=== mwhudson__ is now known as mwhudson | ||
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mpt | Gooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 07:31 |
=== cpro1 is now known as cprov | ||
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Raben | Good day all, | 10:20 |
Raben | I've just created my launchpad account... as I changed 'Name' from 'thierry-andriamirado' to 'thierry.andriamirado' , the system have assigned me the Name 'ThierryAndriamirado2' on the wiki server. I tried to revert back to 'thierry-andriamirado' on launchpad, but it says 'thierry-andriamirado is already in use by another person or team.'. What can I do in order to retrieve my 'real' identity? | 10:25 |
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Laney | If the user has set a cookie within the webwise.net domain indicating | 12:40 |
Laney | that they do not wish to be tracked, then this preference is passed to | 12:40 |
Laney | the Layer 7 switch during the process in paragraph 16 above. | 12:40 |
Laney | Erm | 12:40 |
Laney | I don't know how I managed to do that... | 12:41 |
* Laney runs | 12:41 | |
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado | ||
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch | ||
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=== andreas is now known as ahasenack | ||
Abelian | quick question, has: bzr co someurl been depreceated in favour in favour of bzr lp:project/branch | 13:50 |
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell | ||
=== preetam is now known as phenom | ||
=== EdwinGrub is now known as EdwinGrubbs | ||
ffm | Hey, is the launchpad artwork copywrited or is it under a free licence. | 15:01 |
ffm | 8? | 15:01 |
ffm | *? | 15:01 |
ffm | I'm pretty sure that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Launchpad-homepage-20080425-ver_1.2.3-build_5983.png is not a free screenshot, and even if the software is free (which it isn't) the logos and design arn't/ | 15:02 |
soren | When I log on to the canonical shop, it goes through launchpad's openid thing. The address it shows me is wrong (I've somewhat recently moved house). From the looks of it, that comes from Launchpad, but Launchpad doesn't offer me a way to change my address? | 15:06 |
salgado | soren, that is the address used in your last shipit request | 15:08 |
soren | salgado: Heh.. That's what I thought, so I went to shipit, ordered a cd with my new address and cancelled it again. It still shows the same (old) address. | 15:11 |
salgado | soren, that's because LP ignores canceled requests when looking up the address to give to the shop | 15:14 |
soren | salgado: Ah. | 15:14 |
soren | salgado: You wouldn't happen to know if there's about this? | 15:15 |
soren | Er.. | 15:15 |
soren | He... | 15:15 |
salgado | a bug? | 15:15 |
soren | Yes :) | 15:15 |
salgado | I don't think so | 15:16 |
mpt | There is, iirc | 15:33 |
mpt | soren, salgado: bug 177401 | 15:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 177401 in launchpad "Provide a way for users to edit their profile data from login.launchpad.net" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177401 | 15:41 |
Elvanor | Hello, is it ethically acceptable to register a non-free project (my website) on launchpad to use the translation tools | 15:41 |
soren | mpt: I was *just* about to go look for it. Thanks! :) | 15:41 |
Elvanor | I am looking for an online web interface and tools for i18n. The tools need to be OSS, although my project is not. | 15:42 |
Elvanor | launchpad looks like a nice interface but I don't want to register a project there if they want to exclusively support free / oss projects. | 15:43 |
synic | mrevell: I wasn't able to find a microphone I could get to work (we have a few a the office, but they are usb and I couldn't get them to record anything) | 16:00 |
mrevell | synic: Hi, that's no problem. Don't worry. We can do it another time. There's also another option, though: I have SkypeOut minutes and so could call a landline or cell phone. | 16:01 |
synic | mrevell: I could do that | 16:02 |
mrevell | synic: Today I'm next available around 21.00 UTC (i.e. five hours from now). Do you want to PM or email me a number? | 16:04 |
synic | yeah, I'll email it to you. | 16:04 |
synic | anything I should think about before you call? | 16:05 |
Hobbsee | if he's going to come and eat you. | 16:06 |
gmb | Hobbsee: mrevell doesn't eat people. He dissolves them with withering irony. | 16:08 |
Hobbsee | gmb: ah. my bad. | 16:09 |
* Hobbsee hides from the scary lp devs, then. | 16:09 | |
mrevell | sorry synic, I'm on a quick call. Just a sec | 16:09 |
gmb | Hobbsee: It's okay, you were confusing him with kiko, I think. kiko eats people. | 16:10 |
Hobbsee | gmb: that doesn't make it better. | 16:10 |
gmb | otoh bigjools_ is just a big fluffy teddy bear | 16:11 |
bigjools_ | gmb: given your hairy state, I'd say that comment was a tad ironic | 16:12 |
Hobbsee | there are 2 teddy bears, then! | 16:12 |
gmb | bigjools_: I'm more of the grumpy "who's been sleeping in my bed" variety. Well, in the mornings, anyway. | 16:14 |
bigjools_ | gmb: I remember that feeling when waking up next to some hag in my student days :) | 16:16 |
gmb | bigjools_: As John Barrymore said: "Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock" | 16:17 |
bigjools_ | gmb: I read that as *Michael* Barrymore first time.... haha | 16:18 |
gmb | Must... resist... temptation... | 16:18 |
aantn | hello | 16:27 |
aantn | is there a reason why launchpad would suddenly forget my shh key? | 16:27 |
aantn | er ssh key, that is | 16:28 |
aantn | I've was using my key for a long time without any problems, until launchpad suddenly started claiming I have no key today | 16:29 |
stgraber | aantn: maybe related to the openssl security issue ? | 16:29 |
aantn | stgraber: ? | 16:29 |
stgraber | http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1 | 16:30 |
stgraber | basically all ssh keys generated after Feisty's release would have to be regenerated | 16:30 |
aantn | stgraber: I just readded the key and it works | 16:31 |
aantn | I assume that the packages automatically updated the keys | 16:32 |
stgraber | it re-generates the host ones, privates ones have to be regenerated by hand (at least that's how I understand it) | 16:32 |
stgraber | so if I understand the USN correctly, you would need to revoke your SSH key, generate a new one and push this one to LP | 16:33 |
stgraber | updating your system wouldn't help as the generator would be fine but not the key that were generated with the broken one | 16:33 |
aantn | stgraber: all I did was add my old key on launchpad | 16:33 |
aantn | stgraber: I'm not so familiar with ssh | 16:34 |
aantn | how would I go about revoking the old key? | 16:34 |
no0tic | hi, my ssh key just disappeared from my LP profile, it is due to the security fix on openssl today? | 16:37 |
aantn | no0tic: yeah, I just asked that question a few seconds ago | 16:37 |
no0tic | aantn, thanks :) what if a user didn't use debian/ubuntu? :) | 16:38 |
aantn | no0tic: It would seem that you need to just readd it | 16:38 |
aantn | it would probably be best to generate a new key | 16:38 |
aantn | no0tic: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1 | 16:38 |
aantn | stgraber: I think ssh-keygen just overwrites old keys | 16:39 |
aantn | stgraber: is that safe to do? | 16:39 |
no0tic | aantn, yes, already done.. I'm only asking.. the bug affects only debian and debian based distros, what about users that don't use them? | 16:39 |
aantn | no0tic: the security flaw could have also been present there | 16:40 |
stgraber | if you have done the upgrade and are running the new openssl and openssh, regenerating your key with ssh-keygen then pushing it to LP is fine | 16:40 |
stgraber | no0tic: keys were checked, mine that has been generated in 2005 hasn't been removed from LP | 16:40 |
stgraber | no0tic: so only broken keys had (AFAIK) | 16:40 |
no0tic | stgraber, thanks | 16:40 |
no0tic | bye! | 16:42 |
aantn | stgraber: I suspect a few people might take the easy way out (like I did at first) | 16:42 |
aantn | stgraber: it would be best to set it up in a way so that people can't re-add unsecure keys | 16:43 |
stgraber | aantn: LP should check and refuse the key but it's not something implemented yet I guess | 16:43 |
stgraber | aantn: the issue is not known for a long time so I don't think LP's devel have had plenty of time to work on that :) | 16:43 |
aantn | stgraber: alrgiht | 16:44 |
aantn | I just thought I'd point it out | 16:44 |
aantn | It also might pay to add something to the channel topic | 16:44 |
aantn | I suspect a few more people will be around asking | 16:44 |
gmb | aantn: We're working on preventing insecure keys being uploaded at th emoment (well, others are, not me) | 16:51 |
Kaleo | hi | 16:51 |
aantn | gmb: kk | 16:52 |
aantn | Kaleo: hello | 16:52 |
Kaleo | hello aantn | 16:53 |
Hobbsee | gmb: neat! | 16:55 |
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net || If you're getting "Permission denied (publickey)" when trying to use bzr+ssh//bazaar.launchpad.net you might have a vulnerable SSH keypair (see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1). You need to regenerate your SSH keys and add the new keys to Launchpad using https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 15 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questi | ||
* gmb wonders if this'll fit | 17:00 | |
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net || Problems with SSH when connecting to LP? See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1. Regenerate your SSH keys and add use https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys to add them to LP || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 15 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | ||
gmb | Huzzah. | 17:00 |
ffm | Hey, is the launchpad artwork copywrited or is it under a free licence? | 17:11 |
=== elmargol_ is now known as elmargol | ||
ffm | Anyone have an answer to https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/32983 ? | 17:14 |
laga | didn't you just ask that question three minutes ago? ;) | 17:15 |
ffm | laga: Maybe. | 17:25 |
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net || Problems with SSH when connecting to LP? See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2. Regenerate your SSH keys and add use https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys to add them to LP || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 15 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | ||
gmb | Updated the USN URL. | 17:35 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
ignas | hi | 17:41 |
ignas | i am trying to use the new launchpad ppa copying functionality, and it is not really working for me | 17:42 |
ignas | i mean - i have released a package into gutsy | 17:42 |
ignas | a deb got built | 17:42 |
ignas | then i have copied it to hardy without binaries | 17:42 |
ignas | it got built again, at least build records say so | 17:42 |
ignas | but the new deb package was never published for hardy | 17:42 |
cprov | ignas: you can't rebuild the same source within the same PPA, copy-ui should not allow you to do that. | 17:43 |
ignas | emm, i was copying from gutsy to hardy | 17:44 |
ignas | so it allowed me to do that | 17:44 |
ignas | must I release a new package if i want the same package in gutsy and hardy? or would it have worked if i would have checked the "copy binaries" option? | 17:44 |
ignas | cprov: the destination field is quite explicit "This PPA" + a select box for series | 17:46 |
cprov | ignas: I said "it should not", but it does :-/, there is a bug open for this issue | 17:48 |
ignas | so - what should I do to get the effect that I want | 17:48 |
ignas | which is - easily release the same package for different series | 17:48 |
cprov | ignas: yes, include_binaries | 17:48 |
ignas | without doing the numbering manually | 17:48 |
ignas | is there any way I can fix it now ? | 17:49 |
ignas | like - copying packages again? | 17:49 |
cprov | ignas: copy the binaries across , no rebuild | 17:49 |
ignas | cprov: thanks, i'll try | 17:49 |
cprov | ignas: yes, exactly, copy it again, this time including binaries and it will be fine. | 17:49 |
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch | ||
gnomefreak | why was my ssh key removed from LP page? i just added it back like 2 seconds ago | 18:06 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
intellectronica | gnomefreak: maybe it's compromised? | 18:09 |
intellectronica | gnomefreak: or is it a new key? | 18:10 |
geser | gnomefreak: see the last openssl USN | 18:10 |
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud | ||
gnomefreak | old key | 18:12 |
gnomefreak | USN? | 18:13 |
kiko-fud | gnomefreak, yeah. http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 | 18:13 |
gnomefreak | kiko-fud: thanks looking | 18:13 |
kiko-fud | your key is vulnerable. | 18:13 |
gnomefreak | why would be good | 18:13 |
gnomefreak | i have to make new one | 18:14 |
gnomefreak | what is the auto regen command? | 18:17 |
gnomefreak | oh nevermind i see it | 18:17 |
gnomefreak | the commands on this page dont work the ssh-vulnkey and -a | 18:18 |
gnomefreak | ok fixed that i hope | 18:22 |
gnomefreak | kiko-fud: and everyone thanks | 18:22 |
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado | ||
Rinchen | gnomefreak, when you update, it scans your system and regens if necessary | 18:42 |
gnomefreak | oh ok i ran a regen anyway since the page says to | 18:43 |
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd | ||
geser | are there any problems with uploads? I didn't get any accepted mails for my last uploads and LP doesn't show the either | 18:51 |
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara | ||
kiko-fud | gnomefreak, sure thing :) | 19:18 |
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn | ||
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko | ||
qense | were all SSH keys in Launchpad removed from the profiles? | 19:27 |
geser | qense: I guess not, as LP still shows my key | 19:27 |
qense | my keys are gone | 19:27 |
bac | qense: no. just those that were known to be vulnerable. | 19:28 |
qense | weird, the script I got from the planet tells that my keys aren't vulnerable | 19:28 |
qense | at least, it doesn't print any output | 19:28 |
geser | qense: what shows ssh-vulnkey? | 19:29 |
qense | ./dowkd.pl user does tell me that my key is vulnerable | 19:29 |
qense | ssh-vulnkey doesn't exist | 19:30 |
geser | it's in openssh-client from -security | 19:30 |
qense | well, at least I know that I have to replace my key now | 19:31 |
geser | cprov: are there any issues with soyuz? I'm missing some uploads from today (neither got an accepted/rejected mail nor does LP show them) | 19:32 |
mok0 | ScottK!!! | 19:34 |
ScottK | Heya. | 19:35 |
mok0 | Hi | 19:35 |
emgent | heya | 19:36 |
Elvanor | Hello, is it ethically acceptable to register a non-free project (my website) on launchpad to use the translation tools | 20:28 |
emgent | Elvanor: no | 20:30 |
Elvanor | emgent: hmm, ok :) | 20:30 |
Elvanor | I need to find an OSS translation tool, preferably with a web interface, so launchpad looked like a potential candidate | 20:30 |
emgent | if it`snt free i think no. | 20:30 |
mok0 | Elvanor: LP is for free software afaik | 20:30 |
Elvanor | But this is for my own website which is commercial. | 20:30 |
Elvanor | OK. I think I'll go with Pootle then | 20:31 |
Elvanor | But the terms of use on LP did not mention that you were actually required to run a free project, so I wondered | 20:31 |
mok0 | Elvanor: Canonical may provide a service for people like you. Why not contact them and ask? | 20:35 |
mok0 | Elvanor: but the front page states: "Launchpad is a free software hosting and development website. " | 20:36 |
Elvanor | mok0: ok, I'll try to contact them. I am a Gentoo Linux developer though, so they may not like the competition ;) | 20:36 |
mok0 | Elvanor: gentoo has a project page on LP | 20:37 |
Elvanor | mok0: yes, but I need the service for my commercial website (nothing to do with Gentoo) | 20:37 |
Elvanor | However, I would not object to my translations being freely available and viewable on a community site. | 20:37 |
mok0 | Elvanor: right :-) I don't think Canonical really cares | 20:37 |
mok0 | about the competition, that it | 20:38 |
mok0 | s/it/is | 20:38 |
=== A]\[HELL is now known as scriptkidd-e | ||
scriptkidd-e | (?) | 20:38 |
scriptkidd-e | So 've just installed Windows Hardy Heron. | 20:39 |
scriptkidd-e | I'll go said that in #ubuntu | 20:40 |
matsubara | Elvanor: the person you're looking for is statik | 20:43 |
Elvanor | matsubara: ok | 20:43 |
Elvanor | I am actually probably looking a bit prematurely, I wont actually need the service for another 3 monthes at least | 20:44 |
Elvanor | mok0: sure, I was joking about the competition :) | 20:44 |
Elvanor | Plus, Gentoo and Ubuntu dont really target the same users. | 20:45 |
mok0 | Elvanor: true. Plus, all benefit by collaborating about bug fixing etc | 20:45 |
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb | ||
=== scriptkidd-e is now known as soilworker | ||
juliux | hi | 21:10 |
juliux | the mailings about the ssh-keys where send without a date, is that a bug? | 21:10 |
kiko | juliux, without a date, really? | 21:18 |
kiko | barry, Rinchen: ^^^ | 21:18 |
juliux | kiko, evolution didn't recognise it | 21:20 |
barry | juliux: hmm. probably a bug in our mass mailer script, though the smtp.canonical.com /should/ have added one | 21:20 |
Rinchen | hmm I see a date on mine.... | 21:20 |
barry | well, our mass mailer script doesn't add a date | 21:20 |
barry | the mta should have | 21:20 |
Rinchen | however the email address is incorrect. It should be matthew.revell@canonical not matthew@canonical | 21:20 |
juliux | two bugs in one mail;9 | 21:21 |
Rinchen | the test mail was correct with the email address so that's rather...odd | 21:21 |
Rinchen | and unexpected | 21:21 |
Rinchen | barry, I have a correct date on mine.. Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 20:58:24 +0100 (BST) | 21:22 |
ffm | Hey, is the launchpad artwork copywrited or is it under a free licence? | 21:23 |
Rinchen | ffm, it's currently licensed like the software..... | 21:23 |
Rinchen | ffm, interestingly, you're the second person to ask that in the last 10 days | 21:24 |
juliux | Rinchen, http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/213531/ there is no send date | 21:24 |
thatch | Were the ssh key emails supposed to be sent out even if the key wasn't deleted from lp? | 21:24 |
ffm | Rinchen: Ah. Who was the other? | 21:24 |
ffm | Rinchen: I'm just asking because of what is (apparently) a non-free screenshot on wikipedi | 21:24 |
Rinchen | thatch, if we removed their key, we sent an email | 21:24 |
thatch | Rinchen: my key is listed as "Unknown" by the ssh-vulnkey tool, was created on a Mac, and still exists when I go to edit my keys | 21:25 |
Rinchen | juliux, wow, mine looks almost exact from the origination except I have a date received | 21:25 |
thatch | Rinchen: ...but I got an email. Does that imply that I had a second key on there prior? | 21:25 |
Rinchen | thatch, right. We didn't remove yours therefore you should not get an email | 21:25 |
Rinchen | thatch, potentially. | 21:26 |
juliux | Rinchen, you have an interesting mass mailer script | 21:26 |
thatch | On the email date issue, mine has a TZ of PDT which implies my mailserver added it since the others are CET | 21:26 |
thatch | or whatever +1 is these days | 21:27 |
Nafallo | thatch: BST | 21:29 |
Rinchen | thatch, interesting. I'm in Colorado but it sent it with the correct origination date/time from the UK | 21:29 |
Nafallo | :-) | 21:29 |
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson | ||
ffm | Are RSA keys better than DSA keys for the future? | 21:54 |
gmb | ffm: They're generally regarded as being more secure | 22:07 |
ffm | gmb: Isn't DSA the default though? | 22:08 |
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado | ||
ffm | No, they arn't. | 22:08 |
ffm | How do I get a link to my name when I commit via BZR? | 22:09 |
Nafallo | ffm: they are quite different those two :-) | 22:10 |
Nafallo | ffm: there should be a comparison somewhere. let's see if I can find the link... | 22:10 |
thumper | ffm: make sure that the email that you use to sign your revisions is known by launchpad | 22:11 |
Nafallo | ffm: http://neubia.com/archives/000191.html | 22:15 |
willwill | I got message from launchpad to regenerate my ssh key but my mirror still not resync the openssh package yet. Can I use -8ubuntu1? | 23:50 |
mwhudson | you should be using security.ubuntu.com for security updates i think? | 23:51 |
willwill | http://mirror1.ku.ac.th/ubuntu/ because the main mirrors are too crowd | 23:52 |
mwhudson | sure, use a mirror for everything else | 23:52 |
willwill | so I will change... | 23:52 |
mwhudson | though i notice i don't seem to be following my own advice here... | 23:54 |
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