=== elkbuntu is now known as elky | ||
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu | ||
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas | ||
o0Chris0o | hey guys | 07:56 |
o0Chris0o | and gals :) | 07:56 |
troy_s | hello o | 07:56 |
troy_s | o0Chris0o rather | 07:56 |
o0Chris0o | I am wondering what artwork is needed at this time? I want to become a member, I am a graphic artist by trade | 07:57 |
o0Chris0o | :) | 07:57 |
troy_s | Great to have you around o0Chris0o, but the nature of the beast is such that there isn't really anything 'needed' per se. | 07:57 |
troy_s | o0Chris0o: Do you have any samples of work or a portfolio? | 07:57 |
o0Chris0o | actually no, sadly I lost most of it awhile back. I haven't been messing with graphics in awhile, but I took classes in school and I taught myself some html as well when I was growing up | 07:59 |
o0Chris0o | should I just make some logos up of each flavor of ubuntu and some wallpaper art of some sort | 08:00 |
troy_s | Right... ok... well welcome around. | 08:00 |
troy_s | I must get off to bed. | 08:00 |
troy_s | A good starting point to understand the situation might be the mailing list archives or any of the other venues in our long and illustrious history. | 08:01 |
troy_s | The wiki has some information but it wasn't horribly up to date as of my last examination. | 08:01 |
o0Chris0o | and how can I find that :) | 08:01 |
troy_s | https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art | 08:02 |
troy_s | The wiki root has most information I believe | 08:02 |
troy_s | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | 08:02 |
troy_s | iirc. | 08:02 |
troy_s | hope that helps. | 08:02 |
o0Chris0o | thanks for you rhelp troy_s, have a good sleep :) | 08:02 |
troy_s | if you have any questions please feel 100% free to contact me via email. | 08:02 |
troy_s | Ciao for now. | 08:02 |
o0Chris0o | :) Ciao, and will do | 08:03 |
kwwii | morning | 08:15 |
kwwii | hi troy_s | 08:15 |
o0Chris0o | Morning kwwii, troy_s went beddy bye | 08:17 |
o0Chris0o | <---new | 08:18 |
o0Chris0o | :) | 08:18 |
kwwii | hehe | 08:23 |
kwwii | o0Chris0o: cool, thanks for coming by :-) | 08:23 |
kwwii | there is a lot to do, it shouldn't be hard to find something | 08:24 |
o0Chris0o | np, I'll be sticking here for awhile I'm sure. | 08:24 |
o0Chris0o | Oh really? | 08:24 |
o0Chris0o | can you point me in the right direction? | 08:24 |
savvas | grrr | 08:24 |
savvas | is anyone up for a test task? | 08:24 |
o0Chris0o | what kind o.0 | 08:24 |
kwwii | well, as troy_s pointed out, checking the wiki for general info is the right place to start, but you might not find a specific task there | 08:25 |
kwwii | currently we have a few people working on theme teams | 08:25 |
o0Chris0o | oh I see | 08:25 |
kwwii | which means that they are creating a theme based on their own vision | 08:25 |
kwwii | in addition we also do the default artwork | 08:25 |
savvas | www.filedropper.com - hit upload - do you see "red x" icons? if not, go check out the files do the files have a red x icon? | 08:25 |
kwwii | but that is much more controversial while we cannot simply do whatever we'd like with it | 08:25 |
o0Chris0o | ahh I see | 08:26 |
kwwii | so we do icons, splash screens, login manager themes, and desktop wallpaper, mainly | 08:26 |
o0Chris0o | sounds good kwwii | 08:26 |
kwwii | currently I am working on some ideas for a wallpaper with an Ibex on it | 08:27 |
o0Chris0o | savvas: I don't see red x | 08:27 |
savvas | o0Chris0o: you use x86 ubuntu? | 08:27 |
kwwii | I'll probably send an email to the mailing list in a bit saying that we are looking for ideas on how to include an Ibex in the wallpaper somehow | 08:27 |
kwwii | savvas: do you mean in the browser window itself? | 08:27 |
kwwii | or in the tab? | 08:28 |
savvas | kwwii: yes hold a sec, let me find the screenshots | 08:28 |
savvas | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14480177/now-files-only.png | 08:28 |
o0Chris0o | savvas: yes I am | 08:28 |
kwwii | savvas: hrm, that looks like a bug to me | 08:28 |
savvas | hm.. so it's probably 64-bit based | 08:29 |
savvas | it is, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/218635 | 08:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218635 in firefox-3.0 "firefox - red x icons in upload dialogs" [Low,Confirmed] | 08:29 |
kwwii | savvas: that does not look like that in my firefox with the hardy default theme | 08:29 |
o0Chris0o | ahh 3.0 | 08:29 |
savvas | I just can't figure out why they marked invalid the packages i saw the problems in | 08:29 |
o0Chris0o | thats still in beta isn't it? | 08:29 |
kwwii | savvas: I think it is a problem with the icon theme not firefox | 08:30 |
savvas | (npviewer.bin:24265): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/filesystems/libgio.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 | 08:30 |
kwwii | hrm, freaky | 08:30 |
kwwii | then it is a 64 bit bug :p | 08:30 |
savvas | :P | 08:31 |
kwwii | killer, that effecting the icons | 08:31 |
* kwwii runs to the gas station, bbiab | 08:31 | |
o0Chris0o | !ibex | 08:33 |
ubottu | Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex | 08:33 |
savvas | ibex.. heh | 08:33 |
o0Chris0o | ahh | 08:33 |
savvas | the next name should be Mighty Mouflon :P | 08:33 |
o0Chris0o | :) | 08:34 |
o0Chris0o | how does ubuntu come up with these names? | 08:34 |
savvas | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames | 08:38 |
o0Chris0o | course, should of wiki'd it :) | 08:40 |
savvas | :) | 08:43 |
kwwii | my guess is that the next one will be called the jerky jackass | 09:06 |
kwwii | btw, if you have two computers you want to use at the same time I seriously suggest using synergy (mouse, keyboard and paste across different computers) | 09:07 |
o0Chris0o | heh :) only one computer | 09:08 |
kwwii | less to worry about ;-9 | 09:13 |
o0Chris0o | true | 09:18 |
o0Chris0o | Hey kwwii, the artwork here is it just for "ubuntu" and not other flavors? | 09:18 |
o0Chris0o | or is it for all | 09:18 |
kwwii | o0Chris0o: it is for all flavors, but some of the others have people working on artwork as well | 09:20 |
kwwii | but they would all love any help they can get | 09:20 |
o0Chris0o | I see | 09:21 |
kwwii | although the wiki page is mainly used for ubuntu somehow | 09:21 |
kwwii | not sure why, really | 09:21 |
o0Chris0o | yeah I know what you mean | 09:23 |
kwwii | if you are interested in any of the other flavors I could also help you get in contact with the team leads, etc | 09:24 |
kwwii | well, I guess only xubuntu and kubuntu really have their own artwork anyway | 09:24 |
kwwii | not sure about any others | 09:24 |
kwwii | but in the end, pretty much anything you can do would be appreciated | 09:25 |
o0Chris0o | I see | 09:25 |
o0Chris0o | yeah definately :) | 09:25 |
o0Chris0o | Id like to work with Kubuntu mostly | 09:26 |
o0Chris0o | but wallpapers and logos are pretty easy I can help out in all flavors | 09:26 |
o0Chris0o | splash screens as well | 09:27 |
o0Chris0o | not really into the icons :) | 09:27 |
kwwii | cool, I am pretty invovled with the kubuntu stuff as well | 09:33 |
kwwii | so I can help you get involved, if you need any help | 09:33 |
o0Chris0o | yeah definately :) I'm new, so much help is appreciated :) | 09:34 |
o0Chris0o | I signed up on the mailing list too btw | 09:34 |
kwwii | excellent, that is a good way to start | 09:36 |
kwwii | the mailing list and irc are the two most important forms of communication for us | 09:37 |
o0Chris0o | alright, I am on IRC 24/7 if I'm not here, I'm usually idling | 09:37 |
kwwii | if you have kubuntu specific questions ask me or perhaps on #kubuntu-devel | 09:37 |
kwwii | cool :-) | 09:37 |
o0Chris0o | alright not a prob | 09:38 |
o0Chris0o | what progams do you use to for the creation of your artwork? and where do you get clip-art from usually? | 09:42 |
kwwii | I use inkscape mainly | 09:43 |
kwwii | gimp a bit as well | 09:43 |
kwwii | and krita to draw bitmap with | 09:43 |
o0Chris0o | heh weird how freenode has you set up the vhost or cloak, I didn't want my ip being displayed much I thought you could change them to whateve you would like :) but I guess "unaffiliated/o0chris0o" is sticking :) | 09:44 |
o0Chris0o | ahh alright, thanks I will check em out, I use gimp a bit too :) | 09:44 |
kwwii | hehe, I still don't do cloaking...too much work | 09:48 |
kwwii | have fun! | 09:48 |
o0Chris0o | thanks :) | 09:49 |
* kwwii is out for lunch | 11:34 | |
* _MMA_ smacks kwwii for the "I guess only xubuntu and kubuntu really have their own artwork" comment. | 12:46 | |
psyke83 | hey | 17:09 |
WarMX | hi there | 17:42 |
_MMA_ | hi | 17:45 |
WarMX | wht's up | 17:45 |
kwwii | re | 18:53 |
savvas | ..habilitation :) | 19:06 |
kwwii | no doubt | 19:17 |
troy_s | kwwii: Where can I get the oxygen SVG sources, or better, a Gnome based namespace collection for them? | 20:20 |
kwwii | troy_s: we don't have any official or unofficial gnome packages but I think you could find one on gnome-look.org | 20:24 |
kwwii | the sources themselves are in kde svn | 20:24 |
kwwii | https://svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebase/runtime/pics/oxygen | 20:26 |
troy_s | kwwii: They are all SVG I am assuming? | 20:27 |
kwwii | we have all sizes of png files and svgz's for everything (even the smaller sized png files) | 20:27 |
kwwii | :-) | 20:27 |
kwwii | in some cases we have a 16x16 svg, a 22x22 svg, a 32x32 svg and a big svg | 20:28 |
kwwii | and the corresponding png files | 20:28 |
kwwii | oh, and you'll find scripts to render all of it there too | 20:28 |
troy_s | kwwii: Awsome. I'm only really interested in the SVGs and the pre-renders I suppose. | 20:29 |
kwwii | yeah, I assumed that too | 20:29 |
kwwii | it is nice to have *all* the sources I think | 20:29 |
kwwii | also, there is another module with icons which were earlier versions or unused | 20:30 |
kwwii | https://wimer@svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/artwork/Oxygen | 20:30 |
kwwii | now that I think about it I guess it would be easier to get them in a kubuntu source package | 20:31 |
kwwii | not sure the name of that though | 20:31 |
kwwii | we only work on them directly in kde svn | 20:31 |
troy_s | kwwii: Hrm. It would be worth packaging them up in an Ubuntu repository no? | 20:41 |
troy_s | kwwii: With metapacks maybe so that you have ONE 'real' repository for the actual binary blobs and one each for k / g naming convention links etc. | 20:42 |
kwwii | troy_s: yeah, that is something that would be worth looking into | 20:42 |
kwwii | also perhaps providing the necessary symlinks to make them work well with gnome | 20:42 |
kwwii | oxygen is pretty complete in the meantime so I think we could cover most icons needed | 20:42 |
troy_s | kwwii: That's what I mean. | 20:43 |
troy_s | kwwii: That is really a legwork thing. IF we setup an index.theme file for it and some dirs, we should be able to get oxygen into gnome easily... the main thing is keeping sync. | 20:44 |
troy_s | kwwii: I know there is some bzr-fu or launchpad-fu for syncing with SVN... let me ask... | 20:44 |
kwwii | I am updating my bzr branch now (slow connection tonight), I think that they are currently in kubuntu-default-settings, let me check | 20:46 |
kwwii | wow, it seems that they are directly in the kde runtime package | 20:47 |
kwwii | freaky | 20:47 |
kwwii | that puts the entire set in kdebase | 20:47 |
troy_s | kwwii: Yeah its like a 40 meg download (when I put the ppa on for kde 4) | 20:55 |
troy_s | kwwii: <rexbron> A VCS guy/LP admin has to manually test and then approve the import | 20:58 |
troy_s | kwwii: IF you can find someone to do that, we could probably work on getting the naming conventions in place. | 20:59 |
kwwii | troy_s: I guess I should start off by talking to the kubuntu peeps, they might be interested in seperating out the icon theme | 21:00 |
troy_s | kwwii: Well yes... it would lessen their needs then I suppose. | 21:00 |
troy_s | kwwii: What would be nice is to get Oxygen in such a state that adding it is as easy as adding Tango or whatever. | 21:01 |
troy_s | kwwii: And that would mean getting it such that the base package is avoiding duplicates for both DEs. | 21:01 |
kwwii | troy_s: to be honest, in the past we have tried to keep oxygen out of other desktops (including kde3) | 21:01 |
kwwii | but I think that now that kde4 is out and about it might be time to start thinking about that | 21:01 |
troy_s | kwwii: Ugh. | 21:03 |
troy_s | kwwii: Unfortunate. | 21:03 |
troy_s | kwwii: As that gets back into political stuffs that I really don't want to have any part of. Can you manage it? | 21:03 |
troy_s | kwwii: (As in getting the official blessing so that a repository doesn't get some strange firestorm of blah) | 21:03 |
_MMA_ | troy_s: I told you already there would be this. ;) | 21:03 |
kwwii | troy_s: well, it is not really political, more a marketing decision than anything else | 21:05 |
kwwii | we made oxygen for kde4, it had to stand out as something new for the new release | 21:06 |
kwwii | but now that cat is out of the bag so I imagine that we can take care of this somehow | 21:06 |
_MMA_ | But PR handling is only for an "official" effort. If it's something you do for your own needs, rock on. \m/ | 21:07 |
troy_s | _MMA_: True, but god knows what happened the last time I saw someone package Oxygen for GNOME. | 21:09 |
troy_s | _MMA_: Which is odd considering the license... but c'est la vie. | 21:09 |
_MMA_ | There's like 3 of 'em on GNOME-look. Cant really stop that. | 21:10 |
kwwii | actually, in the past I simply asked Frank (my friend who runs the *-look sites) to take them down | 21:11 |
kwwii | but now I see no reason to | 21:11 |
kwwii | and nobody else on the oxygen team has complained | 21:12 |
kwwii | whereas in the past we had two very loud artists getting upset :-) | 21:12 |
kwwii | actually, I see it as very positive that people want to use it on other desktops :-) | 21:13 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Before release, yeah. I could see why. | 21:13 |
kwwii | well, we spent more than two years working on it | 21:13 |
kwwii | and only put it in an open svn a year or so ago | 21:13 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Yes. "We" do. But you know how vocal the zealots get. :) | 21:13 |
kwwii | and immediatly people started making kde3 versions and gnome versions | 21:13 |
kwwii | actually, the kde3 versions were the only ones that pissed me off | 21:14 |
kwwii | I mean, if the kde community cannot control itself for it's own benefit then who can? | 21:14 |
* _MMA_ shrugs. | 21:14 | |
troy_s | kwwii: But that is the nature of the license I suppose. | 21:17 |
troy_s | kwwii: The only option is to pick a more limited license until xxx date then shift it (which you can obviously do being the sole copyright holder -- although I have no idea how complicated that gets when the copyright holder is the 'Oxygen team' or whatever) | 21:18 |
kwwii | troy_s: right, at first when it was only on our ftp server we had no license, which is really the most restrictive | 21:21 |
kwwii | after that we put it out as CCbySA | 21:21 |
kwwii | and then we moved to gpl3 to be compliant with all upstreams and kde4 itself | 21:22 |
kwwii | wow...did you guys read the email from MS to the blender people? kinda funny | 21:22 |
kwwii | lol, sometimes I think that the biggest thing Cimi has going against him is his ego | 21:24 |
kwwii | maybe if I was that good I would be the same way ;-) | 21:25 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Yeah. I saw it. Asstastic. | 21:41 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: I and others in Ubuntu have a good dialog with those guys. They use Ubuntu. ;) | 21:42 |
kwwii | hehe | 21:47 |
kwwii | anyone know a command line tool to convert color values? | 21:51 |
kwwii | looking at turning the hex values of the palette into a gimp palette so we can test it and tweak it | 21:58 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Agave can build a palette for GIMP. | 22:01 |
_MMA_ | Fire it up. Add colors to the "favorites" side-panel then you can export it. | 22:02 |
kwwii | _MMA_: yeah, but I only want the ones that i define | 22:21 |
kwwii | and I do not want to type it all in :-) | 22:21 |
kwwii | I guess I could do it with hexdump somehow | 22:21 |
kwwii | actually, that and a simple bash script shouldn't be too much | 22:22 |
kwwii | probably take longer than just typing it all in but much more satisfying :P | 22:22 |
nox-Hand | http://nox-hand.com/docs/images/Poster_final_danish_small.jpg <-- Final poster design for post to Ubuntu Artwork | 22:40 |
nox-Hand | Will have translation to English in a few days, so it can be uploaded. | 22:40 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Make 1 with Agave to see the formatting. SHould give you a start. | 22:44 |
kwwii | dude, I understand the formatting | 22:54 |
kwwii | I was hoping someone knew how to make it easy | 22:54 |
kwwii | :p | 22:54 |
kwwii | i made a list in hex | 22:54 |
kwwii | dumb me | 22:54 |
kwwii | and now I don't want to have to do it again | 22:54 |
kwwii | great, now I have a facebook profile as well | 23:03 |
kwwii | between a blog I never blog on, a linkedIn profile I couldn't give a rat's ass about and a facebook profile | 23:04 |
kwwii | and all this while I watch my 10 year old son login to his school network every morning to upload pics to his profile and send messages (*hug*) | 23:06 |
kwwii | boah, I am an old man | 23:06 |
kwwii | time for bed | 23:06 |
yharrow | hey guys | 23:22 |
yharrow | anyone know off hand who created the wallpaper for hardy? | 23:22 |
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