
ltspadmini figured it out...thanks anyways..its in the handbook ;)00:01
neil_dhi, I rigged up the efax-gtk as a virtual printer, but when I used it from a client, it put the phone number requester on the server screen :(  can this be fixed ?00:46
johnnyi doubt you're going to find users of efax here00:52
johnnytry somewhere else00:52
johnnylike the efax-gtk people themselves00:53
neil_djohnny: is there a channel ?01:09
johnnyi have no idea01:11
johnnybut they prolly have a list of some kind01:11
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RichEd!seen ogra08:44
paolobHi guys! I'm using edubuntu with one client, but on the client the refresh of the gui is very slow: in the browser (epiphany) it takes one second to move the page down one line. Anyone could suggest me what could be the reason? thank you!09:08
paolobAnyone could explain me how do I turn off encryption between client and server? thank you09:15
stgraberit's a parameter you would need to put in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf09:17
paolobstgraber, only that change? nothing more?09:23
paolobstgraber, , thank you, let me try...09:29
RichEdstgraber: did you see ogra yesterday at all ?09:32
stgraberRichEd: nope, though it was public holiday here, not sure about Germany09:34
paolobstgraber, unfortunatly it doesn't makes the situation better, of perhaps my problem was not encryption...09:35
stgrabercould be the graphic driver on the client that's going wrong09:36
paolobstgraber, how do I check that?09:36
stgraberI'm not sure there is an easy way to get that from the client other than logging in and checking the Xorg log09:38
paolobstgraber, what Xorg log? I think /var/log/Xorg.log should refer to the server...09:39
stgrabernope, the Xorg.log of the client09:39
paolobwhere is it? in /opt/ltsp/i386 there isn't a var/log/Xorg.log or anything similar...09:40
stgraberit's on the client itself, it's lost after reboot09:44
paolobstgraber, but where do I find it?09:44
stgraberyou can't access it from the network, you need to either create a local account on the client (not easy) or set tty2 to be a console as root09:44
stgraberadd : SCREEN_02=shell09:45
stgraberto lts.conf, then reboot the client09:45
stgraberyou'll have a root console opened in one of the tty (2 or 3)09:45
RichEdhi ogra ...10:05
RichEdwhat time do you start to travel tomorrow ?10:06
RichEdwould you be able to join a cmpc call at the damn early slot10:07
RichEdnot confirmed, just checking10:07
ogranot really fond of it, i travel on thursday morning, but would really appreciate not to run around like an alient the whle day tomorrow while preparing flights10:11
ograif its nt avoidable i'll be available indeed10:12
RichEdthey wanted a last touch sides before UDS ... tomorrow is the last real opportunity10:21
paolobstgraber, I got the root console, but there isn't any new /var/log/Xorg.log10:41
paolobHi ogra, I'm trying to solve the problem of a client where the communication between server and client seems very slow: in the browser (epiphany) it takes one second to move the page down one line. What can I check?10:42
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komputesok, i'm obvioustly not fit to do this. I have read all the documentation (including the 8.04 handbook and the very old wiki pages on LTSP setup), so if someone is feeling Uber generous today and want to talk me through this setup, it would be greatly appreciated, and I will take note to share with the community.19:41
johnny_what's the big deal?19:41
johnny_what's the specific problem?19:41
komputesoh hi again johnny, it's the fact that the handbook does not specify packages to install, and that the instruction on the wiki point to files that are not there. I would just like a sample walk through step by step.19:43
komputesjohnny_: I'm always willing to try somebody's instruction which have been tested on 8.0419:43
johnny_i could have swore it told you to instlal ltsp-server19:45
johnny_or ltsp-server-standalone19:45
johnny_those are the only packages you need19:45
johnny_depends on if you have another dhcp server or not19:46
komputesjohnny_: no other dhcp server, just two computers linked to each other to test this atm19:46
komputesthanks ogra, I'll give that one a try and give you an update19:47
ograthats really the only documentation you should need t get a basic setup going19:48
johnny_ogra, !19:52
johnny_where have you been :)19:52
johnny_what's up with kept back notices when upgrading to openssh-*19:53
johnny_or rather.. attempting to upgrade :)19:53
ograat my parents place over the long weekend19:53
ogra(monday was a free day in .de)19:54
ogramight be that openssh-blacklist or how thas called isnt gone through binary NEW yet19:54
ograapt-get update again19:54
johnny_yeah it went fine on my laptop19:55
johnny_just not on our ltsp server19:56
johnny_ogra, yeah that was it.. it worked on my laptop20:05
johnny_but not on our other machines20:05
ograi bet they are using a different mirror :)20:06
ajbrookswhat's up people?21:50

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