=== yuriy_ is now known as yuriy | ||
=== mhollisjr is now known as Fritzel | ||
christoz | would you like to see my error message?I'm having problems on upgrading | 03:37 |
christoz | please check this out @ http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/8562/screenshothardygk6.png | 03:37 |
DanaG | !find kglobal.h | 04:20 |
ubottu | Package/file kglobal.h does not exist in hardy | 04:20 |
stdin | DanaG: kdelibs5-dev: /usr/lib/kde4/include/kglobal.h kdelibs4-dev: /usr/include/kde/kglobal.h | 04:22 |
DanaG | Thanks. | 04:23 |
stdin | the !find function is a little broken atm | 04:23 |
DanaG | Aah, so that's it. | 04:23 |
DanaG | Perhaps temporarily modify the bot to say "sorry, !find is broken at the moment" | 04:23 |
stdin | tried, just broke it more :p | 04:23 |
DanaG | Eek. | 04:24 |
stdin | I'm trying to fix it anyway | 04:24 |
Neo_The_User | hey ll | 04:58 |
Neo_The_User | *all | 04:58 |
Neo_The_User | excited about ubuntu 8.10? | 04:58 |
Neo_The_User | how would i download the alpha version of ubuntu 8.10? | 04:58 |
hydrogen | It's not alpha | 04:59 |
hydrogen | so.. you wouldn't | 04:59 |
Neo_The_User | pre-alpha then | 05:00 |
hydrogen | you shouldn't. | 05:00 |
Neo_The_User | I am a developer and I want to help out. | 05:00 |
Neo_The_User | I know how to program. How do I become an ubuntu 8.10 developer? | 05:01 |
Neo_The_User | hydrogen do you even know or are you just wasting my time? | 05:01 |
hydrogen | of course I know | 05:01 |
hydrogen | butg | 05:01 |
hydrogen | I also know | 05:02 |
hydrogen | that you don't want to | 05:02 |
hydrogen | that is, the fact that you have to ask | 05:02 |
hydrogen | means that you are not in a position where you should want to do so | 05:02 |
Neo_The_User | I want to. I want to have a completly non-functional system and I want to spend the next 5 months or so perfecting it if you don't min. | 05:03 |
Neo_The_User | *mind | 05:03 |
vhaarr | perhaps I've watched too many detective shows lately, but your handle doesn't quite match up to your story | 05:04 |
mhollisjr | I did my best to try not to bother you guys in here but so far #alsa ##linux #wine #pulseaudio and #ubuntu have ignored my question or not had any idea what the problem is for an hour and I know you are some knowledgeable people so I'm hoping someone will be willing to look at this .asoundrc http://pastebin.com/d1976b3de and give me some hint as to why the pcm.pulse and ctl.pulse are selectable in wine but are not putting out a | 05:04 |
mhollisjr | ny sound | 05:04 |
=== mhollisjr is now known as Fritzel | ||
Neo_The_User | vhaarr, CSI im guessing? | 05:05 |
vhaarr | that was just meant as a musing remark :P | 05:05 |
vhaarr | Monk, actually | 05:05 |
Neo_The_User | Does anybody know where I can get the screwed up version of ubuntu 8.10? | 05:05 |
DanaG | ←_← | 05:05 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: here's a tip; don't change your nick right after posting a question | 05:05 |
Neo_The_User | lol | 05:06 |
DanaG | →_→ ↑_↑ ↓_↓ | 05:06 |
vhaarr | Neo_The_User: install hardy and change sources.list | 05:06 |
Fritzel | vhaarr, yeah sorry about that >< | 05:06 |
Neo_The_User | i have Hardy | 05:06 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: in any case, there's a patch/sound dll/something for wine somewhere that makes it use pulseaudio | 05:06 |
Fritzel | I am using that | 05:06 |
Fritzel | it's a registry entry | 05:06 |
Fritzel | and it shows up in the application | 05:06 |
Fritzel | but no sound is being pushed through it | 05:06 |
vhaarr | I'm quite sure it's a binary blob of some sort | 05:07 |
vhaarr | an actual pulseaudio driver for wine, you see | 05:07 |
Fritzel | vhaarr, that would definatly be useful | 05:07 |
Neo_The_User | where is sources.list | 05:07 |
Neo_The_User | i just want to fix the source code for ubuntu 8.10 | 05:07 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: I know I have read about it in some WWN issue, the wine weekly newsletter | 05:07 |
vhaarr | Neo_The_User: I just want fried chicken and icecream | 05:08 |
Neo_The_User | me too | 05:08 |
Fritzel | vhaarr, that's a step in a direction I can take, thank you I didn't have a clue what to look for previously | 05:08 |
Neo_The_User | where is sources.list | 05:08 |
vhaarr | Neo_The_User: heard of find, locate, google? | 05:08 |
vhaarr | man | 05:08 |
Neo_The_User | very funny | 05:08 |
vhaarr | I didn't mean to be funny | 05:08 |
vhaarr | I meant to point you in the direction of the tools you need to find sources.list | 05:08 |
DanaG | Frankly, if you need to ask where sources.list is, you may not know what to do if (and when) something breaks. | 05:09 |
Neo_The_User | atc/ yada yada yada | 05:09 |
Neo_The_User | I am a programmer. new to linux old to C source code | 05:09 |
DanaG | I've used development versions for a while, but I don't usually "hop on" until I see at least some new feature or package version, and not just a new toolchain. | 05:09 |
Neo_The_User | etc/apt/sources.list | 05:10 |
vhaarr | took you 1 minute to find it | 05:10 |
hydrogen | as I said | 05:10 |
hydrogen | you don't want to upgrade | 05:10 |
Neo_The_User | no i mean where do i edit the sources.list file??? | 05:10 |
hydrogen | because this isn't a support channel (tm) | 05:10 |
vhaarr | s/\?\?\?/\?/g | 05:10 |
Neo_The_User | hydrogen your not helping | 05:11 |
hydrogen | right | 05:11 |
hydrogen | thats intentional | 05:11 |
Neo_The_User | so shut up | 05:11 |
hydrogen | though in reality | 05:11 |
hydrogen | I am helping | 05:11 |
vhaarr | Neo_The_User: you just said it yourself, where sources.list is | 05:11 |
Neo_The_User | yeah. exactly what part? | 05:11 |
Neo_The_User | i cant find the place where i change the stuff | 05:11 |
Neo_The_User | software sources then what? | 05:12 |
hydrogen | ... | 05:13 |
Neo_The_User | do you guys want ubuntu 8.10 more stable or not??????? | 05:13 |
hydrogen | Not if this is the price to pay | 05:13 |
Neo_The_User | all i know is C and C++ Java and HTML | 05:13 |
Neo_The_User | thats it. completly new to linux. | 05:13 |
hydrogen | right | 05:13 |
Neo_The_User | you just have to tell me some 2 sentence stuff | 05:13 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: also note that I've uninstalled all pulseaudio packages except "libpulse0", and everything works fine here, I just use ALSA instead. | 05:14 |
Neo_The_User | if you would just cooperate and tell me a few tiny little things | 05:14 |
hydrogen | then you would be asking in five minutes for help | 05:14 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: run wow, ventrilo, totem and audacity mostly | 05:14 |
hydrogen | because thigns are broken | 05:14 |
Fritzel | vhaarr, that was my original intent, however it didn't work for me | 05:14 |
Neo_The_User | if its code i can fix it | 05:14 |
vhaarr | Neo_The_User: it's not code | 05:14 |
hydrogen | I highly doubt that, for one | 05:14 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: okay, well it worked here :P | 05:14 |
hydrogen | "Only developers comfortable with significant instability and recovering from up to, and including, total system failure should consider running Intrepid for now" | 05:14 |
hydrogen | for two, that comes from the topic | 05:14 |
Neo_The_User | I am comfortable with it | 05:15 |
vhaarr | no, you're not | 05:15 |
Fritzel | vhaarr, and I'm so close to getting it to work in a way I know will work if I can juts find someone who actually knows how a .asoundrc is constructed :/ | 05:15 |
vhaarr | FAR from it, in fact | 05:15 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: I've never had a customized .asoundrc | 05:15 |
Neo_The_User | just tell me some 2 basic things. i go into software sources and do what? | 05:15 |
Neo_The_User | its a very easy question | 05:15 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: clean hdd, installed hardy, nuked pulseaudio = win | 05:15 |
* hydrogen wobblies his kopete window into expose view | 05:15 | |
vhaarr | Neo_The_User: I've provided you with sufficient information already | 05:16 |
vhaarr | if you can't figure it out from there, I suggest you venture elsewhere | 05:16 |
Neo_The_User | no u didnt | 05:16 |
Neo_The_User | software sources then what? | 05:16 |
hydrogen | You are so clearly not an experienced c coder.. | 05:16 |
Neo_The_User | im in software sources. JUST TELL ME!!!!!!!!!! | 05:16 |
Neo_The_User | im all over google dumb shit | 05:16 |
* MugginsM checks he's in #ubuntu+1, not #ubuntu | 05:16 | |
Fritzel | well besides uninstalling pulseaudio what did you have to do to switch to alsa, because I just reinstalled and with the exception of my /home directory I'm 3 hours fresh | 05:17 |
Neo_The_User | known for psp hacking and developing | 05:17 |
hydrogen | oh damn | 05:17 |
Fritzel | vhaarr, just change it in sound preferences? | 05:17 |
Neo_The_User | and ps3 kernel exploits | 05:17 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: yeah in winecfg | 05:17 |
Neo_The_User | wine sucks ass | 05:17 |
* hydrogen giggles | 05:17 | |
hydrogen | what did I do! | 05:17 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: been a while since I did it now, perhaps there was another step that I forget | 05:17 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: in any case, I am *positive* that if you read the last 5-6 WWN issues, you'll find a binary pulseaudio for wine | 05:18 |
Fritzel | vhaarr, well I havn't done it yet, I just want to make sure I can get back to this point because right now everything works except for wine, in perfect harmony | 05:18 |
Fritzel | vhaarr, and they would be hosted on winehq? | 05:18 |
vhaarr | s/pulseaudio/pulseaudio driver/ | 05:18 |
vhaarr | Fritzel: yes, wwn is hosted on winehq | 05:19 |
vhaarr | that's all from me, good luck | 05:19 |
Fritzel | I understand thank you, -googles for wwn since winehq has no apparent links | 05:20 |
Fritzel | except the one that was staring me in the face >< | 05:20 |
Fritzel | I found it thanks again | 05:21 |
Neo_The_User | im downloading it right now | 05:22 |
Neo_The_User | you could have just told me to check some stuff | 05:22 |
DanaG | Why bother going to Intrepid this early? So far there are no user-visible changes, I believe. | 05:23 |
DanaG | You can probably test the same Wine thing on Hardy, right? | 05:23 |
Neo_The_User | but im going to make it better | 05:23 |
MugginsM | depends on the user :) | 05:23 |
Neo_The_User | wine sucks. i could make a better windows emulator than that. if fact, anybody here could. | 05:23 |
hydrogen | oh this has potential | 05:24 |
Neo_The_User | Amaranth, i bet you could even make a better windows emulator | 05:24 |
Neo_The_User | if wine is so good, howcome it can't run anymore than 0.000000000000000001 of the windows applications? | 05:24 |
hydrogen | 1/10 | 05:24 |
hydrogen | you can do better | 05:24 |
MugginsM | runs more than Vists does | 05:24 |
Amaranth | Neo_The_User: I seem to remember you being banned | 05:24 |
Neo_The_User | Amaranth yeah big deal. i have 30 proxies set up | 05:25 |
Neo_The_User | i always get banned so i come prepared | 05:25 |
hydrogen | then its 30 bans from the network for you! | 05:25 |
MugginsM | he's probably in #mirc+1 demanding to know how to set up another proxy | 05:26 |
Amaranth | hehe | 05:27 |
hydrogen | no way dood | 05:27 |
hydrogen | he's a c coder | 05:27 |
=== mhollisjr is now known as Fritzel | ||
tarzeau | is it possible the packages.ubuntu.com pages were not updated for a week? | 07:16 |
=== mhollisjr is now known as Fritzel`` | ||
ikonia | !intrepid | 08:01 |
ubottu | Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex | Warning lots of breaking software and other good stuff between now and October! | 08:01 |
tech0007 | where can i download ibex? | 09:34 |
stdin | don't | 09:35 |
tech0007 | stdin: i want to try it, i have a spare | 09:35 |
stdin | see the topic | 09:36 |
tech0007 | stdin: i can read | 09:36 |
stdin | then you should know how to get it | 09:36 |
tech0007 | ok fine | 09:36 |
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PecisDarbs | there is no ibex live cds yet, is there? | 13:39 |
rsk | is the toolchain built yet? | 14:24 |
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r00723r0 | What changes are in Ibex? | 16:18 |
r00723r0 | Or will be? | 16:18 |
vhaarr | unknown | 16:19 |
vhaarr | you'll know around may 20th | 16:19 |
r00723r0 | Alright, makes sense. | 16:19 |
r00723r0 | When will it be beta? | 16:19 |
vhaarr | october 2nd | 16:19 |
r00723r0 | Thanks. :) | 16:20 |
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vhaarr | 'at' depends on a MTA in the latest package update, which installs "citadel-mta" by default if you don't have an MTA installed | 17:38 |
vhaarr | however, citadel-mta is not a supported package | 17:38 |
vhaarr | postfix is, so it should be the default MTA, I think | 17:39 |
vhaarr | in any case, I don't believe any ubuntu developers would be present here | 17:39 |
vhaarr | so I'm not sure why I bother saying it | 17:39 |
vhaarr | citadel-mta also depends on the citadel server package, which is very inconvenient if you prefer not running a Citadel server on your desktop | 17:40 |
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