
jimmy_asac: i'll work on it a little bit00:01
alperyilmazextensions and other settings are working but mail folders and accounts does not show-up.. that's weird.. still googling..00:03
alperyilmazit looks like pref.js is corrupted..00:08
=== dholbert_ is now known as dholbert
gnomefreakanyone know if the libflashsupport crash bug affects firefox 2?05:55
gnomefreakis it possible to close upstream bugs?06:37
asacargh. power outage06:50
gnomefreakwhy cant i change status of upstream bugs?06:54
asacgnomefreak: why not?07:01
asacas long as they are not associated with another bug system it should be fine07:01
gnomefreakasac: dont know why not. I should beable to change it from interface(website) right?07:01
asacyes, but might depend on your project role07:03
gnomefreakah i didnt know there was levels for bugzilla07:06
* gnomefreak going through bugs from 2005 - 2007 atm ranging from gnome bugs to X bugs seems people dont change status when bug is fixed or EOLS and its annoying seeing them in my LP bugs page07:07
gnomefreakasac: feel like closing a debian bug and a mozilla bug? bug is from 1.5 and has been confirmed to be fixed.07:38
gnomefreakmozilla bug 33171607:39
ubottuMozilla bug 331716 in GFX: Gtk "'fi' and 'fl' ligatures overlap following glyph with justified text in pango builds" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33171607:39
gnomefreakdebian bug 36256907:39
ubottuDebian bug 362569 in iceweasel "fontconfig: DejaVu ligature width miscalculated" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/36256907:40
gnomefreakit looks unlikely it will be fixed in anything <3.0 per debian and mozilla latest comment was a long time ago and this is confirmed fixed in 3.007:40
asacok the breakage of my system is so massive that i will probably be out for half the day gathering hardware pieces07:40
asachope that my hardiscs survived this07:41
* gnomefreak will most likely be sleeping its 2:41am nad im still up07:41
[reed]asac: heh, what happened?07:44
asacnot sure ... i woke up, the fuse was busted07:45
asacturned electric on again, now there is no power on my mainboard :(07:46
asacnothing happens07:46
asacso lets hope its the power supply pack07:46
=== ZrZ is now known as RzR
asacair smelled a bit burned :/07:47
asacin short: not that great07:47
gnomefreakok im going to see if i can sleep tonight since its 3am08:02
* asac off getting some supplies ;)08:46
gnomefreakbug 23010709:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230107 in firefox-3.0 "settings like bookmarks or start page are not saved and are canceled after restartinf firefox process" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23010709:22
gnomefreakasac: bug 197781 he is using firefox in a way it wasnt intended IMHO scrolling through prefferences using arrows by holding them down to scroll through them multiple times than he sees the bug i would rather not tell him hes using it in an unsopported way but he is.09:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197781 in firefox-3.0 "[Hardy] Firefox preferences - some categories do not work if clicked too fast" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19778109:50
asachmm ... lets if this keeps working09:50
gnomefreakoh i just set up apport for hardy be back i have to reboot to finish09:52
gnomefreakupdate-manager is about to piss me off10:03
gnomefreakasac: your network-manager bug person is getting impatent10:03
gnomefreakworking on setting up anymeal10:05
asacgnomefreak: who is my network-manager bug person?10:05
gnomefreaki just closed tb and it empties trash (sorry my mind isnt awake since it hasnt had sleep in 2 days10:06
gnomefreakoh the css one10:06
asacgnomefreak: why cant you sleep still?10:07
gnomefreakhe said hes gonna fix the css on the page and see how ff does but wanted a fix for it other than a workaround (but i thought it said n-m10:07
asacthought it should get better after hospital10:07
gnomefreakasac: not sure ive had issues since friday10:07
gnomefreakasac: i think its stress10:08
asacmost likely jack :)10:08
gnomefreakhmm anymeal is kde10:08
gnomefreakoh here we go10:09
gnomefreakbut 8292710:09
gnomefreakbug 8292710:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82927 in network-manager "[feisty fawn and Gutsy] NetworkManager reports incorrect online status" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8292710:09
gnomefreak^^ n-m one10:09
gnomefreakasac: how did you reproduce that bug? the one with scrolling through preff. i cant even scroll i have to go to right than left than right10:10
asacgnomefreak: click on "Content"10:11
asacthen use arrow keys left and right10:11
asacthat should go to  other preference panel10:11
asacif you do it real quick some panels get empty10:12
asacsome get content from the other panel10:12
asacand so on10:12
asacgnomefreak: please dont assign bugs to mozilla-bugs anymore if they are incomplete ... otherwise they will not auto expire ;)10:13
asaci first hated it, but now i think it makes sense as it would catch inactive bugs we failed to track10:13
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakasac: it seems people go around and if they are not bug team tags they remove them and i wish there was a way to stop them since we rely on tags to make bug work a tiny bit easier. anyway of doing this?10:31
asacno ... just educate every single one doing this10:32
asaclikely-dup is important10:32
gnomefreakyes i know i would also like people to use upstream tag i will go looking upstream once a week once i have bugs and tags on them fo rit10:34
gnomefreakthis way we can get things a bit cleaned up10:34
gnomefreaks/fo rit/for it10:34
asacgnomefreak: lets use the empty upstream bug way10:35
gnomefreakasac: what way?10:35
asacif ou see a bug that needs to be forwarded, just add "Project" ... but don't set a upstream bug id10:35
asacyou can then search for those bugs in advanced search by selecting10:35
gnomefreakasac: i have no way of searching for them than10:35
gnomefreakoh you can?10:35
asac"Show bugs that need to be forwarded to an upstream bug tracker"10:36
asactry that10:36
asaci added a bunch of empty upstream targets in the last few days10:36
asacto indicate that we should search for upstream bug and if it doesn't exist file one10:36
gnomefreakthats new10:37
asacquite old in fact10:37
asacat least for 1.5 years it exists10:37
gnomefreakive never seen it there10:37
asachidden secrets10:37
gnomefreakthats the full search?10:37
gnomefreak8 whole bugs10:38
gnomefreakand atleast one has been reported upstream already10:38
asacgnomefreak: no idea ... thought i added more, but i try to not forward everything10:43
gnomefreakasac: i will edit the tags wiki to read something like please do not remove tags on mozilla related bugs as we use them to search since we have a ton of bugs10:44
gnomefreaknot worded right atm and i would like a <#> for a ton10:44
gnomefreakso when they remove tags add it back and refer them to wiki, when they read wiki maybe that would be better than trying to explain it on every bug just please read $wiki for a reason, sorry my mind went blank10:46
gnomefreakI really nee dsomething about mozilla in my signature for email10:46
asacwell ... the wiki page should certainly be revisisited10:46
gnomefreakim gonna be using email alot more10:46
asacto account for new launchpad features10:46
asacgnomefreak: using gpg/mime should work10:47
asacit does for me10:47
gnomefreakasac: yep it was on my to do list but when system got screwed up i lost it10:47
gnomefreakasac: what about gpg10:48
asacbug 13313310:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 133133 in firefox ""Open containing folder" is only working if nautilus is present" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13313310:49
asacgnomefreak: you need to sign mails if you want to modify bug status et al10:49
* gnomefreak wonders if its worth writing a script for greasmonkey witha list of most used responses just wish i knew how to do that, one of these days i have a library and 3 scripts to write. write == copy out of book and make a couple of changes10:49
gnomefreakasac: i do sign them or is gpg not signing them?10:49
gnomefreakthat would explain why it didnt prompt me10:50
gnomefreakasac: looking into  it atm10:50
asacgnomefreak: if you are using thunderbird you need enigmail10:50
fta2debian bug 42961910:51
ubottuDebian bug 429619 in openssh-server "openssh-server upgrade kills ability to login using password" [Unknown,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/42961910:51
gnomefreakasac: i have it but i played with it today and i guess i touched something taht caused this10:51
gnomefreakwhere would the profile for enigmail be? assuming its not in .mozilla10:55
asacgnomefreak: install enigmail + thunderbird and just setup openpgp in the server account settings10:56
asacgnomefreak: but i guess you should try to get some rest before trying something like this ;)10:57
gnomefreakasac: it was already i removed enigmail a sec. ago and i wanted to get rid of settings as well incase it is a setting i changed in advanced10:57
gnomefreaknope that didnt work11:01
gnomefreakUNTRUSTED Good signature from John Vivirito (gnomefreak) <gnomefreak@gmail.com>11:02
gnomefreakbut its just not asking for passphrase nor do i see the gpg sig in email11:02
asacgnomefreak: try to send a mail11:03
asacselect "sign mail"11:03
asacif that works all is fine11:03
asacyou can select "sign mail by default" somewhere in settings11:03
asacgnomefreak: but i guess you lost your private key11:03
gnomefreakasac: i have it set11:03
asacdo you still have your old .gnupg directory?11:03
asacthats where it should be in11:03
gnomefreakyes i have it11:03
asacgnomefreak: gpg --list-secret-keys11:04
asacif that shows you anything11:04
gnomefreakgpg-confirm.txt  pubring.gpg   revoke.asc   ubuntu-coc.txt11:04
gnomefreakgpg.conf         pubring.gpg~  secring.gpg  ubuntu-coc.txt.asc11:04
gnomefreakpublic.key       random_seed   trustdb.gpg11:04
asacyou should set one of those keys in your server settings as key11:04
asacbug 22987811:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229878 in firefox-3.0 "firefox-3.0 can't set proxy after install language-support-th" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22987811:15
gnomefreakasac: you still have link for reply-to* for tb2?11:26
asacreply to list?11:36
gnomefreakyeah im looking for it. the extension for tb11:37
asacstart from here http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/114-thunderbird-+-reply-to-list-...-here-it-comes.html11:37
gnomefreakis that the latest version?11:38
asacnot sure11:38
asacbut you will surely find it from there ;)11:38
gnomefreakyeah but cant get it11:39
gnomefreakwait on that thought11:40
gnomefreaknow i wait for a mailing list post to comment on11:42
* gnomefreak wonders why openssh-* needs to be upgraded usin dist-upgrade11:44
gnomefreakintrepid upgraded them with upgrade11:44
asacmission accomplished ... bug mail queue empty ;)12:04
* asac shakes his wrists in pain12:07
=== fta2 is now known as fta
gnomefreakmy key is signing the email (the little blue/green part above the subject says its signed but it doesnt look singed to me it used to print our in body of email,12:19
gnomefreakasac: please hang out for a minute or 2 i want to show you something12:25
asacok will smoke before gong to lunch then ;)12:26
gnomefreakasac: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26378196@N05/2492211012/ thats what enigmail looks like when signing, why did it stop adding keys to the body of message?12:27
* gnomefreak goes for smoke as well12:27
ftaasac, seems i can't get in touch with any of the listed ubuntu-bugcontrol admins. i'm gonna expire :P12:28
gnomefreakok im going to lay down if anyone needs me ill be back a bit later im starting to get really tired12:38
armin_fta: :D12:47
armin_fta: i have the updater enabled on xulrunner, and disabled on ff, and you can't check for new versions :)12:48
armin_i'm using chatzilla with xul 1.912:48
ftadoes xul even support the updater ?12:49
armin_well, not sure, if i run /update it shows the updater thing12:50
ftabtw, if it's installed system wide, a user should not have the privileges to upgrade anything12:50
armin_of course12:50
armin_you can disable chatzilla being update, like all mozilla ap12:51
armin_uh, updated*12:51
asacfta: pedro? bdmurray?13:08
asacfta: pinged him13:11
asachey elpargo :)14:39
elpargohi, I didn't knew this channel existed.14:39
asacit exists ;)14:39
asacelpargo: this channel is the right place if you want to work on mozilla related topic. The mozillateam is the team that maintains the core pieces and applications of mozilla. the mozilla-extensions-dev package is the one that takes care for extension maintenance in ubuntu. both teams discussions are going on here ;)14:42
elpargomy guess is that ff3 is changing something on the profile/.files that is making ff2's instalation of firebug throw out an exception. not sure if you have seen something like it.14:42
asacelpargo: 1st. did you know that we packaged a workable firebug extensions? so users can still use it with ffox3?14:42
elpargoasac, yea but it's 1.2 which is alpha.14:43
asacdoes it lack features or has severe bugs?14:44
elpargowell given that my original complain is why the upgrade got me to ff3 going to alpha is not a good idea.14:45
elpargoDon't get me wrong I like to mess around with alpha I got websites running off the trunk of some projects. but in the browser specially at this point in time I want full stability.14:45
asacyes, but is there instability if you use the latest firebug package?14:46
elpargoto be honest I didn't tested it. but ff3 itself gave me several problems with flash (no sound) also with some 100CPU and sometime when I closed it it hanged in the back.14:49
asacelpargo: that CPU issue should be fixed for most cases14:49
asacflash itself is broken ... which is only partially related14:50
elpargoasac, tell me about it. flash sucks bigtime. but sadly it's popular.14:52
asacelpargo: you should really give it a try with an up-to-date system ... and take care that the libflashsupport is not installed ... which you might have if you upgraded to hardy before final release ... or by some other coincident14:52
asacin any case ... removing the extensions.* files in your profile should fix your ffox 2 problem i guess14:53
elpargoI ran a full upgrade to 8.04 about a week ago. before that I was in maintenance branch of 7.10.14:54
elpargoasac, yea that is what I did I first tried to edit the files but ff didn't liked it. and loaded nothing.14:55
asacelpargo: removing them should be ok14:56
asacthe extensions.* files will get recreated (note not the extensions/ dir) :)14:56
elpargocool I didn't knew that either.14:58
asacok, now that you know ... try ffox 3 seriously ... as you know how to get back ;)14:59
elpargoahh crap ok.15:03
elpargoasac, i'm running ff3 I installed the firebug package and when it loaded it disabled the old firebug and the new one is nowhere to be found.15:13
asacelpargo: you have to uninstall it from addons -> tools15:14
asacprofile installs will always hide global installs15:14
asacwhich probably can be considered a bug ... but it was always that way15:14
elpargook did that and now it's on the addons window but I don't see the icon nor f12 works.15:16
elpargook a second restart fixed that.15:17
* gnomefreak just checking in mail and such my plan is to go back to sleep15:23
gnomefreakasac: when did  we package swiftweasel? we as in Ubuntu not Mozillateam15:25
asacno we didn't15:27
gnomefreakwhy is bug 137993 even around for than :(15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 137993 in mplayerplug-in "mozilla-mplayer unnecessarily depends on gecko browsers" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13799315:29
gnomefreakits a debian merge of mplayer removing browsers as a depends15:29
gnomefreakas i recall mplayer is most used in browser15:29
gnomefreakmaybe i guess depend on browsers with mplayer-plugin15:32
asacgnomefreak: commented15:32
gnomefreakok will go back to it thanks :)15:32
gnomefreaki guess it doesnt matter though when i gave you bug # it was still open iirc now its inprogress15:33
gnomefreakmeaning it looks as if they are gonna do it without our input and i guess that is fine since its motu that works on it?15:35
gnomefreakor maybe it was there15:36
gnomefreakpersonally i dont think we should change it because a user uses a browser that we dont package, that kind of implies that we support swiftweasel but im going on,15:39
gnomefreaki guess enigmail still adds -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----15:40
gnomefreakHash: SHA115:40
gnomefreakto emails but not on mine :(15:40
asacgnomefreak: the bug id you gave me is only remotely related to swiftweasel15:55
asacall it asks for is a way to install our package globally without installing one of our browsers15:55
gnomefreakits about removing depends on browsers15:55
gnomefreakdoes mplayer really need xulrunner?15:55
asacgnomefreak: only the plugin package needs xulrunner or _any_ other browser to work properly15:56
asacbut thats why i say recommends would be fine15:56
gnomefreakasac: than why would they make the stand alone mplayer depend on xul or browsers15:56
gnomefreakrecommend both no need to add depends it doesnt need, and we know xulrunner is not small by anymeans15:57
asacgnomefreak: not its the plugin package that depends on it15:57
asacthats what i understood at least15:57
asacits filed against mozilla-mplayer after all15:57
gnomefreakthere are 2 bugs about this one plugin and one standalone15:58
asacstandalone has nothing to do with ffox15:58
gnomefreaki know15:58
gnomefreakSo it can be added as Dependency with another |, so it's or a gecko browser15:59
gnomefreakor xulrunner16:00
gnomefreak1 person says one thing and everyone else says something different from eachother16:00
asacgnomefreak: no all those need to go to recommends ... xulrunner is wrong ...xulrunner-1.9 might be ok, but in fact alone its not really helpful16:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 137993 in mplayerplug-in "mozilla-mplayer unnecessarily depends on gecko browsers" [Low,In progress]16:01
gnomefreakthat is what i gave you above not my idea16:01
gnomefreakif it doesnt need depends wtf add them to deps when there is recommends16:01
gnomefreak+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, firefox | mozilla-browser | galeon | epiphany-browser | konqueror, mplayer (>= 1.0~pre5) | mplayer-nogui16:02
gnomefreakthat is from latest debdiff16:02
gnomefreakthe debdiff doesnt even show recommends16:03
gnomefreakand hell mozilla-browser isnt even supported that is seamonkey now16:03
asacmidbrowser is supported through xulrunner-1.916:03
gnomefreakbut isnt in deps for mplayer16:04
gnomefreakif you dont need browsers for an app dont depend on them all browser deps should be downgraded16:04
gnomefreakdowngraded to recommends, i will smoke and than add my comment nicely to downgrade all browsers to rec.16:05
asacgnomefreak: thats what i already said in the bug, didn't i?16:08
gnomefreakyou said we might concider it, without reason16:11
gnomefreakbtw we are missing Places from firefox, is this purposly done?16:21
gnomefreakfirefox 3 added a Places menu i thought (it was renamed to Places dont remember what places replaced16:22
gnomefreakonce im done looking in upstream bugs i will get you the changes page for it on mozilla site, but it was one of the first things that they did on ff316:24
gnomefreakshould we tell users to file bugs upstream if its not already a bug upstream or should we do it?16:26
gnomefreak[Improved in Beta 5!]  Places Organizer: view, organize and search through all of your bookmarks, tags, and browsing history with multiple views and smart folders to store your frequent searches. Create and restore full backups whenever you want16:36
asacwe should do it ... or someone good at bug triaging16:36
gnomefreakasac: ^^^ places16:37
gnomefreakasac: they were gonna put a radio button for places in tool bar iirc16:38
gnomefreakand i know its on ff3 for windows16:38
gnomefreakasac: are you using enigmail from repos in tb?16:46
gnomefreakim gonna test the .xpi to see if it signs email in body of email16:46
asacgnomefreak: the recent huge font issues are https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38409016:54
asaci guess there were about 10 or so ;)16:54
ubottuMozilla bug 384090 in GFX: Thebes "[GTK+] incorrect logical resolution for converting font sizes in pt, etc." [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:54
asacmozilla Bug 430925] New: Scrollbox smooth16:55
ubottuMozilla bug 430925 in XUL Widgets "Scrollbox smooth scrolling should skip frames when missing the desired frame rate" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43092516:55
asacis one scroll perf issue i guess16:55
gnomefreakasac: none of them are on the list :(17:02
gnomefreakasac: can you still reproduce bug 10724717:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 107247 in firefox "A Web page can temporarily turn on caret browsing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10724717:04
gnomefreakits a year old at this time17:05
gnomefreakwould like to get it upstream if its still being seen and with what browser?17:05
asaccaret browsing is a feature17:09
asacdont think its a bug17:09
asacok let me comment17:10
gnomefreakyou gonna comment or17:10
gnomefreakok nevermind17:10
gnomefreakasac: what does "There are no permission bits set on your account" mean in mozilla's bugzilla17:13
asacwhat are you trying to do?17:16
asacmost likely you don't have the proper permissions for the operation you are trying to do?17:16
gnomefreakasac: no that is in my profile17:18
gnomefreaki was jsut wondering what it meant17:18
asacwell .. can have different meaning17:19
asachard to say17:19
asacmost likely somewhat corrupted17:20
asacoften curable though17:20
gnomefreakah ok17:20
gnomefreakcould it be one of my settings? like maybe always use PGP/MIMI by default, setting that i wouldnt think would cause this enigmail issue i have17:28
gnomefreaknope enigmail is borked i think17:30
gnomefreakwhat the hell am i going to do to fix this im kind of worried why its happening did i change something17:35
gnomefreakNO SLEEP AND WORKING ON PC is not smart :(17:36
gnomefreaklol i mark bug upstream and they give me a work around but say nothing about fixing it or changing it17:37
gnomefreakasac: if you have any ideas on what to check for my enigmail issue please let me know, it is set to sign by default. but still doesnt give me key info in body of email17:40
asacgnomefreak: sign will only happen when you send a mail17:44
gnomefreakyes i know and its not17:45
asacis the green pen visible in the compose window?17:50
asaccan you explicitly set that that it should be signed in the menu/toolbar in compose window?17:50
gnomefreakyes in bottom right corner17:50
gnomefreakasac: you have email i sent you screen shot of settings and attached my key since it encrypted it but failed to sign it17:51
asacgnomefreak: that message is signed17:52
gnomefreaknot in the body is it?17:52
gnomefreaknormally i would see it and it should ask for a passphrase before sending for my sig17:52
asacgnomefreak: the complete text + attachment are signed in the mail you send itself (didn't look at attachments)17:53
asacgnomefreak: click on your mail in the sent folder17:53
asacdo you see its signed there?17:53
gnomefreaki see 2 attachments and the body of email exactly as it left here just text from typing no sig anywhere17:54
asacgnomefreak: maybe enable openpgp for all servers17:54
asacgnomefreak: not a bar on top?17:54
asacgnomefreak: in server settings17:54
asaceach account has a opengpg thing17:54
gnomefreakyes that is what i sent you a screenshot of17:55
asacalso look at the advanced options17:55
asacmaybe you can say: use this as default or so17:55
asacyeah enable it for _all_ accounts17:55
gnomefreakit is for all accounts17:56
asacthen i dont know17:56
asacyour mail i retrieved was definitly signed17:57
gnomefreakwhat is "Add Enigmail comment in OpenGPG signature"?18:00
gnomefreaktaht was unchecked18:00
asacno idea ;)18:02
asaccant remember such an option/dialog18:02
gnomefreakits in advanced18:02
asacwell thats just that a enigmail banner will be added to the opengpg signature comment region18:03
asacso people that see your sig get to know about enigmail18:04
asackind of contributing back through advertisement18:04
gnomefreaksent myself email to another box to see if signed18:04
gnomefreakyeah its signing them its just im not seeing it, including on bugs18:06
gnomefreaki dont get why its ont showing up in bugs18:08
gnomefreakbug 22190618:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221906 in xorg-server "firefox causes X to crash when openning a large page (dup-of: 212648)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22190618:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212648 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "[nvidia-new, hardy] certain websites in firefox causes X restart due to lack of wfb symlink" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21264818:08
gnomefreakchecking bug for signature18:08
gnomefreakit is signing them just hidden inside the ....18:10
gnomefreaknow im seeign it before it gets sent18:21
gnomefreakok gone for a bit.18:30
=== fta_ is now known as fta
asacgnomefreak: you wont see it if you use pgp/mime ... but you will see a green or yellow bar on top of the mail when visiting19:20
asacyou also have to enabled auto-decrpty/verify19:21
asacor push the crypto button in toolbar19:21
ftadamn, i can't update miro, python-gtk2/gnome2 is a total mess in intrepid20:04
willguaraldifta: is miro kicking up errors when you're compiling?20:15
ftawell, i have python-gtk2-dev first20:16
ftabut python-gtk2-dev -> python-gnome2-extras -> python-gobject-dev python-gtk2 -> python-gobject -> libffi420:17
ftaand libffi4 is gone20:17
ftait was in gcc 4.220:17
ftanow, there's a standalone libffi5 so there's an incomplete transition20:18
willguaraldioh icky.20:21
willguaraldiok.  feel free to kick me if you're having problems with getting miro to compile/work on intrepid.  i haven't touched intrepid yet--working on other things right now.20:22
ftathanks. well, i've been packaging miro from trunk for more than a year now so i'm quite comfortable with it :)20:23
jimmy_asac: ping20:23
asacjimmy_: have to restart X ... will be back in a min20:28
asacjimmy_: news?20:33
jimmy_asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12111/20:34
jimmy_I modified the urlbar with the property instead20:34
jimmy_asac: take a look and see if you can integrate it or not, if so, i'll commit it20:35
asacjimmy_: ok. did you test that it works? where is that attribute set now?20:36
asacah. ok20:36
jimmy_yeah, i tested it, right now, i am setting in the urlbindings20:36
asacyou could also set the attribute in xml/xul20:36
asacnot in code20:36
asacjimmy_: could you move the property to the end of the property list defined in that file?20:37
asacthen i think we can integrate that patch20:37
asacplease uncommit or revert the last patch so we have this kicker patch in a clean fashion20:38
jimmy_asac: ok, i'll move it to the end20:38
jimmy_asac: i already revert the previous patches I made to this20:39
ftaasac, we are the build logs for debian ?21:05
[reed]e-gandalf: you're coming to UDS?21:06
[reed]ah, cool21:06
[reed]I'll be there21:06
e-gandalfare you going to be there for the whole week?21:06
e-gandalfI'll be just for Mon/Wed21:06
[reed]well, look forward to meeting you :)21:08
e-gandalfme too21:09
e-gandalfdo you have any details on the schedule?21:09
e-gandalfanyone else from mozilla will be there?21:09
[reed]blizzard was almost coming, but it didn't work out :/21:09
[reed]and caillon can't make it21:09
[reed]I don't know of anybody else21:10
e-gandalfis there any plan at all?21:10
e-gandalfI have a feeling it's a bit chaotic21:10
e-gandalfcomparing to our summits21:10
e-gandalfnot that ours is overplanned...21:10
[reed]that was for the last UDS21:10
[reed]in Boston21:10
e-gandalfhave you ever visit Prague?21:11
[reed]nope, never even been to Europe21:11
e-gandalfwhen you're flying in?21:11
e-gandalfdo you have a guide already? ;]21:11
[reed]I leave Friday from here... get there Saturday afternoon21:11
blizzardno blizzard :(21:11
e-gandalfwe can do a beering on sunday21:11
[reed]I don't drink, but I'd love to have a tour guide :)21:12
e-gandalfthat's fine, we can do that :)21:12
e-gandalfalthough I must say you miss something uncatchable by not drinking absinthe in prague ;)21:12
[reed]no thanks :)21:13
e-gandalfI'm trying to get in touch with Czilla people21:13
e-gandalffor a meeting21:13
e-gandalfwould you like to join us?21:13
ftaasac, nm, found it21:14
[reed]e-gandalf: sure21:14
e-gandalfare you staying in the default hotel?21:15
e-gandalfCorinthia Towers21:15
e-gandalfme too21:15
[reed]when do you get there?21:17
e-gandalf4:30 pm Sunday21:17
e-gandalfI miss any way I could have figure out that you'll be coming earlier21:18
e-gandalfsome central event participation sheet ;)21:18
[reed]well, the attendees that Canonical is providing for all got sent a spreadsheet with everybody's name21:18
[reed]and our roommates and such for the week... turns out my roommate for the week is a Bugzilla developer ;P21:19
e-gandalfwho? :D21:20
fta[reed], they've reordered the roomies based on arrival dates apparently21:20
[reed]fta: oh?21:21
[reed]e-gandalf: bkor21:21
[reed]fta: where'd you hear that?21:21
fta[reed], no, i mean, the file is fine21:21
ftai arrive saturday21:22
[reed]well, they had my arrival date wrong21:23
[reed]when that list was sent out21:23
[reed]I got that fixed21:23
ftabut you're still arriving sunday, right ?21:23
e-gandalf[reed]: wait a second, boy! Aren't *you* a bugzilla developer too? :D\21:23
[reed]I am21:24
[reed]fta: no, Saturday21:24
ftafossdem or tourism ?21:25
ftaeven sunday ?21:25
ftawhat are your plans for sunday ?21:26
[reed]nothing so far... e-gandalf wants to hang out, but nothing besides that.21:26
[reed]would like to do some touring, though, since I've never been to Europe at all ;)21:27
[reed]or for that matter, the eastern hemisphere21:27
[reed]only been to Mexico and Honduras21:28
[reed]besides the U.S.21:28
e-gandalfstay strong21:29
e-gandalfit'll be kind of a shock ;)21:29
e-gandalf[reed]: do you have an agenda for this year?21:38
e-gandalfare we going to have any specific talks on mozilla?21:39
[reed]e-gandalf: nope... asac might know, though21:39
e-gandalfasac: ping? :)21:39
fta[reed], i'll do some too, i've traveled a lot everywhere but i don't know prague at all and i hate to go somewhere and don't see anything.21:40
[reed]sounds good, fta21:41
ftae-gandalf, [reed]: some ideas are there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Ideas/Intrepid21:41
ftait's both ideas for UDS and the 6 months dev cycle21:41
ftaand it's not limited to just that21:42
ftaall ideas welcome21:42
e-gandalffta: sure. but I'd like to get a full UDS agenda21:43
e-gandalfmy goal is to reach Ubuntu community management21:43
ftaoh, ok :)21:43
e-gandalflearn how Ubuntu manages communities21:43
e-gandalfpotentially share our experience21:43
ftajcastro, ^^21:44
ftahe's the guy :)21:44
e-gandalfjcastro: ping21:44
cwong1asac: ping21:58
asaccwong1: yes22:13
cwong1asac: the latest xulrunner in ubuntu-ppa has the gconf patch, right?22:13
asacshould be yes.22:14
cwong1asac: I am still having problem with accessing the https site22:14
cwong1asac: how do I debug this?22:14
asaccwong1: check that proxy is setup correctly22:14
cwong1asac: I double checked already.  If I built without the system xul, it works fine.22:15
cwong1asac: any idea how I can track this down?22:16
asaccwong1: so the proper value is set for the preferences in about:config ?22:17
cwong1asac: let me check ... just 1sec22:17
ibkanatwho maintains the mozilla funambol plug-in? I need it in 64bit22:24
JazzvaI received today my first Firefox t-shirt and a cup :D. They're great (although, the FF logo is moved a bit to the right on the back of the shirt) :)22:36
cwong1asac: I look in about config and the proxy string is blank for some reason22:38
cwong1asac: The proxy setting is coming from xulrunner, right?22:40
asaccwong1: yes. it needs to be enabled22:41
asacits not enabled by default22:41
asaccwong1: will you upload an update to midbrowser?22:41
asace.g. with this fixed pref?22:41
cwong1asac: sure,  what do i need?22:41
asaccould you please add another intl.locale.matchOS22:42
asacthat needs to be a grepref22:42
cwong1do I add pref("intl.locale.matchOS", true) to the midbrowser.js?22:43
asacthat should work22:43
asaclet me give you an .xpi22:43
asaccwong1: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/midbrowser/22:45
asacyou need to install language-pack-gnome-zh22:45
asac(and -base)22:45
asacand then you can install those .xpi's22:45
asacwhen matchOS == true is properly configured in midbrowser it should start in chinese with export LANG=zh_CN22:45
asacor LANG=zh_TW22:45
asacwould be great if you could upload that to PPA today or soe22:46
asacas i have to upload that language pack :/22:46
cwong1what's that got to do with the proxy setting?22:46
asacnothing ;)22:46
asaccwong1: its for tranlsations ... you have to add a pref to enable system_prefs22:46
cwong1I did set config.use_system_prefs to true22:47
asacin profile?22:47
asactry global22:47
cwong1what is the full pref name for "global"?22:48
cwong1asac: ^^^^22:49
asacno .. i mean confiugre that at a global place ;)22:49
asactry /usr/lib/midbrowser/defaults/preferences/midbrowser.js22:50
cwong1asac: its in there already... I uploaded that change to ppa 2 days ago.22:51
cwong1asac: when I build in my local box I got a tar error saying: ./greprefs/system-greprefs.js: cannot stat22:52
cwong1asac: would that cause this problem?22:52
asacdepends in what context that happens22:53
cwong1asac: it happens during the build near the end.  looks like tar is trying to do a stat on a file that is a symbolic link22:54
asaccwong1: ok. are you sure that the right gconf keys are used?22:56
asacdo you have a gconf editor?22:56
cwong1asac: I will install gconfeditor and look.22:56
cwong1asac: btw the tar error happen when the build is doing this:22:58
cwong1/root/newmaster/objdir/config/nsinstall -D ../../dist/bin/xulrunner22:58
cwong1(cd /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9b5/bin && tar -cvhf - .) | (cd ../../dist/bin/xulrunner && tar -xf -)22:58
cwong1tar: ./greprefs/system-greprefs.js: Cannot stat: No such file or directory22:58
cwong1asac: would this system-greprefs.js cause the proxy problem?22:59
asacis that in midbrowser? or xulrunner?23:00
asacls  -l /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/greprefs/23:00
asacwhat do you get?23:00
cwong1it has system-greprefs.js but it is a symlink to /etc/xulrunner-1.9/system-grepref.js23:01
asacnothing else in thereß23:01
cwong1It has all.js, security-prefs.js and xpinstall.js23:02
cwong1hmmm.... looks the system-greprefs.js has a few lines but all commented out.. so that shouldn't be the cause of the proxy problem...23:05
asaccwong1: sure you are running ppa version?23:10
asacof xul?23:10
cwong1asac: yes I am23:10
cwong1asac: the version is 1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu4~8.04.0mt123:11
asacyes, thats the wrong one :)23:11
asacapt-cache policy xulrunner-1.923:12
asaci guess its not from ppa23:12
asacin fact this means that the ppa version should be updated no the new version in archive ... it fixes a critical performance issue23:12
cwong1here is what I get:23:13
cwong1  Installed: 1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu4~8.04.0mt123:13
cwong1  Candidate: 1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu4~8.04.0mt123:13
cwong1  Version table:23:13
cwong1 *** 1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu4~8.04.0mt1 023:13
cwong1        500 http://ports.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main Packages23:13
cwong1        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status23:13
cwong1     1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3+ume804 023:14
cwong1        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main Packages23:14
cwong1     1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 023:14
cwong1        500 http://ports.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages23:14
asacyeah ... ppa version is ume80423:14
asacthe one you have doesnt have that patch23:14
asacdowngrade to test23:14
asacsudo apt-get install xulrunner-1.9=1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3+ume804 xulrunner-1.9-dev=1.9~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3+ume80423:14
cwong1asac: that downgrade took care of the problem23:20
cwong1asac: how can I make sure image-creator pulls the right one when creating an image?23:21
asaccwong1: well ... let me see if the build gets past the gconf patch ... i can then upload an update23:22
asacok appears to get applied23:23
asaclet me wait for the build to finish maybe23:23
cwong1asac: ok, thanks for the help... and I will upload the localel patch to ppa today23:23
cwong1brb in few mins23:24
asaccwong1: wait a sec23:24
asacthe matchOS setting is in midbrowser.js in midcontent/ but its not installed by the package23:25
asacin defaults/preferences23:25
asacwhat is used`23:25
asacthere are three midbrowser.js files in the tree23:25
asac$ find | grep midbrowser.js23:27
asacsince when does midcontent/ exist?23:27
asaccwong1: ?23:27
asaccwong1: ok i found it23:31
asacthe midbrowser package lacks the syspref link ;)23:31
asacso nothing in /etc/midbrowser/pref gets loaded23:31
asaccwong1: could you please add: sudo ln -s /etc/midbrowser/pref/ /usr/lib/midbrowser/defaults/syspref to the package?23:31
asacthat should fix the matchOS23:32
asacand the defautl browser check most likely ;)23:32
cwong1asac:  sorry I am back23:32
cwong1asac: ok I will add a symlink to the package23:32
asacyeah ... in midbrowser.links23:33
asacor however you like23:33
cwong1asac: I will do that23:33
asacmidbrowser should really use our firefox packaging ;)23:33
cwong1asac: agreed, but i am no debian expert :(23:34
cwong1asac: you want to volunteer..?  :)23:34
asacyeah ... you the expertise needed to make a new package is far higher than the requirements for forking the firefox package ;)23:37
asacanyway lets talk about that later23:37
ftais it just me or for the last few weeks, everything in planet maemo is rendered as html source code ?23:44

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