yell0w | hey guys does anyone know how to reduce ntop's resource consumption ? | 00:15 |
yell0w | or know of a tool similar to it but better resourcewise ? | 00:15 |
pavlizz | hello there | 00:59 |
pavlizz | Can anyone help me I have some problems with software RAID and installation of ubuntu server | 01:01 |
nohelphere | i installed ubuntu server in birtualbox and it said the kernel requires the folloing feature snot present oin the cpu | 01:03 |
nohelphere | 0:6 | 01:03 |
nohelphere | pleas echoose a kernel appropriate to your system | 01:03 |
nohelphere | what do I do? | 01:03 |
Deeps | how about a game of chess? | 01:04 |
nohelphere | that won't fix the problem | 01:04 |
nohelphere | virtualbox* | 01:04 |
Deeps | i'm out of ideas then | 01:05 |
pavlizz | I have create 3 raid arrays 1 raid 1 for my /boot dir 2 raid 5 for me / dir and anoher raid 5 for my swap the system is not booting after the installation | 01:10 |
Ashfire908 | What's the "correct" place to put stuff like password files for apache authing for the default site of /var/www? | 02:16 |
Ashfire908 | (Besides outside the web root) | 02:16 |
jimcooncat | static ip not working on my Gutsy. OK on my Feisty at work. Should I uninstall network-manager? | 02:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Ashfire908, depends what auth method you use. or are is my guess | 02:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, whats 'not working' mean? | 02:18 |
Ashfire908 | a file based? | 02:18 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: keeps reverting back to dhcp | 02:18 |
Ashfire908 | dbm, standard file, whatever. | 02:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Ashfire908, my memory indicates /var/lib/ somewhere | 02:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, do you have a static ip configured in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 02:21 |
Ashfire908 | Is there a page or something on the interent describing all the different locations in the file system and what they are for? | 02:21 |
jimcooncat | not right now. I'll try again | 02:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Ashfire908, yes, halfa tic | 02:22 |
* Ashfire908 can never seem to find stuff like this | 02:23 | |
Kamping_Kaiser | ffs. neither can i , even though i know exactly what i want. slightly-longer-then-one-tick | 02:24 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: I tried again, and when under static ip I could not reach anywhere, including my router. | 02:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, is that when configuring the static ip to be the one that was assigned dynamically? | 02:29 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: the /etc/network/interfaces was set as | 02:29 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: when in Roaming mode it's fine. | 02:30 |
jimcooncat | I also tried stopping dhcp client too. | 02:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sigh. i cant find the blasted lhfs structure | 02:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, whats the gateways ip? | 02:32 |
jimcooncat | | 02:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | is that what its configured to have, or what you think its configured to have? :) (just checking) | 02:33 |
jimcooncat | That's the IP of my router. That's what I thought the gateway address should be. | 02:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, can pastebin the output of `ifconfig` now, then reset the networking so it works again ("roaming mode" perhaps?), the pastebin the output of `ifconfig` from that | 02:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes it should | 02:36 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: this is roaming mode: | 02:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, `ifconfig` not interfaces | 02:38 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: I have to drop out of irc to try static again | 02:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, i see | 02:39 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: sorry, bad paste | 02:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, and this paste is the one that is working? | 02:40 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: yes. no gateway shown in it | 02:40 |
jimcooncat | weird | 02:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, gateway isnt shown in ifconfig. its shown by `route -n` | 02:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | so perhaps pastebin `route -n` too | 02:41 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: route -n | 02:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, can you set the static ip (so it doesnt work) and run those two commands again? | 02:43 |
jimcooncat | sure -- going dark now | 02:43 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: | 02:47 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: route -n shows no data | 02:47 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: I just checked my interfaces file at work, and it's almost identical to what I wanted here. Only difference is that's running feisty. | 02:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, route had no data? that wont be helping | 02:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, you have no IP in that pastebin, so you wont be able to use the network | 02:59 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: not helping at all. thanks for yours though | 02:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, half a tic | 03:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, try `sudo ifconfig eth0`when running on the static configuration, then try and ping the gateway | 03:02 |
jimcooncat | k | 03:02 |
wo0f | asa | 03:06 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: ping worked after setting to static, even before your command | 03:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, did you try to ping the net/connect somewhere? | 03:08 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: shoot, I was pinging myself, not the gateway | 03:08 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: thanks anyway, guess I'll get some sleep and try tomorrow. | 03:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jimcooncat, hehehehe. i think your almost there, save your log and re-read it in the morning, i'm sure yuou'll get it | 03:09 |
jimcooncat | Kamping_Kaiser: keep cool. later. | 03:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | later mate | 03:11 |
Navop | can someone help me out, can't seem to connect to ubuntu using putty (ssh), installed ssh server, changed network interface to static, I can ping the address np but can't use putty says network error:Connection refused | 03:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Navop, is ssh running? do you have a firewall? | 03:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | are you using tcp wrappers? | 03:31 |
Navop | Kamping_Kaiser: installed ssh-server, not sure how to start shh-server | 03:32 |
Navop | usually it does start on its own | 03:33 |
RoAkSoAx | Navop, install openssh-server | 03:33 |
Navop | did that already | 03:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Navop, yes, usually it does. assuming <your ubuntu release> still uses sysv compatability, `sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart` should make sure its running | 03:34 |
Navop | just tried restarting it like you said and still get error, was working fine before i change it to static | 03:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what does "get error" mean? | 03:36 |
Navop | Network error:Connection refused | 03:37 |
kraut | lol | 03:37 |
kraut | it's dead, jim! | 03:38 |
kraut | Navop: what do you get, when you do this: | 03:38 |
kraut | /etc/init.d/ssh restart | 03:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | heh | 03:39 |
kraut | Navop: what do you get, when you do this: | 03:39 |
kraut | /etc/init.d/ssh restart | 03:39 |
Navop | I get Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [ok] | 03:41 |
kraut | Navop: netstat -tulpen | grep 22 | 03:41 |
kraut | what do you get? | 03:41 |
Navop | tcp6 0 0 :::22 ::* LISTEN 0 12798 4761/sshd | 03:42 |
ScottK | Do you have IPv6 connection? | 03:43 |
kraut | Navop: that's localhost or where you want to connect to? | 03:44 |
kraut | ScottK: tcp6 shouldn't be a problem anyhow | 03:45 |
Navop | using my vista computer for putty, disable ipv6 | 03:45 |
kraut | so you get connection resued when you connect to the ipv4 address? | 03:45 |
Navop | thats is on the ubuntu machine, tcp6 0 0 ... | 03:45 |
ScottK | kraut: But it should also be listening on IPv4 if he wants to connect that way. | 03:46 |
kraut | ScottK: tcp6 also listen to tcp4 | 03:46 |
ScottK | Right. Nevermind. | 03:46 |
Navop | i can ping my gatway from ubuntu computer | 03:47 |
kraut | so you get connection resued when you connect to the ipv4 address? | 03:47 |
kraut | uwwww, tool rocks da hell | 03:47 |
Navop | yes | 03:48 |
kraut | Navop: show me please iptables -L on that machine | 03:48 |
Navop | tried connecting to ubuntu using a Vista computer and a xp computer | 03:48 |
kraut | when it are to many lines, please pastebin them! | 03:48 |
Navop | kinda hard, using console, not sure how to use pastbin from console cmd line | 03:49 |
kraut | copy and waste | 03:49 |
kraut | you use putty atm? | 03:50 |
Navop | yes on vista to connect to ubuntu machine that is being setup, but the prioblem i can't connect to ubuntu computer, so i can't copy and paste | 03:51 |
kraut | ah, fuck | 03:52 |
kraut | do you know iptables? | 03:52 |
Navop | k did iptables -L | 03:52 |
kraut | what do you see? | 03:53 |
kraut | root@dreamland:/etc/samba# iptables -L | 03:53 |
kraut | Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) | 03:53 |
kraut | target prot opt source destination | 03:53 |
kraut | Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) | 03:53 |
kraut | target prot opt source destination | 03:53 |
kraut | Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) | 03:53 |
kraut | target prot opt source destination | 03:53 |
kraut | like this? | 03:53 |
kraut | or more? | 03:53 |
Navop | all iget is Chain INPUT(policy ACCEPT), next line is target prot opt source destination, this i get 3 times | 03:53 |
kraut | ok, like this | 03:53 |
kraut | hmm | 03:53 |
Navop | yeah like that | 03:53 |
kraut | that's really strange | 03:54 |
kraut | cat /etc/host.allow please | 03:54 |
Navop | like is said i can ping address from vista, np | 03:54 |
kraut | and cat /etc/host.dissallow | 03:54 |
kraut | erm | 03:54 |
kraut | fuck | 03:54 |
kraut | cat /etc/hosts.deny | 03:54 |
kraut | cat /etc/hosts.allow | 03:54 |
* kraut is to drunken, sorry :P | 03:54 | |
Navop | and if i go on the ubuntu machine and oing vista, np | 03:54 |
Navop | in xp you can type ip[config to see the ip, what command can do the same in ubuntu? | 03:56 |
Navop | ipconfig | 03:56 |
RoAkSoAx | Navop, ifconfig | 03:56 |
dougie_ | ifconfig | 03:56 |
dougie_ | lol | 03:56 |
Navop | ty | 03:57 |
kraut | rofl | 03:57 |
Navop | funny changed it back to dhcp, and i can login | 04:00 |
Navop | puttyu works with dhcp | 04:00 |
kraut | hhrhr | 04:03 |
kraut | that dude is craty ;) | 04:03 |
kraut | AOL | 04:03 |
Navop | kraut: got it working, changed the ip address from 170 to 200, also i think it might be the certificate from putty | 04:05 |
kraut | perhaps | 04:05 |
* kraut is to drunken | 04:05 | |
Navop | where can i delete that certificate in xp | 04:06 |
kraut | ummm | 04:08 |
kraut | i have no idea about putty | 04:08 |
dougie_ | don't ask me I don't even know what putty is :) | 04:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Navop, its stored in the registry | 04:09 |
kraut | some windows crap | 04:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | iirc | 04:09 |
hotmonkeyluv | I have a laptop connected wirelessly to my network (a+b+g, I think, none of this N-draft nonsense), and I have a server with dual gigabit nics, and i'm only transferring at about 1.6 mb/s I'm no network pro, but isn't it supposed to go a bit faster? | 04:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | how is the network connected? a b or g? | 04:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | s/network/laptop | 04:15 |
hotmonkeyluv | I think it is all g connected | 04:15 |
hads | Wireless is never particually fast. | 04:15 |
hotmonkeyluv | it's a newer one, but not brand new | 04:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | then it wont be much faster then it is. | 04:15 |
hotmonkeyluv | I just remember xferring at about 45 mbps | 04:15 |
hotmonkeyluv | is that not right? | 04:16 |
hotmonkeyluv | it was a while ago, so i might be mistook | 04:16 |
hotmonkeyluv | grrrr, I was hoping to transfer 13gb of crap in 13 seconds, not 2.3 hours | 04:16 |
hads | You need to be careful with your b's B's m's and M's setc. | 04:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *grin* not over wireless | 04:17 |
hotmonkeyluv | I know | 04:19 |
hotmonkeyluv | i just thought it'd go at about 4-6mbps | 04:19 |
Navop | Found where putty stores certificate. | 04:22 |
hotmonkeyluv | how do i add permissions to write to a filesystem? | 04:28 |
hotmonkeyluv | is it chmod? | 04:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what are you trying to do? | 04:29 |
hotmonkeyluv | let myself access my music | 04:30 |
hotmonkeyluv | that i'm going to put on a certain partition | 04:30 |
hotmonkeyluv | that I can't write to yet | 04:30 |
hotmonkeyluv | will <chmod -R rwxrwx--- /sda2> do it | 04:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | as root probably yes, but thats not really a fix | 04:31 |
hotmonkeyluv | oh | 04:31 |
hotmonkeyluv | well, i can access it as root | 04:32 |
hotmonkeyluv | i wanted to do it as a user | 04:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i'd suggest remounting in /srv , and you'll want to change your fstab (probably set uid=1000 in the options) | 04:32 |
dougie_ | you have to make the user an owner or what not | 04:32 |
dougie_ | or do what he said | 04:32 |
dougie_ | Do Raid 5 drives all have to be the same size? | 04:34 |
hads | The array will be limited to the size of the smallest drive. | 04:38 |
dougie_ | so whats a Raid setup that will allow different sized drives? | 04:38 |
dougie_ | there is a USB drive solution that uses raid and allows you to swap out any drive with any bigger size hard drive..... it also uses one as backup and what not like Raid 5 | 04:39 |
dougie_ | see if I can find it | 04:39 |
dougie_ | | 04:40 |
dougie_ | it has 4 drive bays and you can configure it with any size drives in any configuration and it uses all the space on all of them. | 04:40 |
dougie_ | Or is that some sort of software thing it does and there is no Raid setup that will allow that? | 04:48 |
hads | drobo is some proprietry system, not normal RAID | 04:55 |
dougie_ | so no form of raid can do that | 04:57 |
dougie_ | being as I have 3 500gig drives as is I suppose I'll just have to keep getting those. Luckily the Raid controller I'm getting has 16 ports | 04:57 |
dougie_ | trying to find a rack mount hard drive chassis that will hold like 16 hard drives | 04:58 |
dougie_ | because my server has SCSI hotswap bays and not much room internally for extra drives | 04:58 |
dougie_ | thinking about getting a chassis from par-metal that is exactly 3.5" high and turn the drives on their side and drill holes in the top and bottom for each drive....would probablk be cheapest and easiest as well | 04:59 |
dougie_ | then just figure out how to wire in LED's for each HD and what not...I think it could work well | 05:00 |
infinity | nxvl: Am now... | 05:31 |
dougie_ | anyone know what an ldap server is? | 05:31 |
dougie_ | I'm installing ebox and its doing the doesn't really explain what it is though. Wondering if this is where I put what IP I want to use to access the config page or what not | 05:32 |
RoAkSoAx | dougie_, | 05:33 |
dougie_ | ok.... I'm going to install a CLI browser so I can tell you what its asking for cause I still don't really understand what to put in | 05:36 |
dougie_ | CLI IRC client I mean | 05:36 |
dougie_ | it's saying "Please enter the URI of the LDAP server to use" I don't have an LDAP server so does that mean I don't need to worry about it? | 05:39 |
MacMatt | Hello, can anyone tell me if ubuntu server allows LAN Booting? | 05:42 |
dougie_ | I'm going to take a guess and say that the LDAP settings do not matter for me | 05:43 |
MacMatt | how do I setup a server to LAN boot? | 05:44 |
MacMatt | ..anybody?... | 05:45 |
* Kamping_Kaiser slaps macmatt for being a twit | 05:51 | |
MacMatt | ...anybody here?... | 05:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ... | 05:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | afk for 30 | 05:56 |
nxvl | infinity: can you take a look at Bug #229374 | 06:21 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 229374 in sbuild "Please merge sbuild 0.57.2-1 from debian (sid)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 06:21 |
nxvl | infinity: i have left a message for you inthere | 06:21 |
RoAkSoAx | o/ nxvl | 06:22 |
nxvl | RoAkSoAx: go sleep | 06:22 |
RoAkSoAx | nxvl, don't feel like... u go :P | 06:22 |
dougie_ | hmm.... well server seems to be running rather well with ebox :) Now I need to figure out how to make public folders that any computer can use. Like music, video, picture folders | 06:25 |
dougie_ | although somethign a bit strange says there is 62.98gb's available but I only have 3 18gb SCSI drives in the server at the moment and they are running raid 5 | 06:26 |
dougie_ | it's osx so maybe thats the space on this computer and the space on the server together that I can use? | 06:27 |
infinity | nxvl: config.sub and config.guess are updated when the package is built, it's just cruft. Don't worry about it. | 06:42 |
=== ewook_ is now known as ewook | ||
* delcoyote hi | 09:29 | |
dfad | join #ubuntu | 10:45 |
dfad | Hi, does anybody know the easiest way to install DNS in my ubun.server??? | 10:55 |
\sh | apt-get install bind9 ?? | 11:03 |
\sh | if you mean dns server... | 11:04 |
* faulkes- yawns | 12:08 | |
ichat | greetings yall - i have 2 quistions... to get started... 1> are there any gui-based utils for ubuntu-server 2> does ubuntu-server by default support setting it up with software-raid? | 12:32 |
ichat | some people sugested stuf like installing gnome or sutch, but thats absotuletly not what im looking for... | 12:34 |
faulkes- | but "gui-based utils" do you mean something like webmin (which is not supported by ubuntu) | 12:37 |
faulkes- | the webmin equivalent in ubuntu would be ebox | 12:37 |
faulkes- | and yes, by default software-raid is supported | 12:37 |
faulkes- | well, actually, I'm not sure on the last point, I know it supports LVM out of the box | 12:38 |
faulkes- | but if you're looking to configure raid10 or some such, that may require additional config work after the base install | 12:38 |
ichat | im looking to instal ubuntu on a mobo that connects 6 pata and 4 sata disks.. in raid 5 or multiple raid 5 arays... | 12:41 |
faulkes- | you would be best to do the base system install and then create the arrays as you see fit | 12:42 |
ichat | and would wish to managage and install my server somewhat like the desktop altern image (so i dont care for the fancy stuf but i do need some sort of help getting it all on track... (i hope that epox - not seen that yet?? ).. will help | 12:43 |
faulkes- | ebox will generally help you but it is by no means a replacement for underlying knowledge of the packages themselves | 12:43 |
faulkes- | if in doubt, always refer to official documentation at (iirc that is the site) | 12:44 |
faulkes- | and of course, always feel free to come here and ask specific questions | 12:44 |
\sh | ichat: you can install by default on sw-raid...but it only makes sense, if you have less disks to use raid on...when you have a lot of sata crap, you should think about a good sata raid controller | 12:45 |
\sh | ichat: it will safe cpu power ;) | 12:46 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #229529 in samba (main) "Nautilus hangs with smb" [Undecided,New] | 12:54 |
ichat | \sh - prob is that i want to combine the 4 sata drives with 6 pata drives (all ar 200gb in size) | 13:19 |
\sh | ichat: ugh | 13:20 |
ichat | ugh - why? | 13:20 |
\sh | ichat: you can try with sw-raid depends on what you want to do.. just for space, it's ok...when you want speed, I wouldn't go with it | 13:21 |
ichat | well i tried to looking a 0channel-raid adapter - but it seems there aren't many of those | 13:24 |
ichat | - m m | 13:25 |
\sh | ichat: well, i have several machines with areca very well...sata drives, but sas backplane ... works ;) don't ask me how ;) | 13:30 |
ichat | lol there is no dif in sas v/s sata - only the way the ar handled | 13:39 |
ichat | on big dif is the life-span / solidness / stability of the certain drives | 13:39 |
ichat | but the areca are supposed to be for scsi right? | 13:41 |
\sh | ichat: no...sata | 13:47 |
\sh | ichat: the fastest raid6 sata controller we know | 13:47 |
\sh | or s/we/I/ | 13:48 |
ichat | doss it support the onbord conects as well? | 13:48 |
\sh | ichat: well, it has special cables for connections..our areca support 4 drives per it has 4 backplane adaptors | 13:50 |
ichat | ah i see | 13:53 |
ichat | that ebox thingy - it looks quite nice | 13:54 |
stickystyle | how suitable is the kvm implementation in 8.04 for hosting servers? I'm fairly well versed in VMware but I am always trying to learn new things, but from all the how-to's on kvm/virt-manager they seemed to be focused on virtualizing desktops. | 14:28 |
mathiaz | stickystyle: not really - kvm/libvirt works well on servers. | 14:31 |
mathiaz | stickystyle: virt-manager is the only piece of software that requires an X server. | 14:32 |
mathiaz | stickystyle: and it can be used from one workstation to manage multiple kvm servers. | 14:32 |
stickystyle | mathiaz: so I'm not going to be wasting my time making test virtual servers (and maybe real servers) with kvm/libvirt? I was just concerned that it was a product similar to VMware player / desktop, which would be foolish to run servers under. | 14:34 |
* stickystyle has only just started reading about kvm | 14:35 | |
mathiaz | stickystyle: not at all. kvm/libvirt-bin doesn't require any X environment. | 14:35 |
stickystyle | mathiaz: Nice. thanks, looks like I have a new project at work now :-D | 14:36 |
mathiaz | stickystyle: if you're running out of projects, I'm sure I can find some Ubuntu related one ;) | 14:36 |
* \sh could need a paid ubuntu related project too ,-) | 14:37 | |
stickystyle | I've been wanting to dedicate more time to ubuntu as a whole, but so far have just been able to donate forum time and little tweaks to the wiki. I've been looking for a package to help maintain that excites me and I can stay behind, but all the ones I use day to day are pretty well spoken for, and I'm not sure what more I can contribute. | 14:41 |
stickystyle | As the folks that do maintain them are light years beyond my knowledge. | 14:42 |
mathiaz | stickystyle: Have you looked at the GettingInvolved page from the Server Team ? | 14:43 |
Koon | stickystyle: don't believe that, they all started like you :-) | 14:44 |
stickystyle | Hum, hadn't really looked at the SeverTeam (browsing it now) page...I'm going to have to spend some time digging through as there are are a few things there I think I can do, thanks for the link. | 14:50 |
nealmcb | stickystyle: thanks - hope you find something interesting :-) | 14:51 |
ichat | \sh really - | 15:11 |
ScottK | stickystyle: You don't happen to use clamav do you? | 15:12 |
stickystyle | yes, I do have it installed on my mail gateway. | 15:13 |
ScottK | stickystyle: If you are looking for a way to contribute we need help with testing new versions of clamav. Let me get you a couple of links ... | 15:13 |
stickystyle | don't really 'use' it much since we are a linux/OS X office so its more there to catch 'virus spam' | 15:14 |
stickystyle | but sure, I can look. | 15:14 |
ScottK | and | 15:15 |
ScottK | stickystyle: How do you integrate clamav into your mail gateway? | 15:15 |
stickystyle | amavis-new | 15:15 |
tritonx | Hi, can anyone help me with RAID1 ? | 15:16 |
nijaba | !ask tritonx | 15:17 |
ubottu | Factoid ask tritonx not found | 15:17 |
nijaba | tritonx: don't ask to ask | 15:17 |
tritonx | ok,, I used that tutorial, and I'm stuck at step 5 | 15:18 |
tritonx | Moving Our Data To The RAID Arrays, the command pvmove gives that sudo pvmove /dev/sda5 /dev/md1 | 15:18 |
tritonx | No physical volume label read from /dev/sda5 | 15:19 |
tritonx | Physical volume /dev/sda5 not found | 15:20 |
tritonx | any ideas ? | 15:21 |
tritonx | should I try it from a LiveCD ? | 15:22 |
ScottK | tritonx: Does /dev/sda5 exist | 15:25 |
tritonx | yes | 15:25 |
tritonx | what do you mean, in what form whould it exist ? | 15:26 |
tritonx | from fdisk: /dev/sda5 18706 19457 6040408+ fd Linux raid autodetect | 15:28 |
zul | kirkland: might as well open a bug in apache as well at | 15:45 |
kirkland | zul: perhaps, but I don't think the problem is in the apache source, i think it's in the openssl library that mod_ssl is built against | 15:47 |
kirkland | yum | 15:49 |
ScottK | dpkg? | 15:50 |
kirkland | nah, literally "yum, this is good coffee" :-) | 15:53 |
ScottK | OK. I thought it way a package management thread. | 15:56 |
kraut | moin | 15:58 |
Kamaze | hi | 18:11 |
Kamaze | To be straight forward, we freshly installed our new Rootserver with Ubuntu 8.04 minimal (64bit) with 2 HDD's in a Soft Raid1. Ubuntu is installed on /dev/md1 and LVM with PV on /dev/md1 with the volume group XEN | 18:13 |
Kamaze | The base system runs without Problems, but when we try to Boot the Xen Kernel from the metapackage server-ubuntu-xen, there is some trouble | 18:14 |
Kamaze | The machines is pingable, but SSH login fails imediatly, with Connection Refused | 18:14 |
Kamaze | When booting the default kernel, everything works fine | 18:15 |
Kamaze | In Dmsg.log is nothing useable.... | 18:15 |
ivoks | boot xen kernel and check if ssh service is running | 18:15 |
ivoks | then try ssh localhost | 18:15 |
Mastacheata | Server is only remote accessable via ssh | 18:16 |
Kamaze | Mastacheata can tell you more | 18:16 |
Mastacheata | Connecting from remote to running/or not running xen kernel provides me with connection refused | 18:18 |
Mastacheata | Only way to diagnose what's happening is possible from remote or via mounting the disk in rescue system | 18:19 |
ivoks | Kamaze: are you sure ssh service/daemon is running? | 18:20 |
Kamaze | ivoks, Mastacheata is the guy you should talk with, i didn't notice that he was here | 18:21 |
Kamaze | We're talking from the same server :) | 18:21 |
Mastacheata | When booting other parallel installed kernels (ubuntu-minimal) ssh and everything works fine | 18:22 |
ivoks | ok | 18:22 |
Mastacheata | so i can't see any reason why sshd shouldn't be running whithin xen kernel | 18:22 |
ivoks | Mastacheata: you have one ubuntu-server installation with two kernels or you are talking about two different installations? | 18:23 |
Mastacheata | One single install | 18:23 |
ivoks | ok, could you boot xen kernel now? | 18:23 |
ivoks | and check if ssh is running (ps ax | grep ssh) | 18:24 |
Mastacheata | I've got no local access to the server so if i reboot server with xen kernel i can't do anything with it | 18:25 |
ivoks | ok | 18:25 |
JanC | try putting that line into rc.local or someting ;) | 18:25 |
ivoks | but you have /var/log/syslog, right? | 18:25 |
JanC | and save the output to a file | 18:25 |
Mastacheata | syslog is existent | 18:26 |
ivoks | you said you could ping IP, right? | 18:27 |
Mastacheata | correct | 18:27 |
ivoks | it's hard to find out what happend if you can't boot xen kernel :/ | 18:28 |
ivoks | you could try a risky thing... | 18:29 |
ivoks | put '/usr/sbin/sshd -p 1111' in /etc/rc.local, before 'exit 0' | 18:30 |
ivoks | that would open ssh on port 1111 | 18:30 |
Mastacheata | Thanks in advance, i've got to make a break, will try your tips and come back later (say an hour or so) | 18:37 |
ivoks | i'll probably be here | 18:37 |
ivoks | feel free to ping me | 18:37 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #229654 in samba (main) "muliples crashes after 6.06 to 8.04 x64 upgrade" [Undecided,New] | 18:51 |
cyris| | anyone know off the top of their head where openldap logs failed login attempts to? | 19:47 |
nat2610 | Hi, I m trying to setup sshd_config to accept the authentification through my rsa pub key | 19:50 |
nat2610 | for now, I copied it into authorized_keys but when I ssh it asks me a ssh password | 19:51 |
nat2610 | what should I change | 19:51 |
nat2610 | ? | 19:51 |
Deeps | you need to enable public key authentication in sshd_config | 19:51 |
Deeps | and restart sshd | 19:51 |
Deeps | and ensure the user that you're trying to ssh in as using the key has perms 700 (rwx------) on .ssh and authorized_keys | 19:52 |
Deeps | then you need to make sure that whatever you're using to ssh with knows about the key and knows to try authenticating with it | 19:52 |
JanC | cyris|: maybe to de auth logs? | 19:57 |
JanC | (if they don't go to the LDAP logs) | 19:58 |
cyris| | JanC I just checked there and nothing | 19:58 |
cyris| | where are the LDAP logs located tho? I don't see anything in slapd.conf that tells me :S | 19:59 |
JanC | somewhere under /var/log/ I suspects ;) | 19:59 |
JanC | -s | 19:59 |
JanC | maybe it also depends on the authentication method where exactly it goes | 20:00 |
cyris| | Oh right I guess it would | 20:00 |
JanC | (I've never used OpenLDAP, so just guessing from other daemons ;) ) | 20:02 |
nat2610 | Deeps: the pub key authentification is enabled (by default) and the perms are good... I m using ssh on a ubuntu to ssh to my server | 20:03 |
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse | ||
JanC | nat2610: does it ask for the server password or for your key passphrase? | 20:10 |
Mastacheata | Hey there I'm back again. Problems still the same (Xen Kernel won't boot [at least i think so since rc/init scripts aren't executed] while the normal ubuntu kernel [parallel on the same system] boots perfectly diagnostics only via logfiles as there is no local access to the server) | 20:12 |
JanC | also, make sure to mention the correct user on the ssh commandline (unless it's exactly the same as your local user) | 20:12 |
Mastacheata | I've got no idea where the problem is and how to find any more detailed info on the reason for not booting | 20:13 |
nat2610 | JanC: the pswd ... | 20:13 |
nat2610 | JanC: the users are the same | 20:13 |
nat2610 | and i double by explicitly chosse user@ip | 20:14 |
nat2610 | double checked | 20:14 |
JanC | nat2610: and you're sure you're connecting to the right server (no test IP & domain in /etc/hosts or something)? | 20:15 |
JanC | Mastacheata: I guess you could try to configure things to log more... | 20:16 |
nat2610 | yeah I m checking the log of sshd | 20:18 |
nat2610 | so it really see me coming and reject me for the password | 20:18 |
Mastacheata | Any hints on what to log specifically? (e.g. what should write more detailed logs) | 20:19 |
nat2610 | does it help this log ? | 20:30 |
nat2610 | debug1: Trying private key: /home/nat/.ssh/identity | 20:31 |
nat2610 | debug1: Offering public key: /home/nat/.ssh/id_rsa | 20:31 |
nat2610 | debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply | 20:31 |
nat2610 | debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password | 20:31 |
nat2610 | debug1: Trying private key: /home/nat/.ssh/id_dsa | 20:31 |
nat2610 | debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method | 20:31 |
nat2610 | debug1: Next authentication method: password | 20:31 |
nat2610 | are u able to identify where is it wrong if it's a conf problem ? | 20:31 |
JanC | sounds like the key doesn't work | 20:33 |
JanC | maybe rsa vs. dsa issue? | 20:33 |
nat2610 | JanC: where do I check that ? | 20:36 |
JanC | check what you can use in both systems | 20:37 |
yell0w_ | hey guys is there a way to test the best repos mirror in CLI ? | 20:40 |
=== DedMoroz is now known as Mastacheata | ||
yell0w_ | nat2610: try ssh-keygen ssh-add and ssh-copy-id | 20:42 |
nat2610 | yell0w_: what do you mean ? I already regenerated my ssh keys to be sure that it wasn't that | 20:43 |
yell0w_ | ok, then ssh-add to add the key to ssh-agent, then ssh-copy-id to send the public key to the remote host and set things up there | 20:44 |
nat2610 | how can I use ssh-copy-id, I can't authenticate on my server with that specific user | 20:45 |
nat2610 | should I scp that via another user ? | 20:46 |
yell0w_ | nat2610: can you do that with password now ? | 20:46 |
yell0w_ | nat2610: no, not with another user | 20:46 |
nat2610 | no, there is no password setup for that user | 20:46 |
nat2610 | I guess I can create one temporary | 20:47 |
yell0w_ | well unless you want to log ito that user's shell | 20:47 |
nat2610 | yell0w_: I did what you said but I still have the smae error : debug1: Trying private key: /home/nat/.ssh/id_dsa | 20:51 |
nat2610 | debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method | 20:51 |
nat2610 | debug1: Next authentication method: password | 20:51 |
yell0w_ | nat2610: can you log in with password ? | 20:52 |
nat2610 | yes | 20:52 |
nat2610 | but the idea is to not use password | 20:52 |
yell0w_ | ssh-keygen -vv -t rsa -b 4098 -C "danang-ssh-key-rsa-user20080503-2008-0504" -f danang-ssh-key-rsa-user20080503 | 20:52 |
yell0w_ | something like that | 20:53 |
yell0w_ | to generate a key | 20:53 |
yell0w_ | then ssh-add /path/to/privatekey | 20:53 |
yell0w_ | then ssh-copy-id user@remoteserver | 20:53 |
yell0w_ | login using password | 20:53 |
nat2610 | what will be the difference with doing a simple ssh-keygen ? | 20:53 |
yell0w_ | done | 20:53 |
yell0w_ | nat2610: specific bits, type,name | 20:54 |
yell0w_ | nat2610: do a man on ssh-add ssh-agent and ssh-copy-id | 20:55 |
yell0w_ | does anyone know of an equivalent to netselect-apt ? | 20:58 |
yell0w_ | :/ | 20:58 |
yell0w_ | pointless thing to include in ubuntu when it search for debian repos | 20:58 |
ScottK | yell0w_: Patches to make it search Ubuntu repos welcome. | 21:10 |
ksclarke | What do I have to do to get ubuntu server to boot immediately rather than hang at the 'boot:' prompt waiting for a keystroke? | 21:29 |
ScottK | ksclarke: It's actually booting, just it gets ahead of itself and ends up on a different TTY. | 21:32 |
ScottK | At least that's the usual situation. | 21:32 |
yell0w_ | ScottK: | 21:33 |
yell0w_ | should i use the first one ? | 21:33 |
ScottK | yell0w_: I'm gonna go with - but I'm not certain. | 21:34 |
ScottK | That at least looks like it's dynamically updated. | 21:34 |
ksclarke | thanks ScottK, so I should be able to put this somewhere else, reboot remotely, and still login via ssh? | 21:34 |
ScottK | ksclarke: Should. As long as you've installed openssh-server. | 21:35 |
* ScottK suggests verifying for yourself. | 21:35 | |
ksclarke | thanks | 21:40 |
c00l2sv | hi, did somebody succeed in configuring postfix with dkim-filter ? can that one help me too? | 23:27 |
tonyyarusso | Okay, bit of a weird upgrade issue. | 23:36 |
tonyyarusso | I'm using apt-mirror to make a local mirror of the repositories. I upgraded all of the other machines that rely on it for their packages from 7.10 to 8.04 just fine. However, now that I'm trying to upgrade the mirroring machine, it tells me "No new release found". Tried switching it to using the real mirror instead of itself, and it did the same thing. Any ideas? | 23:37 |
arooni | how do i run: sudo locale-gen en_GB.UTF-8 ... i'm getting: 'locale-gen command not found' .... what should i do (ubuntu hardy) | 23:55 |
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