emgent | crimsun: here? :) | 00:12 |
no0tic | emgent, /whois | 00:15 |
emgent | ScottK: have you time for some upload? | 00:16 |
emgent | ok np, i will wait u-u-s and u-m-s | 00:18 |
emgent | i go to sleep night all | 00:18 |
ScottK | emgent: What's up? | 00:48 |
no0tic | ScottK, he was seeking sponsors :) | 00:53 |
ScottK | no0tic: I guessed. | 00:53 |
=== dudus_ is now known as dudus | ||
=== ember_ is now known as ember | ||
RoAkSoAx | o/ tbielawa | 06:29 |
tbielawa | RoAkSoAx: hello | 06:29 |
RoAkSoAx | how you doing | 06:30 |
tbielawa | quite well. i slept allllllllllllll day | 06:30 |
tbielawa | until about 10 pm | 06:30 |
tbielawa | You? | 06:30 |
RoAkSoAx | hahaha me well i slept till noon | 06:31 |
RoAkSoAx | then all day being eating and drinking beer till 9pm | 06:31 |
tbielawa | sounds like a good sunday | 06:31 |
RoAkSoAx | yeah mother's day | 06:32 |
tbielawa | my mission, is to implement a patch system into this package | 06:32 |
RoAkSoAx | ? | 06:34 |
tbielawa | i've heard different things about different systems | 06:34 |
tbielawa | LaserJock suggested dpatch | 06:34 |
tbielawa | some people use quilt | 06:34 |
RoAkSoAx | which package are you working on? | 06:35 |
tbielawa | bibus. it's a bibliography database program that integrates with open office well | 06:35 |
RoAkSoAx | tbielawa, and you packaging it from scratch? | 06:36 |
tbielawa | RoAkSoAx: I got lucky, upstream did most of the debianization. i had to clean it up a bit and fix some stuff like the FSF address | 06:37 |
RoAkSoAx | wel you have 3 ways to patch a system, CDBS, quilt and dpatch | 06:37 |
RoAkSoAx | i've used quilt and CDBS once.. but never dpatch | 06:38 |
tbielawa | I've seen mixed feelings about introducing CDBS into a package. | 06:39 |
RAOF | You really don't want to do that just to introduce a patch system! | 06:39 |
tbielawa | not at all! | 06:39 |
tbielawa | I think the debian people especially take a tistaste to cdbs | 06:40 |
tbielawa | *distaste | 06:40 |
RAOF | Some do, certianly. | 06:40 |
RAOF | And now that debhelper 7 is so fantastically awesome, I don't think I'll be using cdbs again. | 06:40 |
RAOF | </hyperbole> | 06:41 |
tbielawa | "fantastically awesome" | 06:41 |
tbielawa | I <3 that aspell didn't have a problem with 'fantastically' | 06:41 |
RAOF | Anyway, hooking up a debhelper package with dpatch is pretty easy. | 06:42 |
tbielawa | what i saw int he man page made me think I'm supposed to create a patch with a different structure. I'm not sure yet. I haven't gone about and made any efforts at putting in dpatch | 06:43 |
RAOF | A dpatch is fundamentally just an ordinary patch with a dpatch-run shebang line on the top. | 06:43 |
tbielawa | oh snap! | 06:44 |
RoAkSoAx | RAOF, any good documentation to read about it? | 06:44 |
RAOF | RoAkSoAx: Um... not that I can remember. | 06:45 |
RAOF | Basically dpatch-edit-patch is your friend. | 06:46 |
RoAkSoAx | guess i'll be reading the debian documentation then... | 06:46 |
tbielawa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#head-f7dc7195e4b5c19179ca622d8a37e2143c9248d5 | 06:46 |
RoAkSoAx | tbielawa, i've been trhough that already.. i really need to read all the packaging guide again since im not that much familiarized with debian/ubuntu packaging | 06:47 |
* tbielawa nods | 06:47 | |
* RoAkSoAx is just starting with linux development since in Perú is all MS stuff... | 06:48 | |
RAOF | RoAkSoAx: As far as incorporating that into a package, "include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make" will give you patch: and unpatch: targets for your debian/rules. | 06:49 |
RoAkSoAx | ok cool thanks RAOF =) | 06:49 |
RoAkSoAx | RAOF, and in Build-depends i have to add dpatch right? | 06:53 |
RAOF | Yup. | 06:53 |
RoAkSoAx | kk thank =) | 06:55 |
tbielawa | so much to learn | 06:56 |
RoAkSoAx | tbielawa, yeah.. do they teach you linux and/or debian development in WVU? | 06:57 |
tbielawa | RoAkSoAx: sorta | 06:57 |
tbielawa | RoAkSoAx: all our systems run linux so our professors teach based in unix environments. | 06:58 |
tbielawa | RoAkSoAx: as a student worker for the CS department I use packaging each day | 06:58 |
RoAkSoAx | tbielawa, lucky you, i have to struggle with MS ... here is mostly MS development and that kind of stuff | 06:58 |
* tbielawa dies a little inside | 06:59 | |
RoAkSoAx | tbielawa, yeah here is all MS stuff... just the ones who love Linux are the ones who likes to get our hands dirty :D | 07:00 |
RoAkSoAx | well i'm going to sleep... bye guys thanks =) | 07:03 |
pwnguin | so... eclipse cdt sucks | 09:03 |
pwnguin | and i have a good idea why | 09:04 |
pwnguin | version: eclipse-cdt (3.1.2-1) last upload: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 19:41:02 +0000 | 09:04 |
pwnguin | 4.0 was released like 10 days later =( | 09:06 |
pwnguin | does anyone know of a page similar to p.d.o for fedora? im curious what versions they're shipping | 09:12 |
\sh | pwnguin: rpmfind? | 09:13 |
pwnguin | isn't that a getdeb? | 09:15 |
\sh | pwnguin: actually it's a searchengine... for all rpm based distros...but with selecting fedora only and the release of fedora you should get a result you need...or just check the archives of fedora... | 09:16 |
\sh | (smart is also a possibility, add the yum repos of fedora to smart and smart search ;)) | 09:16 |
emgent | morning | 09:17 |
\sh | hey emgent | 09:17 |
emgent | \sh: o/ | 09:18 |
pwnguin | well, rpmfind seems to be decent enough | 09:18 |
james_w | pwnguin: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/ | 09:19 |
emgent | someone havwe time for sponsor this: http://tinyurl.com/4t9fuh ? | 09:22 |
emgent | s/havwe/have/ | 09:22 |
pwnguin | thats a list of bugs? | 09:24 |
\sh | emgent: I'm finishing my merge in a few and deal with it | 09:24 |
\sh | at least the universe stuff | 09:24 |
emgent | :) | 09:25 |
pwnguin | man. does fedora have some sort of magic? i cant find a single bug report about eclipse cdt being slow for them =) | 09:34 |
pwnguin | =( | 09:34 |
Treenaks | pwnguin: every time you try to file one, you get an answer: Bug closed: "No it's not" :P | 09:39 |
pwnguin | heh | 09:41 |
pwnguin | i asked for everything, even closed and NOTABUG | 09:42 |
pwnguin | as far as I can tell, they have one developer, who does everything | 09:42 |
pwnguin | he files bugs, and closes them | 09:42 |
pwnguin | hopefully he fixes them | 09:42 |
pwnguin | https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=235423 | 09:42 |
ubottu | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 235423 in eclipse-cdt "Jeff rocks" [Medium,Closed: notabug] | 09:43 |
pwnguin | neat | 09:43 |
pwnguin | really, I have to imagine nobody bothers filing bugs because they don't expect it to work | 09:45 |
proppy | oy | 09:48 |
james_w | emgent: could you check briquolo again please, I think it should be a sync. | 09:57 |
emgent | james_w: just a moment | 09:59 |
emgent | james_w: true. | 10:03 |
james_w | emgent: thanks. | 10:04 |
emgent | james_w: np, thanks to you | 10:06 |
slytherin | Can a person who is not MOTU comment on any package on revu? | 10:16 |
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RAOF | slytherin: I believe the answer is "yes". | 10:23 |
slytherin | RAOF: Ok. Thanks. | 10:24 |
\sh | oh damnit...gnomoradio is so broken by default | 10:24 |
proppy | slytherin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Spec/ContributorREVU?highlight=(REVU) | 10:24 |
sebner | \sh: huhu, thx for the nice comment but no stress for the MOTUship ;) | 10:25 |
slytherin | \sh: in what sense it is broken for you? | 10:29 |
\sh | slytherin: in the packaging sense | 10:29 |
\sh | usr/bin/share/applications/ in gnomoradio.install and that's why the maintainer is shipping another .desktop file which he installs manually | 10:30 |
slytherin | \sh: Oh. I thought in working sense. | 10:30 |
\sh | slytherin: I don't care about working right now...that comes later ;) | 10:30 |
proppy | I got E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed. http://pastebin.com/m77a27e67 | 10:30 |
proppy | does this mean that these dependencies are not available in intrepid | 10:31 |
proppy | http://pastebin.com/m3e38ef19 ? | 10:31 |
slytherin | proppy: May be your chroot is broken. When did you last upgrade it? | 10:33 |
proppy | like 2 days ago, | 10:34 |
proppy | maybe 3 | 10:34 |
proppy | I wonder if the universe sources, is added when you pbuilder --build | 10:34 |
slytherin | proppy: Depends on your pbuilderrc. Check COMPONENTS, by default it is only main. When you change it you will have to do pbuilder update --override-config | 10:35 |
proppy | W: /home/proppy/.pbuilderrc does not exist | 10:36 |
proppy | :) | 10:36 |
slytherin | proppy: /etc/pbuilderrc | 10:36 |
proppy | you're right | 10:36 |
proppy | root@ippiki:/# cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:36 |
proppy | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid main | 10:36 |
proppy | in the chroot | 10:36 |
slytherin | proppy: On a closer look, looks like you mighte be correct about dependencies. libdbi-perl (line 152 in your first pastebin) and others will perhaps need rebuild against latest perl (5.10) | 10:41 |
\sh | hmm..if a .desktop file and an icon is shipped, shouldn't we call somehow dh_desktop/dh_icons? | 10:42 |
proppy | slytherin: running pbuilder --update as you suggested | 10:42 |
slytherin | \sh: yes we should | 10:43 |
\sh | emgent: please fix esperanza | 10:43 |
gnomefreak | setting up normal chroot for intrepid it only give syou one repo i saw that the other day :( | 10:43 |
slytherin | gnomefreak: it is not specific to intrepid, it has been like that always | 10:44 |
gnomefreak | slytherin: ah i set up hardy and intrepid and intrepid was only one | 10:44 |
slytherin | gnomefreak: were you using two different pbuilderrc files? | 10:44 |
proppy | slytherin: thanks for reviewing the pbuilder.log | 10:44 |
gnomefreak | slytherin: no pbuilder at all just dchroot (yes i know its outdated but its easier for me than shroot :) | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | i have yet had any luck with pbuilder and mozilla and since most of my packaging is mozilla no need for pbuilder | 10:46 |
proppy | slytherin: better only 3 unmet-dep left http://pastebin.com/m3dc8fbee | 10:46 |
slytherin | gnomefreak: Ok. Then we are talking about two different things here. :-) | 10:47 |
gnomefreak | same result 2 ways of getting it | 10:47 |
proppy | should I fill bug for each of them ? | 10:47 |
slytherin | proppy: same result. file a bug fir first two with subject 'needs rebuild against latest perl' | 10:47 |
proppy | slytherin: and this one need a looser gcc version rules ? libffi4: Depends: gcc-4.2-base (= 4.2.3-2ubuntu7) but 4.2.3-4ubuntu1 is installed. | 10:49 |
slytherin | proppy: I am not sure about last one libffi4, perhaps it needs a sync/merge. | 10:49 |
proppy | slytherin: let me check on packages.ubuntu.com / merges.ubuntu.com | 10:49 |
proppy | packages.ubuntu.com seems very slow today btw | 10:49 |
emgent | \sh: If i remember well, is not needed if .desktop files do not provide any MIME informations | 10:49 |
gnomefreak | have you seen this yet? dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file | 10:50 |
gnomefreak | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2 | 10:50 |
gnomefreak | when doing updates or installing anything | 10:50 |
\sh | emgent: ah yes...I remember | 10:51 |
emgent | \sh: i dont add dh_icons/dh_desktop for esperanza, avida, but if you like i can fix. anyway i remember that it`snt necessary | 10:52 |
emgent | :) | 10:52 |
\sh | emgent: na it's ok... | 10:52 |
emgent | ok thanks \sh :) | 10:52 |
\sh | emgent: I didn't check for mimetype :) | 10:52 |
proppy | bug #229494 | 10:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229494 in libdbi-perl "libdbi-perl needs rebuild against latest perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229494 | 10:53 |
proppy | bug #229496 | 10:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229496 in libdbd-mysql-perl "libdbd-mysql-perl needs rebuild against latest perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229496 | 10:55 |
\sh | emgent: how did you compile esperanza? | 10:57 |
emgent | pbuilder in chroot | 10:59 |
emgent | why? | 10:59 |
\sh | emgent: libxmmsclient++-dev(inst 0.2DrJekyll-4ubuntu4 ! >= wanted 0.2DrK) | 11:01 |
\sh | that's why | 11:01 |
emgent | just a moment | 11:01 |
proppy | let's check libff4 depends in sid | 11:02 |
\sh | emgent: I fetched sids version of esparanza and applied your debdiff | 11:02 |
proppy | slytherin: should I fill 'libff4 please rebuild against gcc 4.2.3-4ubuntu1' ? | 11:04 |
proppy | seems that libffi5 is in sid | 11:04 |
slytherin | proppy: no wait | 11:04 |
proppy | (packages.debian.org is slow as hell too) | 11:05 |
emgent | \sh: i have server offline, anyway i will see it quickly, thanks :) | 11:06 |
\sh | emgent: if you ask stevenk to merge xmms2 you can get rid of that | 11:07 |
emgent | \sh: i have server offline, anyway i will see it quickly, thanks :) | 11:08 |
slytherin | proppy: libffi4 problem should be fixed by pbuilder update I believe | 11:09 |
proppy | slytherin: sudo pbuilder --update --override-config --distribution intrepid ? | 11:10 |
proppy | let me try to run it again | 11:10 |
emgent | \sh: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/libxmmsclient++-dev | 11:12 |
slytherin | proppy: Are4 you using hardy? | 11:12 |
proppy | slytherin: yep | 11:13 |
proppy | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 11:13 |
proppy | by pbuilder-update | 11:13 |
proppy | but I've got a intrepid pbuilder | 11:14 |
slytherin | proppy: What I do is keep two pbuilderrc files which refer to different releases and different base.tgz | 11:14 |
proppy | slytherin: ha I thought pbuilder would handle different base.tgz if given different --distribution option | 11:15 |
proppy | slytherin: same errors after pbuilder-update | 11:15 |
\sh | emgent: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmms2 :) | 11:16 |
slytherin | proppy: no it doesn't | 11:16 |
\sh | emgent: the version does not match :) | 11:16 |
slytherin | proppy: I think it is better you start from scratch. Create ~/.pbuilderrc for intrepid as it gets read if present. And create new chroot | 11:17 |
\sh | StevenK: are you working on xmms2 merge? :) | 11:17 |
proppy | slytherin: how do I wipe the previous one ? | 11:17 |
emgent | \sh: looking :) | 11:18 |
\sh | emgent: we have the drjekyll...but we need the new DrKosmos ;) | 11:18 |
slytherin | proppy: just delete the base.tgz :-D | 11:18 |
\sh | emgent: which is on the mom list for stevenk to do :) | 11:18 |
proppy | proppy@ippiki:~/Desktop$ sudo pbuilder --create | 11:19 |
proppy | Distribution is intrepid. | 11:19 |
proppy | slytherin: thanks :) | 11:19 |
emgent | \sh: yes i saw now, but i dont remember how package was builted in my system.. it`s possible wrong debdiff attached. anyway now i think that is good wait xmms2 merge | 11:21 |
emgent | i will comment my merge bug | 11:21 |
emgent | thanks for your work \sh | 11:21 |
\sh | emgent: you can also try the xmms2 merge and ping stevenk | 11:22 |
emgent | \sh: i will do. | 11:22 |
emgent | thanks | 11:22 |
\sh | emgent: leave the bug as it is...the merge is correct...it just can't be build :) | 11:23 |
emgent | sure i saw :\ | 11:23 |
* emgent looking xmms2 | 11:23 | |
proppy | slytherin: same error with a fresh intrepid pbuilder http://pastebin.com/m5d57a935 | 11:34 |
slytherin | proppy: you will have to consult someone else for libffi4. | 11:35 |
proppy | slytherin: could I patch libffi4 dependencies ? | 11:36 |
proppy | s/=/>=/ | 11:36 |
proppy | slytherin: ok, thanks for the help anyway :) | 11:36 |
proppy | ah liffi4 source package is gcc ! | 11:37 |
pochu | proppy: what package depends on libffi4? | 11:38 |
proppy | updated Bug #227323 | 11:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227323 in poker-network "[wishlist]Please merge poker-network-1.4.0-1 (intrepid) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227323 | 11:40 |
proppy | pochu: not sure let me check | 11:41 |
slytherin | pochu: he is trying to build poker-network and facing dependency problem - http://pastebin.com/m77a27e67 | 11:43 |
proppy | libffi4: Depends: gcc-4.2-base (= 4.2.3-2ubuntu7) but 4.2.3-4ubuntu1 is installed. | 11:43 |
proppy | Not sure of which package asked for libffi4 | 11:43 |
proppy | should I run apt-rdepends to figure out ? | 11:44 |
proppy | updated logs | 11:44 |
proppy | http://pastebin.com/m299e66 | 11:44 |
\sh | is it just me, or is LPL really slow? | 11:46 |
emgent | \sh: for me too LP is slow | 11:46 |
pochu | proppy: that's likely because one of your packages depends on libffi4, and I wonder if that dependency is buggy | 11:47 |
pochu | proppy: see this thread: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-May/025361.html | 11:47 |
proppy | pochu: should be python-gtk2 then | 11:48 |
proppy | Reverse Depends: python-poker2d (1.2.0-1ubuntu1) | 11:50 |
emgent | \sh: launchpad people confirm it. | 11:50 |
emgent | (12:50) ( gmb) emgent: We are experiencing some issues with bazaar.launchpad.net atm. | 11:50 |
emgent | (12:51) ( gmb) Which might be slowing things down generally. | 11:50 |
proppy | pochu: seems it's not directly python-poker2d that depends on it | 11:51 |
proppy | proppy@ippiki:~/Desktop/poker-network-1.4.0/debian$ cat control | grep ffi | 11:51 |
proppy | is empty | 11:51 |
pochu | proppy: yeah, but poker-network may (build-)depend on some package which depends on libffi4 | 11:52 |
proppy | pochu: yep like python-gtk2 | 11:53 |
proppy | pochu: do you know how I could help fixing this issue ? | 11:54 |
proppy | maybe trying to reproduce the pb with python-gobject is a good first step | 11:55 |
proppy | ScottK: ping | 11:55 |
pochu | I'm working on it | 11:55 |
pochu | the fixed pygobject needed to fix this FTBFS, but I have a fix | 11:56 |
pochu | I'm creating a chroot to verify it though | 11:56 |
proppy | pochu: ok, was running pbuilder http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pygobject/pygobject_2.14.1-2ubuntu2.dsc :) | 11:56 |
pochu | does anybody know if it's possible to use a chroot to build package as you would do with pbuilder (specifying a .dsc file) ? | 11:57 |
proppy | pochu: dget the dsc | 11:57 |
proppy | pochu: dpkg-source -x .dsc | 11:57 |
proppy | pochu: and then run debuild -us -uc ? | 11:57 |
pochu | proppy: -3 has the fix, and -4ubuntu1 FTBFS | 11:58 |
pochu | you're likely looking at the hardy one... | 11:58 |
geser | don't forget to install the build-depends manually inside the chroot | 11:58 |
geser | pochu: pbuilder is nothing more than a scripted chroot | 11:58 |
proppy | geser: with a very sloowwww unpack step :) | 11:59 |
geser | proppy: pbuilder on tmpfs :) | 11:59 |
proppy | geser: should try that ! | 11:59 |
\sh | proppy: depends...pbuidler is slow...sbuild+schroot+lvm snapshots is not ;) | 11:59 |
pochu | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/2.14.1-4ubuntu1 | 11:59 |
proppy | pochu: I got the dsc from http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/python-gobject | 11:59 |
pochu | \sh: any howto for that? :) | 12:00 |
proppy | \sh: I remember reading about that in a wiki page, are you using it ? | 12:00 |
penper | hi! Is there a way to spcify the character encoding for the Description text in a deb control file? | 12:01 |
penper | (or maybe different entries for different languages) | 12:02 |
\sh | emgent: please fix bug #229097 | 12:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229097 in ikvm "Please merge ikvm (universe) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229097 | 12:02 |
\sh | pochu: mk-sbuild-lv ;) and local intrepid mirror + a lot of space ;) | 12:02 |
emgent | looking | 12:03 |
\sh | emgent: I attached a build log | 12:03 |
geser | penper: isn't the whole control file UTF-8 encoded? | 12:03 |
penper | geser: well, my Swedish letters look messed up when gdebi displays it | 12:03 |
pochu | \sh: thanks | 12:03 |
pochu | heh, looks like all I need is sbuild :) | 12:04 |
pochu | as I've just created an intrepid chroot | 12:04 |
proppy | pochu: pygobject_2.14.1-2ubuntu2.dsc builded fine, but I guess it's an outdated dsc | 12:04 |
pochu | but good to know about that script | 12:04 |
\sh | pochu: if you want I can write a simple how to .) | 12:04 |
pochu | proppy: it is | 12:04 |
\sh | pochu: you need a lvm partition with a good of 100G space free for intrepid stuff | 12:04 |
pochu | lol | 12:05 |
\sh | well, I'll write a simple howto and scare people away ,-) | 12:05 |
pochu | well, I have about 450G or so free here :-) | 12:05 |
pochu | \sh: good, thank you :) let me know when it's written ;) | 12:06 |
\sh | pochu: Starting with it | 12:06 |
=== nixternal changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | 8.04 is released: Let's fix any SRU-worthy bugs before the users try the package. | Intrepid open, go wild! https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | QA targets available from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ | REVU Day - Wed. May 14 - All Day! | ||
TheMuso | nixternal: Wah. Blank line? | 12:18 |
nixternal | blank line? | 12:18 |
persia | Hurrah! REVU Day! | 12:18 |
nixternal | :) | 12:18 |
Hobbsee | oh noes1 | 12:18 |
nixternal | they're back.... | 12:19 |
TheMuso | nixternal: Don't worry about me, my client not rendering properly for some reason. | 12:19 |
nixternal | I was planning on getting this out over the weekend, but I was afk big time | 12:19 |
persia | nixternal: Still 10:00 UTC (-1 days) - 11:00 UTC (+1 days)? | 12:20 |
Hobbsee | oh good. today is not revu day. | 12:22 |
nixternal | that sounds about right....if it is wednesday where you are at, then it is a REVU day :) | 12:22 |
* Hobbsee will remember to be doing assignments on wednesday then. | 12:22 | |
* \sh shouldn't write something so long on the blog...I'll push it into a book | 12:30 | |
* \sh needs also a new machine for opensolaris | 12:31 | |
\sh | emgent: all your merges uploaded ...only the ones needing more love are left | 12:46 |
emgent | \sh: thanks when you have time see my reply on ikvm | 12:49 |
emgent | :) | 12:50 |
\sh | emgent: we should wait until it builds again :) | 12:52 |
\sh | emgent: if it's only a maintainer change, we should sync, if we still need the extra dh_* call, we should merge... | 12:53 |
\sh | emgent: btw..you can comment on the bug of debian, that it doesn't build on amd64, too :) | 12:53 |
\sh | emgent: thx for your work :) | 12:54 |
\sh | hmm....Tom Waits "Waltzing Matilda" and a good whisky a good start into the afternoon ;) | 12:59 |
\sh | and this evening..I'll have to cook some asparagus | 13:01 |
ScottK | proppy: Pong | 13:09 |
\sh | hey ScottK | 13:14 |
ScottK | Heya \sh | 13:14 |
* \sh wonders where yokozar is hiding we need new wine crack | 13:14 | |
sebner | \sh: rofl. what we need is nexuiz 2.4.2 ;) | 13:15 |
\sh | sebner: oh no...da nexuiz junky is back ,-) | 13:15 |
sebner | xD | 13:16 |
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slytherin | when are the syncs requested (and ack'ed) usually processed? Is there a day for this similar to revu day? | 13:53 |
james_w | slytherin: whenever the archive admins do it | 13:53 |
james_w | they tend do be done in batches a couple of times a week it seems. | 13:54 |
slytherin | ok | 13:54 |
\sh | slytherin: depending on the guy who is doing syncs...pitti does syncs mostly 2 times a week | 13:58 |
slytherin | \sh: does he do sync for packages in universe also? | 13:59 |
\sh | slytherin: yes | 13:59 |
sebner | geser: something against it if I file all the ocaml-* sync bugs? | 14:19 |
TheMuso | /c/c | 14:42 |
slytherin | Hi all, I am trying to merge jigdo. Last debian changelog entry says that a fix for FTBFS with gcc-4.3 was added. But I don't see a seperate patch for it. Instead it seems like the source has been patched directly. Is this acceptable? | 14:52 |
\sh | slytherin: if there is no patch system applied, yes..diff.gz source changes are welcome | 14:53 |
jdong | slytherin: the practice isn't encouraged but is acceptable | 14:54 |
\sh | jdong: hmm? | 14:55 |
slytherin | \sh: there was a patch system in place in Ubuntu (not in Debian). The patch in ubuntu is unnecessary in Debian, it changes the set of default mirrors. | 14:55 |
\sh | slytherin: patch system == dpatch, quilt, simple-patchsys? who made the diff.gz patch then? | 14:56 |
\sh | (dbs as well) | 14:56 |
slytherin | \sh: I know what you meant by patch system. Let me explain problem properly. The last ubuntu version has a patch, using dpatch, to change default mirrors. The latest change in Debian adds an FTBFS fix but instead of using a patch system they directly patched source files. Thus the changes they did are not available in a a separate patch (only in diff.gz). | 14:58 |
broonie | slytherin: How is this any different to syncing a Debian package in teh normal course of affairs? | 14:59 |
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slytherin | broonie: not much different. I just wanted to know if this is acceptible as I thought directly patching the source was not good practice. | 15:00 |
broonie | It's entirely normal in Debian. | 15:00 |
broonie | Patch systems are a (relatively) recent innovation and many packages don't use them at all. | 15:05 |
broonie | Putting the patch into a patch system would introduce an additional diff into Ubuntu with no real content. | 15:05 |
slytherin | broonie: hmm, so I will leave it as it is | 15:06 |
emgent | re | 15:06 |
Laney | Is there a python-launchpad-bugs API reference anywhere? | 15:07 |
james_w | Laney: asking on #ubuntu-bugs may get your question noticed by the people best placed to know | 15:16 |
Laney | james_w: Oh, is it maintained by people over there? Thanks | 15:16 |
ScottK | Laney: I'm pretty sure the answer is "use the source". | 15:17 |
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proppy | ScottK: re-ping | 15:24 |
ScottK | proppy: re-pong | 15:24 |
proppy | ScottK: :0 | 15:25 |
proppy | I added some comment to bug #227323 | 15:25 |
proppy | that might be related to the recent libffi4 pb you were experiencing | 15:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227323 in poker-network "[wishlist]Please merge poker-network-1.4.0-1 (intrepid) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227323 | 15:25 |
proppy | seems that one of poker-network dependencies (maybe python-gtk2) is subject to the libff4 dependencies pb | 15:27 |
proppy | libffi4: Depends: gcc-4.2-base (= 4.2.3-2ubuntu7) but 4.2.3-4ubuntu1 is installed. | 15:27 |
proppy | ScottK: does it looks related to you ? | 15:28 |
ScottK | We need to wait for python-gobject (IIRC) to get fixed. | 15:29 |
proppy | pochu: is working on it IIRC | 15:29 |
proppy | just wanted confirmation, thanks :) | 15:29 |
ScottK | No rush on the merge. Just wait for it. | 15:30 |
proppy | ScottK: I filled some bug for the perl dependencies | 15:31 |
proppy | bug #229494 | 15:31 |
proppy | bug #229496 | 15:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229494 in libdbi-perl "libdbi-perl needs rebuild against latest perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229494 | 15:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229496 in libdbd-mysql-perl "libdbd-mysql-perl needs rebuild against latest perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229496 | 15:31 |
proppy | how can I help, to get them rebuilded ? | 15:31 |
Jian_Luo | good day, everyone! | 15:32 |
jdong | stupid question of the day that I don't dare answer: Do circular symlinks really cause bad things to happen? | 15:36 |
Hobbsee | yes, crack lover. | 15:37 |
Hobbsee | they certainly won't get you what you want | 15:37 |
laga | and if he wants recursion? | 15:37 |
Hobbsee | laga: if it's a circular symlink, what do you propose that the stopping case will be? | 15:38 |
laga | i never claimed he wants a stopping case. | 15:38 |
* Hobbsee does, in fact, have a circularly symlinked directory | 15:38 | |
StevenK | steven@liquified:~% ls -lh a | 15:38 |
StevenK | lrwxrwxrwx 1 steven users 1 2008-05-13 00:41 a -> b | 15:38 |
StevenK | steven@liquified:~% ls -lh b | 15:38 |
StevenK | lrwxrwxrwx 1 steven users 1 2008-05-13 00:41 b -> a | 15:38 |
bddebian | Heya gang | 15:39 |
StevenK | Leet. You can do it. | 15:39 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: oh, sure. | 15:39 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: you can also do ln -s ../. . | 15:39 |
StevenK | Hah, pointless | 15:39 |
Hobbsee | not necessarily. | 15:39 |
emgent | StevenK: are you working on xmms2 merge ? | 15:39 |
StevenK | emgent: Nope | 15:39 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: i use it in the case of irssi's autorun dir, which symlinks to the dir above, scripts. | 15:40 |
slytherin | Is it necessary to add [wishlist] to the short description of every merge bug? | 15:42 |
Hobbsee | slytherin: no | 15:43 |
emgent | heya Hobbsee :) | 15:45 |
Hobbsee | heya! | 15:45 |
ScottK | slytherin: It's not even a good idea. | 15:46 |
slytherin | Hobbsee: ScottK: Looks like this person is very much interested in doing it - https://edge.launchpad.net/~nglnx Till now he has edited 2 of my merge bug to just add '[wishlist]' | 15:46 |
Hobbsee | slytherin: #$R#@%$R#@%#^ | 15:46 |
Laney | slytherin: He just did it to one of mine too | 15:47 |
Hobbsee | slytherin: i'm sure i need to find a better response. then again, heno isn't here. | 15:47 |
StevenK | Argh. Bad. | 15:47 |
ScottK | slytherin and Laney: Whine to bdmurray. It's one of his that's doing it. | 15:47 |
laga | 5-a-day? ;) | 15:47 |
slytherin | Hobbsee: I am not quite sure I understand your response. Can you put it in words. :-P | 15:47 |
Hobbsee | slytherin: sure, but not on a publically logged channel. | 15:47 |
Hobbsee | slytherin: yell at heno, and encourage him to actually find a solution, rather than "we don't like the bugtracker being used for workflow bugs, therefore we refuse to have any documentation about them. How about you set all bugs to triaged, so that the bugsquad will leave them alone?" | 15:49 |
ScottK | laga: Maybe. It's the kind of thing such programs promote. Volume over substance. | 15:49 |
* Hobbsee even wrote the bloody documentation! | 15:49 | |
Hobbsee | and heno reverted it, citing non-existant, or private discussions being held about them. | 15:49 |
* geser wonders why the workflow bugs cause problems right now. They exist since I started to contribute to Ubuntu and have caused much problems till now. | 15:52 | |
slytherin | Can we put a notice somewhere "Don't touch bugs that say merge or sync in bug description" ? | 15:53 |
Hobbsee | slytherin: i did that. heno, in his infinite wisdom, reverted it. | 15:53 |
ScottK | slytherin: I discussed this with bdmurray in the last week or two and he agreed to it I thought. | 15:53 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: do you want to raise that with the email thread, then? | 15:54 |
Hobbsee | slytherin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage?action=diff | 15:54 |
ScottK | Hobbsee: What list? | 15:54 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: ubuntu-bugs - where you first blasted them | 15:55 |
Hobbsee | er, the bugsquad list | 15:55 |
ScottK | Did I. I'm not actually subscribed to that list. | 15:55 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: oh, my bad. wolfger wrote to the list about your response to his bug. | 15:56 |
Hobbsee | https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad | 15:56 |
ScottK | I'll go try on IRC. | 15:56 |
stgraber | hey, What's the current correct way of doing version update for universe packages ? (debdiff/interdiff/revu/... ?) | 15:56 |
slytherin | stratus: you mean upstream version update? Just attach diff.gz | 15:57 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: if you do it via ML, it leaves a paper trail. | 15:57 |
slytherin | Hobbsee: +1 | 15:57 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: which, assuming they *do* discuss it at UDS, rather than just using it to sidestep the entire issue, they have concrete, hard evidence. | 15:58 |
stgraber | slytherin: ok, so I open a bug, attach .diff.gz and subscribe the sponsor group ? | 15:58 |
slytherin | stgraber: yes | 15:58 |
stgraber | ok, thanks | 15:58 |
ScottK | Hobbsee: I'll just go with the call people who do such things to my bugs idiots until they learn to leave them alone approach. | 15:58 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: there are an awful lot of triagers. it may be less effort to go the other way. | 15:59 |
ScottK | Yes, but more fun. | 15:59 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: it's not more fun to blast heno over the mailing list, for attempting to sweep things under the carpet? | 15:59 |
Hobbsee | besides, having a go at people who aren't allowed to learn any better, before they screw up, doesn't seem fair. | 16:00 |
Hobbsee | it would make more sense to have a go at the people who are *preventing* them from learning better, before they fail. | 16:00 |
Hobbsee | maybe it's just my background, but i've found that complaining to the right person tends to be more effective :) | 16:01 |
ScottK | Well I thought I'd done that already in discussing it with bdmurray, but I guess not. | 16:01 |
Hobbsee | and stops you getting pulled up in front of the CC, where, at least in the examined case, it seems that the decisions are definetly in favour of the complainee, and where only selective proof is viewed. | 16:02 |
Hobbsee | but hey, maybe the irc people just got their bad side that day, or something. | 16:03 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: if it's not public, it didn't happen. | 16:03 |
ScottK | IRC channels are logged, so if push comes to shove, it's public. | 16:03 |
* ScottK isn't at all excited about adding another mailing list to his inbox. | 16:05 | |
ScottK | Hobbsee: I don't see a mail from wolfger in the archive for that list? | 16:05 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2008-May/000842.html ? | 16:07 |
ScottK | Ah. That one. | 16:07 |
slytherin | Hobbsee: so they touch every bug that has status "New". :-( | 16:19 |
Hobbsee | slytherin: something like that. | 16:19 |
slytherin | Hobbsee: But I don't see a point in removing what you had documented. And he claims it is not fair to read everything, then how are new traigers supposed to learn? | 16:20 |
* slytherin time to go home | 16:25 | |
\sh | re | 16:54 |
tbielawa | regarding CDBS. is it terrible practice to include a modded debhelper cdbs script in your debian/ and include $(CURRDR)/debian/modded.dhelper | 17:15 |
tbielawa | I needed to make ti stop calling the dh_shlibdeps line | 17:15 |
james_w | tbielawa: can you explain why you need to avoid dh_shlibdeps, that sounds odd. | 17:18 |
tbielawa | packaging synopsys, | 17:20 |
tbielawa | got the idea from http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/529 to strip out the shlibdep line | 17:20 |
tbielawa | got errors when it was included :( | 17:20 |
tbielawa | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11690/ | 17:22 |
james_w | thanks, do you have any idea where "libTcadBase.so.1" is? Is it in this package? | 17:23 |
james_w | also, that RPATH looks pretty stinky. | 17:24 |
mruiz | hi all | 17:24 |
* tbielawa looks | 17:25 | |
RoAkSoAx | hi all... have a question... if i added a patch which it's found here: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-tools/raw-rev/9d1e48f8dd5d should i mention in the changelog that i obtained from there or just the description of the patch? | 17:27 |
james_w | RoAkSoAx: either one should work. | 17:29 |
james_w | you can put the full details in the patch description, and just mention the patch came from upstream in the changelog. | 17:30 |
RoAkSoAx | james_w, i put this in the changelog: Added fix_channel_map_adat_speed_1.patch, which fixes the channel map for ADAT speed mode 1. | 17:31 |
RoAkSoAx | so i should not mention that i obtained it from an alsa project bug? | 17:31 |
james_w | RoAkSoAx: "Patch taken from upstream." would be fine to add as a second sentence there. | 17:32 |
james_w | "Patch taken from upstream bug 12345." as well. | 17:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345 | 17:32 |
james_w | the main aim is to help the next person to merge the package, so they can quickly work out that the patch can be dropped as it is now included upstream. | 17:33 |
RoAkSoAx | and 12345 would be this: ALSA bug#3732 ? | 17:34 |
james_w | that should be fine. | 17:35 |
RoAkSoAx | thanks =) | 17:35 |
ScottK | I guess I'm back to just giving out CoC complaint hate on people who cause bugmail spam on workflow bugs. | 17:39 |
greg-g | ScottK: I understand your frustration, I do. Just don't take everyone's jabber in there as official bug squad opinion. | 17:41 |
ScottK | Well until someone reverts the removal of the documentation, I think it stands for the official bug squad opinion. | 17:41 |
greg-g | ScottK: for that really there should be a discussion with heno if we want to be team players. | 17:42 |
nicolasvw | When a package is synced from debian, is it rebuild from the debian .dsc or is it just copied over? | 17:43 |
ScottK | nicolasvw: Source is imported and rebuilt. Ubuntu has source compatibility with Debian, no guarantees on binary compatibility. | 17:44 |
nicolasvw | ScottK: So the meaning of a package ending in -Xbuild1 in the MoM list is just that at some point between the autosync and the release it had to be rebuilt? | 17:48 |
ScottK | nicolasvw: Yes. Those should get automatically sync'ed over when the time comes. | 17:48 |
ScottK | nicolasvw: Note that the MoM output is currently out of date. | 17:49 |
ScottK | nicolasvw: The key difference between build1 and ubuntu1 is that build1 will get sync'ed over. | 17:49 |
nicolasvw | ScottK: ok; I see. What's the best practice to avoid duplicate work with MoM outdated? Be lucky? | 17:50 |
ScottK | nicolasvw: Use DaD | 17:51 |
ScottK | nicolasvw: http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php and in general check with the person that touched it last. | 17:51 |
nicolasvw | ScottK: will do, thanks for all the light you have brought! | 17:52 |
ScottK | nicolasvw: No problem. Thanks for working on making Ubuntu better. | 17:52 |
ScottK | greg-g: I missed your second point when you wrote it. Unilaterally reverting other's wiki changes without discussion I think speaks for itself about being a team player. | 17:58 |
greg-g | ScottK: I agree, but I just don't want to continue the "cycle" or whatever. | 17:59 |
ScottK | greg-g: Sure. I'm just out of energy for arguing about it. | 18:00 |
greg-g | I understand, it is getting to that point :) | 18:00 |
greg-g | I'll be around if you need a 'go between' for anything later, all the best | 18:01 |
Dane2 | Hello, all. I've been trying to cross-compile asterisk (compiling i386 binary using amd64 distro) using pbuilder/dh_make/debuild, but I keep getting the following error after the compile completes, and it's about to make a binary package: "build_tools/mkpkgconfig: 34: cannot create /usr/lib/pkgconfig/asterisk.pc: Permission denied" | 18:05 |
Dane2 | any ideas? | 18:05 |
Dane2 | I've tried asking on #asterisk and #ubuntu-devel, and I was directed here. | 18:06 |
jdavies | Dane2: could you pastebin debian/rules at paste.ubuntu.com? | 18:07 |
Dane2 | sure. One min. | 18:07 |
Dane2 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11699/ | 18:09 |
Dane2 | it seems to choke at the "make install" step. | 18:09 |
jdavies | Dane2: do you mean lines 63-65? I do not see a make insatll, ony amek | 18:13 |
Dane2 | yes, 63-65 | 18:13 |
Dane2 | I'm not sure, though. I'm kind-of a packaging novice. | 18:13 |
jdavies | Should it not be: "$(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/asterisk/usr" ? | 18:14 |
Dane2 | I'll give that a shot. | 18:14 |
Dane2 | one min. | 18:14 |
Dane2 | I'll pastebin the whole error too, once the compile completes (assuming the above didn't fix it). | 18:16 |
Dane2 | here's the entire error I just got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11701/ | 18:20 |
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jdavies | Dane2: I think it's ecause it's trying to write to sh build_tools/mkpkgconfig /usr/lib/pkgconfig; fi | 18:24 |
geser | Dane2: looks like mkpkgconfig doesn't respect prefix | 18:24 |
jdavies | err, /usr/lib/pkgconfig when it should be debian/asterik/usr/lib/pkgconfig | 18:24 |
Dane2 | should I just edit mkpkgconfig then? | 18:25 |
geser | Dane2: where does this asterisk package come from? | 18:26 |
jdavies | Dane2: or the Makefile that gos: "sh build_tools/mkpkgconfig" | 18:26 |
Dane2 | (and if so, what should I do? I can paste the file if necessary) | 18:26 |
Dane2 | I downloaded it directly form asterisk.org. | 18:26 |
Dane2 | I'll paste the Makefile and the mkpkgconfig. | 18:26 |
Dane2 | (The asterisk folks always recommend using the latest stable [or even svn] version) | 18:27 |
geser | Dane2: why not re-compile the package from Debian unstable if you need a newer version than in hardy? | 18:27 |
Dane2 | I haven't tried doing that before; I've always just used the source from the asterisk site, but I've never tried it with pbuilder. I'm trying to learn how to make my own packages, so that maybe one day I can get good at it and actually maintain something. :-) | 18:29 |
Dane2 | here's the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11703/ | 18:29 |
geser | Dane2: try also passing DESTDIR when calling make in debian/rules | 18:31 |
geser | $(MAKE) prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/asterisk/usr install | 18:32 |
geser | $(MAKE) prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/asterisk/usr DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/asterisk install | 18:32 |
Dane2 | one min...talking to a customer. Thanks for the help, btw. | 18:33 |
slomo | siretart: good gst-ffmpeg without usage of deprecated img_convert is uploaded to experimental now ;) it uses swscale now | 18:36 |
sebner | slomo: have you read it? Somebody wants to merge *your* mono :) | 18:38 |
slomo | sebner: iirc it can be synced without changes | 18:39 |
slomo | but if someone wants to look at it, fine ;) | 18:39 |
sebner | ^^ | 18:39 |
Dane2 | trying to build the package now. | 18:42 |
Dane2 | It seems to have worked! It's giving me grief about not having wget in the pbuilder environment, but that's easily remedied by adding a dependency. Thanks! | 18:47 |
PasNox | hi there | 18:52 |
Dane2 | Rockin! The package is built! You guys are awesome. Thanks again. | 18:53 |
PasNox | i would like to report that the webissues package is outdate, does it's planned to update it ? | 18:53 |
PasNox | it's now at 0.92 stable version, but repository always got 0.91 version | 18:53 |
PasNox | the new version got many new features that would imply a package update | 18:53 |
mruiz | Hi... where can I find information about regular expressions used on debian/watch file ? | 19:04 |
ScottK | mruiz: man uscan | 19:15 |
mruiz | thanks ScottK | 19:16 |
ScottK | Anyone from motu-sru willing to venture on if Bug 229646 is good for an SRU? | 19:28 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229646 in spamassassin "spamassassin chokes when using PostgreSQL as Bayes store" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229646 | 19:28 |
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Dane2 | Hello, again. I'm getting a "tail: cannot open `debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory" pbuilder error. Do any of you have an idea why that could be? There is a debian/changelog file in the source dir. | 19:45 |
tbielawa | Dane2: are you runningt the build command from your source directory? | 19:57 |
LaserJock | ScottK: is that a problem? | 19:59 |
Dane2 | yes, I am. | 19:59 |
tbielawa | that's weird | 19:59 |
ScottK | LaserJock: Yes. You can't use pg for your bayes storage. There are other ways to do it, but it's inconvenient at the very least. | 19:59 |
Dane2 | yeah. I'm trying with a fresh dh_make now... | 20:00 |
ScottK | LaserJock: Tell me no to an SRU and I'll do a backport. I'm good either way. | 20:00 |
LaserJock | ScottK: so it make postgresql unusable? | 20:01 |
LaserJock | ScottK: and it looks like the patch from the bug could be applied to our version, is that correct? | 20:02 |
Dane2 | odd. Still getting the error: tail: cannot open `debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory | 20:03 |
ScottK | LaserJock: It makes you have to use an earlier version of pg for your bayes store or some other method (there are others) | 20:03 |
ScottK | Since bayes store is self contained, I think it's not impossible to work around. | 20:03 |
emgent | heya people | 20:04 |
mruiz | hi elkbuntu | 20:04 |
mruiz | hi emgent | 20:04 |
LaserJock | ScottK: seems like it'd be a regression to me and SRU worthy. Can you just use the patch on their bugzilla? | 20:06 |
ScottK | LaserJock: Yes. I'm going to upload it to Intrepid first, but due to Perl 5.10 transition it may take a bit. | 20:06 |
LaserJock | ScottK: go ahead an work up the bug report for an SRU. I'd like to see something about the seriousness. At first glance, not being familiar with SA, it looked cosmetic. | 20:07 |
ScottK | OK. THanks. | 20:08 |
LaserJock | emgent: you need an ack from a Core Dev for debianutils :-) | 20:15 |
emgent | yes | 20:16 |
emgent | :D | 20:16 |
emgent | LaserJock: big thanks :P | 20:18 |
emgent | LaserJock: if you have time see cron too | 20:18 |
LaserJock | looking at it right now | 20:19 |
LaserJock | but why did you add the sysv-rc dependency? | 20:19 |
LaserJock | emgent: and I don't see the changes from 3.0pl1-100ubuntu2, were they taken upstream? | 20:22 |
sebner | emgent: you are very active today. great ;) | 20:22 |
emgent | sebner: lol | 20:23 |
emgent | LaserJock: for update-rc.d behaviour | 20:23 |
emgent | added in edgy if i remember well and seems necessary | 20:23 |
LaserJock | emgent: but I don't see where it was used after edgy | 20:23 |
emgent | LaserJock: if i remember well is in feisty too, just a moment | 20:24 |
LaserJock | i.e. the Feisty merge changelog only mentions the stop links | 20:24 |
emgent | LaserJock: false | 20:26 |
emgent | is in feisty too | 20:26 |
emgent | not writed in changelog | 20:26 |
emgent | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cron/cron_3.0pl1-100ubuntu1.diff.gz | 20:26 |
emgent | but sysv-rc is present in feisty debdiff. | 20:26 |
emgent | norsetto: o/ | 20:27 |
norsetto | emgent: 0/ | 20:27 |
emgent | LaserJock: sorry for my english, it`s a little shit :P | 20:27 |
sebner | huhu norsetto | 20:27 |
norsetto | master sebner good evening | 20:28 |
sebner | norsetto: ^^. if there is a master then it's you ;P | 20:28 |
norsetto | sebner: I'm just an humble servant | 20:28 |
sebner | norsetto: well, I wouldn't complain if you were my servant ;) | 20:29 |
norsetto | sebner: what about a pay raise then? Its about time ..... | 20:30 |
sebner | norsetto: are you paid for your ubuntu work? no? You work for me because you love me ^^ | 20:31 |
LaserJock | emgent: ok, now what about the diff from 3.0pl1-100ubuntu2? | 20:31 |
emgent | LaserJock: just a moment | 20:32 |
emgent | :) | 20:32 |
* norsetto is amazed to see for the first time a 3-digits debian revision number | 20:33 | |
emgent | LaserJock: too. | 20:33 |
emgent | LaserJock: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cron/cron_3.0pl1-100ubuntu2.diff.gz | 20:33 |
emgent | LaserJock: grep sysv-rc :) | 20:34 |
sebner | lol. however. back to mathematics :\ | 20:34 |
LaserJock | emgent: I mean, I don't see those changes in your debdiff | 20:34 |
LaserJock | emgent: so where they taken upstream or do we still need them? | 20:34 |
LaserJock | *were | 20:34 |
emgent | seems yes LaserJock, i was tested it and work fine. | 20:36 |
LaserJock | emgent: what do you mean by "seems", did you look for the change? | 20:39 |
emgent | LaserJock: yes but in the last merge Scott James apply this but dont wrote in changelog. | 20:40 |
LaserJock | k | 20:41 |
emgent | norsetto: mr brown on italia1 :) | 20:43 |
norsetto | emgent: believe it or not, I have no tv | 20:43 |
bmm | Hi guys. I'm a bit confused by a package which was coming from debian and seems to have been lost. When will packages from debian get into ubuntu? (package is boswars bug #128416 ) | 20:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 128416 in bos "[needs-packaging] http://www.boswars.org/" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128416 | 20:44 |
emgent | norsetto: hehe | 20:44 |
geser | bmm: boswars is already in intrepid | 20:45 |
emgent | hi geser :) | 20:45 |
geser | Hi emgent | 20:45 |
LaserJock | emgent: I think unfortunately briquolo may need a merge | 20:45 |
emgent | LaserJock: nope | 20:46 |
emgent | i talk with james_w about it | 20:46 |
LaserJock | emgent: did you test the package? | 20:46 |
LaserJock | i.e. does the menu item have an icon? | 20:46 |
emgent | yes, ifrst mee too thinking to merge | 20:47 |
emgent | s/ifrst/frist/ | 20:47 |
emgent | but is a sync | 20:47 |
LaserJock | emgent: but did you specifically test that the icon works? | 20:48 |
emgent | just a moment i go to grep log | 20:48 |
bmm | geser: hmm... I must have searched wrong with packages.ubuntu.com... will get back on this ;-) | 20:49 |
emgent | LaserJock: yes | 20:51 |
emgent | work fin, you like screenshot ? | 20:51 |
emgent | :) | 20:51 |
emgent | s/fin/fine/ | 20:51 |
LaserJock | emgent: I'll believe you, I'm just surprised | 20:52 |
geser | bmm: does p.u.c already list intrepid? I used LP: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boswars | 20:52 |
emgent | LaserJock: np :) | 20:53 |
LaserJock | emgent: because the .desktop use the .svg extention when it's really a .xpm | 20:54 |
emgent | http://thc.emanuele-gentili.com/~emgent/briquolo.png (this is games menu) | 20:55 |
Arby | what does it mean if I get 'The requested URL /k/ktorrent/REPORT was not found on this server.' on merges.ubuntu.com? | 20:58 |
Arby | that the merge has been completed and uploaded? | 20:58 |
Arby | I did that merge and got a bunch of failed to build e-mails | 20:59 |
Arby | I went to get a clean copy of the files to check my changes and now it's gone. | 20:59 |
Arby | just wondering what's going on | 21:00 |
geser | Arby: a merge vanishes from MoM on the next run if it get's uploaded (as there isn't anything to merge right now) | 21:01 |
norsetto | geser: puc is a little behind in intrepid | 21:01 |
Arby | geser: so is that independent of whether it builds or not after upload | 21:01 |
Jazzva | norsetto: I sorted out issues with the gnome-mplayer, but I have to go for an hour now. Switching to windows, to prepare for the lab practice tomorrow. I'll be back in an hour, clean the package and prepare a new upload :) | 21:02 |
Arby | and as an aside how often is MoM run? | 21:03 |
norsetto | Jazzva: good luck | 21:03 |
Jazzva | norsetto: Thanks :) | 21:03 |
geser | Arby: yes and I guess MoM is updated once daily (but I'm not sure) | 21:03 |
geser | Arby: looks like ktorrent is missing a build-dependency on cdbs | 21:03 |
Arby | geser: yes I know, I've fixed that and hit a further problem | 21:04 |
Arby | there was a conflict in a cpp file and I've accidentally introduced an error | 21:05 |
Arby | hence why I was trying to get a clean copy | 21:05 |
geser | Arby: you need to get then the old Ubuntu version (e.g. from LP) and the old Debian version and compute the delta (debdiff) | 21:08 |
ScottK | geser: I think MoM is not updating right now. DaD seems to manage it though. | 21:08 |
geser | ScottK: universe.html 12-May-2008 20:59 218K | 21:09 |
geser | from MoM | 21:09 |
geser | looks quite uptodate | 21:09 |
ScottK | OK. Maybe it's finally started then. Thanks. It'd been a few days since I checked. | 21:09 |
Arby | geser: thanks | 21:10 |
bmm | geser: p.u.c does not list boswars yet, but it is in the archive.ubuntu.com, so it is probably just lagging behind. Thanks for the info! | 21:11 |
Syntux | guys, scsi_info was part of pcmcia-cs in gutsy but not anymore, how can I check why it was removed? | 21:11 |
ScottK | Syntux: Did you look in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/pcmciautils | 21:14 |
ScottK | Syntux: The why is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/pcmcia-cs/1:0 | 21:15 |
mruiz | How is the correct use of requestsync? I tried to do the following "requestsync -s ubuntu-universe-sponsors --lp kazehakase intrepid" and I got: ubuntu-universe-sponsors doesn't appear to exist in kazehakase, specify -n for a package not in Ubuntu. | 21:16 |
Syntux | ScottK, yeah I checked that page before but didn't understand why | 21:17 |
geser | mruiz: leave out the ubuntu-universe-sponsors, requestsync -s subscribes the correct team automagically | 21:17 |
ScottK | mruiz: requestsync -s kazehakase intrepid is all you need | 21:17 |
ScottK | Syntux: The package has been renamed or the functionality folded into another package are the usual reasons. | 21:18 |
mruiz | geser, ScottK : thanks :) | 21:18 |
Syntux | ScottK, yeah, that's the usual reasons but scsi_info does not exists anymore in any package | 21:19 |
ScottK | Ah. Well that's a bit different then. | 21:19 |
Syntux | yeah :-) | 21:20 |
* ScottK looks some more. | 21:21 | |
ScottK | Syntux: How about http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=394018 | 21:24 |
ubottu | Debian bug 394018 in pcmcia-source "pcmcia-source: Obsolete - please remove" [Important,Closed] | 21:24 |
Syntux | although it doesn't explain why (I guess kernel support thingy) but ok | 21:27 |
siretart | slomo: excellent. I assume that we can now disable that patch in ffmpeg, right? | 21:29 |
Syntux | the device manager was replace with restricted manager? | 21:46 |
Syntux | or gnome-device-manager | 21:46 |
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ryanakca | dpatch vs quilt, I'm guessing I should go for dpatch? | 22:25 |
ScottK | ryanakca: You should go for whichever works for you. | 22:25 |
ScottK | There are plenty of quilt fanboys around, but I don't get the excitement myself. | 22:25 |
ryanakca | ScottK: ok, well, I'm used to the CDBS patch system, but this particular merge a) doesn't have a patch system and b) doesn't use CDBS... | 22:26 |
* ryanakca will try quilt out first | 22:26 | |
ScottK | ryanakca: If you've used cdbs-edit-patch, then dpatch-edit-patch will be familiar. | 22:27 |
ryanakca | ok, thanks | 22:27 |
ryanakca | Another thing, how often do MoM/DaD get updated? | 22:28 |
Lutin | once an hour for DaD iirc, don't know for MoM | 22:29 |
sebner | geser: now you can ACK all of them. I testbuilded all of them ;) | 22:33 |
ScottK | Twice a day for MoM, I think. | 22:33 |
sebner | ScottK: only DaD rocks :P | 22:33 |
ScottK | sebner: Except when it gives you a bogus merge diff. Each tool has it's advantanges. | 22:34 |
Lutin | ScottK: does it still happen ? | 22:34 |
Lutin | except the one marked as broken, thqt is | 22:35 |
ScottK | Lutin: I haven't hit any that aren't marked. | 22:35 |
sebner | ScottK: well, true but my experience was that MoM likes to break something more than DaD | 22:35 |
ScottK | Hopefully at UDS we get them all put toghether and we are one happy family again. | 22:35 |
Lutin | ScottK: ok. true, relying on snapshots.debian.net is not ideal :) | 22:35 |
sebner | ScottK: btw, no stress with courier. won't have the time to work on it until weekend | 22:36 |
ryanakca | shouldn't debian/mon.init.d start with "#!/bin/sh" instead of "#! /bin/sh"? | 22:39 |
crimsun | ryanakca: no. | 22:39 |
crimsun | people generally aren't pedantic about the former, however. | 22:40 |
ryanakca | crimsun: ah, thanks | 22:40 |
Jazzva | norsetto: Looks like the watch file is not working with google code's archive | 22:41 |
norsetto | LaserJock: got another one for you guys if you want to check it out: bug 229703 | 22:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229703 in trousers "Fails to install" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229703 | 22:41 |
RainCT | good night | 22:41 |
sebner | gn8 RainCT | 22:41 |
Jazzva | norsetto: It gives me 404 for the dir which should contain the files (http://gnome-mplayer.googlecode.com/files/), download location for the newest is http://gnome-mplayer.googlecode.com/files/gnome-mplayer-0.6.1.tar.gz | 22:43 |
norsetto | Jazzva: check the uscan man page, there is a way to use a referral http page | 22:43 |
Jazzva | ok | 22:44 |
norsetto | Jazzva: this should probably be ok: http://code.google.com/p/gnome-mplayer/downloads/list as the referral page | 22:44 |
Jazzva | norsetto: Thanks, it worked :) | 22:48 |
norsetto | jazzva: good :-) | 22:49 |
ryanakca | should the creation of /var/run/mon (if it doesn't exist) be in the start) section of the init script, or should it be outside of it / have its existence assured at every operation? | 22:50 |
persia | ryanakca: At every start is likely safe, so long as it is in the init script, and not in the postinst. | 22:53 |
ryanakca | persia: thanks | 22:53 |
sebner | persia: I have a cloak now ;) but mail is still missing :( | 22:53 |
persia | sebner: These things take time... | 22:53 |
Erosion | Does one have to use ubuntu to be a MOTU? | 22:54 |
sebner | persia: kk, btw. I thought the members of universe-contributors ( currently only me ^^) also have more *rights* on LP. not only the goodies like ubuntumembership | 22:54 |
crimsun | Erosion: no. | 22:55 |
ScottK | Erosion: Not technically, but I'm not sure why your would want to? | 22:55 |
Erosion | ScottK: I run OSX present, I'm a previous ubuntu user though, and still run it, but on my everyday machine. | 22:55 |
sebner | argh | 22:55 |
sebner | *reights | 22:55 |
ryanakca | Erosion: but.... how would you package if not on Ubuntu? | 22:55 |
sebner | no *rights is correct ^^ | 22:56 |
crimsun | Erosion: also, regarding your question in -bugs about iMac audio - you haven't provided any hardware info. Namely, the bug team would need the codec spew (/proc/asound/card*/*codec*{,/*}) | 22:56 |
persia | sebner: Not at this time. Possibly in the future. Needs to be proposed, agreed with the relevant bodies, and confirmed by MOTU. | 22:56 |
Erosion | ryanakca: That's why I asked :) | 22:56 |
persia | Erosion: You'd at least want to run Ubuntu in a virtual machine, as otherwise testing is problematic. | 22:57 |
sebner | persia: in other words. will take very long. I thought this was also planned!? I don't speak from big rights. just things like changing the importance of a bug or something like this | 22:57 |
geser | sebner: sync request for ocaml-* ACKed | 22:57 |
Erosion | persia: OK. | 22:57 |
sebner | geser: great. thx | 22:57 |
norsetto | sebner: apply to bugcontrol for that, it will be a good exercise for you to do some bug triaging | 22:58 |
geser | sebner: or wait for MOTU :) | 22:59 |
sebner | ^^ | 22:59 |
emgent | sebner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl | 22:59 |
emgent | :) | 22:59 |
sebner | geser: norsetto : Just thought that members of the universe contributors have a little bit experience with bugs .. besides it would be funny if I could set my sync and merge bugs to "wishlist" | 22:59 |
emgent | sebner: apply in bugcontrol :P | 23:00 |
sebner | ember: We'll see | 23:01 |
Jazzva | norsetto: What's the right way of uploading new upstream versions? Preparing an interdiff? | 23:01 |
norsetto | Jazzva: no, we changed to diff.gz | 23:01 |
Jazzva | Then I should provide .orig.tar.gz and diff.gz produced by the build? | 23:02 |
Jazzva | norsetto: ^ | 23:02 |
persia | Jazzva: Your orig.tar.gz should be generated by debian/rules get-orig-source | 23:02 |
norsetto | Jazzva: just the diff.gz, the tarball we can retrieve with the watch file | 23:02 |
persia | (or, yes, a watch file also works :) ) | 23:03 |
Jazzva | norsetto, persia: Thanks :) | 23:03 |
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sebner | gn8 folks | 23:08 |
Jazzva | norsetto: Uploaded diff.gz bug 226195 | 23:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226195 in gnome-mplayer "Please update gnome-mplayer/gecko-mediaplayer" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226195 | 23:16 |
norsetto | Jazzva: thx, will check it out tomorrow (your tomorrow :-)). | 23:17 |
Jazzva | norsetto: Heh :)... Ok | 23:17 |
Jazzva | I'll start working on gecko-mediaplayer, I hope I'll finish it tomorrow ;) | 23:17 |
Jazzva | Thanks :) | 23:18 |
norsetto | jazzva: did you test it btw? | 23:19 |
Jazzva | I reviewed it :)... Tested the package I prepared... | 23:19 |
Jazzva | Everything looks ok | 23:19 |
norsetto | jazzva: ok, no surprises with the gconf file then I gather, thx | 23:20 |
Jazzva | And tested diff.gz... Everything went ok | 23:21 |
Jazzva | np :) | 23:21 |
no0tic | apachelogger, sorry, I took your pokerth but I think I can't manage to merge it by myself, too many changes and I'm still in full learning process.. better if I continue with simpler packages first | 23:30 |
norsetto | jazzva: can you check in the svn if the patch we have in 0.6.0 was added? I was told by upstream that there shouldn't be any need in 0.6.1, so I'm surprised you kept it | 23:40 |
Jazzva | norsetto: I checked in the file, but it wasn't added. Though, not in svn... | 23:42 |
Jazzva | I'll check now | 23:42 |
Jazzva | norsetto: It was added in the svn, but we can keep the patch, since it does the same thing... :) | 23:44 |
norsetto | jazzva: perfect | 23:44 |
Laibsch | Hi, I hope this is the right channel to ask. How do I get dch to use hardy instead of intrepid by default? | 23:46 |
Laibsch | I am going to bed now, but will leave the IRC client running, so thanks in advance for any response. | 23:46 |
Jazzva | Laibsch: dch --release | 23:46 |
Laibsch | Jazzva: Thanks | 23:46 |
Jazzva | Laibsch: Forget it... It does something else | 23:47 |
Laibsch | I mean, "by default" | 23:47 |
Jazzva | :) | 23:47 |
crimsun | dch -d | 23:47 |
crimsun | -D | 23:47 |
Laibsch | no | 23:47 |
james_w | --distribution is the correct switch (-D) | 23:47 |
Laibsch | I want to set it either in a config file | 23:47 |
Laibsch | or some environment variable | 23:47 |
Laibsch | and then never have to worry about it again | 23:47 |
james_w | that doesn't seem to be available from reading the manpage | 23:47 |
crimsun | /etc/devscripts.conf ? | 23:48 |
Laibsch | yes, I of course read the man page, too | 23:48 |
Laibsch | Which is why I came here ;-) | 23:48 |
Laibsch | crimsun: I'll take a look | 23:48 |
Laibsch | Thanks | 23:48 |
Laibsch | crimsun: grep dist /etc/devscripts.conf | 23:49 |
Laibsch | at least finds nothing | 23:49 |
james_w | Laibsch: I think a wishlist bug against devscripts would be reasonable here | 23:50 |
Laibsch | crimsun: DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC ? | 23:50 |
crimsun | what james said, and you can add the appropriate changes to check_env_utf8('DISTRIBUTION');, etc. | 23:52 |
Laibsch | OK | 23:53 |
Laibsch | Tomorrow | 23:53 |
Laibsch | Thanks | 23:53 |
norsetto | Jazzva: looks good, uploaded! | 23:54 |
Jazzva | norsetto: Yay :). Thanks. | 23:54 |
norsetto | jazzva: you only forgot to add the LP: #xxxxxx tag, so, mark it fix-released once it build | 23:55 |
Jazzva | norsetto: I thought I added it last night... Damn. Ok, I'll do that. | 23:55 |
mruiz | Hi all | 23:58 |
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