asac | good question | 00:00 |
asac | but in there is no tracker | 00:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 215728 in xulrunner-1.9 "[MASTER] Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O" [High,Fix released] | 00:02 |
campd | yeah | 00:03 |
campd | I saw the performance degredation pre-patch, without tracker | 00:03 |
campd | no doubt | 00:03 |
campd | (I don't particularly suspect that tracker's the problem here, but yeah) | 00:04 |
asac | campd: in case its not clear, the comment refers to xul after the patch | 00:04 |
campd | ah, ok | 00:05 |
campd | yeah, it wasn't :) | 00:05 |
asac | well ... i assume so :/ | 00:05 |
=== Double_D is now known as Sergeant_Pony | ||
Jazzva | If I need some program to be compat both with ff2 and 3, is it ok if it builds agains libxul-dev? | 01:05 |
Jazzva | Or is it some other package? | 01:05 |
Jazzva | Well, this one particularly says: | 01:07 |
Jazzva | Unmet build dependencies: libxul-dev | firefox-dev | iceape-dev | 01:07 |
Jazzva | Can I just remove libxul-dev, and replace firefox-dev with firefox-3.0-dev | firefox-2-dev? | 01:08 |
asac | Jazzva: good question | 01:08 |
asac | which program is that? | 01:09 |
Jazzva | gecko-mediaplayer | 01:09 |
Jazzva | If I install libxul-dev, it removes xulrunner-1.9-dev... | 01:09 |
asac | you can try libxul-dev or firefox-2-dev | 01:10 |
asac | if it doesn't work on xul 1.9 we have to look closer | 01:10 |
Jazzva | But why woud libxul-dev remove xulrunner-1.9-dev, if it's not in libxul's Replaces/Conflicts | 01:12 |
asac | we conflict it from xulrunner-1.9-dev | 01:13 |
Jazzva | Ah... | 01:14 |
Jazzva | I'll look more into that tommorow... Now, off to bed. Good night, all :) | 01:24 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
gnomefreak | fta: ff3.0 rc1 is borked badly | 05:55 |
gnomefreak | fta: asac ff3 rc1 doesnt start at all | 06:05 |
gnomefreak | this sucks i guess i change default browser now. let me know hwo to get term output when running firefox since 3 doesnt give any | 06:24 |
gnomefreak | ff4 doesnt start either | 06:25 |
devilsadvocate | ff4? | 06:26 |
gnomefreak | ff4 does start | 06:26 |
gnomefreak | devilsadvocate: ye | 06:26 |
gnomefreak | s | 06:26 |
devilsadvocate | hm | 06:26 |
gnomefreak | damn i hate to downgrade :( | 06:30 |
gnomefreak | brb gonna try a few things to get this to work | 06:34 |
gnomefreak | it seems i had to restart Ubuntu to get 3.0rc1 to run | 06:42 |
gnomefreak | well i built firegpg installed the .deb now not sure how to enable it since its not in addons dialog and not in place it should be. if asac or fta Jazzva show up ping me please | 07:25 |
gnomefreak | my damn branches for firegpg have nothing in them maybe ill work on it big time tomorrow seeing as its 2:27am :( | 07:27 |
gnomefreak | ok dapper and feisty set up also next and last is sid i think or lenny or both but well see tomorrow | 07:54 |
gnomefreak | night | 07:54 |
asac | hmm | 08:41 |
fta | gnomefreak, no problem with rc1 here. works like a charm | 09:13 |
fta | asac, my membership for ubuntu-bugcontrol is about to expire, no idea why. maybe they expect me a quota of bugs / day.. no idea. if that's it, i can't compete | 09:36 |
asac | fta: he? | 09:42 |
asac | fta: maybe you have been in there for a year or so? | 09:42 |
james_w | fta: it's a timed expiry, you can request renewal. | 09:42 |
james_w | hey asac | 09:42 |
asac | fta: yeah ... most likely you can click a link in mail and renew on your own ;) | 09:42 |
asac | hi james_w | 09:42 |
asac | fta: if you cant let me know ... or ask pedro or bdmurray directly | 09:43 |
asac | james_w: are you the right person to talk about improved bug processing tools :)? | 09:47 |
asac | e.g. outside of launchpad ;) | 09:47 |
asac | jtv: you think i could try an import or has the change been rolled-back? | 09:52 |
jtv | asac: it's been rolled back (although I'm pretty sure that the error happened in the rollout, not in the actual code). | 09:54 |
jtv | asac: you can start importing though: some will succeed, others will fail. | 09:55 |
jtv | asac: and once the fix is deployed again, I can just mark the failed ones for re-import. | 09:55 |
james_w | asac: what do you mean? | 09:55 |
asac | jtv: ok ... so can i work around by removing the contributor lines manually for the few translations i need now? | 09:55 |
jtv | asac: yes, that will do the trick as well. | 09:56 |
asac | jtv: whats the idea now? do a properly staged roll-out to staging.... ? | 09:56 |
jtv | asac: staging already has the fix. It was the rollout to production that failed. | 09:57 |
asac | james_w: thought one of your expertises is on development tools for ubuntu ... wondered if bug management counts for that ;) | 09:58 |
james_w | ah, thekorn and bdmurray are the people to talk to, they wrote bughelper and the like. | 09:58 |
asac | jtv: only em:contributor ... or also em:creator? | 09:59 |
asac | james_w: well ... my idea goes far beyond bughelper ;) | 09:59 |
asac | but i get the point | 09:59 |
james_w | asac: well we can chat about it next week, you never know what might happen. | 10:00 |
asac | hehe ;) ... yes, thats why i ask. i am thinking about who to talk to about the various things i | 10:00 |
jtv | asac: only contributor. | 10:00 |
asac | d like to get improved | 10:00 |
asac | jtv: interesting ... ... de.xpi was renamed to midbrowser-de.po ?? while the zh-XX .xpis are still named the same way? | 10:15 |
jtv | asac: did that happen just after your upload? | 10:17 |
asac | jtv: yes | 10:28 |
asac | first time i went to import queue it read "midbrowser-de.po" | 10:29 |
jtv | asac: I see it... Maybe there was still a failed entry in the queue that you overwrote. | 10:29 |
jtv | And now it also has the slash? | 10:29 |
asac | jtv: hmm. i didn't look for old entries right. i remember that i tried to import de for midbrowser a few days ago though | 10:30 |
asac | but i thought it finally failed | 10:30 |
jtv | asac: failed entries will stay in the queue as such. | 10:30 |
asac | anyway, the import failed ... ill strip off the contributor and try again | 10:30 |
jtv | I'll force a rename in the meantime. | 10:30 |
asac | ok reuploaded. | 10:31 |
asac | de.xpi (without empty <em:contributor>) | 10:31 |
* jtv crosses fingers. | 10:31 | |
asac | me too ;) | 10:32 |
asac | now de.xpi appears to be approved (zh-XX.xpi not yet) | 10:33 |
jtv | asac: I think that approval was a side effect of my changing the name. | 10:37 |
asac | k ;) | 10:39 |
asac | bug 220886 | 10:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 220886 in firefox "firefox tabs keep switching and application becomes unresponsive" [Undecided,New] | 10:39 |
asac | \o/ down to 600 unread mails in my ffox 2 bug folder :) | 10:44 |
asac | well 700 ... but down from 2800 a few days ago ;) | 10:45 |
asac | i think how many books i could have read :/ | 10:45 |
asac | jtv: good news. midbrowser de.xpi import succeeded. we have 8 untranslated strings only ;) | 11:11 |
asac | | 11:11 |
jtv | asac: nice! | 11:11 |
asac | jtv: will the other be auto approved? | 11:11 |
asac | | 11:11 |
jtv | asac: should be, yes. I can speed it up though... just a moment. | 11:11 |
asac | let me import all translations the mid team needs right now ;) | 11:13 |
asac | jtv: what happens if i import es-ES.xpi + es-AR.xpi ? will both be included in export? | 11:16 |
asac | still a bit confused about the language merge ;) | 11:16 |
jtv | asac: should be, but still a bit uncertain about that myself! | 11:17 |
asac | jtv: better test that with pt ... as thats a locale mid dont need right now | 11:17 |
asac | :) | 11:17 |
asac | importing that too then | 11:17 |
jtv | asac: about the es-ES, just to be sure: you only have es-*.xpi, right? No plain es.xpi? | 11:19 |
asac | jtv: right | 11:20 |
asac | same as for zh-XX.xpi | 11:20 |
jtv | asac: then I'll import es-ES as the regular es translation. | 11:20 |
asac | ok and es-AR? ignored? | 11:20 |
jtv | asac: well, zh is a bit of a special case because there is no plain zh. | 11:20 |
jtv | asac: should go in, though I'm not sure it's very useful. | 11:20 |
asac | jtv: could you approve all that are now uploaded one more time? | 11:21 |
jtv | asac: was already doing that | 11:21 |
asac | we will see what happens to pt-XX * i guess | 11:21 |
jtv | asac: I've imported pt-PT as plain pt, but pt-BR as pt_BR (as per convention). | 11:23 |
asac | jtv: is that auto mapped? | 11:23 |
asac | or should i have uploaded it differently? | 11:23 |
jtv | asac: not auto, unfortunately. | 11:23 |
asac | ok ... so the tools to sync translations should map that up front i guess | 11:24 |
asac | jtv: but you only renamed the .xpi? | 11:24 |
jtv | I did not rename the XPI, just set the language. | 11:24 |
jtv | We have separate language records for es and es_ES, etc. | 11:24 |
jtv | For auto-approval, it's definitely best to upload es.xpi rather than es-ES.xpi. | 11:25 |
asac | hmm ... will the chrome parser choke? i mean if you import it as es and in chrome.manifest there is es-ES ? | 11:26 |
asac | jtv: ? | 11:26 |
jtv | asac: right now, the language code from the manifest doesn't go anywhere. | 11:28 |
jtv | asac: so it's still the one from the filename that determines what happens. | 11:28 |
asac | jtv: ok interesting ... so you can not yet upload a .xpi with multiple translations | 11:29 |
jtv | asac: not yet | 11:29 |
asac | (not that i thought different ) | 11:29 |
jtv | asac: it's not hard to do, but it means bypassing the auto-approval altogether. | 11:30 |
jtv | So we'd need to re-engineer the approval code for that. | 11:30 |
asac | jtv: ok. i think we should rather write tools to split .xpis | 11:47 |
asac | i already have some code for that but needs a bit care before it becomes perfect | 11:47 |
jtv | asac: that's great. | 11:48 |
jtv | asac: I'm just off for lunch. Back in an hour! | 11:48 |
asac | ephy broke with xul 1.9 rc1 | 12:25 |
asac | too bad :/ | 12:25 |
asac | jtv: ok ... not sure if this is bad news, but the xul 1.9 import finished 5 minutes ago and on launchpad page there are still almost no translated strings :( | 12:36 |
asac | and i cannot update strings in de translation. get (Error ID: OOPS-864ED26) | 12:41 |
asac | jtv: ^ | 12:41 |
asac | (Timeout error) | 12:42 |
Mirv | asac: did you fix some printing-specific problem in the xulrunner/firefox locales for German near the release? bug 219655 still applies to Finnish (printing broken unless xulrunner fi disabled), but someone who had the same problem in German said it was fixed 2008-04-23 | 13:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 219655 in xulrunner "Firefox (xulrunner) printing problem when using Finnish (fi) translation" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 13:56 |
Mirv | asac: oh, sorry, you've just answered to the bug :) | 13:56 |
Mirv | answered it (the file does open correctly) | 13:58 |
asac | Mirv: can you paste it somewhere please? | 14:02 |
Mirv | asac: actually since it was so short file, I pasted it there in the report | 14:03 |
asac | virhe käsiteltäessä ulkoista olioviittausta | 14:05 |
asac | what does that translate to? | 14:05 |
asac | Mirv: ? | 14:05 |
jtv | asac: (sorry, on phone) | 14:09 |
asac | Mirv: ok got the bug i think | 14:11 |
Mirv | asac: error handling external object reference | 14:13 |
Mirv | asac: and great, if you did. it does affect quite a lot of people, I just didn't try printing myself before | 14:15 |
asac | Mirv: do you know how to escape % in entity dtds? | 14:17 |
Mirv | asac: deducting from the current -de translation probably % | 14:19 |
asac | right | 14:19 |
jtv | asac: off the call now... I saw something about an outage, but don't know what it was. Is it better now? | 14:24 |
asac | jtv: the import apparently didn't happen for xulrunner-1.9. i reuploaded it now | 14:25 |
asac | queue appears to be crowded again | 14:25 |
asac | translating in launchpad website works again for midbrowser (that was the other issue i mentioned) | 14:26 |
Mirv | asac: so it's probably in the conversion script again? just checking that the German translation in Rosetta seems to be #1%... though then again the xulrunner / firefox translations recently disappeared and are apparently making comeback now and eg. that specific string was touched by you 2 hours ago | 14:27 |
asac | Mirv: i attached the branch that has the fix now | 14:27 |
asac | to the bug | 14:27 |
asac | jtv: there are some translations not matched in fr import of midbrowser. | 14:29 |
Mirv | asac: ok, thanks. I now also tested manually that changing the % to % in xulrunner-1.9-fi.jar fixes the problem | 14:29 |
asac | right | 14:29 |
asac | we will get updated lang packs when RC1 is out. if that doesn't happen this week i will update them manually | 14:30 |
Mirv | asac: sounds great | 14:30 |
Mirv | I put up manual fix instructions for those who can copy paste to terminal window. | 14:44 |
gnomefreak | fta: i had to restart Ubuntu to get rc1 to even run but it works now not sure why that happened. this is hardy set up, i had an issue with alpine nad my Ubuntu passwords so i went back to hardy for a few days | 14:45 |
asac | Mirv: you can also provide the fixed .jar file with instructions where to copy them | 14:45 |
gnomefreak | !info libxfont1 intrepid | 14:46 |
ubottu | libxfont1 (source: libxfont): X11 font rasterisation library. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.3.2-1 (intrepid), package size 210 kB, installed size 460 kB | 14:46 |
gnomefreak | still the borked version | 14:46 |
gnomefreak | well i got ok but he didnt seem like it was still being worked on :( | 14:48 |
gnomefreak | !info iceape gutsy | 14:53 |
ubottu | Package iceape does not exist in gutsy | 14:53 |
gnomefreak | asac: reading over bugs and your asking them to use apport. you might want to tell them how to turn it on since its off on stable release. Also last i heard turning it on doesnt work, i dont remeber instructions off hand but thats why i told them to get backtraces. | 15:09 |
jtv | asac: sorry for yet more delays, still busy. I see fewer than a dozen untranslated messages in that French translation... does that mean the problem is fixing itself? | 15:11 |
asac | jtv: no ... some strings are not translated ... thats not correct | 15:13 |
asac | i will ook closer after lunch (late yeah) | 15:14 |
jtv | asac: end of my day is coming up, but feel free to email me if you want an answer tomorrow morning. | 15:15 |
myown76 | hi to all | 15:16 |
* asac lunch | 15:18 | |
myown76 | I'm not able to acces to thunderbird profile | 15:18 |
myown76 | what should I do | 15:19 |
myown76_ | hi to all | 15:31 |
myown76_ | what should I do | 15:31 |
myown76_ | I'm not able to acces to thunderbird profile | 15:31 |
gnomefreak | oh wtf | 15:35 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: how are you trying to access it? | 15:35 |
gnomefreak | fta: when you get a sec let me know | 15:35 |
myown76_ | gnomefreak, i launch tb | 15:36 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: what version? | 15:36 |
myown76_ | gnomefreak, I select the profile and it ask to me for a new profile | 15:36 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: launch tb and what no settings are there? | 15:36 |
myown76_ | i'm using ubuntu | 15:36 |
myown76_ | the latest version | 15:36 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: latest version isnt helpfull | 15:37 |
gnomefreak | what is the latest version that you have? | 15:37 |
myown76_ | wait a sec | 15:37 |
myown76_ | i serch for version number | 15:37 |
myown76_ | | 15:37 |
gnomefreak | fta: im updating tb for latest a2 snapshot and it isnt finding the tarball in tarballs | 15:37 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: and your mailboxes are not there when you launch it? | 15:38 |
myown76_ | gnomefreak, no it is not there, tb ask for me to create a new account | 15:38 |
myown76_ | the other profile works fine | 15:38 |
gnomefreak | fta: used devscripts to build tarball | 15:38 |
myown76_ | the profile I use for work mail does'nt work | 15:39 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: what is the command that is being used to launch it? | 15:39 |
myown76_ | thunderbird %u | 15:40 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: thunderbird hasnt been updated in last week or so, so tb profile should never have changed. what did you do with profile? did you launch tb using -P? | 15:40 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: did you move it and than put it back? | 15:40 |
myown76_ | I've done anything :( | 15:40 |
gnomefreak | is this profile from another pc? | 15:40 |
myown76_ | yesterday it was working and this afternoo it does'nt work | 15:41 |
gnomefreak | or another partition? | 15:41 |
myown76_ | another partition | 15:41 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: you cant do that | 15:41 |
myown76_ | partition /dati fat32 | 15:41 |
myown76_ | no? | 15:41 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: the profile is a series of letters/numbers they are differnet all the time | 15:41 |
gnomefreak | look at your profile name | 15:42 |
myown76_ | bat I use this mode from more than two year... | 15:42 |
myown76_ | i do | 15:42 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: well first cant support using fat32+ubuntu+tb | 15:42 |
myown76_ | bi4ds7jp.default is the name of the profile foldere | 15:43 |
myown76_ | bi4ds7jp.default is the name of the profile folder | 15:43 |
gnomefreak | there is something that is gonna prevent it from working. if you used iot for over a year and you changed something recently and it stopepd working its not tbs fauly | 15:43 |
myown76_ | what should I so? | 15:43 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: you need to start with clean profile | 15:43 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: try not to mix profiles | 15:43 |
myown76_ | I've a backup of a week ago, can I use it? | 15:43 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: yes should be fine unless you uninstalled and reinstalled tb | 15:44 |
myown76_ | so i have to lost all my emails? | 15:44 |
gnomefreak | than i would suggest you change the name to match the new profile and add the files into the profile | 15:44 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: if you still have your profile they are still there | 15:44 |
myown76_ | fine... i try | 15:44 |
myown76_ | nothing to do... | 15:46 |
myown76_ | I try to create a new profile choosing folder in wich I have the backp | 15:46 |
myown76_ | it does'nt work | 15:46 |
gnomefreak | fta: it looks like i fixed tb build | 15:47 |
gnomefreak | myown76_: thats not what i said to try. i said try with a new profile than move your mail and friends from old profile into new profile DO NOT CHANGE THE NAME OF DIR you just want files insode the fhskfhds.default not the whole profile | 15:48 |
myown76_ | gnomefreak, ok | 15:49 |
gnomefreak | brb looking for lunch while this builds | 15:49 |
myown76_ | gnomefreak, nothing to do... | 16:03 |
shirish | guys anybody knows when we on the LTS will get ff3-RC1? I know xulrunner got updated sometime back. | 16:14 |
asac | shirish: we will get it as soon as its _out_ _and_ as soon as we finished our QA on it ;) | 16:48 |
armin76 | shirish: is it even released? | 16:48 |
armin76 | asac: the ssh bug is fun :P | 16:49 |
shirish | asac: thanx, I thought it got released, lemme check back | 16:49 |
asac | its a moderate risky update ... so we might get the update a bit later than upstream releases it | 16:49 |
asac | shirish: it has been tagged ... but they finish their QA now | 16:49 |
shirish | armin76: I know the final is not, but I know the RC got through sometime back | 16:49 |
asac | we started to do the same and finish the initial packaging | 16:49 |
shirish | ah ok | 16:49 |
asac | shirish: RC isnt ... maybe RC of the RC :) | 16:50 |
shirish | ;) | 16:50 |
armin76 | | 16:50 |
asac | yeah ... no its in hand of buildd and QA team upstream | 16:50 |
asac | probably takes a week if all works out well | 16:50 |
shirish | ok cool | 16:51 |
=== elmargol_ is now known as elmargol | ||
armin76 | asac: you know if sm-1.1.10 is going to happen or? | 17:14 |
asac | armin76: i wouldn't wait for it ;) ... just try to get it using ffox tags :) | 17:17 |
asac | or mozilla tags | 17:17 |
armin76 | hrm, looks like tb3a1 got tagged | 17:20 |
Jazzva | gnomefre1k: If you still have problems with firegpg, I'll be glad to help :) | 17:20 |
asac | still packaging it? or problems with the extension itself? | 17:25 |
asac | lol | 17:26 |
asac | from bug 192888 | 17:26 |
asac | "I've had a different bug... the back button stops working on ffox after | 17:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 192888 in pulseaudio "firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport" [High,In progress] | 17:26 |
asac | the flash plugin is installed. | 17:26 |
asac | " | 17:26 |
asac | answer: | 17:26 |
asac | Paul: If you have a different bug, please don't contribute to the noise | 17:26 |
asac | here - file a seperate bug report for that problem. | 17:26 |
asac | :) | 17:26 |
[reed] | I'm pretty furious at Debian | 17:27 |
[reed] | grr for modifying packages for no reason | 17:27 |
armin76 | [reed]: don't like the openssh bug? :P | 17:27 |
[reed] | 3 of my 6 ssh keys are affected! | 17:27 |
[reed] | :/ | 17:28 |
armin76 | bumb! | 17:28 |
Jazzva | asac: dunno if gnomefre1k is done... I noticed in the morning that he mentioned something last night, but I was in the hurry, so I didn't respond. | 17:28 |
armin76 | haha, gentoo is not affected, yay :P | 17:28 |
armin76 | <- debian, lolz | 17:34 |
Jazzva | "Hey, something's wrong with your random() function... all I get is '1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ...'" | 17:36 |
Jazzva | "Seems pretty random to me..." | 17:36 |
Jazzva | :) | 17:36 |
gnomefre1k | Jazzva: it builds the .deb you install the deb and you get nothing but i will look at it later if i get time. i pushed branch but it was empty so next spare few minutes i get ill work on that so you have a starting place :) | 17:37 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
Jazzva | Check if it installs in the proper place... Try supplying moz ID in debian/rules... Though, I think it was the problem when it didn't build at all. | 17:39 |
asac | if its not detected at all its most likely that the install directory name doesn't match the extension id. | 17:40 |
asac | or the min/max version dont match our firefox | 17:40 |
gnomefreak | let me see if branch is ok to grab | 17:42 |
gnomefreak | without MOZ id enabled it fails to build with it enabled but leaving the xxxxxx.xxxxx the same it builds installs and nothing there | 17:44 |
gnomefreak | why the fuck is my branch only contain .bzr | 17:44 |
Jazzva | gnomefreak: What do you mean by "leaving the xxxx.xx"? | 17:44 |
gnomefreak | Jazzva: in the rules file | 17:44 |
Jazzva | gnomefreak: Yep... Did you substitute it with moz id from install.rdf? | 17:45 |
gnomefreak | MOZ_XPI_EMID := {xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx} | 17:45 |
gnomefreak | no but i can :) | 17:45 |
Jazzva | Ok :)... That should be the source of this problem :). | 17:46 |
gnomefreak | i think you are right :) | 17:47 |
Jazzva | So, it installs? Great :)... | 17:47 |
gnomefreak | not sure yet | 17:47 |
gnomefreak | its building so is tb3 and dpkg is running it might be a minute | 17:48 |
gnomefreak | hot damn | 17:49 |
gnomefreak | well it says one new addon has been installed | 17:49 |
Jazzva | FireGPG? :) | 17:50 |
gnomefreak | yes but its not there | 17:50 |
gnomefreak | no menus like it should have and not in addons dialog | 17:50 |
Jazzva | Hmm... Have you supplied the right moz id? | 17:51 |
gnomefreak | yes | 17:52 |
Jazzva | Is it FF3 compatible? | 17:52 |
Jazzva | maxVersion in install.rdf and stuff.. | 17:53 |
gnomefreak | oh yeah my bzr is fucked up | 17:53 |
gnomefreak | Jazzva: yep | 17:53 |
gnomefreak | i was running it on ff3.0b5 and max is 3.0 | 17:53 |
Jazzva | Yeah, even if it wasn't and installed correctly, it should be visible in add-ons | 17:54 |
gnomefreak | damnit let me try to work on branching it | 17:54 |
gnomefreak | Jazzva: .xpi works great .deb doesnt :( | 17:54 |
[reed] | ugh | 17:54 |
Jazzva | gnomefreak: Push it to the bzr :)... I'll take a look. | 17:54 |
gnomefreak | Jazzva: trying | 17:55 |
gnomefreak | i have bzr issues | 17:55 |
gnomefreak | it loves crashing | 17:55 |
Jazzva | heh... | 17:56 |
gnomefreak | trying to push again | 18:00 |
gnomefreak | here we go with the fucking i dont hav ea ssh key and i fucking do | 18:01 |
asac | gnomefreak: maybe affected ssh keys were disabled in launchapd? | 18:02 |
gnomefreak | asac: no me an d#bzr got it working last night and im looking to see how | 18:02 |
gnomefreak | everything is in there lets check LP | 18:03 |
gnomefreak | maybe because of the --no-plugins | 18:03 |
gnomefreak | ummmmmmm wtf is going on | 18:03 |
[reed] | grr | 18:04 |
[reed] | debian screwed up | 18:04 |
[reed] | the packages are still wrong! | 18:04 |
Jazzva | gnomefreak: Stupid suggestion... you did "bzr add ."? | 18:04 |
gnomefreak | why was it removed | 18:04 |
gnomefreak | Jazzva: yes | 18:04 |
[reed] | This was the brokenness they added back in 2006: | 18:04 |
[reed] | | 18:04 |
gnomefreak | my ssh key was removed from LP why? | 18:05 |
[reed] | This was the fix 5 days ago: | 18:05 |
[reed] | | 18:05 |
[reed] | I see a problem! | 18:05 |
gnomefreak | good new tb3 a2 is built | 18:05 |
[reed] | asac: who's ubuntu's security people? pretty sure these packages are wrong | 18:06 |
gnomefreak | Jazzva: said it created one lset see if it has debian there | 18:06 |
gnomefreak | Jazzva: have to wait for scan | 18:07 |
gnomefreak | asac: you make me wonder on how you knew to check that? | 18:07 |
gnomefreak | it was there last night | 18:07 |
asac | [reed]: keescook and jdstrand in -devel ... maybe cjwatson, but not sure his role in this update | 18:07 |
asac | [reed]: i think topic is still ssh on -devel ... so maybe jump into that discussion ;) | 18:09 |
gnomefreak | still jsut the .bzr dir damn | 18:15 |
gnomefreak | ok key is fixed | 18:22 |
gnomefreak | removing reasons for crash | 18:28 |
gnomefreak | starting over since its not letting me push right | 18:29 |
Jazzva | I'll be back in an hour, hour and a half... | 18:38 |
gnomefreak | ill be back later i think i got bzr fixed and ill start over to make sure everything is right | 18:39 |
gnomefreak | wont take me long when i get around to starting | 18:39 |
gnomefreak | be back later alot of work still from me being gone | 18:39 |
mconnor | asac: can you clarify what you're planning on doing to make a "free" firefox package? | 18:44 |
asac | mconnor: i am not planning anything. | 18:45 |
* gnomefreak almost cried | 18:45 | |
mconnor | asac: well, your comments in the bug were confusing :) | 18:46 |
* gnomefreak grabs drinks sits backa nd watches this | 18:46 | |
asac | mconnor: huh? ah ... right. well, i received multiple requests by derivates. so i comment was more about if anyone really wants something he should join this channel ;) | 18:47 |
mconnor | hehe | 18:47 |
mconnor | asac: if they mod browser/branding/unofficial to say something other than Gran Paradiso, they're probably a-ok | 18:48 |
mconnor | since that doesn't use the exploding artwork (its what we use for alphas) | 18:48 |
mconnor | I mean, they can call it GP too | 18:49 |
mconnor | but that's kinda confusing :) | 18:49 |
asac | mconnor: right. but it requires discussion and work - maybe our package can help them in some way. anyway, my idea on this is: as long as nobody cares about this enough to actually work on it, this is a non-issue for me. Thus, the comment | 18:51 |
fta | hi | 18:59 |
=== dholbert is now known as dholbert_afk | ||
[reed] | asac / fta: mozilla bug 433371 | 19:02 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 433371 in Extension/Theme Manager "Ubuntu 8.04's firefox install breaks 3.0pre's addons" [Normal,Assigned] | 19:02 |
fta | 12:05 < vlad> Source File: | 19:04 |
fta | file:///home/vladimir/firefox/components/nsExtensionManager.js | 19:04 |
fta | it's not ours | 19:04 |
fta | [reed], ^^ | 19:04 |
[reed] | yes, it's a Mozilla bug, but it affects only Ubuntu | 19:05 |
fta | oh | 19:06 |
[reed] | because of ubufox | 19:06 |
fta | (i'm not using ubufox, i don't like its default prefs) | 19:06 |
mconnor | hmm | 19:12 |
mconnor | asac: I might ask you to take that fix downstream if we don't do an RC2 | 19:12 |
mconnor | and we'll sneak it into 3.0.1 | 19:12 |
fta | fine for me | 19:16 |
asac | mconnor: I can add that patch ... sure. but if i understand correctly, that change doesn't really cure us - as we are not affected in the first place | 19:16 |
gnomefreak | fta: tb3 a2 builds fine i havent isntalled it yet but builds :) | 19:17 |
asac | mconnor: its happens when the user tries to use his ubuntu profile with upstream builds | 19:18 |
fta | gnomefreak, i've launched a big update of my ppa | 19:20 |
gnomefreak | what do you mean? you pushed new packages for alot/everything or you are redoing your PPA | 19:20 |
fta | i jsut mean it's not needed to do those snapshot upgrades manually, it's fully automatized on my side. | 19:21 |
gnomefreak | fta: ah | 19:22 |
* gnomefreak working on bzr issues atm | 19:22 | |
gnomefreak | i finally got branches pushed but i have source files in the .ubuntu branch :( | 19:22 |
gnomefreak | james_w: oops didnt see you here | 19:26 |
james_w | hi gnomefreak | 19:26 |
james_w | gnomefreak> when upstream changes we would rather not start with old upstream sources | 19:26 |
james_w | can you explain what you mean by that? | 19:26 |
gnomefreak | asac: shoudl we keep extension source files and ubuntu files in same branch? | 19:27 |
james_w | sorry, my dinner is ready, I'll be back shortly. | 19:28 |
gnomefreak | james_w: upstream updates thier code we grab the full changed code why use old code as well. example i grab bleh bleh bleh.ubuntu (it has source files as well) than i have old source files that needs to be merged with new ones | 19:28 |
gnomefreak | james_w: ok | 19:28 |
asac | gnomefreak: do as in the tutorial: .upstream branch - unmodified upstream sources ... .ubuntu branch - branch based on .upstream + debian/ directory and eventual changes | 19:31 |
gnomefreak | asac: yes i understand i screwed up one command and ended up with source+ubuntu together on the .ubuntu push and james_w thought that was a better idea | 19:31 |
mconnor | asac: oh, hrm | 19:33 |
mconnor | asac: I may have misread! | 19:33 |
=== valette is now known as eric_valette | ||
asac | gnomefreak: the .ubuntu branch as upstream + debian files. but we need a .upstream branch too | 19:39 |
gnomefreak | asac: i have upstream branch and fixing ubuntu branch atm | 19:41 |
james_w | gnomefreak: yeah, but the merge will be trivial if you haven't modified upstream files in .ubuntu | 19:41 |
james_w | do you use a patch system in mozillateam? | 19:42 |
gnomefreak | not for extensions | 19:42 |
gnomefreak | they are too simple IMHO | 19:42 |
* gnomefreak willing to be it has something to do with install.rdf | 19:43 | |
gnomefreak | s/be/bet | 19:43 |
james_w | yeah, so if anything is modified outside of debian/ in the .ubuntu branch then you get the full power of bzr when merging, which is an advantage in my opinion. | 19:44 |
asac | james_w: no we don't want to use a patch system if possible | 19:44 |
asac | for extensions | 19:44 |
asac | the changes should be simple enough to cope with | 19:44 |
james_w | hi asac | 19:45 |
james_w | sure, that makes sense. | 19:45 |
james_w | I would recommend having .ubuntu have the upstream sources as you suggest, but the alternative would be possible of course. | 19:46 |
asac | james_w: you worked a bit with loom right? | 19:47 |
james_w | asac: a little, yes. | 19:47 |
asac | (or whatever its called. the thing where you can maintain patches in topic branches ;)) | 19:47 |
asac | james_w: is this suitable for distributed maintenance? | 19:48 |
asac | i guess if they are rebased frequently its not that nice to share them | 19:48 |
james_w | looms aren't rebased, so that's not a problem. | 19:49 |
james_w | it's not mature enough yet, but it is something to consider in a few months when it is. | 19:49 |
gnomefreak | oh well it still has upstream in it fuck it its good enough IMHO just need to figure out why installing it fails to add it | 19:49 |
james_w | also, we would need to hook it in to the package build process some how, which I don't think has been looked at yet, but should be straightforward. | 19:50 |
gnomefreak | asac: are the 2 branches | 19:50 |
armin76 | interesting | 19:50 |
armin76 | when built with xulrunner, the default prefs are located on $mozilladir/defaults/preferences, but without it they're on $mozilladir/defaults/pref | 19:51 |
armin76 | yay | 19:51 |
fta | yes | 19:52 |
=== dholbert_afk is now known as dholbert | ||
gnomefreak | fta: ff rc1 keeps telling me to restart it but restarting it doesnt change that it tells you to restart, this is why i had to restart Ubuntu im just seeing it again with the extension work | 19:57 |
fta | hm, what is the reason ? lang-packs ? | 19:57 |
=== dholbert is now known as dholbert_lunch | ||
gnomefreak | me no no reason for lang packs to interfer | 19:59 |
gnomefreak | im gonna guess and say its ubufox | 19:59 |
gnomefreak | lets see if disabling it helps | 19:59 |
gnomefreak | nope | 19:59 |
gnomefreak | i guess im gonna reboot | 20:00 |
armin76 | fta: and why? :) | 20:00 |
armin76 | fta: ah, i see it...weird | 20:03 |
gnomefreak | nope rebooting didnt help either still saying to restart firefox | 20:08 |
gnomefreak | this tells me its a bad bug | 20:08 |
asac | any hint how to tell gpg --clearsign to use a certain key-ID? | 20:16 |
gnomefreak | asac: put key before the file? | 20:17 |
gnomefreak | gpg keyid --clearsign or gpg --clearsign keyid? | 20:17 |
gnomefreak | btw nice page | 20:18 |
gnomefreak | that loads on official b5 firefox | 20:19 |
* gnomefreak wonders if its not the addons dialog that is borked | 20:20 | |
gnomefreak | asac: uploading screenshot of this restart bullshit | 20:22 |
gnomefreak | asac: fta | 20:22 |
gnomefreak | this is now with b5 firefox and xul | 20:22 |
fta | gnomefreak, look for what is requesting the restart (click each addon) | 20:28 |
asac | ok it was --local-user | 20:28 |
asac | i glanced at that several times, but the doc is just incomprehensible ;) | 20:28 |
gnomefreak | fta: its better gmail 2 that needs the restart but reason is because im trying to uninstall it | 20:30 |
gnomefreak | how do you remove an extensiion without that dialog? | 20:31 |
gnomefreak | ill be back dpkg needs me to reboot | 20:33 |
gnomefreak | fuck i even removed it from ~/.mozilla/firefox/extensions | 20:45 |
gnomefreak | and its still not fucking gone | 20:45 |
* gnomefreak can only wonder if this is why firegpg wont install | 20:46 | |
asac | gnomefreak: remove it from extensions/ dir in profile + remove all files called extensions.* in profile | 20:49 |
asac | then start | 20:49 |
asac | that should do the trick and recreate your extensions cache | 20:49 |
gnomefreak | ah | 20:49 |
gnomefreak | thanks | 20:49 |
gnomefreak | asac: that did it thanks | 20:51 |
=== dholbert_lunch is now known as dholbert | ||
gnomefreak | well the extension is installed ill look at it more tomorrow. or if i come back maybe than | 20:53 |
gnomefreak | asac: daniel asked you to look at bug 229720 | 21:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229720 in kazehakase "Please sync kazehakase 0.5.4-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] | 21:11 |
gnomefreak | ok done with email. that bug you assigned me is marked as dup :) later everyone | 21:13 |
asac | gnomefreak: can you dig up that patch? | 21:13 |
asac | ok | 21:13 |
gnomefreak | what patch is it? i didnt even look | 21:14 |
gnomefreak | most likely i dont have it but ill look | 21:14 |
gnomefreak | would b enice if the bug said aanything about removing the patch | 21:16 |
gnomefreak | asac: ok i have it | 21:17 |
gnomefreak | asac: patch to review | 21:18 |
asac | gnomefreak: thats the one dropeed? | 21:19 |
gnomefreak | asac: imho i wouldnt drop it but i havent looked at upstream to see if they applied patch upstream | 21:19 |
gnomefreak | asac: thats the name of it | 21:19 |
gnomefreak | from daniels comment | 21:20 |
gnomefreak | its the only patch kazehakase has | 21:20 |
fta | so it's still 1.8 based ? :( | 21:20 |
gnomefreak | fta: dont know i think so | 21:20 |
gnomefreak | fta: | 21:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229720 in kazehakase "Please sync kazehakase 0.5.4-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] | 21:21 |
gnomefreak | thats the bug we are talking about | 21:21 |
asac | fta: is that your patch ^^ ? | 21:21 |
gnomefreak | if it is where is his changelog entry | 21:22 |
gnomefreak | this looks like a sloppy merge imo | 21:22 |
asac | gnomefreak: i think its fta's patch ... he can probably best comment on what its purpose was and if that purpose is still valid | 21:22 |
gnomefreak | from the changelog fta never added the patch | 21:23 |
gnomefreak | big skip from .5.3-1 to 0.5.4-1 | 21:24 |
gnomefreak | asac: i dont think he meant to drop it i think that the merge is sloppy and he left parts out including that patch | 21:24 |
gnomefreak | because he didnt add it | 21:24 |
fta | | 21:26 |
fta | so it's mine | 21:27 |
fta | iirc, it ftbfsed without it | 21:27 |
asac | ok ... thanks | 21:27 |
fta | but if it's fine without it now, feel free to drop it | 21:28 |
asac | thats what i said ;) | 21:28 |
asac | (now) | 21:29 |
fta | hmm, lp dropped my ssh key | 21:30 |
gnomefreak | fta: did to everyone | 21:31 |
gnomefreak | for the most part | 21:31 |
gnomefreak | fta: in your email there is instrcutions | 21:31 |
fta | am i supposed to trust random links like ? | 21:32 |
fta | no offense, i don't even want to click on something i don't know pretending to teach me how to generate a key | 21:33 |
gnomefreak | i got links | 21:33 |
asac | fta: its basically, get the latest packages, then recreate your sshkey ;) | 21:34 |
asac | and paste it to launchpad again | 21:34 |
gnomefreak | fta: | 21:34 |
fta | i've seen those advisories before, i'm well connected into security | 21:35 |
gnomefreak | all the ssh packages are installable atm so auto regen wont work | 21:35 |
fta | how come i'm not affected by Mozilla Bug 433371 ? | 21:38 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 433371 in Extension/Theme Manager "Ubuntu 8.04's firefox install breaks 3.0pre's addons" [Normal,Assigned] | 21:38 |
asac | fta: because you are using our package ;) | 21:38 |
fta | i'm often tracking regressions using minefield | 21:38 |
fta | through | 21:39 |
asac | that patch isn't really for us ... it needs to be fixed upstream | 21:39 |
fta | even last week, i've tracked regression in rikaichan that way | 21:39 |
fta | i know our builds are not affected but debs produced by my should | 21:40 |
gnomefreak | im not seeing it in b5 either. just that one piece of shit extension | 21:41 |
fta | vlc plugin is making ff3 rc1 crash | 21:46 |
asac | yeah | 21:46 |
asac | respin? | 21:47 |
asac | does it still build? | 21:47 |
fta | the rc1 i've made yesterday (ie without your patches from today.. still building here) | 21:48 |
asac | does vlc work on b5? | 21:50 |
asac | i remember some complains that it crashes in bugs | 21:51 |
fta | my isp has a webtv site calling explicitly the vlc plugin | 21:51 |
asac | hmm bug Bug 230087 is a nice one | 21:55 |
asac | reproducible here | 21:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230087 in firefox "firefox3 crashes when viewing big PNG files" [Unknown,In progress] | 21:55 |
asac | i tried the image | 21:55 |
fta | seems it's not vlc after all, but flash | 21:58 |
fta | | 21:58 |
asac | but triggered by vlc? sure? | 22:00 |
fta | no, just vlc and flash on the same page | 22:00 |
fta | crashed 10 out of 10 times | 22:02 |
asac | hmm | 22:09 |
jimmy_ | asac: u got my email on the XDG patch? | 23:17 |
asac | jimmy_: not yet. when send? | 23:17 |
jimmy_ | like last week | 23:18 |
jimmy_ | asac: let me check | 23:18 |
jimmy_ | last Wed | 23:18 |
jimmy_ | i sent it to | 23:19 |
Jazzva | What do we do with extension merges from debian? Merge them? Or just prepare a new upload with new upstram version? | 23:19 |
Jazzva | *upstream | 23:19 |
jimmy_ | asac: I’ve uploaded to patches for the XDG and urlbar direction on moblin. I was going to leave the XDG hack inside old place, but I had to into uriloader as I can’t look up the environment variables used in XDG in javascript, so I had to do it in cpp. I also added a new property for the autocomplete popup result to switch the direction of the urlbar results if defined. See the 2... | 23:21 |
jimmy_ | ...commits below and let me know if you can integrate these into the xulrunner, thanks. | 23:21 |
jimmy_ | 23:21 | |
jimmy_ |;a=commitdiff;h=da8b14142a2611ad4ea8e0ac2ee3891e69084cb0 | 23:21 |
jimmy_ | 23:21 | |
jimmy_ |;a=commitdiff;h=75c2117ddaff1b9b62cba42677b68507f459ebaa | 23:21 |
asac | jimmy_: environment variables? | 23:24 |
asac | jimmy_: i remember that you send me a patch, and i commented on it | 23:25 |
asac | i never got anything else | 23:25 |
asac | jimmy_: that xdg logic is already implemented | 23:26 |
asac | you can use the standard directory provider to retrive the proper locations | 23:26 |
jimmy_ | asac: u talking about the xdg_user_dir_lookup () function? | 23:28 |
jimmy_ | asac: it is not exposed externally and therefore I just copied it over | 23:29 |
asac | | 23:29 |
asac | about that ... thats what i posted when we first talked about it iirc | 23:29 |
asac | you can use that constant to lookup directories in the directoryprovider | 23:30 |
asac | in javascript like: Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile); | 23:32 |
jimmy_ | asac: how does directoryprovider work? | 23:32 |
asac | like above ;) | 23:32 |
asac | there should be plenty examples in the mozilla/ tree ... you can search for some of the keys | 23:33 |
asac | like when accessing the profile directory there are examples like. find -name \*.js | xargs grep ProfD | 23:33 |
asac | if you use the xdg key all should be fine | 23:34 |
asac | but test if that key exists as its just unix | 23:34 |
asac | jimmy_: javascript above ... for cpp examples try find -name \*.cpp | xargs grep USER_PROFILE_ | 23:35 |
alperyilmaz | i'm using Ubuntu8.04, I just experienced a crash in system and when I turn the machine on, both Firefox and Thunderbird acted like they're just installed.. Firefox is fine now.. but Thunderbird cannot show my accounts.. which file do i need to fix? | 23:36 |
alperyilmaz | profiles.ini contains the correct folder address for default profile | 23:37 |
asac | alperyilmaz: sounds bad. did you do a thorough disc check? | 23:37 |
asac | alperyilmaz: are those more or less fresh profiles or really old ones? | 23:38 |
jimmy_ | asac: ok, so do you think I should keep the code in uriloader/exthandler/nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp? or in toolkit/mozapps/downloads/src/ | 23:38 |
alperyilmaz | i did one more restart to see if fsck will start automatically, but it didn't | 23:38 |
alperyilmaz | asac: fresh profiles.. | 23:38 |
alperyilmaz | the ones i'm using daily | 23:38 |
asac | jimmy_: like i said, i think the more high level place is more appropriate for this kind of logic. | 23:39 |
alperyilmaz | i had 3 email accounts and one newsgroup setup | 23:39 |
alperyilmaz | but now thunderbird is asking to create new profile.. | 23:39 |
asac | jimmy_: so the .js file ... the downloaddir logic is already in ... its just a matter of special casing the mime-type case | 23:39 |
alperyilmaz | new account.. sorry | 23:39 |
asac | alperyilmaz: maybe your crashed profile is locked? | 23:40 |
jimmy_ | asac: ok, what about the urlbar direction patch? | 23:40 |
alperyilmaz | what is the name of the lock file.. | 23:41 |
asac | ah i just wanted to ask what the other is about | 23:41 |
asac | let me look | 23:41 |
asac | jimmy_: do we really need to change the .idl? | 23:43 |
jimmy_ | asac: isn't it where the actual attribute is defined? | 23:45 |
alperyilmaz | i have found .parentlock file, but it's 0 bytes | 23:46 |
asac | jimmy_: you could add a property to the binding itself in .xml file | 23:48 |
Jazzva | alperyilmaz: In your profile? | 23:48 |
alperyilmaz | yes | 23:48 |
asac | jimmy_: that would be less intrusive and less likely to cause regressions somewhere | 23:48 |
alperyilmaz | under xxxxxxx.default folder | 23:48 |
Jazzva | I'm not sure about mozilla lock files, but there's no need for them to contain anything. try removing it and see if it helps :) | 23:49 |
Jazzva | I suppose ff/tb just checks if there is a file, and if there is, then someone else is using the profile | 23:49 |
asac | alperyilmaz: try find $HOME/.mozilla | grep lock | 23:49 |
asac | aeh | 23:49 |
asac | sorry | 23:49 |
asac | alperyilmaz: try find $HOME/.mozilla-thunderbird | grep lock | 23:49 |
alperyilmaz | jazzva: i removed it but didn't help.. | 23:50 |
alperyilmaz | asac: doing it now | 23:50 |
asac | jimmy_: you could then use <autocomplete .... reverse-popup-direction="true" > ... in .xul | 23:51 |
asac | or something like that | 23:51 |
asac | would that work? | 23:51 |
alperyilmaz | asac: the .parentlock file is there (although i just removed it) | 23:51 |
jimmy_ | asac: i am not sure, i never tried that route, i am not so good in xul at all | 23:52 |
jimmy_ | asac: is it easy for you to add in that property? | 23:53 |
asac | jimmy_: ./toolkit/content/widgets/autocomplete.xml search for property | 23:53 |
asac | thats how you add properties ... quite straight forward i think | 23:53 |
asac | like for property name="textValue" onget="return this.value;"> | 23:55 |
asac | if you don't want to use it from cpp you don't need to add idl attribute | 23:55 |
jimmy_ | asac: ok, let me take a look | 23:56 |
asac | jimmy_: try something else. you can just use this.getAttribute(...) in the current autocomplete.xml | 23:56 |
asac | instead of if(aInput....) | 23:57 |
asac | maybe you can get the propery without even adding a real property | 23:57 |
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