dijenerate | hi all | 01:30 |
dijenerate | has anyone tested this on the Vaio UX as yet? | 01:30 |
dijenerate | where can I get the latest build and how do I install | 01:30 |
dijenerate | I guess I should have asked if anyone is alive here and if anyone actually runs this from anything other than a flash drive | 01:33 |
=== cpro1 is now known as cprov | ||
jsg | Hi, do any of you know if there will be some official canonical phones (pre-installed) that can be ordered working out-of-the-box | 09:09 |
davmor2 | jsg: Mobile isn't for phone yet it is just for Intel based mids (Mobile Internet Devices) | 09:20 |
jsg | ok - will it be for phones later on? | 09:21 |
davmor2 | pass | 09:21 |
jsg | OK | 09:21 |
jsg | thx | 09:21 |
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away | ||
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2 | ||
davmor2 | cgregan: No the apps are still not tallying with the icons :( | 14:57 |
cgregan | Please ping StevenK to see if he can figure out what is going on with your help | 14:58 |
davmor2 | StevenK: ping | 15:04 |
davmor2 | cgregan: the top row in all mode are right it's just the rest :) | 15:04 |
cgregan | davmor2: Strange....I would think either they were all screwed up, or non-are. | 15:05 |
davmor2 | cgregan: exactly :) did you get yesterdays menlow image? | 15:06 |
cgregan | Steven might be offline at this point. He is in Sydney. I can catch up with him during his Wed morning. | 15:06 |
davmor2 | cgregan: I got a couple hours of catchup to do tonight so I'll make it latter than earlier | 15:08 |
cgregan | davmor2: Ok...review the apps that you have access to from Home/All or try launching from terminal | 15:09 |
davmor2 | cgregan: did you get yesterdays image in the end? | 15:11 |
cgregan | davmor2: Yes....In the process of re-building it for the Jax device | 15:11 |
davmor2 | okay :) If you find it has OO.o on it try it out I'm guessing you'll get the /%U does not exist error that me and stgraber are getting too. | 15:13 |
Hobbsee | cgregan: he should still be here somewhere. | 15:14 |
Hobbsee | more to the point, there somewhere. | 15:14 |
cgregan | davmor2: Actually...OOo should not even show up on the desktop | 15:15 |
cgregan | davmor2: Only the office document viewer "treb" should be there | 15:15 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Hi. I just saw your bug OO bug but I'm tending to make it invalid as OO is not to be used as a standalone application for UME. It's there for the sole porpouse of read MS office files using treb. | 15:15 |
agoliveira | cgregan: You just beat me :) | 15:16 |
* cgregan has mad launchpad ninja skills! | 15:17 | |
agoliveira | As a matter of fact, the idea is to pull out OO's filters eventually and remove the rest of the package. | 15:17 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: why then can I access it at all? | 15:19 |
agoliveira | davmor2: The binary is there but it shouldn't have any icons pointing to them. | 15:20 |
agoliveira | davmor2: What image/platform are you using? | 15:21 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: http://www.davmor2.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/OO.o.png | 15:21 |
davmor2 | from the icon on the desktop | 15:21 |
davmor2 | it's in the bug. Menlow.mic.tar.bz2 on xephyr. Builds are 20080512/13/beta4 | 15:22 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Did you build this using MIC? | 15:23 |
davmor2 | yes | 15:24 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: and using the terminal command ume-xephyr-start to boot it up | 15:25 |
agoliveira | davmor2: That's weird. Let me see something. | 15:25 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEScreenshots?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=main-screen.png is a shot of yesterday's desktop that I'm using for the testing wiki | 15:26 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: any ideas on bug 229610 While I'm online still | 15:29 |
StevenK | I don't see how m-b-f would show all of those entires | 15:30 |
davmor2 | StevenK: would you like to know how many icon I get in total on the desktop? | 15:30 |
agoliveira | davmor2: I just updated my Q1 and, as expected, the OO icons are not there. I don't see any OO files on PPA so I have no idea why they are showing up for you. | 15:31 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: and stgraber from wednesdays version | 15:31 |
StevenK | davmor2: More than the 25 I get? | 15:32 |
davmor2 | StevenK: I get 40 | 15:32 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: the Q1 version is that the samsung version? | 15:32 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Yes. I have the image from cdimage installed on it. | 15:33 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: hang on a second | 15:33 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: Right I'm using the menlow image here is a shot of the setup in mic. http://www.davmor2.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ss-mic.png | 15:35 |
agoliveira | davmor2: I can only think that someone from intel or MSG made this change. I'm quite sure wasn't us. | 15:36 |
StevenK | But I've been using the dailes, and they don't have the same bug. | 15:37 |
davmor2 | StevenK: actually I get 42 images | 15:37 |
agoliveira | StevenK: Yep. Just updated mine. | 15:38 |
agoliveira | StevenK: I can only think that Intel has being naughty. | 15:38 |
davmor2 | StevenK: are you running in xephyr though? | 15:38 |
davmor2 | 47 even I'll get it right in a minute :( | 15:39 |
StevenK | davmor2: Nope. Which makes me think it's Xephyr specific | 15:40 |
davmor2 | http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/moblin/hardy/menlow/20080513/menlow.mic.tar.bz2 this is the image I am downloading | 15:40 |
davmor2 | using even | 15:41 |
davmor2 | will the mccaslin version run in mic? | 15:42 |
davmor2 | brb | 15:45 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Yes, it should. | 15:45 |
agoliveira | StevenK: But why would they show up in Xephyr and not on the device? Weird... | 15:46 |
StevenK | Exactly my thought. | 15:46 |
* agoliveira still thinks that Intel is playing a rule here :) | 15:46 | |
davmor2 | right I'm downloading the mccaslin version I'll let you know if there is a difference in about an hour | 15:49 |
seppolie | hi, works ubutu mobile on sony ereicsson k800i? an how can i download or install? | 15:59 |
agoliveira | seppolie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | 15:59 |
seppolie | agoliveira, thnx | 16:00 |
davmor2 | back :) | 16:16 |
davmor2 | StevenK: agoliveira: so you guys are both using the mccaslin version on your q1's is that correct? | 16:16 |
StevenK | The Menlow images won't work on Q1U | 16:17 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Yes, it's the version that works on the Q1. | 16:17 |
davmor2 | okay cool so the difference might be in that rather than with it being xephyr then. | 16:18 |
davmor2 | would the randomness with the icons be xephyr though? | 16:19 |
agoliveira | davmor2: In theory there should be no difference betweek using on Xephyr and on the hardware. The only thing I can think of to see this is to take this image you're testing and install it on a real device. | 16:27 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: no device or I would. | 16:29 |
davmor2 | However I'm wondering now if the weirdness with the icons not tallying up with the apps might be down to it being menlow too so I'll check that out at the same time. | 16:32 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Well, I don't have any menlow devices here as well, sorry. | 16:32 |
martii | hi guys | 16:42 |
martii | I was wondering if ubuntu mobile is just for mobiles or eeepc is good target as well? | 16:42 |
davmor2 | bugger slow band has kicked in :( | 16:48 |
lool | martii: We don't target the eeepc, but we would be happy to support it | 16:53 |
agoliveira | martii: UME is *not* for phones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | 16:53 |
davmor2 | cgregan: on a plus side liferea is working :) | 16:59 |
cgregan | :-) | 16:59 |
davmor2 | in fact most of the apps I've found work fine :) | 17:00 |
=== Jay-laptop is now known as Jay-home | ||
Bert_2 | hi, anybody here ? | 17:28 |
GrueMaster | nope | 17:34 |
Bert_2 | lol | 17:34 |
GrueMaster | :) | 17:34 |
GrueMaster | what's up? | 17:34 |
Bert_2 | well, moblin-image-creator and xephyr seem to hate me | 17:35 |
GrueMaster | heh. I avoid xephyr. Too many headaches, not enough return. I prefer vnc. | 17:35 |
Bert_2 | I first made a standard project and target and tried to run it but I get an error, and then I tried the moblin image I have and that doesn't show after processing | 17:35 |
Bert_2 | GrueMaster: the documentation didn't say anything about vnc | 17:36 |
Bert_2 | how do you get things running then ? | 17:36 |
GrueMaster | oops, I meant virtual box. And no, there is no documentation that I know of. | 17:36 |
Bert_2 | can you get it working in virtualbox ? | 17:37 |
Bert_2 | how ? | 17:37 |
GrueMaster | Yes, but it isn't easy. You need to make your own image. Modifying the live usb might work. | 17:37 |
GrueMaster | I have only done it a couple of times (lack of time on my end - I spend most of my days on real platforms. | 17:38 |
Bert_2 | but does it work with the virtual hardware of virtualbox ? | 17:38 |
GrueMaster | The only thing that doesn't work is the video driver. | 17:38 |
GrueMaster | Everything else can be simulated. | 17:38 |
Bert_2 | well, I'm very curious, I especially want to know if it works on the eeePC, cause I would love to run UME on it | 17:38 |
GrueMaster | You can run the image on the Eee PC. Just use McCaslin as your platform base. There is some minor tweaks from there, as the Eee doesn't have a touch screen. | 17:40 |
Bert_2 | well, the 900 has one | 17:40 |
Bert_2 | and I hope to buy one in June | 17:40 |
GrueMaster | OOOOO! | 17:40 |
Bert_2 | didn't you know that | 17:40 |
Bert_2 | have you been living under a rock the last month ? | 17:40 |
GrueMaster | Is that going to be Atom based? I haven't had a chance to read the specs. | 17:40 |
GrueMaster | well, since you asked... | 17:41 |
Bert_2 | right now it's Celeron, but in Juni/July the atom version will be there | 17:41 |
GrueMaster | Then it will be Menlow based (as far as MIC is concerned). | 17:41 |
martii | agoliveira: OK but what if I'd like to help you to support it? | 17:43 |
Bert_2 | well GrueMaster that sounds very easy indeed :D | 17:44 |
Bert_2 | GrueMaster: say, what is the precise aim of the UME-project, cause the wiki isn't very uniform | 17:46 |
GrueMaster | The current goals are geared around the upcoming Intel Atom based MID products. There has been a lot of press lately on these handheld units. Check youtube for some video from one of the trade shows. | 17:47 |
GrueMaster | The McCaslin platform is any ultra-mobile device on earlier technology, specifically the Samsung Q1 Ultra (the Eee uses similar components). | 17:49 |
GrueMaster | McCaslin is currently being used as a development platform for the next gen products due to the similarities (x86, touch screen, mobile, etc). | 17:50 |
Bert_2 | GrueMaster: sounds very interesting, I'll check it out soon, but now I have to go | 17:51 |
Bert_2 | thank you for your help ;) | 17:51 |
GrueMaster | Check out moblin.org as well. | 17:51 |
davmor2 | yay mccaslin just finished :) | 18:23 |
davmor2 | Okay things just got bizzarer I just tried the mccaslin image and it is identical to the menlow image in it's brokeness | 18:35 |
davmor2 | so it looks like it's an xephyr issue | 18:35 |
agoliveira | martii: Well, just join the launchpad group, mailing lists and go for it :) | 18:37 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: I got no idea why the OO.o stuff is showing up in xephyr but not on hardware. | 18:38 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Did you try the same umc-generated mcaslin image on Xephyr and Q1? | 18:40 |
davmor2 | I don't have a Q1 | 18:40 |
davmor2 | But I'm going to guess that if it is not showing up on any of your Q1's that it's xephyr | 18:41 |
davmor2 | we definitely need a better virtual way to test the images :) | 18:41 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Just in case, I'll cook up a brand new image here and install on my Q1. | 18:42 |
davmor2 | I got a feeling that the issue with the mislinking icon - app might be caused by the same issue too if it isn't playing up on your system. | 18:43 |
agoliveira | davmor2: I was thinking that maybe one of the symlinks that mic does is the culprit. | 18:46 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: it's definitely there though. That's why I videoed it and it's been confirmed by stgraber who is running it in mic the same as me. | 18:48 |
GrueMaster | has anyone tried loading an image in VirtualBox? The only major issue is the default video driver. | 18:49 |
agoliveira | davmor2, cgregan: Confirmed. If I run the same image on Xephyr I got all those weird icons. On Q1, they are not there, the same I have from running the daily. I suggest you open a bug for that and point it to Intel's direction. | 19:50 |
agoliveira | Ooops, there is a bug already :) | 19:50 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: there's a bug for both | 19:51 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: have you got the numbers or do you want them? Also I'm wondering now if the weird buttons might be tied into it too. | 19:55 |
agoliveira | davmor2: My wild guess is they are related. | 19:56 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: in that case there maybe 3 bugs that are tied in together | 20:00 |
agoliveira | davmor2: I just made #229957 invalid | 20:01 |
agoliveira | OpenOffice.org displays /%U does not exist | 20:01 |
agoliveira | which is also related | 20:01 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13895416/buttons%20error.png | 20:02 |
davmor2 | do you get anything like that? | 20:02 |
davmor2 | on hw | 20:03 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Hold on... | 20:03 |
agoliveira | davmor2: No, the dialog looks fine here. | 20:05 |
agoliveira | Looks like Xephyr is not a good bedtest now... | 20:05 |
davmor2 | what about in xephyr? In xephyr if you click on Neverputt it brings up the settings dialogue and chexk out the drop down menu | 20:07 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Neverput is not likely to work on Xephyr as it's a opengl applications and Xephyr does not support it. | 20:08 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: no it is just the icon that brings up setting I told you they were screwy | 20:09 |
agoliveira | davmor2: On Q1 neverput works fine, sound and everything.; | 20:09 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: Right but in xephyr it opens up the settings menu/page for the device | 20:10 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Forget about it. Those icons are all screwd up in Xephyr. | 20:10 |
davmor2 | agoliveira: yes my point though is that the drop down menu on the settings page is screwy. Which again I'm going to assume is an xephyr fault only | 20:13 |
agoliveira | davmor2: SO it seems as it looks fine to me. | 20:14 |
davmor2 | okay thanks for confirming. That's another we can put down to being xephyr | 20:15 |
davmor2 | :) | 20:15 |
agoliveira | davmor2: I can only guess that one of those symliks the image creator does is mixing up gnome files into the chroot and causing this crap. | 20:16 |
davmor2 | well there's loads of reasons that it could be I suppose but that sounds the most logical :) | 20:17 |
davmor2 | anyway I'm off see you tomorrow :) | 20:19 |
agoliveira | davmor2: Bye, | 20:20 |
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