=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson | ||
rockstar | I've just done a bzr checkout of an svn repo (using bzr-svn). Problem is, when I bzr push the checkout to a branch, I get "bzr: ERROR: At lp:~entertainer-releases/entertainer/devel you have a valid .bzr control directory, but not a branch or repository. This is an unsupported configuration. Please move the target directory out of the way and try again." | 00:37 |
rockstar | Is there a way to work around this? | 00:37 |
jelmer | rockstar: can you try pushing to a slightly different location? | 00:38 |
jelmer | It might be that there's an incomplete branch around | 00:39 |
lifeless | rockstar: push --use-existing-dir | 00:40 |
rockstar | lifeless, same error | 00:43 |
Peng | rockstar: You're using a checkout? Like, "bzr checkout"? | 00:48 |
mwhudson | i guess sftp in an rm .bzr should work | 00:48 |
rockstar | Peng, yea, bzr checkout http://<path-to-svn> | 00:48 |
rockstar | mwhudson, ? | 00:48 |
Peng | It's possible to push from a checkout? | 00:49 |
lifeless | mwhudson: I think the sftp server prhobits that | 00:49 |
lifeless | rockstar: bzr init --rich-root-pack URL might work | 00:49 |
rockstar | lifeless, will that kill my bzr log? | 00:50 |
lifeless | rockstar: EPARSE | 00:50 |
rockstar | Well, the thing I'm trying to accomplish is pretty much a conversion from svn to bzr. I want to keep the versioning. | 00:51 |
lifeless | of course | 00:51 |
rockstar | I was just wondering if a bzr init would blow out the past versioning | 00:51 |
lifeless | no | 00:52 |
lifeless | bzr init prepares a fresh database | 00:52 |
rockstar | And the versions are stored in the database? | 00:52 |
lifeless | uh | 00:53 |
lifeless | we have lots of things that are versioned | 00:53 |
rockstar | s/are/aren't/ | 00:53 |
lifeless | can you be more specific ? | 00:53 |
rockstar | Okay, the output of bzr log, along with the actual changesets | 00:53 |
lifeless | I'm saying create a fresh database on lp | 00:53 |
lifeless | that you then push into | 00:53 |
Peng | rockstar: If there was already a branch at the location, "bzr init" would error out. | 00:54 |
spiv | rockstar: init'ing a repo on a remote server isn't going to affect the history you have locally. | 00:54 |
rockstar | Ah, on the destination. | 00:54 |
rockstar | I think this bazaar version is just too old. | 01:03 |
lifeless | what version is it? | 01:04 |
rockstar | 0.90 | 01:05 |
rockstar | :) | 01:05 |
lifeless | yes, please run something created this millenium | 01:05 |
rockstar | Yea, I guess this is the default in gutsy | 01:05 |
Peng | It is. | 01:07 |
Peng | You can use bzr's deb repo thingy. https://launchpad.net/bzr/+archive | 01:07 |
Peng | Or upgrade to Hardy, which almost has the newest version of bzr. | 01:07 |
rockstar | Peng, yes, but there's currently no bzr-svn for 1.5 | 01:09 |
jelmer | rockstar, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar-announce/2008-May/000149.html | 01:09 |
rockstar | And I tried building my own package, and it doesn't seem to like life | 01:09 |
jelmer | no PPA yet though | 01:09 |
rockstar | jelmer, thanks, I'm on that list | 01:10 |
nysin | Is there documentation somewhere on the intended usage pattern of bzr-gtk? It looks like it only pays attention to the this/other/base files, but then doesn't fold that back to the non-this/other/base files. How is one intended to bridge that? | 01:10 |
rockstar | Er, no bzr svn for 1.4. 1.5 is just barely rc | 01:10 |
jelmer | rockstar: see that link - that's bzr-svn for bzr 1.4 | 01:10 |
nysin | gconflicts in particular | 01:10 |
rockstar | Ah, the ppa must be broken. | 01:10 |
rockstar | I saw an email on the list that said "since 1.4 and 1.5 are coming out so close together, there won't be a ppa release of bzr-svn for 1.4" and thought there would be a release. | 01:11 |
jelmer | rockstar: I announced I wouldn't do a release a the same time as bazaar 1.4 | 01:11 |
jelmer | The bzr-svn intended to work with 1.5 also happens to work with 1.4 | 01:12 |
rockstar | Ah, I see. | 01:12 |
rockstar | Regardless, it's working now. | 01:12 |
Peng | OMG! New bzr-svn! Yay! | 01:13 |
jelmer | (-: | 01:13 |
Peng | Since I always run bzr.dev, it's been a long time since I've had bzr-svn working. | 01:14 |
thumper | rockstar: you should have the ~bzr PPA in your sources.list :-) | 01:18 |
Peng | Huh. bzr co has a -r option, but up does not. | 01:19 |
* Peng uses revert, then. | 01:19 | |
rockstar | thumper, I do. I was working on another system | 01:19 |
thumper | ah | 01:19 |
* rockstar has more than one system... :) | 01:19 | |
Peng | jelmer: BTW, from when I ran pyflakes/pylint, there are quite a lot of unused imports. | 01:23 |
jelmer | Peng: patches are welcome :-) | 01:24 |
Peng | Hmm. | 01:26 |
Peng | I think I actually got all of the imports. | 01:26 |
Peng | I stopped working on it a bit after that and never got back to it. | 01:28 |
bob2 | "someone" should add lazy_import support to pyflakes/lint | 01:28 |
Peng | bzr-svn doesn't lazy_import much, so it wasn't a big problem. | 01:30 |
bob2 | ah | 01:30 |
Peng | Now, all of the whining about too many methods or too many arguments or too many lines, that was annoying. | 01:31 |
spiv | bob2: there is a pyflakes branch with lazy_immport support | 01:31 |
jelmer | pylint gives a lot of output and a lot of it is not actually fixable in bzr-svn (such as classes having to much methods or functions having too much arguments) | 01:31 |
spiv | bob2: thanks to mwhudson, IIRC. You can find it on lp. | 01:31 |
jelmer | Peng, yeah, indeed | 01:31 |
bob2 | oh, awesome | 01:32 |
spiv | bob2: yeah, it is awesome | 01:35 |
bob2 | also awesome is the "notification" plugin | 01:35 |
Peng | jelmer: The thing is, my linted branch has lots of XXX comments strewn about about things I didn't know how to resolve. | 01:35 |
mwhudson | getting pylint to be useful is A Project | 01:36 |
rockstar | mwhudson, yea, I'm dealing with that right now... | 01:43 |
beuno | abentley, BB web interface seems to be hung up (email works though) | 02:11 |
Peng | bzr: ERROR: You must have a branch nickname set to loomify a branch | 02:16 |
Peng | :( | 02:16 |
abentley | beuno: It auto-restarted a minute ago. Should be fine now. | 02:16 |
beuno | abentley, ah, thanks. Is this because of sqlite, or something else? | 02:17 |
Peng | Oh, ok. | 02:17 |
abentley | beuno: It's an unfortunate interaction between TurboGears and SQLite. | 02:18 |
beuno | abentley, ah, because I want to use BB for a project of mine, and I was thinking of porting the backend to mysql (which I know better then postgre) | 02:20 |
beuno | bot sure if that's something you'd like to see done | 02:20 |
beuno | s/bot/but | 02:21 |
Peng | abentley: bzrtools needs its version compatibility thingy updated for bzr.dev. | 02:23 |
jelmer | Does anybody have experience with the redmine bug tracker? | 02:36 |
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh | ||
igc | jelmer: when you get a moment, can you double check my write up re bzr-svn in the User Guide? | 03:01 |
igc | see http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#bzr-svn | 03:01 |
igc | I probably ought to give an explicit svn-import example | 03:02 |
igc | anything else? | 03:02 |
jelmer | igc: Sure, I'll have a look now | 03:02 |
igc | thanks | 03:03 |
jelmer | igc: svn-push is only required when creating a new branch in Subversion, you should be able to just use "bzr push" | 03:05 |
igc | jelmer: ah good | 03:06 |
igc | I was wondering whether there was any other need for using svn-push over push | 03:07 |
igc | sounds like there isn't? | 03:07 |
igc | jelmer: the help did say svn-push would go away one day | 03:07 |
igc | is that some time off still? | 03:08 |
jelmer | igc: renames are supported (pushing into svn and then pulling those changes back in from svn works) but copy tracking isn't imported | 03:08 |
jelmer | igc: yep, that's still the plan but it depends on some changes in bzr itself | 03:08 |
jelmer | bug 121875 | 03:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 121875 in bzr "cmd_push() should abstract away transport.mkdir()" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121875 | 03:09 |
igc | jelmer: any magic source for keeping a bzr repo mirror in sync? | 03:09 |
igc | e.g. a std svn hook we suggest? | 03:09 |
jelmer | igc: not really - you can just use "bzr pull" like you would for keeping a mirror of a bzr branch in sync | 03:10 |
jelmer | "bzr svn-import" is incremental and can be used for full repositories | 03:10 |
jelmer | igc: there's also a small typo; s/0.49/0.4.9/ for the version number | 03:11 |
igc | jelmer: any idea how most bzr-svn are keeping mirrors in sync? cron jobs with svn-import or pull mainly? | 03:12 |
jelmer | I think so, yes | 03:13 |
jelmer | I personally just run pull manually whenever I need the mirror | 03:13 |
jelmer | igc: having an example use of svn-import up there may indeed be useful as well | 03:18 |
igc | jelmer: yes I think so too | 03:18 |
jelmer | Verterok: w00t on the DMG :-) | 03:22 |
Verterok | jelmer: Hi :-) | 03:22 |
Verterok | jelmer: right now I'm trying to build the minimal dependencies (svn client + libs + svn-python), but it's not working as expected :( | 03:26 |
jelmer | Verterok: you're building subversion 1.5? | 03:26 |
Verterok | sort of :P, only trying to get the minimal dependencies to run bzr-svn | 03:27 |
Verterok | but the simples solution to make it available for bzr-1.5, is to bundle bzr-svn in OS X dmg, and point to the subversion dmg | 03:27 |
jelmer | That would be a huge improvement over the current situation | 03:28 |
jelmer | including the svn bits in the Bazaar dmg would be nice but may not be worth the effort | 03:28 |
Verterok | that's my conclusion too...after a few hours trying to get it working | 03:29 |
Verterok | jelmer: for the moment I can build the Tiger dmg (no Leopard yet), but I think I achieved building a universal installer (I can easily add bzr-svn to it) for Tiger...now I only need a mac intel with triger to test it :P | 03:32 |
jelmer | Verterok: awesome, thanks ! :-) There's been quite a few people asking about this... | 03:33 |
Verterok | np ;) | 03:35 |
* Verterok looking for a owner of mac intel with Tiger (to help beta test the installer) | 03:36 | |
=== Toksyuryel` is now known as Toksyuryel | ||
michalski | hello, problem: typing this in the terminal: ----> bzr push lp:~michalski/+junk/vector-core | 03:49 |
michalski | returns error: bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() | 03:49 |
Peng | michalski: You're trying to push over http. | 03:50 |
michalski | how do i do so differently | 03:50 |
Peng | michalski: You should run "bzr launchpad-login" to log in to LP, and it'll start pushing over bzr+ssh. | 03:50 |
michalski | ah ok :) | 03:50 |
Peng | michalski: What version of bzr? | 03:50 |
michalski | not 100% sure but im guessing the latest | 03:50 |
michalski | it says: No Launchpad user ID configured. | 03:51 |
* igc lunch | 03:51 | |
michalski | how do i do this? | 03:51 |
Peng | michalski: Oh. | 03:51 |
Peng | michalski: "bzr launchpad-login michalski" or whatever your username is, then. | 03:52 |
michalski | success :) thanks | 03:53 |
michalski | peng | 03:53 |
michalski | :) | 03:53 |
Peng | :) | 03:53 |
michalski | goodnight | 03:53 |
Peng | Good night. | 03:53 |
jelmer | igc, is there a particular reason rebase is discussed under "pseudo merging" rather than "brief tour of popular plugins" ? | 04:07 |
jelmer | I personally like how that bit is done better because users will likely not care how certain functionality is provided | 04:07 |
jelmer | (e.g. just having a note for some bits of the user guide saying "this functionality requires plugin X") | 04:08 |
jelmer | anyway, just my €0,02 | 04:10 |
Verterok | jelmer: running selftest svn (OS X) I get this: http://rafb.net/p/qutRww45.html | 04:16 |
Verterok | any ideas? | 04:16 |
jelmer | ah, ouch | 04:17 |
jelmer | please file a bug about that bit | 04:17 |
jelmer | looks like I broke compatibility with subversion 1.5 | 04:17 |
Verterok | ah, it's fresh branch of trunk | 04:17 |
Verterok | ups | 04:17 |
Verterok | ok, I'll fill a bug then. should I add any additional info? | 04:18 |
jelmer | nope, that should be sufficient | 04:19 |
Verterok | ok, thanks | 04:19 |
igc | jelmer: no deep reason. the plugins chapter didn't exist when I wrote the rebase stuff | 04:41 |
igc | jelmer: for the reasons you outline though, I didn't feel compelled to move it | 04:41 |
huyx | 你好 | 05:08 |
bignose | I love bzr shell. I love ssh-agent. | 05:24 |
bignose | I'm less enamoured of gpg-agent. | 05:24 |
lifeless | I haven't sipped from that fountain yet | 05:25 |
bignose | It only seems to remember my "secret key is unlocked" state for five minutes or so, and I can't find any configuration to turn it off. | 05:25 |
lifeless | I'm still using gnome-gog | 05:25 |
lifeless | *gnome-gpg* I mean | 05:25 |
bignose | which clangs horribly compared to 'ssh-agent', that simply remembers I've unlocked my key for the entire session. | 05:25 |
bignose | well, my sessions last longer than my GNOME session, since I reconnect to my screen session. | 05:26 |
* igc picking up kids - bbiab | 05:45 | |
abentley | Peng: I've updated bzrtools' version number on the dev branch. | 05:49 |
bob2 | ooh, and it ate 'heads' | 05:50 |
Peng | abentley: Thank you! :) | 05:51 |
Peng | bob2: Wait, what did you mean by "ate"? | 05:52 |
Peng | That's neat that heads is a part of bzrtools now. | 05:53 |
Peng | And I just installed it like last week. :P | 05:53 |
abentley | bob2: Yeah, heads is really useful when you need it, so I wanted to get it broader distribution. | 05:53 |
fullermd | Ooh, nifty. | 05:54 |
abentley | Also I'll be ensuring it's maintained. | 05:54 |
bignose | so what do folks use to ensure their 'bzr shell' in a 'screen' session keeps the GPG key open? | 06:04 |
bignose | if 'gpg-agent', then how did you configure it to stop forgetting the key every few minutes? | 06:05 |
lifeless | I'm done, later all | 07:04 |
Verterok | I just uploaded a universal installer for 10.4 (Tiger), I can't test if it works in i386 arch...beta testers are welcome :) | 07:23 |
i386 | Verterok: oh nice - only tested on PPC? | 07:23 |
Verterok | i386: yep, I don't have mac intel...yet | 07:24 |
i386 | ahh | 07:24 |
i386 | Ill test it if you want | 07:24 |
Verterok | that would be great! :D | 07:24 |
i386 | is it on the website? | 07:25 |
Verterok | yes: http://launchpad.net/bzr/1.4/1.4/+download/Bazaar-1.4-OSX10.4-universal-1.dmg | 07:25 |
* Verterok heading to bed... | 07:37 | |
Verterok | i386: thanks for testing the installer, if you encounter any trouble with the installer, please contact me IRC or mail (I'll check IRC in the morning) | 07:38 |
igc | jamesh: see the bzr mailing list for a Python string concatenation test program. Can you please check I'm not doing something dumb? :-) | 08:06 |
jamesh | igc: note that there are a few different cases to consider | 08:09 |
jamesh | igc: in the case that was being discussed, we had a list containing all the strings to be concatenated as the starting point | 08:09 |
jamesh | your test program starts with a file descriptor and incrementally reads in the data | 08:10 |
jamesh | so it really depends on what you want to test | 08:10 |
jamesh | as for measuring the memory usage, valgrind's massif tool might be a good way to compare the algorithms | 08:12 |
igc | jamesh: yeah - my test program reflects exactly what happens in bzr-fastimport | 08:17 |
igc | it's actually reading a # of bytes from a stream and tracking line #s as it goes: hence the readline approach | 08:17 |
jamesh | igc: right. So the optimal code for fastimport might be different to the optimal code for knit.py | 08:18 |
jamesh | igc: unrelated to the concatenation bit, using the file object as an iterator will be faster than repeatedly calling readline() | 08:20 |
jamesh | iirc | 08:20 |
jamesh | it definitely was in older versions (reading the file in larger chunks) | 08:20 |
igc | sure - I actually pass the blob size to readline though so I suspect I need to keep using it | 08:21 |
Peng | I think iterating over the file object buffers more than calling readline(). | 08:21 |
jamesh | igc: the size arg to readline() just limits how much data it will return | 08:22 |
jamesh | igc: iter() protocol reads larger blocks from the file then returns successive lines from those blocks | 08:22 |
igc | I know - and I need to do that to follow the git-fastimport spec | 08:22 |
igc | i.e. there's no certainty the blob will be newline terminated | 08:23 |
jamesh | igc: so you just use read(size_of_blob) for the blob, right? | 08:23 |
igc | that won't track the newlines for me though | 08:25 |
igc | perhaps I can scan the blob after the fact though | 08:25 |
jamesh | igc: blob.count('\n') might be what you want then | 08:41 |
jamesh | igc: count() also takes optional start/end arguments in case you want to carve up even larger string blocks | 08:42 |
igc | jamesh: cool - I'll try that | 08:42 |
igc | jamesh: the only issue then is whether \n is good enough for newline detection on Windows | 08:44 |
jamesh | igc: the answer to that will depend on whether fastimport data streams are considered to be text or binary | 08:44 |
jamesh | igc: if they contain binary data inline, then they probably need to be handled as binary | 08:45 |
jamesh | in which case line endings should always be \n | 08:45 |
igc | both :-) | 08:45 |
igc | they contain binary | 08:45 |
igc | but we report reports in turns of text line #s | 08:45 |
igc | s/reports/errors/ | 08:46 |
jamesh | igc: so if I have a binary file that happens to contain '\n', would it be represented as '\n' or '\r\n' in the stream? | 08:46 |
jamesh | if the file format depends on switching back and forth between text and binary mode, then it sounds broken :) | 08:46 |
igc | the binary content would be exactly as is | 08:47 |
igc | but it's a line-based format otherwise | 08:48 |
jamesh | it sounds like the file needs to be treated as binary then | 08:48 |
igc | with a size indicator given on the line above where binary content starts | 08:48 |
igc | jamesh: I think count('\n') will be good enough | 08:49 |
jamesh | igc: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-fast-import.html seems to indicate a binary file format where newlines are represented by \n | 08:51 |
bignose | so what do folks use to ensure their 'bzr shell' in a 'screen' session keeps their GPG secret key open? | 08:53 |
bignose | if 'gpg-agent', then how did you configure it to stop forgetting the key every few minutes? | 08:53 |
AfC | Ah! bzr 1.4 is available now. Terrific. | 08:55 |
RAOF | bignose: You should be able to pass in --default-cache-time or somesuch; that's what I've done in the past. | 08:56 |
AfC | bignose: put a gpg-agent.conf in your ~/.gnupg directory | 08:56 |
AfC | bignose: the parameters you want are default-cache-ttl and | 08:56 |
AfC | bignose: max-cache-ttl | 08:56 |
AfC | The defaults are to expunge your keys in time frames on the order of minutes, which I find just a little too aggressive. | 08:57 |
AfC | [I mean, shit, day or week is fine; if you're being paranoid then half day or hour or even half hour, but _minutes_?] | 08:58 |
bignose | so how can I make it *never* expire, the way 'ssh-agent' works? | 08:58 |
AfC | [we use heuristics to flush keys anyway if certain actions have occurred, but in practise we find reboots to do the trick] | 08:59 |
bignose | my sessions commonly live for many months. | 08:59 |
AfC | bignose: put a rather large number of seconds in those settings. | 08:59 |
bignose | so a setting of 0 won't do it? | 08:59 |
AfC | bignose: it didn't seem to, but maybe I was being misled. | 08:59 |
jamesh | AfC: so I suppose you're not one of those people who carry half their PGP key around on a USB key? | 08:59 |
AfC | (it might have disabled caching all together) | 09:00 |
AfC | jamesh: uh, no. | 09:00 |
bignose | <URL:http://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/Agent-Options.html> doesn't indicate what a value of 0 will do. | 09:00 |
bignose | I guess I'll just have to experiment. | 09:00 |
jamesh | AfC: I do know people who have things set up so they can recover their PGP key with a USB key plus their desktop or laptop, or with just the desktop and laptop together | 09:00 |
jamesh | having just one is not enough | 09:01 |
bob2 | using par or something? | 09:01 |
bignose | AfC, RAOF: thanks for the helpful response. | 09:01 |
jamesh | bob2: gfshare | 09:01 |
AfC | jamesh: Oh, I'm a big fan of two factor authentication, but I just never managed to make it work. (eg, there is an SD slot in this damn thing, but I haven't managed to get that to work yet, etc) | 09:01 |
* igc dinner | 09:14 | |
* awilkins used to do smartcard developmen and has never bothered with 2-factor auth apart from his work-supplied RSA secureid | 09:32 | |
awilkins | My work it are now planning to only allow read-only access to unencrypted USB keys :-( | 09:32 |
awilkins | Very irritating ; I don't deal with any classified data, so it just stops me using a BZR repo on my USB key to work at home. | 09:33 |
AfC | awilkins: (obviously the mechanism for reading encrypted devices is not something you are able to replicate elsewhere. Interesting) | 09:40 |
awilkins | AfC: It's some proprietary piece of crap | 09:43 |
awilkins | "SafeBoot" | 09:43 |
AfC | The vogue at a number of our clients has been to use hardware VPN devices and to only allow people to connect to foreign networks through such devices | 09:44 |
AfC | which leads to the poor shmucks carrying around this heavy module strapped to the back of their laptop's monitor to then go to either ethernet or a PCMCIA wifi card. | 09:45 |
AfC | and, of course, a neato hard-to-use pain-in-the-ass web interface to control the thing. | 09:45 |
AfC | "usability" | 09:45 |
awilkins | Nasty. We have to use Cisco VPN, but with the "Windows Firewall" setting on | 09:45 |
awilkins | So I can't use my router as a VPN bridge with vnpc | 09:46 |
AfC | [like, "if you connect your laptop to a foreign network not through this device, your employment be terminated. Immediately"] | 09:46 |
AfC | awilkins: annoying | 09:46 |
awilkins | Yeah, I usually prefer to shove my laptop under the desk and remote desktop it on my vastly superior monitor / keyboard cluster | 09:47 |
awilkins | Hence me finding BZR so useful - I can just work offline and tote the data in on a USB key | 09:47 |
awilkins | So when they encrypt those keys it will be yet another annoyance. | 09:48 |
awilkins | I'd ask if they could supply a license for my to use it at home, but I don't want it on my machine. | 09:49 |
awilkins | I don't trust any encryption product you can't read the source for (not that I'm skilled enough to vet it myself, but at least I have the comfort of knowing that hundreds of others have) | 09:50 |
AfC | Certainly | 09:50 |
awilkins | IMHO they should have found someone who could provide them with a support contract for TrueCrypt | 09:51 |
awilkins | I understand their need to have someone to blame, and to pay money to assuage their guilt at not being man enough to take the rap themselves | 09:51 |
AfC | awilkins: hah. You should have started a concern to sell such support :) | 09:52 |
awilkins | Likewise for archiver - they must have shelled out 15,000 euro, minimum, for a WinRAR license | 09:53 |
awilkins | They could have donated , say, 8,000 euro to 7-zip and made them very happy russians | 09:53 |
awilkins | The "TrueCrypt support" thing may have legs | 09:54 |
awilkins | I wonder if anyone offers it aready | 09:54 |
awilkins | Verterok: ping? | 10:50 |
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson | ||
quicksilver | Ouch. | 11:56 |
quicksilver | bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'SSHSubprocess' object has no attribute 'get_name' | 11:56 |
mwhudson | quicksilver: something to do with paramiko versions | 11:56 |
quicksilver | so I was just gathering from google searches. | 11:57 |
quicksilver | careless upgrading is the root of all evil. | 11:57 |
quicksilver | "Andrew Bennetts" apparently fixed it on the 10th of April, in bzr. | 11:58 |
quicksilver | I wonder which bzr version contains the fix. | 11:58 |
mwhudson | 1.4 should | 12:00 |
quicksilver | hmm. I'm using 1.4. I think. | 12:00 |
quicksilver | ah, no, I"m using 1.3 | 12:00 |
quicksilver | d'oh. | 12:00 |
quicksilver | erm. I'm in a mess! | 12:01 |
quicksilver | macports thinks I have 1.4 but bzr --version says 1.3 | 12:01 |
quicksilver | ---> Activating bzr 1.4_0 | 12:02 |
quicksilver | bzr --version | 12:02 |
quicksilver | Bazaar (bzr) 1.3 | 12:02 |
quicksilver | makes no sense to me :( | 12:02 |
mwhudson | that seems broken | 12:02 |
quicksilver | I shall force macports to recompile it. If that doesn't work I will go cry on the shoulders of the macports people. | 12:05 |
quicksilver | that fixed it. | 12:06 |
quicksilver | I obviously broke something in some unpleasant way. | 12:06 |
quicksilver | grmargh. Now I broken py25-bz2. Bad python day! | 12:12 |
mwhudson | quicksilver: this is all much easier on ubuntu :-) | 12:13 |
* awilkins just runs the installer for windows | 12:14 | |
quicksilver | mwhudson: believe me, I am no stranger to the shortcomings of anything-which-isn't-apt. | 12:16 |
quicksilver | mwhudson: I *really* wanted apple to use dpkg for OSX. They even hired a dpkg developer. | 12:17 |
mwhudson | quicksilver: parallels is only $50 :) | 12:17 |
* mwhudson stops being gratuitously unhelpful | 12:17 | |
* quicksilver was even a debian developer once. elmo over there did his security call. | 12:17 | |
joh | Is it possible to edit a committed message? | 12:49 |
jamesh | joh: no | 12:50 |
jamesh | although you can create a new revision with a different message | 12:50 |
jamesh | if you want to change the revision you just committed and you haven't done any other work, then try "bzr uncommit; bzr commit" | 12:51 |
bob2 | if it was the previous commit, and no one else has merged/pulled it, you can uncommit and re commit | 12:51 |
joh | Aw, I forgot to add --fixes | 12:51 |
joh | Ok | 12:51 |
joh | What if I already pushed the changes to LP? | 12:53 |
jamesh | joh: you can "push --overwrite" to update the branch even if you've diverged | 12:58 |
jamesh | (which uncommit+commit will do) | 12:58 |
joh | jamesh: Great, thanks :-) | 12:58 |
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch | ||
muncul | hi ! How can I simply: log to machine ; bind to repository with configuration; than diff checkin etc, ; and remove .bzr/ | 13:38 |
muncul | 2. is it possible to have working tree in 2 repos ? | 13:39 |
muncul | 1. i mean using /.bzr to version /etc | 13:39 |
bob2 | dunno about the rest of your question, but you'll want to use etckeeper or something | 13:44 |
bob2 | or else you won't be versioning file permissions | 13:44 |
muncul | i want to have some files from /etc/ in bzr | 13:50 |
muncul | but i do want to have repo on central server | 13:50 |
muncul | and delete /.bzr after work | 13:50 |
muncul | so config history is known only to me | 13:50 |
bob2 | you'd need to write a little shell script to do that for you | 13:51 |
bob2 | but lightweight checkout .bzr dirs are quite small | 13:51 |
muncul | but when i have repo on server | 13:51 |
muncul | and log to machine | 13:51 |
muncul | how to make this .bzr binded to central repo | 13:51 |
bob2 | "bzr bind" | 13:52 |
muncul | i tried: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch | 13:52 |
muncul | as i said after work i deleted /.bzr last time | 13:53 |
bob2 | yes, you need to get that back, or not delete it | 13:53 |
muncul | so how after delete | 13:53 |
muncul | simply branch ? | 13:53 |
muncul | and then bind ? | 13:53 |
quicksilver | win 29 | 13:53 |
muncul | but i got conflicts | 13:54 |
quicksilver | ! :( | 13:54 |
muncul | branch destroys my current /etc/ | 13:54 |
bob2 | don't do that | 13:54 |
muncul | bzr is fine but some things seem diffictult to me | 13:54 |
bob2 | branch to another dir, mv .bzr to /etc | 13:54 |
muncul | aaaa | 13:54 |
bob2 | seriously, not deleting it is a lot less hassle | 13:54 |
muncul | but deleting is for privacy | 13:55 |
muncul | sometimes needed | 13:55 |
muncul | good idea with branching to /tmp/ and moving .bzr | 13:55 |
muncul | thx | 13:55 |
bob2 | "bzr co bzr+ssh://whatever/ /etc" will probably work, too | 13:55 |
muncul | checkout doesn't work if i have not .bzr | 13:56 |
bob2 | wfm | 13:56 |
muncul | yes works but creates second etc dir | 13:56 |
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awilkins | muncul: If you want privacy, would using a lightweight checkout and restricting access to the master branch work for you? | 14:23 |
=== bigdo3 is now known as bigdo2 | ||
muncul | awilkins> probably shoud if lighwight .bzr works as link only | 14:36 |
awilkins | Is jam Mr Meinel? | 15:12 |
vila | awilkins: You mean our beloved Mr John Arbash-Meinel ? Then yes ;-) | 15:13 |
awilkins | I was hoping to ask him exactly how one uses his "service" plugin | 15:14 |
awilkins | Coolio, he dabbles in Judy AND DICOM. | 15:17 |
jam | awilkins: hi, yeah that is me | 15:28 |
jam | I'll be afk for a bit, but I can discuss it with you later. | 15:30 |
jam | awilkins: in short summary, you can just run 'bzr service' in a terminal, and then run one of the clients (there is a C program, and a python one) | 15:30 |
jam | there are some caveats, but I can get to those later. | 15:31 |
awilkins | jam: I was enquiring because I wanted to use it with the bzr-eclipse plugin | 15:34 |
awilkins | So would I just replace the call to bzr.bat with a call to the equivalent "bzr-service.bat" ? | 15:35 |
awilkins | (the other approach I'm trying at the moment is binding a "bzr shell" session to a process object and piping things to and from. | 15:36 |
jam | awilkins: well, if someone ran "bzr service" then you can talk to the process via sockets | 16:03 |
jam | The structure is rather trivial | 16:03 |
jam | I might recommend a couple quick fixes | 16:03 |
jam | so that it is a bit more robust/secure | 16:03 |
jam | it worked for what I wanted at the time (proof of concept) | 16:03 |
jam | It shouldn't be too hard to clean up | 16:03 |
beuno | is there a hook for the smart server to run "bzr update" after a user pushes to it? | 16:32 |
beuno | I'm not sure if the post-push hook will do that | 16:33 |
awilkins | post-push uses SSH to run a bzr update local to the server | 16:34 |
beuno | hm, that's no good. I need the server to run the update as a different user | 16:35 |
beuno | I currently have a cron running updating all repos, but that's getting too expensive | 16:35 |
ricardokirkner | hi. I know this might be a little offtopic, but does anyone know what the current status of trac-bzr is? I want to start using it at the company I work, but from what I saw it seems to be little activity right now. | 16:44 |
jam | beuno: not on the server side, afaik | 16:46 |
jam | beuno: you could certainly hook something like that into our new "post_branch_tip_changed" hook | 16:47 |
jam | or whatever it is called | 16:47 |
LeoNerd | Anyone here familiar with the 'mmv' command..? Lets you rename multiple files at once based on some pattern. I wonder if a 'bzr mmv' plugin could be based on it? | 16:49 |
beuno | jam, the post_branch_tip is on the server side then? | 16:50 |
guilhemb | statik: hello! May I phone you for a few minutes, please? | 17:04 |
statik | guilhemb: certainly, privmsg | 17:04 |
guilhemb | statik: I bet you cannot see my replies in the privmsg | 17:06 |
statik | guilhemb: I cannot | 17:06 |
guilhemb | ok, maybe my registration for privmsg didn't work, retrying... | 17:06 |
guilhemb | statik: but I can see your messages; if you pasted me your phone number in the privmsg I would see it. | 17:08 |
statik | guilhemb: ok, will do | 17:08 |
nDuff | just curious -- does anyone have knowledge as to how actively paramiko is maintained? I posted a bug report & patch to the ML and bug tracker there ~a week ago, and haven't seen any activity. | 17:33 |
vadi2 | Somehow loggerhead is messing up. If I click on any of the "changes" links on this page (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vadi-mapper-dev/vadi-mapper/main/files), it always gives me changes for the whole trunk, not specific to a file like the tooltip says so. | 17:47 |
jam | beuno: post_branch_tip, IIRC, is fired locally and on the server | 17:49 |
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud | ||
beuno | jam, great, I'll give it a try, thanks for the tip | 17:50 |
jam | nDuff: robey is fairly active, but he is only 1 developer, and can get backlogged with other stuff | 17:50 |
jam | nDuff: if it is critical, you could probably ping someone here, as we've worked with him a bit | 17:51 |
nDuff | jam, probably not that critical -- I can patch my tree manually for the time being -- but thank you for the update; given the lack of any ACK, I was worrying that paramiko was under abandonment. | 18:01 |
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-dinner | ||
pickscrape | Are there any plan afoot for some client-side plugin management UI? | 19:14 |
pickscrape | i.e. something that will manage installing/updating/uninstalling plugins. | 19:15 |
pickscrape | Yes, your friendly neighborhood package manager could do that, but few plugins appear to be packaged at all. | 19:16 |
beuno | pickscrape, yeap, I'm working on that | 19:16 |
pickscrape | sweet! | 19:16 |
beuno | it's pretty advanced | 19:16 |
pickscrape | Is any of it public? I'd like to have a nosey at it... :) | 19:16 |
beuno | I'd like to release a preview version of it these next weeks | 19:16 |
pickscrape | Yet another killer feature point to bzr :) | 19:17 |
beuno | pickscrape, I'll upload one today, and email you the URL if you send me a reminder email (argentina@gmail.com) | 19:17 |
pickscrape | Will do | 19:17 |
=== mw is now known as mw|food | ||
beuno | the first step is, it tells you if the command you are running is from a plugin you don't have installed | 19:17 |
beuno | which is finished | 19:18 |
beuno | the installing bit through a checkout is half-way there | 19:18 |
beuno | and I got the core bits I needed into 1.4, so that's why it's been stalled for a while | 19:18 |
pickscrape | I suppose it would make sense for plugins to maintain a 'current release' branch, so it can always update from the same place. | 19:19 |
beuno | that would be the idea :) | 19:19 |
pickscrape | Email sent | 19:20 |
pickscrape | Tangent, but is anyone aware of any use-case examples of using the loom plugin? | 19:20 |
beuno | pickscrape, great, thanks. I'll upload in a few hours, when I take a while off work | 19:20 |
beuno | pickscrape, packaging mostly | 19:21 |
beuno | where you have to maintain multiple patches | 19:21 |
pickscrape | It seems like one of those fantastic features that could have all sorts of great uses, but I can't imagine any just from the docs. | 19:21 |
beuno | I believe that's what drove it's development, but I could be wrong, and lifeless is very unlikely to be awake already | 19:21 |
pickscrape | 'Oh, lifeless is a person? | 19:22 |
beuno | he's *the* person :) | 19:22 |
pickscrape | Very unfortunate name to have when it gets written next to branch names on launchpad. :) | 19:22 |
pickscrape | Had me thinking the branch was dead... | 19:22 |
beuno | hahahah | 19:23 |
beuno | I promise, he's a person. I've met him | 19:24 |
pickscrape | :) I believe you. I genuinely did think 'lifeless' meant the branch hadn't been touched for more than X amount of time though. | 19:32 |
* james_w files a bug against lifeless | 19:33 | |
pickscrape | :) | 19:33 |
pickscrape | Maybe I'm the one who needs a bug ticket raising... | 19:33 |
james_w | hi beuno | 19:34 |
beuno | hey james_w! how are you doing? | 19:34 |
james_w | great thanks. How are you? | 19:34 |
dato | hello beuno, james_w | 19:35 |
james_w | hi dato | 19:35 |
beuno | james_w, good good, trying to start the week properly, but it doesn't seem to be working :) | 19:35 |
beuno | hey dato! | 19:35 |
james_w | start it on tuesday, that always makes it a little easier. | 19:36 |
beuno | I'd love to, but I have to convince too many people to follow my lead, and it just feels like it might not work as well... | 19:37 |
dato | jelmer: right, bzrtools need one more upload by me. let's see if I can do it tomorrow (together with bzr-gtk, hopefully) | 20:06 |
=== mw|food is now known as mw | ||
BasicOSX | Using the email plugin is there an entry you can put into location.conf to prevent email notification just for a specific project? | 20:16 |
jelmer | dato: yup - thanks! | 20:17 |
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko | ||
ricardokirkner | hi. i am trying to access a bzr branch that is exported by apache, but requires authentication and I get the following message: Unable to handle http code 401: expected 200 or 404 for full response | 20:49 |
ricardokirkner | I have googled it, but couldn't find any answer | 20:49 |
ricardokirkner | do you guys have any idea if auth is working when using http? | 20:50 |
beuno | ricardokirkner, 401 seems to me access denied | 20:50 |
beuno | are you sure the user/password is correct? | 20:51 |
ricardokirkner | beuno, bzr never even asks me for use/pass | 20:51 |
beuno | ricardokirkner, it's not interactive | 20:55 |
beuno | you have to add it in the url | 20:55 |
ricardokirkner | oh. wait... i'll try that | 20:55 |
ricardokirkner | :-D | 20:55 |
ricardokirkner | now it WAS interactive... after specifying the username, it asked me for the password | 20:56 |
ricardokirkner | thank you | 20:56 |
beuno | ricardokirkner, yes, it is for passwords | 20:56 |
beuno | you're welcome :) | 20:56 |
beuno | I wonder if that can be considered a bug... | 20:56 |
beuno | just to annoy vila perhaps | 20:57 |
pickscrape | Does seem to violate the principle of least surprise. | 20:57 |
* beuno looks to see if it's been reported before | 20:58 | |
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson | ||
beuno | ricardokirkner, bug #229714 | 21:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229714 in bzr "Accessing a password protected URL through http without username should ask for username" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229714 | 21:07 |
ricardokirkner | beuno, I might even attempt to fix that bug, thank you :-) | 21:15 |
beuno | ricardokirkner, that would rock :) | 21:16 |
ricardokirkner | when I get back home from work, I will try | 21:17 |
ricardokirkner | I was just wondering.. I know about repositories, and that they allow to reduce duplicate space, but what happens if I start with just one branch and later on I decide I want to use a repo, because I will have many branches... can I just create the repo and then move my branch into it, or what should I do? | 21:21 |
dato | create the repo | 21:21 |
dato | cd into it | 21:21 |
dato | bzr get your branch | 21:21 |
=== ja1 is now known as jam | ||
ricardokirkner | dato, ok, so in order for the data to be stored in the repo I just re-checkout my branch, right? sounds easy enough. thanks | 21:33 |
dato | yep | 21:34 |
ricardokirkner | another newbie question (I am really getting into this :-)). when I have created a repository with branches in it. is there a simple way to checkout the full repository? when I point bzr to the url of the repo, I get a message about it not being a branch (which is quite correct) | 21:36 |
mwhudson | no, not really | 21:36 |
mwhudson | there is a 'multi-pull' command in bzrtools, which is like one tenth of what you're asking for | 21:37 |
beuno | sounds like nested branches | 21:37 |
* beuno stares at LarstiQ | 21:37 | |
dato | beuno: not really, I think | 21:37 |
beuno | dato, well, partially at least | 21:38 |
ricardokirkner | beuno, not really. I just mean the whole repo, but the branches within are just related by belonging to the same project | 21:38 |
beuno | enough to other LarstiQ with it | 21:38 |
beuno | right, it should share some code with nested branches though | 21:38 |
dato | I don't think so... | 21:40 |
beuno | hm, then I'll get back to work :) | 21:41 |
pickscrape | I just did update on a checkout that contained some commits I'd made using --local, and they've vanished | 23:42 |
pickscrape | I can see the commit using the heads plugin. Any tips on how I can get it back? | 23:43 |
pickscrape | Would the rebase plugin be of use here? | 23:43 |
james_w | pickscrape: are they listed at the end of "bzr status"? | 23:44 |
pickscrape | Oh, yes they are actually. | 23:44 |
pickscrape | As pending merges, and many of the files in the repo are marked as modified too | 23:45 |
james_w | yeah, they get converted in to "pending merges", if you resolve any conflicts and commit you will see them in the output of "bzr log -r -1" | 23:45 |
pickscrape | commit with --local again? (if I don't want to go upstream yet) | 23:45 |
james_w | that will work. | 23:45 |
james_w | (I hope) | 23:46 |
pickscrape | :) | 23:46 |
pickscrape | Yep, that worked, though I now have one revision with the three commits as parents of it. Presumably though this is what would have happened when I wanted these revisions to go upstream anyway, right? | 23:47 |
pickscrape | Useful bit of experience this... Would update be the correct command when you do want to sync your local commits with upstream? | 23:48 |
pickscrape | i.e. update, then commit without --local | 23:48 |
pickscrape | Ah, doing update again I now see the completely clear message it gives at the end about local commits being pending merges. | 23:50 |
pickscrape | I missed that before because I'd done the update through olive (messing about) | 23:50 |
james_w | pickscrape: yes, if both upstream and you were moving forward (committing) then you would need to do a merge at some point to send your work upstream | 23:51 |
pickscrape | Yes. In this case I'm the only one doing any committing. | 23:51 |
james_w | this can either be an explicit merge with "bzr merge", or an implicit one with "bzr update" | 23:51 |
james_w | but upstream are committing on their branch? | 23:51 |
james_w | or are you upstream as well? | 23:52 |
pickscrape | I'm upstream as well. I'm experimenting with the centralised workflow. | 23:52 |
pickscrape | I actually think there's as little room for improvement here. My local checkout was the same as upstream with a few commits extra. | 23:52 |
pickscrape | So I think in that case, update could have left things as they were. | 23:53 |
pickscrape | Instead it's forced me to merge, when I might not have wanted to at this point. | 23:53 |
james_w | ah, my instinct would have been that it would have done exactly that | 23:53 |
pickscrape | merge, or leave alone? | 23:54 |
james_w | leave it alone | 23:54 |
pickscrape | Yes, I'd expected it to be a noop. | 23:54 |
jml | what's the recommended bzr-svn to use. | 23:54 |
james_w | hi jml | 23:55 |
james_w | pickscrape: I see now that it does always merge | 23:56 |
jml | james_w: hi. | 23:56 |
jml | james_w: it's been a while :) | 23:56 |
james_w | jml: I think 0.4.10, or 0.4.9 failing that | 23:56 |
james_w | are you in Prague next week? | 23:56 |
jml | I am. | 23:56 |
james_w | great! | 23:56 |
igc | morning all | 23:57 |
james_w | I've got some questions for you, come prepared :-) | 23:57 |
james_w | hi igc | 23:57 |
=== mw is now known as mw|out | ||
jml | james_w: actually, if you ask them now, perhaps via email, I might be even more prepared. | 23:57 |
pickscrape | james_w: Yes, I just tried it with a trivial example | 23:57 |
james_w | jml: that's true, I don't know exactly what they are yet, so I'll write you an email later explaining what I'm working on if that's ok? | 23:58 |
jml | james_w: that'd be great. | 23:58 |
jml | Last week, I made my first working .deb in preparation for UDS :) | 23:59 |
james_w | pickscrape: so, you could say that "update" means, give me upstream's branch with anything I have locally being working tree modifications/pending merges, which gives you this behaviour. | 23:59 |
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