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yuriy | how does the /KDE3 thing in kickoff work? | 02:21 |
nixternal | yuriy: appname/kde3 ?? | 02:28 |
nixternal | I think it works the same way as it does with krunner | 02:28 |
nixternal | right now I am trying to get greasemonkey scripts working in konqi | 02:28 |
yuriy | nixternal: which is? :P | 02:35 |
nixternal | greasemonkey is a neat little scripting utility for firefox...there are a couple of scripts that I would like to use with Konqi since I hate FF | 02:36 |
yuriy | nixternal: I was looking at bug 218138 and wondering if it has anything to do with how those desktop files are generated | 02:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218138 in kdegames "unable to launch atlantik in kde4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218138 | 02:36 |
yuriy | nixternal: i meant about the /KDE3 thing | 02:36 |
* nixternal tries it really quick | 02:37 | |
nixternal | ya, you can type 'appname/kde3' in the search box if that is what you are talking about and it will pull up the kde3 app that is in kickoff somewhere | 02:37 |
yuriy | hmm running kwin4 without desktop effects for a couple hours now without memory leaks | 02:38 |
yuriy | nixternal: what does that have to do with... | 02:38 |
nixternal | what other thing do you mean by /KDE3 thing? | 02:39 |
yuriy | i'm wondering if kde4 uses separate .desktop files, or how that gets added on | 02:39 |
yuriy | specifically i'm trying to track down why atlantik won't launch from the menu | 02:39 |
nixternal | kde4 .desktop get installed to /usr/share/applications/kde4/ | 02:40 |
nixternal | kde3 .desktop get installed to /usr/share/applications/kde | 02:40 |
nixternal | Exec=atlantik -caption "%c" %i %m | 02:41 |
nixternal | get rid of the %m as it is deprecated, that could cause an issue in KDE 4 | 02:41 |
yuriy | nixternal: what does %m do? | 02:44 |
nixternal | nope, that isn't it... %m doesn't do anything now...for a long time actually | 02:45 |
yuriy | and that didn't help, krunner still says could not launch /usr/bin/atlantik | 02:45 |
yuriy | which is the wrong path | 02:45 |
nixternal | I wonder if that is related to DCOP garbage | 02:47 |
nixternal | hrmm, ya, I don't even see a /usr/bin/atlantik | 02:50 |
yuriy | nixternal: it's /usr/games/atlantik | 02:51 |
* yuriy wonders why /usr/games exists | 02:51 | |
nixternal | that doesn't seem right to me | 02:51 |
yuriy | fortune, glest, and banner are there too | 02:52 |
nixternal | nixternal@ShakaDoobie:~/downloads$ ls /usr/games/ | 02:52 |
nixternal | atlantik banner espdiff fortune gnuchess gnuchessx ksudoku openttd xmoto | 02:52 |
nixternal | yuriy: ksudoku doesn't work either | 03:01 |
nixternal | actually, none of them do | 03:01 |
nixternal | interesting, xmoto works though, but there is nothing different about the .desktop file | 03:03 |
yuriy | + if (kde3application && !m_strExec.startsWith("/")) | 03:14 |
yuriy | + m_strExec = "/usr/bin/"+m_strExec; | 03:15 |
nixternal | what is that in? | 03:15 |
yuriy | nixternal: from kubuntu_01_kde3_menu_applications.diff from kde4libs | 03:15 |
nixternal | ahhh | 03:15 |
nixternal | that be da problem | 03:15 |
yuriy | while that line is pretty hacky, i think the proper fix would be to actually have the games in /usr/bin | 03:17 |
yuriy | hmm not sure how to go about fixing in in kdelibs | 03:20 |
yuriy | nixternal: i could go by if it's in the games category, if this is true for all kde3 games | 03:30 |
nixternal | but that isn't true for all kde3 games, just 2 that I can see right now | 03:32 |
yuriy | nixternal: all of them get installed to /usr/games that I can see | 03:34 |
nixternal | really? | 03:35 |
yuriy | grep /usr/games *.install | 03:35 |
nixternal | you are right | 03:36 |
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yuriy | umm i'm gonna have to learn quilt won't I | 03:43 |
* yuriy never got the point of QStringList | 03:51 | |
nixternal | hey, do we use Kickstart for our CDs? | 04:02 |
nixternal | I may have a possible job as an appliance packager/distro maintainer/embedded development | 04:03 |
Jucato | so kool :) | 04:03 |
Jucato | (hope they will pay you to work on Kubuntu/KDE docs :D) | 04:03 |
yuriy | how come when I do dch -i on hardy, it puts intrepid and ~hardy2ubuntu1? should i change that to hardy and ~hardy3? | 04:05 |
nixternal | hah, that I doubt...seem like a lot of work, and it is a Free and Open Source company :) | 04:05 |
yuriy | s/hardy/hardy-backports | 04:05 |
nixternal | should be -xubuntux~hardyx | 04:06 |
nixternal | what was the last version? | 04:06 |
yuriy | also, since 4.0.4 is in backports and not updates, does that mean any other fixes such as this need to go to backports and not updates? | 04:07 |
yuriy | nixternal: 0ubuntu1~hardy2 | 04:07 |
nixternal | umm, we are sending backports to PPA right now | 04:07 |
nixternal | 0ubuntu1~hardy3 | 04:07 |
yuriy | nixternal: so if somebody doesn't enable backports, they don't get any bug fixes now unless we apply patches to both 4.0.3 and 4.0.4? | 04:08 |
nixternal | correct | 04:08 |
ScottK | yuriy: You can do SRUs for 4.0.3 if needed. | 04:08 |
nixternal | though, bug fixes should go into update, however 4.0.4 went into backports | 04:08 |
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* yuriy looks through the kde4libs changelog and wonders if he an nixternal are the only ones using @kubuntu.org and not @ubuntu.com | 04:29 | |
nixternal | heh | 04:30 |
* Jucato uses @kubuntu.org... but you know how often I make patches :) | 04:31 | |
yuriy | stdin: how come some of these bugs didn't get closed by your patches? | 04:34 |
stdin | yuriy: which ones? | 04:36 |
yuriy | stdin: bug 220659, bug 220653 | 04:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 220659 in kdeartwork-kde4 "kscreensaver-kde4 recommends kwin and kscreensaver-xsavers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220659 | 04:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 220653 in kdewebdev-kde4 "[KDE 4] klinkstatus-kde4 Suggests quanta-kde4" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220653 | 04:37 |
stdin | not sure | 04:40 |
stdin | maybe -backports doesn't get automatic closure | 04:41 |
nixternal | it does | 04:42 |
nixternal | when Riddell uploaded kde4libs it closed out some last week | 04:42 |
stdin | well the (LP: #....) bits are in the changelogs | 04:43 |
nixternal | oh | 04:44 |
nixternal | I know why | 04:44 |
nixternal | because they were built in PPA and then ported over to -backports | 04:44 |
stdin | maybe because I put hardy instead of hardy-backports | 04:44 |
stdin | s/I/the changelog/ | 04:44 |
nixternal | no, you put hardy-backports | 04:44 |
nixternal | I made sure to check them first | 04:45 |
stdin | then I assign all blame to you ;) | 04:46 |
nixternal | nah, the reason was we built them in the PPA because it was faster than -backports at the time | 04:46 |
nixternal | and then just copied over the binaries and source packages to -backports | 04:46 |
ScottK | -backports uploads won't close bugs. | 04:47 |
nixternal | ya they will, they closed out the kde4libs bugs last week | 04:47 |
ScottK | Hmmm. | 04:48 |
ScottK | OK. I've never seen it. It doesn't come up in normal backports I guess. | 04:48 |
nixternal | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/225773 | 04:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225773 in kde4libs "[Hardy Backport] KDE 4 Libs New Upstream Release (4.0.4)" [Undecided,Fix released] | 04:49 |
nixternal | ya, probably not..but if you fix a bug and close it when uploading to intrepid, it should still close the bug before getting the backport | 04:50 |
nixternal | now if you file the backport bug and go the normal route, then I don't know..probably not I would guess | 04:50 |
ScottK | Normally for a backport bug the archive-admin doing the backport closes it when he does it. | 04:51 |
stdin | *sigh* libqt4-dev missing dep on libpng12-dev | 05:10 |
* stdin files another bug | 05:10 | |
yuriy | ok, just 150 backlogged bugs left | 05:25 |
yuriy | damn dying ubotu :( | 05:25 |
stdin | ok, from what I can tell libqt4-dev is missing libaudio-dev, libglib2.0-dev, libice-dev, libmng-dev and libpng12-dev, but I'm not sure if it's missing anything else | 05:39 |
yuriy | oh no... all that time building, and i forgot a / | 05:45 |
stdin | if anyone finds anything else libqt4-dev is missing report it on bug 229813 | 05:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229813 in qt4-x11 "libqt4-dev seems to have some missing dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229813 | 05:46 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: shakadoobie? really? | 05:48 |
yuriy | can i tell pbuilder to do make -j3? or does it do it automatically? | 05:49 |
DaSkreech | Hi Jucato | 05:52 |
DaSkreech | ubottu took over from ubugtu as well? | 05:53 |
ubottu | DaSkreech: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:53 |
nixternal | DaSkreech: ?? | 05:55 |
nixternal | ahh, my lappy name...where did you see that? | 05:55 |
stdin | ubotu is gone, ubottu is supposed to be a temporary fill-in | 05:55 |
yuriy | nixternal: your paste above. i thought it was slightly amusing too | 05:55 |
DaSkreech | stdin: Yes I just noticed it picked up for ubugtu as well | 05:56 |
stdin | ubugtu has been dead for a long time now | 05:56 |
nixternal | my paste above? | 05:57 |
nixternal | oh, ya I see it | 05:58 |
* yuriy builds again and sleeps | 05:58 | |
nixternal | woohoo, interview tomorrow baby! | 06:09 |
Serega | good [morning|day|evening|night]! | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | Serega: It's not goo | 06:30 |
DaSkreech | d | 06:30 |
Serega | DaSkreech: bah, why? | 06:31 |
Serega | btw, looks like I failed to install 4.0.4 - all aboutboxes show 4.0.3 | 06:31 |
nixternal | Serega: that is a bug in the kde4libs we have...they released a fix after we uploaded the original 4.0.4 | 06:32 |
Serega | and apt shows kdelibs5 Version: 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu5 | 06:32 |
nixternal | hrmm | 06:32 |
nixternal | ii kdelibs5 4:4.0.4-0ubuntu1 core libraries for all KDE 4 applications | 06:33 |
DaSkreech | Serega: apt-cache show kde4libs-bin | 06:33 |
nixternal | mine does too, but dpkg -l shows it correctly | 06:33 |
Serega | ah.. Version: 4:4.0.4-0ubuntu1~hardy1 | 06:33 |
Serega | I see three package kde4libs | 06:34 |
* Serega is a bit confused | 06:34 | |
nixternal | apt-cache is probably a mess like always | 06:34 |
nixternal | never depend on it | 06:35 |
* Serega tries to update one more time | 06:35 | |
* Serega was up to date :) | 06:36 | |
Serega | nixternal: so is it really 4.0.4? | 06:36 |
* DaSkreech updates and gets amarok-nightly | 06:36 | |
* Serega envys | 06:37 | |
nixternal | Serega: yes | 06:37 |
Serega | *is being jealous of amarok-nightly :) | 06:38 |
Serega | nixternal: thank you very much for hard work on this packages! | 06:38 |
nixternal | I didn't do anything, fortunately for you I guess :) | 06:39 |
jussi01 | does anyone know how to fix the problem of having weird font/italic numbers in my typing? Only the numbers mind, the rest is fine... | 06:45 |
nixternal | hrmm, now that is a first that I have heard of that one | 06:45 |
jussi01 | nixternal: its not just the typing, its other places also, but very weird | 06:47 |
nixternal | there has to be a silly setting somewhere | 06:47 |
jussi01 | nixternal: example here: http://imagebin.ca/view/O_sUrx7R.html | 06:48 |
nixternal | wth | 06:49 |
nixternal | now that is crazy stuff right there | 06:49 |
jussi01 | yep | 06:50 |
Serega | guys what phonon backend do you use? | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | Phonon doesn't even remotely work for me | 07:19 |
DaSkreech | but xine | 07:19 |
Serega | DaSkreech: it doesn't even locally work for me :) | 07:25 |
DaSkreech | Phonon tells me I have no sound hardware | 07:25 |
Serega | I try to figure out why, but found nothing better then a tuning switches in kmix | 07:25 |
Serega | DaSkreech: bu does it work? | 07:26 |
Serega | *but | 07:26 |
DaSkreech | I've had sound for months. Just never occured to me none of it was from KDE | 07:26 |
DaSkreech | SO no :) | 07:26 |
Serega | how can I see its state? logs or maybe with HAL... somehow | 07:27 |
Serega | heh :) | 07:27 |
DaSkreech | Dunno I probably should find out | 07:27 |
Serega | ah... ok, I'll dig :) | 07:27 |
DaSkreech | cool :) | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | I just know that nothing with KDE sound works | 07:28 |
Serega | +1 | 07:28 |
Serega | :) | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | Someone asked how long does the login/logout sound play for | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | The what now? | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | I've been missing login sounds | 07:29 |
DaSkreech | *frowny face* | 07:29 |
* Serega hugs DaSkreech | 07:29 | |
Serega | DaSkreech: buut... why do you need amarok-nightly though? ;) | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | To test it | 07:31 |
DaSkreech | same reason I'm on KDE 4 :) | 07:31 |
DaSkreech | Bug Stepping Boots need some working | 07:31 |
Serega | ah, I'm the same, actually | 07:32 |
DaSkreech | I actually didn't install anything from kde-multimedia-kde4 | 07:34 |
DaSkreech | I've been installing KDE4 in bits so I can focus my testing | 07:34 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: Hey | 08:03 |
Serega | DaSkreech: Amarok2 plays for me!!! | 08:18 |
* Serega dances under Spiderbait - BlackBetty played in amarok2 | 08:18 | |
DaSkreech | *envy* | 08:19 |
DaSkreech | What did you do? | 08:19 |
DaSkreech | First | 08:19 |
DaSkreech | before you did anything when you went to System Settings -> Sound did you have a choice of hardware ? | 08:20 |
Serega | just apt-get isntall amarok-nightly | 08:20 |
Serega | no systemsetting was touched | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | :-P | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | Well can you look now? | 08:20 |
Serega | btw, no 4.0.4 application play sound though | 08:20 |
Serega | ok, sec... | 08:21 |
Serega | DaSkreech: yes, I have but all devices are grayed, as usual | 08:21 |
DaSkreech | Ok | 08:21 |
DaSkreech | I don't have any devices at all | 08:21 |
Serega | do you have the same? | 08:21 |
Serega | ah.. | 08:21 |
DaSkreech | Nope it's fully blank | 08:22 |
Serega | now I have a hope 4.1 will work with my sound hardware with np however | 08:22 |
Serega | cool, amarok even crashed! | 08:23 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 08:23 |
DaSkreech | Mine opened two days ago with a playlist that said This is a Bug! | 08:23 |
DaSkreech | I loled | 08:23 |
Serega | :-D | 08:24 |
Serega | "It is not a bug it is a feature" (c) | 08:24 |
DaSkreech | Serega: do you have any full albums ? | 08:24 |
Serega | what do you mean by "full albums"? | 08:24 |
DaSkreech | Lots of songs from one album :) | 08:25 |
Serega | well... 15-20 is usual | 08:25 |
Serega | I can make a "compilation" :) | 08:26 |
Serega | is it a known bug? | 08:26 |
DaSkreech | No I was going to show you something cool | 08:27 |
DaSkreech | Load up a whole set that have the same Album | 08:27 |
Serega | how many songs do we need? | 08:27 |
DaSkreech | 4-5 should be good | 08:28 |
DaSkreech | you'll noticee that you get a ballon around all of them with the album name at top | 08:28 |
Serega | ah... I have many albums with >10 songs. So I have added a couple to hte playlist | 08:28 |
Serega | yess! | 08:29 |
Serega | it is very cool! | 08:29 |
DaSkreech | If you have a commercial album you get the picture of the album cover | 08:29 |
Serega | I have noticed it | 08:29 |
DaSkreech | Ok now get a song that's not from the album and drop it in the middle of that list | 08:29 |
Serega | but I do not get the pictures, though they're lay in the same directories downloaded | 08:29 |
Serega | he-he | 08:30 |
Serega | it is clever! | 08:30 |
Serega | my song have appeared at the end of albums | 08:30 |
DaSkreech | Drag it up into the middle of the album | 08:31 |
Serega | haha | 08:31 |
Serega | really cool! | 08:31 |
DaSkreech | That's brilliant | 08:31 |
Serega | I love amarok! | 08:31 |
DaSkreech | when they start having plasma stuff linked to the kdelibs plasma I fear the coolness that they can do | 08:32 |
Serega | standalone" | 08:32 |
Serega | "standalone" playlist items look very good | 08:32 |
Serega | I can see all needed info in a small piece of space | 08:32 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 08:33 |
DaSkreech | Yeah | 08:33 |
DaSkreech | If it wasn't so horrible to me the first day I would have fully forgotten that I was bug hunting | 08:33 |
* Serega wants to KDE4.1 ..any prealpha :) | 08:33 | |
* Serega jumps and honks "gimme a cutting edge!" | 08:34 | |
DaSkreech | Ha ha cutting edge will make you bleed right now | 08:35 |
DaSkreech | you need an alpha ++ svn | 08:35 |
Serega | ok, I will make the furure nearer by doing own part - 'gdebi-kde4' - for now :) | 08:37 |
DaSkreech | I want 4.2 "_" | 08:38 |
Serega | kde4.2? | 08:38 |
Serega | ohhh... "Stop after curent track" mmm.... | 08:39 |
Serega | it is usability itself | 08:39 |
DaSkreech | What is? | 08:40 |
DaSkreech | Stop after current track is usabilty ? | 08:42 |
Serega | it is very useful feature imho | 08:45 |
Serega | autoclosing dialogs now are stopping their timers when I mouseover them | 08:45 |
DaSkreech | they always did that | 08:50 |
DaSkreech | wel not always always but it's been there a while | 08:50 |
DaSkreech | Serega: Night | 09:07 |
Serega | DaSkreech: nini! | 09:07 |
larsivi | hmm, sound (front headset output) is not good with 8.04 (3.5.9) - one of the channels is way too slow, and in general it seems like old levels weren't kept after upgrade | 09:27 |
larsivi | *way too low*, not slow ... | 09:27 |
larsivi | and trying to adjust the balance in KMixer lowers Master if I drag it to the right (?) doesn't have any actual balance effect though - Intel hardware | 09:32 |
Riddell | nixternal: yes we have kickstart compatibility | 10:01 |
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larsivi | hmm, Pulling Master, PCM, and Front to the bottom, then back seems to have fixed the sound | 11:06 |
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nixternal | Riddell: davigno said he is interested in helping with the website :) | 13:24 |
Jucato | kool! | 13:27 |
* jtechidna knows XHTML and CSS, but not php or javascript anything | 13:28 | |
nixternal | davigno does some awesome websites | 13:29 |
Riddell | nixternal: best talk to ryanakca then, he's the one doing the website | 13:29 |
jtechidna | If you guys need more hands I could see if I could be of help. (I'm assuming we're talking Kubuntu website?) | 13:29 |
jjesse | morning | 13:30 |
nixternal | ryanakca: davigno is interested in helping with the website | 13:30 |
jtechidna | brb | 13:30 |
nixternal | mornin' jjesse | 13:30 |
Jucato | moin | 13:31 |
Riddell | nixternal: the main problem with the website currently is technical | 13:31 |
jjesse | evening Jucato | 13:32 |
nixternal | ryanakca: if you need some technical help with the site, let me know | 13:33 |
|Artemis_Fowl| | nixternal: which site? | 13:33 |
jjesse | his "special site" | 13:34 |
Riddell | it's more the sysadmins that need to do it | 13:35 |
nixternal | Riddell: ahh, gotcha...good luck with the sys admins :p | 13:49 |
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\sh | hmmm.... | 14:13 |
\sh | is it just me, or is konversation running inside kde4 not honouring the default webbrowser url handler? | 14:13 |
Jucato | it should honor kde3's default web browser | 14:14 |
\sh | which means, konversation starts now a konsole + w3m | 14:14 |
nixternal | heh | 14:14 |
nixternal | ya, w3m is the way of the future! | 14:14 |
nixternal | who needs graphics anyways, ascii pr0n is better! | 14:14 |
\sh | oh yeah...ascii pr0n | 14:15 |
Serega | w3m rocks! | 14:15 |
Serega | :) | 14:15 |
Jucato | nixternal: you know of a tool to asciify your pic in penguicon? :) | 14:15 |
Jucato | your *compromising* pic :) | 14:15 |
jjesse | :) | 14:15 |
\sh | oh did I report, that evolution + exchange plugin + kde4 runs much better then under gnome? ,-) | 14:16 |
nixternal | hehe, can't say that I do, and I would like to keep it that way | 14:16 |
nixternal | I gave evolution a shot the past week and I just do not like it when compared to Kontact/KMail | 14:16 |
nixternal | there are a couple of cool features though that I passed on | 14:16 |
\sh | nixternal: as always..I have a exchange mail server inhouse..and evolution does work with the webfrontend questioning very well... | 14:17 |
\sh | kmail does not let me even show my exchange calendar...whereas evolution does nicely...:) | 14:18 |
nixternal | ahh, ya that is what I have heard | 14:18 |
nixternal | 08:18:15 [ winterz] Bille: I was convinced because eventually we want a mailody plugin for Kontact | 14:18 |
* Jucato is annoyed at kdepim right now... won't comment :) | 14:18 | |
nixternal | toma rocks! | 14:18 |
* jjesse is annoyed and won't commet at all | 14:19 | |
nixternal | a mailody plugin for Kontact means killer IMAPage | 14:19 |
Jucato | hm.. might be a good chance for me to test mailody + gmail IMAP | 14:19 |
nixternal | commet!!! | 14:19 |
nixternal | I mean comet | 14:19 |
* jjesse slaps nixternal | 14:19 | |
Jucato | :D | 14:19 |
* Jucato tackles jjesse for slapping nixternal | 14:19 | |
nixternal | booyah! | 14:19 |
\sh | nixternal: which does claws-mail for me until kmail or whatever mail app we will have in 4.1 is being fixed to work with highvolume imap online folders ;) | 14:19 |
* Jucato takes down Jucato for tackling jjesse for slapping nixternal | 14:19 | |
nixternal | got my security watching my back | 14:19 |
jjesse | bring it | 14:20 |
nixternal | damn, and my security is bipolar | 14:20 |
nixternal | his alter ego beat his other ego up | 14:20 |
Arby | \sh: I've seen similar behaviour regarding konversation/kde4 handling of URLs | 14:38 |
Jucato | (there's no konversation for kde4 yet) | 14:38 |
jjesse | kopete handing irc yet? | 14:39 |
Arby | Juacato; the kde3 app running on kde4 desktop | 14:39 |
Arby | sorry should have been clearer | 14:39 |
Arby | behaviour seems to be semi-random for me, sometimes I get firefox, sometimes konqueror | 14:39 |
Jucato | I think that's what \sh meant earlier too. | 14:39 |
jussi01 | quassel works fine with urls and default browsers in kde4 :D | 14:40 |
Arby | that was my understanding yes | 14:40 |
Jucato | apples and oranges :) | 14:40 |
Arby | jussi01: quassel? | 14:40 |
* jussi01 hugs quassel | 14:40 | |
jussi01 | Arby: www.quassel-irc.org | 14:40 |
jussi01 | Arby: in my repo if you care to try it | 14:40 |
* Jucato tries to take down jussi01's repo | 14:41 | |
Jucato | oh.. where's jussio1? | 14:41 |
jussi01 | Jucato: he is on holidays | 14:41 |
Arby | jussi01: seems worth a look anyway | 14:41 |
Jucato | ah | 14:41 |
Jucato | good for him :) | 14:41 |
jussi01 | Arby: I use it every day as my regular client. | 14:41 |
Arby | I've been lookig for a gui equivalent to irssi+screen for a while | 14:42 |
Arby | I think I'll give it a go when I get home | 14:42 |
jussi01 | Arby: my repo's version has a few extra alias's for helping with op stuff | 14:42 |
Jucato | Konvi + IRC bouncer/proxy | 14:42 |
* Jucato hugs miau :) | 14:42 | |
Jucato | which I still have to explore.... | 14:42 |
* Hobbsee looks up miau | 14:43 | |
Jucato | irc bouncer.. which I chose solely on the basis of its name :) | 14:43 |
Jucato | I use it in tandem with konvi to achieve a "quassel effect" | 14:43 |
Hobbsee | ah, yes | 14:43 |
Hobbsee | looks like bip :) | 14:43 |
Hobbsee | uh oh. | 14:44 |
* Hobbsee can't work next week, but has probably been rostered on | 14:44 | |
Jucato | :P | 14:44 |
Jucato | work is for poor people (or people w/o mothers to support them) :P | 14:44 |
jussi01 | hahah | 14:45 |
* DaSkreech wakes up to work | 14:48 | |
DaSkreech | Jucato: ping | 14:50 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: pong | 14:51 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: carols_ust ? | 14:51 |
DaSkreech | *cough* | 14:51 |
* Jucato debates whether he should say yes... | 14:51 | |
DaSkreech | Without obvious spelling errors | 14:51 |
Jucato | so what are you asking me really? | 14:51 |
DaSkreech | I tried to add you early this week | 14:52 |
Jucato | hm.. what yahoo ID? | 14:52 |
DaSkreech | skreechtwo | 14:52 |
Jucato | hm. haven't received any notification (kopete seems to be like that...) | 14:52 |
DaSkreech | Grrr | 14:52 |
Jucato | of course, unless you typoed my id | 14:52 |
DaSkreech | I typo very well :) | 14:53 |
* DaSkreech reattempts his attempt | 14:54 | |
nixternal | damn openssl security crap...I can't ssh into anything right now...everyone closed it down | 15:05 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: what's up with the Qt 4.4 regressions ? | 15:10 |
nixternal | no idea | 15:11 |
jtechidna | nixternal: Is bug 225213 fix released yet? | 15:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225213 in kdeartwork-kde4 "wrong wallpapers in kdewallpapers-kde4" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225213 | 15:12 |
nixternal | jtechidna: it was backported I believe, so yes....all I did was change the description to fix it | 15:13 |
jtechidna | ok, I'll close it then | 15:13 |
\sh | whatever quassel is | 15:19 |
Nightrose | \sh: Sputs IRC program | 15:20 |
Nightrose | rocks | 15:20 |
Nightrose | (when it is a little more mature than it is now) | 15:20 |
\sh | Nightrose: looks promising... | 15:21 |
Nightrose | it is ;-) | 15:21 |
\sh | Nightrose: but that I said to myself, too, when I started with kmyirc ;() | 15:21 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 15:21 |
\sh | bah not in ubuntu | 15:21 |
Nightrose | well i trust Sput and the rest of them to do it | 15:21 |
Nightrose | it is in jussi01's ppa | 15:22 |
Nightrose | and an older version in apachelogger's | 15:22 |
\sh | I was thinking about re-writing kmyirc with pyqt4 | 15:22 |
\sh | Nightrose: url pls :) | 15:22 |
Nightrose | hmm sec | 15:22 |
Nightrose | deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jussi01/ubuntu hardy main | 15:23 |
jussi01 | :) | 15:23 |
jussi01 | gets updated fairly often | 15:23 |
\sh | jussi01: 0.2 beta1? | 15:23 |
jussi01 | yeah | 15:23 |
Nightrose | \sh: apachelogger didn't add it in the official repos yet as it was not beta | 15:24 |
Nightrose | don't know what it is now | 15:24 |
jussi01 | 0.3 will be out soonish | 15:24 |
Nightrose | ah cool | 15:24 |
jussi01 | #quassel is their irc channel if you need someone :) | 15:24 |
yuriy | nixternal: I have a fix for the games thing | 15:26 |
\sh | argl | 15:26 |
\sh | it doesn't like dircproxy ;) | 15:26 |
\sh | it can't connect to a irc proxy with username+password != socks proxy | 15:27 |
Nightrose | \sh: ask sput - the are some hidden thing still I think - so you might be able to do it | 15:27 |
Nightrose | *there | 15:27 |
Nightrose | not sure though | 15:27 |
\sh | argl...I need quassel-core | 15:28 |
jussi01 | \sh: it should install if you apt-get quassel | 15:28 |
jussi01 | you just then connect to localhost | 15:28 |
* Nightrose has the core on a fellow amarok devs box - pretty neat - though i am back to irssi for now and waiting for quassel to mature | 15:29 | |
jussi01 | Nightrose: yeah, I have the core on my server | 15:30 |
Nightrose | :) | 15:30 |
nixternal | yuriy: rock on...going down for a bit...my new Internet is here :) | 15:30 |
nixternal | see ya later! | 15:30 |
\sh | cool..it works when you understand the system ;) | 15:31 |
Nightrose | :P | 15:32 |
\sh | but now I have quassel-client -> quassel-core -> connection to dircproxy on server x | 15:32 |
jussi01 | I got to pick my wife up, back in a bit | 15:32 |
yuriy | patch attached to bug 218138 | 15:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218138 in kde4libs "unable to launch atlantik in kde4" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218138 | 15:33 |
jussi01 | \sh: the are static cores for servers on quassel-irc.org/nightly | 15:33 |
\sh | jussi01: well I'll test it now first :) | 15:34 |
\sh | Nightrose: something new from openexpo? | 15:39 |
Nightrose | nope | 15:39 |
Nightrose | are you waiting for anything specific? | 15:39 |
\sh | Nightrose: well, actually that they start to spread the news...there is nothing to hear about this event | 15:44 |
Nightrose | \sh: sven said there was stuff in ct and linux magazine for example | 15:44 |
\sh | who reads ct or linux-magazin? ;) | 15:45 |
Nightrose | and they are doing promo for the other event that is at the same time | 15:45 |
Nightrose | hehe | 15:45 |
Nightrose | right | 15:45 |
Nightrose | sven obviously | 15:45 |
smarter | have you seen this: http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2008/msg00152.html ? | 16:12 |
ScottK | Yes. Ubdated Ubuntu packages have been published. | 16:13 |
ScottK | Ubdated/Updated | 16:14 |
* ScottK is busily regenerating SSH keys, TLS keys, and DKIM keys (and expects he'll think of more). | 16:14 | |
* smarter is going to regenerate his key and the medibuntu one | 16:15 | |
ScottK | http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1 | 16:15 |
Nightrose | same here - :/ | 16:16 |
* Hobbsee looks for which keys need regenerating | 16:16 | |
ScottK | According to the DSA, it's just DSA keys (love overloaded terms), but on #debian-devel the discussion is to regenerate RSA keys too. | 16:17 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: as in, ssh, gpg, ? | 16:17 |
smarter | "The first vulnerable version, 0.9.8c-1, was uploaded to the unstable distribution on 2006-09-17" | 16:17 |
jjesse | wait so we have to regenerate all of our ssh keys in launchpad? | 16:17 |
smarter | if they're never than 06/09, yes | 16:18 |
Nightrose | gpg keys too? | 16:18 |
smarter | it was probably in ubuntu 6.10 | 16:18 |
jjesse | if they are newer then 6.10? | 16:18 |
ScottK | Edgy was clear, but Feisty and follow. | 16:18 |
Hobbsee | smarter er, how do you find the dates on keys? | 16:18 |
* Nightrose is not sure when and on which system she generated her gpg key | 16:18 | |
Nightrose | though the ssh keys are all b0rked | 16:19 |
ScottK | My main desktop is still on Dapper. Other than that, I'm just regenerating them all. | 16:19 |
jjesse | hrmmm so i need to regenerate my ssh keys and my gpg key and get them back into launchpad | 16:19 |
jjesse | yay :( | 16:19 |
ScottK | jjesse: gpg is fine. | 16:19 |
jjesse | ok trying to figure it out | 16:19 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: oh crypto man, do i want a rsa or a dsa key? | 16:22 |
ScottK | You definitely want to regenerate DSA. I'd suggest regenerate the RSA key too as there are debates about that. | 16:23 |
Hobbsee | i realise that. | 16:23 |
Hobbsee | but for the new key, do i want it to be a dsa or rsa? | 16:23 |
ScottK | K | 16:23 |
Hobbsee | lp docs seem to be saying to go for rsa | 16:23 |
ScottK | For LP, I'm not sure (I don't have any SSH keys on LP). | 16:24 |
ScottK | Generically DSA is supposed to be better, but apparently not today. If LP wants RSA, then I'd do that. | 16:24 |
ScottK | Don't forget that for SSH server keys the passphrase needs to be empty. | 16:25 |
Hobbsee | ssh server keys? | 16:26 |
ScottK | If you have openssh-server installed to ssh into the box. | 16:27 |
Hobbsee | yes... | 16:27 |
smarter | why empty passphrase? | 16:27 |
ScottK | sudo ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key | 16:27 |
ScottK | ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key | 16:28 |
ScottK | with a sudo of course | 16:28 |
ScottK | and then restart SSH. | 16:28 |
ScottK | smarter: It's on the server end of the transaction. There's no way for a user to provide one. | 16:28 |
Riddell | Nightrose: thanks for taking bug 227904, let me know if you need someone to check and upload | 16:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227904 in qt4-x11 "KDE4 login screen is missing background (regression: 4.0.4)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227904 | 16:33 |
Nightrose | Riddell: will do :) | 16:33 |
genii | Hi. Is there anyone working on some type of plasmoid wrapper for the kde3 panel apps etc? | 16:34 |
Artemis_Fowl | genii: some of them have already been ported. | 16:35 |
Artemis_Fowl | genii: for example Quicklaunch | 16:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | genii: but that's a KDE question. ask at #kde-devel | 16:36 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: have you thought anymore on how to present the OS information instead of a tooltip? | 16:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: yes | 16:36 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: remind me why your application was rejected when you put the information below the list box? | 16:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: it took up too much place. and was a bit ugly too | 16:37 |
seele | hmm | 16:37 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: I have come up with a new way to show data | 16:37 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: I would like your opinion | 16:37 |
yuriy | yuck regenerating keys.. | 16:38 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: when the user clicks a small button with the "info" icon (probably this will be on the right of each entry) | 16:38 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: the lisbox displaying the entries will be replaced by a widget which shows all information | 16:39 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: (by means of a stacked widget) | 16:39 |
seele | hum.. why not a popup dialog? | 16:39 |
yuriy | oh I made my key in 06.06 so i'm good i think | 16:39 |
yuriy | phew | 16:39 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: and a Back button will exist to trasnfer the user back to the list box | 16:39 |
yuriy | still need to regenerate host keys though? | 16:40 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: this way is alos used in Adept | 16:40 |
Artemis_Fowl | also* | 16:40 |
seele | adept for kde 3 or the new one that nixternal(?) is working on? | 16:40 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: I haven't seen the new UI yet | 16:41 |
genii | Artemis_Fowl: OK, thanks | 16:41 |
Artemis_Fowl | I am talking about the old UI | 16:41 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: just because adept does it doesn't mean it is a good idea | 16:41 |
seele | what is wrong with the expanding arrow? like in adept | 16:41 |
Artemis_Fowl | I chose not to use a dialog because that would be a bit meaningless | 16:41 |
seele | why? | 16:41 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: since the Edit dialog would be almost same | 16:41 |
seele | the way Details works in Adept is very confusing | 16:42 |
seele | the entire UI changes | 16:42 |
yuriy | seele: oh? advice please, because it's the same in adept-3 | 16:42 |
seele | and it isnt the back button, they use a Show List toggle | 16:42 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: hmm let me give you another example | 16:42 |
yuriy | i know there are some things about it that are confusing (such as the show list toggle) but overall what's wrong with it? | 16:43 |
seele | yuriy: the Details button or the entire application? | 16:43 |
yuriy | seele: the details button | 16:43 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: have you seen how the 'Configure Desktop' dialog works in KDE4? | 16:43 |
yuriy | seele: could you have a look at the alpha at some point to see if you think it's going in the right direction? | 16:43 |
yuriy | Artemis_Fowl: sorry to distract | 16:43 |
seele | yuriy: will you be at UDS? we can discuss it there if you like | 16:44 |
Artemis_Fowl | yuriy: never mind :) seele is getting all the work :) | 16:44 |
* seele is wondering where her kde4 laptop is.. | 16:44 | |
yuriy | seele: no, i won't. maybe mornfall (the main developer) will be? | 16:45 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: I will try to implement my idea asap to give you an idea | 16:45 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: ok. screenshots with descriptions are OK too | 16:45 |
seele | yuriy: ok | 16:45 |
* Artemis_Fowl goes to implement his idea | 16:45 | |
mornfall | ... | 16:46 |
mornfall | fosscamp | 16:46 |
seele | oh. i wont be there until sunday around noon so i guess that wont work | 16:46 |
mornfall | *shrug* Well, I don't have time to invent a completely new interface anyway... | 16:47 |
ScottK | yuriy: If you connected to a machine with the bad openssl you'll want to regenerate any keys even if they were made on Dapper. | 16:47 |
ScottK | Of course up until last weekend Launchpad ran on Dapper. Now it runs on Hardy, so .... | 16:47 |
yuriy | ScottK: hmm... am i missing something, why? | 16:49 |
ScottK | 1. Because that's what people who understand it better than me on #debian-devel said. | 16:49 |
ScottK | 2. Because the distant end encryption is not sufficiently random and weak. From what little I understand, that exposes both ends of the transaction. | 16:50 |
ScottK | I'm not certain myself. | 16:51 |
yuriy | hmm i'll see what the sysadmins i know think before I bother | 16:51 |
yuriy | the package regenerates the host keys automatically | 16:52 |
ScottK | Well I've got TLS keys on my mail servers and some other related stuff to deal with too. | 16:52 |
Nightrose | Riddell: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/228129 <- debdiff attached for the kopete crash | 17:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228129 in kopete "[regression KDE 4.0.4] Kopete crashes when closing message window" [Medium,In progress] | 17:17 |
Nightrose | works fine so far though i don't know if new problems will be introduced by the switch to Qt 4.4 | 17:17 |
Nightrose | up to you to upload or not | 17:18 |
yuriy | Riddell: bug 218138 <- debdiff here too | 17:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218138 in kde4libs "unable to launch atlantik in kde4" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218138 | 17:19 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: almost ready | 17:21 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: uploading screenshots | 17:21 |
Riddell | Nightrose: what version of qt 4.4 do you have? | 17:21 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1316762_fuo0j/KGRUBEditor40.png | 17:23 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: (the known main UI) | 17:23 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1316761_oouip/KGRUBEditor41.png | 17:24 |
Nightrose | Riddell: adept says 4.4.0-1ubuntu3~hardy1 | 17:24 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: how the UI would look after clicking a "Info" button | 17:24 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: (which isn't yet implemented) | 17:24 |
Riddell | Nightrose: do you have /usr/include/qt4/Qt/qglobal.h ? | 17:25 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: is that all the information you need to show or is there more? | 17:26 |
Nightrose | Riddell: nope - no qt4 folder in include at all | 17:26 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: there are more | 17:26 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: this is just a preview | 17:26 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: the strange colors are due to my theme of course | 17:26 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: is that a pretty typical amount of information? | 17:27 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: i dont see why it couldnt be the + or > expanding like in adept | 17:27 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: yes. I would say 1-2 lines more | 17:27 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: also is Other Operating Systems: only a header? how does that work in the list view? | 17:28 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: ? | 17:28 |
seele | can you move it with the move buttons and click/select it? | 17:28 |
seele | in the list view | 17:28 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: yes | 17:28 |
seele | there is a line that says Other Operating Systems | 17:28 |
seele | is it in a different list view or is is in the same list view? | 17:28 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: yy. same. it has no icon due to it being a separator | 17:29 |
Riddell | Nightrose: do you have libqt4-dev installed? | 17:29 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: can users edit the text? | 17:29 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: in the second screenshot? | 17:29 |
seele | in 40.png | 17:29 |
seele | 4th item in the list | 17:29 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: currently not. it wouldn't be difficult to inline-edit titles | 17:30 |
Artemis_Fowl | though | 17:30 |
Nightrose | Riddell: not on this system nope - but the package was built in a pbuilder - and Czessi built it as well | 17:30 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: ok, because it is kindof weird that a header shows up in a list of operating systems | 17:30 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: right now, it is projected as a list of operating systems and not a line-by-line edit of the grub menu | 17:31 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: it is yet another operating system with dummy values | 17:31 |
Riddell | Nightrose: and you both found that adding QT_QT_INCLUDE_DIR was necessary? | 17:31 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: yes, which is conceptually incorrect | 17:31 |
Nightrose | Riddell: stdin said so - not sure if Czessi tried building it without it - Czessi did you? | 17:32 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: should I modify something? | 17:32 |
Czessi | Nightrose: no | 17:32 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: this entry (Other Operating Systems) is automatically created by the Ubuntu installer | 17:32 |
Nightrose | Riddell: ^ | 17:32 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: there either need to be two lists or the UI needs to be changed to be a visual menu editor instead of a list of operating systems | 17:32 |
Riddell | Nightrose: let me try it without | 17:33 |
Nightrose | Riddell: ok :) it failed here on a simple test when i didn't include it | 17:34 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: i assume the menu headers can be detected? so if there were two menu headers, you would be able to create multiple lists? or if someone took the header out, make it only one list? | 17:34 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: these are not headers | 17:34 |
seele | right, blank dummy OS entries | 17:35 |
seele | the thing is, that isn't how the user perceives them. they are headers to the user | 17:35 |
seele | you have a list, you have a header or title, and there is another list | 17:35 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: I can't think of a way to detect them | 17:35 |
seele | in this case, a list of "other" operating systems | 17:35 |
Artemis_Fowl | they are just entries | 17:35 |
Artemis_Fowl | GRUB makes no difference | 17:35 |
seele | hum.. | 17:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | actually this divider is a bit wrong | 17:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | it merely exists to divide the enrty list in2 categories: | 17:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | Ubuntu entries and non-ubuntu entries | 17:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | that's a bit incorrect | 17:36 |
Artemis_Fowl | all of the entries are OSes. you can't divide them | 17:37 |
Artemis_Fowl | I suppose that it exists there so that users have a better looking list | 17:37 |
Artemis_Fowl | when booting their PC | 17:38 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
Artemis_Fowl | seele: w8 one min to show you another screenshot | 17:38 |
seele | ok | 17:38 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1316819_ermmv/KGRUBEditor42.png | 17:40 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: ok. see that screenshot? there is a new dummy entry | 17:40 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: but this time it has a question icon | 17:40 |
seele | that one has an icon | 17:40 |
seele | right | 17:40 |
seele | is it because your code put an icon there? | 17:41 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: i'll explain to you right away | 17:41 |
seele | what happens if you edit the Other OS line with your UI and then save it as is? will it add an icon? | 17:41 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: add an icon where? | 17:41 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: to the configuration file or to the UI | 17:42 |
Artemis_Fowl | ? | 17:42 |
seele | to the entry in the list | 17:42 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: what KGRUBEditor does is this: | 17:42 |
Artemis_Fowl | if it finds an entry for which it has an icon (eg Ubuntu/Kubuntu/opensuse/mepis etc) | 17:43 |
Artemis_Fowl | it shows the icon next to it | 17:43 |
Artemis_Fowl | if it has no icon for instance for FreeBSD | 17:43 |
Artemis_Fowl | it shows the question mark icon | 17:43 |
seele | right | 17:44 |
Artemis_Fowl | and there is a special case | 17:44 |
Artemis_Fowl | for so-called dividers | 17:44 |
Artemis_Fowl | kgrubeditor "detects" 2 of them | 17:44 |
Artemis_Fowl | one: if the title consists only of dashes (eg. --------------------------------------) | 17:44 |
Artemis_Fowl | and the other is the case you see (Other Operating Systems) | 17:45 |
Artemis_Fowl | however, these special cases exist only to have a better-looking UI | 17:45 |
Artemis_Fowl | mothing else | 17:45 |
Artemis_Fowl | nothing* | 17:45 |
Artemis_Fowl | because as I said all of them are entries | 17:45 |
seele | so if an update changes the case from Other Operating Systems to Non-Ubuntu Operating Systems, you have to update KGRUBEditor or it will show up as an operating system with a ? icon? | 17:45 |
Artemis_Fowl | latter | 17:46 |
Artemis_Fowl | kgrubeditor will understand | 17:47 |
seele | ok. is it possible to add a (Menu) tag or some kind of information to that line so the user knows it is supposed to be a menu and not an entry? | 17:47 |
seele | and could it be possible for a user to edit that entry or add another menu header? you would have to keep track of it somehow so you make the exception in the list view | 17:47 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: not really. I would have to save this tag somewhere and the GRUB config file is already full-blown | 17:48 |
Artemis_Fowl | but this could be an interesting feature for the future | 17:48 |
Artemis_Fowl | tags to your boot entries. it doesn't sound bad | 17:49 |
Artemis_Fowl | I could find a workaround | 17:49 |
Artemis_Fowl | concerning your latter question, | 17:49 |
Artemis_Fowl | if the user creates an entry which has a title consisting of dashes or the other case, | 17:50 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: maybe tag was the wrong word. just for the UI part and not for the GRUB config file, can you add a visual indicator (such as [MENU] or whatever) before Other Operating Systems so users know it is a menu and not an operating system | 17:50 |
Artemis_Fowl | then this entry will be too regarded as a divider | 17:50 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: ah, yes | 17:51 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: you mean like default, fallback etc? | 17:51 |
seele | yeah sure, except maybe before the text: Menu Divider: Other Operating Systems | 17:52 |
seele | instead of Other Operating Systems (Menu divider) | 17:52 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: yes. I could do it right now | 17:52 |
seele | ok. then i am ok with it for now. | 17:52 |
seele | or, even dummy dashes would work | 17:52 |
seele | --- Other Operating Systems --- | 17:52 |
seele | but the dashes don't exist in the actual grub menu entry | 17:53 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: so, should I go on with this implementation for the time being? | 17:53 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: I could even center align this entry's title | 17:53 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: i suppose. i would still prefer the expanding box than the layered widget but *shrug* | 17:53 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: but as for the menu thing, that is good | 17:53 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: center align might be OK too | 17:54 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: nah I am already bored of the menu like implementation (hmm didn't I create it a month ago?) :) | 17:54 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: there are some drawbacks there | 17:54 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: to the tree-like thing | 17:54 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: is that what the arrow widget thing is? a tree? | 17:55 |
Artemis_Fowl | anyway, I find that the new implementation is more of a details-preview | 17:55 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: can the button say Back to List? | 17:56 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: lol. you bombard me with questions | 17:56 |
Artemis_Fowl | firstly | 17:56 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: haha.. sorry | 17:56 |
Artemis_Fowl | the arrow thing (in Adept) is a custom widget. requires much custom code | 17:57 |
Artemis_Fowl | my tree-like implementation was actually a tree view | 17:57 |
Artemis_Fowl | with some modifications of my own | 17:57 |
Artemis_Fowl | and yes the button may say Back to List | 17:57 |
seele | ok | 17:58 |
Artemis_Fowl | ok. anything else? | 17:58 |
seele | nope.. i think i beat you to death already | 18:02 |
seele | this is turning out very nice tho | 18:02 |
Artemis_Fowl | nah. it is due to your help | 18:05 |
Artemis_Fowl | feel free to beat me to death :) | 18:07 |
seele | hehe | 18:08 |
dinosaur-rus | hi | 18:12 |
Artemis_Fowl | dinosaur-rus: hi | 18:14 |
Artemis_Fowl | 'later everybody | 18:15 |
DaSkreech | have the fixes for the Debian packages been pushed to the repos yet? | 18:27 |
DaSkreech | Do backports need to be on ? | 18:27 |
DaSkreech | keygen packages sorry | 18:30 |
awen_ | DaSkreech: the openssl was updated by the security team 4 hours ago according to LP ... i suppose those are the packages | 18:34 |
* DaSkreech nods | 18:34 | |
awen_ | DaSkreech: you need just have "security" turned on | 18:35 |
* DaSkreech noddles | 18:36 | |
* awen_ is luckily not affected ... all my keys generated on edgy or prior | 18:37 | |
DaSkreech | awen_: If you connected to machines which had the keys generated on latter machines you might still need to regen them | 18:38 |
awen_ | DaSkreech: connecting to other machines should make my keys vulnerable? ... aren't they static? | 18:41 |
DaSkreech | could | 18:45 |
awen_ | hmm ... regeneration in progress | 18:48 |
apachelogger | \sh: rsa or dsa for my new ssh key? | 19:12 |
DaSkreech | dsa normally is better but do it based upon the servrs you onnect to most frequently I suppose | 19:13 |
DaSkreech | if they want RSA thatn that is good enough | 19:14 |
apachelogger | well, KDE suggest to create a DSA and LP suggest to create a RSA key | 19:15 |
stdin | LP will take dsa too | 19:20 |
apachelogger | stdin: I'll go with both, 2 keys are more secure than one I guess | 19:21 |
stdin | maybe, but you can only use one at a time ;) | 19:21 |
apachelogger | well, at least unless they have been generated on debian systems :P | 19:21 |
stdin | heh | 19:21 |
jjesse | welcome back gnome lover ;) | 19:28 |
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter | ||
DaSkreech | and pants lover! | 19:29 |
DaSkreech | Cause man Vista is pants | 19:29 |
DaSkreech | Hmm I should see if Vbox is getting updated in LTS | 19:30 |
Nightrose | can someone tell me which package is missing? http://lydiapintscher.de/tmp/error.txt - i am trying to build a fixed kdebase-workspace and i am missing dependencies it seems | 19:56 |
Nightrose | or even better: is there a way to find out? | 19:56 |
Nightrose | (besides "just knowing it") | 19:57 |
yuriy | Nightrose: apt-get build-dep? | 19:59 |
Nightrose | yuriy: that doesn't work if the package is missing build deps right? | 19:59 |
yuriy | guess not | 20:00 |
stdin | Nightrose: I think libfontconfig1-dev, libfreetype6-dev and libpng12-dev, (apt-cache search lib(whatever it says is missing)|grep '\-dev') | 20:00 |
* Nightrose got a tip | 20:00 | |
Nightrose | will try that | 20:00 |
Nightrose | stdin: thx :) | 20:00 |
stdin | if you find anything else libqt4-dev is missing report it on bug 229813 please :) | 20:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229813 in qt4-x11 "libqt4-dev seems to have some missing dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229813 | 20:01 |
Nightrose | stdin: i found a few things while fixing kopete | 20:01 |
* DaSkreech hugs Nightrose | 20:04 | |
Nightrose | ;-) | 20:04 |
* Nightrose hugs DaSkreech right back | 20:04 | |
DaSkreech | Whoot :) | 20:04 |
Nightrose | the only good thing about the Qt 4.4 b0rkage: I get practice fixing packages | 20:05 |
Nightrose | :P | 20:05 |
* DaSkreech tries to list the times that full on b0rkage was good | 20:05 | |
Nightrose | hehe | 20:05 |
yuriy | is the version number stored in kdelibs somewhere? i could add a fix for that to my other patch | 20:08 |
yuriy | oh nvm, already fixed | 20:08 |
HappySmileMan | Anyone wanna help me with a CMake problem? | 20:20 |
DaSkreech | possibly not :) | 20:20 |
HappySmileMan | Damn | 20:21 |
DaSkreech | You can ask but #kde-devel is probably just as appropriate | 20:21 |
DaSkreech | With slightly more spare expertise :) | 20:21 |
HappySmileMan | Shall try therer | 20:22 |
DaSkreech | Anyone used Webcam for MSN in Kopete? | 20:34 |
emonkey | yes I did | 20:34 |
DaSkreech | do you need anything outside of libjasper-runtime ? | 20:35 |
emonkey | I don't think so | 20:36 |
emonkey | I just started it and it worked | 20:36 |
yuriy | Riddell: poke (you asked to poke you about the specs email) | 20:38 |
DaSkreech | emonkey: When was this? | 20:47 |
emonkey | DaSkreech, hm good question, I don't use it often | 20:47 |
emonkey | should I look for a friend who has one and test it? | 20:48 |
DaSkreech | Yes please :) | 20:48 |
DaSkreech | emonkey: this is KDE 3? | 20:48 |
emonkey | yes I'm on KDE 3 | 20:48 |
Nightrose | stdin: http://lydiapintscher.de/tmp/error.txt - there I am after fixing some build deps - google doesn't help either :/ | 20:49 |
stdin | -lSM would be libsm.so | 20:50 |
stdin | so maybe libsm-dev? | 20:50 |
stdin | well, -lSM would be libSM.so | 20:50 |
Nightrose | ok i will try that - thx | 20:50 |
smarter | yep | 20:51 |
emonkey | DaSkreech, found a friend now I've to find my webcam in my chaos ... :P | 20:52 |
DaSkreech | ha ha | 20:52 |
emonkey | ha I've found it | 20:54 |
DaSkreech | \o/ | 20:54 |
smarter | dpkg -L libsm-dev [...] /usr/lib/libSM.so | 20:54 |
emonkey | DaSkreech, looks like it works, kopete is nw very slow but that was it every time I used the webcam with it (on gutsy too) | 20:58 |
Nightrose | stdin: :) thanks - works - building now - let's see if that is the last thing it needs... | 20:58 |
stdin | we can hope :) | 20:58 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 20:58 |
emonkey | damn slow but it works | 21:01 |
_sourcemaker | are there problems with reatek wlan cards in the current hardy distribution? | 21:02 |
smarter | _sourcemaker: it depends on the card | 21:10 |
smarter | _sourcemaker: you can try to install the linux-backports-modules-hardy package to get a newer version of the module | 21:10 |
_sourcemaker | ok... so after installing the update the problems should be solved? | 21:11 |
_sourcemaker | in gusty... the wlan was working fine | 21:11 |
smarter | it's really random, what's seems to be the problem? | 21:12 |
smarter | *what | 21:13 |
_sourcemaker | the wlan card is not detected... so not internet connection is possible | 21:14 |
DaSkreech | oh thank you emonkey | 21:46 |
emonkey | nP | 21:52 |
* Nightrose kicks kdebase-workspace right where it hurts | 22:07 | |
stdin | in the libs? | 22:08 |
Nightrose | :P | 22:08 |
DaSkreech | The dangling dependencies | 22:10 |
Nightrose | hehe I am fine with whatever hurts the most | 22:11 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 22:11 |
=== pgquiles__ is now known as pgquiles | ||
Riddell | yuriy: hmm, seems I don't have power to close many of those specs, don't know who does | 23:55 |
Riddell | on the time spec | 23:55 |
Riddell | 23:46 < Keybuk> u6y knows whether or not you have a windows partition | 23:55 |
Riddell | 23:46 < Keybuk> so can make an intelligent judgement as to what your system clock should be | 23:55 |
Riddell | 23:46 < Keybuk> d-i doesn't have that knowledge in the right place, so has to ask | 23:55 |
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