
rhpot1991Corvix: if you are using SD you can disable channels from your lineup from their website00:12
rhpot1991guess your not, schedules direct00:12
CorvixI'm using DVB-S in Germany00:12
Corvixi get my schedules over EIT00:12
Corvixwould be great to be able to organise channels in groups as well ...00:13
Corvixand have different views on the same dataset00:13
rhpot1991I *think* you can do that in mythtv-setup00:13
Corvixbriefly checked, didnt look like00:21
rhpot1991I know you can group recording devices00:21
rhpot1991thought you could do the same with channels00:21
Corvixnot afaik00:22
Corvixor having a custom order other then number or name ... would be greate too ...00:22
Corvixand some conveniet manager to do all that ... I have around 1500 freetv channels and the tools ootb are not really useful there00:23
cmdlnok im still having problems with my grey hauppage remote.01:15
cmdlnI have run irrecord, and have irw now showing keypresses01:15
cmdlnhowever myth still does not respond to my remote01:16
cmdlnso i never actually checked while watching tv01:32
cmdln.... remote seems to work while watching tv01:32
cmdlncant navigate the menu though?01:32
crazy_busI'm getting events in irw and I tried to edit the mythtv file in /.lirc  But mythtv still isn't recognising command I enter via the remote.  Can anyone help?02:52
crazy_busI'm getting events in irw and I tried to edit the mythtv file in /.lirc  But mythtv still isn't recognising command I enter via the remote.  Can anyone help?03:12
crazy_bus*rebooting to see if that helps03:20
crazy_busI'm getting events in irw and I tried to edit the mythtv lirc file  But mythtv still isn't recognising command I enter via the remote (except for volume and numbers).  Can anyone help?03:29
rhpot1991_laptopsounds like you got stuff busted in your ~/.lirc03:31
crazy_busI don't understand how volume works.  The button I get in irw is 73 0 KEY_VOLUMEUP event6.  But in the mythtv config file it's set to button = VOL_UP03:35
crazy_bushow = why03:35
cmdlncrazy_bus: where in myth is it not working04:13
cmdlnim still working on getting my remote working again .... it did not seem to be working but I was only testing in the main menu04:13
cmdlnit actually works while watching tv04:13
crazy_buscmdln: everywhere.  Volume works.  I was able to get mute and channel changing for a few minutes but I broke that04:14
crazy_bus* I'm mainly trying while watching tv04:14
crazy_buscmdln: can I have your mythtv lirc file to try?04:38
cmdlnhave you used irrecord?04:38
crazy_buscmdln: no, I could never get that or readmade settings to work.  The zeroconf one works however04:40
cmdlnyou need to have the right lircd for your remotes04:41
crazy_buscmdln: but irw is reporting all the correct buttons04:42
cmdlnI stripped out everything from my ~/.lirc/mythtv config04:42
cmdlnand just got down to up down left right04:42
cmdlnmade sure that the lables match whats in the lircd04:43
cmdlnlike Up instead of up04:43
cmdlnand took out the remote lines as well04:43
cmdlnthats how I got it partially working in live tv04:43
crazy_buscmdln:  how do you get a full mythtv config.  Mine is empty except for a few comments at the top04:45
cmdlni installed mythbuntu04:47
cmdlnso it was there04:47
crazy_buscmdln: or can you pastebin your so I can check it against the small one I made04:47
cmdlni dont have network access to mine04:47
crazy_buscmdln: this look right?  http://www.pastebin.ca/101538604:49
cmdlnmine are all repeat -04:50
crazy_buscmdln: so I put::    repeat = 004:52
cmdlnlooks right04:53
crazy_buscmdln:  pause doesn't work in livetv with that :(  Though I got channel up/down working with that method04:55
cmdlnis the pause key defined in lircd?04:57
cmdlnit gives the right thing back with irw?04:57
crazy_busit gives this in irw:  77 0 KEY_PAUSE event604:58
cmdlntry changing Pause to KEY_PAUSE04:59
foxbuntucmdln, crazy_bus evening you guys sound like you could use a lirc expert :)05:01
crazy_busta cmdln.  I forgot to add that.  It works now05:01
cmdlnme too05:01
cmdlnright now im trying to get my serial blaster to work05:02
cmdlnheh i had all this working for about 3 years05:02
cmdlnand just never updated or paid any attention to anything05:02
foxbuntulots of changes in 3 years05:03
cmdlnheh actually prolly more like 4 years05:03
cmdlnstupid irsend05:03
cmdlncant seem to get it to support sending05:04
foxbuntuok....so fill me in on where your at, your issue(s), what you have tried05:04
cmdlni must be missing something05:04
cmdlnoh mmmm, im poking around with irsend, fiddled with the serial stuff05:04
foxbuntuyou should be able to setup a serial blaster from MCC05:04
cmdlnyeh thats checked05:06
cmdlnbut irsend keeps sayding hardware does not support sending05:06
foxbuntuwhat hardware is it?05:06
foxbuntuand do you have more than 1 serial port?05:06
cmdlnyes and ive tried connecting to both05:07
cmdlnsome old via board05:07
foxbuntuwell you need restart lirc after you switch ports05:07
cmdlnbeen doing that05:08
foxbuntuwhat are you using as an ir blaster?05:09
cmdlnuh i think i bought it off irblaster.info when that guy first started making them05:10
foxbuntuare you using any kind of serial cable between the blaster and machine?05:10
cmdlnit is a serial cable05:11
cmdlnbut no extension if thats what your talking about05:11
crazy_busfoxbuntu: do you have the default mythtv lirc file, so I don't have to look all the commands up myself (I deleted mine when I was trying to make it work)05:11
foxbuntucrazy_bus, what do you mean 'default lirc commands'?05:12
crazy_busthe file ~/.lirc/mythtv (the keybindings like Up, P, etc)05:13
foxbuntuoh you need the mythtv keys05:14
foxbuntuthe application keys05:14
foxbuntucrazy_bus, do you have a working /etc/lircd.conf in place?05:15
foxbuntucmdln, im thinking over it05:15
crazy_busfoxbuntu: no, I tried with irrecord and premade .conf files but none worked.  However the zeroconf package made irw work05:16
cmdln cool im fiddeling in bios now05:16
crazy_busfoxbuntu: *zeroconf = inputlircd05:16
foxbuntucrazy_bus, did you restart mythfrontend after you made changes?05:16
foxbuntustupid laptops battery05:21
foxbuntucrazy_bus, what remote do you have?05:21
crazy_busfoxbuntu: the one that plugs into the back of a avermedia dvb't 77105:22
crazy_busI've got a few commands working now.05:28
crazy_buscan anyone tell me why on screen displays flicker for me?05:28
cmdlnmmm so run with debug, could not connect to socket, no sufh file or directory, thats better05:28
foxbuntucmdln, sounds like progress05:29
foxbuntucrazy_bus, which lirc module are you using?05:30
foxbuntu...for the remote...05:30
cmdlnassume its talking about /dev/ttyS0? but im running irsend as root, and root has write permissions05:30
foxbuntucmdln, dont run irsend as root05:30
foxbuntu...well you shouldnt at least05:31
cmdlnim just doing it for testing05:31
crazy_busfoxbuntu: what do you mean?05:31
foxbuntucrazy_bus, open up MCC and we will start from there05:32
crazy_busfoxbuntu: but the remote is now working.  I just have to type in what commands I want and what button it corresponds to05:33
foxbuntucrazy_bus, well I thought you said your lircd.conf wasnt working05:34
foxbuntuthe few keys you have assigned in the ~/.lirc/mythtv work though?05:35
crazy_busfoxbuntu: setting it up via irrecord or a preset doesn't.  Using a different program inputlirc makes it work without setting anything up05:35
cmdlneat that05:36
cmdlnauto configuration is great05:36
cmdlnwhen it work05:36
cmdlnand when it does not its a total pita05:37
cmdlnwell it didnt error once :)05:37
cmdlnwell im breaking stuff so i must be getting closer05:40
crazy_busI just wish I had a template so I didn't have to write the mythtv lirc config file from scratch05:42
foxbuntucrazy_bus, pastebin your lircd.conf and hardware.conf05:42
crazy_busfoxbuntu: why.  The remote works well enough.  Thanks for the offer05:43
foxbuntucrazy_bus, ok...I must be confused or tired guess your issue is fixed05:44
foxbuntuat any rate...05:44
crazy_busmy issue now is why are all On screen displays flickering05:45
cmdlncould not get file information for /dev/lirc05:47
cmdlnfoxbuntu: where is that controlled?05:48
cmdlnI want to say /etc/lirc/hardware.conf05:48
cmdlnbut modifying the serial section there seems to have noo effect05:48
foxbuntucrazy_bus, try switching from QT to OpenGL as a painter if you havent already05:51
foxbuntucmdln, thats where it should be controlled05:51
cmdlnok i guess that file is doing something05:56
cmdlni must be mis-reading the error05:57
cmdlnpostage just went up a penny06:00
crazy_busdo I update with mythfilldatabase?  i.e. to download new listings?06:36
crazy_busor do I have to run tv_grab_au manually?06:38
crazy_buscmdln: do you know how to delete individual channels in setup?06:53
_taz_hmmm, anyone able to get the control center to set up a IRBlaster and a IR remote?06:55
=== _taz_ is now known as TazgodX
erpoWhen I hold down the volume up/down keys, the volume only changes one increment. It's like there's no "key repeat" set. How can I fix this?07:45
erpo*I am referring to the volume up/down keys on my remote.07:45
crazy_buserpo: go to ~.lirc/mythtv  look for the volume settings and change repeat to whatever you like e.g. repeat = 407:47
erpocrazy_bus: Thanks! That did it. I was staring at /etc/lirc/lircmd.conf, but that wasn't getting me anywhere.07:58
erpocrazy_bus: Incidentally, that also answers my other question of how to customize key mappings.08:00
crazy_buserpo: is there any chance you can pastebin the ~.lirc/mythtv file for me at www.pastebin.ca  I accidently deleted mine and have only added a quarter of the commands back manually08:05
erposure :)08:05
erpoof course, I have a MCE remote.08:08
erpoI have to take off. Thanks for your help!08:10
BalachmarHi, I'm trying to install mythbuntu 8.04 but when it says loading kernel it actually reboots09:35
BalachmarAnd the live environment won't start either09:35
Balachmar_Hi, I'm trying to install mythbuntu 8.04 but when it says loading kernel it actually reboots09:53
BalachmarOoh, this is actually the same chatroom as at freenode, sorry for the spamming...09:53
Balachmar_ok vmlinuz has a different md5sum than in the txt file10:03
Balachmar_Now I am stuck at another place11:18
Balachmar_At the prepare partitions menu, there is nothing in the table11:19
Balachmar_nor can I create new partitions, it doesn't seem to have recognized my hard disk11:19
Balachmar_ok, so I read on the forum that someone else also has a sata drive that doesn;t show up...11:31
Balachmar_the sda etc do show up in dmesg11:39
Balachmar_aha, the other sd* things in the dmesg are the memory card readers11:53
Balachmar_So the hard disk itself doesn't show up anywhere11:53
cosmichi @ all13:52
cosmicI cannot watch LiveTV anymore , heres the Error log : http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/212976/13:55
cosmicI cannot find this entry in the DB13:55
cosmicI fixed it , thx13:57
lagahow? :)13:57
cosmicMaster Backend had : Permissions denied on RECORDINGS - DIR13:58
cosmicto much beer yesterday lol13:58
cosmicbut hey , thats a strange error message for the client , isnt it ?13:59
cosmicwhere i you from laga ?14:00
cosmicare you mythbuntu devel ?14:00
cosmici see very often in irc14:00
lagayeah, i'm one of the mythbuntu devs14:00
lagai'm from germany14:00
cosmicnices , what do you develop for mythbuntu14:01
lagai help with packaging, the control centre, the diskless stuff..14:01
cosmicwhere from germany? i am from frankfurt14:01
lagai'm from a quaint little town in the saarland ;)14:01
cosmicoh i see14:02
lagai just wish the diskless tuff was working for everyone ;) some odd bugs keep happening14:03
cosmichow can you invest so much time in devel , dont you work ?14:03
lagai'm a student :)14:03
cosmicoh i see14:03
cosmichow does dis diskless stuff work ? TFTP ? + PXE , something like this ?14:04
lagaright now i'm not spending much time on development, mostly bug triaging and stuff. the weather is too nice.14:04
cosmicyes damn right , the weather is super in Frankfurt too14:04
lagayeah, it can use PXE to get the kernel, but you can also use a USB pen drive to boot the client14:05
Balachmar_here in the netherlands it is fine as well14:05
Balachmar_although I still haven't fixed my issues with mythbuntu14:05
cosmicbut i am working on an mythbuntu client ,to get him work on a (CEleron 500 MHz , 192 MB RAM and 20 G Disk) ;)14:05
lagai made it flexible with regards to booting beecause not everyone wants to make intrusive changes to their network14:05
lagacosmic: 192MB isn't a lot ;)14:05
Balachmar_I can't install because my sata disk isn't recognized14:05
lagaBalachmar_: is it detected in the BIOS?14:06
cosmiclaga i know , but i give it a try anyway14:06
Balachmar_laga: yes, I can still boot to my ubuntu install14:06
cosmictime to kill some services ;)14:06
Balachmar_and it is detected in the bios14:06
lagaBalachmar_: what ubuntu install? 7.10?14:06
Balachmar_the only sdx devices detected from mythbuntu install are the memory card readers14:07
lagacosmic: /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common can save you lots of memory. up to 32M i believe14:07
lagaBalachmar_: does it work from the 8.04 alternate disk?14:07
cosmicwich SATA - Mode ? , pure ore SATA/IDE ?14:07
cosmiclaga , thanks for the hint14:07
Balachmar_just to be sure, the 7.04 ubuntu install is already on the hd14:07
Balachmar_on the bios I could choose from ide, AHCI and raid, and I choose ide14:08
lagatry AHCI instead?14:08
cosmicsounds strange14:08
cosmictry AHCI14:08
lagathat might break any windows installs on that box.14:09
Balachmar_AHCI didn't work either :D14:09
Balachmar_doesn't matter since there is no windows install on that box :D14:10
lagawhat chipset is that? VIA?14:11
lagaok, just wondering. i don't have a fix, i just enjoy bashing VIA ;)14:11
lagaBalachmar_: i wonder if there's a bug report in launchpad already for your chipset/mother board14:14
lagai bet it's a problem with libata, maybe you can force it to use the older drivers.. humhumm14:16
lagamaybe it'll work in RAID mode?14:18
Balachmar_yes, I am reading that in a bug report as well14:18
Balachmar_unfortunately mythtv has to record something now, that my girlfriend wants to see...14:19
Balachmar_So I have to wait in order to try it out...14:19
Balachmar_(Since it will never install within 30 minutes and be working flawlessly then...14:19
lagaheh, true14:19
lagabut booting to check if the hdd is detected might be an option ;)14:20
Balachmar_true am on it14:21
Balachmar_nope also doesn't work14:28
lagamaybe you can find out what driver is used in 7.04 and check if it's also available in 8.0414:29
Balachmar_how would I do that?14:29
lagathe output of dmesg or lsmod might be helpful14:30
Balachmar_but what am I looking for?14:34
lagayou're probably looking for any driver that claimed your SATA interface ;)14:35
lagacan't be more helpful there, sorry14:35
cosmic_saw this in my process list: /usr/sbin/system-tools-backends ... whats that ? , does anyone know14:36
* Penfold hrms, ok. time to replace my SCART->composite cable, and see if that's teh cause of me getting no picture14:38
Balachmar_I see libata 2.20 in dmesg14:46
Balachmar_and if I grep lsmod for ata: I get ata_generic, libata and scsi_mod14:47
Balachmar_is that any help?14:47
cosmic_Wow , its running preety fine , but i had to stop some (maybe) important services @ laga , just fyi15:02
laganice. are you using -diskless or just a normal client?15:03
cosmic_das passiett mir au oft ;)15:03
cosmic_no i am using , a normal ubutnu 8.04 I386 server install , where i installed mythbuntu - desktop for the packages and changed the default wm to blackbox15:05
cosmic_not the finest way i know that , but i am linux noob and  DAU in one Person ;)15:05
lagawhatever works for you :)15:06
cosmic_would you please explain the meaning of : whatever works for you15:06
cosmic_or just say it in german , plz15:06
lagacosmic_: sowas wie "wenn's funktioniert ist es gut" ;)15:07
cosmic_do you think the diskless version would work better ?15:07
cosmic_i dont think so15:07
lagano, i was just wondering what you were using15:08
cosmic_oh i see , but i would prefer an amount of 256 MB , to have it working flew15:08
cosmic_of RAM15:09
lagawith -diskless, you don't have local swap by default. it'll enable network swap, but only 32M or so15:09
lagaand network swap is slow ;)15:09
cosmic_i will see if i get 256 MB RAM next week , by the way ... the P3 400Mhz is peforming better than an Celeron 5XX MHz , fyi15:09
cosmic_laga: network swap is shit for a client with very low resources for multimeda15:10
lagap3 400? i never could get really smooth playback out of my p3 450. maybe i should have tried harder ;)15:10
cosmic_it works fine15:11
cosmic_mplayer with Videos maped over smbfs , ROCK HARD !!!15:11
lagaah, i was talking about mythtv itself15:11
cosmic_and Live TV rocks too , but it stucks a little bit after PAUSE and at the start15:12
cosmic_the same for playing recordings withc are streamed by the master15:12
cosmic_the Internal player uses damn much resources15:12
cosmic_for an SUPER LOW END CLIENT15:12
cosmic_but its enough for my bedroom , cause of the boards size and the case size15:13
lagayup. i tried with XvMC back then and it was OK, but not as smooth as i'd have liked it to be. might have been a bad deinterlacer, though.15:13
lagahow big is it?15:13
cosmic_34 cm tief 8cm hoch 27 breit15:14
cosmic_sorry for no translation but i dont now inches and stuff15:14
lagametric units work just as fine. imperial units are silly ;)15:15
lagawhat PC is that? some thin client?15:15
lagafujitsu siemens?15:15
cosmic_from Masxdata, i bought it by ebay for 30 Euros15:15
cosmic_its an Asus Board A2N or something like that15:16
cosmic_youll get this package at ebay.de15:16
laganice. i'Ve got this in my bedroom: http://www.t-online.de/international/pressebilder/t_online_s100_remote.jpg15:16
cosmic_Working with Myth ??15:17
lagayeah. it's a normal computer. celeron 733, wlan, fanless, can be powered on using the remote..15:18
cosmic_i read in the FreeX that it is possible to install unix/linux on it or on one of these15:18
lagabut only 128M RAM, which sucks.15:18
lagai still run feisty on it.15:18
cosmic_is it working in a flew ( flüssig)15:18
lagayou can get them for 30€ including a router on ebay these days. i've been wondering about getting more, but i've got enough crap already :)15:19
lagayeah, it's quite fluent. if you use the iulius theme ;)15:19
cosmic_we all have enough CRAP , but we NEEED more !!!15:19
cosmic_my ex wife hated me for that löl15:19
cosmic_but it only works as a client , right ?15:20
lagaone of the biggest downsides is that you'll need a binary driver from intel to enable the tv-out. :(15:20
sabhainlaga, how does that compare to the MediaMVP?15:20
cosmic_i see15:20
lagasome of them have a PCI slot, but i hear it's not that reliable. and the box isn'T high enough to fit a big PCI card without some modding. and only 128M RAM..15:20
lagasabhain: it's a real x86 box, not sure if you can compare something ;)15:21
Balachmar_Is there a way to add a boot option when I am running the installer of mythbuntu?15:21
Balachmar_Because maybe using the boot option all_generic_ide might help15:22
cosmic_laga:  whats with HDD ?  compact flash ?15:22
lagacosmic_: i'm using an USB pen drive.15:22
lagaBalachmar_: yeah. just add it when booting the live disk after the -- in the boot options15:23
lagaand it should pick that up for regular boots, too15:23
Balachmar_ok, then I will try that later15:23
sabhainlaga, so you've just installed mythbuntu directly on that?15:23
lagasabhain: yes. not "directly", i debootstrapped it manually, but a regular install using the alternate disk should work just as well.15:24
lagai'm also using a different wlan NIC. and i added the IEGD driver to get tv-out.15:24
cosmic_IEGD ?15:24
lagaintel embedded graphics driver15:25
lagaor something like that15:25
sabhainhmmm .. what happens if you try to play an HD recording?15:25
cosmic_oh ok15:25
sabhainor an ISO video file?15:25
lagasabhain: it'll probably explode.15:25
lagasabhain: a dvd rip ought to work just fine.15:25
lagai used to stream dvds from my desktop to my bed room using VLC.15:25
sabhainand that's an S100?  Can't seem to find on ebay ... the MediaMVP works ok .. but I don't think it will pull down from the video folder .. upside is that the mvpmc install & boot was simple.  But I haven't played much with it yet.15:27
lagai was always going to bed a mediamvp, but it just isn't cheap enough15:28
lagasabhain: they're mostly sold in germany.15:28
lagat-online used to give them away as IPTV set top boxes15:28
cosmic_OK Guys now i have killed sshd as well and it runs realy good , just FYI15:32
lagaeeek. no sshd is scary ;)15:33
lagaunless you've got a keyboard ;)15:33
cosmic_i have an remote Keyboard(CRAP) for Extremas , now i have to get monit work with mythfrontend ...15:34
cosmic_what is the dbus dameon ?????15:34
cosmic_do i need that ? doent understand the english subscribe15:34
lagait's used for inter-process communication15:35
lagaeg if you tell your kde/gnome to shut down, it'll hand off that message to HAL over dbus15:35
cosmic_oh ok15:35
BalachmarHi, just for future reference: adding all_generic_ide to the boot options fixes the issue of the sata drives that were not recognized16:20
BalachmarSo tonight I will go and install the latest and greatest mythbuntu version!16:21
cosmic_for what do i need myth-status16:39
cosmic_OK Guys , i dont know if it is from interest for you , but i have found a combination to let al LOW Resource Client work in a flew with mytfrontend  as my bedroom Client (in my Case) , its a : Pentium III 600 Mhz with round about 192 MB RAM and    >= 20 GB HDD ......18:15
cosmic_i will trie18:16
cosmic_try with xfce , now :)18:17
cosmic_Ah , the best thing .... You dont have to stop any server , only gnome screensaver :)18:22
cosmic_server = service18:22
lagaBalachmar: congrats.18:25
lagacosmic_: myth-status writes the status of your pending recordings to your MOTD18:25
lagaor whatever is displayed when you log in ;)18:25
illelaga: saw your post on dev list about segfault in /lib/ld-linux.so.2 looks like the common thingie is ATI driver18:27
lagaille: fglrx or radeon?18:29
illelaga, radeon18:33
lagai use radeon, too, and i don't get crashes. but i use my own packages.18:33
lagai'm very interested in getting this fixed, but i'm not sure where to start.18:34
illelaga, I'm compiling now18:34
PenfoldWoo. Progress :) Swapped cables from composite to SVideo input on PVR 150. ...18:34
PenfoldI have a picture...18:34
Penfoldbut it's black and white :(18:34
illelaga, 0.21-fixes , but should i go SVN?18:34
lagaille: use -fixes. SVN is too scary right now, for me at least18:35
illelaga, ok18:35
Penfoldis this likely to still be a cable issue? or is there a v4lc-ctl option I missed18:35
cosmic_laga , thanks for this information  :)18:36
lagacosmic_: what information? ;)18:36
cosmic_for myth-status , dude18:37
laga<- always confused.18:37
sabhaincosmic_ what's the graphics for your client?18:37
illeany1 know what is needed to mount a nfs share in mythbuntu live cd (7.10)18:38
lagacosmic_: i think i could never overclock my old box high enough to reach 600MHz, so i never tried that18:38
cosmic_sabhain:  LOL , the graphics is an ATI Rage 4 MB , Onboard18:39
lagadoes it have tv-out or do you have a computer monitor in your bed room?18:40
illecosmic_, I have a PII 450Mhz running mythbuntu, but that projekt is down since I don't get the wireless driver working in wpa, wep is ok.18:40
cosmic_oh my failure , I use an 17 " TFT in my bedroom18:40
cosmic_with TV Out it gets hard18:41
lagacosmic_: regarding the s100: a friend of mine had problems getting it to run nicely at high resolutions over the VGA-out, so buyer beware ;)18:41
lagacosmic_: how much power does your frontend use?18:41
cosmic_ille:  cool , but i tried without offering any services , to make it suitable for anyone18:41
cosmic_ille witch amount of ram ?18:42
illecosmic_, alot IIRC around 400mb 256+128mb18:43
cosmic_oh ok18:43
cosmic_I think a PIII 500 -600 + >=256 MB of RAM schould work propably good for a normal Mythbuntu 8.04(CLient) Instalation18:46
lagadepends on your needs regarding deinterlacing :)18:47
lagai use a rather expensive deinterlacer (yadif2x oder greedyh2x) and i like my core 2 duo ;)18:48
cosmic_your right18:48
cosmic_for my living room , but not for my bedroom in my oppinion18:49
lagai rarely watch tv in the bed room anyways18:49
cosmic_But YEAH , I like my Core 2 duo , too18:49
cosmic_oh ok18:49
illelaga: I think I skip compiling the plugins, and removes al i /usr/lib/mythtv/plugins18:49
cosmic_i will go for something to eat , until later18:50
lagaille: sudo aptitude remove mythplugins ;)18:50
lagai hope that'll also remove the dependencies18:50
illebetter that way18:51
illehaha, already removed that package yesterday...18:52
cosmic_i mostly play Console Games , via emulators in my bedroom @ laga  ;)18:52
cosmic_another , hailt to mythtv ;)18:52
lagayeah.. i get out the game pad occasionally, too.18:53
lagazsnes rocks18:53
lagabut i don't play a lot of games either.. maybe during winter again.18:53
lagadamn, the weather is so nice.18:53
illenah 3 degrees outside this morning18:55
lagawho gets up in the morning on a bank holiday anyways ;)18:58
illeno holiday here anymore :(18:59
lagasad :(19:00
illelet see if I can get hold of the laptop to test my compiled version.19:02
cosmic_back again20:01
cosmic_do ue20:01
cosmic_do you have zsnes running on 64 bit laga ?20:01
xukunI,m running mythbuntu 8.04. everything seems to work except that the movie covers are not showing.  I suppose to have .mythvideo in ~.mythbuntu/Mythvideo but I don't have that. Does everybody has this directory?20:08
cosmic_Konfig -> media -> Video  in frontend there you can decide a directory for your Covers20:11
cosmic_i have to go to sleep now , have to stand up early , BYE @ ALL20:18
sabhainxukun, check to make sure that ~.mythbuntu/Mythvideo is writeable ..20:36
ille_laga: great news, my compilation of myth works!21:19
Penfoldresult! working video ;)21:46
lagaille_: nice. did you talk to sphery?22:39
lagaille_: ah, you're christian.22:40
lagaille_: how did you compile mythtv?22:41

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