wolfger | Bug 180076, is there a reason for this bug to exist, rather than use LP's "mark as duplicate" feature? | 00:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 180076 in ubuntu-meta "Meta-bug for Texas Instruments Card reader(s)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180076 | 00:02 |
hggdh | wolfger: ask Duncan | 00:04 |
hggdh | (from https://launchpad.net/~duncan-lithgow) email is dlithgow at gmail dot com | 00:05 |
wolfger | k | 00:07 |
wolfger | was just wondering if it was a process like workflow bugs that I simply wasn't aware of. | 00:07 |
hggdh | wolfger: well... given the discussions we have had here the last few days, I expect we will have some definitions for workflow bugs at UDS end | 00:08 |
wolfger | :-) | 00:08 |
wolfger | good | 00:08 |
hggdh | indeed... | 00:09 |
nickellery | where would u package bugs related to non-working laptop keys? | 00:14 |
=== iceman_ is now known as iceman | ||
hggdh | perhaps under X, if they are seem under it | 00:24 |
nickellery | hggdh, this issue relates to brightness control using Fn+F7/F8 | 00:25 |
hggdh | nickellery: hum, I dimly remember a package that would deal with that... let me see if I can find it | 00:26 |
nickellery | hggdh, alright, thanks for helping | 00:27 |
hggdh | nickellery: perhaps hotkey-setup | 00:34 |
nickellery | hggdh, okay ill do that then | 00:35 |
nickellery | thanks for helping | 00:35 |
hggdh | or kmilo for KDE | 00:35 |
hggdh | nickellery: go to synaptic, and do a search on "laptop key" | 00:35 |
hggdh | there are some options there | 00:35 |
nickellery | ok | 00:35 |
MilkmanDan | After my 7.10 to 8.04 upgrade squid stopped sending some of my web traffic to privoxy (as it was configured to do). Now only "some" of it goes to privoxy; some is sent as TCP_MISS/302 and DIRECT. | 01:36 |
MilkmanDan | I think this is a bug but would like to talk it through with someone before making my first ever submission.... | 01:36 |
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christoz | hello...would you like to see my error message?I'm having problems on upgrading | 03:55 |
christoz | please,check this out @ http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/8562/screenshothardygk6.png | 03:55 |
christoz | i think there is smth wrong with the souftware channels... | 03:57 |
christoz | please help me | 03:57 |
secretlondon | christoz what are you trying to do? | 03:58 |
christoz | to upgrade gutsy to hardy | 03:58 |
secretlondon | okay | 03:59 |
secretlondon | do you have any programs installed that are not from the official repositories? | 03:59 |
christoz | what else can i do to be more specific? | 03:59 |
christoz | would you like to upload ane\yother files i 'll do it | 03:59 |
christoz | hmm...such as? | 03:59 |
secretlondon | christos: it's easier if you make a bug | 04:00 |
secretlondon | i'd like to see your /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:00 |
christoz | ok wait please | 04:00 |
christoz | there you are friend look @ http://www.pastebin.ca/1018651 | 04:01 |
christoz | i used to have feisty | 04:02 |
christoz | gutsy came from upgrading feisty | 04:03 |
secretlondon | I can see | 04:03 |
christoz | anyting abnormal? | 04:03 |
secretlondon | There is nothing in there that looks bad, normally thisis caused by people installing things from other repositories | 04:03 |
christoz | hmmm..i have a quaestion ready for you about it | 04:04 |
christoz | from which server should i update main server or from my country's nearest mirror? | 04:05 |
secretlondon | ok | 04:05 |
secretlondon | you _might_ find that changing to the main mirror fixes it | 04:05 |
secretlondon | if it's a problem with that mirror | 04:05 |
secretlondon | have you run sudo pat-get update before you start | 04:05 |
secretlondon | to make sure your gutsy is up to date | 04:06 |
secretlondon | apt-get not pat-get | 04:06 |
secretlondon | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUpdateManager | 04:07 |
christoz | from my nearest mirror is up to date...please let me do it the same from the main server | 04:08 |
christoz | my system is up to date | 04:09 |
secretlondon | you've done sudo apt-get upgrade | 04:10 |
christoz | yep..Reading state information... Done | 04:11 |
christoz | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 04:11 |
secretlondon | and then tried to dist-upgrade again? | 04:11 |
christoz | same message | 04:12 |
christoz | :( | 04:12 |
secretlondon | ok | 04:12 |
christoz | this is weird eh? | 04:13 |
secretlondon | I have go now, I suggest you either file a bug or a request on the support tracker, add the files requested on the DebuggingUpdateManager link I posted above | 04:13 |
christoz | ok,,,but what files should i postr there? | 04:13 |
secretlondon | It probably is your machine and not the mirrors, but it could be caused by the openssh stuf we have atm | 04:13 |
secretlondon | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUpdateManager | 04:13 |
secretlondon | tells you | 04:13 |
christoz | i know i'm a member | 04:13 |
christoz | a ok | 04:14 |
christoz | thanks | 04:14 |
christoz | for your time | 04:14 |
secretlondon | sorry I couldn't fix (most of those are caused by problems in sources.list) | 04:14 |
christoz | i have to solve this...thanks | 04:14 |
secretlondon | good luck! | 04:15 |
yuriy | heh nice "Bug #175785 also links to the added bug watch (kde-bugs #150006)." | 04:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 175785 in kdebase "Konqueror crashes when clicking certain sites" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175785 | 04:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 150006 in openldap2 "After upgrading my server to Gutsy booting hangs at "Starting kernel log daemon"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150006 | 04:17 |
yuriy | launchpad just keeps gettig nicer | 04:17 |
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LimCore | hello | 08:36 |
LimCore | users are not informed enough about how to fix _consequences_ of dsa/rsa/ssh problem. Should this be fixed? | 08:36 |
LimCore | anyone here now? (as in, active) ? | 08:58 |
sectech | Okay I have come to the conclusion that I am not triaging anymore bugs until I know for sure what trace I need for certain situations... | 09:31 |
sectech | some of my traige comments are getting pretty pathetic... | 09:33 |
LimCore | like? | 09:35 |
sectech | Oh I'll give an example... hang on | 09:41 |
sectech | bug #230439 | 09:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230439 in yelp "yelp_document_get_page: assertion failed: (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)) (dup-of: 218537)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230439 | 09:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218537 in yelp "yelp_document_get_page: assertion failed: (document != NULL && YELP_IS_DOCUMENT (document)) Aborted (core dumped)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218537 | 09:41 |
sectech | I thought an apport report might give more information... someone else ended up asking for a valgrind.log | 09:42 |
sectech | Although it appears as I am throwing out generic answers to the reporters I actually am _trying_ to get the right kind of information... | 09:43 |
sectech | I'm not triaging to annoy the reporters lol | 09:44 |
sectech | and I won't apply and get accepted to bugcontrol while still asking for the wrong traces | 09:48 |
techno_freak | sectech, stop your rants and try to improve from next time if you feel your comments are pathetic | 09:49 |
sectech | ok ok.... | 09:49 |
sectech | techno_freak, point taken.... | 09:50 |
\sh | please, we had this discussion yesterday evening...no need to come back to the topic... | 09:53 |
sectech | we did? I didn't think I was here yesterday evening | 09:54 |
\sh | sectech, see the log from yesterday evening :) | 09:56 |
sectech | \sh, great, didn't know the channel had a main log... how do I view it? | 09:57 |
sectech | \sh, no point in going in circles, your right | 09:57 |
\sh | sectech, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/05/14/%23ubuntu-bugs.html | 09:58 |
sectech | \sh, Thank you :) | 09:58 |
\sh | sectech, to summarize: seb128 and I have a different meaning .. he agreed with you in general, I disagreed because of tools, which are not running properly on stable releases etc. for it was enough to see the first report...so I'll go and try to fix this bugger...so every dev has a different meaning what's necessary...i for myself, I'm a bit more careful, because we can't expect special things from users with less technical background...that's all.. | 10:01 |
\sh | .quite difficult to solve | 10:01 |
\sh | s/for it/for me/ | 10:01 |
sectech | Oh \sh are you talking about that specific bug I quoted or triaging in general? | 10:02 |
\sh | sectech, yes..the yelp bug :) | 10:02 |
sectech | Ahhh.... ok | 10:03 |
sectech | I wasn't taking that one too personally, overall I need to have a PM with someone about what to ask for, usually if I don't see an apport crash and I have no idea what platform or hardware the person is running I would ask for more info manually... Recently I was told to request an apport report... | 10:04 |
sectech | I'll deal with this when I get home.... I should get ready for work... | 10:05 |
james_w | sectech: if you are ever unsure you can ask here for some advice | 10:05 |
james_w | you won't always get consistent advice though :-) | 10:05 |
LimCore | any thought about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/230632 ? | 10:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230632 in openssh "ssh-vulnkey doesnt check all keys. Also, it would be nice to extend the warning message." [Undecided,New] | 10:06 |
sectech | james_w, and I do... bdmurry, pedro and a few others have helped me a long.... I'll just keep asking, maybe before I make any comments on bugs for a while | 10:06 |
james_w | LimCore: I would say to just leave that one alone | 10:08 |
james_w | it's not really great for a bug report to be a mix of things, and a lot of that is more like policy that faults with the package | 10:08 |
james_w | however, I wouldn't really want to take a stance on it, as it's very much the opinion of the maintainer. | 10:09 |
sectech | Oh wow, I see what you guys mean.... you guys had quite the discussion on the yelp bug yesterday | 10:10 |
LimCore | james_w: you dont thing we should informs users about this problem? | 10:11 |
LimCore | think. | 10:11 |
james_w | which problem? | 10:11 |
\sh | sectech, yeah..snow from yesterday :) | 10:12 |
LimCore | james_w: that just upgrading ssh doesnt close all problems | 10:12 |
james_w | LimCore: yes, we should, but I'm not sure what the right way to do that is. | 10:12 |
LimCore | james_w: then whats the better idea? | 10:13 |
\sh | james_w, erich schubert wrote a nice blog article about it | 10:13 |
james_w | \sh: yes, he did. | 10:13 |
james_w | LimCore: ah, I see you are the reporter now, sorry, I thought you were asking about triaging it. | 10:13 |
leo_1_2 | ciao | 10:37 |
thekorn | hi all! | 10:48 |
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LimCore | hello | 12:26 |
LimCore | why ubuntu fails again? | 12:26 |
LimCore | http://stats.denyhosts.net/stats.html | 12:26 |
\sh | LimCore, hmm? | 12:30 |
LimCore | \sh: guess why the increase in ssh attacks | 12:32 |
\sh | LimCore, because of bored scriptkiddies? | 12:39 |
LimCore | \sh: because ubuntu users dont remove their weak keys from authorized keys and bad people try to take advantage | 12:41 |
\sh | LimCore, most users don't even know what "authorized_keys" is, most people don't even know, that you have to install openssh-server for open their boxes | 12:41 |
LimCore | I dont think authorized_keys are some marginal system not used by anyone, in all my work/projects/teams we use it all the time for example | 12:42 |
\sh | LimCore, you can blame overworked sysadmins, wannabe sysadmins, rootserver providers etc. but not ubuntu or debian... | 12:43 |
Pici | LimCore: What does that websiet have to do with Ubuntu? | 12:43 |
Pici | website rather. | 12:43 |
* pochu can't believe there's so many people receiving bugmail for *all* Ubuntu bugs... | 12:43 | |
\sh | LimCore, yes, I#m using them also every day...but I do work in this business so I know how dangerous public available servers are | 12:43 |
\sh | LimCore, and comparing the sum of servers running ubuntu and debian, believe me, debian still wins... | 12:44 |
\sh | I would even think rhel and sles installs are even more spreaded in the world then ubuntu server installations... | 12:44 |
LimCore | Pici: it shows hackers taking advantage of fact that people dont know they have to fix servers they loged into using weak key | 12:44 |
LimCore | anyway, the point is | 12:45 |
\sh | LimCore, again, it doesn#t say anything about ubuntu | 12:45 |
LimCore | ...about ubuntu (or debian) users that logged into servers... | 12:45 |
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LimCore | ok the point: how about adding more clear warning that "contact admin of servers, and if your own box accepted pub key logins then to be 100% sure you have to reinstall" | 12:46 |
LimCore | this is unfortunate, but if your box allowed pubkey (from any IP) then it was possible to exploit it between discovery of bug and the fix.... right? | 12:48 |
\sh | LimCore, every person running a public connectable, especially via ssh, host, server is responsible for the safetiness of this server...people not caring you can't even fix with a warning...I mean people still drive cars, but most of the people know, that a car can kill them more faster then smoking 30 cigarettes per day..blame irresponsible admins...not any OS involved, and this topic is also wrong in here... | 12:50 |
Pici | \sh: took the words right out of my mouth (or is it fingers?) | 12:51 |
LimCore | only users that do not care | 12:51 |
LimCore | and users that do care, and fully understand implications of this bug. | 12:51 |
Pici | And we should be concerned about them because? | 12:51 |
LimCore | Are you sure there is exacly 0 users that care, but just didnt thought about this possibility | 12:52 |
LimCore | Pici: because ubuntu created this problem in the first place (well, debian) and we are good/kind/etc so we want to help | 12:53 |
Pici | LimCore: There already is a big warning on the update itself, if an admin doesnt care to read that, there isnt much we can do. | 12:53 |
\sh | LimCore, we did already with pushing the fix out...but we can't fix people | 12:54 |
LimCore | oh ok then | 12:54 |
LimCore | does this warning include info about need to check also the SERVERS to which you logged in? | 12:54 |
\sh | LimCore, no...it's the duty of the person who runs the server to inform his/her customers | 12:55 |
LimCore | it's too much work for too little benefit to just inform users that there are implications of this bug even after they applied the patch? well I dont agree | 12:57 |
\sh | but again...this is not the place to discuss. it's a social problem...not a technical problem...we fix technical issues, we can't fix social issues...I wish we could do that...but it's simply impossible | 12:58 |
LimCore | I thought ubuntu was for human beings, not for androids that will do all flawlessy so they dont need friendly help... | 12:59 |
Hobbsee | oh, LimCore again. | 13:05 |
LimCore | again thinking about the end users, damn him. | 13:06 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: there *wasn't* an exploit time before the public discovery of the bug, and the fix. | 13:06 |
Hobbsee | that's exactly why they have embargoes. | 13:06 |
LimCore | if bob uses pubkey do login to his ubuntu desktop from his ubuntu laptop, and he left them turned on and will get back from work tommorow, can he be exploited today? | 13:07 |
Hobbsee | turned on? | 13:08 |
Hobbsee | oh, the computers turned on | 13:08 |
LimCore | and connected to internet | 13:08 |
Hobbsee | i presume that he could be brute forced. | 13:09 |
LimCore | i.e. using already existing scripts like http://packetstormsecurity.org/0805-exploits/debian-sploit.txt | 13:09 |
Hobbsee | mind you, the numbers of ubuntu machines around make the probability that he in particular might get attacked woudl be quite low | 13:09 |
LimCore | people using this script say it takes around half hour to find and exploit | 13:10 |
\sh | there are more broken torrent apps running then ubuntu users using ssh ;) | 13:10 |
LimCore | so I thought, it would be nice to bring this fact to people that generated keys on Ubuntu, but apparently its so much work, its better to not do it | 13:10 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: once you have a predefined machine that you want to target. | 13:10 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: plus, he's also likely behind nat. | 13:10 |
\sh | LimCore, you forget debian itself...http://security.debian.org/project/extra/dowkd/dowkd.pl.gz or metasploit: http://metasploit.com/users/hdm/tools/debian-openssl/ | 13:11 |
Hobbsee | also, people like cjwatson are on this from both debian and ubuntu sides, and i'll choose to trust him that he knows what he's doing | 13:11 |
Hobbsee | pity i deleted the old compromised keys for one of my users. i might have tried that script on that account. | 13:11 |
LimCore | you realize fix takes 10 minutes? + Also, all servers to which you loged using public key are now EXPLOITABLE. Contact server admins, delete own keys, reinstall system is possible/important. | 13:12 |
Hobbsee | define the 'fix' here? | 13:12 |
* Hobbsee thought it was running dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server when upgrading. | 13:12 | |
LimCore | appent the information above to the warning | 13:12 |
\sh | LimCore, that's why I don't use keys at all...because all servers I know having real passwords, no open root accounts...PermitRootLogin no setting and I have a good brain to know passwords with at least 8 chars + I have a good passwordsafe on my usb stick which I walk around every day | 13:13 |
LimCore | \sh: ok but many people do use | 13:14 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: anyway, talk to cjwatson on #ubuntu-devel, as he's hte one that's ultimately going to deal with it | 13:14 |
\sh | LimCore, most people don't know the usage of ssh-keygen in general | 13:14 |
Pici | LimCore: No one is doubting the severity of this problem, but there is a certain level of responsibility that we need to leave with the system administrators. If they choose not to read the warnings that were bundled with the update then theres nothing we can do. | 13:15 |
Hobbsee | - Automatically regenerate known-compromised host keys, with a | 13:15 |
Hobbsee | critical-priority debconf note. (I regret that there was no time to | 13:15 |
Hobbsee | gather translations.) | 13:15 |
Hobbsee | * added README.compromised-keys thanks to Colin Watson | 13:15 |
* Hobbsee notes that most sysadmins probably got that. | 13:15 | |
LimCore | Pici: I assume they do read the warning, but the warning should be more verbose and more obvious | 13:15 |
* Hobbsee makes a warning that smashes people through their computer screens. | 13:16 | |
* LimCore googles for a graphs of number os people smashed through their computer screens... odd, it seems to be a rare problem. | 13:16 | |
\sh | Hobbsee, make it poison green ,-) | 13:16 |
Hobbsee | \sh: | 13:16 |
Hobbsee | \sh: exactly. | 13:16 |
Hobbsee | \sh: and i'd have to make one for the dangers of putting server stuff on your machine at all, of course. | 13:17 |
\sh | Hobbsee, and don't forget to shut down all your users windows desktops... | 13:17 |
LimCore | Hobbsee: not server stuff. your box generates key, no server there | 13:17 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: openssh-server is server stuff. | 13:18 |
\sh | because there are more people with windows running malware and trojans without knowing it..and even MS doesn't warn about it with a bit sign saying that their OS is insecure | 13:18 |
LimCore | bug affects also desktops that are only clients of ssh right? | 13:18 |
\sh | LimCore, not for ubuntu | 13:18 |
\sh | LimCore, ubutnu needs to be explicitly trained to have an openssh server running | 13:18 |
LimCore | this bug did not affect people that where only clients of ssh (that is, generated own keys)? | 13:18 |
Pici | LimCore: The warning interrupted the update process and was full screen on my cli updates, I'm not sure how much more obvious you could get. | 13:19 |
Hobbsee | if you generate your own keys, and use them, and ther'es a big warning in the update manager about compromised keys, and a big debconf prompt....if you failed to actually notice after any of the above, you deserve to be compromised | 13:19 |
LimCore | Pici: does it say that you need to also attend the servers INTO WHICH you logged in? | 13:19 |
LimCore | Hobbsee: there is this warning already? ok then perhaps its already how I imagined it | 13:20 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: but Joe Random User doesn't have to worry abou thtat. | 13:20 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: the sysadmins of the servers themselves do. | 13:20 |
Hobbsee | as it is, any responsible sysadmin will throw out the keys that are compromised, which are on their servers. | 13:20 |
LimCore | mhm | 13:20 |
Pici | LimCore: I dont remember what the exact text said. I attended to my servers, and the servers I log into also took care of theirs. | 13:20 |
LimCore | we could add more warnings in ssh client as well etc | 13:21 |
* Hobbsee didn't happen to have bad keys, so didn't see the update, but Pici says it was there, as does the changelog. | 13:21 | |
LimCore | I know its stupid, but so are avarage users I guess.. or not | 13:21 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: because a big screen on the updater wasn't enough? | 13:21 |
Hobbsee | may as well steal focus, and stick an all black screen behind it. *shrug* | 13:21 |
Hobbsee | don't let it go back to normal till the user has fixed it | 13:21 |
Hobbsee | but i'd bet that won't go down well | 13:21 |
LimCore | ssh could refuse to connect with comrpomised key | 13:22 |
Pici | It was one of those full screen ncurses style warning. | 13:22 |
LimCore | just an idea | 13:22 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: that's oh so wrong, on so many levels. | 13:22 |
LimCore | Hobbsee: or ask for type YES in upper case | 13:22 |
LimCore | like reisfers fsck | 13:22 |
Hobbsee | really, the ones who have to worry are the sysadmins. | 13:23 |
Hobbsee | and anyone who hasn't fixed their systems, as sysadmins by now, deserve to have their systems rooted. | 13:23 |
LimCore | guy with laptop and desktop | 13:23 |
Hobbsee | as for user compromised keys, well, it's the server's problem if it's accepting them, not the user. | 13:23 |
\sh | LimCore, no one responsible uses reiserfs ... all suse user are going to die if they still using it | 13:23 |
Hobbsee | the guy who should know about server-based stuff opening ports, and possibly having attacks from that. | 13:24 |
LimCore | I think its a mean thing to say that they derve to have system rooted... ;) noone is perfect | 13:24 |
* Hobbsee suggests LimCore block port 80 by default on all machines, too. | 13:24 | |
LimCore | Hobbsee: incoming? obviously | 13:24 |
Hobbsee | why? the issue has been out for days, the fix is out, the updates are out, the only people who have been living under a rock, and refuse to see reality. *shrug* | 13:25 |
Hobbsee | LimCore: both ways. | 13:25 |
Hobbsee | trojans and all that go over http. could get rooted. big scary warnings, and don't open port 80. | 13:25 |
Hobbsee | in terms of windows machines, anyway | 13:25 |
pedro_ | hello | 14:59 |
james_w | hi pedro_, are you in Prague? | 15:04 |
pedro_ | james_w: yeah!, are you coming right? | 15:05 |
james_w | yep, I'll be there on Sunday. | 15:05 |
pedro_ | aham, great | 15:06 |
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greg-g | if someone could help with bug 229489 that'd be great. I'm sure it is something simple that needs to be done but I don't know what. The telling log is the last one attached. | 16:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229489 in ubuntu "package libghc6-mtl-dev 1.0.1-1 failed to install/upgrade: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229489 | 16:52 |
\sh | greg-g, ask someone in -motu...we have some haskell pros and somehow I have the thought, that it has something to do with timing of the package installation... | 16:58 |
Hobbsee | ouch | 16:59 |
\sh | Preparing to replace libghc6-gtkglext-dev 0.9.12-0ubuntu1.1 (using .../libghc6-gtkglext-dev_0.9.12.1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb) ... | 16:59 |
\sh | /var/lib/dpkg/info/libghc6-gtkglext-dev.prerm: line 5: ghc-pkg: command not found | 16:59 |
\sh | dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 127 | 16:59 |
\sh | dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ... | 16:59 |
\sh | /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/prerm: line 5: ghc-pkg: command not found | 16:59 |
\sh | that sounds really like a timing problem | 17:00 |
\sh | yes...it's timing | 17:01 |
\sh | the package tries to install it first, but it needs ghc6 package really as first package to be installed | 17:01 |
\sh | strange that the ghc6 6.6.1 package failes for this... | 17:02 |
\sh | because it should be still there during upgrade | 17:02 |
* \sh heads home | 17:05 | |
askand | Please reopen bug 183136 as it is still present | 17:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 183136 in evolution "Error while Storing folder 'INBOX'" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183136 | 17:41 |
greg-g | askand: what error are you receiving? | 17:45 |
askand | greg-g: the same as the person who first reported it; 'Error while Storing folder 'INBOX'' | 17:45 |
greg-g | askand: ok, just making sure since a couple other people incorrectly thought they had the same issue | 17:46 |
askand | greg-g: Ah ok, I am using gmail over pop3 and Im using swedish language in Ubuntu Hardy | 17:46 |
greg-g | askand: could you please post a comment on that bug stating what you are experiencing, anything you have tried to diagnose the issue, and what version of ubuntu you are running? | 17:46 |
greg-g | you could try creating a new user on your system and seeing if the problem is still present then, or mv'ing your .evolution folder to .evolution-backup and seeing if it is still an issue | 17:47 |
greg-g | those are two good tests to see if it is caused by a user-defined setting or not | 17:48 |
askand | greg-g: Ok, I did mv evolution thing | 17:49 |
askand | and it made it work..propably cause Ive got no mails...ill try to mail one to myself | 17:50 |
greg-g | ok | 17:51 |
greg-g | askand: I'm heading out, post whatever you have tested to that bug and I'll take a look when I get back. Thanks | 17:52 |
sportman1280_ | hello | 17:54 |
sportman1280_ | i was just curious as to why apport was disabled by default in hardy | 17:55 |
askand | greg-g: will do, thanks to you | 17:56 |
al_ | hello | 18:18 |
sportman1280_ | hello | 18:26 |
sportman1280_ | what are the packages you need to install in order to have the debug symbols? | 18:26 |
james_w | sportman1280_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash should help | 18:32 |
sportman1280_ | well actually | 18:32 |
sportman1280_ | they were listed there | 18:32 |
sportman1280_ | libglib2.0-0-dbgsym libgtk2.0-0-dbgsym | 18:32 |
sportman1280_ | i was told those yesterday, here... just forgot what they were :( | 18:32 |
greg-g | oh, sportman1280_, regarding why apport is disabled by default in stable releases (ie: Hardy) is because the versions of the programs in stable (Hardy) are now probably outdated compared to "upstream" (the place the actual program comes from) so the crashes are "less" useful (not useless, just less useful). Also, I think it is an "appearance" thing to, not having the message pop up for things that don't matter (for instance a crash of compiz that | 19:03 |
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sportman1280_ | greg-g: Thanks for the info | 19:23 |
askand | greg-g: I have now added a comment to the bugreport | 19:28 |
greg-g | askand: I've replied. | 19:38 |
askand | I am curios whats need to be done for bug 89936 to arrive to hardy-proposed, is it just a question of time? | 19:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 89936 in gmail-notify "Gmail notifier crashes when new e-mail is found and the user are supposed to be alerted about it" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89936 | 19:54 |
Fallenou | hi | 19:56 |
Fallenou | bdmurray , just to say that my bug (about nvidia nforce network controller) is solved : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/230099 it was a duplicate of another bug , thank you :) | 19:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230099 in linux "nForce nvidia network driver can't link up when plugin wire (dup-of: 136836)" [Undecided,New] | 19:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 136836 in linux "Ethernet (nVidia MCP55) not working [ gutsy, hardy]" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:57 |
Fallenou | and the solution explained in the bug 136836 worked for me ! | 19:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 136836 in linux "Ethernet (nVidia MCP55) not working [ gutsy, hardy]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136836 | 19:58 |
Fallenou | ubottu ok we got it :D | 19:58 |
ubottu | Factoid ok we got it :d not found | 19:58 |
Fallenou | thank you guys | 19:58 |
greg-g | askand: regarding the gmail notifier, yeah, time | 20:05 |
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askand | Has any fix been released to the hardy freezing bug? | 22:36 |
greg-g | askand: A) what bug are you referring to? and B) if you are referring to a specific bug, any and all information about it will be found on its Launchpad page | 22:47 |
hggdh | hum, thing are slow here... | 23:47 |
sectech | seems to be | 23:52 |
sectech | Tell me something.... how to characters like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/~sportember get away with bugs being marked critical even though they are not real bug reports | 23:53 |
ffm | sectech: It's bug #1 | 23:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 23:54 |
sectech | It's a valid issue... but not a software bug.... | 23:54 |
greg-g | sectech: read who wrote that bug | 23:55 |
greg-g | and, it is bug number 1, as in, the first bug in the system | 23:55 |
sectech | Gregery Mate.... | 23:55 |
sectech | rather Gergely Mate | 23:56 |
sectech | ... indeed..... | 23:56 |
sectech | creator of launchpad? | 23:56 |
greg-g | sectech: who wrote the bug, not the commenter. "bugs related to.." people list bugs that you have commented on also, just just bugs you have reported | 23:57 |
greg-g | the actual bug, who wrote the actual bug report for bug number 1 | 23:57 |
sectech | Ohhhh... | 23:58 |
greg-g | :) | 23:58 |
sectech | *bows* | 23:58 |
sectech | lol | 23:58 |
greg-g | good example to showcase that the "bugs related to" someone are just bugs they have commented on | 23:59 |
sectech | indeed.... | 23:59 |
greg-g | not JUST bugs they have commented on, of course, but yeah | 23:59 |
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