brilliantnut | jam: got an error☺incomplete request for that. | 00:00 |
* AfC waves to jam | 00:00 | |
igc | morning | 00:01 |
* jam waves at AfC | 00:01 | |
brilliantnut | jam: I just got an OK for the request... the problem was \r\n on win | 00:01 |
jam | brilliantnut: ah, ok | 00:02 |
jam | yeah, you need plain '\n' | 00:02 |
brilliantnut | so, the bzr smart server *is* up at that url | 00:02 |
Odd_Bloke | Good morning, Australasians. | 00:02 |
spiv | Good morning. | 00:03 |
jam | brilliantnut: you can try something like: | 00:05 |
jam | echo -ne "BzrDir.find_repository\001.\n" | POST ... | 00:05 |
jam | It an return: norepository | 00:06 |
jam | or: ok☺☺no☺no | 00:06 |
jam | It *can* return one or the other | 00:06 |
brilliantnut | ok☺..☺no☺no | 00:06 |
jam | or even: error☺Not a branch: ... | 00:06 |
jam | brilliantnut: so we can find the repository.... | 00:07 |
brilliantnut | right. | 00:07 |
jam | brilliantnut: what path did you POST to, btw | 00:07 |
jam | Since it seems to say that the repository is found in ".." | 00:07 |
brilliantnut | http://<creds>@<server>/bzr/HEAD/.bzr/smart | 00:07 |
spiv | vila: have you seen ? | 00:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230223 in bzr "smart server probing in 1.4 breaks check outs of short bus http repositories [regression]" [High,Confirmed] | 00:08 |
brilliantnut | without HEAD it gives ok☺☺no☺no | 00:08 |
brilliantnut | jam: that does make sense though... we did init-repo is /home/tech-admin/data/bzr/ and then init in /home/tech-admin/data/bzr/HEAD | 00:10 |
jam | brilliantnut: right, that is what I thought you did | 00:11 |
jam | I'm trying to understand the other error, then | 00:11 |
brilliantnut | bzr log bzr+http://<creds>@<server>/bzr/ gives "Not a branch:" | 00:13 |
brilliantnut | and bzr log bzr+http://<creds>@<server>/bzr/HEAD gives "No repository present:" | 00:14 |
jam | brilliantnut: well I would expect the "Not a branch" since HEAD is the branch, "bzr/" is the repository | 00:14 |
jam | I' don't know why you are getting the other error | 00:14 |
brilliantnut | so, when I'm accessing the branch, it wants a repository, and vice versa :( | 00:14 |
jam | brilliantnut: well, it can find the repository from the branch, which is why it is confusing | 00:14 |
jam | can you paste the output of ~/.bzr.log if you run | 00:15 |
jam | bzr log -Dhpss -Dhttp bzr+http://..../bzr/HEAD | 00:15 |
jam | brilliantnut: and unfortunately, it is now time for me to spend with my family, but maybe spiv will peek his head in here and help | 00:15 |
igc | morning Odd_Bloke | 00:15 |
brilliantnut | jam: thanks for your help. | 00:15 |
poolie | good morning | 00:17 |
poolie | hi markh | 00:18 |
markh | hi poolie | 00:20 |
brilliantnut | output of .bzr.log after bzr log -Dhpss -Dhttp bzr+http://..../bzr/HEAD | 00:20 |
brilliantnut | | 00:20 |
brilliantnut | spiv: jam said you might be able to help with our problem... | 00:21 |
spiv | brilliantnut: I'll take a look | 00:25 |
libwilliam | I have a question regarding embedding bazaar's api's in my C code. I am getting fairly familiar with the python C api but I don't know enough about Python in general to understand what I am missing. Without all of the details I am trying to load a working tree object by... Now it says 'No module names workingtree' and that is where not knowing much about python is hurting me. I am unsure if I am supposed to d | 00:27 |
libwilliam | o some special linking in my makefile to link to the bzrlib or where to look for information. | 00:27 |
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson | ||
spiv | brilliantnut: strange, it repeatedly tries to do BzrDir.find_repositoryV2 in HEAD, rather than in bzar. | 00:30 |
spiv | brilliantnut: that looks like a bug in the client to me. Which version of bzr is that? | 00:30 |
spiv | libwilliam: the module is called "bzrlib.workingtree" | 00:31 |
spiv | libwilliam: or rather, the workingtree module is in the bzrlib package. | 00:31 |
brilliantnut | spivl, I'm on 1.6 dev (latest checkout of, deepjoy is on 1.5rc1, and we've also tried using 1.3 earlier with identical results. The server is 1.3 (from fedora EPEL) | 00:32 |
brilliantnut | spiv: ^^^^ | 00:32 |
spiv | brilliantnut: ok, thanks | 00:32 |
spiv | brilliantnut: looks like bug report time :( | 00:32 |
spiv | The server appears to be working correctly, at least from that snippet. | 00:32 |
spiv | I'll file a bug report, I'll try to deal with it soon. | 00:33 |
spiv | It looks pretty severe to me. | 00:33 |
libwilliam | spiv: thanks, im building right now to try it out. So as long as bazaar is installed using bzrlib.workingtree should work do I have to specify to link against it(im new) | 00:33 |
spiv | libwilliam: no, you can't "link" Python modules. | 00:33 |
spiv | You need to import python code, as you're doing. | 00:34 |
spiv | You might want to read the python tutorial, especially the section about modules and packages: | 00:35 |
spiv | The background information that gives you should help you make sense of the C APIs. | 00:35 |
libwilliam | spiv: alright, im only used to using c and the makefile pain so not sure how anything python related words. | 00:35 |
libwilliam | spiv: im looking at it now, thanks for the help | 00:35 |
brilliantnut | spiv: This is similar happened to us when we last tried it after 1.0 released, and apparently there was a patch underway to fix this or something... unfortunately, we only got time to get back to this now... | 00:35 |
spiv | brilliantnut: yeah, this is definitely supposed to be working now :( | 00:36 |
brilliantnut | spiv: do you need further information from us to help fix this? | 00:36 |
spiv | brilliantnut: I don't think so at this stage | 00:38 |
brilliantnut | deepjoy and I have access on both the server and client... we could give you test credentials to our repository, if it would help. | 00:39 |
spiv | brilliantnut: I'll tell you the bug number in a moment, if you could subscribe to that in case we do need more information, that would be good. | 00:39 |
spiv | brilliantnut: bug #230550 | 00:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230550 in bzr "bzr+http repeatedly queries the wrong location for BzrDir.find_repositoryV2" [Undecided,New] | 00:44 |
spiv | brilliantnut: thanks very much for reporting this | 00:44 |
brilliantnut | spiv: subscribed. | 00:52 |
jam | spiv: is this fallout from your "post to the same URL" patch? | 01:05 |
jam | I think the client thinks it is doing | 01:05 |
jam | transport.clone('..') | 01:05 |
jam | but then it ends up posting to the same URL | 01:05 |
jam | spiv: just a guess, though | 01:05 |
jam | certainly RemoteBzrDir has been stupid about opening a containing repo for a long time | 01:06 |
jam | it has the RPC's to just open it directly, but it still does a VFS walk | 01:06 |
spiv | jam: it seems likely to be involved, yeah | 01:11 |
brilliantnut | spiv: one more thing, there is an inconsistency in the documentation section 10.4 (the part we were referring to). 10.4.1 (example) says /srv/, but the code snippets in section 10.4.3 have /srv/ (missing www) | 01:38 |
brilliantnut | also, the modpywsgi link is broken | 01:46 |
hersonls | I have a question, I can convert it into a project svn to bzr? | 02:08 |
hersonls | I have a question, I can convert it a project into svn to bzr? | 02:09 |
Peng | hersonls: bzr-svn. | 02:10 |
hersonls | Peng: what is this? | 02:11 |
hersonls | Peng: bzr plugin? | 02:12 |
AfC | hersonls: one-way conversion (never to go back) is do-able and pretty easy. | 02:12 |
Peng | hersonls: Yes, it's a plugin. | 02:13 |
AfC | hersonls: on the other hand, if you need to _continue_ to interact with the old central Subversion repository, then that is also possible. | 02:13 |
AfC | hersonls: in both cases, the 'bzr-svn' plugin will help you do this. | 02:13 |
Peng | hersonls: | 02:13 |
hersonls | :D | 02:14 |
AfC | hersonls: there are also other tools that can do the first | 02:14 |
hersonls | tanks | 02:14 |
* AfC wonders if svn2bzr is still maintained. | 02:14 | |
Peng | AfC: Dunno. With bzr-svn, I don't really care. | 02:15 |
AfC | Peng: granted, but bzr-svn can be quite difficult to get to run. If all you're after is a never-look-back one-time conversion, then other tools are worth considering. | 02:15 |
Peng | True. | 02:16 |
bob2 | abentley: be gets a shoutout in lwn this week | 02:16 |
Peng | bob2: Whowhat? | 02:17 |
abentley | bob2: wow. | 02:17 |
abentley | And I thought nobody cared. | 02:17 |
bob2 | you were just like two years ahead of the world | 02:19 |
libwilliam | Now I am coming across a problem with trying to specify a directory of where to open a working tree from. Looking at the pastebin link I specify /home/will/bzrtest but no it tries to open the directory I am currently in /home/will/apps/svn/anjuta | 02:19 |
bob2 | Peng: | 02:20 |
abentley | Peng: be= Bugs Everywhere, a distributed bugtracker I wrote for use with Arch and Bazaar. | 02:20 |
Peng | Oh. | 02:20 |
Peng | Oh! | 02:20 |
Peng | I misread "be" as "he". As in "him". | 02:20 |
Peng | I really need to sleep. | 02:20 |
Peng | Congratulations. :) | 02:20 |
Peng | It has a domain name now too? Nifty. | 02:21 |
bob2 | haha, with rcs support | 02:22 |
* Peng goes to bed. | 02:23 | |
spiv | libwilliam: hmm, strange | 02:31 |
spiv | libwilliam: maybe an odd interaction with the fact that is a staticmethod? | 02:32 |
spiv | I wouldn't expect that to be the case. | 02:32 |
libwilliam | when I directly pass in "/home/will/bzrtest" into the method instead of converting to a py_string it correctly tries that directory but with the screwed up characters No such file: u'/home/will/bzrtest/\x01' | 02:33 |
spiv | Oh, right. | 02:33 |
spiv | The "s" format means a C string, not a PyObject | 02:33 |
spiv | (see "Parsing arguments and building values" in the Python/C API Reference Manual) | 02:34 |
libwilliam | alright I brought it up, thanks again | 02:35 |
poolie | hersonls: hello | 02:39 |
hersonls | poolie: hi | 02:39 |
hersonls | poolie: Bazaar is reflected in some other vcs to be build as is currently? | 02:39 |
poolie | i don't understand, can you restate the question? | 02:41 |
hersonls | yeah | 02:41 |
hersonls | sorry for my english | 02:41 |
hersonls | have any influence of another vcs, in the building bazaar? | 02:41 |
hersonls | poolie: you understand now? | 02:44 |
poolie | yes | 02:45 |
poolie | bzr takes ideas from several places: monotone, arch, baz, svn, git | 02:45 |
hersonls | poolie: bazaar have news? | 02:47 |
hersonls | ( reminding you these questions are for an article ) | 02:48 |
poolie | oh i see | 02:57 |
poolie | hersonls: yes, see for example | 02:58 |
bimberi | haha "Launchpad developer and wanted criminal" | 03:25 |
TFKyle | hmm, re: , are you supposed to use bazaar as the super-project for all plugins? | 03:25 |
* ig1 lunch | 03:50 | |
poolie | igc, ig1, i approved your "for 1.5" patch; if you want me to read anything else in particular please let me know | 04:18 |
ig1 | thanks poolie. The only tweak I want to do is to move Miscellaneous Topics ahead of the plugin tour. | 04:19 |
ig1 | That will mean a minor rewording of the 'port 2' intro as well | 04:20 |
ig1 | s/port/part/ | 04:20 |
=== ig1 is now known as igc | ||
igc | poolie: I'd like your opinion on the Zen doc patch as well but it can wait if you're busy on other things | 04:22 |
poolie | i suspect people are keen for me to finish their raise recommendations :) | 04:24 |
* fullermd could use one while you're at it. | 04:24 | |
igc | sure :-) | 04:25 |
=== pickscrap1 is now known as pickscrape | ||
fbond | Any ideas on this? | 05:01 |
fbond | bzr: ERROR: Must end write group before releasing write lock on KnitPackRepository | 05:01 |
fbond | Got that while pulling. | 05:01 |
jam | TFKyle: you certainly don't have to, I do it because then you can see them all as part of the project | 05:13 |
* igc pick up kids | 05:46 | |
vila | spiv: yes, I've seen bug #230223, a bit short of time though, I agree with you that it may be related to error handling but I also suspect some bad interaction with connection sharing, also bug #229076 is weird, pycurl works while urllib got a connection reset so early I wonder why... | 06:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230223 in bzr "smart server probing in 1.4 breaks check outs of short bus http repositories [regression]" [High,Confirmed] | 06:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229076 in bzr "'Connection reset by peer' error when branching repository" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 06:31 |
spiv | vila: that is odd | 06:42 |
vila | spiv: pfew such a relief, I'm glad you share the feeling :-) | 06:42 |
spiv | vila: thanks for taking a look. I was asking just in case you knew the answer instantly :) | 06:43 |
vila | spiv: I had a look a few days ago at #230223 and -Dhttp revealed that the POST failed for unclear reasons and then a new connection is issued 90 seconds later (sounds like sone timeout) which made me suspect some bad reuse of the connection, but I didn't have time to dig further | 06:44 |
vila | so my first reaction is to suspect some bad handling of the socket when POST errors, but I may be wrong | 06:45 |
vila | and again, I really really want to be able to apply some parts of the test suite against a real server, that's my #1 TODO since it will simplify a lot of other tasks (https for urllib, list_dir for webdav, just to name a few) | 06:47 |
vila | regarding #229076, a telnet session under wireshark gives only a few packets, but I'm not expert in diagnosing at that level and some help here will be very appreciated | 06:49 |
* gour is preparing to adopt bzr's terminology - {standalone,shared} branch, {shared} repository, checkout, tree etc. which, afaics, differs a bit from darcs' lingo | 06:49 | |
AfC | I just blogged about my experience using Bazaar to import and then publish a mirror of GTK. Hopefully that will be of some interest in GNOME land. | 06:49 |
gour | url? | 06:50 |
gour | otoh, i don't know why, but i simply love/like bzr. git was never serious candidate and hg did not penetrate my mind when playing with it | 06:52 |
gour | ahh, found GTK post... | 07:02 |
poolie | gour: i'm glad you like it | 07:11 |
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | | | ||
gour | poolie: i really does | 07:12 |
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | | bzr-1.5rc1, May 9 | | | ||
gour | it looks svn-1.5 (containing reqs for bzr-svn) should be soon out? | 07:13 |
TFKyle | gour: seems like it, it's at -rc5 atm | 07:13 |
vila | poolie: now that the topic is up-to-date, do you have a few seconds to inspect a wireshark trace ? Like the one #229706 can produce ;-) | 07:14 |
gour | soon, we can try bzr-svn without patching | 07:14 |
gour | AfC: cool note at the end of your blog post ;) | 07:17 |
gour | hey, bzr viz is really cool! | 07:19 |
TFKyle | visualize++ | 07:19 |
poolie | :) | 07:19 |
* TFKyle wonders if bzr isn't supposed to work with py 2.6/trunk or if it's just something with the gzip stuff on his windows machine | 07:20 | |
* gour is sold. visualize will impress his windoze friends | 07:20 | |
poolie | vila, sure, url? | 07:20 |
poolie | vila, really #229706 "gobuntu-desktop installation does not remove non-free software"? | 07:21 |
vila | #229076 | 07:21 |
vila | grrr, damn typos ! | 07:22 |
vila | back in ~30 mins, daughter to school time | 07:22 |
poolie | vila, happy to look at it | 07:22 |
poolie | maybe just attach it to that bug? | 07:23 |
gour | am i right in understanding that i'm supposed to do bzr branch 'repo', then create 'working copy, hack in there, pull to 'repo' to keep it update and then bzr merge 'cause, according to docs for pull, "This command only works if your local (destination) branch is either an older copy of the parent branch with no new commits of its own, or if the most recent commit in your local branch has been merged into the parent branch." while in | 07:27 |
gour | e.g. darcs i can select patches while pulling and resolve potential conflicts? | 07:27 |
jamesh | gour: if you have diverged from the branch you are pulling from, you need to merge | 07:38 |
gour | jamesh: right. darcs' can pull no matter of adding new stuff | 07:41 |
jamesh | gour: yep. Darcs has a different model to Bazaar | 07:41 |
jamesh | gour: I guess you'd have to do something to resolve conflicts in Darcs if the two diverged branches changed the same sections of code though | 07:42 |
gour | true. it presents branch as set of patches...otoh, bazaar avoids with its model, some scalability problems | 07:42 |
gour | jamesh: sure...darcs will mark conflicts | 07:43 |
gour | but, afaiu, bzr does not allow to pull even if there are no conflicts, right? | 07:44 |
jamesh | gour: Bazaar is snapshot oriented rather than delta oriented | 07:44 |
jamesh | gour: provided the deltas can be applied on top of each other Darcs doesn't consider there to be a conflict | 07:45 |
gour | yes. it's just the other model, as in hg, but, somehow, hg did not appeal to me as much as bzr | 07:45 |
jamesh | gour: in contrast, combining the changes in Bazaar results in a new tree snapshot (and revision). | 07:46 |
jamesh | there are pros and cons to both systems | 07:46 |
gour | right, darcs allows fine cherrypicking, the other model is more robust & safe | 07:47 |
jamesh | a Bazaar revision represents a particular tree state, so you can do things like verify that a test suite passes before accepting a commit | 07:47 |
jamesh | in contrast, you can only make those sort of assertions in Darcs against the entire set of deltas in the branch | 07:48 |
gour | well, in darcs you can do that as well with --pre-hook switch while darcs record | 07:49 |
AfC | ... on the other hand, extracting small and/or unrelated changes out of the middle of a branch and applying them to another branch is something that Bazaar's current UI doesn't help very much with. | 07:49 |
AfC | That's fine, except that I know that a number of us feel the desire to do this sort of thing quite frequently, and so hopefully someday Bazaar will evolve some capabilities to help smooth the way in such scenarios. | 07:49 |
jamesh | pulling one branch into another won't necessarily leave you with a tree with all the tests passing, even if both branches passed before hand | 07:50 |
jamesh | (not all conflicts are textual) | 07:50 |
jamesh | AfC: cherry picking has been on the todo list for a long time :() | 07:50 |
AfC | yeah well | 07:50 |
jamesh | that should have been :( | 07:50 |
gour | jamesh: if you tag then you know that all the patches before have to pass | 07:51 |
gour | and darcs record --pre-hook will do the right thing, check new patch(es) before commit | 07:52 |
jamesh | gour: well, a pull could insert patches into that existing sequence, right? | 07:52 |
AfC | gour: maybe it would help you if I were to point out that most of the people working on Bazaar are world class experts in the version control field; notably, most of them used Darcs at one point or another. You don't really need to explain what it does here. | 07:52 |
gour | ok | 07:52 |
gour | is improving speed the main concern of bzr-dev atm? | 08:05 |
* gour is reading user-guide | 08:10 | |
vila | poolie: wireshark traces added to bug #229076 for a failing telnet session (7 packets) and a succeeding pycurl session (only the first 52 packets) | 08:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229076 in bzr "'Connection reset by peer' error when branching repository" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 08:26 |
spiv | gour: I'd say it's the main one, yes. That said, there's feature work happening too. | 08:27 |
spiv | Our speed is already good enough in lots of cases, though. We're just trying to make sure it's good enough for even more cases :) | 08:28 |
fullermd | I was thinking about speed earlier today... | 08:33 |
spiv | vila: that is weird | 08:33 |
vila | spiv: trying to tie 'vila', 'odd' and 'weird' in your comments when fullermd is around is naughty... | 08:35 |
vila | :-) | 08:35 |
fullermd | vila isn't odd. 2 vowels, 2 consonants; that's an even number of evens, adding and summing to the same even. Total non-odd. | 08:36 |
fullermd | Which is weird, when you think about it. | 08:36 |
* vila hopes google doesn't index IRC logs... | 08:37 | |
vila | seriously, is anyone able to reproduce the telnet session ? | 08:38 |
gour | i'm noticing some ambiguity while reading docs. any preferred pastebin i should use to write the details? | 08:41 |
vila | !paste | 08:41 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:41 |
gour | ta | 08:42 |
fullermd | Speedwise: * /src - Convert Time: ~6h20m, Git Repo Size: 495M (before repack 2.2G, repack time ~18hours), CVS Repo Size: 2.3G | 08:45 |
* fullermd is guessing a bzr conversion wouldn't even get a significant way through in 24 hours... | 08:45 | |
poolie | vila, thanks | 08:45 |
jamesh | fullermd: don't most things add and sum to the same thing? | 08:45 |
fullermd | jamesh: Yes, but they don't multiply and sum, which is totally what I wrote if you disregard my fingers and go straight to my mind :P | 08:46 |
* igc dinner | 08:48 | |
gour | ok, here it is: anyone can comment on it? | 08:50 |
uniscript | how do I set up a remote repository (well via mount) and then make the directory I am in be a lightweight bound checkout of that remote repo, without changing the files in this directory or creating a copy? | 08:53 |
uniscript | I can create the remote repo or branch | 08:54 |
uniscript | but what do I say in my tree of stuff to say: create me a .bzr dir here that contains info for a bound lightweight checkout of that remote branch over there? | 08:55 |
gour | i've another 'doc-bug' report, but let's hear the feedback on the first one 1st | 09:02 |
gour | ok, here is the other one if someone bothers to look at | 09:07 |
jamesh | uniscript: "bzr reconfigure" is probably what you're after | 09:22 |
jamesh | for the last bit | 09:22 |
uniscript | so bzr init, bzr bind, bzr reconfigure? | 09:22 |
uniscript | (in outline) | 09:23 |
uniscript | oh --bind-to | 09:23 |
uniscript | thanks | 09:24 |
AfC | I would have thought the bzr documentation would be in a bzr branch somewhere, but I can't find it off the cuff. | 09:28 |
fullermd | Most of it's in with bzr... | 09:34 |
AfC | Ah, of course. | 09:41 |
Jc2k | lo AfC | 10:05 |
AfC | Someone about to join who is attempting to get the GTK branch I blogged about today at | 10:06 |
AfC | but is getting... ah, there he is :) | 10:06 |
Jc2k | john@cocacola:~/gnome/gtk+$ bzr branch | 10:06 |
Jc2k | bzr: ERROR: Connection error: while sending GET /%7Eafcowie/bzr/gtk%2B/trunk/.bzr/branch-format: (104, 'Connection reset by peer') | 10:06 |
AfC | I already asked what version he was using | 10:06 |
AfC | Ahem, please excuse me. | 10:06 |
Jc2k | :) | 10:06 |
AfC | I assume John to be a him, sorry | 10:06 |
Jc2k | you are correct ;) | 10:07 |
AfC | ... and he indicated trouble with bzr both 1.3.1 and 1.5rc1 | 10:07 |
AfC | Let me try branching raw | 10:07 |
fullermd | Isn't that the thing vila was just looking at? | 10:08 |
Jc2k | whoops, its 1.3-1 (debian package version) not 1.3.1 | 10:08 |
vila | yup, something is weird here, *server* log may help, from here it looks like the server just close the connection, so I'm a bit short of info to understand | 10:10 |
vila | especially when using pycurl (instead of the urllib based http client imlpementation) just works... | 10:10 |
james_w | vila: hi, you were looking at in that bug report weren't you? | 10:10 |
AfC | I don't have access to the HTTP server logs, sorry | 10:10 |
vila | james_w: hi, see bug #229076 for details | 10:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229076 in bzr "'Connection reset by peer' error when branching repository" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:11 |
AfC | (it's just a public_html directory in a user account on the server that GNOME hackers can use. | 10:11 |
AfC | Not a server I control) | 10:11 |
james_w | Jc2k: installing python-pycurl will probably get you moving. | 10:11 |
vila | AfC: and do you know someone who can look at those logs ? | 10:11 |
Jc2k | james_w: will try now | 10:12 |
fullermd | There's certainly something weird with the server. | 10:12 |
vila | AfC: and can you tell me me how you upload that branch ? Do you use pycurl ? | 10:12 |
fullermd | % ( echo 'GET / HTTP/1.0' ; echo 'host:' ; echo ) | nc 80 | 10:12 |
AfC | vila: Yes, but that's a pretty bloody busy server, and the GNOME sys admin team is in over their heads today (as are most sysadmins on the planet) | 10:12 |
fullermd | just dumps me right back at the prompt (i.e., closed connection with no data passed back) | 10:12 |
AfC | vila: I uploaded with bzr+ssh | 10:13 |
vila | fullermd: thanks for confirming that | 10:13 |
fullermd | Presumably it's doing one of those weird "detect if the far end is a 'real' browser by random connection fingerprint stuff, else ignore" things that's all the rage. | 10:13 |
vila | AfC: Huh ? There is a smart server there ??? | 10:13 |
vila | the POST command got a 404 when bzr probes for it... | 10:14 |
* AfC has a normal `bzr branch http://` running on his URL right now, and it's 2/5 inventory texts and 17 MB in | 10:14 | |
AfC | vila: what are you talking about? | 10:14 |
vila | fullermd: how can it do that ? You can try again without the 'host' header and get the same behavior | 10:15 |
* Jc2k installed python-pycurl and its working \o/ | 10:15 | |
vila | Jc2k: ahpy for you :) | 10:15 |
AfC | vila: I would (on a normal day) have SSH access to that machine. So once I got Olav to install Bazaar on it, I just pushed a branch up there with bzr push bzr+ssh://... | 10:15 |
james_w | vila: it's got a smart server accessible over ssh, but it's not set up for bzr+http:// | 10:15 |
Jc2k | should the package depend on python-pycurl? | 10:15 |
fullermd | vila: I don't recall offhand. But it apparently can be done with some degree of accuracy, by details of the timing and packet structure and whatnot. At least, as long as you only care about Mozilla/IE/Opera/etc. | 10:15 |
vila | james_w: ghaaa, of course | 10:16 |
vila | AfC: james_w is obviously right :) | 10:16 |
AfC | Jc2k: it would seem so. It's an optional "does something different at runtime if found" dependency. | 10:16 |
james_w | Jc2k: we would like to move away from pycurl, however there are two things to fix, one is the couple of bugs that have been found in the last week or so, and the other is doing something with SSL certificates. | 10:17 |
vila | fullermd: my my my, are we getting bitten because we are too slow between connectin and sending the GET ? I can hardly believe it >-/ | 10:17 |
james_w | Jc2k: though there could be a dependency in the meantime. | 10:17 |
vila | fullermd: I thought about something like that but discarded it as too 4th-dimension-y | 10:18 |
vila | and why on earth would they want to do that ??? | 10:18 |
fullermd | The theory is to avoid robots/scrapers/etc. | 10:18 |
fullermd | I don't know much about it; just seen some references in passing. | 10:19 |
vila | anyway, if that's the case, we need to at least check with them and try to find a solution | 10:19 |
fullermd | Can't coax anything out of google in a little trying. | 10:19 |
vila | does anybody knows one of those gnome sysdamins ? | 10:19 |
vila | AfC: I should have missed something but why all admins of the planet are so busy today ? | 10:20 |
james_w | vila: AfC does, but as he said they will be very busy today | 10:20 |
james_w | vila: | 10:20 |
james_w | | 10:21 |
vila | james_w: oh, that one, I think I applied the update a couple of days ago already | 10:21 |
AfC | vila: and | 10:23 |
AfC | Erich's blog post was excellent reading. | 10:23 |
vila | AfC: thanks, read both, I should check *when* I created my ssh keys, the good news is that I kept *all* of them under bzr ;-) | 10:27 |
vila | james_w: that includes keys uploaded to lp I presume, time to update them ? | 10:28 |
matkor | Hi ! gtk masters, 'Graph' object has no attribute 'iter_ancestry' is gtk related ? | 10:28 |
bob2 | vila: they all got killed anyway | 10:29 |
matkor | its bzr 1.4.0 and olive -r 486 (tagged as 0.94.0) ? | 10:30 |
bob2 | that sounds a lot more like a bzr thing than a gtk thing | 10:31 |
vila | bob2: the keys uploaded on lp ? | 10:31 |
james_w | vila: yes, though my DSA key was still there yesterday, so it might have been a selective deletion. | 10:36 |
james_w | matkor: yeah, I think that's a bzr thing. | 10:37 |
matkor | james_w, bob: Where are docs around graph: Graph(KnitParentsProvider(KnitVersionedFile(file:///home/users/matkor/.bzr/repository/revisions))) ? | 10:40 |
james_w | I'm not sure | 10:41 |
gour | when not using lockstep dev, checkouts are not required? | 10:41 |
james_w | | 10:41 |
Ng | does bzr do clever things with its output? (where "clever" is some magic I can't clearly define) | 10:42 |
james_w | gour: yes, if you're not doing lockstep then checkouts are not what you want | 10:42 |
Ng | on hardy, doing "bzr diff | pastebinit" doesn't work | 10:42 |
Ng | but something like "echo foo | pastebinit" does | 10:42 |
matkor | james_w: Thank you very much | 10:42 |
james_w | gour: though you can use commit --local, but I'd recommend using a branch | 10:42 |
james_w | hi Ng | 10:42 |
Ng | hey :) | 10:43 |
james_w | "doesn't work"? | 10:43 |
Ng | pastebinit gives an error which its author tells me means it didn't receive any input | 10:43 |
james_w | wow, yeah | 10:43 |
gour | james_w: thanks | 10:43 |
james_w | Ng: bzr diff exits with 0 when piped to pastebinit, so it's not looking for the changes correctly, and I guess outputting nothing to match the "no changes" status | 10:45 |
lifeless | 'sup | 10:45 |
james_w | hi lifeless | 10:45 |
poolie | hello lifeless | 10:45 |
poolie | just leaving now | 10:45 |
poolie | night all | 10:45 |
james_w | hi poolie | 10:45 |
james_w | good night | 10:45 |
poolie | enjoy Prague | 10:45 |
james_w | thanks. | 10:46 |
poolie | I hear it's Pragmatic :) | 10:46 |
poolie | badabing | 10:46 |
james_w | boo | 10:46 |
gour | are there any 'Cons' in using shared repos? | 10:47 |
intellectronica | hi, i'm suffering from some kind of strange corruption pushing a branch | 10:47 |
intellectronica | when i look at the pushed branch, only the last few revision seem to be there | 10:47 |
Ng | james_w: I get this whether there are changes or not, but even 'echo "" | pastebinit' works. I guess I'm wondering if bzr should notice that stdout isn't a terminal and just send text, but I'm guessing wildly ;) | 10:47 |
intellectronica | and one i try to branch from it, i get the error NotLefthandHistory: Supplied history does not follow left-hand parents | 10:48 |
james_w | Ng: yeah, but "bzr diff | cat" works | 10:48 |
lifeless | it reminds me of dunedin | 10:48 |
lifeless | Ng: utf8 is text :P | 10:49 |
Ng | james_w: sure, and | less. so is the conclusion here that pastebinit is broken somehow? | 10:49 |
lifeless | that would be my first guess | 10:49 |
james_w | intellectronica: that is strange. You should only get the branch error message on push. | 10:50 |
james_w | intellectronica: is this a public branch? | 10:50 |
Ng | although at some point, bzr merge --preview failed to work with |less, so I'm not entirely convinced you guys aren't to blame somehow ;) | 10:50 |
intellectronica | james_w: it isn't, srry | 10:50 |
lifeless | ess | 10:50 |
james_w | Ng: could be, I don't know if it does anything funny with stdin. | 10:50 |
lifeless | intellectronica: there was a bug | 10:50 |
lifeless | intellectronica: use an older, or newer bzr and it should go away | 10:51 |
intellectronica | lifeless: older than 1.5rc1, you mean? | 10:51 |
intellectronica | there is no newer packaged version, afaik | 10:51 |
james_w | Ng: pastebinit is at least a little broken | 10:53 |
james_w | Ng: "list index out of range" | 10:53 |
Ng | yeah, a quick read of the code for stdin suggests it calls .read() on stdin twice | 10:54 |
james_w | content=l_r[0][0].read() | 10:54 |
Ng | quite why that works with some stuff and not with others, I don't know, but is seems like a highly suspect thing to do, to me | 10:54 |
Ng | hmm, maybe not | 10:55 |
* Ng shrugs, I'm not going to start debugging this right now ;) | 10:55 | |
james_w | "When the time-out is reached without a file descriptor becoming ready, three empty lists are returned. " | 10:55 |
james_w | so something bzr is doing means that pastebinit's stdin is not ready | 10:56 |
james_w | (sleep 2; echo a) | pastebinit | 10:56 |
intellectronica | lifeless: no, downgrading to 1.3.1 doesn't seem to help | 10:57 |
lifeless | interewsting | 10:57 |
lifeless | it may be something else I guess | 10:58 |
lifeless | I'm a little shell shocked - just ogt off th eplane | 10:58 |
intellectronica | i have 6277 revisions locally, but when i push i get only the last 167 branches | 10:58 |
intellectronica | lifeless: ah, are you doing the prague thing? | 10:58 |
Ng | james_w: ooh, good catch | 10:59 |
lifeless | yes | 10:59 |
intellectronica | cool | 10:59 |
james_w | Anyone know a better way to know if stdin is going to have data for you than "[sys.stdin],[],[],0)" ? | 10:59 |
lifeless | if you're non blocking, no - other than to say 'use twistd ffs' | 11:00 |
mwhudson | james_w: the FIONREAD ioctl? | 11:02 |
james_w | I guess what it should do is first look for filename arguments, rather than looking for stdin | 11:02 |
james_w | that would allow you to run "pastebinit" and type what you want. It does have the same problem as "patch patch_filename" though. | 11:02 |
james_w | Ng: bug 230649 if you care enough to subscribe. | 11:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230649 in pastebinit "Fails to read from stdin if the process producing data is slow to start" [Undecided,New] | 11:09 |
lifeless | I'm not sure why it wants to be nonblocking anyway | 11:12 |
Ng | james_w: cool thanks :) | 11:14 |
matkor | Who is now responsible for merging bugfixes for olive-gtk ? Jelmer Vernooij ? Szilveszter Farkas ? I have one pretty straightforward typo fix in ... | 12:01 |
jelmer | matkor: sorry, I don't have time at the moment. please send a merge request to the bzr-gtk mailing list | 12:01 |
matkor | Should I mark somehow that I am killing given bug ( during commit ? | 12:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218406 in bzr-gtk "olive-gtk.desktop lists incorrect categories" [Undecided,New] | 12:29 |
lifeless | matkor: --fixes | 12:30 |
lifeless | matkor: -- fixes | 12:30 |
lifeless | meh, sorry - latency | 12:30 |
james_w | matkor: "bzr commit --fixes lp:218406" to be exact | 12:31 |
matkor | ok thanks | 12:32 |
matkor | james_w, lifeless: Is launchpad such smart, so when my revision with --fixes will get merged into mainline, descriptions on will get updated :) ? | 12:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218406 in bzr-gtk "olive-gtk.desktop lists incorrect categories" [Undecided,New] | 12:41 |
james_w | matkor: no, it's not that smart yet. | 12:42 |
sidnei | jelmer: hi there? | 12:57 |
jelmer | hi sidnei | 12:57 |
sidnei | jelmer: trying to get bzr-svn going on osx, using python-svn from macports | 12:58 |
sidnei | jelmer: is that 'metze' patch the only one required? | 12:58 |
jelmer | sidnei: yes, but you may want the other one as well since it fixes some memory leaks | 12:59 |
sidnei | jelmer: odd, after applying the patch it is still complaining that the version isn't good enough | 13:00 |
sidnei | jelmer: this is subversion 1.4.6 | 13:01 |
jelmer | sidnei: one of the common problems is that SWIG has to be forced to rerun | 13:01 |
sidnei | jelmer: ah. that might be it then | 13:01 |
matkor | How are release files ( *.tgz ) generated ? Is it done from bzr ? | 13:05 |
matkor | bzr export ? | 13:05 |
lifeless | bzr export can do that yes | 13:08 |
igc | hi lifeless - hope you had a good trip | 13:11 |
lifeless | mixed as these things are | 13:12 |
lifeless | I'm sneezing constantly at the moment :( | 13:12 |
igc | gour: thanks for the doc feedback. Please raise bugs in LP for things you'd like improved and tag them as 'documentation'. | 13:12 |
igc | lifeless: :-( | 13:12 |
igc | travel sucks - seeing other places in neat though | 13:13 |
igc | s/in/is/ | 13:13 |
spiv | Interesting snippet on git not quite satisfying the kernel devs: | 13:26 |
fbond | Any ideas on this? | 13:27 |
fbond | bzr: ERROR: Must end write group before releasing write lock on KnitPackRepository | 13:27 |
fbond | Got that while pulling. | 13:27 |
spiv | fbond: that sounds like a bzr bug | 13:28 |
spiv | fbond: which bzr version? | 13:28 |
lifeless | spiv: I would guess a network error or something triggering that | 13:29 |
fbond | spiv: sorry, one sec; took a phone call and I have to fire up my laptop to get the version. | 13:39 |
spiv | lifeless: any tips for diagnosing the trigger? I'm about to go to bed. | 13:44 |
spiv | (for fbond's issue) | 13:44 |
lifeless | well, I would guess exception Ai s being raised and not being caught, triggering unllock() | 13:45 |
lifeless | the backtrace in ~/.bzr.log will confirm/deny that the lock decorator is triggering this | 13:45 |
lifeless | I *think* it logs the original exception in that case too | 13:46 |
spiv | lifeless: oh, so it's similar to the TooManyConcurrentRequests error? | 13:46 |
lifeless | yes | 13:47 |
spiv | I know in the TooManyConcurrentRequests case, the original error is just completely discarded :( | 13:47 |
lifeless | something somewhere failing to cleanup properly; and the usual cause for that is hard to reproduce locall things e.g. network | 13:47 |
* spiv nods | 13:47 | |
spiv | Someone (possibly me) should write tests for the improved lock decorators I have in the branch on | 13:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 125784 in bzr "TooManyConcurrentRequests when using smart server over ssh" [High,Confirmed] | 13:48 |
fbond | spiv: bzr 1.3.1 | 13:48 |
fbond | pulling from same via bzr+ssh | 13:49 |
spiv | ISTR to poolie was going to do that at some point, but I guess it never happened. | 13:49 |
fbond | spiv: Can I do something to generate a useful log file? | 13:50 |
spiv | Unfortunately this cold/flu I'm recovering from is wiping me out, so I definitely need to go to bed. | 13:50 |
lifeless | spiv: I hope I haven't een incubating on the plane | 13:50 |
fbond | spiv: Okay, feel better. | 13:50 |
spiv | fbond: "bzr --version" will tell you where you log file is. You could try "bzr -Dhpss ..." if you're using bzr+ssh, which might give a very indirect indication of where the problem is. | 13:51 |
fbond | I'll be back later with a log file. | 13:52 |
jelmer | james_w: where does the master branch of bzr-builddeb live these days? | 13:55 |
james_w | jelmer: it's on launchpad at the moment, as I was having problems with alioth a while back, let me grab the location | 13:55 |
james_w | | 13:56 |
jelmer | thanks | 13:57 |
gour | igc: thank you for review. i'll do it | 14:07 |
james_w | jelmer: hi, are you still around? | 14:40 |
jelmer | james_w, yep | 14:41 |
james_w | jelmer: cool, can I ask a favour? | 14:41 |
jelmer | james_w: depending on what it is, sure :-) | 14:41 |
james_w | I'm trying to clean up the branches for builddeb, would you do a couple of things on lp for me, as I don't have permission? | 14:41 |
james_w | | 14:41 |
james_w | can you either change the ownership to ~bzr-builddeb-hackers, or delete it if it's not possible. | 14:42 |
james_w | Ah, it's a mirrored branch, that should not be needed. | 14:42 |
jelmer | Looks like I can only change the ownership to teams I'm in | 14:43 |
james_w | you could join :-) | 14:43 |
james_w | <- that could be marked merged | 14:43 |
jelmer | just attempted to do so :-) Still needs approval | 14:43 |
james_w | thanks | 14:44 |
james_w | I'll merge your patch once I've cleaned up a bit, sorry I didn't get to it before. | 14:45 |
jelmer | I've changed the ownership of the mirrorred branch | 14:47 |
jelmer | james_w: thanks | 14:47 |
james_w | the patch you sent is pretty large, did you use an old parent branch when creating it? | 14:48 |
jelmer | ah, ouch - yes, it's using the wrong submit branch | 14:48 |
jelmer | I'll resend | 14:48 |
james_w | is the same code? | 14:48 |
james_w | I can just merge from there if it is. | 14:49 |
jelmer | that's the old one, which will cause conflicts when merging | 14:49 |
jelmer | james_w, sent | 14:51 |
james_w | thanks | 14:51 |
gour | igc: where can i tag bug report as documentation? | 15:02 |
gour | there is bzr-book, but i'm not sure it's the right one | 15:03 |
james_w | gour: with an actual tag | 15:04 |
james_w | "Edit Description/Tags" in the top left box. | 15:04 |
igc | gour: as james_w says | 15:04 |
james_w | hi igc | 15:04 |
igc | hi james_w | 15:04 |
gour | this comes AFTER submitting bug? | 15:04 |
igc | yes | 15:05 |
gour | ok | 15:05 |
gour | the tag 'documentation' hasn't yet been used by Bazaar before ? | 15:06 |
gour | should i create a new one? | 15:07 |
lifeless | no | 15:07 |
gour | :-/ | 15:07 |
* gour is confused | 15:07 | |
lifeless | if you look at the current tags | 15:07 |
james_w | gour: "doc" is what we use apparently. | 15:07 |
lifeless | you can see that there is a tag doc | 15:08 |
gour | lifeless: somehow i do not see list of tags | 15:08 |
lifeless | on the left hand side there is probably a collapsed area | 15:08 |
gour | it isn't...ok, i tagged as 'doc' | 15:08 |
james_w | they're shown on | 15:09 |
lifeless | interesting tags on this bug : | 15:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 209046 in bzr "Crash when comitting with non-English description" [Undecided,New] | 15:09 |
lifeless | please don't fix, I'm going to show the lp ui guys | 15:09 |
gour | done, | 15:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230734 in bzr "make some terms in documentation more clear" [Undecided,New] | 15:09 |
gour | btw, who is keeping the track about the numbers of bzr users? | 15:10 |
gour | james_w: it would be nice that the list is at hand when filling the bug report | 15:12 |
james_w | gour: yeah, at least when adding tags. | 15:13 |
lifeless | indeed | 15:15 |
lifeless | gour: I think we have a bug open about tag suggestion | 15:20 |
jelmer | hmm, bzrlib.config is a mess.. What's the difference between get_value(), get_option() and get_user_option() ? | 15:23 |
jelmer | or maybe I'm missing the big picture here somewhere | 15:23 |
lifeless | woo | 15:39 |
lifeless | I have verieonedfiles with annotate() | 15:39 |
lifeless | and all that shitt | 15:39 |
jelmer | w00t | 15:39 |
james_w | woo | 15:40 |
lifeless | now to add it to repository and deprecate KnitVersionedFile | 15:40 |
lifeless | jelmer: I'm in prague | 15:40 |
jelmer | lifeless, ahh | 15:40 |
james_w | would it be cruel to put lifeless on a plane half the way around the world whenever there's a big job to be done? | 15:40 |
lifeless | james_w: I thought that that was what happened already? | 15:40 |
james_w | heh | 15:41 |
lifeless | james_w: are ou here for fosscamp? | 15:41 |
james_w | lifeless: no, just UDS, I arrive on Sunday. | 15:42 |
igc | go lifeless go | 15:59 |
igc | (sounds better than go speed-racer go) | 16:00 |
igc | must be time for sleep | 16:00 |
jelmer | igc: You're in .eu as well then I guess ? :-) | 16:00 |
igc | night all | 16:00 |
igc | nope - here in Brisbane | 16:00 |
jelmer | apparently not :-) g'night Ian | 16:00 |
igc | night | 16:01 |
gour | night | 16:01 |
statik | is there a way to prune all but the last month of history from a branch? | 16:18 |
james_w | statik: short answer, no. | 16:23 |
james_w | medium answer, it's something that we would want to support somewhat at some point. | 16:23 |
statik | james_w: i like short answers :) thanks, guess i'll need to wait for history horizons then | 16:23 |
james_w | long answer, I think you can do it now, but it would be a bit dirty. | 16:24 |
james_w | statik: yep, that would be the best solution. | 16:24 |
james_w | thanks jelmer, all merged up. I made +svn work as well. I'm working towards releasing a new package today. | 16:28 |
jelmer | james_w: cool, thanks! | 16:37 |
james_w | jelmer: did you see that bzr-dbus is causing deprecation warnings with 1.5? | 16:38 |
jelmer | james_w: yeah | 16:39 |
jelmer | james_w: I was hoping upstream would merge the fix for that first though | 16:39 |
jelmer | then again, merging it first shouldn't cause any problems.. | 16:39 |
james_w | ah, I thought I had seen you propose a fix, but I just looked at the code and it wasn't changed, so I thought I was imagining it. | 16:40 |
gour | hmm, svn-1.5 is expected in 1st week of June | 16:41 |
james_w | ah wow, that will be interesting. | 16:42 |
pickscrape | The glacial rate of svn development depresses me | 16:42 |
pickscrape | Then again, it's quicker than svk's current rate of development | 16:42 |
gour | nice news for bzr-svn | 16:42 |
rockstar | +1 gour | 16:43 |
radix | is that the one where they added merge tracking? | 16:45 |
james_w | dato: nice catch, I'll fix that in a moment, thanks. | 16:45 |
jelmer | rockstar, yes | 16:50 |
jelmer | sorry | 16:53 |
jelmer | radix, yes | 16:53 |
james_w | thanks jelmer | 16:53 |
radix | interesting | 16:54 |
ricardokirkner | hi. I am having some issues trying to set up bzr+http on my apache. I think I have the apache config finally ok, but I am getting errors when committing. I get bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "bzr+http://... | 17:06 |
ricardokirkner | I cannot find out where it is failing.. any hints? | 17:06 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: have you looked in ~/.bzr.log ? | 17:12 |
james_w | "-Dhttp -Dhpss -Dtransport" as options to bzr will print more information there about what it is doing. | 17:12 |
dennda | Is there something that helps me push to several locations without always entering the location again? | 17:13 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, that should appear in my log? or are those options I should use when calling bzr? | 17:13 |
james_w | dennda: there is a "bookmarks" plugin that allows you to shorted the URLS | 17:13 |
james_w | dennda: or you want to push to several locations at the same time? | 17:13 |
dennda | james_w: both sounds interesting | 17:14 |
dennda | james_w: but I think bookmarks is what I was asking for | 17:14 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: they are global options to bzr, so "bzr -Dhttp -Dhpss -Dtransport commit" | 17:14 |
dennda | what's the name of the plugin? | 17:14 |
ricardokirkner | I'll try that... | 17:14 |
james_w | dennda: good, because I don't know of a way to push to multiple locations :-) | 17:14 |
james_w | dennda: bzr-bookmarks. | 17:14 |
james_w | dennda: | 17:15 |
dennda | hm.. is there any documentation on how to use it? | 17:16 |
pickscrape | What's the best transport for a central server with flexible permission options (i.e. write access for different groups for different branches)? | 17:18 |
pickscrape | I'm currently playing with bzr+ssh, but wonder if some other might be faster/more flexible | 17:18 |
awilkins | Probably sftp or bzr+ssh | 17:18 |
pickscrape | Presumably sftp wouldn't take advantage of the smart server? | 17:19 |
awilkins | pickscrape: Nope. It's probably the quickest for initial checkouts though | 17:20 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, using bzr+http I get NoRepositoryFound, but when using http alone I get IncompatibleRepositories: Repository KnitPackRepository(...) is not compatible with repository KnitPackRepository(...) | 17:21 |
james_w | dennda: I don't know, sorry. | 17:22 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: is there anything useful in the log file? | 17:22 |
dennda | thanks james_w | 17:23 |
jelmer | ricardokirkner: Are you trying to branch into a repository? | 17:24 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, I created a repo in my server, then I did a checkout to another machine. in that host I did a change and commited. | 17:25 |
ricardokirkner | the repo on the server is in rich-root-pack format (because it was migrated from svn) | 17:25 |
jelmer | ricardokirkner, but what repository are you trying to copy into locally? | 17:26 |
jelmer | that should be a rich-root-pack repository as well | 17:26 |
ricardokirkner | well, I didn't explicitely create a repo locally, but just did a checkout, and the checkout format is rich-root-pack | 17:27 |
ricardokirkner | actually, in the log file I get <RepositoryFormatKnitPack4> for both locations | 17:27 |
ricardokirkner | aparently, the last thing tried was a Branch.unlock operation | 17:30 |
ricardokirkner | but just before the traceback I get a result 'ok' response | 17:31 |
pickscrape | Is there any expectation that the smart server will become a useful standalone server in the centralised sense (e.g. akin to svnserve)? | 17:31 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, if you want I can paste the log | 17:32 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: that would probably help | 17:33 |
james_w | pickscrape: what do you need that it doesn't do? | 17:33 |
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud | ||
pickscrape | e.g. user authentication, init.d scripts to start it up (could be a distro thing) | 17:35 |
pickscrape | Just thinking that it might have less of an overhead than going through ssh and starting up bzr every time. | 17:36 |
james_w | well it's started on demand | 17:36 |
james_w | authentication has been discussed, but there are no immediate plans for it. | 17:36 |
pickscrape | I understand that what I'm after is very much for a centralised workflow. | 17:37 |
james_w | there's a reticence to get involved in authentication, as it's problematic. We'd rather leave it to existing, tested technologies, at least for now. | 17:37 |
pickscrape | Understood. | 17:39 |
jelmer | dato/james_w: any chance you can upload bzr-email ? It hasn't had any uploads with DM-Upload-Allowed yet | 17:40 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, | 17:40 |
james_w | jelmer: you're uploads that have the wrong size for the orig.tar.gz, are they caused by builddeb as well? | 17:41 |
james_w | your uploads, sorry. | 17:41 |
james_w | jelmer: I wish I could, but I ain't no DD. | 17:41 |
jelmer | james_w: Yes, those are also caused by the timestamp in the tarball being incorrect | 17:41 |
james_w | ah, it changes the size, ok. | 17:42 |
james_w | I was just thinking of writing the patch to bzr to allow me to fix that. | 17:42 |
jelmer | james_w: A fix for that bug would be really nice | 17:44 |
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james_w | ricardokirkner: can you provide the output of "bzr info" in the branch and "bzr info sftp://path/on/server/" please? | 17:49 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, | 17:57 |
ricardokirkner | sorry.. that entry has a typo | 17:58 |
ricardokirkner | no, my mistake, its correct | 17:59 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: so, it looks like it's done the commit, and then fails when fetching the revisions back to the local repository. | 18:06 |
james_w | does it fail if you bind to a bzr+ssh:// URL to the same branch? | 18:06 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, bzr+ssh: works fine | 18:09 |
james_w | sounds like a bug then, if you do "bzr init-repo --rich-root-pack test && cd test && bzr branch http://whatever" do you get the same error? | 18:11 |
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ricardokirkner | james_w, I created the repo, did a branch, could commit (because it was a branch), but when pushing to the server, I get the same error | 18:14 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: sounds like a bug to me | 18:16 |
ricardokirkner | mhh.. ok, thank you very much for your help.... i will have to look for another option then | 18:17 |
ricardokirkner | until I manage to get spare time to hunt the bug | 18:17 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, what would you recommend me to do to setup authentication for a central server setup, so that I need to have a user in order to commit to the central branch? | 18:19 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: are you happy to give out ssh accounts? | 18:21 |
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ricardokirkner | james_w, well, I know that possibility, what I didn't want to do that | 18:56 |
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demod | ricardokirkner: there is also the possibility of using the http wsgi smart server (which leaves authentication and encryption to htaccess and https), however, last time i tried it it didn't exactly work out (but that might have been a misconfiguration on my side, since i haven't used it before) | 19:11 |
ricardokirkner | demod, I was trying that too, but it wasn't working either ... probably because of a configuration issue too | 19:11 |
demod | ;) | 19:11 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: there is a webdav plugin as well. | 19:13 |
demod | james_w: i thought that one isn't working anymore since bzr 1.0 or so | 19:14 |
ricardokirkner | yes, but it states that it doesn't work with bzr > 1.0 (although I haven't tried it to confirm this) | 19:14 |
vila | james_w: Did you summon me by my webdav name ? | 19:14 |
james_w | vila: do you have it on highlight, or are you just tuned to it? | 19:15 |
vila | The webdav plugin lacks list_dir, it's on my TODO list, but I can give delays... | 19:15 |
james_w | ah yeah, I remember now. | 19:15 |
vila | james_w: just passing around :) | 19:15 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: if you can file that bug then it may be fixed for the 1.6 release this month, but I don't know where to start looking yet. | 19:16 |
james_w | vila: how is your kitchen? | 19:16 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, I'll try to file a bug now, thank you | 19:16 |
vila | hehe, we still need to finish.... I don't know the name in english, what you put on walls in kitchen or bathrooms and is not paint | 19:17 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, the strange thing is I tried to do the same thing using a pristine repo that was created exclusively using bzr (with the default repo format), and I keep getting the same issue | 19:17 |
radix | wallpaper? | 19:17 |
radix | paneling? | 19:17 |
radix | tiles? | 19:17 |
demod | tiles | 19:17 |
james_w | food? | 19:17 |
vila | radix: :) Not wallpaper, may be tiles, it generally comes in 10x10 to 30x30 centimeters, can be white or colored | 19:18 |
james_w | ricardokirkner: yeah, you're investigations seem to indicate that the http remote implementation is messing up the calculation of compatible formats. | 19:18 |
vila | james_w: lol | 19:18 |
demod | vila: like those? ,) | 19:19 |
ricardokirkner | james_w, thank you for formulating the problem so nicely :-), now I can file the bug :-p | 19:19 |
vila | demod: yup ! :) | 19:19 |
demod | vila: be praised ,) | 19:19 |
vila | demod: hoooo, cheater ;-) | 19:20 |
demod | vila: you don't want any drawing from me; neither with gimp or otherwise ,) | 19:20 |
vila | demod: Ok, I'll try to remember that :) How about pictures for bzr data model ? | 19:21 |
gour | james_w: 1.6. is coming this month? | 19:22 |
james_w | gour: ah, no, some days slipped by without me noticing | 19:22 |
demod | vila: give me some handdrawn template and i might consider it ,) | 19:22 |
james_w | make it "within the month". | 19:22 |
gour | james_w: :-) | 19:22 |
vila | demod: hehe. Not me, ask hard-core bzr devs ;-) | 19:23 |
demod | vila: I'd rather not, someone might actually take the offer and i'm supposed to get some assignments done ,) | 19:25 |
vila | demod: too bad, I'd like to do it my self, but lack the time, I thought I found a valiant volunteer ;) | 19:29 |
demod | sorry ,) | 19:30 |
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* gour is reading bzr manual | 19:43 | |
gour | this sounds interesting: ' can be really hard to "unlearn" the please-let-me-avoid-merging-at-any-cost habit.' | 19:44 |
gour | does bzr extmerge works with emacs' ediff? | 19:53 |
pickscrape | Not that I can see at the moment | 19:54 |
b0ef | if I do a checkout from foo to bar, then remove foo and put another repository there, named foo and try to update bar, why is that possible? | 19:56 |
b0ef | is there no check that foo is the repository you did the initial checkout from? | 19:56 |
demod | b0ef: i get an error message when trying to bzr merge them (bzr 1.5rc1) | 20:00 |
vila | gour: what do you mean by 'bzr extmerge with emacs' ? | 20:00 |
pickscrape | I presumed he was referring to the extmerge plugin. | 20:01 |
vila | you can use M-x shell-command-on-region RET bzr merge --preview | 20:01 |
b0ef | demod: you tried this? | 20:01 |
vila | or M-x shell-command-on-region RET bzr diff | 20:02 |
demod | b0ef: yes | 20:02 |
pickscrape | extmerge is for dealing with conflicts | 20:02 |
vila | also, opening files with conflicts triggers the smerge mode | 20:02 |
gour | vila: right, i think about extmerge plugin | 20:02 |
b0ef | demod: so this is a clear bug that it doesn't check that it's the same repository, then? | 20:02 |
vila | and there is the excellent DVC emacs package | 20:03 |
gour | i still did not try DVC in far used darcssum.el | 20:03 |
vila | gour: synchronicity :) | 20:03 |
demod | b0ef: "bzr pull" says that the branches have diverged and that i got to merge them but "bzr merge" notices that they don't share any ancestors | 20:03 |
gour | yeah, another good point to use bzr | 20:03 |
vila | gour: try it ! | 20:03 |
gour | vila: will do for sure ;) | 20:03 |
demod | b0ef: well, a tiny one ,) | 20:03 |
vila | I run dvc-status and dvc-diff hourly if not minutely | 20:04 |
b0ef | demod: well, if you keep changing foo and keep updating your initial checkout you will have a shitload of "pending merges" in your checkout directory | 20:04 |
b0ef | this must be a bug | 20:04 |
gour | vila: still reading user-guide, 5th chapter | 20:04 |
kdawkins | hey guys... am in the right place to ask for some bzr help? | 20:04 |
vila | gour: DVC has a user guide ? Updated and not mentioning tla ? | 20:04 |
vila | or xtla (can't remember who DVC is the son of ;) | 20:05 |
gour | vila: no, bzr's user-guide. but there is, afaik, DVC manual as well | 20:05 |
james_w | kdawkins: couldn't be in a better place :-) | 20:05 |
kdawkins | right on... | 20:05 |
vila | gour: ha, ok | 20:05 |
demod | b0ef: hm, i actually don't have a clue how/if pending merges are handled, you might have a point there | 20:05 |
kdawkins | i am new to bzr... svn user, struggling with bzr's distributed model | 20:06 |
kdawkins | my colleague has a branch, let's call it jonny-fixing-x | 20:06 |
gour | kdawkins: you mean, enjoying distributed model ;) | 20:06 |
kdawkins | to review his code, i do bzr branch ....url/jonny-fixing-x | 20:06 |
kdawkins | gour: hah yeah | 20:06 |
kdawkins | and i get a new dir jonny-fixing-x in my filesystem | 20:07 |
kdawkins | so far so good. | 20:07 |
kdawkins | i find a problem with it | 20:07 |
kdawkins | and fix it | 20:07 |
kdawkins | how do i commit it back to the server for him to review? | 20:07 |
james_w | kdawkins: keep asking your question, but I'll just mention in case you haven't found it yet | 20:07 |
james_w | kdawkins: there are a few options, you could ask him to pull from you to review it. | 20:08 |
james_w | you could use "bzr send" to email him the changes for him to review and then possibly apply (or generate a text file you can give to him by any other means) | 20:09 |
kdawkins | he's not online though, and i want to keep working on his code | 20:09 |
kdawkins | ideally, he'd merge it into trunk since it's been reviewed and i'd branch off that and keep going, no? | 20:10 |
gour | what is usual lingo used in bzr for 'trunk', i.e. how to name it? | 20:10 |
james_w | can you merge it to trunk, or does he have to review it first? | 20:10 |
kdawkins | he has to review, i think | 20:11 |
kdawkins | so i can't merge because there's a shitload of changes on his branch | 20:11 |
kdawkins | can i create my own branch from his? | 20:11 |
james_w | gour: "trunk" is the most common one, sometimes people say "HEAD" to mean the tip of a particular branch, trunk if not specified. | 20:11 |
kdawkins | and work on that? | 20:11 |
james_w | that's what you did with "branch ...url/jonny-fixing-x" at the start. | 20:11 |
james_w | you get a separate branch, and you can work and commit however you like on that without affecting him at all. | 20:12 |
kdawkins | ok | 20:12 |
kdawkins | that's very unclear from the docs. | 20:12 |
kdawkins | it says "to get a named branch, do bzr branch foo" | 20:12 |
kdawkins | i took that to mean "to get jonny's branch" | 20:13 |
kdawkins | not "to make my own branch from foo" | 20:13 |
kdawkins | fair enough | 20:13 |
kdawkins | ok, so i can hack away all i want | 20:13 |
james_w | yeah, it's the latter, if you can suggest a better way of explaining it we would be happy to fix it. | 20:13 |
gour | james_w: is the 'trunk' (or main branch) used in real repos as well (as it is common in svn)? | 20:13 |
kdawkins | i think the "get a branch" bit is confusing... maybe "to make a new branch ..." instead | 20:13 |
james_w | "get your own copy of the branch"? | 20:14 |
james_w | "make a new branch based on..."? | 20:14 |
kdawkins | but then that sounds like it's not a new branch | 20:14 |
* gour submitted today a bug (launchpad) to clarify some terminology as well | 20:14 | |
kdawkins | yeah the latter | 20:14 |
demod | I always liked the "clone" alias... ,) | 20:14 |
pickscrape | "get your own branch of the branch" | 20:14 |
kdawkins | that is perfect | 20:15 |
james_w | gour: I'm not sure I understand your question, could you explain it please? | 20:15 |
james_w | kdawkins: which one? | 20:15 |
kdawkins | "make a new branch based on..." | 20:15 |
kdawkins | thx a ton for the help! | 20:16 |
james_w | great, I'll add it to gours bug, it's easier to roll these doc changes up. | 20:16 |
james_w | kdawkins: thanks you, it's always good to improve the documentation. If you have any more questions please ask. | 20:16 |
kdawkins | ohhhh i will :) | 20:16 |
gour | james_w: does people use the folder name 'trunk' to name 'HEAD' in their bzr repos? i'm aware the 'trunk' is same as 'HEAD', but i'm curious what is the bzr-way to name it, not to call it | 20:17 |
james_w | ah, "trunk" is common yes | 20:18 |
james_w | bzr is | 20:18 |
james_w | so several projects copy that. | 20:18 |
gour | thanks | 20:19 |
james_w | ah, just missed him, his patch is submitted. | 20:28 |
Jc2k | * | 20:34 |
gour | bzr send help says that merge directive provides: An _optional_ patch that is a preview of the changes requested | 20:36 |
gour | what does it mean 'optional' ? | 20:36 |
pickscrape | I think it means it is possible to exclude it, which threw me a bit too. | 20:38 |
gour | hmm, having patch is nice if one has to send to non-bzr user... | 20:38 |
pickscrape | --no-patch excludes the patch | 20:38 |
pickscrape | For me, 'optional' usually means you don't get it by default. | 20:39 |
gour | and what provides --no-bundle then? | 20:40 |
pickscrape | I'm not sure what you mean | 20:40 |
gour | ahh, --no-bundle means one has to retrieve separately | 20:41 |
pickscrape | By default you get both (bear in mind I'm new to this too) :) | 20:41 |
gour | i wonder how one get _patch_ only if required to send to non-bzr party? | 20:41 |
pickscrape | --no-bundle | 20:41 |
pickscrape | The patch is great even if the recipient is using bzr though, especially if he's running Thunderbird with the Colored Diffs plugin. | 20:42 |
gour | ok. will try it i discovered there is no Gnus listed as mail client :-/ | 20:42 |
* gour finished readng 6th ch. of best practices | 20:44 | |
pickscrape | No idea about anything Emacs-related I'm afraid... | 20:44 |
gour | probably some devs use emacs/gnus | 20:45 |
gour | otoh, i wonder why bzr is not more widely adopted.. | 20:45 |
pickscrape | Total speculation, but I believe performance held it up in the early days. | 20:46 |
gour | i find it is superb...very nicely crafted | 20:46 |
pickscrape | Again, I'm new here, so there could be any number of other reasons | 20:46 |
pickscrape | For me it's like choosing Postgres over MySQL. | 20:47 |
gour | what's the use of e.g git with such complex has to think more about the tool than the work to be done | 20:47 |
pickscrape | Design properly first, then optimise. | 20:47 |
gour | right | 20:47 |
gour | premature optimization is root of... | 20:48 |
gour | :-) | 20:48 |
pickscrape | And now we see benchmarks showing Postgres to scale much better than MySQL. | 20:48 |
pickscrape | I also like the regular release schedule | 20:49 |
pickscrape | Though the 'harmony' of the PPA archive is currently a bit worrysome. I'm hoping that will improve though soon. | 20:49 |
gour | huh, i was really not aware (until few days ago) that bzr releases so regularly | 20:50 |
pickscrape | Yeah, about once a month I think. | 20:50 |
* gour uses archlinux and soon will move to nixos | 20:51 | |
fbond | bzr-svn segfaults in push | 21:21 |
fbond | I'm using bzr 1.3.1, bzr-svn 0.4.9 from PPA... | 21:22 |
fbond | Any ideas? | 21:22 |
jelmer | fbond, please file a bug report with a gdb backtrace | 21:22 |
fbond | jelmer: Okay, will do. | 21:22 |
fbond | jelmer: I'm installing python-subversion-dbgsym, libsvn1-dbgsym. That should be all, right? | 21:30 |
jelmer | yes, I think so | 21:30 |
vila | gour: no need for a Gnus mail client, just add 'mail_client = emacsclient' in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf and add (server-start) to your ~/.gnus | 21:32 |
fbond | | 21:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230853 in bzr-svn "segfault while push" [Undecided,New] | 21:34 |
jelmer | fbond, what version bzr/bzr-svn ? | 21:36 |
fbond | I'm using bzr 1.3.1, bzr-svn 0.4.9 from PPA... | 21:36 |
jelmer | ah, right. Any chance you can try with 0.4.10 ? | 21:37 |
fbond | Will that work with 1.3.1? | 21:37 |
clsk | does bazaar suport keywords like svn's $Id$ ? | 21:37 |
jelmer | no, only >= 1.4 | 21:37 |
fbond | jelmer: Okay, I guess I can upgrade to 1.5rc1 | 21:38 |
fbond | That is in the PPA. | 21:38 |
vila | cslk: igc has a related work in progress | 21:40 |
brettcannon | I was hoping someone here could help me figure out what the best practice would be for handling multiple developers needing to push to a master branch online. | 21:42 |
brettcannon | Anyone up for trying to help me? | 21:44 |
Peng | Python? | 21:47 |
brettcannon | Yeah, it was a situation that came up while we were working on something for Python. | 21:47 |
brettcannon | Basically what happened is I branched off our trunk locally to work on something. | 21:48 |
brettcannon | People then said they wanted to chip in, so I pushed my branch up to my users space on | 21:48 |
brettcannon | I was committing locally, people were doing their thing, but then it came to do merges from my pushed branch (based on what other people had done) and merging from the trunk. | 21:48 |
brettcannon | It was not clear to me exactly how to handle pulling changes people pushed to my public branch and from the trunk. | 21:49 |
brettcannon | Someone had me to a bind to my public branch, but that made my commits get pushed immediately, which I don't want because it locked the branch down for so long that it held up other developers. | 21:49 |
brettcannon | So, my question is how can I do commits locally, occasionally merge from the trunk (which is what I originally branched off of), merge from my branch that I pushed publicly, and all the while still commit locally and occasionally push to my public branch? | 21:50 |
clsk | bzr commit --local | 21:51 |
fbond | jelmer: same thing with 0.4.10 | 21:51 |
jelmer | hmm | 21:51 |
Peng | brettcannon: bzr unbind? | 21:51 |
clsk | if you've already binded | 21:51 |
brettcannon | clsk: Well, I want to know what to do in the future (the branch is dead at this point). | 21:51 |
james_w | brettcannon: use "bzr merge" to integrate the changes locally and then push them back out? | 21:52 |
clsk | what do you mean by dead? | 21:52 |
brettcannon | james_w: Right, but ``bzr merge`` pulled from the trunk since I branched from that. What about the changes pushed to the public copy of my branch? | 21:52 |
james_w | brettcannon: bzr merge URL | 21:53 |
brettcannon | clsk: It is no longer being developed on. The issue we created for is finished. I just want to know what to do the next time this situation comes up with a new branch. | 21:53 |
brettcannon | james_w: I have to specify the URL every time? There isn't some way for bzr to know that I pushed the branch somewhere and so I want to pull from it on occasion? | 21:54 |
james_w | it currently only remembers one merge location | 21:54 |
jelmer | fbond, I've reassigned it to python-subversion | 21:54 |
james_w | you can use a "bookmarks" plugin to shorten the URLs, but you still have to provide one. | 21:54 |
brettcannon | james_w: Damn, I was afraid of that. | 21:55 |
radix | brettcannon: you can have "bzr merge" work with one remembered URL. | 21:55 |
james_w | if someone can provide a good UI for having multiple merge locations then it may implemented, but I haven't seen a suggestion yet. | 21:55 |
radix | brettcannon: If you want to change the remembered URL, use "bzr merge --remember URL", and it'll merge the URL and also remember it for next time. | 21:55 |
radix | I just use environment variables that specify the root of various repositories, personally | 21:55 |
fbond | jelmer: Okay. Now what? Is there anything I can do to get my changes to the svn repository? | 21:56 |
brettcannon | radix: That might be best in this situation since remembering ``../trunk`` is a lot easier than =) | 21:56 |
radix | brettcannon: right. I'd set PYTHONBZR to "" or something | 21:57 |
jelmer | fbond, I'm not sure. It's pretty hard to debug for me if I can't reproduce :-/ | 21:57 |
jelmer | and this appears to be pretty deep inside of the svn code | 21:57 |
jelmer | fbond: I can give some suggestions for debugging | 21:57 |
brettcannon | radix: Possibly, although it's still easier for me to remember where I keep my local branch. | 21:58 |
fbond | jelmer: Ack. I recently upgraded bzr-svn & bzr on the client, plus I also upgraded svn on the server. | 21:58 |
fbond | Never had this problem before. | 21:58 |
jelmer | fbond: you may want to try over svn+ssh:// | 21:58 |
fbond | jelmer: Okay, will do. | 21:59 |
brettcannon | Thanks for the help guys! I will update the bzr guide for Python developers with the info. | 22:00 |
fbond | jelmer: Funny, I restarted apache on the server, and then pushed the revisions up one-at-time with ``bzr push -r x'', ``bzr push -r x+1'' and things mostly worked. | 22:03 |
fbond | jelmer: I didn't get the segfault. | 22:04 |
jelmer | fbond: ok, odd... | 22:04 |
fbond | I now have an AssertionError on a higher-numbered revision. | 22:04 |
fbond | I'll open a new bug | 22:04 |
fbond | | 22:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230863 in bzr-svn "AssertionError on push -r x" [Undecided,New] | 22:05 |
fbond | And the svn repo is a bit odd. My last pushed revision is *there*, but bzr missing indicates that it is different from the one that I have. | 22:07 |
jelmer | fbond, You need to clear out your svn-cache | 22:10 |
jelmer | fbond, How did you push, using 0.4.10 ? | 22:10 |
fbond | jelmer: yes. | 22:10 |
l3on | Hi all!.... while I pushing up some files in a LP repo, I recived this error -> | 22:10 |
l3on | It gets me out ad locks repo... :/ | 22:10 |
fbond | jelmer: Oh, this might be important: | 22:10 |
fbond | I recently did a dist-upgrade on the server. | 22:10 |
fbond | Ran into a funny issue with svn, had to dump and load all my repos to get them back in order. | 22:11 |
jelmer | fbond: you'd have to clear out your cache to get "bzr missing" to work again I suspect | 22:11 |
beuno | l3on, start by unlocking it: bzr break-lock bzr+ssh:// | 22:11 |
fbond | jelmer: How do I clear out the cache? | 22:11 |
beuno | l3on, you might have to do that a few times to get it unlocked | 22:11 |
jelmer | fbond: rm -rf ~/.bazaar/svn-cache | 22:11 |
fbond | Is my svn repo now in a bad state? | 22:12 |
fbond | (I have a backup) | 22:12 |
beuno | l3on, and it seems you've hit bug #125784 | 22:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 125784 in bzr "TooManyConcurrentRequests when using smart server over ssh" [High,Confirmed] | 22:12 |
l3on | oh damn ! | 22:12 |
jelmer | fbond: no | 22:12 |
fbond | Oh, bzr missing looks good now. | 22:12 |
fbond | Should I continue pushing? | 22:12 |
fbond | Yep, push is working now. | 22:13 |
fbond | jelmer: Thanks for the help. | 22:13 |
l3on | beuno: and now ? how can I do ? | 22:13 |
fbond | Not sure what was going on. | 22:13 |
beuno | l3on, it might be worth trying to push with sftp instead | 22:13 |
james_w | hi beuno | 22:14 |
beuno | hey james_w! you in prague already? | 22:14 |
james_w | no, I go on Sunday. No Fosscamp fun for me. | 22:14 |
fbond | jelmer: Should I close both of those bugs as invalid, or let them stand? | 22:14 |
l3on | beuno: do you mean instead of ssh ? | 22:14 |
beuno | l3on, yeap, instead of bzr+ssh | 22:14 |
jelmer | fbond: Please leave them open, even while they are not reproducible they are still bugs. | 22:15 |
l3on | ok, I'll contact repo admin to request this solution | 22:15 |
l3on | tnx | 22:15 |
fbond | jelmer: Will do. Thanks very much! | 22:15 |
beuno | james_w, well, I guess you can't be everywhere :) | 22:16 |
l3on | beuno: just another question: Launchpad is able to make repo in sftp way ? | 22:18 |
beuno | l3on, yeap, you can use either anytime | 22:19 |
beuno | you don't need special settings from the branch admin, just use sftp | 22:19 |
l3on | just a bzr push s ? | 22:20 |
beuno | l3on, yeap | 22:20 |
l3on | ok I'm try | 22:20 |
beuno | it doesn't make a difference how you push/pull | 22:20 |
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm | ||
beuno | (well, it does, but performance-wise, which probably isn't your concern right now) | 22:20 |
l3on | l3on@SubMission:~/wiki-repo $ bzr push s | 22:21 |
l3on | bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "s": Unable to import paramiko (required for sftp support): No module named paramiko | 22:21 |
beuno | l3on, seems you need paramiko installed | 22:21 |
beuno | l3on, sudo aptitude install python-paramiko | 22:21 |
l3on | yep found | 22:21 |
l3on | l3on@SubMission:~/wiki-repo $ bzr push s | 22:22 |
l3on | \ 0/0 Read from remote host Connection reset by peer | 22:22 |
l3on | bzr: ERROR: [Errno 32] Broken pipe | 22:22 |
l3on | great! | 22:23 |
beuno | l3on, sounds like a conectivity problem to me | 22:23 |
l3on | ok, I'll try it later | 22:24 |
l3on | Pushed up to revision 8. finally works ! | 22:26 |
beuno | l3on, :) | 22:26 |
l3on | damn it, 2 ours to get a push -.- | 22:27 |
=== keithy_ is now known as keithy | ||
=== mwhudson__ is now known as mwhudson | ||
poolie | hello all | 23:36 |
beuno | hey poolie | 23:37 |
james_w | hi poolie | 23:44 |
igc | morning | 23:57 |
beuno | mornin' igc | 23:57 |
poolie | hello igc | 23:57 |
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