
yerethendafy: budong00:00
=== sparr__ is now known as sparr
egorkendafy, here only engilsh talk, I guess you want to know where the japanese one is?00:00
endafymy english is bad00:00
yerethni shuo zhongwen ma?00:00
egorkjoin #ubuntu-jp00:00
endafyso it does exist then? ok thank you00:01
=== uga is now known as uga|away
basculeyereth: try alsamixer00:01
yerethbascule: but I have my sound levels up00:01
basculeand unmuted?00:01
basculewhat card?00:01
ibkanatany tips on where to go to get help syncing Windows Mobile 5 and Kubuntu 8.04 I think that I am mostly there just a bit lost00:02
yerethbascule: onboard MSI NEO200:02
yerethlemme check00:02
yerethAC97 compliant?00:03
ibkanatsynce-pls lists the directory on my device.... but what else do I need?00:03
basculeyereth: not enough :)00:03
yerethlooking it up :)00:03
yereth00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)00:04
basculewell, mine works, I have the same chipset00:05
basculeso .. what is different ?00:05
yeretherm.. what module should be loaded?00:05
yerethmaybe I can try a modprobe?00:05
basculehang on00:07
yerethdon't worry about that ;)00:07
basculeshould be snd_hda_intel, but if the mixers run there is a soundcard there00:08
yerethit's loaded00:09
egorkyereth, I had similar problem with sound, just have istalled all alsa stuff again and it worked.00:10
basculeand alsamixer in a shell has no mm at the bottom of the sliders labeled master pcm or front00:10
yerethbascule: no00:10
yerethegork: hrmm..00:10
yerethI had this problem with having to reinstall ubuntu-desktop00:10
yerethwhich included a bunch of alsa things00:10
basculethat is something in linux that infuriates me, it all appears fine, and yet00:10
yerethmaybe I should reboot?00:10
egorkyereth, exactly, also had to install all the ubuntu-desktop stuff again00:11
egorkIt worked yesterday00:12
egorkIt does not work today00:12
egorkIt is Linux.00:12
egorkHaiku :-)00:12
yerethbut I like linux00:12
yerethanything else I can try?00:12
yerethI mean, windows vista sucks00:12
yerethI don't want to reboot into vista00:12
bascule!ops | rajdhani00:12
ubotturajdhani: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!00:12
egorkwhy would not you just purge all alsa and install it anew?00:13
yerethegork: what would be 'all alsa'?00:13
robotgeekthanks bascule00:13
yerethapt-get remove alsa* is a bad idea anyway ;)00:13
basculerobotgeek: welcome00:13
egorkstart adept_manager type in alsa, then purge all and then reboot and install alsa, and reboot again.00:14
egorkyereth, you should not loose anything, it can only get better :-)00:15
yerethdo I need alsa-oss?00:15
basculesomethings want the old /dev things sp it is no harm to have00:16
egorkyereth, what to worry, do you have enough bandwidth, then just install all or reinstall all for that is where you are now.00:16
Boohbahegork: that would be kind of silly just to fix sound00:17
yerethbrb.. reboot00:19
egorkBoohbah, in my book silly is to spend too much time on this thing.00:20
egorkAnyways, does anybody know where the config files for automount for 8.04 are stored?00:21
bascule /etc/fstab00:21
egorkbascule, I believe there must be more, because my external drive is not listed there, but gets mounted.00:22
b0rk3nhelp! is an EMERGENCY!!!00:22
yerethman.. sometimes I hate linux00:22
NickPrestab0rk3n, we can't help you until you tell us what the problem is00:22
egorkyereth, sometimes it seems like Linux hates me :-(00:23
yerethstill no sound00:23
b0rk3nNickPresta: the grub is bork00:23
egorkyereth, how are you testing the sound, actually?00:23
egorktry with mplayer and -ao alsa or -ao oss etc. Amarok may need additional configuration.00:24
b0rk3nwhat kernel is Gutsy??00:25
basculeegork: well those are handled by hald00:25
basculeexternals that is00:25
egorkyereth, mplayer also will show you the error messages, not too helpful though.00:25
b0rk3nGutsy ? = initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic00:25
yereth[AO OSS] audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy00:26
yerethCould not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.00:26
yerethwith OSS option00:26
yerethegork: does that tell you anything?00:26
basculesudo lsof /dev/dsp00:27
b0rk3nGUTSY ? = initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic !!!00:28
basculethat is the kernel, the initrd is different00:28
yerethbascule: now I have playback, but still no sound :/00:28
egorkyereth, may be your oss-alsa is not set up. And what does -ao alsa says?00:28
b0rk3nbascule: but is the version OK??00:29
yerethegork: works fine, but no sound00:29
basculeb0rk3n: yes00:29
ibkanatanyone sync between kubuntu and windows mobile 5?00:29
b0rk3nbascule  THAAANKSS!!00:29
egorkyereth and this mplayer  -ac hwdts yourfile.mp3 or any mpeg with ac300:30
yerethCould not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.00:31
basculesudo lsof /dev/snd/*00:32
yerethtimidity  6405     root    6u   CHR  116,1      11980 /dev/snd/seq00:32
yerethamarokapp 6855 yajansen   27u   CHR  116,0      12237 /dev/snd/controlC000:32
yerethkmix      6869 yajansen   17u   CHR  116,0      12237 /dev/snd/controlC000:32
yerethmplayer   7178 yajansen  mem    CHR 116,16      12202 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p00:32
_crash_AFTER 5 DAYS, it WORKS!00:32
yerethmplayer   7178 yajansen   10r   CHR 116,33      11959 /dev/snd/timer00:32
yerethmplayer   7178 yajansen   11u   CHR 116,16      12202 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p00:32
basculeeasy yereth00:32
yerethmplayer   7178 yajansen   12u   CHR  116,0      12237 /dev/snd/controlC000:32
yerethsorry for the spam00:33
yerethtoo lazy for pastie00:33
basculeok, close amarok and mplayer00:33
yerethyou see a problem?00:33
basculehmm, maybe :)00:34
yerethI hear a problem00:35
yerethit's called silence / CPU-fan00:35
yerethdoes the "alsa reload" list help?00:37
=== _crash_ is now known as CrashMaster
yerethbascule, egork: strangest thing is, no player reports any problems.. they all play, but I don't hear anything00:39
NickPrestayereth, at the risk of stating the obvious, make sure all your hardware is plugged in and such.00:40
yerethNickPresta: when I reboot to vista my sounds works fine00:40
egorkyereth, it happens still on my system, when I start mplayer with amarok running on the same time, amarok goes mute forever.00:40
yerethegork: but mplayer doesn't work either00:41
ttyrminatorhow to install macromedia00:41
NickPresta!flash | ttyrminator00:41
ubottuttyrminator: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:41
egorkyereth, I mean it does not surprise me00:41
CPrgmSwR2Does anyone want a really good laugph?.. watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHCRimwRGLs then watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hadxBZWxNrs00:42
yerethI see something about pavucontrol00:42
egorkhow to use the paste-board?00:42
yerethbut when I run it, it says connection refused00:43
basculeegork: you know where it is?00:43
egorkbascule, no00:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:43
basculeso hit paste then get the URL00:43
egorkyereth, this is a list of alsa-related soft on my installation. I have the same driver Intel, it seems.00:44
egorkbascule, thanks!00:45
yerethegork: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11544/00:46
o0Chris0owhich sun-java package should I get in adept?00:47
egorkyereth, it occures to me you do not have alsa-plugins00:47
yerethegork, bascule: maybe it's this pulse audio thing?00:47
basculecould be00:47
ttyrminatordidn't work!!! flash in Gutsy!!00:48
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:48
ttyrminatorI wanna see the sneezing panda in youtube00:48
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!00:48
o0Chris0owhich sun-java package should I get in adept manager?00:49
ttyrminatorflash ot??00:49
egorkyereth, I recall seeing something about pulseaudio and alsa. May it be that they are mutually exclusive on some packages?00:49
egorkyereth, try purging all pulseaudio and installing all alsa again?00:50
DarthFrogHi folks.00:50
DarthFrogMan, am I ever sorry I tried compiz on Hardy.  Now I can't get rid of it!00:51
ubuntuimna leave the stove on00:51
Itakuim trying to get krfb working but when i try to connect it says The connection closed unexpectedly.00:52
yerethegork: it seems kde4 is depending on pulse00:52
egorkDarthFrog, try System Settings -> Desktop -> Enable Desktop Effects ()00:52
ubuntuenable leave your stove on00:53
yerethstupid fucking pulse system00:53
Itaku!language | yereth00:53
ubottuyereth: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:53
yerethsorry mate.. I'm getting kind of frustrated here00:53
ibkanat how do I fix this? Failed to execute dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session00:54
DarthFrogegork: Been there, done that. Deleted the installed packags, ripped out ~/.config/compiz My mouse still goes crazy when it touches the edge of the screen, any edge. :-(00:54
ibkanatfrom the sync-engine00:55
basculeDarthFrog: kwin --replace00:55
Itakuim trying to get krfb working but when i try to connect it says The connection closed unexpectedly.00:55
DarthFrogbascule: Could you elaborate a bit?00:56
ZefirType that in konsole.00:56
basculewell that will disable compiz, this is what you want, yes?00:56
DarthFrogThat's a konsole command?00:56
basculeyes, or alt+F200:56
basculeI use alt+F200:57
basculethen save session from main menu00:57
=== adam__ is now known as AdamRrrrrrr
DarthFrogNope, still switches desktops when the mouse nears the edge of the screen.00:57
basculebye bye compiz :)00:57
basculeoh that, that is in ...00:57
DarthFrogTop, bottom makes no difference.00:57
AdamRrrrrrrhey Lavena00:58
lavenahi adamrrrrr00:58
richardi entered a line in the boot menu for dual booting my 2 hard drives. On boot up it delays and when I press "ESC" it takes me to a menu to select the OS, but windows is not there, any idea what i missed?00:58
yerethanyone familiar with pulse audio stuff?00:59
egorkyereth, this is what I have from pulse installed. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11552/ I have no idea about pulseaudio myself.00:59
ibkanatany sync masters?01:01
o0Chris0owhich sun-java package should I get in adept manager?01:02
Itakuim trying to get krfb working but when i try to connect it says The connection closed unexpectedly. how do i fix it????????????????????????????????????01:02
CrashMasterItaku: Did it really require that many question marks?01:03
basculeDarthFrog: I can't find it ... :|01:03
DarthFrogbascule: Neither can I.  This switching of desktops with associated random re-positioning of the mouse pointer is driving me nuts.  Mind you, it's a pretty short drive at the best of time.01:05
BluesKajo0Chris0o, sun-java-common and sun-java601:05
basculeDarthFrog: is it just standard kde now, no swish movement, compiz is defintely off?01:06
ibkanatwhere might I find help syncing windows mobile5 with Kubuntu?01:06
DarthFrogbascule: Uninstalled.01:06
ItakuCrashMaster: yes01:07
o0Chris0oty BluesKaj01:08
yerethegork: do you have an asound.conf?01:08
Itakuim trying to get krfb working but when i try to connect it says The connection closed unexpectedly. how do i fix it???01:08
basculeDarthFrog: 3 lines coming01:09
bascule 1. right click the titlebar and select configure window behaviour01:09
bascule 2. Select advanced on the right01:09
bascule 3. Disable active desktop borders01:09
egorkyereth, no01:10
DarthFrogbascule: I love you!!! Many thanks. If you're ever in Vancouver, British Columbia I will buy you many beers! :-)01:10
ibkanatItaku sorry I dont know the answer01:11
egorkyerth, but I do have asoundconf01:11
richardcan anyone help with dual booting?01:11
richardxp & Kubuntu01:11
basculeDarthFrog: welcome sir :)01:11
ibkanatstill trying to get help for sync ing kubuntu01:11
DarthFrogrichard: You do not have a stanza for Windows in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:11
yerethegork: but that doesn't really seem to do anything for me01:11
egorkyereth, man asoundconf01:12
richardon boot up if I press "esc" it goes to a menu, but I do not see windows as an option01:13
DarthFrogrichard: Do you have a Windows entry in menu.lst?01:13
richardit shows kubuntu and kubuntu (recovery)01:13
CrashMasterthat could be bad01:13
DarthFrogThen put the required stanza in.01:14
CrashMasterDarthFrog: Grub should have picked it up on install01:14
CrashMasterits possible he nuked his partitions when he isntalled01:14
DarthFrogYes, grub should have but obviously didn't.01:14
richardThis is what I entered :title Start Windows map (hd1) (hd0) map (hd0) (hd1) rootnoverify (hd1,0) makeactive chainloader +101:14
DarthFrogCrashMaster: That would be bad.01:14
CrashMaster19:13] <CrashMaster> ergb01:15
CrashMaster[19:13] <CrashMaster> that could be bad01:15
richardas per instructions on a web site01:15
derekHey, does anyone know how to get rid of teh little indent dots in kate01:16
CrashMasterhang on im looking up the command01:16
richardthanks crashmaster01:16
egorkyereth, not that I meant the asoundconf could definitely help you.01:17
BluesKajrichard, paste your  /boot/grub/menu.lst in pastebin ,  http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release01:17
richardi have the hard drive with Kubuntu set as master, and XP pins set for slave01:17
DarthFrogrichard: Why are you doing the drive re-mapping? What partition is Windows installed upon.01:17
CrashMasterrichard: the two are on seperate disks?01:18
CrashMasterseperate physical disks01:18
richardi have two seperate hard drives01:18
BluesKajnow , he tells us01:19
DarthFrogrichard: it sounds as if your "root (hd1,0)" statement is wrong. After remapping, I should think it would be "root (hd0,0)"01:19
o0Chris0ohow do I change konversations time format to 12 hour and am/pm?01:19
richardi will try to make that change01:20
richardthank you for the help01:20
BluesKajo0Chris0o, there's no AM/PM option01:22
o0Chris0ohmm thats different01:22
richardCrashMaster, I got the line from : http://www.unixtools.com/dual-boot.html01:23
basculemv bascule /dev/bed01:23
CrashMastersorry richard. I got high and lost track of things. what were you trying to do?01:23
richardlucky you01:23
richardI guess I will try changing the line like you indicated ans see if that works01:24
CrashMasterok wow01:24
richardthanks CrashMaster01:25
CrashMasterrichard, if you were following those directions, and you ended up with GRUB installed, you are way off.01:25
CrashMasterThat article was describing a way to make the WINDOWS boot loader boot into a linux partition, not the other way around01:25
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:25
richardI am very new to Kubuntu01:25
richardI only started this week, need a change from xp01:26
CrashMasternot a problem.01:26
CrashMasterWhat you did was delete the windows boot loader. Not a huge deal, as you dont really need it if you're gonna dual boot with grub01:26
richardthanks for you patience01:26
DarthFrogCrashMaster: Actually, the article discussing using the Windows boot loader is for when Win and Linux are on the same drive.  The last part of the article discusses using grub for separate drives for each OS.01:27
richardthats the one I followed, at the last part01:27
CrashMasterDarthFrog: its not nice to point out that I dont read things to the end01:27
DarthFrogCrashMaster: Sorry, bud.  :-^)01:27
CrashMasterrichard, pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst01:28
DarthFrogrichard: You shouldn't have had to do any of that, though.01:28
richardsorry, what do you mean pastebin?01:28
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:28
CrashMastercopy all text from the file into that webpage01:29
CrashMasterthen link the result01:29
domux_hi all anyone have a vaio01:29
domux_coz i hav a lil problem with my laptop01:29
CrashMasterdomux_: speak of it, that the magicks might be worked upon them01:30
domux_magicks who is tha ?01:31
DarthFrogdomux_: It be the dispensed wisdom.01:31
CrashMasternote: dont use middle-earth speak in the channel01:32
DarthFrogCrashMaster seems to be a Gandalf-wannabe.  But Gandalf always read to the end of documents.  (grinning, ducking and running).01:33
domux_it just a problem with my vaio card reader ;-)01:33
* CrashMaster casts *stupify* at DarthFrog01:33
DarthFrog<--- now sits stupified, gazing blankly at the LCD screen.01:34
domux_but i'll glad to help someone01:35
CrashMasterWait, can Gandalf cast stupify?01:35
CrashMasterHe didnt go to Hogwarts01:35
DarthFrogWell, given that Gandalf was a servant of the Valor, I rather think he could.01:35
teddy____can some one help me. I am trying to resize a partition without logging out and going into a live cd01:36
* BluesKaj is tempted to invoke the "offtopic" botscript01:36
teddy____my /home is on another partition01:36
DarthFrogteddy____: What file system and is it mounted?01:36
teddy____its ext301:36
CrashMasterteddy____: I dont think you can do non-destructive partitioning without booting from some other device01:36
teddy____im trying to shrink it so i logged into root...  the home directory shouldnt be in use if im root01:36
DarthFrogCrashMaster: Yes you can, if the filesystem is unmounted.01:37
teddy____but i cant unmount it01:37
teddy____it says its busy01:37
CrashMasterforce it01:37
teddy____i can do that? lol01:37
teddy____-f ?01:37
DarthFrogteddy____: edit /etc/fstab and comment out the line for /home and reboot.01:37
CrashMasterits one of those -switches01:37
teddy____ill try forcing it first :)01:38
teddy____rather not reboot just yet01:38
teddy____what do you know.. it was -f :)01:38
teddy____it wont let me force it :(01:39
teddy____ahh well il try fstab01:39
o0Chris0owhat are some other IRC altertantives for kubuntu?01:41
o0Chris0obesides konversation01:41
o0Chris0oand irssi01:41
chillaKSo0Chris0o #gentoo is an alternative01:42
o0Chris0othats not what I asked01:43
DarthFrogHe's looking for a new IRC client.01:43
therionHi all, i have installed kde 4 on my kubuntu gutsy, now how i can remove kde 3?01:43
o0Chris0oI had gentoo01:43
therion.. A sort of pure kde 401:44
* CrashMaster fondly remembers the days of console based irc01:44
DarthFrogtherion: I'd try "apt-get remove kde-desktop".  But the, I'd not want to remove KDE3 in the first place.01:44
therionDarthFrog: ok, isn't dangerous? :-D01:45
DarthFrogtherion: Isn't what dangerous?01:45
=== domux_ is now known as Domux
therionDarthFrog: is dangerous remove all kde 3 packages and remain with kde 4 only?01:47
teddy_just came to say thanks DarthFrog. I edited the fstab. Wish i could have found another way though :)01:47
teddy_didnt want to reboot01:47
DarthFrogtherion: Well, you'd do without the functionality of the KDE3 packages if they are not provided in KDE4 yet.01:47
Domuxit's better to hav both01:47
DarthFrogteddy_: Sometimes, there's just no way around it.  Or it's the most convenient way.01:48
CrashMasterI just keep all my / things on the same partition01:48
teddy_if i had done that i would have no way of resizing :)01:48
therionDarthFrog: Thanks for this01:49
DarthFrogteddy_: Are you shrinking or enlarging the filesystem?01:49
teddy_i am going to ghost winxp to the extra space01:49
teddy_i know... evil ms lol01:49
teddy_hopefully 5 gig is enough.. im pretty sure it is01:50
DarthFrogAh, the evil M$ schtick gets old.  Use your computer as a tool, not a religious experience.01:50
DarthFrogteddy_: Why not run Windows properly, in a VMWare virtual machine? :-^)01:51
DarthFrogThat's what I do.01:51
teddy_because im using engineering software on it01:51
teddy_and the vm is too slow01:51
hydrogenhow do I tell kubuntu that I want to use qt4...01:52
hydrogenI installed libqt4-dev01:52
hydrogen /home/hydrogen/kde/src/kdesupport/automoc/kde4automoc.cpp:61: error: ‘QString’ does not name a type01:52
teddy_-dev is for programming :)01:52
DarthFrogteddy_: Actually, if you let the VM window run full screen, it speeds up considerably.  As long as you've allocated enough memory to it.01:52
teddy_well i dont use vmware anyway. i use virtualbox01:52
BluesKaj5Gis cutting it close. With all the xp updates it can amount to over 3G01:53
CrashMasteroh yeah01:53
hydrogenah, okay01:53
CrashMastermin 15g for XP +  updates + essential software01:53
hydrogenit was just a bad cache value01:53
teddy_well i dont plan on using xp much.. i never use windows for anything except games and engineering :)01:53
CrashMastermake that 30g01:54
DarthFrogteddy_: Get a second machine and use a KVM. :-)01:54
hydrogenCrashMaster: nah, I installed qt + kdelibs + amarok on windows xp in a virtual machien on a 10gig partition without too much trouble01:54
teddy_ill play one game then uninstall when im done01:54
CrashMasterhydrogen: shhh Im messing with his head. Dont be that guy.01:54
BluesKajWife runs XP on a 6g drive with minimal extra software ..only has 500Mb left01:54
teddy_well im working with limited recources here :)01:54
Roeyanyone have problems with wacom tablets?01:55
teddy_i could have spared 15 gig at most...01:55
DarthFrogteddy_: Why not put in another hard drive for XP?  Drives are dirt cheap these days.01:55
teddy_cause im only 16 and dont have a job :P01:55
CrashMasterteddy_: 10g ought to do it.01:56
DarthFrogAnd you could probably pick up a 40 gig drive used for free.  If you're local to me (Burnaby, BC), I'll give you one.01:56
teddy_lol i had to look that up01:57
teddy_thats in canada?01:57
DarthFrogBest country in the world. :-)01:57
teddy_well im in missouri in the usa01:57
CrashMaster<-- Mississippi01:57
teddy_kind of far away dont ya think? :)01:57
DarthFrogteddy_: You probably don't want to walk.01:58
teddy_my parents probably wouldnt like me excepting things from people on the internet lol01:58
DarthFrogCrashMaster:  You are in a rather hot & humid part of the world. :-)01:58
DarthFrogteddy_: A good principle to follow.01:59
* BluesKaj and wife are thinking of moving to BC within 2 yrs.01:59
CrashMasterDarthFrog: Yeah, but I see the beach from my house. So it all works out.01:59
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Just remember that it only rains once a year here.  Starts in October and finishes around May.01:59
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Where are you living now?02:00
teddy_you guys talked me into it lol... ill give my xp partition 10 gig02:00
BluesKajDarthFrog, yeah, I'm aware of that , but we're getting tired of northern ontario winters :)02:00
DarthFrogBluesKaj: I grew up in Winnipeg.  You don't have to shovel rain.02:00
BluesKajoooh, Portage & Main in Jan ..shudder02:01
hydrogendpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libqt4-opengl-dev_4.4.0-1ubuntu3~hardy1_i386.deb (--unpack):02:02
hydrogen trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/pkgconfig/QtOpenGL.pc', which is also in package libqt4-dev02:02
hydrogenomg bug =/02:02
adudehow do you update a program?02:02
DarthFrogBluesKaj: been there, done that.  Got the frostbite scars to show for it.02:02
BluesKajDarthFrog, I think I'll pass on that :)02:02
DarthFrogadude: "sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"02:03
teddy_adude: dont you have a program in the notifaction area for updates?02:03
teddy_or does that only show security updates02:03
DarthFrogadude: That'll update your entire system.02:03
hydrogenany way I can work around that error?02:03
hydrogenI don't care about the file being overwritten02:03
* CrashMaster wanders away to watch BSG02:04
hydrogencan I tell apt to just keep going?02:04
DarthFroghydrogen: investigate the forcing options to dpkg.02:04
DarthFroghydrogen: "man apt-get"02:04
matt_____does anyone know about bluetooth adapters and linux? I'm looking for advice to buy a bluetooth usb adapter that works on linux. I'm planning on using it with my phone, and also my bluetooth headset. Suggestions for an adapter please02:06
hydrogenDarthFrog: thanks02:06
mschiffhm my KDE4 apps from the hardy kde-4.0.4 packages show Version 4.0.3 in their Help->About dialogs...02:07
Itakuim trying to get krfb working but when i try to connect it says The connection closed unexpectedly. how do i fix it??????02:12
hawkeyexmy computer is crashing now.. what should I look for in a system log?02:14
mschiffanybody installed the 4.0.4 packages on hardy?02:15
CrashMasterafraid to02:15
DarthFrogCrashMaster: Why?02:15
teddy_here gos.. im ghosting my image to the partition.. hopefully nothing gets screwed up lol02:15
hawkeyexmy computer is crashing now.. what should I look for in a system log?02:16
CrashMasterDarthFrog: I dont have enough weed left to dull the pain02:16
teddy_where does it crash?02:16
=== andres is now known as andresj
DarthFrogCrashMaster: :-)02:17
adudewhere do my programs get installed to02:17
teddy_does it crash when the desktop starts loading?02:17
DarthFrogadude: Usually /usr/bin02:17
CrashMasteradude: /usr/bin02:17
DarthFroghawkeyex: Why is your computer crashing?  Yes, I know that's the question you are trying to answer but we need more info to help you.02:18
teddy_how far does your computer get before crashing hawkeyex02:18
hawkeyexDarthFrog: will this help? http://www.pastebin.org/3534802:19
adudehow do i search for a file type?02:20
CrashMastera file.. type?02:20
CrashMasterlike *.ext02:20
DarthFrogadude: "man find"02:20
hawkeyexDarth: you looking at the error logs I've filtered?02:21
adude"man find" that a program?02:21
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or type man:/ in Konqueror's location bar. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:21
hawkeyexshort for manual :P02:21
Jucatoor Alt+F2, "kfind"02:22
DarthFroghawkeyex: At a first guess, it looks like an ACPI problem.  Try turning off ACPI on the grub boot line.02:22
hawkeyexhow do I do that?02:22
DarthFrogkernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=/dev/sda2 ro noacpi quiet splash02:23
DarthFrogor it might be "noapic"02:24
teddy_later guys. thanks for the help02:24
hawkeyexDarthFrog: do I need to edit something in /etc?02:24
hawkeyexI need instructions :)02:24
DarthFrogGeez, the man/info page for grub is ...sparse.02:25
CrashMasteredit your grubs menu.lst02:25
DarthFrogCrashMaster: No, don't do that.  Do it at boot.02:25
CrashMasterDarthFrog: boot time makes it a one-time run though, doesnt it?02:25
DarthFrogCrashMaster: Yes, good for testing.02:26
DarthFrogIf it works, then it can be made permanent.02:26
CrashMasteroh. tests.02:26
CrashMasterpff Im more like Greg House. Screw the tests, just apply the fix.02:26
hawkeyexso I need to reboot and go to grub?02:26
DarthFroghawkeyex: When you boot and the grub boot menu comes up, press ESC.  Then follow the instructions given to make the edit to the "kernel ..." line.02:27
DarthFrogThen press "b" to boot with the change.02:27
DarthFrogCrashMaster: Hmm, interesting attitude.  Efficient.  Risky but efficient. :-)02:27
=== JakeInGa is now known as jawee
CrashMasterI laugh at all the "how-to" docs that use the --dry-run option.02:28
DarthFrogCrashMaster: You don't administer servers, do you?  One's that put food on the table and meet payroll?02:28
CrashMasterDarthFrog: For the County, City, and local PD's office :)02:29
CrashMasterAlthough I have much stricter rules in there02:29
CrashMasterBut this is home. Anything goes.02:29
DarthFrogI see.  I rather suspect that your devil-may-care attitude would not be welcome in those quarters. :-)02:29
CrashMasterBut ask me about the last time I received a traffic ticket.02:30
hawkeyexDarthFrog: let's see if that fix holds.02:30
DarthFroghawkeyex: No, it won't survive a reboot.  Did it work?02:30
CrashMasterhawkeyex: Remember, you will have to make the change permenent, or you'll lose it at reboot02:30
DarthFroghawkeyex: Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:31
hawkeyexok sec.02:31
CrashMasteredit your menu.lst to incluide the no acpi swtich02:31
CrashMasterDarthFrog: Have I asked you how to modify the kubuntu boot splash?02:31
hawkeyexok. done02:32
DarthFrogCrashMaster: Nope.02:32
CrashMasternow reboot and make sure02:32
CrashMasterDarthFrog: How do I modify the kubuntu boot splash?02:32
DarthFroghawkeyex:  Did turning off ACPI fix your problem?02:32
hawkeyexI think so.02:33
hawkeyexI'm looking it up on the ubuntu forums02:33
DarthFrogCrashMaster: What kind of change do you wish to make?02:33
hawkeyexlooks like it's supposed to be pci=noacpi02:33
hawkeyexI'll fix that02:33
CrashMasterDarthFrog: Have you seen the BT3 bootsplash?02:33
sujithhi how to upgrade kde desktop to latest version02:33
DarthFrogNo.  What is BT3?02:33
hawkeyexuse the adept manager?02:33
DarthFrogsujith: "sudo apt-get update && apt-get install kde4-desktop"02:34
CrashMasterBackTrack3 (pen-testing live CD)02:34
CrashMasterhas a sweet boot screen02:34
CrashMasterI want it02:34
=== catalin is now known as Catalinp
DarthFrogCrashMaster: You want the image from BT3?02:34
hawkeyexmind answering 1 more question? I keep having to load xbindkeys manually at reboot, is there an effective way to automate it?02:35
DarthFrogCrashMaster: http://www.kde-look.org/help/index.php?type=35&PHPSESSID=3624034f0204f9838a95dc93a0d90d9502:36
CrashMasternext step. Fix konversation to load FF instead of konqeiror02:36
DarthFroghawkeyex: Put the command in /etc/rc.local02:37
JucatoCrashMaster: Settings -> Configure Konversation -> Behavior -> General -> Use custom web browser02:37
CrashMasterJucato: Thanks. I know how, ive just been lazy02:37
Jucatoor make it applicable to all KDE apps: K Menu -> System Settings -> Default Applications (or somethign)02:38
FFForeveranyone play wow on linux?02:38
DarthFrogFFForever: I tried to get the the demo DVD to run in Cedega but couldn't.  So I gave up on it.  I prefer Civ IV anyway. :-)02:39
FFForeveranyone know why when i type wine Installer.exe it just sits there for a min or 2 then goes back to the terminal02:42
FFForeveri am trying to install WoW the Burning Crusade via wine 1.0 rc102:42
Jucatomaybe #winehq can help02:43
CrashMasterI think hardy changed the location for the splash screen stuff, because its not in System Settings anymore02:51
Jucatowhich splash screen?02:52
CrashMasterKDE startup02:52
dwidmann_laptoplies, it's *right there*, system settings, splash screen :s02:52
Jucatounder either Appearance or Desktop02:52
CrashMasterIm staring at the system settings, and its not here!02:52
Catalinpi have hardy and splash screen is there02:53
DarthFrogCrashMaster: Well, use Kcontrol/System Admin/Login Manager.02:53
Catalinpi mean the settings02:53
Dr_willisoptional package perhaps.02:53
o0Chris0omy sound isn't working for some reason02:53
CrashMasterok, remind me NOT to hit the prntscrn button on this laptop again02:54
CrashMastersucker tried to open 30 instances of the snapshot manager.02:54
DarthFrogCrashMaster:  System Settings/Login Manager/Background02:55
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: lol02:55
o0Chris0omy sound isn't working for some reason..any ideas? everything is turned on and not mute02:55
DarthFrogCrashMaster: It's under the Advanced tab.02:55
CrashMastersaw that02:55
DarthFrogo0Chris0o: Is it plugged in? :-)02:55
CrashMasterand that takes care of the KDEboot02:55
dwidmann_laptopo0Chris0o: have you double checked the connections to the card?02:56
CrashMasternow how do I change the kubuntu bootscreen?02:56
o0Chris0oyeah some how its defaulting to my headset02:56
dwidmann_laptopHmm, I have heard of that before.02:56
* o0Chris0o cries02:57
* dwidmann_laptop is googling02:59
* chillaKS googles too03:01
dwidmann_laptopo0Chris0o: what sound card is it exactly?03:02
Catalinpguys does any of you have any experience with broadcasting online?03:02
Catalinplike Shoutcast03:02
Catalinpwhat kind of software should I use and how should I configure my router03:03
o0Chris0oits an integrated one in my intel board03:03
o0Chris0oit works03:03
o0Chris0oworked before03:03
dwidmann_laptophmm, k03:04
chillaKSCatalinp google it03:04
o0Chris0omight have to unlug my headset and restart or something03:04
Catalinpwell i found out a lil about it on ubuntuforums.org03:05
Catalinpthey recommend icecast-server03:05
Catalinpbut you would need a public ip03:06
chillaKSCatalinp: google rules03:06
dwidmann_laptopo0Chris0o: this looks promising: http://suseforums.net/lofiversion/index.php/t47396.html03:06
CrashMasterIm actually begining to fear google.03:06
dwidmann_laptopif you're afraid of google CrashMaster, use Scroogle :P03:07
CrashMasterNever heard of it03:07
* CrashMaster googles it03:07
CrashMasterDOH! SEE WHAT THEY DO TO YOU!?03:07
uhriventisWas trying to see if I could goto Fedora but, it wouldn't install.03:07
chillaKSCrashMaster you could always resort to using wget03:08
BluesKajuhriventis, you won't regret that ..fedora is nice but the pkg manger system is chaotic03:08
uhriventisI've read something about that03:09
CrashMasterchillaKS: I fear the linux console. at this point, I know just enough to screw it up :)03:09
suntzui cant turn my computer off completely...any suggestion?03:09
uhriventisBut, of course Kubuntu installed just fine no problems at all03:09
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: it's what you don't know about it that's going to screw it up :P03:10
CrashMasterYeah, (k)ubuntu is really starting to take over a lot of desktops03:10
suntzuwhen i try to turn off my computer, it logs out but a black screen remains, so i have to turn it off with the power button03:10
BluesKajsuntzu, which graphics card o you have ?03:10
chillaKSCrashMaster belive me console is more user friendly and intuitive than GUI03:10
suntzuit is integrated to the mainboard03:10
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: not so much. Im an old school MS nerd from the dos2.0 days.03:10
suntzublueskaj, it is integrated to the motherboard03:11
uhriventisThe Ubuntu line is taking over03:11
richardCrashMaster..thank you for the info for dual booting with 2 seperate hard drives03:11
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: irregardless, we still want to know what it is03:11
richardI am up and running and able to select a drive03:11
CrashMasterrichard: I helped? really?03:11
richardfor sure..03:11
CrashMastersweet! Im not a complete drain on the channel now!03:12
suntzui was reading many forums and this problem is common...but the suggestions posted didnt work for me03:12
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: Woo hoo!03:12
CrashMasteroooh Im makin a list dwidmann_laptop... you don't want to be on it. :P03:12
BluesKajsuntzu, it still has a name .. lspci | grep VGA in the terminal and look for video controller03:12
richardI added the lines as indicated on the website you gave me, I get an extra screen, but who cares, at least I can select XP or Kubuntu03:13
uhriventisWhy does linux hate my other video card?03:13
uhriventisRadeon 9250\03:13
suntzublue, i will try it...hold on03:13
suntzublues, this is what it says: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]03:14
richardthanks again CrashMaster, now it's bedtime for us old folk, always hit the sack after a successful day03:14
CrashMasterNite man03:14
dwidmann_laptopoh my ... something other than the typical ati/nvidia/intel03:15
uhriventisYeah, I use my intel right now03:15
uhriventisBut, my other is ATI03:15
BluesKajsuntzu, sorry , i thought it might be a lower end ATI , which has afix for hanging at shutdown03:17
suntzuthen you cant help me??03:18
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: you still here? I need your thoughtsd03:18
uhriventisMy older ati is better then the vid card I'm using now and for some reason on Linux its extremely slow03:18
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:19
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: You need my thoughts? Oh my ... well, okay, I'm here.03:19
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: I'm googling for it03:19
CrashMastersuntzu: this might be a silly question, but are you sure that you're selecting "shut down" and not sleep or hibernate?03:19
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: I need a new project.03:19
dwidmann_laptopsunztu: could anything here be useful?? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_on_a_ThinkPad_T2003:20
suntzuoh, absolutely sure03:20
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: After getting the wifi thing working the way I want, I need something new03:20
thechrisAnyone here familiar with kubuntu's boot process?03:20
uhriventisWhat do you mean thechris?03:20
CrashMastersuntzu: If you hit the power button right now, would it try to start shutdown?03:20
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: hmm, what kind of project did you have in mind?03:20
suntzui have tried almost everything...i edited the grub file and the etc/modules file as posted in different forums and nothing worked03:20
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: thats the problem. I dont know.03:21
thechrisuhriventis: I'm trying to deteremine what is required to force /dev/ram to exist03:21
uhriventisOh, nope. I don't know03:21
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: hmmmmm, I'm sure I'll think of something03:21
Choreboyanyone know if there is a #kopete channel?03:22
uhriventisYou should use Pidgin03:22
CrashMasterChoreboy: yes03:22
uhriventisTry it out03:22
uhriventisIt's better03:22
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: how about seeing if there's a way to get ServiceMenus working in KDE4's konqueror/dolphin .... yes, that'd be a chore indeed, if you're up for it.03:22
Choreboyuhriventis: I have used it on Xubuntu03:22
CrashMasterChoreboy: try /j #kopete03:22
Choreboyuhriventis: Why would I like it better than Kopete?03:22
suntzuwhen i had ubuntu installed, it worked perfectly...it turned off the computer as usual...but when i installed kubuntu 8.04 i coudnt turn off the computer totally03:23
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: what is the prereq knowledge set?03:23
suntzui have to use the power button03:23
uhriventisIt's just a little better looking. For me I use it because there is a option for GMAIL03:23
ChoreboyGMAIL or Jabber?03:23
uhriventisAnd it's a little more customizable03:23
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: you might want to know how they worked in KDE3's konqueror, and where the files are stored on both the global and user levels03:23
neonis there an instan messaging that supports webcam?03:24
uhriventisPidgin does03:24
suntzu...and thank you all for your help03:24
uhriventissudo apt-get install pidgin03:24
ChoreboyI like Kopete, it's simple and gets the job done03:24
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: did you check out that link?03:24
uhriventisYeah, pidgin stock is really simple that's why I like it too03:24
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: quick rundown., What is servicesmenu?03:24
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: say you right click on a file/folder, you'll have a list of other options of what you can do Ie: extract, copy to, compress, etc, queue files in amarok ..... things like that are servicemenus03:25
Choreboythe only think I don't like about Kopete is that it won't auto-reconnect to AIM03:25
uhriventisUhg, I'm updating to 8.04 LTS and it's taking forever.03:25
CrashMastercontext meuns03:25
uhriventisPidgin does03:25
ChoreboyKopete is supposed to....03:26
Choreboythat's why I'm looking for Kopete help :-)03:26
CrashMasterI shall investigate it!03:26
uhriventisWell, I have Kopete right noiw.03:26
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: scroll up, it'll be highlighted in red.03:26
uhriventisSince I did a completely fresh install of Kubuntu like 2 mins ago03:26
CrashMasterNow... lets figure out how to install KDE403:26
uhriventissudo apt-get install kde4 worked for me!03:27
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: wow, two projects in one, :P03:27
CrashMasterdang it03:27
CrashMasterdont spoil it for me03:27
suntzudwidmann....i read that page...but if i run that command it will reinstall the OS??03:28
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: be sure to turn on your backports and upates repositories (especially the universe part)03:28
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: I have,.03:28
CrashMasterIm annoyed that installing kde4 wont auto-remove kde3.5 though03:28
uhriventisyeah, I can't figure out kopete either03:28
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: shouldn't, it looks like it was saying to edit certain files, like specifically the xorg.conf03:28
uhriventisI like kde 3.5 better then 403:28
uhriventisRight now03:28
uhriventisAt least03:28
uhriventisStill a little buggy four is03:28
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: kde4 isn't quite stable yet, and feature-wise it's not even on par with kde303:29
suntzudwidmann....i read that page...but if i run that command it will reinstall the OS??03:29
CrashMasterunstable, alpha version, and it doesnt work?03:29
Deepthoughthow can I find out exactly what version of KDE4 I have installed (like the 'about' menu-item in most apps) ?03:29
uhriventisBut, I bet in a couple of more patches KDE4 will be "da bomb"03:29
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: look at the part about editing the xorg.conf03:29
CrashMasterbeen doing that with Trillian astra for over a year now03:29
suntzuok, let me see03:29
uhriventisYou probably have 4.0.403:29
uhriventisThats the latest03:29
neonis there an instan messaging that supports webcam?03:30
dwidmann_laptopDeepthought: dpkg --list kdelibs503:30
CrashMasterarvhive is giving me 450k/s03:30
CrashMasterhavent seen that in ages03:30
dwidmann_laptopneon: I think Kopete does.03:30
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: is that good ... or bad?03:30
uhriventisNeon: Pidgin03:30
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: good. Ive been getting around 70-80k/s for the last week.03:30
CrashMasteronly from the ubuntu archives tho03:30
Deepthoughtdwidmann_laptop: that did the trick, thanx !03:31
uhriventisMy internet connection is max 100 kb/s period. :^(03:31
CrashMastermakes me feel like a pirate again03:31
neonok thx will install pidgin03:31
CrashMasterI max at around 700k/s03:31
uhriventisNeon: It supports a lot. It's a multiplatform IM03:31
suntzuwhat exactly does this command: "grub-install /dev/sda"??03:32
uhriventisI have the cheapest comcast has to offer.03:32
CrashMastertrillian is the best one out there03:32
uhriventisIt's like DSL but, cable.03:32
Deepthoughtuhriventis: the thing is, I wanted to be sure I had indeed installed 4.0.4, ya see ?  ;-)03:32
uhriventisI didn't like trillian03:32
uhriventisYeah, why don't you like kde3?03:32
CrashMastersuntzu: install the grub boot loader on USB drive03:32
CrashMasterdev/sda is still usb drives, right?03:33
uhriventisYou guys should type in farting preacher in google and watch the videos03:33
uhriventisJust make sure the preacher is Robert Tilton03:33
uhriventisYou know that guy that ask for thousand dollar "vows of faith"03:33
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: the only parts of that page that were applicable were probably the parts pertaining to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file ...03:34
suntzuhmmm, i had the same question crash....now my drives are called "sda"03:34
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: unless you actually have a thinkpad T2003:34
suntzuahh ok03:34
uhriventisMy drive is sda1 is this bad?03:34
suntzubut i dindt find anything related to /etc/X11...03:35
dwidmann_laptopI haven't figured out why all drives are sd* and cd drives are scd*  either .... used to be sda was only for scsi, then sata got tacked on, then USB also, now I guess everything is ... it makes more sense, just having one thing for it I guess.03:36
dwidmann_laptopwith regards to USB and SATA, USB came first, I think out of order.03:36
suntzudwidmann...sorry, i didnt find anything related to that03:37
CrashMasterwow apt-get is going crazy03:37
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: there are two sections there on it, and they stand out, a lot.03:37
suntzui see 4sectiuons...none of them related to X!!03:38
CrashMasterwhy is it X11? Why not x10 or x12 ?03:38
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: maybe there was an X10 X9 .. etc03:39
CrashMasterok, I think kde4 is installed.03:39
suntzuthis is what i saw:03:39
suntzuACPI is (still) not enabled by default. You will most likely want to enable it. To do so, add 'acpi=force' to the line in /boot/grub/menu.lst beginning 'kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic' that's *not* in the recovery section. Then (as root) run:03:39
suntzugrub-install /dev/sda03:39
CrashMasterGuess I have to reboot now?03:39
BluDog_Anchoritei hate the way they did X in this release.  I had to install dapper, backup xorg.conf, install hardy, and replace the file just to get my lappy monitor to work right03:39
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: ctrl + f, look for xorg.conf ...03:39
dwidmann_laptopcrashmaster: only if you upgraded your kernel.03:40
BluDog_Anchoritecan anyone tell me why the contents of xorg.conf changed SOO much between hardy and dapper ?03:41
BluDog_Anchoriteand WHY inittab got replaced ?03:41
uhriventisI'm so new to Linux I don't reallly have anything to base it on03:41
dwidmann_laptopBluDog_Anchorite: xorg.conf was just recently changed a lot, it's the bulletproof x spec ...03:42
BluDog_Anchoritebullet proof my you know what03:42
uhriventisI finally got rid of windows after a million viruses later03:42
dwidmann_laptopBluDog_Anchorite: sysv-init has been replaced by upstart03:42
dwidmann_laptopBluDog_Anchorite: Yeah, pretty much03:42
BluDog_Anchoritelike i said, i needed to get a sane xorg.conf from a dapper install just to get the monitor to do more than 800x60003:42
uhriventisEw my monitor is sex to 1280x102403:43
BluDog_Anchoriteupstart,  i guess i can learn.  but the xorg thing is gonna cause a TON of grief for people that have even used a little linux over the years03:43
suntzuwell, dwidmann...thank for your help...but i didnt understand a thing03:43
dwidmann_laptopBluDog_Anchorite: it seems to work fairly well on some setups.03:44
suntzui looked for xorg.conf but didnt see anything i think that can solve my problem03:44
BluDog_Anchoriteon some maybe.  on old hardware, no.  but at least you could comment things out the old way to get things going03:44
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: your problem is probably 100% video driver related, so they're at least worth a try.03:45
suntzui really like kubuntu, but i think id rather switch back to ubuntu03:45
uhriventisWhat are some good off topic chat rooms?03:45
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: the other possibility is an acpi problem, but I would try acpi related fixes second if I were you.03:45
BluDog_Anchoriteidk.  this new xorg thing has just really got under my skin.  im a long time user that was just REALLY shocked03:45
dwidmann_laptop!ot | uhriventis03:45
ubottuuhriventis: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:45
ubuntu_i im ubuntu03:45
suntzuthx dwidmann...03:46
suntzulets try that03:46
ubuntu_i im subnorl03:46
suntzuif i install what it said i will loose my data??03:46
ubuntu_kiere pippa??03:46
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: there is nothing being installed ... it's only asking you to edit the xorg.conf, as far as I could tell03:46
suntzuACPI is (still) not enabled by default. You will most likely want to enable it. To do so, add 'acpi=force' to the line in /boot/grub/menu.lst beginning 'kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic' that's *not* in the recovery section. Then (as root) run:03:46
suntzugrub-install /dev/sda03:46
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: you already have grub installed though ...03:47
suntzui mean the grub install command03:47
suntzuyes, i have it installed....but it says that i should reinstall it to make the new configuration work03:47
dwidmann_laptopYou don't need to run grub-install unless grub isn't installed though, last time I cheched.03:47
dwidmann_laptopsuntzu: feel free to give it a try, I don't htink it will damage anything03:48
suntzuok, let my try03:49
BluDog_Anchoriteon a side note, has anyone else had problems when using the "select fastest mirror" button in adept?  it never scans the mirrors like is does in regular ubuntu.  it just closes the window, and nothing happens.03:49
CrashMasteroh my god this sucks get it off get it off get if off!!!03:50
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: what are you talking about man?my right clicks work fine03:51
ChoreboyAnybody know anything about Kopete? The folks in #Kopete are asleep.03:52
BluDog_Anchoritei used it before03:52
BluDog_Anchoritenever had to do anything to it to get it to work03:52
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: one sec03:52
BluDog_Anchoritebut i might be able to help03:52
CrashMasterI dont know who ripped off who, but the KDE4 default environment looks almost exactly like vista03:53
yulprandhola como accedo al canal en español¿?03:53
CrashMaster!es | yulprand03:53
ubottuyulprand: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:53
BluDog_Anchoriteenglish only03:53
BluDog_AnchoriteChoreboy: what is your question03:54
ChoreboyBluDog_Anchorite: Kopete loses my AIM connection and won't auto-reconnect03:55
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: hm, It still doesn't seem on the level, I wonder why it's not tapping into them all. It seems like it has came quite a step since 4.0.3 though.03:55
BluDog_AnchoriteChoreboy: is this a new or upgraded system ?03:55
dwidmann_laptopOh well, installing KDE4 was a min-project of itself eh CrashMaster03:55
Choreboynew 8.04 Kubuntu KDE303:55
BluDog_AnchoriteChoreboy: it doesnt do that here.  strange.  yo ucould try different dns servers, or you could look at your router to see if its dropping the connection03:56
ChoreboyBluDog_Anchorite: It will lose AIM but Yahoo will stay connected03:57
BluDog_AnchoriteChoreboy: try pidgin.  see if it does the same thing03:57
ChoreboyBluDog_Anchorite: I use OpenDNS as my DNS server03:57
domux_hi all03:57
BluDog_Anchoritethat MIGHT be it,03:57
DeepthoughtCrashMaster: if you stick to default environments, there's some psychological elements of a VISTA user in yer head.. ;-)03:57
BluDog_Anchoritetry an outisde DNS source03:57
domux_someone hav a vaio ?03:58
CrashMasterDeepthought: Troubling, but true03:58
ChoreboyI don't know what that is03:58
BluDog_Anchoritethe DNS from your provider, or something else03:58
ChoreboyBluDog_Anchorite: You're saying try my provider's DNS?03:58
BluDog_Anchoriteyes.  hard code that in once03:58
BluDog_Anchoritesee if it works better03:59
DeepthoughtCrashMaster: first thing is set machine to own taste and habits; can't believe all the world sticks to ugly blue-ish screenz... never bothering to look under the hood03:59
yulprandhi i don`t speack much english but.. how can i get kde4 in my new 8.04 Kubuntu with KDE303:59
BluDog_AnchoriteChoreboy: try pidgin.  see if the problem is application specific04:00
uhriventisIs 8.04 much better then 7.1004:00
Deepthoughtyulprand: install Kubuntu-KDE4 package (synaptic or adept) , that way you get the whole system with nothing missing04:00
BluDog_Anchoritedefine better04:00
BluDog_Anchoriteuhriventis: ^^04:01
uhriventisWell, I mean stable.04:01
uhriventisLess crashes04:01
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: just a tip, never rely on gui package managers04:01
yulprandok thanks  i`ll try04:01
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: why not ?04:01
BluDog_Anchoriteuhriventis: imho, setting it up on strange hardware is tougher, but just as stable04:01
Deepthoughtuhriventis: had no serious crashes yet04:02
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: best to learn apt through the cli04:02
BluDog_Anchoritegets you out of WAY more jams than the point and click "install this" button04:02
* NightBird is trying once again to get kubuntu live cd to start on his laptop so I can try out the 64 bit version...04:03
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: I know it's cool and more versatile and quicker sometimes to use apt-get, but what trouble is lurking in synaptic/adept that I should know about ?04:03
uhriventisMy vidcard never worked well on any linux from fedora-dreamlinux-ubuntu-kubuntu04:03
uhriventisNightbird what errors do you get?04:03
FFForeverhow do i burn a .img file?04:03
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: there used to be issues where after a time adept would say upgrade, you would click, ok, and the system never would REALLY upgrade04:03
domux_envyng doesn't work on hardy04:04
BluDog_Anchoriteit wasnt so good at reporting problems with installs04:04
NightBirduhriventis: I get dumped to busy box because I need to some how get the live cd to not load the 8139too and 8139cp drivers04:04
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: I see what you mean, things like purge etc, but when you 're just looking for  stuff the gui's are convenient04:04
domux_with nvidia graphic card04:04
uhriventisI'm sure you have googled it already?04:04
uhriventisAnd posted on kubuntu.com forums?04:04
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: its a simple way of playing with apt-cache w/o having to grep04:04
NightBirduhriventis: about how to blacklist drivers on a live cd?  I've seen that it's not supported as a boot parameter04:04
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: updates not really ?  But that has to do with source-settings, no ?  as in supported or not, proposed or noit etc04:05
=== Trevinyo is now known as Trevinho-{AwAy}
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: you lost me there,.04:05
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: don' t quite get yer last remark about the grepping04:05
uhriventisTry fedora I had to blacklist things while installing it.04:05
NightBirdI've cracked open the livecd filesystem and manually added those drivers to be blacklisted there, but they still get loaded04:05
uhriventisBut, I'm sure you want kubuntu04:05
uhriventisHah delete the drivers from the cd complete04:05
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: I meant what was trouble with updating not really as you said ?04:06
uhriventisI don't know really04:06
uhriventisI haven't used 6404:06
uhriventisDon't have the hardware for that'04:06
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: when trying to find something in apt, you can do apt-cache search oss | grep sound to get sound related oss packages04:06
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: in the old days the gui updaters/package installers were semi problematic.  thats all im sayin.04:07
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: I get it, but in gui I just click search; works fine and saves a lot of scrolling in konsole and cutting/pasting or typing if I want a bunch of new stuff04:07
BluDog_Anchoriteapt from the command line is way simpler04:07
BluDog_Anchoriteeh, seems easier for me to use cli04:07
BluDog_Anchoriteand running slow hardware you learn to do everything from cli04:08
pyarragreetings all, hoping for a little help with my dell precision m65 after upgrade 7.1- -> 8.04. Seems the Fn+F8 keypress, which used to switch from internal laptop display to external monitor no longer does so04:08
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: That makes sense, I had lotsa trouble in the old days with all the distro's I tried and never got to stick to out of frustration; ubuntu has none of these problems, or has' m solved in my experience the past months (using it since gutsy and never used XP again)04:08
BluDog_Anchoritepyarra: check display options, and make sure second monitor is set to mirror04:09
uhriventisAnyone here use the Radeon 9250?04:09
pyarraBluDog: tried that first, unfortunately that left me with an entirely unworking xorg.conf04:09
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: im a long time user of the binary distros.  a child of redhat and mandrake if you will04:09
pyarraI had to roll back to the previous version04:09
neonne1 knows if an ASUS Bison Webcam will work under Kubuntu?04:10
BluDog_Anchoritepyarra: i had similar issues.  i had to reinstall dapper, backup xorg.conf, and move it into the hardy install04:10
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: hah! Had to install the Splash Screen package before it showed up in ControlCenter04:10
DeepthoughtOoooh, I loved Mandrake, stuck to that the longest; but they sold out turning into Mandriva and being commercial (drifting off-topic.. sorry everyoine)04:10
BluDog_Anchoritepyarra: there may be easiers ways, but time was a factor for me04:10
=== benjy11 is now known as Lethis
pyarraI think the problem *may* be that the keypress is being trapped... seems that Fn+F3 invokes the KDE battery monitor, which is good04:11
uhriventisneon: Does this help? http://mediakey.dk/~cc/bisoncam-ali-m5603c-linux-driver-round-up/04:11
pyarrabut Fn+F8 seems to be mapped to XF86Display... I suspect perhaps it needs to be left alone and delivered to the actual laptop04:11
neonuhriventis: geez great reading will get back to u in a while04:12
pyarraBluDog: yeah, I was able to use my old xorg, once I booted another PC, googled the error, and took a stab at correcting it (removed second monitor, basically)04:12
pyarraI suspect the internal + external don't actually appear as different displays04:13
o0Chris0ohow do I reset or clear my apt get?04:13
pyarraso it's not really dual-head04:13
o0Chris0oI can't get adept to work04:13
egorkwhen I start amarok and any other player (xine, kaffeine, mplayer) amarok gets blocked. It seems like they are blocking each other. Do I miss a mixer?04:13
BluDog_Anchoriteo0Chris0o: first ps -A and make sure spt isnt running anywhere04:13
DeepthoughtHow can I start an extra x-session on a different monitor on second (PCI-) vga card (in same machine of course) ?   It's meant to be a workaround to triple screen wich won't go; other card is nvidia with two screens twinview)04:13
BluDog_Anchoriteegork: does your soundcard support full duplex ?04:14
pyarraI've been reading up on Xmodmap and lineak, but I don't quite get how to "remove" the mapping for the Fn+F8 keypress04:14
egorkBluDog_Anchorite, should be, I guess. It worked before I have upgraded to Hardy.04:14
pyarraanyone know how I'd do that in `/.xmodmap - or indeed, if this would really not help?04:14
o0Chris0oadept is04:14
o0Chris0oI want to clsoe it out04:15
BluDog_Anchoriteo0Chris0o: so sudo killall adept04:15
pyarraer, should be ~/.xmodmap04:15
BluDog_Anchoritenever played with .xmodmap04:15
o0Chris0ostill can't load up adept04:15
BluDog_Anchoritepastebin your ps -A04:16
BluDog_Anchoriteand any errors04:16
o0Chris0olol I just need the code to kill it04:16
o0Chris0ohas happened before04:16
BluDog_Anchoritesudo kill -9 PID04:16
BluDog_AnchoritePID being thr process ID04:17
BluDog_Anchoriteor whateverprogram has adept loaded04:17
o0Chris0othats it04:17
afeijohow can I terminate other user session?04:17
BluDog_Anchoritethat idk.  google should have some answers for that04:18
egorkand knotify4 also seems to block amarok04:18
pyarraluDog: ok, thanks for suggestions, I guess I'm about to learn about Xmodmap :-)04:19
afeijodid I ask right?04:20
BluDog_Anchoriteafeijo: check google.  i have no idea04:21
pyarraafeijo: as root, or using sudo04:21
afeijopyarra: I am root, and has sudo. What command?04:21
pyarrado you mean their KDE session? Or a process they are running?04:21
afeijokde session04:22
pyarraafeijo: nicely, or abruptly?04:22
afeijoabrupt :)04:22
afeijomy girl always forget to logoff, she leave no app open04:22
uhriventis... I'm in a windows chat room04:22
pyarraafejo: ps axwu | grep [k]deinit - find the first one, then kill that04:23
pyarraerm, filter by user too04:23
pyarraelse you may kill your own session04:23
afeijolol, ok, I try ps but didnt knew it has that many options04:24
CrashMasterYa know.. I hate country music. But this Josh Turner song is made of %100 pure awesome.04:24
Deepthoughthow can I get the taskbar in kde4 ?  It's not there, and I can't find any place to set it; in screenshots I've seen it; or is it a widget I ned to get, or did they remove it in the last versions (using 4.0.4) ?04:26
pyarraafeijo: think of it this way: ps a == All, w = Wide, x == auXiliary (things that are no longer connected to a console) and u == show User04:26
uhriventisI like country if it's old. Like Johnny Cash... But, he's  more of a blues artist anyway04:27
uhriventisWhy is my clock in military time? How do I fix this?04:27
afeijofunny, I kill her first process, but my own was affected. But not closed04:28
BluDog_Anchoriteuhriventis: right click and look for 24 hour04:28
Deepthoughtpyarra: most abruptway to kill total session (ie reboot) is: alt-sysrq-s, then  alt-sysrq-u and finally  alt-sysrq-b ; that takes you right pout without messing up yer discs (wait a while after s and u, couple of seconds)04:28
CrashMasterwhat was that nifty link to that site with all the themes?04:28
BluDog_Anchoriteanyone know how to hide join/parts in irssi ?04:28
Deepthoughtuhriventis: Uncle John is tghe Original Bad Boy04:29
pyarraDeepThought: read afeijo's question: he wants to kill another user's session, but (presumably) leave his running04:29
uhriventisHah yeah04:29
uhriventisLed Belly is04:29
CrashMasterXP had a feature in taskman for doign that04:29
Deepthoughtpyarra: Didn't make that out, but you could be right; that's why I added the remark that it's a reboot, as he wnated abrupt; that is as abrupt as you can get04:30
uhriventisXP was the only windows I liked04:30
uhriventisI have the CD but... To many viruses04:30
uhriventisI like dos too04:31
uhriventisDeepthought: Do you know any ledbelly?04:31
ChoreboyFolks I am fairly new to any distro... if my Kubuntu freezes, what are my options?04:31
BluDog_Anchoritejust google linux kill other users04:31
uhriventisWhat is yer vidcard?04:31
Deepthoughtuhriventis: not really, and it's really to off-topic to get into..04:31
BluDog_Anchoriteits like the first entry04:32
Choreboykill users?04:32
uhriventisNo one is talking in off topic :/04:32
CrashMasterspeaking of user killing, Im gonna go play some counter-strike. back later04:32
ChoreboyBluDog_Anchorite: does that kill the offending program or does it kill everything?04:32
CrashMasterChoreboy: alt-ctrl-bckspc04:32
BluDog_Anchoriteas far as i know, that will kill all processes owned by that user04:32
Deepthoughtuhriventis: couldn't resist the mention of Uncle John though... ;-)04:33
ChoreboyIs there a way to only kill the offender?04:33
o0Chris0owhats the command to kill a hidden adept manager? I can't remember the code, it keeps saying another process is using the packaging system04:33
uhriventisI love music...04:33
uhriventisI'm a guitarist.04:33
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:34
DeepthoughtChoreboy and if ctl-alt-del don't work: to kill total session (ie reboot) is: alt-sysrq-s, then  alt-sysrq-u and finally  alt-sysrq-b ; that takes you right pout without messing up yer discs (wait a while after s and u, couple of seconds)04:34
o0Chris0othats it!04:34
afeijoI cant run mysql command at prompt, becose I installed another mysql with XAMPP04:34
BluDog_Anchoritehe wants to kill the other usrs session, not his own04:35
o0Chris0othat worked thanks CrashMaster04:35
DeepthoughtCrashMaster: I wrote that in my notebook, have same prob from time to time; could it be a kde4 issue ?04:35
DeepthoughtCrashMaster: the hidden apt thing I mean04:36
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: that problem comes from using the gui04:36
CrashMaster*blank stare*04:36
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: woof !04:36
ChoreboyI'm not sure what I want to kill. What is another user session? I just want to kill any program that makes me freeze04:36
CrashMasterI just memorized the trigger man04:36
BluDog_Anchoritethats why apt from cli is better04:36
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: but you' re probably right...04:37
afeijowho likes RPG?04:37
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: thats TWO man04:37
uhriventisRole Playing Games?04:37
uhriventisI do!04:37
BluDog_Anchoritefinal fantasy FTW.04:37
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: still, it happens from time to time after fresh boot; as if update hangs or so; and it comes with a kde-sudo error; still think it has to do with kde4 and not adept, cause that never gave me trouble in ubuntu or kde304:38
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.04:38
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: i have seen those questions way before ubuntu ever existed04:38
afeijouhriventis: try this one, free, http://delta.astroempires.com/?ref=D.6058904:38
BluDog_Anchoriteits the gui and auto updater going wonky04:38
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: hm...04:38
afeijouhriventis: join D52 galaxy04:38
afeijoI've playing for 3 month, impossible to stop :)04:39
BluDog_Anchoritei never use the gui update program, and have NEVER had that issue04:39
uhriventisI will04:39
BluDog_Anchoritesudo apt-get update && sudo apg-get upgrade once a day04:39
o0Chris0owhat java should I install? I'm not sure lists a few04:40
BluDog_Anchoritedist-upgrade if there is a new kernel04:40
uhriventisDoing it now04:40
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: Well, I've been wanting to dig into aptget for some time now anyway, since when everything breaks down that still works; so it makes some sense to just totally stick with it; any suggestions to a good howto or introduction that will make my transition from the guis less painful ?  (I mean I've cut and pasteds quite some apt-gets into the console, and got great results, fixed systems and sold problems, but never really got04:41
Deepthoughtunder the hood)04:41
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: pm?04:42
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: pm ??04:42
afeijouhriventis: yeah, you on. Tell me your coord when you find04:42
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: private message04:43
uhriventisKonqueror is messin up with gmail. What's yours and when my upgrade to 8.04 is done I'll find you04:43
BluDog_Anchoritei sent you one.  you may need to be identified to recieve it04:43
_2BluDog_Anchorite reverse.   need ident to send.04:44
BluDog_AnchoriteDeepthought: i dont want to explain it all here.  join #wickedtribe, ill explain some there04:44
DeepthoughtBluDog_Anchorite: I see it, but not coming through; will go there04:45
cathee1st time on, checking everything out04:50
NightBird.... I'm confused.... I just deleted the drivers from the filesystem.squashfs, yet they're still getting loaded...04:50
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!04:50
uhriventisHahah nightbird04:51
uhriventisI didn't think you would do that.04:51
uhriventisThe fact that it's still loading!04:51
uhriventisGhost drivers or something04:51
uhriventisMust be Satanic04:51
catheehaving trouble installing 'gramps'04:52
NightBirdor something... I've switched to using a usb booter, so I don't end up wasteing 6 more cds...04:52
_2they are probably loaded in the initramfs pre-mount-rootfs04:52
uhriventisThat would make sense04:52
NightBirdso how do I get them out of there?04:52
ubottuFactoid blogging not found04:52
ubottuFactoid xmodmap not found04:52
_2build an initramfs that doesn't contain them ?04:52
ubottuFactoid hotkey not found04:53
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: memorized what trigger?04:53
dwidmann_laptopthat's two what CrashMaster?04:53
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: TWO people I helped.04:55
CrashMasterIm turning into a good person over here04:55
_2what means person ???04:56
uhriventisIs 64 any better then the standard?04:56
uhriventisI mean noticeably?04:56
dwidmann_laptopcongratulations Crash04:56
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: depends on the app.04:56
uhriventisWell, what's the difference?04:57
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: number crunching, images, any sort of encoding, can greatly benefit from 64-bit04:57
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: the difference is that all 64 of the processors registers are utilized instead of only 32.04:57
uhriventisI've heard the difference is barley noticeable...04:57
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: the sorts of apps I noted above can see anywhere up to a 100% peformance gain04:58
dwidmann_laptopuhriventis: though that is the extreme, it doesn't really go higher than that.04:58
uhriventisI should, get this hardware04:58
dwidmann_laptopIf all you do is browse the web and read your email there isn't any point.04:59
_2<dwidmann_laptop> If all you do is browse the web and read your email there isn't any point. <<< in having a computer ?    :)05:01
dwidmann_laptop_2: maybe, I wouldn't know.05:01
o0Chris0ohey guys I keep on getting this, not sure why, I am trying to instal supybot from adept manager. the error says "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." any ideas?05:01
AngryBacon_2: there is a point, to browse the web and check email05:02
_2o0Chris0o use   sudo apt-get install -f     and see why.05:02
_2AngryBacon calm down.05:03
CrashMastero0Chris0o: try it from apt05:03
* AngryBacon should have put a smiley after that, lol05:03
_2well i think i'll change my "person" and post some info...05:04
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
dwidmann_laptopCALM!!! this is calm!! RAWR05:05
o0Chris0o_2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11604/05:06
Agent_bobi have tested and with repeted succession found that grub can not be install to an hdd with full disk fs, without hosing the fs.05:06
Agent_bobgrub imbeds more than the 512b allowed05:06
CrashMastero0Chris0o: Did you run it as root?05:07
Agent_bobo0Chris0o close adept first.05:07
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: best tp back up, create a partition table on the device, create a partition, install grub, and restore then.05:07
CrashMastero0Chris0o: and make sure you closed the adept 1qst05:07
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop that's a very long way to get to the same point as "install lilo"05:08
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: Well, I guess it is.05:08
o0Chris0othat worked!05:09
o0Chris0owas a java install05:09
o0Chris0othat messed up05:09
Agent_bobbut the point is that grub writes too much data to what "should" be the MBR, thus spilling over into the next sector05:09
AngryBaconAgent_bob: why would you have grub with a fulldisk fs anyhow?05:10
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: don't like it? file some bugs :)05:10
Agent_bobAngryBacon gotta boot somehow05:10
AngryBaconAny linux installation will have at LEAST 2 partitions05:10
ChoreboyCan anyone help me with LILO? It's on my MBR and I need to change it to include an option to boot to my Windows parition...05:10
AngryBaconand if you arn't using linux or other unix-like, why do you have grub?05:10
Agent_bobAngryBacon wrong05:10
dwidmann_laptopAngryBacon: not true, you can get by with one.05:10
AngryBaconwell, i suppose, but why?05:10
Agent_bobi can and do install linux with 0 partitions.05:11
AngryBaconwhat situation would warrent grub+one partition?05:11
dwidmann_laptopAngryBacon: probably an external hard drive or other sort of USB/I394/E-SATA device05:12
Agent_bobhowever grub can't be installed without a partitions some place.... second hd maybe.   and i was trying to use grub because it's the "ubuntu" way.05:12
ChoreboyYou sure GRUB can't be used if you use an entire disc? I've used an entire disc for Kubuntu 7.10 and GRUB gave me boot options for generic kernel, mem test, etc05:13
Agent_bobChoreboy yes05:13
Agent_bobChoreboy the stage* files have to be on a partition   else it wont install/setup     floppy being the exception.05:14
ChoreboyWell since we are on GRUB can anyone help me with my LILO problem?05:14
NightBirdokay, I'm having problems figuring out how to modify the initramfs for the livecd to disable the drivers that are causing me problems..05:14
Agent_bobChoreboy probably.  what ya need ?05:14
ChoreboyI need the option to boot to my XP partition05:14
ChoreboyI've tried changing the lilo.conf and I've tried using the GUI app to change LILO but I don't know what I'm doing05:15
keonidoes anyone know why a file called .directory is showing up on my desktop using kubuntu 8.0405:15
Choreboywith the app I can see the windows partition but it wants a mount point.  I have no idea what to choose05:15
Agent_bobChoreboy other=/dev/<devicenode> \n label=winderz \n boot-as=0x8005:16
eatThisAndDiekeoni: you need to change the settings to not show invisible files on yout desktop05:16
Agent_bob<devicenode> might be something like    hda1   sdb5   or what ever.05:17
Choreboythe device says /dev/sda105:17
Agent_bobhere's an example you might learn from.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d7d6cb40905:18
eatThisAndDiekeoni: on kde3 its rightclick the desktop >configure desktop> behaviour. Sorry but i have no idea how it's on kde4. Doubt it's that much different05:18
keoniis there a setting specific for that or is the the Show hidden files under the behavior tab  in the KDesktop configure menu05:18
keonioh nm05:18
keonithat was a rethorical question05:18
Agent_bobrethoric posing as a quarry05:19
keonias i was typing that i thought that was a global setting then i realised i said kdesktop05:19
eatThisAndDiekeoni: You good? Got what you wanted?05:19
keonithank you05:19
ChoreboyI am never going to get this thing figured out.05:21
McRibDoesn't Konversation have a channel list feature?05:22
fildoMcRib:  /list05:23
McRibfildo: I mean other than doing that.05:23
Agent_bobChoreboy basicly substitue sda1 where hdb1 is in that example.   and only use that one section from the example05:23
Agent_bobMcRib i have no clue.  but i agree that it should.   xchat does/did05:25
McRibAgent_bob: yeah... seems pretty basic.  Should also be able to right-click a channel tab and decide if you want to auto-join it on connect, etc...05:25
Agent_bobthat sounds kde'ish05:26
Agent_bobkde = right click everything and configure it...05:26
Agent_bobthis system looks bloated   Memory Used/Total Percent: 23/503 MB (4%)     used root fs 7.4G  55% /   no wonder05:28
McRibAgent_bob: Screw KDE... right-click/config should be standard.  Saves a LOT of clicking!05:29
Agent_bobstandard what ?    right click is standard "paste" in gpm/console05:30
Agent_bobleft click highlight, right click paste...05:30
McRibFor some reason, Konversation refuses to open any links I click on....05:32
eichenwaldI recently installed kubuntu hardy and I can't get it to shutdown...it goes to a black screen and I have to manually press the power button to shut it off. I tried editing the /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh script and added the P flag like I saw some people having success with but that didnt work for me. It still wont shutdown or restart...any ideas?05:32
eatThisAndDieAFAIK that's a hardware thing eichenwald05:38
flaccideichenwald: its a bug05:39
flaccideichenwald: which video card driver?05:40
ChoreboyStupid LILO!!!!05:40
Agent_bobChoreboy ?05:40
ChoreboyI change the config file, run lilo, and still get no boot options05:40
Choreboyit just boots right to Kubuntu05:41
Agent_bobheh  you don't have keyword    prompt    ???05:41
flaccideichenwald: what is your output of dpkg -l | grep fglrx ?05:41
flaccideichenwald: is this the fglrx driver or "ati" or "radeon"05:42
eichenwaldflaccid:  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE) from lspci05:42
Agent_bobyep    keyword     prompt     and timeout=50    or longer05:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [Undecided,In progress]05:42
Agent_bobChoreboy if you don't tell lilo to "prompt" the user it doesn't show any menu05:43
Agent_bobChoreboy if you set the timeout too low    like  timeout=10     one second is not enough time to select anything either.05:43
Agent_bobman lilo.conf        the manpages are there for a reason05:44
ChoreboyWhat's the keyboard shortcut for showing hidden files in dolphin?05:46
Odd-rationaleChoreboy: alt + .05:46
* Agent_bob can't tell if that's dot spot decimal period05:47
NightBirdokay, so is there a way for me to install a 64 bit kubuntu install to a seperate partition from within a 32 bit kubuntu installation?05:48
Agent_bobNightBird in a vertual machine?05:48
eichenwaldflaccid: is there a restricted driver management dialog, I know how to get to it in ubuntu05:49
NightBirdAgent_bob: no, on an actual machine05:49
Agent_bobNightBird ummm may i ask "why from within a running linux?"05:49
eichenwaldflaccid: nevermind I found it05:50
NightBirdAgent_bob: because I can't boot a kubuntu live cd05:50
flaccideichenwald: [14:41] <flaccid> eichenwald: what is your output of dpkg -l | grep fglrx ; [14:42] <flaccid> eichenwald: is this the fglrx driver or "ati" or "radeon"05:50
Agent_bobwahooooo:  makes sense.      tried the "alternate install" disk ?05:50
NightBirdAgent_bob: I'm guessing that was targeted at me?05:50
eichenwaldflaccid: ii  xorg-driver-fglrx                          1:7.1.0-8-3+         Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators05:50
Agent_bobnick completion butted in.05:51
NightBirdwait... how does that work out?05:51
NightBirdI could see another person with an n nickname...05:51
eichenwaldflaccid: I just removed it and now Im using the opensource driver although it sucks05:51
flaccideichenwald: are you on hardy?05:51
NightBirdbut a w?05:51
eichenwaldflaccid: yeah05:51
NightBirdalso; no, I haven't tried an alternative cd05:51
Agent_bob'ah:'   and the colen is the completion char i have set.05:52
flaccideichenwald: you need to update to ii  xorg-driver-fglrx                          1:7.1.0-8-3+
Agent_bobwasn't a w ^05:52
NightBirdI'll download the torrent over night05:52
flaccideichenwald: need to enable the hardy-proposed repos05:52
eichenwaldflaccid: alright I'll give that a try, thanks05:53
Agent_bobmaybe i should set the nick completion char to ' '05:53
Agent_bobwhy is flash drive read/write so slow ?05:56
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: how slow? Maybe it's a USB 1.1 device or something (or being treated as one)?05:57
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop maybe.    < 1m/s05:58
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: I think usb 1.1 maxes at 1MBs05:58
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: and USB 2.0 is 48MBs05:58
Agent_bob[17179575.316000] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found <<< ?05:59
dwidmann_laptopand it looks like USB 3.0 is coming out soon, and it will be 5GBs06:00
dwidmann_laptop**wait, 5Gbps06:00
dwidmann_laptopso 625MBs .... ..... usb hub not found? That's an interesting message06:01
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: what all did it say when you plugged the drive in?06:01
dwidmann_laptophm, I don't see anything that jumps out and says hello, do you?06:05
dwidmann_laptopthought not06:05
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: what all does it say about usb around the time of your last bootup in dmesg/syslog/message/kern.log?  If it wasn't showing there maybe it's showing somewhere else.06:06
Agent_bobvery little   that's the only device i plugged in and that the full output    there are only about there more lines in dmesg about usb and they are very uninformative  (about the usb bus mostly)06:08
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: is it really a usb 2.0 device?06:09
Agent_bobbeets me.06:09
Agent_bob[17179575.308000] usbcore: registered new driver usbfs06:09
Agent_bob[17179575.308000] usbcore: registered new driver hub06:09
Agent_bob[17179575.316000] USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v2.306:09
Agent_bobthat's several lines before the pastebin i showed you.06:10
Agent_boband that's the full output on the subject06:10
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: your usb controller can be usb 2.0, but if the device is usb 1.1 it works in legacy mode at USB 1.1 speed.06:10
Agent_bobyeah i know that.  but i don't see anything that would inform me as to what it actually is...06:11
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: yeah, that would be handy wouldn06:11
dwidmann_laptopt it06:12
CrashMasterAgent_bob: if it says EHCI its 2.006:12
Agent_bobmaybe lshw will know...06:12
dwidmann_laptopoops, `'` != `ENTER`06:12
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: or perhaps, lsusb --vv06:12
dwidmann_laptop**one -06:12
Agent_bobyeah looked at lsusb first   "and plus -v"  but didn't see anything there either.06:14
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: did you run lsusb as sudo, if not, you probably saw nothing interesting.06:14
Agent_bobas root.. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d3842e57906:14
Agent_bobcan't sudo  but that's another story...06:15
dwidmann_laptopLexar Media Flash Drive?06:16
dwidmann_laptopIt says it's USB 2.0 ....06:16
McRibWill Konversation ever get a notify list built-in?06:16
Agent_bobwhere did you find that ?   google ?06:16
dwidmann_laptopbcdusb line Agent_bob06:17
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: however, the controller it's on is usb 1.106:17
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: try plugging it in to a different port, ie: if it's a front port plug it into a usb port on the back, etc06:18
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop is that what the    "bcdUSB               1.10"  is saying there?      that makes sense then...06:19
Agent_boband 2.00 for the drive       i see06:19
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: yes, that's what I'm looking at to jump to these startling conclusions :)06:19
dwidmann_laptop(ie: guessing)06:19
Agent_bobwell i'll guess with you on that.     yep that's what it says...     ;/06:20
gkffjcsis there still a fluxbox desktop package in ubuntu, apt-cache search didn't come up with anything useful?06:20
ubottuFactoid apt-cachge not found06:21
ubottuFactoid apt-cache not found06:21
Agent_bobgkffjcs apt-cache search fluxbox06:21
Agent_bob!find fluxbox06:21
ubottuFound: fluxbox06:22
Agent_boblooks to be still there.06:22
dwidmann_laptopI'm pretty sure a lot of people would be upset if it weren't.06:22
Agent_bobif that's actually hardy.06:22
=== ssj is now known as SSJ_GZ
Agent_bob!info fluxbox06:22
ubottufluxbox (source: fluxbox): Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3 (hardy), package size 938 kB, installed size 3756 kB06:22
gkffjcssorry, thanks, didn't see it the first time, I expected something like fluxbox-desktop.06:23
Agent_bobgkffjcs you mean like    xubuntu-desktop  ?   but that's xfce4 not fluxbox...06:24
o0Chris0oI can't think straight, But I know I know the answer....what is hostmask? is that like @yahoo.com?06:24
dwidmann_laptopgkffjcs: yeah, other than kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-kde4-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, and ubuntu-desktop, you're not really going to get that luxury AFAIK (maybe other ones, but they'd be third party)06:24
Agent_bobo0Chris0o like
dwidmann_laptopo0Chris0o: I think that would be hostname06:25
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks06:25
CrashMasterAgent_bob: Thats a subnet mask man.06:25
CrashMastertotallty different06:25
Agent_bobCrashMaster not totally different     just bad example.06:26
Agent_bob4.22.155.3    there.06:26
CrashMasterGonna have to disagree man06:26
CrashMasterA hostmask is basically an official spoofing of your hostname06:26
contrast83Greets, everyone...06:27
CrashMasterthe subnet mask is a range of ips considered local to your subnet06:27
contrast83Anyone here using Compiz-Fusion and nVidia's beta driver (173.08)? CF's CPU usage is shooting up to 100% when I switch to a TTY or another X server.06:28
dwidmann_laptopcontrast83: I guess that's why they labeled it beta06:28
contrast83dwidmann_laptop: Right, but it's the only recent one that doesn't break UT2k4. :-\06:29
Agent_bobnot to mention that compiz has never been supported here...06:30
contrast83Erm... So "not supported" means "don't ask questions about it"?06:30
Agent_bobno means don't expect answers06:30
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion06:31
Agent_bobit is supported there ^06:31
dwidmann_laptopIt means expect a lot of that ^^06:31
contrast83Pfft... I've seen dozens of Compiz-related questions answered in here. ;-)06:31
Agent_bobcontrast83 i didn't say there weren't,  i was just answering your question about my statement.06:32
contrast83Cool. :-)06:32
Agent_bobor didn't you notice ?06:32
izzybcontrast83, for config related questions of the sort "how do you install it in kubuntu?", this channel is best, but for "does it work with x", its best to ask in #compiz06:33
izzybnot to discourage you from asking06:33
izzybjust that you'll find better support in #compiz06:33
contrast83izzyb: Point taken. :-)06:33
izzybyou'll find many people linger in both06:34
contrast83I've been asking in there for about an hour, no joy yet.06:34
contrast83izzyb: Yep, I'm one of them. ;-)06:34
izzybyeah, doesn't hurt to try other places, but for things as complex as compiz, best to go right to the source06:34
contrast83Right... #nvidia seems to be completely dead.06:34
Agent_bobthis is kind of an off hour tho.06:35
izzybit's best to repeat your question every few hours06:35
Agent_bobor when it scrolls off the page  :))))06:36
contrast83Cool, thanks for the tips.06:36
izzyblots idle and the people with the answers you need may not be atk06:36
izzybyeah, that's a better approach06:36
izzybif the channel is active, repost when things slow down06:37
contrast83Heh... It's a funny situation I have here, now that I think about it...06:38
contrast83I'm using the beta driver to play a game that doesn't work with the stable driver, and the game performs best when run on a seperate X server from Compiz, but Compiz is hogging the CPU when a different X server is active. :-P06:39
Agent_bobummm kwin --replace ?06:40
contrast83If irony was ice cream, I'd be swimming in sundaes.06:40
contrast83Agent_bob: But then my windows get thrown across the viewports when I turn Compiz back on.06:41
izzybhmm, that'd be a question for #compiz.  I have no idea how cpu usage relates to compiz. I thought it was mostly gpu intensive.06:41
McRibDoes anyone know if the U.S. repositories are working again at full speed?06:42
Agent_bobi actually put a partition on one hd just to have a "wintindo" setup.   kids and games... meh06:42
contrast83izzyb: Oh no, it takes its share of CPU time as well when it's actually *doing* stuff. In my case though, it's taking more than its share when it's not even doing anything.06:42
izzybhmm, have you tried turning off effects to see if it's one of them?06:43
contrast83Agent_bob: It's funny, actually - I never really gamed on the computer until I started using Linux. I saw all those free games in Add/Remove... and couldn't resist.06:43
Agent_bobcontrast83 stupid question, but; it's not a screensaver going off on you is it ?06:43
izzybthat would be funny06:43
contrast83Agent_bob: Nope, it happens the second I switch to a TTY/X server.06:43
Agent_bobk just checking.06:43
contrast83I wish that was it.06:43
contrast83Hehe, thanks06:44
Agent_bobsometimes the obvious is actually the answer06:44
* izzyb recalls having a problem on a windows server once. was in to support a Dell and they called us in because they thought it was hardware06:44
izzybwe isolated it to this 3d screen saver06:44
izzybevery time it kicked in cpu usage went through the roof and performance went down06:44
contrast83izzyb: As for it being a certain effect, it's been consistent across a lot of tweaking in CCSM, so I don't think that's it. I might try resetting Compiz to its defaults just to make sure though.06:45
contrast83izzyb: lol06:45
izzybI'd turn everything off and see if it goes away06:45
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contrast83I say: If you want eye-candy on outdated hardware, get Enlightenment.06:45
izzybthen start adding things back in in groups until it comes back06:45
contrast83I'm actually gonna go ahead and check that right now, one sec...06:46
josh_can someone give me hand setting up a bridge?06:47
* izzyb not a big fan of eye candy - at least not at the expense of performance, but I had to fire up compiz on this box since it has a decent video card in it06:47
Agent_bobjosh details ?06:47
contrast83izzyb: Just tried with the very conservative defaults and the problem persists. Thanks for the suggestion though.06:48
contrast83izzyb: How are you liking it?06:48
izzybIt's cool.  I can deal without all the eye candy, but I must say I like how multiple desktops are handled06:48
izzybit would be nice to see some of the features I'm missing from kde, but overall it's better06:49
* izzyb used to use kde with 12 desktops06:49
contrast83izzyb: Such as?06:49
josh_two wired cards, eth0 connects to the router for internet eth1 is another computer that I want to connect06:49
izzybnow I use compiz with 4x5 desktops06:49
contrast83izzyb: You might want to install compizconfig-settings-manager if you haven't already. I'd say Compiz can do 99.99% of the stuff KWin can.06:50
izzybI miss being able to right click and move a window to a desktop06:50
izzybincluding the option of all desktops06:50
josh_need anymore info?06:50
contrast83right-click on its titlebar, you mean?06:50
contrast83you can with emerald. i guess you're using kde-window-decorator?06:50
RancidKrautIs there a way to search for and fix broken packages in Adept?06:51
izzybhmm, lets see06:51
contrast83RancidKraut: Not sure, but I know you can in Synaptic. I haven't used Adept in ~1 year.06:51
RancidKrautI can't install Synaptic because broken packages are preventing me. :(06:51
Agent_bobjosh_ sudo apt-get install bridge-utils06:52
* izzyb hopes he doesn't hang again -- I'm having issues where the system hangs and it happens more frequently while running compize06:52
josh_ok got that06:52
contrast83RancidKraut: "sudo apt-get install -f" should work too, or if that fails, "sudo dpkg --configure -a" then "sudo apt-get install -f" again06:52
RancidKrautcontrast83: Thanks so much, this seems to be working. :)06:53
Agent_bobjosh_ you have to ifdown the two cards,   and   ifconfig eth# promisc up  << where # is probably 0 and 1 in your case.06:53
izzybcontrast83, where is emerald?06:53
contrast83RancidKraut: Cool, no problem06:53
* izzyb uses compizConfig settings Manager06:54
contrast83izzyb: Try running "emerald --replace &"06:54
Agent_bobjosh_ you'll have to            brctl addbr br0      also.06:54
josh_agent_bob do I need to add those lines to /etc/network/interfaces?06:54
contrast83izzyb: If you just used the fancy new dialog in KDE for installing Compiz, you'll need to install Emerald yourself first (sudo apt-get install emerald)06:54
izzybhmm, didn't have emerald installed06:54
izzybdoing it now06:54
Agent_bobjosh_ no.  you'll probably want to script it.06:55
RancidKrautcontrast83: What do you prefer about Synaptic?06:55
contrast83RancidKraut: Umm... Pretty much everything. :-)06:55
Agent_bobjosh_ what static ip is that box going to use ?06:55
RancidKrautcontrast83: I'll check it out. :)06:55
contrast83RancidKraut: You can purge all the Adept components without causing any problems, FYI.06:56
josh_does it have to be static?06:56
RancidKrautcontrast83: How can I go about doing that?06:56
izzybOoo! cool! thanks contrast83 :)06:57
Agent_bobjosh_ for me to set it up it will, someone else might be able to do dyn,  but i'm to green at this.    i am using a bridged setup right here.  with another linux box as a gateway.     here's a paste of the script that brings it up for me... http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5ed5846606:57
contrast83RancidKraut: Install synaptic and remove the packages whose names start with "adept". ;-) You'll just want to get the Gnome equivalent for whatever you remove - not really *required* but you might miss them otherwise.06:58
contrast83And those equivalents are: synaptic gnome-app-install update-manager update-notifier06:58
josh_ok thanks06:58
Agent_bobjosh_ that setup makes this box transparent to the other two that are connected to it.    if that's not what you need maybe someone else can fill in the blanks.06:58
RancidKrautcontrast83: Thanks. :) What do you mean by getting the Gnome equivalent though?06:58
contrast83izzyb: No prob... Anything else you miss from KDE? :-P06:58
izzybhmm, not that I can think of off the top of my head. that was the big one :)06:59
contrast83RancidKraut: synaptic is gnome's equivalent of adept-manager, gnome-app-install is gnome's equivalent of adept-installer (Add/Remove...), etc.07:00
contrast83izzyb: Cool07:00
RancidKrautcontrast83: Ah, ok great. :) Do you know the name of the update notifier, by chance?07:00
contrast83izzyb: Did you install the compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package?07:00
contrast83update-notifier ;-)07:00
RancidKrautGreat :)07:00
izzyboh, maybe my kde pager.  I had installed one that was compiz aware, but seem to have lost it :(07:00
izzybI think so, but maybe that's what's missing07:01
contrast83izzyb: sudo apt-get install kicker-compiz kicker-taskbar-compiz07:01
contrast83the first one's the pager, just thought you might want the taskbar too07:01
izzybcontrast83, thanks.  that's what I was missing.07:03
contrast83izzyb: You using Wall or Cube?07:04
izzybI must have lost them when I tried to but the ATI proprietary driver in07:04
contrast83izzyb: Manual install or through the drivers manager?07:05
izzybThought maybe my hanging issue was video related (still do) and maybe ATI's driver would fix it, but I couldn't get things working at all with it07:05
contrast83What card?07:05
izzybI tried several things, including following a howto that had me remove all the compiz components and reinstall them07:05
izzybati x30007:06
contrast83Hmm... I guess I can thankfully say I haven't had much ATI experience - the old Radeon M6 on my lappy always worked fine and I had to hack at my grandfather's 200M for a few hours to get things proper, but aside from that I've always been on Intel and nVidia.07:07
izzybyeah, this is an intel board, but with an intel video card (not sure which).  I added the x300 in07:08
* sacha_ whispers... x200m now works with compiz on opensource driver07:08
sacha_as of 5 days ago07:08
contrast83sacha_: Ohh, don't tell me that. :-P07:08
sacha_you need git-mesa though07:08
sacha_the bug that stopped it from working for past 2 years was 3 lines of code in mesa07:09
contrast83Yeah... I think the open driver supported compiz back then but you pretty much had to compile all of X, Mesa, etc. for it.07:09
Agent_bobjosh left didn't he ?07:09
contrast83looks that way07:09
sacha_open driver has worked with compiz since compiz existed.. but not for IGPs like x200 and x125007:09
sacha_i had compiz/beryl working on my opensource radeon since they existed :)07:10
Agent_bobwell i fixed an init script for him...    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d6e80c565     maybe someone else can point to it if he comes back.07:10
contrast83sacha_: Same here, pretty much.07:10
contrast83Agent_bob: Will do07:10
sacha_now finally my x200m works flawlessly on something other than fglrx07:10
Agent_bobk thanks.    i'm went.07:10
contrast83Agent_bob: Speaking of init scripts, any idea why one would suddenly stop working? (It's one I put in myself, was working fine initially, now nothing.)07:11
contrast83fglrx is the work of the devil07:11
Agent_bobcontrast83 pastebin it i'll give a look before i leave07:11
contrast83At least from my *very* limited experience07:11
contrast83Agent_bob: http://pastebin.ca/1015457 thanks07:12
sacha_i agree contrast07:14
sacha_i cant use fglrx and my tv.. its way too choppy07:15
Agent_bobcontrast83 you have two mice or is that a lappy ?07:15
sacha_radeon on the other hand, has been smooth for 2 years07:15
sacha_and radeon is just reverse engineered from fglrx.. so what the hell07:15
contrast83Agent_bob: Two mice, one with 14 buttons, so I have to use the evdev driver to get all of them working.07:17
Agent_bobcontrast83 the symbolic link that calls it still in your default runlevel and still S##something ?07:17
Agent_bobcontrast83 i'm not seeing anything wrong with the script.    maybe   add at line 3    set -x        and call it with sudo to see what it's doing.07:18
Agent_bobthat's a pretty common debugging tool07:18
contrast83Agent_bob: Well, it runs fine after boot... Would that still be worth trying?07:19
corpxicleuh, my installation of kubuntu doesnt quite work like i want it to, it quits out and claims it cant find some file or directory07:19
Agent_bobcontrast83 ummm race condition ?    it may be running to soon or too late.07:19
corpxicleit seems to think the install media or the hdd is broked07:20
Agent_bobcontrast83 that sounds like what's happening to you.   imo.07:20
corpxiclebut i checked the install media and the hdd worked fine last monday, i only installed xubuntu on it a month ago07:20
contrast83Agent_bob: I've got it linked right before kdm. Maybe try putting it in init 3?07:21
Agent_bobcontrast83 that's probably too late.    upstart doesn't wait for things to finish like the old sysV system did     i think.   advance it a few notches and see if it works contrast8307:22
Agent_bobor retard kdm a few    either way should help07:23
contrast83Agent_bob: ahh, ok. i'll try that, thanks07:23
Agent_bobcontrast83 welcome.   good luck with it.   i'm out now.07:23
izzybis there an easy way to add icons for missing apps in the kmenu?07:25
sacha_izzyb: right click-> menu editor?07:26
izzybno fancy command line thingy?07:26
izzybthe menu editor worked thanks :)07:29
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
mike-kubuntuhey guys, my flash doesnt work in 8.0408:03
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:05
flaccidmike-kubuntu: in a browser, which one?08:05
mike-kubuntuflaccid: firefox 308:05
flaccidmike-kubuntu: what do you have for dpkg -l | grep flashplugin08:07
flaccidwhat happens when you goto http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/ ?08:11
mike-kubuntushowave is not installed08:17
mike-kubuntuflash player is a blank08:17
flaccidmike-kubuntu: what does this command return: file /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so08:18
=== solid_liq is now known as solid_liquid
=== solid_liquid is now known as solid_liq
mike-kubuntu /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), stripped08:19
flaccidhmmm if you start firefox from konsole do you get any errors/warnings etc.?08:19
mike-kubuntuhuh, errors on the command line, a ton, but flash works now when i start from konsole08:22
flaccidcan you pastebin those errors?08:23
mike-kubuntuit seems to be working tnow though, which is wierd08:26
mike-kubuntui think trying to view a video kills it08:27
flaccidwhat is your dpkg -l | grep firefox?08:27
mike-kubuntuii  firefox                                    3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3                   meta package for the popular mozilla web bro08:28
flaccidis that it?08:29
mike-kubuntuwell, theres the non meta package, but its the same verision, thene theres08:31
mike-kubuntuii  mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb                               Mozilla Firefox English language/region pack08:31
flaccidso you have ii  firefox-3.0                                3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 ?08:33
flaccidif so seems like some bug in the plugin itself possibly08:36
mike-kubuntuyeah, wouldn't be suprised if it is08:36
mike-kubuntumyb rother has the same errors using ubuntu08:36
flaccidlooks like it was in v8 as well08:37
LimCorehow to use most recent nvidia drivers? since the glx-new seem to be crashing08:53
ActionParsniphey all, is there some sortof deadline for KDE apps to move over to KDE4 or is it more fuzzy than that?08:59
ealxhow can I change the icon theme in kde3 of the gtk applications?09:22
ealxActionParship I don't want to change the kde theme09:26
ealxbut the iconsì theme of gtk applications09:26
ealxdo you understand?09:26
ealxI want to integrate the aspect of gtk applications to my kubuntu box09:26
ActionParsnipealx: is it specific apps ?09:26
ealxno, for example gimp09:27
ealxor firefox09:27
ActionParsnipthen you need www.kde-look.org09:28
ActionParsnipthere should be icon packs for each app on there09:28
ealxand how can I apply the icon pack of gimp ?09:28
ealxi don't understand09:29
ealxI want to set the theme gartoon for the gtk applications09:30
ealxfor exemple09:30
ealxhow can I do this?09:30
izzybhmm, seem to have lost my window handles.  any idea what would cause this and how to fix it?09:30
* izzyb running compiz09:31
Bert_2hi, I'm running amarok and kopete in the gnome based ubuntu and they keep on taking sound away from eachother and sometimes they even crash eachother, can someone know why they do that and how to fix it ?09:36
* izzyb got his window handles back after a crash forced him to reboot09:46
srednawhat is the 32bit firefox package?10:24
srednaemulated, for my 64bit box10:24
DorgendubalI have a strange problem. In all games I'm testing, I have no sound. However, my sound card does work in all other cases (kde, flash, amarok, mplayer, etc...). When starting a game from the command line, I'm always getting the following: "Couldn't open audio: No available audio device". What is missing? Thank you in advance10:32
LilSargehello fellas10:39
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prateekhello...i use winxp,kubuntu dual boot..kubuntu hasnt mounted my all partitions..how can i tell it to mount them10:56
prateekkubuntu has mounted 1 out of 410:56
sacha_sudo update-grub ?10:56
sacha_in worst case scenario, you have to manually update them10:57
sacha_there's a KDE program for doing that10:57
ubunturos!ask | prateek10:58
ubottuprateek: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:58
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter10:58
sacha_oh sorry mounted, somehow i read boot10:59
sacha_ignore me10:59
prateekkubuntu has no longer mounted my NTFS partitions11:01
prateek!ask | prateek11:01
zetherooI really need someone to help me get KIPI working in Gwenview11:02
zetherooplease help11:02
sacha_prateek: did you uninstall ntfs-3g at all??11:03
sacha_thats needed for reading and writing to ntfs11:03
Pennycookprateek: Have you only just installed kubuntu?11:04
prateeksacha_: ummm  since i use 7.10 so i thot it was primstalled11:04
prateekPennycook: 7.10+xp dualboot11:04
PennycookYeah, but is it a fresh install?11:04
prateekpriinstalled (cant spell it11:04
sacha_did it used to work and now doesnt prateek?11:04
prateeksacha_: its really funny...yesterday a trojan horse sucked up winxp..i see BSOD on boot..however safe mode works cool...all partitions are intact11:05
sacha_that sucks :(11:06
prateekbut kubuntu has now suddenly forgotten to mount NTFS11:06
prateekhow can trojan in xp effect kubuntu11:06
sacha_ohh its only after this trojan horse and BSOD that now it doesnt recognise NTFS?11:06
prateeksacha_: Exactly11:06
SlimeyPetemaybe it messed with the filesystem.11:06
PennycookKubuntu can't mount an NTFS drive that wasn't shut down cleanly.11:06
sacha_yeah maybe your filesystem in windows is screwed or something11:06
SlimeyPetewhich might prevent kubuntu from being able to mount it.11:07
ubottuFactoid ntfsfix not found11:07
prateekSlimeyPete: may be...but safemode  (xp) shows everything tight11:07
sacha_Pennycook: ah really? cool i learn new stuff :)11:07
prateekSlimeyPete: so wot can i do..11:07
prateekwell its not fair11:07
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prateekkubuntu should be little more understanding11:07
sacha_prateek: well just get windows to shut down correctly..11:07
prateeksacha_: i know this stuff!11:08
Pennycookprateek: It's not Kubuntu's fault. It's there to stop you from mounting a drive that's still in use etc etc11:08
prateeki did it..i opened in safemode11:08
zetherooI need help getting KIPI to work in Gwenview11:08
prateekand shut it down11:08
sacha_prateek: and you shut it down normally?11:08
zetherooplease help11:08
prateeksacha_: yes...sure11:08
sacha_prateek: i think you need to run it in normal mode11:08
Pennycookprateek: If you're certain that it was shut down cleanly, then there's a "force" option.11:08
prateeksacha_: i get BSOD on normal mode11:08
sacha_to it can do checks to make sure disk is ok i think11:08
sacha_oh ok, you still get bsod :( follow Pennycook advice11:09
prateekwhen i click Media oin root11:09
prateeki see all the drives11:09
sacha_sudo mount /dev/???? --force11:09
prateekwait wait11:09
sacha_oh, so its ok?11:09
prateeki can see all the drives..11:09
prateekbut the Windows parttions is 4 KB!11:09
prateekand its clean11:09
prateekall 4 parttions are 4-5 KB11:10
prateekand dont have data11:10
PennycookThen they're not mounted.11:10
prateekso Kubuntu has mounted them11:10
prateekPennycook: Well11:10
prateekcan u plz tell force command11:10
PennycookYou can see the file locations where they would be mounted.11:10
prateekPennycook: ya11:10
=== proianja is now known as proianja__
prateekPennycook: plz tell force command11:11
sacha_prateek: run `df' and find the location of the drives you want11:12
sacha_it will be /dev/????11:12
Pennycookprateek: It'll be something like "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 -o force", where /dev/sdb1 is the device you want to mount and /media/sdb1 where you think it should be mounted.11:12
PennycookOr you can edit your fstab11:12
sacha_he wont need to say /media because its already linked in fstab though11:12
prateekwot exactly i have to do?11:13
sacha_prateek: hang on11:13
sacha_The latest ntfs-3g release can also repair and mount uncleanly shutdown Windows or not properly detached removable disks if the "force" mount option is used. Earlier releases always refused to mount and required Windows to fix the damage it left behind.11:13
PennycookOh, true enough. If your /etc/fstab is in tact (which it should be) just locate all of the lines that mention ntfs-3g and make sure the options read "defaults,force 0 0"11:13
PennycookThen run "mount -a"11:14
sacha_or... prateek: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 -o force11:14
prateekits 0 1 in NTFS11:14
sacha_where /dev/sda1 is the one you want11:14
corpxicleis there a known problem installing kubuntu ? i get a "file not found" error at 70% or so when installing11:15
corpxicleno such problem with xubuntu ( older version )11:15
sacha_corpxicle: maybe you burnt cd too fast and got corruption?11:15
Pennycookcorpxicle: Did your disc pass the "test media" option?11:15
corpxicleit did pass the test media option11:15
corpxiclefirst thing i tried =P11:15
sacha_is it the release version off website?11:15
prateeksacha_: it printed a hell lot of commands11:15
corpxiclei downloaded this last week11:16
sacha_prateek: saying what?11:16
prateeksacha_: well the output of mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 -o force11:16
prateekit printed like i typed MAN MOUNT11:16
sacha_prateek: did you first identify the /dev/???? you want with 'df' ?11:16
prateeksorry...its media/sda111:17
prateeklemme correct11:17
prateeksame responce11:17
sacha_mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 -o force11:17
prateeksacha_: you did it frined11:19
prateekits mounted!11:19
sacha_and do that for all the 4 partitions11:19
sacha_cause ntfs-3g autofixes your corrupt ntfs partitions now11:19
Pennycookprateek: To stop it happening again, you can add the force option to your fstab.11:20
prateekyes..u told to change 01 to 00?11:20
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PennycookKeep it as 0 1 if that's what it is11:20
PennycookJust add force11:20
prateekwell how?11:21
tininHi, how could I hide system folders in konqueror? Just to simplify the experience to a friend11:24
sivajihow to hide my ip address from freenode channels11:25
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks11:26
sivajiposingaspopular do i need to donate anything for this11:28
posingaspopularno you dont have to11:29
Tidusdonations are always welcome though :)11:29
Pennycooktinin: If you mean from /, I don't know that there is a way to hide the files that are there.  You could try creating an index.html in the directory and enabling the "View > index.html" option. If it's blank, they'll see nothing when they go to /.11:29
PennycookOr of course you could put in some explanatory "Disable this option to see the contents of this directory" like Windows does.11:30
tininI remember this was done in kubuntu 6.10 They only showed the home and media directories under /11:30
sivajiposingaspopular one more problem i dont remember my freenode passwd , how to reset it ?11:31
sivajii am searching that webpage to reset my passwd but i dont find the procedure to do that .11:32
Pennycooktinin: Ah okay, I've never come across that before, sorry.11:33
posingaspopularah you can have it emailed to you again11:33
prateekthe problem boy is back11:34
sacha_uh oh.. runnn11:34
=== sivaji is now known as ksivaji
prateeksee...this is wired i change my resolution to 1024x768 everytime11:35
prateekand after reboot and i get the 800x600 again11:35
sacha_an old intel card? 915resolution?11:35
sacha_yeah same thing11:35
Pennycooktinin: Some Googling reveals that a .hidden file in the root directory can hide files. Just fill it with a list of everything youw ant hidden.11:35
sacha_prateek: have you tried 915resolution?11:35
prateek915? what does dat mean.11:36
sacha_its a program, `915resolution'11:36
prateekand i hv a Core2duo11:36
prateek128 grpahics onboard11:36
sacha_sudo apt-get it11:36
tininPennycook thanx, I was reading about that too11:37
prateeki am able to move upto 1400x1500 resolution11:37
prateekso i think my graphics part is cool...kubuntu recognises it good11:38
prateekbut it cant remember my resolution11:38
prateeklike regedit in windows isnt  there a place in in kubuntu where i can add some lines (in this case xrandr -s 1024x768) and get it processed at startup?11:39
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prateekbad..bad responce11:46
holyguyver_what terminal cammand can I use to clean out my temp internet files & temp files?11:59
paghi cinex :)12:10
cinexI am trying to get the kde4 konqueror to be the default one. I have linked the bin files konqueror and kfmclient to /usr/lib/kde4/bin but it still opens the old one. (using the system menu aplet and default kmenu entry)12:11
cinexis there something else I have to do12:11
pagcinex, depends.. what command does the menu entry use?12:12
cinexkfmclient openProfile webbrowsing12:13
cinex04 /usr/bin/kfmclient -> /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kfmclient12:13
pagcinex, try changing it to /usr/lib/kde4/bin/konqueror  or something..12:14
cinexi could do yeah. good idea12:14
cinexfirst though. im looking in  /etc/xdg/menus/system-settings.menu12:14
cinexwhich is the wrong file12:15
jussi01this is real weird, im getting all my numbers in a weird font... curious... anyone else getting this/know a fix? the rest of the text is fine...12:17
* Xerxes is away: Gone away for now.12:19
=== Xerxes is now known as poisonblack|away
jussi01!away | poisonblack|away12:20
ubottupoisonblack|away: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»12:20
poisonblack|awayubottu: sorry...I was trying out all the features of my irc client..:(12:21
ubottupoisonblack|away: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:21
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:22
neville_I keep getting this from kcontrol when I try to calibrate an old USB gamepad I found. It works in windows vm, but here it works for a short time, before appearing to freeze up with "Failed to set joystick /dev/input/js0 correction values: No such device"12:25
neville_Is there anything that could be wrong?12:25
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norman_xhi out there. to wich group I need to add the user, so that kradio can use port /dev/radio0?12:26
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=== LeeJunFan_ is now known as LeeJunFan
_phoenix_how can i use ktorrent with tor?12:34
flaccid_phoenix_: open the .torrent file/location with ktorrent12:36
Dr_willisYou normally DONT want to use torrents with tor.12:37
Dr_willisYou may want to websurf for the .torrent files in a browser with tor enabled.12:37
_phoenix_i have no directory callet .torrent12:37
Dr_willis a .torrent file is what you send to the torrent client to download the torrent files.12:38
Dr_williskubuntu_iso.torrent   for example12:38
=== progreSS is now known as progreSSive
_phoenix_thats nonsense12:47
Dr_willis_phoenix_,  You are not being very clear yourself.12:48
_phoenix_cant i say my 4th layer (osi system) to conect always to tor?12:48
Dr_willisI recall the TOR faq/web site discussing why you dont want  to have your torrent client using 'tor'12:50
Dr_willisIn short. It adds a lot of load to the  tor network, and really really slows things down for the torrent client. (i belive was the whole gist of the discussion)12:50
Stroganoff_phoenix_ i think TOR only works with SOCKS proxy cabable clients12:51
_phoenix_yea it do it but it must be possible to do it12:52
Stroganoffif you want anonymous filesharing, try bittorrent-over-i2p, bittorrent-over-freenet or http://www.stealthnet.de/en_index.php12:52
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro12:53
Dr_willisHmm.. seems that Tor Exit Node administrators: - can actually block torrents from using their nodes12:54
kblinis there any way to tell ld to not complain about 32bit compat libs when linking a 64bit app12:55
kblin/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib32/libcrypt.so when searching for -lcrypt <-- like that12:55
StroganoffDr_willis no they can only block port ranges12:56
Dr_willisStroganoff,  yea. reading the comments on that page now.12:57
Dr_willisI could see where using tor to get to the trackers would be handy. but one wouldent want to send all the data through tor.12:58
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phanto1Hi how can I get the panel back?13:04
phanto1Kicker equiwalent in KDE 413:04
phanto1Please help13:05
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde413:08
phanto1Didnt meane to scare you all off13:08
Dr_williskde4 is very much a work in progress..    :) i dont use it.13:08
phanto1I know, Im joust getting familiar with it if there is a quick fix to my problem Ileave it instaled13:11
Dr_willisthre may be some kde4-kicker program.. then again the kde4 panel  was just another plasmid applet I thought.  -13:12
Dr_willisaparently kicker was in need of a lot of updates/chages. :)13:13
phanto1Thanx I leave it with Awn13:14
Przemek1910zapraszam na www.sonygsm.nmj.pl13:15
Przemek1910zapraszam na www.sonygsm.nmj.pl13:15
Przemek1910zapraszam na www.sonygsm.nmj.pl13:15
Przemek1910zapraszam na www.sonygsm.nmj.pl13:15
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roger__anyone playing wow in ubuntu here ?14:05
Dr_willisIve heard of it being played in WINE. :)14:05
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php14:05
roger__cool, thx14:05
Jucato#winehq as well14:06
emilsedghhm, how could i interact with an ipod? (not for music, for pictures)14:07
emilsedghis there any application or something like that?14:08
emilsedghi found an kio slave but it didnt look good14:08
Dr_willisit should show up as a usb hard drive - i thought14:08
emilsedghs/an /a /14:08
kblinDr_willis: the proper capitalization is "Wine", btw14:08
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod14:08
Dr_williskblin,  only my wife can nag me. :)14:09
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!14:09
kblinDr_willis: then probably </smartass> ;)14:10
Dr_willisi was going to say anal retentive.. but i cant spell it. :)14:10
Dr_willisWas wine 1.0 released yet? I recallseeing some info on it the other day14:10
kblincurrent is 1.0.0rc114:11
kblinstill in code freeze14:11
Dr_willisrc - ahh thats what i saw on the news sites.14:11
kblinlots of bugs to fix14:11
Dr_willisCatching up on the latest news :)14:12
Dr_willisSomeone built a 'gun' that fires floppy disks... :)14:15
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asdfe?es > foxen14:32
asdfe!es  > foxen14:32
ubottupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »14:33
ZefirI'm using Kubuntu 8.04, I have a Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB. For quite some time I've had infuriating problems with configuring my graphics driver. Whenever I try to configure it via any means, after reboot I get either a black screen, a torn up (bad sync I suppose) screen, or a kinit: no resume image error and then a black screen. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.14:43
jhutchins_wkZefir: WEll, no resume image isn't really an error, it's just saying the system's not in a suspend/resume mode.14:46
jhutchins_wkZefir: Are you using the drivers from kubuntu or from Nvidia?14:46
ZefirI'm using the "nvidia" driver downloaded via Adept.14:46
PeaceMakrmorning folks, pls tell mke, is there a konversation guru here?14:47
ZefirWeird thing is, the kinit error coincides with driver installation, even though it isn't connected.14:47
ZefirI tried configuring the drivers in different ways, Hardware Drivers Manager from the K menu, EnvyNG or just plain System Settings and then Display...14:48
ghostcubehi folks ShowAllWindows=false in  [General] section of ~/.kde/share/config/ktaskbarrc isnt working anymore for kde 3.5.9 if u use compiz-taskbar any ideas why ?14:49
ghostcubeperhaps its not working in 3.5.8 too i think so14:49
ahmedhi i have proplem with ntfs partition it cannt see it in storage media i was using ntfsconfig14:49
usuario_hola  hay  algien que quiera  chat14:51
steven__hi, any one know a command line command that would return a list of the names of all the installed programs on the computer?14:54
kalorinls /bin and ls /sbin14:55
kalorinand the other install places?14:55
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate14:55
geniisteven__: See the --get-selections part the bot just described14:55
NightBirdunless of course, that's exactly what he wants to have happen, in which case, use all of it :P14:56
kalorinor just hit tab a couple of times until the list appears :)14:56
steven__kalorin that is some thing like I was thinking of, but only the default programs removed from that list14:57
kalorindefault programs?14:57
kalorinI get what you're saying but unix/linux doesn't usually have "default" programs per say14:57
kalorinit's all modular14:57
steven__you know like what would be installed when you first install kubuntu14:57
kalorinbe hard to seperate them14:57
ahmedi have proplem with ntfs partition it cannt see it in storage media i was using ntfsconfig14:58
Pennycooksteven__: You could probably write a script for it that would run ls /bin and remove the applications you don't want to see.  You'd have to compile the list of applications to hide manually, though14:59
=== pilar is now known as NISA
ChoreboyCan WINE access a Windows partition and run programs from there?15:03
steven__I am trying what ubottu said, I do not seem to see the file in the root dir?15:03
luke_i hate to sound like a fool but i just installed ubuntu and im trying to sort out a bunch of stuff. can i set it so that i dont need to enter a password ever? im the only person who ever uses the comp so it seems a waste of time and a pain15:03
geniiluke_: Somewhat not recommended but add line of: myusername ALL=(ALL) ALL   to /etc/sudoers15:05
geniibah he left15:05
wimpiesxvncviewer has been obsoleted.  What replaces it ?15:06
ZefirI'm using Kubuntu 8.04, I have a Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB. For quite some time I've had infuriating problems with configuring my graphics driver. Whenever I try to configure it via any means, after reboot I get either a black screen, a torn up (bad sync I suppose) screen, or a kinit: no resume image error and then a black screen. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.15:06
Choreboyj/ #wine15:09
flaccidchange !kde4 to advise installing kubuntu-kde4-desktop instead of just core please15:15
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:15
Jucatoflaccid: where?15:16
flaccidsomewhere appropriate whether its http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php or somewhere else. comes down to what the protocol should be.15:16
flaccidi just followed above and thus didn't install everything... thus why im like um there is not much kde4 apps15:17
Jucatoflaccid: that's not my call to make. Riddell writes the announcements (mostly). And I'm guessing those instructions are for those who don't want a full blown kubuntu-kde4 install (like installing only basic KDE 4 stuff)15:18
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flaccidthis does not cater for people who installed kubunt-desktop and then want the equiv in kde415:18
flaccidRiddell: what do you think15:19
NightBird.... huh.... libc6-dev isn't available by default on the alternative cd...15:19
CrashMasterWho's ready for the next batch of stupid questions from CrashMaster?15:19
NightBirdoh well, I need to go shower then go to work15:19
JucatoNightBird: I don't think library or headers requried for compiling are available on the alternate cd15:20
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.15:21
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ubottuFactoid ksplash not found15:21
osman__can someone help me15:21
osman__i am new at ubundu15:21
flaccidi guess i offered :)15:21
osman__i want to install spss but i can't15:22
osman__i have the files but i don't know what to do15:22
cahuezspss, is for windows huh..?15:23
osman__but i have spss for linux15:23
cahuezwhat is the exact name, spss or another..?15:23
osman__SPSS 16.0 for Linux15:24
cahuezor pspp..15:24
osman__i have a setup.bin file15:24
osman__what do i have tot do15:25
cahuezok but do you have a web link for that linux version..?15:25
cahuezshow it to me first..!15:25
osman__one minute15:25
cahuezyou got it through torrent..?15:26
CrashMaster!pastebin | osman15:27
ubottuosman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:27
Daisuke_Ido!piracy | osman__15:28
ubottuosman__: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:28
cahuezgood osman and is there a website for spss for linux anyway..?15:28
Daisuke_Idoif you want to stay legal, look at http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/15:29
osman__can u please tell me how can i install a program like spss in ubuntu15:29
yakuzithe problem with my data partition (fat32) is still there: the mounting seems to work now, but i can't write on the partition, it says i don't have rights. If i try to set it to "others" can read and write, it says i don't have rights to acces it, and it doesn't work, even i i do it from "open as root", so is there i way i can set those permitions in fstab or something, because it's annoying15:29
Daisuke_Idoosman__: can i aid in your piracy?  absolutely not.15:29
yakuzifstab line for that partition looks like: /dev/sda5 /media/data auto users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 015:30
Piciosman__: Please stop asking about pirated software, this is the last warning or you will be removed.15:30
fhdhi. how can I see the current cpu usage in kde?15:30
CrashMasteryakuzi: Did you mount it in read/write, or write-only?15:30
geniiktop ?15:30
osman__i mount read/write15:30
yakuziCrashMaster: the mounting is with automount...15:30
CrashMastersorry then15:30
BluesKajHowdy all15:31
CrashMasterI had a problem like that a while back, for some reason it was mounting  as read-only (did I actually say write-only earlier?)15:31
cahuezosman,just to be better and fine, do a > apt-get install pspp and enjoy..!15:31
CrashMastersudo apt-get15:31
cahuezyeap.. ;)15:32
yakuziCrashMaster: if i look at disk & filesystems in kdesu kcontrol on that partition, it's on Type: automatic, enable at start up, writeable mount permission: any user may enable/disable anytime15:33
Daisuke_Idoyakuzi: i got tired of screwing with that, so i chown the moint point :)15:33
CrashMasterWhat about your NTFS permissions? I dont know how those come into play under kubuntu...15:34
yakuziwell the data partition is fat32, and before 8.04 it worked...15:34
Daisuke_Idoit's fat3215:34
Daisuke_Idoyakuzi: lemme guess, upgrade?15:34
yakuzinope fresh install, i tried on the 24th right after release, and on friday night again, problem still there15:35
Daisuke_Idocertainly odd15:35
Daisuke_Idoyeah, i get tired of mucking around and chown the mount point15:36
Riddellflaccid: fine with me15:36
yakuziwell i'm not that familiar with linux on such part so..what's chown and how you do it?15:36
CrashMasterah Fat32. I should read more carefuly.15:37
flaccidRiddell: cool. kubuntu-desktop is what we recommend for 'base' and upgrades anyway right?15:38
Riddellflaccid: kde-4.0.4.php does advise kubuntu-kde4-desktop15:39
josephit appears that kde 4 in hardy still needs a bit of development maybe?15:39
CrashMasterkde4 is in need of further development period.15:40
CrashMasterIts a work in progress, as is pretty much everything15:40
flaccidRiddell: apologies. just need to update the ubottu factoid from the 4.0.3 link to 4.0.4 link15:40
josephCrashMaster: is there any projected date for a stable kde 4?\15:41
ubottuKDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:41
yakuziDaisuke_Ido: the partition is mounted on /media/data, can i do in konsole: chown yakuzi /media/data15:41
tmske_shouldn't that be KDE 4.0.4 instead of 4.0.3?15:43
ere4siyakuzi: sudo chown -Rv yakuzi:yakuzi /media/data15:43
BluesKajyakuzi, if you have fuse-utils installed then ntfs-3g would be a good app to try restoring read/write permissions to the windows partition15:44
cahuezhey mago..15:44
flaccidJucato: just need to update link ^^15:44
yakuziBluesKaj: it's fat32 data partition, my windows is on an other ntfs partition , so because i need to be able to acces my data from within linux and windows, i made the data partition fat32...15:45
Jucatoflaccid: done15:46
CrashMasterHow would I install that?15:46
flaccidJucato: thank you kindly!15:47
BluesKajyes yakuzi , but make sure you've got fuse-utils installed , and ntfs-32 reads FAT32 as well15:47
yakuziere4si: i did that command, it says for all files (as far as i can scroll back in konsole): failed to change ownership15:48
ere4siyakuzi: is yakuzi your login name?15:49
ere4siyakuzi: I would remove the    nosuid    part from fstab15:50
ahmedi try to mount ntfs partition with ntfs config i get this error an error accured when trying to configure /media/Server D please retry what i have to do here15:51
ere4siahmed: what command are you using to mount the ntfs partition?15:53
yakuziBluesKaj: those packages are installed (by default i guess)15:53
ahmedi use ntfsconfig15:53
ahmedntfs configuration tool15:54
yakuziere4si: ok the nosuid is removed unmount and mount the partition?15:54
ahmedere4si ntfs configuration tool15:54
ere4siahmed: I don't use the ntfs config tool - I mount manually - try  sudo mount -t ntfs /media/Server15:55
ere4siyakuzi: I would restart x so the fstab file is read anew15:56
ere4siafter unmount15:56
Dr_willisrestarting X to reread the fstab? Huh15:56
ahmedere4si: i have "Server D" to mount in15:57
Dr_willisusing a Space in a Share Name - is not a good idea. it can cause annoying quirks/issues15:57
ere4siDr_willis: was about to say a reboot15:57
BluesKajyakuzi, that's real odd , but like ahmed suggests ntfs-config is a tool that might work for you..just apt-get install15:57
yakuzii'll see if it's solved now (i go reboot...)15:58
Dr_willisbut i thinki missread stuff here. :)15:58
ahmedError opening partition device: Is a directory15:58
ahmedFailed to mount '/media/Server': Is a directory15:58
ere4siBluesKaj: he's using a fat partition15:58
Dr_willisahmed,  whats the exact command you are using? or the exact fstab entry.15:59
BluesKajere4si, it'll striul work15:59
geniiLooks like mount arguments are reversed or so15:59
ahmed Dr_willis : nothing mension to this partition in fstab it sould be written by ntfs configuration tool am i right??16:01
Dr_willisI was thinking the ntfs-config tool just altered the existing lines in /etc/fstab, and may perhaps tweak somthing for the external ntfs disks also.16:02
Dr_willissudo mount -t ntfs /dev/DEVICENAME /media/placetomount16:02
ZefirFor NTFS support I used the diskmounter script and changed ro to rw in fstab, works like a charm.16:03
yakuzistill don't work16:03
Dr_willisHmm for RW for ntfs.. You may really want to be using the ntfs-3g stuff not  the normal ntfs stuff16:03
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:03
ahmed$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 1)16:03
ahmedFailed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not supported16:03
ahmedMount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:16:03
Dr_williswonder how up to date that is now.16:03
Dr_willisahmed,  thats your issue right there.16:04
Dr_willisits been flagged as 'dirty' so either scan it in windows to  fix it.. or use the force optuon16:04
ahmedok about fstab do i have to edit it? i dont see that partition in it16:05
Dr_willisYou will want to add a line for it.16:05
Dr_willisYou proiberly want to read up on ntfs-3g and use that. their site and the wiki should have some examples.16:06
ahmedok the device is 'dev/sad1 and i want to mount it in "/media/Server"  or "/media/Server D" so what i have to add exactly16:06
ere4siyakuzi: what did you try?16:07
ahmedok the device is /dev/sda1 and i want to mount it in "/media/Server"  or "/media/Server D" so what i have to add exactly16:08
Dr_willisdo NOT use spaces in the Names...16:08
Dr_willis:) you will regret it.16:08
yakuzii removed the nosuid, saved fstab, reboot, it still gives the same problem, after reboot, i still can't ven do the sudo chown thing16:08
ere4si\%40 for a space right?16:08
Dr_willisJust use a _ if you really MUST have somthing that looks like a spaec. :)16:08
KomiaPoikawhat is the best way to install nvidia drivers on kubuntu 8.04 kde4 alt amd64 fresh install?16:09
mr_clarkHi guys. Installed 8.04 with KDE4 on my Thinkpad T60. Works great but it won't shut down. I googled for a solution and tried a couple of things with acpi and apm without any luck. Any suggestions?16:09
Jucato#kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 help16:10
ere4siyakuzi:  try in fstab   /dev/sda5 /media/data users,rw 0 016:10
mr_clarkJucato, I don't think it has anything to do with KDE4. I'm sure it's to do with Ubuntu in general.16:11
mr_clarkBut I'll post my question in there anyways.16:11
Jucatomaybe... if KDE 3 can shut down...16:12
Dr_willisere4si,  you frogot the filesystem type. :)16:12
flaccidmr_clark: what is happening sorry i missed it16:12
KomiaPoikasame with my question16:12
yakuziere4si: can i just simply delete the "auto" in blue (so it was /dev/sda5 /media/data auto users,<other stuff>)16:12
KomiaPoikawhat is the best way to install nvidia drivers on kubuntu 8.04 kde4 alt amd64 fresh install? packages or dirty installer?16:12
ere4siyakuzi:  try in fstab   /dev/sda5 /media/data vfat users,rw 0 0   as Dr_willis  suggested16:13
ere4sithnx Dr_willis16:13
Dr_willisWait a sec.. is this a NTFS or vfat filesystem? :)16:14
Dr_willisIm getting confused16:14
yakuzii'm using a fat32 data partition16:14
ere4siyakuzi: get it to be usable then change stuff to suit your wishes16:14
mr_clarkflaccid, IBM T60 laptop with 8.04 (KDE4). Won't shut down. Tried various solutions with apm and acpi that I found when Googling but they didn't work.16:14
flaccidmr_clark: is it blank black screen. which vid driver?16:14
ere4siDr_willis: yakuzi has vfat  ahmed had ntfs16:15
iesDELL inspiron 1501 do not shut down too16:15
mr_clarkWhen I shut down the screen either goes black and I have to hit the power button to turn it off or when I tried the last fix with apm_poweroff in /etc/modules it stopped with my background wallpaper and thats it.16:15
mr_clarkflaccid, black screen. ATI driver.16:15
flaccidmr_clark: using fglrx driver?16:15
mr_clarkflaccid, yes. xorg-driver-fglrx16:18
flaccidits a bug. what do you have for dpkg -l | grep xorg-driver-fglrx16:18
yakuzifstab has now: /dev/sda5 /media/data vfat users,rw 0 016:18
yakuziafter log-out, restart X server and login in it works as it should16:19
ere4siyakuzi: great - you're happy?16:19
yakuzi:) as long as it keeps working...i'm happy yes, you can't use a partition if ou can't write on it right...(i need that partition)16:20
ere4siyakuzi: send a thnx to Dr_willis_ for being on the ball pls16:21
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flaccidmr_clark: are you on hardy, try upgrading to 1:7.1.0-8-3+ in hardy-proposed repos16:22
mr_clarkflaccid, So does that mean I'll need to update the kernel too?16:22
yakuziDr_willis, ere4si, BluesKaj and all the ones i maybe forgot who helped me with this problem... thank you very much may the Tux-force be with you ;-)16:22
ere4siyakuzi: our pleasure :)16:23
flaccidmr_clark: um i think so16:24
BluesKajyakuzi, .dunno what help I gave, but glad you got it working :)16:24
KomiaPoikawhat is the best way to install nvidia drivers on kubuntu 8.04 kde4 alt amd64 fresh install? packages or dirty installer?16:25
flaccidmr_clark: enable proposed in update then just update16:25
yakuziBluesKaj: you helped me before with an other problem also, so you deserve a thank you just as the others :)16:25
mr_clarkflaccid, Can I enable hardy-proposed in adept?16:26
flaccidmr_clark: should be able to in manage repos16:26
flaccidum just click all in the updates tab mr_clark :)16:28
mr_clarkflaccid, But the options under the Updates tab are all greyed out.16:29
flaccidmr_clark: um try running adept under kdesudo adept16:30
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mr_clarkflaccid, Nope. Still greyed out.16:32
Faust-Cim trying to get my 3rd gen ipod working properly anyone get theirs to work16:32
BluesKajmr_clark, ati shutdown prob , there's afix here for lower end ati cards : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/118605/comments/3216:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [Undecided,In progress]16:41
flaccidBluesKaj: there are other similar bugs and duplicates too16:42
flaccidmr_clark: add deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed universe main multiverse restricted to your /etc/apt/sources.list then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade;16:43
mr_clarkflaccid, I did get the update installed by adding hardy-proposed manually. I'm going to reboot and try it out.16:48
flaccidmr_clark: note that its not fully fixed for me16:48
flaccidit is for logout16:48
mr_clarkflaccid, So it's not working for you doing a shut down?16:49
flaccidmr_clark: it is16:49
flaccidjust not on manual X restart for some reason16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [Undecided,In progress]16:50
Jucatohardy-proposed != hardy-backports...16:50
flaccidhmm same one16:50
flaccidxorg-driver-fglrx | 1:7.1.0-8-3+ | http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/restricted Packages16:50
flaccidmr_clark: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/118605/comments/64 <-- my last comment16:51
mr_clarkflaccid, KDE4 crashed during the shutdown but shutdown did work. Thanks.16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [Undecided,In progress]16:51
flaccidmr_clark: cool. do some testing and report it to the bug please especially if it does crash in any way16:52
PixeltimeAnyway to get the Help files, Help Center loads, but there is no content16:52
mr_clarkflaccid, I'll do that. Now I just need to figure out how to get FreeBSD to properly shut down too!16:53
flaccidmr_clark: shutdown -h now16:53
mr_clarkflaccid, It hangs too with FreeBSD. Very strange.16:53
JucatoPixeltime: #kubuntu-kde4 please16:53
flaccidPixeltime: i have that too16:53
flaccidmr_clark: thats not good. in this case its the even wrapper around it that ubuntu supplies, but because it still crashes then maybe there is a bug in the driver itself too16:54
BluesKajmr_clark, remember the hang fix won't work until after the rebbot , then it should work on the next shutdown17:03
BluesKajBBL , lunch...17:04
tzdi'm looking for something similar to winzip/winrar for kubuntu and I haven't found any gui based "tar-and-zip-to-one-file" programs. Anyone with suggestions please?17:11
jussi01!info ark17:12
ubottuark (source: kdeutils): graphical archiving tool for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 288 kB, installed size 996 kB17:12
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flaccid!info krusader17:13
ubottukrusader (source: krusader): twin-panel (commander-style) file manager for KDE (and other desktops). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.90.0-1 (hardy), package size 3112 kB, installed size 8900 kB17:13
tzdjussi01:  i've used ark to unzip etc but I can't get it to work properly for creating zips etc that's why I've asked for an alternative. I would like to mark a few files, right click and add them all to one archive... seems impossible to do with ark?17:13
flaccidyou can do it via konqueror/dolphin and krusader as well17:14
flaccidif they fail, probably submit a bug/look at why you can't create the archive17:14
jussi01tzd: is there anything wrong with hilighting the files then right click - compress?17:14
jussi01does anyone know how to fix this?17:15
jussi01jussi@jussi-desktop:/media/KINGSTON/Life For Rent$ sudo rm 0\ -\ 02\ -\ Dido\ -\ Stoned.mp317:15
jussi01rm: cannot remove `0 - 02 - Dido - Stoned.mp3': Read-only file system17:15
Awawahi kubunteroes17:16
Awawai nedd help17:16
jussi01!ask | Awawa17:16
ubottuAwawa: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:16
Awawai have some problems in installing kubuntu17:16
tzdflaccid: hmm ok. So i should be able to highlight files and then add them all via rightclicking to one zip archive in Krusader? It does look interesting!17:16
Awawagrub doesn't run17:16
tzdjussi01: when i try that with ark it only adds 1 file to 1 zipfile...17:16
Awawagrub doesn't find partition17:17
jussi01the rest of the thumb drive is fine, just those few files wont delete :/17:17
Awawammm... you have no solutions for my problem? :|17:18
tzdjussi01: does "sudo rm -f" make any difference to your dido issue?17:19
geniijussi01: Perhaps put filenames which begin with space inside quotes17:19
flaccidtzd: yeah krusader is the file manager i use for everything17:19
jussi01tzd: no, no difference17:20
tzdflaccid: sweet! Will i have to replace d3lphin completely if i decide to install krusader?17:20
jussi01genii: no help there either... :/17:20
Fujisanhow do i run transmission from Konsole?17:21
Fujisanthe link in Konquerer when i double click it nothing happens17:21
flaccidi don't see the point in removing it but you could17:22
tzdjussi01: ok, just a guess which you probably already thought of ;) What about the leading char: "`" from the output? Does that one make a difference perhaps?17:22
flaccid!info transmission17:22
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): free, lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.06-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB17:22
Fujisanyeah that doesnt help me really17:23
Fujisani installed it17:23
Fujisanbut it wont run17:23
flacciddid you try the command, transmission17:23
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:23
geniiFujisan: Transmission is not a commandline based torrent client.17:23
jussi01what have you tried?17:23
Fujisani know i am trying to launch it from Konsole17:23
Fujisanit wont run when i double click the shortcut17:24
jussi01Fujisan: try typing: transmission17:24
Fujisani did that jussi01 doesnt work17:24
Fujisannothing happens17:24
flacciddid you press enter?17:24
flaccidand then what happens17:24
Fujisanit just wont start17:24
Fujisanbash: transmission: command not found17:24
Fujisanbash: transmission: command not found17:25
flaccidlets look at the package contents on http://packages.ubuntu.com17:25
geniiFujisan: You need package transmission-cli installed for command line interface to it17:25
Deepthoughtsynaptic stalled because of error in package; my var-partition has no room left, so that's probably the trouble cause the package gets cached there if I' m right.   How do I empty the cache without interfering with the running install (quite a large bunch, thou there should be enough room, must be old packages)17:25
Fujisan Selecting previously deselected package transmission-cli.17:25
Fujisan(Reading database ... 126284 files and directories currently installed.)17:25
flaccidtransmission-gtk for gtk frontend17:25
jussi01I got to run, back in  a bit17:26
Fujisanand for kubuntu?17:26
FujisanSelecting previously deselected package transmission-gtk.17:26
FujisanUnpacking transmission-gtk (from .../transmission-gtk_0.72.dfsg-1_i386.deb) .17:26
Fujisanboth -cli and -gtk were installed automagically17:26
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:26
Fujisanso it has to be something else17:26
flaccidthats right they are dependencies. there is no qt/kde frontend17:26
Fujisan!enter ?17:26
ubottuFactoid enter ? not found17:26
flaccidFujisan: solution is here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/transmission-cli/filelist17:27
Fujisanok ty17:27
flaccidcommand appears to be transmissioncli for cli and transmission for gtk frontend17:28
=== alx_ is now known as alx1
Fujisanok ty17:28
flaccidits possible you may need to do `which transmission` login shell restart17:29
Fujisancli works gtk doesnt17:29
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:29
Fujisantransmission doesnt start a gui for the app17:30
flaccidFujisan: when you run /usr/bin/transmission from konsole what does it return17:30
Daisuke_Laptopdeluge would have been the better choice for a default gtk torrent client17:30
Fujisanbash: /usr/bin/transmission: No such file or directory17:30
flaccidFujisan: pastebin dpkg -l | grep transmission17:31
Daisuke_Laptopi don't think it's installed by default in kubuntu17:31
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flaccidits optiona17:31
Daisuke_Laptopktorrent probably is17:31
flaccidapparently its installed, thus why im checking the pkgdb17:32
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Fujisanok transmission-gtk works17:34
Fujisanthat i have to specify it like that17:34
Fujisanto start it17:34
KomiaPoikain ubuntu what do i have to add in sources.list to get flash video stuff installed?17:35
nvidalHi everyone. I just installed KDE4 and the *applications icons* in the *application launcher* are missing. Any ideas?17:35
Fujisanisnt there a kde variant of transmission or a similar torrent app?17:35
cinexsudo apt-get install ktorrent17:36
cinexor azuerus17:36
cinexazureus is java17:36
dennis_pktorrent is great17:36
Fujisanok ty17:36
ghostcubehi does anyone know the window type for kmenu :-?17:37
ghostcubeUnkown doesnt seem to work17:37
cinexnot i17:38
flaccidFujisan: sorry i missed that pkg17:39
Deepthoughtsynaptic stalled at installing a bunch of suff; sez there's error in package and hangs on detail:' ldconfig deferred processing now taking place' how do I stop it or get it going again ?17:39
flaccidDeepthought: afaik thats normal17:39
Deepthoughtflaccid: ?17:40
Deepthoughtflaccid: you mean it can take ages ?17:40
flaccidthat message is normal17:40
flaccidyeah it can take a bit17:40
Deepthoughtbut it's not doing anything for quite some time; also apt-cache seems to full, only 700 megs left, could that be rpob or does it auto-flush ?17:41
Deepthought(separate var-partition)17:41
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trappistDeepthought: I clean it out once in a while17:43
Deepthoughtflaccid: so it doesn't do that by itself ?   how can I clean it up; the dir is locked by synap17:44
dennis_pafter 8.04 upgrade /media/hdb4 is named /media/sdb4 , where is this mentioned in installation help? I need to hyperlink so that ktorrent can continue17:44
cinexis anyone using opera (possibly opera beta 9.50 2) /17:45
cinexi want somebody to test to see if a website flags up as fraudulent17:45
cinexthat's all17:45
flaccidDeepthought: sudo apt-get clean17:46
Deepthoughttried that, but don't go because of lock; synaptic won' t be stopped17:46
Deepthoughtand if I kill it from konsole, wouldn't I mess up the new installs (or worse old ones)17:47
cinexdeepthought sudo killall -9 synaptic17:47
cinexDeepthought: apt-get continues where you leave off17:47
cinexnot sure about synaptic - but i would guess it was the same17:48
Deepthoughtcinex: ok , was about to ask that; will do, thanx !17:48
cinexi have to kill it a lot because of the bandwith issues17:48
Deepthoughtcinex: well it got killed allright, but when I restart nothing happens, and apply is greyed out; so probably half got installed; that could get messy, no ?   I mean missing sdeps and stuff; or doesn' t it initialise new progs until everything's in place ?17:50
cinexDeepthought: you could either use apt-get or go into the directory and isntall the already downloaded .debs17:51
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cinexi think dpkg has a --reinstall option too17:51
cinexor maybe apt-get has a --reinstall option17:51
cinexone of them has17:52
Deepthoughtcinex: with apt-get how would I do the same operation again (I can't really remember exactly, and I just cleand cache)17:52
cinexsudo apt-get install package1 package217:52
cinexif it is in the cache it will jsut install it17:52
Dragonathhey, can anyone be arsed to help me getting my crappy little microphone work with audacity on 7.10?17:52
cinexDragonath: have you unmuted it in kmix ?17:52
Dragonathnow I have17:53
cinexDragonath: does that mean im awsome ?17:53
Deepthoughtcinex: then I might as well use synaptic, like I said it was a whole list; need the search; but I' d like to rerun the whole selection, is there a way ?17:53
cinexfind the files /var/cache/apt/ ?17:53
Dragonathwell my problem was more that it gave an error whenever I tried to record17:53
Deepthoughtcinex: I cleaned it !17:54
cinexthen sudo dpkg -i * --reinstall17:54
Dragonathsomething about initalizing the device17:54
cinexnah, not the files u didnt17:54
Dragonathplus audacity just crashed17:54
cinexi dont use synaptic17:54
Deepthoughtaha !   will try17:54
cinexbe careful. it could take al ong time to reinstall every app you ever downlaoded17:55
cinexcould mess up some configs too i guess17:55
Deepthoughtnot really a problem, have 4Gb bandwith, so quick; but tht command did nothing but create a list of files, not packages, just the home-folder ?!?17:56
cinexDragonath: beyond my ken im afraid17:56
cinexDeepthought: what command ?17:56
Deepthoughtsudo dpkg -i * --reinstall17:56
cinexcd /var/cache/apt/archives17:57
cinexand ls in there17:57
cinexsee if you have any files17:57
Deepthoughtno files, cleaned cache17:57
cinexyouve checked?17:57
cinexu cleaned the files out halfway through installign them?17:57
Deepthoughtbecause partition got cramped; was probably why install stopped in middle with error17:57
Deepthoughtso I cleaned it after the kill...17:57
cinexand which program doesnt work now? synaptic?17:58
cinexwell which one ?17:58
cinexyou'll have to start again then17:58
cinexyou cant install stuf fyou dont have17:58
giogiascan someone help me here?17:59
Deepthoughtsynaptic hung in the middle of installing bunch of stuff; sed error in pakage, checked cache room left, cause that was prob last time, cleaned -after- killing synapti; no prob with synp now, just don't wanna click all those boxes again; guess I' ll have to though...17:59
cinexDeepthought: erm. use the command line...17:59
Deepthoughtcinex: very wise remark, zen-like..  ;-)17:59
giogiasi have a problem with the visual effects somethink with the nvidia18:00
Deepthoughtcinex: I do for one or two, but I used search in synaptic to get everything worthwhile for kde4, ya see ?   would take ages surfing18:00
cinexDeepthought: you can symlink the cache to a drive with more space18:00
cinexkubuntu-kde4-desktop ?18:01
Deepthoughtcinex: now that is useful info; next time something like this happens that would be the solution; (plenty of space now).   I will keep that in mind, never thought of that18:01
cinexDeepthought: its probably not the secure option18:02
Deepthoughtcinex: no, have that already, but wanted more thingemy's to play with18:02
Deepthoughtcinex: nope, but it might get me out of the future tight-spot18:02
cinexwhy are using synaptic for kde? shouldnt you be using adept ?18:02
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Deepthoughtcinex: probably should, just got used to it cause I started with ubuntu, added kde later; like it a lot better tho18:03
Deepthoughtcinex: So I have ubuntu-kubuntu-xubuntu-kubuntu-kde4 combi; I was never to good at choosing...18:04
cinexheh. i dont like xcfe much18:04
cinexhave you tried that flux /18:04
Deepthoughtcinex: no, I started it once and never again, but some nice things cam with it I think; will check and prob remove rest; like fluxbox much better for fast desk-moods18:05
Deepthoughtcinex: haha, beat ya to the flux !18:05
xanax`how can I switch back to kde 3's kdm and not the kde 4's one ?18:05
cinexxanax`: uninstall one and reinstall the other?18:06
cinexor find the config file18:06
Deepthoughtcinex: I loved fluxbox already in the days it was still   eeehhh...   eeehhhh, canb't think of the name...18:06
Deepthoughtcinex: oh yeah, blackbox..18:07
geniixanax`: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm/kde4-kdm/gdm   (whichever is currently running)   and choose which you like18:08
xanax`thanks genii18:08
geniixanax`: You're welcome18:09
Deepthoughtcinex, flaccid, thanx for storming my brain, was useful, be on my way... bye18:09
flaccidoky doky cia018:10
xanax`thanks a lot, genii. It worked like a charm.18:12
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Kr|ptiXhow do i restart apache18:28
ubunturosKr|ptiX: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart18:28
Dragonathis there any tutorial for getting my crappy microphone to work?18:30
azzcoDragonath: Have you messed around in kmix or alsamixer yet?18:32
talavis_i think qt 4.4 has been packages incorrectly, it's impossible to install libqt4-opengl-dev18:32
azzcoWhat's up with everyone being idle? =/18:33
ubunturosjust that there's less of things to configure these days, azzco,18:34
ubunturosand may be more know how to DIY18:34
Dragonathazzco: yes, in fact if I blow into my mic, it actually sounds from the speakers18:34
Dragonathit's just the apps don't work18:34
azzcoDragonath: Any special app? I'm not sure what the command for alsa recording is...18:36
azzcoubunturos: There's allways something to configure =p18:37
DragonathI'm trying audacity and krec18:37
WillMcHello all18:38
azzcoDragonath: I never had any luck with krec myself, you're probably better of trying with just audacity.18:38
WillMcDoes anyone know how to upgrade KDE?18:39
Dragonathaudacity doesn't seem to know how to handle the sound device18:39
cinexWillMc: you may be able to find a repository for apt18:39
azzcoWillMc: To? KDE 4? CVheck kubuntu.org18:39
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WillMcDo I have to dl it and then install it?18:40
cinexno. it will be an url that you add to your sources fle18:40
jestercreatorguys, how install compiz from src?18:42
jestercreatorin 7.1018:42
noisekillerI need some help ... Installed Kubuntu Hardy on desktop computer (with Vista) but bootloader/grub doesnt show up.18:44
flaccid!grub | noisekiller18:45
ubottunoisekiller: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:45
flaccid^^ first link noisekiller18:45
noisekillerflaccid: Thanks ... Earlier today i tried to repair grub from kubuntu live-CD and lost Windows boot.. Had to fixmbr.. now i tried again. But i'll read first :)18:46
noisekillerflaccid: Service temporarily unavalible. :-|18:47
flaccidnoisekiller: fixmbr will overwrite grub with windows bootloader fyi18:49
KomiaPoikaok, so i got a fresh install of kubuntu kde4... i can't login from kdm, wtf?? i know my password is right because in can login to tty's18:49
noisekillerflaccid: Notice taken. :) But I could load my Vista again. First link is dead/unavailable... :-(18:49
ugaKomiaPoika: check your password in the username18:50
ugaand see if you type exactly what you expect18:50
ugait might be that the keyboard layout isn't correct18:50
ugaand similar for the tty18:50
KomiaPoikahelp, i got a fresh install of kubuntu 8.04 kde4 amd64 and i can't login from kdm! but i know my password is right because i can login from tty's...18:51
KomiaPoikauga: ok18:51
KomiaPoikauga yes that was it, thank you18:51
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JackWinterdon't really know where to ask.  how do i configure kmix and skype to recognise my mic ?18:52
ugaKomiaPoika: all correctly answered question owners are entitled to buy me presents in Xmas ;)18:52
ugaJackWinter: kmix will recognise it if alsa does first18:53
ugais your soundcard supported by the kernel?18:53
JackWinterit works on output.  an intel-hda18:53
ugastrange that the input doesnt' then18:54
KomiaPoikauga: how can i set up my local keyboard in kdm4?18:54
JackWinteruga: i find no alsa mixer with  metering and think i've tried all different variation on the input tab.  don't know if darkred or pink means on in kmix..18:55
ugaKomiaPoika: no idea, I don't use the kde4 packages provided by kubuntu =(18:55
JackWinteruga: i can here the mic if a raise the volume of mic in the output tab18:55
ugaJackWinter: then you haven't selected the microphone for recording input18:55
ugaJackWinter: run alsamixer in konsole18:55
ugapress F4 to show Capture options18:56
ugaif you go left<->right you can select the input, and up/down for volume18:56
noisekillerflaccid: Thanx ... I'll try EasyBCD first i guess18:56
ugauhm, lets set up g218:59
myk_robinsonhey. Got a compaq presario F730US. I have no virtual terminals, presumably because the xorg file does not define any virtual resolutiosn. How do i resolve this? CHeck here for more details:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4942743#post494274319:04
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flaccidmyk_robinson: virtual size is done like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11709/19:07
myk_robinsonis that what will provide my virtual terminals? I was just guessing that this is part of the problem.19:07
Kr|ptiXhow do i add mysql extention to my php.ini19:08
flaccidwell you say xorg file does not define any virtual resolutiosn. but your forum post is about virtual terminals and something else19:08
myk_robinsonhmmm.. looking at the xorg on my desktop, i have no virtual size, but i can drop to virtual terminals just fine.. any ideas?19:08
myk_robinsonflaccid: i thought maybe the lack of virtual size was the reason that my virtual terminals do not show. When i issue the command for a virtual console, i just get a black screen with no text. This is the same thing it does when the screen blanks19:09
eagles05!info vmware19:10
ubottuPackage vmware does not exist in hardy19:10
eagles05!info vmware-server19:10
ubottuPackage vmware-server does not exist in hardy19:10
flaccidno virtual size is for X11 not ttys and is used for multiple displays19:10
myk_robinsonin that case, where should i be focusing my attention?19:10
flaccidwhat ubuntu version and which driver are you using19:10
flaccidalso what is lspci | grep -i video19:11
myk_robinsonKubuntu 8.04, and the nvidia driver, installed using the restricted driver manager19:11
myk_robinsonbrb, gonna go get my laptop out ofthe car.19:11
viSUALhow are things today?19:11
ZefirExcuse me, where can I packages downloaded via Adept? I want to force redownload just in case.19:12
Zefir*where can I find19:12
myk_robinsonflaccid: bootin up now. On a side note, when i shut down the laptop, i get the same blank screen19:12
alberhola, alguien que hable español19:12
ugaalber: no =)19:13
ugaalber: #kubuntu-es19:13
ugaalber: ahí te ayudarán mejor19:13
myk_robinsonflaccid: the lspci | grep - i video yields no results19:14
flaccidmyk_robinson: sorry i meant lspci | grep -i vga19:16
myk_robinson00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI-X GeForce Go 6100 (rev a2)19:16
flaccidso what happens when you press ctrl+alt+f1?19:18
myk_robinsonbright black screen with no writing19:18
* noisekiller got it workin .. with some hands on19:19
myk_robinsonmy xorg file is here:   http://pastebin.ca/101603219:19
flaccidmyk_robinson: and this is when you are logged in to kde? can you get back to the kde tty?19:21
myk_robinsonpressing ctrl+alt+f7 brings me back into kde, but it takes a few seconds for the screen to "correct"19:21
flaccidhmm, i'd probably recommend submitting a bug19:23
flacciddoes this occur with any vid driver for X ?19:23
myk_robinsonnot sure. I can try using nv and see what happens. Is there a certain one i should try?19:24
flaccidvesa and nv19:24
myk_robinsonjust restarted x with the nv driver...19:24
julio_are yuo there19:25
myk_robinsonnow i cant see anything....19:25
flaccidtry vesa19:25
myk_robinsoncant see to switch back to vesa.. I will tyr to reboot into recovery mode19:25
julio_Hi im new here could you help me please19:25
myk_robinsonwhassup, julio?19:26
ZefirDamn. Where can I find some configuration file for the nvidia driver? Something is seriously not right with it and I can't figure what, but every time I use it = black screen after reboot.19:26
ZefirAnd there's ALWAYS a kinit: no resume image before that.19:26
ZefirThis makes me wanna cry. I want my compiz-fusion effects back.19:27
myk_robinsonflaccid: just changed to vesa  from recovery mode, rebooting now19:27
myk_robinsonZefir: what hardware are you running?19:28
ZefirGeforce 8800 GTS.19:28
ZefirKubuntu 8.04, I know, that's software but w/e.19:28
ZefirI'm guessing we might be experiencing a similiar problem?19:28
myk_robinsonflaccid: with vesa, i have virtual terminals..19:29
myk_robinsoni may need to check nvidia's website for a more recent driver and perform a manual install19:29
flaccidmyk_robinson: http://www.adamspotton.com/node/119:31
noisekillerDo i need compizconfig-settings-manager in 8.04? Cant find settings else...19:34
guilhermeblancohey people... my X keeps crashing all the time19:34
guilhermeblancothis happens most of the times when I receive an instant message in kopete and it displays me on screen19:34
guilhermeblancoany ideas? I'm using 8.04 with -17 kernel19:35
myk_robinsonflaccid: not sure if that will help, my model is showing to be suported in the current driver, although the problem seems to be isolated to the drvier.... go figure19:37
teezettQ: is it possible to install a java plugin for firefox in 64bit 8.04?19:37
myk_robinsonwith the nv driver, i get no display at all, but with vesa, i get a display and virtual terminal. however, i cannot get the correct resolution19:37
flaccid!compiz-fusion | noisekiller19:38
ubottunoisekiller: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion19:38
flaccidmyk_robinson: like you say can't hurt to try direct from nvidia or even beta driver. there are also some bugs in restricted drivers atm that could cause this19:39
flaccidmyk_robinson: try setting resolution in system settings - display19:39
myk_robinsoncool. Thanks, i will try it in a bit. At least i know how to go to recovery mode to fix it if it doesnt work19:39
myk_robinsonflaccid: i found an article at nvnews for a person with the same issue. He was able to resolve it using the 100.14.19 drivers.19:45
flaccidwhat version is in the ubuntu repos?19:46
ts_good evening everbody19:46
myk_robinsonlooks like for nvidia-glx-new, it is version 169.1219:47
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guilhermeblancothis happens most of the times when I receive an instant message in kopete and it displays me on screen. I'm on 8.04 with 2.6.24-17 kernel . Any ideas?19:53
Some_PersonI am a KDE/Kubuntu noob, but I just added KDE4 to my ubuntu install to try it19:55
Some_PersonFirst, where is the menu editor?19:55
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: sounds like a problem with knotice19:55
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: any ideas how to solve it?19:55
flaccidSome_Person: there isn't a full menu editor yet19:55
JoshOvkiSome_Person: there isnt one in kde419:55
flaccidSome_Person: #kubuntu-kde4 please19:55
Some_PersonOh, ok19:55
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: umm no sorry. could try uninstalling it, and reinstalling19:56
guilhermeblancok, thanks19:56
Some_Personthank you19:56
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: do you know the name of the package?19:57
guilhermeblancoknotice does not exists19:58
paquitoguenas mamonas19:58
paquitoalguien que hable hable castellano coño?19:58
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: it might be knotify then19:59
guilhermeblancopaquito: ud puede entrar en el canal #kubuntu-es19:59
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: ive never had to fix any problems with it, so i knw zilch about it19:59
uhriventisI have 108 processes running is this needed for Kubuntu to run?19:59
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: no.. doesn't exist too20:00
myk_robinsonflaccid: installed the 100.14.23 driver, problem sovled!20:01
Zefirflaccid: you > Jesus20:02
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JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: hmmm, like i said ive never had to fix anything with it, so your back to square 1 sorry20:02
ZefirThis: http://www.adamspotton.com/node/1 link solved everything! My screen is on fire again!20:02
_myrtille_nabend :)20:03
_myrtille_wrong channel sry20:03
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: I disabled the notes on kopete and konversation... it didn't crash until now20:03
JoshOvkiso basicly anything that pops up to tell you something new has arrive and it dies?20:04
flaccidhaha Zefir20:04
flaccidi sleep now20:05
guilhermeblancoyes... any note that pops me, kills my X20:05
JoshOvkidefo knotify then20:05
ZefirYou can't imagine how much ANGER this has caused me, flaccid. And now I have my wobbly, burning windows back. Can't thank you enough...20:05
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: Sorry i didn't understand that you wrote me...20:06
guilhermeblancoOnly K notifications are killing my X... All others don't20:07
flaccidno worries Zefir20:07
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: its definutaly knotify thats causing it then. just how to fix it is the next problem20:07
guilhermeblancosure... It does not tell me anything... only restarts X... is there any config that I can do to trace this issue and report to kubuntu team?20:08
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: ^20:09
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: maby your x error log      /var/log/xorg.0.log20:11
JoshOvkiand if there is one for knotify in there too that20:12
scarygaryI've used kvpnc to set up a pptp connection, but exactly every 24 seconds the connection gets terminated and then reconnects. Any ideas?20:12
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: I'll clean my logs and force the issue again... then I'll paste somewhere what log reports me. give me sime minutes, pelase20:14
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: sorry im being pretty useless. you should post a bug report20:15
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guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: No log entries for crash... only log entries of restart20:21
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: hmmm, thats a pain20:22
guilhermeblancoIt seems I'm using the x of a pre-release update... that may contain bugs...20:23
JoshOvkiguilhermeblancoL in /var/logs   is there anything to do with  knotify?20:23
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: 4.0.4?20:23
guilhermeblancono... KDE320:24
guilhermeblancoin /var/log only has Xorg and kdm that are related20:24
guilhermeblancoKDE4 is too unstable for me to use20:24
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: no error related to knotify in kdm or Xorg20:27
olskolirchello.  can someone tell me what is the default font for kubuntu settings?20:28
tzdolskolirc: I'm pretty sure it's sans serif20:28
olskolircthanks tzd20:29
tzdolskolirc: anytime :)20:29
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: ironic that kde4 is too unstable when  part of kde3 is crashing you out ;)20:31
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: all the time... =\20:31
guilhermeblancoI forget that kopete chat start always displays a knotify message20:32
guilhermeblancoI can't be online on kopete or it'll be crashing when I receive a message20:32
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: i could always ask you to reinstall kdelibs but that might cause more problems than its worth20:32
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: is there a kdelibs error log?20:33
guilhermeblancolemme check20:34
da3monПривет! На русском кто-нибудь общается?20:38
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: my logs are:20:38
guilhermeblancoacpid, apache2, apparmor, apt, auth, boot, bootstrap, btmp, cups, daemon, debug, dist-upgrade, dmesg, dpkg, faillog, fontconfig, fsck, installer, kdm, kern, lastlog, lpr, mail, messages, mysql, news, pm-suspent, pycentral, samba, scrollkeeper, syslog, udev, user, vmware, wtmp, wdialconf, Xorg20:38
JoshOvkinothing relevent20:38
guilhermeblancoonly kdm and Xorg could tell me something... but none of them give me hints20:39
JoshOvkiguilhermeblanco: you could try posting on the forums, someone might have an idea about how to fix it20:39
guilhermeblancoJoshOvki: ok... thanks for the tip20:39
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KaTetHi, I got a question about kMediafactory. There's a problem in version 0.5.2-0. Version 0.5.2-4 has a fix. Who is responsible for updating packets? Is the an email adress?20:45
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wubrgamerhey guys20:47
wubrgamerabout kde4 and kde3, can I install them both and just switch back and forth?20:48
wubrgameror is it all or nothing?20:48
wubrgamer(nothing=gnome or xfce)20:48
wubrgameralso, which is better for an older machine? kde3 or kde4? i've used gnome these paste two years20:48
KaTetYou can install the packet 'desktop-kde4' or something like this. After restarting the X-server you can switch to kde4 session20:49
Sokoloffwubrgamer: xfce is better :-D20:50
wubrgamerKaTet:  will there  be double entries in my menu's and such? how bad might the clutter be?20:50
wubrgamerSokoloff:  let's not start a flame war?20:50
uhriventissudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4 or something like that20:50
Sokolofffor old machines in mean20:51
wubrgamerSokoloff:  it's not THAT much better to be honest...20:51
nohelpheremy sound stopped working what should I check first?20:52
jussi01!sound | nohelphere20:52
ubottunohelphere: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:52
nohelphereit says mixer not found20:52
KaTetwubrgamer: yes there will be new entries when you switch back to kde3 session. But the kde4 programms has a (kde4) attatched20:52
wubrgamerKaTet:  kubuntu seems to be keeping this seperate?  what about the .kde folder?20:53
jussi01wubrgamer: you will have a .kde4 folder20:53
wubrgamerso kubuntu keeps everything seperate! nice?!20:53
wubrgamerwhat about when 8.10 comes out? will kde4 be default?20:53
jussi01wubrgamer: #kubuntu-kde4 has some good links in the topic :)20:53
frojndhello there20:54
nohelpheremy sound card is listed in lspci -v20:54
frojndHow can I use gmail in kopete?20:54
nohelpheremust be a driver issue as stated20:55
KaTetBack to my first question. If I want to have a packet updated (kmediafactory in this case). Who can I ask to do this?20:55
jussi01nohelphere: can you give me the 1 line from lspci?20:55
nohelpheresuch as my sound card?20:55
jussi01KaTet: packages dont get updated in current releases.20:55
nohelphereit listed like 9 lines20:55
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro20:56
jussi01nohelphere: yeah, the 1 about your s/c..20:56
nohelphere00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)20:56
ChaosTheory_Does anyone know if Konqueror can be configured to use numbered links?20:57
nohelpheredo you see anything wrong there?20:57
KaTetNo, I don't mean a real update. Just a bugfix of the current version.20:57
ZefirAdept Manager, find the package and reinstall?20:58
daniftodii am a sound problem, notebook hp 530, 1 line out, 1 line in, when connecting in line out, sound need play only in line out.20:58
ZefirThat would be K->System->Adept Manager, type package name or part of it (should be somewhere on top, place to do that), right click the package and reinstall.20:59
wubrgamerhow stable is kde4?20:59
wubrgameri'll ask in #kubuntu0kde420:59
aaroncampbellI seem to have a grub problem: I can't seem to boot without editing the command.  I have to press 'e' to edit, then 'e' again to edit the firs line, then change "root (hd1,0)" to "root (hd0,0)"  'Enter' to save, and 'b' to boot...then it boots fine.  Any idea how I could fix this problem so I don't have to make this change on every reboot?20:59
KaTetOk, again. I just want to tell the responsible person "Hey, there a bug in kmediafactory 0.5.2-0. Please remove the current packet with the newer version". Is the an emal adress for that reason?21:01
frojndal pa vsaj kak shortcut za iz na druzga21:02
frojndGuys, I've 2 accs for kmail. Is there a way that I can see both of them or at least some shortcut for switchig beteen them ?21:02
nohelpherei can't use sudo modprobe snd- since I don't know the pointless drivers name21:05
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:12
=== john___ is now known as abqjp
=== rmorse is now known as rmorse__
rmorse__what is this all about?21:15
BonesolTeraDyneWhat do you mean?21:16
SlimeyPetethis is a support channel for kubuntu.21:16
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=== rmorse is now known as rmorse__
JackWinterhow do you change away from a fullscreen window ?21:16
JackWinteror rather how do i change away to another desktop ?21:17
nohelphereill be BACK21:17
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tzdJackWinter: i think it's ctrl + Functionkey21:18
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ZefirCtrl-alt-mousedrag if you have desktop cube enabled.21:19
ZefirOr ctrl-alt-left/right21:19
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:22
jussi01how does one format a memory stick?21:26
jdavies!format | jussi0121:28
ubottujussi01: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter21:28
jdaviesjussi01: personally I use qtparted and wipe it clean21:28
jussi01jdavies: k, thanks21:29
jussi01what fs should a memory stick be?21:29
=== pascalFR is now known as PascalFR
coggzneed assistance with itunes? does anyone use it under wine? how? does the store work?21:29
jdaviesjussi01: preferable fat32 - if you want to be able to view it from windows21:29
jussi01coggz: it doesnt21:29
jussi01!appdb | coggz21:30
ubottucoggz: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org21:30
coggzapparently it does, but i need to know about the store21:30
jussi01coggz: yes it works, but the store doesnt21:32
Daisuke_Idocoggz: no, no it does not.21:32
Daisuke_Idobesides, wouldn't it be better to use something not so horribly encumbered?21:32
Daisuke_Idojust saying...21:32
coggzyes, but i was given a 30quid voucher21:33
Daisuke_Idoah, i see21:33
coggzhow can i use it?21:33
KomiaPoikai get segfault when trying to run google-earth on kubuntu 8.04 kde4, anyone got any further?21:36
coggzwhat about virtual box21:36
nohelpherei want to restart ksound stuff21:37
jdaviesKomiaPoika: did you install the libstd++ library?21:38
jdaviesKomiaPoika: as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth ?21:39
dwidmann_laptopkwin is using 100% CPU :(21:40
nohelpherebe back soon21:40
ixnayonthehombreWhen i try to open a program or file it tells me that there are no mime types installed and it says there are is a malformed url21:42
PhilRodixnayonthehombre: run "kbuildsycoca --noincremental" and try again21:43
PhilRodbut first, are you running kde 3 or 4?21:43
ixnayonthehombrei dont know which version i'm running... i just updated to gutsy21:43
ixnayonthehombrebut what you just told me seemed to work.... when i open things it doesnt tell me malformed url or that mime types arent installed21:44
PhilRodixnayonthehombre: cool21:46
PhilRodbtw, if you don't know what version you're running, it's almost certainly kde 321:46
PhilRodalthough kubuntu gutsy comes with either kde 3 or kde 4. Actually, you can probably have both installed at the same time21:47
ixnayonthehombreo i didnt know that21:47
tzdixnayonthehombre: right click bottom panel, choose "help" and then "about KDE"21:48
ixnayonthehombrebut this happened to me last night for some reason and when i restarted kdm (ctrl+alt+backspace) it took me to a completely black text prompt and kdm never started21:48
ixnayonthehombreits 3.5.621:48
PhilRodsurely not21:49
jdavies!info kdebase gutsy21:49
ubottukdebase (source: kdebase): base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu20.9 (gutsy), package size 51 kB, installed size 96 kB21:49
ixnayonthehombresurely not what?21:49
PhilRodwell I never. I'd have thought it was 3.5.9 (the latest in the 3.5 series)21:50
* PhilRod is just demonstrating his ignorance of kubuntu21:50
tzdhe's on gutsy and probably haven't updated?21:50
basculeversion upgrades never happen between releases21:50
ixnayonthehombrelol dont worry you know more bout kubuntu than me (i'm still learning linux)21:50
jdavies!info kdebase gutsy-backports21:50
ubottukdebase (source: kdebase): base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7.1 (hardy), package size 10 kB, installed size 104 kB21:50
basculesays hardy21:51
PhilRodoh duh, I was getting confused and thinking gutsy was the new release21:51
PhilRodit all makes sense now21:51
basculeI am on gutsy here with backports and updated to 3.5.821:51
ixnayonthehombreok i just opened adept and it told me "could not find mime type application/octet-stream"21:51
basculeso I was wrong earler when I said no version changes21:52
PhilRodixnayonthehombre: do you have a file ~/.kde/share/mimelnk/application/octet-stream.desktop ?21:52
jdaviesbascule: no version changes in the release, however we can make changes to -backports21:52
basculeok, I wondered, backports is a mild mystery to me still21:53
jdaviesbascule: we basically take new versions of packags from the unstable release and backport them to the stable21:53
ixnayonthehombrePhilRod: i dont know... like i said i just updated and it installed files and deleted files lol21:53
basculeyou 'backport' newer versions :)21:54
basculemakes sense21:54
PhilRodixnayonthehombre: take a look then :-). Use a konsole, or konqueror as you prefer21:54
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging21:54
jdaviesbascule: there you go^21:54
basculethanks, I was kind of aware, but I might as well get clarity :)21:54
ixnayonthehombrePhilRod: it says that it doesnt exist21:56
PhilRodixnayonthehombre: hrm, that was my only idea for what the problem could be. You could try restarting kde, I guess. If no one else here has any ideas, you could try asking in #kde21:57
ixnayonthehombreok thx21:58
JackWintertzd: that is nice ;)21:58
tzdJackWinter: what's nice? I forgot what we were talking about :)21:59
JackWinterctrl-Fkey : to switch desktops  even with FS windows.  easier than mouse scroll wheel to o;)22:02
ixnayonthehombreno one in #kde wants to help lol22:04
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tzdJackWinter: ah yeah ;)22:08
tzdno im off, nn22:08
=== udi is now known as venik
venikcan someone help me install a USB printer in Kubuntu 8.04?  The systems sees the printer, but for some reason the Local Printer option is greyed out22:17
athlon1I've some partitions with ntfs. The first time i access them, i'm asked to insert a password. How can I disable the request of the password?22:24
athlon1anyone here?22:25
goshawkathlon1: look at /etc/fstab22:25
goshawkathlon1: if you set your ntfs partition there22:26
athlon1there's nothing in /etc/fstab. They are mounted when I access them, but I'm asked for a password....22:26
goshawkit can be mounted when the system boots.... so with no password22:27
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE22:27
lonranwhat twitter client do u use?22:28
_sourcemakeris there a way to update hardy without internet connection... like a offline update?22:30
athlon1Thanks, i'm reading the web page. I'll try.22:30
_Angelus_did kubuntu change to i686?22:30
ScorpKing_Angelus_: i've also noticed that. looks like it's the same as i386. not sure22:33
_Angelus_it got faster, and my hardware monitor widget is showing  that the kernel is i686..22:34
bipolarDoes anyone know how to get LDAP users to show in KDM's user browser? I've got the UID limits set right, and they do show in the list in the kdm control panel.22:36
robersonfoxHow can I do to recover a file that was deleted? (FS --> reiserfs)22:37
ScorpKing-Laptopi'm busy remastering the lovecd. i installed hal and thoggen but i get "Failed to open connection to system message bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory" and some other errors. is there a way to get those packages to configure?22:37
ScorpKingrobersonfox: i undeleted some stuff on ext3. you'll have to google. it's not easy and as far as i know reiserfs can be undeleted as well.22:39
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html22:43
ScorpKing-Laptopwhy can't i copy this file? srwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2008-05-12 22:05 /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket22:46
basculecause it is a socket22:46
basculea special file, like a /dev/ entry in some sense22:47
ScorpKing-Laptopbascule: can i create it?22:47
basculeyou can symlink to it22:47
basculewhy do you want to?22:47
ScorpKing-Laptopi'm busy remastering the livecd. i installed hal and thoggen but i get "Failed to open connection to system message bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory" and some other errors. is there a way to get those packages to configure?22:47
ScorpKing-Laptopthat's in chroot22:47
basculeI messed with hald for ever once, I think it needs to be owned by ..22:48
basculehang on22:48
ScorpKing-Laptopsrwxrwxrwx 1 root root is from the install. it's not in the chroot22:49
ScorpKing-Laptopon this box i mean22:50
basculeyeah, same on mine22:50
* ScorpKing-Laptop tries to symlink it..22:50
basculethe thing is it is created per boot I think, it is a virtual file, not a real one22:51
basculethey are strange entities22:51
ScorpKing-Laptophmm.. symlink doesn't work22:51
ScorpKing-Laptophmm.. now i get "Failed to open connection to system message bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused"22:53
bascule /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ and /etc/dbus-1/session.conf are where it gets its config22:53
basculeand hald.conf22:53
ScorpKing-Laptopany way to run it in chroot so it's created?22:53
basculedbus-daemon --nofork --system22:54
ScorpKing-Laptophaha - "Failed to start message bus: Failed to bind socket "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket": Address already in use"22:54
basculeheh, after saying it doesn't exist :)22:55
ScorpKing-Laptopah wait22:55
venikwhy is the Local Printer option grayed out in the Printer Section of the System Settings?22:56
ScorpKing-Laptopnow it's doing something but it doesn't show what and it's not getting back to the prompt22:56
basculeyeah nofork makes it hang like that, it gives feedback that way22:56
basculerun it withount --nofork22:56
ScorpKing-Laptopvenik: maybe you are not in administarator mode or there's no printer22:56
ScorpKing-Laptopoh ok22:57
venikwhen I disconnect the printer and reconnect it (it is a USB printer), I see an icon that tells me that the Canon BJC3000 is ready for printing22:57
venikso it sees the printer and identifies it22:57
ScorpKing-Laptopbascule: awesome! it worked.  :D22:58
basculeI spent ages on that thing 2 years ago, got it eventually working, just happened to be here :)22:59
venikalso, lsusb lists the printer22:59
ScorpKing-Laptopbascule: i've been at it since saturday. thanks :)22:59
* ScorpKing-Laptop goes back to converting his livecd to a lovelycd..22:59
ScorpKing-Laptopbascule: you don't perhaps know what package creates the ~/Documens ~/Music and so on folders?23:00
venikwhen I try to print, the job listing says: processing for ever23:00
basculeScorpKing-Laptop: it should be in /etc/skel/23:01
basculels -a23:01
ScorpKing-LaptopDaisuke_Ido: yeah i'm remastering the livecd23:01
basculemaybe not there though, but that is the contente it drops in users homes after you mkae them23:01
ScorpKing-Laptopbascule: it's not there by default but i've aded the folders and .directory files there anyway23:01
dwidmann_laptopI wonder what Console-kit-daemon is and why it feels the need to use 180MB of RAM23:02
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ScorpKing-Laptopall the other settings is in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/ btw23:02
ScorpKing-Laptopyw :)23:03
basculedwidmann_laptop: well it is a add on for the messagebus to show what keyboard and mouse users have .. apparently, but it shouldn't be at 180MB ram23:06
basculeI have a lot of them according to htop23:06
dwidmann_laptopbascule: I didn't think so.23:07
dwidmann_laptopcome to think of it, Xorg is using 160M itself23:07
basculethat is od as well, how much ram do you have?23:07
lonranwhat twitter client do you use?23:07
ScorpKingdwidmann_laptop: are you running superkaramba or something like that?23:08
dwidmann_laptopit's not like I'm afraid of memory usage, I'm just really curious as to why it's using that much. No, no superkaramba23:08
ScorpKinghmm.. weird23:08
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: it was just a regular KDE3 session when I noticed the insane console-kit... mem usage, but  I'm logged into KDE4 atm23:08
basculewell I am showing 114M resident for X and 83KB for console-kit-daemon23:09
bascule836KB actually sorry23:10
CrashMasterEvening everyone23:10
dwidmann_laptopsame difference, anything under 1MB is super-tiny23:10
ubottuFactoid kdmfix not found23:10
ubottuFactoid kdm-fix not found23:10
ubottuFactoid login not found23:10
dwidmann_laptop!experiment | CrashMaster23:11
ubottuFactoid experiment not found23:11
bascule!msgthebot | CrashMaster23:11
ubottuCrashMaster: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.23:11
basculesorry :D23:11
CrashMasterNo worries, thats actually a good tip.23:11
basculeyeah it responds in pm no bother23:11
CrashMasteris there a command to make KDE handle logins rather than  console?23:12
dwidmann_laptopI thought it was experiment at one point ... maybe it was and ubottu doesn't have that alias for it anymore :s who knows23:12
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: are you not using kdm?23:12
basculeCrashMaster: not sure I understand the question, KDM is a gui login manager23:12
CrashMasterBoth of you23:12
KomiaPoikajdavies: yes, i installed it, but i have amd64, and it segfaults23:12
CrashMasterBoth of you: Well, after I dropped from KDE4 back to KDE3, the machine started making me login at a console, not the  gui23:13
CrashMasterand its throwing weird bluetooth errors, but I'll investigate those when Im sober23:13
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: sudo apt-get install kdm && sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm23:13
ScorpKingis there a place to add scripts that's only supposed to run once or should i add it to startup and have it delete itself?23:16
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: you could set it to run once using "at"23:17
ScorpKingdwidmann_laptop: i'm building a livecd. how would i do it there?23:17
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: hmmmm23:18
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: what does this script do?23:18
ScorpKinghehe.. i need to run vnstat -u -i ppp0 only once23:18
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: once every boot or once, ever?23:19
ScorpKingonce ever23:19
dwidmann_laptopwell, if it's a cd, how do you propose this script delete itself?>23:19
ScorpKingno. after the install23:19
ScorpKingdwidmann_laptop: after the system is installed i need to tell vnstat to track bandwidth for ppp0 only once23:21
dwidmann_laptopI'm not entirely familiar with how the live installer does things, but I guess having that command run once and then delete itself would probably be the path of last resistance23:21
ScorpKingthe easiest even23:21
CrashMasterThat helped and hurt :)23:22
CrashMasterKDM is the login screen now, but it keeps throwing errors about interprocess communcations. And then throwing me out.23:23
CrashMasterI think I shall totally purge KDE and reinstall it.23:23
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: well, I guess you'll have to deal with the problem head on now then.23:23
CrashMasterNUKE N PAVE BABY!23:23
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: rather than purging, you could just reinstall all of the packages first and see if that helps23:23
basculedcop problem23:23
basculeold crap in /tmp23:24
CrashMasterbascule: thats exactly correct.23:24
basculemaybe, /tmp/kde blah23:24
CrashMasterbut it was in /home/crash/.somefileoranother23:24
basculeyeah, they tie together23:24
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: maybe a command like "sudo apt-get install --reinstall `dpkg --list | grep ^ii.* | cut -d ' ' -f 3| tr '\n' ' '`" = reinstall all ...............  and yeah, a couple temp related folders in ~/.kde link to /tmp/......23:25
CrashMasterOr... nuke and pave!23:25
basculeyou could try a rm -rf /tmp/kde-$USER ant /tmp/ksocket-$USER23:26
CrashMasterThis install is about 10 kinds of fubar with my various experimentations. I think it might be time to blow it away, reinstall it, and then apply my learnings.23:26
CrashMasterThen I can take an image of the drive and do it all over again!23:26
CrashMasterI shall return!!23:26
basculeand ~/.DCOPserver_23:27
basculeI;ll stop now :)23:27
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: have fun pushing the red button.23:27
CrashMasterI love the red button.23:27
bascule.ICEauthority .Xsession ...23:27
CrashMasterWill need  to find that install CD tho.. Dont feel like downloading the iso all over again23:27
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Maracayerahola a todos23:29
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:30
=== madrileno25 is now known as frinkaedro
CrashMasterok, so I'll re-download then23:33
* bascule would persevere23:34
CrashMasteronly a couple gigs23:34
CrashMasterand its pulling  at 500k/s23:34
ScorpKingnice :)23:34
=== Szaln_ is now known as Szaln
ScorpKingi'm at 2.5KB/s on my laptop now23:34
dwidmann_laptopI'm just lucky I'm organized enough not to lose those sorts of things :)23:34
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: that sounds painful23:35
ScorpKingdwidmann_laptop: very23:35
CrashMasterdwidmann_laptop: its not lost. Just... unusable23:35
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: I'd rather let my wallet be raped by low quality sub-broadband service providers than suffer that23:35
dwidmann_laptopThough I must admit it has improved a bit as of late23:36
crimsuncareful, your wishes are being accounted for.23:36
CrashMasterWell, bear in mind im torrenting the DVD, not pulling from the archive server23:36
ScorpKingdwidmann_laptop: haha.. i'm using my phone as a modem so if i'm very lucky i get 5KB/s.23:37
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: and on the bad days it could probably sink as low as 1000B/s23:37
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: I was on that for a long long time.23:37
ScorpKinghehe.. true23:38
dwidmann_laptopScorpKing: I've also downloaded several ISOs on that connection23:38
CrashMasteron dialup?23:38
ScorpKingsame here23:38
* ScorpKing heads over to #kubuntu-offtopic..23:38
dwidmann_laptopCrashMaster: 'twas my first taste of linux. Even though it was horrible I would do it again if I had to ..23:38
* dwidmann_laptop joins ScorpKing in ot23:38
calitosi have a question?23:49
calitoshow can i enable my 3d desktop23:49
wpkinstall kde423:49
o0Chris0owhy can't you block or ignore anyone using kopete?23:52
basculecause it isn't an IRC client really23:53
bascule!compiz | calitos23:53
ubottucalitos: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion23:53
o0Chris0onot using it for irc23:53
basculenever tried to ignore anyone, just delte them, the refuse them when they try to message you?23:56

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