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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 May 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 14 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 15 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 17 May 12:30 UTC: Forum Council | 21 May 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 21 May 17:00 UTC: LoCo Council | ||
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davmor2 | hello everybody :) | 16:58 |
pedro_ | hey hey ! | 16:59 |
bdmurray | hi | 16:59 |
stgraber | hello | 16:59 |
heno | hey all | 16:59 |
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heno | we seem to have no announcement and no agenda, but we have participants, which is what counts :) | 17:00 |
nand | hi | 17:01 |
davmor2 | :) | 17:01 |
* ogasawara waves | 17:01 | |
heno | I have two items though: new team member intro and Forums feedback coordinator application | 17:02 |
heno | #startmeeting | 17:02 |
pedro_ | sigh no bot... | 17:02 |
stgraber | -ESTILLNOBOT | 17:02 |
heno | topic: New Stable Release QA Engineer | 17:03 |
heno | Steve Beattie starts with Canonical tomorrow and will be joining us at UDS | 17:04 |
* sbeattie waves hello | 17:04 | |
bdmurray | yeah! | 17:04 |
stgraber | hi sbeattie | 17:04 |
ogasawara | hi sbeattie | 17:04 |
pedro_ | great! | 17:04 |
pedro_ | welcome sbeattie :-) | 17:04 |
cgregan | Hello sbeattie | 17:04 |
davmor2 | congrats sbeattie | 17:04 |
heno | He will be responsible for SRU test cases/testing and point releases from a QA perspective | 17:04 |
nand | hi! | 17:04 |
heno | hey sbeattie! | 17:04 |
sbeattie | Thanks for the welcome everyone! | 17:05 |
heno | Please give him help and advice over the next few days | 17:05 |
heno | topic: Forums feedback coordinator | 17:06 |
heno | we had an application from Murat Gunes, which looks solid | 17:07 |
heno | Murat, are you here? | 17:07 |
Hobbsee | he's been previously involved in the forum ambassadors stuff, so should be good | 17:07 |
Hobbsee | and no, he's not here | 17:07 |
heno | ok, but yes, it looked good | 17:07 |
Hobbsee | (unless he's changed nicks again) | 17:07 |
pedro_ | nice, Murat is a pretty good triager also :-) | 17:07 |
heno | +1 from me | 17:07 |
davmor2 | sounds fair enough. We might want to make him aware of the meetings though :)# | 17:08 |
heno | true :) | 17:08 |
stgraber | +1 from me too, he seems to be exactly what we were looking for :) | 17:09 |
pedro_ | yes a +1 from me too | 17:09 |
ogasawara | +1 here too | 17:09 |
jcastro | welcome sbeattie! | 17:09 |
bdmurray | +1 from me | 17:09 |
heno | looks like we have consensus, cool | 17:10 |
jcastro | I've been working with murat, +1, he'll be @ UDS as well | 17:10 |
heno | welcome Murat | 17:10 |
pedro_ | speaking of that, heno do you known when the UDS schedule will be up? | 17:11 |
heno | I'll speak with sbeattie later about perhaps taking on the Test image maintainer role, that fits in well wit the update testing | 17:11 |
stgraber | oh, he'll be at FOSSCamp too, rocks | 17:11 |
heno | pedro_: it is meant to be finallised first day of FOSSCamp | 17:11 |
pedro_ | heno: ok, thanks you | 17:12 |
stgraber | btw, I have updated the wiki page with some items I would like to discuss at FOSSCamp, I have moved them to a separate category | 17:12 |
heno | pedro_: WIP QA schedule is here http://bioshock.netsplit.com/~scott/schedule/schedule.html?track=qa | 17:12 |
* pedro_ looking | 17:12 | |
heno | stgraber: thatnks! I'll have a look | 17:12 |
heno | That leaves the role of "Kernel bug first-response" not spoken for | 17:13 |
heno | btw, I'm referring to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/KeyPositions | 17:13 |
davmor2 | stgraber: what's the link? | 17:13 |
stgraber | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/UdsPrague | 17:14 |
heno | any other topics today? | 17:15 |
stgraber | think of regenerating you SSH keys :) | 17:15 |
davmor2 | :) | 17:15 |
davmor2 | heno: is it worth voiping into the QA talks at uds or not? | 17:16 |
heno | davmor2: it can be, but the sound quality is not that great | 17:16 |
davmor2 | right. | 17:16 |
heno | it's ok to listen, but difficult to participate | 17:17 |
heno | ok, thanks everyone, that was quick | 17:17 |
heno | #endmeeting | 17:17 |
stgraber | yep, see you all in Prague (for those coming to FOSSCamp) | 17:18 |
davmor2 | bye everyone :) | 17:18 |
davmor2 | Hope you all have a great time in prague | 17:18 |
pedro_ | great, have a good and safe travel everybody | 17:19 |
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Keybuk | heno: to point out the obvious, there's no access control on those schedule URLs | 17:50 |
Keybuk | so anyone who knows them can rearrange the entire UDS schedule | 17:50 |
heno | Keybuk: yep, could be interesting :) | 17:51 |
stgraber | I'm not sure #ubuntu-meeting was the best place to give the URL then :) | 17:51 |
heno | security by obscurity ;) | 17:51 |
Keybuk | heno: well, I figure since anyone can ssh into the box anyway ... ;-) | 17:52 |
stgraber | Keybuk: haven't upgraded yet ? :) | 17:53 |
Keybuk | ironically, it was only a few weeks ago that somebody was deriding me for treating ssh keys as disposable pairs, and regularly regenerating them | 17:54 |
Keybuk | I just ran "newkeys" on my machines | 17:54 |
jcastro | Keybuk: I have pretty horrible ssh key habits myself | 17:59 |
jcastro | and I have a friend that does what you do and I routinely poke fun at him | 17:59 |
jcastro | except for today of course. :p | 17:59 |
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