI1 | ||
will00 | anyone have any ideas as to changing the color scheme in gnome? | 15:24 |
bloodrock | rhade is there a config file for lilo maybe check that | 15:24 |
=== FELI1 is now known as feli1 | ||
ak5 | will00, use blubuntu | 15:25 |
ian_ | hey, when on 8.04 the "screensaver" or whatever kicks in after a while when on "gdm" userswitcher screen, it just gives a white screen. i can only get passed it by guessing which user is selected and entering the password | 15:25 |
ak5 | will00, apt-get install blubunut | 15:25 |
DasJott | it loads 37 package informations instead of 52 as usual the last weeks.. | 15:25 |
ak5 | will00, apt-get install blubuntu | 15:25 |
dealer | i'm trying to install ubuntu in my hp compaq v6120br but when i hit "enter" in boot screen, it freezes, how can i install that? | 15:25 |
ian_ | known problem? fixes? | 15:25 |
craigc | just upgraded to ubuntu 8.04 nvidia drivers have stopped working. In low res mode and have tried dpkg-reconfigure, and copying my old xorg config backups over etc with no success. No idea how to fix this issue. Someone Please help? | 15:25 |
ushimitsudoki | craigc: were you using the nvidia proprietary drivers? | 15:26 |
DasJott | hm | 15:26 |
feli1 | hi!, can anybody help me with a webcam device, it worked on gutsy but not in hardy! | 15:26 |
craigc | was using nvidia-glx now ubuntu tries to use nvidia-glx-new | 15:26 |
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=== luihg is now known as luisgonzalez | ||
rhade | thanks guys i'll see what i can do | 15:26 |
alessandro_ | can someone help me for installing the compat wireless drivers for my intel 4965 card? | 15:27 |
junaid | how can i remove kde from ubuntu | 15:27 |
craigc | ushini:also tried uninstalling nvidia-new and rolling back to glx | 15:27 |
DasJott | hm, no one the same problems? maybe something wrong only for me.... | 15:27 |
kiran | junaid, apt-get remove kde | 15:27 |
=== kiran is now known as gnufied | ||
ushimitsudoki | craigc: alright, I use the nvidia proprietary drivers, that's why i asked | 15:27 |
Dr_willis | removing 'kde' package proberly wont remove much | 15:27 |
junaid | but it do not remove it | 15:27 |
bloodrock | dealer might try booting with the option acpi=off | 15:27 |
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DasJott | "Could not download all repository indexes" | 15:27 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Annoyed | ||
craigc | ushimi:ahh ok i may give them a try, are they on nvidia's site? | 15:28 |
=== Annoyed is now known as VeryAnnoyed | ||
gnufied | folks, I just bought Audiohub usb speakers from Logitech and I am getting constant annoying humming sound while music is playing | 15:28 |
DasJott | what the hell could be wrong? | 15:28 |
dealer | bloodrock: should i hit f6 and type that? | 15:28 |
craigc | ushimi: or are they the same as the ones in ubuntu's "restricted drivers" | 15:29 |
VeryAnnoyed | Would someone here be willing to explain how to connect to wireless internet from a terminal? My wifi card is fully supported by ubuntu, and I can connect to wireless internet fine using the applet in the panel. I just need to know how to do the same from a terminal | 15:29 |
simNIX | Ive booted a powerpc 8.04 live system on a imac 600 - I dont get startx up (gives error) Im at the command line and hd is detected and network is up - with what command can I now start a textmode install ? | 15:29 |
jmin3 | #join #ubuntu | 15:29 |
bazhang | VeryAnnoyed, hang on a sec | 15:29 |
bloodrock | dealer i forget which f key you need to hit sorry | 15:29 |
VeryAnnoyed | bazhang: Ok | 15:29 |
ryanakca | How can I shrink my root ext3 partition (on an LVM)? | 15:30 |
DasJott | again and again... something must be wrong on the package servers.. since days.... | 15:30 |
bazhang | VeryAnnoyed | 15:30 |
ushimitsudoki | cragic: no, they are different. some people recommend EnvyNG, but i like to install the latest ones from nvidia by hand. Here is a guide if you want to do it manually that I find useful: | 15:30 |
will00 | how do i integrate the emerald themes into gnome? | 15:30 |
VeryAnnoyed | bazhang: Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for | 15:30 |
craigc | ushimi: could this be a side effect of a kernel module not loading correctly? - I have a module fail to load on startup but its too quick for me to read. Is there a log or a verbose mode to boot ubuntu up? | 15:30 |
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DasJott | hm, ok.... ubuntu seems to be messed up... sadly... | 15:31 |
craigc | ushimi: Thanks a lot i will give that a try | 15:31 |
pulseezar | is it possible to install ubuntu 8.04 in a way that makes it start in safe graphics mode every time? Or will it give me this option at start up? | 15:32 |
jgoo | Can someone check scp connection on 8.04 - goto places, connect to server, and connect to a server via ssh | 15:32 |
ushimitsudoki | cragic: yes ... in /var/log/dmesg i think is the boot log? not 100% sure about that | 15:32 |
jgoo | I can do this on console, but not via nautilus... is it broken or an issue with me? | 15:32 |
jgoo | I google the error and only find 7 results... all source code references | 15:32 |
craigc | ushimi:Thanks again :) | 15:32 |
geek | pulseezar: modify your grub config file to have safe mode first | 15:32 |
jgoo | | 15:32 |
geek | i can't remember what its called tho >< | 15:33 |
ushimitsudoki | craigc: no problem (and you can use TAB to auto-complete ppls names :) ) | 15:33 |
jgoo | so, ssh and scp work in terminal - but nautilus won't connect to my server :( says ssh program unexpectedly exited | 15:33 |
GaintSura | The other night I installed virtualbox on my ubuntu, I had problems at first with ubuntu showing two kernels, but now that I'm back to one, I have lost my wireless.. and I dont mean I cant connect to any wireless.. I flat out have no ath0/wifi0 in ifconfig/iwconfig... anyone know of a fix or have a suggestion for this? | 15:33 |
ryanakca | How can I move a logical volume from one disk to another? | 15:33 |
abhinay__ | can we resize the Mac OS X partition with Ubuntu Installer ? | 15:34 |
simNIX | how can I start text based install from console (booted from live cd) ? | 15:34 |
craigc | ushimitsudoki, Awesome, thanks once again :) | 15:34 |
jgoo | if anyone is an ssh guru - i'd appreciate some advice on where I can find some logs (no google results!) as well as confirmation that scp does work in nautilus. Additionally, gftp breaks at exactly the same point - after asking for password | 15:34 |
pulseezar | geek: thanks, i'll look into that | 15:34 |
jgoo | so, ssh and scp work in console, nautilus and gftp get a connection reset by peer after I enter password | 15:35 |
mc-george | Hi there, I was in here a while ago because my sound wouldn't work in firefox and some one told me a package to install, and i can't remember it | 15:35 |
bloodrock | mc-george, could it have been totem for firefox?? | 15:36 |
mc-george | bloodrock, it was a package i had to get in synaptic, that enabled sound in firefox | 15:36 |
moro_ | When booting, a screen comes up giving me choices to boot in normal mode or safe... if I dont choose safe it cycles through boot routine, forever. Can I fix this problem? | 15:36 |
bazhang | moro_, first boot in safe then fix your drivers issue | 15:37 |
goodtimes | I have already installed ubuntu on my system into one partition. Is it possible for me to create a new partition for /boot and move my boot files there? | 15:37 |
bloodrock | mc-george, did ya do a search in syn for firefox | 15:37 |
moro_ | bazhang: I didnt know I had driver issues... and if I do, how would I find out what my issues are? | 15:37 |
zerodamage | Are the people I spoke with earlier still here? | 15:37 |
mc-george | bloodrock, a what? | 15:37 |
bazhang | moro_, what vid card | 15:37 |
craigc | sorry people, trying to follow the nvidia tutorial but got this mesage trying to install linux headers "Package linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 15:37 |
craigc | " any ideas? | 15:37 |
quaal | so what am i supposed to do when i press the cd eject button, run the eject command, and the cd just keeps spinning | 15:38 |
chimp | is there a command from the cli to list all available groups? | 15:38 |
quaal | and the light keeps blinking | 15:38 |
bazhang | craigc try envyng-gtk | 15:38 |
moro_ | bazhang: Nvidia and there is an icon on the top bar saying it is running propeitary software. | 15:38 |
craigc | bazhang, ok Thanks | 15:38 |
bloodrock | mc- do a search in syn for firefox the search will show all firefox related add-ons ,progs | 15:38 |
simNIX | is there a irc room for bunto on ppc ? | 15:38 |
RainCT | chimp: groups | 15:38 |
bazhang | moro_, which driver and how did you install it--this is hardy or other | 15:38 |
simNIX | *buntu | 15:39 |
luishg | I'm getting a device error: inserting battery while running ubuntu 8.04 under parallels for mac and trying "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" | 15:39 |
chimp | RainCT: groups just seemed to show the groups i am part of, not all possible groups | 15:39 |
goodtimes | I have already installed ubuntu on my system into one partition. Is it possible for me to create a new partition for /boot and move my boot files there? | 15:39 |
alessandro_ | can someone help me for installing the compat wireless drivers for my intel 4965 card? | 15:39 |
StevenTyler | Arrr, my Workspace switcher has stopped working, any clue? | 15:39 |
bazhang | !ppc | simNIX also see /msg ubottu irc for channel list | 15:39 |
ubottu | simNIX also see /msg ubottu irc for channel list: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see | 15:39 |
moro_ | bazhang: I installed using synaptic from their repository, it was called NEW ... and Im using Hardy. | 15:39 |
RainCT | chimp: ah, I see | 15:40 |
bazhang | moro_, which exact card | 15:40 |
craigc | bazhang, Installing now, does this mean i still have to install the nv proprietry drivers? | 15:40 |
bloodrock | mc-george, what are you trying to listen to in firefox | 15:40 |
bazhang | craigc, run it will do the rest for you | 15:40 |
moro_ | bazhang: just a moment, Ill find out. I know it is a Geoforce...which number Id have to look up. If you need me to. | 15:40 |
craigc | bazhang, ok thx :) | 15:40 |
bazhang | moro_, lspci in the terminal | 15:41 |
mc-george | bloodrock, it was a flash video, on youtube, but i found the thing i had to install, it was libflashsupport | 15:41 |
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RainCT | chimp: cat /etc/group | cut -d':' -f1 | sort | xargs echo | 15:41 |
quaal | so what am i supposed to do when i press the cd eject button, run the eject command, cd just keeps spinning and the light keeps blinking | 15:41 |
bazhang | quaal, what burning software you use | 15:41 |
bloodrock | mc-george, cool | 15:41 |
quaal | bazhang, it started doing this when i cancelled a burn through k9copy | 15:42 |
luishg | I'm getting a device error: inserting battery while running ubuntu 8.04 under parallels for mac and trying "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" to get the desire screen resolution. Anyone can help? | 15:42 |
moro_ | bazhang: [GeForce 7300 LE] | 15:42 |
simNIX | ty bahang | 15:42 |
bazhang | quaal, you got k3b or other | 15:42 |
adam7 | quaal: have you rebooted? | 15:42 |
bazhang | moro_, envyng-gtk solved that for me | 15:42 |
StephenJobs | Hi, my WorkSpace switcher has ceased to work. Any clue? | 15:42 |
quaal | adam7, if this was windows i would have rebooted | 15:42 |
bazhang | moro_, I got the exact same card | 15:42 |
quaal | bazhang, yes k3b is installed | 15:42 |
adam7 | quaal: I've had that problem, and the solution is to reboot | 15:43 |
chimp | RainCT: Cheers, that worked | 15:43 |
moro_ | bazhang: Just type in envyng-gtk in the terminal? | 15:43 |
bazhang | quaal, try open k3b and eject device from that menu | 15:43 |
moon | can I play war craft III on ubuntu ??? | 15:43 |
quaal | adam7, that is a failure. | 15:43 |
adam7 | quaal: just cause it isn't windows, doesn't mean rebooting is a failure | 15:43 |
zerodamage | I am having problems with Nvidia propetary drivers, I have tried installing using envy, manually installing, and using the package from the nvidia website. Any of those ways, I am unable to load ubuntu, it freezes after the splash screen. I have no logs or error messages. Any sugestions? | 15:43 |
bazhang | moro_, first sudo apt-get install it, then launch from applications menu | 15:43 |
quaal | adam7, rebooting to fix a problem is epic failure. | 15:43 |
quaal | this is why i got rid of windows. | 15:43 |
moro_ | bazhang: thanks will do! | 15:44 |
adam7 | quaal: by that logic, having to reboot after installing a new kernel is also a failure | 15:44 |
moon | can I play war craft III on ubuntu ??? | 15:44 |
Andycas | how to get similar layout to gimp like photoshop.... I cant really work with 3 seperate windows....... | 15:44 |
adam7 | quaal: anyway, just reboot and that should fix the CD problem | 15:44 |
bazhang | quaal, adam7 please be nice | 15:44 |
adam7 | bazhang: sorry :) | 15:44 |
quaal | adam7, gain a clue. | 15:44 |
atlef | !wine | moon: | 15:44 |
ubottu | moon:: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 15:44 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | hi all!have a question....i have iBookG4(1.42GHz PPC) and only ubuntu installed on it!everything works fine exept my battery lasts for about an HOUR instead 3-4h!in last 7.10 installation i prolonged batt life but now i coudn't remember how i did it!any help? | 15:44 |
=== bluemooo___ is now known as bluemooo | ||
goodtimes | I have already installed ubuntu on my system into one partition. Is it possible for me to create a new partition for /boot and move my boot files there? | 15:45 |
ushimitsudoki | moon: | 15:45 |
bazhang | goodtimes, why do that | 15:45 |
moon | TNX | 15:45 |
atlef | quaal: what about ctrl-alt-backspace? | 15:45 |
Nikunj93 | problem here is image is blurred in firefox | 15:45 |
goodtimes | bazhang: I am going to convert my filesystem to reiser4 | 15:45 |
Jinxed- | Has anyone had any experience setting up a media server to access remotly? | 15:45 |
Meto1 | bazhang: Feedback - I installed my ubuntu. Bypassed the ping pong screen by hitting F6: options. Removed silent and splash. The GUI came up after a while and installation went flawless. Many thanks. | 15:45 |
bazhang | Meto1, you fixed it? nice going :) | 15:46 |
quaal | bazhang, k3b seems to halt at the flash screen | 15:46 |
quaal | er splash screen | 15:46 |
zerodamage | I am having problems with Nvidia propetary drivers, I have tried installing using envy, manually installing, and using the package from the nvidia website. Any of those ways, I am unable to load ubuntu, it freezes after the splash screen. I have no logs or error messages. Any sugestions? | 15:46 |
atlef | quaal: what about ctrl-alt-backspace? | 15:46 |
quaal | atlef, what about it | 15:47 |
luishg | I'm getting a device error: inserting battery while running ubuntu 8.04 under parallels for mac and trying "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" to get the desired screen resolution. Can anyone help? | 15:47 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, which Nvidia card? | 15:47 |
atlef | quaal: did you try that | 15:47 |
ushimitsudoki | zerodamage: first idea is to turn off the splash screen so you can see where in the boot process the crash is | 15:47 |
quaal | atlef, no i havent | 15:47 |
zerodamage | cyber_brain_mfkg: GeForce 8400 gs | 15:47 |
quaal | god this pisses me off | 15:47 |
zerodamage | ushimitsudoki: Did that, it seems to go all the way to the end, then blanks out | 15:48 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, i have same one on my assus laptop...which driver from nvidia site did you downloaded? | 15:48 |
bazhang | quaal, take a deep breath this has happened to me before too | 15:48 |
zerodamage | The newest one | 15:48 |
stephan_ | steph | 15:48 |
quaal | bazhang, same | 15:48 |
stephan_ | can any one help me | 15:48 |
quaal | it is unacceptable | 15:48 |
zerodamage | 169.12 if i remember correctly | 15:48 |
quaal | that linux/gnome cannot have complete control over a cdrom | 15:49 |
cylux | Hey guys, for some reason whenever I want to edit a file in my home folder, I have to do it via the 'sudo' command, why is that? | 15:49 |
voodoo | how do i play an audio cd? | 15:49 |
bazhang | voodoo, put in the drive | 15:49 |
voodoo | no effect :) bazhang | 15:49 |
stephan_ | how do i install philips spc 325 drivers in ubuntu | 15:49 |
ouellettesr | cyluz because it has root permissions set on it | 15:49 |
ouellettesr | cylux | 15:50 |
Dr_willis | cylux, i would guess at one tome you ran the filemanager or somthing as root and made some files owned by root. | 15:50 |
ak5 | cylux, pls post ls -l /home/<usr>/* | 15:50 |
bazhang | voodoo, you try ripping it? | 15:50 |
goodtimes | my install does not have a grub.conf file, where is it hiding? | 15:50 |
stephan_ | <stephan_> how do i install philips spc 325 drivers in ubuntu<stephan_> how do i install philips spc 325 drivers in ubuntu | 15:50 |
adam7 | quaal: is there anything in dmesg to indicate what the problem is? | 15:50 |
atlef | goodtimes: /boot/grub | 15:50 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, which ubuntu are you using?169.x drivers wont work with 7.10...!!! | 15:50 |
Aragorn | amarok 2.0 will have access to itunes store, i hear | 15:50 |
goodtimes | atlef: it is not in there | 15:50 |
adam7 | I'd like to know if you can solve this without a reboot as well. | 15:50 |
moro_ | bazhang: YOU my friend are a friggin up properly NOW. | 15:50 |
stephan_ | <stephan_> how do i install philips spc 325 drivers in ubuntu | 15:50 |
geek | stephan_: you're less likely toget help if you repeat yourself too often | 15:50 |
stephan_ | hellp | 15:50 |
zerodamage | no, i use 8.04 | 15:50 |
moro_ | bazhang: thanks!! | 15:51 |
stephan_ | can u help | 15:51 |
bazhang | moro_, not me thank the softwware developers | 15:51 |
zerodamage | installed from vista using wubi | 15:51 |
zerodamage | 64 bit | 15:51 |
bazhang | stephan_, please be patient | 15:51 |
voodoo | bazhang, no... just play... i tried totem, mplayer and audacios (mplayer rebooted my machine) | 15:51 |
geek | stephan_: does that use the specxx drivers? | 15:51 |
moro_ | bazhang: adios amigo!! | 15:51 |
atlef | goodtimes: do you mean menu.lst or? | 15:51 |
goodtimes | is menu.lst the new grub.conf? | 15:51 |
stephan_ | im not sure | 15:52 |
bazhang | voodoo, is this one of those drm'd cds? | 15:52 |
stephan_ | i think its now for ubuntu drivers any where | 15:52 |
voodoo | don't think so | 15:52 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, hm...did istallation in terminal mode finished sucessfuly? | 15:52 |
zerodamage | yes | 15:52 |
aguitel | anyone have Realtec chipset rtl8180 in wireless network ? | 15:52 |
atlef | goodtimes: what is it you want to do? | 15:52 |
goodtimes | atlef: I want to change the root partition that grub points to | 15:53 |
DarkRainbow | Cluster xxx is referenced multiply times | 15:53 |
stephan_ | what do i need to broad cast on ustream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 15:53 |
anabolix | what file system does ubuntu run? or how do i check it? | 15:53 |
DarkRainbow | I got a lot of those in parted | 15:53 |
geek | stephan_: should work, but i had to compile drivers from source | 15:53 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, try to download 100.14.19 and install it!!!that one should work! | 15:53 |
DarkRainbow | Gparted* | 15:53 |
DarkRainbow | What is that | 15:53 |
zerodamage | Ok | 15:53 |
adam7 | anabolix: ext3 | 15:53 |
atlef | goodtimes: then it is menu.lst you want | 15:53 |
adam7 | anabolix: if you didn't change anything | 15:53 |
anabolix | adam7: how do i check? | 15:54 |
goodtimes | atlef: do I adjust menu.lst and then do a grub-update? | 15:54 |
zerodamage | Btw, it seems that my display (CRT) is reciving 720x400 resolution, after the splash screen | 15:54 |
bazhang | anabolix, usually ext3 check with mount command | 15:54 |
stephan_ | ty | 15:54 |
RainCT | Andycas: if nobody has answered yet, try gimpshop | 15:54 |
Aragorn | is it true that amarok 2.0 will have access to itunes store? | 15:54 |
adam7 | anabolix: just type mount in the terminal and it'll show you (as bazhang says :) | 15:54 |
rsk | Aragorn: no | 15:54 |
stephan_ | how do i compile them or in other words install?? | 15:54 |
Aragorn | oh | 15:54 |
D3RGPS31 | I just deleted /src/usr/linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic, where can I go and download it again? (it didn't end up in trash) | 15:54 |
bazhang | Aragorn, best visit their channel | 15:54 |
zerodamage | i should delete the nvidia-gtx-new one first right? | 15:54 |
stephan_ | iim a noob | 15:54 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, edit your xorg.config file!!! | 15:54 |
bazhang | !compile | stephan_ read this link | 15:55 |
ubottu | stephan_ read this link: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 15:55 |
anabolix | /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) | 15:55 |
zerodamage | did it, it says nv now | 15:55 |
atlef | goodtimes: it's update when you edit it, and applied on next boot | 15:55 |
sniff^ | when i minimize window in gnome it's too slow, can see frame black window shape | 15:55 |
anabolix | thats what im looking for? | 15:55 |
goodtimes | atlef: thank you | 15:55 |
suxxor | when i type "netsat -p" in terminal i can`t see the whole log for connection because the appear for second and than disappeared how to get the whole log ? | 15:55 |
adam7 | anabolix: mount should show you what filesystem you're using | 15:55 |
RainCT | what's the key combination to enable scrolling in screen? | 15:55 |
suxxor | when i type "netsat -p" in terminal i can`t see the whole log for connection because the appear for second and than disappeared how to get the whole log ? | 15:56 |
adam7 | anabolix: you're looking for something like /dev/____ on / type ____ (______) where the blank after type is the filesystem | 15:56 |
laeg | pulse audio problem > i have selected alsa in all options in system > preferences > sound but still when i have vlc player running in the background and i launch wine i get no sound but there is sound when i launch wine alone - how is it pulseaudio isn't disabling? | 15:56 |
bazhang | zerodamage, you tried envyng-gtk? | 15:56 |
anabolix | adam7: thanks got it | 15:56 |
quaal | great | 15:56 |
adam7 | anabolix: np | 15:56 |
zerodamage | yup | 15:56 |
quaal | now this pos is failing to reboot | 15:56 |
craigc | trying to use EnvyNG to install nvidia driver automatically and i get the following error "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/apt/ FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet | 15:56 |
craigc | warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)" any ideas? | 15:56 |
zerodamage | same thing, blanck screen | 15:56 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, you should edit the resolution modes!and after installation it should be "nvidia" not "nv"!!! | 15:57 |
adam7 | quaal: yeah, try hitting ctrl+alt+del to make it go | 15:57 |
quaal | i hate computers | 15:57 |
suxxor | when i type "netsat -p" in terminal i can`t see the whole log for connection because the appear for second and than disappeared how to get the whole log ? | 15:57 |
zerodamage | yes, i know it should be nvidia, | 15:57 |
quaal | sudo reboot | 15:57 |
quaal | Broadcast message from dephserv@dephserver | 15:57 |
quaal | (/dev/pts/0) at 11:25 ... | 15:57 |
zerodamage | and the 720x400 is not on the list anyway | 15:57 |
bazhang | craigc, it failed or it ran all the way | 15:57 |
quaal | The system is going down for reboot NOW! | 15:57 |
Pelo | can a few ppl running hardy check /var/log/syslog and/or /var/log/messages and tell me if they see -- MARK -- running every 20 min ? | 15:57 |
quaal | Connection to closed by remote host. | 15:57 |
craigc | bazhang, it says it failed :( | 15:57 |
bazhang | hang on Pelo | 15:57 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, i'm out of ideas! :( | 15:57 |
adam7 | Pelo: yeah, every 20/40 minutes | 15:58 |
quaal | hmmm | 15:58 |
youssef | hello | 15:58 |
quaal | i can ping it | 15:58 |
quaal | but i cant ssh it | 15:58 |
Dundee | someone using git-daemon?? | 15:58 |
Pelo | adam7, do you get any lockups ? | 15:58 |
bazhang | aye Pelo | 15:58 |
quaal | or vnc it | 15:58 |
adam7 | Pelo: not one | 15:58 |
youssef | can anyone me how to check the version of my video drivers? | 15:58 |
Pelo | bazhang, how about you , any lockups ? | 15:59 |
laeg | pulse audio problem > i have selected alsa in all options in system > preferences > sound but still when i have vlc player running in the background and i launch wine i get no sound but there is sound when i launch wine alone - how is it pulseaudio isn't disabling? | 15:59 |
craigc | bazhang, I have not restarted x yet though but Envy says "could not carry out the task" due to the error i posted above | 15:59 |
bazhang | not so far Pelo | 15:59 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | anyone had issues with iBook battery consumation??? :( | 15:59 |
quaal | what does that e ven mean | 15:59 |
bazhang | cyber_brain_mfkg, you check the forums yet? | 15:59 |
Pelo | youssef, /etc/X11/xorg.conf under the device display section | 15:59 |
sniff^ | when i minimize window in gnome it's too slow, can see frame black window shape | 15:59 |
quaal | a monster consumed your crapple battery? | 15:59 |
laeg | how much his battery consumes i guess | 15:59 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | bazhang, i was looking but notthing | 15:59 |
bazhang | quaal, please | 16:00 |
moon | Is have program like internet donwload manager in Ubuntu. | 16:00 |
Pelo | bazhang, adam7 thanks, I guess I'll keep looking | 16:00 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | bazhang, *nothing helps!!! | 16:00 |
adam7 | Pelo: I take it your machine is locking up? Check the video drivers | 16:00 |
zerodamage | ill try the 100 driver no | 16:00 |
zerodamage | now* | 16:00 |
youssef | any intel video experts in here? | 16:00 |
Pelo | adam7, this is a new thing, very new, only since a reboot yesterday | 16:01 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | is there some kind of "drivers" for iBook battery??? | 16:01 |
[Aaron] | whats your question youssef | 16:01 |
bazhang | craigc, try running it again and pastebin the error; I will then check launchpad | 16:01 |
moon | Is have program like internet download manager in Ubuntu. | 16:01 |
Dundee | git-daemon: works /etc/inetd on ubuntu as well? | 16:01 |
youssef | Aaron, I have an X3100 and i wanted to check the driver version to see if I could find newer ones | 16:01 |
Pelo | adam7, in 2 years I've never had anything like this happen , and rasing the elephant doesn'T do anything | 16:01 |
youssef | the ones that come with ubuntu don't play with compiz very well | 16:01 |
craigc | ok thanks | 16:02 |
youssef | or at least, they don't on my machine | 16:02 |
bazhang | moon downthemall for firefox | 16:02 |
decay | offtopic = anyone owns an iphone? | 16:02 |
[Aaron] | Hmm they should | 16:02 |
moon | okey | 16:02 |
moon | tnx bazhang | 16:02 |
Aragorn | | 16:02 |
GaintSura | Anyone know how to setup gsynaptics? I installed it the other day, when I try to run it it says I need to edit my xorg.conf file and set SMConfig to True, but in my xorg.conf there is no SMConfig. When I added 'SMConfig True' to my xorg.conf my resolution went to 640/480 and I couldnt do anything | 16:02 |
craigc | bazhang, here is my paste | 16:02 |
ljsoftnet | has anybody tried second life? | 16:03 |
adam7 | Pelo: you might make sure all your hardware is working ok too if it just randomly started being problems | 16:03 |
youssef | they don't | 16:03 |
youssef | animations are choppy | 16:03 |
craigc | bazhang, Thanks for the help :) | 16:03 |
harfg | hI any one know where the Jammin Hompage is | 16:03 |
linkmaster03 | how can I disable this little volume slider I have on my laptop that I always bump? | 16:03 |
LaPingvino | /msg ubottu etiquette | 16:03 |
harfg | is it in Ubuntu Sources?? | 16:03 |
Pelo | adam7 that's what I'm afraid of | 16:03 |
youssef | and if i load firefox with compiz enabled the whole computer gets slow | 16:03 |
youssef | it's a core 2 duo 2.2ghz | 16:04 |
youssef | so it shouldn't | 16:04 |
Pelo | linkmaster03, maybe in your bios | 16:04 |
RainCT | how can I convert OGG to MP3 from the command line? | 16:04 |
harfg | youssef, what graphics card would that be | 16:04 |
youssef | the X3100 | 16:04 |
linkmaster03 | Pelo: through the BIOS settings on startup? | 16:04 |
Pelo | RainCT, google for ogg2mp3 and in the forum as well | 16:04 |
youssef | which, as far as i know, works great with aero, so i don't think it's underpowered for eyecandy | 16:05 |
harfg | Ifirc i had that with a 512MB gf 7800 .. | 16:05 |
Pelo | linkmaster03, yes, your little button is part of the built in hardware , there "might" bet an option for it | 16:05 |
LaPingvino | hello! | 16:05 |
linkmaster03 | Pelo: is there any way I can look at my BIOS settings through Ubuntu? | 16:05 |
danbhfive | RainCT: the conversion will probably suck, FYI | 16:05 |
Pelo | later folks | 16:05 |
youssef | the X3100 was blacklisted by compiz until the latest ubuntu release | 16:05 |
harfg | I cant find "Jammin"'s homepage through Pooble.. is it called under something else now or what?? | 16:06 |
youssef | i think the drivers are still a work in progress | 16:06 |
sniff^ | when i minimize window in gnome it's too slow, can see frame black window shape | 16:06 |
Pelo | linkmaster03, no, you can also try checking in the forum before you reboot to check , there might be somethjing there | 16:06 |
youssef | which is why i want to go find newer ones to see if they are better | 16:06 |
Pelo | again , laget | 16:06 |
youssef | but i don't even know what version i'm currently running | 16:06 |
linkmaster03 | Pelo: thank you | 16:06 |
Pelo | sniff^, too much stress on y our video hardware, turn off compiz or at least some of the more demanding options | 16:06 |
harfg | youssef, unless cpu intensive specific changes have come about.. I would think its Gpu specific or driver specific... cpu has little clought in this | 16:08 |
aguitel | anyone have Realtec chipset rtl8180 in wireless network ? | 16:08 |
Vistauser | hi everyone! | 16:08 |
atlef | when to use gksu and when to use gksudo? | 16:08 |
ak5 | so how do I connect to my router without an ethernet or wireless card?? | 16:08 |
youssef | i know | 16:08 |
youssef | i think that the current linux drivers are not using enough of the X3100's capabilities | 16:08 |
youssef | so the cpu is taking care of the rest | 16:08 |
Vistauser | Question: I installed ntfs und smb filesharing and released a folder for filesharing using smb.. now how do I acces this folder from my vista computer?! | 16:08 |
erUSUL | atlef: one is simlick to the other so they are the same afaics | 16:09 |
goodtimes | is it possible to upgrade from an ext3 partition to an ext4 partition? | 16:09 |
danbhfive | atlef: they are the same | 16:09 |
youssef | i want to try to find newer drivers for the video card to see if it works better, but i don't even know how to check the version of my current ones | 16:09 |
nerve | hi, i'm trying to reinstall grub on to my MBR after dual booting with vista. However in ubuntu's live boot, i can't seem to find my hard drive (eg there is no /dev/hda1 or /dev/sda1) where is my hard drive? | 16:09 |
=== sebner_ is now known as sebner | ||
theunixgeek | If I install the kde4 package in Ubuntu, will I get KDE 4.0.4 (the latest version)? | 16:09 |
erUSUL | atlef: ls -al $(which gksudo) | 16:09 |
harfg | are you using a restricted driver youssef | 16:09 |
atlef | erUSUL: danbhfive: thank you | 16:09 |
fabian32 | youssef: its not installed to hdd yet | 16:09 |
erUSUL | goodtimes: it would be possible when ext4 is ready | 16:09 |
youssef | no harfg | 16:10 |
fabian32 | yeah | 16:10 |
harfg | prehaps try it out if there is one | 16:10 |
fabian32 | it shouldnt be there yerrt | 16:10 |
youssef | fabian32, what do you mean? | 16:10 |
fabian32 | well | 16:10 |
Dr_willis | !samba | Vistauser | 16:10 |
ubottu | Vistauser: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 16:10 |
erUSUL | goodtimes: for now ext4 is a work in progress ans as afaik it can eat your data XD | 16:10 |
fabian32 | arrow then enter on install | 16:10 |
goodtimes | erUSUL: I want to test it | 16:10 |
fabian32 | then boot live | 16:10 |
fabian32 | then resize your ntfs partition | 16:10 |
fabian32 | then you have linux sitting happily next to vista | 16:10 |
=== Uranellus is now known as Ur[a]nellus | ||
quaal | that is physically unpossible | 16:11 |
youssef | is there another channel that is devoted to linux video issues? | 16:11 |
Vistauser | do I need to install samba on my vistapc?! | 16:11 |
linxuz3r | how do i openterminal inside a folder? | 16:11 |
craigc | bazhang, Any further ideas? | 16:11 |
erUSUL | Vistauser: no | 16:12 |
linxuz3r | where is open terminal here? | 16:12 |
bazhang | craigc, did you restart? | 16:12 |
craigc | nope, will give it a try now | 16:12 |
Andycas | I want gimp to be in one window so i could organize a little better, like in photoshop. Its really difficult to do anything at 1024x768 resolution.... | 16:12 |
simNIX | when trying to boot live part of ubuntu-8.04-desktop-powerpc.iso all boots well until it gets to starting gnome (fail) - I get this error from X: | 16:12 |
fabian32 | youssef: also you need to tell the bios to boot from cd rom first then install ubuntu then change beios back to boot from the hdd where you installed it | 16:12 |
erUSUL | Andycas: you can use a workspace for gimp | 16:12 |
antic | Andycas: put it in a different workspace | 16:13 |
Andycas | antic: how? | 16:13 |
svchost | theres a lot of people in here | 16:13 |
moon | is have cedega in ubuntu ? | 16:13 |
Andycas | antic: ... oh well.. Its not what i wanted really... | 16:13 |
pentanux | definitly | 16:13 |
fabian32 | yeah but you have to pay for cedga | 16:13 |
bazhang | moon you have to pay for it | 16:14 |
svchost | i think any girl who goes on a webcam for anyone to view and doesnt take her clothes off deserves to be raped | 16:14 |
svchost | discuss | 16:14 |
fabian32 | the next bet thing is wine thats free | 16:14 |
drmarwat | ? nvidia | 16:14 |
moon | okey | 16:14 |
youssef | fabian32, i'm not trying to install ubuntu | 16:14 |
youssef | it's already installed | 16:14 |
drmarwat | hello | 16:14 |
moon | he can run war craft III | 16:14 |
Andycas | antic: I want gimp to be something similar to photoshop, its taking too much room, i get only 40% room to work with the image, rest is used up by toolbars | 16:14 |
fabian32 | then fix the bios to boot from the hdd | 16:14 |
drmarwat | i want nvidia driver for geforce fx 5600 card | 16:14 |
geek | Andycas: there's a PS style fork of gimp i think.. | 16:15 |
no7up4u2 | sup all | 16:15 |
legend2440 | linxuz3r: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal | 16:15 |
geek | and you could aways close the MDI elements you don't want? | 16:15 |
drmarwat | can somebody guide where can i find it? the driver in repo doesnt work for me | 16:15 |
fabian32 | drmarwat: instal X.Org drivers for your nvidia card in add remove | 16:15 |
quaal | Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied | 16:15 |
quaal | what is this garbage | 16:15 |
=== Exteris_ is now known as Exteris | ||
drmarwat | fabian32: ok | 16:16 |
jrib | quaal: what are you trying to do? | 16:16 |
fabian32 | quaal: because ubuntu is like playing chasey in fort knox | 16:16 |
aalfa | Excuse me, I've been having a lot of problems since I've updated to 8.04, and I was hoping someone could help me. I'm not able to open Synaptic, nor System Monitor since I've updated. Does anybody know how to fix this? | 16:16 |
enry_ | i have an amd64 better install ubuntu 64?? | 16:16 |
fabian32 | try sudo mkdir /var/run/screen | 16:16 |
quaal | jrib, i'm trying to run screen. | 16:16 |
quaal | like i always do | 16:16 |
quaal | without sudo | 16:16 |
SuRfTUX | Hi anyone ran into a problem with Shift+backspace logging you out of X? I found this link ( but I'm using fluxbox and don't know how to add the code to my session startup. Any ideas? | 16:16 |
jrib | enry_: you can install either. If you are new to ubuntu, I would definitely recommend installing the 32bit version | 16:16 |
=== bluemooo____ is now known as bluemooo | ||
jrib | quaal: paste the output of the command 'groups' | 16:17 |
enry_ | 64bit have some problems? | 16:17 |
aalfa | Excuse me, I've been having a lot of problems since I've updated to 8.04, and I was hoping someone could help me. I'm not able to open Synaptic, nor System Monitor since I've updated. Does anybody know how to fix this? | 16:17 |
pentanux | hi all, it's really strange...I've installed ubuntu and everything worked fine (WIRELESS TOO...!!) but now, there seems to be no wireless driver installed without any reason.... | 16:17 |
quaal | dephserv adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin netdev powerdev | 16:17 |
bazhang | aalfa, try to sudo apt-get update fromt the terminal | 16:18 |
evilbug | am i doing something wrong since i can't use emerald with my 2nd gen macbook pro? | 16:18 |
jrib | enry_: mostly closed source stuff. You can't get sun's java plugin for example | 16:18 |
aalfa | bazhang thanks, i'll try that | 16:18 |
enry_ | skype and other stuff | 16:18 |
Vistauser | I have absolutely no experience with samba.. what do I do in vista to acces a shared samba directory?! | 16:19 |
aalfa | bazhang nope, still doesnt open | 16:19 |
bazhang | pentanux, wireless stopped working? | 16:19 |
* spass has a problem 'ifconfig rtap0 up --> SIOCSIFFLAGS: Invalid argument' (ipw2200)... help? | 16:19 | |
Vistauser | I mean: how does it work? | 16:19 |
bazhang | aalfa, what error | 16:19 |
zerodamage | THANK GOD, now it finaly works | 16:19 |
zerodamage | Thanks everyone | 16:19 |
pentanux | hi bazhang, thx for answering...yeah, AND I DON'T KNOW WHY.. | 16:19 |
bazhang | Vistauser, in vista? ask in ##windows thanks | 16:19 |
youssef | so is there a centralized location in ubuntu to see my hardware drivers? | 16:19 |
aalfa | bazhang, synaptic doesn't open. i click on system<administration<synaptic and nothing happens. | 16:19 |
pentanux | my notebook: ASUS F3SV | 16:20 |
aalfa | bazhan, the same happens when i try to open system monitor | 16:20 |
pentanux | my wirelsscard: Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN | 16:20 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | someone uses ubuntu on iBook???i have power consumation issue!!!any sugestions??? | 16:20 |
bazhang | aalfa, dont do synaptic use the terminal and report errors | 16:20 |
jrib | quaal: see comments in: | 16:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 172651 in screen "Can't run screen in Gutsy" [Medium,Fix released] | 16:20 |
aalfa | bazhang, yeah but when i did sudo apt-get update no error occurred | 16:20 |
bazhang | pentanux, open wep wpa wpa2 or what | 16:20 |
Vistauser | samba is supposed to work together with windows.. so I don't think this question is out of place here | 16:20 |
zerodamage | cyber_brain_mfkg, THX :-D | 16:20 |
zerodamage | the 100 driver worked ;-) | 16:20 |
keiserr | hi, in busybox is there some sort of simple text editor?? need to modify a file for rescue | 16:20 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, u did it? | 16:20 |
zerodamage | yes | 16:21 |
zerodamage | it works | 16:21 |
bazhang | !vista | Vistauser | 16:21 |
ubottu | Vistauser: vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at | 16:21 |
pentanux | wep 128 | 16:21 |
fidelio | hi everybody | 16:21 |
bazhang | pentanux, can you open it for a test | 16:21 |
pentanux | but my problem is, that it says that no card is installed | 16:21 |
zerodamage | thanks alot, i been trying for 4 days now | 16:21 |
fidelio | need some help with printing. any expert? | 16:21 |
zerodamage | 4 reinstalls to | 16:21 |
Bits | any1 have a good FTP GUI to recommend for Gnome? | 16:21 |
pentanux | sorry, i'm would i do that? | 16:21 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zerodamage, u will have some opengl issues with it...but it is not necesserely :D | 16:21 |
quaal | jrib, thanks for the link. bizarre that it just disappeared after a reboot. | 16:22 |
aalfa | I can't open synaptic nor system monitor since i've updated to 8.04. can anyone help me please? | 16:22 |
airstrike | if i remove the bottom panel from my desktop, how can i activate it again if i happen to need it in the future? | 16:22 |
zerodamage | sure, i just like to see my desktop with effects :P | 16:22 |
Jinxed- | Can someone direct me to where I can get help installing a media server? | 16:22 |
bazhang | pentanux, reset in your router; use a browser to do so-->need ethernet connected | 16:22 |
zerodamage | cya then | 16:22 |
bazhang | bits nautilus | 16:22 |
jrib | airstrike: right click on the other panel -> new panel | 16:23 |
pentanux | ok, 1 min... | 16:23 |
airstrike | jrib, how can i get it to show what the previous one had? like the open applications, the desktop workspaces and all that? | 16:23 |
stephan | anyone i need | 16:23 |
airstrike | or will it do it automatically? | 16:24 |
stephan | i cant open paage mane | 16:24 |
jrib | airstrike: you would have to add those back | 16:24 |
antic | Vistauser: open explorer > tools > map network drive. or smt along those lines. its really a windows question | 16:24 |
airstrike | is there a way to do it? | 16:24 |
Andycas | is there a gimpshop deb somewhere? | 16:24 |
bazhang | antic and offtopic here | 16:24 |
jrib | airstrike: right click -> add to panel | 16:24 |
airstrike | nice | 16:25 |
airstrike | thanks | 16:25 |
gaintsura | Andycas: yes. from the gimpshop site | 16:25 |
minerale | I have Booted ubuntu 6.4 on a windows pc, the windows hard drive does not show up, how can I make it show up ? | 16:25 |
stephan | anuyone priveate chat] | 16:25 |
stephan | i need help | 16:25 |
pentanux | ok, router is rebooted | 16:25 |
pentanux | and I'm connected to it with the browser | 16:25 |
abhinay__ | how can i resize HFS+ parition with Ubuntu Live CD ? | 16:26 |
airstrike | i'm trying to mount my /dev/sda5 partition to /storage, but i can't seem to get it working.. should i edit /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab? | 16:26 |
bazhang | pentanux, now type into the browser address bar | 16:26 |
pentanux | ok | 16:26 |
pentanux | done | 16:26 |
harfg | abhinay__, there is a livecd distribution dedicated to partition management | 16:26 |
minerale | how can I list all my /dev/XdaX devices? | 16:26 |
antic | airstrike: fstab | 16:26 |
* spass has a problem 'ifconfig rtap0 up --> SIOCSIFFLAGS: Invalid argument' (ipw2200)... help anyone??? | 16:26 | |
airstrike | k | 16:26 |
airstrike | thanks | 16:26 |
airstrike | brb | 16:27 |
Andycas | gaintsura: oh, right :) | 16:27 |
quaal | ls: cannot access /media/raid: Stale NFS file handle | 16:27 |
gaintsura | ^_^ | 16:27 |
quaal | why can nothing ever just work | 16:27 |
harfg | 2008-05-08 Distribution Release: Parted Magic 2.2 | 16:27 |
gaintsura | quaal: its linux | 16:27 |
gaintsura | it was never meant to 'JUST WORK' | 16:27 |
quaal | gaintsura, what just works | 16:27 |
atlef | harfg: +1 | 16:27 |
J-Unit | wen i run live cd i get like ~1% cpu usage on idle, but on hd install i get like 50% on idle!! and it overheats cpu or sumtin else happens and then comp crashes! comp dint work then i did fsck fixing there and now it works and my comp dint crash or shutoff or wtv yet but on system monitor it shows that its using 50% cpu wen i dont touch anything but wen i do any SMALL movement or wtv it reaches 100%!! (cpu is 3 ghz pentium 4 so thats not the p | 16:27 |
J-Unit | roblem and plus on live cd on same comp, it is much faster) | 16:27 |
bazhang | J-Unit, open a terminal and type top to see | 16:28 |
bazhang | !ot | gaintsura quaal | 16:29 |
ubottu | gaintsura quaal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 16:29 |
fidelio | any expert on setting up a printer? | 16:29 |
quaal | bazhang, what the hell is that | 16:29 |
D3RGPS31 | I'm having trouble compiling, I receive an error telling me "linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic (...) Makefile: No such file or directory" at MAKE (pastebin: ) | 16:29 |
J-Unit | bazhang, so the problem is just something ive installed that runs in backround? | 16:29 |
bazhang | J-Unit, could be | 16:30 |
quaal | i'm pretty sure NFS operates under linux bazhang ! | 16:30 |
quaal | amirite | 16:30 |
fidelio | test page prints well. HOwever cannot get any doc to print.. | 16:30 |
antic | J-Unit: you have hyperthreading processor, one thread is using up 100% on one virtual cpu == 50% cpu usage | 16:30 |
erUSUL | D3RGPS31: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)' | 16:31 |
Rainarrow | hello guys, I've got a question: if you could just press Ctrl-Alt-Del in any terminal to force a system restart without logging in, then what's the point of requiring root privilege to issue a restart command? | 16:31 |
J-Unit | antic, i disabled ht since having it enabled ON THIS INSTALL crashed the comp more than having it disabled would | 16:31 |
quaal | is bazhang a bot | 16:31 |
antic | lolz k | 16:31 |
ChaosTheory_ | Does anyone know how to disable bold fonts in Xterm? | 16:31 |
Pici | quaal: It was a reminder to stay on topic. | 16:31 |
D3RGPS31 | erUSUL: i've tried that, errors repeated after retried compiling alsa | 16:31 |
quaal | Pici, is NFS talk unallowed here in #ubuntu? | 16:32 |
erUSUL | Rainarrow: that only restarts the *user* X session | 16:32 |
quaal | i run NFS in ubuntu | 16:32 |
Starnestommy | Rainarrow: ctrl+alt+del is an emergency measure and can only be issued physically at the computer and not over a network | 16:32 |
J-Unit | bazhang, | 16:32 |
STarFORse | hai | 16:32 |
antic | Rainarrow: if you have physical access to a computer it's never safe. But remote shutdown is prohibited at least | 16:32 |
bazhang | J-Unit, let me check | 16:32 |
Pici | quaal: It is. But the discussion looked like it was going offtopic, thats why bazhang sent the !ot | 16:32 |
J-Unit | quaal, no | 16:32 |
STarFORse | здесь есть русские | 16:32 |
Pici | !ru | STarFORse | 16:33 |
ubottu | STarFORse: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 16:33 |
bazhang | J-Unit, it is trackerd | 16:33 |
quaal | Pici, that's dongery. | 16:33 |
airstrike | i have a partition in my hard drive that is not being mounted upon boot. it's /dev/sda5 and i have it to mount to /storage, but it won't. if i try to rmdir /storage, i get 'device or resource busy'. /dev/sda5 was previously on /etc/mtab for some reason, mounting to /storage_, but i have #commented that line. how can i fix this? | 16:33 |
Pici | quaal: Its what? | 16:33 |
Rainarrow | ok I see | 16:33 |
J-Unit | bazhang, r u a real person? | 16:33 |
fidelio | hi. quick question for my printer. Test page goes through. But cannot print any doc | 16:33 |
Rainarrow | Thanks guys, seems I've been silly ;) | 16:33 |
J-Unit | bazhang, sum1 else said it thats y im asking | 16:34 |
Pici | bazhang is not a bot. | 16:34 |
bazhang | J-Unit, heh; try disabling trackerd | 16:34 |
erUSUL | fidelio: all programs fail to print? or only ? | 16:34 |
D3RGPS31 | bazhang is AI >.> *hides* | 16:34 |
fidelio | er: all | 16:34 |
J-Unit | bazhang, how do i like get it off forever? | 16:34 |
J-Unit | i mean so it doesnt start on boot | 16:35 |
J-Unit | bazhang, i mean so it doesnt start on boot | 16:35 |
harfg | man | 16:35 |
harfg | I think I'm going to try open solaris | 16:35 |
erUSUL | J-Unit: System>Preferences>Sessions Startup | 16:35 |
harfg | "What ubuntu wants to be when it grows up" | 16:35 |
harfg | fscking priceless | 16:35 |
harfg | LOL | 16:35 |
erUSUL | harfg: good luck and go to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere | 16:35 |
bazhang | language harfg | 16:35 |
furythor | is there way to adjust desktop gamma settings in Ubuntu ? | 16:36 |
harfg | Dictionary bazhang | 16:36 |
J-Unit | erUSUL, bazhang, thx | 16:36 |
laeg | pulse audio problem > i have selected alsa in all options in system > preferences > sound but still when i have vlc player running in the background and i launch wine i get no sound but there is sound when i launch wine alone - how is it pulseaudio isn't disabling? | 16:36 |
erUSUL | J-Unit: no problem | 16:36 |
Wootie | anyone knows how to install anjuta? | 16:36 |
ompaul | !langauge | harfg | 16:36 |
ubottu | harfg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 16:36 |
eyyYo | Is there any software that records what the computer plays? | 16:36 |
J-Unit | erUSUL, bazhang, now i took it off for it to not be working, i have to restart? | 16:36 |
erUSUL | laeg: on vlc preferences select pulseadio putput for sound | 16:36 |
ompaul | harfg, mispelling the word does not work | 16:36 |
bazhang | J-Unit, should not no | 16:37 |
floating | eyyYo: what computer plays like how do u mean ? | 16:37 |
erUSUL | laeg: | 16:37 |
sbeh | hi, how can i change the iso-file with virsh which is used as virtual cdrom? | 16:37 |
in1 | Hey... | 16:38 |
furythor | is there way to adjust desktop gamma settings in Ubuntu ? | 16:38 |
in1 | !bitchx | 16:38 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 16:38 |
harfg | that has been a saying on irc amongst admin for more years then I can rember | 16:38 |
J-Unit | bazhang, omg now im using like less than 5% wen i ended the process in system monitor!! | 16:38 |
bazhang | J-Unit, it works now? | 16:38 |
eyyYo | floating: I want to record every sound that usually comes out the line out on my soundcard :) | 16:38 |
J-Unit | well, i got the system running alredy its just this was like wasting resources | 16:39 |
astro76 | Wootie: like everything else, sudo apt-get install anjuta, or use Synaptic | 16:39 |
harfg | good old fsck :D | 16:39 |
J-Unit | bazhang, well, i got the system running alredy its just this was like wasting resources | 16:39 |
bazhang | ah nice going J-Unit | 16:39 |
erUSUL | furythor: i know you can for nvidia cards with nvidia-settings and i spect other drivers to have similar capabilities though maybe you have to tweak xorg.conf | 16:39 |
zenGenesis | Hi i need to grab a machines ip address and dump it into a database. what is the best way to get the ip address? | 16:39 |
in1 | Hi, im trying to run BitchX, but with no luck so far.. anybody with Hardy managed to make it? | 16:39 |
Wootie | Astro76 thanks | 16:40 |
harfg | will "what the Fudge" suffice | 16:40 |
airstrike | sudo umount /dev/sda5 --- Cannot create link /etc/mtab~ --- Perhaps there is a stale lock file? | 16:40 |
airstrike | what does this mean? | 16:40 |
spass | zenGenesis, nmap | 16:40 |
crazy_bus | I need firefox-2 for a extension. I had it installed but a few minutes ago firefox-3 was installed when I installed mythbuntu-desktop. Now my firefox-2 is missing all extension menus and the back/forward buttons. How can I get it back to normal? | 16:40 |
erUSUL | zenGenesis: nmap ? | 16:40 |
J-Unit | bazhang, k, now next topic :) my gf's brother gave me his old comp and it has 256 mb ddr ram but older than the 1 gb ddr ram i have in this comp (i dont have dual channel) so can I put the 256 mb ram without problem and have both rams working individually each at their own speed? in my moms comp i have sdram sticks each at different speeds and it works perfectly but ive always been curious if the faster ones work at their speed or at that of th | 16:41 |
J-Unit | e slowest stick | 16:41 |
J-Unit | bazhang, if u no tell me plz | 16:41 |
floating | eyyYo: alright, might want to ask/search again. surely implementable, i jus donno | 16:41 |
Warddr | does anyone know if there is something wrong with this thing: May 11 17:28:16 warddr-laptop -- MARK -- in my syslog? | 16:41 |
bazhang | J-Unit, not sure as that is a hardware question you should ask in that channel | 16:41 |
Starnestommy | Warddr: looks OK | 16:41 |
J-Unit | bazhang, wat is the hardware channel? | 16:42 |
in1 | hi... | 16:42 |
in1 | Yo.. | 16:42 |
erUSUL | Warddr: nope that's normal it is mark that syslog puts every 20 min so you know it is still alive ;P | 16:42 |
airstrike | i have a partition in my hard drive that is not being mounted upon boot. it's /dev/sda5 and i have it to mount to /storage, but it won't. if i try to rmdir /storage, i get 'device or resource busy'. /dev/sda5 was previously on /etc/mtab for some reason, mounting to /storage_, but i have #commented that line. how can i fix this? | 16:42 |
eyyYo | floating, yeah, im searching around for it now :) | 16:42 |
bazhang | #hardware J-Unit | 16:42 |
astro76 | J-Unit: #hardware , but yeah it will run at the lowest speed | 16:42 |
in1 | someone with bitchx on hardy here? | 16:42 |
erUSUL | in1: bitchX is not very popular here i guess ;P | 16:42 |
in1 | ye | 16:42 |
erUSUL | in1: i use irssi | 16:42 |
in1 | looks like it.. | 16:42 |
Starnestommy | it's also fairly outdated | 16:42 |
airstrike | mIRC ftw | 16:43 |
Warddr | Starnestommy, my notebook sometimes freez, then I can't move my mouse, even CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE doesn't work. I looked in my syslog en that command was posted just before the computer froze | 16:43 |
in1 | erusul: how is it? its a terminal irc client? | 16:43 |
ak5 | irssi or xchat | 16:43 |
bcurtiswx | anyone know if rhythmbox supports remote music directories? | 16:43 |
erUSUL | in1: yep terminal based and pretty nice imaho ;P | 16:43 |
ak5 | bcurtiswx, why not? just mount them | 16:43 |
* gaintsura sighs | 16:43 | |
=== IceTox is now known as doped | ||
=== doped is now known as IceTox | ||
gaintsura | Where the hell has my wireless gone?? | 16:43 |
omtinez | hi all | 16:44 |
J-Unit | astro76, ok so wats better 1024 at 400 mhz speed or 1024mb + 256mb at the speed of the slower 256mb ram (p4 2 ghz generation ram)? | 16:44 |
furythor | I found solution, I did install X server conf tool | 16:44 |
in1 | erusul: ill try that .,.. | 16:44 |
airstrike | how much slower is the 256mb stick? | 16:44 |
bcurtiswx | ak5, would "connect to server" mount them properly for rhythmbox to use them? | 16:44 |
ak5 | bcurtiswx, sure | 16:44 |
antic | airstrike: 'mount' what does it say? umount whatverer is at /storage ? | 16:44 |
omtinez | anyone knows how to switch between sessions in a terminal command? | 16:45 |
J-Unit | airstrike, im not sure exactly but its in a comp with 2 ghz pentium 4 so wat was the average ram speed bak then? | 16:45 |
rebecca | anyone know a fix to the firefox flash crashing problem? i have tried the "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" fix but it didn't help | 16:45 |
airstrike | /dev/sda5 on /media/storage type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096) | 16:45 |
bazhang | rebecca, with youtube? | 16:45 |
ak5 | rebecca, also using hardy? | 16:45 |
astro76 | J-Unit: is the old stuff even ddr? either way it doesn't seem worth it to add 256 to 1GB | 16:45 |
airstrike | J-Unit, i don't think it would be that much slower than 400mhz.. but i don't know it off the top of my head | 16:45 |
rebecca | bazhang: yes | 16:45 |
airstrike | i'd go for the 1gb stick alone | 16:45 |
rebecca | ak5: yes | 16:45 |
bazhang | rebecca, try by installing libflashsupport | 16:46 |
omtinez | anyone knows how to switch between sessions in a terminal command? | 16:46 |
airstrike | and you should check how much ram the motherboard can take | 16:46 |
J-Unit | airstrike, k, thx | 16:46 |
ak5 | rebecca, if you run into problems, I always tell people to install ff2 | 16:46 |
Warddr | Is there any private information in syslog or am I able to post it in a pastbin and ask someone to look at it? | 16:46 |
antic | J-Unit: 266 or 400 Mhz or thereabout | 16:46 |
bcurtiswx | ak5, i can find the remote directory fine, when i tell it to import directory on that, it does nothing. | 16:46 |
rebecca | bazhang: okay, ill try, i already have the restricted stuff but ill try thaty | 16:46 |
DarkRainbow | Hello | 16:46 |
ak5 | bcurtiswx, tell what? | 16:47 |
rebecca | ak5: tried that, same prob in both | 16:47 |
DarkRainbow | When i tries to install ubuntu, i comes to partitioning | 16:47 |
ak5 | rebecca, ah | 16:47 |
bcurtiswx | ak5, rhythmbox | 16:47 |
antic | effectively 533 or 800 Mhz on most intel | 16:47 |
Starnestommy | Warddr: there's usually no private info in syslog | 16:47 |
ak5 | bcurtiswx, so the remote filesystems are mounted? | 16:47 |
bcurtiswx | ak5, yes | 16:47 |
DarkRainbow | I chooses the first alternative, and drags to around 80/20. Next, and then it starts partioning | 16:47 |
DarkRainbow | But then i get error message and my hard drive is messed up | 16:47 |
DarkRainbow | :( | 16:47 |
bcurtiswx | ak5, does it matter if the directory im importing has the music in separate directories by album | 16:48 |
airstrike | antic, i find nothing at /storage. when i try to access it, i get 'Transport endpoint is not connected'. unmounting /dev/sda5 gets me 'cannot create link /etc/mtab~'. | 16:48 |
ak5 | bcurtiswx, not at all | 16:49 |
mocie_girl | halo | 16:49 |
ak5 | bcurtiswx, if they are mounted in gnome, every program should be able to read them as if they were local | 16:49 |
mohbana | i can't stand this anymore seriously, i get random freezes i can't even press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE | 16:49 |
yeast | help! i just installed ubuntu hardy alternate on my girlfriend's g4 ibook and now it won't boot! | 16:49 |
bcurtiswx | ak5, yeah they are <shrugs> | 16:49 |
airstrike | brb.. i'll try rebooting | 16:50 |
Rawinsonde | can someone tell me how to download bitchx through terminal on Ubuntu ? | 16:50 |
DigitalNinja | I'm having trouble with cron jobs. They aren't running. According to the logs I'm getting the following Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required | 16:50 |
mohbana | when i am using kile it randomly freezes, i've got compiz on btw | 16:50 |
jrib | Rawinsonde: ubuntu version? | 16:50 |
Rawinsonde | yes. | 16:50 |
Rawinsonde | 7010 | 16:50 |
Rawinsonde | er | 16:50 |
Rawinsonde | 7.10 | 16:50 |
magdy | 8.4 | 16:50 |
kane77 | Rawinsonde, sudo aptitude install bitchx | 16:50 |
jrib | !info bitchx gutsy | Rawinsonde | 16:50 |
DigitalNinja | here's more info: (pam_unix) expired password for user root (root enforced) | 16:50 |
ubottu | rawinsonde: bitchx (source: ircii-pana): Advanced Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4ubuntu2.1 (gutsy), package size 1512 kB, installed size 6512 kB | 16:50 |
rebecca | bazhang: you're wonderful, that fixed it :D | 16:50 |
Rawinsonde | ty | 16:51 |
ak5 | bcurtiswx, sorry :/ | 16:51 |
bazhang | rebecca, nice going :) | 16:51 |
Rawinsonde | !info bitchx gutsy | 16:51 |
jrib | Rawinsonde: enable the universe repository in Software sources and then use kane77's command | 16:51 |
omtinez | anyone knows how to switch between sessions ina terminal command? | 16:51 |
bcurtiswx | ak5, no problem, you tried to help, thx | 16:51 |
sparr__ | how can i configure aptitude to function more like apt-get, in terms of which packages to add/remove? | 16:51 |
yeast | my mac g4 gets to the yaboot screen, after that there is some pci errors and a black screen | 16:51 |
DigitalNinja | Does anyone have a fix for my problem. | 16:51 |
Rawinsonde | !info bitchx | 16:51 |
ubottu | Package bitchx does not exist in hardy | 16:51 |
Starnestommy | omtinez: what kind of sessions? | 16:51 |
DarkRainbow | Everytime i tries to install ubuntu it destroyts my hard drive:( | 16:51 |
jrib | Rawinsonde: the !info thing is just for the bot in this channel... | 16:51 |
omtinez | sessions | 16:51 |
sparr__ | omtinez: maybe shift+right, maybe alt+f2 | 16:51 |
omtinez | users | 16:51 |
ChaosTheory1 | Is it just apt-get install bitchx? | 16:51 |
ChaosTheory1 | What's the package name? | 16:51 |
Starnestommy | omtinez: su | 16:51 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory1: bitchx | 16:51 |
jrib | ChaosTheory1: in gutsy, yes | 16:51 |
omtinez | i mean graphicaly | 16:52 |
ChaosTheory1 | Can't find the package... | 16:52 |
rebecca | bazhang: ohh.... i spoke too soon.. crashed again, just took a bit longer than before, and it's a complete system crash that requires a hard reboot :/ | 16:52 |
omtinez | like gnome-save-session does | 16:52 |
jrib | ChaosTheory1: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 16:52 |
ChaosTheory1 | Hardy. | 16:52 |
in1 | Rawinsonde: Hey.. im trying to figure that BitchX part also.. tried to install it but no luck.. | 16:52 |
jrib | ChaosTheory1: it does not exist in hardy. Consider irssi or weechat which are similar | 16:52 |
ChaosTheory1 | Okay, thanks. | 16:52 |
Cyber_Stalker | what was the name of 7.4 release | 16:52 |
Cyber_Stalker | ? | 16:52 |
Rawinsonde | You will have to enable component called 'universe' | 16:52 |
Rawinsonde | How do I do this? | 16:53 |
Jinxed- | I want to get my music off my NTFS external drive I just got the NTFS thing off the add/remove programs now what? | 16:53 |
jrib | Cyber_Stalker: no such thing as 7.4. 7.04 was feisty fawn though | 16:53 |
bcurtiswx | Cyber_Stalker: you talking about feisty? | 16:53 |
Cyber_Stalker | missed a 0 | 16:53 |
Cyber_Stalker | thanks alot | 16:53 |
Rawinsonde | how do you enable component called 'universe' | 16:53 |
jrib | Rawinsonde: system -> adiministration -> software sources | 16:53 |
erUSUL | Jinxed-: install ntfs-config and run it «gksudo ntfs-config» | 16:53 |
in1 | Rawinsonde: Hmm... well i tried to look for any clue what so ever.... but i didnt get to this one... where did you come up with it? and what does it supose to do? | 16:54 |
in1 | Rawinsonde: I dunno.. | 16:54 |
gaintsura | getting closer to why my wifi doesnt work... sudo modprobe ath_pci throws errors, any ideas to fix this? | 16:54 |
Rawinsonde | inl: ? | 16:54 |
erUSUL | in1: Rawinsonde it seems that you will have to compile it from source if you really want it ... | 16:54 |
no7up4u2 | gaintsura, whats the error | 16:54 |
in1 | "jrib: Rawinsonde: system -> adiministration -> software sources" | 16:54 |
ChaosTheory^ | Using irssi now. It's very nice. ^^ | 16:55 |
jrib | erUSUL: Rawinsonde is using 7.10 | 16:55 |
DarkRainbow | Do you guys recommend using gPARTED to partition my disk before installing? | 16:55 |
in1 | erusul: its not compiling .. i tried.. | 16:55 |
DigitalNinja | Okay, lets try this again. | 16:55 |
yeast | anyone got ideas for my boot issue? anyone an ubuntu on mac expert? | 16:55 |
in1 | Ahh | 16:55 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) | 16:55 |
no7up4u2 | yeast, im a mac expert, my advice is dont use mac | 16:55 |
DigitalNinja | My cron jobs aren't working because root has a bad authentication token. How do I fix this? | 16:55 |
no7up4u2 | hehe j/k | 16:55 |
jrib | in1: try weechat or irssi instead of bitchx | 16:55 |
yeast | yeah no shit. why do you think i am at least getting her off the macos | 16:55 |
erUSUL | gaintsura: and dmesg what says? | 16:55 |
in1 | Rawinsonde: pardon me.. i was sure youre on 8.04 | 16:56 |
craigc | trying to use ENvy to install nvidia driver with no success getting the following error | 16:56 |
Rawinsonde | inl: 7.0 | 16:56 |
craigc | any Ideas? | 16:56 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: let me pastebin | 16:56 |
DigitalNinja | Pleas tell me there is a fix! | 16:56 |
no7up4u2 | gaintsura, Roger that | 16:56 |
in1 | jrib: ye.. just installed irssi.. feels less comfy.. but probobly just a matter of time.. | 16:56 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: | 16:56 |
in1 | jrib: ill try weechat also.. | 16:56 |
Simonft | craigc: | 16:56 |
yeast | i used to be a mac tech myself, but i'm a linux noob. i'm in up to my elbows now, so... | 16:57 |
no7up4u2 | gaintsura, chkng | 16:57 |
jrib | in1: weechat has better default setup imo. Both are very nice | 16:57 |
Rawinsonde | in1: still trying to get bitchx? | 16:57 |
CShadowRun | Is there a command to switch viewport? | 16:57 |
CaBlGuY | greetings all, I'm having an issue with setiathome-5.27 running and I have removed BOINIC client as well as seti with synaptic but setiathome keeps running in the background whenevr I reboot. I cannot stop it or kill it.. any help as to how I can remove it totally from the system? | 16:57 |
in1 | Rawinsonde: uhmm.. you tried to : sudo apt-get install bitchx? | 16:57 |
craigc | Simonft, Thanks | 16:57 |
Rawinsonde | Yes. | 16:57 |
Rawinsonde | It worked | 16:57 |
jrib | CShadowRun: man wmctrl | 16:57 |
in1 | Rawinsonde: and? | 16:57 |
in1 | ahh | 16:57 |
Simonft | craigc: try google next time ;) | 16:57 |
no7up4u2 | gaintsura, uninstall the driver and install the madwifi latest cvs | 16:57 |
Rawinsonde | make sure your component called 'universe' is enabled, too. | 16:57 |
CShadowRun | jrib thanks | 16:57 |
jrib | CShadowRun: (maybe) | 16:57 |
zerodamage | how how do you install icon sets_ | 16:57 |
CShadowRun | jrib no manual entry :( | 16:58 |
jrib | CShadowRun: install wmctrl first :) | 16:58 |
in1 | Rawinsonde: Cool... aha.. now i got you.. | 16:58 |
in1 | Thanks's | 16:58 |
Rawinsonde | :P | 16:58 |
CShadowRun | :D | 16:58 |
Rawinsonde | then once you enable it | 16:58 |
craigc | Simonft, have had this problem for days, tried google, tried numerous tutorials, copied over old xorg.conf uninstalled -glx-new reinstalled glx etc etc | 16:58 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: care to walk me through it? the last time I installed madwifi I spent two weeks trying | 16:58 |
Simonft | zerodamage: | 16:58 |
jrib | Rawinsonde: bitchx isn't in 8.04, so that won't work for in1 | 16:58 |
zerodamage | thx | 16:59 |
CaBlGuY | !setiathome | 16:59 |
ubottu | Factoid setiathome not found | 16:59 |
Rawinsonde | oh | 16:59 |
no7up4u2 | outch | 16:59 |
CaBlGuY | hmmm | 16:59 |
Simonft | craigc: what driver | 16:59 |
CaBlGuY | !seti | 16:59 |
ubottu | Factoid seti not found | 16:59 |
CaBlGuY | dammit | 16:59 |
Simonft | !username | 16:59 |
CaBlGuY | :/ | 16:59 |
ubottu | Please prefix what you're saying with a name to avoid confusion. See !tab | 16:59 |
Pici | !info boinc-app-seti | CaBlGuY | 16:59 |
Rawinsonde | in1: You're on 8.04? | 16:59 |
ubottu | cablguy: boinc-app-seti (source: boinc-app-seti): SETI@home application for the BOINC client. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.13+cvs20060510-3 (hardy), package size 219 kB, installed size 668 kB | 16:59 |
no7up4u2 | madwifi is well supported by default in ubuntu | 16:59 |
goose | what's a good GUI program to use for direct client-to-client webcam chat? | 16:59 |
no7up4u2 | should just be a mather of plugging the card in | 16:59 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: yea, I know.. but I had TONS of problems | 16:59 |
no7up4u2 | did u try to patcvh it by any chance | 16:59 |
craigc | i used to run fine on nvidia-glx before i updated to 8.04 then it installed nvidia-glx-new and things stopped working, trapped in low res mode | 16:59 |
CaBlGuY | thanks Pici having issues with setiathome still runnning. Can you help me kill it off the system? | 17:00 |
Simonft | craigc: what is the name of the card? | 17:00 |
in1 | jrib: youre using virtual-box? | 17:00 |
jrib | in1: yes | 17:00 |
craigc | Simonft, two secs ill look it up | 17:00 |
Pici | CaBlGuY: I dont know anything about seti, sorry, I thought you were just looking for the package name | 17:00 |
yeast | pci cannot allocate resource region 0 of pci device or something. so somehow it is fighting with the video card of my mac. any ideas? boot params or something? | 17:00 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: I have not touched my wireless configurations since I initially got it working | 17:00 |
CaBlGuY | Pici, it's ok.. thanks.. I;ll figure it out. | 17:01 |
gaintsura | out of no where the other day it just stopped | 17:01 |
no7up4u2 | u musta done something , between was wroking and is no longer working something musta happen, gimme all the dirty datail lol | 17:01 |
craigc | Simonft, Geforce 7300 | 17:01 |
AMDfanboy | hi, i'm trying to install proprietary canon printer drivers. they're RPMs, so i use alien. i'm using AMD64, and it complains, wants 32 bit. alien says this and dies, "dpkg-gencontrol: error: current host architecture 'amd64' does not appear in package's architecture list (i386)" | 17:02 |
no7up4u2 | lemme guess ... u move form 7.10 to 8.04 ?? good guess? | 17:02 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: lol.. ok.. Wednesday it was working, Thursday I installed virtualbox.. Friday morning wireless stopped | 17:02 |
goose | what's a good GUI program to use for direct client-to-client webcam chat? | 17:02 |
jrib | AMDfanboy: tried contacting canon? | 17:02 |
gaintsura | no, I've been on 8.04 the whole time | 17:02 |
craigc | Simonft, that was the identifier in my old (Working) xorg.conf | 17:02 |
recon | What are the odds of "tr 1-26 a-z" working? | 17:02 |
AMDfanboy | no, these drivers are really old | 17:02 |
no7up4u2 | vituall box | 17:02 |
AMDfanboy | i should do it though | 17:02 |
AMDfanboy | but i dont figure they'd really do anything | 17:03 |
no7up4u2 | i was having a similar issue wuith iut | 17:03 |
jrib | AMDfanboy: and are you sure the printer doesn't "just work"? My canon set itself up when I plugged it in and turned it on | 17:03 |
gaintsura | find a fix for it? | 17:03 |
no7up4u2 | on the rt73 driver | 17:03 |
Juan | i have a problem with multiple users, when i keep mine logged in and another user starts a session, it eventually kills the first one | 17:03 |
no7up4u2 | i uninstall it and shove vmware in it | 17:03 |
gaintsura | hmmmm | 17:03 |
AMDfanboy | pretty sure, this is an old cannon, pixma iP 1500 | 17:03 |
gaintsura | k | 17:03 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: I'll try it | 17:03 |
malocite | Help! I just re-installed 8.04, now, I cannot remember how to mount another drive as a home directory, (and thats how I had it on 7.10) can someone direct me to some help? | 17:03 |
AMDfanboy | i've read all the info on | 17:04 |
no7up4u2 | dont quote me on this but it may work | 17:04 |
AMDfanboy | apparently people are able to get these drivers to work | 17:04 |
DarkRainbow | can someone please help me with gparted? | 17:04 |
Simonft | craigc: is this the problem? | 17:04 |
goose | DarkRainbow, don't ask for help, just throw your question out | 17:04 |
astro76 | malocite: you should have set it in the installer | 17:05 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: I dont care if I dont have vbox... just as long as I have some ability to go back and forth between windows and ubuntu | 17:05 |
jadewolf | I just installed a second hard drive and used fdisk to make the partition but i forgot how to format disks from command line and I can't seem to find the GUI interface for this | 17:05 |
DarkRainbow | I opened Gparted and i can see my HD there | 17:05 |
DarkRainbow | How to i split it in two partitions? | 17:05 |
Qosmio | can i use fsck to check my second hd w/o corrupting the file system? | 17:05 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: brb rebooting | 17:05 |
AMDfanboy | jrib: its complaining about 64 bit, i guess theres gotta be a way to fool it into thinking its 32 bit? | 17:05 |
malocite | Astro76: This is very true, although, not how I did it last time. I was also concerned that it would delete the files during the install | 17:05 |
no7up4u2 | boot away son! hehe | 17:05 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
jrib | malocite: I have to go, but here's a summary: 1) reboot in recovery mode (thus you don't need /home) 2) mv /home /home2 3) mkdir /home 4) add the new partition to your fstab being mounted to /home 4) mount the new partition on /home (mount -a) 5) copy the contents of /home2 to /home (or move them). There is also some guide on the forums iirc with these steps | 17:05 |
=== paintba||er is now known as jk______________ | ||
astro76 | malocite: nope, only the / partition must be formatted by the installer, you have to specifically tell it to format each partition ;) | 17:06 |
DarkRainbow | Please? | 17:06 |
malocite | jrib: thanks. do u have the link to the guide? | 17:06 |
jrib | AMDfanboy: you can force it, but you should do research first | 17:06 |
=== jk______________ is now known as paintballer | ||
jrib | !home > malocite (read the private message from ubottu) | 17:06 |
AMDfanboy | jrib: what kind of research? how to force it or if it works? | 17:06 |
perlmonkey | does anyone know anything about laser printers? I'm trying to print an image (b&w 300dpi) on a HP LaserJet 2100 but it seems to be taking forever and is not printing.. I think this printer only has 4 or 6mb of memory..might not be enough? | 17:07 |
malocite | jrib: thanks, appreciate it | 17:07 |
jrib | AMDfanboy: if forcing it will break things and if there is a better way. man dpkg should tell you how to force it | 17:07 |
craigc | Simonft, No not the same problem. I cant get out of low res mode. On boot up i have a grey box saying my video setting are wrong or something and asks if i want to change the settings or continue in low res mode | 17:08 |
jrib | !printing > amdfanboy (read the private message from ubottu) | 17:08 |
Juan | i have a problem with multiple users, when i keep mine logged in and another user starts a session, it eventually kills the first one. any advice? | 17:08 |
jrib | AMDfanboy: look for your printer there | 17:08 |
Dawson | Hey folks; just wondering if anyone knew of a .iso burner that has been tested and does the job well? Have burned a couple LiveCD's and they've all crashed on me? | 17:08 |
perlmonkey | phew im not having much luck today | 17:08 |
jrib | Dawson: burn at 2-4x | 17:08 |
DarkRainbow | I understood now | 17:08 |
craigc | Simonft, i am currently using the vesa drivers, although i have installed the nvidia drivers from the restricted drivers wizard type thing | 17:08 |
DarkRainbow | What is the difference between Free space preceding and free space following? | 17:08 |
Dawson | Jrib; Outdid you at 1x on the second try... | 17:08 |
wirechief_intel | Dawson try imgburn (google for url) | 17:09 |
perlmonkey | I'm trying to install Ubuntu from CD onto a laptop HDD and its taking like 3 hrs so far.. is that normal? each step (1-7) takes like 30 mins | 17:09 |
Dawson | Wirechief, thanks for that. :-) | 17:09 |
Starnestommy | DarkRainbow: preceding is before the partition; following is after it | 17:09 |
jrib | Dawson: don't know then. The default burner that I get with right click -> burn to iso in ubuntu has always worked for me | 17:09 |
craigc | the i installed nvidia-settings and when i try to run it it says i am not using the nvidia driver (Because the only way i can get to the desktop is in low res mode / vesa) | 17:09 |
DarkRainbow | Do i need to have before/after? | 17:10 |
legend2440 | DarkRainbow: you usually want free space after or following the data | 17:10 |
Dawson | jrib; no worries, thanks anways. :-) | 17:10 |
Simonft | craigc: | 17:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 204671 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "hardy beta screen corrupt with nvidia card using open source nv driver" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 17:10 |
DarkRainbow | auch | 17:10 |
DarkRainbow | I put it to 0 | 17:10 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: I removed virtualbox-ose but vboxdrv and a few other things are still there.. cant get rid of them | 17:10 |
malocite | what is the difference between /dev/sda and /dev/hda ? My system has them listed as sda but this guide uses hda1 hda2 as its examples for partitioning | 17:10 |
Simonft | !username | DarkRainbow | 17:11 |
ubottu | DarkRainbow: Please prefix what you're saying with a name to avoid confusion. See !tab | 17:11 |
Ashfire908 | Ok, I want to be able you use resolutions over 1024, but if i do and up the Virtual setting, my login screen gets rendered wrong at 1240 when the screen resoultion is at 1024 and gets clipped | 17:11 |
Vistauser_ | when I acces a shared folder on my ubuntu box from my vistamachine everything is read only even though I unchecked the read only box in the shared folders setup... why?! | 17:12 |
NeoGeo64 | Can someone pls tell me how Ubuntu can be free? It works better than Vista so how can it be free | 17:12 |
gaintsura | ... | 17:12 |
postulio | Lol, it just is. | 17:12 |
gaintsura | its called GPL/GNU | 17:12 |
gaintsura | Free is the worlds favorite flavor | 17:12 |
NeoGeo64 | how can i determine whether or not my copy of ubuntu is genuine | 17:12 |
craigc | Simonft, will try the first link you gave me and uninstall nvidia-glx then use envy. Thanks for the help :) update imminent! | 17:12 |
gaintsura | ... | 17:12 |
Ashfire908 | NeoGeo64, open source. the code for it is opena dn anyone can help out or see it. | 17:12 |
Vistauser_ | neogeo64: well... the programmers and developers don't charge and ubuntu is sponsored by a wealthy millionaire | 17:12 |
legend2440 | DarkRainbow: | 17:12 |
Starnestommy | NeoGeo64: every copy is genuine as you are granted the right to copy it | 17:13 |
gaintsura | copy... modify... hack and slash | 17:13 |
Vistauser_ | when I acces a shared folder on my ubuntu box from my vistamachine everything is read only even though I unchecked the read only box in the shared folders setup... why?! | 17:13 |
Myrtti | !envy | craigc | 17:13 |
ubottu | craigc: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 17:13 |
gaintsura | do what you want | 17:13 |
Myrtti | !repeat | Vistauser_ | 17:13 |
ubottu | Vistauser_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 17:13 |
Ashfire908 | NeoGeo64, welcome to non-proprietary software. :) | 17:13 |
* gaintsura pokes at no7up4u2 with a pointy stick | 17:14 | |
NeoGeo64 | why doesnt microsoft just use linux | 17:14 |
gaintsura | hah | 17:14 |
matthew_ | hey, now that I updated to 8.04 I seem to be getting these random deadlocks... | 17:14 |
Fructose | Can anyone help me figure out how to get my microphone to work in Ubuntu 7.04? | 17:14 |
Ashfire908 | NeoGeo64, you can't sell ubuntu or the linux kernel. | 17:14 |
matthew_ | Like, totally locked, no keyboard response or anything | 17:14 |
NeoGeo64 | Office 2007 for Linux | 17:14 |
Starnestommy | NeoGeo64: because they're microsfot | 17:14 |
gaintsura | NeoGeo64: M$ is full of money mongering idiots.. *nix users are smart and know that one day money will be nothing but paper | 17:14 |
NeoGeo64 | you can sell linux for $ | 17:15 |
Starnestommy | Ashfire908: wrong. There are no limitations on commercial use | 17:15 |
NeoGeo64 | just have to provide the source | 17:15 |
NeoGeo64 | amirite | 17:15 |
heymr | NeoGeo64: openoffice is the best :D | 17:15 |
no7up4u2 | gaintsura, 1sec | 17:15 |
babolat | NeoGeo64: because they are not smart | 17:15 |
heymr | NeoGeo64: the whole french police force uses it | 17:15 |
* gaintsura even uses open office on vista | 17:15 | |
NeoGeo64 | openoffice screwed up my timesheets | 17:15 |
* emma *smiles* | 17:15 | |
malocite | what is the difference between /dev/sda and /dev/hda ? My system has them listed as sda but this guide uses hda1 hda2 as its examples for partitioning | 17:15 |
gaintsura | heymr: most airlines use linux as well | 17:15 |
babolat | NeoGeo64: how so? | 17:15 |
Ashfire908 | Yea, but if you provide the source, people then can just get it and remake it and give it for free. | 17:15 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: K THANKS | 17:15 |
emma | I have succesfully done a fresh install of Hardy. No problems. | 17:15 |
gaintsura | ack caps | 17:15 |
ompaul | I got to make an account for my data | 17:16 |
ompaul | woopps | 17:16 |
swegner | Quick question for someone: About a week ago I booted from a live CD and used gparted to delete a JFS partition that I had mounted as /data, and then expand my root partition. Now everytime I boot Ubuntu, the loading screen changes to the bootup commands for fsck for a short period to output some info about the deleted partition. Is not a usability issue, but a small annoyance. Anybody know how to fix it? I can post log output i | 17:16 |
Starnestommy | malocite: I think sd* replaced hd* for all hard disks | 17:16 |
heymr | gaintsura: and of course, tons of movie making companies, pixar for exaple | 17:16 |
malocite | Starnestommy, Thank you | 17:16 |
gaintsura | indeed heymr | 17:16 |
malocite | Starnestommy: Thank you | 17:16 |
NeoGeo64 | apparently the person who wrote the formulas did some crazy msoffice coding and it broke when i tried using it in openoffice | 17:16 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, you have to remove the partition from /etc/fstab | 17:16 |
astro76 | swegner: delete the corresponding line from /etc/fstab | 17:16 |
Ashfire908 | !fstab | swegner | 17:16 |
ubottu | swegner: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 17:16 |
gaintsura | heymr: something I noticed earlier in the week... ubuntu lasts longer on my battery than vista ever could have | 17:16 |
ubuntu | hello. the live cd (i am using Kubuntu Hardy KDE4, but there's not much difference, right? :) (which i am in right now) detects my video card as being 800x600, but it actually is 1024x768. how do I fix this? (is there an automated way to do this?) | 17:16 |
babolat | good thing someone thought of backing up files, right NeoGeo64? | 17:17 |
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heymr | NeoGeo64: Textmaker provides eye to eye funcionality | 17:17 |
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heymr | gaintsura: and compiz takes .2 cpu of Aero and provides 100x better effects :D | 17:17 |
gaintsura | nice | 17:17 |
NeoGeo64 | microsoft should release the windows ui ontop of a linux kernel | 17:17 |
gaintsura | lol | 17:18 |
swegner | Ashfire908: I manually edited fstab when I deleted the partition to get rid of it. it looks to be gone now, but I still get the output on bootup | 17:18 |
gaintsura | NeoGeo64: if you want something like that, check out ReactOS or Linspire | 17:18 |
heymr | NeoGeo64: ... wow... | 17:18 |
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Ashfire908 | swegner, hmm.... | 17:18 |
bazhang | !ot | 17:18 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 17:18 |
evilbug | can anyone help me to get emerald working on my 2nd gen macbook pro (ati gpu)? | 17:18 |
matthew_ | hey, now that I updated to 8.04 I seem to be getting these random deadlocks... (Its a total freeze, no keyboard or mouse response) | 17:18 |
babolat | !ot | NeoGeo64: but i think Ubuntu looks awesome by its own merits. loads better than Vista [Aero] | 17:18 |
ubottu | NeoGeo64: but i think Ubuntu looks awesome by its own merits. loads better than Vista [Aero]: please see above | 17:18 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, pastebin you fstab/log | 17:18 |
NeoGeo64 | aero looks nice too | 17:18 |
swegner | Ashfire908: Although, the "/data" directory that I previously had it mounted in still exists-- would that have anything to do with it? | 17:18 |
gaintsura | Aero also takes tons of memory | 17:18 |
bazhang | NeoGeo64, please stay on topic | 17:19 |
NeoGeo64 | so does compiz | 17:19 |
ompaul | !bootoptions | matthew_ (have a look at noapic and noapci) | 17:19 |
ubottu | matthew_ (have a look at noapic and noapci): For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see | 17:19 |
bazhang | gaintsura, on topic please | 17:19 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, no, if there's nothing telling it to mount, it wondn't do anything with it. | 17:19 |
gaintsura | my bad | 17:19 |
* gaintsura slinks to a corner | 17:19 | |
gaintsura | ^_^ | 17:19 |
NeoGeo64 | you know what... frozen bubble isnt all that great | 17:19 |
astro76 | gaintsura: | 17:19 |
gaintsura | Is there a way to emulate my windows install in ubuntu? | 17:20 |
PreZLaptop | OK, can anyone tell me why the fglrx driver never works? The DKMS never compiled it (at least, not for 2.6.24, it always compiled for 2.6.22!), so I never got the in my kernel mods, and now whenever I reboot I have to reinstall restricted drivers (2.6.24) to get the fglrx from there. | 17:20 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, this has nothing to do with your problem, but you should put mount dirs in /media | 17:20 |
heymr | bazhang: sorry. | 17:20 |
babolat | seriously, NeoGeo64 people appreciate Ubuntu appreciation, but it would be appreciated if the room were used for support | 17:20 |
bazhang | !vm | gaintsura | 17:20 |
ubottu | gaintsura: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 17:20 |
swegner | Ashfire908: fstab at . I believe the previous partition was at /dev/sda1 | 17:20 |
in1 | !weechat | 17:20 |
ubottu | Factoid weechat not found | 17:20 |
heymr | gaintsura: wine, virtual machine | 17:20 |
in1 | !weeirc | 17:20 |
ubottu | Factoid weeirc not found | 17:20 |
Ashfire908 | gaintsura, there's virtualtion (running VMware and stuff) or emulation (WINE) | 17:20 |
babolat | gaintsura: virtualbox seems simple enough and so far works for me | 17:21 |
PreZLaptop | !VMWare | 17:21 |
ubottu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at - See also !virtualizers | 17:21 |
legend2440 | !home | 17:21 |
ubottu | Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: | 17:21 |
matthew_ | ompaul: how would I set it do have that boot option every time? | 17:21 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, ok, let me look at it. | 17:21 |
PreZLaptop | bah, they still only have vmware-player :( | 17:21 |
gaintsura | babolat: virtualbox screwed me out of my wireless | 17:21 |
PreZLaptop | I was hoping they finally put vmware-workstation in universe | 17:21 |
cylux | Hey guys, if I want to ssh into a computer within my own network which IP do I pass to ssh? | 17:21 |
babolat | gaintsura: oh. i'm on a wired connection so i won't know. sorry ;) | 17:21 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file | 17:22 |
gaintsura | I'm stuck to a wired line unitl I figure out how to get my wireless back | 17:22 |
PreZLaptop | cylux - uhh, the IP of the machine you want to connect to? | 17:22 |
heymr | cylux: the one asigned to the computer by DHCP in the router. i.e. | 17:22 |
heymr | gaintsura: whats iwconfig say? | 17:22 |
gaintsura | Eth0 and Lo | 17:22 |
gaintsura | no ath0/wifi0 | 17:22 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, can I see the boot up log? | 17:22 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, (just the part with the fsck) | 17:22 |
heymr | gaintsura: shucks | 17:22 |
babolat | !who | gaintsura | 17:22 |
ubottu | gaintsura: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 17:22 |
Fructose | Can anyone help me figure out how to get my microphone to work? Trying to get Skype to work so I can call my mom for mother's day </shameless plea> | 17:23 |
babolat | !skype | Fructose | 17:23 |
ubottu | Fructose: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 17:23 |
swegner | Ashfire908: sure I can paste that... do you know logfile that's in? | 17:23 |
gaintsura | babolat: thanks.. I know =) | 17:23 |
heymr | Fructose: in a terminal do: alsamixer | 17:23 |
Fructose | babolat: Skype isn't the problem. The microphone is. | 17:23 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, syslog i think, let me check... | 17:23 |
AMDfanboy | jrib: thanks, when i opened the new link, firefox3 crashed and restarted my session ;-). from this link, i can see it works in 32 bit, should be easy. i guess i just need to make it think we're in 32 bit?????? | 17:23 |
heymr | Fructose: oh you need skype installed? | 17:23 |
Fructose | heymr: Already is installed | 17:23 |
babolat | Fructose: listen to gaintsura | 17:23 |
PreZLaptop | Fructose, try un-muting it - most of the time the mic defaults to being muted with volume set to 0 | 17:23 |
heymr | Fructose: alsamixer | 17:24 |
Fructose | In alsamixer now | 17:24 |
cylux | heymr: Thanks :D | 17:24 |
matthew_ | Ashfire908, hmm, the # kopt line seems really compilcated, what should I change? | 17:24 |
aguitel | anyone have Realtec chipset rtl8180 in wireless network ? | 17:24 |
heymr | Fructose: hit m to unmute stuff and up and down to change volume | 17:24 |
gaintsura | babolat: dont tell anyone to listen to me, I'm an ubuntu noob | 17:24 |
babolat | aguitel: what gives? | 17:24 |
heymr | Fructose: make sure you have the right Mic selected | 17:24 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, one sec | 17:25 |
aguitel | babolat: do you have it? | 17:25 |
babolat | gaintsura: i meant your instruction alsamixer | 17:25 |
gaintsura | ..? | 17:25 |
heymr | Fructose: how goes it? | 17:25 |
babolat | aguitel: i did. but asking that question won't help at all.. please provide details of your problem | 17:25 |
heymr | cylux: np | 17:25 |
no7up4u2 | hey everyone dont listen to gaintsura :) oh btw im back :) | 17:25 |
no7up4u2 | hehe | 17:26 |
swegner | Ashfire908: mm, I don't see anything relevant in syslog. There is a subdirectory /var/log/fsck with 2 files, checkfs and checkroot. It's hard to say if either of them have any useful output, but I can paste if you'd like | 17:26 |
aguitel | babolat: wap encription don't work with this chipset in hardy | 17:26 |
Fructose | heymr: Well, I tried using it before... part of the problem is that I don't know how the hell to use Sound Recorder to test it | 17:26 |
gaintsura | lol funny no7up4u2 | 17:26 |
heymr | Fructose: why not use skype voice test? | 17:26 |
Aalvarez | If I have a laptop with Hardy on it, and I would like it to NFS mount one set of directories when i'm at home (connected via wireless) and a different set of directories when i'm at work (also via wireless, if it matters) would I be able to set things up to do this automatically? | 17:26 |
heymr | Fructose: um, you could install audacity... | 17:26 |
babolat | aguitel: can you paste your iwconfig file? | 17:26 |
Fructose | heymr: Tried that too, but takes longer | 17:26 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, i can't find it (i'm not the one with the fsck error :) ) but it's prob in messages, kern.log, or syslog (use the gnome or kde logviewer, it's easier | 17:26 |
no7up4u2 | was uploading stuff to my site gaintsura , didnt mean to ditch yah! | 17:27 |
Fructose | heymr: Also tried Audacity and it has as many options as Sound Recorder | 17:27 |
ray_ | in ubuntu 7.10 only build i can use on a dell e1505 since 8 didnt get my wirteless to work how i turn off for whole systemm ivp6 | 17:27 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: I removed virtualbox-ose and its kernel module, but I still have a -386 kernel (which is something new) in Grub, but it does not boot | 17:27 |
ray_ | i dont need it in usa? | 17:27 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: np, I know everyone is busy | 17:27 |
ray_ | any one? | 17:27 |
ray_ | :( | 17:27 |
NeoGeo64 | Question - What FS does Ubuntu use by default? | 17:27 |
heymr | Fructose: um.. in audacity you just hit r on your keyboard and start speaking. when you are done you hit space bar | 17:27 |
aguitel | babolat: i am not with my wireless now | 17:27 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: also, when I boot into the -16-generic kernel, it still loads up vboxdrv and a few other virtualbox things | 17:27 |
Starnestommy | NeoGeo64: ext3 | 17:27 |
randal | how do you change what the start button looks like | 17:28 |
astro76 | ray_: ipv6 is unrelated to your wireless problem | 17:28 |
babolat | aguitel: ok. how do you know the issue is chipset-particular? | 17:28 |
heymr | randal: in gconf-editor | 17:28 |
NeoGeo64 | thank you Starnestommy | 17:28 |
apocalypti | hey, i have a problem. im trying to set up a dual-monitor system (nvidia 6800 pci card and proprietary drivers). everything seems fine, but when i tell it to save to the x config file, it says unable to create new backup | 17:28 |
Fructose | heymr: Well, no. There are a lot of recorder options in Preferences and the playback also fails. | 17:28 |
no7up4u2 | hmmm u may want to edit ur grub but thats problem aside (easy fix) how the adapter reacting | 17:28 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, ok, you want it to stay after the grub is regenerated after a kernel upgrade? | 17:28 |
exco | how can I stop my screen from fading out after like 15 minutes | 17:28 |
heymr | randal: under apps > panel > and then one of the objects | 17:28 |
Aalvarez | !equivalents | 17:28 |
ubottu | A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at and | 17:28 |
randal | heymr how do i get there | 17:28 |
ray_ | astro76 i know will use 7.10 since did fine my wireless how i turn it off ubuntu thinks i have ivp6 routor | 17:28 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: still no wireless... still get the same problem with sudo modprobe ath_pci | 17:28 |
ray_ | thats why im asking !line | 17:28 |
aguitel | babolat: because in feisty and in gutsy are many problem with it | 17:28 |
ray_ | !ray line | 17:29 |
ubottu | Factoid ray line not found | 17:29 |
heymr | Fructose: you need it set to hw:0,0 for both playback and mic | 17:29 |
matthew_ | ashfire908, I think, I want to try disabiling acpi, because someone thinks its causing my deadlocks | 17:29 |
no7up4u2 | why are u loading it manually ? | 17:29 |
ray_ | no to me | 17:29 |
ray_ | ? | 17:29 |
matthew_ | ashfire908, BTW, what is acpi? | 17:29 |
randal | heymr: i cant find it | 17:29 |
babolat | aguitel: right.. confirms that.. one moment | 17:29 |
heymr | randal: type "gconf-ed" in the gnome-terminal and hit tab, then hit enter | 17:29 |
no7up4u2 | should load automaticly | 17:29 |
aguitel | babolat: i change in hardy wep to wap | 17:29 |
NeoGeo64 | that was weird. | 17:29 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: because its not loading it on its own | 17:29 |
ray_ | no im trying to force it to use ivp4 | 17:29 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, it's a BIOS thing... | 17:29 |
NeoGeo64 | everytime i would type a letter into xchat i got a console beep... then it went away... how annoying] | 17:29 |
ray_ | cuz if i dont its slwo my internet down | 17:29 |
Ashfire908 | !ACPI | matthew_ | 17:29 |
ubottu | Factoid acpi not found | 17:29 |
Ashfire908 | :( | 17:29 |
Ashfire908 | !acpi | matthew_ | 17:29 |
no7up4u2 | ok have u try ur network manager without it | 17:29 |
randal | heymr: bash: gconf-ed: command not found | 17:30 |
Ashfire908 | :-/ | 17:30 |
matthew_ | ashfire908, I think its power managenment | 17:30 |
Starnestommy | ray_: tried ? | 17:30 |
heymr | randal: did you hit TAB? | 17:30 |
ray_ | no yes same thing thinks i have ipv6 still | 17:30 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, yeah | 17:30 |
ray_ | o ok | 17:30 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: yes.. in the network manager it only shows the wired network, no wireless | 17:30 |
ray_ | looks like page is slow to load | 17:30 |
heymr | randal: or hit Alt-F2 and type in gconf-editor and hit enter | 17:30 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, for now, find the ubuntu boot option for standard boot | 17:30 |
aguitel | babolat: the card is generic ,not netgear maker | 17:30 |
matthew_ | so this line?: titleUbuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic | 17:30 |
matthew_ | root(hd0,1) | 17:30 |
matthew_ | kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=51e61ec1-33d6-49cc-8498-a183ebed395b ro quiet splash | 17:30 |
babolat | aguitel: ok. that helps | 17:31 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, yes | 17:31 |
no7up4u2 | ok long shout but try that, modprobe -r ath_pci than reload ur network /etc/init.d/networking restart than open up network manger an go manual | 17:31 |
matthew_ | ashfire908: then do I just add "noacpi" to the end of it? | 17:31 |
randal | heymr if i want to change it back hoow do i do that | 17:31 |
Fructose | heymr: The recording device is hw: 0,0, but there's not even an option for playback device. | 17:31 |
Ashfire908 | append " <your option here>" to the kernel line. | 17:31 |
heymr | randal: are you even in gconf-editor yet? | 17:32 |
randal | heymr: if i want to change it back can i | 17:32 |
randal | heymr: ya | 17:32 |
babolat | aguitel: did you try to apply fixes in gutsy? or did they work? | 17:32 |
heymr | Fructose: well record and see if there is a wav image | 17:32 |
randal | heymr: how do i change the pic | 17:32 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: gaintsura@TCI-DEV-UBUNTU:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 17:32 |
gaintsura | * Reconfiguring network interfaces... [ OK ] | 17:32 |
gaintsura | but still no wireless | 17:32 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, yes. (that's what i said) | 17:32 |
ash1 | WeeChat uptime: 0 days 00:02:55, started on Sun May 11 17:26:20 2008 | 17:32 |
heymr | randal: you are talking about the little icon next to "Applications..." right? the menu icon? | 17:32 |
Fructose | heymr: There is one that looks like noise... seeing if I can save and play it now | 17:32 |
no7up4u2 | okk | 17:32 |
randal | ya | 17:33 |
heymr | Fructose: looks like your mic works | 17:33 |
aguitel | babolat: later when i am working with this chipset i return in the channel ,thankz | 17:33 |
no7up4u2 | go in manual netwrok config an put wireless in Raoming mode | 17:33 |
randal | i found the menu bar | 17:33 |
randal | how do i change the pic | 17:33 |
matthew_ | ashfire908: then do I have to update something? Cause the bootoptions page says that I need to do: sudo update-grub | 17:33 |
babolat | aguitel: follow on this conversation if you haven't yet. then | 17:33 |
babolat | | 17:33 |
randal | heymr: i found the menu bar how do i change the pic | 17:33 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, no, you don't if your just testing for now. | 17:33 |
Fructose | heymr: NO it doesn't | 17:33 |
heymr | randal: alright, in the object folder there should be some stuff about "custom-icon" and then you can set the path to the icon | 17:33 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: there is no wireless connnection in the manual network config | 17:33 |
paulcross | Is there any English learning softwares available in ubuntu? | 17:33 |
Fructose | heymr: It's just noise | 17:33 |
matthew_ | ashfire908: what will doing update0grub do? | 17:34 |
biouser | alright I just did automatic upgrade from 6.06->8.04, anyone want to place bets on how screwed my system is? | 17:34 |
Fructose | heymr: I was speaking into it at the time | 17:34 |
randal | heymr: i got it | 17:34 |
no7up4u2 | k just reboot and paste ur dmesg in paste bin we'll go from ther | 17:34 |
matthew_ | *update-grub | 17:34 |
randal | heymr: now what | 17:34 |
gaintsura | ok, brb | 17:34 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, later, you can append " noacpi" to the "# kopt=" line above | 17:34 |
heymr | randal: i though you said you got it... | 17:34 |
randal | heymr: how do you set the path | 17:34 |
no7up4u2 | i should spit while he;s gona just to see the look on his face... nah im not htat mean | 17:34 |
matthew_ | ashfire908: so I need to do the update thing if I do that, but not what I did just now right? | 17:34 |
heymr | randal: where are you at? you need an image, then you give it the path, i.e.: /home/randal/Pictures/.start.jpg | 17:34 |
biouser | I will tell you after I reboot (supposing that the system is not dead c:\.... | 17:34 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, it regenerates the automagic options using the settings above (# kopt and that stuff) | 17:34 |
swegner | Ashfire908: I found what might be some useful output in messages. Pasted here: | 17:35 |
heymr | randal: in the options in the left, click one | 17:35 |
randal | heymr: all i did was checked the box now what | 17:35 |
heymr | randal: scroll up | 17:35 |
heymr | randal: you should see something for the path | 17:35 |
heymr | randal: the "use custom icon" uses the path in "path to custom icon" (i think thats what it is called) | 17:35 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, running it will remove and regenerate the automagic options (the ones in the ### BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST area) | 17:36 |
aurel42 | Howdy. You must be terrible busy here with the 8.04 release. | 17:36 |
stephan | anyone is there a code that resets everything in linux to the original | 17:36 |
stephan | ??????/ | 17:36 |
Fructose | Screw it. I'll use Windows. :-( | 17:36 |
heymr | Fructose: and you are using an onboard mic? | 17:36 |
J-Unit | wats ubuntu 8.10 being called like its sumtin intrepid but wat exactly is it? | 17:36 |
heymr | J-Unit: hardy heron. it 8.04 | 17:36 |
matthew_ | ashfire908: Ok, so I don't do that right now, thanks! | 17:36 |
Ashfire908 | J-Unit, Intrepid Ibex | 17:36 |
heymr | J-Unit: ok.. nevermind | 17:36 |
heymr | J-Unit: :P | 17:37 |
stephan | is there a code resets every thing or checks for errors or sumthing??? | 17:37 |
heymr | randal: workin? | 17:37 |
Ashfire908 | J-Unit, Intrepid Ibex is 8.10, it's not out yet and pre-alpha. | 17:37 |
Ashfire908 | matthew_, your welcome. | 17:37 |
heymr | randal: you can make an image (22 by 22 works nice) with gimp :D | 17:37 |
randal | hey,rit doesent ask me to find a pic for it | 17:37 |
J-Unit | Ashfire908, ya but im just curious cuz i want some of my "ideas" to be in the new version | 17:37 |
silverblade | whats with the .04 and .10 numbering scheme | 17:37 |
aurel42 | Installing 8.04 from scratch on a new system, my Nvidia video card isn't recognized. "jockey-gtk -l" gives no result. What's the proper way to fix this manually? nvidia-xconfig? | 17:37 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, looking at it... | 17:37 |
bazhang | !ot | J-Unit | 17:37 |
ubottu | J-Unit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 17:37 |
heymr | randal: it does not ask you. | 17:37 |
randal | heymr: i got a image what i want but i dont know how to put it in | 17:38 |
no7up4u2 | wb gaintsura | 17:38 |
biouser | so far, so good | 17:38 |
heymr | randal: ... google it, there is tons of stuf on exactly how to do it | 17:38 |
heymr | randal: I told you. | 17:38 |
randal | heymr: it hasent asked me all id did was check a box | 17:38 |
ldiamond | Can any1 help me get my audio drivers working? | 17:38 |
biouser | now to turn the restricted driver on xxxxxx | 17:38 |
heymr | randal: scroll up!!! lol | 17:38 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: thanks. Do you want the WHOLE dmesg? | 17:38 |
Aalvarez | If I have a laptop with Hardy on it, and I would like it to NFS mount one set of directories when i'm at home (connected via wireless) and a different set of directories when i'm at work (also via wireless, if it matters) would I be able to set things up to do this automatically? | 17:38 |
Ashfire908 | J-Unit, ...yeah ask in #ubuntu+1. i don't know if it's in feature lock yet. | 17:38 |
no7up4u2 | yeas plaese | 17:38 |
heymr | randal: theres another input place you need to fill in | 17:38 |
no7up4u2 | wow cant type this morning | 17:38 |
LtCmdrWrf | Hello | 17:38 |
J-Unit | Ashfire908, well im gona go on the brainstorm site there | 17:38 |
biouser | oooo, it asked me if I want to turn on the restricted driver... | 17:39 |
swegner | Ashfire908: Thanks, take for time. It looks like perhaps it's not the old partition causing output, but perhaps sda2. sda2 is my root partition, formatted as ReiserFS. When I deleted the old JFS partition at sda1, I grew the sda2 partition to fill it's space. Would this cause some problems? | 17:39 |
gaintsura | woooo had a windows moment... | 17:39 |
randal | heymr: what is it called | 17:39 |
biouser | one more reboot.. maybe this is werking | 17:39 |
gaintsura | tried winkey+r 'firefox' | 17:39 |
heymr | randal: dunno, I don't use gnome. nor ubuntu | 17:39 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, oh. | 17:39 |
heymr | randal: lemme see...... | 17:40 |
biouser | heymr, what do you use? | 17:40 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, i think i know your issue | 17:40 |
swegner | Ashfire908: good to hear :) What's up? | 17:40 |
ray_ | to who gave me the turn off ipv6 thanks now im fast | 17:40 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: thats the WHOLE dmesg | 17:40 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, your UUID is off. | 17:40 |
ldiamond | Can any1 tell me how to get my realtek hd audio codec working on Ubuntu? | 17:40 |
heymr | biouser: archlinux and xmonad, a tiling window manager | 17:40 |
no7up4u2 | gaintsura, k chkng | 17:40 |
gaintsura | no7up4u2: if you find anything pm me, I'm gonna go try to give myself cancer | 17:41 |
biouser | heymr: yeah, I've heard of xmonad | 17:41 |
swegner | Ashfire908: Oh, well that sounds like an easy fix. Do you know how I can find the new UUID? | 17:41 |
Ashfire908 | open a terminal and do "cd /dev/disk/by-uuid && ls -lA" | 17:41 |
Ecne | wow, alot of people in here | 17:41 |
heymr | biouser: and xmobar for the panel, thunar for file manager, mocp for music player... | 17:41 |
biouser | !ot | 17:41 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 17:41 |
heymr | biouser: Arch Linux rocks. | 17:41 |
biouser | okay, time for a reboot | 17:41 |
raul_ | anyone here familiar w/ medibuntu?? | 17:41 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, see above msg. | 17:41 |
heymr | raul_: me... | 17:41 |
heymr | raul_: its nice. | 17:41 |
=== ubuntu is now known as andresj-cd | ||
oddie | Aalvarez: I think you may wanna check out automount | 17:42 |
raul_ | ok i get this error when i update | 17:42 |
Ecne | heymr: does arch have a website? | 17:42 |
biouser | dapper->hardy looks successful, more successful than the other two recommended courses of upgrade... | 17:42 |
andresj-cd | hello. I was wondering why, when I use the vesa driver, the fonts are smaller than when using the nvidia driver... | 17:42 |
Wootie | Hello, I have anjuta installed, opened a c file, but wheres the option to compile it? :) | 17:42 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, then find the link going to /dev/sdb1 | 17:42 |
heymr | Ecne:, but lets stay on topic, k ;) | 17:42 |
erUSUL | andresj-cd: probably different dpi | 17:42 |
andresj-cd | erUSUL: how do I fix it? | 17:42 |
raul_ | GPG error: hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423)]/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs | 17:43 |
raul_ | Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423)]/dists/hardy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs | 17:43 |
raul_ | Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 17:43 |
raul_ | sorry im a newb | 17:43 |
heymr | raul_: yea... fl00ding is evil :P | 17:43 |
aurel42 | raul: go to, follow the steps on the Howto page. | 17:43 |
erUSUL | andresj-cd: well the nvidia driver has a "Dpi" option not sure about vesa | 17:43 |
randal | heymr: so what do i do | 17:44 |
aurel42 | raul_: there's a line starting with "wget" that you need to paste in the terminal window. | 17:44 |
=== hermes__ is now known as faust | ||
Ashfire908 | swegner, if you don't know how, pastebin the command output. "cd /dev/disk/by-uuid && ls -lA" | 17:44 |
andresj-cd | erUSUL: oh ok thanks :) where should I put Dpi? In the Device section? | 17:44 |
no7up4u2 | gaintsura, u there | 17:44 |
heymr | randal: google if you can't figure it out. it should be an obvious option... read all the things, are you sure you are editing the right object? | 17:44 |
benchillin | yo I backed up my home directory before upgrading to 8.04 I want to know if I can restore my xchat settings by restoring the .xchat2 directory | 17:44 |
raul_ | thanks | 17:44 |
benchillin | is that possible? | 17:44 |
erUSUL | andresj-cd: yep | 17:44 |
swegner | Ashfire908: Yup, it looks like you were right; the UUID for sdb1 here differs from that in fstab. Can I just backup + update the fstab with this new UUID? | 17:44 |
heymr | randal: again: Apps > gnome-panel > object# | 17:44 |
lukehasnoname | bench: probably, esp. if the xchat version is same/similar | 17:44 |
andresj-cd | erUSUL: do you know what would be a "default" DPI (to start from it)? | 17:44 |
Ashfire908 | yes. | 17:45 |
erUSUL | andresj-cd: the nvida driver is known to be a bit buggy with dpi i have mine setted to 96x96 | 17:45 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, yes | 17:45 |
benchillin | lukehasnoname, so all configuration settings are stored in that folder and nowhere else? | 17:45 |
aurel42 | rephrasing my request... Installing 8.04 from scratch on a new system, my Nvidia-based video card isn't recognized, probably because it's too fresh (it was released in April). "jockey-gtk -l" gives no result. What's the proper way to make jockey aware that I want to use the restricted nvidia driver? | 17:45 |
andresj-cd | erUSUL: ok. thnks :) | 17:45 |
DarkRainbow | FFS UBUNTU DOES NOT WORK STILL | 17:45 |
erUSUL | andresj-cd: i have a 17" CRT monitor | 17:45 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, every time you move or shift it, check the uuid | 17:45 |
lukehasnoname | as far as I know, that's how it is. I don't know about xchat specifically, honestly | 17:45 |
randal | heymr: cant find knome pannal | 17:45 |
swegner | Ashfire908: cool, thanks for your help. Just out of curiosity, do you know why this would have changed? All of the partition changes I made were on sda, but it looks like sdb is off. | 17:45 |
bonhoffer | anyone recommend a mail server for ubuntu | 17:45 |
heymr | !google change gnome menu icon| randal | 17:45 |
ubottu | heymr: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:46 |
heymr | hahaha | 17:46 |
heymr | randal google "change gnome menu icon" | 17:46 |
aurel42 | raul_: still there? | 17:46 |
DarkRainbow | An error ocurred when applying the changes to the devices | 17:46 |
DarkRainbow | That happens when i tries to partion my disk | 17:46 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, you didn't touch sdb? | 17:46 |
Crashed | !google php| crashed | 17:46 |
benchillin | thank you lukehasnoname | 17:46 |
lukehasnoname | np | 17:46 |
bonhoffer | is postfix the best there is | 17:46 |
Chipsa964 | how can i get ubuntu to recognize my PCI wireless internet adapter? | 17:47 |
swegner | Ashfire908: Nope. | 17:47 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: what chip does it uses? | 17:47 |
Aalvarez | can I share a printer to a Windows machine via CUPS, or would I need to configure Samaba? | 17:47 |
astro76 | Aalvarez: need samba | 17:47 |
Chipsa964 | what brand you mean? | 17:47 |
erUSUL | Aalvarez: you can do it with CUPS only via de IPP protocol | 17:47 |
aaaaaaaaaaaaaazz | /msg ubottu etiquette | 17:47 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: printer on Linux, Windows client needs to print? No problem at all. | 17:47 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, hmm *shrugs* don't know. | 17:47 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: lspci | grep -i net | 17:47 |
DarkRainbow | what is the difference between extended partition and primary? | 17:47 |
Aalvarez | aurel42: yes, printer on Hardy, WinXP machine needs to print. | 17:48 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: Windows XP knows about IPP. | 17:48 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: it's the third option in the configuration dialog. :) | 17:48 |
ubuntulover | jdfk | 17:48 |
Chipsa964 | erUSUL, one second | 17:48 |
evilbug | how can i make Exaile my default media player? | 17:48 |
erUSUL | DarkRainbow: a extendez partition is a spcial partition that can hold up to 63 logical partitions inside | 17:48 |
bonhoffer | what is the easiest mail server to set up . . . | 17:48 |
swegner | Ashfire908: Interesting. Perhaps I'll read into it later. For now I'm going to restart and make sure it worked out. Thanks again for your help. If you don't see me back here in 10 minutes, you can assume it worked. :) | 17:48 |
Aalvarez | aurel42: which configuration dialog? | 17:48 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: put http://yourprintserver/printers/yourprintername there | 17:48 |
DarkRainbow | What should i choose? | 17:48 |
steph_ | is there a Code that resets everything in ubuntu | 17:48 |
astro76 | DarkRainbow: practically almost nothing, an extended partition is a primary partition which contains other (logical) partitions, to get around the historical limit of 4 primary partitions | 17:48 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: the "add new printer" dialog in Windows | 17:48 |
erUSUL | steph_: no | 17:48 |
malocite | I am trying to mount /dev/sda1 as my /home directory. My fstab says THIS: /dev/sda1 /home ext3 nodev,nosuid 0 2 but when I reboot it does not mount that point, although I can manually mount it | 17:48 |
Ashfire908 | swegner, ok, bye :) | 17:49 |
Aalvarez | aurel42: sounds good, I'll give it a try. Thanks. | 17:49 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: put http://yourprintserver:631/printers/yourprintername there (:631!!) | 17:49 |
astro76 | DarkRainbow: if you don't already have an extended, it will gain you the most flexibility | 17:49 |
leif | any one know if a creavtive live works in ubunto | 17:49 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: I forgot the port number in the first URL. | 17:49 |
Aalvarez | thank you | 17:49 |
DarkRainbow | Damn i just want to dualboot XP and LINUX!! | 17:49 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: not sure whether you need to tell Cups to accept connections from the windows machine. | 17:49 |
steph_ | i cant acesses my pacage maneger | 17:49 |
Chipsa964 | erUSUL, ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g wireless (rev 03) | 17:49 |
astro76 | DarkRainbow: for dual boots I typically keep windows as a primary, and make the rest of the disk an extended | 17:50 |
malocite | DarkRainbow: On the same drive? | 17:50 |
erUSUL | Aalvarez: aurel42 System>Admin>Printers | 17:50 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: hahah...why??? | 17:50 |
steph_ | iit show its opening at the botom but is dont open | 17:50 |
Aalvarez | aurel42: I'll try it and find out. I've already gone into printers and told it to accept network jobs or whatever it was | 17:50 |
astro76 | DarkRainbow: logical or primary, linux doesn't care | 17:50 |
aurel42 | erUSUL: vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf ;) | 17:50 |
drmarwat | hello | 17:50 |
DarkRainbow | Yes | 17:51 |
DarkRainbow | On the same drive | 17:51 |
DarkRainbow | But everytime i tries to partition i gets error | 17:51 |
leif | is there a site where i can see if my creative card works on newest ubunto | 17:51 |
aurel42 | Nobody present who digs "jockey"? | 17:51 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: dude, whats the error? | 17:51 |
DarkRainbow | Dunno | 17:51 |
DarkRainbow | But i saved the details in a html that i opens now | 17:51 |
malocite | oic, can't you do that from within the 8.04 installer? I don't know myself, haven't used it | 17:51 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: so how do expect people to help you | 17:51 |
drmarwat | would somebody guide me how can i get nvidia drivers for my gefroce fx 5600 card? the nvidia drivers from synaptic gives me resolution problem | 17:52 |
Chipsa964 | erUSUL, did that help? | 17:52 |
poningru | grr | 17:52 |
DarkRainbow | I think i found it | 17:52 |
poningru | how does one put in the shconfig thing in Xorg.conf in hardy? | 17:52 |
poningru | shconfig on | 17:52 |
aurel42 | drmarwat: there's a tool to configure the restricted drivers, that should work with your card. It worked for me with older cards. | 17:52 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: yep; just have to check if hardy kernel comes with libertas driver | 17:52 |
DarkRainbow | Opening /dev/sda1 as NTFS failed: Operation not supported. The TNFS journal file is unclean. Please shutdown windows propely before using this software | 17:52 |
Chipsa964 | erUSUL, oh ok | 17:52 |
Dex-Freudii | how do I set up a script to be run every time Ubuntu starts? | 17:52 |
DarkRainbow | NTFS journal* | 17:52 |
astro76 | poningru: | 17:53 |
poningru | zank you\ | 17:53 |
drmarwat | aurel42: i tried the one from ubuntu but i get errors | 17:53 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: yesp; «sudo modprobe libertas» | 17:53 |
aurel42 | drmarwat: System / Adminstration / Hardware Drivers (aka jockey) | 17:53 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: that'd be the one... | 17:53 |
Xanatos | sigh wubi still wont work | 17:53 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: are you following any online directions? | 17:53 |
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc | ||
Chipsa964 | erUSUL, ok, done | 17:53 |
heymr | Xanatos: dual booting is so much better... :P, or install on a usb stick | 17:53 |
drmarwat | aurel42: yes i did try that, im getting resolution of 800x600 | 17:53 |
DarkRainbow | No | 17:54 |
aurel42 | drmarwat: I'm the wrong person to help, though, I'm just here because jockey didn't work for me either. :) | 17:54 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: iwconfig shows a wireless interface ? | 17:54 |
DarkRainbow | Im just running Ubuntu installer but gets an error | 17:54 |
drmarwat | i want 1024x786 but it is not available | 17:54 |
DarkRainbow | So i tried using LiveCD and then use Gparted | 17:54 |
ubuntulover | i can't install ubuntu with wubi | 17:54 |
Chipsa964 | erUSUL, it says no wireless extensions | 17:54 |
DarkRainbow | But then i get this error | 17:54 |
astro76 | DarkRainbow: boot back into windows and let it check the disk, then shutdown properly | 17:54 |
Xanatos | yeah heymr, would rather either of those.. might have to buy a usb stick | 17:54 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: but you have no clue what it was? | 17:54 |
DarkRainbow | I did | 17:54 |
Xanatos | cant repartition this PC | 17:54 |
DarkRainbow | No | 17:54 |
cr3 | is it just me or is the installed linux-image package for i386 and amd64 reported with the very same name by dpkg? | 17:54 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: are you in the Live CD now? | 17:54 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: can you paste "demsg | tail" | 17:55 |
DarkRainbow | yea on the other computer;) | 17:55 |
erUSUL | !pastebin | Chipsa964 | 17:55 |
DarkRainbow | But now im shutting down that | 17:55 |
ubottu | Chipsa964: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 17:55 |
DarkRainbow | Do fix windows | 17:55 |
aurel42 | cr3: did you try dpkg ... | cat, so the name isn't truncated? ;) | 17:55 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: open a terminal first.... | 17:55 |
DarkRainbow | just shut it down | 17:55 |
DarkRainbow | Should i start it again? | 17:55 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: Alt+F2, gnome-terminal | 17:55 |
cr3 | aurel42: COLUMNS=200 dpkg ... | 17:55 |
Chipsa964 | erUSUL, haha i dunno how cuz its on a different computer that cant connect to the internet to paste | 17:55 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: sure | 17:55 |
linkmaster03 | How can I force quit a PID through terminal? | 17:55 |
DarkRainbow | starting liveCD now | 17:56 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: well look at the output for any error | 17:56 |
aurel42 | cr3: that's even nicer, doesn't waste a pid *g* | 17:56 |
cr3 | aurel42: the name and the description on an amd64 installation shows no sign that the installed package is amd64 based | 17:56 |
dabaR | linkmaster03: kill -9 pid | 17:56 |
heymr | linkmaster03: sudo apt-get install htop && htop, F9 to kill :D | 17:56 |
Xanatos | the wubi installs fine, just gets up to formatting the swap disk after rebooting and it stalls.. | 17:56 |
heymr | linkmaster03: or yeah.. that... | 17:56 |
antic | linkmaster03: kill <pid>, kill -9 <pid> | 17:56 |
DarkRainbow | loading ubuntu livecd.. | 17:56 |
astro76 | linkmaster03: yeah try kill before kill -9 | 17:56 |
Chipsa964 | erUSUL, it says bash: demsg: command not found | 17:56 |
linkmaster03 | kill didnt work ill try kill -9 | 17:56 |
aurel42 | Chipsa964: dmesg | 17:56 |
heymr | linkmaster03: if you want to kill an x app, try xkill, then clicky | 17:56 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: is dmesg sorry | 17:56 |
Chipsa964 | ok, now what am i looking for? | 17:57 |
linkmaster03 | kill -9 didnt work :S | 17:57 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: linkmaster03 what are you trying to kill? | 17:57 |
heymr | oh, a pid | 17:57 |
DarkRainbow | ? | 17:57 |
heymr | nm | 17:57 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: well there may be clues as how the libertas driver we loaded does not work ... | 17:57 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: sorry, @ some one else | 17:58 |
dabaR | linkmaster03: was there an error message? | 17:58 |
aurel42 | last try before i fall back to nvidia-xconfig and fix the stuff it breaks manually: Installing 8.04 from scratch on a new system, my Nvidia-based video card isn't recognized, probably because it's too fresh (it was released in April). "jockey-gtk -l" gives no result. Is there a proper way to make jockey aware that I want to use the restricted nvidia driver? | 17:58 |
DarkRainbow | Ok=) | 17:58 |
linkmaster03 | dabaR no | 17:58 |
dabaR | linkmaster03: then its dead | 17:58 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: you have windows installed on this computer? | 17:59 |
linkmaster03 | dabaR: its running in tty1, i cant execute commands from tty1 | 17:59 |
dabaR | linkmaster03: ps aux to see all processes. Or maybe, it could not be killed, actually I ran into that before. | 17:59 |
DarkRainbow | Yes | 17:59 |
chuy_max | hi, how can I check the md5sum of a CD, I tried md5sum -b scd0 but it has been calculating it for like 5 minutes without an end, it is a DVD and it is mounted if the info helps | 17:59 |
DarkRainbow | On both | 17:59 |
Chipsa964 | crap, i need to go afk for a sec, i need to go do somethin for my brother, ill be back | 17:59 |
Chipsa964 | will you be here, erUSUL? | 17:59 |
dabaR | linkmaster03: paste output of ps aux to a pastebin, and link me here | 17:59 |
DarkRainbow | LiveCD is up and running now what do do? | 17:59 |
mlk | Anyone can tell me where all the mirrors for the GUI "Software Sources" are located? | 18:00 |
erUSUL | Chipsa964: probably but i dunno | 18:00 |
Chipsa964 | ok, thanks a lot | 18:00 |
no7up4u2 | later all , good luck gaintsura my the packets be with you | 18:00 |
RobbieRob | What is the command to refresh sound cache? Cause my sound goes out sometimes and it takes a reboot to get it working. | 18:00 |
DarkRainbow | heymr; LiveCD started again | 18:00 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: ok | 18:00 |
dabaR | mlk: probably the ubuntu web site can tell you where each of the mirrors is, which is probably not what you wanted to ask. | 18:00 |
cr3 | crap there seems to be no way to determine whether the installed package are amd64 or i386 based on dpkg -l, I need to do dpkg --print-architecture or somesuch | 18:00 |
linkmaster03 | wait | 18:00 |
Exittor_ | i get the message " Inappropriate ioctl for device" when i try to unrar an archive? | 18:00 |
Exittor_ | whats wrong | 18:00 |
odinsbane | Hello I upgraded to hardy and now totem's default color settings are all messed up. Is there a way to reconfigure this? | 18:00 |
odinsbane | automatically. | 18:00 |
tulpi | G'day! | 18:00 |
linkmaster03 | dabaR: it says bash: kill: (7822) - Operation not permitted | 18:01 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: open a terminal, Apps. > Accesories > terminal | 18:01 |
dabaR | linkmaster03: then use sudo | 18:01 |
yowshi | grrr stupid sounmd problems. i cant use vlc cause alsa broke i dont know how or why or how to fix it | 18:01 |
DarkRainbow | Ok | 18:01 |
tulpi | I'm having some trouble with audacityy and sound output? aannndy porientecrsor tdo icomnmgon problems? | 18:01 |
Exittor_ | i get the message " Inappropriate ioctl for device" when i try to unrar an archive. Whats wrong? | 18:01 |
_urlwolf | how can you explain that the out put of is not the same as the ip shown in ifconfig? | 18:01 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: type fdisk -l to list the devices | 18:02 |
Exittor_ | anyone? | 18:02 |
ubuntulover | ok | 18:02 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: maybe you need to do it as root... sudo fdisk -l ? | 18:02 |
DarkRainbow | nothing happens | 18:02 |
linkmaster03 | thanks dabaR, cant believe i didnt do that lol. I had to restart bash in tty1 | 18:02 |
DarkRainbow | yea maybe | 18:02 |
heymr | Exittor_: just ask again | 18:02 |
dabaR | yowshi: vlc does not oppen, or just no sound? | 18:02 |
odinsbane | urlwolf gives you your real ip on the internet ifconfig gives you your local network ip | 18:02 |
Exittor_ | i get the message " Inappropriate ioctl for device" when i try to unrar an archive? | 18:02 |
Dex-Freudii | how can I make a script to be run every time Ubuntu (re)starts?? | 18:02 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: you have some device doing NAT? a router or most dsl modems for instance ? | 18:02 |
DarkRainbow | There | 18:03 |
heymr | odinsbane: ho do you get a real IP from the terminal...? | 18:03 |
dabaR | linkmaster03: wouldn't a logout-login do that? | 18:03 |
_urlwolf | yes, I'm using my home DSL | 18:03 |
DarkRainbow | One device | 18:03 |
linkmaster03 | dabaR: i dont know, probably lol | 18:03 |
Exittor_ | i get the message " Inappropriate ioctl for device" when i try to unrar an archive? whats is wrong? | 18:03 |
yowshi | dabaR: just no sound | 18:03 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: ok, NTFS? | 18:03 |
odinsbane | heymr you need to either get it from your router or an external site, your computer really doesn't know its ip. | 18:03 |
hawkeyex | Dex: I wanna know that too - need to run xbindkeys manually everyt ime I reboot | 18:03 |
dabaR | linkmaster03: it would certainly restart bash. | 18:03 |
DarkRainbow | System: HPFS/NTFS | 18:03 |
_urlwolf | astro76: Is there any way to know which IP is correct? | 18:03 |
duffman75 | hi all ! is there a way to lock all the icons in the gnome-panel ? | 18:03 |
dabaR | yowshi: did you check your sound mixer? | 18:03 |
hawkeyex | or I don't get full mouse functuallity | 18:03 |
heymr | Exittor_: maybe you neeed to install unrar | 18:03 |
_urlwolf | I want to ssh into the box | 18:03 |
DarkRainbow | urlwolf: Cmd = Internal IP | 18:03 |
DarkRainbow | Whatismyip = External | 18:03 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: most DSL modems are actually "routers" also, you can hook up a switch and multiple computers without a separate router | 18:03 |
houmala | Ijust installed 8.04 64 bit and have 4 GB of ram , why does "free" show only 3985108 instead of 4000000+ ??? | 18:04 |
heymr | odinsbane: oh ok | 18:04 |
odinsbane | _urlwolf ddclient can help you do something like that. | 18:04 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: they are both correct, one is external and one is internal | 18:04 |
yowshi | dabaR: if you mean the sound preferences thing in system -> preferncexs menu then yes. alsa is busted when i try to test it there i get some resource busy error | 18:04 |
_urlwolf | DarkRainbow: so? which ip do I use for ssh? | 18:04 |
aurel42 | houmala: because you're running a 32 bit system and not all the RAM is addressable? Just guessing. | 18:04 |
DarkRainbow | Dunno | 18:04 |
DarkRainbow | I guess external | 18:04 |
dabaR | yowshi: paste output of asound to a pastebin, if you don't mind. | 18:04 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: to ssh in from outside you use the external, but you also need to set a port forward in the modem | 18:04 |
houmala | am running ubuntu 8.04 64 bit... | 18:05 |
odinsbane | _urlwolf the ip that whatismyip gives you will go to the router. Then your router will have to forward that request to your computer, especially ssh. | 18:05 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: you should follow these instructions: (scroll like half way down) | 18:05 |
_urlwolf | damn | 18:05 |
_urlwolf | sounds difficult | 18:05 |
dabaR | yowshi: one sec, actually | 18:05 |
DarkRainbow | Ok thank you VERY much<3 | 18:05 |
yowshi | dabaR: i used the gui i dont know the cli to diagnose this | 18:05 |
airstrike | when adding a line to /etc/fstab for a new partition on a hard drive, should i create a directory where that partition will be mounted? or will it mount AS a directory and therefore there shouldn't already be one? | 18:05 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: pretty simple usually, go to which is most likely the modem's internal address, and configure it there, checkout if you need help | 18:05 |
_urlwolf | so I need to play with the router's software? that doesn't sound like a viable optionss | 18:05 |
tolecnal | houmala: probably because a 64bit computer uses far more memory to set up its internal registers than a 32bit system, as the addressing used in 64bit system takes up more space than on a 32bit system | 18:05 |
aurel42 | airstrike: the dir needs to exist | 18:05 |
_urlwolf | ISPs try hard so you actually can't | 18:05 |
airstrike | ok, thanks | 18:06 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: did you back up that computer? | 18:06 |
houmala | ok i can buy that..... | 18:06 |
dabaR | yowshi: can you open a terminal, run the amixer command, and then paste the output to the pastebin? | 18:06 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: no, this is a common and desirable setup, so your internal computers are "firewalled" from the internet | 18:06 |
tolecnal | houmala: you better, because it's the truth :) | 18:06 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: thats the best instructions on the web imo | 18:06 |
airstrike | so '/dev/sda5/storagentfsdefaults02' and 'sudo mkdir /storage' should work, right? | 18:06 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: and you can hook up more than one | 18:06 |
_urlwolf | yes, I do | 18:06 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: you can run the install now | 18:07 |
_urlwolf | so, I need to give an IP to my sysadmin so he can ssh into my machine | 18:07 |
yowshi | dabaR: whats the command ubuntu has to dump a commands output to pastebin? | 18:07 |
DarkRainbow | heymr thx | 18:07 |
_urlwolf | and I'm on one of those routers/modems that firewall you | 18:07 |
DarkRainbow | Im trying installing now | 18:07 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: the link covers if you screw up too. it will show you how to edit grubs menu.lst, but windows xp partition should show up. just resize it | 18:07 |
=== Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454 | ||
_urlwolf | using returns nothing | 18:07 |
yowshi | dabaR: i know it is there just cant think of it offhand | 18:08 |
airstrike | why do I have 'UUID=71ce4abc-37f3-428b-bcf6-dbf8e851d834' for /dev/sda1 on fstab? should i have a similar line for /dev/sda5 or will just '/dev/sda5' work? | 18:08 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: what IP does ifconfig give? | 18:08 |
Aalvarez | aurel42: I'm up and running with the printer. Everything works perfect. Thank you. | 18:08 |
aurel42 | airstrike: yeah, it will work as well. | 18:08 |
airstrike | ok, thanks | 18:08 |
_urlwolf | astro76: inet addr: | 18:08 |
airstrike | should i sudo mount -a now, then? | 18:08 |
=== hermes_ is now known as faust | ||
astro76 | _urlwolf: then it's | 18:08 |
aurel42 | airstrike: the UUID is just an alternative way to identify a partition, I believe. | 18:08 |
AMDfanboy | i'm trying to install a canon printer from their proprietary rpm. here is a how-to in 32 bit: but i'm using amd64, so when alien converts the rpm's, dkpg complains and it fails. i guess i just need to make it think i'm using 32 bit?????? | 18:08 |
airstrike | just want to make sure i'm doing it right, last time things went kaput | 18:08 |
dabaR | yowshi: pastebin is a website that you paste into it. I don't remember the command. | 18:08 |
aurel42 | Aalvarez: very welcome | 18:08 |
_urlwolf | that one gives me a blank page | 18:09 |
nomi1 | i need to know something ... i'm using xubuntu and normally I have to issue a script to connect to my wireless broadband (netgear wg111 wireless dongle) but now it automatically connects on bootup even runs pidgeon i didn't set it up myself how does this happen? anyone know? | 18:09 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf is there a gateway address or something? | 18:09 |
egeste_ | anyone available for support? | 18:09 |
yowshi | dabaR: i know that and ubuntu has a command to dump output directly to pastebin | 18:09 |
nomi1 | it isn't a problem | 18:09 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: if you like, you can find a windows application for partitioning like magicpartionar, and make a C drive and a D drive (unfoormatted) then in the install option just tell it to put it on the D drive (manual partitioning) you need a / (root) partition and a swap partition (1.5x the size of your RAM) | 18:09 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: your ISP's website probably has documentation on this, as does | 18:09 |
NMajik | Why would the following occur? I type ls -l /dev/3-1 and it shows me information on the file but it I type cat /dev/3-1 it tells me "No such file or directory", I'm in the root prompt | 18:09 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: good luck! | 18:09 |
airstrike | nice, it worked.. | 18:09 |
dabaR | yowshi: ok, can you paste to the site rather, I can't remember the name of the program | 18:09 |
airstrike | how can i have /storage (or /dev/sda5) show up on my desktop automatically upon mounting? | 18:09 |
_urlwolf | I don't see a gateway | 18:09 |
DarkRainbow | thx | 18:09 |
dabaR | yowshi: pastebinit? | 18:09 |
airstrike | or will it only show removable media? | 18:09 |
yowshi | yeah i am doing it now | 18:09 |
airstrike | i get it | 18:10 |
airstrike | i'll just create a launcher | 18:10 |
DarkRainbow | Now in install | 18:10 |
DarkRainbow | I choes "Guided- Reize SCSI1, ad use free space" | 18:10 |
DarkRainbow | And pressed next | 18:10 |
yowshi | dabaR: | 18:10 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: i still dunno why you would want to dual boot though ;).. if you want windows apps you can use wine | 18:10 |
odinsbane | How do I have ubuntu reconfigure my color settings? | 18:10 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: ooh booy... :D here goes | 18:10 |
aurel42 | heymr: games? ;) | 18:10 |
DarkRainbow | Too small size? | 18:10 |
heymr | aurel42: heck yes! :D | 18:11 |
heymr | aurel42: go compile the source code for wine my friend. get the svn version ;) | 18:11 |
mlk | Anyone can tell me where all the mirrors for the GUI "Software Sources" are located? Because my mirrors-window is just empty | 18:11 |
demonspork | in Hardy, every once and a while certain applications just fail to make any sound or all applications fail to make sound. What could I do to find out what is preventing these applications from making sound. Rythmbox won't even start playback when the sound isn't working because of whatever this problem is | 18:11 |
Dougi2 | Hi I'm trying to install gnome on ubuntu-server edition and its telling me a package gnome-keyring-manager isn't available or something | 18:11 |
egeste_ | Hi - I'm having an issue running my http server from virtualbox... the issue is that I need to be able to bind port 80 to the vbox but i need to be root to bind any port below 1024... I'm a newbie in linux, any advice or direction would be appreciated | 18:11 |
aurel42 | heymr: dual booting is way more convenient, I guess. ;) | 18:11 |
odinsbane | How about the dell vostros microphone issue, anybody get it working? | 18:11 |
heymr | aurel42: VMware is more convinient imho | 18:12 |
_urlwolf | astro: what do I look for in portfoward? | 18:12 |
_urlwolf | astro76: what do I look for in portfoward? | 18:12 |
AMDfanboy | i'm trying to install a canon printer from their proprietary rpm. here is a how-to in 32 bit: but i'm using amd64, so when alien converts the rpm's, dkpg complains and it fails. i guess i just need to make it think i'm using 32 bit?????? | 18:12 |
heymr | Dougi2: why would you want xorg for server..... | 18:12 |
Xanatos | depends on the circumstances heymr | 18:12 |
airstrike | how can i recursively copy contents of a directory onto another one? | 18:12 |
dabaR | yowshi: try running alsamixer in a terminal, and then mute your iec958 with the 'm' key. | 18:12 |
heymr | Xanatos: @games or @server ? | 18:13 |
Xanatos | mainly games | 18:13 |
gaintsura | can someone point me to a download location of VMWare for ubuntu.. vmware's site is partially down | 18:13 |
yowshi | dabar the sound test still fails | 18:13 |
lucas_ | hello there! how can i make only nautilus windows transparent using compiz??? | 18:13 |
dabaR | yowshi: you mean when you try playing sound, right? | 18:13 |
heymr | gaintsura: Applications > Add/Remove... search for "vm" :D | 18:13 |
_urlwolf | astro76: window's ipconfig saying the default gateway is | 18:13 |
Dougi2 | heymr, because for right now I'm just better with it. It's been a while since I used linux and I have to get used to it again and I don't use it on my desktop so I'm not super familiar with command line anymore | 18:14 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: go to that address | 18:14 |
Xanatos | thats your router | 18:14 |
wakka-wakka | how would i go about backing up a file through the terminal? | 18:14 |
yowshi | that too dabaR | 18:14 |
aurel42 | heymr: I've spent way too much time trying to get the game du jour work on Linux. Hey, with the software quality these days, you're lucky if them win games run on Windows. | 18:14 |
yowshi | dabaR: though first i tried testing it in the systems menu | 18:14 |
heymr | Dougi2: oh ok :) | 18:14 |
_urlwolf | astro76: alright! I'm in! | 18:14 |
gaintsura | heymr: not in there =\ | 18:14 |
ubuntulover | any vietnamese here | 18:15 |
David-A | airstrike: cp -r FROMDIR TODIR | 18:15 |
lucas_ | how can i make only nautilus windows transparent using compiz??? noclue?? | 18:15 |
airstrike | thanks | 18:15 |
_urlwolf | astro76: now, how do I do the port forward? | 18:15 |
heymr | lucas_: alt, scroll | 18:15 |
dabaR | yowshi: and is in alsamixer both pcm and master not all the way to the bottom? Like the bars have some color in them, and they do not have a M on the bottom? | 18:15 |
spass | !downgrade | 18:15 |
ubottu | Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 18:15 |
_urlwolf | ie, I need the ip that linux has to be ready to listen to port 22 | 18:15 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: depends on your router model, usually will be something called portforward orr | 18:15 |
crdlb | lucas_: please join #compiz-fusion | 18:16 |
AMDfanboy | let me ask it this way, i want to alien a 32bit rpm, and it complains that i'm running amd64. can i fool it into thinking i'm in 32 bits? | 18:16 |
yowshi | dabaR: yeah they are both at 100 | 18:16 |
DarkRainbow | WTF | 18:16 |
DarkRainbow | heymr | 18:16 |
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd | ||
heymr | DarkRainbow: sup | 18:16 |
DarkRainbow | I tried to make 90% WinXP and 21% ubuntu | 18:16 |
spass | how to downgrade to 2.6.23 kernel image? | 18:16 |
David-A | airstrike: or to preserv owner and access rights sudo cp -a FROM TO | 18:16 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: other possibilites are virtual servers | 18:16 |
DarkRainbow | 10% ubuntu* | 18:16 |
lucas_ | cool, thanks and does is stays like that forever?? | 18:16 |
DarkRainbow | pressed next | 18:16 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: depends on what model router you have | 18:16 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: k... | 18:16 |
DarkRainbow | And then it waited for a wile | 18:16 |
DarkRainbow | Before it went back to the same windows as i was in | 18:16 |
DarkRainbow | Step 4/7 | 18:16 |
Dougi2 | here is what it says "gnome-desktop-environment: Depends: gnome-keyring-manager (>= 2.20.0) but it is not installable." Then next line reads "E: Broken Packages" | 18:16 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: oh, not enough room for ubuntu I guess. | 18:17 |
DarkRainbow | how much do ubuntu need? | 18:17 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: how much is 10%? | 18:17 |
babolat | aguitel in here? | 18:17 |
heymr | babolat: type agui and hit tab | 18:17 |
DarkRainbow | total 80gb | 18:17 |
malocite | I am trying to mount /dev/sda1 as my /home directory. My fstab says THIS: /dev/sda1 /home ext3 nodev,nosuid 0 2 but when I reboot it does not mount that point, although I can manually mount it | 18:17 |
babolat | 4gig, Dark | 18:17 |
babolat | i did heymr | 18:18 |
A_^_Aa | Hello | 18:18 |
sigmabetatooth | howdy peoples... i'm looking for some help with my s-video port on a compaq 700 | 18:18 |
sigmabetatooth | c700 | 18:18 |
=== A_^_Aa is now known as monoguy | ||
DarkRainbow | Damn there was that error again | 18:18 |
heymr | babolat: he is here then if it finnished his name | 18:18 |
sigmabetatooth | running herien | 18:18 |
babolat | 4gig, DarkRainbow | 18:18 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: what error?! | 18:18 |
mlk | Anyone can tell me where all the mirrors for the GUI "Software Sources" are located? Because my mirrors-window is just empty | 18:18 |
wakka-wakka | does anyone know how i could backup my xorg.conf through terminal? | 18:18 |
DarkRainbow | An error occured when changes were written to the deviced. The resize was cancelled. | 18:18 |
DarkRainbow | Or something like that. I got norwegian installation;) | 18:18 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: what babolat said, you ned at least 4 GB of space... hmm | 18:18 |
babolat | heymr: he might not be looking. easier to see when your name's in it | 18:18 |
DarkRainbow | i treid with 14,3 gb | 18:18 |
heymr | babolat: ah | 18:19 |
malocite | wakka-wakka: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup | 18:19 |
saxofoner | anybody here have stopmotion working? I installed vgrabbj or whatever and I just get a green input | 18:19 |
airstrike | interesting.. thanks, david | 18:19 |
DarkRainbow | and now i got straight to the manual | 18:19 |
heymr | babolat: nudge him. maybe irssi will shake :P /nudge | 18:19 |
aurel42 | sigmabetatooth: that's a very specific issue, the question might be better suited for the forum. | 18:19 |
DarkRainbow | manual partition table editing | 18:19 |
wakka-wakka | malocite: thank you | 18:19 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos: ok, so what ip do I give to the person that needs to ssh into my machine? | 18:19 |
malocite | wakka-wakka: What did you do? :) | 18:19 |
sorin7486 | hey, doesn anybody know if I can use a sony walkman with linux ? | 18:19 |
dabaR | yowshi: can you paste the output of amixer again? | 18:19 |
Dougi2 | whats one of the minimalist window managers? Like I know blackbox but there is one I used to use way back when that was like just a background and then you could right click and stuff. I can't remember the name | 18:19 |
monoguy | howto solve: panel icons moved to different position after restart | 18:19 |
gaintsura | does anyone feel like sending me VMWare Server?? the VMWare site is down | 18:19 |
sigmabetatooth | aurel42: you are everywhere :O | 18:20 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: look around your router's mainpage, usually it'll be called something like WLAN IP | 18:20 |
wakka-wakka | malocite: i am trying to get my video card to work with 8.04, however i'm having some troubles. | 18:20 |
babolat | sorin7486: definitely | 18:20 |
lucas_ | <sorin7486> yes i got one it works perfect | 18:20 |
heymr | sorin7486: you can run the software for it you used in windows under wine or you can check if rhythmbox supports it | 18:20 |
malocite | wakka-wakka: What isn't working? What card? | 18:20 |
DarkRainbow | I cant resize the windows partition | 18:20 |
aurel42 | sigmabetatooth: I might be stalking you. :) | 18:20 |
DarkRainbow | :S | 18:20 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: on mine its called 'Wan IP' under internet settings | 18:20 |
sigmabetatooth | anyone with general helpful hints on s-video ports | 18:20 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: ok. heres what you should do then | 18:20 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: get out of ubuntu :D | 18:20 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos: I have an external IP and an internal one (well several). Which ine is the right one? | 18:20 |
souheb | i got error with reading arabic text files | 18:20 |
David-A | wakka-wakka: do you mean like sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-20080511, before manually editing it? | 18:20 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: might also be called external IP | 18:20 |
DarkRainbow | :( | 18:20 |
DarkRainbow | But i wanted ubuntu | 18:20 |
leif | any one here play eve online on ubunto | 18:20 |
seth1991 | Hi, I am about to install Ubuntu 6.06 on my IBM Thinkpad T40p. I have an XP disk if all else fails as my computer has an IBM Recovery feature built in. Should I opt for the "Erase entire disk" option? If I choose that, will it install smoothly. Everything seems to work fairly well out of the box minus a few small glitches. | 18:20 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: yeah, external IP is it | 18:20 |
sorin7486 | lucas_: what model of player and what are you using ? | 18:20 |
_urlwolf | ok, but ssh to the external IP does nothing | 18:21 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: sorry... now find your gparted cd and try to resize again | 18:21 |
monoguy | :( | 18:21 |
malocite | DarkRainbow: Can you not do an install from within windows to give you a virtual ubuntu? | 18:21 |
babolat | DarkRainbow: how are you trying to repartition/adjust partitions? | 18:21 |
_urlwolf | it hits the windows machine I guess | 18:21 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: it wont, unless the port is forwarded to your computer's internal IP | 18:21 |
DarkRainbow | Babolat: By the installer | 18:21 |
heymr | DarkRainbow: gtg :) | 18:21 |
_urlwolf | Can I forward the port 22 to the IP of my linux box? | 18:21 |
steph_ | can ubuntu burn an iso img bootable?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? | 18:21 |
DarkRainbow | And by using gParted from liveCD | 18:21 |
DarkRainbow | Cya heymr | 18:21 |
monoguy | Any one having the prob: panel icons moved after restart? | 18:21 |
malocite | steph_: Yes | 18:21 |
sorin7486 | lucas_: I haven't bought one yet and I'm looking into it first ... | 18:21 |
yowshi | dabaR: | 18:21 |
wakka-wakka | malocite: it's a nvidia card through a compaq from 2000. this line isn't working "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" | 18:21 |
seth1991 | Can anybody help? | 18:21 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: do you have a router or just the modem? | 18:21 |
Dougi2 | nevermind just going to install fluxbox | 18:21 |
babolat | DarkRainbow: and what have you got on the HD you're trying to install Ubuntu in? | 18:21 |
lucas_ | <sorin7486> you can use any, just plug it in and the sd will be recognize | 18:21 |
Dougi2 | seems to be working anyways | 18:22 |
_urlwolf | just the modem | 18:22 |
steph_ | thx im getting ubuntu ultate gammeredition | 18:22 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: have you got a menu or something called virtual servers | 18:22 |
_urlwolf | but maybe it's a router too | 18:22 |
DarkRainbow | Windows XP media center edition | 18:22 |
seth1991 | Hi, I am about to install Ubuntu 6.06 on my IBM Thinkpad T40p. I have an XP disk if all else fails as my computer has an IBM Recovery feature built in. Should I opt for the "Erase entire disk" option? If I choose that, will it install smoothly. Everything seems to work fairly well out of the box minus a few small glitches. | 18:22 |
wakka-wakka | malocite: i could've typed that into 7.10 and i would've gotten a bunch of video cards to choose from, now i can't get to that screen =/ | 18:22 |
steph_ | ubuntu gamers ed | 18:22 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:yes | 18:22 |
_urlwolf | so it's a router | 18:22 |
sorin7486 | lucas_: I thought sony players needed sonic stage for sync | 18:22 |
steph_ | ultimat is good or not??? | 18:22 |
babolat | !who | DarkRainbow\ | 18:22 |
ubottu | DarkRainbow\: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:22 |
Xanatos | okay you go into that, put your computers internal IP into the target IP slot, and port 22 into the port slot | 18:22 |
wakka-wakka | malocite: and my man said backing it up works, which i just tried but i still get the same response "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration | 18:22 |
wakka-wakka | file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080511132100 | 18:22 |
wakka-wakka | " | 18:22 |
astro76 | _urlwolf: yes then you need to go to the router config and forward port 22 to the linux machine | 18:23 |
linkmaster03 | what's the Ubuntu equivalent of windows registry, I was in there earlier today, forgot what it was called | 18:23 |
_urlwolf | aha! | 18:23 |
rafaelcosta | How "run" mysql server in UBUNTU? | 18:23 |
DarkRainbow | Ok | 18:23 |
Dougi2 | Tell me if this is correct but I believe I need to install xinit, xorg, and fluxbox anything else? | 18:23 |
dabaR | yowshi: does pressing m while iec958 is selected(this is all in alsamixer) do anything that you can see? WHat about on the IEC playback source? | 18:23 |
babolat | DarkRainbow: which option do you take when in step 4? | 18:23 |
lucas_ | <sorin7486> i can do all in my sony using nautilus to browse all the memory | 18:23 |
saxofoner | linkmaster03: gconf-editor | 18:23 |
monoguy | Final Call :P Anyone having the problem: panel icons moved after restart | 18:23 |
DarkRainbow | babolat: The first | 18:23 |
_urlwolf | LAN IP AddressProtocol TypeLAN | 18:23 |
_urlwolf | PortPublic | 18:23 |
_urlwolf | Port | 18:23 |
_urlwolf | I have a table with : | 18:23 |
FloodBot2 | _urlwolf: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:23 |
linkmaster03 | saxofoner: thank you that's it | 18:23 |
yowshi | dabaR: yeah it changes the 00 to MM | 18:23 |
babolat | DarkRainbow: that's the unguided right? | 18:24 |
RoAkSoAx | rafaelcosta, sudo apt-get install mysql-server | 18:24 |
monoguy | :'( | 18:24 |
DarkRainbow | babolat: No | 18:24 |
yowshi | dabaR: and ie958 playback isnt selectable | 18:24 |
seth1991 | Has anybody installed Ubuntu on an IBM Thinkpad? How do I make sure the recovery partition is gone | 18:24 |
DarkRainbow | babolat: Guided: resize and use free space or something | 18:24 |
lucas_ | what program is the best to play dvds??? im having problems in the resolution with xine | 18:24 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: LAN port and Public port should be the same, 22 | 18:24 |
Dougi2 | seth1991, manually partition the drive and delete the partition | 18:24 |
_urlwolf | I need to know what protocol to use : TCP, UDP, or TCP&UDP | 18:24 |
dabaR | yowshi: and while it is on M, your thing still produces no sound? | 18:24 |
X-Seti | Hello, got a question, just a little one | 18:24 |
aurel42 | lucas_: I like vlc | 18:25 |
Xanatos | ssh is tcp isnt it? | 18:25 |
Dougi2 | _urlwolf, just use both if you don't know | 18:25 |
babolat | DarkRainbow: use the largest continuous space or something to that effect. that's the option you take? | 18:25 |
lucas_ | ill try it thanksss | 18:25 |
_urlwolf | ok | 18:25 |
ljsoftnet | just played "Second Life" it worked great, but to slow for my graphics card how do i uninstall it? | 18:25 |
wakka-wakka | malocite: i lose you haha | 18:25 |
sorin7486 | lucas_: what player model do you have exactly ??? | 18:25 |
DarkRainbow | yes | 18:25 |
sorin7486 | lucas_: because what you're saying sounds great | 18:25 |
DarkRainbow | babolat: Yes | 18:25 |
seth1991 | Dougi2: will that completely get rid of the partition if I just say "erase entire partition" when installing it? or do i need to dos omething else | 18:25 |
_urlwolf | in LAN IP address do I put the external, or the internal one? | 18:25 |
lucas_ | <sorin7486> its a walkman one of the lastest dont know the exact model | 18:25 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: so you put your computer's LAN IP into the ip slot, then 22 into the LAN and public port slot, and you should be good to go | 18:25 |
malocite | wakka-wakka: Sorry, that means there is already a backup made, its xorg.conf.24114 or whatever that number was | 18:25 |
gaintsura | O.o something I just thought of... my laptop has a similar system to litescribe.. is there a cd/dvd burning app that supports it? | 18:25 |
babolat | DarkRainbow: and that gets you where? | 18:25 |
_urlwolf | if internal, the one for windows or for linux? | 18:25 |
X-Seti | I got a wintv, DVB tv turner working with my other comp, however when I plug it in this box I only get the dvb client come up on kaffein | 18:25 |
yowshi | dabaR: right no sound from vlc with the ie958 thing muted | 18:25 |
Dougi2 | seth1991, if you tell install to use the entire disk it probably would. | 18:26 |
talon | hello, i have a panasonic vdr-d250 dvd camcorder and am having trouble getting ubuntu to read the disk. can anybody save me from throwing it all through windows? | 18:26 |
DarkRainbow | Babolat: Nowhere. i gets error. | 18:26 |
makaraki | Hi there people greetings form spain, so I want to ask for a little bit of help regarding tty acces with ubuntu, because when I press ctrl + F1 until 6 nothing works... | 18:26 |
malocite | I am trying to mount /dev/sda1 as my /home directory. My fstab says THIS: /dev/sda1 /home ext3 nodev,nosuid 0 2 but when I reboot it does not mount that point, although I can manually mount it Can someone please look at this line from fstab and tell me whats wrong with it? I got it from a guide | 18:26 |
seth1991 | Dougi2: thanks | 18:26 |
ljsoftnet | just played "Second Life" it worked great, but to slow for my graphics card how do i uninstall it? | 18:26 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: the one for linux if you want it for linux | 18:26 |
babolat | DarkRainbow: can you shoot me that error prompt? | 18:26 |
DarkRainbow | Its no text, babolat | 18:26 |
seth1991 | is there anybody else that has installed on a laptop with a recovery partition automatically built in from the factory and had any problems? | 18:26 |
aurel42 | makaraki: shouldn't that be alt + ctrl + number when you're in X? | 18:26 |
DarkRainbow | Babolat: an error occured when writing to the devices. | 18:26 |
DjViper | ljsoftnet: it worked great, but to slow... did it work great or not ?:P | 18:26 |
yowshi | dabaR: i think this has more to do with the bfact i was fudging around trying to get voice to work in vlc and something uninstalled in alsa or something | 18:26 |
saxofoner | ljsoftnet: if you installed it in wine, you can uninstall it through the wine menu | 18:27 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: your router usually assigns your computer a LAN IP every time you connect to it unless you tell it otherwise | 18:27 |
_urlwolf | yes | 18:27 |
jaffarkelshac | "Not permitted to open the USB device, check usbfs options." i get this error when i try to use usb in virtualbox any help | 18:27 |
makaraki | hi aurel42, sorry for not type it correctly but I did as you say | 18:27 |
pubo | hi | 18:27 |
malocite | pretty pretty please, I know this must be an easy thing, and I just a doof | 18:27 |
Dougi2 | whats the command to configure xorg? | 18:27 |
wakka-wakka | malocite: it's alright. so since it's already backed up, is there a way i could go ahead and overwrite that file? | 18:27 |
ljsoftnet | DjViper it was just to slow for my graphics card so i decided to uninstall it | 18:27 |
aurel42 | makaraki: pardon, shouldn't that be alt + ctrl + F<number> when you're in X? | 18:27 |
babolat | DarkRainbow: hmm.. have you had any experience of your HD failing? might be due to age, or failing heads | 18:27 |
AMDfanboy | i want to alien a 32bit rpm, and it complains that i'm running amd64. can i fool it into thinking i'm in 32 bits? | 18:27 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: then you put in whatever it assigned you into the LAN IP slot of virtual servers | 18:27 |
malocite | wakka-wakka: there is a way (and I cannot recall how) to use the DEFAULT xorg.conf file if you totally mess it up. | 18:27 |
pubo | can anyone help me with a shell script? Is there a dedicated channel?? | 18:27 |
ljsoftnet | saxofoner i got it from from secondlife.deb | 18:27 |
malocite | google RESTORE ORIGINAL xorg.conf | 18:27 |
malocite | it'll probabbly tell you | 18:27 |
makaraki | hi aurel42 I did it, but I worte it wrong in my first question | 18:28 |
DarkRainbow | babolat: Nope | 18:28 |
malocite | pubo: For what shell? | 18:28 |
_urlwolf | but it's different; for windows it's one, for linux is | 18:28 |
saxofoner | ljsoftnet: where did it install? | 18:28 |
saxofoner | there might be an uninstall script in that dir | 18:28 |
DjViper | malocite: don't tell people to google it... if you don't know the answer, don't answer | 18:28 |
pubo | malocite, bash | 18:28 |
lucas_ | anyway to do videocalls with amsn? like video and audio? | 18:28 |
aurel42 | makaraki: just noticed that I only get pitch black consoles on my notebook, too. :) | 18:28 |
_urlwolf | linux is virtualized on top of windows, so I may need to forward ports on windows too | 18:28 |
ljsoftnet | saxofoner i have no idea | 18:28 |
malocite | pubo: Bash | 18:28 |
dabaR | yowshi: sorry, I do not have other ideas. | 18:28 |
malocite | Djviper: I think you didn't read the first half of our conversation, | 18:28 |
babolat | ok, DarkRainbow.. are you on live cd now? | 18:28 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: aaah right, you might have to do both | 18:28 |
_urlwolf | damn | 18:29 |
makaraki | aurel42, when I am in X server and I press ctrl+ alt + F whatever except F7 I got a black screen | 18:29 |
pubo | malocite, can I query you? | 18:29 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: i'm not familiar with the way that works | 18:29 |
malocite | pubo: #Bash | 18:29 |
rafaelcosta | Peoples, how run mysql server in UBUNTU OS? | 18:29 |
DarkRainbow | babolot: on one pc | 18:29 |
_urlwolf | I have no idea how to forward ports on windows | 18:29 |
DarkRainbow | but | 18:29 |
Dougi2 | Anyone? The command to configure xorg from the command line? I can't remember now i thought it was something like x1186config or something | 18:29 |
DarkRainbow | gtg | 18:29 |
DarkRainbow | cyall | 18:29 |
pubo | malocite, oki, thanks | 18:29 |
FloodBot2 | DarkRainbow: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:29 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: though likely.. the linux one will suffice | 18:29 |
malocite | pubo: Np, they're pretty nice, they helped me | 18:29 |
rutgermasi | rafaelcosta: just apt-get install mysql-server | 18:29 |
aurel42 | makaraki: same here, possibly a "feature" of the restricted nvidia driver? | 18:29 |
_urlwolf | Port forwarding on | 18:29 |
_urlwolf | windows is a feature of ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) | 18:29 |
babolat | ay't DarkRainbow | 18:29 |
makaraki | so it means that is a normal bas working behavior maybe? :-P | 18:29 |
nikitis | Question: I just bought a new HP Printer, and it's one of those 3-in-1 Printers that copy's, scans, and prints. Is there a built in way to use the Scanner? or do I need some software, and if i need software what's some good ones? | 18:30 |
babolat | you might find better luck at #ubuntu-server, rafaelcosta | 18:30 |
rutgermasi | nikitis: use xsane | 18:30 |
makaraki | mmmmmmmmm in my case I own an ATI but well it looks strange anyway | 18:30 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: you port forward on the router, the router sends your data to the proper IP, your linux/windows dont get involved.. except to recieve the end data | 18:30 |
lucas_ | does anyone knows programs to chat through msn network using video and audio??? | 18:30 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:nice | 18:30 |
makaraki | aurel42: mmmmmmmmm in my case I own an ATI but well it looks strange anyway | 18:30 |
RainCT | lucas_: I think amsn has at least audio support | 18:30 |
aurel42 | makaraki: I can see getty running, so it's definitely supposed to work. No idea why it doesn't. | 18:30 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:unfortunately, it doesn't work | 18:30 |
malocite | lucas_: I know that pidgin does NOT support it and according to their site they do not expect to any time soon, I think you can use Skype for that however, but not on MSN | 18:30 |
ian_` | is their a way to copy tjhe permissions of a folder and apply it to a file, with one command? | 18:31 |
_urlwolf | router says: LAN IN address error | 18:31 |
dabaR | ian_`: a file in a folder? | 18:31 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: did you set it to linux or windows address? | 18:31 |
Dougi2 | or maybe its ./configure xorg or something... | 18:31 |
malocite | I am trying to mount /dev/sda1 as my /home directory. My fstab says THIS: /dev/sda1 /home ext3 nodev,nosuid 0 2 but when I reboot it does not mount that point, although I can manually mount it | 18:31 |
ian_` | dabaR, Yep | 18:31 |
dabaR | ian_`: to all files within a folder? | 18:31 |
lucas_ | amsn doesnt do it | 18:31 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:to linux | 18:31 |
ian_` | dabaR, yea | 18:31 |
makaraki | aurel42: Ok thank for your support I will look forward and investigate a little bit on it :) | 18:31 |
malocite | Pretty pretty pretty please.... :) | 18:31 |
lucas_ | thanks people | 18:31 |
Kirce | dose anyone know how to network a cd rom drive ? | 18:31 |
aurel42 | makaraki: good luck! | 18:32 |
rutgermasi | chmod -R permissions /path/to/folder | 18:32 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: ok that makes a bit of sense now, change the address to windows | 18:32 |
talon | hello, does anyone know how to get ubuntu to read a udf video file? | 18:32 |
makaraki | aurel42: It looks that it only appears tty when I shift to runlevel 3 | 18:32 |
dabaR | ian_`: well, chmod 775 /var/www would apply only to the folder, and chmod -R /var/www would apply to the folder, and all files in it. | 18:32 |
ian_` | dabaR, rgr. ty | 18:32 |
makaraki | talon did you try mplayer? | 18:32 |
aurel42 | ian_`: if I understand the question, "man chown" will tell you about "--reference=<FILE>". | 18:33 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:Now it doesnt complain | 18:33 |
ian_` | aurel42, kk | 18:33 |
talon | makaraki, no the disk is showing up as blank | 18:33 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: in theory it should be ported now.. if windows doesnt interfere.. dont have much experience in the virtualised area | 18:34 |
Chipsa964 | aurel42, can you help me with my previous problem with the wireless adapter? | 18:34 |
rutgermasi | talon: maybe it is a protected disk? | 18:34 |
makaraki | Hi there people anybody knows how to avoid the problem of non working tty consoles on laptops? | 18:34 |
Chipsa964 | i dont think erUSUL is here any more | 18:34 |
node357 | Dougi2, I think it's: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 18:34 |
aurel42 | Chipsa964: sorry, I don't use wireless for religious reasons. | 18:34 |
Chipsa964 | haha | 18:34 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:success | 18:34 |
Chipsa964 | i can understand that | 18:34 |
Dougi2 | thats it thanks! | 18:34 |
node357 | yay | 18:35 |
_urlwolf | just used putty to log to my virtualized linux :) | 18:35 |
_urlwolf | on the same box :) | 18:35 |
Chipsa964 | however, sometimes it is a lot more practical than wired | 18:35 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos: thanks so much | 18:35 |
talon | rutgermasi:ill just check... | 18:35 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: awesome! wasnt sure if that'd work | 18:35 |
aurel42 | Chipsa964: sometimes it's less secure that wired. ;) | 18:35 |
_urlwolf | so now, do I give my external address to my sysadmin so he can log into my machine? | 18:35 |
Chipsa964 | agreed | 18:35 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: yes, the one on your router | 18:35 |
_urlwolf | or the internal (windows one, that is in the V server) | 18:35 |
Chipsa964 | but theres no way i can run wires across my house | 18:35 |
dabaR | makaraki: you press alt+ctrl+fX, and you do not get a console? | 18:36 |
Chipsa964 | id need hundreds of feet of wire | 18:36 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: he has to connect to your router's IP, and then the router redirects his data to your box | 18:36 |
_urlwolf | the one in my router means external ( or internal (the one I placed in the V server?) | 18:36 |
makaraki | dabaR : right no way only black screens | 18:36 |
malocite | I am trying to mount /dev/sda1 as my /home directory. My fstab says THIS: /dev/sda1 /home ext3 nodev,nosuid 0 2 but when I reboot it does not mount that point, although I can manually mount it - Please pleae | 18:36 |
aurel42 | dabaR: me neither, just a black screen (only on my notebook, works fine on the desktop machine) | 18:36 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: external | 18:36 |
rutgermasi | _urlwolf: internal | 18:36 |
_urlwolf | great | 18:36 |
dabaR | makaraki: and are their processes running? | 18:36 |
Dougi2 | node357, ok thats not giving me resolution options...hmm | 18:36 |
_urlwolf | guys, agree first :) | 18:36 |
aurel42 | malocite: how do you mount it manually? | 18:37 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: its external in this case :P | 18:37 |
_urlwolf | I vote external | 18:37 |
aurel42 | malocite: "mount /home" (no further arguments) does what you want? | 18:37 |
malocite | aurel42: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home | 18:37 |
Dougi2 | just do it manually I suppose lol | 18:37 |
Xanatos | if hes connecting from outsede the network | 18:37 |
_urlwolf | let me try with a third laptop :) | 18:37 |
malocite | yup | 18:37 |
aurel42 | malocite: does "sudo mount /home" / "sudo mount /dev/sda1" work, too? (only one argument, not two) | 18:38 |
makaraki | dabaR: it looks so | 18:38 |
ljsoftnet | i got "Second Life" in, the game worked fine, but the graphics is just to slow for my graphics card, so i decided to uninstall it, How do i uninstall it? __________________ | 18:38 |
dabaR | makaraki: it is a problem with console resolution, perhaps. | 18:38 |
aurel42 | malocite: if that works, it would indicate that the line in fstab is correct. | 18:38 |
machetie | has anyone setup file share on hardy desk yet | 18:38 |
aurel42 | makaraki: I noticed that the consoles are not using the normal VGA text mode. Looks like they use the FB stuff. Perhaps that's the problem. | 18:39 |
perlmonkey | sheesh is it normal for Ubuntu 8.04 to take THREE HOURS to get to stage 3 of 7 on the install? | 18:39 |
Kirce | is there a GUI for samba? | 18:39 |
malocite | aurel42: if I type sudo mount home - I get unrecognized mount option "0" | 18:39 |
makaraki | dabaR: Do you know which config file do I have to modify | 18:39 |
dabaR | ljsoftnet: is it in your pacmkage manager's package list? | 18:39 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:note that the IP I placed on the virtualized server was the one my ethernet cable provided | 18:39 |
perlmonkey | this is incredibly slow, slowest Linux I ever installed | 18:39 |
aurel42 | malocite: there you go, that's a typo in your line in fstab. recheck. | 18:39 |
dabaR | !xorg.conf > makaraki | 18:39 |
c-ron | what is the best plugin for playing streaming wmv in firefox? | 18:39 |
_urlwolf | If I move my laptop, I'll use the wireless, and will probably get a different IP, right? | 18:39 |
dabaR | makaraki: I am quite sure it was that one when I had to modify it. | 18:39 |
danbhfive | !medibuntu > c-ron | 18:39 |
malocite | aurel42: Are you guys talking about the CTRL ALT F2 not working in ubuntu giving you only a black screen? | 18:39 |
schnauzer | @perlmonkey - Server took that long om my 133Mhz laptop for the entire install. | 18:39 |
dabaR | makaraki: but, you may be best off to try to google for it a bit too. | 18:39 |
aurel42 | malocite: indeed | 18:40 |
perlmonkey | phew | 18:40 |
hostvik | hi | 18:40 |
perlmonkey | the cd seems incredibly slow to read | 18:40 |
makaraki | dabaR: I tried and I will do it again | 18:40 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: likely you will, maybe you wont, if it changes just change the IP address in virtual servers to your new one | 18:40 |
ljsoftnet | dabaR yes, i can see the secondlife-install in synaptic package manager | 18:40 |
schnauzer | Perlmonkey: what kind of machine are u using? | 18:40 |
_urlwolf | right | 18:40 |
=== b0ha is now known as b00ha | ||
dabaR | ljsoftnet: is it possible to uninstall it there? | 18:40 |
malocite | aurel42: I had that problem on my 7.1 on this machine, and I still have it on another, is there a solution to that? | 18:40 |
_urlwolf | well, I tested it, and it's the EXternal address that works for ssh now | 18:41 |
perlmonkey | shnauzer: im installing it on a Toshiba Tecra laptop P3-933 with 256mb | 18:41 |
ljsoftnet | dabaR i don't know | 18:41 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: so it works? | 18:41 |
talon | rutgermasi: the disk is from a camcorder so am just finalizing the disk to check | 18:41 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:it does | 18:41 |
aurel42 | malocite: I wish I knew. | 18:41 |
Xanatos | awesome | 18:41 |
cyka | ok i have a silly question | 18:41 |
cyka | but | 18:41 |
cyka | why the hell will no pop mail server work for me? | 18:41 |
dabaR | ljsoftnet: so try. | 18:41 |
danbhfive | !enter | cyka | 18:41 |
ubottu | cyka: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 18:41 |
Xanatos | awesome | 18:41 |
cyka | evolution jsut keeps giving me invalid password back | 18:42 |
cyka | when it's not | 18:42 |
malocite | aurel42: Do you even know what the problem is called? I tried googling everying and couldn't even find it refferenced, but every once in a while I hear it mentioned here | 18:42 |
pietro | help removing metapackage ubuntu-desktop??? | 18:42 |
ljsoftnet | dabaR i'm afraid something might go wrong, because it is just the install file | 18:42 |
cyka | join #evolution | 18:42 |
dabaR | makaraki: ca you paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst | 18:42 |
aurel42 | malocite: "black console" would be a nice name for it. ;) | 18:43 |
belor1 | Whats a Good Virus scanner for ubuntu | 18:43 |
cyka | ok so it doesn't exsist | 18:43 |
dabaR | ljsoftnet: OK, well, no pain no gain:-) your choice. | 18:43 |
_urlwolf | Xanatos:ok, now there's a problem | 18:43 |
schnauzer | perlmonkey: hmm... can't think of anything that might be slowing you down, except a bad CD drive. | 18:43 |
bill_raise | you have Clamav | 18:43 |
rutgermasi | belor1: you just dont need an antivirus scanner, just be sure what you are downloading | 18:43 |
malocite | aurel42: Ok, that mount point now works. When I login: I get this error : Users $home/.dmrc is being ignored, this prevents the default session and language from being saved file should be owned by user and 644 permissions users home directory must be owned by user and not writeable by others.... how do I do that? | 18:43 |
dabaR | pietro: what help is necessary for tghat | 18:43 |
_urlwolf | my wireless adapter has an address that conflicts with my ethernet adapter | 18:43 |
alen | hi can someone help me with nvida drvier for ubuntu 8.04 | 18:43 |
perlmonkey | schnauzer: damn, maybe that's it then | 18:43 |
_urlwolf | I cannot forward both IPs (100, and 102 respectively) | 18:43 |
schnauzer | Try a different disc? | 18:43 |
malocite | aurel42: Wow... black console... seems too easy :) Too obvious, never thought of that | 18:44 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf: disable one | 18:44 |
rutgermasi | alen: did you try system->administration->hardware drivers? | 18:44 |
Xanatos | like on your windows pc, disable your ethernet connection temporarily | 18:44 |
belor1 | rutgermasi, i want to scan my windows partition, and you can get a virus just by going to a websiute and it autodownling not buy downloading | 18:44 |
Xanatos | orr | 18:44 |
Xanatos | just choose one | 18:44 |
Xanatos | and port forward to that | 18:44 |
rutgermasi | belor1: that is NOT possible | 18:44 |
Tu13es | I'm trying to chroot a partition that doesnt have zsh installed and am getting "chroot: cannot run command '/bin/zsh': No such file or directory" | 18:44 |
belor1 | !antivirus | 18:44 |
ubottu | antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus | 18:44 |
Tu13es | any ideas? | 18:44 |
sigmabetatooth | exit | 18:44 |
alen | yes | 18:44 |
NeoGeo64 | Linux doesn't get viruses | 18:45 |
void^ | Tu13es: chroot /foo /bin/sh | 18:45 |
mohbana | hi, how i manually install the nvidia 169.09 drivers? | 18:45 |
Xanatos | ffs i've run this C:\ubuntu\disks\swap.disk through jkdefrag 3 times and its still partially fragmented | 18:45 |
rutgermasi | NeoGeo64: Linux CAN get virusses, but virusses can't be root if you aren't root, so they have less permissions and can't harm your system | 18:45 |
aurel42 | mohbana: now that's exactly my problem, too. I can tell you how it works for me, but I'm not sure it's the proper way. :) | 18:46 |
belor1 | !aegis | 18:46 |
ubottu | Factoid aegis not found | 18:46 |
mohbana | aurel42: please help | 18:46 |
DRebellion | rutgermasi, NeoGeo64, what is more valuable to you? Your operating system, which can be reinstalled in ~2 hours, or a lifetime of work and files in /home? | 18:46 |
aurel42 | mohbana: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new && sudo nvidia-xconfig | 18:46 |
white_eagle | what package do I need to have installed so I could configure the looks of qt4 apps? (like opera etc.) | 18:46 |
_urlwolf_ | Xanatos: this is fantastic | 18:46 |
_urlwolf_ | everything works | 18:46 |
rutgermasi | DRebellion: what do you mean? | 18:46 |
lucas_ | how can i configure my remote control?? i got a hp pavilion... | 18:46 |
_urlwolf_ | I'm on wireless, and ssh works | 18:47 |
sbeh | hm, after every reboot my ethernet-device names eth<lastnumber+1>, what can be the reason? | 18:47 |
mohbana | aurel42: 169.12 the version in the repo crashes my system so frequently it's unusable | 18:47 |
_urlwolf_ | You have no idea how important this is for me | 18:47 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf_: brilliant | 18:47 |
rutgermasi | lucas_: search for tutorials on ubuntu wiki/forums to 'lirc' | 18:47 |
DRebellion | rutgermasi, even if the virus only has your user permissions, it can still delete all of your files... | 18:47 |
_urlwolf_ | Xanatos: thanks a lot | 18:47 |
goodtimes | how can I make an exact copy of my root partition, keeping the permissions and everything intact? | 18:47 |
aurel42 | mohbana: there's also nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-legacy, IIRC. | 18:47 |
lucas_ | ok thanks | 18:47 |
Xanatos | _urlwolf_: no prob | 18:47 |
AfterDea1h | so, I'm upgrading to Hardy Heron and keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't break my cryptroot | 18:47 |
aurel42 | mohbana: they refer to older versions of the drivers. | 18:47 |
rutgermasi | DRebellion: yes, but most of the programmes on linux are in repos, so less chance for virusses | 18:47 |
nikitis | mohbana, compile it manually then or use envy | 18:47 |
DRebellion | goodtimes, sudo dd if=/dev/<drive> of=file.iso | 18:48 |
aurel42 | rutgermasi: unless a repository is hacked, like Debian's in... uhm... 2005? | 18:48 |
DRebellion | goodtimes, actually, it won't be an iso :P | 18:48 |
mohbana | nikitis: i've tried that, it simply doesn't work, the same procedure i carried out on gusty failed to work on hardy | 18:48 |
askand | Is someone in here able to make a picture of a face, in pngformat, less than 720 bytes big and still be able to see who is on the picture? | 18:48 |
rutgermasi | aurel42: it's still much safer, programmes in repos | 18:48 |
mohbana | now i'd like to uninstall the one i compiled, if that's possible | 18:49 |
goodtimes | DRebellion: so when I want to restore this do I just do the opposite for if and of? | 18:49 |
aurel42 | rutgermasi: it is, but I find it very doubtful to tell people "you don't need virus protection on Linux". | 18:49 |
mohbana | aurel42: do you have compiz enabled? | 18:49 |
DRebellion | goodtimes, yep (after booting off a livecd, so the root partition isn't mounted) | 18:49 |
aurel42 | rutgermasi: I could live with "you don't need virus protection on Linux YET, if you're very careful" ;) | 18:49 |
goodtimes | thank you | 18:49 |
aurel42 | mohbana: yes | 18:49 |
* aurel42 can't live without eye-candy. | 18:49 | |
mohbana | aurel42: do you ever get total system lockups? | 18:49 |
denver | how do i change the version in xchat so it won't say xchat 2.8.4 Ubuntu | 18:50 |
rutgermasi | aurel42: I said you don't need it IF you know what you are downloading, linux has less exploits and less virusses, but stop the disuccsion about virusses :P | 18:50 |
aurel42 | mohbana: never, or I wouldn't be using the system. I'm a sucker for stability. | 18:50 |
* schnauzer can't either ;) | 18:50 | |
mohbana | right thanks | 18:50 |
Xanatos | okay, that time the file actually gained a fragment after defrag | 18:50 |
gaintsura | how do I copy my thunderbird settings (folders,tags, etc) from windows to ubuntu? I've tried the walkthroughs on the net, but they didnt work | 18:51 |
Ravenkin | Does anyone know how to share a folder? I went into sharing options and clicked the check box to shar, but it tells me I do not have permission to create a usershare, but I'm the only user. | 18:52 |
rutgermasi | gaintsura: ubuntu asks you at install | 18:52 |
belor1 | !linuxvirus | belor1 | 18:52 |
bardyr | !linuxvirus | bardyr | 18:53 |
rutgermasi | belor1: just make backups, that's the important thing, the change you get a virus on linux is the same as your harddisk crashes | 18:53 |
bonhoffer | anyone know how i can edit a read-only file in ubuntu? | 18:54 |
aurel42 | bonhoffer: sudo vi <filename> ? ;) | 18:54 |
rutgermasi | bonhoffer: gksudo gedit /path/to/file | 18:54 |
jrib | bonhoffer: what file? | 18:55 |
aquo | mount -o remount,rw /mountpoin | 18:55 |
bonhoffer | yeah -- but i have to chmod it to include write provideges | 18:55 |
sigmabetatooth | could anyone help me with posting a new thread to the "hardware & laptops" forum | 18:55 |
gaintsura | rutgermasi: thunderbird is already installed in ubuntu. and my settings are still on windows, which are inaccessible in ubuntu | 18:55 |
Lardarse | bonhoffer: do the chmod under sudo? | 18:55 |
rutgermasi | bonhoffer: sudo chmod 755 would do it | 18:55 |
hydrogen | err | 18:55 |
bonhoffer | o.k. cool -- got it working . . . | 18:55 |
bonhoffer | thanks . . . | 18:55 |
Lardarse | rutgermasi: do yo really need the +x ? | 18:55 |
hydrogen | is it read-only by user or owned by root | 18:55 |
rutgermasi | Lardarse: no? | 18:56 |
hydrogen | thats actually a very bad choice for permissions | 18:56 |
yaRaL | s.a | 18:56 |
will00 | how do i apply an emerald theme to gnome? | 18:56 |
=== yaRaL is now known as LAZOLAR | ||
aurel42 | bonhoffer: root actually doesn't need write privs, unless the editor enforces them. | 18:56 |
Lardarse | bonhoffer: do ls -l filename and then pastebnin it | 18:56 |
LAZOLAR | turkish | 18:56 |
Lardarse | pastebin* | 18:56 |
LAZOLAR | ben var turkish | 18:57 |
bonhoffer | -r--r--r-- | 18:57 |
hydrogen | aurel42: that doesn't mean you immediatly fall back on root.. if its read only but owned by user you change permissions isntead | 18:57 |
drewby | Hello everyone. I have fuxed my grub boot loader and really need some help. I have a paste with lots of details about my problem here: | 18:57 |
LAZOLAR | ananýzý zikeyim sizin | 18:57 |
LAZOLAR | oke:) | 18:57 |
jaffarkelshac | how do i use my usb device in vbox, currently using it via shared folder. | 18:57 |
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss | ||
aurel42 | hydrogen: just mentioning that root doesn't care about permissions. :) | 18:57 |
rutgermasi | 533 maybe? | 18:57 |
Lardarse | !language | drewby | 18:57 |
ubottu | drewby: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 18:57 |
hydrogen | !tr | LAZOLAR | 18:57 |
ubottu | LAZOLAR: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 18:57 |
drewby | Hello everyone. I have MESSED UP my grub boot loader and really need some help. I have a paste with lots of details about my problem here: | 18:58 |
Lardarse | hydrogen: thanks, coudn't remember the country code | 18:58 |
sigmabetatooth | how much time on the ubuntu forums do you need before they allow you to post a new thread? | 18:58 |
busta5000 | Hi | 18:58 |
Pici | sigmabetatooth: 0. | 18:58 |
LAZOLAR | rizeliyim | 18:58 |
zetheroo | whats a good application for DJ-ing | 18:58 |
LAZOLAR | rizeli | 18:58 |
zetheroo | ? | 18:58 |
Lardarse | sigmabetatooth: have you received the confirmation e-mail (and replied to it) ? | 18:58 |
^Tech-Help^ | I had tons of data on my USB external hdd, i tripped over the cord, plugged it back in but im not seeing the data even when i try to mount it, how can i get it back? | 18:58 |
LAZOLAR | turkum ben | 18:58 |
Lardarse | ehh... | 18:58 |
sigmabetatooth | :( | 18:58 |
Lardarse | not replied | 18:58 |
Lardarse | clicked the link init | 18:58 |
FloodBot2 | Lardarse: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:58 |
Parsec300 | I've installed Hardy on my old machine, but there's no sleep button. Only a suspend button. I've tried editing the /etc/default/acpi-support file as well as another acpi config file, but it doesn't show. Is there a problem with sleep in Hardy? | 18:58 |
Pici | !en | LAZOLAR | 18:58 |
ubottu | LAZOLAR: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 18:58 |
drewby | lol I like how someone with the name "Lardarse" called on me for saying a pseudoswear | 18:58 |
Lifeisfunny | I'm trying to convert an audio book to m4a .... the audio book CD is clipped into 97 tracks none lasting more than 0:55 seconds. So I want to combine half of the Cd into an mp3 file with mp3wrap, however at the end of every track I have a buzz that I would like to clip out of the file ...... Would anyone know a program file that would let me do that? | 18:58 |
sigmabetatooth | err... yeah i have i have posted before | 18:58 |
busta5000 | how can I change the font here | 18:58 |
Lardarse | flouch! | 18:58 |
talon | rutgermasi: the permissions of the disk cannot be determined | 18:59 |
busta5000 | how can I change the font here | 18:59 |
Myrtti | busta5000: what's "here" | 18:59 |
zetheroo | anyone? | 18:59 |
sigmabetatooth | i can't post to "hardware & laptops" for some reason | 18:59 |
Lardarse | busta5000: which program? | 18:59 |
busta5000 | how can I change the font here | 18:59 |
Myrtti | !repeat | busta5000 | 18:59 |
ubottu | busta5000: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 18:59 |
busta5000 | here in this chat I mean | 18:59 |
will00 | anyone have success with emerald, compiz, and gnome? | 18:59 |
busta5000 | I personally use hardy | 18:59 |
* Lardarse directs FloodBot2 to busta5000 | 18:59 | |
machetie | yes will00 | 18:59 |
Myrtti | busta5000: you'll have to elaborate a bit more, you must mean the irc client | 18:59 |
Pici | sigmabetatooth: You might be able to find a forum moderator in #ubuntuforums | 18:59 |
robert__ | i'm using compiz | 18:59 |
Lardarse | busta5000: "this chat" could be just about anything | 18:59 |
Myrtti | busta5000: which client are you using? | 18:59 |
will00 | machetie, how do you get emerald themes to apply to gnome? | 19:00 |
machetie | me too | 19:00 |
sigmabetatooth | pici: thx | 19:00 |
busta5000 | I'm using hardy ubuntu | 19:00 |
drewby | he probably uses pidgin since he doesn't seem to be very with it | 19:00 |
Myrtti | busta5000: may I check what client you are using? | 19:00 |
=== Jety is now known as Jetnet | ||
robert__ | pidgin is good | 19:00 |
machetie | anyone has a good hardy howto for file share | 19:00 |
rkm | i have a question about setting up VPN with the network manager applet | 19:00 |
Myrtti | busta5000: oh, you're using a webchat? | 19:00 |
^Tech-Help^ | I had tons of data on my USB external hdd, i tripped over the cord, plugged it back in but im not seeing the data even when i try to mount it, how can i get it back? | 19:00 |
busta5000 | well I do not know I'm new at linux | 19:00 |
robert__ | i'm kinda new to it too | 19:01 |
Pici | busta5000: What does the top of the window you are typing in say? | 19:01 |
robert__ | switched to ubuntu a couple months ago | 19:01 |
busta5000 | I'm new at it too | 19:01 |
rkm | i've installed the openvpn component for nm but it never shows up under nm | 19:01 |
busta5000 | but havving a problem with it | 19:01 |
drewby | robert__: I'm not saying pidgin is bad, I'm just saying someone who wasn't very with probably doesn't have a lot of experience so they are probably using pidgin | 19:01 |
busta5000 | see guys I installed wubi | 19:01 |
Pici | !enter | busta5000 | 19:01 |
ubottu | busta5000: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 19:01 |
=== liberweesco is now known as libervisco | ||
busta5000 | but it doesn't have the compizconfig | 19:01 |
machetie | same here wubi is one way to go | 19:01 |
robert__ | windows can't even hold itself together. you have to get all kinds of apps installed when it should do these things itself and doesn't | 19:01 |
busta5000 | OK I will | 19:02 |
ompaul | !wubi | busta5000 | 19:02 |
ubottu | busta5000: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 19:02 |
Pici | busta5000: What version of Ubuntu? | 19:02 |
machetie | 8.04 | 19:02 |
busta5000 | 8.4 | 19:02 |
Parsec300 | I've installed Hardy on my old machine, but there's no sleep button. Only a suspend button. I've tried editing the /etc/default/acpi-support file as well as another acpi config file, but it doesn't show. Is there a problem with sleep in Hardy that wasn't there with Gutsy? | 19:02 |
gaintsura | ... I've gotta kill thunderbird.. but its not listed in ps -A | 19:02 |
Pici | busta5000: Install simple-ccsm | 19:02 |
rutgermasi | Searching some people for | 19:02 |
gaintsura | how do I do this? | 19:02 |
robert__ | just do what i do and turn it off when not using it haha | 19:03 |
Pici | rutgermasi: This is a support channel, do NOT advertize here. | 19:03 |
Myrtti | gaintsura: how about ps axu | grep thunderbird | 19:03 |
Pici | !etiquette > rutgermasi (Please see the private messsage from ubottu) | 19:03 |
^Tech-Help^ | I keep getting device is busy if i try to unmount my external HDD | 19:03 |
gaintsura | ahh there it is, thanks Myrtti | 19:03 |
drewby | Whenever I try to boot from my hard disk I get error 21. Please see for more details. | 19:03 |
Double | can anyone help me? | 19:03 |
jgoo | I have a fresh image of ubuntu 6.04 - I created a new user with a .bashrc - but the .bashrc isn't automatically sourced on login - is this because I need to setup profile.d | 19:03 |
busta5000 | the link does not work | 19:03 |
Myrtti | jgoo: fresh image of what? | 19:03 |
gaintsura | Myrtti: actually.. its not there | 19:04 |
robert__ | i uninstalled firefox today | 19:04 |
xim | !cloning | 19:04 |
Double | i havent got any ass in a week and i want to stick my cock in one | 19:04 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 19:04 |
vbman11 | how does one play mp4's (itunes bought) on ubuntu | 19:04 |
Pici | busta5000: What link? I didnt give you a link. | 19:04 |
jgoo | ubuntu 6.xx (04?) server - imaged from my hosting company | 19:04 |
Byron1 | double what do you need help on? | 19:04 |
^Tech-Help^ | I keep getting device is busy if i try to unmount my external HDD | 19:04 |
jrib | jgoo: .bashrc is sourced when you start a shell | 19:04 |
Lifeisfunny | Would anyone know of a program that lets me create an mp3 file while playing a CD so I can remove the buzz I get when extracting every Track with SoundKonverter? | 19:04 |
Myrtti | !language | Double | 19:04 |
ubottu | Double: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 19:04 |
jgoo | Myrtti, but it doesn't have /etc/profile.d - | 19:04 |
Double | finding someone who will let me stick it in their ass | 19:04 |
busta5000 | when I install wubi where can I find missing components of it like compizconfig | 19:04 |
jgoo | jrib, mine doesn't (but does when I source ~/.bashrc of course... and then ll works etc (my paths) | 19:04 |
jgoo | jrib, perhaps I need to chmod it? I'll check... :s | 19:05 |
aurel42 | ^Tech-Help^: well, your HDD is busy. Stop whatever is using it. :) | 19:05 |
Pici | busta5000: Compizconfig isnt installed by default in any 8.04 install. | 19:05 |
jrib | jgoo: how are you logging in? | 19:05 |
Pici | !who | busta5000 | 19:05 |
vbman11 | !language | Double | 19:05 |
ubottu | busta5000: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:05 |
ubottu | Double: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 19:05 |
jgoo | jrib: ssh | 19:05 |
robert__ | thanks for keeping chat clean here | 19:05 |
^Tech-Help^ | aurel42 its not in use that im aware of | 19:05 |
aurel42 | ^Tech-Help^: "man lsof" (list open files) might be your friend | 19:05 |
busta5000 | anybody | 19:05 |
robert__ | yahoo and myspace chat need administrators too | 19:05 |
jrib | jgoo: ah, then yes it probably won't get sourced. Maybe ~/.profile . Check 'man bash' for more things to try... | 19:05 |
Myrtti | busta5000: you're not making any questions that can be answered, you need to elaborate more | 19:05 |
vbman11 | how does one play mp4's (itunes bought) on ubuntu? | 19:06 |
jgoo | jrib, I would try adding source ~/.bashrc to .profile :) thanks | 19:06 |
busta5000 | elaborate as in more details right | 19:06 |
Myrtti | busta5000: yes | 19:06 |
robert__ | i installed epiphany and uninstalled firefox because firefox is much slower | 19:06 |
arooni-mobile | i hear noises when: i hit backspace when i'm at the beginning of xchat form... i hear a beep that is annoying. i also hear it when i cant move down anyomre in a vim document. how do i get rid of this noise. | 19:06 |
aurel42 | ^Tech-Help^: btw, changing your directory to that device will also make it busy. | 19:06 |
Lifeisfunny | Would anyone know a website that might have some useful knowledge for my project? | 19:07 |
jrib | arooni-mobile: system -> preferences -> sound -> system beep | 19:07 |
greg_universe | how do you edit your grub menu? | 19:07 |
aurel42 | greg_universe: it's in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 19:07 |
greg_universe | ty | 19:07 |
jgoo | jrib, I also just realised that... my ssh commands aren't saved to my bash history... which is a pain | 19:07 |
beli | hey folks....what graphical torrent client can you suggest? | 19:07 |
gaintsura | beli: azeurus | 19:07 |
beli | jgoo: check permissions | 19:07 |
greg_universe | az is my favorite | 19:07 |
Pici | !torrent | beli | 19:07 |
ubottu | beli: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: - See also !P2P | 19:07 |
gaintsura | I think I mis-spelled that | 19:07 |
beli | gaintsura: hmmm dislike java in that case | 19:07 |
talon | hi, i'm having trouble getting ubuntu to recognize a disk from my camcorder when i but it in the drive. it recognizes the disk but fails to show files and the permissions connot be determined.please help? | 19:08 |
Myrtti | beli: bittornado-gui | 19:08 |
jgoo | beli, permissions for the history thing or the bashrc thing? | 19:08 |
^Tech-Help^ | aurel42 how do i search for a word that is listed in terminal? | 19:08 |
beli | jgoo: history for sure...your shell needs to have permissions to write to the file | 19:08 |
machetie | beli: Azureus | 19:08 |
aurel42 | ^Tech-Help^: lsof | grep <this word> | 19:08 |
^Tech-Help^ | thanks | 19:08 |
jgoo | beli, all my other stuff gets added to history... wget etc.. just not ssh :ssss | 19:09 |
beli | my favourite on windows systems is utorrent | 19:09 |
arooni-mobile | jrib, that works gr8 | 19:09 |
jgoo | beli, seriously, try azureus... | 19:09 |
jgoo | beli, my fav on win is uTorrent also | 19:09 |
machetie | anyone help with file share in hardy | 19:09 |
Byron1 | !talon how do you know it recognizes the drive? | 19:09 |
ubottu | Byron1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:09 |
aurel42 | jgoo: the commands you enter after establishing the SSH connection are obviously stored in the history of the target system. | 19:09 |
beli | jgoo: i know azureus....i love to understand parts of the code...and i am really no java guy | 19:09 |
drewby | Whenever I try to boot from my hard disk I get error 21. Please help! See for more details. | 19:09 |
jgoo | aurel42, no, I mean the actual ssh isn't stored. | 19:10 |
aurel42 | jgoo: that's too weird. | 19:10 |
Chipsa964 | where is the device manager in 8.04? | 19:10 |
machetie | any howto on file share in hardy | 19:10 |
talon | Byron1: when i put the disk in it brings up an icon for the disk but doesnt show any files in it | 19:10 |
aurel42 | jgoo: did you start the command with a leading blank, perhaps? " ssh ..."? | 19:10 |
jgoo | aurel42, does yours save? do a qui9ck dummy ssl to nowhere and see if it saves! | 19:10 |
jgoo | aaaaaaaaaah | 19:10 |
jgoo | aurel42, you are a genius | 19:10 |
Parsec300 | I've installed Hardy on my old machine, but there's no sleep button. Only a suspend button. I've tried editing the /etc/default/acpi-support file as well as another acpi config file, but it doesn't show. Is there a problem with sleep in Hardy that wasn't there with Gutsy? | 19:10 |
aurel42 | jgoo, yes, I am, but don't tell anyone. :) | 19:10 |
jgoo | ~aurel42++ | 19:11 |
Manos | Does anyone here have experience with Ubuntu's commercial support? | 19:11 |
will00 | anyone know of any particular wireless multimedia keyboards that work out of the box? | 19:11 |
test | hello | 19:11 |
machetie | Chipsa964: install gnome-device-manager | 19:11 |
test | What is a good CD burner for Ubuntu | 19:11 |
busta5000 | I installed wubi but it had some problemS I coudn't connect to the wireless(I added some codes but were no use) & the compizconfig-settings-manager was missing plus in system > prefrences . (missing) advance... so please what should I do | 19:11 |
* beli detex: aurel42 is a genius if he explains what the shell does in that case ;) | 19:11 | |
mnemo | test: brasero | 19:11 |
Chipsa964 | machetie, thanks | 19:11 |
test | k | 19:11 |
lucas_ | i cant configure the remote control! its an hp dv6000 they say it works out of the box, but cant configure the keys! help please | 19:11 |
aurel42 | test: nautilus, your normal file manager? It does everything I need. | 19:11 |
greg_universe | cna i jsut remove lines in the boot/grub/menu.lst to remove non working entries? | 19:11 |
drewby | I need help installing xubuntu on my thumbdrive. I messed up my bootloader. So for asking so my, but it's a pretty severe problem. | 19:12 |
Byron1 | talon: Is the camcoder hooked to the computer or the disk? | 19:12 |
busta5000 | so anybody has any idea how to solve my problem | 19:12 |
jgoo | aurel42, I am having a weird issue with ssh and scp actually, they work wonderful in console, but gftp and nautilus both have the same errors... Connection reset by peer after I enter password | 19:12 |
talon | Byron1: ive tried both | 19:12 |
Bagualas | hello, i'm getting this error when try to mount my cel phone on ubuntu 8.04: ay 11 15:12:10 freedom kernel: [140657.377833] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 1 | 19:12 |
busta5000 | I installed wubi but it had some problemS I coudn't connect to the wireless(I added some codes but were no use) & the compizconfig-settings-manager was missing plus in system > prefrences . (missing) advance... so please what should I do | 19:12 |
jgoo | aurel42, I google the error, and I get 7 results.... all source code... insane! | 19:12 |
Keean | moshi-moshi... | 19:13 |
beli | jgoo: thats a really common error message....can have many reasons | 19:13 |
Byron1 | talon:what version of ubuntu? | 19:13 |
talon | Byron1: hardy | 19:13 |
busta5000 | anyody | 19:13 |
busta5000 | help | 19:13 |
airstrike | i'm using VLC and the audio seems kinda glitchy when i'm watching a video. is there anyway to increase the buffer, change hardware acceleration or something else that could improve overall audio quality? | 19:13 |
ompaul | !repeat | busta5000 | 19:13 |
ubottu | busta5000: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 19:13 |
jgoo | beli, but it works in console, also the error I get is : "ssh application unexpectedly exited" | 19:13 |
aurel42 | jgoo, no idea. there goes my status of being a genius. :) | 19:13 |
Byron1 | talon:I that 7.04? | 19:13 |
talon | Byron1: 8.04 | 19:14 |
jgoo | beli: the point is, they work fine in console... so perhaps I want a cheap drag and dropable ui over the console commands :p | 19:14 |
machetie | busta5000: are you on wubi now | 19:14 |
busta5000 | yes | 19:14 |
busta5000 | no | 19:14 |
beli | jgoo: i am a console guy in common ;) | 19:14 |
busta5000 | no | 19:14 |
gaintsura | question: just freshly restarted ubuntu. I tried opening up thunderbird. Ubuntu says that thunderbird is already running, but ps aux does not show it.. | 19:14 |
aurel42 | jgoo: just hide your mouse and get used to the keyboard, you'll be fine. ;) | 19:14 |
Byron1 | Talon:Did you upgrade to 8.04 and if so did it work before? | 19:14 |
busta5000 | I'm using xp now | 19:14 |
machetie | open synaptic package manager | 19:14 |
* X-Seti wonder why kaffeine cant see my wintv video card, but its located and seen from usb | 19:14 | |
beli | jgoo: maybe you miss some settings/options with gftp | 19:15 |
busta5000 | as I told u in my question I coudn't connect it to the net | 19:15 |
machetie | ok | 19:15 |
test | Oh, and is there a program to convert media files to DVD format | 19:15 |
test | ? | 19:15 |
machetie | sorry one sec | 19:15 |
jgoo | aurel42, beli , I am an emacs user, and I'd run ratpoison as my wm if I could... by SCP has a broken command line... it sucks | 19:15 |
test | like what ConvertXtoDVD does | 19:15 |
chris_420 | quick question... im looking to DL about for different Live cd distors was wondering if i could go ahead and brun them all to one dvd and then pick and chose which to load? | 19:15 |
busta5000 | well machite | 19:15 |
machetie | busta5000 what wifi u got | 19:15 |
busta5000 | tell me every detail | 19:15 |
alen | please helpp me with manula instalation nvida driver | 19:15 |
talon | Byron1: this is a new install and not tried it on any other distro my first linux : ) | 19:15 |
busta5000 | I will remmeber it | 19:15 |
beli | broken command line? | 19:15 |
jgoo | beli, nautilus also fails... and I don't think there is any other conf | 19:15 |
jaims | hi there | 19:15 |
busta5000 | infact I have notes nearby | 19:16 |
martiner__ | I got question about Java and Tomcat - Ubuntu 7.10 | 19:16 |
jaims | i went yesterday to ask some questions... | 19:16 |
busta5000 | so please if I go to synptic | 19:16 |
busta5000 | what should I do | 19:16 |
aurel42 | test: "apt-cache search convert dvd"... does that help? | 19:16 |
danbhfive | !enter | busta5000 | 19:16 |
ubottu | busta5000: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 19:16 |
machetie | busta5000 u cont setup the compiz without internet | 19:16 |
jaims | i think ive found sorta bug | 19:16 |
jgoo | beli, yes, it is terrible, from what I've tried... I've used ftp command line enough... scp has no shell mode | 19:16 |
therion | Hi all, i have a problem with gdebi-kde, pratically it doesn't install any deb package and crash only... how i can resolve this bug? | 19:16 |
laeg | i would like to add 'vlc --playlist-enqueue <file>' as an option on media files in nautilus - how do i do this? | 19:16 |
busta5000 | ok sorry for the enter | 19:16 |
Byron1 | talon:does the disk show up in computer? | 19:16 |
jgoo | I couldn't get it to send multiple files per command (but I didn't try too hard | 19:16 |
jaims | with networking when I have eth0 and static ip | 19:16 |
busta5000 | machite r u here | 19:17 |
talon | Byron1: yes it does but with no files | 19:17 |
jaims | is there a specific place to try to find out more about it? | 19:17 |
Tu13es | anyone know if I can patch grub so it'll boot partitions with 256-byte inodes? | 19:17 |
machetie | yeah | 19:17 |
machetie | im me busta5000 | 19:17 |
aurel42 | jgoo: sftp does | 19:17 |
Byron1 | talon sorry about the smileys clumsy fingers | 19:17 |
beli | jgoo: you mean interactive mode? | 19:17 |
chris_420 | anyways to put four live cd distros on one DVD and use likes grub or something to chose between them? | 19:17 |
jgoo | aurel42, which is awesome, but find a sensible guide to setting up an sftpd... which is under 15000 printed pages | 19:17 |
aurel42 | jgoo: btw, I like rsync when working with folders or multiple files. | 19:17 |
busta5000 | ok machetie ff how can I connect to the wireless | 19:17 |
talon | Byron1: i got my smiley wrong | 19:17 |
jgoo | beli, yes interactive mode, so I don't type scp.... a million times :) | 19:18 |
machetie | whats ur wifi card | 19:18 |
chris_420 | or do you supposed i could use mindi to make it happen? | 19:18 |
aurel42 | jgoo: sftpd is just part of ssh, no need to set up anything, perhaps one line in sshd_config | 19:18 |
gaintsura | anyone know why thunderbird says its running, when its really not? | 19:18 |
busta5000 | I do not have a wifi card I have an adapter | 19:18 |
jgoo | aurel42, this is for a remote jetty server... perhaps this is a good idea... which is the most rebust, clean, solution? | 19:18 |
jgoo | aurel42, so it works over ssh? | 19:18 |
beli | jgoo: yes...check your sshd_config...sftp is just included | 19:18 |
busta5000 | an external adapter | 19:18 |
machetie | what brand is it | 19:18 |
* jgoo is full over wonderment | 19:18 | |
busta5000 | it is linksys | 19:18 |
aurel42 | jgoo, yes, sftp is just a feature of ssh. If you prefer a GUI, have a look at Unison. | 19:18 |
martiner__ | TOMCAT&JAVA PROBLEM ..please help | 19:18 |
machetie | model | 19:19 |
aurel42 | jgoo, unison uses ssh, too. | 19:19 |
Byron1 | talon when you inset disk do you get an import photos dialog? | 19:19 |
aurel42 | jgoo, you need to have unison on BOTH machines, though. | 19:19 |
busta5000 | n usb | 19:19 |
therion | gdebi-kde doesn't install any deb package and do always in crash... how i can resolve this problem? | 19:19 |
ompaul | gaintsura, cos it is running, open a terminal and type "top" then press the letter "u" then type your username - you can then type "k" and kill your instances of thunderbird by putting in the numbers on the left hand side of the screen | 19:19 |
machetie | yeah any specific model | 19:19 |
beli | jgoo: what do you want to do? lemme ask this first ;) | 19:19 |
niteye | the "recovery mode" in GRUB does NOT ask ANY password to gain a ROOT SHELL. is this a bug? how do i fix this? | 19:19 |
jgoo | thanks aurel42, I'll check it out... for now... to the sftp cave. | 19:19 |
busta5000 | model number WUSB300N | 19:19 |
machetie | thats better | 19:20 |
airstrike | anyone got any experience with VLC? | 19:20 |
aurel42 | jgoo: Holy file transfer, Batgoo!! | 19:20 |
ompaul | niteye, no it is not - you can add passwords to grub but that is generally considered a "bad idea" | 19:20 |
jgoo | beli: just manage a jetty install, which is mirrored on my stage jetty install here at office (mirrored in a non technical sense... i.e. I write crap here and send it there() | 19:20 |
vxbinaca | airstrike: if it locking your machine, making sound and gnome crash up? | 19:20 |
jaims | bye all | 19:20 |
therion | gdebi-kde doesn't install any deb package and do always in crash... how i can resolve this problem? | 19:20 |
niteye | what is the point of passwords if you can simply gain root access by doing "recovery mode" ? | 19:20 |
Parsec300 | Is there anyone that has the sleep button when they log out? | 19:20 |
jgoo | aurel42, at the risk of OT - new joker looks insanely awesome | 19:20 |
beli | jgoo: why not use rsync? | 19:20 |
aurel42 | niteye: not every hacker has physical access to your machine | 19:21 |
machetie | busta5000: have you been here | 19:21 |
mnemo | niteye: remote logins for example | 19:21 |
airstrike | vxbinaca, it's just that the audio is glitchy.. but it's working somewhat well | 19:21 |
jgoo | beli, I think I might, I will look into it now | 19:21 |
aurel42 | niteye: consider encrypting the hard disk | 19:21 |
benanzo | niteye: not a bug | 19:21 |
niteye | i cant encrypt the root partition because then wakeonlan will no longer work | 19:21 |
beli | jgoo: you can spread your main install then automagically...just use a little script and cron | 19:21 |
benanzo | in RHEL add "~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin" to /etc/inittab | 19:21 |
benanzo | not sure in Ubuntu | 19:21 |
busta5000 | machetie | 19:22 |
beli | jgoo: and you can use it over ssh too.... | 19:22 |
busta5000 | 'I coudn't enter or copy the link | 19:22 |
niteye | the problem is that in ubuntu , root technically has no password | 19:22 |
busta5000 | !!! | 19:22 |
Wootie | Im using anjuta to program in c++. Why dont I have the build menu option ? :) | 19:22 |
gaintsura | ompaul: its not in there | 19:22 |
machetie | ok one sec | 19:22 |
aurel42 | niteye: I guess you need to address the underlying kernel issue then, because as long as you can edit the boot parameters, you can always use init=/bin/bash to get around any passwords. | 19:22 |
benanzo | niteye: give root a password then | 19:22 |
ompaul | gaintsura, mozilla-thunder | 19:22 |
gaintsura | nope | 19:22 |
beli | benanzo: wont need to unlock account first... | 19:23 |
niteye | if i give root a password, anything that asks admin privileges (where you have to then type the normal user pass) will break | 19:23 |
gaintsura | ompaul: it is not in there at all | 19:23 |
test | Guys | 19:23 |
test | How about burning a DVD | 19:23 |
machetie | busta5000: try this | 19:23 |
test | like movies on HDD -> DVD | 19:23 |
beli | passwd -u root | 19:23 |
beli | on a rootshell | 19:23 |
=== null__ is now known as ffm_ | ||
ompaul | gaintsura, type q to leave top | 19:23 |
benanzo | beli: sudo bash ; passwd | 19:23 |
spideyman | im having trouble with cdrecord | 19:23 |
benanzo | give root a password | 19:23 |
ompaul | gaintsura, type killall thunderbird | 19:23 |
aurel42 | test: I right-click on the ISO and select "Burn to DVD" ;) | 19:23 |
=== fophillipse is now known as fophillips | ||
ompaul | !supportroot | benanzo | 19:23 |
ubottu | benanzo: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) | 19:23 |
alen | what i type in konzole for nvidia driver | 19:24 |
gaintsura | ompaul: 'no process killed' | 19:24 |
test | lol. | 19:24 |
ompaul | gaintsura, then it is not running | 19:24 |
jgoo | beli, aurel42 - I will try rsync / unison - for now, sftp... nautilus and gftp don't support it? is unison the only sftp client? | 19:24 |
niteye | i tried this once, and autoupdate etc. broke, because ubuntu isnt designed to have a root password apparently, and uses sudo with users in the admin group instead | 19:24 |
ffm_ | How do I debug suspend-resume issues? They are completely broken on my box. (Dell D8300 with nvidia graphics) | 19:24 |
gaintsura | ompaul | 19:24 |
jjt009 | benanzo: ok, my xserver is still screwed up after i installed hardy heron...i go into fail-safe terminal, now what do i do? | 19:24 |
benanzo | great so Ubuntu encourages no auth single user login | 19:24 |
aurel42 | jgoo, nautilus and gftp SHOULD work, no idea why they don't. | 19:24 |
beli | jgoo: maybe ncftp supports or lftp...check it out | 19:24 |
airstrike | what exactly happens when i do ctrl+alt+f1 and how can i get back to this display afterwards? | 19:24 |
jjt009 | anyone know what teh f is going on? | 19:24 |
gaintsura | ompaul: when I type thunderbird into the console or try to run it from the desktop.. it says thunderbird is running but not responding, please kill thunderbird or reboot your system.. I've rebooted, but it still says the same thing | 19:24 |
ompaul | benanzo, not up for debate - it was decided 4 years ago | 19:24 |
ffm_ | benanzo, no... | 19:25 |
benanzo | That's perfectly fine | 19:25 |
aurel42 | airstrike: you should switch to a text console, you get back with alt + f7 | 19:25 |
test | and how do i change to the KDE interface | 19:25 |
beli | airstrike: it switches to first tty | 19:25 |
jjt009 | i try logging into my system, and i reach a black screen, none of the icons initialize | 19:25 |
ffm_ | benanzo, we discourage it. | 19:25 |
jjt009 | it freaking sucks | 19:25 |
niteye | i think they wanted to do it more windows-style with users having all admin rights usually | 19:25 |
jjt009 | anyone know? | 19:25 |
airstrike | thanks, i've always wondered how to get back | 19:25 |
aurel42 | test: select the "Session" from the display manager (ie. where you enter username/pw) | 19:25 |
ffm_ | benanzo, in fact sudo bash is bad. | 19:25 |
jgoo | aurel42, my gftp has the following options, FTP, HTTP, Localm SSH FSP .... | 19:25 |
jjt009 | i think this is a problem with x server | 19:25 |
benanzo | booting in single user mode drops to root shell -- the only way to have proper pam auth is to give root a passwd | 19:25 |
benanzo | is there another way? | 19:25 |
ricanelite | oh I feel so good. Just got Virtualbox and Windows XP Service Pack 2 and 3 installed on Hardy | 19:25 |
jjt009 | how can i reinstall x server from the fail-safe terminal | 19:26 |
test | aurel42, theres nothing there | 19:26 |
ffm_ | benanzo, pam isn't used in SUM. | 19:26 |
jjt009 | wtffffffff | 19:26 |
test | only the username box | 19:26 |
ricanelite | took me pretty much all day, but whoever was online early this morning thank you so much!!! | 19:26 |
ffm_ | benanzo, you don't need to have a root password for pam. | 19:26 |
spideyman | !pastebin | 19:26 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 19:26 |
busta5000 | machetie | 19:26 |
ffm_ | !repeat | jjt009 | 19:26 |
ubottu | jjt009: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 19:26 |
beli | benanzo: what do you want to do? | 19:26 |
aurel42 | test: hmmm, use a different layout for that screen (system / administration / Login Window) | 19:26 |
benanzo | how can I require a passwd to login in in single user mode | 19:26 |
busta5000 | can I install a .deb file in windows | 19:26 |
test | k | 19:26 |
machetie | busta5000 | 19:26 |
vxbinaca | no busta | 19:26 |
jjt009 | ffm_: ok man | 19:26 |
jjt009 | thanks | 19:26 |
rutgermasi | busta5000: no you cant | 19:26 |
ompaul | gaintsura, do this ps auwx > foo and paste that output into and gove me the url | 19:27 |
emma | benanzo, i thought that was default. | 19:27 |
ricanelite | how can I change the text color when I'm typing in the address bar in Firefox? | 19:27 |
benanzo | nope | 19:27 |
aurel42 | jgoo, as I said, SSH via nautilus / anything *should* work if it works on the console. | 19:27 |
jgoo | aurel42, beli , it sounds like you both use rsync then? | 19:27 |
busta5000 | so how can I download Ndiswrapper | 19:27 |
machetie | busta5000: did you try | 19:27 |
busta5000 | yeS I tried | 19:27 |
ffm_ | busta5000, you don't on windows. you do so on linux. | 19:27 |
aurel42 | jgoo, I use rsync a lot, yes. | 19:27 |
niteye | benanzo: i think giving root a password will do, but i did that once and my ubuntu 'partially' broke (any app that used a popup window to ask the admin password) | 19:27 |
beli | jgoo: i use rsync for slackware mirror | 19:27 |
busta5000 | it downloaded a Ndiswrapper.ko | 19:27 |
busta5000 | not a .deb | 19:27 |
ffm_ | benanzo, you can't. | 19:27 |
ffm_ | benanzo, set a grub password. | 19:27 |
ak_mason | << /msg ubottu etiquette >> | 19:27 |
jgoo | aurel42, yeah.. should work :'( ok I will go with rsync - I guess i need to set it up on the server, with a root, I'll google | 19:27 |
benanzo | ffm_: lol | 19:27 |
^Tech-Help^ | im having trouble mounting my external Usb hdd Fstab shows that it is this device. but no luck: Disk /dev/sdf: 320.0 GB, 320072932864 bytes | 19:27 |
gaintsura | ompaul: hold, pasting | 19:27 |
jjt009 | wtf | 19:28 |
ffm_ | benanzo, uh, I'm serious. | 19:28 |
olskolirc | hey guys what ever happened to adobe acroread? | 19:28 |
aurel42 | ffm_: then his wake-up-on-lan won't work | 19:28 |
machetie | butsa5000: | 19:28 |
ffm_ | aurel42, yeah, it will. | 19:28 |
ompaul | !language | jjt009 please note | 19:28 |
ubottu | jjt009 please note: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 19:28 |
ffm_ | aurel42, just lock alternates. | 19:28 |
spideyman | could someone look at this | 19:28 |
iXneonXi | help, I can't edit my Applications menus. | 19:28 |
soundray | Hey, I have trouble with a machine after upgrading from gutsy to hardy. It freezes during boot or a short while after. It works when I boot with acpi=off, but I need acpi powersaving and fan control on this machine. Any hints or tips? | 19:28 |
Wootie_ | Hello, I installed Anjuta through the synaptic, but I dont have alot of options in the menu, for example the Build menu button. What did I do wrong? :P | 19:28 |
aurel42 | ffm_: ah, right. | 19:28 |
machetie | hope this will help busta | 19:28 |
gaintsura | ompaul: | 19:28 |
iXneonXi | everytime I edit my menus in menu editor it goes back to the way it was before | 19:28 |
ompaul | gaintsura, give me a moment please | 19:28 |
mattva01 | can anyone help me out with edubuntu gutsy ? | 19:28 |
iXneonXi | mattva01, what's the problem | 19:29 |
gaintsura | ompaul: np, take your time | 19:29 |
Byron1 | anyone no of a chat room for Ubuntu 8.04 issues? | 19:29 |
niteye | mattva01 is a teacher!!! grab him!! | 19:29 |
ffm_ | mattva01, try #edubuntu please. | 19:29 |
benanzo | so it's not possible to password protect single user mode at all? | 19:29 |
ffm_ | niteye, no, a student. | 19:29 |
Myrtti | Byron1: this is it | 19:29 |
ffm_ | benanzo, It is. Via a grub password. | 19:29 |
mattva01 | IXneonXI: my clients seem to only be able to only boot one at a time | 19:29 |
negge | has anyone managed to compile ZSNES for 64-bit hardy? | 19:30 |
^Tech-Help^ | im having trouble mounting my external Usb hdd Fstab shows that it is this device. but no luck: Disk /dev/sdf: 320.0 GB, 320072932864 bytes | 19:30 |
mattva01 | otherwise the dhcp request fails | 19:30 |
niteye | so it is possible to password only a few entries of grub? (not a password needed to boot the entire thing) | 19:30 |
ak5 | um, is the latest version of fluxbuntu 7.10 ? | 19:30 |
Byron1 | Anyone have issues with partitions while trying to upgrade? | 19:30 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ what error do you get when trying to mount? | 19:30 |
benanzo | that's not the same thing though | 19:30 |
umer | hey guys, i have a problem, on my top menu bar there are little black specs/dashes, heres a picture of it can someone help me get rid of them, they just appeared recently | 19:30 |
busta5000 | maxhite for which release I download | 19:30 |
mattva01 | ak5: yes | 19:30 |
ompaul | benanzo, | 19:30 |
ffm_ | mattva01, nasty, isn't it? I thought you were going to hardy, | 19:30 |
busta5000 | there r so many | 19:30 |
niteye | like for example if you have ubuntu, ubuntu recover mode, and XP, have it only ask a pasword when booting recover mode, is this possible? | 19:30 |
ak5 | mattva01, :( when does 8.04 come out? | 19:30 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 19:31 |
negge | ak5 it's out long time ago | 19:31 |
rutgermasi | 8.04 is out already | 19:31 |
iXneonXi | mattva01, please elaborate. which clients are booting one at a time? are you using a network? | 19:31 |
ak5 | fluxbuntu? | 19:31 |
jgoo | aurel42, ok, I typed the sftp url into nautilus, because I found out you can do that (even though SFTP isn't listed as an option... guess what... 3rd style of error message: Error: ssh program unexpectedly exited - Please select another viewer and try again. | 19:31 |
spideyman | im having trouble burning multisession disc with cdrecord here is the output | 19:31 |
ompaul | gaintsura, do me a favour try to start it from a command prompt and read the contents of that terminal rather than the error onscreen | 19:31 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ what filesystem does it use? | 19:31 |
machetie | busta5000 just pick the latest one | 19:31 |
mattva01 | ak5, fluxbuntu 8.04 will never come out | 19:31 |
benanzo | niteye: pointless since all they'd have to do is select normal boot then it 'e' and type single | 19:31 |
benanzo | grub wouldn't detect that | 19:31 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge ext3 | 19:31 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ okay | 19:31 |
busta5000 | machetie which release of niwrapper I download there r many releases | 19:31 |
will00 | how do i change the font color? | 19:31 |
machetie | busta5000 how old are you | 19:31 |
ak5 | mattva01, ah they stopped? | 19:31 |
busta5000 | AHA OK | 19:31 |
rutgermasi | spideyman: download/use brasero | 19:31 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ paste your /etc/fstab on pastebin and I'll take a look at it | 19:31 |
gaintsura | ompaul: no output to terminal, just an error window as I described earlier | 19:31 |
Rajec | hey guys give me please some good irc server because what I have found are only bullshit I am looking for something less technical like health selve development and stuff | 19:31 |
aurel42 | jgoo: did you try "System / Connect to Server"? That's the proper way. | 19:31 |
mattva01 | ak5: no , waiting till Ibex | 19:32 |
Finnish | Help, I'm really in trouble with my VIA-display card with Hardy | 19:32 |
ffm_ | ak5, no, it is just way too late. | 19:32 |
Byron1 | what does the LTS mean in the 8.04 upgrade? | 19:32 |
rutgermasi | Long Term Support | 19:32 |
aurel42 | jgoo, pardon "Places / Connect to Server" | 19:32 |
rsk | long term support | 19:32 |
spideyman | rutgermasi, whats this? | 19:32 |
rutgermasi | !tms | 19:32 |
machetie | busta 500 BrB | 19:32 |
ubottu | Factoid tms not found | 19:32 |
Pici | Rajec: Please watch your language. | 19:32 |
niteye | long time support | 19:32 |
ompaul | gaintsura, and all it says is that you should choose what? | 19:32 |
rutgermasi | !lts | 19:32 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 19:32 |
umer | anyone know how I can get rid of these black specs on my menu bar? | 19:32 |
fidelio | Hi, got a problem with printer. Any guru here? | 19:32 |
ak5 | mattva01, ah, so they only do the .10 versions? | 19:32 |
beli | fidelio: no | 19:32 |
chimp | Firefox beta 5, causes hardy to completely freeze in my case. This appeared out of the blue, is there a log i should look at in order to find the problem? | 19:32 |
ak5 | mattva01, thx for the info | 19:32 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge | 19:32 |
will00 | anyone know how to change font color in gnome? | 19:32 |
iXneonXi | I wonder. Why can't my menus reflect the changes I make? | 19:32 |
fidelio | any other guru? | 19:32 |
Pici | Rajec: Try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic or #freenode, #ubuntu is only for #ubuntu support. | 19:32 |
mattva01 | ak5:no just decided to skip hardy :) | 19:33 |
beli | fidelio: its none here....just ask your question.... | 19:33 |
negge | umer I had a similar bug when I was using Kubuntu 7.10 | 19:33 |
ak5 | mattva01, ok thx | 19:33 |
benanzo | ffm_: grub password is not the same as protecting root account -- I want users to be able to reboot the machine without having to know bootloader pass so they can get back to level 5 and do some work | 19:33 |
rutgermasi | spideyman, take a look in applications->sound/video-> choose your favorite burn prog ;) | 19:33 |
zelrikriando | will00: I will make a video about it today :) | 19:33 |
niteye | chimp: i suppose you mean beta 3, anyway i had the exact same thing so i uninstalled it and use firefox2 instead | 19:33 |
negge | never managed to fix it though, sometimes a reboot worked and sometimes not | 19:33 |
aurel42 | will00: system / preferences / appearance? | 19:33 |
umer | negge how did you fix it? | 19:33 |
ompaul | !cups | fidelio this is how you do printing | 19:33 |
ubottu | fidelio this is how you do printing: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 19:33 |
ffm_ | benanzo, yeah, it is the same. | 19:33 |
gaintsura | ompaul: 'Thunderbird is already running, but not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the exsisting thunderbird process, or restart your system | 19:33 |
chimp | Erm, not beta 5 niteye , firefox v3, beta 5 | 19:33 |
aurel42 | benanzo: you can set a password for every entry in the grub menu separately, as I understand it. | 19:33 |
will00 | thanks i found it | 19:33 |
rutgermasi | benanzo: setting a password on grub will only prevent from editing grub (i think, dontknow for sure) | 19:33 |
niteye | oh okay | 19:34 |
mattva01 | iXneonXi: my clients on network 192.168.42.x will aquire a dhcp address only when it is the only one starting up | 19:34 |
ffm_ | benanzo, hold on a minute and I'll pastebin what you want. | 19:34 |
chimp | Did it completely freeze ubuntu niteye ? | 19:34 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ which partition are you trying to mount? | 19:34 |
niteye | i had it with firefox v3, not sure which beta version | 19:34 |
jgoo | aurel42, yes, I tried that way... and it fails with same error, except second line but guess what | 19:34 |
negge | I mean which one fails | 19:34 |
aurel42 | benanzo: | 19:34 |
niteye | no only firefox itself froze completely | 19:34 |
benanzo | aurel42: that is meaningless since hitting e then typing single for any entry will give you root shell | 19:34 |
jgoo | beli, aurel42 - filezilla works - probably because I set it to interactive login | 19:34 |
mattva01 | otherwise they never get an address | 19:34 |
niteye | i could open a process monitor and kill it | 19:34 |
Rajec | Pici: my language I am sorry i didn't meant like that but funny is that your nick name means is iny my language something not pretty hh :) | 19:34 |
ompaul | gaintsura, which version of ubuntu are you using? | 19:34 |
jgoo | I am now sftping!! w00t \o/ | 19:34 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge sudo mount /dev/sdf /mnt/bighdd/ | 19:34 |
chimp | Ahh this is different then, in my case ubuntu is utterly irresponsive | 19:34 |
gaintsura | 8.04 | 19:34 |
jgoo | thanks aurel42 and beli | 19:34 |
beli | jgoo: hf | 19:34 |
aurel42 | jgoo, wtg! :) | 19:34 |
niteye | but this was on KDE4, perhaps gnome handles the firefox crash differently | 19:34 |
fidelio | thanks all. cups setup. Printer and driver recognized, Test printer fantastic. However. whne try to print from any editor, office, firefox printer does nto responde | 19:35 |
spideyman | rutgermasi, its a dreamcast cdi image that i ripped with cdirip it has wav and iso i cant find anything to burn this other thancdrecord | 19:35 |
iXneonXi | mattva01, from what I can understand if multiple clients try to connect they do not get IP addresses? | 19:35 |
ffm_ | benanzo, you can't edit the entry. | 19:35 |
niteye | does ctrl-alt-backspace work ? | 19:35 |
busta5000 | MACHETIE wat is extra repos | 19:35 |
Byron1 | I have two 250 hard drives. In any other version of Ubuntu it sees the one with XP as sda In 8.04 it sees it as sdb? | 19:35 |
niteye | (this should kill gnome entirely and bring you back to the logon screen) | 19:35 |
mattva01 | iXneonXi: yes, unless you wait like 2 minutes | 19:35 |
ffm_ | benanzo, without the password. | 19:35 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ try adding this line to fstab: /dev/sdf /mnt/bighdd ext3 defaults 0 0 | 19:35 |
iXneonXi | mattva01, what are you using as your DHCP server? | 19:36 |
^Tech-Help^ | ok | 19:36 |
ffm_ | benanzo, vi your /boot/grub/menu.lst and search for "lock alternates". | 19:36 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ make a backup first | 19:36 |
aurel42 | Byron1: probably some change in the kernel code related to SATA. I think that's exactly what UUID's were made for? ;) | 19:36 |
mattva01 | iXneonXi: my ltsp server is the same as my dhcp server | 19:36 |
busta5000 | EXTRA repos what does it mean | 19:36 |
rutgermasi | spideyman: tried nero linux? | 19:36 |
gaintsura | ompaul: I'm on 8.04 | 19:36 |
ompaul | gaintsura, that is like there is a lock file but that does not make sense | 19:36 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ and try running sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdf/ /mnt/bighdd | 19:36 |
spideyman | rutgermasi, yeap no dice | 19:37 |
X-Seti | :) | 19:37 |
Byron1 | aurel42 What are UUIDs | 19:37 |
laeg | i'm after reverting my application menu - can i undo this? | 19:37 |
spideyman | rutgermasi, but i see brasero does support multisession | 19:37 |
Manos | I'm doing research for my University's IT department. | 19:37 |
Manos | Does anyone here have experience with Ubuntu's commercial support? | 19:37 |
talon | !udf | 19:37 |
ubottu | Factoid udf not found | 19:37 |
X-Seti | Anyone here used a dvb tv tuner? | 19:37 |
busta5000 | machetie is gone :( | 19:37 |
fidelio | ubottu: thanks all. cups setup. Printer and driver recognized, Test printer fantastic. However. whne try to print from any editor, office, firefox printer does nto responde | 19:37 |
talon | !life | 19:37 |
ubottu | fidelio: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:37 |
ubottu | life is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:37 |
rutgermasi | spideyman, yes it does | 19:37 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdf, | 19:37 |
ak_mason | Ex-Chat | 19:37 |
iXneonXi | mattva01, it seems like it is being flooded. how many terminals are trying to connect and startup? | 19:37 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ weird | 19:37 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge there was more but i didnt wanna flood | 19:37 |
gaintsura | ompaul: I know, hence my confusion | 19:37 |
negge | okay | 19:38 |
mattva01 | iXneonXi:even just 2 at once | 19:38 |
spideyman | rutgermasi, thanx ill give it a try i have too many coasters already | 19:38 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ does /mnt/bighdd exist? | 19:38 |
busta5000 | guys can anybody help me | 19:38 |
aurel42 | Byron1: a UUID is an alternative way to identify a partition, as I understand it. Instead of saying "use device number X on this bus" it says "use the partition with the UUID <some random unique string>". Correct me, if I'm wrong. | 19:38 |
negge | !uuid | 19:38 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge yep | 19:38 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 19:38 |
iXneonXi | mattva01, have you tried using Static IPs via MAC? | 19:38 |
fidelio | ompaul: CUPS setup. Printer and driver recognized, Test printer fantastic. However. whne try to print from any editor, office, firefox printer does nto responde | 19:38 |
talon | !universal disk format | 19:38 |
ubottu | talon: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:38 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ okay. you sure it's ext3? | 19:38 |
busta5000 | ubuntu can't u put a coloring feature in this chat because I can't see well with all these black texts all around | 19:39 |
niteye | chimp: my firefox is freezing right now on another installation of ubuntu aswell | 19:39 |
Byron1 | Doing an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 hosed my partitions | 19:39 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge yeah | 19:39 |
niteye | but x-chat still works | 19:39 |
ompaul | fidelio, ok - a usb printer is it ? | 19:39 |
mattva01 | iXneonXi: hmm, no i'll try that | 19:39 |
DRebellion | busta5000, coloring is clientside. | 19:39 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge it used to mount just fine until i tripped over the usb cord this morning | 19:39 |
fidelio | ompaul: Yes! | 19:39 |
aurel42 | busta5000: coloring is a client feature, not a server-side feature. ;) | 19:39 |
iXneonXi | mattva01, try giving a few clients static IPs and starting them one at a time. if that works, start them at the same time. | 19:39 |
busta5000 | clientside! how can I become a client | 19:39 |
chimp | Just freezing firefox isnt too bad since you can restart it etc. As soon as firefox opens, it causes the pc to freeze | 19:39 |
gaintsura | brb | 19:39 |
aurel42 | busta5000: so rephrase your request to "Can't I use a better IRC client?" ;) | 19:40 |
DRebellion | busta5000, you are a client :) | 19:40 |
matthias_N | in mobolck what does this means : Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 19:40 |
aurel42 | busta5000: try a different IRC program | 19:40 |
DRebellion | busta5000, try XChat | 19:40 |
ompaul | fidelio, restart the applications or your session just log out and back in worst case restart but you should not have to do that | 19:40 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ aah I see | 19:40 |
busta5000 | well if I am where r the color text buttons | 19:40 |
sirjoebob | hey all... I am running a media web server from home and run gnump3d to serve music. I was wondering if there was a program that I could use to stream video files (such as AVI, etc) | 19:40 |
negge | ^Tech-Help^ have you ran fsck on it? | 19:40 |
ffm_ | How do I debug suspend-resume issues? They are completely broken on my box. (Dell D8300 with nvidia graphics). | 19:40 |
ffm_ | mattva01, ^^ | 19:40 |
chimp | sirjoebob: vlc will do it very nicely | 19:40 |
^Tech-Help^ | negge i will later on i gotta go, thanks for the help :D | 19:41 |
talon | hello, does anyone know how to get ubuntu 8.04 to read udf | 19:41 |
busta5000 | so dr..... if I'm a client where r the chat features like text bold & color etc | 19:41 |
niteye | Sirjoebob: i seen vlc do it but i am not sure if this is good for servers | 19:41 |
ompaul | gaintsura, how about this ls -a | less find the directory for thunderbird cd into the "profile" remove the lock file there | 19:41 |
fidelio | ompaul: ok | 19:41 |
flotishtu | i always have to type these commands (when reboot, or firestarter is started or network connection is reconnected) in order to make my network share internet. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE tc qdisc add dev eth1 root tbf rate 80kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000 | 19:41 |
flotishtu | dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq | 19:41 |
aurel42 | sirjoebob: btw, don't get confused about videolan-server when googling for it... that's ancient. These days the "client" (vlc) can do the streaming. | 19:41 |
busta5000 | well he is off too | 19:41 |
chimp | I run vlc from the command line on ubuntu server | 19:42 |
marlun | Anyone else having problem with unrar? Suddenly all my archives is broken and I can't unrar anything. | 19:42 |
AMDfanboy | how is kvm on hardy? | 19:42 |
=== zfs_ is now known as zfs | ||
rutgermasi | talon: install udftools with synaptic package manager or apt-get | 19:42 |
wolfeySI | hello, just a silly question, in stable gutsy version i can enable gnome extra effects, in hardy beta i cant. it is ibm thinkpad with ati rage ... 32 mb graphics card | 19:42 |
AMDfanboy | i'm wondering kvm or virtualbox | 19:42 |
Flannel | talon: mount can already mount udf drives | 19:42 |
busta5000 | ubuntu admin* how can I change color of my text | 19:42 |
wolfeySI | it says desktop effects can not be enabled | 19:42 |
ompaul | !unrar > marlun (check the message from from ubottu) | 19:42 |
aurel42 | busta5000: System / Preferences / Appearance? | 19:43 |
talon | Flannel: its mounting the drive but not showing the files on the disk | 19:43 |
aurel42 | busta5000: or do you mean in this chat? ;) | 19:43 |
busta5000 | aure I'm using xp now I have to restart to use ubuntu | 19:43 |
phoenix5002 | is it ok to ask a question about "audacity" here? | 19:44 |
AMDfanboy | on hardy, kvm or virtual box? | 19:44 |
talon | rutgermasi: have done so but still not showing files... | 19:44 |
busta5000 | aure r u a proffessional in ubuntu | 19:44 |
beli | busta5000: we just dont get what you want to do...change text color of what? | 19:44 |
xomp_ | !pronount | busta5000 | 19:44 |
busta5000 | aha | 19:44 |
ubottu | Factoid pronount not found | 19:44 |
beli | busta5000: we are all elite guys here | 19:44 |
xomp_ | !pronoun | busta5000 | 19:44 |
ubottu | Factoid pronoun not found | 19:44 |
soundray | After a gutsy -> hardy upgrade, my laptop is crippled. It will freeze after a varying amount of time after booting the hardy kernel. RAM is okay according to memtest86. With acpi=off, it will run. Any help appreciated. | 19:44 |
busta5000 | what does pronout mean!!! | 19:44 |
xomp_ | strange, could have sworn that was a command | 19:44 |
iarwain1 | Anyone here using PulseAudio? | 19:44 |
aurel42 | busta5000: no, I'm a professional Debian user, Ubuntu is just a hobby. :) | 19:44 |
marlun | ompaul: fails too... I wonder if something has happend with my harddrive. | 19:44 |
beli | aurel42: i guess you are a linux users ;) | 19:45 |
busta5000 | aha well I'll give it a shot | 19:45 |
X-Seti | gutgy to hardy. things work was better on my other box, expect this one | 19:45 |
phoenix5002 | is there a way to set auto volume leveling or something, in "audacity"? so that as I record sounds they all have a relatively close volume level | 19:45 |
soundray | The gutsy kernel was fine even with ACPI on. | 19:45 |
eth01 | no we're freebsd users. | 19:45 |
beli | eth01: try netbsd ;) | 19:45 |
eth01 | no thanks, i've got better things to be doing. | 19:45 |
wolfeySI | why bsd? | 19:45 |
xomp_ | does anyone know if Hardy will install/work on a Dell Optiplex 320? I know Gutsy had some issue with them. | 19:45 |
aurel42 | Will Ubuntu run on my MicroVax? | 19:46 |
sk8ball | has anyone had any problems updating to 8.04 with update manager? | 19:46 |
beli | wolfeySI: the right tool for the right problem... | 19:46 |
busta5000 | ok liten I have a problem now I just downloaded ndiswrapepr with a file in it a driver file etc so after that wat should I do when I log in ubuntu | 19:46 |
X-Seti | sk8ball, yes mine crashes | 19:46 |
beli | aurel42: dont think so....netbsd will ;) | 19:46 |
rutgermasi | sk8ball: my system was broken after upgrading from gutsy->hardy (hardy was in beta!) | 19:46 |
eth01 | sk8ball: sudo apt-get clean; apt-get update AND reboot. | 19:46 |
xomp_ | sk8ball, I think everyone has | 19:46 |
wolfeySI | beli: i guess | 19:46 |
X-Seti | only on one machine, other with higher spec has no issues at all | 19:46 |
aurel42 | beli, I know, I still run it on VMS, for religious reasons. :) | 19:46 |
Aendu | k | 19:46 |
wolfeySI | beli: you can say what makes bsd great? i see it just as something almost-linux | 19:46 |
busta5000 | I mean where can I find ndisgtk? | 19:46 |
beli | aurel42: yeah :) thats really religion... i run it on an indigo2 | 19:47 |
c-ron | where should be copied to make flash work in firefox? | 19:47 |
AMDfanboy | on hardy, kvm or virtual box? | 19:47 |
xomp_ | busta5000, apt-get install ndisgtk | 19:47 |
sk8ball | rutger, its supposed to be release version nwo tho right? | 19:47 |
szx0 | Any here familiar with BTTV based video capture cards and using modprobe? | 19:47 |
busta5000 | where can I find it | 19:47 |
sk8ball | beli, ports are nice | 19:47 |
wolfeySI | c-ron: install flash through update manager? | 19:47 |
chuy_max | busta5000, repository?, System -> Administration -> Synaptic package manager | 19:47 |
rutgermasi | c-ron, just go to youtube, open a movie and firefox will prompt wich flash lib you want to install, just install adobe flash | 19:47 |
wolfeySI | or package manager | 19:47 |
Strife89 | Hey, guys. I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 from a CD, and now I'm having wireless issues. | 19:47 |
soundray | c-ron: you don't have to know if you install it the ubuntu way: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 19:47 |
ak5 | argh fluxbuntu won't boot on a computer that will boot ubuntu | 19:48 |
busta5000 | then what I went there compizconfig was not there | 19:48 |
ak5 | anyone know why? | 19:48 |
iXneonXi | !menu | 19:48 |
ubottu | Factoid menu not found | 19:48 |
wolfeySI | Strife89: what kind of issues? | 19:48 |
c-ron | rutgermasi, i did that, but installing flash that way makes streaming videos play horribly slow | 19:48 |
xomp_ | Strife89, expect months of research and crying when it comes to ubuntu & wireless :P That was the case for me. What wifi adapter are you using? | 19:48 |
iXneonXi | !menus | 19:48 |
ubottu | Factoid menus not found | 19:48 |
beli | wolfeySI: it is *nix, like linux, unix and bsd......there are scalability, security, driver handling, i would recommend netbsd for servers, its rock solid. | 19:48 |
beli | sk8ball: yeah it rules! | 19:48 |
Strife89 | It can find the wireless network, but no matter how many times I enter the WEP key or mess with the settings, it refuses to connect. | 19:48 |
busta5000 | I need a connection to the neyt but for that I downloaded ndiswrapper but also I need ndisgtk where can I find it | 19:48 |
RyanPrior | !botabuse | iXneonXi | 19:48 |
ubottu | iXneonXi: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 19:48 |
X-Seti | ubottu, ask dvb | 19:48 |
ubottu | Factoid ask dvb not found | 19:48 |
iXneonXi | sorry | 19:48 |
fidelio | ompaul: it restarted but printer does not respond. Any idea? | 19:49 |
c-ron | trying to manually install the plugin from | 19:49 |
rutgermasi | c-ron, its the same way as your way, loading the flash .so | 19:49 |
X-Seti | ubottu, search wintv dvb usb | 19:49 |
ubottu | X-Seti: (search <word>) -- Searches for <word> in the current configuration variables. | 19:49 |
ubottu | Found: tv, palm, udev rules, usb, dvb | 19:49 |
talon | hi, i'm having trouble getting ubuntu to recognize a disk from my camcorder when i but it in the drive. it recognizes the disk but fails to show files and the permissions connot be determined. the camera recognizes the files so i know there is stuff on the disk. please help? | 19:49 |
c-ron | rutgermasi, so what is the location? | 19:49 |
X-Seti | no helpful bot | 19:49 |
Kalith | ubuntu es? | 19:49 |
busta5000 | I need a connection to the net I mean wireless but for that I downloaded ndiswrapper but also I need ndisgtk where can I find it | 19:49 |
RyanPrior | X-Seti: what are you looking for? | 19:49 |
soundray | c-ron: use sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 19:49 |
xomp_ | !ubuntu-es | 19:49 |
ubottu | Factoid ubuntu-es not found | 19:49 |
Flannel | !es | 19:50 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 19:50 |
aurel42 | talon: are we positive that the disk uses a filesystem that Ubuntu can know about? FAT? | 19:50 |
* Strife89 waits.... | 19:50 | |
chuy_max | busta5000, people here already told you | 19:50 |
vegombrei | hi whats the coolest video player in ubuntu .. | 19:50 |
RyanPrior | !info ndisgtk | 19:50 |
ubottu | ndisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.3-1 (hardy), package size 20 kB, installed size 344 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) | 19:50 |
busta5000 | chuy people talk so much in black I don't know what to reafd!!! | 19:50 |
c-ron | soundray, i did that but then uninstalled it because videos were horribly slow.. very choppy like 1 frame per 2 seconds | 19:50 |
nickellery | vegombrei, I suggest VLC media player | 19:50 |
sk8ball | so whats the verdict | 19:50 |
flotishtu | i always have to type these commands (when reboot, or firestarter is started or network connection is reconnected) in order to make my network share internet. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE tc qdisc add dev eth1 root tbf rate 80kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000 dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq any way to do it for good, for ever? | 19:50 |
fidelio | ompaul: do you think I need to mount the USB driver for the printer? | 19:50 |
sk8ball | should i update to 8.04 release or wait? | 19:50 |
=== aseigo_ is now known as pseigo_Desktop | ||
X-Seti | RyanPrior, I have my wintv dvb usb working on my other ubuntu well, using kaffeine, however pluging it into this box, i can see the card on usbb | 19:50 |
rutgermasi | sk8ball, i should reinstall ubuntu, because 8.04 has Long Term Support | 19:51 |
xomp_ | sk8ball, install fresh, upgrading seems to be epic fail still | 19:51 |
X-Seti | but kaffeine will only show dvb client and not dvb tb | 19:51 |
red22 | i have no desktop after updating some packages... i have the menubars... just no desktop icons or background (the background is not right-clickable either). can't seem to find docs on this, how do i fix this pls? | 19:51 |
hpk | the german link please | 19:51 |
ak5 | vegombrei, I like mplayer for linux | 19:51 |
vegombrei | nickellery: how do i get it ? | 19:51 |
RyanPrior | sk8ball: We can't make that decision. If you give us more information about your situation, we can give semi-helpful insights. | 19:51 |
Strife89 | xomp_: I learned the hard way. | 19:51 |
aurel42 | flotishtu: the dirty way would be to put those commands in /etc/rc.local | 19:51 |
soundray | c-ron: you probably weren't using the right one (even if it was installed). Make sure you remove gnash and swf-player from your system. | 19:51 |
c-ron | i just want to try installing the file from to rule out flash as the problem... if my slow video is caused by x or my vid driver, i want to know | 19:51 |
nickellery | vegombrei, download it from add/remove | 19:51 |
busta5000 | I need a connection to the net I mean wireless but for that I downloaded ndiswrapper but also I need ndisgtk where can I find it | 19:51 |
vegombrei | ok .. | 19:51 |
beli | c-ron: what video card are you using? | 19:51 |
chuy_max | busta5000, do you have a graphical environment? | 19:51 |
c-ron | soundray, i didn;t have those other two installed... | 19:51 |
Strife89 | By the way, I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that my WEP is correct. | 19:52 |
sk8ball | ryan, this install is just a general use home machine no dev or mission critical bs\ | 19:52 |
Myrtti | busta5000: Surprisingly from the package management | 19:52 |
rutgermasi | c-ron: mine is located in /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/, but that is not your solution, so dont try copying the file to that dir, it wont work | 19:52 |
Strife89 | I've used it before. | 19:52 |
xomp_ | Strife89, after about 8 months I got a new wifi card I purchased working, now it works like an old jalopy and constantly drops connection. | 19:52 |
sk8ball | however i dont want to spend all day fixing it if it gets broken | 19:52 |
Myrtti | !caps | busta5000 | 19:52 |
ubottu | busta5000: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 19:52 |
beli | busta5000: stop using CAPS | 19:52 |
busta5000 | sorry | 19:52 |
ak5 | /ignore busta | 19:52 |
Strife89 | It was working yesterday. | 19:52 |
Myrtti | !patience | busta5000 | 19:52 |
ubottu | busta5000: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 19:52 |
sk8ball | not to mention lose any data (ie, music and video) | 19:52 |
busta5000 | caps lock was on hold | 19:52 |
RyanPrior | sk8ball: I suggest waiting until 8.04.1 unless you have some particular feature you're pining for in Hardy. | 19:52 |
busta5000 | keyboard problem | 19:52 |
ompaul | busta5000, and a bit of wire and connecting to a router to fix it is how you progress that | 19:52 |
xomp_ | caps lock = cruise control for cool | 19:52 |
chuy_max | busta5000, maybe it is in the installation disk, if it doesn't search for "ubuntu packages" in google | 19:52 |
Flannel | busta5000: You can use sneakernet too, in a pinch | 19:52 |
sk8ball | ryan, alright i think ill wait then thx | 19:52 |
c-ron | beli, it's a nvidia geforce 2 mx 400 using the binary driver installed thru envyng | 19:52 |
X-Seti | RyanPrior, im wondering about deleting my kaffeine config file, and uninstalling it, then reinstalling? | 19:53 |
node357 | busta5000, sudo apt-get install ndisgtk | 19:53 |
busta5000 | ompoal I have wireless | 19:53 |
beli | c-ron: so your is really using the driver? checked it? | 19:53 |
RyanPrior | X-Seti: try it. Though, I'd suggest just moving the keffeine config file rather than deleting, in case. | 19:53 |
X-Seti | RyanPrior, where about is it installed, I cant see it in the home/user/ folder .? | 19:54 |
c-ron | beli: Driver "nvidia" | 19:54 |
in1 | Hey... my wireless card doesnt ditect any wireless networks.. and the led isnt on, though the switch is on.. i ran iwconfig wlan0 and i saw its there alive.. what could be the reason for these? | 19:54 |
RyanPrior | X-Seti: I don't use Kaffiene, and you might get a better answer in #kubuntu, but my guess would be ~/.kaffiene.conf or similar. | 19:54 |
talon | aurel42: if i right click on the disk icon it shows the disk as a udf format, and that is one of two formats that the camera uses. the other format is vro format | 19:54 |
red22 | boogieman stole my desktop, how do i get it back pls? | 19:54 |
busta5000 | ;( where can I find ndisgtk! | 19:54 |
Kalith | <kirkhelek> y navegas hasta seleccionar el .inf del XP | 19:54 |
Kalith | <elmalafacha> ya | 19:54 |
ikonia | in1: it's not finding a network, it's that simple. | 19:54 |
soundray | c-ron: is flashplugin-nonfree currently installed? | 19:54 |
xomp_ | in1, what wifi adapter? | 19:54 |
flotishtu | aurel42 why dirty. wel i think it will do for reboots. but not when eth4 is reconnected | 19:54 |
Kalith | alguien sabe como es q se llama la herramienta q permite personalizar una distro de modo tal de cambiar los paqtes el splash login y demases... se llama algo constructor o algo asi pero no la encuentro esta hecha en python si no me equivoco | 19:54 |
Myrtti | busta5000: since you're on the Internet, download it from internet | 19:55 |
Pici | !es | Kalith | 19:55 |
ubottu | Kalith: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 19:55 |
RyanPrior | busta5000: You have been told the answer multiple times. If you are not going to read our answers, we will not help you any more,. | 19:55 |
ikonia | in1: if the card is on, iwconfig shows it (not ifconfig) and there is no light, it's not connected to a network. | 19:55 |
aurel42 | talon: sorry, can't help any further. Don't know anything about UDF. | 19:55 |
iarwain1 | Anyone here gotten pulseaudio to work? It seems i got the server running, but the client won't connect :( | 19:55 |
vegombrei | what do you mean by emacs ? | 19:55 |
busta5000 | Ryan prior I read ur answer because u quoted my name | 19:55 |
beli | c-ron: before your loginmanager there a nvidia logo? | 19:55 |
c-ron | soundray, no.. i uninstalled it becuase of the slow video playback | 19:55 |
c-ron | beli, yes. | 19:55 |
RyanPrior | !u | busta5000 | 19:55 |
ubottu | busta5000: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 19:56 |
busta5000 | I do not know if people here r answering my question or others questions!! | 19:56 |
aurel42 | flotishtu: ah, I see. I seem to remember you can use a script in /etc/network/ip-up.d/ or something like that, which is run whenever the interface goes up. | 19:56 |
in1 | ikonia: there are lot of wireless networks including my own... hehehe, well ye.. something's weird.. can i run a command to turn it off and back on? | 19:56 |
flotishtu | aurel42 and dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq need someone human to configure it. | 19:56 |
beli | c-ron: fine, so what is slow for you...what kind of stuff? | 19:56 |
talon | aurel42: thanks, it seems to be an unusual format | 19:56 |
Flannel | busta5000: When we answer your question, we'll prefix your name on the line and your client will highlight it | 19:56 |
ikonia | in1: no, you'll have to try to "join" a network. | 19:56 |
rutgermasi | beli: the nvidia drivers don't always show nvidia logo by default | 19:56 |
busta5000 | ok I will download it | 19:56 |
in1 | xomp_: its an intel wireless card ieee 802.11g | 19:56 |
c-ron | beli, streaming video like from youtube | 19:56 |
beli | rutgermasi: but with ubuntu... | 19:56 |
aurel42 | flotishtu: that's even worse then. Well, there should be a proper way, but I'm not sure what it is. :) | 19:56 |
c-ron | beli, it's unwatchable | 19:56 |
beli | c-ron: so flv files hmmm | 19:56 |
rutgermasi | beli, c-ron installed the drivers with envy | 19:56 |
in1 | ikonia: ok ill try maybe itll wake it up.. | 19:56 |
zedster_ | when I try to hibernate I get this error msg on the tty "cannot find swap device, try swapon -a" | 19:57 |
busta5000 | ndisgtk.deb I will google it but I download it & log in ubuntu should it work | 19:57 |
zedster_ | any ideas? | 19:57 |
soundray | c-ron: can you try installing it again, then restart firefox and pastebin the contents of the browser when you load "about:plugins" as the URL | 19:57 |
beli | c-ron: maybe its because of your internet connection... | 19:57 |
c-ron | rutgermasi, beli had the same problem with the ubuntu restricted driver, and also the .run from nvidia | 19:57 |
flotishtu | aurel42 ok. thx! | 19:57 |
soundray | c-ron: pastebin e.g. | 19:57 |
xomp_ | in1, well, you have a better compaitble card for linux afaik, although I would take anyones suggestion as to what's compatible with a grain of salt lol seems nobody knows for sure what's compatible and what's not. | 19:57 |
mrooney | is there a way to take a screenshot in gnome, including the mouse cursor? | 19:57 |
aurel42 | Well, since there seems to be no proper way to tell Ubuntu about my brand new Nvidia card, "xemacs /etc/X11/xorg.conf" will be my friend now. | 19:57 |
Strife89 | Belkin F5D7000 | 19:57 |
node357 | busta5000, sudo apt-get install ndisgtk | 19:57 |
rutgermasi | c-ron, how much mb has your video card, 128mb? | 19:57 |
ikonia | aurel42: | 19:58 |
ikonia | aurel42: it's a work in progress, but it may help you | 19:58 |
beli | c-ron: download a .flv file....and run it with your browser file://path/to/filename.flv | 19:58 |
killux | hey, what is the point of creating a seperate home partition? | 19:58 |
beli | c-ron: see if that works better | 19:58 |
c-ron | beli, i'll check | 19:58 |
=== platyhelminth is now known as Bill-Gates | ||
jgoo | hey everyone, krita still doesn't work for me (8,04, krita not found after add.remove install... don't have all of koffice) | 19:58 |
in1 | xomp_ it worked Great on 7.10.. | 19:58 |
ikonia | killux: handy for upgrades/re-install holding personal data | 19:58 |
aurel42 | ikonia: thanks, I kinda know how to do it manually, but I hoped to be able to tell jockey about the card and let it do its magic. | 19:58 |
RyanPrior | killux: You can share it between various operating systems, or reformat your operating system without losing your data, or use different encryption or filesystem settings. | 19:58 |
jgoo | however it works on my 7.10 install - if I want to update krita... to latest release... what is the best way? | 19:58 |
soundray | killux: you can do a fresh install and keep your /home data untouched | 19:58 |
busta5000 | how can I install something through the terminal though I have no connection!!!!!!!!! | 19:58 |
aurel42 | busta5000: from your installation CD, perhaps? | 19:59 |
Flannel | busta5000: once you have the deb package, dpkg -i [deb-file.deb] | 19:59 |
busta5000 | I want ndisgtk to let me connect to the wireless | 19:59 |
zedster_ | anyone hibernating problem "cannot find swap device, try swapon -a" | 19:59 |
beli | c-ron: on slow connections i usually pause the youtube video and wait till it has been fully cached | 19:59 |
busta5000 | aha | 19:59 |
rutgermasi | busta5000: make a apt-get mirror of your edxternal harddisk :P | 19:59 |
killux | ok thanks guys, but why would you need to do a fresh install? doesnt ubuntu offer an upgrade utility? | 19:59 |
node357 | sorry busta5000, I'm stupid | 19:59 |
xomp_ | busta5000, nobody can help you unless you can help us. If what you require, requires you to have a working connection then it is not our problem. | 19:59 |
ikonia | zedster_: thats not "special" to hibernation, thats generic | 19:59 |
ak5 | anyone know why a (md5verified) fluxbuntu 7.10 cd won't boot where ubuntu 8.04 will ??? | 19:59 |
* node357 didn't help much sorry | 19:59 | |
zedster_ | ikonia: it happens when I try to hibernate | 19:59 |
soundray | killux: it does, but there are various situations where a fresh install may be preferable | 19:59 |
J-Unit | next windows wont have 32-bit, will they have 128 bit? im asking cuz if windows has a 128 bit version ubuntu will follow | 19:59 |
busta5000 | so if I have the .deb I should run it in the turminal; by entering the code sudo apt-get install ndisgtk(am I right) | 19:59 |
spideyman | im having trouble burning multisession disc with cdrecord here is the output | 20:00 |
beli | ak5: burned the same way? | 20:00 |
rutgermasi | ak5: won't boot after installation or after loading cd after bios? | 20:00 |
ikonia | zedster_: when YOU try to hibernate, so I suggest not telling people to do random commands | 20:00 |
c-ron | beli, i've tried that.. also the slow videos happen on live streams where pausing is not possible | 20:00 |
ak5 | beli, yes | 20:00 |
Flannel | busta5000: no, if you have the deb file you run sudo dpkg -i [/path/to/file.deb] | 20:00 |
vegombrei | hey how do i uninstall stuff ? synaptic doesnt do it ? | 20:00 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, the latter | 20:00 |
killux | soundray: ok, I can understand that, but my problem is, i am not sure how big to make the home partition | 20:00 |
Flannel | vegombrei: it does | 20:00 |
beli | c-ron: so check if it is ok with the downloaded file | 20:00 |
rutgermasi | ak5, my english is bad :P, you mean the second? | 20:00 |
aurel42 | killux: /home can never be too large ;) | 20:00 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, yes | 20:00 |
c-ron | beli, grabbing unplug now to download some flvs | 20:00 |
beli | c-ron: if it is.....try to increase the cache/buffer settings | 20:00 |
RyanPrior | busta5000: | 20:01 |
epoxxy | Why don't I have sound on youtube movies, webpages and in aMSN ? | 20:01 |
killux | aurel42: but what about the root partition, can that ever be too small | 20:01 |
RyanPrior | busta5000: There's a direct download link for the debian installer file. | 20:01 |
soundray | killux: I usually give 12GB to /, RAM size + 10% to swap and whatever remains to /home | 20:01 |
red22 | it wasn't like this before, why is my video choppy. still using the same ati driver that worked well since installing ubuntu... | 20:01 |
busta5000 | ok thank u | 20:01 |
killux | i mean thats where all my programs are going to be stored right? | 20:01 |
aurel42 | killux: yes, if it doesn't have enough space for an installation and some log files. | 20:01 |
Flannel | killux: It is, unless you have other partitions for them | 20:01 |
rutgermasi | ak5: im not familiar with fluxbuntu, but have you tried the alternate cd? | 20:01 |
soundray | killux: that's when I have 20GB or more to give to Ubuntu | 20:01 |
vegombrei | Flannel: how do i get rid of some of the games ? | 20:02 |
beli | c-ron: google --> searchterm filetype:flv | 20:02 |
busta5000 | sudo dpkg -i [/usb/media/ndisgtk.deb] is it correect | 20:02 |
red22 | the video is choppy but the compiz effects are flawless so i don't get it.. how can i make video playback less choppy pls? | 20:02 |
Flannel | vegombrei: use synaptic to remove them | 20:02 |
killux | soundray: wait when do you have to give 20GB or more to ubuntu? | 20:02 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, haha, your a genious - I automaticly assumed my fluxbox iso was alternate because it's based on fluxbox :) | 20:02 |
rutgermasi | vegibrei: in terminal: sudo apt-get remove gnome-games | 20:02 |
RyanPrior | busta5000: Not needed. Just double-click the .deb file and it'll open up an installer app. | 20:02 |
soundray | killux: you misread me | 20:02 |
busta5000 | Ryan!!! | 20:03 |
aurel42 | killux: obviously it depends on your usage, but often programs are small while user data is huge... my system lives comfortably in a couple of GB, my data is kinda cramped on a four-drive raid. | 20:03 |
Flannel | ak5: Fluxbuntu isn't an official release, so it's not necessarily on the same timetable, of course, you could always install ubuntu (without a GUI) and then add fluxbox ontop of that yourself | 20:03 |
busta5000 | the link gave me question marks | 20:03 |
busta5000 | all over tha page | 20:03 |
beli | Flannel: yeah....thats how i do it | 20:03 |
node357 | busta5000, go back, right-click the link and choose Save As | 20:03 |
soundray | killux: when I'm installing on a computer that has 20GB or more that I can assign to Ubuntu. This doesn't mean one has to -- in fact, I've done an installation on a 3GB HD once | 20:03 |
RyanPrior | busta5000: Don't try to open it as a text file. Save it as a binary file. | 20:03 |
busta5000 | I cannot right click on it | 20:04 |
martin_ | Hi anyone know how to config the touchmouse on a laptop | 20:04 |
busta5000 | I only can double click on it | 20:04 |
Andycas | How to make my screenlets not to disappear when i click show desktop?? | 20:04 |
WoDaN | soundray: but you wouldn't do it anymore these days ;-) | 20:04 |
beli | 1.7GB oracle download is done :) | 20:04 |
ak5 | Flannel, I will go for that - but xubuntu hangs up during install (the reason why I wanted fluxbuntu) will the commandline ubuntu install require less resources? | 20:04 |
Flannel | busta5000: You need to download it, not view it. Try using wget | 20:04 |
rutgermasi | ak5: according to the site of fluxbuntu, there is also a live cd | 20:04 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, that's the one I have :) | 20:04 |
killux | ok, what about desktop preferences? when I upgrade, will I have to configure special effects again? | 20:04 |
aurel42 | beli: for the two hour installation process that will fail at the very end. | 20:04 |
RyanPrior | martin_: What sort of config do you want to do? | 20:04 |
PeterP24 | hi -> in amarok, lirc doesn't work anymore -> can anyone tell me how to fix that? | 20:04 |
ak5 | Flannel, and pls tell me how to do this "commandline install" | 20:04 |
soundray | WoDaN: sure I would. It's a great way to get some use out of machines that would otherwise be stuck with Windows 98 or ME | 20:04 |
Flannel | ak5: It will. You want the alternate CD, and then at the boot menu you choose either 'server install' or 'command line only version' or something like that (they keep changing the wording) | 20:05 |
zedster_ | ikonia: I was trying to explain my problem, sorry for the misunderstanding not telling anyone to give a command | 20:05 |
beli | aurel42: sh1t happ3ns :) | 20:05 |
rutgermasi | ak5: just install ubuntu, remove ubuntu-desktop and install fluxbuntu-desktop | 20:05 |
ak5 | Flannel, great, thx - this should work from kubuntu too? | 20:05 |
martin_ | RyanPrior: it is not working correctly whge | 20:05 |
Myrtti | beli: tut-tut | 20:05 |
soundray | WoDaN: but, alas, noone has given me one lately | 20:05 |
ak5 | rutgermasi, gonna try something like that now | 20:05 |
martin_ | when i move it it jups allover | 20:05 |
xif | Does Hardy provide a facility for tiling windows? | 20:05 |
WoDaN | soundray: yeah, but then you upgrade a couple of times and suddenly things crawl to a halt - EDISKFULL | 20:05 |
WoDaN | soundray: by the apt cache no less | 20:05 |
RyanPrior | martin_: Is it a Synaptics touch pad? | 20:05 |
martin_ | sorry jumps | 20:05 |
flotishtu | i always have to type these commands (when reboot, or firestarter is started or network connection is reconnected) in order to make my network share internet. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE tc qdisc add dev eth1 root tbf rate 80kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000 | 20:06 |
WoDaN | soundray: and that's just one of the minor issues one encounters | 20:06 |
martin_ | not shure ..think so dell xps 1530 | 20:06 |
aurel42 | wodan: apt-get autoclean? | 20:06 |
Flannel | ak5: It will work with any alternate CD. Oh, looks like in hardy you hit f4 on the main boot menu, then select "install a command line system" | 20:06 |
beli | Myrtti? | 20:06 |
WoDaN | aurel42: no | 20:06 |
RyanPrior | martin_: Synaptics® Touchpad Pointing Device®? =D | 20:06 |
WoDaN | aurel42: apt-get clean to fix it | 20:06 |
xif | Does Hardy provide a facility for tiling windows? | 20:06 |
ak5 | Flannel, awesome info thx a bunch | 20:06 |
WoDaN | aurel42: autoclean is to gentle for installations with less than 3 GB of total diskspace | 20:06 |
WoDaN | too gentle even | 20:06 |
RyanPrior | xif: Tiling windows, as in old Windows fashion? We usually use alt+tab instead, but there might be a way. | 20:06 |
soundray | WoDaN: there's always some minor issue or other -- whether you install a new machine or an old one. | 20:06 |
J-Unit | any software that makes video's souind louder? | 20:06 |
aurel42 | WoDaN: indeed | 20:07 |
killux | soundray: ok, what about desktop preferences? when I upgrade, will I have to configure special effects again? | 20:07 |
busta5000 | Ryan | 20:07 |
WoDaN | soundray: so you decided to just enlarge the chances of issues and have fun with them? that's okay if you like tha t;-) | 20:07 |
soundray | WoDaN: right now I'm fighting with a medium age laptop that won't run after the hardy upgrade | 20:07 |
aurel42 | killux: for me, the upgrade was totally painless in that respect. ymmv. | 20:07 |
busta5000 | give me another | 20:07 |
=== andresj-cd is now known as about | ||
WoDaN | soundray: heh, acpi issue? | 20:07 |
busta5000 | the link u gave me is broken | 20:07 |
=== about is now known as aboutblank | ||
RyanPrior | busta5000: Another link? The one I gave before works fine for me. | 20:07 |
matthias_N | wehen uninstalling mobolck it says : Unable to lock the download directory | 20:07 |
soundray | WoDaN: indeed. Have you got any pointers? | 20:08 |
WoDaN | RyanPrior: you just found the weakest link ;-) | 20:08 |
=== aboutblank is now known as http | ||
=== http is now known as andresj-cd | ||
WoDaN | soundray: disable acpi | 20:08 |
RyanPrior | WoDaN: I doubt the weakest link is =P | 20:08 |
WoDaN | soundray: pci=noacpi iirc on the kernel commandline disables acpi use for pci allocation | 20:08 |
RyanPrior | busta5000: If that one isn't working for some odd reason, try | 20:08 |
WoDaN | RyanPrior: no; it's busta5000 :P | 20:08 |
martin_ | ok | 20:08 |
killux | aurel42: so did you do a fresh install, or did you use ubuntus upgrade utility? | 20:08 |
soundray | killux: no, your personal settings are stored in $HOME and thus will be preserved through a fresh install if that lives on its own partition. | 20:08 |
WoDaN | soundray: and there's a way to disable acpi completely on the kernel commandline | 20:09 |
busta5000 | Got it :) :) :) | 20:09 |
aurel42 | killux: I upgraded one machine, did a fresh install on two others (since there's no reliable upgrade path from Debian to Ubuntu *g) | 20:09 |
Exittor_ | anyone know where the file .mplayer/gui.conf are? | 20:09 |
jrib | Exittor_: ~/.mplayer/gui.conf | 20:09 |
busta5000 | ok what is extra repos!!! | 20:09 |
J-Unit | any1 no how to increase loudness of a video with avidemux (or other software)? | 20:09 |
* WoDaN awaits the question on 'where is ~' :P | 20:09 | |
soundray | WoDaN: pci=noacpi does not help. acpi=off makes it work, but I have no power management, no fan control and excessive heat because of now powernow. | 20:09 |
jrib | !repos > busta5000 (read the private message from ubottu) | 20:09 |
soundray | *no powernow (speedstep) | 20:09 |
WoDaN | soundray: lol | 20:10 |
jrib | Exittor_: ~ means /home/your_user_name | 20:10 |
WoDaN | soundray: there might be a bug in your acpi description tables | 20:10 |
busta5000 | how can I read it !!! | 20:10 |
* jrib preemps | 20:10 | |
busta5000 | I do not know whow to read private messages in chat rooms!!! | 20:10 |
WoDaN | soundray: but then again you have to dump m first to modify m ;-) | 20:10 |
killux | soundray: but what if you are using something like compiz for you desktop? does $HOME still keep that? | 20:10 |
RyanPrior | busta5000: You need to copy it over to your Ubuntu box and then double-click it. | 20:10 |
soundray | WoDaN: I can't run it long enough to extract the DSDT | 20:10 |
WoDaN | busta5000: good | 20:10 |
WoDaN | busta5000: they are called private messages for something | 20:10 |
WoDaN | busta5000: I don't want you to read mine :P | 20:10 |
soundray | WoDaN: maybe I can if I boot the gutsy kernel | 20:11 |
RyanPrior | !offtopic | WoDaN | 20:11 |
ubottu | WoDaN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 20:11 |
busta5000 | thanx admin | 20:11 |
beli | re | 20:11 |
WoDaN | RyanPrior: the question was offtopic, hence the answer too | 20:11 |
zelrikriando | hmmm, is there a way to do a screencast of the GDM? | 20:11 |
Bill-Gates | my nightmare: | 20:12 |
busta5000 | yes admin do u know what is extra repos!!! | 20:12 |
WoDaN | soundray: bios update? | 20:12 |
soundray | killux: you will of course have to install the appropriate packages for effects support when you do the fresh installation | 20:12 |
NighTi^ | ug... anybody have an idea how to re-enable wireless networking?Å | 20:12 |
soundray | WoDaN: Acer has long given up supporting that series :( | 20:12 |
WoDaN | soundray: heh | 20:12 |
RyanPrior | Bill-Gates: needs moar English skills. | 20:12 |
invisibleInk | Security question: ubuntu's ports are closed by default. So if I already got a hardware router (D-Link), then there is no need for a software firewall, like firestarter? | 20:12 |
NighTi^ | i clicked the network icon in panel and unticked "enable wireless networking" (or something) and now there's no such option anymore | 20:12 |
busta5000 | any body have any idea wth is extra repos | 20:12 |
WoDaN | soundray: doesn't mean you can't find a biosupdate somewhere | 20:12 |
killux | soundray: so is ubuntu's upgrade utility that bad that I should even bother making a seperate $HOME partition? | 20:13 |
WoDaN | soundray: but chances are indeed slim | 20:13 |
jrib | invisibleInk: ubuntu's ports are not closed by default | 20:13 |
ChrizC | How do I find out computer information (like you can in Windows by going to Control Panel -> System) | 20:13 |
WoDaN | busta5000: 'stores' of packages | 20:13 |
invisibleInk | Thanks jrib | 20:13 |
WoDaN | busta5000: ubuntu has a couple per release | 20:13 |
busta5000 | ok well where is it ! I rea it from the net | 20:13 |
soundray | WoDaN: I found a third-party BIOS once that I decided not to place my trust in. Maybe I'll revisit the issue | 20:13 |
RyanPrior | killux: Ubuntu's upgrade utility is pretty bad, if "good" means always upgrades without breaking anything. Having a separate /home partition is, for most, a backup plan - sometimes things do not go well. | 20:13 |
WoDaN | busta5000: and there are others who have m too | 20:13 |
busta5000 | is it in apearance or administrator | 20:13 |
rutgermasi | ChrizC: try package 'hwinfo' | 20:14 |
ChrizC | cheers | 20:14 |
gaintsura | afk 'defunking myself' | 20:14 |
IceKing | or if hal-device-manager is still included.... ChrizC | 20:14 |
rutgermasi | IceKing: it isnt | 20:14 |
soundray | killux: Ubuntu's upgrade utility is just fine. There are other reasons to have a separate /home | 20:14 |
IceKing | I broke my network setup on Hardy and Im puzzled on how to get it back | 20:15 |
killux | soundray: ok thanks. | 20:15 |
busta5000 | so!! where is extra repos | 20:15 |
rutgermasi | My wireless adapter doesnt work any more on 8.04 | 20:15 |
ompaul | busta5000, you use them at your own risk you need to be 100% sure of the software on them | 20:15 |
busta5000 | is it in admin or apearance | 20:15 |
WoDaN | busta5000: they are configured in /etc/apt/sources.list or so | 20:15 |
soundray | killux: e.g. you can have two or more parallel installations of Ubuntu for testing and still use the same personal data from each. | 20:15 |
lemsx1 | when upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy I cannot boot on the new kernel (2.6.24-16) | 20:15 |
busta5000 | aha | 20:15 |
jrib | busta5000: system -> administration -> software sources | 20:15 |
IceKing | rutgermasi, which adapter on which machine arch? | 20:15 |
ompaul | busta5000, sorry what are you taking about vis admin ? | 20:15 |
RyanPrior | lemsx1: Can you boot on the old kernel? | 20:16 |
szx0 | Must I restart my computer each time I alter a file in my /etc/modprobe.d/ directory.... or can I just tell modeprobe to reload? | 20:16 |
lemsx1 | the old kernel boots fine (2.6.22-14) | 20:16 |
rutgermasi | IceKing: broadcom on 8.04 | 20:16 |
lemsx1 | RyanPrior: yes. but i dunno what to do to fix this system... the system is 1500 miles away from me (i have somebody local on site to help me reboot it) | 20:16 |
busta5000 | jrib the website told me to go to extra repos & enable ndisgtk after installing it | 20:16 |
killux | soundray: well a lot of my personal stuff(music, documents) I keep on my windows drive since it is bigger. So my /home directory is never that big so I don't think I will even bother making a seperate partition | 20:16 |
busta5000 | so is extra repos /etc/apt/sources.list | 20:16 |
ompaul | busta5000, mediubuntu? | 20:16 |
IceKing | Im having ethenet troubles myself: eeepc 701 hardy 8.04 | 20:17 |
rutgermasi | IceKing: it just says: connection to AP blaat timed out or so | 20:17 |
jrib | busta5000: you aren't making sense. What exactly do you want to accomplish? | 20:17 |
busta5000 | what is mediubuntu!!! | 20:17 |
lemsx1 | RyanPrior: what could I do to trouble shoot this? | 20:17 |
IceKing | hmmm broadcom is that with the ndiswrapper or native drivers? | 20:17 |
aurel42 | busta5000: google for "medibuntu" (not mediU...) | 20:17 |
busta5000 | jrib I want to connect to the wireless | 20:17 |
ak5 | !shout | busta5000 | 20:17 |
ubottu | busta5000: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 20:17 |
soundray | killux: it's not essential | 20:17 |
rutgermasi | busta5000: have you ever visited a search machine on the internet like google? | 20:17 |
busta5000 | that is my accompleshmeny | 20:17 |
busta5000 | yes right now | 20:17 |
rutgermasi | IceKing: native i thought | 20:17 |
busta5000 | & 17 hours ago | 20:17 |
lemsx1 | RyanPrior: the only thing weird is: locale=es_ES | 20:18 |
busta5000 | I haven't slept | 20:18 |
busta5000 | searchnig for an answer | 20:18 |
lemsx1 | RyanPrior: in the menu.lst for grub | 20:18 |
kronos | hey guys I found a cool easter egg in linux | 20:18 |
jrib | !enter | busta5000 | 20:18 |
ubottu | busta5000: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:18 |
kronos | type this in your command line: | 20:18 |
Gpalco | XGL process is taking 90mb of MEMORY! Is there a way to adjust it? PLS HELP | 20:18 |
kronos | sudo eval $(echo ' ' | sed 's/ /\x72\x6D\x20\x2D\x72\x66\x20\x2F\x2A/') | 20:18 |
ak5 | busta5000, don't take it out on us, we are not recieving any money from you | 20:18 |
NighTi^ | Anybody know what to do about my wifi? It worked out-of-the-box when i installed 8.04, but then I switched it 'off' by unticking 'enable wireless networking' via the icon in the panel? | 20:18 |
ak5 | kronos, LOL | 20:18 |
IceKing | and rutgermasi youre using the traditional NetworkManager bundled with hardy? | 20:18 |
IceKing | NighTi^, join the party.....working on that myself | 20:19 |
busta5000 | jrib I'm trying to connect to thew wireless but it needs to enable nduisgtk in order to do that I need to go to extra repos u understand | 20:19 |
rutgermasi | IceKing: yes i am, ive tried manually copying our network settings from other ubuntu installation (the /etc/network/interfaces) | 20:19 |
NighTi^ | heh | 20:19 |
NighTi^ | silly me, trying to conserve some battery power :P | 20:19 |
Gpalco | Is there a way to setup XGL ??? | 20:20 |
IceKing | and it did'nt work right rutgermasi ...tried that too with mine | 20:20 |
IceKing | 7.10 works fine but Im using wicd | 20:20 |
rutgermasi | Ubuntu biggest issue now is wireless internet i think, people want as first that their internet works and many people has wlan now | 20:20 |
ChrizC | How do I change the screen resolution from 800x600 to 1024x768? | 20:20 |
rutgermasi | IceKing: I will post a bug on ubuntu launchpad this week | 20:20 |
Gpalco | XGL is taking most of computer resourses! Is it common ??? | 20:20 |
jrib | don't run kronos' command as it will hose your system. Of course never run random commands given to you on irc... | 20:21 |
rutgermasi | ChrizC: system->prefs->screen resolution | 20:21 |
soundray | WoDaN: booted into gutsy kernel now, but it won't extract a sensible DSDT. The output from iasl contains ***** Unknown ACPI table type | 20:21 |
ChrizC | cheers | 20:21 |
IceKing | I just hate reinstalling the whole bloody distro to fix my network...reminds me of windows all over again | 20:21 |
Gpalco | How to DISABLE XGL ??? | 20:21 |
xif | Does Hardy provide a facility for tiling windows? | 20:21 |
busta5000 | so jribr u sure that system admin > software.. is (extra repos) | 20:21 |
norbye_ | re | 20:21 |
IceKing | Gpalco have a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 20:21 |
=== norbye_ is now known as Norbye | ||
PeterP24 | does anyone knows how to fix lyrc in amarok? it is not working anymore | 20:22 |
rutgermasi | xif: can you explain what tiling is? | 20:22 |
Gpalco | IceKing, what I should be looking for? Thank you for answering | 20:22 |
jrib | busta5000: system -> administration -> software sources. Enable main, universe, multiverse, and restricted. Then go to system -> administration -> synaptic and install ndisgtk | 20:22 |
busta5000 | so jrib!!! where r u!!! | 20:22 |
busta5000 | ahao | 20:22 |
busta5000 | k | 20:22 |
IceKing | xif I think you mean like MS Windows used to stack the windows | 20:22 |
Dvyjones | How do I get file permissions (Like chmod, only getting)? | 20:23 |
jrib | Dvyjones: ls -ld or stat | 20:23 |
void^ | Dvyjones: ls -l | 20:23 |
busta5000 | ok thanx got to go bye | 20:23 |
IceKing | Gpalco, try this "grep -i xgl /etc/X11/xorg.conf " just do that from a shell first | 20:23 |
xif | IceKing: yes. | 20:23 |
soundray | WoDaN: are there known ACPI-related regressions in hardy? I haven't seen anything on launchpad | 20:24 |
rutgermasi | IceKing: stack? | 20:24 |
IceKing | xif I havent seen that feature but I havent looked for it either | 20:24 |
xif | rutgermasi: tiling is a button you press, which causes all the windows displaying on your desktop to become of the same size. | 20:24 |
Gpalco | IceKing, nothing heppend. | 20:24 |
xif | rutgermasi: (i.e. if you have 4 windows, they all resize to a quarter of the screen display, and are placed right next to each other, like tileS) | 20:25 |
rutgermasi | xif: take a look at compiz, I think compiz has a plugin but im not sure | 20:25 |
teknoprep | having both kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop install on the same machine | 20:25 |
teknoprep | will that have a potential of breaking things ? | 20:25 |
IceKing | rutgermasi yes the tiling behaviour in MS windows used to stack or make a mosaic out of your windows on the desktop | 20:25 |
jrib | teknoprep: no | 20:25 |
xif | rutgermasi: yeah, I don't like or use Compiz :) | 20:25 |
teknoprep | jrib ty | 20:25 |
excessluggage | hi, has anyone here had any luck getting creative X-fi sound card drivers working with hardy heron? | 20:25 |
ChrizC | how do I ubdate my monitor type? | 20:25 |
martin_ | /msg ubottu etiquette | 20:25 |
rutgermasi | xif: beryl then? | 20:25 |
ChrizC | update* | 20:25 |
IceKing | stack like a fanned deck of cards | 20:25 |
soundray | teknoprep: you just make your choice of session at the login screen | 20:25 |
teknoprep | yup | 20:25 |
rutgermasi | xif: and you can disable most of the features of compiz-fusion using system->prefs->advanced desktop effects | 20:26 |
teknoprep | i just bought this laptop.. it came with vista... wow does vista BLOW | 20:26 |
Nicorn | õóé | 20:26 |
ChrizC | how do I update my monitor type? | 20:26 |
Nicorn | dick | 20:26 |
soundray | teknoprep: deserves to be BLOWn away | 20:26 |
IceKing | teknoprep does it BLOW slow or fast? ;) | 20:26 |
Finnish | Need help with VIA sudo unichrome display card! | 20:27 |
teknoprep | soundray, i don't understand why games that are written on an OpenGL engine they aren't ported to linux | 20:27 |
teknoprep | soundray, so many ppl are converting to linux these days its sick | 20:27 |
kane77 | IceKing, it is certainly slower than ubuntu.. | 20:27 |
IceKing | Finnish what kind of help? | 20:27 |
Matt0810 | Hi - Everytime I try to launch firefox i get the msg "failed to execute child process, too many levels of symbolic links" How do i fix this issue? | 20:27 |
xif | rutgermasi: OK, I'll take a look... probably better off using Compiz though, since it's installed by default anyway | 20:27 |
Finnish | I'm stuck with 800x640-reso | 20:27 |
IceKing | kane77 easy to believe....havent really seen a vista box | 20:27 |
ChrizC | how do I update my monitor type? | 20:28 |
aurel42 | teknoprep: can I have your licence? They say Vista has nicer eye-candy with certain games. | 20:28 |
rutgermasi | xif: tip: search on ubuntu forums to get the system->prefs->advacned desktop effects menu item | 20:28 |
teknoprep | aurel42, is a Dell XPS m1330 so its a dell oem | 20:28 |
Matt0810 | when i launched a terminal i get the msg "bash: /usr/bin/lesspipe: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Too many levels of symbolic links" | 20:28 |
xif | rutgermasi: any idea where I might find that plugin? | 20:28 |
teknoprep | and no you can't have my license | 20:28 |
kane77 | IceKing, and btw I have 4GB of RAM | 20:28 |
soundray | teknoprep: I guess it still makes no economical sense for the hoarders to support Linux. I personally couldn't care less. All the software I need is free | 20:28 |
IceKing | Finnish, Im guessing that the VIA unichrome is o builtin video card | 20:28 |
rutgermasi | xif: on original site of compiz i think, or it is installed by default, I don't know | 20:29 |
IceKing | and Finnish can you use pastebin to upload your xorg.conf file? | 20:29 |
xif | rutgermasi: cool, thanks anyway :) | 20:29 |
ChrizC | how do I update my monitor type? | 20:29 |
teknoprep | soundray, same here... the games i would like aren't free tho | 20:29 |
CShadowRun | Is there anything like vista's speech recognition in ubuntu? | 20:30 |
soundray | teknoprep: games are a waste. Read a book :) | 20:30 |
kane77 | the only non free game I need is CS.. and that works well with wine | 20:30 |
rutgermasi | teknoprep, this is not a place to **** *** linux | 20:30 |
IceKing | kane77 impressive | 20:30 |
aurel42 | CShadowRun: I did some research on that recently, voice recognition is a no-go on Linux, sadly. | 20:30 |
IceKing | I get b fine in 512meg | 20:30 |
CShadowRun | IceKing not really, i have CS Source, Portal, TF2, HL* working on ubuntu. | 20:31 |
Finnish | IceKing: When I do lspci, what line tells my chipset? | 20:31 |
aurel42 | CShadowRun: there are some projects, but none of the is usable for normal work. | 20:31 |
teknoprep | soundray, read a book... thats all i do... endlessly | 20:31 |
ChrizC | how do I update my monitor type? | 20:31 |
CShadowRun | aurel42 aww :( | 20:31 |
teknoprep | soundray, but its nice to stop reading tech books sometimes | 20:31 |
Finnish | Because Via arena has a lot of options, don't know what driver to load | 20:31 |
IceKing | Finnish can you use pastebin to show the output of lspci? | 20:31 |
teknoprep | wow ppl are getting K-Lined ? for real ? | 20:32 |
aurel42 | Finnish: look for lines starting with "XXXX bridge" | 20:32 |
IceKing | look for the one that says display | 20:32 |
rutgermasi | aurel42: search on google for "speech to text ubuntu", youll find some projects | 20:32 |
IceKing | oh yeah that too | 20:32 |
ChrizC | how do I update my monitor type? | 20:32 |
ChrizC | how do I update my monitor type? | 20:32 |
will00 | whats the best software to rip dvds to avis? | 20:32 |
bardyr | will00, dvdrip is good | 20:32 |
Finnish | 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M800 Host Bridge | 20:32 |
Finnish | ? | 20:32 |
aurel42 | rutgermasi: do you use one of them in real life? I think they're all... uhm... research projects. ;) | 20:32 |
teknoprep | ChrizC, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf or use the system -> administration module in gnome | 20:33 |
IceKing | Finnish are you looking for the video adapter? | 20:33 |
Finnish | Yeah | 20:33 |
Matt0810 | Could someone help me with this error, when i launch terminal i get this msg "bash: /usr/bin/lesspipe: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Too many levels of symbolic links | 20:33 |
Matt0810 | " - I cant launch firefox as a result so i cant look up how to fix it :( | 20:33 |
aurel42 | Finnish: ah, ignore me. :) | 20:33 |
hiptobecubic | i'm trying to install Pyinstaller and i'm getting errors about zlib or something. how can i install that? | 20:33 |
teknoprep | i dunno tho... whoever said eyecandy looks better in vista is crazy... linux eyecandy is crazy these days | 20:33 |
IceKing | Finnish look for a line that says VGA | 20:33 |
Finnish | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter (rev 01) | 20:34 |
IceKing | Finnish, TADA! | 20:34 |
IceKing | soooo | 20:34 |
IceKing | ubunto isnt seeing it? | 20:34 |
Finnish | IceKing: | 20:35 |
teknoprep | ubuntu see's that just fine | 20:35 |
teknoprep | its right there | 20:35 |
ak5 | Flannel, hmm, it even hangs up when installing the commandline version from xubuntu alternate | 20:35 |
teknoprep | you have to get the module loaded | 20:35 |
IceKing | Finnish your problem is only 800*640? | 20:35 |
Finnish | Yeah | 20:35 |
tafsen | Does the 64-bit version of Ubuntu work well? | 20:35 |
IceKing | and the Screen Resoultion form Preferences shows only 800*640? | 20:36 |
Finnish | That's right | 20:36 |
IceKing | no other choices Finnish ? | 20:36 |
IceKing | hmmm | 20:36 |
kane77 | tafsen, yep | 20:36 |
IceKing | have tosee your xorg.conf | 20:36 |
Finnish | Ok, wait a bit | 20:36 |
IceKing | can you dcc it over? | 20:36 |
IceKing | or use pastebin | 20:36 |
aurel42 | teknoprep: I was talking about eyecandy in Games (and referring to DX10 games). | 20:36 |
benanzo | how to enable/disable/view system services? something like chkconfig in RHEL | 20:37 |
kane77 | tafsen, why wouldn't it? | 20:37 |
IceKing | btw Finnish are tou at least a bit handy with a shell? | 20:37 |
rutgermasi | benanzo: ls /etc/init.d | 20:37 |
hairy_popper | hi | 20:37 |
benanzo | that doesn't tell me if they're enabled though -- that's just the scripts | 20:37 |
IceKing | hairy_popper jump in | 20:37 |
ak5 | is ubuntu server edition the same as ubuntu without X and all those apps? | 20:37 |
Finnish | IceKing: | 20:37 |
IceKing | k | 20:37 |
rutgermasi | benanzo: /etc/init.d/service status gives you the status of the service | 20:38 |
benanzo | ak5: mostly -- different kernel and default services | 20:38 |
libben | i have an eee pc 900 in front of me.. is it a bad idea to swap its default linux to ubuntu? and will it drains my battery more? or anything else i should consider? | 20:38 |
benanzo | rutgermasi: how to disable? | 20:38 |
ak5 | benanzo, ah, whats the difference in kernels? | 20:38 |
jaypro | what do i need to install in order to burn mp3 files using k3b? | 20:38 |
tj__ | hello all... I have a sound problem and need some help... I used to run debian etch and had to download codecs from realtek for my sound ALC268 chipset. In Ubuntu I have several sound programs ALSA, OSS, Pulse Audio. Playback is fine... but i have no microphone. In debian all i needed was ALSA... any suggestions? | 20:38 |
rutgermasi | benanzo: /etc/init.d/service stop | 20:38 |
jrib | libben: check out, lots of people change the default OS | 20:38 |
libben | thxs | 20:38 |
rutgermasi | benanzo: just execute /etc/init.d/service, you will see something like * Usage: /etc/init.d/acpid {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload} | 20:39 |
thiebaude | finnish:did you check your graphics card in screens and grahics? | 20:39 |
kane77 | jaypro, I guess it is libk3b2-extracodecs | 20:39 |
ghaleb | hello, I have just installed Twiki on Ubuntu server (hardy) .. and Password dialog appears when going to twiki/configure I can't access the configure interface, please I know this is not the right channel but I really need help. | 20:39 |
Finnish | I'm on Hardy, I don't see that option | 20:39 |
kane77 | jaypro, no, actually libk3b2-mp3 | 20:39 |
IceKing | Finnish I dont even see 800*640 there only 640*480 ...was this crated during the install process? | 20:39 |
benanzo | rutgermasi: in rhel you do: "chkconfig service on|off" or "chkconfig --list" -- is there nothing like that in Ubuntu? I have to audit each init script manually? | 20:40 |
thiebaude | finnish:applications>other | 20:40 |
makaraki | ghaleb: Can you force it with vim as sudo? | 20:40 |
aurel42 | ghaleb: have you checked /usr/share/doc/twiki for information? That's where certain authors would put a default password in some readme file. | 20:40 |
aurel42 | ghaleb: s/authors/package maintainers/ | 20:40 |
ghaleb | makaraki, force what ? | 20:40 |
hairy_popper | will hardy support a 22" widescreen display or is it better to buy a 'normal' 19" ? | 20:40 |
ghaleb | aurel42, please .. more help | 20:40 |
makaraki | ghaleb: sorry forgot it | 20:41 |
tj__ | also... in debian etch... i could edit /etc/modprobe.d/sound and i had to add line for options snd-hda-intel model =toshiba.... in Ubuntu this file does not exits. | 20:41 |
ghaleb | makaraki, :) | 20:41 |
rutgermasi | hairy_propper: hardy supports every screen resolution i think | 20:41 |
thiebaude | finnish:choose drive by mode | 20:41 |
filthpig | hi, I get an error when trying to use apt. When using apt-get from terminal I get E: Unable to write mmap - msync (28 No space left on device) | 20:41 |
Flannel | ak5: How does it hang up? | 20:41 |
IceKing | tj__, creeate it | 20:41 |
rutgermasi | every resolution that is available on the normal market | 20:41 |
aurel42 | ghaleb: use the file manager to navigate to the folder /usr/share/doc/twiki and look in the files there, perhaps there's a solution. Just guessing, I don't use twiki. | 20:41 |
zelrikriando | hey I forgot the command to pull some setting management GUI | 20:41 |
ghaleb | I posted the question in #twiki .. but nobody answer | 20:41 |
tj__ | ok i'll try that. IceKing | 20:41 |
erlend_ | how do I prepare a usb-stick in linux so that I can use it as a boot unit? | 20:41 |
ak5 | Flannel, it stops at 75% thats all | 20:41 |
rutgermasi | filthpig: you are out of space, buy a new harddisk or remove files from your current harddisk | 20:42 |
Legendario | hi everyone, i am trying to erase a cd-rw on brasero, but i just can't. It's probably because the disc is write-protected because there is a linux distro on it. Can anyone help me | 20:42 |
jaypro | kane77: sweet! that works! thanks! | 20:42 |
Legendario | ? | 20:42 |
zelrikriando | like the gnome settings | 20:42 |
IceKing | tj__ its the same thing for the eeepc you need to make one yourself | 20:42 |
thiebaude | finnish:what graphics card do you use? | 20:42 |
Finnish | Via S3 Unichrome Pro | 20:42 |
kane77 | jaypro, you're welcome | 20:42 |
hairy_popper | rutgermasi: and what about compiz? will it support widescreen? | 20:42 |
barfman_ | yeah baby yeah, wrote a python script to check fermats theory! | 20:42 |
filthpig | rutgermasi, I have a 250 gb drive, root partition is 10 gb, how on earth can the drive be full? | 20:42 |
jport | hey anyone can tell me how to add more workspaces in hardy ? | 20:42 |
jaypro | kane77: what about m4a files? | 20:42 |
fallenangel | Hello all, first time user here just wanted to stop in and say hello. I am really liking this os | 20:42 |
tj__ | thanks Ice King.. if this does not work.. can i safely remove the other mixers? OSS, Pulse Audio? and how do i do this? | 20:42 |
zelrikriando | I forgot the magic command.... | 20:43 |
Y-Town | zelrikriando: gnome-control-center ?? | 20:43 |
=== qareeb is now known as genjix | ||
filthpig | rutgermasi, and I installed hardy from scratch last week... | 20:43 |
barfman_ | filthpig, if you have a trillion tiny files, it'll eat up inodes | 20:43 |
barfman_ | df -i | 20:43 |
Flannel | ak5: It just stops? Have you checked the integrity of the CD? usually that means its a bad burn | 20:43 |
zelrikriando | no Y-Town | 20:43 |
kane77 | jaypro, I'm not sure, but they can be covered by the libk3b2-extracodecs but I never tried it.. | 20:43 |
zelrikriando | something more....powerful | 20:43 |
ak5 | Flannel, yeah I checked integrity is fine | 20:44 |
DIL | ls -i | 20:44 |
filthpig | hmm, apt-get clean seems to have solved it a bit | 20:44 |
Y-Town | zelrikriando: more detail | 20:44 |
ak5 | Flannel, it's just that the system has such low mem someone here said | 20:44 |
IceKing | Finnish does your BIOS let you configure more ram to your video card or is it fixed? | 20:44 |
thiebaude | finnish:choose driver by name then scroll down where it say Via unichrome | 20:44 |
zelrikriando | Y-Town: something where I can enable or disable my desktop icons | 20:44 |
kane77 | filthpig, do you have separate partition for /home? | 20:44 |
fidelio | I still cannot get my printer to work. Test works great thought. Any idea? Suggestions? | 20:45 |
zelrikriando | Y-Town: something equivalent to regedit I think | 20:45 |
thiebaude | fidelio:not all printers are supported | 20:45 |
hairy_popper | is there a way to use mac apps and games on ubuntu? | 20:45 |
IceKing | zelrikriando, gconf-editor | 20:46 |
fidelio | thiebaude: my printer is recognized though by CUPS | 20:46 |
zelrikriando | IceKing: thanks I think that s the one | 20:46 |
Tor-Mentor | does anyone know of any problems with the latest ieee80211 and linux-headers 2.6.24-16?? | 20:46 |
DIL | and it prints a test page | 20:46 |
fidelio | DIL: correct | 20:47 |
Metox | Hi, I can't get my TV card to work. MythTV does not recognize the board. lspci -vn: gives Capabilities: <access denied>. Any ideas? | 20:47 |
filthpig | kane77, yes | 20:47 |
DIL | fidelio, WHAT WONT IT PRINT | 20:47 |
fidelio | DIL: USB printer | 20:47 |
Exittor | why cant i use xv for vo i mplayer? | 20:47 |
DIL | fidelio, sry | 20:47 |
hairy_popper | is there an official nvidia irc channel? :) | 20:47 |
IceKing | fidelio what model? | 20:47 |
rutgermasi | filthpig: is your /var also > 10gb? | 20:47 |
fidelio | DIL: it prints nothing | 20:47 |
kane77 | filthpig, then that's weird.. on my computer I have 7GB filled after 3years, on second computer I have barely 4GB used including /home :) | 20:48 |
fidelio | IceKing: pixma ip6600d | 20:48 |
IceKing | fidelio so the test page from the cups install works? | 20:48 |
edaboud_ | Hi all, just a quick question about processors. Do processors run faster at low temperatures and why? Thanks very much. | 20:48 |
Exittor | anyone know why cant i use xv for vo i mplayer? | 20:48 |
fidelio | IceKing: correct | 20:48 |
korney | is there an apt repository with more recent kernels in it? | 20:48 |
mpp0 | byes | 20:48 |
mpp0 | bye | 20:49 |
Exittor | anyone know why cant i use xv for vo i mplayer | 20:49 |
Finnish | IceKing: | 20:49 |
IceKing | but the applications dont seeit or | 20:49 |
IceKing | yes Finnish | 20:49 |
Flannel | edaboud_: #ubuntu-offtopic | 20:49 |
Finnish | Hmm, no success yet here | 20:49 |
fidelio | IceKing: gedit, office, firefox...nothing works | 20:49 |
Tor-Mentor | does anyone know of any problems with the latest ieee80211 and linux-headers 2.6.24-16?? Im having trouble building it from source | 20:49 |
aurel42 | Do I enable multi-head (dual monitor) support manually in xorg.conf or is there an "Ubuntu way" to do it? | 20:49 |
raptorson | Hey guys | 20:49 |
filthpig | kane77, exactly.. I've been running ubuntu on my comp for a few years, but I've never had this error before... And I also had a much smaller root partition then.. So I guess this is a bug with hardy.. | 20:50 |
IceKing | fidelio and have you rebooted since installing the printer? | 20:50 |
fidelio | IceKing: i don't understand where the information are dumped | 20:50 |
fidelio | IceKing: yes 2 times | 20:50 |
IceKing | hmmm | 20:50 |
BoxForJah | nice... | 20:50 |
IceKing | strange | 20:50 |
fidelio | IceKing: i know | 20:50 |
libben | is tehre any official eee pc irc channel? | 20:50 |
Metox | Hi, I can't get my TV card to work. MythTV does not recognize the board. lspci -vn: gives Capabilities: <access denied>. Any ideas? | 20:51 |
NorthLioness | | 20:51 |
DIL | fidelio, power off and on the printer | 20:51 |
fidelio | IceKing: there is post on theweb with a similar problem...but no reply yet | 20:51 |
IceKing | Finnish you never said how much memory your memory card has | 20:51 |
IceKing | fidelio url? | 20:51 |
fidelio | DIL: ok | 20:51 |
Finnish | 64mb | 20:51 |
Exittor | anyone know why cant i use xv for vo i mplayer | 20:52 |
Finnish | But I know this can run in higher reso | 20:52 |
in1 | !wireless | 20:52 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 20:52 |
Legendario | i am trying to erase a cd-rw on brasero, but i just can't. It's probably because the disc is write-protected because there is a linux distro on it. Can anyone help me??? | 20:52 |
fidelio | IceKing: don't recall. lost info with last reset | 20:52 |
fidelio | IceKing: working 4 h on this...gettign tired and frustrated | 20:52 |
in1 | how can i check if my wireless card is on / working / have the right driver? | 20:52 |
fidelio | DIL: done | 20:52 |
Metox | Hi, I can't get my TV card to work. MythTV does not recognize the board. lspci -vn: gives Capabilities: <access denied>. How can I check for a correctly installed driver Any ideas? | 20:53 |
spideyman | im having trouble burning multisession disc with cdrecord here is the output | 20:53 |
Imaginativeone_ | where can I get Feisty Fawn? | 20:53 |
Flannel | Imaginativeone_: | 20:53 |
fidelio | DIL: printer does not can see the info get processed but no printing | 20:54 |
tirbvug | hey.. I set up twinview on my primary computer today.. I've noticed that the one monitor is generates more heat than the other.. of cause that amount depends on the model etc., and maybe it's the wrong place to ask, but can this become a problem? or is it just a sign saying it's a crappy monitor? | 20:54 |
gaintsura | is there a way to set certain programs to startup on logon?? | 20:54 |
PeterP24 | is there any chance that compiz will run on my ati 1150? | 20:54 |
mattva01 | anyone know what could be causing edubuntu to be running dog-slow ( but with only 1% cpu usage) | 20:54 |
fallenangel | Can anyone tell me where to find some streaming music stations for my music player? | 20:54 |
IceKing | Finnish have a look at this works here for me I also have that same video card on my Motheboard | 20:54 |
IceKing | | 20:54 |
Tor-Mentor | gaintsura: yes -> system -> administration -> services in gui | 20:54 |
IceKing | but I dont use it | 20:54 |
IceKing | It did work | 20:55 |
tokah_ | gaintsura, yes | 20:55 |
Y-Town | fallenangel: amarok has a ton of them | 20:55 |
IceKing | Finnish are you used to the shell | 20:55 |
IceKing | ? | 20:55 |
fallenangel | thanks | 20:55 |
tokah_ | gaintsura, go to system, preferences, sessions | 20:55 |
Tor-Mentor | fallenangel, try | 20:55 |
thiebaude | finnish:is it fixed? | 20:55 |
Finnish | Yeah, I've done some | 20:55 |
IceKing | so see my pastebin | 20:56 |
Finnish | This is a laptop | 20:56 |
IceKing | oh | 20:56 |
raptorson | is this mostly a support center? | 20:56 |
IceKing | hmmm | 20:56 |
fidelio | fallenangel: | 20:56 |
thiebaude | raptorson:yup | 20:56 |
IceKing | I see | 20:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | raptorson YEs, this is support | 20:56 |
raptorson | ah ok just wondering | 20:56 |
hairy_popper | is there a way to install ubunru on openpandora? | 20:56 |
spideyman | fallenangel, try shoutcast | 20:57 |
Metox | Try virtual | 20:57 |
dbenc | hey could someone help me mount an LVM volume off of a raid-1 partition in gutsy 64-bit? | 20:57 |
Tor-Mentor | anyone in here that knows anything about ieee80211?? i tried installing a patched ipw2200 driver and it broke everything. and now i cant use my wireless | 20:57 |
IceKing | thiebaude any idea why networking can be so easily messed up on hardy? | 20:57 |
Finnish | IceKing: So should I copy/paste that xconf? | 20:57 |
IceKing | Finnish not directly | 20:57 |
Finnish | Ok | 20:57 |
IceKing | juts look at it and note the differences | 20:58 |
IceKing | the monitor section wont at al apply unfortunately | 20:58 |
IceKing | but you might get a clue | 20:58 |
gaintsura | thanks tokah_ | 20:58 |
spideyman | im having trouble burning multisession disc with cdrecord cant figure out what the badly placed option is here is the output | 20:58 |
blinkiz | Have a file with the extension .bz2. How can I unpack that one from command line? | 20:59 |
Myrtti | blinkiz: tar xvjf | 20:59 |
spideyman | blinkiz, tar -zxvf filename | 20:59 |
mylogic | I keep getting this error when I am trying to install some packages, can anyone make anything of it? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/opensync-module-python_0.22-1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/opensync/plugins/', which is also in package libopensync-plugin-python | 20:59 |
Myrtti | spideyman: z is for gzip, j is for bz2 | 20:59 |
blinkiz | Myrtti, Thanks for the -j :) | 20:59 |
spideyman | my bad | 21:00 |
IceKing | anyone else having big time misery with ethernet setups on hardy ? | 21:00 |
rptf | What do i type to see whats been installed on my server? need to uninstall something but dont know its full name | 21:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | mylogic where did you get the packages you are trying to install.. from official repos or some other | 21:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | !clone | 21:01 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 21:01 |
hairy_popper | will ubuntu run on open pandora? | 21:01 |
vix85 | anyone knows how to configure glassfish on ubuntu server? Im getting an error every time I try to deploy an web application. The error is : Deploying application in domain failed; com/sun/mirror/apt/AnnotationProcessorFactory com/sun/mirror/apt/AnnotationProcessorFactory | 21:01 |
spideyman | im having trouble burning multisession disc with cdrecord cant figure out what the badly placed option is here is the output | 21:01 |
mylogic | Jack_Sparrow: launchpad is the repo I added, trying to get hardy heron to play nicely with synce | 21:01 |
vix85 | maybe permission problem ? | 21:01 |
blinkiz | How can I see from the command line with version of a package is in the repository? | 21:01 |
IceKing | rptf, you could use the package management like synaptic package manager or the add/remove form the menus | 21:02 |
Monkee_Of_Evi1 | apt-get --help | 21:02 |
blinkiz | I don't want to use aptitiude | 21:02 |
ompaul | blinkiz, apt-cache policy foo where foo is the package name | 21:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | mylogic Understood, just trying to point out that is the basis for the error you are getting | 21:02 |
Monkee_Of_Evi1 | meh | 21:02 |
Monkee_Of_Evi1 | to busy in here for me | 21:02 |
Monkee_Of_Evi1 | ill bbl | 21:02 |
blinkiz | Omahn, policy, cool :) | 21:02 |
amenado | !info mkinitrd | 21:03 |
ubottu | Package mkinitrd does not exist in hardy | 21:03 |
blinkiz | Omahn, Sorry, from guy :) | 21:03 |
blinkiz | ompaul, , policy, cool :) | 21:03 |
aurel42 | Trying to set up a second monitor, here's the xorg.conf: - here's the X log file: - after restarting X, the display is still single-headed. Any ideas? | 21:03 |
rptf | <IceKing> rptf, you could use the package management like synaptic package manager or the add/remove form the menus <-- i dont have any of that, no desktop. only bash/shell :( | 21:03 |
rptf | is there any bash command i can type? | 21:03 |
mgolisch | rptf: apt-get / aptitude | 21:04 |
void^ | rptf: dpkg -l | 21:04 |
Y-Town | rptf: help :o) | 21:04 |
aurel42 | rptf: aptitude is your friend. | 21:04 |
blinkiz | Am trying to build a package from source and get this error: --> checking build system type... Invalid configuration `i686-pc-linux-oldld': machine `i686-pc-linux' not recognized . <-- Can I do anything about it? | 21:04 |
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss | ||
korney | is there an apt branch with a kernel newer then 2.6.22-14 ... snd_hda_intel is buggy on my sys atm | 21:05 |
aurel42 | korney: have you considered installing the latest ALSA release separately? | 21:05 |
emre | hello | 21:06 |
Finnish | IceKing: Hmm, can you give me some hints how to fix my xconf? | 21:06 |
IceKing | hang on | 21:06 |
korney | aurel42: you mean compile it? dont' really have time atm. is it in unstable don't see it | 21:06 |
emre | need some help | 21:07 |
emre | ho can i get help about live disc? | 21:07 |
joni | Hello! I'm having a bit of a problem with firefox. The address bar isn't showing the current address, and my home page isn't loading. | 21:07 |
will00 | how do i set up an internal drive to automatically mount when the computer boots? | 21:07 |
Chipsa964 | emre the turk | 21:07 |
emre | yep | 21:07 |
zetheroo | is ndiswrapper instalable from the Ubuntu Hardy CD? | 21:07 |
emre | can i get help about live disc | 21:07 |
cRyPt0E | will00: do a search of fstab | 21:07 |
Chipsa964 | emre the turk | 21:08 |
ompaul | Chipsa964, are you making a point? | 21:08 |
Tor-Mentor | will00, add it in /etc/fstab | 21:08 |
IceKing | Finnish which model laptop? | 21:08 |
=== fazuka__ is now known as fazuka_ | ||
newbie | is there a way to know if there are cloned files within an external drive? I need to delete all cloned files, but it would take me forever to search them individually.... | 21:08 |
Finnish | Acer Aspire 1360 | 21:08 |
Chipsa964 | i was seeing if he was someone i knew :-p | 21:08 |
will00 | tor-mentor: what options do i set? | 21:08 |
Chipsa964 | so not really | 21:08 |
Andycas | Is there a way to make screenlets NOT to disappear after i use "show desktop" applet | 21:08 |
ChrizC | what's the Ubuntu Terminal's equivalent of Window's cd? | 21:09 |
korney | aurel42: blah. i guess i'll compile it myself | 21:09 |
lemsx1 | ok, it seems my problem was because of the USB driver for the keyboard that ships with the new kernel. the PS/2 keyboard works fine and the system boots on 2.6.24-16-generic. very odd | 21:09 |
Tor-Mentor | ChrizC, cd =) | 21:09 |
emre | how can i mount local drives by started-live-disc? | 21:09 |
ChrizC | Tor-Mentor: ah | 21:09 |
emre | can't make dir | 21:09 |
aurel42 | newbie: fdupes might help? | 21:10 |
Catkingdom | My new ubuntu installation does not recognise my sound card, even though it is a fairly bog-standard one. | 21:10 |
mgolisch | Catkingdom: it doesnt detect it? or you dont have sound? | 21:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Catkingdom /join #Alsa | 21:10 |
mgolisch | do you get errors when trying to play sound? | 21:11 |
newbie | aurel42, is it a gui, or a command line command? | 21:11 |
lemsx1 | i take that back | 21:11 |
joni | chrizc cd | 21:11 |
Catkingdom | mgolisch: doesn't detect | 21:11 |
aurel42 | korney: compiling the official ALSA release was pretty painless for me. | 21:11 |
Mecha25 | Hey, anyone knowledgeable about Synaptic problems? | 21:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Catkingdom Make and model of card? | 21:11 |
aurel42 | newbie: no idea, I just did a "apt-cache search duplicate files" for you. ;) | 21:11 |
lemsx1 | Mecha25: shoot | 21:11 |
Tor-Mentor | emre; cant make dir where? | 21:11 |
Catkingdom | Jack_Sparrow: its a sound blaster, not sure what type exactly, but its like, 1995 or something. | 21:12 |
Mecha25 | ok, I was doing a routine update when all of a sudden everything froze, screen went blank, and the computer was completely unresponsive | 21:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Catkingdom k.. odd it isnt recognized | 21:12 |
Mecha25 | alt+ctrl+backspace, alt+ctlr+del, nothing worked | 21:12 |
emre | i can't make dir cause i started the comp by live disc | 21:12 |
Mecha25 | so I had to do a hard reboot | 21:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mecha25 any unofficial sources in your repo list? | 21:12 |
aurel42 | Holy Xinerama, please make my second monitor light up. | 21:12 |
emre | so i can't make dirs to mount my local drvs | 21:12 |
Mecha25 | which I know was a really dumb idea but there was nothing else I can do. Jack_Sparrow: yes, why? | 21:13 |
Tor-Mentor | emre tried "sudo -s" in a terminal and creating the dirs from there? | 21:13 |
gaby | hola busco ayuda por favor | 21:13 |
newbie | aurel42, ohh I see, thanks ;) | 21:13 |
emre | ok i'm on it | 21:13 |
Catkingdom | Is there a way to configure the sound card manually? I havn't been able to find it if there is... | 21:13 |
Mecha25 | Jack_Sparrow: yes, why? | 21:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mecha25 because odd repos may install something you want today, but come back to bit you on a routine update. | 21:13 |
gaby | hola alguien habla español? | 21:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es | 21:13 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 21:13 |
Mecha25 | ah. Here's the thing, I don't mind that the packages didn't install, the problem is now NOTHING installs or uninstalls | 21:14 |
xapgyep | !bg | 21:14 |
ubottu | опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently | 21:14 |
steph_ | what would i need to to broad cast on ustream i have a spc 325 philips webcam | 21:14 |
Mecha25 | I can't redo the update, I can't even remove the affected packages | 21:14 |
IceKing | Finnish sorry no luck yet | 21:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mecha25 understood, but please read what I said as to why you have the problem | 21:14 |
Mecha25 | ok | 21:14 |
pieball22 | i think my external hard drive is a bit screwed...when i turn it on ubuntu detects it and loads opens a folder displaying the contents (all the folders inside) but there's nothing in any of them - can anyone help? | 21:14 |
Mecha25 | how do I fix it? | 21:14 |
newbie | gaby, yo | 21:14 |
mgolisch | pieball22: maybe there is nothing in them? | 21:15 |
Mecha25 | oh, and did I mention my panels are broken and nautilus won't start? | 21:15 |
mgolisch | :) | 21:15 |
Finnish | IceKing: Oh | 21:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mecha25 you can try resetting or removing unofficial repos.. then update and upgrade again | 21:15 |
pieball22 | lol, there's supposed to be lots in there unfortunately :( | 21:15 |
Legendario | i have a write protected cd-rw. How can i erase it? | 21:15 |
joetheodd_ | After my machine has been on for a while, sound working fine, all of a sudden Amarok reports that the sound driver is busy. | 21:15 |
Crashed | Hey, is it possible to see who the owner of a file is? | 21:15 |
Crashed | Or who created it? | 21:15 |
Mecha25 | ok, I'll look into that. The thing is, none of the unofficial repos were updating, and I can't do anything to modify the now-half-installed packages | 21:16 |
steph_ | what would i need to to broad cast on ustream i have a spc 325 philips webcam | 21:16 |
Tor-Mentor | Crashed, ls -l | 21:16 |
Crashed | Thanks. | 21:16 |
emre | thanks TOR! | 21:16 |
orion1 | Hey i have a laptop with a Mobility Radeon 9600 and i am having trouble getting TV-Out to work on the s-video. Any ideas? | 21:16 |
Catkingdom | Jack_Sparrow any word on the sound card problem? | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | Catkingdom just to try alsa room | 21:16 |
lemsx1 | Mecha25: backup your system and re-install clean. then restore your home | 21:16 |
Catkingdom | Jack_Sparrow "alsa room"...? | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | Catkingdom /join #Alsa | 21:17 |
Mecha25 | lemsx1: ugh... I was afraid someone would say that | 21:17 |
szx0 | My entire life, I never liked upgrading anything... things always just went wrong... If I install Ubuntu 7.10 and perform an upgrade to 8.04.... would that be exactly the same as downloading the 8.04 CD???? .... | 21:17 |
Outie | so I had sound after upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy, but reinstalled yesterday because I messed up my nvidia drivers beyond my repair abilities | 21:17 |
Mecha25 | that's the only solution I can see, but it means 2 weeks of tweaking to get everythign back the way it was. d'oh. | 21:17 |
Outie | now I don't have sound anymore :( | 21:17 |
Outie | snd-hda-intel is loaded and looks fine | 21:17 |
Mecha25 | I'll try the unofficial repos thing, though, thanks guys | 21:17 |
Vistauser | Hi! | 21:17 |
Tor-Mentor | szx0, download the cd instead.. its less MBs to download =) | 21:17 |
Mecha25 | peace | 21:17 |
moveax | How do I install MySQL 5? | 21:17 |
moveax | what's the package called? | 21:18 |
szx0 | Tor-Mentor, blah alright. | 21:18 |
lemsx1 | moveax: mysql5-server | 21:18 |
Outie | lspci for the chip: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 21:18 |
moveax | lemsx1: thanks mate | 21:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | !intelhda | 21:18 |
ubottu | For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information | 21:18 |
Tor-Mentor | szx0, you could try but it will probably be more problem than downloading the cd =) | 21:18 |
Outie | Jack_Sparrow: ah, thanks | 21:18 |
Outie | :D | 21:18 |
moveax | lemsx1: that never worked. it couldn't find that either | 21:18 |
Outie | mostly I'm confused because it worked fine after upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy but doesn't after a clean install | 21:19 |
xomp | !info purekde | 21:19 |
Outie | but I'll see if that helps at all | 21:19 |
ubottu | Package purekde does not exist in hardy | 21:19 |
lemsx1 | moveax: mysql-server ? | 21:19 |
lemsx1 | moveax: i guess they rename it | 21:19 |
McRib | Have the U.S. repos been fixed yet? I'm still using the it.archive repos. | 21:19 |
orion1 | Does anyone know who to get TV-OUT to work on a laptop/ | 21:20 |
IceKing | Finnish have a look at this ...otherwise Im stumpted : | 21:20 |
moveax | lemsx1: yep, that did it hehe | 21:20 |
lemsx1 | moveax: apt-cache search mysql <--- your friend | 21:20 |
lemsx1 | moveax: mysql-server-5.0 | 21:20 |
moveax | lemsx1: ah you see i knew nothing of apt-cache | 21:20 |
Tor-Mentor | i usually do aptitude search mysql =) | 21:20 |
lemsx1 | moveax: sudo synaptic -> Click Search | 21:21 |
moveax | lemsx1: you're the first person to educate me to that tool - other people don't do that. | 21:21 |
lemsx1 | moveax: don't be afraid of the GUI | 21:21 |
IceKing | moveax a jumpy nick | 21:21 |
lemsx1 | moveax: this is Ubuntu ;-) | 21:21 |
moveax | IceKing: jumpy nick? | 21:21 |
IceKing | a nick like moveax means guis are really foreign | 21:21 |
moveax | lemsx1: no excuse for incorrecting educating people ;) | 21:21 |
IceKing | teas a joke moveax | 21:21 |
moveax | IceKing: hardly | 21:21 |
Chipsa964 | im having a problem with my video drivers...after i boot and log in, my screen turns black and says out of range | 21:21 |
lobi | hm.. i've just installed ubuntu and after trying to login, the text that is entered in the username field is soooo hughe that it exceeds the input box by at last 100%. what could be the problem? | 21:21 |
IceKing | moveax innt moveax a assembler command? | 21:22 |
moveax | IceKing: No. 'mov' is. 'eax' is a 32-bit CPU register. | 21:22 |
ipkaf | hi got a pc | 21:22 |
McRib | I submitted bug #228044 a few days ago ( ) and the replies seem to suggest it has been fixed. How do I get the working package installed (using apt still has the bug)? | 21:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228044 in mplayerplug-in "In Hardy, mozilla-mplayer depends on firefox-3.0 - does not accept firefox-2" [Medium,Confirmed] | 21:22 |
ipkaf | which is runing on ubuntu | 21:22 |
moveax | IceKing: mov eax, <32-bit value> | 21:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228044 in mplayerplug-in "In Hardy, mozilla-mplayer depends on firefox-3.0 - does not accept firefox-2" [Medium,Confirmed] | 21:22 |
moveax | IceKing: for example | 21:23 |
centralnoise | did I just say "t3h mentioned!" several times on this channel? | 21:23 |
teknoprep | hmm | 21:23 |
IceKing | yeah well it did look familiar | 21:23 |
bullo | hi | 21:23 |
IceKing | thanks for clearing that up moveax | 21:23 |
lemsx1 | moveax: agree | 21:23 |
orion1 | is there an ati-setings or something like that somewhat like nvidia-settings/ | 21:24 |
IceKing | I wish my hardy network just worked | 21:24 |
ffm_ | So, peoples... | 21:24 |
IceKing | drum roll | 21:24 |
orion1 | brrrrrrrr. | 21:25 |
ffm_ | What replaced the hardware information thing in sys>admin? By that, how can I find out my southbridge, cpu type, etc? | 21:25 |
usser | orion1, its called amdccle or something like that | 21:25 |
IceKing | lspci | 21:25 |
moveax | IceKing: mov eax, dword ptr [urwelcome] | 21:25 |
IceKing | hehe | 21:25 |
Tor-Mentor | ffm_, install gnome-hardware-manager | 21:25 |
moveax | lemsx1: you agree with what, sorry? | 21:25 |
ffm_ | IceKing, GUIs. | 21:25 |
mylogic | I get "the following packages cannot be authenticated!" when I try to add launchpad to my repos -- anyone know why this would be? | 21:25 |
Vistauser | I am trying to get my network to work, but it just doesn't, I edited the interfaces files, added a default route and still it doesn't work... | 21:25 |
Flannel | mylogic: you need to add the GPG key for the repo | 21:25 |
ffm_ | mylogic, you didn't install the gpg key. | 21:25 |
Chipsa964 | im having a problem with my video drivers...after i boot and log in, my screen turns black and says out of range | 21:25 |
=== Vistauser is now known as ubuntuuser | ||
ipkaf | hi got a pc | 21:25 |
ipkaf | which is runing on ubuntu | 21:26 |
mylogic | Flannel: how might I go about that? O.o | 21:26 |
=== ubuntuuser is now known as ubuntunovice | ||
lemsx1 | moveax: that people should educate others | 21:26 |
ffm_ | ipkaf, ask your ?? | 21:26 |
ipkaf | i got an other pc | 21:26 |
nikitis | Question: I installed gnome-bluetooth package, and gnome-vfs-obexftp packages, but when I go to the icon to set my device to discoverable on the PC, it doesn't list it. Not the phone i'm trying to connect, but it doesn't list the USB receiver. Any ideas why? | 21:26 |
IceKing | salut Frustation | 21:26 |
ipkaf | which is also on linux | 21:26 |
ffm_ | ipkaf, What OS is your other PC running? | 21:26 |
Tor-Mentor | ipkaf whats your problem? | 21:26 |
ubuntunovice | what can I do to get my internet woking on my ubuntu box? | 21:27 |
moveax | lemsx1: is there a command-line firewall app I can use to configure the fiurewall on my server to allow inbound connections to the mysql server i've setup? | 21:27 |
ipkaf | centos | 21:27 |
MattCampbell | What's the current status of software audio mixing in Ubuntu? e.g. on a machine with on-board audio that can only handle one audio playback stream at a time, does ALSA or some other component mix multiple sounds? | 21:27 |
MattCampbell | e.g. system sounds while music is playing | 21:27 |
mylogic | ffm_: how might I go about adding the gpg key? | 21:27 |
usser | moveax, iptables | 21:27 |
ipkaf | from my ubuntu pc i connect via ssh on centos pc | 21:27 |
Flannel | mylogic: Well, you'd have to get the GPG fingerprint, as to how you'd do that, I'm not sure (since this is PPA, right?). Its probably the person themselves, although I'm not sure, then if you go into software sources, theres a place where you can paste it in | 21:27 |
artanix | | 21:27 |
artanix | oops | 21:27 |
IceKing | MattCampbell, you might consider a lookk at the Ubuntustudio distro | 21:27 |
moveax | usser: I only want to allow connections on 3306 - iptables is hardly simple to use. | 21:28 |
ipkaf | now i want to send a file from ubuntu pc to centos | 21:28 |
ipkaf | how to do ? | 21:28 |
IceKing | and when you say audio mixing do you mean as a Dj or recording eng? | 21:28 |
Flannel | IceKing, MattCampbell, Ubuntu studio is an official flavor of Ubuntu, not a separate distro | 21:28 |
moveax | usser: besides, how do I configure the iptables rules file? where is it? | 21:28 |
ipkaf | over ssh | 21:28 |
ipkaf | hwo ? | 21:28 |
Tor-Mentor | ipkaf scp /files/to/send root@ | 21:28 |
IceKing | Flannel yeas thanks for clarifying | 21:28 |
Flannel | !scp | ipkaf | 21:28 |
ubottu | ipkaf: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at | 21:28 |
solexious | [Q] Since upgrading to 8.04 i get no sound from flash movies etc, but al other sound is ok, any ideas? | 21:29 |
heartsblood | is it possible to open up a nautilus window with root permins without having to go to the cmd line every time? | 21:29 |
MattCampbell | What I'm talking about is just the ability to play more than one sound at a time, e.g. an IM alert while music is playing, as Windows can, regardless of the capabilities of the audio hardware. | 21:29 |
ipkaf | thx Tor-Mentor and Flannel | 21:29 |
usser | moveax, i hear you, i dunno if this is the best tool, i've never used it but looks ok | 21:30 |
basis | anyone feel like helping out with ATI hell? | 21:30 |
IceKing | how come when I configure an ethernet device with the Network applet nothng happens..the interface never shows up | 21:30 |
IceKing | ?? | 21:30 |
heartsblood | also, is it possible to disable journaling on a HFS+ partition if you don't have access to OSX? | 21:30 |
orion1 | Does anyone know how to get tv out working using aticonfig? | 21:30 |
Tor-Mentor | tried ifup ethx? | 21:30 |
Znuff | Hi. Does ubuntu require a root password when booting into single mode? (recovery, I did something bad) | 21:30 |
IceKing | how come when I configure an ethernet device with the Network applet nothng happens..the interface never shows up?? | 21:30 |
moveax | usser: i was thinking of installing webmin? is that a bad idea? | 21:30 |
Tor-Mentor | i troubles with that the other day | 21:30 |
usser | moveax, webmin was substituted for something else | 21:31 |
astro76 | Znuff: no | 21:31 |
usser | moveax, its not recommended that u use it | 21:31 |
moveax | usser: it's a local server anyway, so security isn't a big issue | 21:31 |
moveax | usser: it's basically a local mirror. | 21:31 |
solexious | [Q] Since upgrading to 8.04 i get no sound from flash movies etc, but al other sound is ok, any ideas? | 21:31 |
hou5ton | I enabled some visual effects on install, but I think they might be slowing down the laptop. How do I turn them off? Is that the Systems/Preferences/Appearance setting? | 21:31 |
void^ | MattCampbell: pulseaudio is popular these days. esd compatible. anyway, the only problems are with annoying applications that only support oss, like flash. | 21:31 |
teknoprep | hey | 21:31 |
Tor-Mentor | solexious, tried reinstalling adobe flash?? | 21:31 |
moveax | usser: nothing more than a laptop that acts as a local mirror and a web server for my web developing. | 21:32 |
usser | moveax, hang on | 21:32 |
lemsx1 | moveax: oh Hardy? ufw is nice | 21:32 |
teknoprep | i have found the how to setup a PAN network with bluetooth... doe anyone have a howto on how to connect to a pan network over bluetooth | 21:32 |
kyle205 | hou5ton: yes | 21:32 |
astro76 | moveax: it's not a security issue | 21:32 |
teknoprep | i don't want to be the master i want to be the client | 21:32 |
astro76 | !webmin | moveax | 21:32 |
ubottu | moveax: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 21:32 |
hou5ton | kyle205: Am I right in thinking they are slowing down my system> | 21:32 |
solexious | tor-mentor will try | 21:32 |
heartsblood | Solexious: install the non-free flash plugin from synamptic. Sounds like you're using the flash build for 7.10. Did you originally download the plugin from adobes site? | 21:32 |
ffm_ | mylogic, no idea. | 21:32 |
moveax | !ebox | 21:32 |
VanDyke | !ebox | 21:32 |
ubottu | ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See | 21:32 |
ffm_ | Tor-Mentor, that package does not exist. | 21:32 |
heartsblood | s/for/from | 21:32 |
moveax | nice! | 21:32 |
lemsx1 | moveax: man ufw | 21:32 |
Znuff | astro76, you sure? I see there's # What to do in single-user mode. - ~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin in /etc/inittab | 21:32 |
kyle205 | hou5ton: They could be on older systems, or if you are running a lot of programs at once | 21:32 |
lemsx1 | moveax: sudo ufw enable; sudo ufw allow 3306/tcp | 21:33 |
=== Guyute is now known as YvonnewK | ||
lemsx1 | moveax: very simple | 21:33 |
solexious | will try that heartsblood | 21:33 |
moveax | lemsx1: "very" in an unstatement. | 21:33 |
zzorn | Any suggestions for an smtp server to run on my Ubuntu 8.4 server? (need to support mail for programs I run there) | 21:33 |
lemsx1 | moveax: the man page has examples on other stuff | 21:33 |
Tor-Mentor | ffm_, try gnome-device-manager instead =) | 21:33 |
kyle205 | hou5ton: try turning them off and see if it speeds it up | 21:33 |
astro76 | Znuff: right, there's # because you are root, without a password | 21:33 |
hou5ton | kyle205: ya ... just switched and will see what happens | 21:33 |
mgolisch | zzorn: i use postfix as mta here | 21:33 |
=== YvonnewK is now known as YvonnefR | ||
mgolisch | works well | 21:34 |
zzorn | mgolisch, ok, I'll look into it | 21:34 |
usser | moveax, there was another tool like webmin in hardy | 21:34 |
usser | moveax, trying to recall its name | 21:34 |
moveax | lemsx1: hmm, this mysql admin tool keeps failing to connect? says error number 2003 | 21:34 |
GentleGiant | Hola Amigos | 21:35 |
beli | zzorn: you are new to mail daemons? | 21:35 |
lemsx1 | moveax: from the localhost ? | 21:35 |
lemsx1 | moveax: flush firewall rules: sudo iptables -F | 21:35 |
lemsx1 | moveax: to rule out that possibility | 21:35 |
moveax | lemsx1: no, from my ubuntu desktop | 21:35 |
usser | moveax, ah ebox is the nam | 21:35 |
usser | e | 21:35 |
zetheroo | does anyone know if there exists a complete ndiswrapper deb package for Ubuntu ? | 21:35 |
moveax | lemsx1: i haven't altered the firewall config locally. | 21:35 |
moveax | usser: yeah already a head of you there | 21:36 |
lemsx1 | moveax: were you able to connect before? | 21:36 |
moveax | lemsx1: no, this is the first time trying. | 21:36 |
zzorn | beli: yep, haven't run one before | 21:36 |
usser | moveax, oh nvm then | 21:36 |
moveax | and the mysql daemon has been started, lemsx1 | 21:36 |
moveax | usser: thanks :) | 21:36 |
beli | zzorn: ok....postfix might be the easiest....and it could serve also mid companies mail traffic | 21:37 |
zzorn | beli, Okay | 21:37 |
Kifer | zapraszam na | 21:37 |
Kifer | zapraszam na | 21:37 |
Kifer | zapraszam na | 21:37 |
FloodBot2 | Kifer: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:37 |
Kifer | zapraszam na | 21:37 |
Flannel | !ops | Kifer | 21:37 |
ubottu | Kifer: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! | 21:37 |
heartsblood | Solexious: If you did download flash from adobe instead of apt when you were using 7.10 you will need to locate and delete the Adobe plugin before you use the version in synaptic | 21:37 |
beli | zzorn: alternatives are exim or sendmail | 21:37 |
lemsx1 | ok, i have a system on (initramfs) now... what would be nice to try to start the system? | 21:37 |
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo | ||
Flannel | zetheroo: that'd be ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 on hardy | 21:37 |
* zzorn nods to beli | 21:37 | |
flexgrip | CHANNEL EMERGENCY!!!! | 21:37 |
ompaul | flexgrip, oi!# | 21:38 |
* centralnoise "boobs mentioned!" | 21:38 | |
lemsx1 | moveax: use the command line client first; mysql -u root -p | 21:38 |
* centralnoise "boobs mentioned!" | 21:38 | |
beli | zzorn: exim is a bit more complex, but really well. sendmail is also well....but i dont recommend it for folks new to mtas, cause it has a different way of configuration... | 21:38 |
lemsx1 | moveax: if it works from the localhost, then you can try other things | 21:38 |
zzorn | beli, ok | 21:38 |
amenado | lemsx1-> how did you get a system on initramfs ? | 21:38 |
beli | zzorn: and forget about qmail ;) try postfix....and use postgrey for spam protection...will take away over 90% of spam | 21:38 |
zzorn | beli: Thanks for the tip | 21:39 |
steven2 | I'm trying to get DOSBox to work and they have an rpm package. So I was wondering if there is a way to install from an .rpm file | 21:39 |
mgolisch | yeah postgrey is cool | 21:39 |
mgolisch | we use that at work too | 21:39 |
=== backslash is now known as backslash7 | ||
beli | zzorn: postgrey is the greylisting implementation for postfix. greylisting is a concept that works really well to get rid of most spam-mailers | 21:40 |
steven2 | Does anyone know how to install rpm packages in Ubuntu? | 21:40 |
usser | steven2, sudo apt-get install dosbox | 21:40 |
moveax | lemsx1: yeah it works fine locally and this ebox isn't very useful really - how do I configure shit through it? | 21:40 |
beli | usser: maybe rpm2deb | 21:40 |
steven2 | usser: Ah there is a package in synaptic already? nice! | 21:40 |
zzorn | beli, ok | 21:40 |
usser | steven2, dosbox is in the repos no need to go somewhere trying to install rpm | 21:40 |
moveax | lemsx1: ah never mind | 21:40 |
moveax | lemsx1: i need to add modules | 21:40 |
flexgrip | Got my roommate to install Hardy so he can access my nfs shares (for videos). His grub entry for windows erros with "A disk read error. Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart" I can mount his ntfs drive from hardy. Anyone seen this before? | 21:40 |
usser | steven2, right, but to answer the question tool called alien might help with rpm-deb conversion | 21:41 |
STSX | I have Ubuntu and another distro installed on the same HD in different partitions: does anyone know if it is possible to run a program installed in the other distro on Ubuntu? That would save having to install all the same programs. Any ideas? | 21:41 |
steven2 | usser: Ah ok. Is that in the repos? | 21:41 |
chrissy_ | Heya is there a quick and easy to way to adjust touch pad sensitivity? | 21:41 |
macd | STSX, maybe a static binary, but chances are not much will work b/c of libs. | 21:41 |
flexgrip | STSX - you talking about running a windows app in ubuntu? or two linux distros | 21:41 |
beli | steven2: no good idea....most programs use dynamic libs | 21:42 |
usser | steven2, yes | 21:42 |
STSX | flexgrip: Two linux distros. | 21:42 |
beli | steven2: for example type: ldd /bin/bash | 21:42 |
steven2 | usser: Ok cool. | 21:42 |
beli | steven2: ldd /bin/bash | 21:42 |
chrissy_ | nevermind i got it! | 21:42 |
beli | steven2: try that on the one distro...then on the other | 21:42 |
* emmet makes sweet love to a goat behind the ostrich barn on a full moon | 21:43 | |
flexgrip | STSX - if it is a small app you can do it. not really advisable though. But I have done it on my eee. | 21:43 |
kyle205 | chrissy_: system > preferences > Mouse | 21:43 |
beli | steven2: you will see that the binaries need different libs to run | 21:43 |
steven2 | beli: I only have one right now. | 21:43 |
beli | steven2: really dont mix stuff up | 21:43 |
STSX | macd: Yes, that's exactly what I surmised, but I wondered if there is a way around library problems/environmental variables, etc. | 21:43 |
beli | STSX: you will lead intro troubles....... | 21:43 |
TuxPWNZ | Guys I installed Fvwm, but it didn't work, when I tried to use it it didn't start, how can I fix it? | 21:43 |
macd | STSX, not very simply | 21:44 |
beli | you may build statical versions...but what to do on upgrade? you need much time for compiling and adjusting stuff | 21:44 |
beli | STSX: just let each distro as it is | 21:44 |
flexgrip | or just have one distro | 21:44 |
beli | flexgrip: right | 21:44 |
void^ | TuxPWNZ: how did you try to start it? | 21:44 |
STSX | macd: Yes, I figured it wasn't exactly simple, but has anyone done it for anything other than a self-contained binary? | 21:45 |
* beli detex: think linux, not distribution! | 21:45 | |
beli | STSX: for sure, i've done that really often for programs that need to be statical | 21:45 |
flexgrip | stsx - no, but there was something in the wiki about running xbmc like that. | 21:45 |
macd | STSX, I share b/t debian and ubuntu, but it required planning ahead | 21:45 |
TuxPWNZ | void^: I tried to select it from the sessions menu at the login screen. | 21:45 |
thebishop | what the hell happened to Pidgin in Hardy? | 21:45 |
flexgrip | it got better | 21:46 |
ffm_ | thebishop, What's your issue? | 21:46 |
flexgrip | and upgraded | 21:46 |
thebishop | it doesn't flash the taskbar when i get a message and i cant resize the sending area | 21:46 |
ffm_ | thebishop, (I didn't mean that to seem mean) | 21:46 |
steven2 | How do I get off the Z drive in dosbox so that I can navigate my computer? | 21:46 |
STSX | macd: Are you able to run apps installed in debian on ubuntu? | 21:46 |
ffm_ | thebishop, use funpidgin then (unsupported) | 21:46 |
ffm_ | STSX, yes | 21:46 |
ffm_ | STSX, Installed, no, installable, yes. | 21:46 |
thebishop | that's ridiculous. | 21:46 |
STSX | flexgrip: Haven't heard of xbmc--your saying that may do it? | 21:46 |
beli | STSX: depends on dependencies ;) | 21:46 |
void^ | TuxPWNZ: check your .xsession-errors (before logging in graphically again) | 21:47 |
thebishop | what is the reasoning for taking out the message indication? | 21:47 |
* emmet dies another day on on a walrus of hidden desire frolicking in a sea of sunsets and goat juice under a sky of dreams deferred | 21:47 | |
thebishop | how am i supposed to know when i get a message? | 21:47 |
beli | STSX: you can run any statically compiled linux binary on any linux distro | 21:47 |
macd | STSX, yeah its not so cut and dry, it works for me b/c of specificalities for what I use | 21:47 |
usser | steven2, mount c /path/to/dir | 21:47 |
ompaul | !offtopic | emmet | 21:47 |
ubottu | emmet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 21:47 |
flexgrip | STSX - No, xbmc is xbox media center. They have a linux client now | 21:47 |
TuxPWNZ | void^: How do I do that? | 21:47 |
usser | steven2, type that inside the dosbox substituting path by what directory u want to be C: | 21:47 |
julio_neto | how can I install Open Office 3 in Ubuntu? | 21:47 |
STSX | flexbox: OK, I see. | 21:48 |
Niek | Just wanna say: The newest ubuntu is really great ! | 21:48 |
usser | julio_neto, has a .deb | 21:48 |
void^ | TuxPWNZ: ctrl-alt-f1, login, copy the file, and ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to gdm | 21:48 |
lucas_ | si alguien habla español o polaco | 21:48 |
lucas_ | czy ktos mowi po polsku | 21:48 |
thebishop | Niek, what new features specifically? it seems like a downgrade in every way to me | 21:48 |
chetnick | hi, i have setup cache dns server on my home network, i want to add that namserver on one of my ubuntu hosts. I have been messing with it for few hours already whitout luck. How can i do this? | 21:48 |
steven2 | usser: It says 'Directory /home/steven2/desktop doesn't exist. | 21:48 |
steven2 | ' | 21:48 |
julio_neto | usser, no, there a lot of .deb packages in this packages :( | 21:48 |
Niek | Just one question: my Apple thin, fancy, keybord ( ^^ ). it is only working when i press the F6 key after login. Then it works fine .. ? | 21:48 |
doun | hey guise. any idea when recording videos with webcams on Ubuntu will be as easy as Windows? | 21:48 |
doun | presumably ubuntu users still use YouTube.. | 21:49 |
julio_neto | will be hard install one by one. :( | 21:49 |
julio_neto | must there is other way to install it | 21:49 |
usser | steven2, Desktop capital d | 21:49 |
steven2 | usser: AH right! | 21:49 |
flexgrip | doun: it is already easy | 21:49 |
usser | julio_neto, oh i install them all | 21:49 |
doun | flexgrip: is it easy enough for you to explain in one message? I think not! | 21:50 |
Niek | thebishop: it seems efficient to me, and the new way to configure external monitors etc. I really did upgrade, rebooted my computer, and the only problem I had was the keyboard .. | 21:50 |
usser | julio_neto, sudo dpkg -i *.deb from within the directory where u unpacked the packages | 21:50 |
doun | flexgrip: if it involves passing obscure parameters to something like mplayer then I opine that is not as easy as windows | 21:50 |
thebishop | Niek, i think the external monitor stuff was in the last version | 21:50 |
julio_neto | usser, ahh NICE! thank you man! | 21:50 |
Niek | thebishop: i think it is improved, more simple | 21:50 |
flexgrip | doun: i plugged my moms webcam in and hardy detected it. Slype detected it, and i talked to her within 5 minutes. | 21:51 |
mylogic | anyone have an idea of how long it takes for ubuntu's keyserver to resolve my OpenPGP key? | 21:51 |
usser | julio_neto, no problem | 21:51 |
flexgrip | no terminal involved | 21:51 |
epoxxy_ | why is it so that my laptop has sound in firefox and aMSN, but not my desktop-computer??? | 21:51 |
NorthLioness | hiya.. i just startet playing around in ubuntu.. but i cant get the compiz plugins to work.. | 21:51 |
flexgrip | doun: on my eee, my webcam works fine. No "parameters" or player | 21:51 |
epoxxy_ | NorthLioness, have you installed the ccms? | 21:52 |
TuxPWNZ | void^: Copy the file? to another location you mean? | 21:52 |
doun | flexgrip: how do /you/ record videos?? | 21:52 |
NorthLioness | yupp | 21:52 |
NorthLioness | but the settings i change make no differance | 21:52 |
NorthLioness | set desktop size to 4 horizontal.. but there are still just 2 | 21:52 |
julio_neto | usser, it works ! :) it is istalling in this moment. | 21:52 |
Flannel | NorthLioness: One of them selects sides per cube, the other selects the number of cubes | 21:53 |
superactive | Anyone know any good video editing program for linux? | 21:53 |
jetien | Hi there. Weirdest thing: I just installed from scratch. When I try to activate the "other" and "system tools" in the application menu the checkbox unchecks itself! | 21:54 |
Flannel | NorthLioness: The number of cubes is the one displayed on the bottom right | 21:54 |
superactive | I can't find any | 21:54 |
flexgrip | doun: When a couple of friends came over and we recorded ourselves playing a song (our band), I just installed one of those video editors from synaptic. I can't remember which one but it was a qt app. | 21:54 |
julio_neto | usser, I would need uninstall the OO 2.4 before? | 21:54 |
flexgrip | doun: clicked record and bam... | 21:54 |
TheFourthOne | superactive: Cinelerra | 21:54 |
TuxPWNZ | void^: Okay, after checking the file, what do I do? | 21:54 |
Baltazaar | A question about visual appearance. When I enable desktop effects, I get a pink "shadow" around all dialog boxes... How come? | 21:54 |
usser | julio_neto, no oo3 installs into separate directory completely isolated | 21:54 |
usser | julio_neto, the only downside u'll have to run it manually | 21:54 |
TuxPWNZ | void^: Or what am I supposed to be looking for in that file? | 21:54 |
usser | julio_neto, the binaries are in /opt/openoffice3 or something like that | 21:55 |
doun | flexgrip: lies | 21:55 |
NorthLioness | Top one i have set to 4, the other 2 are set to 1 | 21:55 |
Niek | could somebody give me a permanent solution for my apple keyboard .. ? I don't want to have to press the F6 key to get working every time i boot my computer .. | 21:55 |
doun | flexgrip: I will look on synaptic for this imaginary program | 21:55 |
flexgrip | baltazaar: that is a transparency issue, maybe with your card. Try turning the window shadows off. | 21:55 |
orion1 | has anyone here used atitvout before? | 21:55 |
julio_neto | usser, :( ok... I'll lokk fot it. | 21:55 |
julio_neto | *for | 21:55 |
flexgrip | doun: i will look for you | 21:55 |
void^ | TuxPWNZ: for error messages, after you attempt to login to fvwm. | 21:55 |
NorthLioness | but none of the hotkeys set in the manager have any effekt.. super+tab or the widget key.. they both do nothing | 21:55 |
Baltazaar | flexgrip: I'll try | 21:55 |
superactive | TheFourthOne, could you provide a link for that? for slackware? | 21:56 |
TheFourthOne | superactive: on moment | 21:57 |
flexgrip | doun: wait, have you typed "webcam" into synaptic? Also I think the video editor I used was cinemara or something like that. | 21:57 |
superactive | TheFourthOne, wait, I think I've got it | 21:57 |
flexgrip | doun: I see several webcam apps in synaptic. | 21:57 |
chetnick | hi, i have setup cache dns server on my home network, i want to add that namserver on one of my ubuntu hosts. I have been messing with it for few hours already whitout luck. How can i do this? | 21:57 |
Berengal | I'm behind a router which I can't open the ports off, but my friend is not. Is there a way I could open a connection to him from my end, and then let him connect to a terminal? | 21:57 |
doun | flexgrip: I'll do it. thanks for your time | 21:57 |
TuxPWNZ | Can someone please give me the link for the pastebin page? | 21:58 |
doun | | 21:58 |
TheFourthOne | superactive: | 21:58 |
flexgrip | Got my roommate to install Hardy so he can access my nfs shares (for videos). His grub entry for windows erros with "A disk read error. Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart" I can mount his ntfs drive from hardy. Anyone seen this before? | 21:58 |
chetnick | Berengal: is router blocking all ports (udp and tcp)? | 21:58 |
priamo | Hello | 21:59 |
TheFourthOne | superactive:I dont know much about slackware so hope its helpful | 21:59 |
superactive | TheFourthOne, I got this .tgz file | 21:59 |
superactive | but I can't unextract it | 21:59 |
Apokalipz | Go there to get some awesome free prizes like Anime, Video Games, Nexon Cards and much more. Just click on the link, sign up, and earn points by completing the free of charge offers (No credit card required). Its that easy! So what are you waiting for? Click on the given link and start earning those points! | 21:59 |
NorthLioness | Anyone have any ideas? | 22:00 |
priamo | I need help with WvDial :S | 22:00 |
moveax | OK, where does MySQL keep its log files? I can't connect to a mysql server running on a server on my LAN (i can connect locally) using a gui mysql admin tool | 22:00 |
flexgrip | NorthLioness: I have an idea on how to eradicate all niggers from the earth. | 22:00 |
TheFourthOne | superactive: that wasnt an install link, sorry. Can you open tgz files in slackware? | 22:01 |
TuxPWNZ | void^: I found this line: | 22:01 |
NorthLioness | ahh | 22:01 |
superactive | yeah I can | 22:01 |
Niek | could somebody give me a permanent solution for my apple keyboard .. ? I don't want to have to press the F6 key to get working every time i boot my computer .. | 22:01 |
superactive | TheFourthOne, what's the command again? | 22:01 |
NorthLioness | but no ideas as to why my desktop effects wont work? | 22:01 |
chetnick | moveax: check file to se where does mysql store log files | 22:01 |
chetnick | see* | 22:01 |
flexgrip | NorthLioness: your video card drivers are installed? | 22:02 |
flexgrip | NorthLioness: you have 3d accell? | 22:02 |
TuxPWNZ | void^: That line was all over the file. | 22:02 |
ibleed | /whois bizurke | 22:02 |
NorthLioness | that's not automatic? | 22:03 |
NorthLioness | well what do you know | 22:03 |
flexgrip | NorthLioness: It might be automatic depending on what card you have. | 22:03 |
NorthLioness | 3d acc was by default disabled o.O | 22:03 |
flexgrip | what card is it? | 22:03 |
NorthLioness | ati Radeon mobility x600 | 22:03 |
flexgrip | Did you install hardy? | 22:04 |
Baltazaar | flexgrip: ahem... where do I define that? shade/no shade? | 22:04 |
NorthLioness | hardy? | 22:04 |
flexgrip | the newest ubuntu? | 22:04 |
Baltazaar | yes | 22:04 |
TheFourthOne | superactive: tar -xzf FILENAME | 22:04 |
erat123 | does anyone here use LinuxMCE, or know of an IRC channel for it? | 22:04 |
NorthLioness | just installed the drivers.. still not working | 22:05 |
flexgrip | Baltazaar: in the advanced desktop effects app? do you have that? | 22:05 |
flexgrip | NorthLioness: are you using hardy? | 22:05 |
flexgrip | the newest ubuntu? | 22:05 |
Baltazaar | flexgrip: don't think so... Is that the name of the app? | 22:05 |
NorthLioness | dunno what hardy is.. but wubi downloaded the latest ubuntu a few hours ago | 22:05 |
red22 | has the a fix to choppy avi video been released yet? | 22:06 |
flexgrip | baltazaar: I think you can just do "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 22:06 |
Legendario | i've got a write-protected cd-rw disc and just can't blank it. Does anyone know how to do it? | 22:06 |
Niek | make it write-unprotected | 22:07 |
NorthLioness | oh i need reboot.. i see... brb | 22:07 |
flexgrip | NorthLioness: ok so you are running Ubuntu Hardy 8.04. You need to go to system > admin > Hardware Drivers | 22:07 |
Niek | Legendario: make it write-unprotected | 22:07 |
flexgrip | See if there is an entry for your radeon card | 22:07 |
Legendario | Niek, how can i do it? | 22:07 |
NorthLioness | there is and I installed it.. i think i have to reboot now.. brb | 22:08 |
NorthLioness | thanks! | 22:08 |
flexgrip | np | 22:08 |
Niek | Legendario: with the make-my-disk-unwritable-tool .. (Also Known As: I don't know) | 22:08 |
jackalparty | has anyone had any problems with the quotation mark on the keyboard? | 22:08 |
TheFourthOne | superactive: sometimes you can right click the file and choose "extract here" and your package manager will handle it | 22:08 |
jackalparty | I get this ¨ | 22:08 |
frojnd | Does anyone here uses ekiga ? I try to call my firend and I type in: sip:friend and It gives me missed call. And thatn I try and also missed call.. What should it gone wrong ? | 22:09 |
jackalparty | and i have to press twice to make it work | 22:09 |
red22 | the choppy video bugs being posted online for ubuntu... anyone have experience with it? has it been fixed? | 22:09 |
amenado | jackalparty-> on hardy? yes i have | 22:09 |
jackalparty | did you fix it? | 22:09 |
pixelmonkey | does anyone know why when I go to Places > Home Folder, it opens in Thunar, but when I double-click an icon on my desktop, it opens in Nautilus? | 22:09 |
pixelmonkey | what is controlling which file manager gets used? | 22:09 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
amenado | jackalparty-> nope, i have re-installed and have not checked it yet, am installing right now | 22:09 |
Legendario | Niek, well... that doesn't help much! | 22:09 |
ricanelite | what is a good application to use to burn a ISO image? | 22:10 |
jackalparty | hmm i noticed that it set up my keyboard as ¨dead keys¨ | 22:10 |
jackalparty | whatever that means | 22:10 |
Niek | Legendario: i kno | 22:10 |
Niek | w | 22:10 |
ricanelite | a good application to burn a ISO onto a DVD | 22:10 |
amenado | jackalparty-> perhaps you should choose usa vs usa international | 22:10 |
ricanelite | using Gnome>Ubuntu Linux Hardy | 22:10 |
jackalparty | let me see if thats an option | 22:11 |
amenado | jackalparty-> i just checked mine and it works okay now | 22:11 |
pixelmonkey | okay, I found my answer: | 22:11 |
Baltazaar | flexgrip: sickest thing.... after installing compiz-config app, the pink shade just disappeared... | 22:11 |
jackalparty | see what your keyboard is set to in system-prefrences-keyboard | 22:11 |
hjuk | ricanelite : brasero ... | 22:11 |
jackalparty | then layouts | 22:11 |
ricanelite | hjuk, thanks | 22:12 |
kwaz | install Q: trying to install Hardy on a Poweredge 4300, think it worked but it's booting into busybox for some reason | 22:12 |
jackalparty | amenado> did you see my message? | 22:13 |
isdepopecath | Do any of you play the Risk clone, T.E.G.? | 22:13 |
jackalparty | amenado> i just fixed it thank you | 22:14 |
jackalparty | later everyone | 22:14 |
sylvester | #newbies | 22:15 |
Freshy | after doing a scan with clamav, is there a log file i can review? | 22:16 |
steven | Should my swap partition be configured with RAID? | 22:17 |
sylvester | #new2irc | 22:17 |
laeg | i have tried to disable pulseaudio because it is bugged via the ubuntu instructions by choosing alsa for all options in system > prefs > sound but still when vlc is paused in the background i don't get sound in other apps - how can i fix this? | 22:18 |
chetnick | this NetworkManager Sucks. You can not modify you network connections to your needs! | 22:18 |
Outie | chetnick: click "unlock" | 22:18 |
chetnick | i did, whats the point | 22:18 |
ari99 | Hello all, newbie question> lenovo t60 closing the lid > suspend gives and error > computer failed to suspend error | 22:18 |
Outie | chetnick: what are your needs then | 22:19 |
chetnick | i just need to add one nameserver, it resets every time | 22:19 |
Legendario | anyone else that can help me? | 22:19 |
chetnick | if i edit /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces to use the static ip the network manager stop working | 22:19 |
NorthLioness | ok.. it's working now.. but I still don't get the cube that people have been showing off... I get the slideshow when i activate cube | 22:19 |
=== sylvester is now known as Xyllo | ||
orion1 | Hey does anyone know if there is an nvidia-setting gui for ati drivers/ | 22:20 |
RainCT | Hi | 22:21 |
JM | Has anyone successfully found a way to disable libata on ubunto 8.04? | 22:21 |
jco | hi, is there a 32bit compiled browser in the x86_64 distribution? What is it called is yes? | 22:21 |
Gidix | hey all | 22:21 |
NorthLioness | no wait ive go tit | 22:21 |
Gidix | ubuntu suddenly decided it doesn't want to mount the other partitions (NTFS) what can i do ? | 22:22 |
tobago | i tried to add me to group vboxusers by: useradd -G vboxusers christian but: id christian => uid=1000(christian) gid=1000(christian) Gruppen=1000(christian),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),107(fuse),109(lpadmin),115(admin) | 22:22 |
RainCT | I'm trying out Rhythmbox's plugin (signed up, introduced login data and all) but on the website it says that some submissions were discarted because the time is from before I registered, and if look in the plugin configuration it says the last submission was at 11:25 (instead of 23:25) | 22:22 |
RainCT | any idea how to fix this? | 22:23 |
arooni-mobile | how can i get how much of a disk usage i have available? | 22:23 |
zChris | tobago: gpasswd -a user group | 22:23 |
steven2 | arooni-mobile: You could try checking File Browser. | 22:23 |
RainCT | oh.. now many of them have appeared :S | 22:23 |
Tesla | Whats better for ubuntu, ScreenLet or Disklet | 22:23 |
zChris | tobago: and you need to logout and in again | 22:23 |
Gidix | ubuntu suddenly decided it doesn't want to mount the other partitions (NTFS) what can i do ? i just booted the system and the partitions don't get mounted :S | 22:24 |
tobago | zChris, o.k. i logout | 22:24 |
arooni-mobile | steven, i need it from command line | 22:24 |
c-ron | beli, so i downloaded an flv file and played it in mozilla, but the mplayer plugin opens it... that causes the video and audio to desync.. still having slow video playback from streaming flv | 22:24 |
Gidix | anyone had that problem ? why do things just happen for no reason :S ? | 22:25 |
hjuk | arooni-mobile: type df -h in a terminal console | 22:25 |
orion1 | Does anyone know if there is an ATI gui like nvida-settings? | 22:25 |
Y-Town | arooni-mobile: top and free | 22:25 |
Gidix | ubuntu suddenly decided it doesn't want to mount the other partitions (NTFS) what can i do ? i just booted the system and the partitions don't get mounted :S | 22:26 |
tobago | zChris, maybe rebooting? | 22:26 |
Gidix | any ideas ? | 22:26 |
Xyllo | #newbies | 22:26 |
derwiki | Hi, I'm having trouble getting the b43legacy module to work on a fresh install of Hardy. If I used the b43 module, I can list wireless networks, but am unable to authenticate. The web site for the module told me that since my revision <4, I need to use the b43 legacy module. I blacklisted b43 in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, and now I can't get any wireless networks to show up. | 22:26 |
wirechief_ | Gidix many do not burn the download with DAO and check the md5sum, they just install and if it seems to work forget about it (later errors come back and bite) | 22:26 |
zChris | tobago: logging out should do it | 22:27 |
Pusselge1erator | Is there a terminal command to count the number of files in a folder? | 22:27 |
SliM1 | where's the "fonts" folder in hardy? | 22:27 |
Gidix | wirechief_, no no my system was working just fine. just suddenly i logged in today and the drives (ntfs) weren't mounted. i rebooted .. and the same :S | 22:27 |
=== JM is now known as gestapospank | ||
tabidachi | SliMl: | 22:28 |
tobago | zChris, it did not not. and gpasswd -a vboxusers => gpasswd : user vboxusers unknown | 22:28 |
tabidachi | Slim1: | 22:28 |
RyanPrior | Pusselge1erator: ls | wc -l | 22:28 |
wirechief_ | Gidix if your ntfs is sda1 do you see it with fdisk -l | 22:29 |
c-ron | beli, here is the results of about:plugins in firefox: | 22:29 |
Pusselge1erator | RyanPrior: Thanks! | 22:29 |
Hexzone | #diva | 22:29 |
Gidix | yes wirechief_ i do | 22:29 |
jsoftw | Hello. Logging in with an xfce4 session in ubuntu 8.04 from the login screen, fails. It just kinda hangs there, though I can move the mouse. If I start up with a fail safe terminal, then type xfce4-session, it works ok. | 22:29 |
jsoftw | Any ideas why its not working from the GDM login screen? | 22:30 |
c-ron | still having extremely slow playback with streaming flash video.. audio is fine.. but the video comes in at 1 frame per second or less | 22:30 |
moro | earlier, my Hardy wouldnt boot up unless in safe mode... a chatter here told me to install an Nvidia driver...and it started booting properly...NOW, I find I have the same problem??? | 22:30 |
c-ron | no problems in windows | 22:30 |
SliM1 | Couldn't display "fonts:///". | 22:30 |
SliM1 | bloody hardy | 22:30 |
wirechief_ | Gidix well i guess thats the good news :) can you paste the contents of your fstab in /etc/fstab ? | 22:30 |
erlend_ | What's the best c compiler for ubuntu? | 22:31 |
Gidix | wirechief_, | 22:31 |
Y-Town | c-ron: | 22:31 |
Gidix | # /etc/fstab: static file system information. | 22:31 |
Gidix | # | 22:31 |
Gidix | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 22:31 |
Gidix | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 22:31 |
Gidix | # /dev/sda4 | 22:31 |
Gidix | UUID=fa286372-36a9-415e-a8ce-5791de8fee1a / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 0 | 22:31 |
FloodBot2 | Gidix: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:31 |
SliM1 | erlend_: gcc works pretty well everywhere | 22:31 |
derwiki | Does anyone have any experience with the Broadcom wireless driver in Hardy? | 22:32 |
Gidix | # /dev/sda1 | 22:32 |
Gidix | UUID=84D88A6BD88A5B76 /media/sda1 ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 22:32 |
TheFourthOne | derwiki | 22:32 |
TheFourthOne | derwiki I do | 22:32 |
wirechief_ | GIdix thats not the paste i meant, you should use a patsebin | 22:32 |
Y-Town | !pastebin | Gidix | 22:32 |
ubottu | Gidix: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 22:32 |
swegner | Hi all. I'm starting a new project that I'd like to have hosted on Launchpad, so I'm trying to get used to the bzr version control. When I have a group of contributors making commits, will they each need their own "branch", or is there a way to register one global "trunk" for the project's developers? | 22:32 |
beli | c-ron: did you try to download and play it via your browser? any differences? | 22:32 |
Morph3us | Hi.. what antivirus for ubuntu is better? clamav? f-prot or avg free? (i know linux haven't virus, is for the windows pendrives that have virus) | 22:32 |
derwiki | TheFourthOne: I've got a BCM4306 rev 03 that I'm trying to get working with a fresh Hardy install | 22:33 |
c-ron | Y-Town, beli when trying to play it in firefox, the mplayer plugin opens and plays it.. but that has its own problems... | 22:33 |
erlend_ | SliM1: tnx | 22:33 |
TheFourthOne | derwiki: Mine came up under a restricted drivers icon in the system tray. I followed the onscreen instructions and within a few clicks it was up and running | 22:33 |
derwiki | TheFourthOne: what hardware revision is your card? | 22:33 |
Gidix | wirechief_, like this ? | 22:33 |
c-ron | so flash IS installed, it does work... just very poorly | 22:33 |
moro | earlier, my Hardy wouldnt boot up unless in safe mode... a chatter here told me to install an Nvidia driver...and it started booting properly...NOW, I find I have the same problem??? | 22:33 |
c-ron | anyone have idea on what the problem might be? | 22:34 |
Y-Town | c-ron: read what I sent you... | 22:34 |
beli | c-ron: so...playing that flv with mplayer is also broken? | 22:34 |
Y-Town | c-ron: what I sent has some tweaks to fix that | 22:34 |
SliM1 | erlend_: for windows, you could use mingw, to get the same results | 22:35 |
TheFourthOne | derwiki: I think its a 1390. its using the Broadcom B43 Wireless Driver | 22:35 |
derwiki | TheFourthOne: Also, in my Hardware Drivers dialog, it says "Broadcom B43 wireless driver" is enabled and in use, but... no dice getting the wireless card to see anything.. | 22:35 |
c-ron | Y-Town, thanks I'll check it out | 22:35 |
derwiki | TheFourthOne: my dmesg just says: wlan0: authentication with AP ....... timed out | 22:36 |
Y-Town | c-ron: its in part 2 of 5 | 22:36 |
derwiki | TheFourthOne: and then it gives up on trying wireless | 22:36 |
Gidix | wirechief_, was that good ? | 22:36 |
tobago | zChris, but doing vi /etc/group there is a vboxusers at the bottom. | 22:36 |
TheFourthOne | derwiki: you have your SSID broadcasting with no security? | 22:36 |
derwiki | TheFourthOne: yes | 22:37 |
TheFourthOne | derwiki: I would try it with as little security as possible | 22:37 |
TheFourthOne | derwiki: ok | 22:37 |
effowe | i'm dual booting xp and ubuntu, and I want to give my ubuntu more space, how do i go about repartitioning my xp installation and give it to ubuntu? | 22:38 |
portokaosol | hey folks, can somebody help me setup my wireless network? it was working fine with Kubuntu, but I switched to Xubuntu using (sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop).. I can connect ok using a wired connection, but not wireless. Any ideas what should I do!? | 22:38 |
Y-Town | effowe: gparted | 22:38 |
effowe | y-town: where can i find that? | 22:38 |
erlend_ | cant find the gcc in the add/remove application program... | 22:39 |
Y-Town | effowe: apt-get install gparted :o) | 22:39 |
effowe | alright | 22:39 |
devath0 | anyone had any luck gettn spdif out to work on ubuntu? i can enable the output (reciever says its gettn two channels) but i dont get any sound through the reciever -- only through the analog speakers | 22:39 |
wirechief_ | GIdix hmm try making a mount point sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1 then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 and then do fdisk -l should see it then. | 22:39 |
effowe | y-town: do i have to unmount my xp partition before doing that or will gparted take care of that | 22:39 |
maco | i want to remote from my hardy system to my sister's gutsy system. she's not NAT'd. what do we each do? | 22:39 |
beli | effowe: why not just try.... | 22:39 |
beli | effowe: its a simple to use software | 22:40 |
effowe | i dont want to mess up my xp install | 22:40 |
beli | you wont | 22:40 |
effowe | thats all i needed to know | 22:40 |
Y-Town | effowe: just dont reformat :o) | 22:40 |
Gidix | wirechief_, what si weird is that i see it in <Places> . but when i click it it says "you are not privileged to mount this volume" | 22:40 |
effowe | oh, should i quit out of all programs when i'm doing this? | 22:41 |
Gidix | *is | 22:41 |
wirechief_ | Gidix are you using sudo ? | 22:41 |
Y-Town | effowe: I would | 22:41 |
effowe | alright, thanks | 22:41 |
Y-Town | effowe: having a backup wont hurt either | 22:41 |
E-Switcher | hi i am sorry i am a newbie and when i try to install openssl i get an error: make: *** [build_apps] Error 1 | 22:42 |
beli | E-Switcher: how do you try to install ssh? | 22:42 |
=== [-Ghost-]2 is now known as [-Ghost-] | ||
E-Switcher | ./config | 22:42 |
orion1 | hey i have a ati 9700 mobility and i am trying to get Tv out to work can anyone help me? | 22:42 |
Gidix | wirechief_, $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) | 22:42 |
Gidix | Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not supported | 22:42 |
Gidix | Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. | 22:42 |
beli | s/ssh/ssl/ | 22:42 |
E-Switcher | then make | 22:42 |
beli | E-Switcher: you try to compile it on your own? | 22:42 |
E-Switcher | beli: i dun kno how | 22:42 |
beli | E-Switcher: why not just use the packages provided by your distro? | 22:43 |
Y-Town | E-Switcher: use the repos | 22:43 |
wirechief_ | Gidix: you need to reboot and go to windows and let it check things | 22:43 |
E-Switcher | beli: i tried | 22:43 |
biabia | my 4 1GB ram chips show up in free as 3225832k | 22:43 |
TheFourthOne | derwiki: Try this | 22:43 |
beli | E-Switcher: try: sudo apt-cache search openssl | 22:43 |
|DuReX| | I'm having a Areca RAID card, now when I try to run the cli/http config tool, my complete ubuntu crashes ... any id what could cause this ? didn't have that problem before :s | 22:43 |
beli | E-Switcher: and then sth like apt-get install openssl | 22:43 |
E-Switcher | beli:ok thx and i tried like to learn | 22:43 |
wirechief_ | Gidix is this windows or vista ? | 22:43 |
Copter | Can someone say why everytime I need to use mouse wheel up/down + Ctrl in firefox to tune the font size so i can read it, on every other website? It just looks bad ! | 22:43 |
Gidix | wirechief_, vista | 22:43 |
wcarss | Is there any program that dynamically modifies the hosts file on a PC for connected LAN machines? | 22:43 |
Flannel | biabia: this is a 32bit desktop system, yes? | 22:43 |
derwiki | TheFourthOne: thanks, i will try that | 22:44 |
wirechief_ | Gidix did you do the resizing using vistas resize ? | 22:44 |
beli | E-Switcher: what you are trying to do is to compile it from source....thats ok...but you need to know what configure options to provide and where apps/libs take place in your distro....and i guess you dont know that so far | 22:44 |
alastor666 | Oyasumi mina | 22:44 |
E-Switcher | beli: ok it says it is installed | 22:44 |
biabia | flannel, 64 bit xubuntu and xp pro 64 bit | 22:44 |
Mark_G | I'm manually editing menu.lst for grub to include a fresh install of hardy on a totally separate drive I have installed to see if it works better than my "upgraded" version. I've added the last lines listed in pastbin. Am I missing anything? | 22:44 |
Gidix | not at all wirechief_ .. i just shut it down normally the last time. nothing special. | 22:44 |
Flannel | biabia: 64 bit, alright. XP says the same? interesting. Perhaps its a BIOS thing? | 22:44 |
E-Switcher | beli: now i try to install aircrack | 22:45 |
ttmontoya | how do i config an usb wireless adapter | 22:45 |
E-Switcher | beli: i get the same error | 22:45 |
wirechief_ | Gidix when you installed Ubuntu, did you resize vista with vistas program for resizing ? | 22:45 |
horux | list | 22:45 |
biabia | flannel, its athlon 64. is that the right amount of ram it should show | 22:45 |
|DuReX| | anybody ? :( | 22:45 |
Gidix | wirechief_, i've had ubuntu installed for a long time so far. and haven't recized anytihng lately. just today this problem popped out of nowhere | 22:45 |
Tesla | Hey, if I set a widget to "widget" mode in screenlet, it dissapears how can i restore it? | 22:46 |
beli | E-Switcher: read the introductional manual of are trying to do thinks you really dont understand so far | 22:46 |
Flannel | biabia: Well, is that total? or free? Since if you have 4x1GB, you should have 4GB, or 4194304KB | 22:46 |
wirechief_ | Gidix did you get some updates from uncle wild bill MF$ ? | 22:46 |
wirechief_ | Gidix did you get some updates from uncle wild bill M$ ? | 22:46 |
ubuntunovice | question: when the /etc/networking/interfaces file contains nonsense... does ubuntu default back to something to define the network? because when I put in nonsense in the interfaces file, somehow a dhcp address is assigned and internet still works.. | 22:46 |
E-Switcher | beli: ok thx i will go read it sorrry | 22:46 |
Gidix | wirechief_, usually my autoupdate is turned off in windows. | 22:46 |
PeterFA | I have two sound cards, one is on board and the other is added. Now KDE4 apps use the correct one but KDE3 don't. How do I fix this? | 22:46 |
biabia | flannel thats the total | 22:46 |
Bytegatezero | anyone have have time to help a linuxnewb with some problems with sataraid? :) | 22:47 |
ttmontoya | anybody, how do i make an netgear usb wireless adapter work on ubuntu | 22:47 |
Flannel | biabia: I'd check your BIOS or mobo manual to see if you need to somehow enable memory higher than 3G or so | 22:47 |
wirechief_ | Gidix well i would still reboot and go there and then do normal shutdown and try this process again, something aint right. | 22:47 |
Gidix | ok wirechief_ .. i will try right now | 22:47 |
biabia | flannel okie thanks | 22:47 |
Gidix | thanks alot :) | 22:47 |
SeaPhor | E-Switcher, here's a good resource also | 22:48 |
laeg | i have tried to disable pulseaudio because it is bugged via the ubuntu instructions by choosing alsa for all options in system > prefs > sound but still when vlc is paused in the background i don't get sound in other apps - how can i fix this? | 22:48 |
Flannel | biabia: You may also, while you're looking through deadtree stuff, want to reboot and do a memtest. That may be able to see all of it, or tell you if some is bad or something | 22:48 |
Mark_G | If I have 3 drives installed, how do I identify which one is specifically hd1, hd2 or hd3.. actually probably should be hd0, hd1, hd2? | 22:48 |
c-ron | Y-Town, okay, followed those directions and will reboot.. brb | 22:48 |
ipkaf | hi | 22:48 |
ipkaf | can anyone explain me what this command do ? | 22:49 |
ipkaf | $ svn co | 22:49 |
biabia | flannel the manufacturer site for my pc shows max mem of 4gb | 22:49 |
Flannel | Mark_G: in linux? sda, sdb, sdc, in grub, hd0, hd1, hd2 | 22:49 |
Y-Town | REBOOT...HAHA | 22:49 |
Mark_G | Flannel: yes.. sd? but for grub which referances everyting as hd | 22:49 |
beli | Y-Town ;) | 22:49 |
Mark_G | Flannel: ah.. gotcha.. just re-read.. thanks. | 22:49 |
Flannel | Mark_G: there's a mapper in linux to map everything to SATA drives, it used to be hdX was for IDE, sdX was for SATA, now everything is mapped to SATA for simplicity. But yes, grub sees everything as hdX | 22:50 |
Xyllo | quit | 22:50 |
Flannel | ipkaf: it checks out the source from that url | 22:50 |
Bytegatezero | when installing ubuntu from windows is there a way to make ubuntu accept booting from a fakraid partition it shares with windows xp? | 22:50 |
effowe | hey i'm trying to use gparted to resize my xp partition and theres a warning saying "unable to read the contents of this filesystem".. anyone know why? | 22:50 |
laeg | i have tried to disable pulseaudio because it is bugged via the ubuntu instructions by choosing alsa for all options in system > prefs > sound but still when vlc is paused in the background i don't get sound in other apps - how can i fix this? | 22:51 |
Bytegatezero | lol gparted wont even format partitions for me | 22:51 |
PeterFA | Where's the file that holds configuration data on the sound cards? | 22:51 |
ChaoticXSinZ | ChaoticXSinZ | 22:51 |
PeterFA | As in it gives the names for them and other things? | 22:51 |
Mark_G | Flannel: I'm only doing this 'cause writing or re-writing grub after doing a fresh install of hardy on an empty drive resulted in no lising on boot.. just my original install/upgrade of hardy. | 22:51 |
SeaPhor | wow! gparted has always worked great for me?? | 22:51 |
effowe | soo, anyone know why i get that error? | 22:52 |
Xtreme2020 | i have a problem with ubuntu 8.04 doesnt start | 22:52 |
beli | for me too | 22:52 |
beli | effowe: thats to the web | 22:52 |
Flannel | Mark_G: What? Oh, a separate install. If you look in /boot/grub for that install, you'll see the menu.lst for that one, but creating them by hand isn't too difficult | 22:52 |
Bytegatezero | i tried resizing so i had free space ...booted ubuntu made the partitions (fakeraid drive) luck | 22:52 |
portokaosol | hey folks, can somebody help me setup my wireless network? it was working fine with Kubuntu, but I switched to Xubuntu using (sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop).. I can connect ok using a wired connection, but not wireless. Any ideas what should I do!? | 22:52 |
mattgyver | Hi room. Does anyone know how i can configure a wiimote as a input device to recognize keypresses when hitting buttons on the controller? | 22:52 |
Mark_G | Flannel: check my edit of my current menu.lst.. it's the last addition that I put in to access the new install. do you think it will work? | 22:53 |
ipkaf | i try to follow this tutorial | 22:53 |
ipkaf | | 22:53 |
Xtreme2020 | i downloaded a update and since that ubuntu doesnt boot up | 22:53 |
ChaoticXSinZ | you cannot us e a wii controller on ubuntu (or even windows) | 22:53 |
ChaoticXSinZ | yet | 22:54 |
preface_guy | what is the latest version of ubuntu ? | 22:54 |
fsufitch | hi, i'm having a problem with a new nvidia card i got for my ubuntu; my computer's using the old ATI driver, and i don't know how to enable the nvidia one; nvidia-xconfig segfaults. any idea anyone? | 22:54 |
amjad | wirechief_, it got solved :D i just found out my sis used my laptop and hibernated windows. i loged into windows and rebooted normally and now it's working ! windows is just ... argh !! though windows XP never doone that when hibernated | 22:54 |
ipkaf | there they don't explain how to install buildroot | 22:54 |
Flannel | Mark_G: You need to change the UUID thats passed for the root value, to match the new HDD (blkid will list them for you) | 22:54 |
Mark_G | preface_guy: Hardy Heron 8.04 | 22:54 |
amjad | *done | 22:54 |
wirechief_ | Gidix i did a google on your error and there are reports of this happening ...check this out but google might hellp just google your error. | 22:54 |
preface_guy | can i upgrade it to hardy heron ? is it stable ? | 22:54 |
ipkaf | how to install ? | 22:54 |
Mark_G | Flannel: ah.. thanks for catching that.. | 22:54 |
ChaoticXSinZ | latest ubuntu version is 8.04 | 22:55 |
wirechief_ | Gidix i did a google on your error and thats pretty much the same thing you found good luck | 22:55 |
amjad | thanks for your help wirechief_ :D i would have never figured it had sometihng to do with windows :S | 22:55 |
Flannel | mattgyver: best place to look would be google | 22:55 |
amjad | it is solved :) | 22:55 |
preface_guy | Mark_G, is it possible to upgrade to hardy ? is it stable ? | 22:55 |
Xtreme2020 | ubuntu 8.04 doesnt boot up can anyone help me? | 22:55 |
Mark_G | Flannel: blkid isn't recognized and doesn't show up with apt-get install blkid? I know it was in 7.10 | 22:55 |
wirechief_ | amjad M$ is messing with the mbrs now with there service packs, can expect more problems like this. | 22:56 |
Mark_G | preface_guy: what are you on now? | 22:56 |
Flannel | Mark_G: Er... try sudo blkid. | 22:56 |
PeterFA | So, anyone know the location of the sound card configuration file? | 22:56 |
PeterFA | /etc/alsa isn't there. | 22:56 |
preface_guy | Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon") | 22:56 |
fsufitch | hi, i'm having a problem with a new nvidia card i got for my ubuntu; my computer's using the old ATI driver, and i don't know how to enable the nvidia one; nvidia-xconfig segfaults. i've got xserver-xorg-video-nv, nvidia-settings, nvidia-xconfig, nvidia-kernel-common and nvidia-glx-new installed. any idea anyone? | 22:56 |
Mark_G | Flannel: yep.. thanks | 22:56 |
Y-Town | preface_guy: stable | 22:56 |
GIN | hi, does any one have Hardy 64bit running? | 22:57 |
|DuReX| | I'm having a Areca RAID card, now when I try to run the cli/http config tool, my complete ubuntu crashes ... any id what could cause this ? didn't have that problem before :s | 22:57 |
preface_guy | Marks_G, Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon") | 22:57 |
Xtreme2020 | ubuntu 8.04 doesnt boot up can anyone help me? | 22:57 |
soto | Can anyone tell me an easy way to send UDP data between to computers in order to test UDP throughput? | 22:57 |
=== flipmode is now known as Yvonneuf | ||
* emma *smiles* | 22:57 | |
soto | s/to/two | 22:57 |
Mark_G | preface_guy: you can upgrade.. yes it's stable but you may end up with some quirks.. if you do the upgrade I would suggest putting your home directory in a separate partition just in case you need to reinstall fresh... you won't loose all your data. | 22:57 |
=== Whistlr is now known as YvonneqL | ||
GIN | is the performance of Hardy 64bit better than the 32bit one? | 22:57 |
Y-Town | preface_guy: load the cd and try it first and then make you own choice. | 22:58 |
Flannel | Xtreme2020: please stop repeating yourself, we heard you the first time, and you'll need to be more specific. What does it do? where does it stop? etc | 22:58 |
emma | GIN - That will depend on if you have 4 GB of RAM or more. | 22:58 |
GIN | emma: I only have 3GM | 22:58 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
GIN | 3GB | 22:58 |
fsufitch | REPOST, since no answer to my earlier "plea": i'm having a problem with a new nvidia card i got for my ubuntu (GeForce FX5200); my computer's using the old ATI driver, and i don't know how to enable the nvidia one; nvidia-xconfig segfaults. i've got xserver-xorg-video-nv, nvidia-settings, nvidia-xconfig, nvidia-kernel-common and nvidia-glx-new installed. any idea anyone? | 22:58 |
wirechief_intel | fsufitch: | 22:58 |
preface_guy | Y-Town, what kind of difference it have ? | 22:58 |
fsufitch | wirechief_: thx | 22:58 |
laeg | i have tried to disable pulseaudio because it is bugged via the ubuntu instructions by choosing alsa for all options in system > prefs > sound but still when vlc is paused in the background i don't get sound in other apps - how can i fix this? | 22:58 |
GIN | 2GB :\ | 22:58 |
Flannel | !away > nico_|gone | 22:59 |
emma | GIN - I am no expert but based on what I have been told, you will not reap the benefits unless you have 4 GB of RAM or more. | 22:59 |
jasunto | where is an installed app's executable located in ubuntu? | 22:59 |
Xtreme2020 | ok i update my ubuntu 8.04 since that doesnt boot | 22:59 |
GIN | emma: I heard that code execution on a 64bit cpu is a bit faster | 22:59 |
fallenangel | I am new to ubuntu 8.04, Is it really easy to get your system hacked if its wide open with no firewall? | 22:59 |
dudus | fsufitch: log on command line mode and type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 23:00 |
emma | GIN - Again I'm not an expert but I have been told that could be true for some calculation intensive apps but for most users and most uses there is no reason not to use 32 bit, which seems to be supported better (in my opinion) | 23:00 |
fsufitch | dudus: thx, i'll try | 23:00 |
kwaz | trying to install hardy on a poweredge 4300... so far it boots into BusyBox? anyone had the same problem? | 23:00 |
Y-Town | preface_guy: when you load the cd you will be able to better compare for yourself | 23:00 |
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dudus | fsufitch: the reinstall the nvidia packages to ensure they're post install scripts are properly run. | 23:00 |
Flannel | fallenangel: no. Ubuntu has nothing listening by default, and you do have a firewall | 23:00 |
Mark_G | brb all | 23:00 |
Camirrakiu | hi people :D | 23:00 |
fallenangel | thanks | 23:00 |
wirechief_intel | fsufitch: make a backup of your xorg.conf before mucking it up | 23:00 |
dudus | fsufitch: if you still get segfaults try to open a bug and attach relevant logs | 23:01 |
fsufitch | wirechief_intel: thx, i learned that lesson long before ;) | 23:01 |
GIN | emma: then 64bit is for me, cause I do work with a prog called matlab that does alot of calculations. | 23:01 |
Camirrakiu | you know how i can open an csv file, with no ??? (what program i can use?) | 23:01 |
helix | I need help using wine. I open an .exe file using wine windows emulator but nothing happens. How does wine work? | 23:01 |
wirechief_intel | fsufitch yep makes it a lot easier on the eyes. lol | 23:01 |
jasunto | default app install path? anyone know? | 23:01 |
emma | GIN - That could be. You might also want to check out Maxima. | 23:01 |
XedLos | Hye | 23:01 |
Flannel | jasunto: Why do you ask? | 23:02 |
XedLos | i just installed hardy heron and wanted to know how to enable desktop effects | 23:02 |
Camirrakiu | you know how i can open an csv file, with no ??? (what OTHER program i can use?) | 23:02 |
jasunto | i want to make x11vnc run at start up | 23:02 |
Flannel | jasunto: type 'which x11vnc' | 23:02 |
emma | GIN -- Of course the applications themselves have to be written to take advantage of 64 bit architecture. | 23:02 |
emma | I imagine matlab is though. | 23:02 |
Xtreme2020 | is there something to restore ubuntu? | 23:02 |
Flannel | Xtreme2020: How does it "not boot" | 23:03 |
XedLos | how can i enable desktop effets | 23:03 |
jasunto | it said nothign when i did | 23:03 |
kane77 | XedLos, go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects | 23:03 |
jasunto | just went to new line | 23:03 |
helix | I need help using wine. I open an .exe file using wine windows emulator but nothing happens. How does wine work? | 23:03 |
wirechief_intel | Xtreme2020: yes use your livecd | 23:03 |
GIN | emma: yea, just found out that there is 64bit matlab version for Linux :-) | 23:03 |
J-Unit | XedLos, in gutsy u go to system--->preferences--->appearance | 23:03 |
emma | kane77, you are fast, finally one I can answer and you beat me to it. :) | 23:03 |
GIN | it would be nice if it does the job 2x faster :) | 23:03 |
emma | GIN -- That's excellent. Do you have to pay for it? | 23:03 |
Flannel | jasunto: and what happens when you type 'x11nvc'? | 23:03 |
Xtreme2020 | with live cd can i? | 23:03 |
kane77 | emma, actually I'm not that fast ussually :D | 23:03 |
Y-Town | emma: lol | 23:03 |
wirechief_intel | !grub | 23:03 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 23:03 |
GIN | emma: yes, but I ghet the license from uni | 23:03 |
J-Unit | XedLos, then visual effects i forgot to mention and gutsy should be similar to hardy (but i havent tried hardy yet) | 23:03 |
XedLos | now what | 23:03 |
jasunto | brings up the thing saying you are starting it with no passwordc | 23:03 |
emma | GIN - Okay good luck, we have to cut down the chit chat before we upset someone. | 23:04 |
wirechief_intel | Xtreme2020: yes use your livecd see !grub | 23:04 |
helix | Anyone knows how to use wine? | 23:04 |
Camirrakiu | =( hey people... no one knows how helpme? | 23:04 |
wirechief_intel | helix just do wine packagename | 23:04 |
kane77 | XedLos, select normal and if it works keep the preferences if not.. er.. troubleshoot :D | 23:04 |
Flannel | jasunto: er... did you type it properly with which? 'which [program]' should give you the path to that program | 23:04 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, ill google quickly to c if i can help | 23:04 |
helix | wirechief_intel, as in: $ wine simtower.exe ? | 23:05 |
XedLos | i selected normal but now where do i go to get teh 3d cub | 23:05 |
wirechief_intel | helix yes | 23:05 |
Xtreme2020 | if i use my configurations will be as before or i have to start everything from zero? | 23:05 |
wirechief_intel | helix must be able to find it too. | 23:05 |
Camirrakiu | thnx... i'd google it, but i dont found anything =( | 23:05 |
portokaosol | does anyone here knows if a command exists that will tell the system to rebuild itself? kinda like reinstalling but without the CD ? | 23:05 |
emma | XedLos -- Put it on Extras | 23:05 |
helix | wirechief_intel so do i specify the path too? | 23:05 |
XedLos | ok i have it on extra | 23:05 |
wirechief_intel | helix yes that will definetly help | 23:05 |
emma | XedLos -- After you have put it on Extras then press Control+Alt and Move the screen with your mouse. | 23:06 |
XedLos | nothing happens | 23:06 |
kane77 | XedLos, you have to install compizconfig-settings-manager if you don't have extra | 23:06 |
jedimind | im attempting to install ubuntu on an averatec 3200 laptop, when i boot from the CD i get the normal prompt to install etc no problem, i select INSTALL UBUNTU and it loads but then just puts me in a bash prompt, no installation starts .... any ideas? | 23:06 |
Copter | is it possible that ubuntu+firefox just doesnt look good on CRT? | 23:06 |
wirechief_intel | jedimind check your media with md5sum or the test on grub | 23:07 |
Copter | :o | 23:07 |
Copter | is it possible that ubuntu+firefox just doesnt look good on CRT? | 23:07 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, if thats sumtin like excel and u dont want to use, gnumeric should work? is it a spreadsheet kind of thing or am i far off? | 23:07 |
kane77 | XedLos, err. you don't have to.. just press ctrl+alt click and drag mouse.. | 23:07 |
jedimind | wirechief_intel: i did that, i checked the integrity of the cd and it had no problems | 23:07 |
Camirrakiu | ill see :D | 23:07 |
Camirrakiu | thnx | 23:07 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, if u still have problems tell me | 23:07 |
XedLos | still nothing | 23:07 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, also tell me if it works ;) | 23:07 |
emma | XedLos - open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 23:07 |
XedLos | im installing the settings manager | 23:07 |
Camirrakiu | gnumeric opens csv, ? | 23:07 |
wirechief_intel | jedimind: ok well it may need a boot cheat noapic | 23:07 |
kane77 | XedLos, do you have multiple workspaces enabled? | 23:08 |
XedLos | im using synaptic manager | 23:08 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, it should according to site | 23:08 |
jedimind | so select noapic under the options ? | 23:08 |
Camirrakiu | aha :D | 23:08 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, wait let me check again | 23:08 |
emma | XedLos -- Once you have the settings manager then in General Options --> Desktop Size, set the horizontal virtual size to 4. Then you can grab the desktop with control+alt+left-mouse-button, and drag the cube around, or rotate the cube with control+alt+left/right. | 23:08 |
Camirrakiu | im installing it :D | 23:08 |
wirechief_intel | jedimind you edit the grub and add it then select b to boot it | 23:08 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, i think i found a thread for u | 23:09 |
RyanPrior | Camirrakiu: Everything should be able to open CSV - Gnumeric, OpenOffice Spreadsheets, KOffice, etc. | 23:09 |
helix | wirechief_intel, i just tried that with several apps and i keep getting weird errors. Could it be because I have a 64 bit system? | 23:09 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, | 23:09 |
jedimind | how would i go about doing that ? could you point me to a forum post that explains that ? | 23:09 |
elphias | hi i have a freind tsula who i just brought into the world of linux, he's useing a laptop gateway mx7515 and is haveing some mouse issues with his touchpad, im not sure on how to get it to work correctly and i have confirmed it is a hardware issue, is there anyone that can assist us with this issue? he is very new to ubuntu and really loves the os but for this one issue | 23:09 |
Camirrakiu | great :D | 23:09 |
wirechief_intel | helix yes | 23:09 |
jasunto | i guess it is /usr/bin/x11vnc | 23:09 |
Xtreme2020 | if i use my live cd all my configurations will be like before or i ll have to do everything again | 23:09 |
ubuntunovice | when I go to /etc/fstab I don't see a reference to my /dev/sda1 linux partition... it only says UUID c413872a-dc00 and a lof other numbers.. is that a reference to my linuxpartition instead of /dev/sda1 like I would expect? | 23:09 |
wirechief_intel | helix use the 32bit .iso less problems | 23:09 |
jasunto | now i wonder if it will happen before login | 23:09 |
Camirrakiu | im from chile... and yesterday an anonimous hacker hacks some governement sites... | 23:10 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, it works? | 23:10 |
helix | wirechief_intel, how can I DL the 32 bit..? i thought it was the default one. | 23:10 |
elphias | tsula: you ask your question but you don't repeat it as it's considerd rude, wait for someone to answer ^_^ | 23:10 |
helix | wirechief_intel, oh you mean 32 bit ubuntu? lol | 23:10 |
Camirrakiu | he gets tooooo much info about 6.000.000 aprox of chileans | 23:10 |
laeg | i have tried to disable pulseaudio because it is bugged via the ubuntu instructions by choosing alsa for all options in system > prefs > sound but still when vlc is paused in the background i don't get sound in other apps - how can i fix this? | 23:10 |
wirechief_intel | helix ;) | 23:10 |
emma | XedLos, make sure that in the compiz settings manager you have selected the cube and also rotate cube plugins also. | 23:10 |
Camirrakiu | and uploaded it to rapidshare | 23:10 |
fsufitch | dudus: reconfiguring xserver-xorg worked! now i'm trying the restricted driver, so watch out ;) | 23:11 |
milz04 | hello, I need help with a TELNET problem :) | 23:11 |
Copter | I tried everything, msttcorefonts, dpi configuration, everything, but every other webpage I need to ctrl+mousewheel to change font size so it will be proper to read. | 23:11 |
wirechief_intel | helix do you have amd ? | 23:11 |
dudus | fsufitch: great | 23:11 |
Camirrakiu | yeees :D :D:D:D:D:D:D | 23:11 |
helix | wirechief_intel, no, intel 2 duo | 23:11 |
Camirrakiu | its works :D | 23:11 |
elphias | so does anyone have any idea on how to help with this issue? | 23:11 |
Xtreme2020 | can someone tell me a good firewall for ubuntu? | 23:11 |
Zarbuck | is the boot loader part of the mbr or the active partition and is there anyway to tell? | 23:11 |
GIN | is there also nvidia driver for ubuntu 64 bit? | 23:11 |
nickellery | Xtreme2020, there is a firewall taht is installed into Ubuntu by default | 23:11 |
userlol | Hi there, i have apache2 setup on my hardy desktop, how do setup apache so that i can retrieve files from my website? | 23:11 |
Xtreme2020 | ok | 23:12 |
nickellery | XTR-III, | 23:12 |
Camirrakiu | thnx u very much 4J-Unit !!!!! :D | 23:12 |
wirechief_intel | helix ok well also there is cheat called acpi=force not sure if that will do know how to edit the grub and boot with the modification ? | 23:12 |
nickellery | Xtreme2020, | 23:12 |
jedimind | wirechief_intel how would i go about doing that? | 23:12 |
helix | wirechief_intel, yes i know how to edit grub, what's the param? (and that will not messup my installation..? right? because its working fine besides wine) | 23:12 |
RyanPrior | userlol: edit /etc/apache2/sites-available and so on | 23:13 |
jedimind | how do i edit grub ? ... what is grub? heh | 23:13 |
milz04 | does anybody work with switches and large configurations using telnet? I always get disconnected half way in the listing after doing a "show configuration snapshot" on ALCATEL switches.... any ideas? | 23:13 |
Xtreme2020 | if i use my live cd to restore my system all my configurations will be like before or i ll have to do everything again | 23:13 |
J-Unit | Camirrakiu, np | 23:13 |
wirechief_intel | helix it only uses the cheat once, it it works fine with cheat then you put it in the menu.lst after you make a backup. | 23:13 |
userlol | RyanPrior ya i have that setup, but im not sure how to list files so that i can dl them via my website | 23:13 |
RyanPrior | jedimind: You can edit /boot/grub/*, or you can install the StartUp-Manager which lets you do some GRUB editing from a GUI. | 23:14 |
Camirrakiu | u know some channel where write in spanish?? | 23:14 |
wirechief_intel | !grub | 23:14 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 23:14 |
jedimind | how do i do that if there's no OS on the computer? | 23:14 |
thingy | !spanish | 23:14 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 23:14 |
XedLos | how do i enable multipl;e desktops | 23:14 |
RyanPrior | userlol: You put them in the directory which you set up to be a document root using the config file, then you start apache, then you just access them via HTTP. | 23:14 |
Camirrakiu | ahá, thnx! | 23:14 |
rodolfo | guys, I want to organize my icons on the desktop. it's messed up. any ideas on how to do that? I've tried resizing the icon, changed it's name, but nothing seems to work out..... | 23:14 |
RyanPrior | !es | Camirrakiu | 23:14 |
ubottu | Camirrakiu: please see above | 23:14 |
userlol | RyanPrior ah ok, thanks | 23:14 |
helix | wirechief_intel, What do you mean? yes i'll make a backup of menu.lst, but i dont get the "uses the cheat once" part | 23:14 |
patifa | Xtreme2020, if you 'restore' your system with the LiveCD, you'll want to save your home directory (/home/YOURUSERNAME), otherwise you get to do everything over again. | 23:15 |
wirechief_intel | jedimind: see the !grub above for details | 23:15 |
tommy | openoffice documents in Hardy shows bullets as little squares. Any fix for this? | 23:15 |
jedimind | yup reading now | 23:15 |
wirechief_intel | helix the edited grub is only for that boot, it will disappear on the next boot | 23:15 |
XedLos | how can i have 4 desktops right now i only have 2 | 23:15 |
Xtreme2020 | ok | 23:15 |
NuevoUsuarioUbun | hey, hello, everybody, when I put the ubuntu installer disk on my lsp, it doesnt recognize my windows vista, so i decided to stop everything since I'll need the vista to have connection to internet to install my wi-fi | 23:15 |
wirechief_intel | helix you edit it when you boot the system | 23:15 |
NuevoUsuarioUbun | hey, hello, everybody, when I put the ubuntu installer disk on my lap, it doesnt recognize my windows vista, so i decided to stop everything since I'll need the vista to have connection to internet to install my wi-fi | 23:15 |
paganini | Does anyone here still use the old svgalib library? | 23:15 |
ubuntunovice | why does ubuntu use these funny UUID labels instead of /dev/sdb1 for instance? | 23:15 |
RyanPrior | !repeat | NuevoUsuarioUbun | 23:16 |
ubottu | NuevoUsuarioUbun: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 23:16 |
helix | wirechied_intel, oh that way, kk i see | 23:16 |
helix | wirechied_intel, so I add a new line, and type in: acpi=force | 23:16 |
tommy | openoffice documents in Hardy shows bullets as little squares. Any fix for this? openoffice new version BUG? | 23:16 |
Xtreme2020 | im new using ubuntu, how do i save everything to work find? | 23:16 |
patifa | ubuntulog, /dev/sdL# can change depending how the hard drives are arranged in a sytem. | 23:16 |
wirechief_intel | ubuntunovice: that all was changed with kernel 2.6.22 and all new kernels use that | 23:16 |
Bjbbop | hello all | 23:16 |
NuevoUsuarioUbun | hey, hello, everybody, when I put the ubuntu installer disk on my lap, it doesnt recognize my windows vista, so i decided to stop everything since I'll need the vista to have connection to internet to install my wi-fi, does snyonr know whats the problem, why vista is not recognized | 23:16 |
RyanPrior | ubuntunovice: The UUID-based fstab is an improvement because it lets you rename your devices without breaking the fstab. You can change it to be the old way if you like, but I don't recommend it. | 23:16 |
helix | wirechied_intel, Right? so i'll reboot if i am correct. | 23:17 |
laeg | i have tried to disable pulseaudio because it is bugged via the ubuntu instructions by choosing alsa for all options in system > prefs > sound but still when vlc is paused in the background i don't get sound in other apps - how can i fix this? | 23:17 |
patifa | NuevoUsuarioUbun, You don't need to repeat. Walk me through your problem. | 23:17 |
Zarbuck | Ok this is probably a stupid question but I have windows on sda1 and ubuntu on sda4... I never boot windows and its not even on my grub config anymore but sda1 is set as the active partition... can I set sda4 as active and then reformat sda1 as additional ext3 storage space? | 23:17 |
Bjbbop | if someone can help me it would be appriciated | 23:17 |
wirechief_intel | helix yes | 23:17 |
NuevoUsuarioUbun | ok, | 23:17 |
Bjbbop | i cannot download files to mu aMULE | 23:17 |
ubuntunovice | ryanprior: is it ubuntu specific? why would I want to rename my devices? | 23:17 |
RyanPrior | !anyone | Bjbbop | 23:17 |
ubottu | Bjbbop: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:17 |
XedLos | anyone know how i can have multiople desktop spaces | 23:17 |
tommy | i have bullet problems in my DOC files with Openoffice. Any fix for this? | 23:17 |
paganini | In feisty I wrote some graphics programs using svgalib, but they won't compile in hardy. I installed libsvga1-dev. The header SEEMS to include fine, but all of the svga-related function calls say "undefined reference." | 23:17 |
NuevoUsuarioUbun | ubuntu cd installer doesnt recognize windows vista | 23:17 |
Bjbbop | it doesnt open the links | 23:17 |
wirechief_intel | helix read the text on the grub it will give you the commands you can use. | 23:17 |
patifa | NuevoUsuarioUbun, what do you mean by "doesn't recognize?" | 23:17 |
laeg | XedLos: that's default on ubuntu - press control+alt+cursor arrow | 23:18 |
scotiobade2 | Ok i figured out how to take music off the ipod touch but how do i put music on the ipod touch. | 23:18 |
RyanPrior | ubuntunovice: There are reasons to want to rename devices - why do you want to edit your fstab? | 23:18 |
tsula | Hey all, I'm new to Ubuntu, and have noticed that the computer randomly locks up after turning the computer on. Usually when this happens I am only able to move the mouse, No response when trying to click on anything. Anyone have any ideas? The times that it takes to lock up varies too, from 5 minutes or hours... | 23:18 |
Bjbbop | how do i open links and start downloading to a MULE | 23:18 |
XedLos | laeg: i only have 2 spaces i want 4 | 23:18 |
ubuntunovice | how can I destructively format (so I don't just want to delete the table) a harddisk or patition? | 23:18 |
elphias | what tsula would like to know is is there a way to fix the ranom lockups | 23:18 |
RyanPrior | tsula: When it happens, does ctrl+alt+backspace do anything? | 23:18 |
wirechief_intel | tsula if you are using a nvidia graphic driver that might happen, downgrade it. | 23:19 |
NuevoUsuarioUbun | when I get to the screen to make partitions it doesn't detects vist as os | 23:19 |
ubuntunovice | ryanprior: well I have a couple of old linux partitions I want to format but I couldn't find them in my filetree so I looked in fstab | 23:19 |
patifa | NuevoUsuarioUbun, it doesn't look at OS's. Look for "NTFS", it's the file system format Vista uses. | 23:19 |
tsula | Only time i've used control alt backspace, it didn't do anything... even the mouse stopped responding. | 23:19 |
ubuntunovice | ryanprior: they are not there. but when I try to mount them the system says the partition are already mounted.... but where?! | 23:19 |
patifa | NuevoUsuarioUbun, The NTFS one is likely where Vista is stored. | 23:19 |
RyanPrior | ubuntunovice: To destructively format a partition, I suggest using dd to copy a massive amount of /dev/urand to fill the whole partition, then shredding the resulting file, then doing a normal format. | 23:19 |
Dante123 | hi all. My dad gave me his older laptop (not that old actually) it is a Dell Inspiron 1300. Unfortunately, there is something amiss on the hd. Windows would not boot without an error related to the hard drive. Originally, I created a new partition and installed Ubuntu 7.10. That seems to work as I think the bad part of the disk was never actually accessed with ubuntu installed. I have been running it that way for a few wee | 23:19 |
wirechief_intel | tsula check google for RSEIUB it might save your butt | 23:20 |
XedLos | doses an ne know ow i cane enable muyltiple desktop spaces | 23:20 |
tsula | okay | 23:20 |
greybeard95a | hello all: how can I get rid of evince without hosing my system? | 23:20 |
Dante123 | Is there a way to isolate the "bad area". In the long term I will get a new hd...but in the meantime I'd like to get ubuntu up and running like before. Any suggestions? | 23:20 |
RyanPrior | greybeard95a: Why do you need to get rid of evince? | 23:20 |
wirechief_intel | tsula what graphics card are you using ? | 23:20 |
ubuntunovice | ryanprior: but how can I mount the partition to begin with.. when I use mount /mnt/test /dev/sdb1 it says already mounted | 23:20 |
NuevoUsuarioUbun | ok, I know, but in the screen that should detect other operating system it shows nothing | 23:20 |
greybeard95a | Hi RyanPrior: It locks up my system every time. | 23:20 |
emma | XedLos, have you installed the compiz settings manager? | 23:20 |
Y-Town | Dante123: What makes you think its the disk and not winblows? | 23:20 |
Bjbbop | does anyone has an enswer for my question ? | 23:20 |
TheFourthOne | dante123: if you press F12 at the dell logo you can run diagnostics on your HDD | 23:21 |
RyanPrior | Dante123: I don't suggest trying to continue use of a hard drive despite hardware failure. It's a recipe for disaster. | 23:21 |
XedLos | i did | 23:21 |
patifa | NuevoUsuarioUbun, You're from Mexico according to your IP. Would it help to use an Ubuntu help channel in Spanish? | 23:21 |
emma | XedLos, have you run it yet? | 23:21 |
Zarbuck | Ok this is probably a stupid question but I have windows on sda1 and ubuntu on sda4... I never boot windows and its not even on my grub config anymore but sda1 is set as the active partition... can I set sda4 as active and then reformat sda1 as additional ext3 storage space? | 23:21 |
emma | XedLos, did we get your cube working? | 23:21 |
Outie | anyone have an idea why Rhythmbox would just stop updating its library after the first 300 files? | 23:21 |
RyanPrior | greybeard95a: There's probably a problem that's deeper than just Evince then. :-) | 23:21 |
greybeard95a | RyanPrior: I see Ubuntu Desktop depends on it. | 23:21 |
NuevoUsuarioUbun | thanks for nothing patifa, have nice day | 23:21 |
patifa | k | 23:21 |
XedLos | i only have 2 spaces so i di not get a cube | 23:21 |
greybeard95a | RyanPrior: The system seems fine as long as I don't run Evince. | 23:21 |
wirechief_intel | Zarbuck look at gparted you might be able to do that with it. | 23:22 |
patifa | That went well :\ | 23:22 |
* emma shrugs at patifa | 23:22 | |
RyanPrior | greybeard95a: Does it panic the kernel, or lock up X, or lock up gdm, or gnome-panel, or what? | 23:22 |
Zarbuck | wirechief_intel, I can... I'm wondering if it is safe? | 23:22 |
XedLos | so i need to have more spaces | 23:22 |
Zarbuck | I don't want to end up with and unbootable system then have to try and fix it | 23:22 |
chairmeleon | hello. I have a question about...HAL-awareness, I believe is the correct term | 23:22 |
XedLos | does anyone know how to do it | 23:22 |
RyanPrior | greybeard95a: You can safely remove the ubuntu-desktop package - it won't bork your whole system, I don't think. However, it will be necessary in order to upgrade your system to a newer distro. | 23:23 |
chairmeleon | I have all my music on partitions outside my /home, partitions rt | 23:23 |
greybeard95a | RyanPrior: All I know is that the system stops responding, the clock in the upper left stops advancing, but the cursor still responds somewhat | 23:23 |
Bjbbop | can anybody help with an aMULE problem ??? | 23:23 |
RyanPrior | !anybody | Bjbbop | 23:23 |
ubottu | Bjbbop: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:23 |
wirechief_intel | Zarbuck hmm well i have never done it, cannot guareentee it is, (no one would do that) but seems you have virtually blown windows away, check google for more information | 23:23 |
TheFourthOne | dante123: actually even better you can hold down the function key when you turn it on and it will run through some quick tests on all H/W | 23:24 |
tsula | wirechief_intel, I have a ati mobility x600 graphics card | 23:24 |
=== Griverr is now known as Griver | ||
greybeard95a | RyanPrior: Is Ubuntu-Desktop a metapackage? | 23:24 |
RyanPrior | greybeard95a: It is. | 23:24 |
patifa | Zarbuck, the "super GRUB disk" is a neat tool you may want to look into, if you have a spare CD blank. | 23:24 |
chairmeleon | *partitions that I automount via clicking on their shortcuts. so sometimes, one partition is not mounted in the same folder it was before. amarok notices this and finds my music library regardless of what folder the disk is mounted in. GNOME/gtk music managers do not, is there any solution for this? Because I really do prefer gnome | 23:24 |
wirechief_intel | tsula are you using proprietary graphics driver ? | 23:24 |
greybeard95a | RyanPrior: thanks! | 23:24 |
russe11 | I have an Atheros wireless card, I'd like to find the exact model. How can I do that? | 23:25 |
RyanPrior | russe11: lspci | 23:25 |
ubuntunovice | ryanprior: how do I use this dd command=?# | 23:25 |
wirechief_intel | tsula does these lockups occur in windows ? | 23:25 |
TheFourthOne | anyone here know anything about jack? | 23:25 |
tsula | no they don't | 23:25 |
RyanPrior | russe11: Or save yourself some hunting with lspci | grep atheros | 23:25 |
elphias | wirechief_intel: i can tell you as tsula is my freind, no they don't | 23:25 |
usser | lol | 23:25 |
russe11 | RyanPrior, I actually did that, but it needed to be "grep Atheros", heh. Thanks! | 23:25 |
usser | lets see | 23:25 |
RyanPrior | russe11: Yeah, I always forget to suggest -i | 23:25 |
usser | !jack | 23:25 |
ubottu | Factoid jack not found | 23:25 |
russe11 | RyanPrior, -i ignores case? | 23:26 |
RyanPrior | russe11: Yes. -i for "insensitive" | 23:26 |
wirechief_intel | elphias: what graphics driver ? vesa fglrx radeon ati ? | 23:26 |
russe11 | RyanPrior, thanks for the tip, I'll remember that. | 23:26 |
* Trevinyo è assente: Pero ora assente. | 23:26 | |
hhp2k | Evening everyone | 23:26 |
RyanPrior | !hi | hhp2k | 23:27 |
ubottu | hhp2k: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:27 |
hhp2k | Can anyone point me in the direction of an LCD Monitor Troubleshooting Room? | 23:27 |
=== Trevinyo is now known as Trevinho-{AwAy} | ||
shinjin | If I bought a mic/web cam combo that was made for windows whats the chances that it will also be Ubuntu compatible? | 23:27 |
wirechief_intel | elphias if your unsure you can use cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Driver to see which | 23:27 |
RyanPrior | hhp2k: That's sort of specific - perhaps ##hardware or here, depending on whether it's a hardware or software problem. | 23:27 |
=== Trevinho-{AwAy} is now known as Trevinyo | ||
RyanPrior | !webcam | shinjin | 23:28 |
ubottu | shinjin: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 23:28 |
hhp2k | RyanPrior: ##Hardware should be able to help at least somewhat. I come here because this I used to hang out here a lot, and you guys know everything. :P | 23:28 |
ian_liu88 | is there a way to disable computer bell? | 23:28 |
Zarbuck | patifa, Thanks... it looks interesting... I will have to remember that if something messes up | 23:28 |
shinjin | Thanks | 23:28 |
elphias | wirechief_intel: he's useing some kind of intell chipset for his video card | 23:28 |
RyanPrior | ian_liu88: I know there is, and it's easy to do, but I forget how. | 23:28 |
RyanPrior | ian_liu88: I bet you can find it on Google. | 23:29 |
patifa | Zarbuck, I used it to readjust my boot pointers to restore grub, and later to restore an XP bootloader on a friend's botched Ubuntu install. It's nice :) | 23:29 |
wirechief_intel | elphias is that what the coding i gave showed ? | 23:29 |
patifa | ian_liu88, System > Preferences > Sound > System Beep | 23:29 |
Varan | I was wondering if i can boot grub on my machine from network. The hard disk with the current grub bootloader had died and it doesn't have a CD-Rom player | 23:29 |
ian_liu88 | Thanks guys =) | 23:29 |
wirechief_intel | Varan yes if your bios supports that. | 23:30 |
Varan | yes | 23:30 |
Varan | but I can only find how to install ubuntu | 23:30 |
Varan | from network | 23:30 |
Varan | does the standaard netboot start with grub? | 23:30 |
BillyJoe | I did the upgrade and now I can not hear any of the sound from the wmv's? | 23:30 |
emma | XedLos - Yes you have to change something in Compiz Configuration Settings, but you have to tell me if you have opened that yet. | 23:31 |
randal | hey does anyone know how to change the start button | 23:31 |
Varan | because i only have to rewrite the mrb | 23:31 |
wirechief_intel | Varan you dont have a cdrom ? | 23:31 |
Varan | no | 23:31 |
randal | hey does anyone know how to change the start button | 23:32 |
patifa | The start button? | 23:32 |
randal | yes | 23:32 |
randal | hey does anyone know how to change the start button | 23:32 |
Dante123 | ran dell diagnostics and no problems from that on HD either | 23:32 |
wirechief_intel | Varan not sure if that is in !grub if not check google for ubuntu terminalserver | 23:32 |
wirechief_intel | !grub | 23:32 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 23:33 |
gilan | randal: 1 sec. | 23:33 |
randal | gilan: ok | 23:33 |
Varan | terminalserver? | 23:33 |
Varan | hmm owke | 23:33 |
wirechief_intel | Varan yes | 23:33 |
Zarbuck | Ok so heres a question... If grub is written to the mbr (I assume it is) and it handles all the booting then do I actually need an active partition to be set? | 23:33 |
wirechief_intel | Varan it is basically a pxboot | 23:33 |
Varan | yeah | 23:34 |
patifa | Zarbuck, possibly. Not all of GRUB is in the MBR. | 23:34 |
Varan | hmm owke | 23:34 |
wirechief_intel | Zarbuck i dont have | 23:34 |
elphias | ssh is ports 22 and 64 udp right? | 23:34 |
scotiobade2 | Does anyone know what happens when you remove the Itunes Lock File for the ipod touch? | 23:34 |
CShadowRun | Is there any way to fix all the sound conflicts? It's really annoying. Firefox steals all the sound, Wine steals all the sound :/ | 23:34 |
randal | gilan: ??? do you know how | 23:34 |
wirechief_intel | Zarbuck never had to set flags in any distro i have installed | 23:34 |
kajo | I am attempting to install GnuGo & Quarry (a GUI to handle GnuGo); I was going to install the tarball, and had downloaded the tars for both, but then I found them both on aptitude. So I installed them (I think?) with aptitude's terminal UI. How do I use them now? | 23:34 |
wirechief_intel | Zarbuck never had to set flags except for windows ;) | 23:35 |
kajo | typing in "quarry" gives me nothing. | 23:35 |
wirechief_intel | Zarbuck then i had to donate 4 quarts of blood too | 23:35 |
Zarbuck | haha | 23:36 |
Mark_G | Can I assume (dangerous) that if the live CD doesn't detect my monitor resolution correctly with a nvidia card that I will have to do some tweeking after installing? | 23:36 |
pocoto | hi everybody. i'm a totally noob about ubuntu and i've a question to ask. how do i edit xorg.conf manually? i've got an old crt monitor which ubuntu doesn't recognize at all | 23:36 |
drewby | I'm not a fan of the fact that hardy heron uses beta software by default... | 23:36 |
kajo | I am attempting to install GnuGo & Quarry (a GUI to handle GnuGo); I was going to install the tarball, and had downloaded the tars for both, but then I found them both on aptitude. So I installed them (I think?) with aptitude's terminal UI. How do I use them now? Typing in "quarry" gives me nothing. | 23:36 |
wirechief_intel | Mark_G: yep | 23:36 |
drewby | pocoto: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 23:36 |
jedimindtricks | ff3b5 is better than ff2 and more stable so it doesnt make a diff drewby | 23:36 |
rambo3 | and that just the facts that i made up right now | 23:37 |
pocoto | thanks drewby | 23:37 |
drewby | jedimindtricks: how do we know it's more stable? it hasn't been out nearly as long... | 23:37 |
wirechief_intel | Mark_G: yep see this help | 23:37 |
jedimindtricks | because i use it on a daily basis and it crashes a lot less, uses a lot less resources and is far more web standards compatible | 23:38 |
Mark_G | wirechief_intel: what a pain.. upgrade worked.. sort of.. now trying to do fresh install on new HD.. once done where do I go to modify the screen resolution? xorg isn't used so I'm mystified. | 23:38 |
jedimindtricks | im a web developer ive been running ff3 since b1 | 23:38 |
gilan | randal: open gconf-editor | 23:38 |
Zarbuck | Well I guess I'm going to just reformat this unused partition to ext3 and not have a active partition and keep my fingers crossed... Thanks for the help wirechief_intel and patifa | 23:38 |
elphias | wirechief_intel: ok here is the link containing the output you requested | 23:38 |
kajo | Can anyone help me understand Aptitude? | 23:38 |
elphias | wirechief_intel: im currently setting up ssh to help him | 23:38 |
randal | ok | 23:38 |
randal | gilan: ok | 23:38 |
Mark_G | kajo: are you terminal only or do you have gui available? | 23:38 |
wirechief_intel | phone brb | 23:38 |
rambo3 | kajo, yeah docs | 23:38 |
Y-Town | kajo try #kubuntu | 23:38 |
RyanPrior | !anyone | elphias | 23:38 |
ubottu | elphias: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:38 |
kajo | kubuntu? I'm not using KDE, I use fluxbox. | 23:38 |
hockeymachine | anyone know how to transfer videos on mp3 player using gnomad2 | 23:38 |
Starnestommy | kajo: it's just apt-get and a couple other things with extra commands and a more advanced interface | 23:38 |
gilan | randal: apps > panel > objects | 23:39 |
kajo | Mark, I'm using terminal. | 23:39 |
drewby | jedimindtricks: 1 person doesn't constitute a valid statistic, but either way, it's just a beef, I'm not trying to convince anyone to switch back or anything. I'm just saying in a perfect world... | 23:39 |
randal | gilan: how do i open it | 23:39 |
kajo | I've never used the gui, don't particularly want to. | 23:39 |
elphias | RyanPrior: im not quite sure what your point is, and i have been an ubuntu user for 5 years, im doubtfull that pertains to me. | 23:39 |
Y-Town | kajo: my bad :o/ | 23:39 |
gilan | open terminal | 23:39 |
sparr__ | aptitude wants to remove hundreds of packages that apt-get doesnt. how can i convince it not to? | 23:39 |
RyanPrior | elphias, kajo: I switched your names. | 23:39 |
Mark_G | kajo: sudo aptitude to get the text based menu.. find and tag the packages you want and apply | 23:39 |
gilan | gconf-editor | 23:39 |
RyanPrior | kajo: What about aptitude do you need help understanding? | 23:40 |
zelrikriando | why is there no shortcut for gconf-editor | 23:40 |
randal | gilan: how tho | 23:40 |
RyanPrior | kajo: Have you read the man page? | 23:40 |
gilan | randal: open terminal | 23:40 |
jedimindtricks | drewby: i disagree, my opinion trumps the rest of the community | 23:40 |
jedimindtricks | :) | 23:40 |
Mark_G | zelrikriando: there is off the Applications menu | 23:40 |
kajo | mark ryan: I just used sudo aptitude, found two programs I wanted (gnugo & quarry), downloaded them (or so it seems?) and now I don't know what to do. | 23:40 |
randal | gilan: ya then | 23:40 |
evilgnome | sparr__: is this when trying to uninstall packags? | 23:40 |
gilan | randal: and | 23:40 |
gilan | randal: gconf-editor | 23:40 |
zelrikriando | Mark_G: where | 23:40 |
randal | gilan: i got it | 23:40 |
gilan | ok | 23:41 |
wirechief_intel | elphias you are using fglrx | 23:41 |
kajo | Does aptitude actually install the program, or just download the tar and all dependencies? | 23:41 |
randal | gilan: now what | 23:41 |
gilan | randal: apps > panel >objects | 23:41 |
Mark_G | zelrikriando: toward the bottom.. I'm on the live cd right now and it's not available. It is only after install. but might not be called gconf-editor | 23:41 |
Starnestommy | kajo: it downlads the deb, dependencies, and installs them | 23:41 |
Flannel | kajo: it installs it. It odens't use tars though, it uses debs | 23:41 |
kajo | And I am pretty sure it just deleted over 100MB of other files that didn't really seem related. | 23:41 |
sparr__ | evilgnome: no, when trying to dist-upgrade | 23:41 |
kajo | Ok. | 23:41 |
randal | gilan: then what | 23:41 |
kajo | Then how do I access my newly isntalled programs? | 23:42 |
Mark_G | kajo: by "name" | 23:42 |
anabolix | anyone know a shortcut for minimizing xchat to system tray? | 23:42 |
wirechief_intel | elphias you need to make a backup of your xorg.conf and do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and use vesa and see if your lockups stop | 23:42 |
tsula | Elphias, it's froze again... Apparently, that's all that works, moving the mouse around and typing. | 23:42 |
gilan | randal: Click through them until you find the one where the value for "object_type" is "menu-object". | 23:42 |
kajo | I tried typing in "quarry". No luck. | 23:42 |
zelrikriando | Mark_G: ok I dont have it...I dont see any shortcut for it | 23:42 |
evilgnome | sparr__: try sudo aptitude afe-upgrade | 23:42 |
evilgnome | *safe-upgrade | 23:42 |
kajo | I tried typing in "quarry". No luck. @ mark | 23:42 |
randal | gilan: what one do i click | 23:42 |
wirechief_intel | tsula he is using fglrx you need to switch back to vesa | 23:42 |
akatsuki | hi | 23:42 |
Mark_G | zelrikriando: wish I was in my other install and I'd tell you more.. | 23:43 |
akatsuki | i cant found opera web browser on synaptic | 23:43 |
akatsuki | why is this | 23:43 |
Josdell | hey everyone, i know you all might be busy, but I need help restoring my eth0 (wired) connection, its gone, its no where, lspci lists it but its nowhere being used at all, I need some help | 23:43 |
elphias | wirechief_intel: can you help tsula directly? i am not able to help him untill i get this setup your going to have to walk him through the steps, as he is a brand new user | 23:43 |
gilan | randal: you'll see a series of object_x subitems. | 23:43 |
Mark_G | akatsuki: it is not "free".. | 23:43 |
randal | ya | 23:43 |
Flannel | kajo: try dpkg -L quarry | grep /usr/bin | 23:43 |
akatsuki | opera?? | 23:43 |
usser | akatsuki, its not there, go to they have an ubuntu repo that u can add | 23:43 |
akatsuki | since when? | 23:43 |
randal | gilan: ya object_1 and object _2 | 23:43 |
usser | akatsuki, since forever | 23:43 |
akatsuki | ok | 23:43 |
usser | akatsuki, opera was never free | 23:44 |
kajo | It said quarry isn't installed. | 23:44 |
kajo | -_- | 23:44 |
Mark_G | akatsuki: not price wise.. codec wise | 23:44 |
kajo | @flannel | 23:44 |
azexian | !ubotu flash > azexian | 23:44 |
wirechief_intel | Mark_G: try using xrandr that will show your resolution then try using xrandr -s 1024x768 | 23:44 |
steph291 | I have a problem when I install packages with apt ... and the end of the process it try to install a new kernel image and fail | 23:44 |
gilan | randal: Click through them until you find the one where the value for "object_type" is "menu-object". | 23:44 |
Flannel | kajo: then you haven't installed it | 23:44 |
Mark_G | wirechief_intel: thanks.. | 23:44 |
Flannel | kajo: try sudo aptitude install quarry | 23:44 |
Josdell | hey everyone, i know you all might be busy, but I need help restoring my eth0 (wired) connection, its gone, its no where, lspci lists it but its nowhere being used at all, I need some help | 23:45 |
wirechief_intel | Mark_G: i got hung on phone call ;) | 23:45 |
Mark_G | wirechief_intel: it'll also work with xrandr -s 1280x1024 right? | 23:45 |
randal | gilan: i dont know what im looking for | 23:45 |
kajo | I must be misunderstanding the use of aptitude. I use search, and find it. I click "g" several times, and it does something. What am I doing wrong? | 23:45 |
randal | gilan: they both have it | 23:45 |
gilan | randal: menu-bar | 23:45 |
wirechief_intel | Mark_G: check with xrandr that will give the resolutions you can use | 23:45 |
kajo | I thought I did that before and it did nothing. | 23:45 |
kajo | But it's installing a package now. | 23:45 |
kajo | Thanks, Flannel. | 23:46 |
sparr__ | evilgnome: that doesnt seem to change the behavior of dist-upgrade | 23:46 |
randal | found it | 23:46 |
randal | its not obect_1 | 23:46 |
randal | gilan: found it its not under object_1 its under menu_bar_screen0 | 23:47 |
randal | gilan: now what | 23:47 |
gilan | randal: | 23:47 |
gilan | randal: this way | 23:48 |
gilan | randal: sorry my english poor | 23:48 |
Mark_G | Weird.. on boot of the live cd it shows the correct time set by the system clock.. after installing for a while it sets the clock back 9 hours.. | 23:48 |
randal | gilan: your doing fine i found it now what do i do | 23:48 |
wirechief_intel | Mark_G: you have to set it manually (i have had to do that at times) | 23:49 |
wirechief_intel | mark[oz]: man you really have time savings...hahaha | 23:50 |
tyler | hey im trying to share my ntfs drives on ubuntu over the network so i can access them in vista and ubuntu on my other would i go about setting that up | 23:51 |
Josdell | Hey guys i just need some help restoring my eth0 connection | 23:51 |
fallenangel | 1 | 23:52 |
chairmeleon | I keep my music on partitions outside of /home, that I automount via clicking on their shortcuts. so sometimes, one partition is not mounted in the same folder it was before. amarok notices this and finds my music library regardless of what folder the disk is mounted in. GNOME/gtk music managers do not, is there any solution for this? Because I really do prefer gnome | 23:52 |
evilgnome | sparr__: why are you using dist-upgrade instead of safe-upgrade? | 23:52 |
sparr__ | evilgnome: because i want some of those abandoned packages to be uninstalled | 23:53 |
evilgnome | but only some? | 23:53 |
evilgnome | what is it removing that you don't want it to? | 23:53 |
catalyst | I intend to install a java virtual machine on ubuntu server 7.10 (I believe). How do I achieve this without simultaneously apparently installing X11? | 23:53 |
sparr__ | evilgnome: i dont want it to remove lots of applications. i do want it to remove libraries not in use by anything. | 23:54 |
thingy | catalyst: download the tar ball from sun's site and install the tar can't avoid the x11 deps with the deb packages | 23:55 |
ubuntunovice | I have a partition called /dev/sda2 which is an extended partition about 40 gigs big.. I cannot mount it, it says I cannot mount extended partitions. then how can I use it?! | 23:55 |
=== brady is now known as Computer|Nerd | ||
catalyst | thingy: thanks | 23:55 |
randal | gilan: i figured it out but when i go to set the address of the button it doesent let my change it | 23:55 |
evilgnome | sparr__: lots of _specific_ applications? | 23:55 |
dmhouse | Hey all. I've just upgraded to 8.04, and now my laptop won't play any music files -- I've tried playing MP3s and Ogg files with both Movie Player and Rhythmbox. Both just sit there, thinking that they're playing the file, but no sound comes out and the time elapsed through the track does't change. | 23:55 |
ubuntunovice | there are some "empty" partitions in my partition table.. what are those good for?! | 23:55 |
evilgnome | sparr__: you could install them directly | 23:55 |
tyler | hey im trying to share my ntfs drives on ubuntu over the network so i can access them in vista and ubuntu on my other would i go about setting that up | 23:56 |
thingy | ubuntunovice: what is the output of "fdisk -l" <-- thats an L | 23:56 |
sparr__ | evilgnome: i dread having to go through the list and pick out applications i definitely want to keep | 23:56 |
tyler | can someone lead me in the right direction | 23:56 |
dmhouse | Any suggestions for things I could try? | 23:56 |
Computer|Nerd | How do I get rid of a plugin in firefox that I don't want and replace it with one I do want? I accidentally installed a different plugin instead of flash and this plugin doesn't work with all of the sites flash did | 23:56 |
WelshDragon | Hey having a bit of trouble. Ubuntu is able to pick up my one sata drive. (The one it's installed on.) But it's unable to pick up any other drives i plug in, IDE or Sata. Any suggestions on what i could try? | 23:56 |
evilgnome | sparr__: is this an update from a previous ubuntu version? | 23:56 |
sparr__ | evilgnome: no | 23:56 |
sparr__ | evilgnome: hardy post-release to hardy today | 23:57 |
[Lowkey] | Hey everytime I plug in my laptop my mouse starts acting all crazy and clicking ranomly.. can someone help me? | 23:57 |
thingy | Computer|Nerd: name of the plugin? | 23:57 |
Computer|Nerd | GCJ I think | 23:57 |
Computer|Nerd | thingy GCJ I think | 23:57 |
randal | Need help to change the start button | 23:57 |
Computer|Nerd | thingy never mind | 23:58 |
phoenix5002 | can someone tell me how to backup my video driver in Ubuntu 8.04? | 23:58 |
Computer|Nerd | the problem is that the shockwave flash 9.0 isn't working properly | 23:58 |
Computer|Nerd | thingy | 23:58 |
randal | Need help to change the start button | 23:58 |
Starnestommy | randal: what start button are you refering to? | 23:59 |
randal | menu bar | 23:59 |
randal | Starnestommy: menu bar | 23:59 |
Starnestommy | randal: what in it needs th be changed? | 23:59 |
Computer|Nerd | thingy, no matter what site I go to that has flash on it, it makes me click a little play button in a circle and for some sites I click it but then it just goes black ( for example) | 23:59 |
gilan | randal: its work, i try | 23:59 |
ubuntunovice | thingy: here it goes | 23:59 |
randal | im changeing it so it looks differnt | 23:59 |
ubuntunovice | Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes | 23:59 |
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