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jairowhen do you respont to irc03:26
no0ticjairo, how can we help you?03:37
jairoi read to irc chat03:38
jairobut a don't know when respond in irc with referencing03:39
no0ticfala portugues, entendo03:39
jairofalo sim03:39
no0tic(I will reply in english, though)03:39
jairovoce 'e Brasileiro03:39
no0ticnaci no brasil, pero soy italiano03:40
no0ticentao, que necesita?03:40
jairoitaliano e 'e legal ai ??03:40
jairoent'ao queria saber como fazer para responder alguma coisa no irc referenciando a pessoa ao qual respond'i\03:41
jairotipo <usu'ario1> resposta para o usuario 103:41
no0ticjairo, in this way03:41
jairoeu n'ao sei como sesponder para ficar resaltado03:41
no0ticput his nick in the message03:41
jairo<no0tic> ok03:42
no0ticassim :)03:43
jairobut no enable colors03:44
no0ticit depends on client settings03:45
jairowhen this works ??03:46
jairome ok03:46
* jairo ok03:46
jairocommand "/me XXX"03:47
jairofor example03:47
jairoi don`t undertend this too03:53
no0ticthis is not an irc help channel04:01
no0ticjairo, /join #help04:01
LunksAre Ubuntu specific language channels administered by independent people or they are related to #ubuntu main channel?05:24
nalioththey are related05:24
Lunksnalioth: #ubuntu-br is in need of operators.05:25
naliothLunks: there are several in that condition, i'm sorry to say05:25
Lunksnalioth: How can someone apply to be an operator?05:26
nalioththere is no application process05:26
LunksI know usually people don't apply to become an operator as they are usually chosen, but this is different. ;P05:26
Lunksnalioth: As I thought, but one (not really one) is required to add them to access lists, who *should* be aware of what's going on.05:28
naliothnoted :)05:29
Lunksnalioth: Who might that one/ones be? ;P05:30
PriceChildy/j #ubuntu-br08:22
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juan-arghola a todos tengo una duda porque ahi canales de freenode que bloquean a los usarios con proxy tor?19:28
ubottuTOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg19:29
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks19:29
Myrttifor the exact same reason we block most of the webchats too19:30
ubottuYou can use tor and still access #ubuntu and other channels that have tor blocked.  How? Read http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor to find out how to bypass all the tor hassles on freenode.19:30
juan-arg!proxy tor19:32
ubottuFactoid proxy tor not found19:32
juan-argubottu, !about19:33
ubottuFactoid about not found19:33
ubottuFactoid supybot not found19:33
ubottujuan-arg: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:34
RoAkSoAxjuan-arg, investiga el bot utilizando un privado19:35
juan-argRoAkSoAx, perdon no conocia este bot19:36
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)19:36
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks19:36
Myrttiit doesnt take multiple factoids19:36
RoAkSoAxjuan-arg, no tienes porque disculparte, pero siempre que necesites buscar factos en el bot haslo por privado :)19:36
juan-argRoAkSoAx, ok19:37
RoAkSoAxjuan-arg, y se bloquea por proxy, porque se suele utilizar estos proxies para realizar ataques de flood y etc.19:39
juan-argRoAkSoAx, y ahi alguna forma de autetinficarse para que no me bloques mi usariao esta registrado y nunca trolie19:40
RoAkSoAxjuan-arg, si, lee este enlace:  http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor19:41
juan-argRoAkSoAx, estoy usando mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion19:42
RoAkSoAxjuan-arg, tienes que seguir los pasos que te indican ahi utilizando tu GPG Key19:43
juan-argRoAkSoAx, ok19:44
juan-argRoAkSoAx, disculpa mi ignorancia como agrego una clave pgp ?19:52
RoAkSoAxjuan-arg, gpg Aplicaciones> Accesorios > Contrasenas y Claves de Encriptacion19:59
juan-argRoAkSoAx, gracias19:59
RoAkSoAxjuan-arg, luego le das Clave > Crear Nueva Clave y escoges Clave PGP20:00
juan-argRoAkSoAx, la pregunta es que ago con esto echo '<nick> <passwordhash>' | gpg --gnupg -sea -r 035D6B1D20:01
juan-argya remplase en donde dice name juan-arg y el hash de mi pasword pero no se donde ponerlo20:01
RoAkSoAxel passwordhash lo haces con: mkpasswd -H md520:02
juan-argRoAkSoAx, si ya lo hice ya tengo todo pero donde lo pongo?20:02
juan-argRoAkSoAx, pero antes tengo que crear una pgp?20:03
juan-argRoAkSoAx, generando clave....20:05
juan-argRoAkSoAx,  osea como quedaria mi nick el hash y mi pgp o la que dice en la pagina20:05
RoAkSoAxno se en realidad, nunca lo he utilizado :S20:06
juan-argRoAkSoAx, listo ahora voy a volver a conectarme gracias20:08
ZefirIs there any Polish op here?21:47

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