cheatr | Just out of curiosity, did the updates released a day or two ago cause xorg to stop working? | 00:03 |
cheatr | for anyone other than me? | 00:03 |
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Bodsda | where can i find out the new features being added to intrepid? | 03:47 |
Bodsda | no one alive? | 04:00 |
RAOF | Bodsda: Oh, people alive. It's just that those haven't been decided yet. | 04:00 |
Bodsda | hey RAOF -- lol,.,.ok cheers | 04:01 |
DanaG | Hmm, something I'm pondering doing over summer: hacking together pavucontrol and pavumeter into one control-and-monitor applet. | 04:02 |
DanaG | er, application. | 04:02 |
RAOF | DanaG: Oooh, please. | 04:02 |
RAOF | And then hook it up to the gnome-volume-control applet! | 04:02 |
DanaG | I currently don | 04:02 |
DanaG | I currently don't know any GTK programming... but hey, I'll try to teach myself. | 04:02 |
RAOF | Pygtk is pretty awesome; gtk# isn't bad, either. | 04:03 |
RAOF | Don't bother touching C, it's crap at UI :) | 04:03 |
DanaG | Hmm, I currrently know just C and Java... I'll have to learn something else there, then. | 04:04 |
RAOF | Oh, well if you're _comfortable_ in C, that's OK. | 04:04 |
DanaG | I haven | 04:04 |
DanaG | ARGH, /me curses at the enter key | 04:04 |
RAOF | It's just not a particularly appropriate language for UIs :) | 04:04 |
DanaG | I haven't done any UI stuff in C yet, anyway. | 04:04 |
RAOF | GTK is both complicated and simple, but it's nice in that you basically just hook everything up to a callback and call gtk.main() | 04:05 |
RAOF | Ahem. gtk_main() | 04:05 |
DanaG | I'd probably just be merging the two apps from existing code -- and then adding things like per-app volume meters. That would be nifty. | 04:06 |
RAOF | It's not so painful as Win32 and it's message-parsing-loop. | 04:06 |
DanaG | I was also considering the option of a Windows PulseAudio driver for my future Senior Project, but that may be a bit too ambitious... considering I haven't done any Windows programming stuff since I entered Cal Poly -- and then before that was VB6... ugh. | 04:07 |
DanaG | And I don't know if a virtual sound card driver could even separate apps from each other. | 04:07 |
RAOF | DanaG: You mean a virtual driver, so it goes app -> pulse-shim -> pulseaudio server -> real audio driver? | 04:08 |
DanaG | Yeah. I'd want to do the same thing does in Linux. | 04:08 |
RAOF | You obviously can get per-app streams on Vista, but who knows on XP. | 04:08 |
DanaG | I'd actually target at Vista, frankly. It probably has more support infrastructure. | 04:09 |
RAOF | You're aware that the pulseaudio server is ported to windows and osx, right? | 04:09 |
DanaG | Good luck getting it signed, though.... that's why I don't buy any DRMed stuff. | 04:09 |
DanaG | Yeah, but playback-only server isn't what I'm after. | 04:09 |
DanaG | The ideal thing would be to have the same capabilities on both platforms. | 04:10 |
DanaG | That reminds me... PulseAudio needs a better way to say, "Use this sound card in surround.... use that other card in stereo." | 04:10 |
RAOF | Yeah. Oh, crap, yes. No signed drivers for you! | 04:10 |
RAOF | So audio/video degredation, can't work on x86-64... | 04:10 |
DanaG | Ubuntu Hardy is now my primary OS. There are a few very major reasons, besides the open-source philosophy: | 04:11 |
DanaG | Font rendering -- Linux is awesome, Cleartype is painful (subjectively). Audio -- PulseAudio, 'nuff said. And no Creative drivers. Touchpad: all sorts of nifty features there. | 04:12 |
DanaG | I think Valve's "Source" games are approximately my last must-have Windows app. | 04:13 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
RAOF | Many of which run in Wine, and did you see the 'maybe Valve is porting Steam+Source to linux' rumours? | 04:14 |
RAOF | But yeah, a Wintendo is still necessary for PC gaming. | 04:14 |
DanaG | The only app I use that uses EAX effects as a key part: Uru. That game has amazing audio -- but not much replay value. Too bad the "Host OpenAL" thingy doesn't work in Wine. | 04:15 |
DanaG | I hope "Intrepid" will have something as definitive as the Heron for Hardy -- and hopefully, something that will let me stop thinking of CARS. | 04:16 |
* RAOF hasn't seen that. | 04:20 | |
RAOF | I hope someone does an awesome mountain goat. | 04:20 |
RAOF | Or possibly we just have a photo of that guy :) | 04:20 |
BHSPitLappy | gross | 04:20 |
RAOF | BHSPitLappy: Dirty. Go away. | 04:20 |
RAOF | :P | 04:20 |
BHSPitLappy | What? What did I say? | 04:20 |
BHSPitLappy | I was talking about Vista! | 04:21 |
RAOF | Oh. I thought you were talking about mountain goats. | 04:21 |
DanaG | So did I. | 04:21 |
BHSPitLappy | I can't believe they went with "Ibex". I thought for sure 7.10 was going to be Gutsy Goatse. | 04:22 |
RAOF | DanaG: Wasn't Uru that "we've done awesome real acoustic physics" thing? | 04:22 |
DanaG | It's still just EAX (preset reverb parameters, but with smooth transitions between zones.) | 04:22 |
RAOF | Me too. Iguanas are much cooler than goats. | 04:22 |
DanaG | Call me back when we do what Aureal did: simulate real physics with a low-poly secondary model. | 04:23 |
DanaG | Hmm, what Windows-only apps do I use? .......................... umm ........................... uhh .................... ... Oh, Steam. That's about it. | 04:23 |
RAOF | I suppose SUSE has already taken the Iguana/Chameleon mascot, though. | 04:23 |
DanaG | Oh, and a BIOS updater. | 04:23 |
RAOF | Heh. I finally managed to update my bios. | 04:23 |
DanaG | WinPhlash? | 04:24 |
DanaG | heh: Forty Phlashes for Phyou. | 04:24 |
DanaG | Hey, it's fun spelling things like that. | 04:24 |
DanaG | Another odd thing: if PulseAudio dies, it fails to grab the surround51:1 device the next time -- it says it's busy. | 04:26 |
DanaG | I have to remove the card, unload the module (udev rule to the rescue!), and then reinsert the card. | 04:26 |
BHSPitLappy | DanaG, Steam works in wine though | 04:26 |
RAOF | BHSPitLappy: But not all the games do. | 04:27 |
BHSPitLappy | Portal does :D | 04:27 |
DanaG | But HL2 with a 128MB GeForce Go 7600 is a bit unpleasant. | 04:27 |
DanaG | Slower than under Vista, even windowed with DWM active. | 04:27 |
DanaG | Full screen in Vista..... whee, let's page out the desktop! | 04:27 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, one random question: I used to be able to ctrl-alt-± to switch resolutions; what happened to that feature? I haven't seen it since I last used SuSE 9.3, or somewhere around then (could've been 10.1.). | 04:53 |
DanaG | Wine likes trampling on my screen resolution. | 04:53 |
hroi | hello | 06:07 |
hroi | I wonder if anyone can answer a short question regarding the linux kernel on Ubuntu... | 06:09 |
hroi | "I want to download the latest kernel and run it on my ubuntu install" | 06:10 |
hroi | will that screw everything up? | 06:10 |
hroi | I've had bad experience with distros before | 06:10 |
hroi | not with Slackware | 06:10 |
hroi | but with distros like suse | 06:10 |
hroi | ... | 06:10 |
DanaG | #ubuntu+1 is for Intrepid; try the regular #ubuntu | 06:11 |
DanaG | Intrepid is quite a while away right now. | 06:11 |
hroi | DanaG, sorry... just the ubuntu channel people seem never have heard of downloading the vanilla kernel | 06:11 |
hroi | they all use apt-get | 06:12 |
DanaG | Aah. | 06:12 |
DanaG | !kernel | 06:12 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 06:12 |
DanaG | The make-kpkg method is what I did when I compiled my own kernels; I haven't lately had a need to do so. | 06:12 |
hroi | ubottu, it's fun and nice to trim down the kernel, and I feel better knowing it's the one | 06:13 |
ubottu | hroi: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:13 |
hroi | hehe | 06:13 |
hroi | wow intelligent bot!! | 06:14 |
hroi | thanks DanaG i'll look at that, before on slackware I just downloaded the source, and essentially: make menuconfig and make | 06:15 |
hroi | always worked great | 06:15 |
DanaG | Using kpkg makes it far easier to maintain. | 06:16 |
hroi | except if some driver became incompatible... | 06:16 |
hroi | ok | 06:16 |
hroi | best I'll try to get into how that works | 06:16 |
hroi | ok I c. this is an autmated script from debian... sounds nice. | 06:17 |
DanaG | Oh, and if you want to pass -j to it, export a "CONCURRENCY_LEVEL" variable. | 06:19 |
hroi | ok | 06:25 |
hroi | exit | 06:27 |
DanaG | Like, export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 | 06:27 |
BUGabundo_work | anyone here can help me turn my intel wifi card 4965 abgn On? | 09:26 |
BUGabundo_work | it is on kill switch on | 09:26 |
repete | good morning all | 09:48 |
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BUGabundo_work | can I get some attention on: | 13:52 |
BUGabundo_work | I would love to know of a way to make may intel 4965 kill switch turn off... any tips are welcome | 13:53 |
scizzo- | BUGabundo_work: if this is for the hardy release then its really not the right place to ask in here | 13:57 |
BUGabundo_work | ok | 13:59 |
BUGabundo_work | sorry scizzo- | 13:59 |
BUGabundo_work | redirecting to #ubuntu | 13:59 |
scizzo- | BUGabundo_work: the best place to ask if it is hardy related is in #ubuntu | 13:59 |
scizzo- | BUGabundo_work: this channel will be fore the ibex development. | 14:00 |
BUGabundo_work | I know | 14:00 |
BUGabundo_work | but more devs are here | 14:00 |
BUGabundo_work | so I guessed I could get better suppot in here | 14:00 |
BUGabundo_work | but again: sorry for the noise | 14:01 |
scizzo- | AFAIK there aren't more devs in here compared to #ubuntu....but I can be wrong | 14:01 |
BUGabundo_work | humm not sure | 14:01 |
BUGabundo_work | but you know how frustant it is to not having a wifi card, do to a soft button.... | 14:02 |
BUGabundo_work | grrrrrr | 14:02 |
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Mikeg | hi, everyone, why I can't move mysqld datadir to difference directory? | 14:22 |
Mikeg | I had changed the configuration /etc/mysql/my.cnf | 14:22 |
Mikeg | and had told mysql use the /home/mysql as his datadir, | 14:22 |
Mikeg | I had changed the permission. | 14:22 |
Mikeg | but mysql can't be started, | 14:22 |
Mikeg | but when I move the datadir to original place, it can work. | 14:23 |
Mikeg | and the log said: audit(1210684735.229:48): type=1503 operation="inode_create" requested_mask="w::" denied_mask="w::" name="/home/mysql /ghw.lower-test" pid=11223 profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" namespace="default | 14:23 |
Mikeg | why? | 14:23 |
Mikeg | anyone can help me? | 14:23 |
Mikeg | thanks | 14:23 |
Mikeg | ? | 14:25 |
joaopinto | Mikeg, your question related to Ubuntu Interpid ? the regular ubuntu support channel is #Ubuntu :) | 14:28 |
Mikeg | thanks. | 14:30 |
Mikeg | seem to I had know this question. because nobody can help me in ubuntu. | 14:30 |
Mikeg | #ubuntu. | 14:30 |
Mikeg | so I asked it here. but now, I seem to had find out what i will to do. | 14:30 |
Mikeg | /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.msyqld | 14:31 |
Mikeg | edit this file. | 14:31 |
Pici | Mikeg: This isnt an extension of #ubuntu, this channel is only for Intrepid questions. | 14:31 |
Mikeg | ok | 14:31 |
Mikeg | thanks | 14:31 |
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rsk | is ubuntu suffering from this also? | 15:52 |
rsk | oh fixes already uploaded | 15:53 |
rsk | nvm then ==) | 15:53 |
Roshan | can someone help with ssh | 16:04 |
Roshan | I can't get it to work | 16:05 |
BUGabundo_work | from the client side? Roshan | 16:06 |
Roshan | I am usin putty | 16:06 |
Roshan | and I am getting server refuse our key | 16:07 |
rsk | is ssh-server started on the host? | 16:07 |
Roshan | yea | 16:07 |
Roshan | I use putty-keygen to gen a key | 16:07 |
rsk | can you connect to it frmo the localhost? | 16:07 |
Roshan | and import it into .ssh/authorized_keys | 16:08 |
Roshan | from local host i am getting authenticity can't be establish | 16:09 |
BUGabundo_work | hummm | 16:09 |
Roshan | Host key verification failed | 16:10 |
BUGabundo_work | rename the key file | 16:10 |
ikonia | Roshan: this is on intrepid ? | 16:10 |
BUGabundo_work | I guess it is corrupt | 16:10 |
Roshan | hmm | 16:10 |
Roshan | let me gen one locally and see | 16:10 |
ikonia | Roshan: what version of ubuntu and what ssh version is it using | 16:10 |
BUGabundo_work | ikonia: I'm guessing its hardy | 16:10 |
ikonia | BUGabundo_work: then why is it being discussed in here ? | 16:10 |
ikonia | I can't see the ssh package in the intrepid packages | 16:11 |
ikonia | hence why I'm asking | 16:11 |
Roshan | hardy | 16:12 |
Roshan | 8.04 | 16:12 |
Roshan | srry | 16:13 |
lore20 | hi | 16:17 |
ikonia | hi | 16:21 |
Pici | hi | 16:21 |
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eagles0513875 | hey guys where can i dowload ibex to start helping with debugging and if i can developing | 17:33 |
rsk | you can't download it afaik | 17:33 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875: did you read the topic? | 17:33 |
rsk | just change sources.list | 17:33 |
eagles0513875 | !sourceomatic | 17:34 |
ubottu | source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages. | 17:34 |
eagles0513875 | rsk: i used to use sourceomatic but its been taken down | 17:34 |
eagles0513875 | humm | 17:36 |
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eagles0513875 | how do i change my sources list | 17:50 |
lore20 | eagles0513875: edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 17:51 |
eagles0513875 | lore20: that i know but what in there do i need to change | 17:51 |
jbroome__ | eagles0513875: i think that's the first indication you have no business running intrepid | 17:52 |
Seeker`` | eagles0513875: If you are having to ask these questions, you may not have enough experience to run a pre-alpha version | 17:52 |
eagles0513875 | i wanna help out by reporting bugs | 17:52 |
jbroome__ | umm | 17:53 |
eagles0513875 | and also if i can i would like to start learning how to fix more bugs | 17:53 |
Seeker`` | eagles0513875: It may be better to start doing that later in the development cycle | 17:53 |
eagles0513875 | ok then what needs to be done right now then more programming then anything | 17:53 |
jbroome__ | you reading some ubuntu/debian FAQs and howtos | 17:54 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 17:54 |
anon111 | I was wondering if, in Intrepid, if it would be possible to have the Windows key be the <Super> key by default? I don't know if this is my computer (in which case I'll file a bug report) or if it is the default behaviour. I had to go to Keyboard settings to change it. | 18:09 |
jbroome__ | i wondered why #ubuntu was so quiet... I was on oftc. der | 18:14 |
oxigen | anon111: did you try to change it in: System > Windows? | 18:15 |
oxigen | System > Preferences > Windows that is.. | 18:17 |
anon111 | Sorry if I was unclear. In Compiz, some of the defaults involve the "Super" key. When I pressed the "Windows logo" key on my keyboard, it didn't work. I had to go to System > Preferences > Keyboard to activate it. | 18:25 |
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Ham44 | anybody know when libxfont1 will be fixed ? | 22:03 |
Ham44 | ??? | 22:11 |
Ham44 | anybody here ? | 22:16 |
rsk | not really | 22:16 |
Ham44 | thats what I though! | 22:16 |
darkone1687 | hey can anyone help me with my horrible sound quality problem in ubuntu | 22:27 |
jhb1608 | hello. | 23:07 |
jhb1608 | | 23:08 |
jhb1608 | hello? | 23:09 |
crimsun | keep in mind that there are people present who don't have access to that URL | 23:09 |
jhb1608 | oh? | 23:09 |
jhb1608 | can they just copy and paste? | 23:10 |
crimsun | i.e., don't just post a URL and assume everyone can navigate to it. Summarising the real issue is highly recommended. | 23:10 |
jhb1608 | okay. | 23:10 |
jhb1608 | it'll be long. | 23:10 |
crimsun | (and no, I mean that is blocked for some people) | 23:10 |
jhb1608 | oh? | 23:10 |
jhb1608 | okay | 23:10 |
jhb1608 | can I do pastebin then? | 23:11 |
crimsun | absolutely | 23:11 |
jhb1608 | k | 23:11 |
frank23 | jhb1608: I don't think 5.10 is supported anymore either.... | 23:11 |
jhb1608 | I have 5.10 | 23:11 |
jhb1608 | oh? | 23:11 |
jhb1608 | I can't update ubuntu without internet | 23:12 |
jhb1608 | it is why. | 23:12 |
jhb1608 | I'll wait on cable internet then | 23:12 |
frank23 | jhb1608: or you can order 8.04 CDs from shipit | 23:12 |
jhb1608 | tried it | 23:12 |
jhb1608 | it won't let me change the address | 23:12 |
jhb1608 | I move a lot | 23:12 |
jhb1608 | 3 times | 23:12 |
frank23 | jhb1608: heh | 23:12 |
jhb1608 | now it will be 4 | 23:12 |
frank23 | jhb1608: anyways support for this would be in #ubuntu, not #ubuntu+1 | 23:13 |
jhb1608 | I asked | 23:13 |
jhb1608 | and they don't respond | 23:13 |
jhb1608 | I'll wait for few days then. | 23:14 |
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darkone1687 | will someone help me... I uninstalled alsamixer and reinstalled it and now it says I don't have a soundcard | 23:43 |
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