savvas | hm.. | 14:05 |
savvas | .odb is missing a default icon :) | 14:05 |
thorwil | troy_s: remember my problem with the wacom? found out all i had to do was to kick the "Option "AlwaysCore" "on"" entries | 17:43 |
troy_s | thorwil: yep... had that too here | 18:42 |
* nox-Hand yawns | 19:48 | |
nox-Hand | Think this entire channel is in collective sleep =) | 19:49 |
emotionalwhitema | WANTED ! single white female 17 to 70 with red hair(blonde will do) a high I.Q. and good morals----freckles are a plus | 20:35 |
emotionalwhitema | hello people | 20:37 |
jussi01 | kwwii: troy_s you around? | 20:38 |
emotionalwhitema | jussi wadda ya know | 20:39 |
jussi01 | emotionalwhitema: Im after one of those 2 people | 20:40 |
emotionalwhitema | are ya | 20:41 |
emotionalwhitema | hope ya cath em | 20:41 |
emotionalwhitema | catch | 20:41 |
nox-Hand | On a poster about Ubuntu, do I need to add something like "ubuntu logo is copyright of canonical" or something? | 20:46 |
_MMA_ | nox-Hand: Couldn't hurt. | 20:48 |
nox-Hand | _MMA_: Got an idea of where I'd get a good example of what to write at bottom? | 20:48 |
nox-Hand | _MMA_: About to release my possibly final version of my Ubuntu poster (except I have not translated it to English yet, that will come later this week) | 20:49 |
_MMA_ | "Ubuntu logo is a trademark of Canonical Ltd." Should be dine. | 20:51 |
_MMA_ | s/dine/fine | 20:52 |
nox-Hand | Will check what some guy wrote on his poster, I remember he wrote something good *loads up firefox* | 20:54 |
nox-Hand | Alright, here is the possibly FINAL version of my poster design for Ubuntu, but I'd like YOUR (yes, reader, that means YOU) opinion on my poster before I upload to Ubuntu's artwork site | 21:30 |
nox-Hand | _small.jpg <-- there it is | 21:30 |
nox-Hand | NOTES; This is not full res. There is an A1 (not A4, but 8x larger page) size output on my computer. || The text is currently DANISH, but will be translated to English upon upload. | 21:31 |
nox-Hand | Another note, the screenshots are to be changed by me tomorrow to some more interesting ones, a Ubuntu desktop with Firefox usinng the Ubuntu 8.04 start page, music player, etc. | 21:33 |
nand | nox-Hand: I got a 404 :s | 21:36 |
nox-Hand | <-- nand | 21:36 |
nox-Hand | nand: There was a space in my link | 21:36 |
nox-Hand | Sorry =) | 21:36 |
nand | eh, looks nice! Just one thing: you should maybe use two different screenshot for the left and right screenshot | 21:38 |
nox-Hand | nand: [22:33:27] <nox-Hand> Another note, the screenshots are to be changed by me tomorrow to some more interesting ones, a Ubuntu desktop with Firefox usinng the Ubuntu 8.04 start page, music player, etc. | 21:39 |
nox-Hand | =] -- just temporary screenshots I found on the net until I got something new =) | 21:39 |
nand | sry, skipped that part :) | 21:39 |
nox-Hand | No worries | 21:39 |
nand | otherwise I like the texture background, and the general organization of the poster | 21:39 |
nand | but I can't say anything about the text itself :) | 21:40 |
nand | have to go, see ya! | 21:42 |
kwwii | re | 21:57 |
_MMA_ | tarded | 21:57 |
nox-Hand | kwwii: welcome back | 21:58 |
nox-Hand | _MMA_: So mature ;) | 21:58 |
_MMA_ | Yes. Yes it was. | 21:59 |
nox-Hand | *hands _MMA_ a free beer* | 22:00 |
* _MMA_ doesn't drink. | 22:00 | |
kwwii | _MMA_: is wierd enough without alcohol | 22:03 |
kwwii | :p | 22:03 |
nox-Hand | kwwii: ++ | 22:05 |
_MMA_ | nox-Hand: Sorry but ya don't know me. Cant really agree with Ken. ;) | 22:06 |
nox-Hand | haha | 22:06 |
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