
jdongbryce: sounds reasonable to me (shut up, wgrant and Hobbsee :P)... it's not like the installer writes any stateful info about the hardware00:03
ubottu<Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!00:03
Nafallothat's almost harsh :-P00:17
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macdHas anyone had troubles with sshd after upgrade, newly generated keys from updated ssh/ssl gives errors when trying to auth via key on ssh, http://pastie.caboo.se/19720600:54
slangasekmacd: I haven't seen this.  What version of Ubuntu are you running?00:56
macdin this case, my workstation is 8.04, 2 sshd's 7.10/8.04 both doing it00:56
macdI've tried removing/purging ssh things, and then deleteing all my keys, reinstalling ssh stuff, then regenerating my keys, still no go00:57
macdslangasek, ^ above (sorry forgot to prefix)00:58
sdh"If it works, edit the .ssh/authorized_keys file from your home directory. You will probably notice that you have a new line or an unappropriate character in your file. Each key on this file must be on one line only."00:59
sdh(from http://www.webprodevelopment.com/BrightLight/2006/01/09/fixing-a-sshd-error/)00:59
slangasekmacd: does ssh -v give you any more useful information on the client side?00:59
macdsdh, thanks for the suggestion, but I figured that one out a long time ago ;P00:59
sdhmacd: oh well :P00:59
macdslangasek, OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007 client/ OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-8ubuntu1.4, OpenSSL 0.9.8c 05 Sep 2006 server01:00
macdohh, haha, not versions, verbosity01:02
macdslangasek, http://pastie.caboo.se/19722401:02
slangasekmacd: hmm, ok01:03
slangasekwill try to reproduce here01:04
macdsure thing, need any other output, or a bug on LP opened01:04
slangasekI suggest going ahead with opening a bug on LP regardless01:06
macdslangasek, I just tried using the key on my workstation to ssh to a bsd box, works fine....01:09
slangasekmacd: and there's no doubt that the key you're using is newly-generated using a non-vulnerable version of openssh?01:14
macdslangasek, no doubt at all01:15
macdslangasek, Im a bit short on time at the moment, but I'll file a bug and subscribe you to it, whats your LP01:16
slangasekmacd: 'vorlon'01:16
macdseen that one a few times, reminds me of babyln501:16
macdslangasek, thanks, and take it easy01:16
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pittiGood morning06:54
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dholbachgood morning07:27
dholbachdid somebody ever encounter thunderbird not listing a mail folder (main view, filter view) even if it shows it as "subscribed to"? any advice?07:54
dholbachhum, it works after clicking and unclicking "show only subscribed folders" - nevermind08:01
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cjwatsonmacd: I'm going to need output from 'sshd -ddd' on the server side to diagnose that bug. That is, you have to run 'sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop', then bring up sshd in debugging mode with 'sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -ddd' (yes, you need the full path there), connect to it once, then 'sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start'08:20
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:23
pittihi tkamppeter09:28
fabbionehi guys09:35
fabbioneyou guys at UDS yet?09:35
tkamppeterpitti, I will be in Prag from Saturady on, with my wife and her parents, Sunday evening I move into the conference hotel.09:45
tkamppeterpitti, are you already in Prag?09:45
pittifabbione: not yet, this evening09:45
pittitkamppeter: ^09:46
fabbionepitti: ok :)09:46
tkamppeterpitti, so you will visit Prag at first, too?09:46
pittitkamppeter: no, only on Sunday; FOSSCamp will happen on Friday/Saturday09:47
tkamppeterI have prepared two blueprints: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/pdf-as-standard-print-job-format and https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/applications-printing09:50
tkamppeterubotu, tell something about the blueprints ...09:50
tkamppeterI would like to get some desktop application developers onto these BoFs, who should I subscribe?09:51
pittitkamppeter: did you propose it for the conf already?09:52
tkamppeterpitti, yes, by "Propose for meeting agenda" in the menu on the left.09:53
tkamppeterpitti, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/applications-printing was not reported by me, but I would change the title, is there a way to do this?09:56
pittitkamppeter: the title yes, but not the ID (IIRC)09:56
tkamppeter"Edit title and summary" appears only for the blueprints I have reported by myself. Is this a bug in PL?09:57
pittiah, that might be a precaution against vandalism09:58
tkamppeterpitti, you are probably root on the server and can vi it to "Common Printing Dialog".10:00
pittiheh, no, I'm not :)10:00
tkamppeterpitti, but you are core-dev10:00
pittiI still can't change it, though10:01
pwnguinis there a calendar of UDS yet?10:01
[reed]is there a channel for UDS?10:03
cjwatsontkamppeter: an extraordinarily small number of people have root on the Launchpad database server, and vi doesn't work well on postgresql databases10:13
cjwatsontkamppeter: I've changed the title for you10:13
cjwatson(members of ubuntu-drivers can do that)10:13
tkamppetercjwatson, thank you very much. The old title was really franglish.10:25
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Mithrandircjwatson: would it make sense to make it possible to disable DSA auth completely (sshd)?10:59
cjwatsonyes, somebody filed a Debian bug report for that10:59
pittiRiddell, Hobbsee: can you please ask for appropriate automounting debugging procuedures in bug 205081? It works under Gnome, and I don't know the debugging for KDE11:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 205081 in ntfs-3g "ntfs-3g will mount as root only, breaks mounting as user" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20508111:30
emgentdholbach: heya, some problem with iproute sync and nis merge?11:49
emgentnorsetto: o/12:02
norsettoemgent: <>/12:09
Hobbseepitti: i don't use kde, sorry12:37
pittiargh, where the heck do I find AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS ?12:42
pittiautoreconf stumbles over this, and it's not at all obvious where to find it12:43
pittidoko: ^ any idea?12:43
pitti(trying to fix the b0rked python-gobject merge)12:43
pochupitti: I was looking at it12:43
pittiI so much hate, hate, hate, hate autoconf12:44
pochupitti: I've asked seb and that patch isn't needed anymore, we can change it with the last one from http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=481569 which fixes the bug instead of disabling the feature12:44
ubottuGnome bug 481569 in gtk "Calling gobject.threads_init() causes a lot of wakeups" [Normal,Reopened]12:44
pittipochu: oh, cool, so we can drop this 61_dont_use_setwakeupfd.patch?12:45
pittipochu: that would be good, since its purpose is undocumented, no bug#, etc.12:45
pochuand the autoreconf issues would be http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=471528, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=471559, and probably others12:45
ubottuGnome bug 471528 in general "m4 macros needed to rebuild configure aren't shipped with 2.13.x" [Minor,Unconfirmed]12:45
pittiah, thanks12:46
pittipochu: well, with dropping the patch I don't need to rebuild them any more12:46
pochuexactly :-)12:46
pochuI wonder how Joss got to rebuild it, though...12:46
loolpitti: BTW, I think I discussed it with you and seb128 to include the updated python-gobject patch in hardy-updates12:53
loolpitti: You're still ok with this?12:54
pittilool: I don't think I was involved in that discussion12:54
loolOk; well basically that wakeupfd stuff was broken in pygobject and we disabled it before hardy12:54
pittiright, that's the patch I just ripped out for intrepid12:55
loolBut it causes wakeups in powertop for python apps such as deskbar applet12:55
pittipython-gobject uploaded now, for the record, it actually builds now; this should unbreak the world FTBFSing12:55
loolBut you pulled the updated wakeupfd patch?12:55
pochuhey lool12:55
pittilool: no, I just dropped it, as pochu said12:56
loolI don't think it was tarball released12:56
pittilool: we can still apply it in a followup upload if we need12:56
pittibut I'd really like to get this fixed in intrepid soon, it causes a hell of a lot of FTBFS and uninstallability ATM12:56
pitti(that's why I attacked it now in the first place)12:57
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loolOk, I thought we had a patch for this support but actually it was tarball releasedin the old broken version in 2.14;112:59
loolWhat we want is the final implementation12:59
pochupitti: could you retry exaile libbeagle anjuta (or add to your to-retry list :)12:59
loolpitti: So you uploaded ubuntu3?13:00
pittilool: 2.14.1-4+ubu1, yes13:00
pitti(no remaining changes any more13:00
pittipochu: kicked13:00
pochuthank you13:02
mitsuhikohi all13:02
mitsuhikowhy is ssh-vulnkey not available for dapper?13:02
pittimitsuhiko: it will eventually13:02
mitsuhikothat's good news13:03
pittipochu: btw, feel free to upload bug 20809713:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 208097 in python-aptsources "FTBFS in Hardy due to python-distutils-extra changes" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20809713:08
pittipochu: and maybe poke someone from ~motu-sru to ack it (Hobbsee, TheMuso, etc.)13:09
pochuok, on it13:10
pochuWhat do people think about removing reportbug(-ng) from the archive? bug 17550813:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 175508 in reportbug-ng "reportbug-ng reports bugs to Debian instead of Ubuntu" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17550813:11
LimCorehi cjwatson13:14
LimCorecjwatson: can we append a warning to the installer related to openssh,  that explains that the SERVERS that accept weak keys are still vulnerable and that users should consider that?13:15
LimCorebecuse users dont ralize this usually13:15
kagoudo anyone have an idea to which package should I assign Bug #230694 ?13:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230694 in ubuntu "DVD mounted and played by wrong user" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23069413:47
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loolpitti: Hmm if you remove the patch completely, we get the borken setwakeupfd support again14:05
loolI'm preparing a Debian upload with the updated fix14:05
looldoko: Hmm will we get signal.set_wakeup_fd from 2.5.2-2ubuntu2 in Debian too?14:12
pittilool: thanks14:23
siretartany reason to not publish openssl-blacklist in dapper-security?14:54
loolBlah, I hang python2.5 when rebuilding pygobject in hardy14:55
loollalala .........*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/python2.5: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000000a39480 ***14:55
loolLooks like it could be amd64-ish14:55
looldoko: pygobject was uploaded the 9th of April in hardy and python2.5 the 8th and the 16th; I wonder whether it could be a 2.5.2-2ubuntu4 regression14:57
mvirkkilWhat time does FOSSCamp start tomorrow?14:59
pittimvirkkil: 10 am, IIRC15:01
Hobbsee18 / 3 != 915:03
Hobbseedid someone steal my brain?15:04
pittiHobbsee: 5.99999993843 last time I checked :)15:04
* realist gives back hobbsee-brain.deb15:04
realistpitti: FPU bug?15:06
looldoko: There's an insane amount of valgrind errors (even when only looking at access after free errors); I guess it's a wrong memory allocation function being used: do you have any tip on chasing such issues?15:08
mvirkkilpitti: Thanks. Couldn't find it anywhere on the FOSSCamp page.15:09
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Hobbseerealist: ah, thanks.15:12
juliankdoko: I really need Bug #220241 to be fixed. Running applets is (if it works) slow and the applet at java.com does not even work. (but worked with IcedTea 7 in gutsy)15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220241 in icedtea-gcjwebplugin "Test applet at java.com fails to run" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22024115:19
emgentheya people15:19
juliankdoko: Somehow it works now. But why?15:20
candrewsQuestion about the openssl vulnerability: why does openssl not use /dev/urandom for entropy on Linux? Why does it need anything other than /dev/urandom?15:21
pochupitti: can you retry them again? when you did it python-gtk2 was still uninstallable due to python-gobject, but I've checked now on a chroot and they are installable with the update15:26
pochuexaile libbeagle anjuta15:27
pittipochu: right, doing15:27
pochuthanks again :)15:30
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=== mdz changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Regenerate your SSH keys! http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | #ubuntu-devel-summit for U
=== mdz changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Regenerate your SSH keys! http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
\sh./ctcp * sound attention_regen_ssh-keys_now.wav15:44
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Hobbseefricking oo.15:51
Hobbseestop crashing!15:52
dokolool: is this needed?16:08
looldoko: Well the valgrind backtraces don't end up in the python modules I'm testing16:28
looldoko: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lool/pygtk-testactionsubclass.log16:32
looldoko: I guess these issues weren't present in the previous python2.5 as pygtk built against it for hardy16:33
looldoko: The tests causing glibc assertions are doing some gc.collect() and the changes you did to python2.5 seem to affect the gc; are these patches safe, could they expose bugs in other moduels?16:34
dokolool: which tests fail, are these tests using ctypes?16:37
looldoko: I'm not sure; there's "ctypes" usage in codegen/defsgen.py, but I don't see any in generated code16:38
looldoko: If you simply rebuild pygtk locally, you should get the bug16:39
dokolool: I already had the wakeup stuff backported, just didn't upload16:39
looldoko: Oh, well I spent time today doing it too; too bad16:39
looldoko: I committed the patches to the Debian tree, but I can't test them under hardy due to this unrelated FTBFS16:40
dokoApr 30 ...16:40
loolYou mean you had prepared pygobject and pygtk back Apr 30?16:41
loolOr do you mean you told me so at that date?16:41
dokodo python2.516:42
loolYou included it in hardy already16:42
loolI don't understand what you say16:43
mrechi it seems like that mplayer fires up dbus to open and hold the video nodes open .. this has a terrible sideeffect for hybrid devices which provide multiple nodes. When the analog video node is held open it's impossible to open eg the DVB or radio part of a analog TV/dvb/radio device16:43
mrecthe dbus extension seems to be an ubuntu specific patch16:44
mrec(at least for mplayer)16:44
doko<lool> doko: Hmm will we get signal.set_wakeup_fd from 2.5.2-2ubuntu2 in Debian too?16:54
dokothis was my answer16:54
peciskhi people, how firefox translation from Launchpad gets into distribution? It is converted when issuing update for particular translation?17:06
mrecdoes anyone know more about this?17:15
mrecI don't think it's mplayer mplayer accesses dbus yes but only for the screensaver thing17:15
violinapprenhi all, i'm trying build the source package of synergy and i get "/usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian/rules: Permission denied" ... more at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12261/17:55
stdinviolinappren: is debian/rules set executable?17:56
liwviolinappren, "chmod +x debian/rules" should fix that; when apt-get unpacks the source code, it shoudl do that, I don't know why it didn't17:56
liwmore specifically, dpkg-source should do it17:57
liwmaybe the clean rule in debian/rules does something funny17:57
violinappreni did chmod +x on it and then ran "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b" and it still gives the same error .. "ls -al debian/rules" says it's -rwxr-xr-x17:58
stdinneedbeer: stop spamming18:00
liwviolinappren, I can't reproduce the problem on hardy18:01
needbeeri already got 7 klines today on several networks, only a shotgun could stop me spamming :D18:01
stdinneedbeer: ask an you shell receive18:01
liwviolinappren, I can't reproduce the problem on hardy18:02
liwviolinappren, do you have all build dependencies installed? "apt-get build-dep synergy" takes care of that18:04
violinappren_umm, i tried again in my home directory (rather than my "playground" partition) and it works (!)18:05
stdinviolinappren_: same filesystem type?18:06
violinappren_yes i used ext3 allover the place18:06
stdincheck the mount options, there is a noexec flag that cam be set iirc18:06
violinappren_mount says "/dev/sda3 on /media/sda3 type ext3 (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)"18:07
stdinthere you go then "noexec" will stop things from being executed even if set +x18:07
Ngnoexec is overrated18:08
violinappren_it must be a default in hardy since i never manaually set it!18:08
stdincheck in your /etc/fstab18:08
liwit is set for automatically mounted volumes (ref. /media)18:08
liwby gnome-mount, that is18:09
violinappren_fstab has "/dev/sda3 /media/sda3 auto nouser,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0"18:09
violinappren_(i added the mount points during a clean kubuntu hardy install)18:09
stdinunmount, take out the "noexec," and mount18:10
liwor don't build packages on that filesystem, of course -- the noexec might be there for a reason18:10
looldoko: Ok; are you interested in looking in the python2.5 memory corruption issue?18:10
liw(i.e., first figure out the reason)18:10
dokolool: please recheck with the recent python2.5 upload first, I'm travelling tomorrow, and I'm offline now18:11
violinappren_well it's a personal machine, not a work one, so no "policies" with noexec18:11
looldoko: the intrepid one?18:11
loolOr the hardy one?18:11
dokolool: intrepid, hardy should be ok for ctypes18:12
dokolool: you do use hardy-proposed, do you?18:12
looldoko: No, I don't; I've seen an upload from you in proposed, but it seemed unrelated18:12
looldoko: I'm pulling python2.5{,-dev,-minimal} from proposed18:14
violinappren_anyway, thanks guys/gals for your help18:14
looldoko: Same bug18:14
lool*** glibc detected *** python: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0000000000b297b0 ***18:15
loolI'm debootstrapping intrepid, but I don't have much hope18:17
looldoko: Under intrepid, same thing http://paste.ubuntu.com/12270/18:26
loolWell hardy's kernel18:26
norsettolooks like debian new is chocked18:27
loolnorsetto: ?18:27
norsettolool: is it normal for so many packages to be sitting there for weeks?18:28
loolnorsetto: these are old graphes, but it's still being processed in batch http://heracles.corsac.net/~corsac/debian/new/18:30
norsettolool: amazing18:31
macdcjwatson, ping18:57
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emgentnorsetto: o/19:43
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fbondHi, there seems to be some confusion regarding xorg.conf in 8.04.  Is it possible to force X.org to use a particular display driver, even if auto-detection suggests otherwise?  What is the best way to do this?20:04
slangasekfbond: all the previously supported xorg.conf options can still be used, to their usual effect; we just don't use them by default because autodetection now gives correct results in the vast majority of cases20:10
fbondslangasek: Am I incorrect, then, in thinking that I ought to be able to add a `Driver ...' line to the "Device" section and have that force the display driver?20:13
tjaaltonfbond: correct20:13
fbondOf course you know that I'm asking because it's not working for me.20:14
fbondThe log file indicates that the vesa driver is being used.20:14
fbondIf the requested driver does not load, will the vesa driver be used instead?20:14
tjaaltonif the xserver fails to start, yes20:14
fbondHm.  It seems to do this silently; no warnings or anything.  Makes debugging a bit confusing if you come from the Old Way where the server doesn't start at all when the driver didn't pan out.20:15
tjaaltonthere's a bug about that20:15
fbondOh, is there?  I couldn't find anything, and wasn't sure if I just didn't understand X.org anymore.20:16
fbondtjaalton: Do you have a bug #?20:16
tjaaltonbug 148122 seems to be the one20:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 148122 in xorg "bulletproof-x hiding real problems" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14812220:17
tjaaltonboarding time, finally ->20:17
fbondtjaalton: No, this is a different situation.  I'm not getting the graphical configuration utility at all.  X starts normally, just with the wrong driver.20:18
tseliotfbond: that's because no driver is specified in the Device section of your xorg.conf20:26
tseliotfbond: maybe Xorg's automatic detection didn't work as it should20:27
fbondtseliot: I *did* specify a driver.  That's why I'm bothered.20:30
tseliotfbond: can I see your xorg.conf and your /var/log/Xorg.0.log (use pastebin, please)?20:31
fbondtseliot: one sec.20:31
tseliotfbond: oh and I would be glad if you could post the output of this command too sudo updatedb && locate xorg.conf20:34
fbondtseliot: I think I see what's going on that is confusing me.20:47
fbondThe machine in question was already being tested by someone else.20:47
fbondWhen I got to it, he had already seen the "low-graphics mode" dialog.20:47
fbondI edited the xorg.conf and then restarted the X server by pressing Ctl-Alt-Bkspc20:48
fbondHowever, it seems that restarting the bulletproof X server via C-A-B does not cause the configuration to be re-read.  I'm beginning to understand that the bulletproof X server is a separate server with a separate configuration.20:48
fbondThus, it appeared that my configuration wasn't being read.20:49
fbondDoes this sound right?20:49
fbondNow, I was eventually able to get to a log file with the openchrome output, and found the problem there.  I had to restart gdm to trigger the configuration to be re-read.20:50
tseliotfbond: yes, that's what I was going to suggest20:50
fbondI wonder if some more documentation might be helpful to advanced users trying to fiddle with things.20:50
tseliotfbond: bryce knows more about this20:51
tseliotand you can have a look at this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X20:52
tseliotI've got to go now. Bye20:53
fbondtseliot: thanks20:53
dmbis this openssl bug going to require the creating of Ubuntu 8.04.1 lts?21:12
liw8.04.1 was going to be created anyway21:14
geserpitti: Hi, I've seen that apache2 got uploaded to hardy-proposed. As apache2-mpm-itk has a very strict dependency on apache2.2-common it needs a rebuild for every apache2 upload. Does this somehow influence the SRU of apache2?21:29
* slangasek shakes his fist at itk21:33
slangasekgeser: would be great if someone could prepare an itk upload then; I'll be happy to push it through alongside apache221:33
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geserslangasek: would this weekend be early enough?21:35
slangasekgeser: I imagine so21:35
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emgentheya sabdfl :)22:10
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sabdflhowdy all22:23
Kaleohi sabdfl22:24
Nafallohey :-)22:32
emgentNafallo: :)22:32
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johanbrHmm. The UDS wiki page still says "More details about remote participation will be announced closer to the time. ".23:09
stgraberjohanbr: they have till Monday :)23:11
xivulonslangasek, would you mind clarify the first bullet in #226622? I am not too knowledgeable on versioning conventions23:35

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