o0Chris0o | bascule: wish it was that easy, I thought I could do that too | 00:02 |
o0Chris0o | but it doesn't work | 00:02 |
o0Chris0o | :( | 00:02 |
bascule | very odd, can you admin it from web pages? | 00:03 |
o0Chris0o | I could try but thats a pain as well lol | 00:04 |
o0Chris0o | I am going to see if there are different messengers I could use | 00:04 |
bascule | there are | 00:05 |
o0Chris0o | yes I know there is a few | 00:06 |
o0Chris0o | bot I already tried the most popular ones | 00:06 |
arrrghhh | tryin to get bluetooth workin with my speakers in kubuntu hardy.... kbluetooth is connected, but now i can't figure out how to get my audio to go thru the external speakers. | 00:14 |
calitos | i already instal kde4 and i still have the 3d desktop unenable | 00:32 |
bascule | calitos: read the link | 00:35 |
calitos | what should i do? | 00:37 |
genii | calitos: So you are trying to run Compiz, so so? | 00:37 |
juaroj | los invito a el servidor irc rojas.sytes.net al canal #linux | 00:39 |
juaroj | jambooda, los invito a el servidor irc rojas.sytes.net al canal #linux | 00:42 |
jambooda | juaroj, I don't speak spanish | 00:43 |
juaroj | ups!!!! | 00:43 |
juaroj | sorry | 00:43 |
juaroj | i so so speak in english | 00:44 |
juaroj | you understand? | 00:44 |
jambooda | i'll plug it into google translate | 00:44 |
juaroj | google tanslate is bad!!!! | 00:45 |
arrrghhh | juaroj, isn't there a #kubuntu-es or something to that effect? | 00:45 |
arrrghhh | yes there is. they speak spanish there :P | 00:46 |
alexander_ | Is there an app that lets me use and login to windows external desktops? | 00:48 |
Dragnslcr | alexander_- krdc can connect to Windows Remote Desktop | 00:49 |
alexander_ | Dragnslcr: Ok thanks | 00:50 |
alexander_ | Dragnslcr: it is not in synaptic no? | 00:51 |
arrrghhh | alexander_, it comes with kubuntu | 00:52 |
alexander_ | Im in ubuntu... but I have something called remote desktop viewer in the internet menu. is that the same? | 00:54 |
alexander_ | ALso, i have to be able to connect to real windows remote desktop (from MS) and not just VNC server or something... because my uni uses windows remote desktop and i want to connect to that one from ubuntu... it works from windows vista, so wondered if ubuntu have something similar... | 00:57 |
gualiyo | hola buenas | 00:59 |
linuxmce | hello all, I have been having a little bit of trouble installing my canon mp210 printer | 01:00 |
linuxmce | I found the correct tar.gz file and extracted it to the desktop and then tried the sudo apt-get install(name of file) and it says it cant find the file | 01:01 |
=== linuxmce is now known as duganator | ||
Roey | hi | 01:02 |
Roey | Why does konqueror display an empty gallery for DeviantArt users (at least for me) and how do I fix this? Firefox shows things fine | 01:02 |
Dragnslcr | You don't use apt-get to install packages that you download from other sites | 01:02 |
duganator | what command would I use then? | 01:02 |
Dragnslcr | Whatever the install instructions say | 01:03 |
arrrghhh | alexander_, join #ubuntu then, what are doin here? | 01:03 |
duganator | the install instructions told me to use the ./configure command and it says it didn't recognize it | 01:03 |
arrrghhh | duganator, did you run it from the directory where you extracted the .tar.gz? | 01:04 |
arrrghhh | duganator, btw, what you're doing is compiling a program from source - the only thing's you apt-get are stuff that's in the repositories. | 01:04 |
duganator | ok that makes sense | 01:05 |
duganator | Im sorry I have been in afghanistan for the past two years so I haven't had time to keep myself up to date | 01:05 |
duganator | arrrghhh, when you say directory what are you referring to? | 01:06 |
arrrghhh | duganator, i thought i made that clear.... that .tar.gz. you extracted it. where you extracted it, that's where you run the ./configure command. | 01:06 |
duganator | ok so type in the file name and then run the ./configure command? | 01:07 |
arrrghhh | uh in your console, navigate to the directory where you extracted the .tar.gz and run the ./configure command... | 01:07 |
fitoria | hi | 01:08 |
fitoria | I have a dissaster | 01:08 |
fitoria | I made a sudo apt-get remove mono* | 01:08 |
fitoria | and everything was uninstalling | 01:09 |
fitoria | what can i do to recover i t? | 01:09 |
duganator | arrrggghhh I just got the the folder in the konsole and ran the command and it just said no such file or directory | 01:09 |
arrrghhh | duganator, did you extract the .tar.gz file? | 01:09 |
fitoria | look here | 01:10 |
fitoria | http://pastebin.com/m6c8272a | 01:10 |
arrrghhh | fitoria, reinstall every package you uninstalled? why did you use a wildcard when removing packages anyway? i didn't even know that worked. | 01:10 |
fitoria | arrrghhh: but it tells me that I do dpgk --reconfigure -a | 01:10 |
fitoria | arrrghhh: but it tells me that I do dpgk --configure -a * | 01:10 |
fitoria | i think that i will finish what i started | 01:10 |
arrrghhh | fitoria, and what happens when you run that | 01:10 |
fitoria | I have not run it | 01:11 |
fitoria | Im scared :s | 01:11 |
arrrghhh | i have no idea whey you said yes to that command... it asks if you want to uninstall and you said yes. | 01:11 |
arrrghhh | dpkg --configure -a | 01:11 |
arrrghhh | run it as root | 01:11 |
alexander_ | i found a solution. terminal server client filled my needs for remote desktops... | 01:11 |
duganator | ok arrrgggh in did extract it | 01:12 |
fitoria | mmmmm I will try | 01:12 |
fitoria | I hope it works | 01:12 |
Simonft | can someone help me with a broadcom? i have tried !broadcom | 01:14 |
Simonft | can someone help me with a broadcom? i have tried !broadcom | 01:14 |
Simonft | sorry | 01:14 |
fitoria | arrrghhh: it worked | 01:14 |
fitoria | such a joy! | 01:15 |
duganator | yay | 01:15 |
duganator | ok arrrggghhh i extracted the file to my desktop | 01:15 |
wesley__ | !puregnome | 01:15 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >> | 01:15 |
duganator | then did cd Desktop/filename | 01:15 |
duganator | and then did ./configure and it still did nothing | 01:15 |
Simonft | can someone help me with a broadcom? i have tried !broadcom | 01:16 |
arrrghhh | duganator, are you sure you're in the right directory | 01:16 |
arrrghhh | fitoria, glad to hear it | 01:17 |
duganator | yeah, i made sure and typed everything correctly and what not | 01:17 |
arrrghhh | Simonft, you've installed the restricted driver for it? | 01:17 |
duganator | im about to elbow my monitor | 01:17 |
arrrghhh | duganator, ... | 01:17 |
Simonft | arrrghhh: i think, im having some trouble with all of the tutorials, is there a way to reset everything relateing to wireless, and start over? | 01:18 |
arrrghhh | Simonft, not really... i have no idea what you've done. | 01:18 |
Simonft | ok | 01:19 |
Simonft | thanks | 01:19 |
duganator | arrrghh, im sorry like i said i have been in the military overseas for the past two years | 01:19 |
duganator | I'm a child with this stuff | 01:19 |
Simonft | arrrghhh: btw, your in the ubuntu irc now too, aren't you | 01:19 |
arrrghhh | duganator, i'm not sure how that effects you linux has been around for a long time. and if you can't get into the proper directory... i dunno how i can help you | 01:19 |
arrrghhh | Simonft, yea i'm tryin to figure out how to get my BT speakers workin. | 01:19 |
duganator | I haven't exactly had a chance to use a computer much in the past two years arrrgghh | 01:20 |
arrrghhh | duganator, i'm still not sure how that changes the fact that linux and computers have been around for a long time. google is your friend. if you can't change to the proper directory, i can't help you. you need to help yourself first, see where i'm comin from? | 01:21 |
ru4reel | how to secure linux from hackers | 01:21 |
jambooda | ru4reel, iptables | 01:22 |
ru4reel | huh? | 01:22 |
arrrghhh | ru4reel, it's a firewall | 01:23 |
arrrghhh | by default it's pretty secure from remote hackers... | 01:23 |
ru4reel | iwhats the best | 01:23 |
duganator | arrrghhh I totally understand you man, I was new to linux before I did my three tours, but it certainly didn't help me remember everything | 01:23 |
ru4reel | can you use zonealarm | 01:24 |
duganator | ok arrrgggh so your saying I may need to be in like the root directory | 01:24 |
arrrghhh | duganator, ok... so you should know how to compile source if you've used linux before. at least know how to change to a directory. if not, you need to do some reading my friend | 01:24 |
arrrghhh | ru4reel, iptables is all you need.... firestarter is a good front-end for iptables, but there's no need for anything like zone alarm. | 01:24 |
ru4reel | gotcha, thanks | 01:25 |
arrrghhh | ru4reel, ubuntu doesn't have ports open by default... | 01:25 |
arrrghhh | sooooo no need for zone alarm, etc. | 01:25 |
ru4reel | cool, how would ubuntu 8.04 do with file sharing security hiding ip addresses | 01:25 |
arrrghhh | food time kids, i'll bbl. | 01:25 |
arrrghhh | ru4reel, not sure how to answer that question at all... file sharing across the internet? locally? | 01:26 |
jambooda | ru4reel are you behind a router? | 01:26 |
ru4reel | i could be, i have computers that i havent networked yet and thought of setting up my router | 01:26 |
jambooda | are you going to be using linux as a router? | 01:27 |
jambooda | or are you getting like a linksys router or something like that | 01:27 |
jambooda | ? | 01:27 |
ru4reel | i want to however i am a beginner so dont know how | 01:27 |
bascule | !samba | 01:27 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 01:27 |
ru4reel | i have a linksys broadband and wireless router should i use those | 01:27 |
jambooda | well if you're a beginner I'd just go with a residential router like linksys/dlink/etc.. | 01:28 |
ru4reel | cool | 01:28 |
jambooda | once you do that | 01:28 |
jambooda | just don't open any ports on your router | 01:28 |
jambooda | and you wont have to worry about anyone connecting to your file server | 01:28 |
jambooda | over the internet | 01:28 |
ru4reel | ok sounds good | 01:29 |
jambooda | now if you're on wireless that's a diff story.. | 01:29 |
ru4reel | i would like to use wireless | 01:29 |
jambooda | just make sure you configure wpa and mac address filtering and use a good passphrase and you'll be fine | 01:29 |
Simonft | does anybody know how to reset wireless settings? | 01:29 |
ru4reel | wpa works through linux | 01:31 |
jambooda | sure does | 01:31 |
=== epimeth_ is now known as epimeth | ||
ru4reel | good, another issue | 01:31 |
jambooda | since you're using kubuntu or else you woudln't be in this room...wpa can be configured via knetworkmanager | 01:31 |
ru4reel | im at school and my linux picks up there wireless network fine | 01:31 |
ru4reel | at home it picks up my hotspot but won | 01:32 |
ru4reel | t get me to the internet | 01:32 |
jambooda | sounds like a configuration problem | 01:33 |
ru4reel | anyclue on specific config issue | 01:34 |
ru4reel | could it be the hotspot cause i have problems with my windows wifi as well | 01:34 |
ru4reel | and the windows wifi catcher shows nothing yet the card picks up the wireless network | 01:34 |
Simonft | does anybody know how to reset wireless settings? | 01:34 |
jambooda | what do you mean reset wireless settings? | 01:35 |
jambooda | where? | 01:35 |
* Walzmyn sighs | 01:35 | |
Walzmyn | It's always something simple | 01:35 |
jambooda | yup its the simple stuff that gets you | 01:36 |
jambooda | always a missing semicolon or something..lol | 01:36 |
Walzmyn | been fighting with this thing for 2 days trying to figure out why it wouldn't recoginize my camcorder - just firgured out the usb cable is broke | 01:36 |
jambooda | ouch | 01:37 |
Simonft | jambooda: i am trying to get a broadcom, and i want to start over after all of the things i have tried | 01:38 |
jambooda | ohh...yea not sure.. | 01:41 |
jambooda | I guess we would need to know what you've tried | 01:41 |
blackvd | I'm using ubuntu hardy and I'd like to check out kde4 so what I'm wondering is, what packages should I install? just kde4 or should I add a better repo for it? | 01:42 |
Anastasia | Hi folks, trying to compile something with GTK and apparently I am missing stuff. What should I do to resolve this: | 01:42 |
Anastasia | gcc -O0 -g -Wall -I. -DLinux `pkg-config --cflags 'gtk+-2.0'` -c frontend.c | 01:42 |
Anastasia | /bin/sh: pkg-config: not found | 01:42 |
Anastasia | also this: frontend.c:28:21: error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory | 01:43 |
Anastasia | looked in synaptic and it is not at all clear what I need. | 01:43 |
Anastasia | TMIA! | 01:43 |
pedro | l | 01:44 |
Dragnslcr | blackvd- the package you want is kubuntu-kde4-desktop | 01:44 |
blackvd | Dragnslcr:excellent thanks! | 01:45 |
Anastasia | Got the first one, but still unclear on what I need to resolve the GTK+-2.0 problem. Searching for that returns theme engines, is that what I need? If so which?!? | 01:47 |
Anastasia | Hummm, what is it that ones runs to update library paths?!? need it so seldom I keep forgetting what it is :(. | 01:49 |
Anastasia | eh, easire to reboot, that might clean it up. | 01:50 |
jambooda | Has anyone gotten extended desktop to work with the intel graphics card. Here's an excerpt from lspci: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03) | 01:52 |
jambooda | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 01:52 |
jambooda | i've tried xrandr and for some reason my laptop screen goes white each time | 01:52 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda what command did this ? | 01:53 |
Simonft | jambooda: everything | 01:53 |
jambooda | xrandr --output VGA --mode 2304x1280 | 01:57 |
jambooda | xrandr --output VGA --right-of LVDS | 01:58 |
Simonft | jambooda: any ideas? | 01:58 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda: what about just xrandr | 01:59 |
jambooda | haven't tried that? | 01:59 |
K`zan | No luck, looks like whatever pkg-config needs or gtk2 stuff doesn't show up in synaptic that I can recognize. I'll just boot windcrap, it works over there :-(. THanks anyway folks. | 01:59 |
jambooda | everything I've read pretty much says to try what I typed | 01:59 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda: ? well ? maybe you dont have that resolution available, that command will show all available. | 02:00 |
jambooda | output from xrandr | 02:01 |
jambooda | Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 1280 | 02:01 |
jambooda | VGA disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) | 02:01 |
jambooda | LVDS connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 286mm x 179mm | 02:01 |
jambooda | 1280x800 59.9*+ 60.0 | 02:01 |
jambooda | 1280x768 60.0 | 02:01 |
jambooda | 1024x768 60.0 | 02:01 |
jambooda | 800x600 60.3 | 02:01 |
jambooda | 640x480 59.9 | 02:01 |
jambooda | says my maximum resolution is 1280x1280 | 02:01 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda: yep | 02:01 |
jambooda | that can be overriden in xorg.conf within the subsection of screen | 02:02 |
jambooda | which is what all the docs says to do | 02:02 |
Simonft | jambooda: you seemed to have an idea for me. | 02:02 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda well, i dunno i use dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg for that myself. | 02:02 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda: but before you do anything like that make a backup of your xorg.conf | 02:03 |
jambooda | Simonft, well it would depend on what commands you ran, what you edited and what you installed. | 02:03 |
jambooda | without that i'm not sure how to tell you to reset your wireless settings | 02:03 |
jambooda | short of reinstalling | 02:03 |
jambooda | wirechief_intel, and that worked for you? | 02:04 |
jambooda | wirechief_intel: which graphics card are you using? | 02:04 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda: on my desktop yes. | 02:04 |
Simonft | ok, is it possible to view a log of command prompt? | 02:04 |
jambooda | simonft: try the history command | 02:04 |
jambooda | history | less | 02:05 |
arrrghhh | so who's a bluetooth expert. i want to use my bluetooth speakers, and they connect... but i can't figure out how to transfer the audio output from my internal speakers to the external onees. | 02:05 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda: it is ati1300 card with fglrx installed, but i had vesa and used the above, and checked with xrandr to see what was available. | 02:05 |
davy | hi all | 02:06 |
jambooda | got you | 02:06 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda: only this computer uses the intel graphics thats why i was curious with your white screen and xrandr | 02:06 |
jambooda | i'll try that and make sure I backup beforehand | 02:06 |
jambooda | oh | 02:07 |
wirechief_intel | jambooda: just use defaults for answers. | 02:07 |
jambooda | yea that's my only issue right now..everything else works great with hardy | 02:07 |
wirechief_intel | well i had several but it seems to work now but havent tried it on this lappy | 02:08 |
wirechief_intel | wifi can sometimes be a tough act. | 02:08 |
Simonft | jambooda: its kinda scaryhttp://pastebin.com/m70e3e920 | 02:08 |
jambooda | it sure is..but at least now you sortof have an history what you did and can work your way backwards | 02:10 |
Simonft | jambooda: im not sure how do undo the stuff | 02:10 |
jambooda | well it looks like you edited a bunch of stuff and without knowing what those edits are I can't really help you man...you have to take the time to backtrack through your changes | 02:11 |
jambooda | next time..you it would probably do you well to take an image of your system before you make changes | 02:11 |
Simonft | jambooda: ok, thanks, i really wanted to get wireless to work, so now i guess i have to fix it myself. thanks for helping me with history | 02:12 |
arrrghhh | no one? i have kbluetooth working, it connects... but now how do i transfer the audio to the external speakers? | 02:13 |
dillon | i am having the hardest time getting flash and java working in konqueror, flash works perfect in firefox, but opera and konqueror both either don't show the flash applet or display it wrongly (and unusable) | 02:19 |
dillon | what package works best in konqueror, nonfree, gnash, other? | 02:19 |
BluesKaj | dillon, Konqueror can also use the Flash plugin if konqueror-nsplugins is installed. | 02:24 |
mot_ | anybody here use virtual box? | 02:25 |
dillon | BluesKaj, i currently have that package installed but it results in a very buggy flash applet (unusable). I might have issues with it trying to use more than one plugin, as i have screwed around with it alot. What packages and files should i delete so i can 'start over'? | 02:26 |
mutable | Hi. Have you ever seen Miranda IM on windows docked on the right side of the screen? Is it possible to achieve same effect with for example Kopete in KDE? | 02:27 |
BluesKaj | dillon, first of all do you have the flashplugin-nonfree ? | 02:27 |
dillon | BluesKaj, no, not currently installed | 02:28 |
BluesKaj | install it | 02:28 |
dillon | installing, im a little slow on a satellite connection, bear with me | 02:30 |
BluesKaj | dillon, no prob | 02:31 |
arrrghhh | so i have a question. my speakers are BT, and i have a BT dongle. the dongle connects to the speakers without issue. now how do i switch the audio to those speakers? | 02:32 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, make sure you line out on alsamixer is up to 71% or so | 02:33 |
dillon | BluesKaj, ok flashplugin-nonfree is installed | 02:34 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, ? huh? | 02:35 |
BluesKaj | dillon , now sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre , sun-java6-plugin , icedtea-gcjwebplugin, and java-common | 02:37 |
blackvd | Wow! wasn't too impressed. how do I remove all of the packages it installed for kubuntu in one quick swoop? | 02:38 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, the line out on your soundcard | 02:38 |
dillon | BluesKaj, ok, i'll get back to you when that download finishes | 02:39 |
BluesKaj | dillon, i would check in adept first , not to waste time , DLing stuff that's already installed | 02:39 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, well alsamixer doesn't have a "line out". i have master, headphon, pcm, cd, mic, caller I, off-hook, and speaker. and how does that help me switch my internal audio speakers to my BT speakers? | 02:40 |
alev2477 | hola | 02:40 |
dillon | BluesKaj, yeah i did, im on a pretty fresh install so i havent got any of those packages installed | 02:40 |
dwidmann_laptop | arrrghhh: I would just plug your speakers into the headphone jack of the computer, that should do it | 02:42 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, internal audio speakers ? | 02:42 |
arrrghhh | wargh. i know i can use an audio cable... but that's no fun! | 02:42 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, bluetooth speakers. | 02:43 |
arrrghhh | my internal speakers work fine. and i'm sure i could use the external speaker with an aux cable. but i want to use the BT feature. i connect to the speakers with kbluetooth just fine, but now i don't know what to do to get the audio transferred to the external speakers. | 02:44 |
BluesKaj | well hook yer bluetooth device to the output on the soundcard or the headphone jack like dwidmann_laptop suggested | 02:44 |
arrrghhh | i know i could do that, but i want to use the bluetooth functionality... which is why i'm asking in here. i wouldn't be asking for help if i just wanted to hook the speakers up with an audio cable. | 02:45 |
ronnie_ | hi all = ) | 02:45 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, they aren't internal speakers , they're just non bluetooth speakers , speaker that are housed seperately from the pc are always "external" | 02:46 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, yes... they're external speakers. | 02:47 |
ronnie_ | hey I was thinking of buying a new harddrive, besides getting 7200 rpm's, what else should I be looking at for faster performance? | 02:47 |
Dr_willis | depends on your budget. :) | 02:47 |
BluesKaj | even speakers hooked to the soundcard with a cable are external | 02:48 |
Dr_willis | and how fast you really really want to be. | 02:48 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, your statement is correct. | 02:48 |
ronnie_ | well it has to be compatible with this old ibm desktop which takes 3.5 IDE only = ) | 02:49 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, speakers without wires are usually "selfpowered-wireless" | 02:49 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, ok, can you help me switch the audio from my internal speakers to my "selfpowered-wireless" speakers? | 02:50 |
BluesKaj | what internal speakers ? | 02:51 |
lopin | Anyone know how to broadcast shoutcast in linux? Preferably something involving amarok since internet dj console doesn't work for anything... | 02:51 |
BluesKaj | lopin, you could try looping amarok thru vlc | 02:52 |
liza | hi there! anyone know how to resized the MB size of download pictures? | 02:52 |
Dr_willis | load it into some editor, save it as a different format/res/depth/ | 02:53 |
lopin | I've already got a server running on a computer downstairs, also linux. But, I can't find any good software to connect to the server... | 02:53 |
lopin | I can't connect in IDJC | 02:53 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, what internal speakers? what do you mean? | 02:53 |
Dr_willis | IDJC? | 02:53 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, oh... this is a laptop... | 02:53 |
BluesKaj | exactly what i said arrrghhh | 02:53 |
=== crash__ is now known as CrashMaster_ | ||
arrrghhh | lopin, ssh | 02:54 |
lopin | IDJC = internet dj console | 02:54 |
fidelio | hi. Have problems with printer setup. CUPS recognize printer and test page is ok. CAnnot print with any program | 02:54 |
lopin | arrrghhh: What? | 02:54 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, you mean from the soundcard audio output ? | 02:54 |
arrrghhh | lopin, secure shell. | 02:54 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, yes, i'd like the audio to be sent to my "selfpowered wireless bluetooth" speakers as opposed to my internal laptop speakers. | 02:55 |
lopin | How is that going to help me connect to my server? I'm not trying to telnet... I'm trying to connect to shoutcast... | 02:55 |
arrrghhh | lopin, it's how i connect to my server | 02:55 |
arrrghhh | lopin, do you have shoutcast installed and config'd on the server already? | 02:55 |
lopin | Yep... | 02:55 |
lopin | I just don't have any software to get the music to the server... | 02:56 |
lopin | I've tried Internet DJ console, but I can't press the connect button... | 02:56 |
lopin | Which is a big bug, and aparently the only program on linux for it... | 02:56 |
BluesKaj | VLC will stream audio to the server | 02:56 |
ronnie_ | oh one more question...video card to TV, my tv is a 32", & my card puts the resolution at 1024x768, I notice some screen flickering, was wondering if you can fry a picture tube useing the wrong resolution? | 02:57 |
lopin | BluesKaj: but, will it use the shoutcast standard? | 02:57 |
BluesKaj | do you think shoutcast will accept your stream ? | 02:57 |
lopin | I don't know! That's the question! | 02:57 |
lopin | I'm using a laptop as of current. It has the music. | 02:57 |
lopin | I'll be djing here for a group on Second Life. It'll work the same way. | 02:58 |
lopin | I have a server downstairs, running the official shoutcast server for linux. | 02:58 |
BluesKaj | lopin, I think I'd investigate that aspect further before trying to stream as a shoutcast station | 02:58 |
lopin | WHAT ASPECT?! | 02:58 |
arrrghhh | lol | 02:59 |
lopin | Music is on laptop. Needs to get to server. I don't want to have to open up winamp in windows to stream to the server. How do I do it in linux? | 02:59 |
BluesKaj | shoutcast doesn't accept streams without agreements legal issues etc | 02:59 |
BluesKaj | VLC. lopin | 03:00 |
lopin | BluesKaj: You're not understanding the system here. | 03:00 |
Dr_willis | bye all.. work timne. | 03:00 |
BluesKaj | do you have VideoLan (VLC) installed ? | 03:00 |
lopin | BluesKaj: VLC will not work. | 03:00 |
lopin | VLC is in itself the server. | 03:00 |
lopin | I don't need a server. I already have one. | 03:01 |
uga | lopin: vlc is a client =) | 03:01 |
uga | Video Lan Client ;) | 03:01 |
lopin | I'm not trying to listen! I'm trying to broadcast. | 03:01 |
uga | lopin: you can do both with videolan | 03:01 |
lopin | In order for VLC to broadcast, it would have to become a server... | 03:01 |
uga | yes, it can do so | 03:01 |
lopin | I don't need a server... | 03:01 |
arrrghhh | uga, it can act as a streaming server as well... | 03:02 |
uga | lopin: read my lips... vlc can do both work at the same time as client and server | 03:02 |
liza | does anybody teach me to compress the 2 megabytes piture into 1 megabytes? im using the dolphin system.tnx | 03:02 |
=== hexidigital_ is now known as hexidigital | ||
lopin | It doesn't matter. VLC doesn't broadcast as shoutcast... | 03:02 |
arrrghhh | uga, ok so you do understand that lol | 03:02 |
uga | arrrghhh: yes, but when you say client, he wants a server and hwen you say server, he wants a client, he's going nuts | 03:02 |
arrrghhh | yea i know... my apologies. | 03:02 |
lopin | Let me try to explain the situation, please? | 03:03 |
uga | lopin: isn't a shoutcast server a stupid rtsp/rtp based server anyway | 03:03 |
arrrghhh | liza, i'd use GIMP | 03:03 |
uga | and winamp should know about rtsp, right? | 03:03 |
uga | else winamp really sucks | 03:03 |
BluesKaj | I understand you want to stream to the internet like shoutcast does , yes and VLC will run on your server as a streamer to the net | 03:03 |
BluesKaj | as server and client both ...i don't see the prob | 03:04 |
liza | arrghh, how to get the GIMP?sorry its my first time to use this. | 03:04 |
uga | okay, it seems shoutcast isn't exactly rtsp/rtp | 03:04 |
CrashMaster_ | sudo apt-get gimp | 03:05 |
lopin | I've got music on my laptop. Using IDJC, you make a playlist, and it streams the music to a server, in this case, shoutcast on my personal server downstairs. The server then distributed the stream to the listeners. This setup will have to be the same for when I go to Dj on Second life here soon, as I'll have to use a group server instead of mine. I need to know how to use any program to get the music to the shoutcast server downstair | 03:05 |
lopin | s. | 03:05 |
lopin | VLC bypasses the Shoutcast server, taking on the server functions itself/ | 03:05 |
uga | ugh, second life users =) | 03:05 |
lopin | Did I manage to make it any clearer? | 03:06 |
afeijo | how to convert .avi to .divx? | 03:06 |
uga | afeijo: avi is just the encapsulating format, which can contain a divx | 03:06 |
arrrghhh | afeijo, ...avi is a DIVX format... | 03:06 |
uga | afeijo: so you need to make it a bit clearer | 03:06 |
afeijo | ok, sorry, my avi come from my casio camera | 03:07 |
BonesolTeraDyne | liza: It's in the Add\Remove app under "Graphics", or you can use "sudo apt-get install gimp" in Konsole | 03:07 |
afeijo | its big! few minutes, 100 mb | 03:07 |
drif | arrrghhh: avi is audio/video interleave, not necessarily divx | 03:07 |
afeijo | I have 5+ gb of that | 03:07 |
BluesKaj | afeijo, .avi usually is divx or xvid | 03:07 |
=== blackwaltz is now known as dwidmann_laptop | ||
uga | BluesKaj: .avi only means it's encapsulated as RIFF format | 03:07 |
uga | it can contain video coded with any codecs | 03:08 |
uga | afeijo: run "file video.avi" | 03:08 |
uga | where video is the filename | 03:08 |
uga | in a konsole | 03:08 |
BluesKaj | depends what he wants to do with the avi file ...he can use ffmpeg to convert mpg | 03:08 |
uga | or to xvid | 03:08 |
edju | Using Kmail (so, not entirely OT), and from a list I subscribe to, I get mail with a bunch of = signs w/ html stuff, as =2de/images/schloss=5F1 . . . There is no user-agent in th header. Is this Windows stuff? | 03:09 |
afeijo | uga: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 640 x 480, 29.97 fps, video:, audio: (mono, 22050 Hz) | 03:09 |
uga | heh, file didn't recognise the video format. I hope ffmpeg does =) | 03:09 |
BonesolTeraDyne | edju: use pastebin to show us the header. | 03:09 |
BluesKaj | most standalone dvdps will play either xvid or divx these days | 03:09 |
BonesolTeraDyne | !paste | edju | 03:09 |
ubottu | edju: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 03:09 |
afeijo | it plays | 03:09 |
BonesolTeraDyne | edju: err.. I mend to show us what you mean | 03:10 |
BonesolTeraDyne | I can't type today... | 03:10 |
uga | afeijo: ffmpeg -i video.avi compressedvideo.avi | 03:11 |
fidelio | hi. Have problems with printer setup. CUPS recognize printer and test page is ok. CAnnot print with any program | 03:11 |
uga | afeijo: I think ffmpeg uses xvid or divx by default, not sure | 03:11 |
afeijo | installing | 03:12 |
afeijo | done | 03:12 |
uga | ahk | 03:12 |
afeijo | I love apt-get | 03:12 |
liza | tnx for helping but i dont have the right to add\remove | 03:12 |
arrrghhh | funny, i love aptitute | 03:12 |
edju | BonesolTeraDyne, http://rafb.net/p/VMBN0074.html | 03:12 |
arrrghhh | der | 03:12 |
arrrghhh | aptitude | 03:12 |
afeijo | oh no | 03:12 |
afeijo | uga: Unable for find a suitable output format for '080511.divx' | 03:12 |
arrrghhh | liza, you don't have root access? | 03:13 |
uga | afeijo: name it .avi | 03:13 |
uga | not .divx | 03:13 |
afeijo | ok | 03:13 |
afeijo | indeed,lol | 03:13 |
afeijo | converting | 03:13 |
afeijo | done | 03:13 |
uga | check size. better? | 03:13 |
afeijo | wow! very | 03:13 |
lopin | Thanks for all the help guys, and by help, i mean making me go to the site and get the damn console broadcaster... | 03:13 |
afeijo | 7,775kb to 2,976kb | 03:13 |
dillon | BluesKaj, the java packages and icedtea package have been installed | 03:14 |
uga | afeijo: if you run "file compressedvideo.avi" you should see the format now | 03:14 |
afeijo | waaaaaaay easier then windows | 03:14 |
afeijo | uga: 080511n.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 640 x 480, ~30 fps, video: FFMpeg MPEG-4, audio: MPEG-1 Layer 1 or 2 (mono, 22050 Hz) | 03:14 |
uga | yes, mpeg4, that's now correct =) | 03:14 |
liza | yes arrrhhh | 03:15 |
afeijo | uga: ups, the size come from 7,7mb to 294kb... so, you know what heppen with the quality, hehe | 03:15 |
uga | afeijo: well, divx is about compression. Quality will be diminished. You can play with ffmpeg parameters for that, but some quality always goes down | 03:16 |
uga | afeijo: mpeg isn't that extreme but it'll be larger | 03:16 |
uga | you can use foo.mpg as output file name to test | 03:16 |
afeijo | ok | 03:16 |
BonesolTeraDyne | edju: Maybe it was an HTML mail. KMail doesn't render HTML by default, IIRC. | 03:17 |
afeijo | .avi I download with series eps, 350 mb, has great quality. Why my camera converted dont? | 03:17 |
uga | afeijo: you'll have to check the parameters used in those files | 03:18 |
afeijo | another test, an .mpg of 20 mb reduced to 237 kb! OMG | 03:18 |
uga | ffmpeg allows you to do more or less compresion | 03:18 |
edju | BonesolTeraDyne, Yes, I guess so. Does Outlook Express (aka Outhouse Express) default to html? Promise last question on this? | 03:18 |
BluesKaj | dillon, now open konq /settings/configure konqueror/plugins ..then scan for plugins , it'll ask to save the ones already installed , click save , then click ok . Now choose settings/ save view Profile Webrowsing / click save . close konq and try the wen=bsites that wouldn't play flash etc previously" | 03:18 |
afeijo | .avi get 2.4mb, .mpg get 2.7mb | 03:18 |
afeijo | I will test other params, thanks uga | 03:19 |
uga | afeijo: btw, it's doing mpeg4 (mp4) format, you can install extra codecs possibly, including the win32codecs or win64codecs from medibuntu | 03:19 |
BonesolTeraDyne | edju: I believe so. I haven't used Outlook Express since my Win98 days, so I'm not sure what XP\Vista use by default. | 03:19 |
uga | and it'll be possible to choose other codecs like xvid and divx | 03:19 |
BonesolTeraDyne | hold on, I can check the XP Missing Manual | 03:19 |
uga | it might as well do xvid now, but not sure | 03:19 |
uga | afeijo: there's frontends to help you do this too | 03:20 |
CrashMaster_ | oy my head | 03:20 |
uga | afeijo: http://www.kraus.tk/projects/konverter/ | 03:20 |
uga | stuff like htat | 03:20 |
uga | that | 03:20 |
uga | that one uses mencoder | 03:20 |
uga | too | 03:20 |
BonesolTeraDyne | edju: It doesn't say anything, but I know it did in Win98, so I would expect it to now. | 03:21 |
sevenseeker | howdy, anyone familiar with kmilo on kde4? | 03:21 |
edju | BonesolTeraDyne, Thanks. I'm off to excoriate the list owner! | 03:21 |
fidelio | hi. Have problems with printer setup. CUPS recognize printer and test page is ok. CAnnot print with any program | 03:22 |
uga | fidelio: if you enter kcontrol, under printers... is it listed? | 03:22 |
uga | listed as online? | 03:23 |
=== sacha_ is now known as xsacha | ||
fidelio | uga: don't have kcontrol but kprinter sees the drivers and the printer | 03:24 |
uga | weirdo, kubuntu doesn't ship kcontrol modules now? | 03:25 |
uga | fidelio: is the status idle (accepting jobs)? | 03:25 |
dillon | BluesKaj, im just getting a gray box on youtube | 03:25 |
fidelio | uga: yes idle | 03:26 |
afeijo | back | 03:26 |
uga | fidelio: the kcm allows sending a test page, I wonder if kprinter, allows doing that | 03:26 |
afeijo | accessing Konverter! | 03:26 |
fidelio | uga:yes | 03:26 |
uga | fidelio: and the printer is listed to use cups? | 03:27 |
fidelio | uga: correct | 03:27 |
uga | I really don't know how you set the printer up without kcm =) | 03:27 |
uga | since it's there where one configures cups usually | 03:27 |
uga | fidelio: sorry, it should work out of the box if so, then | 03:27 |
uga | no idea | 03:27 |
arrrghhh | so how can i transfer the audio from my internal speakers to my bluetooth speakers? i can connect to the speakers and keep the connection, but i don't know how to transfer the audio from my internal laptop speakers to the bluetooth speakers. | 03:27 |
fidelio | uga: I know. Have no idea why it does not. Thought ask here... | 03:28 |
uga | fidelio: kprinter manages to do the test page I presume? | 03:28 |
fidelio | uga:yes | 03:28 |
uga | then something is broken in the print system there for kde, it seems | 03:28 |
uga | fidelio: same goes for openoffice? | 03:28 |
uga | or just kde | 03:28 |
afeijo | omg, ffmpeg has milions of params | 03:28 |
uga | afeijo: it does. That's why I told you about konverter =) | 03:29 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, does your laptop have builtin bluetooth ? | 03:29 |
fidelio | uga:no that's the problem, office, pdf, gedit don't work! | 03:29 |
uga | there might be better frontends | 03:29 |
uhriventis | How do I completely remove kde4 and all the programs it came with? | 03:29 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, it's a dongle.... so no unfortunately not. | 03:29 |
mago | how changen the resulution in Kubunto | 03:29 |
arrrghhh | uhriventis, how did you install kde4? | 03:29 |
afeijo | I download .deb or .rpm to install here? | 03:29 |
uga | fidelio: oh well, that's the problem then. kprinter is the kde backend for printing | 03:30 |
arrrghhh | uhriventis, if you use aptitude it's a snap. | 03:30 |
uhriventis | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop | 03:30 |
uga | fidelio: those apps you listed are non-kde ones | 03:30 |
uhriventis | I think that was the code | 03:30 |
uga | fidelio: so no matter how much kprinter works... =) | 03:30 |
fidelio | uga: thus... | 03:30 |
afeijo | or should I check adept? | 03:30 |
arrrghhh | uhriventis, you used apt-get? bummer... there's no easy way. google it. | 03:30 |
mot_ | having a bit of trouble getting usb working in virtualbox | 03:30 |
mot_ | in kubuntu should my users be a part of a usb or usbfs group? | 03:30 |
uhriventis | Damn | 03:30 |
flaccid | uhriventis: basically look up what that meta package installs and remove the packages | 03:30 |
mot_ | or 'plugdev' ? | 03:30 |
fidelio | uga: how do you get non-kde program to work? | 03:31 |
uhriventis | How owuld I do that? | 03:31 |
arrrghhh | uhriventis, sudo aptitude purge kde4 kde4-core | 03:31 |
flaccid | uhriventis: have a look at http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/kubuntu-kde4-desktop then remove what it lists | 03:31 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, in bluetooth menu options is there audio out ? | 03:31 |
flaccid | well it installs more than core | 03:31 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, if it was only that easy.... no at least i couldn't find any. | 03:31 |
uhriventis | Alright | 03:32 |
flaccid | arrrghhh: there is no kde4 package | 03:32 |
uga | fidelio: about gedit, I don't know G-apps suck ;) | 03:32 |
uga | fidelio: about openoffice, there's an "spadmin" named program under the install dir | 03:33 |
uhriventis | When i do sudo aptitude purge kde4 kde4-core | 03:33 |
uga | fidelio: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/spadmin | 03:33 |
uga | try running that | 03:33 |
uga | it will allow you to enable/disable cups and set the printers | 03:33 |
uhriventis | It doesn't do anything | 03:33 |
arrrghhh | uhriventis, do an aptitude search kde4 then | 03:34 |
uhriventis | Remove the ones with the i's? | 03:34 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, is there an audio jack input on the bluetooth device , that could take the output thru a connection to the headphone out on the laptop ? | 03:34 |
arrrghhh | http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/01/18/remove-kde4-stable/ | 03:34 |
sevenseeker | having kmilo, how in kde4 do I configure it? | 03:34 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, i'd prefer to not use a cable. | 03:34 |
flaccid | !doesntwork | uhriventis | 03:35 |
ubottu | uhriventis: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 03:35 |
flaccid | uhriventis: like i said you look at the package contents and remove them individudally | 03:35 |
fidelio | uga: will try.. | 03:35 |
uhriventis | What was that? | 03:35 |
uga | fidelio: gnome apps have something like gprint or similar, but no idea really | 03:35 |
uhriventis | Hahaha | 03:35 |
uga | I haven't used gapps for ages | 03:36 |
mago | Hi, someone can help me to fix the screen resolution? | 03:36 |
fidelio | uga: spadmin recognizes my printer as default and just printed a test page | 03:37 |
uhriventis | Maybe I can find it in adept manager? | 03:37 |
mago | I can fix the screen resolution in 1024 x 768 | 03:38 |
mago | what can i do? | 03:38 |
afeijo | http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v200/xxkyootekiraxx/mf.gif | 03:38 |
flaccid | uhriventis: please listen. look at the package depends from the link i posted. try to remove each package, as long as it is not depended on by kde3/other apps. there is likely more than just *-kde4 debs t remove. | 03:38 |
uhriventis | Okay | 03:39 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, any devices running with bluetooth ? | 03:39 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, other than the speakers? no. | 03:39 |
uhriventis | I removed it | 03:40 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, well how do you know that bluetooth even works or is enabled ? | 03:41 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, well it found the speakers, and paired with them... and kbluetooth says it's connected to the speakers. i have a headset and a cell phone to test i guess but i'm pretty sure the bluetooth connection is fine. | 03:43 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, if it wasn't enabled/working, it wouldn't have let me pair with the device. | 03:47 |
uga | fidelio: then openoffice ought to be able to do prints | 03:47 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, make sure the external amp in kmix in lit up and unmuted (00) in alsamixer | 03:47 |
=== Angry_Bacon is now known as AngryBacon | ||
uga | arrrghhh: could you please change nick? | 03:48 |
uga | whenever somebody replies, I think he's having issues | 03:48 |
arrrghhh | uga, why... it's mah nick that i've used since 1998 | 03:48 |
fidelio | uga:unfortunatelu not. and no error message either. It is strange | 03:49 |
uga | arrrghhh: the problem is whenever somebody says arrgh, I think something got him broken | 03:49 |
arrrghhh | uga, sorry? | 03:49 |
uga | arrrghhh: what do you think if I say "arrrgh!" on irc | 03:50 |
CrashMaster_ | arrrrrrgh | 03:50 |
uga | yes, that | 03:50 |
arrrghhh | either you're talking to me, or something broke | 03:50 |
uga | exactly | 03:50 |
uga | or something broke | 03:50 |
CrashMaster_ | or, im just delibratley throwing gas on the fire | 03:50 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, i don't see an external amp in kmix or alsamixer | 03:50 |
uga | arrrghhh: so it looks like everything is broken on this channel whenever somebody talks to you | 03:50 |
uga | it's so damn confusing | 03:50 |
arrrghhh | lmao that's awesome | 03:51 |
uga | fidelio: do you print "ok"? | 03:51 |
uga | arrrghhh: well, not that awesome for the rest | 03:51 |
uga | at least not for me | 03:51 |
BluesKaj | fidelio, just one question, ...is the printer listed in kmenu /system settings/printers ? | 03:51 |
arrrghhh | eh. you'll wake up in the morning and think how awesome my nick is. | 03:51 |
uga | arrrghhh: it's the morning already | 03:52 |
arrrghhh | well there you go then | 03:52 |
uga | and... still... not | 03:52 |
BluesKaj | arrrghhh, kmix/switches | 03:53 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, i have "caller id" and "off-hook" both of which don't have a bar... | 03:53 |
Choreboy | how do I locate a program I just installed? | 03:53 |
arrrghhh | how did you install it? | 03:54 |
Choreboy | sudo apt-get install wakeonlan | 03:54 |
arrrghhh | that would be installed to /usr/bin | 03:55 |
arrrghhh | that's a cli program | 03:55 |
flaccid | Choreboy: have a look at its contents in adept, thats the easiest way to confirm the binaries etc. it installs | 03:55 |
Choreboy | ok. I was more looking for an icon shortcut | 03:55 |
contrast83 | !aptfix | 03:56 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 03:56 |
arrrghhh | Choreboy, uh... it's cli. you'll have to make one if you want one. GUI tools usually install to the kmenu. | 03:56 |
Choreboy | I don't know what cli is :-( | 03:57 |
arrrghhh | Choreboy, sorry command line interface. | 03:58 |
Choreboy | ah. I was able to open it in command line but I can't figure out how to use it correctly there. | 03:58 |
arrrghhh | yea, i'd read tutortials. | 03:59 |
arrrghhh | or tutorials, whichever you prefer lol | 03:59 |
Choreboy | I prefer tutortials. | 03:59 |
flaccid | 04:00 | |
ubottu | google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux | 04:00 |
Choreboy | lol @ google | 04:00 |
arrrghhh | there might be a man page for wakeonlan too | 04:00 |
flaccid | i don't know why you would laugh, half my time helping here is googling for people when they should google first :) | 04:00 |
arrrghhh | man pages always have examples | 04:00 |
flaccid | arrrghhh: i woudln't say always | 04:00 |
arrrghhh | sorry | 04:00 |
arrrghhh | almost always | 04:01 |
Choreboy | flaccid: I know but that wasn't initially what I was looking for | 04:01 |
Choreboy | flaccid: more often than not I find what I need on google and other times I come here if I spend too long trying to figure it out | 04:01 |
arrrghhh | BluesKaj, all i have under switches is "caller id" and "off-hook" and they're both switched on. | 04:02 |
Choreboy | I just thought the "google is your friend" comment was funny | 04:02 |
flaccid | lots on google on this topic. it depends what help you are asking for. if its something out of base then you are less likely to get help and google always helps if not solves | 04:02 |
arrrghhh | Choreboy, there are a ton of tuts on wakeonlan and how to use it. | 04:03 |
arrrghhh | people who help on a volunteer basis really appreciate it when people help themselves before asking for help. | 04:04 |
tom540 | Hi. I'm trying to use yakuake-kde4.. but it's appearing on EVERY desktop(i have 4) - i can't find a way to change this. I was hoping with the new version, they'd fix that.. but I can't work around it. Any tips? Thanks! | 04:04 |
flaccid | tom540: #kubuntu-kde4 | 04:04 |
arrrghhh | tom540, kde4 isn't supported here | 04:04 |
arrrghhh | thanks lol | 04:04 |
flaccid | :p | 04:04 |
Choreboy | arrrghhh: my original question was only how to find a program you just installed that I couldn't locate | 04:04 |
Choreboy | that's why I had not looked up any wakeonlan stuff yet. | 04:05 |
flaccid | Choreboy: yes that was fine, we helped with that... | 04:05 |
arrrghhh | Choreboy, yea, command line programs don't "link" anywhere other than the CLI lol | 04:05 |
tom540 | When are they going to transition KDE4 questions here? Out of curiousity. | 04:05 |
flaccid | don't mean to sound rude | 04:05 |
arrrghhh | tom540, when it's officially supported. dunno, hopefully 4.1 | 04:05 |
flaccid | tom540: i'd say when kde3 is dropped | 04:05 |
tom540 | OK. | 04:05 |
arrrghhh | it's still "bleeding edge" i'd say | 04:05 |
flaccid | its getting closer. im still submitting at least 3 bug reports a day heh | 04:06 |
tom540 | that's definitely why I don't use KDE4 for now.. :p | 04:06 |
arrrghhh | kde4 is pretty but there's a lot to be ironed out before i can use it full time | 04:06 |
flaccid | well the last comment on that i will say is that the desktop effects are being quite stable for me suprisingly | 04:06 |
tom540 | i have all three desktops installed.. gnome, kde3, and kde4. I love KDE4.. I really do, but waaaaay too many bugs. I stick with GNOME for now.. until KD4 gets the kinks worked out | 04:06 |
tom540 | I "will" stick.. gah. | 04:07 |
sevenseeker | kde4, osd for multimedia keys (like volume up/down), is this possible now? | 04:07 |
tom540 | worked for me with the first install seven.. | 04:07 |
arrrghhh | tom540, well it hasn't been fully rolled out. the folks at kde make it quite obvious a lot is not ready. | 04:07 |
tom540 | I'd assume it's lap top to lap top, though.. | 04:07 |
arrrghhh | i mean the backends are still having a LOT of development | 04:07 |
tom540 | no doubt. | 04:07 |
tom540 | I'm waiting patiently.. | 04:07 |
BluesKaj | sacktime ..sorry i couldn't help arrrghhh ..nite all | 04:08 |
arrrghhh | eh | 04:08 |
arrrghhh | it happens. | 04:08 |
arrrghhh | thanks for tryin... ah well too late lol | 04:09 |
flaccid | Jucato: where do you request to add a package to default install | 04:09 |
Jucato | flaccid: perhaps a bug report assigned to the Kubuntu teadm? | 04:10 |
flaccid | ok. i just think we need gtk-qt-engine-kde4 in default | 04:10 |
Jucato | of that? that will most definitely be default in 8.10 since we're moving to KDE 4 by default | 04:11 |
flaccid | !info gtk-qt-engine | 04:11 |
ubottu | gtk-qt-engine (source: gtk-qt-engine): theme engine using Qt for GTK+ 2.x. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 100 kB, installed size 476 kB | 04:11 |
flaccid | it was optional before.. | 04:11 |
arrrghhh | Jucato, you think by ibex kde4 will be the default WM for kubuntu? | 04:12 |
Jucato | arrrghhh: I don't "think". it's already the plan :) | 04:12 |
arrrghhh | Jucato, ah... i guess 4.1 is comin soon. i just know there's a lot of backend work to be done on kde4 before it's "ready" | 04:12 |
Jucato | that would probably be 4.1.2 or 4.1.3 by then. | 04:12 |
Jucato | well 4.1 is already very much "ready" in that sense (not ready to be released though) | 04:13 |
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arrrghhh | well like phonon, plasma, etc still have a lot (in my mind) of work to be done | 04:13 |
Jucato | it's all in your mind :) | 04:13 |
arrrghhh | lmao, don't you lie to me! | 04:14 |
Jucato | well plasma is stabilizing again now, after the tokamak sprint. phonon, dunno if there are any problems there in the first place. with Trolltech also working behind Phonon, I doubt there's going to be problems from it | 04:14 |
flaccid | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/229804 | 04:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229804 in ubuntu "gtk-qt-engine-kde4 should be installed by default in Kubuntu" [Undecided,New] | 04:14 |
Jucato | (you should have specified "Kubuntu KDE 4" :P) | 04:15 |
arrrghhh | Jucato, are you a dev? | 04:15 |
Jucato | so-so | 04:15 |
flaccid | Jucato: why not all! how can i assign that bug... ? | 04:15 |
arrrghhh | ha. do you know much about bluetooth? i don't get where to go. kbluetooth is very... limited it seems. i connected to my bluetooth speakers just fine... but i can't figure out how to transfer the audio to the speakers. | 04:16 |
Jucato | flaccid: why all? would it be needed in a KDE 3 system? of course like I said earlier, it's probably going to be moot since 8.10 will most likely have it by default | 04:16 |
flaccid | because not everybody uses the lastest... | 04:17 |
flaccid | latest. its a common complaint with firefox users. | 04:17 |
flaccid | jucy can you join the kde4 chan for a discuss? | 04:18 |
arrrghhh | hrm. i was hoping this would be fairly straightforward.... doesn't seem to be. | 04:20 |
arrrghhh | the actual bluetooth connection was cake lol | 04:21 |
Jucato | arrrghhh: sorry. no idea about bt | 04:22 |
arrrghhh | Jucato, bummer. no worries | 04:22 |
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stonertoad | hi | 04:23 |
stonertoad | bye | 04:23 |
arrrghhh | k? | 04:23 |
dillon | im having trouble networking on kubuntu, i just want to share my home folder with my desktop to transfer some files. I have samba shares on my desktop (ubuntu) that all my other computers can see but i cant get it to work in kubuntu | 04:52 |
Ze_M | digitalpsyko: use nfs | 04:52 |
flaccid | !samba | 04:52 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 04:52 |
flaccid | well nfs doesn't work with windows if thats on the lan | 04:53 |
flaccid | dillon: whats the specific problem | 04:53 |
dillon | the folders i supposedly have shared via samba and nfs arent showing up on the network, and i really dont know much about networking at all | 04:54 |
dillon | but i have folders on my desktop that i can see using samba on Ubuntu | 04:55 |
flaccid | how did you configure samba? | 04:55 |
flaccid | so are you saying its browseable on ubuntu machines but not windows or something? | 04:55 |
dillon | err sorry let me phrase that better. I have folders on my ubuntu machine (shared via samba) that do show up on the network | 04:56 |
dillon | on here, i just right clicked the folder, went to properties and then the share tab, and selected share, nfs, and samba, but the folder does not show up on the network | 04:57 |
flaccid | dillon: but the computer does? | 04:59 |
dillon | the computer doesnt show up under samba shares or anything, but i can do remote desktop connection so i know im on the network | 05:01 |
flaccid | what does smbclient -NL //localhost do? | 05:03 |
dillon | Error connecting to (Connection refused) | 05:04 |
flaccid | dillon: ps aux | grep samba | 05:05 |
flaccid | sorry ps aux | grep smb | 05:05 |
dillon | dillon 8721 0.0 0.7 32352 6520 ? S 23:03 0:00 kio_smb [kdeinit] smb /tmp/ksocket-dillon/klauncher6A9AZb. | 05:06 |
dillon | dillon 8884 0.0 0.0 3008 780 pts/1 R+ 23:06 0:00 grep smb | 05:06 |
flaccid | samba is not running | 05:06 |
flaccid | what release is this and which kde are you using? | 05:06 |
flaccid | dillon: dpkg -l | grep samba | 05:06 |
dillon | brand new hardy heron, kde3.5.9 | 05:07 |
dillon | ii samba-common 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4 Samba common files used by both the server a | 05:07 |
flaccid | dillon: samba is not installed, install the package samba | 05:08 |
dillon | downloading | 05:09 |
flaccid | dillon: that is something which is advised in the above guide which you should of read :) | 05:09 |
dillon | oh, my bad, i feel kinda dumb now i could have figured that out, thanks a bunch tho i really appreciate it | 05:11 |
flaccid | np | 05:12 |
flaccid | dillon: dw im pushing for better samba support :) | 05:15 |
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dillon | yeah, that'd be great. I already find it waaay easier than trying to network stuff on windows, i mean it really makes sense here. | 05:19 |
flaccid | yeah its just the gui frontends that need to be updated etc. | 05:20 |
f00f | 8.04 rocks :) | 05:22 |
dillon | yeah, ha the irony, i have to go help my mom on vista now, im trying to get her to switch tho :) | 05:22 |
f00f | heh.. still have yet to use vista | 05:22 |
flaccid | well if there is something that she needs in windows that can't have on linux then thats understandable, otherwise heh | 05:22 |
f00f | got a laptop with vista on it, but, ubuntu runs perfectly on it. | 05:23 |
flaccid | vista way too hardware demanding | 05:23 |
xsacha | ive got my mum using kubuntu 8.04 | 05:25 |
dillon | back, yeah, i always find myself asking her, "dang why is this so slow?!" and we have the same laptops just diffent OS's. Yeah, i just need to show her that what she likes to do, you can do on here | 05:26 |
flaccid | on low spec/cheapest notebooks its woeful | 05:26 |
f00f | I used to use gentoo, but I went to ubuntu when 7.10 came out. Got tired of waiting for compiles, I mean the whole point of gentoo is to stay on the bleeding edge of releases, and to make your system fast, but, it's like ok.. update the system and wait for like 10 days lol. | 05:26 |
xsacha | dillon: ssh in to the computer and help her remotely | 05:27 |
dillon | on vista? | 05:27 |
xsacha | i was at university a few days ago and my mum sent me a txt saying something wasnt working... | 05:27 |
xsacha | i ssh in to her kubuntu and fixed it | 05:27 |
xsacha | naah get her to switch to kubuntu first | 05:27 |
f00f | the only thing I like about vista, is that it's improved the performace/price ratio for those who run linux :) | 05:27 |
dillon | ha, yeah def, we got a steal on the notebooks with 1 Gig of RAM :) | 05:28 |
xsacha | i wonder why :P | 05:28 |
xsacha | everyone needs 2 gig | 05:29 |
dillon | while we're on the subject, can i use remote desktop connection connecting to vista from kubuntu? | 05:29 |
xsacha | VNC, sure | 05:29 |
f00f | lol, my laptop runs a Dual Core T2080 and 1GB RAM, and is pure speed on ubuntu. | 05:29 |
Helios | Does anyone use a Mac Pro here? | 05:29 |
xsacha | but the cool thing about using ssh, dillon, you can copy files through it AND run programs off the computer and display them on your computer | 05:30 |
flaccid | dillon: krdc in menu | 05:30 |
xsacha | so i can run kaffeine off someone elses computer that has a tv tuner and then play it on mine and get the tv | 05:30 |
flaccid | well openssh-server doesn't come with windows but you can d/l and install it and then use sftp/scp | 05:30 |
Helios | Does anyone use a Mac Pro here? | 05:30 |
f00f | I used to use freenx when I did remote desktop. | 05:30 |
dillon | yeah, do i need any extra program on vista to use rdc? | 05:30 |
f00f | but they cracked down at the school computer lab, and now I can't install the client T_T | 05:31 |
xsacha | f00f: most schools and computers allow you to change boot up sequence i have found :D | 05:31 |
flaccid | dillon: no | 05:31 |
f00f | freenx is awesome though, esp over LAN :) | 05:31 |
xsacha | f00f: using F12 or something during POST | 05:31 |
xsacha | then you can stick in a linux usb and run linux :P | 05:32 |
f00f | xsacha: true... | 05:32 |
xsacha | i do that at my uni | 05:32 |
flaccid | unless the puters are set to prevent circumvention | 05:32 |
xsacha | copy2ram feature lets you take out usb after loading too.. then it is running completely off ram :) | 05:32 |
xsacha | can go kubuntuify all the computers... then leave | 05:33 |
f00f | lmao! | 05:33 |
f00f | good prank ;) | 05:33 |
dillon | lol | 05:33 |
xsacha | i did that with slax :P | 05:33 |
xsacha | cool thing is you didnt need a login to use it | 05:33 |
xsacha | and you still got access to all printers, network drives, internet | 05:34 |
f00f | you should do something funny, like make it boot into an amiga emulator XD | 05:34 |
xsacha | that was at university btw | 05:34 |
dillon | yeah i did that to one of my teachers, i told him "hey, check it out, i went ahead and put linux on here." his reaction was priceless | 05:34 |
f00f | lmao | 05:34 |
f00f | I recently discovered tesseract | 05:35 |
f00f | best OCR program I've ever used by far | 05:35 |
xsacha | afaik, its not against the EULA either because you arent installing anything, it is just copied to RAM and unloaded on reboot | 05:37 |
xsacha | not eula, but whatever they use. rules.. | 05:37 |
f00f | true :) | 05:37 |
stuffcorpse | hello, is there a way of embedding ac3 audio into ogg or some other container format? | 05:38 |
f00f | scan something at 600dpi into gimp, gaussian blur 6 pixels, make it pure monochrome with no dither, run through tesseract.. works every time :) been OCRing my study guides instead of typing them all out. :) | 05:38 |
xsacha | so i could come in to univeristy, without being a student, stick in slax, play on their sweet new dual cores with 2 gigs of ram and they cant kick me out? | 05:38 |
flaccid | a uni can kick whoever they want out | 05:38 |
f00f | xsacha: that is cool | 05:38 |
f00f | that is true :) | 05:38 |
xsacha | f00f: i dont have a scanner, but my uni does.. but they have windows.. maybe slax that one up | 05:39 |
xsacha | flaccid: :( | 05:39 |
f00f | I want to live in a dorm when I go to uni :( | 05:39 |
flaccid | haha yes i went to uni too | 05:39 |
f00f | but it's expensive T_T | 05:39 |
f00f | I'm almost out of junior college, gonna transfer hopefully next year :) | 05:40 |
xsacha | i want my own kitchen | 05:41 |
flaccid | junior college hmm sounds yanky | 05:41 |
flaccid | anyway we have #kubuntu-offtopic .. | 05:42 |
f00f | ok :) | 05:42 |
Helios | Does anyone use a Mac Pro here? | 05:49 |
xsacha | have used one... | 05:49 |
flaccid | Helios: maybe try ##mac | 05:49 |
Helios | ah thanks | 05:50 |
Silver_Adept | I'm having toruble with my nVidia card, I suspect. I leave the computer on for a bit and idling, and then when I get back, I get the white screen of doom. Rebooting fixes it as best I can tell. Is there a solution to this that doesn't involve reinstalling the driver binaries? | 05:51 |
f00f | Silver_Adept: linux or windows? | 05:52 |
f00f | Silver_Adept: dumbest question ever sorry lol | 05:52 |
Silver_Adept | Linux. After the Hardy upgrade, it started. | 05:52 |
xsacha | whats the white screen of doom? | 05:52 |
xsacha | linux has screens of doom? | 05:53 |
Silver_Adept | A basically completely whited-out screen. | 05:53 |
f00f | Silver_Adept: are you running a 7***GS series? | 05:53 |
xsacha | Silver_Adept: could it be you are using compiz-fusion + screensaver? | 05:53 |
Silver_Adept | No desktop effects in use. | 05:53 |
Silver_Adept | And no screensaver, either, that I know of. | 05:54 |
f00f | did it work perfectly with the open source driver? | 05:54 |
Silver_Adept | I think the Hardy upgrade disabled the proprietary, so I was using the open-source driver. | 05:55 |
Silver_Adept | And I remember a white screen happening before I enabled the proprietary again. | 05:55 |
Silver_Adept | In fact, after that reboot, I noticed that I wasn't using the proprietary driver. | 05:55 |
f00f | hmm... | 05:56 |
Silver_Adept | It's a 6XXX series GeForce, I believe, by the way. | 05:57 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: what does lscpi | grep -i vga return? | 05:57 |
Silver_Adept | "Command not found." | 05:57 |
Silver_Adept | Where do I get that? | 05:58 |
uga | Silver_Adept: lspci | grep -i vga | 05:59 |
uga | better ;) | 05:59 |
flaccid | sorry | 05:59 |
Silver_Adept | Just realized the typo myself. | 05:59 |
Silver_Adept | 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] (rev a2) | 05:59 |
rignes | Hello guys, woudl someone be willing to run "ls /etc/rc?.d/*rc.local" and let me know the output? | 05:59 |
Silver_Adept | If it's of any help, it's an onboard controller rather than an actual card. | 06:00 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: goto Hardware Drivers in the menu and see if the proprietery driver is enabled - thats the one you probably want to use | 06:00 |
Silver_Adept | It is now. | 06:00 |
Silver_Adept | And has been for at least one of those white screens. | 06:00 |
xsacha | rignes: /etc/rc2.d/S99rc.local /etc/rc3.d/S99rc.local /etc/rc4.d/S99rc.local /etc/rc5.d/S99rc.local | 06:00 |
rignes | xsacha: Awesome, you rock. Thanks. ;) | 06:00 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: sure on that, it uses "nvidia" in xorg.conf? | 06:01 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: you could try http://www.adamspotton.com/node/1 | 06:01 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: also what is your dpkg -l | grep nvidia | 06:01 |
flaccid | brb | 06:02 |
Silver_Adept | For dpkg | grep: rc nvidia-glx 1:1.0.9631+ NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver | 06:03 |
Silver_Adept | ii nvidia-glx-new 169.12+ NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver | 06:03 |
Silver_Adept | ii nvidia-kernel-common 20051028+1ubuntu8 NVIDIA binary kernel module common files | 06:03 |
Silver_Adept | And my xorg.conf says the driver is "nvidia" in the section "Device" | 06:03 |
uga | interesting... nvidia-kernel-common 20051028 | 06:05 |
uga | 2005 sounds like pretty new ;) | 06:06 |
xsacha | uga: yeah thats the newest version in hardy | 06:08 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: its possible that nvidia-glx rc is conflicting but not sure if thats possible. you can always try the method in the link above for nvidia driver | 06:10 |
Silver_Adept | Hrm. That sounds fairly user-friendly. I might give it a shot, then. Thanks for the information. Any other options? | 06:12 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: check the Xorg log i guess and submit a bug | 06:13 |
Silver_Adept | Thanks again. | 06:16 |
f00f | I'd consider defaulting to drivers from 2005 a bug lol | 06:20 |
flaccid | hmm not sure why its like that: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/nvidia-kernel-common | 06:22 |
xsacha | it hasnt changed in 3 years. it still works | 06:28 |
flaccid | i guess its not the driver itself so that explains it | 06:29 |
hanak | Can anyone help me to give a new softare server | 06:31 |
hanak | for in sources.list | 06:31 |
hanak | anyone? | 06:32 |
xsacha | go to adept_manager->manage repositories | 06:32 |
xsacha | then choose your country for server | 06:32 |
hanak | ok thanks | 06:33 |
demonic_ | hi everybody | 06:46 |
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eagles0513875 | when i shutdown my comp my screen keeps flashing | 06:58 |
eagles0513875 | anyone in here | 07:06 |
eagles0513875 | !aptfix | 07:09 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 07:09 |
eagles0513875 | ffs is there anyone in here to help me | 07:15 |
flaccid | there is over 300 people | 07:17 |
flaccid | did you submit/check bugs? | 07:17 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: im still on the release client | 07:21 |
eagles0513875 | which has been updated with any recent packages | 07:21 |
* flaccid nods | 07:22 | |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: u think i should just reinstall with the released version | 07:24 |
flaccid | which driver is it and have you checked/submitted a bug? | 07:26 |
eagles0513875 | not sure whats causing the problem right now | 07:26 |
flaccid | yeah thats why you submit a bug.. | 07:26 |
eagles0513875 | when i hit shutdown it starts the shutdown sequence but as its shutting down or rebooting the screen stays flashing | 07:26 |
flaccid | i know for a fact there is quite a few bugs like this atm. | 07:27 |
eagles0513875 | ok cuz im wondering if i just messed up my install | 07:28 |
flaccid | in order to help you i need you to do those two things - check bugs and driver in use | 07:30 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: how do i do that | 07:31 |
eagles0513875 | the drivers in use bit | 07:31 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: cat /etc/X11/xorg.con | grep -i driver is probably quickest | 07:32 |
flaccid | *xorg.conf | 07:32 |
flaccid | lspci | grep -i vga to see the vid card hardware | 07:32 |
eagles0513875 | for first thing only thing thats coming up r keyboard mouse(wireless mouse) synaptics(my touchpad) and fglrx | 07:33 |
eagles0513875 | video is radeon xpress 200m | 07:33 |
flaccid | fglrx is the driver which is the ati restricted driver. bugs exist with this. what is your dpkg -l | grep fglrx ? | 07:35 |
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TeslaTony | I am currently running a system with KDE4, Gnome, and Xfce. Regardless of which environment I run, it hangs on logout. Any idea how to fix it or what's causing it? | 07:46 |
flaccid | TeslaTony: which video driver are you using? | 07:50 |
TeslaTony | The vendor driver for the GeForce 8800 | 07:51 |
flaccid | which login manager? | 07:51 |
eagles0513875 | its does that with me at times as well when i press shutdown it does that for me and nothing happens and this is on kde 3.5.9 | 07:51 |
flaccid | yes there are quite a few bugs on launchpad for ati and nvidia atm | 07:52 |
TeslaTony | I'm using the default Ubuntu login manager (not the Kubuntu one) | 07:53 |
cayetano1 | hi@all | 07:54 |
eagles0513875 | im on kubuntu | 07:54 |
eagles0513875 | i can hang tight then | 07:54 |
eagles0513875 | i have another machine i can use this is more of a testing and dev machine for me | 07:55 |
cayetano1 | i need a flash player for linux, wich one i need? ( kubuntu) | 07:55 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: as you are on a newish chipset, i would suggest trying the nvidia beta driver after following up bugs on launchpad | 07:56 |
flaccid | !bugs | 07:56 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 07:56 |
flaccid | if you help with major bugs like this, they get fixed up and we all benefit, otherwise nothing may happen | 07:56 |
flaccid | cayetano1: the plugin for browser or standalone? | 07:56 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: i will look for similar bugs later and see if i can confirm them | 07:57 |
cayetano1 | flaccid: for the browser | 07:57 |
flaccid | !flash | cayetano1 | 07:57 |
ubottu | cayetano1: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 07:57 |
cayetano1 | thx :-) | 07:57 |
flaccid | np | 07:57 |
eagles0513875 | btw flaccid vmware seems to have a major bug | 07:58 |
eagles0513875 | where u end up having to patch it then having to back up the old default libs it uses and sym link to the newer libs that are out | 07:58 |
flaccid | dang i guess you can do !bugs on that too :) | 07:59 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 08:03 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: u know of a fortran ide | 08:03 |
flaccid | nope but google does http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=fortran+ide+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 | 08:04 |
flaccid | fortran very ol skool now | 08:04 |
temoto | Is there an adept for KDE4? | 08:05 |
temoto | Adept package manager special for 4 version? | 08:05 |
o0Chris0o | temoto: I can't say for certain, but I am pretty sure there is | 08:05 |
flaccid | temoto: #kubuntu-kde4 please and um i don't think its ready yet | 08:06 |
temoto | aha | 08:06 |
temoto | flaccid, thanks for channel | 08:06 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: gd for clustering though | 08:06 |
eagles0513875 | writing stuff in parallel for clustering | 08:06 |
o0Chris0o | wouldn't there be the one for kde3? would that still work flaccid | 08:07 |
flaccid | o0Chris0o: it still works yes | 08:07 |
temoto | o0Chris0o, it works. | 08:07 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: not really the right place to ask | 08:07 |
eagles0513875 | i just wanna know if there is an ide in repos | 08:07 |
temoto | eagles0513875, KDevelop? | 08:08 |
eagles0513875 | !kdevelop | 08:08 |
ubottu | Factoid kdevelop not found | 08:08 |
eagles0513875 | ill see if there is a fortran channel | 08:08 |
eagles0513875 | fortran channel is dead | 08:09 |
flaccid | i don't know eagles0513875. you can always search the repos.. | 08:09 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: i am | 08:10 |
flaccid | cool | 08:11 |
kblin | morning folks | 08:16 |
kblin | I'm looking for a SIP program that doesn't force me to install gnome. any suggestions? | 08:17 |
Tm_T | kblin: kphone? | 08:17 |
o0Chris0o | This message is for everyone: if anyone has any artwork requests please message me :) | 08:18 |
o0Chris0o | ubuntu related | 08:18 |
Tm_T | o0Chris0o: wellwell, have you been in #ubuntu-art ? | 08:19 |
Tm_T | or was it artwork, can't remember | 08:19 |
Tm_T | or artists | 08:19 |
Tm_T | bah | 08:19 |
o0Chris0o | I am there now :) | 08:19 |
o0Chris0o | #ubuntu-artwork | 08:19 |
Tm_T | yeh | 08:19 |
o0Chris0o | Thanks for pointing me that way tho :) | 08:20 |
eagles0513875 | whats needed to setup an ubuntu repo here where i am located | 08:38 |
kblin | Tm_T: ah, thanks | 08:40 |
cq | morning... i have a little problem, i'm trying to install on a system and even in safe graphics mode the video doesn't come up right... any other options? | 08:51 |
cq | can I install in text mode and then configure X or something? | 08:52 |
flaccid | !alternate | cq | 08:52 |
ubottu | cq: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent | 08:52 |
mkquist | cq - check ur drivers? | 08:53 |
mkquist | cq: sounds like a driver problem maybe | 08:53 |
cq | how do I check drivers if I can't see what I boot? :) | 08:53 |
flaccid | thats not going to really help | 08:53 |
cq | thanks flaccid | 08:53 |
mkquist | sorry just a thougth | 08:53 |
mkquist | thought* | 08:53 |
flaccid | alternate cd is the easiest solution - not much point in stuffing around getting the X display to work with live cd then doing it again after install.. | 08:54 |
o0Chris0o | flaccid: how do I turn verbose mode on so I see whats loaded in start up? | 08:54 |
flaccid | !usplash | 08:54 |
ubottu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 08:54 |
flaccid | !nosplash | 08:54 |
ubottu | Factoid nosplash not found | 08:54 |
flaccid | um turn off the splash screen in the boot option | 08:55 |
o0Chris0o | oh alright | 08:55 |
o0Chris0o | I think there is a program called usplash | 08:55 |
o0Chris0o | that lets you enable it to show verbose or not at all | 08:55 |
flaccid | o0Chris0o: can't find a howto, take out splash option(s) from /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:56 |
flaccid | usplash is the splash that goes over the top by default | 08:56 |
mkquist | there is an option on boot to see whats being loaded just remove "ro quiet splash" and "quiet" from the boot line, should show you whats being loaded | 08:57 |
flaccid | no only remove quiet and splash, leave ro | 08:58 |
o0Chris0o | alright thanks | 08:58 |
flaccid | np | 08:58 |
flaccid | that wil give some pretty hectic output | 08:59 |
cq | would ubuntu cds support more or different Hardware? The system will only be a server, I don't really care about the desktop, could even use xfce or so... | 09:01 |
cq | or basic debian, but I'd like tobe more uptodate | 09:01 |
o0Chris0o | flaccid: ahh I was thinking about the "startup" manager in ubuntu "gnome" | 09:01 |
flaccid | cq: nah. but do server install then | 09:02 |
flaccid | !server | 09:02 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support | 09:02 |
o0Chris0o | but that wont work for kubuntu, I'm surprised they don't have an option in system settings to change usplash easier than editing the boot fil | 09:03 |
cq | thanks | 09:03 |
o0Chris0o | file* | 09:03 |
flaccid | o0Chris0o: there might be one out there and would be nice to see one day but the devs are prioritising on the porting to kde4 atm | 09:03 |
o0Chris0o | oh yeah definately, have at it :) | 09:04 |
cq | weird thing is, the graphics come up fine during the boot menu and the phase after that... jsut at some point they disappear | 09:04 |
o0Chris0o | its looking good | 09:04 |
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alex_joni | is there a page describing why Kubuntu 8.04 is not LTS ? | 09:11 |
izzyb | I'm trying to get sound working on kubuntu hardy | 09:12 |
izzyb | I have two machines now with different problems | 09:12 |
izzyb | this machine has sound working when I load the xen kernel, but not when I run the normal kernel | 09:12 |
izzyb | I had sound problems in the xen kernel also, but fixed it. sadly, I don't recall how :( | 09:13 |
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izzyb | The other computer is a laptop that had working sound until I upgraded it to hardy | 09:14 |
izzyb | think it was running gutsy before | 09:14 |
flaccid | alex_joni: there is something on cnet news iirc on canonical dropping lts/support for kubuntu <-- reason | 09:14 |
flaccid | !enter | izzyb | 09:14 |
ubottu | izzyb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:14 |
killtrip | is this where I can plead for help? :D | 09:18 |
flaccid | yeah | 09:19 |
izzyb | killtrip, yes, but don't use the ENTER key too much | 09:19 |
izzyb | some have an issue with that I guess | 09:19 |
killtrip | oh, did I use the enter key more than needed? | 09:19 |
izzyb | no, I did | 09:19 |
killtrip | oh.. heh | 09:20 |
izzyb | just before you came on (oh, I've done it again) | 09:20 |
killtrip | specifically, I'm coming up short setting up a dual monitor | 09:20 |
izzyb | oh, what video card? | 09:20 |
killtrip | nvidia 6800 gt | 09:20 |
izzyb | hmm, /me has only configured ati | 09:21 |
flaccid | killtrip: you need the beta driver direct from nvidia | 09:21 |
flaccid | actually, not necessarily | 09:22 |
flaccid | killtrip: what driver are you using atm? | 09:22 |
killtrip | I have successfully gotten it to display as twinview.. panning both monitors. But I'm trying to set it up as two x servers, I believe? essentially, when I maximise windows, I want them to max to the monitor they are in, as well as logins and such not appearing panned across the midddle of the monitors | 09:22 |
killtrip | I got the drivers from the site.. unsure if they are the beta drivers. How can I double check? | 09:23 |
flaccid | ah ok. um help in this area killtrip is rare | 09:23 |
killtrip | bummer | 09:23 |
flaccid | killtrip: nah sorry i mesread the model number | 09:23 |
killtrip | I guess twinview it is then.. :( | 09:23 |
flaccid | the only thing i can really suggest is searching on the web and #nvidia channel here. because its closed and the driver doesn't support randr for multi-display its always been a problem... | 09:25 |
killtrip | can I change the subject and ask recommendations on softwares then? | 09:25 |
killtrip | ahh, ok | 09:25 |
flaccid | sure | 09:26 |
killtrip | This is my longest foray into linux, and its been a few weeks.. so I'm still learning a lot. I am looking for widgets.. I cant think of the name off the top of my head right now. as well as a dockbar, like in OSx.. | 09:27 |
izzyb | killtrip, you using kde4? | 09:28 |
killtrip | negative. 3.x .. whichever came on the hardy heron iso ( I think its hardy heron? the latest) | 09:28 |
killtrip | I've read about plasma.. but thats kde4 only, correct? | 09:29 |
izzyb | yes | 09:29 |
izzyb | I don't know enough about kde4, or widgets under kde3 to recommend anything. I get the impression that kde4 has better support for widgets | 09:30 |
killtrip | ok | 09:30 |
izzyb | at least of the style used in osx | 09:30 |
flaccid | killtrip: superkaramba | 09:30 |
flaccid | and also kxdocker | 09:30 |
flaccid | !info superkaramba | 09:31 |
ubottu | superkaramba (source: kdeutils): a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 531 kB, installed size 1420 kB | 09:31 |
flaccid | !info kxdocker | 09:31 |
ubottu | Package kxdocker does not exist in hardy | 09:31 |
flaccid | killtrip: there are some around like kbfx and kxdocker but the main panel (kicker) which is default docks fine.. | 09:32 |
killtrip | excellent.. I'm looking at kxdocker on kde-apps.org. looks like something I was looking for. I'll give that one a try. And superkaramba as well.. I'm mainly looking for something on the desktop for critical system stats, and maybe an rss aggregator as well | 09:33 |
o0Chris0o | super karamba is pretty neat | 09:33 |
o0Chris0o | check out Liquid weather :) | 09:33 |
killtrip | that is nice | 09:34 |
flaccid | killtrip: some people like conky even though its gtk for systats | 09:34 |
killtrip | gtk=gnome? | 09:34 |
flaccid | yeah | 09:35 |
killtrip | still learning.. :P | 09:35 |
flaccid | me too! | 09:36 |
killtrip | I gotta say though, I'm having fun just learning all this.. :P | 09:37 |
flaccid | i am too even though i been learning for years heh | 09:38 |
killtrip | lol, you got a couple of years on me then.. :P | 09:39 |
izzyb | Well, guess I don't need to know how to fix the sound. Just confirmed that it's not xen causing my hangups | 09:39 |
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flaccid | is there an equivalent to migration assistant in kde/kubuntu ? | 10:01 |
izzyb | I've never heard of one, but that would be a cool tool to have. I've always just manually migrated my user data, but it's quite a pain | 10:04 |
flaccid | ok thanks | 10:04 |
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izzyb | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11813/ | 10:15 |
izzyb | could use some help isolating a lockup issue on this machine -- see paste link above | 10:15 |
flaccid | izzyb: out of curiosity which driver are you using again? | 10:19 |
izzyb | ati radeon | 10:20 |
flaccid | which actual ati driver in xorg? | 10:20 |
izzyb | Driver "radeon" | 10:21 |
izzyb | I have dual head display | 10:21 |
flaccid | my opinion from experience is that its the driver itself. i've had it crash on a radeon 9600 like that | 10:21 |
frojnd | hey guys. How can I import contacts from gmail to kmail ? | 10:22 |
izzyb | hmm, that's kind of what I've been thinking too | 10:22 |
flaccid | you are not on the full latest kernel. goto adept and manage repos and enable all repos in the Updates tab, then do an update | 10:22 |
frojnd | Do i have to export first from gmail? and in what should I export so I can than easily import in kmail ? | 10:22 |
flaccid | izzyb: its like catch 22 particularly with ati between using open and restricted drivers | 10:23 |
izzyb | I tried to enable the restricted driver, but couldn't get the display setup correctly | 10:23 |
flaccid | izzyb: maybe can be narrowed down further, does it ever happen without dual ? | 10:23 |
izzyb | had one monitor res smaller then the other and didn't know how to correct it | 10:23 |
izzyb | didn't use xrandr | 10:23 |
flaccid | izzyb: yeah restricted doesnt support randr dual so you whave to do it manually which i've never had working entirely with my ati | 10:24 |
izzyb | I haven't tried that, but was considering it | 10:24 |
flaccid | yeah exactly.. | 10:24 |
izzyb | xen was the last thing I verified | 10:24 |
flaccid | izzyb: have you got or found a bug on launchpad? | 10:26 |
izzyb | no, don't think so | 10:27 |
izzyb | hmm, trying to add the missing sources but having problems with adept | 10:28 |
izzyb_ | crap, and the system just hung :( | 10:29 |
flaccid | joy | 10:29 |
* izzyb_ reconfiguring for single monitor to see if it's related | 10:30 | |
flaccid | after your update if it persists, then goto launchpad | 10:31 |
izzyb | flaccid, I'm installing the latest updates, but it's going to take a while by the looks of it. I'll leave it run while I go in search of a pillow | 10:54 |
izzyb | night, and thanks for the help | 10:54 |
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dozer | HI | 11:04 |
dozer | I'm using hardy, and on both a 32 and 64 bit installation, the kopetex plugin for kopete locks up the app | 11:05 |
matt123 | hi! I have a question about upstart.. | 11:12 |
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Chrysalis | hey, does kontact delete messages from server once imported? i cant find any options as weather to delete or leave on server | 11:13 |
matt123 | my question is .. has upstart been fully implemented for hardy? or is it still in a transitional stage? | 11:13 |
matt123 | eg, has my computer got the potential to start up even faster? | 11:14 |
Jucato | !upstart | 11:17 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 11:17 |
Jucato | hm.. I think there's an #upstart channel | 11:17 |
matt123 | thank you jucato, i was just wondering cause I though that it was fully implemented | 11:19 |
matt123 | im happy with the startup speed of my computer, but upstart is one of the really refreshing ideas when I first started hearing about buntu that i liked | 11:19 |
Fujisan | Jucato | 11:22 |
Fujisan | why did you ban me yesterday? | 11:22 |
Fujisan | i tried to pm you but no reply | 11:22 |
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cpk1 | Chrysalis: a lot of times that is something you choose server side, for instance I am pretty sure for gmail you would need to log in and change that option through a web browser | 11:33 |
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Chrysalis | cpk1: hmm, i dont nkow about that, but thunderbird for example has the option to either delete or leave messages on server after importing | 11:39 |
fildo | wb | 11:39 |
Chrysalis | anyway, i cant find anything like this in kmail, i got burned once though for not disabling it on thunderbird | 11:40 |
flaccid | nw izzyb | 11:41 |
lonran | a simple image editor for kde? | 11:43 |
flaccid | !info | 11:43 |
ubottu | Factoid info not found | 11:43 |
flaccid | !info krita | 11:43 |
ubottu | krita (source: koffice): a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-4ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 2972 kB, installed size 9216 kB | 11:43 |
flaccid | that might be suffice lonran | 11:44 |
cpk1 | Chrysalis: there is under settings > configure kmail and then editing the recieving accounts a check box for leaving fetched messages on server | 11:51 |
cq_ | I'm booting off the alternate CD, and during the installation process it tells me it can't mount the CD ??!? any ideas? | 11:55 |
cq_ | !alternate | 11:57 |
ubottu | The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent | 11:57 |
flaccid | cq_: throw it out the window or try a dif cd or optical drive, thats about all i can suggest beside checking !bugs | 11:57 |
cq_ | throw what out the window? the CD, Drive, or computer? :) | 11:57 |
Chrysalis | cpk1: wow, i looked through that window like 3 times, now i see it thank you | 11:57 |
cq_ | can I look at something in /proc to see what's detected in terms of CD Drives? | 12:00 |
cq_ | !minimal | 12:00 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 12:00 |
cq_ | weird, debian netinst finds the CD no problem | 12:19 |
flaccid | doesn't suprise me | 12:19 |
cq_ | why not? I thought the installer was the same? | 12:20 |
flaccid | nope | 12:20 |
cq_ | on the alternate CD set? ok... | 12:20 |
cq_ | how much swap schould you have with 3gb ram? recommendation is 2.7gb, I would have thought 6gb... | 12:23 |
flaccid | ubuntu cds != debian | 12:23 |
flaccid | cq_: either. depends how much ram you plan on using. making it larger is not going to make a difference unless all is used | 12:24 |
Dad | I'm trying to set up Guarddog. I click on the Protocol tab, select the Internet zone, and note that the Zone Properties panel remains the panel for the Local zone. Is this a bug? or am I doing something wrong? | 12:40 |
cuznt | whats guarddog? | 12:40 |
Dad | Firewall. | 12:41 |
Chrysalis | how do i set a window size for konqueror, it feels up almost all my screen everytime i start it | 12:48 |
prateek | hello. | 12:51 |
flaccid | Chrysalis: right click the windows' top bar decoration and goto advanced | special windows settings | geometry and select what you need | 12:51 |
flaccid | love that feature.. | 12:52 |
flaccid | hi | 12:52 |
prateek | i have very slow internet connection and i wan to install firefox. in Kubuntu. i have ubuntu 7.10 live cd. how can i force Adept to install firefox from CD then to get it from net | 12:52 |
flaccid | !info firefox | 12:53 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 63 kB, installed size 120 kB | 12:53 |
flaccid | prateek: provided that is on the normal desktop cd then you can do it from adept by enabling only the cdrom repos in manage repositories | 12:54 |
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prateek | flaccid: when i click ADD CD ROM...it doesnt add it.. | 12:54 |
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ToyMan_ | hmm. i'm looking for where my mail is stored... I see ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail, which has the current inbox contents, but where are the mail folders and stored mails? | 12:55 |
prateek | it just shows some stuff and doesnt show cd in sources | 12:55 |
Dad | Hummm, I closed and restarted Guarddog, and now all is well. | 12:55 |
prateek | so what can i do? | 12:55 |
ToyMan_ | prateek: i'm coming to your thread late... have you added the CD in 'manage repositories'? | 12:56 |
flaccid | prateek: elaborate, i don't fully understand why it doesn't work | 12:57 |
flaccid | ToyMan_: thats what prateek is trying to do | 12:57 |
ToyMan_ | in manage repositories... 3rd party software tab... check/uncheck the cd there | 12:58 |
ToyMan_ | it should already be in the repos from the install | 12:58 |
flaccid | thats pretty much what i said | 12:58 |
ToyMan_ | and if adept won't look anyway, or wants the net, uncheck all the others | 12:58 |
ToyMan_ | hmm. that's always worked for me, and has the advantage that it makes sense ;-) | 12:59 |
flaccid | you could do it manually like sudo apt-cdrom -d=/media/cdrom add | 12:59 |
prateek | lemme try | 13:01 |
fildo | kde4 rocks ppl | 13:01 |
ToyMan_ | ah, yes, i'm becoming a gui-eunuch | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip | fildo why? | 13:01 |
ToyMan_ | hmm. i'm looking for where my mail is stored... I see ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail, which has the current inbox contents, but where are the mail folders and stored mails? | 13:02 |
flaccid | ToyMan_: nntr | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: can you right click the folder -> properties ? | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: im not so familiar with kmail but if that fixes it then sweet, otherwise i'll websearch | 13:03 |
prateek | its frozen! | 13:03 |
ToyMan_ | nntr? and properties for which folder? | 13:03 |
prateek | scanning files.. | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: the inbox | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: in kmail | 13:03 |
ToyMan_ | ok, 22 files, 3 subfolders | 13:04 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: any location info? | 13:04 |
ToyMan_ | ah, I see what you're after | 13:04 |
ToyMan_ | no, it's not listed there | 13:04 |
ActionParsnip | bah | 13:05 |
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ActionParsnip | ok let me seach | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: you got a ~/.mail folder ? | 13:05 |
KomiaPoika | hi | 13:06 |
KomiaPoika | i have installed kubuntu 8.04 kde4, and apt-get to the latest. but when i enable backports and apt-get update, i get a shitload of kde4 stuff ready to install... what are those? older libs? or newer ones? | 13:06 |
ToyMan_ | ActionParsnip: nope | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | KomiaPoika: did you get the kde4 iso? | 13:06 |
ToyMan_ | it looks like it supposed to be in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail | 13:06 |
ToyMan_ | ooh, wait | 13:06 |
KomiaPoika | ActionParsnip: yes kde4 kubuntu alt install cd | 13:06 |
KomiaPoika | but i alt-got upgrade after install | 13:07 |
ActionParsnip | then those are updates for your kde4 assumadly | 13:07 |
ToyMan_ | I'm running kde4, and I know they have 'refactored' the whole kontact thing a lot | 13:07 |
KomiaPoika | but i thought backports was older ports | 13:07 |
ToyMan_ | esp. around mail storage | 13:07 |
KomiaPoika | ToyMan_: one solution: thunderbird | 13:07 |
stdin | !backports | KomiaPoika | 13:08 |
ubottu | KomiaPoika: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | thunderbird is awesome | 13:08 |
ToyMan_ | KomiaPoika: heh | 13:08 |
flaccid | its kind of the other way around KomiaPoika and intrepid is not released yet so it feels little weird i guess | 13:08 |
majnoon | USUALLY back ports are for older versions of operating system so they can have newer software without updating the whole thing | 13:08 |
flaccid | majnoon: nope | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: do you have ~/.kmail folder | 13:09 |
ToyMan_ | ah, ok found it | 13:09 |
flaccid | well yes | 13:09 |
flaccid | sorry i misread | 13:09 |
ToyMan_ | ~//.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/.mailbox.directory | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: where is it? | 13:09 |
majnoon | eg using latest kde4 on gutsy | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: nice | 13:09 |
ToyMan_ | didn't look for the hidden dir in /mail | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | ToyMan_: got there in the end :) | 13:09 |
ToyMan_ | heh, as usual | 13:10 |
ToyMan_ | only takes me 3x as long to get there, as usual | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | best way | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | well you know for the future | 13:10 |
ToyMan_ | zactly | 13:10 |
j | hello | 13:17 |
fildo | hi | 13:17 |
j | someone there ? | 13:18 |
j | hello fildo | 13:18 |
j | do you know how to make fserv on kubuntu ? | 13:19 |
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flaccid | what kind of 'fserv' ? | 13:20 |
ubuntu | i am installing kubuntu on windows and when i restart the computer to kubuntu the installation falls down on 66% it says scanning the mirror and freezes ?? | 13:20 |
j | just fservs, i mean can we make fservs with konversation ? | 13:20 |
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wirechief | !wifi | 13:21 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 13:21 |
flaccid | j: no this is not mirc. | 13:22 |
Teo- | flaccid: any help ? | 13:23 |
flaccid | Teo-: is this wubi or something? | 13:25 |
ActionParsnip | !wubi | 13:26 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | eww that sounds nasty | 13:26 |
eagles05 | ActionParsnip: its pretty sweet | 13:26 |
eagles05 | i have someone whose working on senior lvl certification but he got wubi working perfectly fine | 13:27 |
j | flaccid: there are no scripts to use fserv ? | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | is it like a virtualbox / VMWare thing? | 13:27 |
Jucato | it's not a virtual machine, if that's what you mean | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | let me websearch | 13:27 |
* Jucato also has trouble understanding the technical details, but is sure it isn't "virtual" in that sense | 13:27 | |
ActionParsnip | ok so does t make *Ubuntu run over the top of windows or does it run in a window | 13:29 |
flaccid | j: no. there is no reason for it. who knows whats on google however. | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | or does it run linux apps through windows | 13:29 |
majnoon | neither | 13:30 |
j | flaccid: ok, thanks | 13:30 |
majnoon | what it does is make a linux install in a file on a windoze partition | 13:30 |
Jucato | ActionParsnip: neither as majnoon said | 13:30 |
Jucato | ActionParsnip: both cases you mentioned are virtualization :) | 13:30 |
ActionParsnip | ok so what is actually onscreen? is it just ubuntu? | 13:31 |
sacha_ | ActionParsnip: C:\somefolder\somefile.zip <-- ubuntu is here | 13:31 |
majnoon | it just ubuntu | 13:31 |
sacha_ | when you go to boot menu when you restart computer, ubuntu is there | 13:31 |
sacha_ | it boots that file | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | i see | 13:31 |
sacha_ | nothing else | 13:31 |
majnoon | it like the live cd almost | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | i run my Linuxes native but never heard of wubi | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | sounds like half a job | 13:31 |
sacha_ | its a 'bootable file' inside a bootable partition... | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | sacha_: gotcha | 13:32 |
ActionParsnip | can emerge be using on Kubuntu? | 13:34 |
Jucato | Gentoo's emerge? | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | or similar | 13:35 |
jhutchins | ActionParsnip: apt/aptitude | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | yeah i know that much, just curious if there was emerge for ubuntu | 13:35 |
jhutchins | ActionParsnip: What feature of emerge are you looking for? | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | compiling stuff with preconfigured flags etc, likegentoo | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | just a thought that came to my head | 13:36 |
flaccid | hmm that would be nice | 13:37 |
ActionParsnip | !emerge | 13:37 |
ubottu | Factoid emerge not found | 13:37 |
Jucato | not really | 13:37 |
Jucato | (btw, emerge isn't the program. it's part of portage) | 13:37 |
flaccid | true i mean, i rarely compile on ubuntu still. /me is a freebsd ports guy | 13:38 |
Jucato | but no.. I don't think there's a direct counterpart. that would defeat the purpose of being a binary distro | 13:38 |
Jucato | but I think there might be some tools that help. after all, binary packages do come from source packages :) | 13:38 |
ActionParsnip | on a post: Funny thing... I've attempted to port Portage over to Debian, but it was a flop... What a gargantuan mess Portage is! Even in Python, it's not modularized enough that ebuild subsystems can be substituted with apt/dpkg equivalents without ripping code apart everywhere! | 13:39 |
flaccid | the #debian guys might be able to advise if not ubuntu/web | 13:39 |
Jucato | a.k.a. definitely !ot in here :) | 13:39 |
ActionParsnip | its regarding ubuntu and its capabilities | 13:40 |
jhutchins | !build | 13:41 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 13:41 |
jhutchins | RHEL/CentOS has a more structured environment in it's rpm-build system, don't know if that carries over to fedora. | 13:42 |
=== WhiteWolfTeraDyn is now known as NekosolTeraDyne | ||
jhutchins | Man, irc is dead this morning. | 13:44 |
Jucato | would you rather have lots of people having problems with Kubuntu? :D | 13:44 |
* Jucato likes to conclude quiet == no problems :) | 13:45 | |
colzani | hi people, i have a problem with my kubuntu 8.04 and my nvidia gforce 2 | 13:45 |
ActionParsnip | or, no one can get online to ask == lotsa problems | 13:45 |
colzani | the nvidia driver cause a black screen in KDE logoff | 13:46 |
Jucato | jhutchins: be careful wat you wish for ^^^ :) | 13:46 |
colzani | and i need stop kdm and restart again | 13:46 |
eagles05 | can anyone help me with jack | 13:46 |
eagles05 | !jack | 13:46 |
ubottu | Factoid jack not found | 13:46 |
flaccid | colzani: likely a bug. quite a few atm just like that. | 13:46 |
eagles05 | !info jack | 13:46 |
ubottu | jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-21 (hardy), package size 144 kB, installed size 656 kB | 13:46 |
Jucato | colzani: you can just use "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" :) | 13:46 |
flaccid | !bugs | colzani | 13:46 |
ubottu | colzani: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 13:46 |
Jucato | I might have a solution... let me check for a while | 13:47 |
colzani | ubottu: Ok, Thanks | 13:47 |
ubottu | Factoid ok, thanks not found | 13:47 |
flaccid | i'll look at that nvidia prob in a few too just need to do something | 13:47 |
Jucato | !bot | colzani | 13:47 |
ubottu | colzani: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 13:47 |
Jucato | colzani: ok try this. go to /etc/kde3/kdm/ and edit the kdmrc file (you need to be admin for this), find the line "TerminateServer=true" and remove the # sign at the beginning of the line | 13:49 |
colzani | Jucato: Ok | 13:49 |
colzani | Jucato: I will test, thanks | 13:50 |
=== alx_ is now known as alx1 | ||
flaccid | Jucato: if that works for this guy too i reckon that might be all thats needed for the nvidia restricted bugs, i hope. the ait is a bit more complex | 13:53 |
flaccid | ati even | 13:54 |
Jucato | flaccid: I hope so too... but afaik it only affects legacy cards, as the latest driver might/will fix it | 13:54 |
eagles05 | has anyone used jack before | 13:55 |
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875 | ||
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: what is it?? | 13:55 |
eagles0513875 | !info jack | 13:55 |
ubottu | jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-21 (hardy), package size 144 kB, installed size 656 kB | 13:55 |
eagles0513875 | !info jackd | 13:55 |
ubottu | jackd (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.109.2-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 89 kB, installed size 396 kB | 13:55 |
eagles0513875 | thats what i wanted lol | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: you tried | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | !grip | eagles0513875 | 13:56 |
ubottu | eagles0513875: grip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number | 13:56 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: look at the 2nd one | 13:56 |
eagles0513875 | there are alot of other apps that run with the jackd server | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | not heard oof or used it | 13:56 |
eagles0513875 | is used by audio enthusiasts | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | i rip my bought cds and play them with mplayer | 13:57 |
ActionParsnip | thats as far as I go | 13:57 |
flaccid | Jucato: hmm im looking there could be some unrelated ones dang | 13:58 |
server_ | any greek? | 13:58 |
Jucato | !ge | 13:58 |
ubottu | ქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge | 13:58 |
Jucato | (presuming that's greek...) | 13:58 |
Jucato | no maybe not... | 13:58 |
server_ | jucato you are greek? | 13:59 |
Jucato | no | 13:59 |
stdin | !gr | 13:59 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 13:59 |
Jucato | oh there | 13:59 |
flaccid | there is lots on google eagles0513875 on jackd. generally you run jackd for the program and listen or it uses a conf file for ad hoc triggering | 13:59 |
Jucato | sorry.. wrong locale :) | 13:59 |
server_ | thx | 13:59 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: it starts then stops | 14:00 |
flaccid | jackd? | 14:00 |
eagles0513875 | !info jackd | flaccid | 14:01 |
ubottu | flaccid: jackd (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.109.2-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 89 kB, installed size 396 kB | 14:01 |
sabgenton | does k3b rip in the current kubuntu? | 14:01 |
eagles0513875 | oh wait | 14:01 |
eagles0513875 | ya | 14:01 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: ya jack d starts then stops | 14:01 |
flaccid | how are you starting it? | 14:01 |
eagles0513875 | gui | 14:01 |
sabgenton | the removed it from 7.10 | 14:02 |
eagles0513875 | called jack control | 14:02 |
stefan-f | hello all :) | 14:02 |
server_ | hello | 14:02 |
stefan-f | I want to create an md5 password | 14:02 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: hold up i think i know why not working lol | 14:03 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: did you test via cli.. | 14:03 |
stefan-f | how can I this? | 14:03 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: im using amarok and listening to a stream which is locking alsa | 14:03 |
stefan-f | how can I do this? | 14:03 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: that won't lock alsa but other things can or the other things are trying to access /dev/dsp* | 14:04 |
flaccid | hmm maybe you are right | 14:05 |
flaccid | doesn't like doing duplex | 14:05 |
eagles0513875 | dunno | 14:05 |
flaccid | 1sec | 14:05 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: im on google right now | 14:05 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: i closed amarok and then it successfully runs. i used jackd -d alsa & in a shell to start it | 14:06 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: i reckon the xine engine locks it and this should hopefully dissapear in amarok 2.0 which uses phonon hopefully | 14:07 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: right now amarok2 alpha seems to be using jack | 14:07 |
flaccid | what do you mean | 14:08 |
flaccid | ah ok i aint used amarok 2 yet. not sure... but sounds good if it uses jack! | 14:08 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: to get any audio to play for me in nightly i had to install jack to get any sound | 14:08 |
flaccid | that might not be their intention but... | 14:09 |
eagles0513875 | it would be kool though | 14:09 |
flaccid | i havnt looked at amarok 2.0 yet | 14:09 |
eagles0513875 | cuz u then have alot of enhancements u can use | 14:09 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: worth trying but u have to have kde4 installed otherwise gui wont load | 14:09 |
eagles0513875 | !pastebin | 14:09 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 14:09 |
flaccid | yeah i mean jackd is excellent. i want a firebox audio interface and run it for jackd which is ultra low latency and faster than windows or mac! | 14:09 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: yeah im on ke4 now. not a bad idea! | 14:10 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: http://pastebin.com/d12f93962 | 14:10 |
eagles0513875 | thats the error msg im getting | 14:10 |
eagles0513875 | seems like something else is locking my audio | 14:10 |
flaccid | yeah that for me was amarok 1.4 or whatever but could be a non alsa application | 14:11 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: u got me curious bout something how do delete somethign off desktop | 14:11 |
eagles0513875 | i have netbeans adept system settings firefox | 14:11 |
flaccid | you can use fuser to find out which process | 14:11 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: hey maybe it needs playback only mode. good examples in man page: http://linux.die.net/man/1/jackd | 14:12 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: my successful start: http://pastebin.com/m7bbf92ef | 14:13 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: hmmmm | 14:15 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: should i ask in ubuntu studio room | 14:15 |
NekosolTeraDyne | I know it's slightly offtopic, but how do you get the server to release a ghost nick? My BonesolTeraDYne account is currently locked. | 14:16 |
Jucato | !ghost | 14:16 |
ubottu | On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password> | 14:16 |
Jucato | NekosolTeraDyne: ^^^ | 14:17 |
NekosolTeraDyne | thanks | 14:17 |
=== NekosolTeraDyne is now known as BonesolTeraDyne | ||
eagles0513875 | NekosolTeraDyne: that isnt really off topic | 14:17 |
BonesolTeraDyne | eagles0513875: Heh, I'm still thinking of another channel | 14:17 |
BonesolTeraDyne | I just woke, up, so it's not surprising for me to be confused | 14:18 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 14:18 |
eagles0513875 | could be worse | 14:18 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: what did u say bout how do i find out what hw:0 is | 14:18 |
flaccid | um ask anywhere appropriate i guess | 14:19 |
flaccid | um fuser. just need to remember how | 14:20 |
eagles0513875 | !info fuser | 14:20 |
ubottu | Package fuser does not exist in hardy | 14:20 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: i think we gots a problem | 14:20 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid im going to restart brb | 14:21 |
flaccid | i thought it was fuser /dev/dsp but that doesn't seem to return anything | 14:21 |
flaccid | ok | 14:21 |
eagles0513875 | ill try it | 14:21 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: didnt return anything | 14:21 |
eagles0513875 | brb | 14:21 |
msnbot | my ubuntu hardy doesn't append mshome.net dns suffix that is served from a winxp sp3 pro ICS. the hostname of ubuntu is Kubuntu. so I need whole network should recognise it by Kubuntu.mshome.net. how can I achieve that? | 14:22 |
flaccid | msnbot: domain name suffix appending | 14:23 |
msnbot | flaccid: yes, you got it. | 14:23 |
flaccid | if the client is dhcp, that should be handed out, if its static it can be configure in /etc/resolv.conf | 14:23 |
msnbot | But It doens't work | 14:23 |
flaccid | !doesntwork | msnbot | 14:23 |
ubottu | msnbot: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 14:23 |
flaccid | i dont' admin your dhcp server... | 14:24 |
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875 | ||
flaccid | nor your dns server :) | 14:24 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: it didnt work | 14:24 |
jussi01 | eagles05: have you tried starting jack with qjackctl ? | 14:24 |
eagles0513875 | does anyone know what hw:0 would be | 14:24 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: try using fuser -v $( find /dev -group audio ) <-- that should advise | 14:24 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: i know i am in the audio group | 14:24 |
flaccid | um hw:0 is the channel on the dev | 14:24 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: the above command should say what is locked onto it | 14:24 |
msnbot | flaccid: my kubuntu is the DHCP client | 14:25 |
eagles0513875 | 5 things came up kmix and artsd | 14:25 |
flaccid | msnbot: what is the dhcp server ? | 14:25 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: sounds like arts conflicting perhaps then. arts doesn't run while im using amarok for eg... | 14:26 |
msnbot | flaccid: winxp sp3 pro ICS | 14:26 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: should i remove arts | 14:26 |
flaccid | msnbot: it needs to be configure there. | 14:26 |
eagles0513875 | or do other programs use it | 14:26 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: to be honest not sure, but im sure some apps do | 14:26 |
msnbot | flaccid: Other win pc in network works, I mean they get a nice name.mshome.net | 14:27 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: whats qjackctl | 14:27 |
jussi01 | !info qjackctl | 14:27 |
ubottu | qjackctl (source: qjackctl): User interface for controlling the JACK sound server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 374 kB, installed size 1012 kB | 14:27 |
flaccid | msnbot: you can add search mshome.net to your /etc/resolv.conf but dhcp will override that on next dhcp renew | 14:27 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875: its the jack gui basically | 14:27 |
eagles0513875 | its saying its installed | 14:28 |
eagles0513875 | is it called jack control | 14:28 |
flaccid | msnbot: thats because that windows computer uses nmb. you would have to configure nmb on the ubuntu box if you don't want to do it via dhcp/dns which is much much quicker solution. | 14:28 |
flaccid | samba is not even installed in ubuntu by default.. | 14:28 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: i get the same message if its the same program that im thinking | 14:29 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875: so it seems something else is using your sound card. try closing all sound programs, including skype, before using jack | 14:30 |
msnbot | flaccid: I just want if I ping Kubuntu.mshome.net from other netwrok node it should get response. can this be done if I configure nmb in Kubunut ?? | 14:30 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: well the process should definately be in that list otherwise it seems impossible! this is good to bookmark as well: http://wiki.debian.org/SoundFAQ | 14:30 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: dont have skype at all according | 14:30 |
flaccid | msnbot: yes, but like i said its more effort. | 14:30 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: according to fuser it seems like its arts d and kmix | 14:31 |
flaccid | kill them! :) | 14:32 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 14:32 |
mateusz | hey guys | 14:34 |
=== chris_ is now known as chris0626 | ||
eagles0513875 | flaccid: seems like amarok 1.4 uses arts | 14:37 |
ct529 | does anyone know what package you have to install to play .ram / .rm files? I thought you would have been able to do it with helixplayer .... | 14:37 |
flaccid | right, so its like arts/xine/alsa or some shiz | 14:37 |
flaccid | !real | 14:38 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 14:38 |
Dragonath | so if my flatmate shares a file on his windows pc, how do I get to it from my 7.10? | 14:38 |
flaccid | ^^ in restrictedformats link, ct529 | 14:38 |
flaccid | Dragonath: in konqueror or dolphin is easiest | 14:38 |
flaccid | 'remote places' - samba shares | 14:38 |
ct529 | flaccid: no OS alternative? I was convinced helixplayer was The Solution! | 14:39 |
Dragonath | been there, they don't show anything | 14:39 |
flaccid | !smb4k | Dragonath | 14:39 |
ubottu | Factoid smb4k not found | 14:39 |
flaccid | !info smb4k | 14:39 |
ubottu | smb4k (source: smb4k): A Samba (SMB) share advanced browser for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1779 kB, installed size 3992 kB | 14:39 |
Dragonath | right, ok | 14:40 |
flaccid | if smb4k doesn't work Dragonath, the problem could be with the win box | 14:40 |
Dragonath | I'll try this out | 14:40 |
Larson-h | why is it adept_notifier uses 64mb rss? (ps aux | grep adept_notifier) | 14:40 |
flaccid | ct529: um, i aint played real audio for ages sorry | 14:40 |
root | ññññfñññññññññ | 14:42 |
root | ñ | 14:42 |
root | juan | 14:42 |
root | r | 14:43 |
jussi01 | root: please dont flood | 14:43 |
Dragonath | maybe his keyboard is broken? | 14:43 |
flaccid | weird that root is even allowed still | 14:43 |
=== cyrix is now known as cyrix_ | ||
Dragonath | heh, my adept refuses to start up | 14:43 |
Dragonath | it tells me some process is using the database | 14:44 |
Dragonath | pstree doesn't show anything to me | 14:44 |
eagles0513875 | there is some really kool jack stuff available that im mession round with | 14:44 |
jussi01 | !adeptfix | Dragonath | 14:44 |
ubottu | Dragonath: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 14:44 |
Dragonath | ok, thanks | 14:45 |
jussi01 | :) | 14:45 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: now i need to restart artsd | 14:45 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 14:45 |
flaccid | can i pm you eagles0513875? | 14:46 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: si senor | 14:46 |
eagles0513875 | !en | eagles0513875 | 14:46 |
Dragonath | what's that command do btw? synchronize my database with something? | 14:46 |
genii | No, removes lockfile which tells system the program is running even if it's not, then goes back to configuring whatever was left half-configured | 14:47 |
Jucato | dpkg --configure -a will try to continue pending installs | 14:48 |
Dragonath | ah ok, thanks | 14:48 |
=== fkeaz is now known as flea | ||
ahmed | i try to mount ntfs partition with ntfs tool i get " an error accured while trying to configure /media/Server D please retry thanks" what i have to do now?? i make chk disk in windows i get the same error i chked for bad sectors too nothing there | 14:49 |
eagles0513875 | !info rosegarden | flaccid | 14:49 |
ubottu | flaccid: rosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.1-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 3337 kB, installed size 9424 kB | 14:49 |
=== udo is now known as udo_ | ||
flaccid | cool eagles0513875. i will try using that with jackd and a tascam us-122 and see how it goes | 14:50 |
eagles0513875 | whats tascam us-122 | 14:50 |
eagles0513875 | !tascam | 14:51 |
ubottu | Factoid tascam not found | 14:51 |
eagles0513875 | !info tascam | 14:51 |
ubottu | Package tascam does not exist in hardy | 14:51 |
=== udo_ is now known as philemon | ||
eagles0513875 | !info us-122 | 14:51 |
ubottu | Package us-122 does not exist in hardy | 14:51 |
flaccid | a usb audio interface which actually works in linux | 14:51 |
eagles0513875 | nice | 14:51 |
eagles0513875 | im guessing u have to compile from source | 14:51 |
flaccid | um from memory it was nearly out of box | 14:51 |
flaccid | im in a nice studio, just set up hardy so i'l try it out | 14:52 |
eagles0513875 | kool | 14:52 |
Dragonath | smb4k is seeing the PC, yet it can't mount anything because host is down? | 14:53 |
Dragonath | I've turned off the firewall on the other pc | 14:54 |
ahmed | ok i solved it with mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/Server -o force | 14:55 |
Tonren | What kind of /leave | 14:55 |
Tonren | What the.. | 14:55 |
eagles0513875 | lol that was fun | 14:56 |
Zefir | Okay, a little question for you guys. I have a Logitech Desktop S510 Keyboard and my non-standard keys (for example the play and stop ones) don't work in KDE4. What magicks should I perform? | 15:00 |
Dragonath | I'd reconfigure the X server | 15:01 |
eagles0513875 | Zefir: kde4 still lacks alot of functionality | 15:01 |
Dragonath | but I'm rather sure that there is some kind of tutorial for this | 15:01 |
genii | For whoever was setting up the Tascam, looks like some extensive posts on it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30891 | 15:01 |
Zefir | Yeah, I know it's still new, that's why I'm asking. | 15:01 |
eagles0513875 | Zefir: i dunno i try all the new kde4 apps on kde 3.5 | 15:02 |
eagles0513875 | those apps usually work on 3.5 if u have 4 installed | 15:02 |
eagles0513875 | to be honest i dont have that issue in 3.5 | 15:02 |
Zefir | Me neither. | 15:02 |
eagles0513875 | with my shourtcuts on my laptop | 15:02 |
Zefir | I like the look of KDE4 and everything, it's just that I love my handy play/stop buttons. | 15:03 |
eagles0513875 | Zefir: you on hardy remix | 15:03 |
Dragonath | maybe you're lacking some packages | 15:03 |
eagles0513875 | Zefir: thats a possibility what Dragonath said also you using 4.0.4 | 15:03 |
* Zefir searches for kde4 packages | 15:04 | |
Jucato | #kubuntu-kde4 for more KDE support | 15:05 |
Dragonath | Zefir: if you bind the extra keys on some media player, then maybe the upgrade to kde4 has deleted the bindings you had? | 15:05 |
Zefir | No, it worked out of the box on KDE3. | 15:05 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: thats weird now i changed my audio to use alsa instead of auto detect and jack started this time | 15:05 |
blackwaltz | Zefir: when you used KDE3, was that also in hardy? or was it in <=Gutsy? I have had major multimedia key issues in Hardy for some reason or another. | 15:06 |
Zefir | Hardy. | 15:06 |
Zefir | I'm using Hardy since the very beginning. | 15:07 |
eagles0513875 | blackwaltz: my laptop bindings seem to work for me and im on hardy rc which is updated | 15:08 |
eagles0513875 | this isn 3.5 i have 4 installed but i ihave yet to try them in 4 | 15:09 |
eagles0513875 | but do remember 4 has alot of functionality still missing | 15:09 |
flaccid | ok cool | 15:09 |
flaccid | Dragonath: not sure what it could be but it does sound like on the windows side | 15:10 |
Dragonath | stuff should be working there | 15:10 |
Dragonath | but I'll look around | 15:10 |
blackwaltz | hmm, don't worry about me eagles0513875, I just haven't gotten around to fixing that for myself ... yet ...... well, scratch that, now I more or less have, for several things anyhow, and I'll have to xbindkey the other one, but oh well ... stupid xf86home key | 15:11 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 15:11 |
ahmed | i have a usb flash drive i concte it and i see the led is lighted but i cannt see the drive what i do? | 15:17 |
STSX | In KDE 3.5, when I add a program to the bottom panel, how can I change it's icon? I right-click it, choose "configure <app> button" and I don't see that option anywhere. Any ideas? | 15:19 |
blackwaltz | and tada, volume buttons & home button are working once again :) | 15:19 |
eagles0513875 | blackwaltz: grats | 15:19 |
blackwaltz | eagles0513875: and in kde4 no less | 15:20 |
ahmed | i have a usb flash drive i conect it and i see the led is lighted but i cannt see the drive what i do? | 15:20 |
Xbehave | how can i get all the text out of a pdf, because somebody has put white blocks over some text | 15:20 |
Zefir | blackwaltz: how did you do it? | 15:20 |
eagles0513875 | blackwaltz: nice | 15:20 |
blackwaltz | ahmed: look at the output of "dmesg | tail" right after plugging the drive in and it may give you some useful information | 15:21 |
blubb | after updating I can't insert png images in an openoffice document any longer. It says the the filter is missing | 15:21 |
blackwaltz | Zefir: well, for the volume buttons I went into system settings -> keyboard, selected kmix from the list, went to the PCM increse volume/decrease volume, and set their global shortcuts to the volume up/down keys | 15:22 |
blackwaltz | same for mute zefir ..... xf86homepage was a bit trickier, I had to use xbindkeys | 15:22 |
genii | For whoever was setting up the Logitech s510 keyboard, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82844 | 15:22 |
ahmed | blackwaltz: where i find that? sorry | 15:23 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 15:23 |
blackwaltz | ahmed: pull up a Konsole and copy and paste that in, it'll give you about 10 lines of output probably pertaining to your usb drive | 15:23 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Wow. Not sure if anyone's heard yet, but there's a major security flaw in openSSH. jcastro put the link in his twitter feed. Hold on and I'll get it. | 15:24 |
BonesolTeraDyne | Here it is: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1 | 15:24 |
Zefir | blackwaltz: I'll look around and see what I can find then | 15:24 |
blackwaltz | Zefir: which keys did you have in mind? Maybe I could give you a hand if necessary. | 15:24 |
Zefir | blackwaltz: Well, only the most basic work for me after setting up keyboard layouts | 15:25 |
Zefir | blackwaltz: Play and next/prev work. | 15:25 |
ahmed | blackwaltz: sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk | 15:25 |
ahmed | blackwaltz: sd 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0 | 15:26 |
blackwaltz | Zefir: bring up konsole, type "xev", and then press those keys to get the keycodes and put them in a kate, meanwhile I'll pastebin my xmodmaprc and you can use that as a base ..... should work. | 15:28 |
=== Xerxes is now known as poisonblack | ||
blackwaltz | ahmed: the device should be accessible as "sdb". | 15:28 |
Zefir | I managed to configure the shortcuts in Amarok itself. Not exactly what I had in mind but I mainly control Amarok with it so I guess it's ok. | 15:29 |
ahmed | ok i found it by going to /media/sdb1 but before once i connect it it appears on desktop i want that back | 15:29 |
blackwaltz | http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d40f78247 .....here's that link, if it'd be of any use zefir :) | 15:29 |
ahmed | blackwaltz: ok i found it by going to /media/sdb1 but before once i connect it it appears on desktop i want that back | 15:30 |
blackwaltz | ahmed, hmm, right click on the desktop, go to configure desktop. In one of those tabs you can choose which icons you want to have displayed on your desktop. There's also an applet so you can display them in your panel. | 15:31 |
blackwaltz | s/so/to | 15:31 |
blackwaltz | erm, I'm incoherent right now, I need sleep. | 15:32 |
blackwaltz | s/so you can/to/ there that's better | 15:32 |
BluesKaj | so am i but i just got up and having my first coffee | 15:33 |
blackwaltz | BluesKaj: I woke up at about 11pm after a couple hour nap and its now 10:34am ..... | 15:33 |
ahmed | blackwaltz: i chked that it alreadyselected mounted removable media | 15:34 |
blackwaltz | ahmed: I'll admit that has never been perfect .... I've had trouble with it before .. dunno why. | 15:34 |
BluesKaj | yup, same time zone , but I was up at 5:30 for 2 hrs, then went back to sleep for 2 more :) | 15:34 |
ahmed | blackwaltz: ok nevermind i replaced it and conecte it againt it worked thank anyway | 15:35 |
STSX | Does anyone have some good tutorials/links/documentation for getting "suspend" to work properly on my desktop computer? I'm using KDE 3.5 not 4.0. | 15:35 |
=== blackwaltz is now known as dwidmann_laptop | ||
eagles0513875 | hey dwidmann_laptop lol dint realize u were the black waltz | 15:39 |
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dwidmann_laptop | eagles0513875: hehe, yeah ..... looks like I was disconnected earlier so I needed to switch back to my nick | 15:46 |
eagles0513875 | dwidmann_laptop: lol | 15:48 |
=== sacha_ is now known as xsacha | ||
dwidmann_laptop | blackwaltz is my $USER/backup nick | 15:49 |
smeril | I want to run a iso file without burning I have installed Kiso but when i open the iso file it get error code sigseg11 is there any other way to do this simple? | 15:49 |
flaccid | !iso | 15:49 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 15:49 |
smeril | any other options? | 15:50 |
Silver_Adept | Hi again. Still trying to fix the white screen problem on Hardy - I managed to download the driver package that solutinos want me to, but in trying to install it, I keep getting errors telling me that the installer can't find the kernel files. Is there a different source path (or package) that I should use, since it appears to default to /usr/src/linux? | 15:52 |
flaccid | none i can think of. that is practically 1 command | 15:52 |
dwidmann_laptop | smeril: with regards to the "without burning", burning isn't necessarily a bad thing ... that's what RW disks are good for .... and it's not like CD-Rs are painfully expensive either ... range from $0.25-$0.50 | 15:52 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: what are you trying to run - nvidia/ati,? | 15:52 |
TimS | I put a DVD in my disk drive, and was told that It could not run as it was encrypted, kaffenine tried to install libdvdcss but libdvdcss2 is already installed. | 15:52 |
Silver_Adept | nvidia, sorry. | 15:52 |
smeril | what command? | 15:53 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: whats the filename of the .run? | 15:53 |
Silver_Adept | NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1.run | 15:53 |
flaccid | does it ask you to get the kernel thing from the internet in the installer? | 15:54 |
Silver_Adept | Yes. | 15:54 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: I've seen Kaffeine act pretty crazy around DVDs as of late at times .... try running the command "kaffeine dvd:///dev/dvd" assuming your device is /dev/dvd | 15:54 |
Silver_Adept | And can't find it. | 15:54 |
flaccid | right. i had this a couple of hours before | 15:54 |
flaccid | trying to remember what i did wrong | 15:54 |
dwidmann_laptop | Silver_Adept: do you have the kernel headers installed? | 15:54 |
Silver_Adept | I think so. Which package is that? | 15:55 |
flaccid | yeah thats it | 15:55 |
TimS | dwidmann_laptop: Nope | 15:55 |
dwidmann_laptop | Silver_Adept: installing "linux-headers-generic" should do the trick | 15:55 |
Silver_Adept | And then things should pan out properly? | 15:55 |
flaccid | yeah it will build the mod against those headers automatically | 15:55 |
Silver_Adept | Okay. I'll check to make sure I have the package installed. | 15:56 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: you are doing this with X stopped as well? | 15:56 |
flaccid | and all other nvidia stuff removed eg. packages i hope | 15:57 |
Silver_Adept | I tried it with the "console login" after a reboot. | 15:57 |
flaccid | cool as long as kdm/x is not running then its cool | 15:57 |
dwidmann_laptop | Silver_Adept: that should sufficce | 15:57 |
Silver_Adept | I do have linux-headers-generic installed already. | 15:57 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: uname -r please | 15:57 |
Silver_Adept | 2.6.24-16-386 | 15:58 |
dwidmann_laptop | might have to specify the path to the headers or something Silver_Adept ... | 15:58 |
TimS | !dvd | 15:58 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 15:58 |
jeroen- | Kubuntu hardy install from DVD: the install is on 95% for 15 min. - on top is (located from Dutch): ' Checking for packages to remove...' | 15:59 |
smeril | anybody who might know how to wiev iso files without burning? | 15:59 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: if Kaffeine is going to be crazy on you, it could be worthwhile to try another player, it's the only player I've seen behave that way. Personally I've been using VLC a lot lately | 15:59 |
Silver_Adept | What path would I use? | 15:59 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic | 15:59 |
dwidmann_laptop | one sec Silver_Adept | 15:59 |
jeroen- | what can be the problem? | 15:59 |
BluesKaj | smeril, VLC | 15:59 |
TimS | dwidmann_laptop: No others worked, I think its an issue | 15:59 |
smeril | thanks | 15:59 |
BluesKaj | np | 16:00 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: or sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.24-16 | 16:00 |
dwidmann_laptop | Silver_Adept: either /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic/ or /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic/input I think | 16:00 |
Silver_Adept | Already installed, flaccid, at least according to Adept. | 16:00 |
TimS | dwidmann_laptop: I just ran sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh as it said that on a wiki page. I dont remeber ever doing that before, so It could be thats the problem | 16:00 |
flaccid | maybe it needs linux-generic package | 16:00 |
Silver_Adept | Hrm. Those look workable, dwidmann. | 16:01 |
Silver_Adept | Let me try that one and see if something works. | 16:01 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: all that does is install an old version of libdvdcss2 (1.25 I think) | 16:01 |
Silver_Adept | Thanks again. Hopefully, I'll be back with successes. | 16:01 |
flaccid | Silver_Adept: these are the linux packages i ended up having/installing http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11865/ and didn't have to do anything else but install something | 16:02 |
TimS | dwidmann_laptop: Ah, so i see, Ill update that again then :P | 16:02 |
Danish989 | I'm getting busybox at bootup, and they're mount errors .. I was being assisted by someone at UbuntuForums but it's been a week and I haven't gotten a reply, can someone please see my thread and help me out? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=784592&page=2 | 16:03 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: you might also want to have libdvdnav4 installed | 16:03 |
TimS | its installed | 16:03 |
smeril | it dosent work to use vlac it wont open the iso file | 16:03 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: was just checking | 16:03 |
smeril | vlc | 16:03 |
TimS | dwidmann_laptop: I guess I could purge it and reinstall, as well as libdvdread but I am not sure if that really makes a difference | 16:04 |
smeril | I have downloaded hardy heron iso image | 16:04 |
aaroncampbell | I upgraded to Kubuntu Hardy, and it installed FireFox 3, which didn't work with any of my plugins, so I removed it and started using FireFox two again. Somehow in the process, Thunderbird no longer opens links when I click on them. Is there a way to fix that? | 16:04 |
Danish989 | is there a seperate channel for Wubi discussion? | 16:04 |
smeril | ? | 16:05 |
TimS | dwidmann_laptop: I guess it could be a xine issue, but I am not sure about that. Does VLC use xine? | 16:05 |
runlevelten | devs, you seen http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2008/msg00152.html ? | 16:06 |
Danish989 | is there a seperate channel for Wubi discussion? | 16:06 |
BluesKaj | aaroncampbell, that's a known bug that's never been adressed properly by Mozilla.I had the same problem with the last 3 kubuntu releases , so I switched to konq and kmail, but there prolly is a fix somewhere if you look hard enuff. Good Luck ! | 16:06 |
TimS | dwidmann_laptop: Ah! Got it. It was /dev/sda1 but every program was using /dev/dvd | 16:07 |
jeroen- | oh wait iit continues | 16:07 |
TimS | Which is odd, never used to do that on hardy | 16:07 |
aaroncampbell | BluesKaj: I had no such problem with the last three releases of Kubuntu, or even this release when I was using firefox 3 | 16:07 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: /dev/dvd might have existed on hardy | 16:08 |
smeril | Maybe i should retype my problem I want to install ubuntu hardy heron from a iso file without burning because i am to bloody cheap and lazy to buy a cd | 16:08 |
BluesKaj | aaroncampbell, I've asked the same question in this ch several times but never received a reply | 16:08 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: you could just do a ln -sf /dev/sda1 /dev/dvd if you want | 16:08 |
TimS | Erm, didn't meany hardy did I, I meant 7.10 | 16:08 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: that way you won't have to fix it in every app | 16:08 |
TimS | Hmm | 16:08 |
icewaterman | http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2008/msg00152.html ouch | 16:08 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: erms, I meant 7.10 also. I'm just as guilty :P | 16:08 |
TimS | Think is, i have 3 dvd drives, so I cant link them all | 16:09 |
BluesKaj | smeril, what release are you running now ? | 16:09 |
smeril | i have tryed vlc and kiso none of them work when i use kiso i get som error message when i open the file | 16:09 |
smeril | kubuntu | 16:09 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: /dev/dvd0 /dev/dvd1 /dev/dvd2 .... then another symlink like ln -sf /dev/dvd0 /dev/dvd | 16:09 |
BluesKaj | which kubuntu? | 16:09 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: besides, you can only set one to be default ... | 16:09 |
TimS | True | 16:10 |
smeril | kubuntu hardy heron but i prefer ubuntu | 16:10 |
smeril | hardy heron | 16:10 |
TimS | But usualy when i tell Kaffeine to play a dvd it will find the drive with the dvd in | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | smeril, you already have it , why reinstall ? | 16:10 |
smeril | I have a iso file no cd | 16:10 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: in my experience it just looks at the default drive anymore, ever since the death of media:/ | 16:11 |
dwidmann_laptop | maybe | 16:11 |
Zefir | Wait, smeril, you want from Kubuntu to Ubuntu? | 16:11 |
smeril | because it still looks like kubuntu the version i downloaded from pirate bay is much cleaner and more improved | 16:11 |
jabba | is there a better player than amarok or rhthym box? the latter crashes and the former can't see all the contents of a directory. | 16:11 |
smeril | ubuntu hardy heron | 16:11 |
smeril | not kubuntu | 16:11 |
TimS | dwidmann_laptop: media:/ still works :p | 16:11 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: hmm, maybe, maybe ....I was thinking of something else probably, for example, try that in konqueror-kde4 | 16:12 |
TimS | ah | 16:12 |
smeril | I want to install ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso | 16:12 |
BluesKaj | BBL , stuff to do | 16:12 |
smeril | but i have no cd | 16:13 |
dwidmann_laptop | TimS: if you would have went "kaffeine dvd:///dev/sda1" earlier, it very well may have worked | 16:13 |
TimS | Yes, it does work that way | 16:14 |
Xbehave | smeril: are you on linux or windows? | 16:14 |
smeril | I am on kubuntu/ hardy heron but i want Ubunto/ hardy heron | 16:15 |
dwidmann_laptop | smeril: why not just "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" then | 16:15 |
smeril | is that command all i have to do or is it more coming after? | 16:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | smeril: install ubuntu-desktop | 16:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | and select gnome from the session menu the next time you log in | 16:16 |
smeril | when i use that command it says E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 16:17 |
jackault | I have a hp tablet. How do I get my touch screen up and running? | 16:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | smeril: make sure you have any copies of adept closed | 16:18 |
* dwidmann_laptop is going to sleep for a while | 16:18 | |
smeril | finnaly | 16:18 |
smeril | no its working :) | 16:18 |
Silver_Adept | Success! Figured out what went wrong - was running the i386 version, but had the headers for generic. Once I was running the right kernel, everything went fine without a hitch. So, here's hoping the white screen plagues me no more. Thanks a lot for all your help. | 16:21 |
smeril | installation process are now saying | 16:26 |
smeril | Rebuilding the database. This may take some time. | 16:26 |
smeril | ///usr/share/gnome/help/blackjack/el/blackjack.xml:402: parser error : Entity 'Βοήθεια' not defined | 16:26 |
smeril | <para><guimenuitem>Προτιμήσεις&Βοήθεια;</gui | 16:26 |
smeril | nothing happends now | 16:26 |
smeril | no its moving again | 16:28 |
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=== francesco_ is now known as Volk | ||
=== Xerxes is now known as poisonblack | ||
jeroen- | I have a TFT monitor. The Kubunty install has set it to 1024x768 with a refresh rate of 60 Hz. I have heard that TFT displays do not use refresh rates, but I can still change it to 70 Hz or 75 Hz. Should I do that or is it better to keep it at 60 Hz? | 16:50 |
llutz | 60 is fine jeroen- | 16:50 |
jeroen- | llutz: so is it true that TFT screens do not use refresh rates? | 16:50 |
SlimeyPete | TFT screens do have clocks, IIRC. | 16:51 |
SlimeyPete | they don't refresh the whole screen at once but pixels are still refreshed via a clock pulse. | 16:51 |
llutz | jeroen-: not like crts, but there are some models which sync better with 75 where most run fine with 60Hz | 16:51 |
SlimeyPete | (I think...) | 16:51 |
jeroen- | ok so it does not change much like it is doing on CRT's? | 16:52 |
llutz | jeroen-: nope, if it syncs it is ok | 16:52 |
jeroen- | okj | 16:52 |
jeroen- | thanks | 16:52 |
SlimeyPete | yeah... 60hz is fine. In theory 75hz does make some difference but frankly you're very unlikely to notice it. | 16:53 |
jackault | If I was supposed to install with commands such as "noacpi" and such but didn't, is there a way to get the same effect now that the OS is up and running? | 16:53 |
jackault | same effect as having installed with that | 16:54 |
KomiaPoika | ih | 16:54 |
KomiaPoika | hi | 16:54 |
KomiaPoika | does anyone know how to get google-earth to run on kubuntu 8.04 amd64 | 16:54 |
jackault | is there a big difference between installing a 32 bit or 64 bit kubuntu on your 64 bit comp? | 16:55 |
Xbehave | jackault im not 100% but it sounds like a kernel option in which case you can add it to grub manually, or possibly through bum(boot up manager) | 16:55 |
Xbehave | jackault: depends on the app | 16:55 |
Xbehave | movie editing possibly otherstuff probably not | 16:55 |
jackault | ah, kk | 16:56 |
Xbehave | KomiaPoika: i just installed it from thier website, but you have to install it as a normal user | 16:56 |
Xbehave | btw if you launch it with "/home/some/crap/google/googleearth -style plastique " it will look good in kde | 16:59 |
Xbehave | that said certain apps (those that play with proprietory bits should be installed as 32 | 17:01 |
=== Xbehave is now known as Xbehave^away | ||
jackault | I see several things that can be installed for touchscreens, which one do I use? | 17:03 |
jackault | I'm on a HP tx2000 | 17:03 |
Xbehave^away | im not sure, google around, or install them all have a play then decide which to keep and which to ditch | 17:04 |
eagles05 | flaccid: hey | 17:06 |
Neo_The_User_ | hey guys | 17:08 |
Neo_The_User_ | im going to install kubuntu 8.04 on my ps3. is this a good idea? | 17:08 |
=== Neo_The_User_ is now known as Neo_The_User | ||
Neo_The_User | helllo? | 17:10 |
Neo_The_User | kubuntu 8.04 hardy heron ps3. good or bad? | 17:10 |
Neo_The_User | anybody here? | 17:11 |
Neo_The_User | jesus this chat is dead | 17:11 |
Neo_The_User | ubottu hello | 17:11 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 17:11 |
Neo_The_User | ubottu how is your day? | 17:11 |
eagles05 | Neo_The_User: ubottu = bot | 17:11 |
Neo_The_User | ubottu hows it hang essay? | 17:11 |
ubottu | Neo_The_User: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:11 |
eagles05 | lol | 17:11 |
eagles05 | wondering when that would kick in | 17:11 |
eagles05 | Neo_The_User: i dunno what to tell u in regard to ur query bout hardy and ps3 | 17:12 |
eagles05 | is there a ps3 channel | 17:12 |
* BonesolTeraDyne doesn't have a PS3, just a Wii and the last gen systems | 17:12 | |
Neo_The_User | yes but im looking for kubuntu support | 17:12 |
eagles05 | Neo_The_User: in what sense | 17:12 |
Jucato | !patience | Neo_The_User | 17:13 |
ubottu | Neo_The_User: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 17:13 |
Neo_The_User | when i had xubuntu 7.04 on my ps3, when i tried updating it, my ps3 would never boot the -17 kernel. has anybody had a good experiance with kubuntu 8.04 with all updates on ps3? | 17:13 |
Neo_The_User | my ps3 only accepted the old ass kernel. | 17:13 |
eagles05 | !language | Neo_The_User | 17:14 |
ubottu | Neo_The_User: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:14 |
Neo_The_User | ubottu, yes i understand | 17:14 |
ubottu | Neo_The_User: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:14 |
Neo_The_User | sorry guys | 17:14 |
eagles05 | its ok | 17:14 |
BonesolTeraDyne | *facepalm* | 17:14 |
Jucato | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_3 | 17:14 |
colzani | Jucato: Thanks, your solution for my problem with kdm and nvidia driver legacy worked. | 17:14 |
Jucato | colzani: kool | 17:14 |
Neo_The_User | nvidia legacy? hold the phone. get a 9 series driver! | 17:14 |
Neo_The_User | im using an nVIDIA 5900XT so i shouldn't be talking... | 17:15 |
Jucato | (some of us don't have the motherboard for a new card, nor the money to upgrade everything) | 17:15 |
Neo_The_User | if i have a GeForceFX should I use the legacy driver or the new driver? | 17:15 |
eagles05 | Jucato: i hear ya bro | 17:15 |
Neo_The_User | im using the new driver | 17:16 |
Jucato | if the new driver works, then it's what you should use | 17:16 |
eagles05 | i 2nd the motion | 17:16 |
Jucato | nvidia has a list of which cards fall under which drivers | 17:16 |
eagles05 | lol and the motion carries | 17:16 |
Jucato | :) | 17:16 |
Neo_The_User | ubottu: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:16 |
ubottu | Neo_The_User: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:16 |
eagles05 | lol | 17:16 |
Jucato | Google says there's an #ubuntu-ps3 channel | 17:16 |
eagles05 | someones having too much fun with the bot | 17:16 |
jussi01 | Neo_The_User: please stop abusing the bot | 17:16 |
Neo_The_User | ok i will stop | 17:17 |
Neo_The_User | this is not an ubuntu prolem | 17:17 |
jussi01 | as well as an #ubuntu-ppc channel | 17:17 |
Neo_The_User | not Ubuntu, Kubuntu | 17:17 |
Neo_The_User | KDE | 17:17 |
Pennycook | Neo_The_User: Kubuntu is Ubuntu, for all intents and purposes. | 17:17 |
Neo_The_User | my face is linux | 17:17 |
Jucato | Kubuntu and Ubuntu still use the same kernel, the same underlying stuff | 17:17 |
jussi01 | Neo_The_User: those channels support both | 17:17 |
Pennycook | Eugh, he's so annoying. ^^; | 17:18 |
eagles05 | lol | 17:18 |
eagles05 | that was interesting | 17:18 |
eagles05 | Pennycook: lol i 2nd that motion and the motion carries | 17:18 |
eagles05 | nice to see the ladies emerging and getting the courage to take a chance and try something new | 17:18 |
shane__ | looking for help | 17:19 |
flaccid | eagles05: sup | 17:19 |
shane__ | im tryin to install a wireless dlink in my system | 17:19 |
shane__ | wont pick it up | 17:19 |
eagles05 | flaccid: now to get jack working all i have to do is quit amarok lol | 17:19 |
eagles05 | flaccid: had to restart my machine and it fixed the no sound issue | 17:19 |
eagles05 | Pennycook: nice to see a lady in here | 17:20 |
Pennycook | ...Are you implying I'm a lady? | 17:20 |
jussi01 | !wireless | shane__ | 17:20 |
ubottu | shane__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 17:20 |
shane__ | ok thank you,ill try that link and hope help TY | 17:21 |
eagles05 | Pennycook: with the name penny its a possibility | 17:21 |
eagles05 | there is a 50 50 chance im right or wrong | 17:21 |
KomiaPoika | Xbehave^away: do you have amd64? | 17:21 |
flaccid | eagles05: sounds about right. i always have to quit amarok for some stuff like flash i think | 17:21 |
eagles05 | flaccid: and i dont | 17:21 |
eagles05 | flaccid: 32 or 64 which one u running | 17:21 |
flaccid | 32 | 17:22 |
flaccid | likely other things too, just can't remember what | 17:22 |
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875 | ||
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Xbehave^away | KomiaPoika: yeah | 17:23 |
Xbehave^away | i installed it but i dont allow execusion in /home and running it as root wasnt acceptable for me | 17:24 |
Xbehave^away | so i dont have it to test it out anymore | 17:24 |
KomiaPoika | so, where do you install it? | 17:24 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: i dont have any problems with flash and im on 64 | 17:24 |
KomiaPoika | sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 | 17:24 |
eagles0513875 | dont have to do anything like that to get flash to work | 17:24 |
KomiaPoika | on kubuntu 8.04 amd64 what repository do i need to install libdvdcss2? | 17:25 |
Xbehave^away | i ran the script from google (as root) and it installed itself to /opt/google-earth/ | 17:25 |
flaccid | i guess these things are a bit of a mystery until you look until it. we'll see how amarok 2 des | 17:25 |
flaccid | does | 17:25 |
KomiaPoika | Xbehave^away: then start as user from /opt/google-earth/? | 17:25 |
eagles0513875 | KomiaPoika: not sure should just search for it using apt-cache search then name of pkg then run sudo apt-get install name of pkg and it downloads and installs it for ya | 17:25 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: it could be that ur on kde4 and im on 3.5 | 17:26 |
eagles0513875 | *your | 17:26 |
KomiaPoika | eagles0513875: Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 17:26 |
jussi01 | !medibuntu | 17:26 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 17:26 |
eagles0513875 | KomiaPoika: what program u trying to install | 17:26 |
Xbehave^away | nah then i had to run it as root erm sudo /opt/google-earth/googleearth | 17:26 |
jussi01 | KomiaPoika: ^ | 17:26 |
jussi01 | Xbehave^away: google earth is also in medibuntu | 17:26 |
KomiaPoika | sudo /opt/google-earth/googleearth | 17:27 |
KomiaPoika | [sudo] password for h: | 17:27 |
KomiaPoika | Segmentation fault | 17:27 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: firefox 3 is still rather bloaty u know if they fixed that memory leak in 2 and previous versions of it | 17:27 |
KomiaPoika | it's google earth 4.3 | 17:27 |
Xbehave^away | but acording to the forums if you run the script as non-root it installs to /home/something which can be run as non-root | 17:28 |
flaccid | yeah thats why i use opera | 17:28 |
flaccid | same thing happens on kde3 in terms of sound for me | 17:28 |
Xbehave^away | yeah always makes sense to sacrifice security for seed | 17:28 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: you talking about getting jackd running then after stopping it getting the soun to work | 17:28 |
flaccid | eagles0513875: no just in normal use out of box | 17:29 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: ok | 17:29 |
Xbehave^away | KomiaPoika: o sory missed your reply, erm do you allow execution in /tmp & /home ? | 17:30 |
=== Xbehave^away is now known as Xbehav | ||
=== Xbehav is now known as Xbehave | ||
Xbehave | jussi01: does that still work since they released the beta? | 17:30 |
jussi01 | Xbehave: not sure. | 17:31 |
eagles0513875 | when is ibex coming out for testing and dev | 17:31 |
KomiaPoika | i think medibuntu is saving my entire week | 17:31 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 17:32 |
Xbehave | KomiaPoika: if its segfaulting im not sure ill be much help i only figured my way around a missing earth problem, try installing from mediabuntu repos | 17:32 |
KomiaPoika | Xbehave: how do i check that? | 17:32 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875: ibex is already available - go to #ubuntu+1 | 17:32 |
KomiaPoika | damn | 17:32 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: where can i download it from | 17:32 |
KomiaPoika | i installed google-earth from medibuntu and it still segfaults | 17:32 |
Xbehave | if you can run from /tmp & /home, well unless you specifically choose not to then itll be fine | 17:32 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875: join #ubuntu+1 ask questions there. | 17:33 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 17:33 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875: and be sure to read the topic | 17:33 |
fildo | +--+-++ | 17:36 |
eagles0513875 | how do i change sources | 17:37 |
Xbehave_ | KomiaPoika: sorry doesnt look like i can be much help, perhaps try installing 4.2? | 17:37 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
eagles0513875 | flaccid: hey | 17:38 |
Pennycook | Just a note to anybody who hasn't gotten any updates today; might be a good idea to run sudo aptitude update followed by sudo aptitude full-upgrade. Turns out there's a bug in OpenSSL that makes SSH private keys guessable. | 17:42 |
eagles0513875 | already did that today im installing pointless packages lol for no aparent reason | 17:42 |
eagles0513875 | also yesterday there was an update to gcc and g++ | 17:43 |
stefan_ | hmm, always when I swith from static IP to dhcp , I loose the route after some time | 17:45 |
Jucato | Pennycook: don't you mean "dist-upgrade"? | 17:46 |
Pennycook | Jucato: No. full-upgrade upgrades all your packages to the most recent version. Afaik dist-upgrade is just for upgrading between distributions? | 17:47 |
eagles0513875 | humm | 17:49 |
Jucato | Pennycook: there is no "aptitude full-upgrade" command. | 17:49 |
Pennycook | I might be wrong, 'caus I can't find anything about dist-upgrade in the man page, but full-upgrade does what you want. | 17:49 |
o_ | anyone up to takeiing a newbie by the hand? | 17:49 |
Jucato | it's aptitude dist-upgrade | 17:49 |
Jucato | hm.. | 17:49 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: how do i update my repos so i can help with ibex | 17:49 |
Pennycook | Jucato: I just ran aptitude full-upgrade, so I know that's what it is | 17:49 |
eagles0513875 | !ask | o_ | 17:49 |
ubottu | o_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 17:49 |
* Jucato might be looking at an old man page then | 17:49 | |
Jucato | eagles0513875: #ubuntu+1 :D | 17:50 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: nobody in there responding | 17:50 |
Jucato | eagles0513875: but basically just edit your sources.list and change "hardy" to "intrepid" | 17:50 |
eagles0513875 | thats all i need to do | 17:50 |
Pennycook | Jucato: Ah, just found dist-upgrade in my man page. Apparently "full-upgrade" is the new version of dist-upgrade, and dist-upgrade is recognised as a synonym. | 17:50 |
Jucato | :P | 17:50 |
eagles0513875 | Pennycook: they somehow linked together | 17:51 |
eagles0513875 | cuz i still use dist-upgrade | 17:51 |
Jucato | Pennycook: fwiw, Adept and Synaptic both do dist-upgrade (full-upgrade) for their default "Upgrade" actions | 17:51 |
Jucato | (Adept uses dist-upgrade for Full Upgrade and upgrade for Safe Upgrade) | 17:51 |
o_ | ok.. since upgradeing to 8.0 version my google earth crashes the system. Anyone know where I can find the fix? | 17:52 |
Pennycook | Jucato: Oh right. Learn something every day. XD | 17:52 |
KomiaPoika | i can't get googleearth to start on kubuntu 8.04. no matter the version or how it installed, it segfaults | 17:53 |
KomiaPoika | i can't get googleearth to start on kubuntu 8.04 amd64. no matter the version or how it installed, it segfaults | 17:53 |
o_ | komia.. it ran great on the previous version | 17:54 |
KomiaPoika | o_: you mean on kubuntu 7.x? | 17:54 |
o_ | yes komia | 17:54 |
KomiaPoika | :( | 17:54 |
o_ | my sentiments too ;) | 17:55 |
=== fily is now known as Vagabondo | ||
KomiaPoika | how can i trace the segfault | 17:55 |
o_ | ?.. I think mine shows a back trace tab on segfault errors | 17:56 |
o_ | but I'm dumb as a rock | 17:56 |
o_ | I'm also haveing issue with k3b burning dvds. I get the burn completed mess. but dvd-rw remains empty | 17:59 |
o_ | could that be due to the 'brand' of dvdrw? | 17:59 |
o_ | k3b burns cd fine | 18:00 |
Xbehave_ | is anybody having proplems with kopete + msn today? | 18:00 |
Chrysalis | should my mouse back/forth buttons work in konqueror? because they are not | 18:03 |
Xbehave_ | do they work in other programs? | 18:03 |
Xbehave_ | e.g firefox | 18:03 |
Chrysalis | in firefox yea, but under gnome | 18:04 |
Xbehave_ | and under kde? | 18:04 |
Chrysalis | let me see | 18:04 |
Chrysalis | yep, working in firefox | 18:05 |
Jucato | because Firefox is setup to work with it by default. KDE/Konqueror isnt... I think there are some guides floating around on how to enable that | 18:05 |
Jucato | try Google | 18:06 |
Chrysalis | what about dolphin etc? | 18:06 |
Chrysalis | anyway, ill google around, thx | 18:07 |
pomka | Привет все!!! | 18:09 |
Xbehave_ | sory i wanders off to do revision, yeah if it works in firefox it means the mouse/settings are fine, just most programs dont know what to do with extra keys, i think theres a program you can install to use it with almost any program | 18:09 |
Jucato | !ru | pomka | 18:10 |
ubottu | pomka: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 18:10 |
=== pitre is now known as ojpitre | ||
bipolar | Is anyone here showing LDAP users in the KDM users list? | 18:13 |
bipolar | It seems that if I try to hide users that belong to an LDAP group, none of the ldap users show up. | 18:13 |
bipolar | but if I create a local group and add ldap users to it, I can hide that group correctly. | 18:14 |
msnbot | Pressing "Administrator Mode" doens't prompt password in "network settings - System settings" | 18:14 |
advanced | Hi guys | 18:21 |
advanced | i need help | 18:21 |
advanced | How to upgrade my distro ? | 18:21 |
advanced | with command to console ? | 18:21 |
genii | advanced: Which version are you currently using | 18:23 |
genii | ? | 18:23 |
advanced | genil | 18:24 |
advanced | 7.04 | 18:24 |
kreib | anyone knows how to shutoff laptop screen and have X show on vga connected lcd? | 18:25 |
Trolley | hi... my dvd device doesn't work... what can i do? | 18:25 |
STSX | In Konqueror, how do I display the used/free amount of my Kubuntu partition? | 18:26 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: can you be a bit more specific? | 18:26 |
genii | advanced: apt-cache search update-manager-core to make sure the update manager is installed, then try: sudo do-release-upgrade | 18:27 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, when i insert a cd/dvd in my device, my kubuntu doesn't do nothing ... and k3b doesn't see my device | 18:27 |
JoshOvki | STSX: go to / right click, properties, it should tell you at the bottom | 18:28 |
genii | advanced: the apt-cache search there should be instead: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core ... wrong copy/paste there | 18:28 |
Jucato | STSX: if you're looking for something like D3lphin/Dolphin's status bar indicator.. nothing like that in Konqueror | 18:28 |
wesley | they just ban me because i promote kubuntu on gnome | 18:29 |
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo | ||
JoshOvki | wesley: gnome is for gnome not kubuntu, and im sure they warned you first | 18:29 |
STSX | JoshOvki: If I right click the "root" folder in the left pane, select properties, it says "6 kB"--obviously not right. What should I be doing instead? | 18:29 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: ok, kde 3 or 4? | 18:29 |
Jucato | wesley: and rightly so... it's considered "trolling" or "flamebait" in many places | 18:29 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, 3 | 18:30 |
wirechief | STSX why not just do df -h in a terminal | 18:30 |
JoshOvki | STSX: click the root part, then in the main window (right pannel) right click in a empty space | 18:30 |
joseph | !lamp | 18:30 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 18:30 |
STSX | wirechief: Yes, I know how to use df. :) But I would like to be able to use the GUI too. :) | 18:30 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: ok its hard for me to help because im in kde4 not 3 | 18:30 |
wirechief | STSX ok | 18:30 |
Jucato | STSX: if you notice, when you right-click on the Root Folder, it says "Contents: Desktop COnfig File" | 18:31 |
Jucato | STSX: you're not actually viewing the properties of the / folder itself, but the .desktop file representing the root folder in Konqueror | 18:31 |
* JoshOvki starts up desktop | 18:31 | |
Jucato | (so basically it's just a text file you're looking at) | 18:31 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, where i can find help? with kubuntu feisty works feel | 18:31 |
STSX | Jucato: OK, makes sense, thanks for the clarification. :) | 18:31 |
STSX | Another newbie question: I'm used to using "Sessions" under Ubuntu to set programs for startup on boot. How do I do the same in Kubuntu? I'm using KDE 3.5 not 4.0. | 18:32 |
Jucato | STSX: you might also want to look at 2 GUI ways to see your disk usage: one is Konqueror's File Size View under the View menu. another is the Filelight program, which can be used by itself or embedded in Konqueror | 18:33 |
Jucato | !autostart | STSX | 18:33 |
ubottu | STSX: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html | 18:33 |
Jucato | STSX: btw, those don't start "on boot", they start "on login" | 18:33 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: someone in here should be able to help | 18:34 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: when you but a CD in, and look in system:/media does it show up at all? | 18:34 |
STSX | Jucato: Yes, I should have been more careful in my wording. So why doesn't Kubuntu have the "Go" menu in Konqueror where I can set startup programs? I have to use kcontrol-autostart instead? | 18:35 |
Trolley | not JoshOvki ... nothing | 18:35 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: ok, do you know what pastebin is? | 18:35 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, sure | 18:36 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: good, can you pastebin your /etc/fstab | 18:36 |
Jucato | STSX: you can just type "~/.kde/Autostart/" in Konqueror | 18:36 |
puma | !list | 18:36 |
Jucato | (Kubuntu removed the Go and Window menus in Konqoueror 3) | 18:36 |
Trolley | ok JoshOvki ... just a moment | 18:36 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 18:36 |
toens | why is adept manager asking me to insert a disc instead of going online for a download? | 18:36 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: just going to get a drink, will be back in 30secs | 18:36 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, ok :D | 18:37 |
STSX | Jucato: OK, I get it now. :) | 18:37 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, i'm ready | 18:38 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: ok, can you give me the link please | 18:38 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, here? or notice? | 18:38 |
JoshOvki | here | 18:38 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11895/ | 18:38 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: ok, do you have a cd rom in your drive at the moment? | 18:39 |
Trolley | yes JoshOvki | 18:39 |
Jucato | STSX: ok... good luck | 18:39 |
* Jucato goes now | 18:39 | |
JoshOvki | Trolly: ok, in command can you run in terminal ls /media/cdrom | 18:40 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, no output | 18:40 |
puma | !list | 18:40 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 18:40 |
JoshOvki | Trolly: sorry, ls /media/cdrom0 | 18:40 |
genii | perhaps: ls /media/cdrom/* | 18:40 |
msnbot | hel | 18:41 |
JoshOvki | genii: just my poor typing skills taking over :) | 18:41 |
msnbot | Pressing "Administrator Mode" doens't prompt password in "network settings - System settings" | 18:41 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, nothing | 18:41 |
JoshOvki | Trolly: ok next try, sudo mount -a | 18:41 |
JoshOvki | and then ls /media/cdrom0 | 18:41 |
* genii feeds JoshOvki more coffee | 18:41 | |
JoshOvki | genni: will running /media/cdrom* look in everything to do with cdrom? | 18:41 |
msnbot | entering command "kdesu kate" on terminal says "sudo: unable to resolve host shiplu-laptop" | 18:42 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, nothing ... i believe that cdrom0 is the other cd device | 18:42 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: you have 2 cd roms? | 18:42 |
msnbot | my sudo is not working how can I fix it ?? | 18:42 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, 1 cdrom and 1 dvd ... the cdrom works, the dvd not | 18:42 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: oh i see | 18:43 |
genii | Trolley: Does /dev/scd1 exist? | 18:44 |
Trolley | genii, how can i see it? | 18:45 |
ahmed | hi i want to make flash auto mount | 18:45 |
JoshOvki | genii: do you know how to check that, because fdisk wont do it | 18:46 |
ahmed | when i connect any flash i ahve to make it enable from system setting how to make it auto mount | 18:46 |
Trolley | genii, i have scd0 | 18:47 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: try this sudo mkdir /media/dvd && mount /dev/scd1 /media/dvd && ls /media/dvd see if that works | 18:47 |
wesley__ | i am realy made at the ubuntu-nl commity they tried to let me shut my mouth about that ubuntu needs to promote kde more | 18:48 |
JoshOvki | wesley__: kubuntu doesnt premote ubuntu | 18:48 |
hydrogen | wesley__: off topic for here | 18:49 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, the special device /dev/scd1 does not exist | 18:49 |
JoshOvki | wesley__: #kubuntu-offtopic for wineing | 18:49 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: hmmmm, ok so scd1 doesnt exist | 18:49 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: can you pastebin sudo lspci | 18:49 |
hydrogen | no need to sudo that | 18:50 |
genii | Sorry for lag, work needed me a minute | 18:50 |
JoshOvki | hydrogen: ok, wont hurt though, i wasnt 100% sure, so better safe than sorry | 18:51 |
hydrogen | JoshOvki: you coulda tested it :) | 18:51 |
hydrogen | better to sudo as little as possible | 18:51 |
JoshOvki | hydrogen: i could have, but im lazy | 18:51 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11898/ | 18:51 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: hmmm ok, it didnt give me the information i wanted | 18:53 |
JoshOvki | hydrogen: how would trolley check the location / availability of his DVD rom that isnt showing up? | 18:54 |
hydrogen | dunno, i'm lazy | 18:54 |
genii | heh | 18:54 |
JoshOvki | hydrogen: ... thanks for your help | 18:54 |
Trolley | and so? :| | 18:55 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: just thinking a moment | 18:56 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, ah...ok | 18:56 |
STSX | Newbie question: How do I get rid of Klipper from my system tray? If I right-click the panel, go "remove from panel", "applet", it doesn't show it listed there. Is there a way to remove it? | 18:57 |
IppatsuMan | STSX: right click on Klipper and choose "Quit" | 18:57 |
SebNaitsabes | right Ubuntu channel no good and I do use KDE apps and sometimes KDE itself as my GUI | 18:58 |
SebNaitsabes | ,but since both similar | 18:58 |
SebNaitsabes | and the help will be the same or pretty much this is a good place to ask also | 18:58 |
STSX | IppatsuMan: Thanks, I didn't realize it would give me an option to disable it on startup if I choose quit. | 18:59 |
JoshOvki | Trolley: just a clutch at thin air but what about sudo mount /dev/hda /media/dvd && ls /media/dvd | 18:59 |
genii | Trolley: You added the other drive after system was installed? | 18:59 |
Trolley | no genii | 18:59 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, i have to run thath command? | 18:59 |
SebNaitsabes | got a few issues now, but i'll start off with the kernel issues. right so yes this is Ubuntu Hardy Heron, but it seems I am running 2.6.22-14-generic which is I guess an old kernel from Gutsy Gibbon. hence also I am assuming why I am having such issues regarding the virtualbox kernel modules installation. also my Grub menu.lst has a load of stuff listed. ,but the actsaul Grub menu it self only has | 18:59 |
JoshOvki | yes please | 18:59 |
SebNaitsabes | or Kubuntu Hardy Heron when I decice to run it | 19:00 |
Trolley | JoshOvki, the special device /dev/hda does not exist | 19:00 |
JoshOvki | darn it | 19:00 |
JoshOvki | genii: any ideas? | 19:01 |
SebNaitsabes | my Grub menu.lst has a load of stuff listed | 19:01 |
SebNaitsabes | ,but it seems I am using some old kernel | 19:01 |
SebNaitsabes | and in Grub itself only stuff for one kernel and memtest and the thing for Vista | 19:01 |
SebNaitsabes | this is also why I am assuming since the old kernel that I carn't get kernel modules instealled for Virtualbox | 19:01 |
SebNaitsabes | any suggestions? | 19:01 |
JoshOvki | gotta make a phone call | 19:02 |
dany | Hola | 19:02 |
dany | alguien sabe instalar el adaptador wifi azul de telefonica en kubuntu ? | 19:03 |
llutz | !es | dany | 19:04 |
ubottu | dany: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 19:04 |
dany | gracias ubottu | 19:04 |
Trolley | genii, the system doesn't see my device... in /dev there is only scd0 ... not other scds | 19:06 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: PErhaps install a later kernel by way of something like: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic or so. You can also sudo apt-get remove <the other ones you see in grub> | 19:13 |
SebNaitsabes | well it's a right mess | 19:13 |
SebNaitsabes | my Grub menu.lst | 19:13 |
SebNaitsabes | and it seems it's using an old kernel | 19:13 |
genii | Trolley: Physically how are your CD and DVD drive attached to your computer? IDE or SATA cable internally? USB? Firewire? | 19:13 |
Trolley | genii, IDE | 19:14 |
SebNaitsabes | 2.6.22-14-generic | 19:14 |
SebNaitsabes | which I am assuming is from Gutsy | 19:14 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: The kernel revision I listed is the latest stable Hardy is currently using at the moment | 19:14 |
SebNaitsabes | I got a load of stuff listed in the menu.lst and it dosant' seem to be commented out. which I am wondering about. and Grub itself only lists the stuff for some kernel and memtest and my Vista entry | 19:15 |
genii | Trolley: Have you physically checked that the cables are properly seated and that if on end of cable, set to master and if on midle of cable, set to slave? (jumpers on drives) | 19:15 |
SebNaitsabes | I thought the same just edit the menu.lst and delete all the kernels expect the latest and then also the kernel modules for virtualbox should work | 19:15 |
SebNaitsabes | I got other issues to, but get on that later | 19:16 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: That should work, just remember to leave a viable one to load :) | 19:16 |
Trolley | genii, before of install hardy, i had feisty... and with feisty worked good... and with windows xp works too ... so the configuration should be right | 19:16 |
genii | Trolley: Please use pastebin to post output of commands: ls /dev/sd* ; ls /dev/hd* ; sudo lshw | 19:18 |
SebNaitsabes | it used to update the Grub menu | 19:19 |
SebNaitsabes | when new kernels were installed | 19:19 |
SebNaitsabes | ,but it stopped going that quite a while ago | 19:19 |
SebNaitsabes | doing not going | 19:19 |
SebNaitsabes | anyway here is my uploaded menu.lst and that what a mess aye? | 19:19 |
SebNaitsabes | http://pastebin.com/m5388603f | 19:20 |
Trolley | genii, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11911/ | 19:20 |
wirechief | Trolley have you tried to use imgburn it looks for your devices to see if i can use them. | 19:20 |
Trolley | wirechief, in the output of lshw my device is not showed ... so i believe that no program can use it | 19:22 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: Make sure initramfs-tools is installed, and that /etc/initramfs-tools/update-initramfs.conf contains update_initramfs=yes and backup_initramfs=yes | 19:23 |
genii | Trolley: Reading | 19:23 |
Trolley | genii, my device is not showed | 19:23 |
wirechief | Trolley well el crapo, hmm does this cdrom work in windows but not linux ? | 19:24 |
Trolley | wirechief, yes | 19:24 |
Trolley | wirechief, but with feisty it worked | 19:24 |
SebNaitsabes | genni: I guess things have gone like this, since I updated Gutsy to Hardy a dab early when it was on Beta | 19:25 |
wirechief | Trolley (you have my curiosity) what computer model ? | 19:25 |
Trolley | wirechief, eh... it haven't a model :D in my last pastebin you can see my hardware | 19:26 |
Trolley | wof... i have to go... i will return! :D thanks for the interest! see ya! | 19:27 |
genii | Trolley: Yes, I see that it can see the Phillips CD as slave on the first channel (HD is first device), and that no devices are seen on the second channel. Is your other drive recognising in the bios of the computer? | 19:28 |
genii | bah | 19:28 |
wirechief | genii dam it was just getting interesting. | 19:29 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: When you choose another kernel from the grub list during boot, does it complain of something like can't mount VFS or something? | 19:31 |
SebNaitsabes | I only have one kernel listed | 19:31 |
SebNaitsabes | the stuff for only one kernel | 19:31 |
SebNaitsabes | memtest and Vista | 19:31 |
SebNaitsabes | that's been the case for a long while now | 19:32 |
SebNaitsabes | even after it apparnatluy updated the kernel | 19:32 |
SebNaitsabes | this is Grub legacy | 19:32 |
SebNaitsabes | seems I am now using the old version of Grub | 19:32 |
SebNaitsabes | maybe it's worth getting the new one I don't know | 19:32 |
SebNaitsabes | and I have had issues with these versions of Grub here and there, so maybe if I install the new Grub it will screw things up | 19:33 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: Hmm. Perhaps you have somehow two /boot places. Did previously you have two separate linux booting from separate partitions? | 19:33 |
SebNaitsabes | ah right yeah | 19:33 |
SebNaitsabes | that's probably it then | 19:33 |
SebNaitsabes | I had the normal /boot partition | 19:33 |
SebNaitsabes | in an Ubuntu install | 19:33 |
SebNaitsabes | ,but I carn't quite remember what happended and all that and why I decided to do it, but | 19:34 |
SebNaitsabes | I basically got another boot partition yeah | 19:34 |
squid0 | hi. I'm having some issues with the screensaver and compiz... when I move the mouse during the screensaver, it disappears, and I can see my entire desktop behind the dialogue box asking for my password! Also, when the screensaver ends upon login, the entire desktop is 'coated' with screensaver.... to restore it, I have to drag my cursor over the entire desktop... | 19:34 |
SebNaitsabes | I got a Grub /boot folder partition with some other data as well | 19:34 |
SebNaitsabes | so it's installing new kerneles, but then not updating? the correct menu.lst? | 19:35 |
shafire | heey | 19:35 |
shafire | how can i get kubuntu to this: http://blog.chip.de/chip-linux-blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/news_gr.jpg ?? :) | 19:36 |
SebNaitsabes | that would explain why in that one those kernels are not commented, but not actsaully showing in Grub itself | 19:36 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: so what would you suggest? | 19:37 |
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genii | Sorry for lag, boss showed up at my desk here | 19:49 |
SebNaitsabes | ok | 19:49 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: Reading your back-comments, 1 minute | 19:49 |
SebNaitsabes | squid0: yeah Compiz and screensavers can have issues together | 19:51 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: Yes, I suspect it's not updating the correct menu.lst somehow | 19:51 |
SebNaitsabes | yep that's probably it | 19:51 |
SebNaitsabes | is there a way to get it to automatically update the correct one? | 19:51 |
SebNaitsabes | what if I deleted the menu.lst that I don't want it using that is part of Ubuntu. then something won't like something? | 19:52 |
Schorfi | shafire: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/168956/?p=1364299#1364299 | 19:53 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: any idea or I just got to do it manualley? | 19:53 |
shafire | Schorfi, :( | 19:54 |
Schorfi | :/ | 19:54 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: There seems no options in update-grub or grub-install to specify a particular menu.lst, unfortunately. | 19:54 |
SebNaitsabes | well usaully compuers only have one | 19:54 |
genii | AFK | 19:55 |
shafire | Schorfi, so i will create it with screenlets | 19:56 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: Do you know which one it's using and where it's located? | 19:56 |
SebNaitsabes | got quite a lot of partitions here | 19:56 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: but I can open the partition where it is yeah | 19:56 |
Schorfi | guess you have to... tell me when you're finished :) | 19:56 |
SebNaitsabes | after finding the correct one | 19:57 |
SebNaitsabes | well finding dosan't take long since I can get in from Ubuntu no problem | 19:57 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: I suspect it's using one on some partition like sda1 and the one it should is another | 19:57 |
shafire | Schorfi, okay, i will | 19:57 |
SebNaitsabes | ah yeah Grub screwed up coudn't boot Ubuntu/Kubuntu and I took the easy way out by reinstalling Ubuntu deleting everything, but the boot folder | 19:58 |
SebNaitsabes | making the partion small and putting some other data on it to | 19:58 |
SebNaitsabes | since in the past Grub had caused right problems and that was something that I knew would probably work fine | 19:58 |
SebNaitsabes | it's been a while since I done anything with my menu.lst so I forgot I had two untill you reminded me :) | 19:59 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: Conceivably you could make it chainload the correct menu.lst | 20:00 |
SebNaitsabes | what's chainload | 20:00 |
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reisi | hmm does anyone have an idea why i can't upgrade to 4.0.4 (from 4.0.3/kubuntu 8.04)? | 20:00 |
reisi | i have the following in my /etc/apt/sources.list (amongst the others) deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 20:01 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: If you look at the menu.lst entry for Windows boot, you'll see an example of chainloading method. | 20:01 |
yuriy | reisi: what's the problem? | 20:01 |
wesley_kde4 | reisi you have to activate the backports | 20:01 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: well yeah, but I don't know what chainloading is | 20:01 |
reisi | yuriy: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade nor dist-upgrade show any kde packages; none after i just installed the security patches just released | 20:02 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: Basically chainloading is just to point the loader at the start of some other partition or place then it loads whatever it finds there (another boot loader or whatever) | 20:02 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: ok well it's in /media/sda1 | 20:03 |
reisi | wesley_kde4: doesn't that line i copypasted above do jsut that? | 20:03 |
genii | SebNaitsabes: So the menu.lst it is supposed to use is in (currently) /media/sda1/boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 20:04 |
genii | Or the one it's using? | 20:04 |
SebNaitsabes | according to the file manager yeah | 20:04 |
SebNaitsabes | the one it is meant to use | 20:04 |
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wirechief | SebNaitsabes: this discribes chainloading when you want to know more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_loading | 20:04 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: is it worth upgrading to GRub 1.0 or wahtever it is | 20:05 |
reisi | aah :) wesley_kde4, yuriy: the reason is that i already installed those :) just that Help->About KDE tells me that i'd have 4.0.3 | 20:06 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: since I am using what is now legacy | 20:06 |
reisi | perhaps i still haven't upgraded... shit.. | 20:06 |
yuriy | reisi: ah yeah, known bug | 20:06 |
reisi | it's a bug? | 20:06 |
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reisi | upgraded/restarted | 20:06 |
JoshOvki | reisi: you have to do something special other than apt-get upgrade to move to kde4.0.4 | 20:06 |
yuriy | reisi: yeah, the version number wasn't updated by KDE | 20:06 |
JoshOvki | reisi: you followed these inustrctions? http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php | 20:07 |
reisi | JoshOvki: yeah i actually have already done that.. just didin't look after my logs; just thought that Help->About KDE would be right | 20:07 |
JoshOvki | reisi: ok :) | 20:07 |
reisi | JoshOvki: so right now i really ahve 4.0.4 installed though it's reported as 4.0.3 | 20:07 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: got a feeling the chainloading idea won't work | 20:08 |
SebNaitsabes | genii: well a new kernel is every now and again and it's not really that big a deal to manually edit menu.lst | 20:08 |
yuriy | reisi: although, seems to be working fine here now (the about dialog) but it wasn't at first | 20:08 |
wesley_kde4 | reisi that normal | 20:10 |
ubuntu__ | can i sue nettiquette because of the freedom of speech amendment in the usa? | 20:14 |
uga | ubuntu__: can you sue TV shows that can't be shown during daylight, because of the freedom of speech admendment? | 20:16 |
shaffy | can anyone tell me the command for doing a filesystem check for an external usb HD? it is just e.g. "fsck /dev/sdb1"? | 20:16 |
Bert_2 | hi, I'm running kopete 0.12.7 with kdelibs 3.5.9 on an ubuntu gnome installation and I can't receive or send webcam, why and is there a fix ? | 20:17 |
uga | shaffy: is the usb HD formatted as fat32? | 20:17 |
shaffy | uga: ext3 | 20:17 |
uga | shaffy: then fsck.ext3 /dev/sdb1 | 20:17 |
uga | there's a different fsck.foo for each foo filesystem format | 20:18 |
shaffy | uga: http://pastebin.com/d12d99ee9 | 20:18 |
uga | shaffy: that's fine | 20:19 |
shaffy | uga: so it completed? | 20:19 |
uga | lol yes | 20:19 |
shaffy | it only took a second | 20:19 |
shaffy | hmm, b/c i was getting an error on bootup saying i needed to run fsck on the drive | 20:19 |
uga | shaffy: it's a journalised filesystem | 20:20 |
uga | it's real quick to test =) | 20:20 |
shaffy | uga: hmm, okay. i will do a boot and see what happens. thanks. :) | 20:20 |
uga | shaffy: if anything breaks when writing, journalised filesystems leave some mark saying an operation wasn't done | 20:20 |
uga | arf, too late | 20:20 |
* uga reminds he nees to tell shaffy "-f Force checking even if the file system seems clean." | 20:21 | |
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shan | i have this problem in my kubuntu OS " bash: /etc/init.d/iptables: No such file or directory " | 20:24 |
uga | shan: that service isn't needed. possibly some unclean thing | 20:26 |
uga | what's trying to run it? | 20:26 |
Adrian_dlcspm | Hello. I've just installed the radeonhd driver, and changed xorg.conf to use it (and restarted X). I've done to System Settings->Display, and the apply button is greyed out even after I make changes (the default is well below my native resolution). Is there a fix for that? | 20:29 |
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bfrog | is there anything I can use to print on to a cd using my printer. it has the cdr direct printing feature | 20:29 |
bfrog | does gimp have a plugin maybe? | 20:30 |
uga | bfrog: I've done that always through the printer's interface | 20:30 |
uga | is it an epson R340 or similar? | 20:31 |
bfrog | hp | 20:31 |
uga | uhm | 20:31 |
uga | doesn't it allow to print directly from a CF card? | 20:31 |
uga | I'd suggest designing the CD, then copy it to a CF card, and print directly from it | 20:31 |
uga | it always worked for me | 20:31 |
uga | epson allows doing that at least | 20:31 |
bfrog | :-( | 20:31 |
bfrog | I guess I'll try that | 20:31 |
ubuntu__ | ilpamla | 20:32 |
uga | bfrog: aligning pictures never worked fine for me | 20:32 |
uga | so if I can't do right in an A4, I'd not dare on a CD myself | 20:32 |
nohelphere | is there a guide to setting up a network bridge? | 20:32 |
nohelphere | !bridge | 20:32 |
ubottu | Factoid bridge not found | 20:32 |
uga | nohelphere: a bridge? not even routing? | 20:33 |
bfrog | well it uses the a4 thing, its just the cd is at a certain spot | 20:33 |
nohelphere | im using virtualbox with ubuntu serve rwithin that | 20:33 |
uga | yes, but I thought you'd want implementing a routing (IP routing) | 20:34 |
nohelphere | i want the guest to have a different IP than the host | 20:34 |
uga | bridging works at mac level... | 20:34 |
uga | nohelphere: that's a NAT | 20:34 |
uga | you need to setup the NAT configuration in virtualbox | 20:35 |
nohelphere | i turne dNAT on | 20:35 |
uga | (NAT=network address translation) | 20:35 |
uga | and you don't get a different IP address in the virtual machine? | 20:35 |
uga | you should get an IP in the range you have defined for the virtual machine | 20:35 |
nohelphere | i neve rconfigured nat | 20:36 |
nohelphere | now it snot even connected | 20:37 |
uga | nohelphere: if you have activated nat, it should at least do that | 20:37 |
uga | did you configure the virtual machine to do dhcp or what? | 20:38 |
nohelphere | idk | 20:38 |
uga | that's the first thing you should check | 20:38 |
uga | check what the virtual machine is doing: fixed IP, dhcp... | 20:38 |
eagles0513875 | nohelphere: set the virtual machine to use nat | 20:38 |
uga | I'm not too sure, but possibly VirtualBox does dhcp and gives you an IP address | 20:39 |
nohelphere | probably | 20:39 |
uga | eagles0513875: read the backlog, he has already ;) | 20:39 |
eagles0513875 | just set virtual box and the vm to use nat | 20:39 |
eagles0513875 | then u dont need to mess with dhcp or anything | 20:39 |
uga | eagles0513875: if the VM is set to use a fixed IP address NAT won't work | 20:39 |
uga | obviously | 20:39 |
eagles0513875 | im checking something out here really fast | 20:40 |
uga | the NAT expects the network to be in a certain range | 20:40 |
uga | or at least a normal NAT does, and VMWare does too | 20:40 |
eagles0513875 | have u guys tried one of the other two options | 20:40 |
nohelphere | it isn't even connected | 20:40 |
eagles0513875 | either host interface or internal network option | 20:41 |
uga | eagles0513875: NAT is what he needs, I don't like trying stuff just for trying ;) | 20:41 |
uga | host interface allows him to connect to the hosting machine only | 20:41 |
nohelphere | forgot port forwarding | 20:41 |
uga | and internal network iirc does only allowing him to communicate virtual machines alone | 20:42 |
eagles0513875 | he needt to get it back to the way it originally as | 20:42 |
uga | nohelphere: make sure you use dhcp in the VM client | 20:42 |
uga | nohelphere: in a konsole, run "dh | 20:42 |
nohelphere | it uses dhcp by default | 20:42 |
uga | nohelphere: in a konsole, run "dhclient eth0" | 20:42 |
uga | just to test =) | 20:42 |
uga | you should get an IP address | 20:42 |
nohelphere | i get ym mown IP | 20:43 |
nohelphere | oh in the vm | 20:43 |
uga | myou mfget mwahf? | 20:43 |
uga | stop chewing gum =) | 20:43 |
nohelphere | eth0 no such device | 20:44 |
uga | okay, that's the first thing =) | 20:44 |
nohelphere | it exists though | 20:44 |
uga | nohelphere: is the networking enabled in the VM? | 20:45 |
uga | from VirtualBox settings | 20:45 |
nohelphere | no | 20:45 |
uga | lol | 20:45 |
uga | you need to enable it. else there's no point ;) | 20:46 |
uga | Enable Network Adapter, checked | 20:46 |
uga | Attached to NAT | 20:46 |
uga | Cable connected, checked | 20:46 |
nohelphere | oh wai tit is enabled | 20:46 |
ubunturos | anyone who has use Kubuntu on SiS M672 based chipset board? | 20:46 |
ubunturos | used* | 20:46 |
nohelphere | eth0 doesn't exist | 20:47 |
uga | lets see if it's a networkmanager issue | 20:47 |
uga | nohelphere: edit /etc/network/interfaces | 20:47 |
uga | and write | 20:47 |
uga | auto eth0 | 20:48 |
wyrmul | I am currently using notepad+ and WinSCP on a windows machine to do php and web development. I am looking for a good KDE alternative that is comperable. Thanks! | 20:48 |
uga | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 20:48 |
uga | ignore wyrmul's =) | 20:48 |
uga | nohelphere: then try ifup eth0 | 20:48 |
wyrmul | awwww? | 20:48 |
uga | and see what ifconfig says | 20:48 |
nohelphere | i messed with permissions though | 20:48 |
uga | nohelphere: arf | 20:48 |
eagles0513875 | nohelphere: u part of the vbox group | 20:48 |
uga | nohelphere: sorry, I don't know how to fix rm -rf / systems ;) | 20:48 |
wyrmul | sorry for interrupting uga | 20:48 |
uga | wyrmul: =) | 20:48 |
Pennycook | wyrmul: Kate is as good as Notepad+ (if not better), and you can use konqueror for sftp and ftp access (or the terminal) | 20:48 |
wyrmul | thanks | 20:49 |
stdin | wyrmul: kate if you want something simple with syntax highlighting et all | 20:49 |
nohelphere | error getting device flags no such device | 20:49 |
K`zan | Can someone please tell me the equivalent of the following for ubuntu: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ | 20:49 |
ubuntu_ | no se nada de kubuntu | 20:50 |
ubuntu_ | please help me | 20:50 |
emilsedgh | !es | ubuntu_ | 20:50 |
ubottu | ubuntu_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 20:50 |
ubuntu_ | ehat is this? | 20:51 |
stdin | K`zan: /etc/network/if-{pre,post}-{up,down}.d/ | 20:51 |
nohelphere | i might just logout | 20:52 |
K`zan | stdin: Thank you Sir! | 20:52 |
eagles0513875 | no | 20:52 |
eagles0513875 | nohelphere: try reboot | 20:52 |
eagles0513875 | nohelphere: ull besuprised what that can fix | 20:52 |
eagles0513875 | *you'll | 20:52 |
uga | eagles0513875: if each time somebody told me "reboot" my machine I had obeyed... | 20:53 |
uga | linux aint' about rebootin'! =) | 20:53 |
eagles0513875 | uga: sometimes it is | 20:53 |
uga | eagles0513875: sure, if I upgrade a kernel that I desperately need | 20:53 |
eagles0513875 | i was having issues getting jackd to start and after a reboot it started without having to kill arts | 20:53 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 20:53 |
uga | "without having to kill arts" | 20:54 |
uga | sorry, but I prefer killing arts than rebooting | 20:54 |
uga | takes less time | 20:54 |
nohelphere | i don't want to reboot | 20:55 |
uga | nohelphere: at this point I can only suggest you lspci, check if a network card is detected | 20:55 |
uga | if so, then you need the corresponding network modules loaded | 20:56 |
uga | ie, the drivers | 20:56 |
nohelphere | everything on the host is fine | 20:56 |
nohelphere | its the vm that isn't | 20:56 |
aparker | How do I get rid of the Add Widget widget on my desktop? I have a laptop with a 24" external monitor. The laptop is fine, but the Add Widget thing appears twice on my 24" monitor (once in the upper right corner, and then again in the same absolute position as on the laptop screen. | 20:56 |
uga | nohelphere: it's in the vm that I'm asking | 20:56 |
uga | lspci in the VM | 20:56 |
nohelphere | ok | 20:56 |
uga | the VM needs to detect the emulated network card | 20:56 |
uga | nohelphere: if the network card type doesn't work, VIrtualBox allows you to select a different network card emulated | 20:57 |
uga | but it won't let you change the hardware without first stopping the virtual machine | 20:57 |
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nohelphere | the card is listed | 20:58 |
uga | pcnet-fast III (am79c973)? | 20:58 |
uga | that's the card VirtualBox creates by default | 20:58 |
uga | nohelphere: if that's the card, you need modprobe pcnet32 | 20:59 |
uga | and the card should be detected | 20:59 |
uga | you can check it in dmesg | 20:59 |
_sourcemaker | I have the problem... that the wlan card (Realtek) is not detected with the current installation of hardy (without the last updates installed)... are this problem solved after I have installed all the lastest available updates? | 20:59 |
K`zan | anyone using the rt73 module to replace the rt73usb one here? | 21:00 |
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ScorpKing | hiya uga | 21:01 |
yojhandry | saludos alguien me puede ayudar | 21:01 |
yojhandry | en kubuntu | 21:01 |
nohelphere | iys detecting a pcnet32 ethernet controller no card | 21:01 |
nohelphere | its* | 21:01 |
yojhandry | aayuda | 21:01 |
yojhandry | por favor | 21:01 |
ScorpKing | !fr | yojhandry | 21:02 |
ubottu | yojhandry: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 21:02 |
nohelphere | !virtualbox | 21:02 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 21:02 |
yojhandry | alguien me ayude | 21:02 |
ScorpKing | nohelphere: vmware server works better but i don't think it's available for 8.04 yet | 21:02 |
nohelphere | idk either | 21:03 |
uga | ScorpKing: lol, that's spanish! | 21:03 |
nohelphere | and I think u need a free license for it | 21:03 |
ScorpKing | !es | yojhandry | 21:03 |
ubottu | yojhandry: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 21:03 |
uga | yojhandry: este canal es en inglés. Escribe /join #kubuntu-es para que te den soporte en castellano | 21:03 |
uga | ScorpKing: no need for the bot ;) | 21:03 |
ScorpKing | uga: hehe. i'm afrikaans so i won't know. jut took a guess ;) | 21:03 |
uga | lol | 21:04 |
ScorpKing | just even | 21:04 |
uga | ScorpKing: somebody should change the messages | 21:04 |
uga | some people don't know how to join other channels | 21:04 |
ScorpKing | yep | 21:04 |
uga | I always explain /join foo... | 21:04 |
nohelphere | grrrrrrrrrrrr | 21:05 |
nohelphere | mous edied or something | 21:05 |
uga | or being konversation, say click here: ----> #kubuntu-es <---- | 21:05 |
ScorpKing | uga: i'm know sure where to ask but maybe you know. will kde 3.5.x get left behind in 18 months? | 21:05 |
uga | ScorpKing: left behind? uhm... I don't think so, you could ask at kde-core-devel list | 21:06 |
ScorpKing | uga: agreed. most people don't know where to even type /join | 21:06 |
uga | it'll still be supported for a while. I just don't know how long | 21:06 |
ScorpKing | uga: ok thanks. will do | 21:06 |
uga | and distros may support it even longer | 21:06 |
uga | check what version Debian features | 21:06 |
uga | did they reach 2.1 yet? =) | 21:06 |
ScorpKing | no idea | 21:07 |
nohelphere | i think the other net adapters are uinvalid | 21:08 |
nohelphere | is the closed source edition any better? | 21:09 |
nohelphere | im kind of giving up with vbox | 21:11 |
ScorpKing | nohelphere: so did i | 21:12 |
uga | nohelphere: you'll get the same with other virtual machines if you don't examine what's going up and you fiddle with permissions as you say ;) | 21:12 |
ScorpKing | nohelphere: btw, there is #vbox | 21:12 |
uga | ScorpKing: works fine here, although the VM is for emergency winders box | 21:12 |
nohelphere | i need a simple vm tp run a simple ubuntu lamp server in a simpole vm | 21:13 |
clau30 | !kde4 | 21:13 |
ubottu | KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 21:13 |
nohelphere | im in there | 21:13 |
uga | nohelphere: and you need to do a simple network configuration ;)) | 21:13 |
ScorpKing | nohelphere: use qemu | 21:13 |
uga | which includes drivers loading | 21:13 |
uga | ScorpKing: rofl | 21:13 |
nohelphere | ok | 21:13 |
ScorpKing | !vm | 21:13 |
ubottu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 21:13 |
uga | ScorpKing: that's suicide ;) | 21:14 |
ScorpKing | uga: hehe. it works for small stuff ;) | 21:14 |
uga | how about Xen? :P | 21:14 |
nohelphere | qemu and qemulauncher | 21:15 |
ScorpKing | uga: could work but never used it | 21:15 |
nohelphere | the more GUI the bette rfor virtualization | 21:15 |
* uga doesn't want to look. He never liked blood-style films | 21:15 | |
_sourcemaker | how can I use apt for offline installation... like a snapshot of the current system... | 21:19 |
nohelphere | useless qemu launcher | 21:20 |
nohelphere | i hit launch and... NOTHING NOTHING NOTHINGG USELESS USELESS USELESS | 21:20 |
uga | !google | _sourcemaker | 21:20 |
ubottu | _sourcemaker: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux | 21:20 |
uga | =) | 21:21 |
_sourcemaker | ok :-) | 21:21 |
nohelphere | I WISH TI WORKED | 21:21 |
uga | _sourcemaker: a simple google search would have led you to tons of pages, like http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-basico.en.html#s-dpkg-scanpackages | 21:21 |
nohelphere | I LIKE GRAPHICAL VM MANAGEMENT | 21:21 |
ScorpKing | nohelphere: use it from konsole. qemu -m 365 -hda harddisk.img -cdrom crdom.iso | 21:21 |
STSX | When I hover over items in my taskbar, it displays a dialog with info about them. How can disable that? | 21:21 |
uga | nohelphere: please use lowercase | 21:21 |
ScorpKing | nohelphere: please behave | 21:21 |
kaij | hello | 21:23 |
uga | STSX: what version of kde? | 21:23 |
STSX | uga: 3.5 | 21:23 |
uga | a sec... that ought to be easy | 21:24 |
uga | STSX: I got an answer for a new 8-core cpu ;) | 21:24 |
nohelphere | i don't have a disk image | 21:25 |
uga | okay, just 8Gig ram will do ;) | 21:25 |
uga | STSX: right click in kicker, configure panel... | 21:25 |
uga | wtf | 21:25 |
uga | arghl | 21:25 |
uga | I lost my 8 gig ram hopes ;) | 21:25 |
uga | oh! back ;) | 21:25 |
uga | STSX: right click in kicker, configure panel... | 21:26 |
uga | appearance... | 21:26 |
uga | STSX: and disable "Enable icon mouseover effects" and "show tooltips" | 21:26 |
STSX | uga: I'm new to KDE (been using Gnome)--what's kicker? | 21:26 |
uga | STSX: the panel | 21:27 |
uga | where the taskbar is located | 21:27 |
STSX | uga: OK, got it! Is there any way I can just disable the "mouse over effects" for the taskbar, and not for the program icon shortcuts I have on the panel? | 21:28 |
nohelphere | should I create a disk image? | 21:28 |
uga | STSX: you'll get smaller text boxes if you do | 21:29 |
uga | yes | 21:29 |
uga | ah, you mean only for the taskbar... uhm... | 21:29 |
uga | STSX: not that I can see, in the taskbar options | 21:30 |
coder2 | Hi there | 21:30 |
uga | unless you are happy to patch code ;) | 21:30 |
coder2 | Could anyone help with my TV-tuner? | 21:31 |
STSX | uga: OK, that's what I figured. Thanks for the help with that. BTW, I'm also trying to get my "suspend" key to work on my keyboard--it works fine under Gnome (ubuntu), but KDE ignores it. I can run /etc/acpi/sleep.sh and prove that suspend works, but it's not mapped to my "suspend" key. Any ideas? | 21:32 |
uga | STSX: it might be related to kmilo configuration | 21:32 |
uga | (kmilo == kde multimedia keys handling) | 21:32 |
Simonft | when i do sudo ./bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/bcm43xx-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta-, i get this messege: sudo: ./bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/bcm43xx-fwcutter: command not found. does anybody know why? i am tying to do this: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-bcm43xx | 21:32 |
uga | STSX: but no idea about that really. It's long time since last I bothered tuning keyboards. They change too often ... | 21:33 |
STSX | uga: OK, so how do I learn about kmilo? Is it a program/config file? | 21:33 |
PhilRod | STSX: does 'xev' show the key? | 21:34 |
STSX | Simonft: make sure you have the correct path to the command--you are giving it a relative path when you use ./bcm43... | 21:34 |
PhilRod | (run 'xev' in a konsole, hit the suspend key, and see if anything appears on the konsole) | 21:34 |
Simonft | STSX: what do you mean? | 21:34 |
benuntux | alguien habla español??? | 21:34 |
benuntux | alguien habla español??? | 21:35 |
Simonft | !sp | 21:35 |
ubottu | Factoid sp not found | 21:35 |
PhilRod | !es | 21:35 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 21:35 |
Simonft | !es | 21:35 |
Simonft | darn | 21:35 |
benuntux | tnx | 21:35 |
uga | STSX: xev is a program that shows what keys Xorg captures. About kmilo: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/KMilo | 21:35 |
Zefir | !pl | 21:35 |
ubottu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 21:35 |
uga | if xev doesn't capture it correctly though, there's no much to do | 21:35 |
Zefir | The Polish help is poorer... | 21:35 |
yo_ | yo ha blo español | 21:35 |
Zefir | Doesn't even have Polish letters damnit. | 21:35 |
uga | yo_: clicka aquí -----------> #kubuntu-es <---------- | 21:36 |
uga | y te ayudarán | 21:36 |
STSX | uga: Well, xev did show a key pushing event! :) | 21:36 |
bascule | Zefir: suggest a change say !pl is <reply>and put words here | 21:36 |
bascule | ops will get it | 21:36 |
PhilRod | uga: well, you mihgt be able to use the keys via a kernel driver for the laptop (which must exist if gnome can use the key) | 21:36 |
uga | STSX: the events have names in a mulimedia keyboard... like volume, or suspend or... | 21:36 |
uga | PhilRod: that too | 21:37 |
Zefir | !pl is <reply> Well, the Polish version of help is pretty poor. It doesn't have Polish letters and redirects only to the ubuntu-pl channel, even on the kubuntu channel. I can help change it, just say what it needs to say and I'll try to translate, I'm good at it. | 21:38 |
Zefir | Forsooth, it worked. | 21:38 |
bascule | Zefir: I meant write a polish ne :) | 21:38 |
bascule | one* | 21:38 |
_Coggz_ | major problem guys | 21:38 |
uga | STSX: for example, xev, when I press the mail button, shows: "keysym 0x1008ff19, XF86Mail" | 21:38 |
Zefir | Oh, a Polish one? | 21:38 |
Zefir | No problemo. | 21:38 |
_Coggz_ | need to update bios, on a laptop with no floppy or cd | 21:38 |
_Coggz_ | from linux | 21:38 |
deadsoul | hi | 21:38 |
stdin | Zefir: there isn't a #kubuntu-pl for one, and why don't you just suggest a change rather than suggesting a change that just says "it sux"? | 21:39 |
deadsoul | i have ubuntu and installed the kde kubuntu desktop... but it causes many things wrong.. can anyone give me any help with my problem? my ubuntu is 8.4 | 21:40 |
uga | deadsoul: if you don't list the problems we won't be able to help ;) | 21:40 |
Zefir | I'm just about to suggest a change, so what's the deal, stdin? | 21:40 |
uga | so go on | 21:40 |
stdin | Zefir: hmm? what do you mean? | 21:40 |
Zefir | Well, I'm writing to the ops using that command bascule gave me, saying what's wrong and what to change. | 21:41 |
deadsoul | some times it fails to logout out.. and sometimes i can't switch the user, besides i can't create more than one desktop well, i can create more than one desktop but it doesn | 21:41 |
bascule | just write one .. | 21:41 |
STSX | Simonft: when you start the command with ./ it means start looking in the current directory for "bcm43xx-fwcutter-006"--is that where the directory is? In the current directory you are in? | 21:41 |
deadsoul | doesn't change, and it still just one desktop,,,. stuff like that | 21:42 |
stdin | Zefir: just join #ubuntu-ops if you want to discuss it with someone | 21:42 |
uga | deadsoul: uhm... are you using kdm as login manager? | 21:42 |
Zefir | Although it is worth noting that there really isn't any kubuntu-pl channel... I shall investigate. | 21:42 |
uga | or still gdm | 21:42 |
STSX | PhilRod: I've got a really flaky connection today--anyway, the xev did show pushing down the suspend key. Any ideas where to go from here? | 21:42 |
ubuntu_ | I'm from Argentina. Tomorrow I have a test of kubuntu so I 'm training | 21:45 |
uga | a test? | 21:46 |
uga | you get examined? | 21:46 |
ubuntu_ | no. a QUiz? | 21:46 |
ubuntu_ | es un examen | 21:46 |
uga | heh, ubuntu certified =) | 21:46 |
uga | ubuntu_: exam, examined== examen, examinado | 21:46 |
uga | quiz == questionario, preguntas, ... | 21:47 |
uga | ubuntu_: perdón, es específico de programas, osea que quiz==concurso de televisión ;) | 21:47 |
uga | ah, no, estaba bien desde el principio, es genérico | 21:48 |
* uga kicks silly dictionaries | 21:48 | |
ubuntu_ | quiz | 21:48 |
ubuntu_ | eso mismo | 21:48 |
ubuntu_ | gracias muchachos solo queria saber si me leian | 21:49 |
ubuntu_ | adios | 21:49 |
uga | he's lost | 21:50 |
uga | he said he had an exam in spanish | 21:50 |
uga | yet he insists it's a quiz in english | 21:50 |
uga | =) | 21:50 |
deadsoul | back, sorry.. the system hangged | 21:53 |
deadsoul | i'm useing kdm for login manager | 21:53 |
Zefir | Wait, Kubuntu hanged? Thought that was a myth. | 21:54 |
deadsoul | that's what happened.. i'm using ubuntu with kubuntu desktop | 21:55 |
deadsoul | could it be because i'm using the kdm login manager?? | 21:55 |
Zefir | I dunno... | 21:56 |
=== benuntux is now known as pirulin | ||
Simonft | I need hlep. i am told to do sudo ./bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-, and the files are in /home/simon/bcm43xx-fwcutter-006, and i am in simon@simon-laptop:~$ and it gives me sudo: ./bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/bcm43xx-fwcutter: command not found | 21:56 |
=== pirulin is now known as bEnuNtUX-notoy | ||
deadsoul | ok, can anyone tell me how can i get back the gnome login manager instead of the kdm logon manager? | 21:58 |
stdin | Simonft: there is a guide here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 21:58 |
bascule | deadsoul: dpkg --reconfigure gdm | 21:59 |
Simonft | stdin: that is how i got to that page | 21:59 |
deadsoul | thank you | 22:00 |
stdin | Simonft: where on there? | 22:00 |
Simonft | under hardy | 22:01 |
dunamis | Hey guys | 22:01 |
dunamis | Just installed ubuntu | 22:01 |
Zefir | Yay for you. | 22:01 |
dunamis | what do u suggest i do first | 22:01 |
dunamis | ? | 22:01 |
Zefir | Well, go to the #ubuntu channel if you're not using Kubuntu. | 22:01 |
dunamis | sorry, i'm in kubuntu cus i installed kubunt | 22:02 |
Zefir | Ok. | 22:02 |
stdin | Simonft: it's not on there, it says the firmware is included in the kernel | 22:02 |
Zefir | Well, first thing... Umm... Try running Amarok for example. | 22:03 |
dunamis | is it a website? | 22:03 |
dunamis | sorry abt that | 22:03 |
Simonft | stdin: look at further notes | 22:03 |
Zefir | No, it's a program for playing music. | 22:03 |
dunamis | run it in terminal? | 22:03 |
Zefir | Click K->Multimedia->Amarok | 22:03 |
navetz | do you guys know if its possible to dualscreen (extended) and use compiz at the same time? | 22:03 |
dunamis | kool | 22:03 |
Zefir | Or type in amarok in terminal if you want to do it the hax way. :P | 22:03 |
deadsoul | dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure | 22:04 |
deadsoul | how can i install that package ? | 22:04 |
bascule | my fault | 22:04 |
bascule | dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 22:04 |
deadsoul | thanks bro | 22:05 |
bascule | with an sudo | 22:05 |
bascule | welcome | 22:05 |
stdin | Simonft: follow the instructions for the linux-2.6.24 kernel | 22:05 |
deadsoul | it said action "reload" failed | 22:06 |
deadsoul | is that normal? | 22:06 |
bascule | I don't think so | 22:06 |
deadsoul | * Reloading GNOME Display Manager configuration... * Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended. | 22:07 |
deadsoul | invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed. | 22:07 |
bascule | did you sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 22:07 |
deadsoul | yes sudo -i then i've choosed the gnome | 22:07 |
bascule | you set it as the default though? | 22:07 |
bascule | it asks in a dialog, and you picked gdm .. | 22:08 |
deadsoul | yes i did | 22:08 |
bascule | hmmm | 22:09 |
bascule | probably just needs x restarted | 22:09 |
deadsoul | know what,.. i'm gonna give it a try and restart my pc and see what will happen | 22:09 |
deadsoul | brb | 22:10 |
bascule | ok | 22:10 |
bascule | Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended. <-- from the cli | 22:10 |
Zefir | Attention, noob question: Where can I get some widgets? KDE3. | 22:14 |
stdin | !superkaramba | 22:14 |
ubottu | superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org | 22:14 |
stdin | Zefir: ^ | 22:14 |
Zefir | Checking out now. | 22:15 |
matt___ | what is a kde app that will allow to to "record" things, such as typing into a terminal, and then allow me to reply it, thus each "play" it types into the terminal | 22:15 |
Zefir | I always see Linux desktops with those fancy clocks on the desktop and CPU temp and usage, wondered how did they do all that. | 22:16 |
deadsoul | back,.. it did work.. :) thanks bro | 22:16 |
bascule | np | 22:16 |
bascule | matt___: 'script' may do it | 22:17 |
somePriest | When I drop to console, the fonts look terrible (they're massive), is there a simple fix to change them? Also, does KUbuntu support TTF fonts out of the box? I read a post saying you can just put TTF fonts in ~/.fonts ? | 22:17 |
matt___ | bascule: umm..not talking about scripting or anything. What I want is a way to record clicking and stuff. Then be able to change stuff. sorta like a macro. | 22:17 |
bascule | oh I see, I thought you meant terminal | 22:18 |
bascule | in a ^ | 22:18 |
matt___ | bascule: no problem, it's just i'm going to be using it for a terminal process. A program that doesn't really support bash...that I know of. | 22:18 |
frank23 | running firefox 3 b4 from gutsy-backports. how do I install flash? the integrated install in firefox doesn't work. | 22:18 |
bascule | matt___: what is it? dcop can do a lot of cool things ? | 22:20 |
matt___ | bascule: what is dcop? | 22:20 |
bascule | well it is a command line way of calling functions in an app | 22:20 |
bascule | amarok has lots for exapmle | 22:20 |
bascule | run amarok and then in a terminal say dcop amarok | 22:21 |
matt___ | bascule: would it support pidgin? I'm trying to get it to sms me some reminders. | 22:21 |
bascule | pidgin is gnome :) | 22:21 |
bascule | dcop is KDE thing | 22:21 |
matt___ | bascule: well..i've got it installed in kde...and it works fine...never really liked Konversation | 22:21 |
matt___ | bascule: BUT OH, GOTCHA. | 22:21 |
deadsoul | i have another problem.. i've installed the ZDE (Zend Studio) its software for developing the php language.. anyway.. it runs but the software doesn't show the boxs and menus it doesn show anything.. i beleive its because the java(tm) does anyone familiar with zend and java and how it works? | 22:22 |
bascule | matt___: I dunno if pidgin is scriptable, but ask #pidgin | 22:22 |
matt___ | bascule: well...i remember seeing a linux package in the repos, one that'd let you "click and move your mouse around and click keys" and such. Then you could replay that how ever many times you wanted... | 22:24 |
bascule | ok | 22:25 |
bascule | not one I know of, I shall investigate | 22:25 |
bascule | !info xmacro | 22:26 |
ubottu | xmacro (source: xmacro): Record / Play keystrokes and mouse movements in X displays. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3pre-20000911-4 (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB | 22:26 |
bascule | that the one? | 22:26 |
matt___ | bascule: i believe so | 22:26 |
matt___ | bascule: you suppose i'd have to be logged into my box (instead of locked) for it to work?/// | 22:27 |
bascule | well I dunno how it works,if it dumps to file, and the file is 'playable' then you could set a scheduler on it, cron | 22:28 |
bascule | !cron | 22:28 |
ubottu | cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm | 22:28 |
loading | salut | 22:28 |
bascule | hi | 22:28 |
loading | j'ai un probleme lol | 22:28 |
matt___ | bascule: i'll take a look.. | 22:29 |
bascule | ok | 22:31 |
=== JakeInGa is now known as jawee | ||
Ryu010 | hello | 22:31 |
Ryu010 | hello? | 22:32 |
frank23 | !fr | 22:32 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 22:32 |
bascule | hi Ryu010 | 22:33 |
Ryu010 | can you help me with something? | 22:33 |
Ryu010 | i want to install kubuntu over a network | 22:34 |
frank23 | Ryu010: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation?highlight=(installation)#head-b751f1c9b3b4e0c27d6bc8828a831de92eb57a70 | 22:36 |
Zefir | Hah, first widget installed. | 22:36 |
Ryu010 | does kunbuntu work with scsi controllers? | 22:37 |
hector | yyyyyyyyyyyyy | 22:37 |
=== udi is now known as venik | ||
kreib | how can I open a file thats on a computer I can ssh into? | 22:37 |
bascule | you can say fish:/you@remotehost.net and go from there | 22:38 |
kreib | fish? really? | 22:38 |
bascule | in konqueror | 22:38 |
kreib | thx | 22:39 |
bascule | kdenetwork I would guess, I use it | 22:39 |
venik | anyone knows anything about KDE4? | 22:39 |
Timtally | So when I do "apt-get install build-essential" i am prompted to insert the OS Install CD. Is there a way to get build-essential without that CD? | 22:39 |
venik | How do I drag and drop in it? | 22:39 |
bascule | venik: #kubuntu-kde4 | 22:40 |
Simonft | im running http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-bcm43xx and get a ton of errors with make | 22:40 |
bascule | should 'just work' | 22:40 |
frank23 | Timtally: remove the cd from your repositories. in adept-> manage repositories | 22:40 |
Timtally | frank23: Ok, thanks. | 22:40 |
bascule | Ryu010: scsi, yes should do | 22:40 |
bascule | depends on the driver avalability of course | 22:41 |
ScorpKing | bascule: thanks for that fish:// tip. didn't know it was there. is there a place i can see what other protocals konq can take? | 22:54 |
bascule | yeah, in kcontrol | 22:54 |
bascule | hang on | 22:54 |
ScorpKing | ok i'll have a look | 22:54 |
bascule | you can audiocdrom:/ and others, I forget where the list is,kio_parts IIRC | 22:55 |
ScorpKing | hmm.. | 22:56 |
uga | ScorpKing: iirc there was a kilst in khelpcenter | 22:57 |
uga | if you search for kioslave | 22:57 |
ScorpKing | righto | 22:57 |
bascule | kioslave that is the one :) | 22:57 |
ScorpKing | yep got it :D | 22:58 |
uga | wow, I wrote kilst instead of list? | 22:58 |
ScorpKing | thanks | 22:58 |
ScorpKing | hehe | 22:58 |
* uga hates setting up G2 | 22:59 | |
ScorpKing | uga: what's that? | 23:00 |
uga | gallery2 | 23:00 |
ScorpKing | ah | 23:01 |
erich | I am trying the configure my wlan card... but it does not work... the interface is not detected | 23:01 |
erich | lspci shows the device right | 23:02 |
uga | then it's detected byt not identified and supported | 23:02 |
ubuntu_ | how do i join another room? | 23:02 |
frank23 | ubuntu_ /join #room | 23:02 |
erich | it's a realtek semiconstructor RTL-8185 | 23:02 |
uga | erich: there's ways to wrap around windows drivers so that they work on linux mostly | 23:02 |
erich | uga: how can I do that? | 23:03 |
ScorpKing | !ndiswraper | 23:04 |
ubottu | Factoid ndiswraper not found | 23:04 |
ScorpKing | bleh | 23:04 |
* ScorpKing keeps quiet.. | 23:04 | |
uga | !google ndiswrapper | 23:04 |
ubottu | uga: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:04 |
uga | =) | 23:04 |
awen_ | !ndiswrapper | 23:04 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 23:04 |
uga | oh, he had missed a p | 23:04 |
awen_ | ScorpKing: just a typo :) | 23:04 |
erich | uga: thanks | 23:04 |
uga | awen++ | 23:05 |
ScorpKing | hehe | 23:05 |
* ScorpKing agrees.. | 23:05 | |
frank23 | erich: are you running 8.04? | 23:06 |
=== rignes_ is now known as rignes | ||
frank23 | erich: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/196285 | 23:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 196285 in linux "[Regression] Realtek RTL-8185 Wifi not recognized in Hardy 8.04 Alpha 5" [Medium,Triaged] | 23:08 |
harley | hi | 23:09 |
harley | can we get help here | 23:09 |
TimS | How can I list all the kernels installed? | 23:10 |
SlimeyPete | harley: yes. Just ask your question and if anyone here can help, they will. | 23:10 |
TimS | !ask | harley | 23:10 |
ubottu | harley: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 23:10 |
harley | i c thanks | 23:10 |
harley | just add kde to 7.10 ubuntu desktop changed back to the brown | 23:11 |
bascule | TimS: dpk -l *kernel* | grep ii | 23:12 |
bascule | dpkg* | 23:12 |
TimS | ii nvidia-kernel-common 20051028+1ubuntu8 NVIDIA binary kernel module common files | 23:13 |
bascule | actually, yeah | 23:13 |
bascule | hmm | 23:13 |
harley | is it better to install kde up front? | 23:15 |
ScorpKing | TimS: dpkg -l *headers* | grep ii | 23:16 |
uga | arf... stupid package... | 23:16 |
uga | Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 109 bytes) in /usr/share/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryUtilities.class on line 1234 | 23:16 |
TimS | Thanks ScorpKing | 23:17 |
TimS | I have three installed eh? | 23:17 |
ScorpKing | bascule: the kernel package name is linux-image-generic i think | 23:17 |
bascule | odd that dpkg -l *linux* throws an error | 23:17 |
ScorpKing | TimS: yw. three here as well | 23:18 |
wesley__ | !adeptfix | 23:18 |
ScorpKing | uga: sounds like fun ;) | 23:18 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 23:18 |
Ertain | Hello everyone. I'm trying to install VMware from source and while I have installed it the program won't start. It keeps saying something about "version `GCC_3.4' not found" in "/usr/lib/vmware/lib/libgcc_s.so.1/libgcc_s.so.1". It also says "/usr/lib/vmware/lib/libpng12.so.0/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2)". Any ideas? | 23:18 |
uga | ScorpKing: silly php limits | 23:19 |
uga | it's always annoying to configure them | 23:19 |
uga | limits for scripts, upload files, for... argh | 23:19 |
ScorpKing | yep | 23:19 |
TimS | I haven't touched PHP in ages. | 23:20 |
=== bascule is now known as baskule | ||
TimS | Good thing for thoes in ##php ;) | 23:20 |
ScorpKing | Ertain: i don't think vmware supports the 8.04 kernel | 23:20 |
Klivingdaylight | Kreetings | 23:20 |
ScorpKing | power failure. nite guys | 23:20 |
Ertain | Figures. | 23:20 |
TimS | Kreetings :P | 23:20 |
lonran | how can i change the look of kopete contact lists? | 23:20 |
=== baskule is now known as bascule | ||
STSX | Newbie question: In Konqueror, how do I set it so it takes a double-click instead of a single click to open files/folders? | 23:21 |
TimS | lonran: I dont think you can, you can change the system colour scheme to change its colours, but apart from that, I dont think you can | 23:21 |
Klivingdaylight | is it not compulsory to have a K in front of your name here? | 23:21 |
TimS | STSX: I think thats only configurable for the entire system under mouse controls | 23:21 |
STSX | TimS: Interesting--OK thanks, I found it. :) Not intuitive to me tho; I would have figured I could configure Konqueror independent of the entire desktop environment. | 23:23 |
uga | arf, why can't G2 just ask for the silly root password and create the damn database on his own | 23:24 |
TimS | Hmm, I am not sure, its one of those things KDE controls, which Is a bit odd, but saves you having to configure in all programs and "open" dialogue boxes for programs and such | 23:24 |
wirechief | konqueror does not work with google docs ;( | 23:35 |
tyler | hi | 23:51 |
tyler | can anybody read this? | 23:51 |
robeph | no what's it say | 23:52 |
robeph | boyo debian sure stuck their foot in my arse with their lovely openssl buggery... | 23:52 |
robeph | now, 60 some odd boxes to update keys *yawn* | 23:52 |
tyler | i just got kubuntu | 23:53 |
robeph | k | 23:53 |
tyler | i like it | 23:53 |
robeph | update it before you dick about with ssh keys mind you. | 23:53 |
robeph | even though that patch looks sort of suspicious | 23:54 |
tyler | ...me? | 23:54 |
robeph | indeed | 23:54 |
robeph | anyone? | 23:54 |
tyler | i updated everything | 23:54 |
=== tyler is now known as tline | ||
tline | did my name change? | 23:55 |
robeph | no it's still 'merrymounter' | 23:55 |
robeph | odd name to choose | 23:56 |
tline | ... | 23:56 |
robeph | well come now, it obviously did =\ | 23:56 |
tline | what is my name? | 23:56 |
robeph | tyler | 23:57 |
tline | and what did it change to? | 23:57 |
robeph | *hint; you can see what your name is when you talk | 23:57 |
tline | alright | 23:58 |
tline | so what is this, like kubuntu help? | 23:58 |
robeph | usually | 23:58 |
tline | are you kubuntu expert? | 23:58 |
robeph | actually, not particularly | 23:58 |
astan | ok. i'm a little worried now. on my kubuntu desktop, i did have a bad server key, but my user key was good since it was generated on FreeBSD. should i consider my user key compromized none the less, since it has been stored on a machine with a bad server key? | 23:58 |
robeph | now if ya have a problem with gentoo I could rightly help, but kubuntu, aside from generic linux standard stuff, nah | 23:58 |
robeph | astan: well... depends | 23:59 |
robeph | astan: personally I'd not. unless you notice oddities about the house | 23:59 |
astan | robeph: what does it depend on? | 23:59 |
robeph | astan: if someone compromized yer box | 23:59 |
robeph | is it a pub key or prv? | 23:59 |
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