
pwnguinnot free to distribute or not free to modify?00:02
jcristaui don't remember00:03
pwnguinapparently its' not free Enough00:05
pwnguin7. Claims of Infringement. If Recipient learns of any third party claim00:05
pwnguinthat any disposition of Covered Code and/or functionality wholly or00:05
pwnguinpartially infringes the third party's intellectual property rights,00:05
pwnguinRecipient will promptly notify SGI of such claim.00:05
jcristauthat one is nasty00:05
jcristaui think we have some code in mesa or the x server under that license, still00:05
pwnguinby my reading, all it means is that if ubuntu (or people ubuntu purveys the documentation to) is sued, they have to notify SGI about it00:08
pwnguinis it the policy that ubuntu NOT contact SGI in such a situation?00:08
Q-FUNKbryce: any objection to getting -geode 2.9.0 into hardy-proposed?12:43
Q-FUNKit would close bug #21411912:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214119 in xserver-xorg-video-geode "[HARDY] Koolu W.E. (ION A603) does not detect higher resolution than 800x600" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21411912:44
tjaaltonhi bryce 20:00
james_whi bryce 20:01
brycetjaalton: for bug #211759, do you think it's simply a matter of adding the pci id?  Or is there additional upstream work needed and we should upstream the bug?23:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211759 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Live-CD (7.10, 8.04) fails to start X server (ATI Xpress 1250)" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21175923:54

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