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jmillikin | mwhudson: I don't know if LP notified you, the gst-plugins projects are ready for VCS imports: https://launchpad.net/gst-plugins-good https://launchpad.net/gst-plugins-bad https://launchpad.net/gst-plugins-ugly | 02:48 |
mwhudson | jmillikin: if it did, i ignored it | 02:49 |
mwhudson | jmillikin: i hit the go button on all of them | 02:53 |
jmillikin | Thank you. | 02:54 |
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philn | hi | 08:53 |
philn | jamesh: ping? | 08:53 |
jamesh | philn: pong | 08:53 |
philn | did you see my question of yesterday about users without email? | 08:54 |
philn | (i should probably have sent a mail) | 08:54 |
jamesh | philn: I remember it now. | 08:55 |
jamesh | there are two possibilities: | 08:55 |
jamesh | 1. come up with fake emails for those users, and we'd have to come up with some way for people to claim those accounts | 08:55 |
jamesh | 2. map them to the bug-importer user | 08:56 |
jamesh | which we pick depends on how important the attribution is | 08:56 |
jamesh | if it is just people filing one bug and having no more interaction, I'd go for (2) | 08:57 |
philn | there are cases where the same person reports bugs | 08:58 |
philn | where can i find infos about (2) ? | 08:58 |
jamesh | for (1), it might make sense to use invalid addresses like user@elisa.bugs.invalid or something | 08:59 |
jamesh | for (2), do <reporter name="nobody"/> or similar | 08:59 |
philn | hmm ok | 08:59 |
jamesh | (2) is also appropriate for anonymous users | 09:00 |
philn | maybe i can opt for (1) and find a way to CC: our mailing list? | 09:00 |
jamesh | (if you supported them) | 09:00 |
philn | we don't | 09:00 |
jamesh | philn: do you want the list CC'd on all bugs or just those bugs? | 09:01 |
jamesh | philn: you can easily subscribe to all project bug mail | 09:03 |
jamesh | and could have that mail sent to a list | 09:03 |
philn | hmm now i see we need an elisa-issues mailing list ;) | 09:03 |
jamesh | well, people can always subscribe directly in Launchpad if they want | 09:04 |
philn | yeah | 09:04 |
jamesh | we've had cases where projects had existing lists set up for bug mail though. | 09:05 |
jamesh | those can be handled the same as individual subscriptions | 09:05 |
philn | i see.. if i go for (1), keep usernames and set a fake email address, will there be a way for these users to "recover" the newly created LP accounts? | 09:07 |
jamesh | Launchpad admin intervention | 09:07 |
philn | ok, great, let's do that then | 09:07 |
gmb | philn: Hi, I'll be your Launchpad bug importer for today ;) | 09:48 |
gmb | philn: I've just been running a test import of the elisa bug dump and I've come across some issues with invalid email addresses. | 09:48 |
gmb | There are a few email addresses in the dump of the form foo@example.com@elisa.bugs.invalid | 09:49 |
gmb | Which makes the importer throw its toys out of the pram. | 09:49 |
gmb | philn: Do you have a preferred way to resolve this? My first thought was that we could just strip out the first @..., so that we're left with foo@elisa.bugs.invalid. | 09:50 |
jamesh | gmb: for those cases where the user name is a valid email address, perhaps the @elisa.bugs.invalid suffix should be dropped entirely | 09:51 |
gmb | jamesh: Right. | 09:52 |
philn | gmb: ho, sorry.. will fix that | 09:54 |
gmb | philn: No worries. Thanks :) | 09:54 |
philn | gmb: i updated the dump, do you have its location? | 09:58 |
philn | oh hmm, i need to make a new one, just a sec | 09:59 |
gmb | Okay | 10:00 |
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gmb | philn: That imported nice and cleanly on my local instance. I'll see if I can get an import done on our demo instance today so that you can check that it's sane. | 10:36 |
Lhademmor | Q: Is there any way of 'streaming' a translations-progressbar from Launchpad to another site? | 11:03 |
Lhademmor | In order to report on the actual status of the translation | 11:04 |
lifeless | oh | 11:09 |
lifeless | do you want notification of change, or just to show it somewhere else? | 11:09 |
Lhademmor | to show it somewhere else | 11:09 |
Lhademmor | Like in a forum - "The Danish translation is currently so-and-so percent completed" | 11:10 |
lifeless | I'm notsure off hand, I suspect the bar is a generic url generated on the page | 11:11 |
Lhademmor | Yep, it's made up of small redbar.png, greenbar.png and such | 11:11 |
philn | gmb: ok, thx | 11:12 |
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philn | gmb: got news for me? ;) | 13:44 |
gmb | philn: Not quite yet. I'm waiting for one of our sysadmins to become available. Should be able to get rolling within the next hour or two. I'll keep you posted. | 13:46 |
philn | ok | 13:46 |
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lifeless | BjornT: some interesting tag usage: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/209046 | 15:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 209046 in bzr "Crash when comitting with non-English description" [Undecided,New] | 15:09 |
marlun | I'm having problems pushing my code (from 5min bazaar guide) to LP. I'm getting "Permission denied (publickey)." I don't think it has something to do with the bug in the topic. I've got the update, genereated my keys and checked them with ssh-vulnkey and they are ok. | 15:15 |
marlun | If my username in LP has a captial M do I need to use that in the url when pushing? | 15:15 |
Hobbsee | marlun: did you put the new keys into launchpad? | 15:15 |
lifeless | BjornT: is there a bug open about lp not listing the tags for a bug context when editing a bug ? | 15:15 |
lifeless | marlun: yes, case matters | 15:16 |
james_w | Hi is there a way to delete a project series? | 15:16 |
lifeless | not really | 15:16 |
BjornT | lifeless: yes. there should be a bug about it, about suggesting possible tags. can't remember the bug number. | 15:16 |
marlun | Hobbsee: yes I did. | 15:17 |
marlun | lifeless: Tested it, still doesn't work. | 15:17 |
marlun | I've only genereated a RSA key, I don't know how to create a DSA. | 15:18 |
lifeless | you don't want a dsa key | 15:19 |
marlun | ok, then I'm not sure what is wrong. | 15:19 |
lifeless | marlun: what url ar eyou pushin too ? | 15:19 |
lifeless | BjornT: thanks | 15:19 |
marlun | lifeless: bzr+ssh://Marlun@bazaar.launchpad.net/~Marlun/+junk/myproject | 15:20 |
lifeless | marlun: thats not your username | 15:21 |
lifeless | marlun: thats your display name, your username is found by clicking on your dispaly name on any launchpad page | 15:22 |
lifeless | marlun: e.g. for me : https://edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless | 15:22 |
lifeless | means my username is lifeless | 15:22 |
marlun | ah! :) will test again. | 15:23 |
marlun | lifeless: thank you :) worked great now. | 15:23 |
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gmb | philn: Around? | 17:04 |
philn | yes | 17:05 |
philn | for one hour, then afaik | 17:05 |
gmb | philn: Right. Take a look at bugs.demo.launchpad.net/elisa. | 17:10 |
gmb | philn: The import is complete; it looks good from where I'm sitting but I'd appreciate it if you can cast an eye over it to make sure that things haven't gone awry. After all, you know the bugs better than I do. | 17:11 |
gmb | If all's good we'll run the import on production. | 17:11 |
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philn | gmb: i'll give the link to the team so that anyone can check | 17:16 |
gmb | philn: Righto, thanks. | 17:16 |
philn | gmb: all bugs seem to have the same date? | 17:17 |
philn | oh, no, sorry ;) | 17:17 |
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gmb | *phew* | 17:18 |
philn | gmb: missing attachments? https://bugs.demo.launchpad.net/elisa/+bug/195390 | 17:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 195390 in kdebase-workspace "gtk icons not showing right in taskbar/system tray" [Low,Confirmed] | 17:19 |
gmb | philn: Yes, I was just looking at that. | 17:19 |
gmb | Hmm. | 17:19 |
gmb | philn: Interesting. The attachments are there but for some reason they have no filenames. | 17:21 |
philn | other attachments seem fine. for instance https://bugs.demo.launchpad.net/elisa/+bug/195376 | 17:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 195376 in liboil "Please sync liboil 0.3.13-3 from debian/unstable" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 17:22 |
philn | gmb: ok, so i can fix that i think.. set a dummy filename, ok? | 17:22 |
gmb | philn: Let me just check. | 17:23 |
gmb | philn: Ah, so, all attachments need to have a <title></title> value. At the moment not all of them do. | 17:24 |
gmb | That's a bug on our end; we shouldn't be allowing empty titles. | 17:25 |
gmb | philn: Actually | 17:27 |
gmb | scratch that | 17:27 |
gmb | You were right | 17:27 |
philn | ok, so? do you want a new dump? | 17:27 |
gmb | A dummy filename will do. | 17:27 |
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gmb | philn: Please. | 17:27 |
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philn | ok, i set title tag to filename if empty | 17:32 |
gmb | philn: Brilliant. That covers all the bases :) | 17:33 |
philn | updated at previous location, same filename | 17:33 |
gmb | philn: Brilliant. I'll try and get those fixed for you tonight but failing that it'll be tomorrow afternoon. | 17:34 |
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philn | thx, in the mean time we'll keep checking the current import | 17:35 |
gmb | Thanks | 17:37 |
philn | i seem to be "philippe-normand" there.. but in my real LP account my username is philn. Will that be handled properly for the real import? | 17:39 |
philn | hmm there are quite a lot of NEW bugs ... something's wrong on my side | 17:43 |
philn | false alarm.. we just has too many bugs to fix :) | 17:46 |
philn | gmb: something odd: https://bugs.demo.launchpad.net/elisa/+bug/194634 doesn't map to https://code.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/ticket/445 | 17:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 194634 in ubuntu-dev-tools "ppaput incorectly asserts it's part of the MOTU sponsorship process in the code and in the man page" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 17:49 |
philn | gmb: nevermind, it corresponds to https://code.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/ticket/455 .. i did a typo ;) | 17:51 |
* philn needs to take a beer and go afk ;) | 17:52 | |
philn | going home now.. see ya tomorrow | 18:00 |
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kiko | meeting soon! | 18:43 |
Rinchen | >>> Come join the LP Meeting in #launchpad-meeting | 18:59 |
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=== Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net || Problems with SSH when connecting to LP? See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2. Regenerate your SSH keys and add use https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys to add them to LP || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 2 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ub | ||
Rinchen | mtg date changed to next thursday | 19:09 |
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asabil_ | hi all | 19:34 |
asabil_ | https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/vala/trunk | 19:34 |
asabil_ | can someone fix this vcs import please ? | 19:34 |
thumper | asabil_: what's wrong with it? | 19:35 |
asabil_ | it is importing a subfolder | 19:36 |
asabil_ | the url was fixed, but the vsimport still continues to use the old url | 19:36 |
kiko | needs deleting | 19:37 |
asabil_ | could you do it please ? | 19:39 |
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thumper | asabil_: I can do this for you | 20:01 |
m-c | hi - having trouble logging into launchpad, and the password recovery tool says my email address is not correct. this has been happening for a couple days. | 20:52 |
m-c | my information is here: https://launchpad.net/~matthew-t-craig | 20:53 |
kiko | m-c, what email address do you think you have there? | 20:56 |
m-c | matthew.t.craig@gmail.com | 20:56 |
kiko | that's not registered to that account. | 20:56 |
m-c | this log is published to the 'net isn't it. ick | 20:56 |
m-c | kiko: it is not? is it using the @ubuntu.com alias? | 20:58 |
kiko | yes. | 20:58 |
m-c | launchpad could also not find matthew.t.craig (A/T) ubuntu com either | 20:59 |
kiko | but that's not your ubuntu.com email alias either. :) | 20:59 |
kiko | m-c, you actually are matthew craig, right? :) | 21:00 |
m-c | yes... registered here on freenode | 21:00 |
m-c | I guess at this point, I give up on what it is. my usual desktop is packaged up while I relocate, and I am on some (ick) windows machine | 21:01 |
m-c | it has been a long time since I needed to login to launchpad, so sorry that I am being forgetful | 21:01 |
kiko | it's okay. | 21:02 |
JenFraggle | i like the new translator string search feature | 21:03 |
kiko | JenFraggle, really! does it work well? I haven't used it yet | 21:03 |
JenFraggle | yes, i searched for color so that i could change to colour and it found a number of strings for me | 21:04 |
m-c | kiko: I am still seeing an odd situation on launchpad. I had hoped it would go away when I logged in. ( I am logged in now. ) I only see the header of the project pages. I can see the green banner at the top, the project name and logo, the search field, and I see the tabs. Nothing below that, though | 21:04 |
JenFraggle | only thing was it doesn't only search the strings, it also searches the paths so comes up with some you don't want to translate too | 21:05 |
m-c | also, I am using (ick, ick, ick) Internet Explorer 7 | 21:06 |
JenFraggle | ick | 21:06 |
kiko | m-c, we need a bug report and a screenshot. is this for all pages? | 21:08 |
m-c | yes | 21:08 |
m-c | all project pages | 21:08 |
m-c | oh, I see the footer is visible, too | 21:09 |
m-c | ... wouldn't I need launchpad functionality to submit a bug report? ;-) | 21:09 |
kiko | m-c, no, you can use the email interface. | 21:10 |
m-c | I see in the View Source that the information is there. It is just not displaying. Must be a problem with this machine | 21:10 |
kiko | m-c, might be a CSS problem with launchpad. test this: help.launchpad.net. does that work? | 21:10 |
m-c | kiko: Yes, seems to display perfectly | 21:12 |
kiko | m-c, okay, then indeed, could you use the email interface to file a bug? attachments, etc, all work. | 21:13 |
kiko | m-c, https://help.launchpad.net/BugTrackerEmailInterface | 21:14 |
m-c | kiko: Will do. | 21:15 |
kiko | m-c, this is pretty disturbing -- will you have access to this computer again in the next few days? | 21:17 |
m-c | kiko: yes | 21:17 |
kiko | okay, cool | 21:17 |
m-c | sent | 21:27 |
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mok0 | Is launchpad-users ML really moderated? | 22:14 |
thumper | asabil_: can I get you to check the vala branch and tell me if it is now right? | 22:14 |
kiko | mok0, yes, it is. | 22:14 |
mok0 | kiko: ok... but why? | 22:15 |
kiko | mok0, because people request Ubuntu CDs on it, and I don't want to spam all subscribers. I approve all posts daily, though, and it's only first-post moderation | 22:16 |
mok0 | kiko, I see. I was surprised to see that I was not a subscriber, but I have been receiving mails for months... | 22:17 |
kiko | mok0, you never posted :) | 22:17 |
mok0 | kiko, but how could I receive then? | 22:17 |
kiko | mok0, you're subscribed. first posts are always moderated, just that. | 22:18 |
mok0 | kiko, ok, but I had to subscribe today, because mailman said I was not subscribed. | 22:19 |
kiko | that's odd. | 22:19 |
mok0 | kiko, I thought I subscribed when I joined launchpad-beta-testers | 22:19 |
kiko | we don't do that for you -- do you mean you thought you did it yourself? | 22:19 |
mok0 | kiko, uhh, I have been getting the mails | 22:20 |
gnomefreak | are you done removing ssh keys? it seems with every update of openssh my key is removed from LP | 22:20 |
mok0 | kiko, so I just did a reply to the "wiki spam" message today, and it told me I was not subscribed (??) | 22:20 |
mok0 | kiko, then I subscribed, and it told me the list is moderated | 22:21 |
kiko | only for first posts. | 22:21 |
kiko | gnomefreak, that's because you reuploaded your compromised key :) | 22:22 |
mok0 | kiko, ok. I will wait to see if my posting appears tomorrow :-) | 22:22 |
gnomefreak | kiko: but now with a new key after all updates except -blackout it wont let me upload it si i guess ill kill ~/.ssh and start over. | 22:22 |
kiko | gnomefreak, it won't let you upload? what happens? | 22:23 |
gnomefreak | tells me its not secur] | 22:23 |
gnomefreak | secure and this is the regen from updates | 22:23 |
gnomefreak | its a good day for a new one anyway :) | 22:24 |
gnomefreak | ill will let you know if it uploads to LP when done | 22:25 |
kiko | gnomefreak, that's weird. it worked for me. | 22:25 |
gnomefreak | trying with new key atm | 22:25 |
gnomefreak | This key is known to be compromised due to a security flaw in the software used to generate it, so it will not be accepted by Launchpad. See the full Security Notice for further information and instructions on how to generate another key | 22:25 |
gnomefreak | that is old key upload after regens there were 2 regens iirc | 22:25 |
kiko | gnomefreak, and you have no existing keys there? | 22:26 |
emgent | kiko: heya :) | 22:26 |
gnomefreak | nope uploading new one now | 22:26 |
kiko | heya emgent | 22:26 |
kiko | gnomefreak, are you sure your key was regenerated? does ssh-vulnkey say you're okay? | 22:27 |
gnomefreak | it added that one. the thing that bothered me was my old key was gnomefreak@feisty fawn and the new one that i uploaded the other day and tried a bit ago was gnomefreak@development thats how i knew it was "new" key | 22:27 |
kiko | heh | 22:27 |
gnomefreak | ssh-vulkey kept telling me no command found | 22:28 |
gnomefreak | vulnkey | 22:28 |
gnomefreak | now it works | 22:28 |
gnomefreak | the typo was in here not in command since i copied and pasted it from page to term | 22:29 |
eross | I need help in figuring out what type of license I want | 23:00 |
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eross | my game isn't the greatest but I don't want someone to scoop up the code or some of the functions and use it in some commercial project, and not give me any royalties or even a thank you. Am I being paranoid? | 23:03 |
ffm | eross: No. | 23:06 |
ffm | eross: I'd recommend GPLv3. | 23:06 |
ffm | eross: That means that anyone who distributes or uses your game has to release the source to their derivitave. | 23:07 |
ffm | eross: If they want to have a different licence, they can ask you nicely, and you can sell it for a small fee. | 23:07 |
eross | GPLv3 and not LGPLv3, just to clarify? | 23:07 |
ffm | eross: Yes. The latter licence gives them the right to use your game in commerical contexts. | 23:09 |
ffm | eross: If you allow other people to contribute to your project, make sure that they release their code completely, as otherwise you wouldn't be able to relicence it. | 23:10 |
ffm | eross: If you really want to, you can register your game's trademark and stop people from selling a CD of it under that name. | 23:11 |
eross | thanks | 23:11 |
ffm | eross: What's your game by the way? | 23:29 |
eross | it's a remake of an older game on the atari 800/ST, go from room to room getting gems and keys | 23:34 |
eross | and stuff | 23:34 |
eross | yea original =) | 23:34 |
ffm | eross: Like chip's challange? | 23:34 |
eross | thinking initially of using irrlicht, it runs good on other linux setups | 23:35 |
eross | and c++ | 23:35 |
eross | dont know chip's challenge, mine is top-down | 23:35 |
eross | i have part of it coded but it's somewhere on one of my three older harddrives | 23:36 |
ffm | eross: http://damnsmalllinux.org/income-guide/ may be of interest (how to make a living out of FOSS) | 23:46 |
eross | interesting read | 23:51 |
ffm | eross: especially read | 23:52 |
ffm | eross: http://damnsmalllinux.org/income-guide/your-brand.html | 23:53 |
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