o0Chris0o | !kde4 | 00:00 |
ubottu | KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 00:00 |
toens | i'm running hardy heron in a virtual machine and it refuses to resize screen to 1024x768 | 00:02 |
toens | it worked with previous kubuntu | 00:03 |
toens | trivial issue i know, but anyone got a clue? | 00:03 |
fildo | morning | 00:11 |
shane_ | hello i am just about to install kubuntu and am wondering where i can get some help on installin a dlink g510 card with marvell chipset i tryed with ubuntu and it crashed it up,ubuntu support couldnt help so iv decided to go with kubuntu as it apears to have better help succes | 00:25 |
linusblack | oi algum brazuca ligado... | 00:26 |
francisco | saludos | 00:27 |
linusblack | alguem pode me dar umas dicas | 00:28 |
francisco | alguien que sepa espanol! | 00:29 |
arriesp | hi | 00:30 |
krawek | francisco: entra a #kubuntu-es | 00:31 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: I will be willing to help whenever i'm around.... Let me know when you have kubuntu up and running and are ready to start hacking on your wireless... | 00:32 |
shane_ | ok TY | 00:33 |
shane_ | ill be up in a bit kk | 00:33 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: for a hint, you might want to put my nick in front of your line when you are talking to me like I do. that way i can get highlighted and see it better... | 00:34 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: hint, use tab | 00:34 |
Odd-rationale | e.g. odd<tab> | 00:34 |
lascar | what would be a superb cd-ripping tool, akin to the one built-in to iTunes? | 00:35 |
* dwidmann_laptop announces his presence | 00:35 | |
shane_ | ok ill do this | 00:35 |
dwidmann_laptop | lascar: probably nothing like itunes, but there are a bunch of options available to you. | 00:35 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: NO. not like that.... | 00:36 |
shane_ | lol | 00:36 |
shane_ | i cant figure out how to place ur name up | 00:36 |
lascar | dwidmann_laptop: hi! What are those options? | 00:36 |
dwidmann_laptop | kaudiocreator, konqueror (audiocd:/ then drag & drop), kaffeine, k3b (yes, it can rip cds too), abcde, ripit, and more | 00:36 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: type odd<tab> | 00:36 |
* Odd-rationale ignores dwidmann_laptop presence.... | 00:36 | |
lascar | (i'm not fond of k3b's, but konqueror?) | 00:36 |
shane_ | im not sure what odd tab is | 00:37 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: the first letters of my nick + tab | 00:37 |
shane_ | Odd-rationale: oh ok | 00:37 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: yup, much better...I'm in several channesl and it useful to be notified when someone address you... | 00:38 |
dwidmann_laptop | lascar: k3b is probably the fastest and most versatile of the GUI rippers. But if you don't "like it", I recommend trying some of the others, for example, type in "audiocd:/" in konqueror and see what you get, then just drag and drop to somewhere else like your home folder or desktop. | 00:38 |
shane_ | Odd-rationale: ok im just about to burn kubuntu to disc | 00:38 |
dwidmann_laptop | lascar: abcde and ripit are first rate ripping tools for the CLI, highly configurable, you'd probably best configure once then reuse the configuration over and over again for those | 00:40 |
Odd-rationale | dwidmann_laptop: does abcde do flac? | 00:41 |
Zefir | How do I change what programs run at start-up? | 00:41 |
Odd-rationale | !autostart | 00:42 |
ubottu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html | 00:42 |
dwidmann_laptop | Odd-rationale: yes, it can also do one track flac files with a cue file, so you can re-encode over and over again..... nifty feature | 00:42 |
Zefir | Oh, thank you. | 00:42 |
lascar | dwidmann_laptop: thanx for everything. I've actually recanted and am going with k3b; cddb works great when you have internet access :-D | 00:42 |
* lascar chuckles | 00:42 | |
dwidmann_laptop | lascar: yes, yes it does. | 00:42 |
lascar | ;-) | 00:43 |
lascar | later everyone. Enjoy the day, or night! | 00:43 |
dwidmann_laptop | later lascar | 00:44 |
dwidmann_laptop | Odd-rationale: then again, I think all of the other rippers I mentioned can do flac also. | 00:45 |
Odd-rationale | dwidmann_laptop: i've been using k3b... | 00:46 |
dwidmann_laptop | Odd-rationale: though they can't do the single trac + cue thing, that's abcde's unique niche | 00:46 |
Odd-rationale | konq is too slow... | 00:46 |
=== Guest9321 is now known as bloodboy | ||
dwidmann_laptop | Odd-rationale: I'd say abcde and ripit are both as fast as konqueror | 00:46 |
DilutedReform | hi, i'm trying to setup an IRCd that requires at least 1500 people to be connected, but kubuntu seems to limit it to 1024, how can i go about raising this limit? | 00:46 |
Odd-rationale | dwidmann_laptop: you mean as slow? | 00:46 |
dwidmann_laptop | Odd-rationale: s/konqueror/k3b | 00:47 |
Odd-rationale | dwidmann_laptop: oh, ok | 00:47 |
dwidmann_laptop | Odd-rationale: I think all of them default to using cdparanoia for the backend | 00:47 |
McRib | I submitted bug #228044 a while back and it is reported to have been fixed in hardy-proposed. I've added that repo but when trying to install the mozilla-mplayer package, it has the same error (probably still pulling it from universe)... how do I specify to install the proposed package instead? | 00:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228044 in mplayerplug-in "In Hardy, mozilla-mplayer depends on firefox-3.0 - does not accept firefox-2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/228044 | 00:49 |
orchid` | hello | 00:50 |
orchid` | i ahve an question, about backig up files | 00:50 |
orchid` | i need to find the kde walet on a 64bit operating system, in order to save my passwrods. can anyone help me? | 00:50 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy mozilla-mplayer" | 00:50 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: install kwalletmanager and launch it | 00:51 |
orchid` | im on Ubuntu | 00:52 |
orchid` | gutsy gibbon 64 bit architecture | 00:52 |
orchid` | and i jsut searched in the add/remove programs bit and its not showing up | 00:52 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12159/ | 00:52 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: it doesn't see the proposed version at all according to that. | 00:53 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: Hmm... according to the bug report page, it should be in there. | 00:54 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: well, check that it's there then. | 00:54 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: you did remember to apt-get update right? | 00:54 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: Yep. | 00:54 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: if apt-cache policy doesn't see it, then as far as apt is concerned it doesn't exist. | 00:55 |
McRib | I have TONS of security updates from proposed... that I obviously don't want to install. I just want to install this package and move on. | 00:55 |
McRib | hmm | 00:55 |
McRib | Cesare Tirabassi is a liar! :) | 00:56 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: you could grep the associated Package file for the proposed repo for mplayer. You can find this package file in the /var/lib/apt/lists directory | 00:56 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: also, make sure you're not using a localized repository for the proposed. They tend to be out of date. | 00:56 |
orchid` | if no one else knows where or rather how to help me cna i hopefully be pointed in ther right direction? | 00:56 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: I used the propose repository the bug report says to. | 00:57 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: kwalletmanager is definitely in the repositories. | 00:57 |
orchid` | on ubuntu? | 00:57 |
McRib | !info kwalletmanager | 00:57 |
ubottu | kwalletmanager (source: kdeutils): wallet manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 347 kB, installed size 812 kB | 00:57 |
orchid` | 64 amd arctitecture gutsy gibbon? | 00:57 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: yes. | 00:57 |
orchid` | :s | 00:57 |
orchid` | the reason im even doing this is i got a bad burn of the disc | 00:57 |
orchid` | and now im fixing that. | 00:58 |
orchid` | shoudl i install the kde package? | 00:58 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: not necessary if all you want is the kwallet | 00:58 |
orchid` | i do i already have it | 00:58 |
orchid` | have been using it for my messengers | 00:58 |
orchid` | like, for kopete, i typed i mypasswords | 00:58 |
dwidmann_laptop | hmm | 00:58 |
orchid` | it saved them, and reacehs into the 'wallet' when i want ot connect | 00:58 |
orchid` | and same for my internet passwords | 00:59 |
lonran | whats the state of kde 4.0? can i install it on kubuntu hardy? | 00:59 |
orchid` | if i ca fid those i can be nearly done :s | 00:59 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: you ccould try to download that package manually ... | 00:59 |
orchid` | and liek i said im running gutsy gibbon x63 arctitecture, always have beena fter upgrading from feisty fawn | 00:59 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: also, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file | 00:59 |
orchid` | hmm... im a newb can i get some steps to that? | 01:00 |
arriesp | i can browse files with samba, but i can't open and move them | 01:00 |
arriesp | what can i do? | 01:00 |
dwidmann_laptop | !paste | orchid | 01:00 |
ubottu | orchid: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 01:00 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: just copy and paste the contents of the /etc/apt/sources.list file to there, it will give you a URL to give to us | 01:00 |
Walzmyn | lonran, kde 4 may be installed on hardy - it's useable but lots of features are not implimented yet | 01:01 |
arriesp | help please | 01:01 |
orchid` | okay, im jsut not knowing how to get that sourcelist | 01:01 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: open it with any old text editor that you feel like using | 01:01 |
McRib | hmm... I don't know what else to do. I just need this stupid plugin | 01:01 |
orchid` | but i need to find the file :s | 01:01 |
lonran | Walzmyn: do you recommend me to stay on 3.5.9 if i want all functionalities? | 01:02 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: that's the full path, try pressing alt+f2 then typing in "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" that should do it for you | 01:02 |
Walzmyn | lonran, yes. I liked kde4 but i switched back to 3.9 until they get a few things ironed out - It is going to be very nice though | 01:03 |
lonran | Walzmyn: what did you specially missed? | 01:03 |
orchid` | brings up the main and multiverse | 01:03 |
orchid` | restricted and unrestricted | 01:04 |
madberry | How do i block a user from system setting? | 01:04 |
Walzmyn | lonran, for me, not being able to hide the panel and add extra panels and the like was a deal breaker | 01:04 |
McRib | How would I go about manually installing the MPlayer plugin for Firefox? It's the only one that plays streaming video that I've been able to find... | 01:04 |
Walzmyn | lonran, they also do not have the printer apps ported over yet | 01:04 |
Walzmyn | madberry, why? | 01:05 |
orchid` | also i seem to trip spam filters | 01:05 |
dwidmann_laptop | lonran: install both, mix the two taking the better parts of each :) | 01:05 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: select all, copy, paste it into the pastebin :) | 01:05 |
madberry | @Walzym It's a public machine and I want to make sure the background i put on there stays on there | 01:05 |
orchid` | dwidmann_laptop: i did, i trip spam filters | 01:05 |
BluesKaj | McRib, which Firefox version ? | 01:06 |
kunim | hello, anyone else having serious perfomance trouble with konsole 4 (with nvidia prop. drivers)? | 01:06 |
McRib | BluesKaj: FF2... | 01:06 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: try ubuntu.pastebin.us then | 01:06 |
McRib | BluesKaj: They haven't fixed the bug for the hardy package yet.... it depends on FF3 only. | 01:06 |
Walzmyn | madberry, ah, in that case i'm not sure. | 01:06 |
madberry | me neither | 01:06 |
orchid` | http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d48522d57 | 01:07 |
xikarrousx | hey... i need some help with a netgear wg311v3 wireless card | 01:07 |
xikarrousx | ive got the drivers installed and its recognized with "sudo ndiswrapper -l" | 01:07 |
Walzmyn | madberry, could you go to the actual binary and change the permissions on it to require root? (this is a guess) | 01:08 |
xikarrousx | but no wireless extentions show up with iwconfig | 01:08 |
madberry | that's a good one let me try that | 01:08 |
BluesKaj | yes McRib. that's why i switched to konq , FF3 wasn't working on sites that use windows media, and mplayer wasn't working , however the mozilla-mplayer plugin should work on FF2 | 01:08 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: seems to be okay, try running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kwalletmanager" | 01:08 |
McRib | BluesKaj: No, it works just fine in FF2... but I can't install it in Hardy. The hardy package has a known bug causing it to depend on FF3.... | 01:09 |
xikarrousx | hola? | 01:09 |
McRib | BluesKaj: I don't want to install FF3 at all. | 01:09 |
BluesKaj | !firefox | 01:09 |
ubottu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 01:09 |
BluesKaj | hmm | 01:10 |
orchid` | doign that in terminal... | 01:11 |
BluesKaj | McRib, so you having installed Hardy yet ? | 01:11 |
orchid` | it wont delete my passwords, right? | 01:11 |
BluesKaj | err haven't | 01:11 |
dwidmann_laptop | right | 01:11 |
McRib | BluesKaj: Yes... I'm running Hardy. | 01:11 |
orchid` | sweet | 01:11 |
leo | where can I find uplash | 01:11 |
leo | hello everyone, anybody using ultimate | 01:11 |
dwidmann_laptop | !info usplash | leo | 01:11 |
ubottu | leo: usplash (source: usplash): Userspace bootsplash utility. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.19 (hardy), package size 26 kB, installed size 152 kB | 01:11 |
leo | thanks | 01:12 |
orchid` | dwidmann_laptop: tis done isntallign and setting it up now how do i gaia ccess? | 01:12 |
dwidmann_laptop | orchid`: run the command kwalletmanager | 01:12 |
Walzmyn | hmm, I just tried to virtualize xubuntu 64 bit in vbox, but it told me it wasn't detecting a 64 processor - how do i fix that? | 01:12 |
BluesKaj | well McRib , i hate to discourage you on FF , but I didn't bother much with FF after I discovered that Konqueror runs better on the windows centric media type sites the previous releases | 01:12 |
orchid` | i did teh alt f2 thing, then typed it in, nothing popped up | 01:13 |
dwidmann_laptop | Walzmyn: is the host OS 64-bit? | 01:13 |
BluesKaj | better than | 01:13 |
Walzmyn | dwidmann_laptop, yes | 01:13 |
McRib | BluesKaj: Well, I have no desire to browse windows-centric sites :) | 01:13 |
McRib | BluesKaj: Besides... I'm addicted to certain browser behaviors that are only available with FF and it's plugins. | 01:13 |
leo | where can i find ubuntu ultimate edition in KDE? | 01:14 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: which ones in particular? I haven't been a firefox user sincce 1.0, so I'm sure I'm behind the curve | 01:14 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: r u on 4 a bit im halfway through install now | 01:14 |
BluesKaj | right , well i've adjusted to the lack of some addons | 01:14 |
Odd-rationale | leo: i think ubuntu ultimate comes onley with gnome... | 01:14 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: its takin its time | 01:14 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: I'm here | 01:14 |
shane__ | kk hope in around 10 mins k | 01:15 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: np | 01:15 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: Mouse gestures is one big one. Gmail notifier (for several GMail accounts)... | 01:15 |
leo | thanks odd, yeah i can't find any kde version | 01:15 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: StumbleToolbar is huge too :) | 01:15 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: can you describe the latter? | 01:15 |
Odd-rationale | leo: ubuntu ultimate is not official... in fact, i wouldn't really recommend it... | 01:15 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: You've never heard of StumbleUpon? :) | 01:16 |
Jucato | !info kcheckgmail | 01:16 |
ubottu | kcheckgmail (source: kcheckgmail): A Gmail notifier-like notifier for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 157 kB, installed size 864 kB | 01:17 |
Jucato | !info korn | 01:17 |
ubottu | korn (source: kdepim): KDE mail checker. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 164 kB, installed size 632 kB | 01:17 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: I've heard that particular phrase used, but I've nod idea what it is | 01:17 |
BluesKaj | McRib, I meant windows media-centric sites . There are alot of well meaning sites that assume ppl are using IE or FF2, which run the embedded media just fine. | 01:17 |
Jucato | HOWTO: KDE Mouse Gestures: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3086781.0 | 01:18 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: It's basically a social-bookmarking plugin. You setup desired categories (like "linux"), press the "Stumble" button, and it takes you to a random website that another user has tagged with that category. I've found a LOT of great sites this way. | 01:18 |
BluesKaj | I dunno why the Hardy devs decided on a beta browser as the default | 01:19 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: interesting. | 01:19 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: www.stumbleupon.com if you're curious. | 01:19 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: between opera's mouse guestures and kcheckgmail I'm happy though :) | 01:19 |
McRib | BluesKaj: No one but they understand that. | 01:20 |
madberry | @Walzym that didn't work... | 01:20 |
* Jucato points dwidmann_laptop to the link he gave above | 01:21 | |
dwidmann_laptop | Jucato: opera is faster and seems to be smarter about cache use, which is somewhat essential when you have a high latency link, so I'll be sticking with opera until something is done about that. | 01:21 |
Walzmyn | opera == goodness | 01:22 |
Jucato | ok | 01:23 |
agent | yo yo yo | 01:24 |
Jucato | dwidmann_laptop: that was for McRib... misdirected link | 01:24 |
agent | lickity lickity | 01:24 |
agent | lick | 01:24 |
agent | []D [] []\/[] []D | 01:24 |
Jucato | agent: huh? | 01:24 |
McRib | Jucato: Ah... well, I'm not exactly using KDE ;) | 01:25 |
Jucato | ok just pointing out | 01:25 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: You have my sympathies :P | 01:25 |
McRib | Ugh... why is it that when I try to install a .deb file, it forces me to install the package from the repos instead? | 01:26 |
Jucato | how are you trying to install it? | 01:26 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: use dpkg -i, not apt-get install | 01:26 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: No, I was using GDebi Installer | 01:26 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: still ..... try using dpkg -i | 01:26 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: dpkg-deb: `mozilla-mplayer_3.40-5ubuntu5_i386.deb' is not a debian format archive | 01:28 |
dwidmann_laptop | Jucato: how well does kmail play with IMAP/S? I haven't tried in a while ... but last time I tried it it didn't behave too well, do you know if this has improved any? (especially since gmail offers IMAP/S now :) ) | 01:28 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: that might help explain the problem then | 01:29 |
McRib | I downloaded the Gutsy package... | 01:29 |
Jucato | dwidmann_laptop: all I can say is that if you have suicidal tendencies, stay away from a kmail+Gmail IMAP combo | 01:29 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: btw, what version of kubuntu did you get? | 01:29 |
dwidmann_laptop | Jucato: I think you mean so long as I don't have suicidal tendencies | 01:30 |
Jucato | dwidmann_laptop: no. I meant what I said :) | 01:30 |
dwidmann_laptop | :s | 01:30 |
Jucato | KMail+Gmail IMAP = real killer | 01:30 |
dwidmann_laptop | that horrible huh? | 01:31 |
Jucato | can't say for other IMAPs though.. since Gmail is the only one I have for free :) | 01:31 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: kubuntu 8.04 hardy | 01:31 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: So does that mean that the Ubuntu package from packages.ubuntu.com is corrupted? | 01:31 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: could be | 01:31 |
McRib | dwidmann_laptop: It's the exactly same package as from Hardy.... except that Hardy's has incorrect dependencies. | 01:31 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: is hardy a good version in 8.04 cause i just finidhed install and its reseting now | 01:32 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: yes hardy is good. did you get the kde3 or kde4 version? | 01:32 |
McRib | Oh good Lord..... so I downloaded the same file from a different mirror.... got a completely different error saying that Firefox isn't even installed. | 01:33 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hardy/ | 01:33 |
McRib | oh... that's because I don't have "firefox" installed... I have "firefox-2" installed. | 01:33 |
shane__ | the pc one this is a p4 cpu so no 64 | 01:33 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: ok | 01:33 |
McRib | I guess my next question is this: How do I change a packages dependencies myself? | 01:33 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok im up what do i need to update first | 01:34 |
shane__ | or can i just run the driver | 01:34 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: if you wish, you can /join #Odd-rationale and we'll see what we can do... | 01:34 |
=== harry is now known as hmich176 | ||
hmich176 | Hi all! | 01:35 |
tinin | Hi, does anybody know how to listen to *.3gp video files from cellphones? I can se the video, but there's no sound | 01:35 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: i get a private users are blocked for spam | 01:35 |
hmich176 | I'm looking for some help related to the Ubuntu 8.04 upgrade | 01:36 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Nythain | ||
Odd-rationale | shane__: ok nvm... | 01:36 |
afeijo | I want to install skype | 01:36 |
McRib | ugh | 01:36 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: first run a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" | 01:36 |
McRib | Even the source code is screwed up... I just need a damned media player plugin! | 01:37 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: i get ur #oddrational one | 01:37 |
tinin | afeijo use the medibuntu repositories, but you should try a free alternative (openwengo, ekiga...) | 01:37 |
afeijo | I will try that, lets google... | 01:38 |
McRib | What is the new name for build-essentials in Hardy? | 01:39 |
tinin | afeijo even kopete or amsn have video support, you can try them too afeijo | 01:40 |
dwidmann_laptop | McRib: build-essential is still there | 01:40 |
McRib | Yeah... stupid "s" :P | 01:41 |
tinin | anyone is able to hear to *.3gp videos? | 01:41 |
ubuntu | hi | 01:43 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Lyron | ||
Lyron | i need some help with kubuntu | 01:44 |
dwidmann_laptop | Lyron: we get that alot around here :P | 01:44 |
Lyron | lol i guess.. | 01:44 |
Lyron | im having trouble going wireless with my laptop | 01:44 |
Lyron | i have a broadcom bcm4312 | 01:45 |
dwidmann_laptop | !wireless | 01:45 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:45 |
dwidmann_laptop | would probably be a good place to start | 01:45 |
Lyron | :-/ | 01:45 |
dwidmann_laptop | IIRC, that card plays nicer with diswrapper even if there's a "native" solution. | 01:45 |
dwidmann_laptop | *n | 01:46 |
Lyron | ive installe ndiswrapper and "installed" the win xp driver | 01:46 |
Lyron | but kubuntu doesnt recognice it | 01:46 |
* dwidmann_laptop is glad he made sure his laptop would have intel wireless ... | 01:47 | |
Lyron | i really dont know what else to do | 01:48 |
Lyron | sorry for my english | 01:48 |
Lyron | :-p | 01:48 |
afeijo | I can use kopete to skype network? | 01:51 |
afeijo | other question, can I use ffmpeg to convert *.avi and output to out folder? | 01:52 |
afeijo | a batch convertion | 01:52 |
afeijo | I add medibuntu repositories, but when I search on my adept for skype, found none | 01:53 |
afeijo | *added | 01:54 |
=== yuriy_ is now known as yuriy | ||
myk_robinson | hey. How do i use/configure apcupsd? I just bought a battery backup, because we have been having frequent brownouts. | 01:57 |
fildo | !pastebin | 01:57 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:57 |
shane_ | Odd-rationale: can u give me ur link box again | 02:00 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: link box? | 02:01 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: you mean #Odd-rationale ? | 02:01 |
shane_ | that #odd link u gave me earlier | 02:01 |
=== rune is now known as Nythain | ||
patch_ | Would any one be able to help me with getting the sound to work on a compaq presario V6000. Sound has always worked with gusty and fiesty now with hardy only the system sounds work. | 02:09 |
_ZeuZ_ | which is the channel for ubuntu servers? | 02:13 |
_ZeuZ_ | nm | 02:13 |
tailsfan | How do you mount a ISO Writable? | 02:19 |
luis | ¬¬ | 02:19 |
tailsfan | Hey, I'm still learning | 02:20 |
luis | what you want to do | 02:20 |
tailsfan | I wanted to mount a Disc on which I not mention which one and add a file to it | 02:21 |
tailsfan | Disc Image | 02:21 |
luis | i dunno a program for linux | 02:21 |
afeijo | #ubuntu ué! | 02:21 |
luis | but for windows | 02:21 |
tailsfan | Well, as long as it's Wine Compatiable | 02:22 |
timboy | I am trying to create a script that takes this command: HandBrakeCLI -i /media/cdrom -o ~/Desktop/movies/$moviename -w 320 -L -b 300 -e xvid -d --crop 0:0:90:90 and asks me what to name the movie.avi can someone give me a hand? I would really like it to pop up and ask what to name it and then just do it... | 02:22 |
Makuseru | hi, i seem to be having a problem with some video playback. its a .avi file, VLC will play it, but its EXTREMLY choppy, so i tried to use Mplayer, but the video codec i usually use with it (the one thats the fastest, XV) wont work, it says "Error opening/initilizing selected video out," how can i get this codec to work? | 02:22 |
luis | use iso | 02:22 |
luis | agh i forgot | 02:22 |
luis | something about iso | 02:23 |
luis | i just made use of it a couple of weeks ago | 02:23 |
firecrotch | tailsfan: mkdir /mnt/iso && mount myiso.iso /mnt/iso/ -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 | 02:25 |
firecrotch | tailsfan: er.... actually this: mkdir /mnt/iso && mount myiso.iso /mnt/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop=/dev/loop0 | 02:26 |
tailsfan | Thanks :) | 02:27 |
tailsfan | and will that make it writable | 02:27 |
tailsfan | because it's HFS+ | 02:27 |
firecrotch | tailsfan: it should | 02:28 |
tailsfan | Alright :) | 02:29 |
psyco | I can anyone help me with a program install. THey don't have a support channel | 02:38 |
psyco | Hi* | 02:39 |
firecrotch | psyco: What's the name of the program? | 02:40 |
psyco | after running ./configure I get, "checking for C compiler default output name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" | 02:40 |
psyco | its frameworks a stop motion animation program | 02:40 |
timboy | I am trying to create a script that takes this command: HandBrakeCLI -i /media/cdrom -o ~/Desktop/movies/$moviename -w 320 -L -b 300 -e xvid -d --crop 0:0:90:90 and asks me what to name the movie.avi can someone give me a hand? I would really like it to pop up and ask what to name it and then just do it... | 02:41 |
timboy | I just want it to ask me what I want the moviename to be then add .avi on to it | 02:42 |
secleinteer | ssssssssooo, has anyone tried running wubi in wine? | 02:42 |
firecrotch | timboy: give me like.... 2 minutes and I can put together a short script | 02:42 |
timboy | firecrotch, thx! | 02:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | secleinteer: that may possibly be the least useful thing ever. | 02:42 |
psyco | XD | 02:43 |
secleinteer | Daisuke_Ido: nevertheless... ;p | 02:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | secleinteer: would still be interesting to see | 02:43 |
shane__ | odd | 02:43 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: | 02:43 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: yes? | 02:43 |
secleinteer | Daisuke_Ido: i'm gonna try it ;) | 02:44 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: you there? | 02:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | good luck secleinteer | 02:44 |
shane__ | yup | 02:44 |
shane__ | i opened knetworkmanager and i get katapult on screen | 02:45 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: /join #Odd-rationale | 02:45 |
secleinteer | that's ****ed up shane__ | 02:45 |
firecrotch | timboy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12177/ | 02:45 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: if u want send that odd link | 02:45 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: /join #Odd-rationale | 02:46 |
shane__ | secleinteer: funny guy i just started kubuntu | 02:46 |
timboy | firecrotch, that looks great! so the question is how can I make it add .avi onto the name I put in? | 02:46 |
secleinteer | shane__: i've been using it for close to 2 years, and i've never gotten that lulz | 02:47 |
firecrotch | Um.... just stick .avi on the end of the filename... | 02:47 |
firecrotch | timboy: line 3 would just become this: HandBrakeCLI -i /media/cdrom -o ~/Desktop/movies/$moviename.avi -w 320 -L -b 300 -e xvid -d --crop 0:0:90:90 | 02:48 |
firecrotch | at least, that *should* work | 02:48 |
timboy | firecrotch, awesome thx i'll give it a shot | 02:48 |
birnisson | hi, if I install kde4 on kubuntu can I get konqueror+webkit? | 02:49 |
secleinteer | Daisuke_Ido: boring.....:"Error opening file for writing: z:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation\hooks\casper-premount.sh" 5 seconds into "install" | 02:49 |
firecrotch | timboy: if that doesn't work, I have another solution :) | 02:49 |
timboy | firecrotch, ok. how hard would it be to make this pop up the moviename question in a gui? | 02:50 |
firecrotch | timboy: Um, I have no clue, I don't ever do that kind of scripting lol | 02:51 |
timboy | ok this will work for now. thx firecrotch! | 02:51 |
firecrotch | timboy: No problem :) | 02:51 |
timboy | firecrotch, one more question. if I wanted to be able to put a space in the name would it just look like this: HandBrakeCLI -i /media/cdrom -o "~/Desktop/movies/$moviename.avi" -w 320 -L -b 300 -e xvid -d --crop 0:0:90:90? | 02:54 |
Dr_willis | Spaces in filenames can be really annoying. | 02:56 |
Dr_willis | You may want to use the $HOME variable instead of ~ also. :) | 02:56 |
firecrotch | timboy: HandBrakeCLI -i /media/cdrom -o "~/Desktop/movies/${moviename}.avi" -w 320 -L -b 300 -e xvid -d --crop 0:0:90:90? | 02:58 |
firecrotch | and Dr_willis is right.... spaces in filenames are annoying, especially when shell scripts are involved | 02:58 |
Dr_willis | I alwyas seem to end up tacking on extra quotes. :) - isent there a case when you should be using single quotes instead of double quotes also. | 02:59 |
mantan | I'm trying to put rockbox on my friend's Sansa E260 and on the ubuntu forums it says to " n a root terminal (or with root permission, such as sudo), point your directory to the Bootloader (using the cd command) | 02:59 |
Dr_willis | Id make the script convert the spaces into _ by default :) but im that kinda-guy | 02:59 |
mantan | but it tells me cd isn't a command | 02:59 |
firecrotch | mantan: What is the exact command you're trying to run ? | 03:00 |
mantan | sudo cd media/sda1 | 03:01 |
mantan | is what I tried | 03:01 |
firecrotch | mantan: you need a / before media.... /media/sda1 | 03:02 |
mantan | and then I'm supposed to put these lines: | 03:02 |
mantan | oh | 03:02 |
mantan | ok | 03:02 |
Dr_willis | Heh.. Time for bash basics lessons. :) | 03:02 |
mantan | firecrotch it's still telling me that cd isn;'t a command | 03:03 |
Dr_willis | Odd error message it gave. Must be using busyboxs shell. | 03:03 |
mantan | mantan@desubox:~$ sudo cd /media:/sda1 | 03:03 |
mantan | sudo: cd: command not found | 03:03 |
firecrotch | mantan: try sudo -l cd /media/sda1 | 03:04 |
firecrotch | that's a lowercase L | 03:04 |
mantan | that did it | 03:04 |
stdin | cd is a shell built-in command, not an executable | 03:04 |
mantan | now I'll see if the rest of the process works | 03:04 |
timboy | firecrotch, it quit when I used spaces but works without spaces. | 03:07 |
mantan | ok now the command I'm supposed to put in is this: | 03:08 |
mantan | chmod +x sansapatcher | 03:08 |
mantan | ./sansapatcher | 03:08 |
firecrotch | timboy: Hehe, spaces cause problems lol | 03:08 |
timboy | yeah figured they would... :) | 03:08 |
mantan | I've tried various ways and shapes with this but it's telling me the file or directory doesn't exist | 03:09 |
bea | hi ya! | 03:15 |
MagLauncher | Howdy one and all. I am running Kubuntu Linux and would like to know if it is possible to install an RPM file. I tried kPackage but I get an error about /bin/sh. Anyone have any comments? | 03:29 |
Danish989 | what is the difference between installing Kubuntu-desktop, kde, kde-core and kubuntu-default-settings in Ubuntu? | 03:30 |
NickPresta | MagLauncher, what are you trying to install? | 03:30 |
MagLauncher | The program I am trying to install is vnware workstation 6. | 03:30 |
MagLauncher | VirtualBox doesn't work well and I wanted to see if I could use vmware. | 03:31 |
NickPresta | !vmware | 03:31 |
ubottu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 03:31 |
MagLauncher | I will look for Ubuntu Multiverse. Thank you. | 03:32 |
o0Chris0o | how do I set my screen resolution? | 03:35 |
Danish989 | what is the difference between installing Kubuntu-desktop, kde, kde-core and kubuntu-default-settings in Ubuntu? | 03:36 |
Danish989 | what is the difference between installing Kubuntu-desktop, kde, kde-core and kubuntu-default-settings in Ubuntu? | 03:36 |
NickPresta | !repeat | 03:37 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:37 |
iosif | join #sms-nsk | 03:46 |
NickPresta | iosif, I'd rather not, thanks. | 03:48 |
MagLauncher | !multiverse | 03:48 |
ubottu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 03:48 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as pulaski | ||
stuffcorpse | hello, is anyone using vidalia 0.1.2? i have this problem where its systray icon doesn't show up. So I can't change/look at anything.. | 03:52 |
pulaski | hello, has anyone had problems installing kubuntu 7.10, specifically grub returns an "L 99 99 99 ..." error? | 03:53 |
pulaski | I'm using the desktop cd of kubuntu 7.10. I am confused though. Can I use apt-get on the command line and make permanent changes to a new installation? | 03:55 |
MagLauncher | I am running Kubuntu 8.04 here. | 03:56 |
petgrill | i want to open "My Documents" (xp setup) from my Kubuntu install from my desktop is there any way to mount the folders without copy em? | 03:58 |
pulaski | Thanks MagLauncher, I had a new version of 8.04 running when my clone died. I had another machine that I had used as a file server that I'm now rebuilding as a desktop machine. Unfortunately I don't have an 8.02 live cd only the 7.10 live cd. My plan is to install 7.10 then dl the 8.04 cd and reinstall | 03:59 |
pulaski | 8.04 rather than 8.02 | 04:00 |
_2 | could boot the live you have dl the one you want ... | 04:01 |
MagLauncher | I had Xp on a 60GB hard drive, xfered it to a 160GB drive and used a CDRW to install KUbuntu on the 60. Seeing how it is. Definately plays the radio station I listen to much better. lol | 04:01 |
MagLauncher | I just need to get used to the way Linux is. | 04:01 |
_2 | "the way Linux is" ? | 04:02 |
MagLauncher | Linux is much different that Windows in some ways. | 04:02 |
MagLauncher | Than | 04:02 |
pulaski | _2: thanks, I do have an iso image of 8.04 but I can't burn it using the live 7.10. I have to install 7.10 first. my question is can I use the live 7.10 to make permanent software changes? | 04:03 |
=== luis is now known as tigremx | ||
_2 | pulaski what kind of "changes" ? | 04:03 |
pulaski | I'm thinking about using apt-get with a live 7.10 to remove grub and manually install it. | 04:03 |
_2 | !grub | pulaski yes, see here | 04:04 |
ubottu | pulaski yes, see here: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:04 |
pulaski | I've been reading the grub.org page and that seems like an alternative to getting my installed 7.10 to boot. | 04:04 |
pulaski | ok thanks you guys. I no longer run a dual boot. I'm strictly kubuntu now. | 04:06 |
_2 | grub is limited to hdd's with partitions, and floppy disks only as far as i can tell. (flash disks can be treeted as either of those though) | 04:06 |
MagLauncher | I heard XP stops Linux Dual-Boot. Anyone know if it is true? | 04:06 |
MagLauncher | I have XP in the list but cannot boot to it. | 04:06 |
_2 | MagLauncher many dual-boot xp and linux | 04:07 |
MagLauncher | I am refering to XP SP3, I apologize. | 04:07 |
_2 | ok. sp3 i don't know anything about | 04:07 |
MagLauncher | Some say with the SP3 installed Linux/XP dual boot is not allowed, or something. | 04:08 |
_2 | there is a ##windows channel though | 04:08 |
pulaski | _2: yes I know I can run fdisk on the cl under the live 7.10 cd. the installer on that cd however uses the grub-install package and I think it is not recognizing the correct mbr geometry thus the "L 99 99 99 ..." error. | 04:08 |
MagLauncher | Well, I am more interested in checking out Kubuntu and Don'r mind that XP is disabled. | 04:08 |
pulaski | My understanding here is that I can simillarly run apt-get on the cl under the live cd, remove the incorrectly installed grub and reinstall it and somehow manage to get the correct mbr (: | 04:10 |
_2 | pulaski more likely that the nomynclature changes from liveCD boot to hdd boot, you may need to use the grub prompt to setup grub rather than relying on the grub-install script | 04:10 |
_2 | apt-get to remove a package in the live CD ? incredable! | 04:10 |
_2 | apt-get to install on the liveCD yes you can do that. but, i still think it's more likely an addressing issue. | 04:11 |
pulaski | yes, I found a good page on that very topic in the grub manual. The only thing i need to make sure of is that changes I make under the live cd will be pemanent. | 04:11 |
_2 | pulaski url please ? | 04:12 |
MagLauncher | I have a question. Not a complaint, actually I think it is a good feature. I went to look at an NTFS partition, and it is blank. Any way to make it so I can view the files? It asked for the root password. | 04:12 |
pulaski | yeah please hold on _2 | 04:12 |
_2 | MagLauncher that should be your user password. | 04:12 |
_2 | unless it's incription password that it's asking for... ;/ | 04:13 |
MagLauncher | Yeah, I typed in my user password, but it shows the drive as empty. | 04:13 |
MagLauncher | It has my emulation files and I wanted to copy some over to the Linux drive. | 04:13 |
_2 | MagLauncher hmmm. sudo ls /media/*/ you can use the real mountpoint if you know it, rather than * | 04:14 |
_2 | MagLauncher or vanella mount | 04:15 |
MagLauncher | Okay, thank you. | 04:15 |
_2 | see what is mounted where | 04:15 |
MagLauncher | "sudo ls /media/*/" just shows my CD drives and my USB stick drives. | 04:17 |
_2 | MagLauncher ok. and the mount command says that the ntfs is mounted where ? | 04:18 |
_2 | MagLauncher mount | grep -i ntfs | 04:18 |
kgx | whats the syntax for doing opening a directory as root in konqueror, file:///root@home/me doesnt seem to work (im trying NOT to use kdesu) | 04:19 |
MagLauncher | "mount | grep -i ntfs" doesn't do anything,. | 04:19 |
_2 | MagLauncher umm actually it does. it says it's not mounted | 04:19 |
_2 | MagLauncher where is this ntfs filesystem ? sda1 ? | 04:19 |
MagLauncher | mag@Dimension:~$ mount | grep -i ntfsmag@Dimension:~$ | 04:19 |
_2 | kgx fish:/// | 04:20 |
MagLauncher | NTFS is 2 partitions on my second hard drive. | 04:20 |
MagLauncher | First drive is all Linux. | 04:20 |
MagLauncher | I told Linux to use all the 60GB drive and leave the NTFS drive alone. | 04:20 |
kgx | _2: yeah thats what i've resorted to for now | 04:21 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as pulaski | ||
pulaski | Hello _2, sorry here's the url: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html | 04:22 |
_2 | are you going to make me guess ? /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 ??? you could do, cat /proc/partitions or, fdisk -l to find out | 04:22 |
_2 | pulaski k. give me a sec. | 04:22 |
MagLauncher | Sorry. | 04:22 |
_2 | pulaski apt is not mentioned anywhere on that page ??? | 04:24 |
MagLauncher | !pastebin | 04:24 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 04:24 |
MagLauncher | _2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12185/ | 04:25 |
MagLauncher | I apologize for the delay. | 04:27 |
shawng | hey folks. Im use to debian. I just tried out Latest kubuntu. 8.04 i think it is..it worked fine up untell it informed me that it could install the "not for free" drivers for my nvidia card (laptop, dell precision 4300) now i got a white screen with a black line in the middle of it | 04:27 |
_2 | MagLauncher ok. <<< sudo mkdir -p /media/sdb1 /media/sdb5 ;sudo mount /dev/sdb1 -t ntfs /media/sdb1 ;sudo mount /dev/sdb5 -t ntfs /media/sdb5 >>> | 04:27 |
shawng | sorry black and grey line | 04:27 |
_2 | MagLauncher report back if it errors out. | 04:27 |
MagLauncher | Okay. | 04:27 |
MagLauncher | Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Operation not supportedMount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. | 04:28 |
MagLauncher | It had alot to say. | 04:28 |
shawng | its just basically, a display problem. i can get to tty2 and so forth. I just dont knowhow to back out what i just did. is there an aptitude program i can run and remove the envidia stuff i just installed? | 04:28 |
pulaski | sorry _2 I'm a relative newbie especially when it comes to tweaking grub. My plan is to use apt-get to remove grub as installed with grub-install by the live 7.10 cd and manually reinstall following the instructions on that page. I'm hoping the process will somehow turn out better. | 04:28 |
_2 | MagLauncher ok. sudo umount /dev/sdb* and try it again. | 04:29 |
MagLauncher | Okay. | 04:29 |
_2 | pulaski using apt will NOT do what you plan to do there ^ sorry. | 04:30 |
MagLauncher | $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Operation not supportedMount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. | 04:30 |
pulaski | hmmm | 04:30 |
_2 | pulaski using apt-get even with the --purge option will not remove grub from the MBR apt just simply doesn't work that way. | 04:31 |
MagLauncher | I will re-download the files. | 04:31 |
pulaski | I see. | 04:31 |
_2 | MagLauncher ok. that's why it showed as empty. it's marked uncleen, you need to boot that other os and let it scan it's file system for errors. | 04:32 |
_2 | MagLauncher however you should now see in /media/sdb5 what ever is on the extended partition on that disk. assuming that you showed me all the error messages | 04:33 |
MagLauncher | Let me paste the whole error mesages. brb | 04:33 |
_2 | k | 04:33 |
MagLauncher | http://paste.ubuntu.com/12186/ | 04:34 |
MagLauncher | I might take out the drive and put it aside so i can have XP back if I want it. | 04:34 |
MagLauncher | Right now i cannot access XP. | 04:35 |
_2 | pulaski if you have a "patched" package of grub and want to install it in the live CD and then rerun the grub-install --root-dir=blah blah it will over write the MBR with hopefully a better install.... | 04:35 |
pulaski | well I can forget about apt-get because as I read on about grub from the manual I know I can invoke a grub shell and make whatever changes I can read about there that might help me to tweak the current installation to work correctly. ie no "L 99 99 99 99..." error. | 04:35 |
_2 | MagLauncher k. i'm looking at your paste now... | 04:35 |
_2 | pulaski correct. as i said "most likely an addressing issue, use the grub shell/prompt to search for the bios address" | 04:36 |
_2 | MagLauncher yeah. i see it's both fs's ;/ | 04:38 |
pulaski | ok, thanks _2 that is helpful. Like I said I'm only a hobbiest but I think I can figure this out. | 04:38 |
qe2315 | hello | 04:38 |
_2 | pulaski note; in the grub shell tab-completion helps. | 04:39 |
_2 | !tab | pulaski | 04:39 |
ubottu | pulaski: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 04:39 |
qe2315 | im trying to get flash installed on my 64 bit ubuntu os has anyone done this b4? | 04:39 |
=== WhiteWolfTeraDyn is now known as BonesolTeraDyne | ||
_2 | !flash64 | 04:39 |
ubottu | You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 04:39 |
MagLauncher | Be back soon. | 04:41 |
qe2315 | ty ill try this | 04:41 |
_2 | grub wiped out my filesystem :( | 04:43 |
_2 | well actually it only borked it. | 04:44 |
shawng | is there a bot here like the dpkg bot? | 04:45 |
_2 | !bot | 04:46 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 04:46 |
pulaski | _2: thanks. I'm going to continue. I'll cya around. | 04:46 |
qe2315 | Thank you very much that worked Great! | 04:46 |
_2 | pulaski if you have other questions you know where to find us | 04:46 |
_2 | qe2315 welcome | 04:46 |
_2 | /ban Jucato@* | 04:47 |
qe2315 | ok I have one more question... Dual monitors, I hope someone has an easy link for that :p | 04:49 |
_2 | !dualhead | 04:50 |
ubottu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 04:50 |
_2 | !Xinerama | 04:50 |
ubottu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 04:50 |
_2 | pick you choice, not your nose. | 04:50 |
_2 | :) | 04:51 |
_2 | /ban *!Jucato@* | 04:52 |
_2 | /kickban Jucato!Jucato@ "say; don't i know you, didn't you used to do major networking some place?" | 04:57 |
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob | ||
grendal_prime | ok im back. | 05:00 |
grendal_prime | anyone miss me? | 05:00 |
* Agent_bob never fired a shot... | 05:00 | |
Agent_bob | :) | 05:01 |
grendal_prime | im new to this...ive used debian (straight up ) for like 4 years now and...well i got a new laptop so figured id try this out. | 05:01 |
grendal_prime | got a question about nvidia drivers. | 05:01 |
Agent_bob | !nv grendal_prime best i can do is point at the infonode on that, sorry; | 05:02 |
ubottu | Agent_bob: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:02 |
Agent_bob | !nv | grendal_prime best i can do is point at the infonode on that, sorry; | 05:02 |
ubottu | grendal_prime best i can do is point at the infonode on that, sorry;: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:02 |
grendal_prime | the machine is a dell precision m4300. | 05:02 |
grendal_prime | ya i read that ubottu bot helped me out | 05:02 |
grendal_prime | im just wondering ifn anyone has set this up on this particular laptop. | 05:02 |
Agent_bob | grendal_prime larfer user base in #ubuntu if no one answers here, try there. | 05:03 |
Agent_bob | the xorg driver is not DE specific, so if you don't mention kde they shouldn't care. | 05:04 |
Agent_bob | s/larfer/larger/ ^ | 05:04 |
[GuS] | Hi guys... is there a problem with Qt Designer 4.4, it starts by default with Oxygen style, but if i set plastique style with qt4 settings, it still starts with oxygen style and without fonts on menu bar and toolbar (currently i've installed kde3.x and kde4, but using the first) | 05:06 |
o0Chris0o | hey guys, I'm unable to connect to my windows pc through my home network to get my files, any ideas? I click on "samba shares" and it says couldnt' connect | 05:06 |
MagLauncher | I added the multiverse to the repositories but cannot find vmware player. | 05:07 |
MagLauncher | I get thi smessage installing vmware workstation: | 05:07 |
MagLauncher | rpm -U --replacepkgs '///media/cdrom0/My\ Downloads/VMware-workstation-6.0.3-80004.i386.rpm';echo RESULT=$?error: Failed dependencies:/bin/sh is needed by VMwareWorkstation-6.0.3-80004.i386RESULT=1 | 05:07 |
stdin | MagLauncher: we use .deb not .rpm | 05:09 |
MagLauncher | Okay. | 05:10 |
Agent_bob | !apt | MagLauncher | 05:11 |
ubottu | MagLauncher: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 05:11 |
MagLauncher | I was using apt to look for the vmware player. I ge 4 items for vmware but none are the player. | 05:12 |
stdin | MagLauncher: doesn't look like it is in multiverse any more | 05:12 |
=== rignes_ is now known as rignes | ||
Agent_bob | !info vmware-player | 05:14 |
ubottu | Package vmware-player does not exist in hardy | 05:15 |
crash__ | !ot | 05:15 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 05:15 |
Agent_bob | !info vmware-player dapper | 05:15 |
stdin | MagLauncher: go to vmware.com and download the .tar.gz version | 05:15 |
MagLauncher | Okay. | 05:15 |
crazy_bus | I have mythtvbackend opening everytime I start my computer. How do I tell it not to (It's not in the .kde/Autostart folder) | 05:24 |
Agent_bob | init script ? | 05:35 |
Agent_bob | !autostart | 05:35 |
ubottu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html | 05:35 |
Agent_bob | !startup | 05:35 |
ubottu | To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 05:35 |
Agent_bob | !upstart | 05:36 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 05:36 |
crazy_bus | !boot | 05:37 |
ubottu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 05:37 |
crazy_bus | I still cant find mythtv in the autostart or env folders. | 05:43 |
MagLauncher | !vmware | 05:45 |
ubottu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 05:45 |
anethum_a | hey i just got a cool idea for a window manager effect, who should i tell? | 05:57 |
stdin | the compiz people probably | 05:58 |
eyemon | whats the use of katapult? | 05:59 |
ElecNinja | To easily access your programs with a few short keys. | 05:59 |
stdin | to start something quickly without having to go into the menu | 05:59 |
anethum_a | katapult is a great program to access programs and files quickly by just typing the name (or first few letters) | 06:00 |
anethum_a | it will also do basic calculator functions too | 06:00 |
dpowerd | im trying to use chsh to make a bogus shell for a user... which shell do i use | 06:00 |
dpowerd | to disable all functionality basically | 06:00 |
eyemon | when i launch it nothing happens | 06:00 |
stdin | press alt-space | 06:01 |
eyemon | nothing is happening man | 06:01 |
anethum_a | type the first few letters of a program you want to start | 06:01 |
eyemon | where should i write the letters? | 06:02 |
stdin | dpowerd: I tend to use /bin/false or /usr/sbin/nologin | 06:02 |
anethum_a | just press alt+space and type when the katapult program appears | 06:02 |
eyemon | the katapult does not appear when i press alt+space | 06:03 |
eyemon | y's that?? | 06:04 |
anethum_a | bring up a terminal and type katapult and see if it starts then | 06:04 |
the_zenman | That might happen if you've got compiz running, for some reason. | 06:05 |
eyemon | ya it works | 06:06 |
eyemon | but alt+space does not work | 06:07 |
eyemon | how can i fix it?? | 06:07 |
Agent_bob | dpowerd false or true either work well and both have their adcantages | 06:08 |
Agent_bob | ooops he's gone | 06:08 |
the_zenman | check if katapult is running by running 'pidof katapult' in a terminal | 06:08 |
anethum_a | you can go to system setting>keyboard and mouse>keyboard shortcuts and set it yourself | 06:08 |
the_zenman | if it gives a number, but nothing happens when you press alt+space, then kill the process and run it again | 06:08 |
the_zenman | yeah, check if for some reason the shortcuts are different for you | 06:09 |
anethum_a | its under command shortcuts and under the utilities section | 06:09 |
rsc-232 | how do i find out what my tv card is coming up as | 06:16 |
eyemon | where can i get adobe photoshop for ubuntu | 06:19 |
dontbugme | lol | 06:19 |
sgraham | gimp | 06:19 |
sgraham | but that is funny eyemon | 06:20 |
dontbugme | or use wine | 06:20 |
sgraham | i mean..hell...im still loling on that | 06:20 |
eyemon | :( | 06:20 |
dontbugme | heh | 06:20 |
eyemon | hey i'm very new to this | 06:20 |
sgraham | you can do everything you do with photoshop with gimp | 06:20 |
eyemon | o | 06:20 |
dontbugme | there is even gimpshop I think | 06:20 |
sgraham | you just need get use to where things are..sure | 06:21 |
sgraham | i mean my oldest son does all kinds of crazy stuff with it and there is a ton of plugins for that thing | 06:21 |
sgraham | you can video edit with it to | 06:21 |
anethum_a | yeah, gimp is a really good graphics program, and yeah, it has a little learning curve, but its easy to get used to | 06:21 |
sgraham | i know you sure get alot for the price(especially when you compaire it to photoshop in price) and it makes compatable files | 06:22 |
sgraham | grrrrrrrrrrr im not liking this buntu stuff | 06:22 |
sgraham | im thinking im heading back to debian testing | 06:22 |
sgraham | i keep having problems with the vid drivers.. | 06:23 |
sgraham | and it locks the entire machine.. | 06:23 |
Chrysalis | kde3 or 4? | 06:23 |
sgraham | i think it has alot more to do with xorg actually. and the perpriatory nvidia drivers | 06:23 |
house | hi all | 06:25 |
anethum_a | hello | 06:26 |
Chrysalis | kde4 was problematic for me too, pretty much everything i tried to open or close gave me errors and it freezes on maximizing/restoring windows, 3.5 has been flawless for me and very responsive (i was surprised how responsive it was at first) | 06:27 |
house | chrysalis , read my message in KDE4 channel | 06:27 |
sgraham | Agent_bob: ya | 06:27 |
house | Chrysalis: i understand how slow it is , im running a 2.4 GHZ with 512 RAM and 256MB nvidia card and it still slow and weird , it dont do what you want and desktop effects cant work | 06:28 |
sgraham | the only thin that bothers me about the buntu's in general is that they seem so tied into the gui. I mean i run into a problem and the entire thing goes wonky.. | 06:28 |
sgraham | i cant just like kill x..reconfigure it and fire it up again | 06:28 |
house | however Chrysalis i still believe KDE4 is still new and its only 4.0 , i believe 4.4 will be a major jump but why did they release 4.0 now , i wished if Kubuntu remix said we will extend this project until the next kde release but yuou know how competitors work in this world hehe | 06:29 |
Agent_bob | sgraham agreed, but what i said would be trolling in here though. and !ot | 06:29 |
sgraham | oh | 06:29 |
Chrysalis | house: they want it getting tested, and yea, its not rdy for mianstream. . . by far | 06:30 |
sgraham | well im not registerd here..so i cant pm you ..hold on ill set up the ident brb | 06:30 |
uga | Chrysalis: it's not meant to be ready | 06:30 |
uga | Chrysalis: they just want to test it as much as possible | 06:30 |
Agent_bob | sgraham i think you can "just like kill x..reconfigure it and fire it up again" sudo killall kdm login, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg sudo kdm | 06:30 |
Chrysalis | its like building a tottaly new DE from teh ground up, all programs need proting etc, its gonna take a while till i feel comfortable enough to move | 06:30 |
house | Chrysalis: have you updated to 4.04? | 06:31 |
sgraham | ya had something weird happen with that though..hold on | 06:31 |
uga | Chrysalis: 4.1 should already be usable. 4.2 and 4.3 should make it much faster and robust | 06:31 |
rsc-232 | how do i find out what my tv card is coming up as | 06:31 |
Chrysalis | 4.3 is what i have i think | 06:31 |
surgy | hey guys fixing to move back to kubuntu | 06:31 |
surgy | is kde4 worth anything yet? | 06:32 |
uga | Chrysalis: 4.1 isn't out yet =) | 06:32 |
uga | so neither 4.3 =) | 06:32 |
anethum_a | actually kde 4.0.4 is pretty usable | 06:32 |
surgy | "pretty" usable..... | 06:32 |
Agent_bob | sgraham i'm not running the latest, they seem to be testing some "auto_re_configure_every_time_X_thingy" something or 'nother in the hardy breed | 06:32 |
surgy | answers my question, kde 3 it is | 06:32 |
Chrysalis | yea, add a zero in between there :p | 06:32 |
o0Chris0o | its usuable | 06:32 |
o0Chris0o | but its not feature rich yet | 06:32 |
uga | anethum_a: you can't even move widgets, layouting is broken, konqueror won't load pages right..., that's not usable =) | 06:33 |
uga | yes, konsole works, right | 06:33 |
o0Chris0o | its usable | 06:33 |
o0Chris0o | :) | 06:33 |
Agent_bob | i should not even try to talk, everyone i say something to is already gone... | 06:33 |
uga | yes, "usable" as in "you can use it, but it won't work", right¿ | 06:33 |
Chrysalis | you cant really configure much of anything, i hope thats not on purpose and changes as it matures | 06:33 |
house | i want to convince my family that Linux rockz , thats why i have kde4 installed , and soon il show them that this is the mother of Vista and Mac , a system that does everything and can run all mac and windows products . this is the approach of linux | 06:34 |
fildo | o0Chris0o: howd u go? | 06:34 |
o0Chris0o | howd I got | 06:34 |
rsc-232 | any ideas? | 06:34 |
o0Chris0o | fildo | 06:34 |
o0Chris0o | I switched back | 06:34 |
o0Chris0o | its not usable for me :) | 06:34 |
fildo | ok | 06:34 |
Chrysalis | o0Chris0o: same :) | 06:34 |
o0Chris0o | I am sticking with stable till kde4 comes to be stable | 06:35 |
surgy | kde 4 cant run "all windows products" can it? | 06:35 |
house | o0Chris0o: if Jesus christ is GOD , and hes GOD incarnated into Jesus , and Jesus Worshiped GOD , the question arises , how can GOD worship GOD ... hmm | 06:36 |
o0Chris0o | most linux os can't run all windows products :) | 06:36 |
surgy | i mean its been a while since ive messed with linux but its still heavely dependant on wine for win32 apps right? | 06:36 |
izzyb | lol | 06:36 |
anethum_a | ive got kde 4.0.4 installed along with kde 3.5.9 and for only being in distros for a couple months now, i am very impressed with the usabilty of kde 4 at the moment, its shaping up quickly to be a great DE | 06:36 |
izzyb | where'd that come from? | 06:36 |
Chrysalis | surgy: what windows programs exactly do you wanna use? the kde once are for the most part better then any windows once and free | 06:36 |
surgy | im not even understanding the big deal about kde 4 | 06:37 |
surgy | its just an update right? | 06:37 |
anethum_a | more like a total overhaul | 06:37 |
grendal_prime | god that was overly difficult | 06:38 |
izzyb | I only played with it for a few minutes, but found it wasn't usable by me at the time. too many things I can't figure out how to do that I can do in kde3 | 06:38 |
grendal_prime | Agent_bob: ok this is me again | 06:38 |
surgy | anethum hmm looks like i need to hit google for a min | 06:38 |
uga | surgy: everything got rewritten. The way kde does multimedia, filesystem access, desktop... | 06:38 |
grendal_prime | sorry new nic | 06:38 |
emilsedgh | izzyb: man, KDE 4.0 like little baby... | 06:38 |
izzyb | ? | 06:39 |
izzyb | you mean it's not quite ready for use? | 06:39 |
crazy_bus | what is the best way to disable mythbuntu in init.d? | 06:39 |
izzyb | I'd agree | 06:39 |
Lenaud01 | I have a hp pavilion and it has vista on it and I cant stand it, I did kubuntu with the windows install option but my wireless does not work at all in kubuntu? | 06:39 |
anethum_a | not for full day to day use at least | 06:39 |
anethum_a | what pavilion is it, thats what im on right now on wireless | 06:40 |
Lenaud01 | I would like to switch over but need have wireless of course | 06:40 |
surgy | ok now i get it | 06:40 |
Lenaud01 | its a paviolion 6839cl | 06:40 |
surgy | kde 4 is like kde's version of vista | 06:40 |
surgy | ..... | 06:40 |
izzyb | crazy_bus, what is the name of the process in /etc/init.d/ -- do something like update-rc.d remove mythbuntu? | 06:40 |
surgy | i hate widgets | 06:40 |
Lenaud01 | it adds more then widgets surgy | 06:41 |
surgy | Lenaud01 tell me something worthwhile that it does add? | 06:41 |
surgy | as compared to 3.5.x | 06:41 |
o0Chris0o | !kde4 | 06:42 |
ubottu | KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 06:42 |
uga | surgy: something that will finally make your soundcard work when 4 apps are playing at the same time? | 06:42 |
Lenaud01 | read there site and compare for self surgy and form your own opionion | 06:42 |
uga | surgy: something that will do your flash cards right when you want to use them? | 06:42 |
surgy | lol why would i ever have four apps accesing my sound card? | 06:42 |
uga | surgy: something that will show your cameras right when you connect them in digikam? | 06:42 |
izzyb | er, crazy_bus that should be update-rc.d mythbuntu remove | 06:42 |
uga | surgy: oh you do, you just didn't notice yet | 06:42 |
uga | on a daily basis | 06:42 |
surgy | example? | 06:42 |
Lenaud01 | anethum_a did you have do anything get wireless working?? | 06:42 |
crazy_bus | izzyb: should I force it? update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force) | 06:43 |
uga | surgy: oh my... it's obvious, think a bit. KDE will play sounds through your soundcard on each event. amarok will too, and at the same time if you open flash, flash can't play | 06:43 |
izzyb | crazy_bus, yes | 06:43 |
uga | surgy: or open skype while you hear music | 06:43 |
anethum_a | Lenaud01, yeah, it took me a bit to track down exactly what i needed to do, but go to www.uboontu.com and search for your laptop | 06:43 |
izzyb | you need to force it if the script is still in init.d | 06:43 |
anethum_a | Lenaud01, i was trying to track down the tutorial i used but unfortunately it seems i did not bookmark it | 06:44 |
Lenaud01 | thanks a ton anethum_a funny thing is I could not even downgrade this one to xp lol I tryed and no harddrives were detected with the xp cd lol | 06:44 |
crazy_bus | thanks izzyb | 06:44 |
izzyb | crazy_bus, to put it back after do update-rc.d myth defaults | 06:44 |
Lenaud01 | kubuntu worked fine tho with the windows version hopfully i can wipe vista off I hate it its crap | 06:44 |
anethum_a | yeah, kubuntu runs so much better on this laptop than vista did | 06:45 |
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor | ||
uga | surgy: it's not just bits that have been changed. it's the whole of kde that has been rewritten from scratch | 06:45 |
izzyb | Lenaud01, as I've just discovered going back to xp from vista can be a driver nightmare too :( | 06:45 |
Lenaud01 | vista is a joke | 06:45 |
izzyb | yeah, that much most agree on | 06:45 |
Lenaud01 | yea heard that izzyb | 06:45 |
Chrysalis | has anyone got logitech mx518 thumb buttons working? nothings worked for me that i could find googling | 06:45 |
surgy | uga you say things and assume my usage of my desktop is the same as yours, when i multi task I never run the same thing twice, If i want multimedia i only use one type of software, IE: vlc for movies or amarok for sound never both | 06:45 |
Lenaud01 | vista is to xp what millenium was to 98 | 06:46 |
izzyb | except microsoft who things they can force everyone to use vista like it or not | 06:46 |
izzyb | yeah, That was a painful time too | 06:46 |
uga | surgy: you say things and assume that you are the only kde 3.x user around? | 06:46 |
surgy | vista sucks | 06:46 |
Lenaud01 | dx10 is huge thats all they got | 06:46 |
uga | surgy: kde 3.x is broken, not for you, but for the rest of users it is | 06:46 |
uga | that's why it needed a rewrite | 06:46 |
Chrysalis | they are already working on windows 7 (i think what the new one was called) | 06:46 |
anethum_a | yeah, one of the main reasons im using linux today is because of trying to do a clean install of XP, i was like, omg, where am i going to get these drivers from? nothing works! | 06:46 |
surgy | my 2.8 ghz athlonX2 laptop with 4 gb ram and 180 gb hdd takes 5 minutes to boot into vista, something is wrong with that | 06:47 |
Lenaud01 | yea there ditching vista Chrysalis | 06:47 |
Lenaud01 | that search engine is going make ubuntu/kubuntu even bigger anethum_a lol great resource | 06:47 |
izzyb | kde4 will come into its own in time, and I have little doubt I'll run it and love it - when its ready for me | 06:47 |
Chrysalis | so has anyone got their mouse thumb (back/forward) buttons working? nothing seems to work for me | 06:47 |
Chrysalis | mx518 in particular | 06:48 |
anethum_a | yeah, i love it, it was a great idea | 06:49 |
uga | Chrysalis: you just need to configure the number of buttons in xorg possibly | 06:49 |
surgy | anyone ever do any console emulation on there buntu box? | 06:49 |
Lenaud01 | I get no results putting my lappy model in :( | 06:49 |
uga | Chrysalis: I have an mx laser mouse and had it working with all buttons | 06:49 |
Chrysalis | uga: which config did you use? there was a couple walk throughs on ubuntu forums that didnt do anything for me | 06:50 |
uga | Chrysalis: I had mapped the thumb buttons to switch desktop and desktop sorting. So much fun with compiz and kde4 stuff | 06:50 |
anethum_a | lenaud01, im trying to find it myself, yeah try some different keywords like HP, just the model number, pavilion | 06:50 |
uga | Chrysalis: ugh, yes, I had to test different mappings and one worked finally, but each mouse is different | 06:51 |
anethum_a | lenaud01, is it a DV series? | 06:51 |
Lenaud01 | I got it :) | 06:51 |
Lenaud01 | broadcom | 06:51 |
uga | Chrysalis: in compiz you can configure number 7 to rotate desktop for example | 06:51 |
uga | you can specify numbers | 06:51 |
Lenaud01 | thats the wireless card type per device manager | 06:51 |
Lenaud01 | ndiswrapper i have a feeling | 06:51 |
Chrysalis | uga: well, ill try searching more i guess | 06:52 |
uga | Chrysalis: I have to leave now, but if you cannot figure out, I'll be back in the evening | 06:52 |
Chrysalis | uga: ok, thank you | 06:52 |
anethum_a | lenaud01, this looks helpful here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=475963 | 06:53 |
Lenaud01 | is that what you did anethum_a? | 06:53 |
Lenaud01 | I assume you have broadcome to having a pavilion as well | 06:54 |
uga | Chrysalis: I forgot, if you can't find it in ubuntu forums, check gentoo ones, they usually have very detailed ones | 06:54 |
=== uga is now known as uga|away | ||
Lenaud01 | broadcom | 06:54 |
anethum_a | lenaud01, yeah broadcom here also, thats not the tutorial i followed but it looks pretty good, if i was trying to get wireless working right now i would try it | 06:55 |
Lenaud01 | ok thanks | 06:55 |
Lenaud01 | issue is I have no interent on kubuntu when i go to that | 06:55 |
Lenaud01 | and it wants me to use repos | 06:55 |
anethum_a | Lenaud01, give me a min i might have found the tutorial i used | 06:59 |
Lenaud01 | you using kubuntu 8.04? | 07:00 |
Agent_bob | !bug | 07:01 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 07:01 |
anethum_a | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=769990 that is the tutorial i used i believe, and yes 8.04 | 07:01 |
=== pascalFR is now known as PascalFR | ||
anethum_a | if that applies to you | 07:01 |
Lenaud01 | thanks a lot anethum_a | 07:01 |
Lenaud01 | im running 64 bit but im sure same lol | 07:02 |
Lenaud01 | thanks a lot anethum_a | 07:03 |
anethum_a | no problem, hopefully you can at least use this is a starting point for more info if its not successful | 07:04 |
anethum_a | well good luck, im off to bed, ive got school in the morning | 07:05 |
Agent_bob | times up. gooday | 07:10 |
firat | merhaba tük varmı burada | 07:18 |
firat | ihtiyacım var bir konuda | 07:19 |
firat | türk | 07:19 |
Jucato | !tr | firat | 07:20 |
ubottu | firat: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 07:20 |
edos | lut all | 07:24 |
izzyb | I'm fighting with a problem causing my system to hang randomly in a strange way. I could use some help isolating it -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12199/ | 07:29 |
snowolf | izzyb: could be the problem related to any application you might be running? I experience a problem (not on kubuntu) with World of Warcraft that is exactly like your one | 07:33 |
izzyb | hmm, only programs I can think of that may have been running during all the crashes are firefox2, konsole, and maybe konqueror | 07:35 |
izzyb | as far as processes I ran | 07:35 |
izzyb | outside of using xen and compiz, I'm running a standard kubuntu hardy install | 07:36 |
izzyb | hmm, with lvm and raid active | 07:36 |
ceo | hi | 07:36 |
snowolf | izzyb: no idea of what might cause it, just I run a similar Sabayon/Gentoo install (two monitors and all of that) and experience freezes with WoW, usually I reset :) | 07:37 |
izzyb_ | crap, just hung again. | 07:39 |
izzyb_ | I'm going to drop this system down to console only to isolate xwindows as the cause | 07:40 |
surgy | hi | 07:43 |
surgy | i forgot how to get to the restricted drivers manager | 07:43 |
surgy | !nvidia | 07:43 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:43 |
tiki | does anybody see any advantage to enabling the root account and using su rather than using sudo for everything? | 07:51 |
timboy | anyone know of a good cli m4p to avi converter? preferably m4p to xvid | 07:52 |
roner | hola es mi primera noche en kubuntu | 07:54 |
izzyb_ | tiki, I usuallyy enable the root account for times when I'm doing a lot at the command line that requires root. | 07:54 |
timboy | izzyb_, why don't you just do sudo su? | 07:55 |
izzyb_ | hmm, never considered even trying such a thing | 07:55 |
izzyb_ | I guess that would eliminate the need for a root password | 07:56 |
timboy | izzyb_, yes then you don't have to lock the root password when you are done... ;) | 07:56 |
* izzyb_ has never been that concerned about running as root. I've done it for years. | 07:57 | |
timboy | izzyb_, not concerned about running as root but if you forget to lock root account it leaves your system more vulnerable. | 07:58 |
tiki | how is the root account locked out | 07:59 |
izzyb_ | timboy, not sure how that would be. your user account would be the point of attack then instead of root | 07:59 |
timboy | izzyb_, yes but do you know what my user account is? | 08:00 |
izzyb_ | I'm sure it's not that hard to figure out | 08:00 |
Roy_Muzz | Does ubuntu have a default program that can be used as a vnc client or should I specifically apt-get a new one? | 08:00 |
izzyb_ | timboy, are you logged in as dena? | 08:01 |
timboy | if you were attacking my system remotely it would be | 08:01 |
timboy | izzyb_, no that's just my system name | 08:01 |
izzyb_ | ah, I see | 08:01 |
izzyb_ | my mistake | 08:01 |
timboy | i always name my system different than username but i'm paranoid... ;) | 08:02 |
tiki | kfrb is desktop sharing for kubuntu....im not sure what it is for gnome | 08:02 |
tiki | it uses vnc | 08:02 |
Roy_Muzz | tiki, thanks, perfect | 08:03 |
izzyb_ | hmm, strange, irc knows my username not my system name. how do you mask yours timboy? | 08:04 |
timboy | I don't remember how i did it off the top of my head was a while ago when I set this system up | 08:05 |
izzyb_ | there are a number of ways for a remote user to find out the primary account on a box, so I wouldn't rely on sudo as a fool proof defence of the root account | 08:06 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as PeanutHorst | ||
eatThisAndDie | izzyb_: there is? | 08:07 |
izzyb_ | any application you run is a potential whole to your user account. | 08:08 |
izzyb_ | all it takes is an unpatched bug in a program you use and sudo is rendered useless | 08:08 |
izzyb_ | well, not useless, they still have to break your password | 08:09 |
izzyb_ | but they know the account to attack. so no better then having a root account | 08:09 |
izzyb_ | of course, you shouldn't allow remote access to root, and you shouldn't run anything like irc as root | 08:09 |
izzyb_ | but thats the case even if you don't activate a root password | 08:10 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
peer_ | Ok, I made a copy of a directory with rsync to a mobile disk. diffed it - everything is fine. but with "Properties" on the two directories, I get different total file sizes. This should not be like that. | 08:23 |
p_quarles | peer_, different filesystems? different inode sizes? I'm not sure I buy that they should take exactly the same space | 08:27 |
peer_ | p_quarles: probably, but they should still show the same file sizes. or maybe two values: the real ones, and the file-system-affected-ones. | 08:28 |
p_quarles | the "real" one is affected by the filesystem . . . | 08:29 |
p_quarles | all I'm saying is, investigate the differences between the disks and how they're formatted before concluding that anything is not as it should be | 08:30 |
peer_ | no, no. if i put a file on the disk with x bytes, it should tell me that it has x bytes and retrieve x bytes. not y bytes, even if it takes y bytes on the disk. | 08:30 |
p_quarles | if you say so | 08:31 |
peer_ | well, the total file size serves as a rough estimation that the whole copy thind went well. why should i investigate further if everything was copied fine? it makes things more complicated. | 08:31 |
PeanutHorst | oh btw | 08:32 |
PeanutHorst | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo su - | 08:32 |
PeanutHorst | root@ubuntu:~# | 08:32 |
PeanutHorst | ^^ huge bug as i see it :p | 08:32 |
p_quarles | peer_, rsync authenticates with hashes, though -- saves the trouble | 08:32 |
p_quarles | PeanutHorst, how is that a bug? | 08:32 |
PeanutHorst | p_quarles: instant interactive root shell is a bug. | 08:33 |
p_quarles | PeanutHorst, no it's not | 08:33 |
pyro17 | uuuugh | 08:33 |
p_quarles | PeanutHorst, though the proper way is to use sudo -i | 08:34 |
Bauldrick | all users except mines screen res reverts to 1024x* when logging in? I can set to 1280* through NVIDIA X settings, but it always goes back to 1028?? | 08:35 |
mehdi_ | WoW(it s my first Time ;) (test)) | 08:43 |
djdarkman | where does kontact keep it`s lock files? | 08:44 |
p_quarles | djdarkman_, in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/ | 08:46 |
htrednek | How do you locate the install location of a program apt installed? ie Firefox? | 08:53 |
smeril | hardy heron is shit i cant even use bloody myspace | 08:53 |
htrednek | Sorry for the noob question, I'm waay rusty in linux and am just getting back into it. | 08:53 |
smeril | it says error loading xml document when i click on the myspace player | 08:54 |
smeril | that proves how smoth windows can be | 08:55 |
p_quarles | htrednek, use the "which" command -- e.g., "which firefox" | 08:55 |
p_quarles | it should return /usr/bin/firefox -- meaning that the executable is in /usr/bin (like most are) | 08:56 |
stdin | htrednek: "dpkg -L <package>" will list all the files installed by "<package>" | 08:57 |
htrednek | p_quaries / stdin, thank you. That is exactly what I was looking for. | 09:04 |
ActionParsnip | lo each | 09:10 |
smeril | how can i wiev myspace player from firefox it says that it has error loading xml document when i try to play music | 09:16 |
smeril | http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=81371327 | 09:16 |
smeril | before i updated to hardy heron from the terminal everything worked fine | 09:17 |
smeril | pls help | 09:17 |
ActionParsnip | smeril: let me websearch | 09:17 |
joebros_ | smeril? have you tried a fresh install of hardy heron? | 09:18 |
joebros_ | i've read in many places that updating causes some problems | 09:18 |
joebros_ | smeril: what kind of problems are you facing? | 09:18 |
smeril | sry i was wrong on this one i have a fresh install and on my other laptop i did it from the terminal | 09:19 |
ActionParsnip | http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=479363 | 09:19 |
smeril | what is xml document | 09:19 |
joebros_ | smeril: so are both (laptop and fresh install) causing problems? | 09:19 |
smeril | no only this one with the fresh install from live cd | 09:20 |
smeril | but except that it is working | 09:20 |
ActionParsnip | smeril: do you have full updates and latest flash plugin? | 09:20 |
smeril | yes | 09:20 |
smeril | what flash plugin is best | 09:21 |
PeanutHorst | um, what's the name of the bootloader used for the start of kubuntu bootup from livecd? | 09:21 |
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smeril | i have to klick on the player before it can wiev for ex youtube or myspace | 09:21 |
smeril | it has a big play sign on it | 09:21 |
smeril | i downloaded the flash plugin that firefoc recomended me to install | 09:22 |
ActionParsnip | smeril: do other flash sites work ok? | 09:23 |
ActionParsnip | www.youtube.com | 09:23 |
ActionParsnip | www.fat-pie.com | 09:23 |
smeril | YES | 09:23 |
smeril | only myspace | 09:23 |
smeril | i mean everything works except myspace | 09:24 |
joebros_ | ? | 09:24 |
joebros_ | smeril: perhaps it is a javascript setting | 09:24 |
smeril | how can i change that? | 09:24 |
joebros_ | smeril: i mean in firefox do you have javascript enabled? | 09:25 |
smeril | where do i find that in settings? | 09:25 |
joebros_ | smeril: Tools->Options->Content | 09:25 |
smeril | yes | 09:25 |
smeril | java is enebled | 09:25 |
joebros_ | smeril: Check the enable javascript | 09:26 |
smeril | it is ticked | 09:26 |
joebros_ | mmm | 09:26 |
smeril | wierd | 09:26 |
joebros_ | weird | 09:26 |
ActionParsnip | smeril: if you verify java is installed does it succeed. Use http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp | 09:27 |
smeril | what does a xml document do ? | 09:27 |
joebros_ | smeril: an xml document can have data, settings, layout properties | 09:28 |
ActionParsnip | smeril: you could try removing then reinstalling flash | 09:29 |
smeril | it says you are using a newer version of JRE than the current version availible on java.com | 09:29 |
joebros_ | smeril: impossible ! | 09:30 |
ActionParsnip | smeril: id rinstall java from java.com | 09:30 |
ActionParsnip | smeril: sun make java, id install sun's java | 09:30 |
smeril | should i delete the current version befre install the new one | 09:32 |
joebros_ | smeril: yes delete it, and make a reboot if it asks to | 09:33 |
joebros_ | does anyone has some experience in installing kubuntu from DVD? | 09:36 |
smeril_ | when i try to open the downloaded java file it says it cant open the file and when i try to remove java with adept it says it cant remove it because other programs are depending on it | 09:41 |
joebros_ | smeril: did you close firefox? | 09:41 |
joebros_ | smeril: you can reboot your machine and then directly after rebooting try to remove java | 09:42 |
smeril_ | i will try | 09:42 |
xt828 | i have a rather odd problem | 09:43 |
joebros_ | xt828: what is it? | 09:44 |
xt828 | when i run apt-get in konsole, it keeps trying to connect to a mythical server at | 09:44 |
xt828 | but if i run adept manager it works fine | 09:44 |
smeril_ | it still says the same after reboot | 09:45 |
xt828 | yeah | 09:45 |
xt828 | rebooted a couple of times to no effect | 09:46 |
smeril_ | Cannot remove 'sun-java6-bin' | 09:46 |
smeril_ | One or more applications depend on sun-java6-bin. To remove sun-java6-bin and the dependent applications, use the Synaptic package manager. | 09:46 |
smeril_ | how can i remove java with synaptic? | 09:47 |
joebros_ | smeril: what are the applications that depend on the sun-java6-bin package? | 09:47 |
smeril_ | i dont know | 09:47 |
smeril_ | maybe firefox | 09:47 |
joebros_ | smeril: mmm | 09:48 |
joebros_ | smeril: type "man synaptic" when you're in the console | 09:48 |
spitfirekdv | Hi all! I have a strange problem with kopete in kubuntu 8.04 - it restarts X when I want to read message | 09:48 |
smeril_ | i am in synaptic now and i have marked all java applications but how do i confirm remove after marking them? | 09:49 |
joebros_ | smeril: click on Accept button | 09:50 |
smeril_ | i cant find it wierd | 09:50 |
smeril_ | i am still looking | 09:52 |
joebros_ | smeril: :( | 09:52 |
Chrysalis | i am getting a bunch of errors in terminal from 'sudo kate'. . . temp files being owned by uid 1000 instead of 0 | 09:53 |
Chrysalis | any idea? | 09:53 |
smeril_ | have a look for you self http://bayimg.com/AAJHeaabK | 09:54 |
joebros_ | smeril: it is the "Apply" button that you need to click at | 09:56 |
joebros_ | smeril: try to make changes so that the Apply button is enabled again | 09:56 |
smeril_ | can it be save markings? | 09:57 |
smeril_ | sry | 09:57 |
smeril_ | apply i grey | 09:57 |
smeril_ | cant touch | 09:57 |
joebros_ | smeril: yes, i've seen that the apply button is grey, try to make it enabled again by making changes to the pakages selected (i.e. mark the package and then unmark it) | 09:58 |
smeril_ | when i start synaptic it says that it will start without admin rights | 09:59 |
joebros_ | ah ok | 09:59 |
joebros_ | smeril: start synapsys with administrator privileges | 09:59 |
joebros_ | smeril: type "sudo synapsis" in the console | 10:00 |
smeril_ | smeril@smeril-laptop:~$ sudo synapsis | 10:00 |
smeril_ | [sudo] password for smeril: | 10:00 |
smeril_ | sudo: synapsis: command not found | 10:00 |
smeril_ | smeril@smeril-laptop:~$ | 10:00 |
joebros_ | smeril: type "sudo passwd root" | 10:01 |
smeril_ | sry | 10:01 |
joebros_ | smeril: then enter a password for the root account | 10:01 |
smeril_ | i typed wrong | 10:01 |
smeril_ | :) | 10:01 |
smeril_ | removal is done | 10:03 |
smeril_ | but when i want to install the new file from java.com it says Couldn't display "/home/smeril/Desktop/jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin". | 10:03 |
joebros_ | smeril: how are you installing it? | 10:04 |
joebros_ | smeril: try to install it from console | 10:05 |
joebros_ | smeril: i.e. go to your console and then run the file | 10:05 |
smeril_ | sudo apt-get ?? | 10:05 |
joebros_ | smeril: no, download the file from sun website, save it to disk, then type the filename in the console | 10:06 |
smeril_ | ok | 10:06 |
sig_wal1 | installing sun-java6-jre package is easier way :) | 10:06 |
smeril_ | it dosent work what directory should i be in? | 10:09 |
joebros_ | smeril: i assume that you downloaded your package to the desktop | 10:09 |
joebros_ | smeril: so you should be in the Desktop directory | 10:09 |
sig_wal1 | why do you need java from official site? java installed from repository works fine.. | 10:10 |
joebros_ | smeril: type "home/smeril/Desktop/jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin" | 10:10 |
blrguy | helloo | 10:14 |
blrguy | does kde4 need a p4 machine? | 10:14 |
eatThisAndDie | doesn't NEED it, but you'll be glad to have it | 10:16 |
joebros_ | kde4 needs a good vga however because it has lots of visual effects | 10:18 |
late-Commer | oic so p4 is a must | 10:19 |
joebros_ | i think a good vga is a must | 10:19 |
joebros_ | you will definitely be amazed by the visual effects that kde4 has | 10:19 |
late-Commer | ok | 10:19 |
late-Commer | ic | 10:20 |
late-Commer | but it is very slow naa | 10:20 |
late-Commer | some one in kde channel said kwin is slow and qqt4.4 is fast | 10:21 |
Roy_Muzz | Hi can anyone tell me where the fonts are kept int kubuntu. I have a problem with VNC not being able to find my fonts. Thanks | 10:21 |
joebros_ | true | 10:21 |
blrguy | but kubuntu's installtion is nice | 10:24 |
blrguy | first run live cd and then install | 10:25 |
blrguy | simple | 10:25 |
thebosch | werkt als een speer dankje wel | 10:26 |
thebosch | nu nog een beetje geluid :) | 10:27 |
thebosch | soundblaster FX | 10:28 |
thebosch | of werkt die niet onder Ubuntu ?? | 10:28 |
Odd-rationale | !de | thebosch | 10:30 |
ubottu | thebosch: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 10:30 |
advanced | !compiz | 10:32 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 10:32 |
joebros__ | ubottu: do you have any idea if the compiz package is available on the kubuntu DVD release? | 10:33 |
ubottu | joebros__: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:33 |
late-Commer | is it true that gnome is considered enterprise not kde | 10:33 |
advanced | pls tell me command how to install COmpiz Fusion ? I have Kubuntu Hardy herron | 10:33 |
joebros__ | advanced: get the compiz debian package and install it | 10:35 |
advanced | where i can download ? | 10:35 |
late-Commer | is it true that gnome is considered enterprise not kde | 10:36 |
joebros__ | advanced: add the following repository to /ect/apt/sources.list | 10:37 |
joebros__ | advanced: http://ppa.launchpad.net/amaranth/ubuntu feisty main universe | 10:37 |
sig_wal1 | feisty? | 10:37 |
joebros__ | advanced: then type: sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager | 10:37 |
advanced | thx | 10:38 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: compiz is in the hardy repos already | 10:40 |
advanced | i have now | 10:40 |
advanced | thx | 10:40 |
advanced | !Cedega | 10:40 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: no need to add the feisty repo... | 10:40 |
ubottu | cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 10:40 |
advanced | !Wine | 10:40 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 10:40 |
advanced | hmm | 10:40 |
advanced | I need help how to play WoW in Linux | 10:40 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: check the appdb | 10:41 |
Odd-rationale | !appdb | advanced | 10:41 |
ubottu | advanced: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org | 10:41 |
advanced | But i have Cedega - illegal...because WINE dont works for me :-/ | 10:41 |
Roey | advanced: that's because gnu/linux sucks. | 10:43 |
Roey | advanced: no youtube, no windows games. | 10:44 |
kuil_ | Roey: no youtube? | 10:44 |
Roey | advanced: for all its worth, when it comes to homey things... it doesn't work. | 10:44 |
Roey | kuil_: 64-bit kubuntu? no chance in hell. | 10:44 |
kuil_ | ah.. haven't tried that | 10:44 |
kuil_ | I am running on an old laptop | 10:44 |
sig_wal1 | opera may use 32-bit plugins using 32-bit operapluginwrapper :) | 10:45 |
kuil_ | opera is the only browser in which I cannot play flash movies (or any flash stuff) | 10:45 |
kuil_ | :( | 10:45 |
sig_wal1 | flash9/10 seems to work in opera 9.5 beta2 | 10:46 |
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
ct529 | Hi there | 10:48 |
ct529 | I need to recompile a package using a source from the repository. Could you please point me out to some documentation? | 10:48 |
thebosch | meschien een dome vraag hoe krij ik een rpm bestand open ?? | 10:48 |
Odd-rationale | ct529: if it is in the repos, you do not need to compile. | 10:49 |
Odd-rationale | ct529: you can try "sudo apt-get reinstall <packagename>" | 10:50 |
thebosch | thx | 10:50 |
ct529 | Odd-rationale: yes, they did a very silly thing, they upgraded the kernel, but *NOT* the virtualbox-ose kernel module package, so I need to recompile or the virtual machine(s) do not work anymore | 10:50 |
Odd-rationale | ct529: If it is not in the repos, then | 10:50 |
Odd-rationale | !compile | ct529 | 10:50 |
ubottu | ct529: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 10:50 |
jussi01 | !nl | thebosch | 10:53 |
ubottu | thebosch: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 10:53 |
ct529 | Odd-rationale: the source is in the source repository, as virtualbox-ose-source, I need instructions to build and install using deb commands | 10:53 |
jussi01 | !rpm | thebosch | 10:53 |
ubottu | thebosch: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 10:53 |
Odd-rationale | ct529: so you have a .deb but just need to install it? | 10:54 |
Odd-rationale | ct529: sudo dpkg -i <packagename> | 10:54 |
PeanutHorst | how do i get skype on amd64 kubuntu? | 10:55 |
Odd-rationale | ct529: or rather, sudo dpkg -i <pathtopackage> | 10:55 |
Odd-rationale | PeanutHorst: try adding the medibuntu repos | 10:55 |
Odd-rationale | !medibuntu | pea | 10:55 |
ubottu | pea: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 10:55 |
Odd-rationale | !medibuntu | PeanutHorst | 10:55 |
ubottu | PeanutHorst: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 10:55 |
=== CactusWiZaRd is now known as qmx | ||
=== qmx is now known as CactusWiZaRd | ||
PeanutHorst | Odd-rationale: will skype run as 64-bit?! | 10:59 |
Odd-rationale | PeanutHorst: i think the medibuntu repos have a 64 bit version, not sure though.... | 10:59 |
ct529 | Odd-rationale: no, I do not have a deb. I have a source package off the source package repositories. | 11:13 |
ct529 | Odd-rationale: it needs to be bult using some dpkg --build something or another, I do not remember anymore | 11:13 |
CactusWiZaRd | hello | 11:22 |
CactusWiZaRd | i installed Kubuntu few hours ago, and now i countered an problem | 11:22 |
joebros__ | CactusWiZaRd: what is it? | 11:23 |
CactusWiZaRd | i have Seagate FreeAgent 500gb usb-hard drive, and kubuntu says it's empty, although there's stuff like movies, music etc. | 11:24 |
CactusWiZaRd | where's the problem? | 11:24 |
joebros__ | What's the filesystem of the hard drive? | 11:25 |
CactusWiZaRd | N | 11:25 |
CactusWiZaRd | NTFS | 11:25 |
CactusWiZaRd | in gnome it worked well, although i couldn't save anything there | 11:25 |
joebros__ | you may have to load the ntfs module in kubuntu | 11:26 |
joebros__ | true | 11:26 |
joebros__ | that's because ubuntu doesn't let you write on ntfs filessystem | 11:26 |
joebros__ | you need to install a third party package | 11:26 |
Jucato | !ntfs-3g | 11:26 |
ubottu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 11:26 |
joebros__ | thanks Jucato | 11:26 |
Jucato | hm.. forgot which one Ubuntu/Kubuntu comes with by default | 11:26 |
joebros__ | !ubuntu | 11:27 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 11:27 |
Jucato | (I think Ubuntu has it installed and enabled by default, while Kubuntu only has it installed, but not enabled.. not sure for Hardy) | 11:27 |
CactusWiZaRd | i had problems installing that when i used ubuntu, but then i decided to turn back on windows.. | 11:27 |
leo | where can I download the usplash script for so files? | 11:29 |
CactusWiZaRd | !ntfs | 11:29 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 11:29 |
Oceania23 | I'm a new Linux-Kubuntu user- when I ran apt-get install firefox, it installed the 3.0b5 version. Is this unusual? I thought everything defaulted to stable | 11:31 |
joebros__ | Oceania23: the behavior is normal | 11:31 |
joebros__ | besides firefox 3 beta 5 is stable even though it is still beta | 11:32 |
Oceania23 | I am sure it's stable enough for use, I was just surprised to see a beta come down | 11:32 |
leo | how can i change my ubuntu ultimate into kde | 11:36 |
DexterF | hi | 11:38 |
DexterF | so ubuntu is debian based - can one tell *which* debian? like, is latest 8.04/hardy based on debian/testing..? | 11:39 |
markus__ | hallo | 11:41 |
digitaloktay | hallo | 11:42 |
markus__ | ich hätte da eine Frage zu den System-Diensten...ich benutze 8.04 | 11:42 |
markus__ | es werden ja einige Dienste beim booten gestartet. so zb bei mir auch der acpid | 11:44 |
markus__ | Aber unter Status steht da bei mir, das der Dienst nicht läuft | 11:44 |
markus__ | warum? | 11:44 |
leo | is there a version of ubuntu ultimate in KDE 4 | 11:45 |
markus__ | what is the language in this channel? | 11:46 |
markus__ | german or english? | 11:46 |
joebros_ | i speak english | 11:46 |
joebros_ | ;) | 11:46 |
ct529 | I cannot find the package with the files include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf | 11:46 |
ct529 | anyone with a clue? | 11:47 |
joebros_ | ct529: nope | 11:47 |
markus__ | at bootup some systemservices gets startet. e.g acpid...but if i look for the status of that service kubuntu tells me that this sevice is not running...why? | 11:49 |
joebros_ | markus__: maybe the service had a problem and then crashed | 11:49 |
markus__ | but there ar so many services getting startet and then they are not running | 11:50 |
joebros_ | markus__: maybe these services depend on each other | 11:51 |
markus__ | hehe acpid depends on alsa-utils ??? | 11:51 |
joebros_ | :) | 11:52 |
markus__ | :) | 11:52 |
joebros_ | markus__: can u send the report that you get after calling "dmesg" on the console | 11:55 |
markus__ | ok one moment | 11:55 |
joebros_ | markus__: try "dmesg > log.txt" | 11:55 |
markus__ | how can i send you the txt-file? | 11:57 |
joebros_ | markus__: are you receiving my private messages? | 11:58 |
markus__ | if this means that there is some kind of a private chat-window...then no | 11:59 |
joebros_ | markus__: then upload it on rapidshare and put the link here | 12:00 |
joebros_ | markus__: rapidshare.de | 12:00 |
markus__ | direct file sharing within irc doesent work? | 12:01 |
joebros_ | markus__: it should work, why? | 12:01 |
markus__ | so i could send it to you this way | 12:02 |
joebros_ | markus__: of course | 12:02 |
markus__ | ok here is my dmesg log http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/215592/ | 12:06 |
joebros_ | markus__: ok i'm checking it | 12:07 |
markus__ | thank you | 12:07 |
joebros_ | markus__: "hub 5-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 8 disabled" | 12:10 |
joebros_ | markus__: this message is repeated in the whole log | 12:10 |
markus__ | i know...but after one hour of uptime...sundently it stops to appear in the logfiles....i tryed to solve this, but i did not succeed | 12:12 |
markus__ | it seams to be a problem with my bluetooth device | 12:12 |
joebros_ | markus__: ok | 12:13 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as thisitit | ||
joebros_ | markus__: weird i couldn't find anything wrong in the log file | 12:13 |
joebros_ | can anyone help on markus__ case??? | 12:14 |
silverpower | Anybody here have the legacy nVidia drivers working for them? This nForce1 (integrated GF2) is driving me up the wall... :( | 12:14 |
joebros_ | markus__: one more question. What kind of processor do you have? | 12:15 |
markus__ | i think that the "not running" acpid has the sideeffect that my system do not switch of after shutdown | 12:15 |
markus__ | i got a Pentium M @ 2Ghz | 12:16 |
joebros_ | markus__: this could be | 12:16 |
thisitit | try reseting the cmos | 12:16 |
markus__ | sure? | 12:16 |
markus__ | in winXP i got no Problems with acpi | 12:17 |
markus__ | so i think that bios is ok | 12:18 |
joebros_ | markus__: which version of ubuntu do you have? | 12:18 |
markus__ | 8.04 | 12:18 |
joebros_ | markus__: i have no clue :( | 12:19 |
markus__ | :) | 12:19 |
markus__ | i try to compare with my other notebook...then i post the result | 12:20 |
joebros_ | markus__: try using a diff tool when comparing | 12:21 |
markus__ | have a look on this first please http://img368.imageshack.us/my.php?image=servicesjpgkg8.png | 12:28 |
markus__ | there you can see what i mean | 12:29 |
joebros_ | markus__: i saw the picture, can u please explain in english | 12:29 |
markus__ | explain what? | 12:30 |
joebros_ | markus__: what's written, I mean what does "Ja" or "Nein" mean? | 12:30 |
markus__ | ja = yes Nein=no :-) | 12:31 |
joebros_ | what does lauft nicht mean? | 12:31 |
markus__ | explain more? | 12:31 |
markus__ | that means: doesen't run | 12:32 |
joebros_ | waw | 12:32 |
markus__ | waw? | 12:33 |
joebros_ | u have a bunch of services that doesn't run | 12:33 |
markus__ | yes...that is mysterious :) | 12:33 |
joebros_ | :) | 12:34 |
markus__ | but with my other notebook it is the same | 12:34 |
joebros_ | the same services status? | 12:34 |
markus__ | yes | 12:34 |
joebros_ | weird | 12:34 |
JackWinter | i have some dvds that are Mac/PC. on xp no problems to access the disks. when i try from kubuntu i'm denied access unless i access them as root ? | 12:34 |
markus__ | ist there a way to check the status of a service within the console | 12:35 |
joebros_ | markus__: yes there is. Type ps -A | 12:35 |
joebros_ | !ps | 12:35 |
ubottu | Factoid ps not found | 12:35 |
markus__ | ok then i got i list of all the services, but i can't see the status | 12:37 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
markus__ | ok then i got i list of all the services, but i can't see the status | 12:46 |
holyguyver_ | !apt-fix | 12:52 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 12:52 |
Long | any spanish ONO client? | 12:56 |
joebros_ | markus__: everything you see when executing "ps" is running | 12:59 |
joebros_ | markus__: what you don't see, means that it is not running | 12:59 |
Dr_willis | unless of course you see a Zombie task.. :) then its sort of not-running-but-it-was. | 13:18 |
Dr_willis | I never have found a good doc on explaining that. | 13:18 |
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato | ||
eagles0513875 | summmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 13:37 |
Pici | offffftopiccccc | 13:38 |
jdavies | -e/dev/randommmmm | 13:39 |
pteague | more updates for ssh again today? | 13:42 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 13:45 |
eagles0513875 | Pici: sry im just happy | 13:45 |
eagles0513875 | now i can focus on alot of my projects now | 13:46 |
ben | Hey guys, I have a question. First day running kubuntu, and usually on the computer (windows os) I run a program called SwiftKit to play an online game called Runescape. I use the IRC chat in there to talk to friends, was wondering how to connect to those same channels? | 13:49 |
ScorpKing-Laptop | hi guys. i had some bad RAM in my box and it corrupted a lot of files on my disk. fschk ran and now some files are missing. is there a way to get it back? | 13:53 |
Dr_willis | ben if you know the name of the irc server, and channel, about any irc client should work | 13:53 |
ScorpKing-Laptop | !ext3 | 14:02 |
ubottu | ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 14:02 |
eagles0513875 | ScorpKing-Laptop: u can get rw access to a ntfs partition using ntfs-3g as well | 14:03 |
eagles0513875 | !ntfs-3g | ScorpKing-Laptop | 14:03 |
ubottu | ScorpKing-Laptop: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 14:03 |
ScorpKing-Laptop | eagles0513875: i want to restore my ext3 filesystem to a previous state | 14:04 |
eagles0513875 | ScorpKing-Laptop: gotcha wish i could help ya with that | 14:04 |
mm_202 | Hey guys, quick question. The Apt updates, where can I find a changelog for them?? | 14:05 |
mm_202 | I know that the packages have a 'changelog' section, but its usually blank.. | 14:05 |
ScorpKing-Laptop | mm_202: somewhere in /var/log/ i think | 14:06 |
eagles0513875 | mm_202: if u wanna see the changelog of a pkg u have to dl the source | 14:06 |
eagles0513875 | mm_202: of a particular pkg that is | 14:06 |
mm_202 | hrm, well there was an update to xorg, I really dont want to DL the source, just want to see the changelog. Its not posted anywhere online?? | 14:07 |
mm_202 | ScorpKing-Laptop: I'll look. | 14:07 |
jhutchins | ScorpKing-Laptop: Restore from your backup. That's what backups are for. | 14:07 |
ScorpKing-Laptop | jhutchins: only if you make them ;) | 14:08 |
jhutchins | mm_202: Check the xorg site. | 14:08 |
mm_202 | jhutchins: k.. | 14:08 |
* Dr_willis makes a prediction on what the new FAQ will be for the #ubuntu and #kubuntu channel in just a few days...... | 14:09 | |
Dr_willis | just saw a news artical ----> Adobe Flash Player 10 For Linux | 14:09 |
pag | Dr_willis, happen to have a link to the news? | 14:10 |
=== obvio_ is now known as obvio | ||
Dr_willis | http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NjQ3Nw | 14:10 |
pag | thank you | 14:10 |
Dr_willis | Does it seemto anyone else that Flash is becoming what 'JAVA' was supposed to become? | 14:11 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. You can run the beta of 10... OR run 9. :) bet we will see a lot of 'i installed flash 10 beta , now how do i remove it' soon also. :) | 14:12 |
eagles0513875 | Dr_willis: what u mean | 14:12 |
Jucato | I think he means that it's a very good matter for discussion in #kubuntu-offtopic ;) | 14:13 |
Dr_willis | eagles0513875, about the java bit? years ago when java was new. it was 'supposed' to allow all this flexibilty and useabilty and neat things in web browsers. I recall java video players, and games, and other things.. seems flash has taken over. | 14:13 |
eagles0513875 | ya | 14:13 |
Dr_willis | Getting the Future FAQ ready! :) | 14:13 |
eagles0513875 | well java is still used for programs they even got a os in the works | 14:13 |
eagles0513875 | and there is java script for websites | 14:13 |
eagles0513875 | applets | 14:14 |
eagles0513875 | the write once run anywhere motto still lives on | 14:14 |
crs | Hello. :) | 14:14 |
Dr_willis | java script is not 'java' :) seen MANY a fight over that distinction. | 14:15 |
Dr_willis | hay crs | 14:15 |
crs | I'm new here, 'd like to say hello to all of you :) | 14:15 |
mm_202 | Welcome to the cult, crs :) | 14:15 |
holyguyver_ | So when launching firefox if it crashes & terminal says 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' what does that mean? | 14:15 |
Dr_willis | crs, great! dont flirt too much with the bot :) | 14:15 |
Dr_willis | !hi | crs | 14:15 |
ubottu | crs: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 14:15 |
crs | Hmm, what is my root passwd? ;-) | 14:15 |
Dr_willis | Faq Top 10! :P | 14:15 |
pag | !root | crs | 14:16 |
ubottu | crs: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 14:16 |
mm_202 | lol | 14:16 |
crs | ;-) | 14:16 |
crs | Funny. ;) | 14:16 |
crs | I am gentoo user for about 6 years by now. :) | 14:16 |
mm_202 | Guys, a serious question. How hard would it be to update my system from the standard x86 version of Kubuntu 8.04 to the 64bit version? | 14:17 |
crs | But i am quite tired of compilations (my computer isint too fast and any compilations take ages. ;() | 14:17 |
* mm_202 is still pissed that he can only use 3.18GB of his 4GB... | 14:17 | |
jhutchins | mm_202: Why? What do you need to do that needs 64b support? | 14:17 |
pag | mm_202, 'update'? pretty damn hard afaik.. reinstall is million times easier. | 14:17 |
Dr_willis | mm_202, even on a 64bit disrto SOME of that ram may not be useable. | 14:17 |
mm_202 | one sec guys. | 14:18 |
holyguyver_ | So when launching firefox if it crashes & terminal says 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' what does that mean? | 14:18 |
Dr_willis | but perhaps you wont be loseing .82 gb | 14:18 |
jhutchins | mm_202: Your system is using the rest of that RAM for reserved tasks. | 14:18 |
Dr_willis | holyguyver_, means its crashing badly.. which is weird. | 14:18 |
crs | I have just received newest kubuntu cd :) | 14:18 |
crs | Thanks Canonical. ;-) | 14:18 |
mm_202 | On my 32bit build of Kubuntu: (with 4GB of RAM) | 14:19 |
mm_202 | sergei@mm:/data/home/sergei$ cat /proc/meminfo | 14:19 |
mm_202 | MemTotal: 3368912 kB | 14:19 |
mm_202 | MemFree: 2598732 kB | 14:19 |
holyguyver_ | Dr_Willis well it says that every single time I try to start firefox | 14:19 |
mm_202 | On my 64bit build: | 14:19 |
mm_202 | sergei@terra:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | 14:19 |
mm_202 | MemTotal: 4059264 kB | 14:19 |
mm_202 | MemFree: 1966872 kB | 14:19 |
jhutchins | holyguyver_: You are running an unstable beta test version of firefox and it has created a file containing an image of your RAM at the time of the crash. This file will be named core<something> in the current working directory. | 14:19 |
mm_202 | ~640MB of RAM.. | 14:19 |
pag | mm_202, 'free -m' gives better info (but don't paste it here - use pastebin if you must) | 14:20 |
holyguyver_ | jhutchins no I am running firefox 2.0 | 14:20 |
Dr_willis | holyguyver_, thats not suprising. You could try as a test. either try it under a new/different user, or move your .mozilla dir somewhere, so you have no old firefox settings. and see if it works. | 14:20 |
=== r00t_ is now known as DaemonLee | ||
DaemonLee | Problem. | 14:20 |
Dr_willis | holyguyver_, if it dosent crash then. It would point to a extension crashing. | 14:20 |
DaemonLee | I cannot get my Synaptic Touchpad to work, and I've followed the instructions to a T. | 14:20 |
Dr_willis | Other then that. Not sure what to even check/debug for firefox. | 14:20 |
holyguyver_ | Dr_Willis no I am running firefox 2.0 | 14:20 |
eagles0513875 | DaemonLee: this has it and it works out of the box for me | 14:20 |
jhutchins | holyguyver_: Heh. Well, it still applies. firefox is always a work in progress, but Dr_willis is right, it's probably an extension. | 14:20 |
eagles0513875 | DaemonLee: did u do an upgrade from gutsy to hard or is this a clean install | 14:20 |
holyguyver_ | But look | 14:21 |
Dr_willis | and the version wouldent matter. :) | 14:21 |
DaemonLee | Clean install. | 14:21 |
DaemonLee | 8.04 Kubuntu. | 14:21 |
eagles0513875 | interesting | 14:21 |
eagles0513875 | u doing kde4 remix | 14:21 |
DaemonLee | I don't believe so... | 14:21 |
DaemonLee | No. I'm not. | 14:21 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 14:21 |
eagles0513875 | interesting what kinda machine u on | 14:21 |
mm_202 | pag: heh, yeah, free -m is much better. And I know better than to paste large amounts, but didnt think 3 lines would hurt. | 14:21 |
eagles0513875 | 3 lines doesnt anything more does | 14:22 |
holyguyver_ | Dr_Willis & jhutchins but look what I did before I came in here jack@jack-desktop:~$ firefox -profilemanager (next line) Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 14:22 |
DaemonLee | Eagle, a DV6353US HP laptop, 2.0ghz Turion x2, 2gb of RAM, and misc from there. | 14:23 |
mm_202 | jhutchins: are you trying to say that besides the little bit of RAM, that the benefits of running the 64bit version is close to zero? | 14:23 |
Dr_willis | holyguyver_, that would imply either currupted binary, or libs, or memory. Try making a new user and see I guess, Other then that. no idea. | 14:23 |
pag | mm_202, for average user I'd say there are more cons than pros when it coms to running 64bit | 14:24 |
* mm_202 isnt average ;) | 14:24 | |
holyguyver_ | Dr_Willis I can't make a new user because when I ask it to open the firefox profile manager it crashes. | 14:24 |
mm_202 | Okay, could you give me the 'cons'? | 14:24 |
mm_202 | Or point me to a url.. | 14:24 |
pag | mm_202, usally there are problems with closed source apps, but if you don't use them, then there shouldn't be much problems.. (at least what I have noticed.) | 14:25 |
mm_202 | I think that Flash and Java are the only closed source apps I use. (and I know that java works fine on 64b) | 14:26 |
Pennycook | mm_202: As a 64 bit user, there are quite a few problems with both Flash /and/ Java from my experience. I'm only still on 64 bit at the moment 'caus I don't fancy a reinstall. | 14:27 |
mm_202 | ah | 14:28 |
DaemonLee | Problem: Synaptic Touchpad does not work, is appearing in Xorg.conf file, qsynaptics and shmconfig state that they either do not have access, or there is no driver installed for touchpad. | 14:28 |
Pennycook | mm_202: There's no 64 bit package for Java Web Start afaik, some embedded Java apps don't work and Flash videos occasionally just don't work for no reason. | 14:28 |
mm_202 | Well Im running Ubuntu 8.04 64bit on a server, so no X. And its been perfect. I run Openfire (which is Java-based) as my jabber server and zero problems. | 14:29 |
mm_202 | hmm | 14:29 |
* mm_202 might wait then.. | 14:29 | |
crs | Ok, I want to install nvidia dirvers. Im trying to run hardware drivers manager, but it is asking me for root password, what should i do? | 14:30 |
Pennycook | mm_202: Ah, if it's a server I imagine it's okay. Java works absolutely fine by itself, it's the plugins for browsers and such that are shaky. | 14:31 |
DaemonLee | crs, type in your password. | 14:31 |
crs | DaemonLee: Mine, ok, thanks :) | 14:31 |
crs | brb | 14:33 |
josh_ | if I have amarok running and I try to play a video in mplayer it says unable to initialize audio unless I run mplayer from terminal window. any idea how I can fix this? | 14:35 |
jhutchins | mm_202: The fact that you don't know what your system is using that ram for - and it -is- using it - indicates that you're probably not using the system at a level that would benefit in anyway from running 64b. If you were, you'd know. It's a little more complex and difficult to get everything working on 64b, and there just aren't anybenefits to most users. | 14:35 |
Dr_willis | crs, its tecnhicially asking for the 'sudoers' password. | 14:36 |
jhutchins | !root | crs | 14:36 |
ubottu | crs: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 14:36 |
Steve-cal | When I create a desktop shortcut to run a bash script, I've noticed that my taskbar shows the bash script running continuously for about 20-30 seconds (along with the "bouncing icon" near my mouse pointer), even though the script executes virtually immediately (which I confirm by running it in a terminal). This goes for every script (no matter how simple/trivial) that I run from a shortcut.... | 14:37 |
Steve-cal | ...What's going on here? | 14:37 |
eagles0513875 | Steve-cal: whats the purpose of ur script | 14:38 |
josh_ | nm just figured it out. set amarok to alsa now all is good | 14:38 |
jhutchins | Steve-cal: The bash script doesn't truely interact with the desktop, doesn't give it feedback that it's done. | 14:38 |
jhutchins | joschan: Make sure that both Amarok and mplayer are using alsa shared audio. | 14:38 |
Jucato | Steve-cal: it's the setting for Launch Feedback (bouncing icon and taskbar notification). you can turn it off for your desktop shortcut to the script (depending on how you made it) | 14:38 |
Steve-cal | jhutchins: How can my bash script tell the desktop it is done? I can end my script with "exit 0" and it doesn't help. | 14:39 |
jhutchins | Steve-cal: I believe you need to use dcop to communicate with the system, and it would probably be much more complex than the script is now. | 14:40 |
Jucato | Steve-cal: how did you create the shortcut? | 14:40 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: Instead of turning it off entirely, I would prefer if my script could somehow let the desktop know when it is done. Any way to do that? | 14:40 |
Jucato | ah. that I don't know.. | 14:41 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: For instance, right-clicking desktop, "Create new...", "link to application..." | 14:42 |
Jucato | Steve-cal: yeah.. but the way I was going to propose was to turn it off for that script. I'm not sure if there's a way to signal knotify to stop the notification | 14:42 |
Jucato | what you can probably do is to shorten the notification length | 14:42 |
Jucato | run "kcontrol" and go to Appearance & Themes -> Launch Feedback | 14:43 |
Steve-cal | Jucato, jhutchins: I've never seen this happen in Gnome though--I don't have the problem there. Is this KDE specific? | 14:43 |
Jucato | Gnome doesn't have the same notification system as KDE... | 14:43 |
CLEARviewF | hi, do anybody know why can i not see my Genre icon on mi Collection in Amarok over Ubuntu Gnome? i installed kdebase-data but, after that i just can see Artist and Album icon but still not the Genre icon. | 14:44 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: I'm using KDE 3.5, which I installed over my Ubuntu install (also installed KDE-desktop), and I don't have anything under kcontrol other than "network". I've always used "systemsettings" for most things. Do you happen to know how I can get everything to display in kcontrol? | 14:46 |
=== bea_ is now known as bea__ | ||
Jucato | how did you install KDE? | 14:46 |
Jucato | or you can try running "kcmshell kcmlaunch" directly | 14:47 |
kalorin | so is anyone using 8.04 with the KDE 4 stuff? | 14:47 |
Jucato | kalorin: those people in #kubuntu-kde4 | 14:47 |
* kalorin goes there | 14:47 | |
kalorin | thanks | 14:47 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: It's been a few months ago, so I don't remember exactly, but if some things are missing in kcontrol, how can I add them to kcontrol? Did I miss installing a necessary package maybe? | 14:49 |
Jucato | perahps. but if systemsettings is populated with entries, then kcontrol should be working as well. but I can't really be sure since I don't know how you installed KDE | 14:50 |
CLEARviewF | hi, do anybody know why can i not see my Genre icon on mi Collection in Amarok over Ubuntu Gnome? i installed kdebase-data but, after that i just can see Artist and Album icon but still not the Genre icon. | 14:51 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: I think I just followed some online guide that told me all the KDE packages to install in Synaptic. That's all I did. | 14:51 |
emilsedgh | CLEARviewF: Genre icon? i've never seen such thing | 14:52 |
advanced | hi | 14:52 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: That's why I think I could be missing some necessary package... | 14:52 |
advanced | i need help again :-D | 14:52 |
advanced | Where i can get full theme for Kubuntu Hardy Heron ? | 14:52 |
crs | kubuntu seems to be easy :) | 14:52 |
crs | I think I'll stick to it for a while. ;-) | 14:53 |
advanced | I want to change full system screen | 14:53 |
advanced | please explain | 14:53 |
shane___ | Odd-rationale: r u on | 14:54 |
eagles0513875 | what c++ ide's r out there | 14:54 |
crs | How can I easly install compiz-fuzion? | 14:55 |
Jucato | eagles0513875: KDevelop, code::blocks, Eclipse (plugin?), Anjuta (spelling?), emacs & vim (hehehe) | 14:55 |
shane___ | where can i get a game pack like the ones available on ubuntu | 14:55 |
Jucato | and kate (semi-IDE) | 14:55 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: any ideas? :) | 14:55 |
Jucato | shane___: what game pack? | 14:55 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: i have eclips but its just java | 14:56 |
Jack111 | hi i have a problem since the hardy upgrade the firefox 3.5 freezes&terribly slow, but couldnt find any fix..any idea? | 14:56 |
emilsedgh | kdegames! | 14:56 |
advanced | !compiz | 14:56 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 14:56 |
emilsedgh | !info kdegames | 14:56 |
ubottu | kdegames (source: kdegames): games from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 21 kB, installed size 72 kB | 14:56 |
Jucato | eagles0513875: it has a plugin for C++ support I believe | 14:56 |
poison | !ntfs | 14:56 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 14:56 |
Jucato | Steve-cal: only a vague one, but first, does "kcmshell kcmlaunch" work? | 14:56 |
shane___ | add remove app on ubuntu has many games on kubuntu there is none i have just installed kubuntu and my daughter wants her games back lol | 14:56 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: i know if u dont load the biggest version of netbeans it does c++ besides java | 14:56 |
Coder2 | Hello | 14:56 |
crs | advanced: thanks :) | 14:56 |
eagles0513875 | they also releasing a php version of netbeans | 14:56 |
emilsedgh | shane___: install kdegames package | 14:56 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: Yes, it does pull up the module successfully. | 14:57 |
shane___ | ok TY | 14:57 |
advanced | sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion | 14:57 |
Jucato | Steve-cal: oh ok. so the modules are all there, but kcontrol isnt' showing anything except network? | 14:57 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: exactly. | 14:57 |
Jucato | Steve-cal: ah clueless there. sorry | 14:57 |
crs | Where can I find more repos? | 14:57 |
Coder2 | Does anyone deal with TomCat? I've installed it, it works, but there are no logs at all. Any ideas? | 14:57 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: No problem... I'll check in the forums and see if I can come up with something. BTW, how do I access "kcontrol" from my K menu? What's it called and under which menu is it? | 14:58 |
emilsedgh | Steve-cal: sorry, have you tried Settings:/ from konqueror? | 14:59 |
Jucato | Steve-cal: it's not in the kmenu in Kubuntu unless you manually add it (right-click on the K Menu icon and select Edit menu) | 14:59 |
shane___ | emilsedgh: in the add remove app or where do i find it add remove doesnt comeup withany games | 14:59 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: what php ide | 14:59 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: what php ide's r out there if any | 14:59 |
* Jucato would not recommend using kioslaves that are gone in KDE 4... | 15:00 | |
emilsedgh | shane___: use the Adept manager please. | 15:00 |
Jucato | eagles0513875: I don't know.. sorry | 15:00 |
shane___ | ok | 15:00 |
* Jucato doesn't do PHP | 15:00 | |
emilsedgh | eagles0513875: Quanta+ | 15:00 |
eagles0513875 | emilsedgh: ty | 15:00 |
Steve-cal | Jucato: No? I have to add kcontrol manually to my K menu? I used another distro with KDE 3.5 and it was in the menu somewhere I remember. | 15:00 |
eagles0513875 | trying to get stuff i need to help me get my to do list of what i wanna teach myself started | 15:00 |
emilsedgh | Jucato: if you meant the Settings:/, its not gone | 15:01 |
crs | easy and fast way to install kde4? ;-) | 15:01 |
Jucato | emilsedgh: in KDE 4? | 15:01 |
emilsedgh | yeah Jucato | 15:01 |
Jucato | !kde4 | crs | 15:01 |
ubottu | crs: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 15:01 |
Jucato | emilsedgh: really? doesn't work here (trunk) | 15:02 |
crs | Jucato: What about svn? | 15:02 |
emilsedgh | Jucato: but its so broken! | 15:02 |
Jucato | crs: you will have to compile | 15:02 |
crs | Jucato: no snapshots? | 15:02 |
emilsedgh | Jucato: im on trunk too.it comes up, but with broken icons and just categories, inside them is empty | 15:02 |
Jucato | crs: not at this moment | 15:02 |
Jucato | emilsedgh: only applications:/ work here. no settings:/ | 15:03 |
crs | Jucato: ok, thanks :) | 15:03 |
emilsedgh | Jucato: do you want a shot if you are curious to see how it looks? :D | 15:03 |
Jucato | emilsedgh: although it doesn't say unknown protocol, unlike media:/ | 15:03 |
Jucato | no thanks. | 15:03 |
=== arns is now known as arns_ | ||
crs | hmm what next... ;-) | 15:06 |
CLEARviewF | hi, does anybody know why i can not see my Genre icons in my Amarok Collection in ubuntu gnome? | 15:07 |
CLEARviewF | nobody knows about that? | 15:08 |
xt828_ | CLEARviewF: try #ubuntu | 15:10 |
CLEARviewF | nobody answer me there :( xt828_ | 15:10 |
xt828_ | CLEARviewF: or #amarok | 15:10 |
eagles0513875 | xt828_: just in there its dead | 15:11 |
CLEARviewF | i did on #amarok, but they told me to install kdebase-data | 15:11 |
xt828_ | so did you? | 15:11 |
CLEARviewF | xt828_: when i did that, i have only the Artist and Album icons, but not the genre icon, and it is the main icon on my collection | 15:12 |
crs | Why compiz fusion works faster on kubutnu than on my gentoo? ;-) | 15:12 |
crs | Why everything seems to work faster? | 15:12 |
xt828_ | what did they say in response to that? | 15:12 |
CLEARviewF | i will ask that xt828_ :D | 15:13 |
lovre | is there anyone from Germany here? I need some help? | 15:15 |
crs | how can i search for packages ready to install? | 15:16 |
crs | available to install? | 15:16 |
crs | like: <search command> fusion | 15:16 |
SlimeyPete | apt-cache search fusion | 15:16 |
SlimeyPete | or use adept | 15:16 |
myk_robinson | !apcupsd | 15:21 |
ubottu | Factoid apcupsd not found | 15:21 |
moamahi | hi all I've installed kubuntu 8.04 in beta version, now I've updated all. My kde is 3.5.9 but I'd like to switch to 4.0. Could someone tell me how? thank you | 15:28 |
crs | Hmm, that is weird. Can anyone explain me why fusion compiz is working far slower why is started by fusion-icon? | 15:29 |
blackwaltz__ | moamahi: First of all, if you've installed a beta version of it, I'd recommend upgrading as soon as you can. Second, install the "kubuntu-kde4-desktop" package to install kde4. The binaries will be in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/ ... and it will co-exist with KDE3 :) | 15:34 |
Jucato | !kde4 | moamahi | 15:34 |
ubottu | moamahi: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 15:34 |
Jucato | moamahi: and you don't actually "switch" to kde4. kde4 will be installed side by side with kde3 (for now) | 15:34 |
blackwaltz__ | moamahi: oh, and one more thing. Config will be located at ~/.kde4 for kde4 apps. | 15:34 |
moamahi | thank you all Now i set it up | 15:35 |
crs | I must say, it works. :) | 15:39 |
danny_ | does anyone know if is possible to run camfrog on linux? | 15:41 |
finn_ | hh | 15:41 |
finn_ | hhh | 15:41 |
finn_ | hello | 15:41 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as pulaski | ||
tzanger | good morning | 15:44 |
tzanger | I've got a quick (I hope) apt question | 15:44 |
crs | afternoon here. ;-) | 15:45 |
BluesKaj | 'morning | 15:45 |
tzanger | whenever I use apt-get to installs omething, I get a big long list of packages it wants to remove (packages were automatically installed and no longer required) -- except that the packages look rather important | 15:45 |
tzanger | do I apt-get autoremove and hope for the best, or is there something i can do to tell apt that it's wrong? | 15:45 |
tzanger | I mean python-crypto, python-twisted-*... I'm pretty sure I have apps that rely on it | 15:46 |
rysiek | guys I need a fast one here | 15:54 |
rysiek | opera (32bit :/) on a 64bit hardy | 15:54 |
rysiek | what do I need | 15:55 |
xsacha | rysiek: get opera 64-bit on 64-bit hardy ( i use this) | 16:00 |
xsacha | flash works fine on it | 16:00 |
rysiek | xsacha: erm, how | 16:01 |
xsacha | just download the .deb from opera site (ill get you a link) | 16:01 |
rysiek | xsacha: I can't find such a download on opera.com | 16:01 |
xsacha | rysiek: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/snapshot-1962/x86_64-linux/ | 16:01 |
xsacha | download the .deb file rysiek | 16:02 |
jeroen- | i used standbye, but how to come back? | 16:02 |
BluesKaj | xsacha, you got 64bit Opera working on flash sites ..how did you manage that ? | 16:02 |
arvind_khadri | hi , am not able to view the other person's cam in kopete,the other person is using windows..Kopete just crashes as i accept the request to view it | 16:02 |
rysiek | xsacha: oh, great, thanks | 16:02 |
xsacha | BluesKaj: i used nspluginwrapper on the 32-bit flash plugin | 16:02 |
xsacha | rysiek: then once you have downloaded, it's just: dpkg -i filename | 16:03 |
xsacha | it unpacks and wahlah | 16:03 |
guille | problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer | 16:03 |
xsacha | BluesKaj: you are probably using opera 9.27 where flash has problems. all 9.5 versions, 64-bit flash works perfectly | 16:04 |
xsacha | that is 32-bit flash on 64-bit browser | 16:04 |
rysiek | xsacha: yeah, I know my ways with dpkg, I am using Linux for a few years ;) | 16:04 |
xsacha | ok :) | 16:04 |
BluesKaj | xsacha, did you install the nspluginwrapper globally or *.so in the Opera plugins file ? | 16:04 |
rysiek | xsacha: I just needed the download link | 16:04 |
Steve-cal | In a normal Kubuntu install, where does one access "kcontrol" (KDE Control Center) from the K menu? | 16:04 |
rysiek | xsacha: thanks a lot, much appreciated | 16:04 |
rysiek | Steve-cal: K->System Settings | 16:04 |
xsacha | BluesKaj: umm installed nspluginwrapper, then downloaded flash plugin from adobe website (i could have just installed flash-nonfree), then i ran nswrapper on libflashplugin. then i copied it to opera directory | 16:05 |
xsacha | a lot of unneccessary steps though | 16:05 |
guille | after loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen | 16:05 |
xsacha | opera plugin directory.. | 16:05 |
Steve-cal | sysiek: Kmenu > System Settings is for the program "systemsettings", not "kcontrol".... | 16:05 |
guille | Problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall | 16:06 |
xsacha | rysiek: no problems,.. this new 9.5 version is really fast :) made me switch from firefox to opera :D | 16:06 |
rysiek | Steve-cal: ah, well, AFAIK the (old-style) kcontrol isn't installed by default | 16:07 |
rysiek | Steve-cal: sudo aptitude install kcontrol | 16:07 |
_r1_ | hi | 16:07 |
_r1_ | which version of kubuntu will be the LTS one ? | 16:08 |
hydrogen | yea opera9.5 is very impressive | 16:08 |
hydrogen | _r1_ not sure if thats known yet | 16:08 |
rysiek | Steve-cal: plus, I can't seem to locate a K-Menu item for it AFTER the installation, so you might want to create one yourself (dunno why they didn't put it in the package) | 16:08 |
rysiek | Steve-cal: or you can just alt-f2 run kcontrol | 16:08 |
_r1_ | hydrogen: not a discussion about next one ? | 16:09 |
Steve-cal | rysiek: I have kcontrol installed, thanks, I was just surprised why it doesn't seem to be in my K menus anywhere. Is this the same for everyone else here? | 16:09 |
_r1_ | cause it will be difficult to maintain ubuntu AND kubuntu as LTS if it's different versions | 16:09 |
hydrogen | yes | 16:10 |
hydrogen | which may mean that it waaits three years for another LTS | 16:10 |
hydrogen | not sure | 16:10 |
xsacha | Steve-cal: yeah when they replaced it with systemsettings, they removed it from menu too | 16:10 |
rysiek | they should have left the *.theme file in the package though | 16:10 |
xsacha | _r1_: well 8.04 is definitely not LTS | 16:10 |
guille | Problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall | 16:10 |
rysiek | so that when the package gets installed by hand one gets a menu entry for it | 16:10 |
* rysiek brb | 16:11 | |
Steve-cal | xsacha: I don't get it then--systemsettings doesn't seem to have everything that kcontrol does... why wouldn't we need both? | 16:11 |
_r1_ | xsacha: I know that. And it's not my question :) | 16:11 |
xsacha | _r1_: i think they are just skipping this LTS | 16:11 |
xsacha | theyll still be in sync | 16:12 |
_r1_ | mmm I have listen that it will be another version as LTS | 16:12 |
xsacha | Steve-cal: yeah, it should have everything but it doesnt. they decided to replace kcontrol though | 16:12 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: hey there, im on for a bit... | 16:12 |
Steve-cal | xsacha: So you're saying they don't want us to be able to configure some of the things kcontrol lets us configure? :) | 16:13 |
xsacha | they just havent put it in to systemsettings yet. i guess a lack of developers on it | 16:14 |
xsacha | it was a kubuntu creation though wasnt it | 16:14 |
crs | where can i find some more repos? | 16:14 |
xsacha | crs: have you enabled universe and the rest in manage repositories? what package are you looking for in particular? | 16:15 |
Steve-cal | xsacha, rysiek: Well anyway, thanks for the help... Ciao... | 16:16 |
phoenixz | I have a process running called "b43".. it takes quite some recourses, but I have no clue what it is.. Anybody knows it? | 16:16 |
guille | Problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall | 16:17 |
crs | xsacha: Nothing in particular now... Where can I enable universe? ;-) | 16:17 |
xsacha | adept_manager->manage repositories | 16:17 |
crs | xsacha: di uncomment it in /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:20 |
xsacha | crs: just use the frontend: adept_manager | 16:20 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: how can i connect the 2 machines together remote desktop style i want to transfer all pics and files onto the one we fixed last night and put kubuntu on it also | 16:20 |
xsacha | much safer, but if you are ok with it, yes, its in /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:20 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: set up an ssh and use the fish:/ protocol | 16:20 |
crs | xsacha: Im quite literate with linux, just never used ubuntu before. ;-) | 16:21 |
xsacha | oh ok | 16:21 |
xsacha | yeah uncomment any commented repositories in there | 16:21 |
crs | Have spent about 6 years with gentoo. :> | 16:21 |
xsacha | crs: the GUI does give some better options though, like choosing the country for your repository server | 16:22 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok how do i set ssh and what is fish protocol newby remember | 16:22 |
crs | Oh i see. How can i change default system wide language? ;-) | 16:22 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: ok. lets define some terms. the server will be the computer with the files on it. the client will be the computer on which you want to put the files on. ok? | 16:23 |
crs | I have changed my pripary language, but i'd like to go with english now :) | 16:23 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok | 16:23 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: so on the server, install the openssh-server "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" | 16:23 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: got that? | 16:25 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok i got that ill do that now | 16:25 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: brb | 16:26 |
cq | is kde4 recommendable already, or stay with the kde3 from 8.04? I wouldn't mind features and eyecandy, but above all I want stability and usability | 16:26 |
Odd-rationale | cq: if you want stability and usability, use kde3 | 16:27 |
Odd-rationale | cq: kde4 is quite stable. it is simply missing in many respects... | 16:27 |
crs | cq: wait for kde 4.1 | 16:27 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok that is done got fresh shane@ line | 16:27 |
cq | when is 4.1 due? | 16:28 |
crs | cpk1: July | 16:28 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: ok. now in the client, open konqueror (our favorite kde all in ont tool ;) | 16:28 |
cq | no problem... i read that 4.0 was supposed to get out and 4.1 to complete it essentially... thanks | 16:28 |
deever | anyone here with 8.04-kde4 on virtualbox and a screen resolution >800x600 ? | 16:28 |
crs | cq: yes, more or less it looks like that. Just wait for 4.1 which should be ready for desktops. | 16:29 |
Odd-rationale | kde 4.0 was kind of just like a release for all the application developers to port/test their apps over to kde4.... that the way i look at it... | 16:29 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok | 16:29 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: to make things easier, go to Window --> split left/right | 16:29 |
crs | What is the easiest way to update kernel in ubuntu? Do i have to compile it by myself or just install newer version from package? | 16:30 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: then in the address bar, type in fish://<your_user_name_on_the_server>@<server_ip_address> | 16:31 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: do the above in the client... | 16:32 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok where can i find ip on server | 16:32 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: on the server, do ifconfig | 16:32 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok brb | 16:32 |
=== jimmy_ is now known as jsolis | ||
Odd-rationale | shane__: you should find a inet address in your ethernet entry (not lo) | 16:33 |
xsacha | probably want the network ip so you dont have to forward ports on router... 192.168.x.xxx? | 16:34 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: oh beautifull that was so easy | 16:35 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: TY once again | 16:35 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: yup, just drag and drop between the two panes... | 16:35 |
guille | Problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall | 16:36 |
crs | guille: that X is a cursor a suppose... | 16:36 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: you'll soon love konqueror's split windows... | 16:36 |
crs | I | 16:36 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok TY and ill talk at yah next time uv made changing over a breeze and i apreciat it lots | 16:36 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: sure. feel free to drop me a line in my channel. you know the channel... | 16:37 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: yah but i need a link thing everytime i try the side panel to acces and it gives me a spam message | 16:38 |
xsacha | shane__: you can Save View Profile.. then when you want to do that same thing in konqueror, you Load View Profile and its straight back | 16:38 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: hmm. try typing in konversation "/join #Odd-rationale" | 16:39 |
Odd-rationale | shane__: don't click. try typing.... | 16:39 |
shane__ | Odd-rationale: ok i got yah in my conect tab now ty | 16:40 |
grendal_prime | am i the only person haveing a hard time with the nvidia perpriatory drivers? | 16:42 |
cq | hm, can you run an existing windows installation in vbox, or does it need a new isntallation? I only have OEM Images... | 16:42 |
guille | crs: but installation doesn't continue. | 16:42 |
xsacha | grendal_prime: they are proprietary, so probably everyone is having trouble with them :) | 16:42 |
xsacha | problems when you change kernel and so on | 16:43 |
yb5 | hey guys | 16:44 |
yb5 | i have a question | 16:45 |
yb5 | i want to edit my "DVD autoplay menu" and add an entry for "Play DVD with VLC Player" | 16:46 |
yb5 | can someone hook me up with the parameter for vlc?? | 16:46 |
grendal_prime | well, ok what kernel works with nvida drivers then..or is there an opensource one... | 16:48 |
xsacha | you dont really have a choice with nvidia, that one you have is the best. just tell us what your problem is :) | 16:49 |
yb5 | nobody any idea? | 16:50 |
xsacha | yb5: didnt quite get what you wanted | 16:50 |
xsacha | an entry when you stick the dvd in dvd drive? | 16:51 |
grendal_prime | when the perpriatory driver gets installed i reboot the machine and i get a constantly changing white gray screen with a black/gray line done the middle/right side of the screen | 16:51 |
yb5 | xsacha: i want to edit my DVD autoplay menu and add an entry for "Play DVD with VLC" | 16:51 |
yb5 | but i dont know the parameter for vlc | 16:51 |
xsacha | yb5: you mean like... vlc dvd://dev/dvd ? | 16:52 |
yb5 | yes something like that | 16:53 |
ubuntu_ | salut le peuple | 16:53 |
yb5 | i will try that | 16:53 |
xsacha | yb5: in VLC, you can define your 'default' dvd device.. if you have done so, it is simply: vlc dvd:// | 16:53 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Kronoxys | ||
yb5 | there is an error promt saying /media/NAME_OF_THE_DVD is a folder. file expected | 16:55 |
=== Kronoxys is now known as Le_Bagnard | ||
xsacha | yb5: with dvd://dev/dvd ? | 16:55 |
yb5 | yes | 16:55 |
xsacha | what about just dvd:// ? | 16:55 |
yb5 | try it | 16:56 |
guille | Problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall | 16:56 |
deever | anyone here with 8.04-kde4 on virtualbox and a screen resolution >800x600 ? | 16:56 |
xsacha | yb5: both work here but maybe because i have the default dvd device set in VLC. you could try doing that | 16:57 |
yb5 | xsacha: same error | 16:57 |
yb5 | xsacha: where is the default dvd device setting in vlc? | 17:00 |
xsacha | File->Open Disc... Disk Device: /dev/dvd | 17:00 |
yb5 | wait i'll try something else | 17:01 |
yb5 | i found /dev/scd0 | 17:01 |
grendal_prime | xsacha: so...any advice on a way around that? | 17:01 |
xsacha | grendal_prime: dont know, i down own any nvidia cards sorry.. was hoping someone else would help you | 17:02 |
Jabop | Possibly stupid question: is there a config I could get to enable syntax highlighting in bash. | 17:02 |
xsacha | bash.. or vim Jabop? | 17:03 |
Jabop | vim | 17:03 |
yb5 | grendal_prime: your problem | 17:03 |
ziperon | народ как настроить hotkey на кбунту? | 17:03 |
xsacha | Jabop: yeah i believe there are | 17:03 |
yb5 | grendal_prime: whats your problem? | 17:03 |
Jabop | xsacha: Excuse my lack of knowledge, I just moved to Kubuntu :P | 17:04 |
xsacha | Jabop: have you tried ... :syntax on? | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | Im not sure how syntax highighting in bash would work. | 17:04 |
xsacha | Dr_willis: me either lol thats why i figured it was vim | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | :) for vim - you MOST likely want to install the vim-full package. | 17:04 |
xsacha | Jabop: what did you move from? surely it had vim too right? | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | and enable the syntax thing as default in the vimrc | 17:04 |
Jabop | xsacha: fc8 | 17:04 |
Dr_willis | i do think that the 'fish' shell had some sort of syntax highliging. | 17:04 |
ziperon | peopls pleas help my don't vork hot keys in kubuntu | 17:05 |
xsacha | Dr_willis: there's a fish shell? what are the advantages over plain ssh? | 17:05 |
Dr_willis | the fish shell.. ghas nothing to do with the fish:// thing of kde. or ssh at all | 17:07 |
Dr_willis | !info fish | 17:07 |
ubottu | fish (source: fish): a friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22.3-3 (hardy), package size 705 kB, installed size 3416 kB | 17:07 |
Jucato | :) | 17:07 |
Jucato | http://fishshell.org | 17:07 |
Dr_willis | Its a neat little shell.. but just odd enough - that it proberly would make learning bash harder. :) | 17:07 |
Jabop | xsacha: I don't see the option in vim's man for syntax on, what did you mean by that? | 17:08 |
yb5 | xsacha: vlc dvd:///dev/dvd works in terminal | 17:08 |
Pici | I use nano's syntax hilighting | 17:08 |
xsacha | Jabop: as in you type it in.. :syntax on | 17:08 |
xsacha | colon is how you do commands.. hang on, what did you use in fedora Jabop? | 17:08 |
Dr_willis | yea.. the Opensolaris iso - just crashed virtualbox. :) | 17:08 |
Dr_willis | so much for that os. heh | 17:08 |
jhutchins_wk | Jabop: You might find the internal help useful. :help | 17:09 |
Dr_willis | Jabop, vi fundamentals :set SOMEOPTION on (i think) | 17:09 |
Dr_willis | theres so many options.. I just set them in my .vimrc file | 17:09 |
Jabop | konsole with vim, it came packaged and I didn't have to configure any syntax options | 17:09 |
Jabop | :p | 17:09 |
Dr_willis | I was thinking the tiny-vim now in ubuntu may have the feature. used to be you had to install vim-full to get the full range of fancy features | 17:10 |
Jabop | I use another text editor gui primarily, but when I am in cli and need to change a few lines, syntax highlighting would be useful | 17:10 |
matthew_ | hey, people, i need some help with wine | 17:10 |
yb5 | matthew__: whats up? | 17:12 |
yb5 | xsacha: vlc dvd:///dev/dvd works in terminal | 17:12 |
xsacha | yeah thats where i have been using it | 17:12 |
yb5 | xs but not in autoplay. strange | 17:12 |
guille | Help me please...Problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall | 17:12 |
xsacha | ohh autoplay | 17:12 |
grendal_prime | y5b: when the perpriatory driver gets installed i reboot the machine and i get a constantly changing white gray screen with a black/gray line done the middle/right side of the screen | 17:12 |
xsacha | it must convert it from its /dev address to its /media address | 17:13 |
grendal_prime | yb5: when the perpriatory driver gets installed i reboot the machine and i get a constantly changing white gray screen with a black/gray line done the middle/right side of the screen | 17:13 |
yb5 | which driver did you install? | 17:14 |
yb5 | @ matthew__ | 17:14 |
yb5 | xsacha: so what do i have to do? | 17:14 |
xsacha | yb5: no idea | 17:15 |
yb5 | xsacha: great :) | 17:15 |
xsacha | :( | 17:15 |
grendal_prime | sorry should have mentioned im running kubuntu 8.04 and it is the nvidia perp driver that the aptupdater recommends | 17:15 |
grendal_prime | and i cant believe i just typed that. | 17:15 |
jonathan_1 | hello! | 17:15 |
yb5 | do you have adjusted you /ect/X11/xorg.conf ?? | 17:16 |
grendal_prime | no | 17:16 |
grendal_prime | well im sure i have the one that doesnt work | 17:16 |
yb5 | there is a section of your graphic card | 17:16 |
jonathan_1 | does someone know a good site for nice desktop utilities, for example a litle box that displaies the cpu usage or disk usage etc? | 17:16 |
yb5 | it sasy driver "nv" | 17:16 |
jonathan_1 | i mean a site where i can find some of them | 17:16 |
yb5 | change that nv to nvidia | 17:17 |
jhutchins_wk | grendal_prime: BTW it's "proprietary". | 17:17 |
yb5 | with sudo rights | 17:17 |
Jabop | xsacha: I figured it out, you lead me in the right direction. thanks | 17:17 |
xsacha | :) | 17:17 |
jhutchins_wk | !packages | 17:17 |
ubottu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 17:17 |
grendal_prime | jhutchins_wk: ya but whats the alternative...the nv driver is not doing opengl | 17:18 |
grendal_prime | yb5: pretty sure thats what i have going on now | 17:19 |
jhutchins_wk | jonathan_1: Unlike windows, where packages are created and distributed by many other companies, packages that are popular with a distribution's users and developers get tested and bundled with the distribution. They are not necessarily installed, but looking within the package manager you'll find loads of stuff. | 17:19 |
jhutchins_wk | grendal_prime: I don't know much about it myself, I hear that the guide here is a bit old, but: | 17:19 |
jonathan_1 | hm but then i need the name of some apps to find them don't i? | 17:20 |
jhutchins_wk | !nvidia | grendal_prime | 17:20 |
ubottu | grendal_prime: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 17:20 |
grendal_prime | grrrrrr | 17:20 |
jonathan_1 | it's funny every time i'm in this channel it's the same toppic: graphic-cards :D | 17:20 |
jhutchins_wk | jonathan_1: Yeah, that's a bit of a catch, but you can search descriptions as well. | 17:20 |
jonathan_1 | ok thank you! | 17:20 |
jhutchins_wk | !info gkrellm | jonathan_1 | 17:20 |
ubottu | jonathan_1: gkrellm (source: gkrellm): The GNU Krell Monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 734 kB, installed size 2076 kB | 17:20 |
xsacha | not that long ago it was wireless cards this, wireless cards that | 17:20 |
jhutchins_wk | jonathan_1: That's one option. | 17:21 |
xsacha | graphics cards is a bit better i think. atleast they work, the problems usually come in giving them 3d capabiltiies or compositing | 17:21 |
jhutchins_wk | xsacha: For the same reasons: the hardware's changing quickly and the manufacturers don't provide Linux support. | 17:21 |
jhutchins_wk | xsacha: In Nvidia's case, they provide drivers but not the specs to write them. | 17:21 |
ben__ | Would somebody help me? | 17:23 |
deever | ben__: don't ask meta questions, please | 17:23 |
ben__ | Well I've asked specific 1's and I dont get a responce :\ | 17:24 |
jonathan_1 | thank you, it's a good program! | 17:24 |
xsacha | jhutchins_wk: all the new experimental stuff like ttm, GEM, gallium3d, etc.. comes out for intel which is nice | 17:25 |
xsacha | they deserve it.. even though i dont own any intel | 17:25 |
jhutchins_wk | !patience | ben__ | 17:26 |
ubottu | ben__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 17:26 |
guille | Help me please...Problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall | 17:26 |
grendal_prime | ya we all know that hd support has always been an issue with linux. Problem is with video cards i mean come on...you cant see..the display..every other problem is sort of moot. I was under the impression that the problems wiht the nvida kernel had been resolved by now? | 17:26 |
jhutchins_wk | ben__: We're all just fellow users, some of us waiting for someone who knows how to solve our own problem. | 17:26 |
deever | anyone here with 8.04-kde4 on virtualbox and a screen resolution >800x600 ? | 17:26 |
jhutchins_wk | ben__: See? Deever was asking that question hours ago, he's hoping someone will show up who knows. | 17:27 |
jhutchins_wk | deever: Is there a virtualbox channel? | 17:27 |
eagles0513875 | jhutchins_wk: there should be | 17:28 |
jhutchins_wk | ben__: I think it would be safe to restate your original question, it appears to have scrolled off. | 17:28 |
eagles0513875 | jhutchins #vbox | 17:29 |
jhutchins_wk | There's #kubuntu-kde4 | 17:29 |
ben__ | Well there's an online game Runescape, was wondering how to get onto those IRC channels. Anybody know? | 17:29 |
advanced | !compiz | 17:30 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 17:30 |
yb5 | gotta go now -- thanks xsacha!! | 17:33 |
advanced | nice :D | 17:34 |
advanced | what is better ? Konqueoror or Mozzila ? | 17:35 |
Odd-rationale | !best | advanced | 17:35 |
ubottu | advanced: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 17:35 |
Odd-rationale | but i think konqueror with webkit kpart would pwn... | 17:36 |
Odd-rationale | oh, and also, when konqueror becomes as easily extendible as ff | 17:36 |
advanced | i download firefox...will be better :-D | 17:37 |
advanced | is here any expert for compiz-fusion ? | 17:37 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: what is the problem? | 17:38 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: let me guess... no cube? no window borders? | 17:38 |
advanced | no windows boarders | 17:38 |
JackWinter | anyone know where to get support ? when playing video streamed from my sat rec (dreambox), vlc crashes when i change channels (kubuntu 8.04). when i play with vlc on my laptop kubuntu 7.10, no problem changing channels. same sttings and same url... | 17:38 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: install emerald "sudo apt-get install emerald" | 17:38 |
advanced | ofc | 17:38 |
advanced | i have | 17:39 |
advanced | but i wnat to emerald start when i run Linux | 17:39 |
advanced | how to do it ? | 17:39 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: have compizconfig-settings-manager? | 17:39 |
advanced | yes | 17:39 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: go to the window decoration plugin. and put in emerald as trhe comnad. | 17:39 |
Odd-rationale | command | 17:39 |
Odd-rationale | emerald will start whenever compiz starts... | 17:40 |
advanced | but i need compiz start when i start linux...but doesnt work :-D | 17:40 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: are you using hardy? | 17:40 |
advanced | Kubuntu Hardy Heron | 17:40 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: go to, settings --> advance desktop effects. select custom | 17:41 |
advanced | you can me upload screen ? i dont have EN language in Kubuntu...i dont know where is this | 17:42 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: no i can't. i'm not using kubuntu.... | 17:42 |
advanced | damn :-D | 17:42 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: it is either in settings or in system... | 17:42 |
stephen | Hey | 17:42 |
=== stephen is now known as StevieG | ||
Odd-rationale | advanced: or utilities... | 17:43 |
=== StevieG is now known as stephen | ||
Odd-rationale | stephen: hello | 17:43 |
stephen | I'm wondering if perhaps I could get some help? I'm not sure if there any rules here | 17:43 |
Odd-rationale | !rules | 17:44 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 17:44 |
stephen | thanks I'll read this, one moment | 17:44 |
advanced | i found Advanced desktop effects | 17:45 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: i think that is it. do you have a radio button that says "custom"? | 17:46 |
advanced | no | 17:46 |
advanced | you have desktop effect ? can upload screen ? | 17:47 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: or is that the compizconfig-setttings-manager? | 17:47 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: no i don't it is kubuntu specific... | 17:47 |
advanced | compiz confing manager | 17:47 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: hold on... | 17:47 |
advanced | btw thanks and sorry for noob question | 17:48 |
advanced | what i must do ? Which button enabled or what ? i dont see anything | 17:48 |
stephen | I've been running Kubuntu 4.0.4 for about 2 weeks now, and I've seen some interesting themes on kde-look.org and wouldn't mind installing one of these. Problem is, i can't find any solid instructions and the instructions I manage to stumble across don't seem to work | 17:48 |
Steve-cal | If I do a "kcmshell --list", I get some modules that don't seem to show up in my "kcontrol", e.g. "mountconfig" to control which partitions get mounted. Is there some way I can add all available modules to show up in my kcontrol? | 17:49 |
stephen | If anybody has a useful website, or any bits of advice which could help I'd be very appreciative | 17:49 |
advanced | !Cedega | 17:49 |
ubottu | cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 17:49 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: can you send me a screenie of that? http://imagebin.ca | 17:49 |
advanced | ok | 17:49 |
Steve-cal | stephen: You might want to try asking that in #kubuntu-kde4, might be more relevant to them. :) | 17:50 |
advanced | http://imagebin.ca/view/dYsrGyDl.html | 17:51 |
stephen | Steve-cal: thanks for that, I didn't think it was very relevant here so I was quite hesistant to ask but again, thanks :] | 17:51 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: ok. that is not it... | 17:51 |
advanced | xD | 17:51 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: look in system or utilities... | 17:51 |
Steve-cal | stephen: No problem, good luck. :) | 17:52 |
stephen | thanks :] | 17:52 |
advanced | and this | 17:52 |
advanced | http://imagebin.ca/view/YnZsNhO.html | 17:52 |
PPSD | hi, got the following problem: my network works fine but knetworkmanager says "no active devices"... any ideas? | 17:52 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: no, it is not in kcontrol. it is in kmenu. | 17:53 |
Steve-cal | PPSD: I noticed mine does the same thing too, but if you go to "manual configuration" you can still get your configured connections. I like to use "knetstats" to show my active connection. | 17:55 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: ok. if you can't find it. we' can just do a hack... | 17:56 |
advanced | ROFL :-D | 17:57 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: ready? | 17:57 |
advanced | yes | 17:57 |
advanced | wtf ??? | 17:57 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: create a new text file called ~/.kde/Autostart/compiz.desktop | 17:57 |
PPSD | Steve-cal: ok but i want to setup a vpn using knetwork manager | 17:58 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: "kate ~/.kde/Autostart/compiz.desktop" | 17:58 |
Odd-rationale | is the easiest way... | 17:58 |
advanced | kk | 17:58 |
advanced | i must find first Kate | 17:59 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: just type that line a terminal | 17:59 |
advanced | kk | 17:59 |
Odd-rationale | it will open kate automatically... | 17:59 |
Steve-cal | PPSD: I see, since I don't use knetworkmanager, I wasn't even aware you could set up a VPN with it. | 18:00 |
Odd-rationale | then in that file, put the following lines in it. http://pastebin.ca/1019193 | 18:00 |
advanced | opened | 18:00 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: ^ | 18:00 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: then save a close the file | 18:00 |
advanced | this ? | 18:01 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: logout and back in a hope that it works... | 18:01 |
advanced | [Desktop Entry] | 18:01 |
advanced | Encoding=UTF-8 | 18:01 |
advanced | Exec=compiz --replace ccp | 18:01 |
advanced | StartupNotify=false | 18:01 |
advanced | Terminal=false | 18:01 |
advanced | Type=Application | 18:01 |
advanced | X-KDE-autostart-after=kdesktop | 18:01 |
Odd-rationale | paste it the file not here!! | 18:01 |
advanced | kk sry | 18:01 |
advanced | i know :( | 18:01 |
server_ | kaneis Ellinas? | 18:01 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: you risked getting kick outa here... | 18:01 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: well, did it work | 18:02 |
Odd-rationale | ? | 18:02 |
advanced | wait | 18:03 |
Odd-rationale | i got to go eat lunch pretty soon... | 18:03 |
advanced | but i need emerald too | 18:04 |
Odd-rationale | advanced: compiz should start emerald... | 18:04 |
server_ | for greek kubuntu ? | 18:04 |
PPSD | Steve-cal: are there other gui tools to setup vpns? | 18:04 |
stdin | !gr | server_ | 18:04 |
ubottu | server_: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 18:04 |
advanced_ | works | 18:05 |
advanced_ | nice | 18:05 |
advanced_ | thx | 18:05 |
advanced_ | but not emerald | 18:05 |
Steve-cal | PPSD: I believe so, but just out curiosity, when you say VPN, do you mean you want file sharing or exactly what are you after? | 18:05 |
Odd-rationale | advanced_: did you put emerald in the command line in the window decoration plugin in ccsm? | 18:06 |
PPSD | Steve-cal: no i need to establish a PPTP vpn with a server at work | 18:06 |
advanced_ | i dont have plugin in ccsm | 18:06 |
advanced_ | btw which commmand is for fast uninstalling Cedega ? | 18:06 |
Odd-rationale | advanced_: open compizconfig-settings-manager. | 18:06 |
Steve-cal | PPSD: OK, well I have no experience with that, so sorry I can't help you. Good luck though. :) | 18:07 |
advanced_ | done | 18:07 |
PPSD | Steve-cal: thanks | 18:07 |
Odd-rationale | advanced_: look for the window decoration plugin | 18:07 |
PPSD | anyone else knows a GUI to setup vpns? | 18:07 |
Odd-rationale | advanced_: click on it. and for command type in emerald | 18:07 |
Daisuke_Laptop | people still use cedega? | 18:07 |
advanced_ | emerald --replace ? | 18:07 |
Odd-rationale | advanced_: just emerald | 18:08 |
advanced_ | k | 18:08 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i was under the impression that wine's compatibility was actually better than cedega these days | 18:08 |
Odd-rationale | advanced_: well i gtg eat... hope that works... if not. ask around... | 18:09 |
matthew_ | are there alternatives to wine? | 18:09 |
advanced_ | and command for uninstalling cedega ? | 18:09 |
stdin | advanced_: how did you install it? | 18:09 |
Daisuke_Laptop | matthew_: dual boot or run windows in a vm | 18:09 |
advanced_ | want to uninstall cedega | 18:10 |
Daisuke_Laptop | matthew_: technically you also have crossover office and cedega | 18:10 |
Daisuke_Laptop | advanced_: so you've said - can you answer the question? | 18:10 |
advanced_ | dont understand :-D | 18:10 |
stdin | advanced_: how did you install it? | 18:10 |
Daisuke_Laptop | how did you install cedega in the first place | 18:10 |
advanced_ | with deb package | 18:10 |
matthew_ | where can you get that? | 18:11 |
advanced_ | warez :( | 18:11 |
matthew_ | and do you need to unintall wine for it to work? | 18:11 |
Pici | !piracy | advanced_ | 18:11 |
ubottu | advanced_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 18:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ah, guess you shouldn't have done that, huh? | 18:11 |
advanced_ | no i want to first uninstall cedega and try install Wine for configure WoW | 18:11 |
stdin | remove it with adept/synaptic/apt-get/aptitude/dpkg, whatever you want | 18:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | wine works just fine for WoW | 18:12 |
advanced_ | yes...i know... | 18:12 |
server_ | Greek kubuntu is there | 18:12 |
advanced_ | but not for me :-D | 18:12 |
matthew_ | well, my kubuntu says that wine is installed | 18:12 |
matthew_ | but i can't find it anywhere | 18:12 |
stdin | server_: /join #ubuntu-gr | 18:12 |
Daisuke_Laptop | advanced_: did you set the graphics engine as opengl? | 18:13 |
stdin | matthew_: you run it like "wine some_app.exe" | 18:13 |
matthew_ | o rly? | 18:13 |
matthew_ | in the comand line? | 18:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | wine is not a standalone app, it's used to launch windows programs | 18:13 |
stdin | matthew_: you can set .exe files to be associated with wine too, if you want | 18:13 |
matthew_ | how? | 18:13 |
Daisuke_Laptop | stdin: in 8.04, once wine is installed, .exes are associated with wine (at least in ubuntu, can't speak for kubuntu) | 18:14 |
matthew_ | when i try what you said to do | 18:14 |
matthew_ | it says wine isn't installed | 18:14 |
stdin | Daisuke_Ido: I wouldn't know, never use it ;) | 18:14 |
matthew_ | but when i go to the add/remove programs | 18:14 |
matthew_ | it says it is | 18:14 |
Daisuke_Laptop | matthew_: apt-cache policy wine | 18:14 |
matthew_ | unable to locate package wine | 18:15 |
advanced_ | how to install firefox ? i download package form mozilla | 18:15 |
Daisuke_Laptop | sudo apt-get install wine | 18:15 |
eagles0513875 | thats weird | 18:15 |
eagles0513875 | java stopped working for me all together in firefox 3 | 18:15 |
advanced_ | i try | 18:15 |
matthew_ | that doesn't work either | 18:15 |
stdin | matthew_: make sure you have all the repositories enabled first | 18:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | advanced_: you appear to be mistaken on how to get linux software. | 18:16 |
advanced_ | sudo apt-get install firefox xD | 18:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !repos | advanced_ | 18:16 |
ubottu | advanced_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 18:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !packages | advanced_ | 18:16 |
ubottu | advanced_: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 18:16 |
advanced_ | works perfectly | 18:16 |
matthew_ | hmmmmmmmmmmm | 18:16 |
matthew_ | im running kubuntu in a vm | 18:17 |
matthew_ | do you think that has anything to do with it? | 18:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | you're running windows, then kubuntu in a vm, and wine in kubuntu? | 18:17 |
matthew_ | yeah | 18:17 |
matthew_ | trying anyway | 18:17 |
* Daisuke_Laptop facepalms | 18:17 | |
Daisuke_Laptop | why? | 18:17 |
Daisuke_Laptop | you have windows there, why would you need wine | 18:18 |
matthew_ | because i didn't want to screw with windows | 18:18 |
Pici | So you're screwing with wine instead? | 18:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i have a headache now | 18:18 |
matthew_ | i want to run windows aps in linux | 18:18 |
matthew_ | i know that sounds wierd | 18:18 |
advanced_ | i want to superkaramba running whe i start linux | 18:18 |
advanced_ | and don know how to do it | 18:18 |
Pennycook | matthew_: Wouldn't it be easier to just install Linux as your operating system, or have a separate partition? | 18:19 |
server_ | greek plzz? | 18:20 |
matthew_ | no | 18:20 |
matthew_ | it wouldn't be easier | 18:20 |
stdin | server_: you have been told where it is | 18:20 |
server_ | greek ubuntu chanel? | 18:20 |
stdin | [18:12]<stdin> server_: /join #ubuntu-gr | 18:21 |
Tw|sT | matthew_ : Are you doing this to test whether WINE can handle a few needed Windows applications? | 18:21 |
server_ | thss | 18:21 |
stdin | set it to auto-join or whatever | 18:21 |
Tw|sT | matthew_ : I know where your coming from if that's the case. I've had to do the same thing on a few systems that I run Linux on natively, such as a laptop up at my work. | 18:21 |
Pici | !gr | server_ | 18:22 |
ubottu | server_: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 18:22 |
advanced_ | !flash | 18:22 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 18:22 |
advanced_ | PLS | 18:23 |
Steve-cal | >If I do a "kcmshell --list", I get some modules that don't seem to show up in my "kcontrol", e.g. "mountconfig" to control which partitions get mounted. Is there some way I can add all available modules to show up in my kcontrol? (KDE 3.5) | 18:23 |
Tw|sT | I primarily use Linux as a server OS, but I also use it for forensic security work, as well as system rescue ( of win32 machines; sterile environment + Samba support) | 18:23 |
Daisuke_Laptop | advanced_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 18:23 |
matthew_ | well i try the sudo get-apt thing to install wine | 18:23 |
advanced_ | Sound when i see video dont WORK ! | 18:23 |
matthew_ | and then it tells me that the wine package was not found | 18:23 |
Tw|sT | yeah, you probably need to add the repo | 18:23 |
matthew_ | repo? | 18:23 |
Daisuke_Laptop | matthew_: what version of kubuntu are you using? | 18:23 |
Tw|sT | what build of Kubuntu are you running? | 18:24 |
matthew_ | harty | 18:24 |
advanced_ | hardy | 18:24 |
Daisuke_Laptop | universe and multiverse should be enabled by default. | 18:24 |
matthew_ | yeah | 18:24 |
matthew_ | what? | 18:24 |
Tw|sT | ok, the way I found it for my x64 box was via a google search. | 18:24 |
matthew_ | multiverse? | 18:24 |
matthew_ | hmmm | 18:24 |
matthew_ | trying that... | 18:24 |
Tw|sT | matthew_ : do you have synaptic installed? | 18:24 |
Tw|sT | go to a console and type: apt-get install synaptic | 18:25 |
stdin | kubuntu uses Adept, no Synaptic | 18:25 |
stdin | s/no/not/ | 18:25 |
Daisuke_Laptop | stdin: and that is a serious shortcoming :D | 18:25 |
Tw|sT | right. you can add it though | 18:25 |
Tw|sT | and works way better | 18:25 |
Tw|sT | Adept, to me, is totally for novices | 18:25 |
stdin | Daisuke_Ido: adept is "ok" | 18:25 |
Daisuke_Laptop | it is "ok" | 18:26 |
stdin | it installs stuff and removes stuff, it'll do | 18:26 |
khaije1 | in what way is synaptic better than adept? | 18:26 |
Tw|sT | I demand a lot more in depth capability... mostly because I've been using computers since 1985 | 18:26 |
advanced_ | sount doesnt work for me with i watch flash videos | 18:26 |
stdin | Tw|sT: I use aptitude, but adept is fine for the normal user | 18:26 |
matthew_ | im not finding any wine packages | 18:26 |
stdin | Tw|sT: and it's the easiest way to enable sources | 18:27 |
khaije1 | imho adept is a superset of synaptic's features | 18:27 |
Tw|sT | also, with synaptic, there's an option 'auto-add recommended packages' which helps eliminate dependency problems later | 18:27 |
Tw|sT | true | 18:27 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ot, but 85 was the point where i got into them as well | 18:27 |
Tw|sT | : stdin very true | 18:27 |
thorkemado | hola, or hi!! | 18:27 |
Tw|sT | it is the easiest for a newbie to get upto speed | 18:27 |
advanced_ | pls help :-D | 18:28 |
thorkemado | somebody could help me with the flash plugin of firefox? | 18:28 |
Tw|sT | I guess really it all just depends on experience level | 18:28 |
advanced_ | !help | 18:28 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 18:28 |
advanced_ | !sound | 18:28 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 18:28 |
Tw|sT | thorkemado : have you installed anything to give Firefox flash support? | 18:28 |
Tw|sT | brb... | 18:29 |
matthew_ | when i run the package installer it tells me that dependancy is not verifiable | 18:29 |
Daisuke_Laptop | thorkemado: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 18:29 |
* Tw|sT goes looking up the packages | 18:29 | |
thorkemado | y have tried, but iv got a error!! | 18:29 |
Tw|sT | boom | 18:29 |
Tw|sT | there ya go | 18:29 |
Tw|sT | what's the error? | 18:29 |
thorkemado | hold on for a second... | 18:29 |
advanced_ | !flash_help | 18:29 |
ubottu | Factoid flash_help not found | 18:29 |
Tw|sT | !flash | 18:30 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 18:30 |
Tw|sT | !Gnash | 18:30 |
ubottu | An open source flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/ | 18:30 |
advanced_ | but sound doesnt work for me | 18:30 |
advanced_ | :( | 18:30 |
Tw|sT | advanced_ : has your sound card been detected? | 18:30 |
thorkemado | ok im going to tru told you waht i do ti install de plugin | 18:31 |
Tw|sT | you can find out quickly just by opening Kmix | 18:31 |
advanced_ | Only flash videos doesnt work | 18:31 |
advanced_ | Normal amarok works perfectly | 18:31 |
Tw|sT | ah... you need some kinda FLV support then. | 18:31 |
thorkemado | I enter on de adept program and search "flash" and i find swf-player paquet | 18:31 |
advanced_ | ok i try | 18:32 |
massimo | ciao | 18:32 |
thorkemado | and try ti install but sais the and erorr has ocurred its probably one of the paket couldnt be donwload... | 18:32 |
Tw|sT | have you checked out 'voobys.com' ? pretty much anything that you find on Youtube, replace youtube.com in the URL with voobys.com, and it'll take you to a page where you can download the video in FLV format, along with a player to play it back. | 18:32 |
Tw|sT | I've had to use that on a few systems | 18:33 |
Tw|sT | not to mention it's a nice way to get a backup copy of a youtube vid | 18:33 |
matthew_ | you can also use www.vixy.net to download youtube vids | 18:33 |
Tw|sT | right on | 18:34 |
Tw|sT | :) | 18:34 |
matthew_ | yeah, it also can rip the audio from the vid | 18:34 |
matthew_ | it's pretty cool | 18:34 |
matthew_ | the only bad thing is that it takes a while | 18:34 |
advanced_ | I CANNOT use WINE because he have big window...damn | 18:34 |
matthew_ | and sometimes it'll mess up the track length | 18:34 |
Tw|sT | hmm... I'd like to do that with some of the youtube vids I found of Cesar Huesca ( awesome guitarist from Brazil; he has his own Youtube channel) | 18:35 |
Tw|sT | he covers a lot of Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, etc. | 18:35 |
matthew_ | how did you say to run an exe with wine again? | 18:35 |
matthew_ | from the konsole | 18:36 |
Tw|sT | wine appname | 18:36 |
matthew_ | do you have to be in the same dir as the app? | 18:36 |
matthew_ | (i know that sounds like a dumb Q) | 18:36 |
Tw|sT | it helps to be in the folder with the app, otherwise you have to put in the path to it, and even then, mixed results. | 18:36 |
matthew_ | k | 18:36 |
* matthew_ is trying that | 18:37 | |
Tw|sT | oh | 18:37 |
advanced_ | i cannot edit wine :( | 18:37 |
Tw|sT | hey, open wine by itself one time from the command line if you haven't already | 18:37 |
Tw|sT | you may need to type sudo su | 18:37 |
matthew_ | me? | 18:37 |
Tw|sT | that'll raise you to root so you can config wine | 18:37 |
matthew_ | huh? | 18:37 |
Tw|sT | once the global config for wine is set, exit sudo and try running your wine app | 18:38 |
eagles0513875 | i dunno if u guys have read but wine 1 release client if all goes to plan will be out in june | 18:38 |
Tw|sT | hmm... nice | 18:38 |
matthew_ | wait, how am i supposed to config wine? | 18:38 |
Tw|sT | brb | 18:39 |
killtrip | hello | 18:40 |
techbw | hi all, anyone know if softline pastel will work using wine? | 18:40 |
techbw | only info i have found was that they were considering creating a linux version, but this has as yet not been done | 18:41 |
* Tw|sT is opening up a session to his Kubuntu-x64 box via Xming from a Vista Ult. laptop | 18:41 | |
matthew_ | installing wine... | 18:41 |
killtrip | anyone got a few mins to help me out? I'm learning, and something new has happened that I am confused about | 18:41 |
matthew_ | i'm new too, so yeah... | 18:41 |
matthew_ | Tw|sT, wine is now installed and im in my root | 18:42 |
killtrip | I've got some windows that have greyed out and are unresponsive.. whats that mean? and how do I fix it? | 18:42 |
matthew_ | what do i do now? | 18:42 |
SlimeyPete | killtrip: it means that the application has crashed, usually. You can try pressing alt+f2 , typing "xkill", pressing return then clicking on the window to kill it. | 18:43 |
jhutchins_wk | matthew_: Are you asking how to run a windows program with wine? | 18:43 |
matthew_ | yeah | 18:43 |
matthew_ | it just gave me a ton of crap | 18:44 |
techbw | mathew: you can use consol to open the program, wine /path/to/file | 18:44 |
killtrip | SlimeyPete: I did that and the windows are still open | 18:45 |
matthew_ | i just tried that | 18:45 |
techbw | mathew:what prog u wanting to open | 18:45 |
matthew_ | a counter strike setup | 18:46 |
techbw | mathew: not sure if couterstike is known to work using wine, have you googled to find that out? | 18:47 |
SlimeyPete | killtrip: oh dear... sounds like they're really broken then. You might have to log out to get rid of them. | 18:47 |
matthew_ | no | 18:47 |
matthew_ | should i have? | 18:47 |
killtrip | boo, ok.. thanks | 18:47 |
techbw | mathew: google to find out if anyone else has been able to get it running on wine. | 18:47 |
=== Xerxes is now known as poisonblack | ||
=== poisonblack is now known as Xerxes | ||
techbw | mathew: might save you alot of time | 18:48 |
matthew_ | k, i'll look it up | 18:48 |
matthew_ | let me config wine first... | 18:48 |
matteo_ | ciao a tutti | 18:48 |
matteo_ | ma e' inglese sto canale | 18:48 |
techbw | mathew: there is another program...can't quite remember the name...but it is designed specifically for gaming on linux | 18:48 |
matthew_ | sweet | 18:48 |
matthew_ | i'll look into it | 18:49 |
matteo_ | matthew tell me the problem | 18:49 |
matthew_ | rar linux is lagging like heck... | 18:49 |
matthew_ | what? | 18:49 |
=== uga|away is now known as uga | ||
matteo_ | a game not running on wine? | 18:49 |
matthew_ | no, i don't know how to run the game on wine | 18:50 |
matthew_ | i think i got it though | 18:50 |
matthew_ | let me check | 18:50 |
matteo_ | you have ubuntu? | 18:50 |
matthew_ | kubuntu | 18:50 |
matthew_ | yeah | 18:50 |
matteo_ | wine istalled? | 18:50 |
matthew_ | yup | 18:50 |
matteo_ | game is on a cd? | 18:51 |
matthew_ | no | 18:51 |
matthew_ | it's an exe | 18:51 |
matthew_ | got it from a torrent | 18:51 |
matteo_ | yust open and install | 18:51 |
matthew_ | open the exe? | 18:51 |
techbw | mathew: is it a install file...or a self extracting zip file??? | 18:52 |
matthew_ | it's an install/setup | 18:52 |
uga | matthew_: wine setup.exe | 18:52 |
matteo_ | if wine is istalled the program automaticaly runs exe files | 18:53 |
techbw | can you poing me to the torrent...then I can download and try the install | 18:53 |
techbw | what size is the torrent? | 18:53 |
matthew_ | it's a ktorrent file | 18:53 |
matthew_ | about 300mb | 18:53 |
matteo_ | if it is an exe wine automaticaly open it | 18:53 |
techbw | damn...take too long on my connection | 18:53 |
uga | uh? lol, wtf is that. torrents are usually tiny ;) | 18:53 |
matteo_ | if you click on the exe that you get? | 18:54 |
techbw | the contents of the torrent...not the .torrent file itself | 18:54 |
techbw | uga | 18:54 |
matthew_ | i think i just got it to wokr | 18:54 |
matthew_ | work* | 18:54 |
matteo_ | if you click on the exe that you get? | 18:54 |
matthew_ | i just tried, it started to open a window | 18:55 |
matthew_ | then crashed | 18:55 |
techbw | my wine does not run .exe files unless i apppend wine to the front ... wierd...dunno | 18:55 |
shaffy | can someone please tell me how i get my taskbar back?? | 18:55 |
jhutchins_wk | shaffy: try dcop kicker kicker restart | 18:55 |
techbw | mathew:are you wanting to run server on linux or play the game | 18:55 |
uga | techbw: it's not wine that does, it's the file manager that uses wine to run them | 18:55 |
matteo_ | but is wine that try to open it or another program??? | 18:55 |
matthew_ | i wants to play the game | 18:55 |
matthew_ | yeah, it's not working | 18:56 |
matteo_ | but is wine that try to open it or another program??? | 18:56 |
matthew_ | wait.... | 18:56 |
matthew_ | IT WORKETH! | 18:56 |
* uga reads certain grammar and thinks... me Tarzan, you Jane | 18:56 | |
matthew_ | yeah | 18:56 |
matthew_ | i like lolspeak | 18:56 |
matteo_ | work? | 18:56 |
techbw | ? | 18:56 |
uga | matthew_: "i wants to play the game" | 18:56 |
matteo_ | right button on the exe "open with" select wine | 18:57 |
matthew_ | i know that isn't correct | 18:57 |
matthew_ | i like lolspeak | 18:57 |
matthew_ | it's working, anyway | 18:57 |
matthew_ | thanks guys | 18:57 |
techbw | good news. | 18:57 |
techbw | let me know what graphics is like...compared to on windows | 18:58 |
matthew_ | i don't think it'll work very well | 18:58 |
matthew_ | it's just nice to know that i can now run windows stuff | 18:58 |
shane__ | hey i have locked a file on desktop kubuntu forbiden to all how can i open it up now? | 18:58 |
Jabop | I have an error with Dolphin. When I click anywhere in Dolphin when I'm in a certain directory I get this message: | 18:58 |
Jabop | The desktop entry file | 18:58 |
Jabop | /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop | 18:58 |
Jabop | has an invalid menu entry | 18:58 |
Jabop | addAsPodcast. | 18:58 |
techbw | i am also looking for info on running a windows app...softline pastel...an accounting package, does anyone know if it will run ...have searched google...but no info on google | 18:59 |
shaffy | jhutchins_wk: thanks! | 18:59 |
jussi01 | !appdb | techbw | 18:59 |
ubottu | techbw: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org | 18:59 |
techbw | ubottu: much appreciated | 18:59 |
ubottu | techbw: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:59 |
jussi01 | :) | 19:00 |
jussi01 | !info gnucash | techbw | 19:00 |
ubottu | techbw: gnucash (source: gnucash): A personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.4-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1706 kB, installed size 5036 kB | 19:00 |
techbw | this bot is quite intelegent...asking a q in plain english and it undertood me? | 19:01 |
techbw | wow | 19:01 |
jussi01 | techbw: no, I called those for you | 19:01 |
Xbehave_ | !hello > Xbehave_. | 19:01 |
Xbehave_ | !hello > Xbehave_ | 19:01 |
shane__ | is there a admin option i can use to open a locked file | 19:01 |
jussi01 | Xbehave_: see pms.... | 19:01 |
jussi01 | shane__: yes, there is, what are you trying to open? | 19:02 |
techbw | tx..was wondering...how does one do that? | 19:02 |
Xbehave_ | yeah i was trying to get a pm channel open without registering turns out it cant be done :( | 19:02 |
=== Xbehave_ is now known as Xbehave | ||
shane__ | i put a file on my desktop and then put all groups in forbiden in the propertys menu now i cant reset that or remove the file atall | 19:02 |
jussi01 | techbw: the bot responds to anything starting with "!" or "ubottu" | 19:03 |
jussi01 | techbw: ie. | 19:03 |
jussi01 | !test | 19:03 |
ubottu | Failed | 19:03 |
techbw | jussi01: nothing in winehq dw | 19:03 |
techbw | db | 19:03 |
Firefishe | I have a sony clie' PEG-TJ37 palm handheld from a few years back. I'm using kubuntu and would like some information on syncing it with kpilot. | 19:04 |
=== jacob_ is now known as Jabopz | ||
jussi01 | techbw: if you want to tryit out, feel free to join #ubuntu-bots | 19:04 |
athlon1 | can any help me with compiz? My computer have two screens and after installing compiz, when i mazimize, windows size if of both screens. The sistem considers both screens as I and dialog appear cut by half, one piece on each screen Why is that? thanks | 19:04 |
techbw | tanx | 19:04 |
=== Jabopz is now known as Jabop|work | ||
jussi01 | !portables | Firefishe | 19:04 |
ubottu | Firefishe: Guides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/ | 19:04 |
jussi01 | athlon1: try in #compiz-fusion | 19:05 |
shane__ | jussi01: i set propertys on a file on my desktop as forbidden i need to change that but it states only owner has access | 19:05 |
Firefishe | thanks jussi01..I'll do an RTFM and let you know how I made out :) thank you | 19:05 |
siofwolves | Jabop, i had that prob too. -> http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.php?showtopic=20824 | 19:05 |
shane__ | jussi01: i am the owner it was a file i fished of of my other computer | 19:05 |
jussi01 | shane__: go to terminal, type: kdesu konqueror | 19:05 |
athlon1 | OK, i'm going to install it... Thanks. | 19:06 |
shane__ | jussi01: ok | 19:06 |
jussi01 | shane__: when that opens, you can navigate to the file and right click -properties - permissions and change stuff | 19:06 |
techbw | will have to just try installing pastel to see if it will work..can't get any info. does not look like a popular prog | 19:06 |
shane__ | jussi01: konqueror: WARNING: Can't open /root/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml | 19:07 |
Jabop | siofwolves: Thanks much! | 19:07 |
jussi01 | shane__: ignore it | 19:07 |
siofwolves | np | 19:07 |
shane__ | jussi01: ok TY | 19:07 |
JackWinter | is there a way within the package system to install an older version of a program ? | 19:09 |
uga | JackWinter: dpkg -i oldpackage.deb? | 19:09 |
athlon1 | sussi01; How can install compiz-fusion. I've installed most of packages of compiz and can't find compiz-fusion (i've installed compiz-fusion-bcop) | 19:10 |
JackWinter | uga: ok, and how do i find out the old package name ? | 19:10 |
stdin | !compiz | athlon1 | 19:10 |
ubottu | athlon1: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 19:10 |
shane__ | jussi01: the file im looking for is on my desktop and i cant find it in konqueror | 19:10 |
uga | JackWinter: ?¿ don't you knwo what program you want to install | 19:10 |
jussi01 | shane__: type into the address bar in konqueror: ~/desktop | 19:11 |
jussi01 | hang on | 19:11 |
_ZeuZ_ | How can I turn the Log Out effect of default KDE 3.5.9 on Hardy? | 19:11 |
jussi01 | ~/Desktop | 19:11 |
athlon1 | OK, thanks. | 19:12 |
shane__ | jussi01: file does not exist | 19:12 |
JackWinter | an older version of vlc. i have vlc 0.8.6.e and want to try 0.8.6.c which seems more stable on my 7.10, than the one on 8.04 | 19:12 |
jussi01 | shane__: the captital d is important.. | 19:12 |
shane__ | yes i used cap d | 19:12 |
shane__ | jussi01: The file or folder ~/Desktop does not exist. | 19:13 |
stdin | jussi01: kdesu sets $HOME to /root | 19:13 |
jussi01 | stdin: heh... /me headdesks | 19:14 |
jussi01 | shane__: what is your login name? | 19:14 |
shane__ | shane | 19:14 |
shane__ | jussi01: shane | 19:14 |
jussi01 | shane__: so type int to konq's address bar: /home/shane/Desktop/ | 19:14 |
stdin | or just '~shane/Desktop' | 19:15 |
shane__ | jussi01: stdin k TY got it | 19:16 |
jussi01 | :) | 19:16 |
JackWinter | uga: an older version of vlc. i have vlc 0.8.6.e and want to try 0.8.6.c which seems more stable on my 7.10, than the one on 8.04 | 19:16 |
=== rignes_ is now known as rignes | ||
uga | JackWinter: then you need the older vlc version's .deb file first | 19:18 |
uga | JackWinter: it might still be there in the ubuntu mirrors | 19:18 |
graft | yo, how do i get pulseaudio to start up automatically? | 19:18 |
graft | it never starts when i login, i have to start it by hand | 19:19 |
JackWinter | uga: aha, thanks, i'll go hunting. it's in the repos for gutsy | 19:19 |
jussi01 | !bum | graft | 19:20 |
ubottu | graft: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 19:20 |
graft | jussi01: what? | 19:21 |
jussi01 | graft: it was a suggestion for starting pulse at boot... | 19:22 |
jussi01 | graft: see the bit from the bot | 19:22 |
graft | jussi01: okay, but it doesn't say anything about how to start from boot | 19:22 |
graft | also, if it starts from boot wouldn't it run as root? | 19:22 |
jussi01 | !autostart | graft | 19:23 |
ubottu | graft: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html | 19:23 |
jussi01 | graft: your choice on how you want it | 19:23 |
graft | any idee what the autostart directory in kde4 is? | 19:24 |
graft | i read it was .kde4/share/autostart, but that doesn't seem to work | 19:24 |
_ZeuZ_ | or just copy a sh script to start it in .kde/autostart and chmod +x it | 19:24 |
jhutchins_wk | graft: #kubuntu-kde4 may be more help. | 19:25 |
graft | yoich. | 19:25 |
jhutchins_wk | _ZeuZ_: I tried that on 3.5, doesn't seem to work. | 19:25 |
=== yetifuss is now known as nice_m | ||
_ZeuZ_ | jhutchins, with mine, it works | 19:26 |
_ZeuZ_ | just create a sh script that launches whatever you need, then copy it to ~/.kde/Autostart and chmod +x it | 19:27 |
jhutchins_wk | Actually, I don't see that the file is there after all. Maybe I _meant_ to do it... let's see. | 19:27 |
_ZeuZ_ | if you do it that way, it will. | 19:27 |
_ZeuZ_ | x'DDD | 19:27 |
biopod | hi all. looking for some way to activate dual screen in kde (Nvidia card) with the DVI port to be the main screen. | 19:30 |
jussi01 | !dualhead | biopod | 19:35 |
ubottu | biopod: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 19:35 |
jussi01 | !xinerama > biopod | 19:35 |
andrewbenson | Hi | 19:37 |
andrewbenson | Not sure if I'm in the right place. I'm having boot problems since upgrading to Hardy Heron. I dual boot with windows 2000. I just get a grub prompt now, but I can get it to boot (using it now). | 19:40 |
=== helder is now known as hts_ | ||
Firefishe | brb | 19:56 |
JackWinter | is there a way to install some gutsy packages into hardy ? | 19:59 |
JackWinter | i mean through the packaga manager ? | 20:00 |
Sallin | I suppose by setting the proper repositories | 20:00 |
shane_ | when i start up i get this message"xine was unable to open any audio drivers" any ideas on how to fix | 20:01 |
jhutchins_wk | !sound | 20:02 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 20:02 |
uno | how do i get my nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000] to use resolutions above 640*480? | 20:06 |
uno | !nvidia | 20:07 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 20:07 |
JackWinter | uga: how would i go about getting the old packages onto my system ? | 20:14 |
shane_ | ok i looked at the page ubotto sent up and its not a fix i am running a foxconn board and p4 2gig cpu if this helps at all is there a comand i can use to find if there is a sound device installed | 20:16 |
Zefir | I think my HDD has bad sectors. How do I scan it? I am mainly interested in scanning three NTFS partitions. | 20:17 |
rimad | is kubuntu rolling release distro? | 20:19 |
llutz | nope | 20:19 |
rimad | thats crap, how often major versions are out? | 20:20 |
Pici | rimad: Every 6 months | 20:20 |
llutz | fixed release cycles, 2 times/yr + security-updates | 20:20 |
crash__ | Zefir: Best method is running chkdsk /r on the partition (from Windows) | 20:21 |
Zefir | crash__: I shalt not use that profanity of a operating system. | 20:21 |
Zefir | crash__: Mainly because it's broken... >_> | 20:21 |
crash__ | got an XP install CD you can boot from? Do it from the recovery console | 20:22 |
Zefir | Oh? I can get a command line there? | 20:22 |
crash__ | indeed | 20:22 |
crash__ | boot from the CD | 20:22 |
crash__ | At the FIRST screen, hit "R" to enter a console | 20:23 |
kreib | python support for kwrite? | 20:23 |
nixninja | quick question has anyone had any problems downloading files from web pages since upgrading to Hardy? | 20:24 |
Zefir | chkdsk /r from cmd line... Hm, ok, thanks, I'll try that later. | 20:24 |
Sallin | define problems? | 20:24 |
nixninja | times out every time I try to download a torrent file | 20:25 |
nixninja | from firefox and from Ktorrent | 20:25 |
Sallin | haven't tried to dl a torrent lately, sorry :) | 20:26 |
nixninja | same with wget | 20:26 |
dave11 | god fedora is a nightmare | 20:28 |
stunatra | Fedora's KDE is bloated. | 20:28 |
llutz | kubuntus KDE is crippled :) | 20:29 |
stunatra | Fedora KDE bloated with GTK apps. | 20:29 |
dave11 | the live cd is a nightmare to try to run | 20:29 |
dave11 | even with a good burn it gave me 15 IO errors the disk refused to eject until I reorganized the boot device priority | 20:31 |
stunatra | F9? | 20:32 |
dave11 | i have a flakey drive which takes 5 pushes of the button before it will eject any disk but it wouldnt eject period | 20:35 |
smeril | i was going to change my mac key but i managed to fuck up and write over some important lines in a text editor now i am using wirless internet and i cant use the wire connection | 20:36 |
vlt | I'm installing Kubuntu now and am stuck in the partitioning process. I have set up a partition for /boot and a dm-crypt volume. How can I create and LVM volume now? I can't find that menu entry. Can anyone help? | 20:37 |
vlt | Ok, I found it. I have to select "use as ..." and then lvm. | 20:45 |
shukaku | join #espaciolinux | 20:46 |
=== sven is now known as sven_ | ||
fooks | would you guys say is safe to upgrade to hardy for us gutsy users? | 20:49 |
fooks | has the dust cleared? | 20:49 |
Pennycook | fooks: Three of the computers in my house have been upgraded from gutsy cleanly. | 20:50 |
crash__ | Except for KDE4, its quite stable | 20:50 |
fooks | ive had a bad upgrade before | 20:51 |
fooks | i still have nightmares from it | 20:51 |
Pennycook | fooks: Happened to me on the upgrade to gutsy, but the Hardy upgrade has seemed a lot better from the off. | 20:51 |
fooks | Pennycook, maybe ill give it a go | 20:51 |
fooks | im not sure | 20:51 |
fooks | need to back some stuff up first | 20:51 |
Pennycook | Always a good idea | 20:52 |
=== niclas is now known as philippon | ||
fooks | it froze on my last time over some lame file encryption package that i never even remembered installing | 20:52 |
Itaku | whats a good magnifier program? | 20:52 |
fooks | kmag | 20:52 |
crash__ | !usplash | 20:54 |
ubottu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 20:54 |
scifi | I recently bought a 2nd user laptop from ebay which is pre-loaded with vista. It's specs are Intel C2D T5600 1.83GHZ x2, 1GB ram, Intel® 950GMA 3D graphics with up to 128MB shared memory. I havent received the laptop yet, but I'm assuming, knowing how resource hungry Vista is that performance may feel sluggish. So im considering kubuntu instead, my only big concern is battery life... | 20:55 |
scifi | does kubuntu have good power management options? | 20:55 |
Odd-rationale | scifi: yes. guidance-power-manager | 20:56 |
scifi | isnt that just an indicator, or does it actually allow you to tweak power settings? | 20:57 |
Odd-rationale | scifi: it allows some tweaking.. | 20:57 |
scifi | ok thankyou, i take it kubuntu will run pretty smoothly on the specs shown above? | 20:59 |
myk_robinson | hey. Anyone able to help me with an APC battery backup? I have installed and configured apcupsd, and the status of the unit is showing if i run apcaccess. I tried a power down test, without my computer hooked into the battery, and was never given an onscreen indication that the computer was going to shutdown. | 21:02 |
myk_robinson | my apc log file showed that the computer did detect that the apc was running on batteries, however. So it is communicating with the computer | 21:02 |
* Daisuke_Ido mumbles incoherently about how Schizm won't play properly under wine | 21:04 | |
Daisuke_Ido | looks like it might be a codec issue | 21:06 |
fooks | whats a cheap affordable laptop | 21:06 |
fooks | like the eee pc | 21:07 |
fooks | but yet not the eee pc | 21:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | fooks: the eee pc | 21:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's about it for ultraportables | 21:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | for now, at least | 21:07 |
fooks | are they selling the olpc? | 21:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | wait for the new ones to come out, larger screen (1024x600) | 21:07 |
fooks | Daisuke_Ido, yeah i saw that | 21:07 |
scifi | try ebay, got my ultraportable for £240 | 21:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | i think they stopped, or at least stopped the get one give one promotion | 21:08 |
fooks | i read that the thinkpads run linux the best | 21:08 |
fooks | or the dell 1420blahblah laptop rather | 21:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | works great on my dell 1420 | 21:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | :D | 21:08 |
_CrashMaster_ | !ot | 21:08 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 21:08 |
fooks | _CrashMaster_, how else would i know if kubuntu ran well on it? | 21:09 |
fooks | oh its a support question alright! aha | 21:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | _CrashMaster_: i'm not sure that discussing how well the distro runs on particular laptops is offtopic. that sounds like a support issue. | 21:09 |
scifi | is kde 4 stable, or shud i stay with the last rock solid stable release? | 21:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | scifi: personal recommendation, stick with 3.5 until 4.1 comes out at least | 21:09 |
_CrashMaster_ | Daisuke_and fooks: Apologies. That wasnt directed at anyone. I put it up because I forgot the OT channel name | 21:10 |
fooks | scifi, i concur with Daisuke_Ido | 21:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | 4.0.x is alright, but there's still a lot missing | 21:10 |
scifi | k thx guys | 21:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | _CrashMaster_: ah, no worries then :) | 21:10 |
fooks | ever since i install gutsy my system has been so stable that im almost bored | 21:11 |
fooks | i got used to reinstalling and reconfiguring stuff all the time | 21:11 |
scifi | gutsy? thoight it was called hardy heron? | 21:12 |
fooks | scifi, i haven't upgraded yet | 21:12 |
scifi | o right | 21:13 |
fooks | but anywho | 21:13 |
_CrashMaster_ | uno: Where is my server printout? | 21:13 |
fooks | im off | 21:13 |
fooks | peace | 21:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | i had a hard system lockup the other day... most exciting thing to happen since i installed hardy | 21:14 |
seb__ | hello everybody | 21:14 |
seb__ | i'm new here and i'm new on linux and ubuntu | 21:15 |
seb__ | someone know how can i do to speak about another thing with irc | 21:15 |
seb__ | ? | 21:15 |
seb__ | because here all speak english and i'm french | 21:16 |
Pennycook | !fr | 21:16 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 21:16 |
scifi | :) | 21:16 |
seb__ | yes | 21:16 |
scifi | If only i wasnt a gamer, wud have dropped windows a long time ago :s | 21:17 |
shane_ | anyone able to solve video and video isue | 21:17 |
shane_ | lol audio | 21:17 |
=== v6lur_ is now known as v6lur | ||
scifi | no, i only do video and video issues :D | 21:18 |
uga | shane_: ask about the issue, else we cannot tell | 21:18 |
uga | and you'll only get silly answers like those from scifi ;)) | 21:18 |
shane_ | ok i startup and i get this message"xine was unable to initialise any audio drivers." if i open caffien media player it says i need codec and then doesnt open a sight says error | 21:19 |
uga | shane_: it's trying to use the xine backend and somehow it's got issues... have you tried changing the backend in kaffeine? | 21:20 |
psyco | has anyone install "frameworks" its a stop motion animation program | 21:20 |
crs | kubuntu is boring... it works ;/ | 21:20 |
scifi | will kubuntu connect to a vista system on a wireless network ok? | 21:20 |
shane_ | umm i installed kubuntu yesterday can we be more specific and im a newby to linux | 21:20 |
uga | shane_: okay... do other applications play music? | 21:21 |
uga | or sounds? | 21:21 |
uga | like, when you log into the desktop, or errors, or amarok or... any other app | 21:21 |
=== ubuntu is now known as pulaski | ||
shane_ | no sounds iv tryed configuring sound and to no response kmix shows no mixer | 21:22 |
Pennycook | scifi: They'll be able to share files, yes. | 21:22 |
scifi | Pennycook, cheers | 21:22 |
uga | shane_: okay then it's a base issue. Do you know what your soundcard model is? | 21:23 |
shane_ | is there a way i can see if i have a sound card | 21:23 |
shane_ | its a foxconn onboard | 21:23 |
uga | sure there is, but I hope you have a soundcard =) | 21:23 |
_CrashMaster_ | shane_: lspci and then look for something relating to sound | 21:23 |
uga | shane_: lets check... type in a konsole: "lspci |grep -i sound" | 21:23 |
_CrashMaster_ | uga: have him grep "audio" as well, probably | 21:24 |
shane_ | how did umake that long line | 21:24 |
uga | ah, true | 21:24 |
_CrashMaster_ | shift + bkspc | 21:24 |
_CrashMaster_ | err | 21:24 |
_CrashMaster_ | shift + blackslash | 21:24 |
shane_ | i do the "lspci |grep -i sound" and i get nothin | 21:27 |
uga | shane_: okay, just type "lspci" alone | 21:27 |
uga | you'll get a long list, don't get daunted | 21:28 |
uga | check if there's anything that sounds like your soundcard model name, or something (anything) related to audio/sound | 21:28 |
uga | mine for example says 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 21:28 |
shane_ | _CrashMaster_: ok i get allot that way | 21:28 |
psyco | Can someone help me wiuth this error when running ./configure? http://pastebin.com/m5c90b9c3 | 21:28 |
_CrashMaster_ | shane_: Thats your sound card then. | 21:29 |
uga | shane_: could you paste what you get here: ? http://paste.ubuntu.com | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:00.0 Host bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661FX/M661FX/M661MX Host (rev 11) | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS AGP Port (virtual PCI-to-PCI bridge) | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:02.0 ISA bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS964 [MuTIOL Media IO] (rev 36) | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:02.5 IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5513 [IDE] (rev 01) | 21:29 |
uga | arf! not here in the channel! | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:03.0 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 1.1 Controller (rev 0f) | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:03.1 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 1.1 Controller (rev 0f) | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:03.2 USB Controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 1.1 Controller (rev 0f) | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:04.0 Ethernet controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS900 PCI Fast Ethernet (rev 90) | 21:29 |
shane_ | 00:09.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Marvell W8300 802.11 Adapter (rev 07) | 21:29 |
shane_ | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV630 [Radeon HD 2600 AGP Series] | 21:29 |
SlimeyPete | woah | 21:29 |
llutz | !paste | shane_ | 21:29 |
ubottu | shane_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 21:29 |
_CrashMaster_ | psyco: Looks like you need to instsall some libraries. | 21:30 |
uga | shane_: what you just did is called channel flooding, and it's forbidden | 21:30 |
shane_ | sorry guys | 21:30 |
uga | shane_: you paste in http://paste.ubuntu.com | 21:30 |
uga | not in the channel | 21:30 |
SlimeyPete | it's a common mistake though | 21:30 |
SlimeyPete | no need to feel bad about it | 21:30 |
shane_ | iv opened paste now my apoligies | 21:30 |
crs | What do I need to make k3b transcoding mp3 to wave while making audio cd? | 21:30 |
psyco | _CrashMaster_: yes, but i can't find them :S | 21:30 |
_CrashMaster_ | psyco: tried the repo? | 21:30 |
uga | shane_: okay, it seems we have an issue here, there's nothing about soundcards in your pci list | 21:31 |
crs | ok, i habe found. :) | 21:31 |
crs | have* | 21:31 |
psyco | _CrashMaster_: err you mean like adept? | 21:31 |
_CrashMaster_ | psyco: Yup. | 21:31 |
uga | shane_: the kernel couldnt' find a soundcard there | 21:31 |
uga | shane_: is it a normal motherboard soundcard? an external one? or a usb one? | 21:31 |
shane_ | ok so i need to add a soundblaster card then | 21:31 |
psyco | _CrashMaster_: Yup | 21:31 |
shane_ | it motherboard | 21:32 |
shane_ | k ill install my soundblaster TY | 21:32 |
_CrashMaster_ | psyco: stand by, im looking | 21:32 |
psyco | _CrashMaster_: Alright, awesome. | 21:32 |
_CrashMaster_ | shane_: is your soundcard disabled in the bios? | 21:33 |
tux | i have a problem with the splash screen it gets messed up | 21:33 |
tux | how can i fix that? | 21:33 |
_CrashMaster_ | !x | 21:33 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 21:33 |
crs | hmm this is from k3b, I cant burn cd ;/ | 21:34 |
crs | Errno: 5 (Input/output error), write_g1 scsi sendcmd: no error | 21:34 |
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crs | Any ideas what might be wrong? ;( | 21:35 |
uga | crs: permissions? | 21:36 |
uga | crs: is your user in group "cdrom"? | 21:37 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as pulaski | ||
uga | crs: you could try running "kdesu k3b" to check if permissions is the issue | 21:38 |
_CrashMaster_ | psyco: try "sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0" | 21:38 |
_CrashMaster_ | then recompile | 21:38 |
psyco | Ok sec | 21:38 |
Steve-cal | When I make changes to my Kmenu, which file does it save its changes to? | 21:41 |
Mallias_lar | problem with shell scripting... anyone expert? | 21:43 |
stdin | Steve-cal: they get stored in ~/.local/share/applications | 21:43 |
_CrashMaster_ | stdin! | 21:43 |
crs | uga: yes, I am in cdrom group. I'm trying now as a root | 21:46 |
crs | uga: k3b says as root that i must try TAO, i did and now it stucks at 0% speeding up and slowing down cdrom all the time... | 21:48 |
crs | uhm error ;/ | 21:48 |
psyco | _CrashMaster_: nope >.> | 21:48 |
psyco | Its really confusing.... | 21:48 |
uga | crs: uhm... | 21:48 |
shane_ | ok my sound isues are sorted thank u for that lspci comand ,my soundblaster picked right up and i apologize for flooding the page like that | 21:48 |
mago | Hi! Someone know if i can install campiz fusion with adept? | 21:48 |
uga | crs: TAO? | 21:48 |
psyco | _CrashMaster_: I might beable to find them online | 21:49 |
uga | crs: are you recording music? | 21:49 |
crs | uga: faild again. ;/ now is reccomending dao | 21:50 |
crs | uga: yes | 21:50 |
uga | crs: I'd first suggest testing recording a normal iso file | 21:50 |
uga | that should be easier | 21:50 |
uga | crs: try something like (as root) cdrecord -v dev=/dev/cdrw kubuntuIsoFile.iso | 21:51 |
Steve-cal | stdin: Those are some of the individual program .desktop files, I think what I might be looking for is ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu. Is that for the files/menus in the K menu? Mine is a bit confusing--looks like it may be old. | 21:51 |
uga | crs: it might well be that k3b isn't doing it right for audio (although strange) | 21:52 |
uga | or maybe some program is missing or something | 21:52 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
uga | at least trying that with cdrecord will tell us if the drivers work fine on your cd recorder | 21:52 |
mago | please someone help to install compiz fusion... | 21:53 |
stdin | Steve-cal: I think that's just for the order of the items in the menu | 21:53 |
uga | !compiz | 21:53 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 21:53 |
crs | will try later | 21:53 |
uga | crs: ok, good luck | 21:53 |
uga | crs: also check if k3b says something is missing when starting up | 21:53 |
uga | it usually shows a popup when something is missing | 21:54 |
Steve-cal | stdin: I think that's what I'm looking for then. Mine for some reason seems old though... has changes I previously made to the K menu. | 21:54 |
shane_ | how can i play mpg file in ubuntu | 21:54 |
uga | shane_: install mplayer, or kaffeine, or xine... | 21:54 |
uga | many apps can play them | 21:55 |
mago | thanyou ubottu... | 21:55 |
shane_ | i have kaffeine | 21:55 |
uga | mago: hey, I was the one asked ubottu to tell you that =) | 21:55 |
uga | mago: ubottu is a robot ;P | 21:55 |
shane_ | No plugin found to handle this resource | 21:55 |
Mallias_lar | does anyone know a good site with shell script examples???? | 21:56 |
Mallias_lar | help | 21:56 |
crs | uga: nothing is missing fo k3b, still the same error. ;./ Im starting to worry it is cdrecorder issue ;/ | 21:56 |
uga | shane_: try in command line "file filename.mpg" | 21:56 |
crs | haredware, not software | 21:56 |
uga | does it say it is mpeg? | 21:56 |
uga | crs: uhm... give a try to the line I told you | 21:57 |
uga | if it's a bug there, it might be solvable | 21:57 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
uga | crs: it might also be that k3b is unable to parse the cdrecord output (k3b uses cdrecord as backend) | 21:57 |
shane_ | uga: No such file or derectory | 21:57 |
uga | shane_: errrm... replace filename.mpg with your file | 21:57 |
_CrashMaster_ | psyco: pastebin the new resutls | 21:57 |
uga | where did you store your file | 21:57 |
uga | shane_: that will tell you if the file is mpeg | 21:58 |
Mallias_lar | does anyone know a good site with shell script examples???? | 21:58 |
psyco | _CrashMaster_: I got the same results | 21:59 |
uga | Mallias_lar: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz | 21:59 |
psyco | sec I am downloading it off the instern | 21:59 |
shane_ | uga: yes it is mpeg | 21:59 |
uga | Mallias_lar: chapter 7 | 21:59 |
uga | shane_: what mpeg version | 22:00 |
shane_ | uga: says mpeg video | 22:00 |
deever | jhutchins: yes, there is one, but my problem is not vbox-specific, i think... | 22:00 |
uga | shane_: file doens't say "mpeg video" on mpeg files =) | 22:01 |
uga | it says "mpeg sequence" and mentions version number =) | 22:01 |
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Mallias_lar | thanks uga | 22:01 |
shane_ | uga i cant get comand to find the file says No such file or directory | 22:02 |
uga | shane_: ok, where did you put your file | 22:02 |
uga | shane_: I'd suggest you to put it in your /home/shane, if you can | 22:02 |
uga | so that when you open the konsole, you are in the same folder | 22:02 |
uga | then it should work | 22:02 |
uga | shane_: the problem is that even if the name is ".mpg", it might actually not be an mpeg file | 22:03 |
uga | it could well be an mp4 file | 22:03 |
uga | for example | 22:03 |
uga | and it might mean you just need to install extra codec files | 22:03 |
shane_ | the file is in home/ newfolder/ 1234 /1.mpg | 22:03 |
uga | shane_: then when you open the konsole, you can type... file /home/newfolder/1234/1.mpg | 22:04 |
=== edulix_ is now known as Edulix | ||
shane_ | uga: bash: file/Home/NewFolder/1234/1.mpg: No such file or directory | 22:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | shane_: you have to have your username in there... | 22:07 |
uga | shane_: a space after "file" | 22:08 |
uga | and "Home" isn't same as "home" | 22:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | and /home is never capitalized | 22:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | yeah | 22:08 |
uga | shane_: it usually is /home/shane/NewFolder.... something like that | 22:08 |
=== ubuntu is now known as pulaski | ||
uga | shane_: and to help you out, if you partially type a folder name (for example /home/sha) and you press <tab> key, it will autocomplete the correct full name | 22:09 |
simon__ | how can I get a working program for dvdplayer kiss dp-500? | 22:11 |
LinuxApe | Anyone here know more than a little about the ssh vulnerability that was recently introduced/patched? | 22:12 |
shane_ | uga: ok no such luck no matter how im typin it it isnt commin up keeps sayin no such file or derectory | 22:12 |
uga | simon__: that's a DVD player taht doesn't run kubuntu | 22:13 |
uga | how could we help you out =) | 22:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | LinuxApe: apparently certain keys were popping up with more frequency than they should have, that's about all i know about it | 22:13 |
uga | shane_: I suggest you... can you copy it to your home directory? | 22:13 |
uga | with no extra folders | 22:14 |
uga | shane_: that will make it easier | 22:14 |
uga | then open konsole, and type "file 1.mpg" | 22:14 |
LinuxApe | Daisuke_Ido: Trying to find information on the SSH / SSL keys. I can't login to my freenx server at home anymore since the patches have been installed. I thought the patches took care of keys, etc. | 22:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | what you're going to have to do is remove the appropriate lines from the known hosts | 22:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | ~/.ssh/known_hosts | 22:16 |
shane_ | uga:i did paste it with space after file and without it still says no file or derectory im not sure what im doing wrong | 22:16 |
uga | uhm... I wish I knew =( | 22:16 |
shane_ | ok ill try a dif way but does kaffiene play mpeg files | 22:17 |
uga | it does | 22:17 |
uga | if they are mpegs | 22:17 |
shane_ | uga ok thank u ill keep lookin | 22:17 |
uga | if they are divx/xvid/mp4, you need to install win32codecs | 22:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | um | 22:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | no, no he doesn't | 22:17 |
uga | shane_: we can try something more... a second | 22:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | the only reason for w32codecs would be wmv, rm, etc | 22:18 |
uga | Daisuke_Ido: uh? afaik it doesn't do divx by default | 22:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | divx/xvid/mp4 play fine using ffmpeg (which is there by default) | 22:18 |
uga | being it a non-free format | 22:18 |
Firefishe | I'm using kubuntu feisty. kde 3.5.6. Issue: kipilot won't sync with my sony clie PEG-TJ37. I've been around the 'net and have not been able to narrow down the problem. | 22:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | ffmpeg can decode, but not encode, divx | 22:19 |
Firefishe | Or, I should say, it sync'd once, then stopped. | 22:19 |
uga | Daisuke_Ido: true | 22:19 |
LinuxApe | Daisuke_Ido: That lets me login to the server with ssh, but doesn't fix the nxserver problem. | 22:19 |
jonathan_ | hrhello! | 22:19 |
vomisa | tutto tomattiko.... | 22:19 |
uga | shane_: there's one more trick... open a konsole, type "file" and a space, then drag and drop the file to the konsole | 22:19 |
vomisa | che bello! | 22:19 |
uga | shane_: it will write the full path correctly there | 22:19 |
uga | shane_: then it should work | 22:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | LinuxApe: unfortunately, that's as much as i know about the issue :( | 22:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | !it | vomisa | 22:19 |
ubottu | vomisa: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 22:19 |
vomisa | sorry ubottu.... | 22:20 |
uga | shane_: if everything fails, you can install VLC (videolan) | 22:20 |
jonathan_ | hi! | 22:20 |
uga | shane_: that's capable of playing anything | 22:20 |
vomisa | hi all. | 22:20 |
uga | hi, and by | 22:21 |
uga | e | 22:21 |
shane_ | uga: where can i find vlc | 22:21 |
uga | shane_: there's packages for kubuntu | 22:21 |
uga | shane_: apt-get install vlc | 22:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | sudo apt-get install vlc | 22:21 |
shane_ | kk ty | 22:21 |
LinuxApe | Daisuke_Ido: Thanks anyway. I'll keep searching... | 22:22 |
sequethin | how can I adjust things so that I have to doubleclick on drives and folders to open them? | 22:22 |
flotishtu | how to auto configure ipmasq or any thing like it on every time at system boot. dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq . instead of manully pressing keys.? | 22:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | interesting update... 2mb of blacklisted ssh RSA and DSA keys | 22:23 |
_CrashMaster_ | Yeah, I saw that | 22:23 |
_CrashMaster_ | whats going on with that? | 22:23 |
_CrashMaster_ | Why would ssh keys need to be blacklisted? | 22:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | 3mb of blacklisted openssl RSA keys | 22:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | _CrashMaster_: because of the security snafu that's plagued ssh for some time now that just got fixed (my guess is that those are the keys that are unusually common) | 22:24 |
SlimeyPete | s/ssh/ssh in Debian-based distros/ | 22:25 |
LinuxApe | CrashMaster: There was a bug in the random number generator that caused the random keys to start repeating way, way sooner than they should be. | 22:25 |
SlimeyPete | let's be honest | 22:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | SlimeyPete: my mistake | 22:25 |
stdin | the bug was in ssl, which ssh uses | 22:25 |
LinuxApe | I just need to find out how to get all my keys back in sync, including other systems (freenx) that use SSH | 22:25 |
_CrashMaster_ | LinuxApe: Good info. I thank you for it. | 22:25 |
SlimeyPete | Red Hat are laughing right now ;) | 22:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | SlimeyPete: and then they realize they're still using RPM and start crying | 22:26 |
SlimeyPete | heh | 22:26 |
LinuxApe | CrashMaster: That's how they were able to compile the lists of blacklisted keys, they were regularly repeating. | 22:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | awesome, so i was right about the keys | 22:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's a rare occurrence | 22:27 |
sequethin | is there no way to tell dolphin i prefer to double click on things?:) | 22:27 |
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stdin | sequethin: system settings -> keyboard & mouse -> mouse | 22:27 |
chaoz__ | hi | 22:28 |
sequethin | stdin: thanks! I've been looking all over the place! | 22:28 |
sequethin | I thought it was an application specific setting. that was so simple haha | 22:28 |
LinuxApe | Daisuke_Ido, CrashMaster: Rather good discussion here: http://lwn.net/Articles/281901/ | 22:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | well, i'm going to do something stupid. | 22:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm going to install kde4 | 22:29 |
_CrashMaster_ | well | 22:29 |
_CrashMaster_ | I didnt have a problem with it | 22:29 |
_CrashMaster_ | Well, perfomance issues. | 22:30 |
Daisuke_Ido | i haven't not had a problem with it since running the betas | 22:30 |
Daisuke_Ido | i haven't touched 4.0.4 yet, so here's hoping | 22:30 |
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crs | the newest kubuntu (8.04) up to date, konqueror and flash. does not work. ;/ I can hear sound, but cant see video ;/ | 22:31 |
crs | Known problem? | 22:31 |
psyco | _CrashMaster_: Finally got it :D thanks for the help | 22:33 |
o0Chris0o | crs Konqueror and flash does work, do you have a compatiable video card? | 22:33 |
jhutchins_wk | o0Chris0o: Compatible with flash? | 22:34 |
crs | o0Chris0o: Nvidia. | 22:34 |
o0Chris0o | nVidia has known problems | 22:35 |
o0Chris0o | I have one too :) | 22:35 |
o0Chris0o | try.. | 22:35 |
o0Chris0o | !nvidia | 22:35 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 22:35 |
toens | i'm trying to set up samba but it says "SMB and NFS servers are not installed on this machine". i can't find how to install the servers, help? | 22:36 |
alesan | hi, I have started the procedure to upgrade to hardy, now the adept updater crashes | 22:37 |
alesan | and I am not sure what to do to continue the procedure | 22:37 |
alesan | is there a command line to continue? | 22:37 |
alesan | I think it has downloaded all the packages | 22:37 |
psyco | Where is my USB webcam located?? | 22:38 |
yamen | try "sudo apt-get update" | 22:38 |
alesan | yamen: it quickly donwloads the updates but exists without errors | 22:38 |
crs | o0Chris0o: Is not working, nvidia is working proparly... | 22:38 |
alesan | and without version upgrade | 22:38 |
yamen | is it set to download only without intalling in settings? | 22:39 |
yamen | after apt-get update try again in adept manager | 22:40 |
crs | and opera is doing the same ;/ | 22:41 |
crs | shows gray square where player should be | 22:41 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
yamen | if you want to install a package from the command line directly, then use "sudo apt-get install packagename" | 22:42 |
Firefishe | I'm using KDE 3.5.6, Kubuntu Feisty. I can't sync my Sony Clie PEG-TJ37. I get this output from kpilot's log: http://pastebin.org/36245 | 22:42 |
alesan | yamen: same crash after apt-get update | 22:43 |
Firefishe | oops...gotta go, time for a job interview: I'll brb. | 22:43 |
yamen | if you can see the package name that you are installing , use sudo apt-get install packagename | 22:43 |
wesley | guys can i get kde1 | 22:49 |
sigma_1234 | anyone running amarok 2 here? | 22:50 |
sigma_1234 | amarok | 22:50 |
shane_ | does anyone know if when i use "sudo apt-get install openssh-" do i put server on the pc i want server and client on others | 22:51 |
shane_ | or server on all | 22:51 |
andre__ | hello | 22:54 |
favro | shane_: server on the comp you connect to | 22:54 |
andre__ | whats your fellings about new kubuntu? | 22:54 |
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shane_ | favro: ok so my main comp i dont have to run the open ssh-server at all just use fish in konqueror | 22:55 |
sigma_1234 | kde4 is pretty gud | 22:55 |
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favro | shane_: yep | 22:55 |
shane_ | favro: but run the open on the computer im gonna take from | 22:56 |
favro | shane_: server on the comp you connect to - client on the comp you connect from | 22:56 |
=== myrtille is now known as _myrtille_ | ||
shane_ | favro: ok now i get it and can the server access the client and viseverse can i use to swap back and forth | 22:58 |
shane_ | favro: ?my client can take from serve i did that earlier can the serve take from client also | 22:59 |
favro | shane_: to connect to a comp it needs the server part running | 23:00 |
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shane_ | favro: ok so can i run both my pc as server then | 23:02 |
NetEcho | has anyone had any issues with using wubi to install Kubuntu and Kubuntu-KDE4? | 23:03 |
favro | shane_: to connect from either one you'll have to | 23:03 |
shane_ | favro: okTY | 23:04 |
favro | np | 23:04 |
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wesley | i need konqueror debuging how can i find it i am using kde4 version | 23:05 |
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favro | wesley: KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 23:06 |
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aaroncampbell | Does anyone know of a screen capture app like ksnapshot that does not remove the cursor from the shot? I'm showing some drag and drop functionality, and it looks funky with no mouse doing the dragging | 23:11 |
ScorpKing | did the compiz stuff change in 8.04? | 23:15 |
Zefir | Let's say I just set up my color theme and desktop and everything juuust right. Any way to save it as a theme? | 23:16 |
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=== _CrashMasterAlt_ is now known as _CrashMaster_ | ||
pui | nl | 23:22 |
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madberry | any body else having major problems with Firefox 3.0b5? | 23:35 |
madberry | mine crashes | 23:35 |
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robeph_ | http://metasploit.com/users/hdm/tools/debian-openssl/tcv80ipepkza7.jpg =o | 23:38 |
robeph_ | anyone have any idea why when ishut down | 23:39 |
robeph_ | it just sits there? | 23:39 |
robeph_ | it'll close everything kde goes down, but then it'll never shutdown | 23:39 |
someon1 | is there a nice app out there that lets you see your free HD space graphically? | 23:43 |
seth | someon1, kdirstat is the name i believe | 23:48 |
sigma_ | how do you force a apt-get install and ignore missing dependencies? | 23:55 |
shane_ | Odd-rationale: hey its locked on the blue screen with working mouse no system | 23:55 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: the blue login screen? or BSOD? | 23:56 |
nosrednaekim | sigma_: -F I think | 23:56 |
shane_ | i got login and password and then same thing as ubuntu it locks while trying to load desktop just blue screen | 23:57 |
shane_ | Odd-rationale: i got login and password and then same thing as ubuntu it locks while trying to load desktop just blue screen | 23:57 |
nosrednaekim | sigma_: sorry, -m | 23:57 |
shane_ | Odd-rationale: no error this time | 23:57 |
Odd-rationale | shane_: head over to #Odd-rationale and we'll try to get things fixed... | 23:57 |
BluesKaj | sigma_, are you using alien to install an rpm file ? | 23:57 |
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