
=== foka_ is now known as foka
xivulonCan you please confirm the url of the new point release dailys vs url for intrepid daily builds?10:07
xivulonis http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ assigned to hardy dailys or is it going to change soon?10:07
xivulonat the moment I have http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/hardy/daily-live within wubi, but that is not up yet10:08
cjwatsonxivulon: it will be http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/hardy/daily-live/current/ - /daily-live/current/ will become intrepid10:12
cjwatson(I said the same thing a week or two back)10:12
xivuloncjwatson, just doublechecking, since when I checked the url was still the old way. Your recommendation has already been committed10:13
xivulonany idea when the url will change?10:14
cjwatsonnone, as I said last time check that sort of thing with slangaselk10:14
xivulonok will do, thanks10:14
cjwatsonI think he was going to start it up RSN10:15
* xivulon looks up RSN10:15
ganesis there any relation between casper package & kernel10:45
ganeskernel is running on liveinitramfs-tools, now i installed casper it is not working10:46
davmor2xivulon: how's things?11:36
xivulonhi davmor2!12:46
davmor2xivulon: How's things in wubi world now?12:46
xivulonall good, been on holidays a few days, missed all the gpg fun12:46
xivulonmost bugs have fixes committed12:47
davmor2not gpg ssh key12:47
xivulonI still cannot figure out the CD ISO extraction12:47
xivulonbut I might have a workaround12:47
davmor2xivulon: cool any testing you need running let me know okay#12:47
xivulonthanks, I am waiting for the new ISO url to settle, then we will start again12:48
xivuloncjwatson, on the CD ISO extraction, I was thinking of only extracting squashfs instead of using our ISO mechanism12:48
xivulonthat should be enought to run ubiquity, correct?12:49
xivulondownside is that it would be a bit of a special case and code changes might be too invasive12:53
xivulondavmor2: did you ever try to run the hampus cd2iso program under tracing tools?12:54
xivulonsuch as windbg12:54
davmor2xivulon: No I never got chance I'll do it latter for you12:55
xivulonthat would be nice, thanks12:56
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xivulonwell to answer my own question, casper can boot off a squashfs file only if it is in /casper/*.squashfs13:52
xivulonthat would require editing casper > check_dev13:55
xivulonevand how do you feel about ^ ?13:56
xivulononce we are at it would it be possible to fix casper-helpers > find_cow_devices (see FIXME)13:58
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xivulonbug #23070314:06
xivulonevand can I assign it to you? the change should be simple14:07
xivulonevand see also bug #23071614:24
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xivulonevand as mentioned in my last comment to #207137 I start doubting that the issue can be fixed at all, and #230716 seems to be the only clean alternative.15:15
xivulonps how big is the squashfs in a DVD? that might allow us to support DVDs as well15:17
xivulonit might make it more difficult to support alternate ISOs later on though15:19
ryoohkidoes anyone have a working pxe install for server?  i can't get a a vanilla install - base packages + /boot & lvm( swap / )19:00
ryoohkii mean ubuntu 8.04 server amd6419:00
Zelutryoohki: I do pxe installs pretty regularly, sure.19:12
ryoohkiZelut: great thanks!  no matter what i do - it always stops at the partman step19:16
ryoohkiZelut: would you post a simple generic working one to a pastebin?19:18
Zelutryoohki: give me half-hour or so.. just getting lunch.20:03
ryoohkiZelut: have a good lunch20:37
ryoohkiZelut: thank you20:37
Zelutryoohki: ok, does this help? http://pastebin.ca/101935820:50
Zelutryoohki: I don't know why yours would crash on partman.. that's basically what I use all the time to setup the pxe and its reliable..20:50
ryoohkiZelut: it doesn't crash; it halts and waits for input - so it's not automated21:06
Zelutryoohki: well the automation stuff is a whole other story.  I thought you just needed PXE setup21:08
ryoohkiZelut: this is all stuff i've already gotten past21:08
Zelutryoohki: so I suppose a more accurate request would have been for a working preseed/kickstart setup in pastebin, not a PXE setup.21:09
ryoohkiZelut: i need to automate the install of ubuntu 8.04 server amd64 but it always hangs at the partman step and waits for input even if i specify with preseed to whip the disk and install /boot with LVM( swap + / )21:10
ryoohkiZelut: it's pretty clear to, myself, at least, that's what a pxe install is - everywhere else but ubuntu - i think it's because noone has it working21:12
Zelutpxe does not have to be automated though. pxe is a different monster from automated installation.21:12
Zeluti use pxe regularly and do manual installs (and automated), but referring to pxe and assuming automation would be incorrect.21:13
ryoohkiZelut: when i say "pxe install" i don't mean "pxe boot"21:15
Zeluti realize that, but a pxe-initiated install can still be a manual install process.. but at this point we're just arguing semantics.21:15
ZelutI don't have a working kickstart for lvm with me now but I can try to put one together later today..21:16
ryoohkiZelut: afaik the whole point of these tools is to select netboot via a console/ilom and walk away - i can't imagine any other thing21:16
ryoohkiZelut: i appreciate it21:16
ryoohkiZelut: if you would pastebin it for me that would be good, and even better if later you would add it to you webpage( which i had already found and read)21:17
ryoohkiZelut: let me pastebin what i have and is not working21:17
ZelutI'll see what I can do21:17

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