momelod | greeting chanel | 00:06 |
Solarbaby | Hello momelod | 00:06 |
momelod | need a quick hand, i did a dist-upgrade to 8.04 and now my ivtv drivers wont load the firmware? | 00:07 |
TelnetManta | can anyone tell me how to fix my display from a alt terminal in mythbuntu? | 00:26 |
TelnetManta | I tried fix x from recovery mode and its not working | 00:26 |
Solarbaby | do you have a backup of your xorg.conf? | 00:27 |
Solarbaby | cd /etc/X11 edit xorg.conf to the default.. there is probably an old xorg.conf.1 or something as a backup in that directory | 00:27 |
WcktKlwn | for some reason my sound card was renamed from /dev/alsa to /dev/alsa1, how do I get it back to /dev/alsa? | 00:47 |
Solarbaby | superm1: alright looks like I've done well so far with lirc.. the script was a little different then I remember it from 6 months back.. | 00:56 |
ddgoose | ok I recompiled my ignyte with an added arg --server , it works. should I send a patch upstream to the author, or how would that be handled? | 01:08 |
tgm4883_laptop | ddgoose, possibly put it here if it doesn't fit that, then open a new bug and put the fix there | 01:10 |
ddgoose | That ticket ataches to the hacked googlemovies version of Mythmovies | 01:14 |
ddgoose | hmm dropping keys | 01:14 |
ddgoose | time to change batteries | 01:14 |
ddgoose | thanks for the answer to my where to go question though ;) | 01:15 |
ddgoose | hmm, launchpad has a bug entry for it, but mythtv does not. | 01:16 |
ddgoose | would you classify a bug that crashes frontend to desktop "critical" or "blocker"? | 01:23 |
tgm4883_laptop | er | 01:26 |
tgm4883_laptop | whats below critical | 01:27 |
tgm4883_laptop | it's not a blocker | 01:27 |
tgm4883_laptop | better yet | 01:27 |
tgm4883_laptop | sec | 01:27 |
tgm4883_laptop | post the fix here | 01:27 |
tgm4883_laptop | then it can get forwarded upstream | 01:28 |
tgm4883_laptop | sorry about telling you 2 different things | 01:28 |
ddgoose | done | 01:42 |
Solarbaby | I'm running Mythbuntu 8.04 on a Toshiba A45 Laptop.. I've noticed that the cooling fans turn off and don't come back on.. Yuck.. anyone have any ideas? | 01:46 |
Solarbaby | I'd be thrilled with a always on feature | 01:47 |
ddgoose | Solarbaby any bios overrides? | 02:03 |
Solarbaby | I didn't see any.. | 02:04 |
Solarbaby | really sucky bios | 02:04 |
Solarbaby | I just found an interesting thread in the | 02:04 |
Solarbaby | 1m-sensors | 02:04 |
Solarbaby | and gkrellm | 02:05 |
Solarbaby | i'll see if I can install both of those | 02:05 |
Solarbaby | I'm really glad I had an extra cooling plate sitting around | 02:06 |
ddgoose | apt-get install toshset | 02:07 |
ddgoose | try that | 02:07 |
Solarbaby | alright | 02:07 |
ddgoose | dinner back in a bit | 02:08 |
Solarbaby | Hey Thank you | 02:08 |
=== ddgoose is now known as ddgoose-AFK | ||
Solarbaby | this looks good | 02:08 |
ddgoose-AFK | no problem | 02:09 |
Solarbaby | go figure toshset will not control my fan.. it gets an error | 02:22 |
Solarbaby | HciFeature::query: received an unexpected response for feature fan: 64 | 02:22 |
JDStone | I need ffmpeg with mp3 support, do i need to recompile ffmpeg with mp3 support? | 02:28 |
rhpot1991_laptop | JDStone: enable medibuntu | 02:33 |
Solarbaby | im kind of up the creek with toshset | 02:33 |
Solarbaby | im kind of up the creek with ubuntu if I can't get something to keep my fan spinning | 02:33 |
JDStone | how do I do that? | 02:36 |
JDStone | rhpot1991_laptop: how do I do that? | 02:36 |
JDStone | rhpot1991_laptop: I think I got it | 02:37 |
JDStone | thanks! | 02:37 |
rhpot1991_laptop | no problem | 02:41 |
rhpot1991_laptop | tgm4883_laptop: still here? | 02:44 |
rhpot1991_laptop | anyone ever see any remotes that seem to record different buttons with the same codes? | 02:45 |
=== ddgoose-AFK is now known as ddgoose | ||
tgm4883_laptop | rhpot1991_laptop, never seen that. Unless they are mapped to the same thing | 02:56 |
rhpot1991_laptop | well I don't think they are | 02:56 |
rhpot1991_laptop | its happening randomly | 02:56 |
rhpot1991_laptop | I've tried 4 or so different codes already | 02:57 |
rhpot1991_laptop | can you think of any way to verify it? | 02:57 |
tgm4883_laptop | save the file, try recording them again. If they come up with the same values then thats what is happening. If they come up with different values then it's random (which means it's something else) | 02:59 |
tgm4883_laptop | or you could try a different ir receiver | 03:00 |
rhpot1991_laptop | odd, just had another dupe with this here other universal remote that I know works | 03:01 |
rhpot1991_laptop | wonder if maybe I'm getting interference from the light by the tv or someting | 03:01 |
rhpot1991_laptop | I do have a mceusb receiver downstairs that I'm not using, but its even harder to find codes that work for that :( | 03:02 |
crazy_bus | I like mythtv but I don't like it loading everything automatically when I turn the computer on. How do I stop that? | 03:21 |
TazgodX | whats a good DVD burner for my mythtv box? | 04:05 |
TazgodX | i was thinking of one without a tray | 04:05 |
TazgodX | if they still make them :) | 04:06 |
rhpot1991_laptop | I got a liteon sata one from newegg for $20smoe | 04:07 |
rhpot1991_laptop | noisy at top speed, but once myth controls the speed its quiet | 04:07 |
TazgodX | do they make DVD drives that don't have trays? i know you can get them prebuilt in comptuers but i don't see any for sale | 04:10 |
rhpot1991_laptop | I'm sure they do | 04:10 |
rhpot1991_laptop | "slot loading" I think is what they would be called | 04:10 |
TazgodX | slot loading...i was looking up front loading :) | 04:10 |
TazgodX | found a lot of washers that way tho | 04:11 |
TazgodX | yeah, surprisingly i can't find crap lol | 04:16 |
TazgodX | my DVD drive is weird,and its the only thing i can find to blame on not being able to install recent releases of unbuntu | 04:27 |
TazgodX | the old versions work fine. but new ones wont. they give me errors. and if i put an old drive in it works fine. | 04:28 |
TazgodX | stupid new drive | 04:28 |
crazy_bus | I like mythtv but I don't like it loading everything automatically when I turn the computer on. How do I stop that? | 04:33 |
rhpot1991_laptop | crazy_bus: there is an option for that in MCC | 04:37 |
crazy_bus | rhpot1991 where abouts is that. I can't see an option to do that. The closest is system services (that I can see) but that's not what I'm looking for | 04:39 |
rhpot1991_laptop | crazy_bus: artwork & login behavior | 04:43 |
crazy_bus | rhpot1991 automatic login is unchecked and the rest are grayed out ? | 04:44 |
rhpot1991_laptop | it says "automatically start mythtv...." | 04:46 |
rhpot1991_laptop | uncheck that | 04:46 |
crazy_bus | rhpot1991 it already is unchecked. But it's for a mythbuntu standalone session. What I want to do is stop mythbackend and other things opening up automatically on my regular session. | 04:48 |
rhpot1991 | why do you want to stop the backend? | 04:51 |
rhpot1991 | frontend is all you should need to worry about | 04:52 |
crazy_bus | rhpot1991 it annoys me that it loads without me telling it when to :) | 04:52 |
rhpot1991 | but thats the point | 04:53 |
rhpot1991 | so its always there to record | 04:53 |
rhpot1991 | and you don't forget to start it | 04:53 |
crazy_bus | rhpot1991 it steals the tvcard even when it's not recording so I can't quickly browse on other programs | 04:54 |
rhpot1991 | I'm not entirely sure thats right, but it could be a hardware thing. Why don't you just browse with myth? | 04:55 |
crazy_bus | rhpot1991 it's a lot slower to change channels and easier to multitask | 05:01 |
rhpot1991 | foxbuntu: ping | 05:01 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991, pong | 05:04 |
* foxbuntu wonders why rhpot1991 is pinging him | 05:04 | |
foxbuntu | :) | 05:05 |
rhpot1991 | hoping you can save me from destroying something | 05:05 |
foxbuntu | uh oh | 05:05 |
rhpot1991 | also to inform you about edwards if you didn't know already | 05:05 |
foxbuntu | whats that? | 05:05 |
foxbuntu | like I would miss that | 05:05 |
rhpot1991 | I got me some philips universal remotes from woot | 05:05 |
foxbuntu | I was dancing on the ashes of the clinton campaign | 05:05 |
rhpot1991 | went and told it to be a philips vcr which the hauppauge ir receiver can see (did this with my one-for-all in the past) | 05:06 |
rhpot1991 | now I go to irrecord it, and random buttons are the same :( | 05:06 |
rhpot1991 | the hex codes for them are real short as well | 05:06 |
rhpot1991 | its driving me crazy, also I hate phillips cause they don't have any codes I need and told me to contact the manufacturers of the devices for them | 05:06 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991, pastebin some of it | 05:06 |
rhpot1991 | foxbuntu: I think I deleted it but I can go try again and do so | 05:07 |
rhpot1991 | I just discovered mode2 though, gonna see what that does | 05:07 |
foxbuntu | k | 05:07 |
rhpot1991 | clinton is still spreading her 2210 number crap too | 05:22 |
rhpot1991_laptop | foxbuntu: | 05:32 |
* foxbuntu dances on clinton's campaign ashes | 05:37 | |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991_laptop, thats strange that up/down are the same | 05:38 |
foxbuntu | but the hex codes are ok | 05:38 |
Solarbaby | H.Clinton ate my cousins baby | 05:38 |
* tritium is glad politics is offtopic in #ubuntu | 05:40 | |
foxbuntu | !topic | tritium | 05:41 |
foxbuntu | lol | 05:41 |
Solarbaby | Generally I dont discuss politcs.. But we lost a perfectly delicious baby | 05:41 |
rhpot1991_laptop | superm1 isn't here to yell at us so its ok :) | 05:41 |
rhpot1991_laptop | foxbuntu: except those aren't the right codes | 05:41 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991, oh? | 05:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | if I look at it with mode2 I clearly see different codes | 05:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | but its doing something funny there, if I press let go and press again | 05:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | it alternates numbers | 05:42 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991_laptop, why not just teach your universal normal codes? | 05:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | I should go see what my mce remote does for that | 05:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | foxbuntu: what kind of codes? | 05:42 |
foxbuntu | from your mce | 05:42 |
foxbuntu | thats what I did | 05:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | well this one isn't mce but thats a whole nother issue | 05:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | did you have to learn them or did you find some code? | 05:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | this one is to a pvr150 IR receiver | 05:43 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991_laptop, I had to learn them | 05:43 |
rhpot1991_laptop | darn | 05:43 |
rhpot1991_laptop | thats what I'm looking at | 05:43 |
rhpot1991_laptop | I did it last night and it was lagggggggy | 05:43 |
foxbuntu | so its like 5 mins | 05:43 |
rhpot1991_laptop | thought I might need to reirrecord then | 05:43 |
foxbuntu | hold on a sec | 05:44 |
rhpot1991_laptop | what kind of remote do you have? | 05:44 |
foxbuntu | wife is talking to me | 05:44 |
rhpot1991_laptop | ok | 05:44 |
rhpot1991 | actually this one down here does a toggle bit too | 05:45 |
foxbuntu | ...ok | 05:45 |
rhpot1991 | maybe I can just write my own file using the codes from mode2 | 05:45 |
foxbuntu | so when you learned the code from your mce it laged? | 05:45 |
rhpot1991 | should be able to recycle most of that header info from my old lircd.conf | 05:45 |
rhpot1991 | ya | 05:45 |
rhpot1991 | I did menu stuff with both the philips and my mce | 05:45 |
rhpot1991 | philips is slow with them | 05:46 |
foxbuntu | its slow with learned codes? | 05:46 |
rhpot1991 | can't do mce other than learning | 05:46 |
rhpot1991 | that or I can call m$ and ask them what code I need for my universal remote to do mce, but I think I'm not gonna waste my time with that | 05:46 |
rhpot1991 | also my remote can learn them 2 ways, either you hold them down or you press them quick | 05:47 |
rhpot1991 | so I'm not sure which ones to do what with | 05:47 |
foxbuntu | which did you do? | 05:48 |
rhpot1991 | I *think* I did presses then | 05:48 |
foxbuntu | I just did a quick press for every key on my remote | 05:48 |
rhpot1991 | might need to hold for the arrows | 05:48 |
rhpot1991 | what kind do you have? | 05:49 |
foxbuntu | my uni is a camelon | 05:49 |
foxbuntu | er | 05:49 |
rhpot1991 | thats the one for all IIRC? | 05:49 |
rhpot1991 | or is it rca | 05:49 |
rhpot1991 | one of them I think | 05:49 |
rhpot1991 | I guess I just need to play with my mce remote | 05:50 |
foxbuntu | | 05:50 |
rhpot1991 | you didn't need to re irrecord when you were done? | 05:50 |
foxbuntu | nope | 05:50 |
rhpot1991 | heh, I almost bought that one a few months back | 05:50 |
rhpot1991 | | 05:50 |
rhpot1991 | thats the one I got now | 05:50 |
foxbuntu | you should just use quick presses the repeat option in lirc is what handles the delays | 05:50 |
rhpot1991 | thats what I figured | 05:51 |
foxbuntu | oh, I almost bought one of those too | 05:51 |
rhpot1991 | but it just didn't feel right when I was using it | 05:51 |
rhpot1991 | ended up searching for my mce remote then | 05:51 |
rhpot1991 | I kinda wish I only got one | 05:51 |
rhpot1991 | as tiger and newegg have harmonys on sale right now | 05:51 |
foxbuntu | yeah...I reverted back to my mce it wasnt comfortable, but I got it for $15 so no harm | 05:51 |
rhpot1991 | this mce is nice, but my problem is I have optical out from my mythbox now and I keep forgetting to grab the surround sound remote before I sit down | 05:52 |
foxbuntu | lol | 05:52 |
rhpot1991 | then I gotta get up and find it, disturb the dogs and the wife, sit back down | 05:52 |
foxbuntu | I have learned to keep that remote close by | 05:53 |
rhpot1991 | then the wife wants a drink and so on | 05:53 |
rhpot1991 | mine cycle between 3 locations, but when you have 4 of them they never stay together | 05:53 |
rhpot1991 | I wonder what the secret is with the mce remote, why they can't have built in codes | 05:55 |
foxbuntu | yeah...that will prob become a big issue if I buy this house I am looking at | 05:55 |
crazy_bus | I can't find mythtvbackend in kde's autostart and evn folders. Can anyone tell me how it keeps on loading at startup so I can disable it? | 05:56 |
foxbuntu | crazy_bus, its in the rc for /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend | 05:56 |
crazy_bus | is that the only file I delete? | 05:58 |
foxbuntu | crazy_bus, delete? no dont | 05:58 |
foxbuntu | crazy_bus, why do you not want it to start on boot? | 05:59 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991, here is the remote you need:,en | 05:59 |
foxbuntu | :) | 05:59 |
crazy_bus | it annoys me. Stealing my resources and not allowing other programs to access the tvcard half the time | 05:59 |
rhpot1991 | heh foxbuntu | 06:00 |
rhpot1991 | my masterbackend didn't even cost me that much :) | 06:00 |
foxbuntu | lol | 06:00 |
foxbuntu | mine did | 06:00 |
foxbuntu | lol | 06:00 |
rhpot1991 | at that rate I'd just buy an iPhone and complete that blueprint that I made | 06:00 |
foxbuntu | but seriously, I just built a BE for a guy I work with, $800 for all the hardware including a PVR-500 and HDHR | 06:01 |
foxbuntu | in an antec fusion case | 06:01 |
rhpot1991 | mine ran $400 something reusing some parts | 06:01 |
foxbuntu | this was all new | 06:01 |
rhpot1991 | reused my pvr350 and hard drives | 06:01 |
rhpot1991 | fusion here too, they are nice | 06:01 |
rhpot1991 | except that shocking the panel thing | 06:01 |
foxbuntu | this is a new user too...never used mythtv before | 06:02 |
rhpot1991 | black or silver? | 06:02 |
foxbuntu | I think he got black | 06:02 |
rhpot1991 | did you set him a remote and all up with it? | 06:02 |
foxbuntu | actually he already bought a logitech harmony ahead of time | 06:02 |
rhpot1991 | ah, did you mce that up to use the IR inside of the case or what? | 06:03 |
foxbuntu | well its going to be mce, its not built yet | 06:03 |
foxbuntu | external ir | 06:03 |
rhpot1991 | thats silly, use the one inside | 06:03 |
rhpot1991 | unless he needs to blast | 06:04 |
foxbuntu | it has one eh? | 06:04 |
rhpot1991 | ya | 06:04 |
foxbuntu | i did not know that | 06:04 |
foxbuntu | well then ok | 06:04 |
rhpot1991 | you don't check your bugs I guess :) | 06:04 |
foxbuntu | obviously :D | 06:04 |
foxbuntu | dont tell superm1 | 06:04 |
rhpot1991 | | 06:04 |
rhpot1991 | thats for my silver | 06:04 |
rhpot1991 | but should give you an idea of where to go | 06:05 |
foxbuntu | cool | 06:05 |
foxbuntu | does that have the knob and vfd in it? | 06:05 |
rhpot1991 | yep | 06:05 |
foxbuntu | awesome | 06:06 |
rhpot1991 | mine has a vfd, I think the black has lcd | 06:06 |
foxbuntu | really? | 06:06 |
rhpot1991 | or is it the other way around | 06:06 |
rhpot1991 | ya they have different displays | 06:06 |
rhpot1991 | all I did was installed lcdproc and changed the driver to imon | 06:06 |
rhpot1991 | and for the knob I just went and twisted it when I was irrecording | 06:06 |
foxbuntu | wow | 06:06 |
rhpot1991 | knob is funny, that was the first and last time I used it | 06:07 |
foxbuntu | funny how? | 06:07 |
rhpot1991 | funny cause its useless | 06:07 |
foxbuntu | well...yea | 06:08 |
foxbuntu | I mean who gets up to change the volume on their dvr via a knob | 06:08 |
rhpot1991 | seriously | 06:08 |
foxbuntu | I wonder what can be done with that tiny little lcd | 06:09 |
foxbuntu | and what it shows up as for hardware | 06:10 |
rhpot1991 | there is a menu in mythtv that lets you enable and disable things | 06:10 |
rhpot1991 | shows you the menu you are on, how far into a recording you are | 06:10 |
rhpot1991 | shows you when something is recording and how far into it it is | 06:10 |
foxbuntu | oh the lcdproc stuff | 06:11 |
rhpot1991 | the time, stuff like that | 06:11 |
foxbuntu | cool | 06:11 |
foxbuntu | this guy is going to love it | 06:11 |
rhpot1991 | ya its nice | 06:11 |
rhpot1991 | I wonder if the black has the problem with the front of the case like the silver does though | 06:11 |
foxbuntu | and after its done another one of the guys I work with said if he likes it as much hes going to buy one | 06:11 |
rhpot1991 | if you touch it and shock it the lcd goes crazy | 06:11 |
rhpot1991 | and you need to completely cut power to make it stop | 06:12 |
foxbuntu | hmm | 06:12 |
rhpot1991 | I've read about putting your own ground on it to fix the problem | 06:12 |
foxbuntu | but silver is a vfd not lcd right? | 06:12 |
rhpot1991 | ya | 06:12 |
rhpot1991 | I say lcd loosely | 06:12 |
foxbuntu | well the specs say vfd on silver and lcd on black | 06:14 |
foxbuntu | idk... | 06:14 |
rhpot1991 | ya that sounds right | 06:14 |
rhpot1991 | I just randomly call mine lcd for no good reason | 06:14 |
foxbuntu | meh | 06:16 |
foxbuntu | is lcdproc in our builds? | 06:16 |
rhpot1991 | its in ubuntu | 06:17 |
foxbuntu | kewl | 06:17 |
rhpot1991 | let me double check that lcdproc is the right package | 06:17 |
rhpot1991 | ii lcdproc 0.5.2-0ubuntu2 LCD display driver daemon and clients | 06:17 |
foxbuntu | yup yup | 06:18 |
Penfold | wonder if you could set up the knob as a shuttle dial for ff/rew playback? | 06:18 |
rhpot1991 | prob | 06:19 |
Penfold | for proper feel it really needs springback-to-centre, though | 06:20 |
rhpot1991 | which it doesn't have | 06:21 |
Penfold | indeed | 06:21 |
Penfold | not played with it - is it a completely free-rotating control, or does it have a start and stop? | 06:22 |
rhpot1991 | completely free I believe | 06:22 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991, thats how most audio receivers are now though anyways | 06:22 |
Penfold | (meh, this wifi is useless, it's dropped three times in the last 10 mins) | 06:23 |
rhpot1991 | Penfold: drop the wifi | 06:23 |
* foxbuntu gags at the thought of the cost of the lawn mower for his potential new house | 06:23 | |
rhpot1991 | I was only able to get mine working again by turning a $90 router into a wifi client | 06:23 |
Penfold | rhpot1991; not a lot of choice, I'm on a train :) | 06:23 |
rhpot1991 | ah heh, thought you meant for your mythboxes | 06:23 |
rhpot1991 | foxbuntu: I got a free one in PA if you want it | 06:23 |
rhpot1991 | prob cost more to get it to you than to get a new one | 06:24 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991, one like this: | 06:24 |
foxbuntu | :) | 06:24 |
rhpot1991 | not at all | 06:24 |
foxbuntu | lol | 06:24 |
Penfold | mythbox is fine, just need to set up IRBlaster and channel DB properly anmd I'm laughing | 06:24 |
Penfold | :) | 06:24 |
foxbuntu | rhpot1991, the house I might buy this summer sits on 8.5 acres | 06:24 |
rhpot1991 | thats a lot of mowing | 06:25 |
foxbuntu | indeed | 06:25 |
Penfold | foxbuntu: dear God. That's not a lawnmower... it's a SUV with delusions of grandeur | 06:25 |
foxbuntu | lol | 06:25 |
foxbuntu | its not small but I dont want to spend 10 hours mowing the lawn once a week there either | 06:26 |
bogus- | I would go to work on it if I were you :P | 06:26 |
crazy_bus | just get goats to eat the lawn for you | 06:27 |
Solarbaby | damnit I'm confused again.. I've got lirc configured with 2 remotes.. 1 remote is the dish network satalite remote.. and its setup to simply broadcast channel changes to my satalite box... the second remote is an xbox media center remote.. as far as I know mythtv only listens to 1 remote at a time right? cause even though mythtv uses the dishnetwork codes to turn channels, i wanna use a seperate remote to manipulate mythtv gui | 06:27 |
bogus- | << I would buy those things :P | 06:27 |
rhpot1991 | its like a roomba for your yard | 06:28 |
rhpot1991 | except my roomba doesn't kill things when it runs them over | 06:28 |
bogus- | things that are run over by such slow moving units are deserved to be killed >:] | 06:29 |
bogus- | *deserve | 06:29 |
foxbuntu | lol... 7500sqft is all it can do on a charge | 06:31 |
rhpot1991 | ya its not really meant for a farm | 06:31 |
foxbuntu | this place Im looking at equates to about 400k sqft | 06:31 |
rhpot1991 | foxbuntu: you just need an army of them then | 06:32 |
foxbuntu | lol | 06:32 |
foxbuntu | I see it now | 06:32 |
rhpot1991 | equip them with trebuchets and we are ready for the revolution | 06:32 |
rhpot1991 | except it needs to happen within 7500 feet of your place | 06:32 |
foxbuntu | I could have like 50 of them running all the time | 06:32 |
foxbuntu | put laser beams on them and point them strait up into the sky | 06:33 |
foxbuntu | it would look like a strobe light from outer sapce | 06:33 |
foxbuntu | space* | 06:33 |
bogus- | nice :) | 06:34 |
rhpot1991 | hopefully you can IRC from gitmo :) | 06:34 |
foxbuntu | gitmo? | 06:34 |
crazy_bus | what is the best way to disable mythbuntu in init.d? | 06:35 |
* rhpot1991 shakes his head at foxbuntu | 06:37 | |
rhpot1991 | gitmo == guantanimo bay (spelling?) | 06:37 |
foxbuntu | ah | 06:38 |
rhpot1991 | and you get free govt provided health care there too :) | 06:38 |
foxbuntu | from the clinton's i suppose | 06:38 |
rhpot1991 | from the bush's right now, but I'm sure that wont go away any time soon | 06:39 |
foxbuntu | oh thats right...clinton's are only providing free sniper fire | 06:39 |
rhpot1991 | I need to fix my podcast so it gets the dates that they were recorded and not when it was exported | 06:39 |
rhpot1991 | colbert's date is always the next day | 06:39 |
rhpot1991 | btw throwing everything in one bodcast works out, itunes/ipod is smart and filters them under the title of the tv show | 06:40 |
foxbuntu | cool | 06:40 |
Solarbaby | Mythtv is configured to change the channels of my Dish Network Satalite.. so it broadcasts that particular remote codes.. that being the case.. I want to use a completely different remote to control the gui of mythtv. Thats where I run into problems.. I dont know how to program lircd.conf for 2 remotes both working with Mythtv | 06:57 |
ddgoose | in your lircrc use remote={name} | 07:17 |
ddgoose | in your lircd.conf use the name form the name in your remote stanza | 07:17 |
ddgoose | er | 07:18 |
ddgoose | the name for lircrc comes from the name in lircd.conf | 07:18 |
Solarbaby | Okay.. so thats how it works | 07:20 |
Solarbaby | gunna give that a shot | 07:20 |
ddgoose | o/ | 07:20 |
=== Penfold_ is now known as Penfold | ||
Solarbaby | ddgoose: im really frustrated over this remote deal | 09:46 |
laga | morning. | 09:46 |
Solarbaby | G'Day ;) | 09:46 |
Solarbaby | edit /home/user/.lircrc Begin button = Up Arrow prog = mythtv repeat = 0 config = Up end | 09:48 |
Solarbaby | I thought that should work but I messed up somewhere | 09:48 |
ddgoose | Solarbaby did you mean Up_Arrow? | 14:09 |
ddgoose | Think it can't have spaces maybe | 14:12 |
ddgoose | Solarbaby paste your lircd.conf and lircrc -> so I can take a look | 14:41 |
ddgoose | anyone have any opinions on -> Hauppauge pvr-350 ? | 15:08 |
sardiskan | it's to expensive.... | 15:26 |
ddgoose | yeah | 15:26 |
sardiskan | :) | 15:26 |
ddgoose | I I was looking at it because it had a framebuffer on board | 15:26 |
sardiskan | I thought I saw on a wiki somewhere that the 350 works but you have to do tweaking to get the extra stuff to work | 15:27 |
sardiskan | I suppose similar to the FB | 15:27 |
ddgoose | you do | 15:27 |
sardiskan | ahh | 15:27 |
sardiskan | then I can provide you with NO helpful information that you don't already know | 15:27 |
sardiskan | :) | 15:27 |
balachmar | Hi, I want to configure my box to boot in time for a recording and shutdown afterwards. I had this with my previous install on the same box using nvram-wakeup | 17:14 |
balachmar | but now I want to try and use acpi, but the wiki says the following location should be present: /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm | 17:15 |
balachmar | But it isn't, and that from kernel 2.6.22 or higher one should not use /proc/acpi/alarm anymore, what should I do now? (Besides just use nvram-wakeup) | 17:16 |
laga | let's see. | 17:21 |
laga | interesting, /proc/acpi/alarm still seems to be available on ubutnu | 17:22 |
balachmar | although I am not allowed to write to it... | 17:22 |
laga | # CONFIG_RTC_DRV_CMOS is not set | 17:22 |
balachmar | even with sudo... | 17:22 |
laga | from the mythtv wiki: | 17:23 |
laga | "From a .config point of view CONFIG_RTC and CONFIG_GEN_RTC must be unset and, at a minimum, RTC_INTF_SYSFS must be set. " | 17:23 |
laga | from the kernel config: CONFIG_RTC=y | 17:23 |
laga | oops | 17:23 |
laga | balachmar: sudo foo > /something won't work | 17:24 |
laga | because the redirect is still in the user's context. | 17:24 |
laga | 'tee' might work | 17:24 |
balachmar | ooh yeah right | 17:24 |
laga | echo foo | sudo tee some-file | 17:24 |
laga | dunno, never used it | 17:24 |
balachmar | k, brb | 17:25 |
ddgoose | Laga: about the documentation, the Reference section refers to a LVM section that doesn't exist, does it need to be written? or does the reference need to be removed? | 17:41 |
laga | let me check. | 17:41 |
laga | \item The information for \ref{section:lvm} was posted by apauna on the Mythbuntu forms and can be found at \url{} | 17:42 |
laga | ^^ do you mean that? | 17:42 |
ddgoose | one sec | 17:42 |
ddgoose | yeah | 17:42 |
dispadertest | Didn't that document cover post-install LVM installation? | 17:44 |
laga | complete-manual.toc:\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1.2}Adding a Partition to an LVM Volume}{120}{subsection.13.1.2} | 17:45 |
laga | seems so | 17:45 |
laga | but it's probably superseded by storage groups in mythtv itself | 17:45 |
dispadertest | Well, not to break in, but I actually found it easier to enable LVM pre-install, and was thinking about writing something up about it. | 17:47 |
laga | sure, that'd be a nice addition. | 17:48 |
dispadertest | Huh... cool. It might be a couple weeks, I'm on vacation and away from the little junte of machines starting tomorrow. | 17:48 |
laga | let us know when you're back :) | 17:49 |
dispadertest | Heah. Will do. Pleased to meet you, by the way. | 17:49 |
laga | :) | 17:49 |
laga | dispadertest: the alternate disk an do LVM before the install. otherwise, i guess you'll have to do more work | 17:51 |
dispadertest | Sorry, Laga. Didn't follow that. | 17:56 |
laga | dispadertest: we've got two install disks: the alternate disk and the desktop disk, which is basically a live CD. only the alternate disk can do LVM in the installer. with the desktop CD, you'll have to invoke some command line tools or parted AFAIK | 17:57 |
ddgoose | so the lvm stuff will fall under \contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {8}Booting the Mythbuntu Alternate CD}{74}{chapter.8} ? | 17:58 |
laga | ddgoose: i guess that chapter is only about booting | 17:58 |
dispadertest | laga: Ahhh. Right. I didn't know that about the alternate disk. I wound up doing the manual work in the Live CD, so that's what I thought might be helpful to others to write up. | 17:59 |
dispadertest | laga: Huh. So, maybe I shouldn't be writing that up at all. No need to encourage people to go down a path that's already covered by the alternate disk, is there? | 17:59 |
laga | yeah.. although it might be a good thing if that lived in the wiki. i'm not sure; i'm always torn between keeping stuff in the static documentation and putting it in the wiki. | 18:00 |
laga | dispadertest: it's still a nice addition for those who want the live disk. the alternate disk is a bit scary right now. :) | 18:00 |
ddgoose | A section on Installing from Alternate CD with LVM sould be nice yeah | 18:01 |
ddgoose | would even | 18:01 |
laga | yeah, that too | 18:01 |
dispadertest | Well, I can certainly cover the first. It's none too bad, as long as you're not escared of typing a bit. I just think the references to what you're actually doing during a spanning partition might be really useful for people using multiple drives, which wasn't covered anywhere I could find when asking Mr. Google. | 18:02 |
laga | if you want multiple drives, storage groups often work just as well (with less risk of losing all your recordings) | 18:03 |
laga | a nice graphical way to add more hard disks _after_ the install would be great. | 18:04 |
dispadertest | Wouldn't be difficult to write something like that using something as simple as Zenity, I suppose. | 18:05 |
sardiskan | When will blu-ray work with mythtv? | 18:05 |
dispadertest | laga: Huh... I've always been confused by storage groups. Maybe that's just me being stupid. Is that what they're... for? | 18:06 |
laga | dispadertest: yeah. just add multiple directories. ;) | 18:07 |
laga | sardiskan: probably never. | 18:07 |
* sardiskan sobs | 18:07 | |
laga | stupid encryption. | 18:09 |
balachmar | Hi, I'm back. ACPI didn't work, so now I'm back to nvram-wakeup. But how do I tell mythbuntu to run mythwelcome instead of mythfrontend at startup? | 18:28 |
laga | balachmar: /etc/default/mythtv-* | 18:30 |
balachmar | laga: I only see mythtv-backend and mythtv-status there... | 18:32 |
dispadertest | laga: Ha. Well, that would have been good to know. | 18:33 |
laga | balachmar: /etc/mythtv/session-settings ? | 18:34 |
dispadertest | Hey, I've actually got a question. Has anybody tried to do a mytharchive import of programs in Mythbuntu 8.04? | 18:34 |
balachmar | laga: that is the one! | 18:35 |
Solarbaby | ddgoose: I think I broke lirc for good.. any way to get it totally back to default? | 18:56 |
hol | anyone of you who has a functional mythwelcome with mythbuntu 8.04 ? | 18:59 |
Solarbaby | probably take less time if I reinstall | 19:03 |
dispadertest | Solarbaby: How much customization did you do? | 19:05 |
Solarbaby | not much.. mainly just installed xbmc from source.. I've just tar'd it and moved it off the system.. and I broke lirc.. thats about it for the most part other then downloading some compiling libraries | 19:05 |
Solarbaby | I dont think I'll be able to install a second remote with out someone walking me through it im affraid.. | 19:06 |
dispadertest | Solarbaby: Well, I more meant how d'you think you went about breaking lirc. | 19:07 |
Solarbaby | I must have deleted and rewrote the wrong file | 19:07 |
Solarbaby | I have no idea | 19:08 |
Solarbaby | I deleted and re-wrote ~/.mythtv and ~/.lircrc so many times | 19:08 |
dispadertest | Solarbaby: Just changing the files in maybe /etc/.lircd and /etc/lirc/ and ... | 19:09 |
dispadertest | Solarbaby: (smiles a bit) Remember to back them things up before you be messin'. | 19:09 |
Solarbaby | I'll keep that in mind for next time | 19:09 |
dispadertest | Solarbaby: Seriously, though... the contrib files should be easy enough to replace. | 19:10 |
Solarbaby | Reinstall happening right now | 19:10 |
dispadertest | Solarbaby: Have you checked... Eh, okay. That's another solution. | 19:10 |
dispadertest | Done it many-a-time. You trying to get signals from the same IR receiver to respond to different remotes, or two different IR receivers? | 19:12 |
Solarbaby | yeah.. usbuirt sends signals to the dish receiver and then hauppauge silver remote will control mythtv gui | 19:14 |
dispadertest | Oh, cool. That's my setup, too. | 19:15 |
dispadertest | Hauppauge 150 card with the blaster installed, or separate USBIR device? | 19:16 |
sardiskan | speaking fo dish receiver...can you hook a dish receiver up to a mythbox? | 19:22 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: As an input source to a frame or MPEG capture card, you mean? | 19:23 |
sardiskan | both | 19:23 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: Well, the answer is "yes" for either. | 19:23 |
sardiskan | better question...can you hook a dish satellite up directly to the mythbox | 19:23 |
sardiskan | and change channels to the dish on-the-fly | 19:23 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: Yeah. That's my setup. | 19:24 |
Solarbaby | oops I probably should have backed up my xorg config file | 19:24 |
Solarbaby | hehe | 19:24 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: Heah. Hey, though. I think that one gets backed up for you. | 19:24 |
sardiskan | nice | 19:24 |
sardiskan | what tuner card would you need to do such a thing? | 19:25 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: There's no nice way to get the digital stream directly to the box or control channel setting outside of the IR blaster; but that's the setup I've got. You push the signal from the box into a capture card (which doesn't even have to tune), and control the box via a blaster. | 19:26 |
sardiskan | hmm....sounds like stuff I'm not familiar with | 19:26 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: Whatever you have on hand would work. If you're talking about buying new equipment, it depends what you want to do. If you want to have a single signal input, and have no other needs, I'd get one of the PVR-150 cards that comes with an IR receiver and an IR blaster. | 19:26 |
sardiskan | I was thinking you could composite cable from the receiver to the tuner card... | 19:26 |
sardiskan | what's an IR blaster? | 19:27 |
sardiskan | maybe that's what i need | 19:27 |
sardiskan | I have a Hauppauge PVR-150 | 19:27 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: Not exactly following what you mean by a composite cable; a blaster is just a little guy that "blasts" IR signals, acting just like a remote control would, but controlled by MythTV to change the channels on that dish receiver. | 19:28 |
sardiskan | I see | 19:29 |
sardiskan | Now I get it | 19:29 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: Some models of the PVR-150 and PVR-500 cards come with both an IR receiver and a little blaster, both on the same dongle. That just makes it easier. | 19:29 |
sardiskan | I have this model | 19:29 |
sardiskan | | 19:29 |
TelnetManta | anyone gotten a new PSU lately thats missing the P2 connector? | 19:31 |
TelnetManta | moving my backend HW to a new case, at least I was trying LOL | 19:31 |
dispadertest | Sardiskan: So you got the model without an IR receiver? | 19:32 |
laga | TelnetManta: what's P2? | 19:32 |
TelnetManta | the 4 wire connector near the CPU slot | 19:33 |
laga | ah | 19:33 |
laga | mine has it, but i bought it two years ago ;) | 19:33 |
TelnetManta | P1 is the main plus whic went to 24 pins it seems as well... | 19:33 |
TelnetManta | but the extra 4 wires are remoavable luckily | 19:33 |
sardiskan | dispadertest....apparently I did get the model w/o the receiver. | 20:12 |
Solarbaby | dispadertest: are you still around? | 20:42 |
dispadertest | Yeah, I'm here. | 20:44 |
Solarbaby | Great.. I was hoping you could send me your lirc configuration so I have something to work with | 20:45 |
dispadertest | Yeah, I have them at home, actually; but they're set up to control a Hauppauge card blaster and remote. | 20:45 |
dispadertest | It didn't look from the pictures of that model as though you had either, though. | 20:46 |
Solarbaby | this laptop has no hauppauge card blaster.. heres where I was at.. I setup lircd.conf with some remote codes that worked fine for the dish network pvr | 20:46 |
Solarbaby | but once I started dabling into ~/.mythtv and ~/.lircrc i really messed up everything | 20:47 |
Solarbaby | I just need something to work with is all.. I spent so many hours frustrating myself | 20:47 |
dispadertest | This is a laptop? | 20:54 |
dispadertest | I'm thoroughly confused. | 20:54 |
Solarbaby | yeah this is a laptop | 21:00 |
Solarbaby | later on I'll be installing it to a desktop that has your configuration almost.. hauppauge 350 | 21:00 |
dispadertest | Yeah... well, one thing at a time, though. If you've got a laptop, and don't have a Hauppauge card attached, you won't have the ability to use that IR receiver... so you can't use those codes at all. If you don't have any IR receiver hooked up to the laptop, you can't receive IR remote control signals at all. | 21:02 |
Solarbaby | good point.. I have a USB Uirt.. which I've made work with dish network | 21:03 |
Solarbaby | I also have a Hauppauge Silver remote.. which I'd like to make work also with the Uirt | 21:03 |
tgm4883_laptop | Solarbaby, probably have to re-record your remote | 21:04 |
Solarbaby | Oh | 21:05 |
Solarbaby | Hmmm | 21:05 |
Solarbaby | I thought it was as simple as taking these preconfigured settings I downloaded | 21:05 |
Solarbaby | apparently.. no such luck here eh? | 21:05 |
Solarbaby | whatever file I put in lircd.conf whether it be the dish network configuration or the Hauppauge they both work.. but I can only have 1 remote working in that file at a time | 21:06 |
Solarbaby | so I ventured into the ~/.lirc land and broke it | 21:06 |
Solarbaby | so I reinstalled.. and now Im hoping to get it right | 21:06 |
tgm4883_laptop | oh | 21:08 |
* tgm4883_laptop didn't know the initial problem | 21:08 | |
Solarbaby | so far I've not touched lirc yet.. hoping to not disturb it | 21:08 |
Solarbaby | im affraid im going to break it again | 21:08 |
Solarbaby | so im on a clean install and need some guidance | 21:08 |
Solarbaby | I posted this a while ago in order to help others with my setup.. this could help you see what im working with | 21:09 |
Solarbaby | I have to leave for now.. if you have any suggestions I'll deffinately love to hear them a little later | 21:11 |
balachmar | Hi, I am trying to use mythwelcome to shutdown my machine, but it won't. It just says recieved shutdown event but nothing happens | 21:11 |
majoridiot | balachmar, are you following the guide here: | 21:14 |
balachmar | majoridiot: No, this guide: | 21:15 |
balachmar | Because I need to use nvram_wakeup | 21:15 |
sardiskan | how do you upload coverart using mythweb? | 21:15 |
majoridiot | balachmar, ok. | 21:15 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | hello | 21:27 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | i have a little question about mythtv | 21:28 |
* majoridiot wonders if anyone has little answers | 21:28 | |
MythbuntuGuest88 | sorry, but my english is not the best | 21:29 |
* majoridiot was kidding ;) | 21:29 | |
MythbuntuGuest88 | do you have idea about external divices and mythtv... | 21:30 |
majoridiot | such as? | 21:30 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | i have an usb hard disk drive and i want mythtv to look on it so i can play the video files which are on it | 21:30 |
majoridiot | should not be a problem if it is mounted correctly | 21:31 |
majoridiot | point mythvideo to the directory(ies) you want to use | 21:31 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | i had an idea about puting it into the fstab file, but i think that device id (p.e. as hdb2) can change | 21:32 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | or am i wrong? | 21:32 |
majoridiot | (setup-->media settings-->video settings) | 21:32 |
majoridiot | i'm not entirely sure, but... | 21:32 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | but i can only point at one directory | 21:33 |
majoridiot | i believe once you put it manually into your fstab with the mount point, it'll all get figured out on boot. should mount to the same mount point every time | 21:33 |
majoridiot | you use more than one directory by colon-separating... e.g.: | 21:34 |
majoridiot | LOL sec... | 21:34 |
majoridiot | "/directory1:/directory2:/long/name/directory3" etc. | 21:35 |
majoridiot | (no quotes) | 21:35 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | oh yes... at the bottom of the monitor it is explained *g* | 21:36 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | thanks | 21:36 |
majoridiot | no kidding? amazing when you read, eh? | 21:36 |
majoridiot | :P | 21:36 |
majoridiot | hehe. | 21:36 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | yeah | 21:36 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | and another problem... when i want to watch a online stream (apple movie trailer) | 21:37 |
majoridiot | if your USB drive mounts to the same point every time, you'll be ok. otherwise, you may need to make a udev rule. | 21:37 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | the video doesn't play, only the sound... but when i press the key d the video starts | 21:38 |
majoridiot | um... so press the d key every time? | 21:38 |
KillerKiwi2005 | anybody from mythbuntu going to UDS ? | 21:38 |
majoridiot | seriously... sorry, i don't use the streaming media function. | 21:39 |
MythbuntuGuest88 | ok, well thanks for the help with my external drive | 21:39 |
majoridiot | yw | 21:39 |
mack0822 | The fastforward & and rewind aren't working.....any ideas? | 23:27 |
momelod | greetings chanel | 23:50 |
momelod | after upgrading to 8.04 i no longer have sound in mythtv | 23:51 |
momelod | wussup, with that? | 23:51 |
momelod | i also notice that i dont have a /dev/dsp device | 23:51 |
momelod | and i heard that 8.04 uses pulseaudio instead of ALSA | 23:52 |
momelod | is that true? | 23:52 |
famicom | which complete IDIOT wrote those gtk configuration tools for ubunut | 23:52 |
famicom | seriously | 23:52 |
famicom | which complete FCKTARD wrote that shizzit | 23:53 |
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