=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson | ||
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk | ||
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch | ||
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado | ||
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell | ||
=== EdwinGrub is now known as EdwinGrubbs | ||
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado | ||
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch | ||
=== bigjools_ is now known as bigjools | ||
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado | ||
* gmb -> pre-meeting cuppa | 18:49 | |
Rinchen | we've got MootBot! | 18:59 |
schwuk_ | w00t! | 18:59 |
Rinchen | no idea where the logs will be though | 18:59 |
barry | Rinchen: didn't work for me at the ameu meeting :( | 18:59 |
Rinchen | no? | 18:59 |
gmb | barry: You yelled "mooooooootttttttttttboooooooooottttt" | 18:59 |
Rinchen | #startmeeting | 19:00 |
gmb | I think it needs more encouragement | 19:00 |
barry | gmb: i did the same thing Rinchen just did first tho! | 19:00 |
gmb | Ah, true. | 19:00 |
Rinchen | ah well. I know it's running on a private machine in the UK atm | 19:00 |
Rinchen | and hosting was acquired earlier | 19:00 |
Rinchen | bummer | 19:00 |
Rinchen | old fashioned way to | 19:00 |
Rinchen | day | 19:00 |
* barry tempts with tasty treats: "here mooty mooty!" | 19:00 | |
Rinchen | Welcome to this week's Launchpad development meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating Launchpad development. | 19:00 |
Rinchen | Roll Call! | 19:00 |
mrevell | me | 19:01 |
salgado | me | 19:01 |
thumper | me | 19:01 |
al-maisan | me | 19:01 |
rockstar | me | 19:01 |
herb | me | 19:01 |
statik | me | 19:01 |
schwuk | me | 19:01 |
bac | me | 19:01 |
adeuring | me | 19:01 |
matsubara | me | 19:01 |
gmb | me | 19:01 |
barry | me | 19:01 |
BjornT | me | 19:01 |
Rinchen | do | 19:01 |
* stub yawns | 19:01 | |
bigjools | me | 19:01 |
stub | me | 19:01 |
cprov | me | 19:01 |
kiko | me | 19:01 |
Rinchen | SteveA, ? | 19:01 |
abentley | me | 19:01 |
EdwinGrubbs | me | 19:02 |
Rinchen | allenap? | 19:02 |
salgado | leonardr? | 19:02 |
leonardr | me | 19:02 |
Rinchen | mthaddon, herb? | 19:02 |
Rinchen | ah found herb | 19:02 |
mthaddon | here | 19:02 |
* herb me'd above | 19:02 | |
mthaddon | aka "me" | 19:02 |
Rinchen | salgado, are you in Canada? Can you poke Francis? | 19:03 |
salgado | Rinchen, I'm not | 19:03 |
Rinchen | see how you are | 19:03 |
kiko | canada? why would he do that! | 19:03 |
Rinchen | to escape from you? :-) | 19:03 |
* Rinchen laughs. | 19:03 | |
Rinchen | Agenda | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * Next meeting | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * Actions from last meeting | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * Oops report (Matsubara) | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * Critical Bugs (Rinchen) | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * Bug tags | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * Operations report (mthaddon/herb) | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * DBA report (stub) | 19:03 |
Rinchen | * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen) | 19:04 |
Rinchen | * New packages required (salgado) | 19:04 |
Rinchen | * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) | 19:04 |
Rinchen | * Doc Team report (mrevell) | 19:04 |
Rinchen | Tom B will not be here today | 19:04 |
allenap_ | me (apologies, computer crashed) | 19:04 |
Rinchen | Next meeting | 19:04 |
Rinchen | kiko, did we decide not to rotate the team meeting for now? | 19:04 |
=== allenap_ is now known as allenap | ||
kiko | we did. | 19:04 |
Rinchen | ok, then we'd be on for 22 May at 18:00 UTC on this channel | 19:05 |
matsubara | Rinchen: next meeting is a National holiday in BR | 19:05 |
Rinchen | Anyone know they will not be here? | 19:05 |
SteveA | me | 19:05 |
matsubara | Rinchen: I won't be around. | 19:05 |
kiko | I'll be at UDS but will make it | 19:05 |
SteveA | I'll be travelling back from UDS | 19:05 |
gmb | I'll be at UDS | 19:05 |
Rinchen | ah yes, Chorpus Christi | 19:05 |
SteveA | so I won't make it | 19:05 |
bigjools | uds | 19:05 |
sinzui | me | 19:05 |
cprov | I will be working, at UDS, so will participate. | 19:05 |
al-maisan | uds | 19:05 |
BjornT | i'll be at uds as well | 19:05 |
Rinchen | Should we perhaps skip next week to allow everyone to be on holiday or actively participate at UDS? | 19:06 |
gmb | (It'll be 20:00 for the UDSers, so it might be hard to fit it in around food) | 19:06 |
kiko | Rinchen, hmmmm. it's week 3. | 19:06 |
gmb | We could bring it forward for one week, couldn't we? | 19:06 |
BjornT | gmb: i'm sure we can find a restaurant with wifi :) | 19:06 |
vednis | me? | 19:06 |
cprov | gmb: it already is, at it doesn't seem to be considered as a valid problem. | 19:06 |
Rinchen | If there a problems I expect folks to escalate them and not wait...as per normal | 19:06 |
bigjools | BjornT: you mean a bar | 19:07 |
kiko | Rinchen, I think we should have it. | 19:07 |
gmb | cprov: True enough. | 19:07 |
Rinchen | kiko, ok. It might be a quick one. :-) | 19:07 |
=== vednis is now known as mars | ||
Rinchen | Actions from last meeting | 19:07 |
Rinchen | there were none | 19:07 |
Rinchen | Oops report (Matsubara) | 19:08 |
abentley | bars with wifi.... what could go wrong? | 19:08 |
matsubara | Today's oops report is about bugs 230801, 230802, 230805 | 19:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230801 in launchpad "AssertionError triggered renewing team membership" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230801 | 19:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230802 in launchpad "InvalidURIError when request contains malformed URL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230802 | 19:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230805 in launchpad-bazaar "TraversalError in code-index page for a project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230805 | 19:08 |
matsubara | salgado, 230801 is for you. Can you take it? | 19:08 |
matsubara | flacoste, can you help debug 230802? | 19:08 |
matsubara | thumper, this one is for you: 230805. Can you assign someone from your team? | 19:08 |
thumper | matsubara: yes | 19:08 |
salgado | matsubara, do we really need to worry about it or is it something that'll happen rarely? | 19:09 |
matsubara | thumper: linkchecker caught that one, which make me happy :-) | 19:09 |
flacoste | matsubara: yeah, i'll have a look | 19:09 |
matsubara | salgado: it's an oops so need to be fixed. I'm not asking you to fix it right now, but please squeeze the fix in when you can. | 19:10 |
kiko | thanks thumper | 19:10 |
matsubara | apart from that, I'm done Rinchen | 19:10 |
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn | ||
matsubara | thanks flacoste, thumper, salgado | 19:11 |
matsubara | back to you Rinchen. thank you | 19:11 |
Rinchen | thanks | 19:11 |
Rinchen | Critical Bugs (Rinchen) | 19:11 |
Rinchen | two for today, 1 for jtv who's not here | 19:11 |
Rinchen | so I'll skip that for now | 19:11 |
Rinchen | flacoste, What's the new memory bug? | 19:11 |
Rinchen | last week you indicated we should create a new one | 19:11 |
flacoste | Rinchen: current working hypothesis is that it's the maximum batch size | 19:12 |
kiko | new memory bug! | 19:12 |
SteveA | flacoste: do we have this CPed into lpnet ? | 19:12 |
kiko | yes | 19:12 |
kiko | oh, no | 19:12 |
flacoste | SteveA, kiko: no | 19:12 |
kiko | for some reason | 19:12 |
SteveA | why not? | 19:12 |
flacoste | there are conflicts | 19:12 |
kiko | we were supposed to yesterday | 19:12 |
kiko | ah | 19:12 |
flacoste | because of fixes to the webservice | 19:13 |
flacoste | i need to sort it out | 19:13 |
flacoste | herb is waiting for me on that | 19:13 |
flacoste | Rinchen: bug 135681 for now | 19:13 |
Rinchen | flacoste, can you or a member of your team craft up a new bug report as was agreed to in last week's meeting so we can track this? | 19:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 135681 in launchpad "All batched listing mentions "results" even when they don't represent search results " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135681 | 19:13 |
Rinchen | pulease | 19:13 |
Rinchen | preeeety preeety puhlease | 19:14 |
kiko | Rinchen, you didn't [ACTION] that! | 19:14 |
Rinchen | [ACTION] Francis to bug the batch sizes | 19:14 |
flacoste | Rinchen: i'd wait to see how batch size affects this | 19:14 |
Rinchen | ok. Well, I have it in my notes so you're not escaping this topic. ;-) | 19:14 |
flacoste | Rinchen: like i said, i'd track it as bug 135681 for now which is Critical | 19:15 |
Rinchen | I'll touch base with jtv on his item... | 19:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 135681 in launchpad "All batched listing mentions "results" even when they don't represent search results " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135681 | 19:15 |
Rinchen | k | 19:15 |
Rinchen | thanks | 19:15 |
Rinchen | movingon | 19:15 |
Rinchen | Bug tags | 19:15 |
Rinchen | we have no requests | 19:15 |
flacoste | Rinchen: sorry, bug 228132, which isn't Critical, i'll raise it's priority | 19:15 |
ubottu | flacoste: Bug 228132 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/228132 is private | 19:15 |
Rinchen | thanks | 19:15 |
Rinchen | Operations report (mthaddon/herb) | 19:16 |
herb | 2008-05-10 - Upgraded DB server to hardy. Approximately 45 mins. of service downtime. | 19:16 |
herb | 2008-05-12 - Librarian was flapping for approximately 45 mins. Recovered on its own. | 19:16 |
herb | 2008-05-14 - Codebrowse was restarted. It was non-responsive. | 19:16 |
herb | 2008-05-14 - Cherry picked r6287 and the fix for bug #224617. | 19:16 |
herb | New server running hardy was added to the edge rotation on Friday of last week. | 19:16 |
herb | We're working on a replacement graphing tool for cricket. | 19:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 224617 in rosetta "XPI import stumbles over malformed or email-less contributor entries." [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224617 | 19:16 |
herb | The hardy chroot for storm-integration branch is now ready. | 19:16 |
herb | That's it for Tom and me unless there are any questions. | 19:16 |
flacoste | herb: when is PQM being migrated to hardy | 19:16 |
flacoste | ? | 19:16 |
SteveA | herb: flapping? | 19:16 |
kiko | flacoste, mthaddon's working on that. | 19:16 |
mthaddon | flacoste, we need to schedule time with IS to make sure there's not a long lag between that and prod server upgrades | 19:16 |
SteveA | what does that mean? | 19:16 |
herb | flacoste: I don't think we have a date set in stone yet. | 19:16 |
mthaddon | flacoste, and we need to make sure the test suite passes in hardy PQM chroot (which we can test any time) | 19:17 |
kiko | flacoste, did you see tom's landing from yesterday? a step in that direction. | 19:17 |
herb | SteveA: an external test showed it going online and offline periodically | 19:17 |
kiko | herb, no logs exist, right? | 19:17 |
kiko | jtv, totbb.net!! | 19:17 |
jtv | gah, damn these late-night meetings | 19:18 |
herb | kiko: none that I'm aware of, but mthaddon might have better insight on that. | 19:18 |
kiko | herb, I think there aren't -- flacoste was telling me about this | 19:18 |
kiko | jtv, we choose our burdens! | 19:18 |
flacoste | librarian logs | 19:18 |
flacoste | ? | 19:18 |
flacoste | they exist, but aren't very interesting usually | 19:18 |
mthaddon | kiko, there are librarian logs (twistd style), but we haven't investigated them yet - assumed it was swap/memory related | 19:19 |
Rinchen | Anything else for herb and mthaddon ? | 19:19 |
SteveA | do we have swap/memory logs? | 19:19 |
mthaddon | SteveA, we have graphs, not logs - server specific, not application specific, so could start by looking at those | 19:20 |
herb | not to speak of | 19:20 |
flacoste | herb has an interesting script that produce very interesting data | 19:20 |
flacoste | (RSS by app server) | 19:20 |
herb | flacoste: I do? | 19:20 |
flacoste | wouold be very interesting to hbave that in cricket | 19:20 |
SteveA | correlating those graphs with the flapping reports may tell us something | 19:20 |
mthaddon | flacoste, herb: would that work for the librarian as well as an app server? | 19:20 |
flacoste | it should | 19:21 |
mthaddon | SteveA, yeah, I'll take a look after the meeting | 19:21 |
flacoste | it's basically a periodical ps dump | 19:21 |
flacoste | or something like that | 19:21 |
herb | mthaddon: it's just a quick and dirty script that runs a ps periodicaly | 19:21 |
SteveA | ok | 19:21 |
mthaddon | gotcha | 19:21 |
Rinchen | Anything further? | 19:21 |
Rinchen | ok then | 19:21 |
Rinchen | DBA report (stub) | 19:21 |
stub | The production db server is now running Hardy. The backup server seems a little behind the revisions but will hopefully catch up soon. | 19:22 |
stub | It is apparently week 2 again so db patch reviews need to happen. Only one or two this cycle it seems. | 19:22 |
stub | Nothing else thrilling happening. | 19:22 |
Rinchen | stub, I noticed you had a few specs due this cycle | 19:22 |
kiko | stub, wanted to know about PersonASplit | 19:22 |
SteveA | "a little behind the revisions"V? | 19:22 |
Rinchen | read only LP and something else | 19:22 |
SteveA | you mean the OS? | 19:23 |
SteveA | or the data we sync over? | 19:23 |
stub | read only lp has been rescheduled - testing is blocked until we have PG 8.3 running on hardy boxes with slony-i installed. | 19:23 |
kiko | stub, and PAS? | 19:24 |
stub | authpersonsplit - the first chunk should be on the review page tomorrow | 19:24 |
stub | bjorn will be happy - validpersonorteamcache needs to go | 19:24 |
mthaddon | SteveA, nothing unusual on librarian server in terms of swap, IO, memory or load around the time of the "flapping" | 19:24 |
BjornT | yay :) | 19:25 |
SteveA | mthaddon: interesting. so it's a mystery... | 19:25 |
Rinchen | stub, when you get a chance please review those specs assigned to you and adjust as you need to in order to match reality | 19:25 |
mthaddon | so far, yeah... | 19:25 |
Rinchen | Anything else for stub ? | 19:25 |
Rinchen | ok then | 19:26 |
Rinchen | thanks stub | 19:26 |
Rinchen | Sysadmin requests (Rinchen) | 19:26 |
Rinchen | Is anyone blocked on an RT or have any that are becoming urgent? | 19:26 |
mthaddon | SteveA, I'll take a look at the twistd logs too | 19:26 |
* stub falls asleep | 19:26 | |
kiko | stub, neat! will look forward to that | 19:26 |
kiko | Rinchen, the private librarian RT? | 19:26 |
* kiko looks at bigjools | 19:27 | |
* bigjools is waiting on mthaddon, who knows how urgent it is ;) | 19:27 | |
mthaddon | yeah, I need to talk with IS about that - unfortunately UDS is making that a little tricky at the moment... but working on it | 19:27 |
Rinchen | anything else? | 19:28 |
kiko | mthaddon, that RT is going to be an axe for my soft neck! | 19:28 |
Rinchen | there's a video game idea in there, I can just feel it.... | 19:28 |
mthaddon | kiko, doing all we can, but it's quite a new ticket (i.e. haven't had much lead time) - was created last Friday I think | 19:28 |
Rinchen | New packages required (salgado) | 19:28 |
salgado | any new dependencies this week? | 19:28 |
salgado | guess not | 19:29 |
Rinchen | ok then | 19:29 |
Rinchen | A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) | 19:29 |
mrevell | This week's user affecting issue was obviously the effect that the SSH keys issue had on 2,333 Launchpad users' accounts. | 19:29 |
kiko | salgado, you added one! | 19:29 |
mrevell | Rather than use the launchpad-users list and the news blog to announce this, we contacted each of the affected users directly. | 19:29 |
kiko | salgado, have you updated lp-deps? | 19:29 |
mrevell | I'm pleased to say that, so far, only five people have replied. Of those, three asked "what security vuln?" and the other two asked if we'd deleted everyone's key because they were certain their key was not vulnerable. | 19:29 |
salgado | kiko, yep, I did | 19:29 |
mrevell | I'm waiting on IS for a reply to that last one and they've said they'll provide me with one. | 19:30 |
mrevell | Thanks Rinchen. | 19:30 |
Rinchen | thank mrevell | 19:30 |
Rinchen | Doc Team report (mrevell) | 19:30 |
mthaddon | mrevell, we only deleted vulnerable keys | 19:30 |
mrevell | mthaddon: May I talk to you about that in a bit? | 19:30 |
mrevell | mthaddon: to get a good answer? | 19:30 |
mthaddon | mrevell, sure | 19:30 |
kiko | mrevell, so WTF is wrong with those people -- did they not run ssh-vulnkey? | 19:30 |
mrevell | kiko: One guy said that ssh-vulnkey showed no problems. | 19:31 |
kiko | mrevell, tell them to update their openssh packages and run ssh-vulnkey, the nerve | 19:31 |
SteveA | mrevell: tbh, I'd just say "we searched for vulnerable keys and deleted only those that matched ssh-vulnkey. you can make a new one and upload it to launchpad." | 19:31 |
kiko | mrevell, did he prove it? :) | 19:31 |
mrevell | SteveA: Okay, thanks for that. | 19:31 |
SteveA | mrevell: we don't need to get IS involved tracking anything down | 19:31 |
abentley | kiko: ssh-vulnkey was apparently not provided by all distros. | 19:31 |
kiko | SteveA, well, unless we /did/ delete keys by mistake | 19:31 |
mrevell | kiko: Heh, he didn't :) | 19:31 |
SteveA | mrevell: the important thing is that we have acted in good faith, and there's a route for the user to get their ssh account usable again. | 19:31 |
kiko | SteveA, which might mean that something else is wrong (i.e. compromised keys left there) | 19:31 |
kiko | mrevell, ask him to show command output to match the keyids | 19:32 |
Rinchen | or run the vuln check again | 19:32 |
mthaddon | mrevell, if they try reuploading the same key and it works (i.e. not caught by the vuln filter now in place) then we really did delete their key unnecessarily and should apologise | 19:32 |
mrevell | kiko: Thanks, I'll do that. | 19:32 |
stub | users might have had both an ok and a vulnerable key loaded into Launchpad and had only one removed | 19:32 |
Rinchen | good point stub | 19:32 |
mthaddon | ditto that | 19:32 |
Rinchen | that did happen on the day we did this | 19:33 |
mrevell | Thanks everyone for the input. | 19:33 |
Rinchen | now, about the doc team.... | 19:33 |
mrevell | Trying to rally the troops by holding an IRC meeting next week. I've mailed the 19 members of the doc team to see if they can make it next Tuesday. | 19:33 |
* Rinchen has added it to the team calendar. | 19:33 | |
mrevell | Other doc news: I've sent the coming changes and proposed release announcement features to the mailing list. Work on the tour is progressing and I'm hoping to finally have the inner page graphics from the designer back tomorrow. | 19:33 |
mrevell | thanks rinchen, was gonna do that once I'd had some confirmation replies. | 19:33 |
mrevell | Elliot, Joey and I recorded the first of our new podcast yesterday. Unfortunately, a problem I still haven't identified meant our interview with Tony at RescueTime was unusable, so we're re-recording that Monday. However, the rest went really well and I can't wait to get it out there! | 19:33 |
mrevell | back to you Rinchen | 19:34 |
Rinchen | Thanks mrevell. Any questions for Matt? | 19:34 |
Rinchen | I'm going to backup for a second since jtv is here | 19:34 |
Rinchen | [LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/229630 | 19:34 |
Rinchen | jtv, was this due to missing instructions for the cherrypick? | 19:34 |
ubottu | Rinchen: Error: This bug is private | 19:34 |
jtv | Rinchen: not on my end. Maybe the generic ones. | 19:35 |
Rinchen | jtv, ok. Progressing well on the fix? | 19:35 |
jtv | Rinchen: Already in. Just a matter of LOSAs doing the same thing again. | 19:35 |
Rinchen | k, thanks. | 19:35 |
Rinchen | Thank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Developer Meeting. | 19:36 |
Rinchen | Enjoy the rest of your week! | 19:36 |
Rinchen | == The End! == | 19:36 |
flacoste | thanks joey! | 19:36 |
mrevell | thank you emmceeing Rinchen | 19:36 |
jtv | Rinchen: thanks for waking me up | 19:36 |
jtv | Rinchen: I wouldn't have come in otherwise | 19:36 |
mrevell | Okay friends, see you tomorrow! | 19:36 |
Rinchen | jtv, no problem. Now, back to sleep with you! | 19:36 |
statik | thanks joey | 19:36 |
kiko | what a fast meeting | 19:37 |
kiko | Rinchen, what's the idea in skipping my topic? | 19:37 |
jtv | kiko: he's still making up for that really long one a while ago | 19:37 |
Rinchen | kiko, wasn't on the agenda | 19:37 |
kiko | yes it was. | 19:37 |
* jtv gets popcorn & coke | 19:37 | |
Rinchen | kiko, if you added it like 5 minutes before then I didn't see it | 19:37 |
kiko | Rinchen, I added it 10 minutes before | 19:38 |
kiko | and you are very cheeky! | 19:38 |
* jtv nibbles popcorn | 19:38 | |
kiko | funny that I'm about to send in raise recommendations! | 19:38 |
bigjools | lol | 19:38 |
* jtv hides coke | 19:38 | |
kiko | now where's my keyboard | 19:38 |
Rinchen | I just refreshed and sure enough it's there. | 19:38 |
* jtv finishes popcorn & coke. The fun seems to be over. | 19:39 | |
jtv | kiko: yhm | 19:39 |
Rinchen | faster my friend...go faster | 19:39 |
Rinchen | more lead time | 19:39 |
Rinchen | or poke me that you've adjusted the agenda please... If I saw it I would have pasted it in with the normal agenda | 19:39 |
Rinchen | sorry about that | 19:39 |
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out | ||
kiko | I'm thinking about it | 19:40 |
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk | ||
=== mwhudson__ is now known as mwhudson | ||
Rinchen | #startmeeting | 23:51 |
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