equim-- | hey.. is this a reasonable place to get some newbie help? I've just bought a ready built mythbuntu box but am a bit stumped as to what to do | 00:01 |
Thorney | Hello - I am struggling, no failing, to get MythTV going on Ubuntu 8.04 AMD64. Infact I seem to have gone backwards by doing what worked on an older version of ubuntu. (same TV card different PC tho) Can anyone help me please? | 00:18 |
Thorney | hello? | 00:24 |
=== abarbacci1 is now known as abarbaccia | ||
abarbaccia | when watching HDTV my channel guide usually freezes up --- anybody else experience this? | 00:49 |
tgm4883 | equim--, which box? | 00:56 |
tgm4883 | or from where? | 00:57 |
equim-- | I'm getting there now :) | 01:00 |
equim-- | it's the camulus desktop from efficientpc.co.uk | 01:00 |
tgm4883 | ok, what are you wanting to do | 01:04 |
equim-- | I started it up, set my username/pass etc, then after logging in I just got a black screen with a mouse cursor... didn't have a clue what to do | 01:06 |
equim-- | after a couple of reboots I got an interface tho | 01:06 |
tgm4883 | interesting | 01:07 |
equim-- | and have actually watched some tv! woohoo :) | 01:07 |
tgm4883 | k | 01:08 |
equim-- | I think it might be a FAQ "Sometimes this occurs due to the default Theme Painter (QT). Not all video cards will properly render the fonts and images in the theme with QT" | 01:08 |
tgm4883 | have you tried the jabber or MSN to efficient pc? | 01:09 |
equim-- | haven't yet, no ... will prolly try if it proves to be a problem | 01:10 |
equim-- | note I'm completely new to myth tv and still very new to linux in general.... it's gonna be an experience I guess :) | 01:10 |
alexvd_ | tgm4883: i have to run 7.10 and i have an irman so i need to upgrade the version to 0.8.3 do you know a walkthrough on how to do that. I download it but i dont know where to unzip | 01:21 |
tgm4883_laptop | alexvd_, you have to run 0.8.3 of what? | 01:36 |
alexvd_ | lirc | 01:36 |
alexvd_ | 0.8.2 is busted for irman | 01:37 |
tgm4883_laptop | did you get a .deb of it? | 01:37 |
alexvd_ | thats just it | 01:37 |
alexvd_ | i dont know where to find a deb | 01:37 |
tgm4883_laptop | what version is in hardy? | 01:38 |
alexvd_ | i think that is 0.8.3 | 01:38 |
tgm4883_laptop | sec | 01:38 |
alexvd_ | like i said i am not yet ready to upgrade to the newest ubuntu. so i need to run the 7.10 and just update lirc from 0.8.2 to 0.8.3 | 01:38 |
alexvd_ | a .bz2 file is archive i dont think that is a deb right? | 01:40 |
tgm4883_laptop | hardy has 0.8.3~pre1-0ubuntu7 | 01:40 |
tgm4883_laptop | you could try installing that if you like | 01:40 |
tgm4883_laptop | no, .bz2 is not a .deb file | 01:40 |
tgm4883_laptop | http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/lirc | 01:40 |
tgm4883_laptop | otherwise, you will probably have to compile it | 01:41 |
alexvd_ | yeah i saw that | 01:58 |
wilberfan | anybody solve the "my-volume-always-resets-to-69%-for-each-recording" problem?? | 02:19 |
wilberfan | :-\ | 02:19 |
* wilberfan resets his volume again | 02:42 | |
MythologicalTV | Seeking some help on PVR350 and MythTV - remote is having some funniness and I'm trying to get help tracking down the lack of allignment | 03:43 |
MythologicalTV | hello? | 03:46 |
rhpot1991 | you can use irw to see which buttons do what, then modify files in ~/.lirc accordingly | 03:48 |
MythologicalTV | that's what I am pretty sure i've done, but i'm not getting consistent results... let me take a look at the /home/mythtv/.lirc | 03:48 |
rhpot1991 | which version of mythtv? | 03:49 |
rhpot1991 | or mythbuntu for that case | 03:49 |
MythologicalTV | 8.04 ubuntu / MythTV 0.21 (install through apt) | 03:50 |
rhpot1991 | ok good, that should have a .lirc folder in the user's home dir who runs the frontend | 03:50 |
rhpot1991 | different files in there for different applications | 03:50 |
MythologicalTV | I'm assuming i should be modifying a ~/.mythtv/lircrc | 03:50 |
rhpot1991 | no | 03:51 |
rhpot1991 | there should be a ~/.lirc | 03:51 |
rhpot1991 | with a mythtv file in there | 03:51 |
MythologicalTV | ok, there's no .lirc file, there's a .mythtv directory, which contains lircrc | 03:51 |
rhpot1991 | no .lirc is a directory | 03:52 |
MythologicalTV | yeah, no directory | 03:52 |
MythologicalTV | i'm wondering if those are the substitute files/directory | 03:53 |
rhpot1991 | do dpkg -l mythbuntu-lirc-generator |grep ^ii | 03:53 |
MythologicalTV | as root or mythtv | 03:53 |
rhpot1991 | also are you logged in as the user who runs the frontend? | 03:53 |
rhpot1991 | doesn't matter | 03:53 |
MythologicalTV | i usually log in as a different user - but i have a myththbutu initiated setup | 03:54 |
MythologicalTV | so myth runs as mythtv | 03:54 |
MythologicalTV | no mythbutu-lirc-generator | 03:54 |
rhpot1991 | ok so check /home/mythtv/.lirc | 03:54 |
MythologicalTV | yeah, no directory .lirc, only thing related is /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc | 03:55 |
MythologicalTV | there is a full config there in lircrc | 03:58 |
rhpot1991 | work with that then, I wonder why you don't have the directory | 04:01 |
MythologicalTV | did you build from source, or upgrade from 7.10 ? | 04:02 |
crazy_bus | where exactly is the setting that makes myth backend load up everytime the computer is turned on. As I want to turn it off | 04:03 |
MythologicalTV | now my buttons are registering like "Pause Hauppauge_350" | 04:03 |
MythologicalTV | with the Hauppauge_350 ending, I shouldn't have to include that portion right? | 04:04 |
rhpot1991 | !pastebin | 04:05 |
rhpot1991 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11783/ | 04:05 |
rhpot1991 | thats what they should look like | 04:05 |
MythologicalTV | I don't have any remote directives in my lircrc | 04:06 |
rhpot1991 | I think you can ignore that | 04:08 |
MythologicalTV | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11785/ | 04:08 |
rhpot1991 | did you set this up with MCC? | 04:09 |
MythologicalTV | mcc? sorry, not familiar with that one | 04:09 |
rhpot1991 | mythbuntu control centre | 04:09 |
MythologicalTV | don't think so | 04:09 |
rhpot1991 | did it yourself then? | 04:09 |
MythologicalTV | most of it | 04:10 |
MythologicalTV | except for apt doing setup | 04:10 |
rhpot1991 | well you can continue doing that if you want | 04:10 |
rhpot1991 | but its a lot easier if you install mythbuntu-control-centre and use that | 04:10 |
MythologicalTV | would using mcc be easier in your opininon? | 04:10 |
MythologicalTV | hmm | 04:10 |
rhpot1991 | it will do everything for you | 04:10 |
MythologicalTV | another package ? | 04:10 |
rhpot1991 | well I'd recommend using it to setup as much as you can | 04:10 |
rhpot1991 | maybe backup your lirc files you have been making so you can have them | 04:11 |
MythologicalTV | lol, well, its partially setup | 04:11 |
MythologicalTV | hey, at least a few more buttons are workin! | 04:12 |
MythologicalTV | lol | 04:12 |
MythologicalTV | so many buttons to configure | 04:12 |
MythologicalTV | volume keys aren't doing right by me | 04:12 |
MythologicalTV | and the Stop button is playing ClosedCaptioning for me =) w00t | 04:13 |
MythologicalTV | maybe i'll try the control center | 04:13 |
MythologicalTV | guess i'm logging in as my user, and transfering the config... lets see if this works | 04:13 |
MythologicalTV | thx for pointing me | 04:13 |
MythologicalTV | doesn't look like its going to help much specifically on my remote | 04:17 |
MythologicalTV | its using the same configurations I think | 04:17 |
MythologicalTV | do you know how to gain access to the second tuner for recording on the PVR350? | 04:19 |
rhpot1991 | it only has one tuner | 04:21 |
rhpot1991 | the 500 has 2 | 04:21 |
MythologicalTV | ha, knew i did something wrong in hardware land =) | 04:21 |
MythologicalTV | i'll live | 04:21 |
MythologicalTV | yeah, button configs are no different | 04:23 |
MythologicalTV | looks like its going to take hacking manually | 04:23 |
rhpot1991 | the 350 can output as well | 04:24 |
rhpot1991 | but only has one input | 04:24 |
MythologicalTV | it outputs through the svideo connector correct? | 04:25 |
MythologicalTV | what's the mythtv button for buttons like TV, Videos, Music, Pictures, and Radio? | 04:33 |
MythologicalTV | what's the mythtv button for buttons like TV, Videos, Music, Pictures, and Radio? | 05:09 |
dispadertest | Anybody up for (what's probably another) PVR-150 blaster question? | 05:16 |
Balachmar | Hi, I just installed mythbuntu 8.04 and restored my database. Is it normal that my tunercards are not detected yet? | 09:38 |
=== Penfold_ is now known as Penfold | ||
sabhain | anyone get lots of "1008-0" channel adjustments when QAM scanning? I have HDHR. | 15:12 |
sardiskan | DVD's will not play in my mythbuntu box? | 15:41 |
sardiskan | anyone know why? | 15:41 |
sabhain | sardiskan, have you enabled proprietary codecs in mythbuntu-control-centre? | 15:43 |
sabhain | and are you able to play dvd's using MPlayer or Xine outside of the mythfront-end? | 15:45 |
sardiskan | hmm | 15:51 |
sardiskan | probably not | 15:51 |
sardiskan | let me check that | 15:52 |
sardiskan | ok, enabling now | 15:52 |
sardiskan | jeepers | 15:53 |
* sardiskan = dumb | 15:53 | |
sardiskan | ok, so now it plays...but the DVD menu is VERY VERY slow | 16:18 |
sardiskan | like it will play a little bit of the motion, then just stop | 16:18 |
sardiskan | then it will play some more...then just stop | 16:18 |
sardiskan | I can hear the 20th century fox theme...but the video isn't showing up. | 16:21 |
sardiskan | WTH? | 16:21 |
sabhain | what's your hardware like? | 16:21 |
ddgoose | close your frontend and in a terminal type "vxinfo".. does it list an adapter or "no adapter found" ? | 16:22 |
ddgoose | er | 16:22 |
ddgoose | xvinfo | 16:22 |
sardiskan | hang non | 16:22 |
sardiskan | on | 16:22 |
sardiskan | the hardware is the following: | 16:23 |
sardiskan | intel P4 3ghz processor, 2G memory, 250G SATA HDD | 16:23 |
sardiskan | on board audio | 16:23 |
sardiskan | speaking of which...the audio is choppy | 16:23 |
sardiskan | I'm playing a DVD and I can't see the video at all...but I can hear the audio...which is choppy | 16:24 |
sabhain | what graphics card? | 16:24 |
sardiskan | hmm | 16:24 |
laga | do normal mpeg2 files work? dvd support has always been a bit flaky | 16:24 |
sardiskan | crap | 16:24 |
sardiskan | I don't know if mpeg2 files work...I haven't tried one | 16:25 |
cmug | is there a way to install with only s-video active? | 16:25 |
sardiskan | hang on | 16:25 |
sardiskan | I don't know | 16:25 |
sardiskan | I'm also not sure about my video card | 16:26 |
sardiskan | it's an ATI for sure | 16:26 |
sardiskan | but it came in a dell so I don't know exactly what it is | 16:26 |
sardiskan | I'll try to rip the DVD and play it back to see if it works better | 16:28 |
ddgoose | I had that issue this morning with a box with ati video and fglrx, had to add options in xorg.conf to get xv working properly | 16:28 |
ddgoose | are you using the restricted driver? | 16:28 |
sardiskan | ddgoose...I"ll try your xvinfo cmd in a moment | 16:29 |
sardiskan | does the frontend HAVE to be shutdown? | 16:29 |
ddgoose | you could alt tab if you have a terminal open already | 16:29 |
sardiskan | I'll do that | 16:30 |
ddgoose | laga: thanks for the help yesterday, it worked out perfect | 16:30 |
sabhain | ATI = ugly | 16:31 |
sardiskan | it says "unable to open display" | 16:31 |
sardiskan | could that be becuase the frontend is running? | 16:31 |
sardiskan | yeah...ATI doesn't play nicely with linux like nVidia does | 16:32 |
sardiskan | but it was a free card...I didn't want to have to replace it | 16:32 |
ddgoose | yeah close frontend and try again, just to be sure | 16:32 |
sardiskan | ok | 16:35 |
sardiskan | almost done with the rip...I'll do it after that | 16:35 |
sardiskan | how do you close the frontend anyway? | 16:36 |
ddgoose | hit "esc" until it asks if you want to exit | 16:36 |
sardiskan | oh that's right | 16:37 |
sardiskan | d'oh | 16:37 |
sardiskan | 2 minutes | 16:37 |
ddgoose | brb | 16:41 |
sardiskan | I have "no adapters present" | 16:47 |
sardiskan | ddgoose..I am using the restricted driver...because my TV only has S-video in | 16:47 |
ddgoose | you need to add options to your xorg.conf | 16:56 |
sardiskan | which options? | 16:57 |
ddgoose | lemme post on mythbuntu forum and I will link ya one sec | 16:57 |
sardiskan | thx | 16:59 |
ddgoose | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792971 | 16:59 |
sardiskan | cool | 17:00 |
sardiskan | where is the xorg.conf file on mythbuntu? | 17:00 |
ddgoose | -- > /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 17:00 |
sardiskan | got it | 17:00 |
ddgoose | add them after the commented out options before the "Identifier" portion | 17:02 |
ddgoose | you need to reboot or go to console and do "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" to make it active | 17:03 |
ddgoose | brb smoking a brisket.. have to add chips :P | 17:06 |
laga | http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1 - security vulnerability in openssl.. for those using ssh keys or ssl certificates | 17:06 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | hello | 17:07 |
sardiskan | thx ddgoose...I'm trying those settings now | 17:07 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | is there someone who can help me? *g* | 17:08 |
sardiskan | maybe | 17:08 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | ok, i m trying to get mythtv running | 17:08 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | first i tried it on a clean ubuntu 8.04 | 17:09 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | and now im trying it on mythbuntu | 17:09 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | but i have absolutely no idea what to do... well im new in the "linux business" | 17:09 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | well my problem | 17:09 |
sardiskan | OMG ddgoose...that was TOTALLY the problem...works GREAT now...even the audio isn't choppy | 17:10 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | when i start mythtv i get a error message that there is no upnp available | 17:10 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | after that i have to type hostname, databasename, user and password (i didnt fill out anything before) | 17:11 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | after pressing next i get 2 options | 17:11 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | which i do not mark | 17:11 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | and after that i get the message "cannot login to database" | 17:12 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | i think it has to do something with the sql stuff, but i have no idea what | 17:12 |
sardiskan | ok, mythbuntu automates all of the install...you shouldn't have to type in anything different to setup the backend/frontend | 17:12 |
ddgoose | back | 17:13 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | well, i didn't type anything, but i am always getting that "no database" error | 17:13 |
ddgoose | sardiskan: no problem, glad I could help | 17:14 |
ddgoose | MythbuntuGuest08: was your second install a clean install? or an overlay on the previous 8.04? | 17:16 |
sardiskan | what exactly was the problem? | 17:17 |
sardiskan | what was causing the video to not work AND the audio to be choppy and scratchy | 17:18 |
ddgoose | sardiskan: no xv extension | 17:18 |
ddgoose | so it was using x11 overlay | 17:18 |
sardiskan | what is "xv" | 17:18 |
sardiskan | do I still need the proprietary video drivers since I'm using xv now? | 17:19 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | the second one is a "live boot" | 17:19 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | nothing installed jet, just running it from cd | 17:19 |
ddgoose | sardiskan: xv is the X Video overlay, it's what allows you to take advantage of your video cards accelerated overlay subsystem | 17:21 |
ddgoose | MythbuntuGuest08: not sure about the live cd , you may want to install and try it that way. someone else may have a better opinion/answer | 17:22 |
sardiskan | cool | 17:22 |
sardiskan | you're good | 17:22 |
sardiskan | you're real good | 17:22 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | ok, i'll try that... and after install - do i have to type something in "master backend information"? the fields of password and server are empty right now | 17:24 |
ddgoose | I think its filled on the actual install but I can't recall. | 17:24 |
ddgoose | been a few days since I ran the installer | 17:25 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | ok, i give it a try | 17:25 |
MythbuntuGuest08 | thanks for the help | 17:25 |
ddgoose | sardiskan: yeah you want to keep using the restricted driver. | 17:25 |
sardiskan | yes...the DB is filled on install...but you have to tell it to run the mythdbfiller....it comes up | 17:25 |
sardiskan | thx ddgooes | 17:26 |
sardiskan | er | 17:26 |
sardiskan | ddgoose | 17:26 |
ddgoose | no problem, your welcome | 17:26 |
ddgoose | laga you around? | 17:27 |
laga | yes | 17:28 |
ddgoose | I noticed in Baz that "/debian/Readme.debian (revision 78)" has the stuff from the wiki, do you have a new commit coming? | 17:28 |
laga | no | 17:29 |
laga | i finally need to get that SRU to happen. | 17:29 |
laga | and update the .pdf which has all information now | 17:29 |
ddgoose | is the .pdf live somewhere? | 17:31 |
laga | the bzr tree or the pdf itself? | 17:31 |
ddgoose | just the pdf, thought I would take a look | 17:32 |
laga | www.mythbuntu.org :) it's the documentation | 17:32 |
laga | it's not completely up to date.. we dont have a documentation team unfortunately, so everyone contributes what they can squeeze in between feature freeze and release ;) | 17:32 |
ddgoose | how can I get involved with helping on documentation? | 17:35 |
laga | ddgoose: you can get a bzr checkout of the mythbuntu-documentation branch, i guess you know where to find it :) see the README for a list of packages you'll need. the documentation is split into smaller .tex files which you can edit. | 17:37 |
laga | if you'd like to contribute to the diskless documentation, it'd be a good idea to make me commit my changes first ;) | 17:37 |
ddgoose | hehe | 17:37 |
laga | is there anything you're interested in? some parts are more lacking than others | 17:40 |
ddgoose | eyes on the whole thing, but mainly diskless currently | 17:52 |
RockHound | hi everyone ... is there a way to tell mythtv to output AC3 before MP2 audio streams by default? | 18:04 |
ddgoose | laga: I am open to working on whatever there is a need for. so if you have suggestions of where to start that would be good. | 18:14 |
ddgoose | laga where is the README with the package list? | 18:21 |
ddgoose | nevermind I found it | 18:25 |
sardiskan | ok, here is a new question. I ripped a DVD to an ISO file...but now I can't see the file to play it within mythtv frontend | 19:01 |
sardiskan | do I have to import it or something | 19:01 |
sardiskan | keeps saying "No files found" within the "Media Library" "Watch Videos" section. | 19:03 |
sardiskan | but I can browse to the directory they are suppose to be /var/lib/mythtv/videos/ and the file is there | 19:06 |
cosmic_ | hi @ all | 19:14 |
sabhain | sardiskan .. you need to go an edit the video library .. I think it's under settings / manage videos or something like that .. I do beleive you need to do that once before watching the iso | 19:23 |
sardiskan | It is already set to the correct location | 19:30 |
sardiskan | I see it | 19:31 |
sardiskan | thx | 19:31 |
sabhain | my experience I had to actually "edit" each file for them to show in the listing under videos | 19:41 |
sardiskan | I see it now | 19:41 |
sardiskan | thx | 19:41 |
sardiskan | I don't know what the "Unknown" and "?" are about | 19:41 |
sardiskan | how do I change that? | 19:41 |
sabhain | try to pull down the info from IMDB .. that may fill those items in | 19:50 |
ddgoose | sardiskan: hit the right arrow key->search | 19:50 |
ddgoose | should fill in the imdb info | 19:51 |
ddgoose | if not you can search imdb by hand and enter the number yourself | 19:51 |
sardiskan | ahh | 19:58 |
sardiskan | I have a remote...and all of the buttons do not send a signal to the server....why is that? | 19:59 |
ddgoose | what remote do you have? | 19:59 |
sardiskan | hang no | 19:59 |
sardiskan | on | 20:00 |
ddgoose | right arrow key on keyboard will work also | 20:00 |
sardiskan | the right arrow works | 20:00 |
sardiskan | I have this remote | 20:01 |
sardiskan | http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16880121003 | 20:01 |
sabhain | that should work .. you'll need to tweak your lircd.conf and .lircrc .. but that's manageable | 20:02 |
sardiskan | about 15 buttons don't send a valid code to the box | 20:03 |
sardiskan | the rest do | 20:03 |
sardiskan | and in fact...the rest seem to do the correct function | 20:04 |
sabhain | when you use irw in a command prompt .. do codes show up for each button? | 20:05 |
* sabhain has a similar remote .. takes a little kicking but it should do the job | 20:06 | |
sardiskan | how do you set that up? | 20:08 |
sardiskan | how do I know i have the rigth remote setup in the mythbuntu setup | 20:08 |
orangepeelbeef | guys i'm having a problem trying to install mythvideo, getting errors with libxml-sax-expat-perl and libxml-libxml-perl http://pastebin.com/m65a9befd | 20:16 |
ddgoose | run sudo apt-get -f check | 20:32 |
ddgoose | then try again | 20:32 |
sabhain | sardiskan are you able to run the command "irw" in a terminal window? Should just drop a line and stay blank. Then push a button on the remote. | 20:36 |
sabhain | I chose the "mce old version" in the control center .. it had the right codes for the buttons, but not all buttons were assigned a task .. I found a website like "lircd configurator" or something that was helpful. | 20:37 |
ddgoose | his remote uses mceusb2 | 20:39 |
ddgoose | sabhain: this site? --> http://lircconfig.commandir.com/configure/ | 20:45 |
balachmar | Hi, I want to add my second pvr150 card, but when I add /dev/video1 to the list it turns into /dev/video0 instead | 20:46 |
balachmar | is this a known bug? | 20:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | no | 20:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | what do you mean add it to the list? | 20:47 |
sardiskan | sabhain...I was able to run irw fromthe CLI | 20:49 |
balachmar | at the backend, you have option 2 the capture cards menu | 20:49 |
balachmar | then you can add a new capture card | 20:50 |
balachmar | But I can only add /dev/video0 | 20:50 |
balachmar | If I add /dev/video1 it turns into /dev/video0 anyway... | 20:50 |
balachmar | mplayer can play from /dev/video1 though | 20:50 |
tgm4883_laptop | are you manually typing it in? | 20:50 |
balachmar | yes | 20:51 |
sardiskan | when I press buttons on the remote...I get text like this: | 20:51 |
tgm4883_laptop | hmm, perhaps thats the problem | 20:51 |
sardiskan | "00000000037ff07bdc 00 Back mseusb | 20:51 |
balachmar | I think so too | 20:51 |
balachmar | let me check | 20:51 |
tgm4883_laptop | you should be able to select it with the remote | 20:51 |
balachmar | that IS the problem | 20:52 |
balachmar | should I file a bug, because with some of the numeric value lists you are not allowd to type the value, this should be the same | 20:52 |
tgm4883_laptop | so you can't select /dev/video1 with the remote? | 20:53 |
tgm4883_laptop | i'll have to check it when I get home | 20:53 |
balachmar | I can check it with the keyboard as well | 20:54 |
balachmar | but then using the arrows instead of typing | 20:55 |
balachmar | Now I just need to get it to boot in time for a recording like it used to | 20:56 |
balachmar | But I know how that is done, but I have to wait for the old recordings to be transferred from my network disk. Which will take the whole night... | 20:57 |
balachmar | What is actually the fastest way to back stuff up? | 20:57 |
peoples_ | hey guys | 20:59 |
peoples_ | has someone running a mythbackend + frontend system with working suspend , s3 ? | 21:00 |
peoples_ | i'm running mythbuntu 8.04 and not be able to get this thing done .. :\ | 21:01 |
balachmar | you want it to wake from suspend as well? | 21:01 |
balachmar | In order to record stuff... | 21:01 |
balachmar | I have looked at it a little more than a year ago and couldn't find how to do it. | 21:01 |
peoples_ | yes as well .. but also manual wake up with wol .. | 21:01 |
balachmar | But since suspend isn't reliable I wouldn't recommend using it for this kind of things | 21:02 |
peoples_ | WOL works fine .. but mythbackend needs zu be restarted everytime after resume from suspend | 21:02 |
balachmar | But probably other people here are more educated on this. I just let it shut down and wake up for the recordings | 21:03 |
peoples_ | and what instead ? :) | 21:03 |
balachmar | Just a full poweroff | 21:04 |
peoples_ | with mythwelcome right ? | 21:04 |
balachmar | and use nvram wakeup or acpi to let it wake up | 21:04 |
balachmar | yes | 21:04 |
balachmar | That is what I had (and will do after everything is set up fine, just reinstalled to get mythbuntu) and it worked perfectly | 21:05 |
peoples_ | is it possible to initiate the mythwelcome shutdown manualy? | 21:06 |
peoples_ | so i can run this instead of standard suspend mode wich is running with pm-utils | 21:07 |
balachmar | yes, it knows when it has booted automatically and then it will shut down automatically. But when you started it manually it will stay awake until you exit mythfrontend | 21:07 |
peoples_ | and he wakesup if there is something to record .. or i but it on manualy | 21:07 |
balachmar | you can still set it up to wake on lan as well | 21:08 |
balachmar | yes | 21:08 |
balachmar | http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/System_wakeup | 21:09 |
balachmar | That might help you out | 21:09 |
peoples_ | thank you .. i'll try mythwelcome instead of pm-utils .. ;) | 21:11 |
sardiskan | strange | 21:11 |
sardiskan | I'm looking at the lircd.conf file and all the codes are in there that match what I see from running irw | 21:12 |
sardiskan | but when I'm in mythtv...nothing comes up for those 15 buttons | 21:12 |
sardiskan | what controls what each code sends to the mythtv server? | 21:14 |
peoples_ | balachmar: are you using suspend s3 mode ? or let you mythwelcome shutdown the pc completely? | 21:15 |
balachmar | peoples_: I let it shutdown completely. | 21:16 |
peoples_ | ah k .. thats the point .. i'll use suspend .. but it seems mythwelcome only works with complete shutdown .. ? | 21:18 |
sabhain | sardiskan, the answer to that is found in your .lircrc file | 21:18 |
balachmar | peoples_: Then I don't know how to do it. | 21:19 |
sardiskan | under /home/usernam/.lircrc? | 21:19 |
sardiskan | I don't see anything but several includes | 21:19 |
ddgoose | sardiskan: try this, go to your home dir, "mv .lircrc .lircrc.bak" then "mythbuntu-lirc-generator -L <your lircd.conf>" | 21:20 |
sabhain | I ran into that too .. and since on my FE's I only run mythbuntu, I just made a .lircrc that had the commands directly | 21:21 |
ddgoose | if you want a single file do "mythbuntu-lirc-generator -L <your lircd.conf> -l .lircrc" | 21:22 |
sardiskan | that command just recreated what was already there | 21:23 |
sardiskan | do I need to restart the ir service? | 21:23 |
ddgoose | probably doesnt know what to do with the extra keys I guess | 21:24 |
sabhain | sardiskan, take a look at your ~/.lirc/mythtv or whatever the includes is pointing too .. what's in there? | 21:27 |
sardiskan | I see it...I can add the names and relate that name to a character | 21:38 |
sardiskan | cool | 21:38 |
sabhain | gotta go .. good luck sardiskan | 22:02 |
sardiskan | thx man | 22:05 |
sardiskan | you have all been great | 22:05 |
Nikas | So. I'm running a clean ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop. My other computers are running MythBuntu 8.04. Can i install the frontend on this computer and how? | 22:12 |
Nikas | this computer = laptop ;) | 22:13 |
sardiskan | yes you can...to install just use the mythbuntu frontend | 22:13 |
Nikas | sardiskan: how do you mean? | 22:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | Nikas, install mythbuntu-control-center, you can activate the frontend from there | 22:19 |
tgm4883_laptop | alternatively, you can install the frontend packcage | 22:19 |
tgm4883_laptop | I believe it is called mythtv-frontend | 22:19 |
Nikas | i used.. some page :) | 22:21 |
Nikas | http://www.mythbuntu. | 22:21 |
Nikas | org/existing-ubuntu | 22:21 |
Nikas | from the MythBuntu 8.04 install pdf :) | 22:21 |
ddgoose | laga what tex editor are you using? I checked out a couple but kile seemed like it was going to do the trick, any opinons? | 22:30 |
laga | ddgoose: i used vim or kate ;) | 22:38 |
ddgoose | ok | 22:38 |
ddgoose | so far kile is pretty slick | 22:39 |
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