=== mwhudson__ is now known as mwhudson | ||
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk | ||
barry | hi everyone, sorry i'm late | 03:03 |
barry | #startmeeting | 03:03 |
barry | mootbooootttt | 03:04 |
barry | who's here today? | 03:04 |
spiv | I am. | 03:04 |
barry | jml, mwhudson, thumper ping? | 03:06 |
thumper | pong | 03:06 |
jml | hi | 03:06 |
thumper | sorry, I had to set up my little pony on Maia's laptop | 03:07 |
barry | hi guys. we can probably make this quick. the wiki page is a bit out of date, but i'll update it after this meeting | 03:07 |
barry | thumper: :) | 03:07 |
barry | * Roll call | 03:07 |
barry | * Next meeting | 03:07 |
barry | * Action items | 03:07 |
barry | * Queue status | 03:07 |
barry | * Mentoring update | 03:07 |
barry | * Review process | 03:07 |
barry | next week same time? | 03:08 |
mwhudson | oh hi | 03:08 |
mwhudson | yes, next week is fine | 03:08 |
thumper | sure | 03:08 |
barry | cool. i know the week after that i won't be here because it's a us holiday | 03:08 |
jml | np | 03:08 |
thumper | barry: that'll be a week 4 anyway | 03:09 |
barry | * Action items | 03:09 |
thumper | and we'll probably all be panicing | 03:09 |
barry | thumper: yeah | 03:09 |
barry | and cherrypicking :) | 03:09 |
barry | * (continued) thumper to report on pending-reviews killer in LP | 03:09 |
thumper | :) | 03:09 |
thumper | keep it coming | 03:09 |
thumper | I have cunning plans | 03:09 |
thumper | but no action | 03:10 |
jml | post 2.0 | 03:10 |
barry | cool. can't wait to see it :) | 03:10 |
barry | * barry drive to decision about multiline sequences | 03:11 |
barry | still seems like we have some discussion going on about multiline imports | 03:11 |
barry | i think i know where jml, abentley and lifeless stand on the issue | 03:11 |
* thumper is +1 on no conflicts rather than "gee it is easy to resolve with lint" | 03:11 | |
spiv | Make the test suite run in under a minute, then you won't care about conflicts so much ;) | 03:12 |
barry | spiv: right! | 03:12 |
thumper | spiv: that will never happen | 03:12 |
barry | spiv: you don't even want to know about the new layer i'm adding | 03:12 |
mwhudson | i'm not really sure of where the opposition to spreading the imports out is from | 03:12 |
thumper | spiv: and I'll bet a cream pie that we can't keep the same coverage and have it run in under a minute | 03:13 |
spiv | But in the meantime, we have a merge tool that is line-based. | 03:13 |
mwhudson | i wonder if we can make lifeless's next special circumstances thingy "take to the test suite with an axe" | 03:13 |
barry | it's mostly that people don't want 10 pages of imports at the start of the files | 03:13 |
thumper | mwhudson: :) | 03:13 |
spiv | thumper: unfortunately, it'll take me considerably more than a cream pie worth of effort to prove you wrong :) | 03:13 |
spiv | thumper: so I won't be taking that bet :) | 03:14 |
thumper | barry: if they used either Pg-Down or TAGS then it isn't a problem | 03:14 |
thumper | barry: how about smaller files? | 03:14 |
spiv | I remember database/person.py was an example of a file with many imports | 03:14 |
thumper | so less imports | 03:14 |
spiv | thumper just pre-empted me :) | 03:14 |
thumper | don't have 4000 lines is a browser file | 03:14 |
barry | +1 on smaller files | 03:14 |
barry | thumper: didn't we have some talk at last all-hands about reorg'ing the tree? | 03:15 |
thumper | yeah, we did | 03:15 |
thumper | but it hasn't happened | 03:15 |
thumper | for some reason everyone seems too busy | 03:15 |
barry | thumper: weird, that | 03:15 |
thumper | yeah, who woulda thunk it | 03:15 |
barry | thumper: it's one of those things that would really help internally but doesn't "add value" | 03:15 |
thumper | JFDI | 03:16 |
thumper | then ask for forgiveness | 03:16 |
barry | thumper: rs=thumper? :) | 03:16 |
thumper | barry: sure | 03:16 |
thumper | hey, we have a VCS that can handle moving files around | 03:17 |
thumper | renaming even | 03:17 |
mwhudson | i think i care more about the discussion not dragging on than what the resolution is | 03:17 |
thumper | it shouldn't be (too big) a problem | 03:17 |
barry | y'know we're having a foundation's sprint in july. maybe i'll corner flacoste and the gang and we'll do it over some beers | 03:17 |
thumper | barry: sounds like a good plan | 03:17 |
barry | it's the kind of thing you want to do in a room together | 03:17 |
barry | ...and be drunk | 03:17 |
jml | while you are there | 03:18 |
thumper | barry: it'll look so much simpler that way :_) | 03:18 |
jml | gosh I'd love to have an internal xmlrpc server that I could use in the test suite | 03:18 |
barry | thumper: the real challenge will be if it still seems like a good idea after the hangover wears off | 03:18 |
barry | jml: very soon, you will | 03:18 |
thumper | barry: commit before the hangover hits | 03:18 |
jml | [rs=jaegermeister] | 03:19 |
thumper | \o/ | 03:19 |
barry | :) | 03:19 |
thumper | jml: the alcohol made me do it! | 03:19 |
jml | barry: how soon is very soon? | 03:19 |
barry | jml: if i get r=flacoste, maybe tomorrow | 03:19 |
jml | so happy! | 03:19 |
thumper | authserver, die, die, die | 03:19 |
thumper | stabbie stab | 03:19 |
barry | yeah, you may not be when you see how long it takes for that layer to start up :/ | 03:20 |
barry | otoh, it will be just a drop compared to the current test suite | 03:20 |
thumper | barry: probably not much worse than what we have right now | 03:20 |
jml | as long as it's a more reliable startup & shutdown than the authserver | 03:20 |
* barry plans to move all the mailman integration tests into that layer too | 03:20 | |
thumper | barry: that'll slow us down more, yes | 03:21 |
thumper | ? | 03:21 |
barry | yes | 03:21 |
jml | barry: we are getting off topic, but I'd like to know why it's a layer. | 03:21 |
thumper | barry: as they are not currently run on commit | 03:21 |
barry | jml: good point, let's chat about it after we slog through the rest of this | 03:21 |
jml | barry: sounds good. | 03:21 |
barry | * Queue status | 03:21 |
barry | not much to comment on, from me. things didn't look to bad after my ocr. just two branches i couldn't get to | 03:22 |
barry | three in pqm | 03:22 |
barry | and the only pink branch is... guess! | 03:23 |
jml | something storm-related? | 03:23 |
barry | stub/launchpad/testsuite2 | 03:23 |
barry | our ol' friend | 03:23 |
jml | ah. | 03:23 |
barry | any other thoughts on the queue? | 03:24 |
jml | nope | 03:24 |
barry | k | 03:24 |
barry | * Mentoring update | 03:24 |
barry | i'm sure nothing there, right? | 03:24 |
thumper | right | 03:25 |
mwhudson | indeed | 03:25 |
barry | * Review process | 03:25 |
barry | i got nothin' | 03:25 |
jml | same. | 03:25 |
mwhudson | was there any resolution on the "aargh, too much reviewing to do" topic? | 03:26 |
barry | mwhudson: not that i know of | 03:26 |
mwhudson | ok | 03:26 |
barry | well, that's it from me | 03:27 |
jml | it's a self-regulating problem though | 03:27 |
barry | do you want to talk about the layer thing or should we all just go to bed? :) | 03:27 |
thumper | I'd like to go to bed :) | 03:27 |
barry | :) | 03:27 |
jml | barry: would you be available to talk in roughly 20hrs time? | 03:27 |
barry | jml: yes, should be able to | 03:28 |
jml | barry: cool. let's have a chat then. | 03:28 |
barry | great. that's it then. thanks everyone! | 03:29 |
jml | thanks barry | 03:29 |
barry | cheers | 03:29 |
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=== mwhudson__ is now known as mwhudson | ||
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado | ||
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch | ||
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=== EdwinGrub is now known as EdwinGrubbs | ||
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch | ||
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado | ||
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb | ||
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson | ||
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado |
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